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Module Wise QB - DDCO_watermark-2-4

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1. What is a multiplexer? Design a 4 to 1 multiplexer using logic gates. Write the truth table
and explain its working principle.
2. Construct 4:1 multiplexer using only 2:1 multiplexer and also write Verilog program.
3. Construct 8:1 multiplexer using only 2:1 multiplexer.
4. Design 32 to 1 multiplexer using 16 to 1 multiplexer and one 2 to 1 multiplexer.
5. Mention the differences between decoder and demultiplexer.
6. (a) Realize Y = AB + BC  + ABC using an 8 to 1 Multiplexer.
(b) Can it be realized with a 4 to 1 multiplxer?
7. Design a priority encoder for a system with a 3 inputs, the middle bit with highest priority
encoding to 10, the MSB with the next priority encoding to 11, while the LSB with least
priority encoding to 01.
8. Give state transition diagram of SR, D, JK and T flip flops.
9. Obtain the characteristic equation of SR, JK, D and T flip flops.
10. Explain the operation of edge triggered ‘SR’ flip flop with the help of a logic diagram
and truth table. Also draw the relevant waveforms.
11. Explain the working of Master Slave J K flip flops with logic diagram.
12. Derive the Excitation table for equation for D, T,SR, and JK Flip flops.
13 .with a example explain the syntax of conditional signal assignment statement in VHDL
and Verilog.
14. Differentiate between Latch and flip flop.
15. write Verilog program for demjultiplexer.
16.Explain the structure of VHDL and verilog program. Write Verilog code for 4 bit parallel
adder using full adder as component.
1. With a neat diagram explain the different processor registers.

2. What are the factors that affect the performance?Explain any 4.

3. What is performance measurement? Explain the overall SPEC rating for a computer in a
program suite.

4. Write the difference b/w RISC and CISC processors.

5. A program contains 1000 instructions. Out of that 25% instructions requires 4 clock cycles,
40% instructions requires 5 clock cycles and remaining requires 3 clock cycles for execution.
Find the total time required to execute the program running in a 1GHz machine.

6. Write a note on byte addressability,big-endian and little-endian assignment.


7. Explain the basic operational concepts b/w the processor and the memory.

8. Derive the basic performance equation? Discuss the measures to improve the performance.

9. Explain processor clock and clock rate.

10. What is an addressing mode? Explain any four addressing modes.

11. Write ALP program to copy ‘N’ numbers from array ‘A’ to array ‘B’ using indirect

12. With a neat block diagram, describe the I/O operation.

13. Explain functional units of computer.

14. Discuss connection between processor and memory .

15.Mention four types of operations to be performed by instructions in a computer. Explain with

basic types of instructions formats to carry out C<-[A]+[B].

16.How input and output operation performed by Processor?


1. Define bus arbitration.Explain in detail both approach of bus arbitration.

2. What is an interrupt? With example illustrate the concept of interrupts

3. Explain in detail the situation where a number of devices capable of initiating interrupts are
connected to the processor? How to resolve the problems?

4. Explain the following terms a) interrupt service routine b) interrupt latency c) interrupt

5. Draw the arrangement of a single bus structure and brief about memory mapped I/O.
6. Explain interrupt enabling,interrupt disabling,edge triggering with respect to interrupts
7. Draw the arrangement for bus arbitrations using a daisychain and explain in brief.
8. With neat sketches explain various methods for handling multiple interrupt requests.
9. Define memory mapped I/0 and I/0 mapped I/0 with examples

10. Explain how interrupt request from several I/0 devices can be communicated toaprocessor
through a single INTR line.

11. What are the different methods of DMA. Explain in brief.

13. Show with diagram the memory hierarchy with respect to speed , size and cost
14.What is DMA? Explain the hardware registers that are required in a DMA controller chip.
Explain the use of DMA controller in a computer system with a neat diagram
15.Explain with a block diagram a general 8 bit parallel interface.
16. Explain different mapping functions used in cache memory.


1. Discuss Connection of the memory to the processor with diagram,

2.Explain with need diagram a single-bus structure.
3. Discuss synchronous Bus operation with neat diagram.
4. Discuss asynchronous Bus operation with neat diagram.
5.Explain multiplebus organization and its advantages.
6.Explain the role of cache memory in pipelining.
7.Explain pipelining performance.
8.Explain the processing and control capabilities of Microwave oven and Digital

9.Explain the structure of General Purpose Multiprocessors.

10.Describe the classifications of Parallel Structures.
11.Describe the three bus organization of the datapath and describe in detail.
12.Write control sequence for the instruction Add R1, R2, R3.
13.Explain a complete processor with a neat diagram
14.Write and explain the control sequences for the execution of the following
instruction: Add(R3),R1.
15. Explain Field coded micro Instructions with a neat diagram.

16. Discuss with neat diagram I/O interface for an input device.

Course Coordinator: Dr. Maya B S

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