Global Academy of Technology: Question Bank
Global Academy of Technology: Question Bank
Global Academy of Technology: Question Bank
(An Autonomous Institution, affiliated to VTU, Belagavi, recognized by Karnataka and Approved by AICTE, New Delhi.)
Module 1
Module 2
1. Define exceptions. Explain two kinds of exceptions.
2. Define bus arbitration. Explain in detail both approach of bus arbitration.
3. What is an interrupt; with example illustrate the concept of interrupts
4. Explain in detail the situation where a number of devices capable of initiating
5. Explain the following terms a) interrupt service routine b) interrupt latency c)interrupt
6. With a diagram explain daisy chaining technique.
7. Draw the arrangement of a single bus structure and brief about memory mapped I/O.
8. Explain interrupt enabling, interrupt disabling, edge triggering with respect to
9. Draw the arrangement for bus arbitrations using a daisy chain and explain in brief.
10. With neat sketches explain various methods for handling multiple interrupt requests.
11. Define memory mapped I/0 and I/0 mapped I/0 with examples.
12. Explain how interrupt request from several I/0 devices can be communicated to a
processor through a single INTR line.
13. What are the different methods of DMA. Explain in brief.
14. Explain the important functions of a I/0 interface with a neat block diagram
15. What is DMA? Explain the hardware registers that are required in a DMA controller
16. Explain the use of DMA controller in a computer system with a neat diagram.
17. with a block diagram a general 8 bit parallel interface.
18. With supporting diagram explain the following with respect to interrupts:
Vectored interrupt
Interrupt nesting
Simultaneous request
Daisy-chain method
19.With a neat diagram, explain the centralized arbitration and distributed bus
arbitration scheme.
20.With a neat timing diagram illustrate the asynchronous bus data transfer during an
I/O operation. Use handshake scheme.
21.Write a note on register in DMA interface.
22.With a block diagram explain how the printer interfaced to processor.
Module 3
1. With the block diagram explain the operation of a 16-megabit DRAM chip configured
as 2M*8.
2. Mention any two differences b/w static and dynamic RAM. Explain the internal
organization of a memory chip consisting of 16 words of 8 bit each.
3. Which are the various factors to be considered in the choice of a memory chip. Explain
4. Give the organization of a 2M*32 memory module using 512k*8 static memory chips
5. Discuss, the different types of RAM’s bring out their salient features
6. Define memory latency and bandwidth of synchronous DRAM memory unit.
7. What is virtual memory? Explain how virtual address is translated to physical address.
8. Explain direct memory mapping technique
9. Show with diagram the memory hierarchy with respect to speed, size and cost
10.Explain different mapping functions used in cache memory.
11.Define memory latency, memory bandwidth, hit rate and miss penalty.
12.Briefly explain all mapping functions used in cache memory.
13.Define cache memory, explain various types with a neat diagram.
14.With a neat diagram explain the internal organization of memory chip(2M x 8 and
dynamic memory chip).
15.Explain the following (i) Hit Rate (ii) miss penalty (iii) valid bit (iv) Dirty bit (v) steal
16.Draw a diagram and explain the working of 26 Megabit DRAM chip configuration as
2M x 8
17.Describe organization of an 2M x 32 memory using512k x 8 memory chip.
18.Explain synchronous DRAMS with a block diagram.
19.Define ROM, explain various types of ROM.
Module 4
Module 5
1. Explain the parallel processing concept with a block diagram showing multiple
functional units.
2. Explain the role of cache memory in pipelining.
3. Explain pipelining performance.
4. Explain pipelining technique with an example.
5. With an example, explain working of arithmetic pipeline.
6. What is instruction pipeline? Explain 4-segment instruction pipeline.
7. Explain the concept of vector processing. Mention few of its application area.
8. Explain array processors in detail.
9. With a neat diagram, discuss on RISC pipeline.
10.Explain 3-segment instruction pipeline and discuss the advantages of it.
11.Discuss about memory interleaving and matrix multiplication.