User’s Guide
User’s Guide
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PAGE ii 07.03.27
General Pages
Part I General
Chapter 1 Introduction to X’Pert PRO
Chapter 2 Safety
Chapter 3 Applications and Optics
Chapter 4 General Operations
Chapter 5 General Maintenance
Chapter 6 Fault Correction
Part II Components
Chapter 1 X-ray Tubes
Chapter 2 Beam Attenuators and Filters
Chapter 3 Incident Beam Slits
Chapter 4 Incident Beam Masks
Chapter 5 Soller Slits
Chapter 6 X-ray Mirrors
Chapter 7 Incident Beam Monochromators
Chapter 8 Incident Beam Collimators
Chapter 9 X-ray Lenses
Chapter 10 Mono-capillaries
Chapter 11 MRD Cradle
Chapter 12 Platforms for Horizontal and Vertical Systems
Chapter 13 Non-ambient Chambers
Chapter 14 Beam Knives
Chapter 15 Sample Changers
Chapter 16 Diffracted Beam Slits
Chapter 17 Diffracted Beam Masks
Chapter 18 Diffracted Beam Collimators
Chapter 19 Diffracted Beam Monochromators
Chapter 20 Anti-scatter Devices
Chapter 21 Detectors
Appendix A Sample Holders
Appendix B Sample Preparation
Appendix C X-ray Topography
PAGE iv 07.03.27
Part I
Chapter 1
1.1 General................................................................................................................................. 1 - 3
1.2 How to Read this Guide...................................................................................................... 1 - 3
1.3 Basics of the X’Pert PRO X-ray Diffraction System ....................................................... 1 - 4
1.3.1 The PreFIX Concept............................................................................................................... 1 - 5
1.4 PW3040/60 X’Pert PRO Instrument Enclosure .............................................................. 1 - 6
1.4.1 Working Environment............................................................................................................ 1 - 6
1.4.2 X-rays ON Lamp .................................................................................................................... 1 - 7
1.4.3 Instrument Enclosure Lower Part........................................................................................... 1 - 7
1.4.4 Control and Display Panel...................................................................................................... 1 - 7
1.4.5 High Tension Generator ......................................................................................................... 1 - 8
1.4.6 Accessories............................................................................................................................. 1 - 8 Tube Shield ............................................................................................................ 1 - 8 High Tension Cable ............................................................................................... 1 - 9 Cooling System.................................................................................................... 1 - 10 Tube Support Stand ............................................................................................. 1 - 10 Filter Slit Puller.................................................................................................... 1 - 10 Pipette .................................................................................................................. 1 - 11 Tube of Silicon Grease ........................................................................................ 1 - 11 Silicon Disk.......................................................................................................... 1 - 11 Fluorescence Disk................................................................................................ 1 - 11 Single Knife Edge ................................................................................................ 1 - 11 Copper Attenuation Foils..................................................................................... 1 - 12 Bottle of Oil ......................................................................................................... 1 - 12 Chamois Leather .................................................................................................. 1 - 12 Set of Tools .......................................................................................................... 1 - 12 PW3096/60 Second Diffracted Beam PreFIX Carrier......................................... 1 - 12 PW3132/61 Reference Samples for Stress and Texture Measurements.............. 1 - 13 PW3132/62 Reference Samples for High Resolution and Reflectivity ............... 1 - 14 PW3719/10 Display Unit..................................................................................... 1 - 14
X’Pert PRO System - User’s Guide
The PANalytical X’Pert PRO X-ray diffraction system is the basic platform for a wide variety of applications
in analytical X-ray diffraction, in both scientific and industrial research environments. These applications
• Phase analysis of samples with flat or irregular surfaces; of thin films, and of samples in glass capillaries.
• Quantitative phase analysis on batches of samples.
• Crystallography and Rietveld analysis on samples with flat or irregular surfaces; or powder samples in
glass capillaries.
• Residual stress analysis of flat samples or irregularly shaped materials.
• Reflectometry on thin layers and substrate materials.
• High resolution rocking curve analysis, reciprocal space mapping and X-ray topography on (epitaxial)
layers on single crystal substrates.
• Texture analysis on all kinds of materials with a preferred orientation of the crystallites.
• Analysis of small spots on inhomogeneous samples.
• In-plane diffraction on thin films.
• Transmission measurements through (samples between) foils.
• Analysis of changes in the crystal structure in changing environmental conditions.
• High-throughput X-ray diffraction for automated analyses of large numbers of samples.
The modular design of X’Pert PRO utilizing the PreFIX concept makes it possible to perform more than one
type of analysis on one system.
PreFIX enables you to re-configure the system from one application setup to another within a few minutes
without the need for additional system alignment.
Item Specification
Maximum floor loading 3200 kN/m2 (3.2 MPa) on the system’s four feet,
12.8 kN/m2 (12.8 kPa) average floor pressure
Access to the instrument enclosure from the rear is provided by two hinged doors. All of the doors, front and
rear, have microswitches fitted in order to prevent accidents. As a safety measure, the tube shield shutters cannot
be opened if the doors are not securely closed. An additional safety precaution is that the enclosure doors cannot
be opened if the tube shield shutter is open, when the system is moving, or being initialized. The X’Pert PRO
safety circuits are described in detail in Chapter 2 in Part I of this User’s Guide.
The construction conforms with the most stringent X-ray safety standards: the absorbed dose equivalent rate is
less than 1 μSv/h at 10 cm distance from the outside surface of the enclosure.
The instrument enclosure contains sufficient room for an X’Pert PRO system. Two interior inspection lamps are
fitted inside the enclosure. The lights can be switched on and off with the “Lights” button on the control and
display panel. Replacement of these lamps is described in section 5.6.1 of Chapter 5 in Part I of this User’s
Switch Function
HT (key) To turn the high tension generator on (if the power is switched Yes
on) or off (irrespective of the system’s current operating state).
Shutter To close the shutters on the tube shield irrespective of the system’s No
close current operating state.
θ, 2θ, c/s To display the θ angle, the 2θ angle, or the intensity (in counts per second) of the
X-ray beam measured by the detector. The choice of information displayed is
made in the data collector software.
kV, mA To display the high tension generator high voltage and anode current settings.
Shutter To display the number of the shutter that is currently open, or three dots.
open If the safety circuit is closed (all the doors are correctly closed) and a shutter is
open, that shutter number is displayed.
If the doors are not all closed (correctly), three static dots are shown. The shutter
cannot be opened.
If the system has been given the command to initialize, but one or more of the
doors or rear panels is not correctly closed, or the HT key switch is turned off,
three moving dots are shown. The system cannot be initialized.
1.4.6 Accessories
A large variety of accessories for safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the X’Pert PRO X-ray
diffraction system is included with the PW3040/60 Instrument Enclosure. These accessories are shown in Figure
1.4, they are summarized in this section.
A shutter assembly is fitted to one of the exit ports. The unused exit ports, which do not have shutter assemblies,
are covered by radiation safety plates.
The shutters on the tube shield can be opened and closed using the data collector software. You can also close
the shutter by using the Shutter close push button switch on the control and display panel (see section 1.4.4).
Pressing this push button overrides any software commands.
The shutter cannot be opened unless both the X-ray safety circuit and the high tension safety circuit are closed
(see section 2.3 of Chapter 2 in Part I of this User’s Guide).
If the X-ray safety circuit is broken for any reason during normal operation the shutter(s) will automatically
In addition, if the HT safety circuit is broken during normal operation the shutter(s) will close and the high
tension generator will automatically switch off.
Installing, removing and rotating the X-ray tube in the tube shield is described in section 1.4 of Chapter 1 in Part
II of this User’s Guide.
If, for any reason, the high tension safety circuit is broken during normal operation the tube shield shutters will
close and the high tension generator will automatically switch off.
Installing, removing and rotating the X-ray tube in the tube shield is described in section 1.4 of Chapter 1 in Part
II of this User’s Guide. Pipette
The pipette supplied with the system is used to insert cleaning fluid into the X-ray tube’s water cooling system.
Figure 1.5: Silicon Pressed Powder Sample Figure 1.6: Fluorescence Disk
Figure 1.9: Stress-free Tungsten Sample Figure 1.10: Rolled Copper Specimen
This sample can be mounted onto a sample stage for residual stress analysis. Stress measurements according to
the sin2ψ method will show a straight horizontal line, indicating that there is no stress present in the sample. A
flat metal plate with a thickness of 0.1 mm is included to protect the sample from mechanical damage during
sample height adjustment.
The rolled copper specimen is a 22 mm x 22 mm plate with a thickness of 1.5 mm, it is shown in Figure 1.10.
A line is engraved on one side of the plate. This line is perpendicular to the direction in which the sample was
rolled (the rolling direction). When this plate is mounted onto a texture cradle with the engraved line parallel to
the diffraction plane, pole figures showing a rolling texture can be recorded. The rolling or reference direction
(RD) is then in the direction of ϕ = 0º.
Figure 1.11: Si(111) Single Crystal Figure 1.12: Thin Film Sample
The thin film sample is a 60 mm x 40 mm glass plate onto which a chromium film (between 10 nm and 40 nm
thick) has been applied, it is shown in Figure 1.12. This film was used for the reflectivity measurement shown
on the Acceptance Test Form delivered with the system. It can be used to reproduce this test. It is also used as
an example measurement in the X’Pert Data Collector Quick Start Guide.
Tube Shield on
PreFIX Unit
Ge [220]
Monochromator 1
2 PreFIX
U-block PreFIX
PreFIX Screws
Platform PA000107
Term Explanation
Angle of incidence (ω) Angle between the incoming X-ray beam and sample surface.
Axial divergence Divergence of the X-ray beam perpendicular to the diffraction plane.
Bragg-Brentano Para-focusing geometry. In Bragg-Brentano geometry the incident beam from the
geometry line focus of the X-ray tube diverges in the diffraction plane until it irradiates the
sample. The diffracted X-ray beam converges from the sample until it passes
through the receiving slit (the natural focusing point on the goniometer circle)
before being accepted by the detector.
cps Counts per second, unit to express the intensity of an X-ray beam.
Diffracted beam optics The optical components between sample stage and detector.
Diffraction plane Plane defined by the incoming and diffracted X-ray beams; also called the
equatorial plane.
Goniometer radius The distance between the tube focus and the center of the goniometer, or the
distance between the center of the goniometer and the receiving slit.
Incident beam optics The optical components between X-ray tube and sample stage.
In-plane diffraction A method of measuring the lattice spacing between the crystal planes that are
oriented perpendicularly with respect to the sample surface.
Irradiated length Size of the irradiated area on the sample parallel to the diffraction plane.
Irradiated width Size of the irradiated area on the sample perpendicular to the diffraction plane.
Medipix2 Photon counting technology for the conversion of X-rays into electrical signals with
high spatial resolution and a high contrast. Applied in the PIXcel.
Mirror-mirror geometry Geometry in which an X-ray mirror is used as an incident beam PreFIX module, and
an X-ray mirror combined with a programmable receiving slit is used as a diffracted
beam PreFIX module.
Peak positions determined from symmetrical scans (2θ−θ scans) measured with the
mirror-mirror geometry are not sensitive to sample height misalignment. This means
that this geometry can be usefully used on loosely prepared powder samples, or
samples with ill-defined surfaces.
Observed length Size of the area parallel to the diffraction plane, as seen by the detector.
Omega-2Theta system The tube is fixed, the sample stage and the detector are moving.
Parallel beam Diffraction geometry in which the diverging X-ray beam from the tube is converted
geometry into a small value in the equatorial plane for line focus, or in two dimensions
(equatorial and axial) for point focus applications.
If the appropriate optics are used on the diffracted beam side, parallel beam
measurements are not sensitive to the exact height position of the sample, or to
sample tilt. This geometry is also suitable for loosely prepared powder specimens, or
samples with irregularly shaped surfaces.
Term Explanation
PHD Pulse Height Distribution. X-ray intensities are measured via a cascade of ionizations
in a gas filled tube. Eventually, the electrons hit a wire at high tension, which leads
to an electrical pulse. The height of this pulse is a/o proportional to the energy of
the incoming photons. The detector is adjusted to optimize the PHD for the
characteristic radiation of the X-ray tube (e.g. Cu Kα).
RTMS Real Time Multiple Strip. Detection technology for fast X-ray diffraction data
acquisition. Applied in the X’Celerator.
Scattering angle (2θ) Diffraction angle. Angle between the incoming and diffracted X-ray beams.
Theta-Theta system The sample stage is fixed, the tube and the detector are moving. Only for single
vertical systems.
Transmission geometry Diffraction geometry in which the X-ray beam passes through the sample.
Used for those sample which mainly comprise light elements, such as pharmaceuti-
cal materials.
In this guide we occasionally refer to other publications, when we refer to other publications the reference is
always a number enclosed in square brackets (for example: [3]). The number refers to one of the following
[1] : PANalytical Safety Manual - order code number: 4022 339 04531.
[2] : XRD X’Pert Tube Instruction Manual - order code number: 4022 196 71701.
[3] : X’Pert PRO Systems, Pre-installation Manual - order code number: 4022 339 04821.
[4] : W. J. Bartels, (1983) Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B1, 338.
[5] : R. W. James, “The Optical Principles of the Diffraction of X-rays, The Crystalline State - Vol. II”, L.
Bragg (editor), G. Bell and Sons Ltd., 1962.
[6] : P. van der Sluis (1994), Journal of Applied Crystallography 27, 50-55.
[7] : P. F. Fewster, “X-ray Scattering from Semiconductors”, Chapter 3, Imperial College Press (London,
UK) 2003. ISBN 1 - 86094 - 360 - 8. Distributed by World Scientific Publishing Co.
[8] : P. van der Sluis (1994), Journal of Applied Crystallography 27, 1015-1019.
General information about X-ray diffraction and its applications can be found in the following publications:
- F. H. Chung, D. K. Smith (editors), “Industrial Applications of X-ray Diffraction”, Marcel Dekker, Inc.,
(New York, NJ, USA) 2000. ISBN 0 - 8247 - 1992 - 1.
