Department of Neurology, Hope Center for Neurological Disorders, Charles F. and Joanne Knight Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Washington University School
of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
I ndividuals with type 2 diabetes have an increased risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD), although the causal relation-
ship remains poorly understood. Alterations in insulin signaling (IS) are reported in the AD brain. Moreover, oligomers/fibrils
of amyloid-β (Aβ) can lead to neuronal insulin resistance and intranasal insulin is being explored as a potential therapy for
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a devastating neurodegenera- One such risk factor for LOAD, which has received
tive disorder affecting roughly 30 million people worldwide. considerable attention is type 2 diabetes (T2D), which in-
Although some cases of AD (<1%) are caused by autoso- creases AD risk by at least twofold (Sims-Robinson et al.,
mal-dominant inherited mutations that typically lead to clin- 2010). Also a disease of aging, T2D is characterized by hy-
ical disease onset before the age of 60, the majority of AD is perglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and insulin resistance (a lack
late-onset AD (LOAD) where age, genetics, environment, and of response in the insulin signaling [IS] pathway). Normally,
other diseases likely play a role (Holtzman et al., 2011; Musiek insulin binds to the insulin receptor (IR) which phosphor-
and Holtzman, 2015). AD is characterized by a cascade of ylates IR substrate (IRS) on a tyrosine residue, leading to
pathological events, including the formation of amyloid activation of the canonical signaling cascade (Fig. 1). In pe-
plaques (made up of aggregated forms of Aβ), neurofibril- ripheral tissues, such as muscle, fat, and liver, this signaling
lary tangles (composed of aggregated, hyperphosphorylated ultimately leads to the uptake and sequestration of glucose
tau), synapse loss, brain hypometabolism, neuroimflammation, to satisfy cellular energy requirements and plays a key role
and brain atrophy that is accompanied by severe and pro- in lipid metabolism (Dimitriadis et al., 2011). Contrary to
gressive cognitive impairment. Amyloid plaques, consisting of the periphery, where glucose uptake is largely insulin depen-
aggregated forms of Aβ in the extracellular space, are gen- dent, the brain uses nearly 20% of all glucose in the body in
erated in a concentration-dependent manner. The buildup a process that is largely insulin independent. However, brain
of hyperphosphorylated and aggregated tau protein leads to IS is robust and has pleotropic effects due to the widespread
the development of intracellular neurofibrillary tangles. Ac- distribution of IRs throughout the brain and the complexity
cumulation of Aβ occurs ∼15 yr before patients experience of IR signaling. For example, hippocampal activation of IR
cognitive decline, whereas tau begins to accumulate in the signaling can modulate memory (McNay et al., 2010) and
neocortex later but before the onset of dementia, adding to IR signaling in the hypothalamus can affect feeding behavior
the complexity of this disease. Many risk factors for LOAD, and peripheral metabolism (Brief and Davis, 1984). Similar
both genetic and nongenetic, have been identified. Apart from to AD, pathological changes in insulin occur years before pa-
aging, the strongest known risk factor for LOAD is genetic tients receive a diagnosis of T2D, which typically occurs once
variation in the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene. The APOE4 pancreatic β cell dysfunction and insulin resistance produce
allele increases AD risk by 12-fold (two copies) or 3.7-fold chronic hyperglycemia (Dankner et al., 2009). Interestingly,
(one copy) in part by influencing Aβ accumulation. However, T2D alone has been associated with cognitive decline (Allen
APOE4 is only present in ∼50–60% of individuals with AD, et al., 2004), brain hypometabolism (Roberts et al., 2014), and
suggesting that other factors are involved in AD pathogenesis regional brain atrophy (Last et al., 2007). The cognitive defi-
(Holtzman et al., 2011). cits in T2D are proposed to be mediated by changes in brain
IS (McNay and Recknagel, 2011), although there is little data
from T2D patients measuring insulin/IS in the CNS to sup-
Correspondence to David M. Holtzman: holtzman@neuro.wustl.edu port this assertion (Liu et al., 2011).
Abbreviations used: Aβ, amyloid β; AD, Alzheimer’s disease; APOE, apolipoprotein E;
© 2016 Stanley et al. This article is distributed under the terms of an Attribution–Noncommercial–Share
APP, amyloid precursor protein; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; GSK3, glycogen synthase
Alike–No Mirror Sites license for the first six months after the publication date (see http://www.rupress.org
kinase 3; ins, insulin level; IR, insulin receptor; IRS1, IR substrate 1; IS, insulin signaling; /terms). After six months it is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution–Noncommercial–
LOAD, late-onset AD; p-tau, phosphorylated tau; T2D, type 2 diabetes. Share Alike 3.0 Unported license, as described at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/).
