Ir Review 3 PPT
Ir Review 3 PPT
Ir Review 3 PPT
Team Members:
Chenchu Aravind(20MIA1126)
Shiva Sindhu perla(20MIA1104)
This assistant is just a basic version that could perform all the basic tasks which have been
mentioned above
Reading a newspaper
Convenience: Managing your daily tasks and streamlining your communication with
others can be made easier with the help of a personal chatbot
01 02
Creating a chatbot that can Creating a chatbot that can access
comprehend user requests and knowledge from a database or library
provide pertinent information in of pre-written replies and deliver it to
response by utilizing natural language the user in a way that seems natural
processing (NLP) methods like intent and engaging.
recognition and entity extraction
Chatbot Architecture
Rule-based Retrieval-based
architecture architecture
Types of
• Input processing
• Response retrieval
• Response generation
Input Processing
Once the chatbot has processed the user's input and identified the user's
intent and entities, it searches the database of pre-existing responses for a
response that best matches the input.
Once a suitable response has been selected, the chatbot may modify the
response to ensure that it is grammatically correct and properly formatted
for output to the user.
01 02
The system's capabilities More features have been In future we can add more
are restricted to dealing added, such as the fact that features as per our need.
only with application- it will only respond to user
based data. speech and won't be
activated by background