- B. D. Cullity, “Elements of X-ray Diffraction”, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. (Reading,
MA, USA) 1978. ISBN 0 - 201 - 01174 - 2.
- P. F. Fewster, “X-ray Scattering from Semiconductors”, Imperial College Press (London, UK) 2003.
ISBN 1 - 86094 - 360 - 8. Distributed by World Scientific Publishing Co.
- C. Giacovazzo, “Fundamentals of Crystallography”, Published for the International Union for
Crystallography by Oxford University Press (Oxford, UK) 1992. ISBN 0 - 19 - 855578 - 4 (paperback),
ISBN 0 - 19 - 855579 - 2 (hard back).
- U. Pietsch, V. Holý, T. Baumbach, “High-Resolution X-ray Scattering from Thin Films”, Springer-
Verlag (Berlin, Germany) 2004. ISBN 0 - 387 - 40092 - 3.
- International Tables for Crystallography:
Volume A: Space-group Symmetry; T. Hahn (editor) 2005. ISBN 0 - 7923 - 6590 - 9.
Volume B: Reciprocal Space; U. Shmueli (editor) 2001. ISBN 0 - 7923 - 6592 - 5.
Volume C: Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Tables; E. Prince (editor) 2004.
ISBN 1 - 4020 - 1900 - 9.
Published for the International Union for Crystallography by Springer.
Information about other volumes published in this series can be found at: www.iucr.org.
- R. Jenkins, R. L. Snyder, “Introduction to X-ray Powder Diffractometry”, J. Wiley & Sons Inc.
(New York, USA) 1996. ISBN 0 - 471 - 51339 - 3.
- H. P. Klug, L. E. Alexander, “X-ray Diffraction Procedures for Polycrystalline and Amorphous
Materials”, J. Wiley & Sons Inc. (New York, USA) 1974. ISBN 0 - 471 - 46369 - 4.
- U. F. Kocks, C. N. Tomé, H. - R. Wenk, “Texture and Anisotropy”, Cambridge University Press
(Cambridge, UK) 1998. ISBN 0 - 521 - 46516 - 8.
- D. M. Moore, R. C. Reynolds Jr., “X-ray Diffractometry and the Identification and Analysis of Clay
Minerals”, Oxford University Press Inc. (New York, USA) 1997. ISBN 0 - 19 - 508713 - 5.
- I. C. Noyan, J. B. Cohen, “Residual Stress”, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., (New York, USA) 1986.
ISBN 0 - 387 - 96378 - 2 (New York, USA), ISBN 0 - 540 - 96378 - 2 (Berlin, Germany).
- R. A. Young (editor), “The Rietveld Method”, IUCr Monographs on Crystallography No. 5, Published
for the International Union for Crystallography by Oxford University Press (Oxford, UK) 1993.
ISBN 0 - 19 - 855577 - 6.
- L. S. Zevin, G. Kimmel, “Quantitative X-ray Diffractometry”, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.,
(New York, USA) 1995. ISBN 0 - 387 - 94541 - 5.
2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 2 - 3
2.1.1 Explanation of Warning, Caution and Note ........................................................................... 2 - 3
2.1.2 Symbols .................................................................................................................................. 2 - 4
2.2 General Safety Precautions................................................................................................ 2 - 5
2.2.1 Servicing Precautions ............................................................................................................. 2 - 5
2.2.2 EMC Precautions.................................................................................................................... 2 - 5
2.2.3 X-rays ..................................................................................................................................... 2 - 6
2.2.4 Beryllium................................................................................................................................ 2 - 6
2.2.5 Gas System ............................................................................................................................. 1 - 6
2.2.6 Cooling System ...................................................................................................................... 2 - 6
2.2.7 Liquid Nitrogen ...................................................................................................................... 2 - 7 Handling................................................................................................................. 2 - 7 Precautions............................................................................................................. 2 - 7 Emergency Actions................................................................................................ 2 - 7 Reading Matter ...................................................................................................... 2 - 7
2.3 X’Pert PRO Safety Circuits ............................................................................................... 2 - 8
2.3.1 X-ray Safety Loop .................................................................................................................. 2 - 8
2.3.2 HT Safety Loop ...................................................................................................................... 2 - 8
2.4 Safety Information .............................................................................................................. 2 - 9
2.4.1 Electrical Safety Standards..................................................................................................... 2 - 9
2.4.2 Radiation Safety Standards .................................................................................................... 2 - 9
The X’Pert PRO X-ray diffraction system is perfectly safe if installed and operated as described in this User’s
This chapter contains safety information relating to the operation and servicing of the X’Pert PRO X-ray
diffraction systems. For further general safety information relating to X-ray equipment, refer to the PANalytical
Safety Manual [1].
Read this chapter carefully before you install or use any of the equipment.
• Adjustments, maintenance and repair of the equipment must only be performed by personnel who are
aware of the radiation hazards involved and (where necessary) work to an approved scheme of work.
• Anybody operating or servicing X-ray apparatus must be aware of the requirements of all the applicable
regulations, local or otherwise.
• It is essential for the safe use of the equipment that both operating and service personnel follow accepted
safety procedures in addition to the safety precautions as specified in the PANalytical Safety Manual [1].
• Where necessary, specific warnings and cautions can be found throughout this User’s Guide.
• Where necessary, warning and caution stickers displaying the appropriate symbol are displayed on the
This denotes information that, if ignored, may result in damage to,
excessive wear or unsatisfactory performance of the equipment.
NOTE: This denotes information of particular importance to help the user understand or adjust the
2.1.2 Symbols
The following symbols are displayed on PANalytical equipment:
Radiation danger
Lit: Generating X-rays (BLACK/YELLOW)
Not Lit: Not generating X-rays
Laser danger
See also any other labels attached adjacent to (BLACK/YELLOW)
this symbol
Extreme cold
Strictly obey all instructions and warning text on the labels attached to the various parts of the equipment.
2.2.3 X-rays
When properly operated within the specifications the radiation level at distance of 10 cm from the PW3040/60
Enclosure is less than 1 μSv/h.
2.2.4 Beryllium
The windows of X-ray tubes and detectors are made of beryllium.
A low water temperature in combination with a high amount of humidity in the air can cause condensation to
form on the metal parts of the cooling circuit and the metal parts of the rack. This condensation could cause flash-
overs which may damage the system. In order to reduce condensation forming we recommend that the water
temperature is kept at a level such that the temperature of the metal parts is always above the dew point. This
can be achieved by installing a closed cooling water circuit. Handling
Liquid nitrogen should be handled with care in well-ventilated rooms. Use only containers specifically designed
for cryogenic service. Use proper transfer equipment such as a stainless steel flexible hose or a special filling
adaptor to prevent splashing or spillage. Precautions
Liquid nitrogen is safe to work with, if the following safety precautions are maintained
• Use safety glasses to protect your eyes.
• Wear warm dry non-absorbent gloves to handle cold parts.
• Wear protective clothing.
Ensure the vessel is operated in an area that has adequate ventilation. An oxygen meter can be used to warn of
potential nitrogen inhalation hazards.
If the HT is switched off for any reason at all, the water valve in the cooling system automatically closes after 5
seconds. It is not possible to switch the HT on again until this 5 seconds has elapsed.
Standard Description
EN61010/IEC1010 Safety requirements for electrical equipment, for
CSA - C22.2 - No. 1010 measurement, control and laboratories. Class II,
Pollution degree 2.
73/23/EEC Low Voltage Directive
89/336/EEC EMC Directive, in which the following norms are
laid down:
EN55011/CISPR11: 1993 - Class A Group 1
EN55022/CISPR22: 1989 - Class B
IEC801 - 2/EN6100-4-2: 8k VCD, 15kVAD Level 4
IEC801 - 3: 1992 3V/m 27MHz → 1GHz
ENV50140 10V/m 30 MHz → 1 GHz
IEC801-4/EN61000-4-4: 4kV PL, 4kV SL Level 4
IEC801-6/EN61000-4-6 10Vrms Level 3
Country Description
Germany Verordnung über den Schutz vor Schaden durch Röntgenstrahlen (German
X-ray decree - RöV) 1987. Classification Vollschutz (Full Protection
United Kingdom The Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999.
USA Radiation Safety for X-ray Diffraction and Fluorescence Analysis
Equipment. (NBS Handbook 111, 1977.)
USA Department of Health, Education and Welfare (DHEW). FDA 75 8003.
Canada Radiation Emitting Devices Act SOR/DORS/81 545. Part XVIII Cabinet X-ray
Equipment Consultative Document. Part XIV X-ray Diffraction Equipment.
Australia Code of Practice for Protection against Ionising Radiation Emitted from
X-ray Analysis Equipment (1984).
Incident Diffracted
Applications Beam Beam MPD Remarks
Optics Optics
Incident Diffracted
Applications Beam Beam MPD Remarks
Optics Optics
TA/RC ⊗ • ⊗
Ge (440) RC ⊗ • ⊗ Point focus, highest resolu-
tion for rocking curves
continued on next page
Incident Diffracted
Applications Beam Beam MPD Remarks
Optics Optics
Legend: • = Available
⊗ = Not available
Type Chapter
Abbreviation Full Name
Number in Part II
IBASHDS Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit Holder for Divergence Slit PW3086/00 20
IBASHFXM Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit Holder for Focusing X-ray PW3086/7x 20
IBASHHM Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit Holder for Hybrid Mono- PW3086/65 20
IBASHXM Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit Holder for X-ray Mirror PW3086/60 20
Diffractometer Description
General Operations
4.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 4 - 3
4.2 Environmental Operating Conditions .............................................................................. 4 - 3
4.2.1 Climate ................................................................................................................................... 4 - 3
4.2.2 Protection Degree ................................................................................................................... 4 - 3
4.2.3 Other Environmental Conditions............................................................................................ 4 - 4
4.3 Switching the System On.................................................................................................... 4 - 4
4.4 Selecting and Fitting Hardware......................................................................................... 4 - 5
4.4.1 X-ray Tube ............................................................................................................................. 4 - 5
4.4.2 Sample Stages......................................................................................................................... 4 - 6
4.4.3 PreFIX Modules ..................................................................................................................... 4 - 6 Incident Beam PreFIX Modules ............................................................................ 4 - 7 Diffracted Beam PreFIX Modules ......................................................................... 4 - 8
4.4.4 Detectors................................................................................................................................. 4 - 9
4.4.5 Safe Angle Settings ................................................................................................................ 4 - 9
4.4.6 Sample Preparation................................................................................................................. 4 - 9
4.4.7 Sample Mounting ................................................................................................................... 4 - 9
4.5 Switching the System Off ................................................................................................. 4 - 10
X’Pert PRO systems are installed and aligned for use by a PANalytical Service Engineer. Once the acceptance
tests are completed, the system is ready for use. This chapter describes the operation procedures that you need
for safe and efficient operation of the system. General maintenance is described in Chapter 5 in Part I of this
User’s Guide.
Before you start to use the system you should first read Chapter 2 “Safety” in Part I of this User’s Guide, and
the PANalytical Safety Manual [1].
This chapter describes the following:
• The environmental conditions for optimal use of the system (section 4.2).
• Switching the system on (including the high-tension generator) (section 4.3).
• Selecting and fitting the hardware (X-ray tubes, sample stage, incident and diffracted beam optics, and
detectors) (section 4.4).
• Sample mounting and alignment (section 4.4).
• Switching the system off (section 4.5).
4.2.1 Climate
Before starting to collect diffraction data the X’Pert PRO system must be at a stable temperature. The room
temperature must be between +5 ºC and +40 ºC (278 K - 313 K). We advise room temperatures between +15 ºC
and +25 ºC (288 K - 298 K). Temperature variation in the room must be less than 1 ºC per 30 minutes.
For high resolution measurements you must have a room temperature of 22 ºC ± 1 ºC (295 K ± 1 K).
The temperature inside the instrument enclosure should not exceed 26 ºC (299 K).
The relative humidity must be between 20% and 80%. The standard maximum altitude of the working
environment is 2000 m.
The sample must have the same temperature as the instrument. It is therefore advisable to store samples that are
going to be measured in the near future inside the instrument enclosure to save time.
Direct solar radiation on the system is not allowed.
In order to ensure a stable temperature of the working environment, please note that the heat dissipation of one
X’Pert PRO system in the room is between 7 kW and 11.8 kW depending on the configuration and the X-ray
tube settings used.
Special attention must be paid to sample preparation in order to maintain accuracy when an analysis is
performed. Dust from the sample surface, or particles that fall off the sample, can accumulate in important parts
of the system and interfere with the correct operation of the equipment.
Regularly remove excess dust from the system using a hand-held vacuum cleaner.
CAUTION Before switching the system on, ensure that the goniometer
cannot collide with the sample or the sample stage during the
initialization procedure. If the automatic reset is not disabled and
a collision is possible, remove the sample (stage) and/or the optical
modules before switching on.
If the automatic reset is disabled, an initialization wizard will be
activated to guide you through the initialization procedures. This
gives you the opportunity to remove hardware components, the
sample stage and the sample before the system is reset.
7. The system has now got power supplied to all the relevant circuits. If the automatic reset is enabled in
the data collector software the system, the goniometer axes, the automated optics (and if applicable, the
sample cradle axes movements) will be initialized. If the automatic reset is disabled in the data collector
software, the system will not start the initialization procedure, but will ask you if it is safe to initialize
when you go on-line using the data collector software.
The automatic reset can be disabled in the data collector software when you are on line with the system. It will
become effective when the system is next started. It also enables a “Initialization Wizard” that becomes active
each time that the system is started. For more information about this “Initialization Wizard” please refer to the
X’Pert Data Collector’s help. Deactivation of the automatic reset will become effective when the system is next
NOTE: We advise you to make sure that your system is switched on with the generator operating at 75%
of the maximum tube rating for between four and eight hours before you start to perform
measurements. This will ensure that the temperature of various components has stabilized. Eight
hours of stabilization time is especially advisable when you are working with optical modules like
X-ray mirrors and hybrid monochromators.