There are two broad ways in which T2D could influ- treatment may lead to modest cognitive improvement in AD
ence the risk of AD: (1) T2D can lead to small vessel disease, patients, it could also worsen underlying pathology. In this
which can cause or contribute to dementia, independent of review, we will analyze the changes in ins/IS that have been
or together with AD pathology, by disrupting proper function reported in AD and speculate if they are a cause or conse-
of the brain vasculature (Biessels and Reijmer, 2014), and (2) quence of disease based on experimental evidence and the
T2D can result in changes of brain function directly or in- timeline of AD progression. Critical evaluation of this liter-
teract with key proteins or pathways involved in AD pathol- ature as well as a determination of essential future experi-
ogy, such as Aβ or tau. This review will focus on mechanisms ments is crucial, as rates of both T2D and AD are on the rise
specific to AD pathology, but acknowledges the significant and insulin therapy is actively being pursued worldwide in
impact that vascular alterations may have on the brain in older adults and patients.
AD and other dementias.
Over the past 15 yr, many studies have reported changes INSULIN-RELATED CHANGES IN AD
in insulin levels (ins) or IS (ins/IS) in LOAD patients (Table 1), Brain insulin.Many groups have analyzed postmortem brain
suggesting that individuals with AD experience hyperinsulin- tissue from AD patients of varying severity and controls to
emia and brain insulin resistance. One interpretation is that look for alterations in Ins/IS through changes in mRNA,
the brain becomes insulin resistant as a consequence of AD protein, or phosphorylation (Table 1). Insulin has been mea-
pathology and hyperinsulinemia is compensatory, producing sured in relatively low levels in brain tissue of humans and ro-
what has been termed type 3 diabetes (Steen et al., 2005). dents (Banks et al., 1997; Frölich et al., 1998). Only one study
Insulin resistance in the AD brain may lead to cognitive im- reports insulin levels in the AD brain. They found that brain
pairment, similar to that observed in T2D patients, therefore insulin was equally reduced in AD patients and age-matched
treating individuals with AD with intranasal insulin to im- controls, indicating that reductions in brain insulin are likely a
prove memory is currently under investigation in clinical result of age, not AD (Frölich et al., 1998).Two other groups
trials (Reger et al., 2008; Craft et al., 2012; Wadman, 2012). report reductions in insulin mRNA in AD (Rivera et al.,
Conversely, hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance can mod- 2005; Steen et al., 2005), yet questions remain as to whether
ulate Aβ and tau in ways that can put the brain at risk to insulin is synthesized in the brain to an appreciable level be-
develop further AD pathology, so that changes in the ins/IS cause there is evidence that a majority of brain insulin comes
in AD patients may represent a contributor/cause of disease from the blood (Banks, 2004). Specifically, one study could
progression (Fig. 2). If so, increasing brain insulin could ex- not detect insulin mRNA in the cortex (Steen et al., 2005)
acerbate AD pathology and cognitive decline over time. This but another did (Rivera et al., 2005), making this mRNA
proposes a unique problem as it relates to AD; whereas insulin data difficult to interpret. Ultimately, a greater understand-
Blood insulin ↑ Bucht et al., 1983; Fujisawa et al., -Fasting or after glucose tolerance test -In women only (1 study) -Only in non-APOE4 and
1991; Stolk et al., 1997; Craft moderate/severe AD (1 study) -Meta-analysis of 11 studies: 5 report overall ↑, 1 ↑ in
et al., 1998; Ma et al., 2016 women, 1 ↑ with advanced stage (Ma et al., 2016)
CSF insulin ↑ Fujisawa et al., 1991 -Also found small increase with vascular dementia
↓ Craft et al., 1998; Gil-Bea et al., -Only in non-APOE4 and moderate/severe AD -No relationship to APOE or AD severity
No change Molina et al., 2002 -No relationship with AD severity or cognition
Brain insulin No change Frölich et al., 1998 -Comparing controls >65 y/o and AD patients
