Draw neat sketch diagram for TCP state transition diagram. 4. Differentiate between iterative and concurrent server. 5. Explain TCP connection establishment (three way handshake) and TCP connection termination (four way handshake). 6. Explain client server example for concurrent server. 7. Explain following terms. o MSS o Piggybacking o MTU & Path MTU o Socket pair o Incarnation 8. Write use of port number & Explain different types of port number. 9. How communications take place if client and server are on the same Ethernet? Explain with diagram. 10. Write steps and buffers involved when an application writes to a TCP socket.
UNIT - II 11. Write a server program using TCP protocol which returns Client IP address and Port number. 12. Discuss the generic socket address structure,IPV4 socket address structure,IPV6 socket address structure. 13. Identify and discuss the queues maintained by the kernel with suitable diagrams. 14. Discuss the connect function and identify different error returns identified by connect function. 15. If TCP client doesnt call bind, how will the address be bound to the client socket? 16. Explain value-result parameter passing mechanism with diagram. 17. What are the purpose of the ntohs(), htons(), socket(), listen() and inet_pton() functions in a socket program? Give the syntax of each. 18. Explain Little-endian byte order and big-endian byte order. Write program to determine host byte order. 19. Justify the need for the functions getsocketname and getsockpeername. 20. Explain byte manipulation functions. Give the syntax of each.
UNIT - III 21. Explain difference between wait and waitpid. 22. Write a C program for TCP echo server. 23. What is signal? How kernel does handle signal? Which signal does kernel send to parent process when child process terminates? 24. Write a C program for TCP echo client. 25. How does server handle Zombie child process? 26. Write a C program for TCP server to convert a string received from client into uppercase. 27. Write a C program for TCP server to reverse string received from client. 28. Write steps performed when server is crashing and rebooting. 29. What are the different error returns to the process when server host crashes?
30. Write steps perform by process when connection abort before accept returns.
UNIT IV 31. Differentiate between close function and shutdown function. What is the use of how to argument used in the function shutdown? 32. Answer the following. o What is the difference between select () and poll ()? o Explain the functions getsockopt and setsockopt with arguments. 33. With suitable diagrams differentiate the five I/O models. 34. When is socket said to be ready for reading and writing data. Identify and discuss the conditions. 35. Write C program to implement TCP echo server using select(). 36. Write C program to implement TCP echo server using poll(). 37. Explain any five socket option for Generic socket. 38. Explain the five I/O model with suitable diagrams. 39. Explain SO_LINGER SOCKET option. 40. Explain nagles algorithm.