In most situations the X-ray tube is mechanically aligned. How to check the tube height alignment to see if this
is in fact so, is given in Chapter 1 in Part II of this User’s Guide, section 1.4.9. Should they be necessary,
alignment procedures are also provided in that section.
If you have an X’Pert PRO Extended MRD system, or an X’Pert PRO Alpha-1 system (refer to section 1.6 in
Chapter 1 in Part I of this User’s Guide) you can mount the X-ray tube in two positions. Which of these positions
you use depends on the optical configuration that you select for your application. Moving the X-ray tube from
the standard position to the extended position and vice versa in an extended system is described in Chapter 1 in
Part II of this User’s Guide, section 1.4.8. Placing the X-ray tube at the alpha-1 position, or at the standard
position in an X’Pert PRO Alpha-1 system is described in Chapter 7 in Part II of this User’s Guide, section
Do not over-tighten the PreFIX locking screw; the required torque
is 2.0 Nm to 2.5 Nm.
Lock Pin
Locking Screw
NOTE: Alignment of PreFIX modules is goniometer specific. This means that when a PreFIX module is
aligned for one X’Pert PRO Goniometer, it CANNOT be used on a different X’Pert PRO
The T-block and the U-block have highly polished reference surfaces. Maintenance of these surfaces is
described in Chapter 5 of Part I of this User’s Guide (section 5.2).
CAUTION Be very careful to treat the reference surfaces of the PreFIX modules
with care.
NOTE: Some diffracted beam PreFIX modules can only be used at a specific distance from the heart of the
X’Pert PRO goniometer, related to a specific diffracted beam PreFIX position. If your X'Pert PRO
system comprises a PW3096/60 Second Diffracted Beam PreFIX Carrier, this specific position is
indicated on the Acceptance Test Form delivered with your system.
Diffracted beam PreFIX modules and (mounting of) their accessories are described in Part II of the User’s Guide
in Chapters 16 to 20.
4.4.4 Detectors
Detectors can be inserted into the detector interfaces on the diffracted beam PreFIX modules. The detector is
fixed into position by two spring-loaded balls. The exceptions to this are the X’Celerator and the PIXcel used as
a line detector which are mounted on a PreFIX interface to allow them to be directly mounted at the PreFIX
position on the 2theta arm. Detectors are described in Chapter 21 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
CAUTION Normally the X’Pert PRO system resets itself automatically when it
is switched on, or after power is restored after a power failure. This
reset procedure involves driving the goniometer to its hardware
zero points (and, if present, driving all of the motions of a sample
cradle or a sample changer through their full range). This could
cause collisions between the sample stage or the sample and other
hardware components. If collisions are likely to occur you should
disable the automatic reset in the data collector software. This
activates an initialization wizard that guides you through the
procedure. This gives you the opportunity to remove hardware
components and/or the sample stage and the sample before the
system is reset.
Misalignment of samples in the diffractometer causes sample height displacement errors. These errors may cause
shifts of the diffraction peaks in the measurement. Sample tilt may cause defocusing of the X-ray beam, leading
to broadening of the peaks and a decrease in peak intensity.
When the sample is correctly mounted and aligned you can begin your measurements.
General Maintenance
5.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 5 - 3
5.2 PreFIX Modules .................................................................................................................. 5 - 3
5.3 Spinner Changer ................................................................................................................. 5 - 4
5.4 Cooling System.................................................................................................................... 5 - 4
5.4.1 Water Filters ........................................................................................................................... 5 - 5 Main Water Inlet Filter .......................................................................................... 5 - 5
5.5 Instrument Enclosure Fan Dust Filter.............................................................................. 5 - 6
5.6 Lights.................................................................................................................................... 5 - 7
5.6.1 Interior Inspection Lamps ...................................................................................................... 5 - 7
5.6.2 X-RAYS ON Lamp ................................................................................................................ 5 - 7
5.7 Replacement Parts .............................................................................................................. 5 - 9
X'Pert PRO systems are installed and aligned by a PANalytical Service Engineer. In addition the system has its
acceptance tests completed by the engineer. To ensure that your system works efficiently there are some
maintenance procedures you will need to carry out at specific intervals, the maintenance schedule is given in
Table 5.1. This table shows the recommended frequency of checking the items to be maintained.
This chapter contains instructions that will enable you to replace the water filters, a dust filter on the enclosure
fan and lamps that may eventually become defective. Where necessary the type number for parts that may need
replacement have been included at the end of this chapter. Information about the care of the surfaces of the
PreFIX mountings is also provided.
Maintenance procedures for the X-ray tubes are given in Part II of this User’s Guide - Chapter 1. For
maintenance procedures for the non-ambient stages and their related equipment, please refer to the
documentation supplied with these items.
X-ray tube filters and O-rings We strongly advise that this is II - 1.4.10
performed every six months
Effective cooling of the anode is essential to prevent the anode
An uninterrupted flow of cooling water of at least 3.5 liter per minute with a maximum inlet temperature of
35 ºC is required for adequate heat transfer. If the water flow drops below this flow rate, safety device switches
will switch off the high tension.
Cooling water conditions are given in Part II of this User’s Guide - Chapter 1 - section 1.2.5, more information
is provided in the XRD X’Pert Tube Instruction Manual [2].
Do not operate the system if the dust filters are not fitted.
Enclosure Fan
Dust Filter
There are three lamps that can be replaced by the user. They are the two fluorescent inspection lamps inside the
enclosure and the X-RAYS ON lamp, inside the cover on top of the enclosure.
NOTE: We advise you to keep a spare long life lamp near to the system.
Fault Correction
6.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 6 - 3
6.2 Instrument off-line.............................................................................................................. 6 - 3
6.2.1 Resetting the Thermal Fuses in the Regulated and Unregulated Mains Supply .................... 6 - 4
6.3 HT Generator Will Not Switch On ................................................................................... 6 - 5
6.3.1 Front and/or Rear Doors are not Correctly Closed................................................................. 6 - 6
6.3.2 Resetting the Thermal Fuse in the MPPC .............................................................................. 6 - 6
6.4 Shutter Will Not Open........................................................................................................ 6 - 7
6.4.1 Microswitches on the Tube Shield are Opened...................................................................... 6 - 7
6.4.2 Door Lock Stuck .................................................................................................................... 6 - 8
6.5 Incorrect (Diffracted) X-ray Beam 2Theta Position........................................................ 6 - 8
6.6 Intensity Incorrect .............................................................................................................. 6 - 9
6.7 Spurious Peaks in the Diffractogram.............................................................................. 6 - 10
6.8 Sample Fluorescence......................................................................................................... 6 - 11
X'Pert PRO systems can be operated safely and efficiently after installation and alignment by a PANalytical
Service Engineer. General procedures for the correct operation of the equipment are given in Chapter 4 in Part
I of this User’s Guide. If, however, your system does not operate correctly, or the results (intensity, peak
position) are not according to the specifications, you must take corrective action to remove the problem. This
chapter provides an overview of the possible solutions to problems that may appear, as listed in Table 6.1. If
your problem persists after you have attempted to correct the fault, or if your problem is not listed in this chapter,
make a note of the complete problem including all relevant information and contact your nearest PANalytical
service organization.
Described in
Problem Detected
Table 6.2: Probable Causes for Instrument Off-line and their Solutions
Described in
Cause Solution
The system is not switched on (Power Switch the system on. I - 4.3
indicator lamp is not lit).
Incorrect setting of the COM port and Enter the correct parameters for the Data collector
baud rate in the data collector COM port and baud rate. software’s help
Thermal fuses in the unregulated mains Reset the thermal fuses. 6.2.1
supply are open circuit.
Thermal fuses in the regulated mains Reset the thermal fuses. 6.2.1
supply are open circuit.
Table 6.3: Probable Causes for HT Generator Failure and their Solutions
Described in
Cause Solution
Water flow interrupted during a Clean or replace the water filters. I - 5.4.1
measurement, or, Check that the water hoses are not -
the water flow is less than 3.5 liter/minute. kinked or compressed.
Clean or replace the X-ray tube filter. II - 1.4.10
The X-ray tube is not correctly fitted in the Install the X-ray tube correctly. II - 1.4.5
tube shield.
The identification plug and/or the HT cable Insert the plugs firmly into their sockets. II - 1.4.5
safety plug are not (correctly) inserted into
their sockets.
No high tension supplied by the MPPC Reset thermal cut-out fuse F301 on the 6.3.2
because the thermal cut-out fuse is open MPPC.
The X-ray tube is defective and flashes Replace the X-ray tube with a new one. II - 1.4
during the start-up procedure.
If the HT generator still cannot be switched on after you have checked the possible causes of failure given in
Table 6.3, switch the system off and call your local PANalytical service organization.
Back Door
Door Door
Back Door
Back Door
Door Lock
Shutter Close
X-rays On lamp
Connectors for
external X-rays
On lamp
Figure 6.3: Location of the MPPC Thermal Cut-out Fuse in the PW3040/60 Instrument Enclosure
NOTES: 1. Direct beam intensities are determined using a new X-ray tube. X-ray tube intensities decrease
10% per 1 000 hours of normal operation.
2. Incident beam modules are subject to X-ray beams with a high intensity. When an incident
beam module has been extensively used, the materials from which it is constructed begin to
show degraded surfaces. This means that extensively used incident beam modules may not
completely reach the intensities specified on the Acceptance Test Form delivered with the
instrument, which were determined with a new X-ray tube.
• Check that there are no (unintended) beam attenuators or filters in the X-ray beam path.
• Check if the automatic beam attenuator (if present) is switching in and out correctly.
• Check if the attenuator factors for the beam attenuators used have been correctly entered into the data
collector software.
• Check if the slits and mask sizes used in the X-ray beam path are correctly set.
• Check if the correct type of Soller slits are being used.
• If you have more than one diffracted beam path on your system, check
a. that you have selected the correct one in the data collector software,
b. that you have the correct diffracted beam optical modules mounted, and
c. that two diffracted beam optical modules mounted on adjacent positions do not touch each other,
causing an incorrect mounting of at least one of the modules.
• Check that you have selected the right detector in accordance with the configuration used in the data
collector software.
• Check if you have set the correct values for the high voltage and the anode current from the high tension
• Check that the X-ray beam is not obstructed by the sample, the sample stage, or the incident or diffracted
beam optics.
• Check to see if the X-ray beam is completely accepted by the sample, and that the incident beam is not
irradiating the sample stage or any other mounting device.
• Check if the X-ray tube’s focus is in the correct position (point or line). If necessary you can change the
tube focus position according to the procedure as given in section 1.4.7 in Chapter 1 in Part II of this User’s
• Make sure that the sample is correctly mounted and aligned. Sample misalignment can cause peak shifts
and/or loss of detected intensity, procedures for the correct alignment of samples are given in Chapters 11
to 13 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
• Check if the (application) offsets in ω and 2θ have been correctly introduced. The X-ray mirror on the
standard incident beam PreFIX position and the hybrid monochromator both offset the incident beam by
a certain amount (refer to Chapters 6 and 7 in Part II of this User’s Guide). These offsets must be entered
into the data collector software.
• Check if the PreFIX modules are correctly mounted. The PreFIX mounting screws should always be
tightened using a torque of between 2.0 Nm and 2.5 Nm, avoiding the use of excessive force. For more
information about mounting PreFIX modules refer to section 4.4.3 in Chapter 4 of Part I of this User’s
• Check if the X-ray tube height is correctly positioned. A tube height alignment check is described in section
1.4.9 in Chapter 1 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
• Check that the flat crystal monochromator, if present, is correctly aligned for the wavelength used.
Alignment of the flat crystal monochromator is described in section in Chapter 19 in Part II of
this User’s Guide.
• Check that the incident beam Johansson monochromator, if present, is correctly aligned for the Kα1
characteristic radiation. Alignment of the incident beam Johansson monochromator is described in section in Chapter 7 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
• Check if the PHD levels for the detector are correctly set in the data collector software. Typical PHD levels
for proportional detectors are: 35% for the lower level and 80% for the upper level. More information about
detectors and PHD levels is given in Chapter 21 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
When an incident beam monochromator is used, the monochromatic incident beam creates sample
fluorescence from elements with an atomic number two lower than that of the X-ray tube's anode
material. For instance, monochromatic Cu Kα radiation creates fluorescence from Co atoms; Co Kα
radiation excites fluorescence from Mn atoms.
• Use of a beta-filter
Beta-filters reduce the characteristic Kβ radiation and the high energy part of the X-ray tube's spectrum.
If atoms in the sample are excited by X-rays of the incident beam and thus create fluorescence radiation
a higher background is observed in the diffractogram. Beta-filters are most efficient when they are
placed in the diffracted beam path. If, however, the sample contains a high concentration of the same
element as that of the beta-filter material, the filter should be placed in the incident beam path between
the X-ray tube and the sample. For instance, when you are working with nickel samples and Cu Kα
radiation, the beta-filter must be inserted close to the X-ray tube.
• Choice of appropriate characteristic radiation
An alternative to reduce sample fluorescence from samples containing a high concentration of the
transition metals from the fourth row in the periodic system is to use Mo Kα radiation. Please note that
the short wavelength of Mo Kα radiation condenses the diffractogram along the 2theta axis.
• Setting Pulse Height Discrimination (PHD) levels of the detector used
Detectors generally have the capability to define an energy window for the detected pulses, controlled
by the pulse height discrimination (PHD) electronics. This window has a lower level (usually set to
35% for proportional detectors) and an upper level (usually set to 80%). If sample fluorescence is
causing the background in your diffractogram to be very high, increasing at higher 2theta angles, you
may reduce this effect by choosing a lower level closer to the 50% level of the main energy peak, for
example: 45%. However, remember that when you do that, you also discard part of the diffraction
This section has provided you with general information about reducing background intensities caused by sample
fluorescence. However, we advise you to make your own investigations into how to obtain the best peak-to-
background ratios in the diffractograms recorded from your particular samples.
X-ray Tubes
1.1 General................................................................................................................................. 1 - 3
1.1.1 Applications............................................................................................................................ 1 - 3
1.2 Ceramic Diffraction X-ray Tubes ..................................................................................... 1 - 3
1.2.1 General Tube Specifications .................................................................................................. 1 - 6
1.2.2 Power Characteristics ............................................................................................................. 1 - 6
1.2.3 Spectral Purity ........................................................................................................................ 1 - 6
1.2.4 Environmental Conditions...................................................................................................... 1 - 6
1.2.5 Cooling Water Conditions...................................................................................................... 1 - 6
1.3 Tubes .................................................................................................................................... 1 - 7
1.3.1 PW3373/00 XRD X’Pert Tube Cu LFF ................................................................................. 1 - 7
1.3.2 PW3373/10 Special XRD X’Pert Tube Cu LFF .................................................................... 1 - 7
1.3.3 PW3376/00 XRD X’Pert Tube Co LFF ................................................................................. 1 - 8
1.3.4 PW3378/00 XRD X’Pert Tube Cr LFF.................................................................................. 1 - 8
1.3.5 9430 922 00051 XRD X’Pert Tube Mo LFF ......................................................................... 1 - 8
1.3.6 9430 922 00151 XRD X’Pert Tube Fe LFF........................................................................... 1 - 8
1.4 Use ........................................................................................................................................ 1 - 9
1.4.1 General ................................................................................................................................... 1 - 9
1.4.2 Safety Precautions .................................................................................................................. 1 - 9 High Tension.......................................................................................................... 1 - 9 Beryllium ............................................................................................................. 1 - 10
1.4.3 Unpacking the X-ray Tube ................................................................................................... 1 - 10
1.4.4 Removal of the X-ray Tube from the Tube Shield............................................................... 1 - 10
1.4.5 Tube Installation................................................................................................................... 1 - 12
1.4.6 Tube Storage......................................................................................................................... 1 - 13
1.4.7 Changing the X-ray Tube Focus .......................................................................................... 1 - 14
1.4.8 Changing the Tube Shield Position (Extended MRD Systems)........................................... 1 - 15 Placing the Tube Shield at the Extended Position ............................................... 1 - 15 Placing the Tube Shield at the Standard Position ................................................ 1 - 16
1.4.9 Tube Alignment Check and Adjustment .............................................................................. 1 - 16 Tube Height Coarse Check and Adjustment........................................................ 1 - 16 Tube Height Fine Check and Adjustment............................................................ 1 - 19
1.4.10 X-ray Tube Maintenance...................................................................................................... 1 - 22
An X-ray tube basically consists of an evacuated envelope containing an anode, a cathode (filament), a focusing
cylinder and exit windows. The working principle of an X-ray tube is shown in Figure 1.1.
When a current is passed through the tungsten filament, electrons are thermally emitted. These electrons are then
accelerated towards the anode by the high voltage differential between the anode and the cathode. The electrons
striking the anode cause emission of X-rays. The X-ray emission spectrum is a superposition of a broad band of
continuous radiation (also called Bremsstrahlung or white radiation) and discrete lines, characteristic for the
anode material. These X-rays exit the tube through thin beryllium windows.
The conversion of electrons into X-rays is a very inefficient process, only about 1% of the applied energy is
converted to X-rays. The remainder of the energy is converted to heat within the anode. Because of this the back
of the anode is cooled.
Electrons can also be scattered from the anode and strike other parts of the tube such as the window. The
temperature of the window can therefore rise to hundreds of degrees centigrade. The window is made of
beryllium (atomic weight 4) in order to minimise the absorption of X-rays.
1.1.1 Applications
The wavelength of the characteristic radiation from an X-ray tube depends on the anode material, therefore,
tubes with various anode materials are available. The most commonly used tube anode material is Cu. Table 1.1
shows the available tube anode materials and their applications.
Water Out
HT Connection
Tube Recognition
High Vacuum
Water In
Figure 1.3: XRD X’Pert Tube - Socket for High Tension Cable
Table 1.1: X-ray Tube Anode Material, Characteristic Wavelength and Usage
NOTE: It is better, and safer, to keep the water flow well above the minimum suggested.
For further cooling water conditions refer to the XRD X’Pert Tube Instruction Manual [2].
Low water temperature combined with high air humidity can lead to condensation on the metal parts of the tube.
This could lead to tube damage. In order to prevent such condensation, the temperature of these parts should be
kept above the dew point.
This section describes the particular specifications of the ceramic X-ray tubes used in X’Pert PRO. General
specifications are given in section 1.2.
NOTE: If your system includes an X-ray Mirror for Cu radiation (PW3088/60, PW3148/63, PW3152/63),
a Hybrid Monochromator (PW3147/x0, PW3149/63, PW3150/63), or a PW3113/60 Incident Beam
(Johansson) Monochromator used with Cu radiation, you should use the PW3373/10 X-ray tube
(section 1.3.2) and NOT this one.
NOTE: If you are using the ceramic cobalt X-ray tube together with an X-ray Mirror for Co radiation
(PW3088/66, PW3148/66), or a PW3113/60 Incident Beam (Johansson) Monochromator, the
recommended high-tension generator settings are 40 kV and 40 mA.
1.4 USE
1.4.1 General
The following remarks should be taken into consideration in order to make sure that you use the tube properly.
X-ray tubes are delicate components and must be handled with care at all times. A minor shock, such as can
occur when a tube is placed on a table, can cause damage.
Maximum ratings must not be exceeded. Exceeding these limits can cause unacceptable heat levels which will
damage the tube target, lower the efficiency of the focal spot, or even destroy the tube. The advised maximum
power settings depend on the anode material of the X-ray tube. They are specified in section 1.3. If your
application does not require the X-ray tube’s maximum output intensity we recommend that you use a power
setting that is approximately 80% - 85% of the maximum setting.
Every time a tube is switched on, first increase the voltage (kV) and then the current (mA). When switching off
the tube, first decrease the current, and then the voltage.
If an X-ray tube is new or if the HT has not been applied to the tube in the last 100 hours, we advise you to start
the normal tube breeding procedure in order to ensure stable operating conditions. A fast breeding should be
used for tubes which have not been switched on in the last 24 hours. Automatic conditioning procedures on
X’Pert PRO systems can be performed with the use of the data collector software. For more information on tube
breeding refer to the XRD X’Pert Tube Instruction Manual [2].
Do not leave the X-ray tube in stand-by mode at high current settings, as this may unnecessarily reduce the
lifetime of the filament. The advised stand-by ratings are: between 30 kV and 40 kV, and between 10 mA and
20 mA.
The output intensity of the X-ray tube will decrease in time. This means that the X-ray tube will need to be
replaced when the intensity has dropped considerably. Normally, X-ray tubes are replaced when the intensity
has decreased to 70% of the original value.
Never switch off the water supply as a means of switching off the instrument. Beryllium
The X-ray tube has four beryllium windows which are coated with a protective layer. Contact with beryllium
must be avoided because it is poisonous.
NOTE: Any parts of the human body that accidentally come in contact with beryllium must be washed
immediately in soap and water.
Tube disposal must comply with all national and local registrations governing beryllium. You can, if you wish,
send a used tube back to the PANalytical tube factory. Please fill in the Tube End-of-Life Report supplied with
the X-ray tube, this information helps us in improving our X-ray tubes.
NOTE: The following sections are written based on a vertical system. If you have a horizontal system you
should approach the tasks via the doors at the back of the PW3040/60 Instrument Enclosure.
1. Switch off the high tension and the mains power supply in accordance with the procedure given in
Chapter 4 in Part I of this User’s Guide. If you are going to replace the X-ray tube with another one,
first check that the new tube has been announced in the “Tube Administration” of the “System Settings”
of the X’Pert Data Collector software. If it has not been announced already, do so yourself in the “Tube
Administration”. Then select the new tube on the “X-ray” tab of the “Instrument Settings” window
when you are connected to the instrument. This will start the wizard for changing X-ray tubes.
2. Turn off the cooling water supply line; first the supply line, and then the return line.
3. Disconnect the high tension cable safety plug and the tube identification plug from their respective
sockets (see Figure 1.4).
4. Loosen the four ball headed spring loaded screws that hold the tube in position (see Figure 1.4).
5. Press the securing ring upward and turn it counter-clockwise until it clears the locating lugs, then lower
it over the hoses and cable connected to the bottom of the tube.
The securing ring, shown in Figure 1.4, is a bayonet fit over the two locating lugs shown in Figure 1.1.
6. Pull the tube gently out of the tube shield, holding it by its base, and lay it on its side on the enclosure
Screw (4x)
High Tension
Earth Cable
Tube Identification
CAUTIONS 1. The internal water pipes on the tube can be easily damaged if
care is not taken when sliding the tube in or out of the tube
shield. If the pipes are damaged the water flow will be restricted
which will damage the tube anode.
2. The tube and hoses will still have some water in them when they
are disconnected so put some absorbent paper under the tube
to soak up any possible spillage.
7. Use a spanner to undo the water hose connectors and remove them from the tube.
NOTE: Do not undo the jubilee clips that attach the hoses to the connectors because the hose will be
damaged if the clips are removed and refitted a few times.
8. Undo the four Allen screws (first the two short screws, and then the two long screws) holding the HT
connector in place (see Figure 1.4). Pull the connector away from the base of the tube. If necessary you
can screw the two long screws into the extra screww holes to give you more grip in order to help pull
the plug out. Do not forget to touch the central parts of the HT connector to an earthed ground.
9. Move the X-ray tube to a safe place in accordance with local regulations. If the tube is at its end-of-life,
you can send it back to the PANalytical tube factory. Refer to the XRD X’Pert Tube Instruction Manual
[2] for more information about tube disposal and return. Please fill in the Tube End-of-Life Report
supplied with the X-ray tube, this information is valuable for improving the quality of our X-ray tubes.
NOTE: If the tube is in the wrong position, rotate it by 90º to select the correct focus option.
9. Slide the securing ring over the hoses and after locating the ring on the bayonet pins push the ring
upward and tighten it by turning it clockwise. Take care that the HT safety cable is not clamped
between the tube shield and the bayonet ring.
Locating Lug
Position Tube Identification
Tube Shield on
PreFIX Unit
Ge [220]
Monochromator 1
2 PreFIX
U-block PreFIX
PreFIX Screws
Figure 1.7: Mounting the Tube Shield on the PW3032/45 Extended Arm
NOTE: If the X-ray tube is frequently moved between the standard and extended positions, we recommend
that you regularly clean the polished PreFIX surfaces as described in section 5.2 of Chapter 5 in
Part I of this User’s Guide.
NOTE: This section describes the general procedure for checking and adjusting the tube height. Special
procedures are required for hybrid monochromators and X-ray mirrors, those procedures are given
in Part II of this User’s Guide, in Chapter 7 - section 7.4.4 and Chapter 6 - sections and respectively.
The procedure for checking and adjusting the tube height can be done in two steps: a coarse check and
adjustment, described in section; and a fine check and adjustment, described in section Usually,
you only need to do the fine check and adjustment. If you want to check the position of the X-ray beam visually,
you can use the coarse adjustment procedure using the fluorescence disk.
7. Switch the instrument enclosure light off and then open the tube shield shutter and look at where the
X-ray beam illuminates the fluorescence disk. If the line is exactly centered around the center black line
(1 in Figure 1.8) proceed with step 8 following; if the line is at 2 or 3 shown in Figure 1.8 close the
shutter and adjust the height of the tube as described in section if you have an X’Pert PRO
Extended MRD system. For other X’Pert PRO diffraction systems the procedure is given in section
8. Change the divergence slit setting to 1/4° and repeat step 7.
9. You can if you wish check this alignment even more precisely by “tilting” the sample at an angle to the
beam (for example: rotate the omega axis to 45°) and repeating step 7 again.
a. When you have completed the coarse alignment procedure you can continue with the fine check
and adjustment procedure (section
Anode 3
Divergence Sample
3 Slit (Fluorescence disk)
2 2
Sample Reference Cross
Center Tube Adjustment for Systems other than X’Pert PRO Extended MRD
This section describes the tube height adjustment as is used with X’Pert PRO systems other than X’Pert PRO
Extended MRD.
1. If the line is at position 2 (or anywhere above line 1), the tube height is too low and must be raised. You
do that as follows (refer to Figure 1.9):
a. Loosen (turn 45º counter-clockwise) the upper (nearest to the top of the X-ray tube) of the two
knurled knobs at the back of the tube housing.
b. Tighten (turn 45º clockwise) the lower of the two knurled knobs at the back of the tube housing.
c. Repeat the tube height alignment check.
d. Continue repeating actions a through c until the X-ray beam is at position 1.
e. Now tighten both knobs (ONLY hand tight, no more) to lock the tube into position.
2. If the line is at position 3 (or anywhere below line 1), the tube height is too high and must be lowered.
You do that as follows (refer to Figure 1.9):
a. Loosen (turn 45º counter-clockwise) the lower (furthest away from the top of the X-ray tube) of the
two knurled knobs at the back of the tube housing.
b. Tighten (turn 45º clockwise) the upper of the two knurled knobs at the back of the tube housing.
c. Repeat the tube height alignment check.
d. Continue repeating actions a through c until the X-ray beam is at position 1.
e. Now tighten both knobs (ONLY hand tight, no more) to lock the tube into position.
Upper Knurled
Adjusting Knob
Lower Knurled
Adjusting Knob
CAUTION Normally the MRD cradle automatically resets when the system is
switched on or when power is restored after a power failure. The
reset procedure involves driving all motions of the cradle through
their full range. This would cause the cradle and the alignment shaft
to collide. To prevent this happening, use the data collector software
to disable this automatic reset. You then have the opportunity to
remove the alignment shaft before resetting the cradle.
• If the intensity is within this range, the tube is at the correct height.
• If the intensity is more than 60% of the direct beam intensity without the single knife edge as meas-
ured in step 11, the tube is too low and must be raised.
• If the intensity is less than 40% of the direct beam intensity without the single knife edge as measured
in step 11, the tube is too high and must be lowered.