↓ Frölich et al., 1998; Rivera et al., -Comparing controls <65 y/o and AD patients -mRNA: in hippocampus and hypothalamus
2005; Steen et al., 2005 -mRNA: progressive reduction with Braak stage
Brain IR (total) ↓ Frölich et al., 1998; Rivera et al., -Comparing controls <65 y/o and AD patients -mRNA and protein -mRNA: progressive
2005; Steen et al., 2005 reduction with Braak stage
↑ Frölich et al., 1998 -Comparing controls >65 y/o and AD patients
No change Moloney et al., 2010; Liu et al., -Potential changes in cellular distribution -Also no change in p-IR -Only reduced in patients
2011; Ho et al., 2012; Talbot et with T2D and AD
al., 2012
Brain p-IR and activity ↓ Frölich et al., 1998; Rivera et al., -In hippocampus -Reduced insulin binding -TK activity reduced compared to all controls
2005; Steen et al., 2005
Brain IRS1 (total) ↓ Steen et al., 2005; Moloney et -mRNA in 3 regions -Also reductions in IRS2
al., 2010
No change Liu et al., 2011; Talbot et al., 2012 -Also no change in IRS2 -Only reduced in patients with T2D and AD
Brain p(Ser)-IRS1 ↑ Moloney et al., 2010 Talbot et -Regardless of APOE status and reduced ex vivo insulin stimulation -Highest in AD, but also
al., 2012 Bomfim et al., 2012 elevated in some tauopathies
Yarchoan et al., 2014
Brain AKT (total) ↓ Griffin et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2011 -Reduced in AD and in patients with T2D and AD
No change Steen et al., 2005; Talbot et al.,
Brain p-AKT ↑ Pei et al., 2003; Griffin et al., -Associated with tangles
2005; Talbot et al., 2012;
Yarchoan et al., 2014
↓ Steen et al., 2005 -In hippocampus
No change Liu et al., 2011 -Only reduced in patients with T2D and AD
Brain GSK3 (total) ↓ Ho et al., 2012 -With advanced AD
No change Steen et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2011; -Only reduced in patients with T2D or T2D and AD
Talbot et al., 2012
Brain p(Ser)-GSK3 ↓ Steen et al., 2005 Griffin et al., -In hippocampus
No change Liu et al., 2011 -Only reduced in patients with T2D or T2D and AD
Brain p-GSK3 ↑ Pei et al., 2003 -Associated with tangles
Brain p-JNK ↑ Bomfim et al., 2012; Talbot et
al., 2012
Other IR signaling ↓ Griffin et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2011; -PDK1, p-PDK1 and p-PI3K -PIP3, PKC, p-mTOR, p-ERK2 -PTEN
molecules Talbot et al., 2012
Reported alterations in ins and brain IS in AD are categorized by the specific component measured, whether there have been reports of an increase, decrease (up and down arrows), or no
change in individuals with AD, the studies that report this specific alteration, and important details. For blood and CSF insulin, AD diagnosis was based on clinical criteria. For postmortem
analysis of brain insulin and IS components, AD was confirmed by clinical diagnosis and histological analyses. All reported changes were at the protein level unless mRNA is specified in the
details. Overall, data from this table supports a higher level of blood insulin in individuals with AD and some degree of brain insulin resistance.
Canonical IS posits that, upon activation of AKT by in- brain are seen as detrimental, mouse studies have paradoxi-
sulin, glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) is serine phosphor- cally shown that deleting IRs or IGF1 receptors in the brain
ylated to reduce its activity. Active GSK3 phosphorylates tau is protective against amyloid plaque deposition (Freude et al.,
among other substrates, suggesting that overly active GSK3 2009; Stöhr et al., 2013) and improves survival (Freude et
may exacerbate tau phosphorylation and, ultimately, its aggre- al., 2009), demonstrating that there is much left to elucidate
gation. In postmortem brain samples, there are reductions in about the physiological consequences of reduced insulin or
p-AKT and p(Ser)-GSK3, suggesting increased GSK3 activity, IGF1 signaling in the brain.
which can lead to tau phosphorylation (Steen et al., 2005;
Liu et al., 2011). In contrast, other groups report increases in Blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) insulin.Studies reported
p-AKT and p(Ser)-GSK3, even in the presence of elevated alterations in blood insulin in AD as early as 1983 (Table 1).
