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Project 8

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Project 8

In project 7 you built a basic VM translator that implements the VM language’s arithmetic-logical
and push/pop commands. In this project you will extend this translator to handle the VM
language’s branching and function commands. In addition, you will add the capability of translating
multi-file VM programs. This will complete the development of the VM translator that will later
serve as the compiler’s backend.
Extend the basic VM translator built in project 7 into a full-scale VM translator, designed to handle
multi-file programs written in the VM language. This version of the VM translator assumes that the
source VM code is error-free. Error checking, reporting and handling can be added to later versions
of the VM translator, but are not part of this project.
Complete the construction of a VM-to-Hack translator, conforming to the VM Specification and
Standard VM Mapping on the Hack Platform. Use your translator to translate the supplied VM test
programs, yielding corresponding programs written in the Hack assembly language. When
executed on the supplied CPU emulator along with supplied test scripts, the assembly programs
generated by your translator should deliver the results mandated by the supplied compare files.
Resources (same as in project 7)
You will need three tools: the programming language in which you implement your VM translator,
and the supplied VM emulator and CPU emulator, available in your nand2tetris/tools folder.
The CPU emulator enables executing and testing the assembly code generated by your VM
translator. If the generated assembly code runs correctly in the CPU emulator, we will assume that
your translator performs as expected. This of course is just a partial test of the translator, but it will
suffice for our purposes.
The VM emulator is a given, visual, VM implementation. It can be used to illustrate, and visualize,
how VM commands and programs impact the stack, the memory segments, and the relevant RAM
areas on the host RAM. Watching how VM commands impact the host RAM will help you figure
out how to realize the same impact using assembly code – a critical requirement for writing the
VM translator.
Since the full-scale VM translator is implemented by extending the basic VM translator built in
project 7, you will also need the source code of the basic VM translator.
We recommend completing the implementation of the VM translator in two stages. First, extend
the basic VM translator built in project 7 to implement the VM branching commands. Next, extend
the implementation to handle the VM function commands. This staged development allows
unit-testing your implementation incrementally, using the supplied test programs.

www.nand2tetris.org / Copyright © Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken

Testing the handling of the VM branching commands
The translation of the commands label, if, and if-goto is tested by the following programs:
BasicLoop: Computes 1 + 2 + ... + argument[0], and pushes the result onto the stack. Tests how the
VM translator handles the label and if-goto commands.
FibonacciSeries: Computes and stores in memory the first n elements of the Fibonacci series.
A more rigorous test of handling the label, goto, and if-goto commands.
Initialization of the stack and the memory segments is normally done by the complete VM
implementation (namely, by the assembly code generated by the complete VM translator). In the
above tests though, the initialization is done by the supplied test scripts.
Testing the handling of the VM function commands
The translation of the commands call, function, and return is tested by the following
SimpleFunction: Performs a simple calculation and returns the result. Tests how the VM
translator handles the function and return commands. The supplied test script initializes the
stack pointer and the memory segments, and then calls this function.
NestedCall: An intermediate and optional test that can be used between the SimpleFunction
and FibonacciElement tests. It may be useful when the former passes and the latter fails. See
the test documentation for more details.
FibonacciElement: This test program consists of two files: Main.vm contains a single function,
Main.fibonacci, that returns recursively the n’th element of the Fibonacci series; Sys.vm
contains a single function, Sys.init, that calls Main.fibonacci with n=4, and then enters an
infinite loop (the VM translator is supposed to generate bootstrap code that calls Sys.init).
The resulting setting tests how the VM translator handles multiple .vm files, and how it
handles the VM commands function, call, and return, and most of the other VM commands.
In addition, this test program tests that the VM translator writes the bootstrap code that
initializes the stack pointer and calls Sys.init. Since this test program consists of more than
one .vm file, the folder (rather than a single file) must be translated in order to produce a
single FibonacciElement.asm file that carries out all these operations.
StaticsTest: Tests the handling of static variables. The test program consists of three files:
Class1.vm and Class2.vm contain functions that set and get the values of several static
variables; Sys.vm contains a single function, Sys.init, that calls the functions in Class1.vm and
in Class2.vm. Since the test program consists of more than one .vm file, the folder (rather
than a single file) must be translated in order to produce a single StaticsTest.asm file.
Initialization: The full-scale VM translator developed in this project must handle single- as
well as multi-file programs. By convention, the first function that starts running in a VM
program is Main.main. Conforming to this convention, Sys.init is normally programmed to call

www.nand2tetris.org / Copyright © Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken

Main.main. For the purpose of this project though, the Sys.init functions supplied in the
various project folders call the testing programs directly.
The translation of the branching VM commands is relatively simple. The translation of the function
commands is more challenging. We repeat the suggestion given in the previous project: Start by
writing the assembly code that your translator should generate on paper. Draw the RAM
representation of the global stack on paper, and keep track of the stack pointer and the relevant
memory segment pointers. This will help you ensure that your paper-based assembly code
successfully implements all the low-level actions associated with handling the function, call, and
return commands. At this stage you can generalize your paper-based code and “copy-paste” it into
the outputs that your VM translator should generate.
Bootstrap code: In order for any translated VM program to start running, it must include startup
code that invokes the program on the host platform. In addition, in order for any VM code to
operate properly, the VM implementation must set the base addresses of the stack and the virtual
memory segments used by the program to selected RAM locations. The first three test programs in
this project (BasicLoop, FibonaciiSeries, SimpleFunction) assume that the startup code was not yet
implemented, and include test scripts that affect the necessary initializations "manually". The last
two test programs (FibonaciiElement and StaticTest) assume that the startup code is already part
of the VM implementation.
With that in mind, when implementing your VM translator, the constructor of your CodeWriter
must be developed in two stages. The first version of your constructor must not generate any
bootstrapping code (that is, ignore the constructor's API guideline beginning with "Writes the
assembly instructions that affect the bootstrap code..."). Use this version of your translator for
unit-testing the programs BasicLoop, FibonaciiSeries, and SimpleFunction. The second and final
version of your CodeWriter constructor must write the bootstrapping code, as specified in the
constructor's API. Use this version for unit-testing FibonaciiElement and StaticTest.
The supplied test programs were carefully planned to test the specific features of each stage in
your evolving VM implementation. We recommend implementing your translator in the proposed
order, and testing it using the appropriate test programs at each stage. Implementing a later stage
before an early one may cause testing failures.
Since project 8 is based on extending the basic VM translator developed in project 7, we advise
making a backup copy of the latter before starting this project.
References (same as in project 7)
You’ve already used the CPU emulator and VM emulator in previous projects, but we include
references to them, for completeness.
CPU emulator demo
CPU emulator tutorial (click Slideshow)
VM emulator tutorial (click Slideshow)
www.nand2tetris.org / Copyright © Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken

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