15. If the tube height is not correct, close the shutter and adjust the tube height as described in section (for X’Pert PRO Extended MRD systems) or section (for other X’Pert PRO
2. If the intensity is less than 40% of the direct beam intensity without the single knife edge as measured
in step 11 of section, the tube is too high and must be lowered (see Figure 1.11 and Figure 1.12).
You do that as follows:
a. Insert an Allen key into the tube height adjustment screw underneath the top of the X-ray tube
b. Turn the Allen key 45º clockwise.
c. Open the shutter and measure the intensity value.
d. Continue repeating actions a through c until the X-ray beam is between 40% and 60% of the direct
beam intensity without the single knife edge measured in step 11 of section
NOTE: The tube height adjustment screw has some play built into it to allow for when the adjustment
direction is changed. When you change from adjusting the tube height upwards, to downwards (or
vice-versa) the adjustment screw must be turned through approximately two full rotations before
the tube height starts to change.
Too High Slit
Too Low
Tube Focus
Half of
Tube Tube Tube Height
too Low Tube in the too High
Correct Position RD9664
Figure 1.12: Direct Beam Intensity with Single Knife Edge Mounted as a Function of Tube Height
Position Tube Height Fine Adjustment for Systems other than X’Pert PRO Extended MRD
This section describes the tube height adjustment as is used with X’Pert PRO systems other than X’Pert PRO
Extended MRD.
1. If the intensity is more than 60% of the direct beam intensity without the single knife edge as measured
in step 11 of section, the tube is too low and must be raised, see Figure 1.11 and Figure 1.12.
You do that as follows (refer to Figure 1.9):
a. Loosen (turn 45º counter-clockwise) the upper (nearest to the top of the X-ray tube) of the two
knurled knobs at the back of the tube housing.
b. Tighten (turn 45º clockwise) the lower of the two knurled knobs at the back of the tube housing.
c. Open the shutter and measure the intensity value.
d. Continue repeating actions a through c until the X-ray beam is between 40% and 60% of the
direct beam intensity without the single knife edge measured in step 11 of section
e. Now tighten both knobs (ONLY hand tight, no more) to lock the tube into position.
2. If the intensity is less than 40% of the direct beam intensity without the single knife edge as measured in
step 11 of section, the tube is too high and must be lowered, see Figure 1.11 and Figure 1.12.
You do that as follows (refer to Figure 1.9):
a. Loosen (turn 45º counter-clockwise) the lower (furthest away from the top of the X-ray tube) of
the two knurled knobs at the back of the tube housing.
b. Tighten (turn 45º clockwise) the upper of the two knurled knobs at the back of the tube housing.
c. Open the shutter and measure the intensity value.
d. Continue repeating actions a through c until the X-ray beam is between 40% and 60% of the
direct beam intensity without the single knife edge measured in step 11 of section
e. Now tighten both knobs (ONLY hand tight, no more) to lock the tube into position.
2.1 General................................................................................................................................. 2 - 3
2.1.1 Beam Attenuators ................................................................................................................... 2 - 3 Applications ........................................................................................................... 2 - 3
2.1.2 Beta-filters .............................................................................................................................. 2 - 3 Applications ........................................................................................................... 2 - 4
2.2 Beam Attenuators ............................................................................................................... 2 - 4
2.2.1 Standard Copper Foil Beam Attenuators................................................................................ 2 - 4
2.2.2 PW3087/6x Automatic Beam Attenuator............................................................................... 2 - 6 PW3087/60 Automatic Beam Attenuator Nickel (0.125 mm) .............................. 2 - 6 PW3087/62 Automatic Beam Attenuator Nickel (0.15 mm) ................................ 2 - 6 PW3087/63 Automatic Beam Attenuator Nickel (0.2 mm) .................................. 2 - 6 PW3087/66 Automatic Beam Attenuator Iron (0.1 mm) ...................................... 2 - 7 Accessories ............................................................................................................ 2 - 7
2.2.3 Beam Attenuators for X-ray Mirrors and Hybrid Monochromators ...................................... 2 - 9 Copper Foil (0.1 mm) & Combined Copper / Nickel Beam Attenuators .............. 2 - 9 Iron Foil Beam Attenuators ................................................................................... 2 - 9
2.2.4 Use........................................................................................................................................ 2 - 10 Beam Attenuator Modes ...................................................................................... 2 - 10 Measuring the Attenuation Factor ....................................................................... 2 - 10 Exchanging Automatic Beam Attenuators .......................................................... 2 - 10
2.3 Beta-filters ......................................................................................................................... 2 - 11
2.3.1 Standard Beta-filters............................................................................................................. 2 - 11 PW3151/03 Nickel Filter ..................................................................................... 2 - 11 PW3151/00 Set of Beta-filters ............................................................................. 2 - 11
2.3.2 Beta-filters for X-ray Mirrors............................................................................................... 2 - 12 Nickel Filter for X-ray Mirror ............................................................................. 2 - 12 Iron Filter for X-ray Mirror ................................................................................. 2 - 12
2.3.3 Large Beta-filters.................................................................................................................. 2 - 13 PW 3158/03 Large Nickel Filter.......................................................................... 2 - 13 PW3158/00 Set of Large Beta-filters................................................................... 2 - 13
Beam attenuators and filters are described in this chapter. The general use of beam attenuators and filters is
described in this section. The specific beam attenuators and filters used in X’Pert PRO are described in sections
2.2 (attenuators) and 2.3 (filters).
An attenuation foil MUST be mounted in the housing slot in the
beam path in order to attenuate the beam whenever the
measured intensity is expected to exceed the maximum count
rate of the detector being used. Applications
Beam attenuators are used when the intensity of the X-ray beam entering the detector exceeds the maximum
count rate. In this case, a beam attenuator must be inserted into the X-ray path in order to decrease the intensity
to a value low enough to be accepted by the detector.
Beam attenuators can also be used to extend the dynamic range of measurements in which the difference in
intensity between the features being observed is very large. This large intensity difference is often observed in
reflectivity experiments at low angles of incidence. Another example is given by high resolution measurements
where the intensity of the substrate reflections can be much higher than that of, for example: the layer fringes.
2.1.2 Beta-filters
A beta-filter is used to keep as much as possible of the characteristic Kα radiation from the tube whilst
suppressing the Kβ and white radiation.
The filter material that exhibits an absorption edge between the Kα and the Kβ line of an anode material is
selected. By inserting a beta-filter with an appropriate thickness into the X-ray beam, the Kβ line almost
disappears. The effect of the beta-filter material in conjunction with the most used anode materials is illustrated
in the following table.
K absorption
Tube Anode Beta-filter
Edge of Beta-
Material Material
filter [Å]
Mo Zr 0.68896
Cu Ni 1.488
Co Fe 1.744
Cr V 2.269 Applications
Beta-filters can be placed in either the incident or the diffracted beam path. The choice depends on the type of
sample to be measured. Generally it is advised to place the beta-filter in the diffracted beam path. If, for example,
the atoms in a sample are excited by the incident radiation and thus, in turn, give fluorescence radiation from the
sample, this leads to an increased level of the background. Placing the beta-filter between the sample and the
detector will reduce this background more efficiently.
If, however, the sample contains a high concentration of the same element as the beta-filter material which would
give rise to a high level of sample fluorescence, the filter should be placed in the incident beam path between the
X-ray tube and the sample.
When further reduction of Kβ radiation is required, for instance in situations where the residual Kβ reflection
impairs proper analysis, you can use another beta-filter or a diffracted beam monochromator. Using two beta-
filters or a diffracted beam monochromator will reduce the Kβ intensity to approximately 10-4 of the Kα1
We advise you to use a diffracted beam monochromator if sample fluorescence is to be reduced as well as the
Kβ radiation.
Table 2.2: Devices that the Standard Attenuators and Beta-filters can be used with
I PW3145/00 Mono-capillary II - 10
D PW3015/x0 X’Celerator II - 21
Table 2.3: Devices that the Automatic Beam Attenuator can be used with
It is possible to mount more than one automatic beam attenuator on an X’Pert PRO system. However, only one
beam attenuator at a time can be controlled by the data collector software. This automatic beam attenuator must
be connected to the system via the PW3087/61 Beam Attenuator Cable. How to exchange automatic beam
attenuators is described in section
Screws A Accessories Beam Mask Holder
If you have mounted an automatic beam attenuator onto a programmable or fixed divergence slit, you can also
mount a beam mask holder (that you had to take off the divergence slit in order to mount the automatic beam
attenuator) onto the automatic beam attenuator. If you have mounted an automatic beam attenuator onto an
X-ray mirror and have either a programmable or fixed divergence slit available to you, you can take the beam
mask holder off one of them and mount it onto the automatic beam attenuator.
Mount the beam mask holder onto the automatic beam attenuator by fixing the four screws that hold the beam
mask holder on the appropriate position on the front of the automatic beam attenuator.
Mount the beam mask holder in such a way that the beam masks can be easily inserted and removed. Aligning the Beam Mask Holder
Align the beam mask holder as follows:
1. Ensure that the X-ray tube is in the line focus position.
2. Mount the fluorescence disk on the sample holder reference plane, with the fluorescent side towards the
tube and the three parallel lines in the direction of the goniometer axis.
3. Insert the 5 mm beam mask into the beam mask holder.
4. Set the generator to the recommended X-ray tube settings (see Part II - Chapter 1, section 1.3).
5. Switch the instrument enclosure light off and then open the tube shield shutter and look at where the
X-ray beam irradiates the fluorescence disk. If the line is exactly centered around the reference cross
shown in Figure 2.3 the beam mask holder alignment is completed; if the line is not at the reference
cross, close the shutter and adjust the alignment as described in step 6.
6. Loosen the four screws holding the beam mask holder and adjust its position by shifting along the line
focus orientation and try step 5 again.
7. When you are satisfied that the beam mask holder is correctly aligned, tighten the four screws that you
loosened in step 6.
Reference Cross Copper Foil (0.1 mm) & Combined Copper / Nickel Beam Attenuators
A copper foil beam attenuator (0.1 mm) and a combined copper (0.2 mm) / nickel (0.02 mm) beam attenuator
are delivered together with the X-ray Mirrors for Cu radiation (PW3088/60 and PW3148/63) and the Hybrid
Monochromators (PW3147/00, PW3147/20, PW3149/63 and PW3150/63). The combined copper/nickel beam
attenuator is also included with the PW3152/63 Focusing X-ray Mirror for Cu radiation. The copper foil
attenuator is shown in Figure 2.4. The combined copper/nickel attenuator has the same appearance. Information
about their use is included in Chapters 6 and 7 in Part II of this User’s Guide. Their attenuation factors for Cu
Kα radiation are:
Copper (0.1 mm): ≈ 100
Combined (0.2 mm / 0.02 mm): ≈ 18 000
The exact attenuation value is given in the Acceptance Test Form delivered with the X-ray mirror or hybrid
monochromator and on the beam attenuator itself.
2.2.4 Use Beam Attenuator Modes
How your beam attenuator is used is controlled by the data collector software. There are three modes in which
the beam attenuator can be used, they are given in Table 2.4.
Mode Application
Do not switch The beam attenuator stays either inserted into (Activated) the X-ray beam
(Activated/Deactivated) path or removed (Deactivated) from the X-ray beam path over the whole
of the measured angular range and for the full measuring time.
At pre-set intensity The beam attenuator is inserted into the X-ray beam path when the
specified count rate (the 'activate' level) is reached, and/or is removed
from the X-ray beam path when the count rate drops below another
specified count rate (the 'deactivate' level).
At pre-set axis position The beam attenuator is inserted into the X-ray beam path when the
diffractometer position on the scan axis is inside the specified interval.
This interval is given by the activate and deactivate axis positions. The
beam attenuator is removed from the beam path when the
diffractometer position on the scan axis is outside the specified interval.
If you have a manual beam attenuator, the data collector software prompts you to insert or remove the attenuator
at the appropriate moments. If you are using an automatic beam attenuator, the nickel or iron foil is inserted into
or removed from the X-ray path fully automatically.
6. Switch your system on according to the procedure given in Chapter 4 in Part I of this User’s Guide.
7. Report the attenuation factor of the new beam attenuator to the data collector software.
NOTE: In order to avoid “undefined” electrical situations occurring, ensure that you never leave the
connecting cable disconnected from an automatic beam attenuator, even if the beam attenuator is
not being used.
Three types of beta-filter are available for all X’Pert PRO diffraction systems, they are:
• Standard beta-filters are described in section 2.3.1. They can be used in a number of incident and dif-
fracted beam PreFIX modules.
• Specific beta-filters to be used together with the X-ray mirrors. These filters are described in section
• Specific beta-filters which are designed for use with the PIXcel or parallel plate collimators. They are
described in sections 2.3.3.
Kβ Intensity Kα Intensity
Tube Anode Beta-filter Thickness
Reduction Reduction
Material Material [μm]
[%] [%]
Mo Zr 80 98 57
Cu Ni 20 99 58
Co Fe 16 99 51
Cr V 13 98 45
3.1 General................................................................................................................................. 3 - 3
3.1.1 Applications............................................................................................................................ 3 - 3 Phase Analysis ....................................................................................................... 3 - 3 Omega-stress Analysis........................................................................................... 3 - 3 Reflectivity & Thin Film Phase Analysis .............................................................. 3 - 3
3.2 PW3081/60 Programmable Divergence Slits.................................................................... 3 - 3
3.2.1 Accessories............................................................................................................................. 3 - 4 Beam Masks........................................................................................................... 3 - 4 Beta-filters ............................................................................................................. 3 - 5 Attenuation Foil ..................................................................................................... 3 - 5 PW3085/x0 Soller Slits.......................................................................................... 3 - 6 PW3086/00 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit Holder ............................................. 3 - 6 PW3087/6x Automatic Beam Attenuators ............................................................ 3 - 8
3.2.2 Using Programmable Divergence Slits ................................................................................ 3 - 10 Operating Modes.................................................................................................. 3 - 10 Determination of Irradiated Length in Fixed Slit Mode ...................................... 3 - 11
3.3 PW3082/60 Fixed Divergence Slit Holder ...................................................................... 3 - 11
3.3.1 Accessories........................................................................................................................... 3 - 12 Fixed Divergence Slits......................................................................................... 3 - 12 PW3083/00 Fixed Slits for Low Angle Measurements ....................................... 3 - 13 Beam Masks......................................................................................................... 3 - 13 Beta-filters ........................................................................................................... 3 - 13 Attenuation Foil ................................................................................................... 3 - 13 PW3085/x0 Soller Slits........................................................................................ 3 - 14 PW3086/00 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit Holder ........................................... 3 - 14 PW3087/6x Automatic Beam Attenuators .......................................................... 3 - 16
3.3.2 Using Fixed Divergence Slits............................................................................................... 3 - 17 Determination of Irradiated Length ..................................................................... 3 - 17
3.4 Use of Fixed Slits in Other Devices.................................................................................. 3 - 18
Divergence slits are fitted in the incident beam path to control the equatorial divergence of the incident beam,
and thus, the amount (length) of the sample that is irradiated by the incident X-ray beam.
