research paper chatbot
research paper chatbot
research paper chatbot
B. Selection of Software
3. Algorithm used: Eclipse software is used for programming in
The algorithms used are java. Because it contains basic workspace and it
• Hash functions- A hash function is mostly used for java applications.
which is responsible to converts a
given numeric or alphanumeric C. Creating a Chatbot
• String filtering
For creating a Chatbot, a program has to be
• Sorting
written. Java programming language is used for
• Stemming programming. The Chatbot is created in such a
• Lemmatization way to help the user, improve the communication
and amuse the user.
B. Modules Description
Output: Conclusion: A chatbot is one of the simple ways to
transport data from a computer without having to
think for proper keywords to look up in a search or
browse several web pages to collect information;
users can easily type their query in natural language
and retrieve information. In this paper, information
about the design, implementation of the chatbot has
been presented. From the survey above, it can be
said that the development and improvement of
chatbot design grow at an unpredictable rate due to
variety of methods and approaches used to design a
chatbot. Chatbot is a great tool for quick interaction
with the user. They help us by providing
entertainment, saving time and answering the
questions that are hard to find. The Chatbot must be
simple and conversational. Since there are many
designs and approaches for creating a chatbot, it can
be at odds with commercial considerations.
Researchers need to interact and must agree on a
common approach for designing a Chatbot. In this
project, we looked into how Chatbots are developed
and the applications of Chatbots in various fields.
In addition comparison has been made with other
Chatbots. General purpose Chatbot must be simple,
user friendly, must be easily understood and the
knowledge base must be compact. Although some
of the commercial products have recently emerged,
improvements must be made to find a common
approach for designing a Chatbot.
6. References: