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Item 66/29 - Annexure - 25

Course code Course Title L T P C

BCSE419L Speech and Language Processing 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite NIL Syllabus version
Course Objectives
1. Be competent with fundamental concepts for natural language processing and
automatic speech recognition
2. To understand technologies involved in developing speech and language
3. To demonstrate the use of deep learning for building applications in speech and
natural language processing

Course Outcomes
At the end of this course, student will be able to:
1. Describe the importance of different NLP modules in Text processing and
fundamentals of speech production
2. Describe ways to represent speech and text
3. Demonstrate the working of sequence models for text
4. Use signal processing techniques to analyze/represent the speech signal
5. Execute trials of speech/language systems

Module:1 Introduction to Natural Language Processing 7 hours

Overview of NLP - Introduction to Levels of NLP - Morhpology: Derivational &
Inflectional Morphology - POS tagging - Parsing: Shallow and Dependency
Parsing, Semantics:
Word Level Semantics and Thematic roles.
Module:2 Text Preprocessing & Feature Representation 8 hours
Introduction to Corpora, Sentence Segmentation, Stemming: Porter Stemmer, Bag of words
and Vector Space Model, Topic Modeling, N-gram Language Model, Smoothing, Word
Embeddings: Word2Vec, Glove and Fasttext.
Module:3 Applications of NLP-1 6 hours
Sentiment Classification using ML & DL models, Named Entity Recognition - CRF and
LSTMs, Text Summarization - Statistical and Deep Learning models.
Module:4 Applications of NLP-2 4 hours
Machine Translation - Encoder & Decoder Model, Attention Models, Question Answering -
Knowledge based Q&A and Deep Learning models for Q&A.
Module:5 Introduction to Speech Processing 6 hours
Fundamentals of speech production – Perception of sound – Vocal tract model - Phonetics
- Short-Time analysis of the signal – Energy – Zero crossing – Autocorrelation – Short
time Fourier analysis.
Module:6 Feature Representaion of Speech Signal 4 hours
Mel Frequency Cepstral Coeffecients, Perceptual linear prediction (PLP), Linear prediction
cepstral coefficients (LPCC), Gammatone Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (GFCC), i-vector.
Module:7 Automatic Speech and Speaker Recognition 8 hours
Automatic Speech recognition formulation: Isolated word recognition – Large vocabulary
continuous speech recognition - HMM/GMM based speech recognition – DNN/HMM
-- CNN based speech recognition - RNN language Models – Evaluation metrics, Speaker

Proceedings of the 66th Academic Council (16.06.2022) 663

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recognition model – Alexa/Google assistant based application development.

Module:8 Contemporary issues 2 hours

Total Lecture hours: 45 Hours

Text Book(s)
1. Dan Jurafsky, James H. Martin “Speech and Language Processing”, Draft of 3rd
Edition,Prentice Hall 2022.
2. Jacob Benesty, M. M. Sondhi, Yiteng Huang "Springer Handbook of Speech
Processing", Springer, 2008.
Reference Books
1. Uday Kamath, John Liu, James Whitaker "Deep Learning for NLP and Speech
Recognition" Springer, ,2019.
2. Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, Edward Loper "Natural Language Processing with Python",
O'Reilly Media. 2009.
3. Ben Gold, Nelson Morgan, Dan Ellis “Speech and Audio Signal Processing: Processing
and Perception of Speech and Music”, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Written Assignment / Quiz / FAT
Recommended by Board of Studies 09-05-2022
Approved by Academic Council No. 66 Date 16-06-2022

Proceedings of the 66th Academic Council (16.06.2022) 664

Item 66/29 - Annexure - 25

Course code Course Title L T P C

BCSE419P Speech and Language Processing Lab 0 0 2 1
Pre-requisite NIL Syllabus version
Course Objectives
1. Be competent with fundamental concepts for natural language processing and
automatic speech recognition
2. To understand technologies involved in developing speech and
language applications.
3. To demonstrate the use of deep learning for building applications in speech and
natural language processing
Course Outcome
At the end of this course, student will be able to:
1. Describe the importance of different NLP modules in text processioning and
fundamentals of speech production
2. Describe ways to represent speech and text
3. Demonstrate the working of sequence models for text
4. Use signal processing techniques to analyze/represent the speech signal
5. Execute trials of speech/language systems
Indicative Experiments
1. Installing various packages for text and Speech Processing: NLTK, 3 Hours
Spacy, Speech Recognition etc.
2. POS Tagging and Parsing using various python packages 2 Hours
3. Implementation of BOW, topic models for text representation and 2 Hours
4. Implementing N-gram language models for next word prediction 2 Hours
5. Implementing Word embedding based text classification 2 Hours
6. Implementing CNN for sentiment analysis 2 Hours
7. Implementing RNN for Named Entity recognition 2 Hours
8. Implementing text summarization using deep learning 2 Hours
9. Implementing chatbot using deep learning 2 Hours
10. Implementing machine translation using encoder-decoder 2 Hours
11. Developing speech recognition system to recognize voice 3 Hours
12. Developing speech recognition system to recognize 3 Hours
continuous speech
13. Implementing CNN based speech recognition using mel 3 Hours
spectal images

Total Laboratory Hours 30 hours

Text Book(s)
1. Delip Rao, Brian McMahan, “Natural Language Processing with PyTorch: Build
Intelligent Language Applications Using Deep Learning”, 2019, 1st Edition, O'Reilly
Reference Books
1. Mark Liu, “Make Python Talk: Build Apps with Voice Control and Speech
Recognition ”, 2021, 1st Edition, No Starch Press.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Mid-Term Lab/ FAT
Recommended by Board of Studies 09-05-2022
Approved by Academic Council No. 66 Date 16-06-2022

Proceedings of the 66th Academic Council (16.06.2022) 106


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