Divergence slits can also be used in combination with an X-ray mirror or a hybrid monochromator. When used
together with these devices, the slit controls the height of the emerging X-ray beam rather than the divergence.
Two types of slit are available on X’Pert PRO systems: Programmable Divergence Slit (PDS) and Fixed
Divergence Slit(s) (FDS).
This chapter describes the divergence slits that are used with line focus applications. If your application uses
point focus the task of controlling beam divergence is performed by incident beam collimators which are
described in Part II - Chapter 8.
3.1.1 Applications
Typical applications in which the divergence slits are used are: phase analysis, omega-stress analysis,
reflectivity, and thin-film phase analysis.
3.2.1 Accessories Beam Masks
Four beam masks marked 5, 10, 15 and 20 are supplied together with the programmable divergence slit. These
masks are used to control the irradiated width on the sample. Beam masks must be installed into the beam mask
holder on the programmable divergence slit. The relationship between the beam mask marking, the goniometer
radius and the irradiated width on the sample for the programmable divergence slit is given in Table 4.1.
Mount the beam mask holder onto the programmable divergence slit by fixing the four screws that hold the beam
mask holder on the appropriate position on the front of the programmable divergence slit. Mount the holder so
that the beam masks can be easily inserted and removed.
Reference Cross
Figure 3.2: Beam Mask Holder Adjustment Position on the Fluorescence Disk Beta-filters
There are four beta-filters that can be used with the programmable divergence slit, they are:
Ni filter (PW3151/03) for Cu Kα radiation
Fe filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Co Kα radiation
V filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Cr Kα radiation
Zr filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Mo Kα radiation
The filter must be installed (mounted) in the slot for attenuation foil or beta-filter as shown in Figure 3.1.
Fixed 4º, 2º, 1º, 1/2º, 1/4º, The size of the divergence slit can be set to one of these fixed
1/8º, 1/16º, 1/32º values.
Automatic 0.5 to 20 mm in steps of 0.5 The irradiated length of the sample can be defined.
mm Depending on the measured ω angle the divergence is auto-
matically changed to ensure that the irradiated length of the
sample remains constant over full measured angular range.
Offset: 0 to minimum value When the programmable divergence slit is used in automatic
of: mode the irradiated length on the sample can be offset by
(irradiated length/2) and setting an offset value in the data collector software. When
(20 - irrad. length/2) mm the offset is set to 0 mm (standard setting) the sample is
in steps of 0.25 mm. symmetrically irradiated with respect to the goniometer axis.
The offset can be set either When a negative value is entered the irradiated area on the
positive or negative. sample is moved towards the X-ray tube, when a positive
value is entered the irradiated area on the sample is moved
towards the detector. The offset value can be set in the range
0 mm to 5 mm in steps of 0.25 mm).
Please note that the relative intensities measured with a PDS in automatic mode will considerably differ from
those measured in fixed mode. If you want to compare the results with data measured with fixed slits you can
use the conversion formula given below.
R × ( sin ω × sin δ )
L = -------------------------------------------------
( sin2 ω – sin2 ( δ ⁄ 2 ) )
3.3.1 Accessories Fixed Divergence Slits
Six fixed divergence slits marked 4º, 2º, 1º, 1/2º, 1/4º and 1/32º are supplied together with the PW3082/60 Fixed
Divergence Slit Holder. These slits are used to control the divergence of the incident X-ray beam, and thus the
irradiated length on the sample. The fixed divergence slits must be inserted into the slot for fixed divergence slits
on the PreFIX module. Beta-filters
There are four beta-filters that can be used with the fixed divergence slit holder, they are:
Ni filter (PW3151/03) for Cu Kα radiation
Fe filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Co Kα radiation
V filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Cr Kα radiation
Zr filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Mo Kα radiation
The filter must be installed (mounted) in the slot for attenuation foil or beta-filter as shown in Figure 3.5.
R × ( sin ω × sin δ )
L = -------------------------------------------------
( sin2 ω – sin2 ( δ ⁄ 2 ) )
Fixed Slit Sizes Item Chapter
4º - 1/16º PW3086/00 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit Holder for Divergence Slit II - 20
1/ º - 1/4º PW3086/60 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit Holder for X-ray Mirror II - 20
PW3086/65 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit Holder for Hybrid Monochromator II - 20
PW3086/7x Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit Holder for Focusing X-ray Mirror II - 20
1/ º - 1/32º PW3088/6x X-ray Mirror II - 6
PW3147/x0 Hybrid Monochromator for MRD II - 7
PW3149/63 Hybrid Monochromator 2X for MPD II - 7
PW3150/63 Hybrid Monochromator 4X for MPD II - 7
PW3152/63 Focusing X-ray Mirror for Cu Kα Radiation II - 6
4.1 General................................................................................................................................. 4 - 3
4.1.1 Applications............................................................................................................................ 4 - 3
4.2 Beam Mask Set (Accessory to PW3081/60 or PW3082/60)............................................. 4 - 3
4.2.1 Irradiated Width ..................................................................................................................... 4 - 4
4.3 PW3089/00 Beam Mask Set ............................................................................................... 4 - 5
Beam masks are fitted in the incident beam path to control the axial width of the incident beam, thus defining
the amount (width) of the sample that is irradiated by the incident X-ray beam. Control of the axial divergence
of the X-ray beam is performed by Soller slits.
This chapter describes the beam masks that are used with line focus applications. If your application uses point
focus the task of controlling beam divergence is performed by incident beam collimators which are described in
Part II - Chapter 8. Diffracted beam masks are described in Part II - Chapter 17.
There are two sets of incident beam masks, one set is delivered as part of the PreFIX divergence slits
(PW3081/60 or PW3082/60), and the other set is supplied as an accessory for use with the X-ray mirror
(PW3088/6x, PW3148/6x, or PW3152/63).
4.1.1 Applications
Incident beam masks are used in all line focus applications (phase analysis, omega-stress analysis, reflectivity
and thin film phase analysis) in both para-focusing and parallel beam geometry. Their function in all of these
configurations is the same; beam masks define the irradiated width of the sample. The size of the beam mask
opening must be such that the incident X-ray beam is completely accepted by the sample during the complete
Table 4.1: Relationship between Mask’s Marking and Irradiated Width in millimeters at three
Different Radii for the Programmable Divergence Slit
Table 4.2: Relationship between Mask’s Marking and Irradiated Width in millimeters at three
Different Radii for the Fixed Divergence Slit Holder
If your goniometer has a radius other than those shown in Table 4.1 or Table 4.2 you can interpolate (extrapolate)
the values shown in the tables. Select a beam mask with such a size that the irradiated width on the sample is
smaller than the size (width) of the sample in the axial direction.
Soller Slits
5.1 General................................................................................................................................. 5 - 3
5.1.1 Applications............................................................................................................................ 5 - 3 Para-focusing Geometry ........................................................................................ 5 - 3 Parallel Beam Geometry ........................................................................................ 5 - 3
5.2 Types and Where Used....................................................................................................... 5 - 5
5.2.1 PW3085/10 Soller Slits Assembly (0.01 rad) ........................................................................ 5 - 6
5.2.2 PW3085/11 Soller Slits Assembly (0.01 rad) ........................................................................ 5 - 6
5.2.3 PW3085/20 Soller Slits Assembly (0.02 rad) ........................................................................ 5 - 6
5.2.4 PW3085/21 Soller Slits Assembly (0.02 rad) ........................................................................ 5 - 7
5.2.5 PW3085/40 Soller Slits Assembly (0.04 rad) ........................................................................ 5 - 7
5.2.6 PW3085/41 Soller Slits Assembly (0.04 rad) ........................................................................ 5 - 7
5.2.7 PW3085/80 Soller Slits Assembly (0.08 rad) ........................................................................ 5 - 7
5.2.8 PW3085/81 Soller Slits Assembly (0.08 rad) ........................................................................ 5 - 7
Soller slits are a set of parallel plates which are fitted into the incident and diffracted beam path parallel to the
diffraction plane to control the axial divergence of the X-ray beam. Using Soller slits improves the peak shape
and the resolution in 2θ based scans, especially at low scattering angles.
This chapter deals with the types of Soller slits which are used in X’Pert PRO systems. Soller slits only control
the axial divergence or acceptance of the X-ray beam; the axial width of the X-ray beam is controlled by the use
of incident and diffracted beam masks. Refer to Chapters 4 and 17 in Part II of this User’s Guide for information
about the use of these masks.
5.1.1 Applications Para-focusing Geometry
In Bragg-Brentano para-focusing geometry Soller slits can be used in combination with slit optics. Control of
the equatorial divergence of the incident beam and the acceptance of the diffracted beam is performed by slits.
Control of the axial divergence of the X-ray beam is performed by Soller slits.
Table 5.1: Devices that the Soller Slits can be used with
Beam Type
Soller Slits Item Chapter
Path Number
D PW3018/00 PIXcel II - 21
CAUTION Be careful when storing Soller slits that you are not using. The thin
parallel plates that make up the slits are quite fragile and can easily
be bent. Try to store them on a flat surface with the plates
NOTE: When the Soller slits assembly is inserted in the PW3081/60 Programmable Divergence Slit or in
the PW3082/60 Fixed Divergence Slit Holder, the lever for the shutter actuator must be mounted
on the top of the Soller slits assembly.
Mounting instructions are given in Part I - Chapter 4 (section of this User’s Guide. When you are
mounting the shutter lever, make sure that it positioned in such a way that it closes the shutter actuator
microswitch in the tube housing.
NOTE: When the Soller slits assembly is inserted in the PW3081/60 Programmable Divergence Slit or in
the PW3082/60 Fixed Divergence Slit Holder, the lever for the shutter actuator must be mounted
on the top of the Soller slits assembly.
Mounting instructions are given in Part I - Chapter 4 (section of this User’s Guide. When you are
mounting the shutter lever, make sure that it positioned in such a way that it closes the shutter actuator
microswitch in the tube housing.
Page 5.6 07.03.27
Part II - Chapter 5: Soller Slits
NOTE: When the Soller slits assembly is inserted in the PW3081/60 Programmable Divergence Slit or in
the PW3082/60 Fixed Divergence Slit Holder, the lever for the shutter actuator must be mounted
on the top of the Soller slits assembly.
Mounting instructions are given in Part I - Chapter 4 (section of this User’s Guide. When you are
mounting the shutter lever, make sure that it positioned in such a way that it closes the shutter actuator
microswitch in the tube housing.
X-ray Mirrors
6.1 General................................................................................................................................. 6 - 3
6.2 Parabolic X-ray Mirrors .................................................................................................... 6 - 3
6.2.1 Applications............................................................................................................................ 6 - 4 Thin Film Phase Analysis and Reflectivity ........................................................... 6 - 4 Omega-stress Analysis........................................................................................... 6 - 4 Analysis of Samples in Glass Capillaries .............................................................. 6 - 4 Phase Analysis ....................................................................................................... 6 - 5 Transmission .......................................................................................................... 6 - 5 High Resolution ..................................................................................................... 6 - 5
6.2.2 X-ray Mirrors for X’Pert PRO MRD Systems....................................................................... 6 - 5 PW3088/60 X-ray Mirror for Cu Radiation .......................................................... 6 - 6 PW3088/66 X-ray Mirror for Co Radiation .......................................................... 6 - 7 Accessories ............................................................................................................ 6 - 7
6.2.3 X-ray Mirrors for X’Pert PRO MPD Systems ..................................................................... 6 - 12 PW3148/63 X-ray Mirror for Cu Radiation ........................................................ 6 - 12 PW3148/66 X-ray Mirror for Co Radiation ........................................................ 6 - 13 Accessories .......................................................................................................... 6 - 14
6.2.4 Use........................................................................................................................................ 6 - 18 Recommended X-ray Tube Setting...................................................................... 6 - 18 Measuring the X-ray Mirror Offset Value ........................................................... 6 - 18 Optimizing the Intensity ...................................................................................... 6 - 19
6.3 Focusing X-ray mirror ..................................................................................................... 6 - 24
6.3.1 Applications.......................................................................................................................... 6 - 25 Powders on Foil(s) ............................................................................................... 6 - 25 Pharmaceutical Formulations (Tablets) ............................................................... 6 - 25 Foil or Fiber Samples........................................................................................... 6 - 25 Samples in Glass Capillaries................................................................................ 6 - 25
X-ray mirrors are beam conditioners that are able to reshape the divergent X-ray beams coming from the line
focus of an X-ray tube.
There are two types of X-ray mirror associated with X’Pert PRO, they are classified according to the shape of
the X-ray beam they produce:
- The parabolic X-ray mirror. This type converts a divergent X-ray beam into a monochromatic quasi-
parallel X-ray beam. These X-ray mirrors are described in section 6.2.
- The focusing X-ray mirror. This type converts a divergent X-ray beam into a monochromatic
focusing X-ray beam. These X-ray mirrors are described in section 6.3.
Diffracted Beam
X-ray Tube
Figure 6.1: The Graded Multilayer Parabolic X-ray Mirror
Two types of parabolic X-ray mirror are available for use on X’Pert PRO systems:
• X-ray mirror for X’Pert PRO MRD systems.
