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research paper chatbot

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Shubham Mishra (2201330130191) Pradeep Kumar (2201330130132)

Bachelor of Technology, (IT) Bachelor of Technology, (IT)
Noida Institute of Engineering and Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Technology, Greater Noida, India Greater Noida, India

ABSTRACT: This research paper introduces

chatbot which makes lots of process easier.
Nowadays most people own a smartphone with instant
The main aim of this research is to make messaging or social networking applications on them
easier conversation between customer and a and they may use these applications to interact with
business with no delay. The chatbot is merchants and sellers, so it would be game changing
basically order taking with minimal user if, without spending much time sellers could respond
input and suggested for target markets that to customers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A chat
customers have little knowledge of IT. It can bot, also known as chatterbot is a software that uses
“instant messaging as the Application Interface” and
be integrated into any platform with
the messenger users can add the name of the bot to
minimum configuration. their contact list in the same manner that they add
friends and colleagues.
The core technology used in chatbot is
natural language processing (“NLP”). Conversation is an interesting type of interaction
Further researches in machine learning have because they close the gap between human-computer
greatly improved the accuracy and interaction (HCI) and human-human interaction
effectiveness of natural language processing, (HHI). This kind of communication can be
making chatbots worthier option for many implemented for commercial purposes and is used to
organizations and advances in describe this kind of applications.
industrialization. A simple chatbot can be
created by loading an FAQ (frequently asked 2. Methodology:
A. Data structure:
questions) into chatbot software. The
functionality of the chatbot can be improved Dynamic Arrays- it is a special type of array whose
size can be modified during execution of program,
by integrating it into the organization’s
according to user requirements.It can be implemented
enterprise software, allowing more personal
through using malloc(),calloc() and free() in standard
questions to be answered, like “What is my
library functions(stdlib.h).
balance?”, or “What is the status of my
B. Linked list:
It is linear data structure which consist of nodes and
each node contains data value and reference(address) to
Keywords: Chatbot, Chatbot commerce,
the next node. And your data is stored at non-
Electronic marketing contiguous memory location which makes insertion
and deletion operation easier. photo, is a significant test
for highlight extraction algorithms.
C. Hash table:
Hash Tables-Hash Table is a data structure Fig.1: Use Case Diagram of Chatbot Design.
which stores data in an associative manner. In
a hash table, data is stored in an array format,
A. Selection of OS
where each data value has its own unique
index value. Access of data becomes very fast Windows is used for this project because it is
if we know the index of the desired data. user friendly. It is also robust.

B. Selection of Software
3. Algorithm used: Eclipse software is used for programming in
The algorithms used are java. Because it contains basic workspace and it
• Hash functions- A hash function is mostly used for java applications.
which is responsible to converts a
given numeric or alphanumeric C. Creating a Chatbot
• String filtering
For creating a Chatbot, a program has to be
• Sorting
written. Java programming language is used for
• Stemming programming. The Chatbot is created in such a
• Lemmatization way to help the user, improve the communication
and amuse the user.

4. Hardware used: D. Creating a Chat

1. Processor- 1.6GHz or faster processor. The chat is created using a pattern that is known to
2. Hard Disk- more than 10 GB. the user and could be easy to understand. Chat
3. Memory – at least 1 GB. dialog box show up to create conversation. This
dialog box is created using java applets.

5.Software used: E. Pattern Matching

1. Windows 7 or above linux It is a technique of artificial intelligence used in
2. C++ the design of a Chatbot. The input is matched with
3. Chatterbox library the inputs saved in the database.
4. Firefox/Chrome/Internet Explorer F.Simple
5. Behavioral biometrics
The design of a Chatbot is very simple. It just answers
to the questions asked by the user, if the question is
Design of chatbot: found in the database.

A Chatbot refers to a chatting robot. It is a G.Conversational and Entertaining

communication simulating computer
program. It is all about the conversation with
the user. The conversation with a Chatbot is
very simple. It answers to the questions
asked by the user. During designing a
Chatbot, how does the Chatbot speak to the
user? And how will be the conversation
with the user and the chatbot is very
important which is represented in the
following diagram.
The Chatbot responses are a way known to The description of the modules used in the
the user. The conversation follows a Basic implementation is given below [6]:
English language and interacts in an easy to • Chatbot()
read manner. The conversation between the In this function, all the variables used for
user and the Bot is entertaining. It is like creating the dialog box are added. Default close
talking to other person. operation is set to EXIT_ON_CLOSE so that
the dialog box closes on exit. Required
background colour is set using inbuilt set
Implementation of chatbot: Background () function.
• Random()
Chatbot is a computer application which The input from the user is taken using get Text
uses artificial intelligence to mimic human () function. All the punctuation marks in the
conversation. It helps the user by answering users input are removed using trim () function.
the questions asked by them. The program is The uppercase letters are converted to
implemented using Java programming lowercase. A variable called response is used to
language. Particularly Java and c++ applets hold a byte value and it is set to 0. While
are used. Applets are used because it is easy response is 0, the match for the input is found in
to create the dialog box required for the the database and it is returned as a response
conversation between the user and the bot. which is displayed in the text area. If the
Detailed implementation is given below [5]: response is 1, then the match for the input is not
found in the database. In this case, a default
A. Fundamental Design Techniques and response is returned. Random () function is used
Approaches to choose the response saved in the database [7].
• Creating the dialog box • AddText()
All the packages required for creating All the texts or strings used in input and output
the dialog box are imported. The size are added to the text area in the dialog box.
of the dialog box and text area inside
• InArray()
the dialog box is given. Vertical
scrollbar is used so that the screen is This is used as a pattern matching function. A
scrolled as the conversation goes on. variable match is used to hold a Boolean value
Horizontal scrollbar is never used and it is set to false. If the match for the users
because the size of the dialog box is input is found in the database, true is returned else
fixed. false is returned as a result. This value is returned
to keyPressed() function and the result is
• Creating a database
displayed in the dialog box.
Two dimensional string arrays are
applied to build a database. Rows in
the array are used for request and
response. All the even rows contain the
request or questions and all the odd
rows contain the response or answers.
Columns in the array are applied to
save different types of questions that
could asked by the user and responses
that a Chatbot can answer. There is
one row in the array which contains
default responses which is used when
the matching question is not found in
the array.

B. Modules Description
Output: Conclusion: A chatbot is one of the simple ways to
transport data from a computer without having to
think for proper keywords to look up in a search or
browse several web pages to collect information;
users can easily type their query in natural language
and retrieve information. In this paper, information
about the design, implementation of the chatbot has
been presented. From the survey above, it can be
said that the development and improvement of
chatbot design grow at an unpredictable rate due to
variety of methods and approaches used to design a
chatbot. Chatbot is a great tool for quick interaction
with the user. They help us by providing
entertainment, saving time and answering the
questions that are hard to find. The Chatbot must be
simple and conversational. Since there are many
designs and approaches for creating a chatbot, it can
be at odds with commercial considerations.
Researchers need to interact and must agree on a
common approach for designing a Chatbot. In this
project, we looked into how Chatbots are developed
and the applications of Chatbots in various fields.
In addition comparison has been made with other
Chatbots. General purpose Chatbot must be simple,
user friendly, must be easily understood and the
knowledge base must be compact. Although some
of the commercial products have recently emerged,
improvements must be made to find a common
approach for designing a Chatbot.
6. References:

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[5] B. P. Kiptonui, “Chatbot Technology:
A Possible Means of Unlocking
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[6] S. Ghose, J. J. Barua, “Toward the
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[7] J. Jia, “The Study of the Application of
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