phosphorylated tau (p-tau) and tangles (Pei et al., 2003; Grif- Fasted blood insulin or insulin in response to a glucose chal-
fin et al., 2005; Yarchoan et al., 2014), making this particular lenge are higher in AD patients (Bucht et al., 1983; Fujisawa
signaling component difficult to interpret. Reductions in the et al., 1991; Stolk et al., 1997; Craft et al., 1998; Ma et al.,
level or phosphorylation of other IS molecules are reported 2016). The transport of insulin from blood to brain and CSF
in AD brains (Liu et al., 2011; Talbot et al., 2012) and ex vivo is a receptor-mediated process. This transport is saturable
activity assays have shown that tyrosine kinase activity, insu- within physiological levels and is affected by numerous vari-
lin binding, and insulin stimulation are reduced in AD brains ables (Banks, 2004).The CSF/serum insulin ratio is subtly de-
(Frölich et al., 1998; Rivera et al., 2005; Talbot et al., 2012). creased with age (Sartorius et al., 2015). Craft and colleagues
Overall, there does appear to be some level of insulin re- also found the CSF/serum insulin ratio to be lower in AD,
sistance in the AD brain. However, this is not specific to insu- where higher blood and lower CSF insulin was more prom-
lin, as there are also reductions in both the levels and signaling inent with disease progression. Interestingly, they only found
of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) I and II (Steen et al., 2005; this change in AD patients without an APOE4 allele (Craft et
Moloney et al., 2010) and leptin signaling (Maioli et al., 2015). al., 1998). Other groups who measured CSF insulin reported
Although brain insulin and IGF resistance in the human AD reductions but no difference with APOE4 (Gil-Bea et al.,
2010), no difference (Molina et al., 2002), or increases with ins/IS is a primary instigator of disease. In contrast, amyloid
higher CSF/plasma ratios (Fujisawa et al., 1991), making in- accumulation which begins ∼15 yr before cognitive decline
terpretations of this data difficult.While reports of CSF insulin could lead to brain insulin resistance, with hyperinsulinemia
are variable, current data suggests that AD patients are likely to acting as a secondary indicator of underlying pathology in
experience higher blood insulin. When trying to determine AD, and contribute to cognitive decline. To properly clarify
if this hyperinsulinemia could be a cause or consequence of whether insulin is a cause or consequence of disease, blood
disease, it is important to consider when hyperinsulinemia and CSF insulin should be tracked longitudinally, beginning
occurs in relation to the development of AD. Table 1 demon- before the onset of AD pathology, during AD pathology
strates that blood insulin is higher in AD patients, and it may accumulation while individuals are still normal (preclinical
increase with disease progression (Craft et al., 1998), but other AD), and then during the clinical stage of AD. To date, no
studies suggest that higher blood insulin, before diagnosis, such study has been reported. Recent studies have started to
may be present and influencing disease progression. analyze the relationship between insulin resistance and AD
biomarkers during the asymptomatic, preclinical stage in at-
Changes in ins and IS: cause of AD? risk populations. In asymptomatic middle-age adults, insulin
A longitudinal study found that fasting hyperinsulinemia, resistance was associated with higher CSF tau, p-tau (Starks
even without T2D, doubled the risk of developing AD et al., 2015) and Aβ42 (Hoscheidt et al., 2016). CSF insulin
(Luchsinger et al., 2004). A cross-sectional study found that was not measured, but baseline levels of blood glucose, insu-
in AD patients without an APOE4 allele, hyperinsulinemia lin, and insulin resistance were no different between APOE4
was also associated with an increased risk of AD (Kuusisto carriers and noncarriers at this early stage of disease (Starks
et al., 1997) and higher insulin was associated with amyloid et al., 2015). Additional studies of this type, measuring CSF
deposition, visualized by amyloid imaging on positron emis- insulin in addition to traditional AD biomarkers, will help
sion tomography (PET) scans, before symptom onset (Wil- to determine the temporal relationship between insulin dys-
lette et al., 2015). Taken together, these studies suggest that regulation and AD progression.
high insulin could play a causative role in AD, although the
AD population can be heterogeneous and it is possible that Ins, IS, and Aβ.There are many studies suggesting that hyper-
causal mechanisms differ across subgroups of patients. Since insulinemia may be directly influencing the risk of AD by
Aβ and tau deposition begin to occur ∼15 yr before symp- modulating Aβ. In vitro studies demonstrate that high insulin
tom onset, these studies are difficult to interpret (Fig. 3). For can lead to higher extracellular Aβ by affecting clearance
example, high blood insulin before the onset of AD pathol- mechanisms and Aβ degrading enzymes. Both insulin and Aβ
ogy could increase the risk of Aβ/tau deposition because are degraded by insulin degrading enzyme (IDE), and in the