This type of X-ray mirror is designed for use on an X’Pert PRO MRD system with a goniometer radius
of 320 mm. These X-ray mirrors are described in section 6.2.2.
• X-ray mirror for X’Pert PRO MPD systems.
This type of X-ray mirror is designed for use on an X’Pert PRO MPD system with a goniometer radius
of 240 mm. These X-ray mirrors are described in section 6.2.3.
6.2.1 Applications
The mirror can be applied for measuring polycrystalline thin films, stressed materials, powders, irregularly
shaped samples and epitaxial layers.
where h = the height of the incident beam emerging from the X-ray mirror,
ω = the angle between the sample surface and the incident beam.
A typical value for the beam height from the X-ray mirror is 1.2 mm. This height can be reduced by installing a
divergence slit with a small aperture in the X-ray mirror. Transmission
The X-ray mirror can be used to measure thin foils in the transmission mode. A parallel plate collimator is used
on the diffracted beam side. The transmission geometry is especially useful for measurements on polymer foils,
which have low X-ray absorption and often show a preferred orientation of their molecular structure. Accessories
The accessories that can be used together with mirrors fall into two groups:
Those that are delivered with the mirror (a 1/2° and a 1/4° divergence slit, attenuation foils and beta-
filters, and an anti-scatter slit),
Those that must be ordered separately (low angle fixed slits, Soller slits, automatic beam attenuators
and a beam mask set.
Information about these accessories, their use, and mounting instructions are described in this section.
1/2° 1.2 0.12 + 1.2 / sin (ω) 0.2 + 1.2 / sin (ω)
1/4° 0.6 0.12 + 0.6 / sin (ω) 0.2 + 0.6 / sin (ω)
1/8° 0.3 0.12 + 0.3 / sin (ω) 0.2 + 0.3 / sin (ω)
1/16° 0.15 0.12 + 0.15 / sin (ω) 0.2 + 0.15 / sin (ω)
In this table ω is the angle between the incident beam and the sample surface.
NOTES: 1. We advise you to make a mark on the 1/2° slit that comes with the X-ray mirror so that you can
identify it as the slit to be used with the mirror. You should not use any other 1/2° slit (other than
the one you just marked) with the X-ray mirror.
2. Although the slit marking reads 1/2°, the actual position of the slit with respect to the line focus of
the X-ray tube determines the acceptance angle of the X-ray mirror to be 0.8°.
Which foil is delivered with which X-ray mirror is given in Table 6.2 together with their attenuation factor for
the characteristic radiation used.
The exact values for the attenuation factors for foils supplied with a mirror are shown on the attenuators
themselves and on the Acceptance Test Form for the mirror, which is supplied when the module is delivered.
These values can be entered in the data collector software and are used to automatically adjust the measured
intensity values.
The attenuation foil must be installed into one of the slots for attenuation foil (see Figure 6.2).
More information about this type of attenuation foil is given in Part II - Chapter 2, section 2.2.3.
A Ni filter intended for use with Cu radiation is included with the PW3088/60 X-ray Mirror for Cu radiation.
The filter’s foil thickness is 0.02 mm. An Fe filter intended for use with Co radiation is included with the
PW3088/66 X-ray Mirror for Co radiation. The filter’s foil thickness is 0.016 mm.
More information about this type of beta-filter is given in Part II - Chapter 2, section 2.3.2.
Now you can mount a reflectivity slit or the beam mask holder. Mounting instructions are given in Part II -
Chapter 2. Figure 6.4 shows the automatic beam attenuator with a anti-scatter slit mounted onto the X-ray mirror.
Screws A
Figure 6.4: PW3088/6x X-ray Mirror with a PW3087/6x Automatic Beam Attenuator with Anti-
scatter Slit Mounted
Mask 0.08 rad Soller Slits 0.04 rad Soller Slits 0.02 rad Soller Slits 0.01 rad Soller Slits
20 34 mm 27 mm 24 mm 22 mm
10 24 mm 17 mm 14 mm 12 mm
4 18 mm 11 mm 8 mm 6 mm
2 16 mm 9 mm 6 mm 4 mm
The beam mask must be installed into one of the slots for beam masks (see Figure 6.2).
For more information about beam masks, refer to Part II - Chapter 4.
Figure 6.5: PW3148/6x X-ray Mirror for X’Pert PRO MPD Systems
The PreFIX module housing is the same as that of the PW3148/63 X-ray Mirror described in section
The offset angle of the X-ray beam emerging from the X-ray mirror relative to the direct beam from the X-ray
tube is referred to as the mirror offset. This mirror offset is described in more detail in section Accessories
The accessories that can be used together with mirrors fall into two groups:
Those that are delivered with the mirror (a 1/2° and a 1/4° divergence slit, attenuation foils and beta-
filters, and an anti-scatter slit),
Those that must be ordered separately (low angle fixed slits, Soller slits, an anti-scatter slit holder, an
automatic beam attenuator and a beam mask set).
Information about these accessories, their use, and mounting instructions are described in this section.
Height of Irradiated
Slit Marking
Beam (mm) Length (mm)
In this table ω is the angle between the incident beam and the sample surface.
NOTES: 1. We advise you to make a mark on the 1/2° slit that comes with the X-ray mirror so that you can
identify it as the slit to be used with the mirror. You should not use any other 1/2° slit (other than
the one you just marked) with the X-ray mirror.
2. Although the slit marking reads 1/2°, the actual position of the slit with respect to the line focus of
the X-ray tube determines the acceptance angle of the X-ray mirror to be 0.8°.
Which foil is delivered with which X-ray mirror is given in Table 6.5 together with their attenuation factor for
the characteristic radiation used.
The exact values for the attenuation factors for foils supplied with a mirror are shown on the attenuators
themselves and on the Acceptance Test Form for the mirror, which is supplied when the module is delivered.
These values can be entered in the data collector software and are used to automatically adjust the measured
intensity values.
The attenuation foil must be installed into one of the slots for attenuation foil (see Figure 6.5).
More information about this type of attenuation foil is given in Part II - Chapter 2, section 2.2.3. PW3086/60 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit Holder for X-ray Mirror
If you want to use an X-ray mirror in a capillary spinner configuration you must use an anti-scatter slit. In order
to mount the slit you must first install the PW3086/60 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit Holder.
This holder includes a direct beam stop to protect the detector from being exposed to the high intensity of the
direct beam; and to allow measurements from 3º 2θ upwards in the capillary spinner configuration.
Screw Mounting an Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit Holder onto an X-ray Mirror
Mount the anti-scatter slit holder on the X-ray mirror as follows:
1. Remove the Soller slits holder by unscrewing the screws marked B in Figure 6.5. If a beam attenuator is
mounted, refer to section for information about removing it.
2. Place the anti-scatter slit holder in the location where you just removed the Soller slits holder or
automatic beam attenuator and secure it using the two screws used to mount the Soller slits holder onto
the X-ray mirror.
Alignment of the incident beam anti-scatter slit holders is described in Part II - Chapter 20.
Figure 6.7: PW3087/6x Automatic Beam Attenuator Mounted onto an X-ray Mirror
20 28 mm 24 mm 22 mm 21 mm
10 18 mm 14 mm 12 mm 11 mm
4 12 mm 8 mm 6 mm 5 mm
2 10 mm 6 mm 4 mm 3 mm
The beam mask must be installed into one of the slots for beam masks (see Figure 6.2).
For more information about beam masks, refer to Part II - Chapter 4.
6.2.4 Use
This section deals with measuring the X-ray mirror offset value and with checking the intensity of the output
from the X-ray mirror.
6. Make a 2θ scan to find the peak position of the direct X-ray beam from the X-ray mirror. Note this
position as 2θB.
7. The X-ray mirror offset is calculated by (2θB - 2θA).
8. Enter the reverse of the offset value into the data collector software, so that the 2theta and omega axes
are automatically offset when you select the X-ray mirror as the incident beam PreFIX module. This
means, for example: if your calculation of the offset results in -1.1º you actually enter 1.1º, whereas if
your calculation resulted in +1.1º you enter -1.1º.
PW3097/60 or Rocking Curve Optics > 3.4 x 109 cps > 2.1 x 109 cps
PW3093/60 & Programmable Receiving Slit (3 mm) and > 3.4 x 109 cps > 2.1 x 109 cps
PW3091/x0 Programmable Anti-scatter Slit (4°) (no Soller slits)
PW3015/x0 & X’Celerator (90º rotated, receiving slit mode, > 1.2 x 109 cps > 0.8 x 109 cps
maximum active length (9 mm)) and
PW3x94/30 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Holder (with 13 mm slit
inserted), (no Soller slits)
PW3018/00 & PIXcel (receiving slit mode, maximum active length > 2 x 109 cps > 1.2 x 109 cps
(14 mm)) and
PW3490/00 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Holder (no slit inserted)
(no Soller slits)
PW3098/09 Parallel Plate Collimator, 0.09° (no Soller slits) > 1.8 x 109 cps > 0.9 x 109 cps
PW3098/18 Parallel Plate Collimator, 0.18° (no Soller slits) > 2 x 109 cps > 1.3 x 109 cps
PW3098/27 Parallel Plate Collimator, 0.27° (no Soller slits) > 3 x 109 cps > 1.8 x 109 cps
PW3097/60 Rocking Curve Optics > 6 x 109 cps > 5.5 x 109 cps
PW3093/60 & Programmable Receiving Slit (3 mm) and > 6 x 109 cps > 5.5 x 109 cps
PW3091/60 Programmable Anti-scatter Slit (4°) (no Soller slits)
PW3015/x0 & X’Celerator (90º rotated, receiving slit mode, > 2.1 x 109 cps > 2.0 x 109 cps
maximum active length (9 mm)) and
PW3x94/30 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Holder (with 13 mm slit
inserted) (no Soller slits)
PW3098/09 Parallel Plate Collimator, 0.09° (No Soller slits) > 3 x 109 cps >2.7 x 109 cps
PW3098/18 Parallel Plate Collimator, 0.18° (No Soller slits) > 3.8 x 109 cps > 3.5 x 109 cps
PW3098/27 Parallel Plate Collimator, 0.27° (No Soller slits) > 4.8 x 109 cps > 4.4 x 109 cps
PW3018/00 & PIXcel (receiving slit mode, maximum active length > 3.5 x 109 cps > 3.2 x 109 cps
(14 mm)) and
PW3490/00 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Holder (no slit inserted) (no
Soller slits)
NOTES: 1. When you use 0.04 rad Soller slits in the Soller slits holder of the X-ray mirror, you must expect
an intensity drop of around 30%.
2. The direct beam intensities were determined with a new tube, be aware that the X-ray tube
intensities decrease in time.
3. After intensive use in the incident beam the X-ray mirror will show degraded surfaces. Therefore,
the X-ray mirror may not completely reach the specified intensities. If this is the case call your
local PANalytical Service Engineer.
Page 6.20 07.03.27
Part II - Chapter 6: X-ray Mirrors
Table 6.9: Summary of Absolute Intensities of the Direct Beam of a PW3088/60 X-ray Mirror in
combination with a Ge Monochromator (12 mm) for X’Pert PRO Extended MRD Systems
Ge (220)
Type Number Diffracted Beam Optics Ge (220)
12 mm
12 mm
PW3018/00 & PIXcel (receiving slit mode, maximum > 10 x 106 cps > 26 x 106 cps
active length (14 mm)); and
PW3490/00 & PW3490/32 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Holders (no slit
inserted), (no Soller Slits)
NOTE: When a crossed slits assembly is fitted onto the high-resolution monochromator the intensity is
reduced by approximately 10%. Tube Height Adjustment for Systems other than X’Pert PRO Extended MRD
This section describes the tube height adjustment procedures for X’Pert PRO diffraction systems other than
X’Pert PRO Extended MRD.
To adjust the height position of the X-ray tube relative to the X-ray mirror, proceed as follows:
1. Mount the X-ray mirror onto the incident beam PreFIX position. Place a 1/2° divergence slit and an
attenuation foil into the X-ray mirror to protect the detector. Use a combined copper/nickel attenuation
foil when you are using Cu radiation and an iron (0.2 mm) attenuation foil when you are using Co
radiation. Make sure that the mirror offset (see section is correctly introduced in the data
collector software.
2. Mount one of the diffracted beam optics as summarized in Table 6.7 or Table 6.8. Use the settings given
in these tables.
3. Set ω = 0°, 2θ = 0° and make sure that the direct beam is not obstructed by the sample or the sample
4. Set the tube power to 30 kV and 50 mA.
5. Make a 2θ scan to find the peak position of the direct X-ray beam.
6. Set 2θ at the peak position.
7. Note the peak intensity value.
8. Close the shutter, open the enclosure doors and proceed as follows:
a. Loosen (turn 45º anti-clockwise) the upper (nearest the top of the X-ray tube) of the two knurled
knobs at the back of the X-ray tube housing (refer to Part II - Chapter 1 - Figure 1.9).
b. Tighten (turn 45º clockwise) the lower of the two knurled knobs at the back of the X-ray tube
housing to move the X-ray tube (approximately 25 μm).
c. Close the enclosure doors, open the shutter and note the intensity value.
9. If the intensity is higher than that noted in step 7, continue repeating step 8 until the intensity does not
increase any further (if necessary you can make smaller steps, say: approximately 10 μm); then
continue with step 11. If the intensity is lower than that noted in step 7, continue with step 10.
10. Close the shutter, open the enclosure doors and proceed as follows:
a. Loosen (turn 45º anti-clockwise) the lower (furthest from the top of the X-ray tube) of the two
knurled knobs at the back of the X-ray tube housing (refer to Part II - Chapter 1 - Figure 1.9).
b. Tighten (turn 45º clockwise) the upper of the two knurled knobs at the back of the X-ray tube
housing to move the X-ray tube in the opposite direction (approximately 25 μm).
c. Close the enclosure doors, open the shutter and note the intensity value.
d. If the intensity is higher than that noted in step 7, continue repeating this action until the intensity
does not increase any further (if necessary you can make smaller steps, say: approximately 10 μm);
then continue with step 11.
11. Tighten both screws (only hand tight, no more) to lock the tube into position. Tube Height Adjustment for X’Pert PRO Extended MRD Systems
This section describes the tube height adjustment procedures for X’Pert PRO Extended MRD systems.
To adjust the height position of the X-ray tube relative to the X-ray mirror, proceed as follows:
1. Mount the X-ray tube on the standard tube position on the extended arm, or on the extended tube
position. Make sure that the mirror offset (see sections and is correctly introduced in
the data collector software.
2. Mount one of the diffracted beam optics as summarized in Table 6.7. Use the settings given in these
3. Mount the X-ray mirror onto the incident beam PreFIX position. Place a 1/2° divergence slit and an
attenuation foil into the X-ray mirror to protect the detector. Use a combined copper/nickel attenuation
foil when you are using Cu radiation and an iron (0.2 mm) attenuation foil when you are using Co
4. Set ω = 0°, 2θ = 0° and make sure that the direct beam is not obstructed by the sample or the sample
5. Set the tube power to 45 kV and 40 mA if you have a copper tube, and to 40 kV and 40 mA if you have
a cobalt tube.
6. Make a 2θ scan to find the peak position of the direct X-ray beam.
7. Set 2θ at the peak position.
8. Note the peak intensity value.
9. Close the shutter, open the enclosure doors and proceed as follows:
a. Insert an Allen key into the tube height adjustment screw underneath the top of the X-ray tube
b. Turn the Allen key 45º counter-clockwise to move the X-ray tube (approximately 25 μm).
c. Close the enclosure doors, open the shutter and note the intensity value.
NOTE: The tube height adjustment screw has some play built into it to allow for when the adjustment
direction is changed. When you change from adjusting the tube height upwards, to downwards (or
vice-versa) the adjustment screw must be turned through approximately two full rotations before
the tube height starts to change.
10. Check the intensity:
a. If the intensity is higher than that noted in step 8, continue repeating step 9 until the intensity does
not increase any further (if necessary you can make smaller steps, say: approximately 10 μm); then
continue with step 12.
b. If the intensity is lower than that noted in step 8, you must change the adjustment direction. Turn
the screw through a complete rotation clockwise (until the play is taken up) and then continue with
step 11.
c. If the intensity is unchanged from that noted in step 8, the play in the adjustment mechanism is in
effect. In this case turn the screw through a complete rotation counter-clockwise (until the play is
taken up) and then perform step 9 again.
11. Close the shutter, open the enclosure doors and proceed as follows:
a. Turn the Allen key 45º clockwise to move the X-ray tube in the opposite direction (approximately
25 μm).
b. Close the enclosure doors, open the shutter and note the intensity value.
c. If the intensity is higher than that noted in step 8, continue repeating this action until the intensity
does not increase any further; then continue with step 12.
12. The adjustment procedure is complete. Remove the Allen key.
6.3.1 Applications
The mirror can be applied for measuring powders between foils, tablets, polymeric foils and fibers, or samples
in glass capillaries.
6.3.3 Accessories
The accessories that can be used together with mirrors fall into two groups:
Those that are delivered together with the mirror: two divergence slits (a 1/2° and a 1/4°), an attenua-
tion foil, a beta-filter, and an anti-scatter slit,
those that must be ordered separately: Soller slits, an anti-scatter device, an automatic beam attenuator
and a beam mask set.
Information about these accessories, their use, and their mounting instructions are described in this section.
NOTES: 1. We advise you to make a mark on the 1/2° slit that comes with the X-ray mirror so that you can
identify it as the slit to be used with the mirror. You should not use any other 1/2° slit (other than
the one you just marked) with the X-ray mirror.
2. Although the slit marking reads 1/2°, the actual position of the slit with respect to the line focus
of the X-ray tube determines the acceptance angle of the X-ray mirror to be 0.8°.
An attenuation foil MUST be mounted in the housing slot in the
mirror housing in order to attenuate the beam whenever the
measured intensity is expected to exceed the maximum count rate
of the detector used.
The attenuation factor of the foil supplied with the focusing X-ray mirror is about 18 000. The exact value is
shown on the attenuator itself and on the Acceptance Test Form for the mirror, which is supplied when the
module is delivered. This value can be entered into the data collector software and is then used to automatically
adjust the measured intensity values.
The attenuation foil must be installed into one of the slots for attenuation foil (see Figure 6.5).
More information about this type of attenuation foil is given in Part II - Chapter 2, section 2.2.3. PW3086/7x Incident Beam Anti-scatter Device for Focusing X-ray Mirror
If you want to use a focusing X-ray mirror, we advise you to have an incident beam anti-scatter slit mounted in
order to reduce the background radiation. In order to mount this slit you must first install an incident beam anti-
scatter slit holder onto the X-ray mirror. There are two types of incident beam anti-scatter slit holder that can be
used with the focusing X-ray mirror:
- The PW3086/70 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Device is designed for use in combination with a
PW3063/00 Capillary Spinner, a PW3076/00 Transmission Spinner or in high-throughput
- The PW3086/75 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Device is designed for use in combination with a
PW3064/60 Reflection-transmission Spinner.
The PW3086/7x Incident Beam Anti-scatter Device comes with two anti-scatter slits, marked 1/2° and 1/4°. If
you would like to make use of the full beam coming off the focusing X-ray mirror, you should use the 1/2° slit.
You can use the 1/4° slit when you are working with thin capillaries or when you would like to measure at very
low angles, close to 1° 2θ. In this case it is advisable to insert a 1/4° slit in the slot for the equatorial slit on the
focusing X-ray mirror module.
The PW3086/7x Incident Beam Anti-scatter Device also contains a slot that can be used to insert a beam mask
from the PW3089/00 Beam Mask Set.
The PW3086/70 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Device includes a direct beam stop to protect the detector from
being exposed to the direct beam; and to allow measurements from 1º 2θ upwards in the capillary spinner
configuration. A special direct beam stop is delivered with Oxford Cryosystem’s Cryostream Plus. This beam
stop is used for capillary sample measurements at non-ambient temperatures (see also section in
Chapter 13 in Part II of this User’s Guide).
For configurations in which the focusing X-ray mirror is used in combination with a PW3064/60 Reflection-
transmission Spinner, a PW3064/20 Direct Beam Stop can be mounted onto the spinner. Please refer to section of Chapter 12 of Part II of this User's Guide for more information about this beam stop.
Information about the selection of incident and diffracted beam anti-scatter devices and in combination with
sample stages and direct beam stops is given in section
More information about PW3086/7x Anti-scatter Devices, including mounting the beam stop, is given in
sections 20.2.4 and 20.2.5 in Chapter 20 of Part II of this User's Guide.
Figure 6.10: PW3086/70 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Device Mounted onto a Focusing X-ray Mirror
Figure 6.11: PW3086/75 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Device Mounted onto a Focusing X-ray Mirror Mounting an Incident Beam Anti-scatter Device onto a Focusing X-ray Mirror
Mount the PW3086/7x Anti-scatter Device onto the focusing X-ray mirror as follows:
1. Remove the Soller slits holder by unscrewing the screws marked B in Figure 6.9. If a beam attenuator is
mounted, refer to section for information about removing it.
2. Place the anti-scatter device in the location where you just removed the Soller slits holder or automatic
beam attenuator and secure it using the two screws used to mount the Soller slits holder onto the X-ray
Use of the incident beam anti-scatter devices is described in Part II - Chapter 20.
Mask 0.04 rad Soller Slits 0.02 rad Soller Slits 0.01 rad Soller Slits
20 24 mm 22 mm 21 mm
10 14 mm 12 mm 11 mm
4 8 mm 6 mm 5 mm
2 6 mm 4 mm 3 mm
For more information about beam masks, refer to Chapter 4 of Part II of this User's Guide.
6.3.4 Use
This section deals with measuring the X-ray mirror offset value and with checking the intensity of the output
from the X-ray mirror.
PW3015/x0 & X'Celerator (90° rotated, receiving slit mode, maximum active > 2.4 x 109 cps
length (9 mm)) and Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Holder (no slit
PW3x94/30 inserted) (no Soller slits)
PW3015/x0 & X’Celerator (90º rotated, receiving slit mode, maximum active > 2.4 x 109 cps
length (9 mm)) and
PW3091/x0 Programable Anti-scatter Slit (4°), (no Soller slits)
PW3018/00 & PIXcel (receiving slit mode, maximum active length (14 mm)) > 3.2 x 109 cps
PW3490/00 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Holder (no slit inserted) (no Soller slits)
PW3018/00 & PIXcel (receiving slit mode, maximum active length (14 mm)) > 3.2 x 109 cps
PW3091/70 Programable Anti-scatter Slit (4°), (no Soller slits)
NOTES: 1. When you use 0.04 rad Soller slits in the Soller slits holder of the focusing X-ray mirror, you must
expect an intensity drop of around 30%.
2. The direct beam intensities were determined with a new tube, be aware that the X-ray tube
intensities decrease in time.
3. After intensive use in the incident beam the focusing X-ray mirror will show degraded surfaces.
Therefore, the focusing X-ray mirror may not completely reach the specified intensities. If this is
the case call your local PANalytical Service Engineer.
Table 6.12: Advised Combinations of Anti-scatter Devices, Beam Stops and Sample Stages used in
Combination with the Focusing X-ray Mirror and the X’Celerator
PW3063/00 PW3086/70 with direct PW3x94/30 + PW3x94/35 Always use direct beam stop.
Capillary Spinner beam stop mounted Minimum 2θ angle in
measurement > 1°
NOTE: PW3x94/30 indicates that you can either use a PW3094/30 or a PW3494/30 Diffracted Beam Anti-
scatter Slit with the X'Celerator. PW3x94/35 means that you can use either a PW3094/35 or a
Table 6.13: Advised Combinations of Anti-scatter Devices, Beam Stops and Sample Stages used in
Combination with the Focusing X-ray Mirror and the PIXcel
PW3063/00 PW3086/70 with PW3490/00 + PW3494/35 Always use direct beam stop.
Capillary Spinner direct beam stop Minimum 2θ angle in
mounted measurement > 1°
7.1 General................................................................................................................................. 7 - 3
7.2 High-resolution Monochromators..................................................................................... 7 - 3
7.2.1 PreFIX High-resolution Monochromators ............................................................................. 7 - 4
7.2.2 PW3110/61 Ge(220) Asymmetrical Monochromator............................................................ 7 - 7
7.2.3 PW3110/62 Ge(220) Monochromator.................................................................................... 7 - 7
7.2.4 PW3110/64 Ge(440) Monochromator.................................................................................... 7 - 7
7.2.5 PW3110/65 Ge(220) 12 mm Monochromator ....................................................................... 7 - 7
7.2.6 PW3110/66 Ge(220) Asymmetrical 12 mm Monochromator................................................ 7 - 7
7.2.7 Accessories............................................................................................................................. 7 - 8 PW3143/20 Crossed Slits Assembly for X’Pert PRO MRD Systems................... 7 - 8 PW3144/60 Crossed Slits Assembly for X’Pert PRO MPD Systems ................... 7 - 8
7.2.8 Using the High-resolution Monochromator ........................................................................... 7 - 8 Adjusting the Beam Size........................................................................................ 7 - 8
7.3 Focusing Beam Johansson Monochromators................................................................... 7 - 9
7.3.1 Applications............................................................................................................................ 7 - 9
7.3.2 PW3113/60 Focusing Beam Johansson Monochromator ...................................................... 7 - 9 Accessories .......................................................................................................... 7 - 10
7.3.3 Use........................................................................................................................................ 7 - 12 Recommended X-ray Tube Setting...................................................................... 7 - 12 Changing the Tube Shield Position ..................................................................... 7 - 12 Tube Focus Height Positioning............................................................................ 7 - 13 Tuning the Monochromator Crystal .................................................................... 7 - 14 Irradiated Length.................................................................................................. 7 - 19
Incident beam monochromators are used when, rather than the Kα doublet, the Kα1 single line of a specific
anode material is needed. In analyses where the resolution is of high importance and when the shape of the
reflection should be described accurately, the incident beam monochromator is an important tool. The
monochromator is placed in the incident beam path between the X-ray tube and the sample.
There are three types of monochromator associated with X’Pert PRO:
• High-resolution monochromators
High-resolution monochromators are four-crystal monochromators which are commonly used for
measurements on nearly perfect semiconductor crystals and epitaxial layers. They select a narrow band
out of the Kα1 line. High-resolution monochromators are described in section 7.2.
• Focusing beam Johansson monochromators
Focusing beam Johansson monochromators consist of a symmetrically cut “Johansson” Ge (111)
crystal. The monochromator provides pure Kα1 radiation; the Kα2 component of the radiation from the
X-ray tube is completely removed. The Johansson monochromator is useful for phase analysis and
crystallography using Bragg-Brentano geometry. This monochromator is described in section 7.3.
• Hybrid monochromators
Hybrid monochromators consist of a parabolic X-ray mirror and a channel-cut Ge crystal combined in
one module. Its applications range from phase analysis with parallel beam to high resolution analysis of
epitaxial layers. Hybrid monochromators are described in section 7.4.
Monochromator Housing
Crystal 2b Crystal 1a
Crystal 2a Crystal 1b
Figure 7.1: The principle of the Bartels Monochromator
The wavelength spread is less than the natural line width of the Cu Kα1 line. The divergence of the beam exiting
the housing is approximately equal to the width of the Darwin-Prins [5] curve, which defines the angular range
of the Bragg reflections that will occur in a perfect crystal. Each reflection at the crystal surfaces sharpens the
flanks of the diffraction profile, thus giving a very low background intensity at angles only a few seconds away
from the main peak. A more detailed description of the principles of high-resolution monochromators is given
in [4].
A variant on these channel cut monochromators are the high-resolution monochromators with asymmetrically
cut channels. In these asymmetrically cut channels the surfaces are inclined a pre-determined angle to the (110)
lattice plane. This modified diffraction geometry leads to an increase in the intensity of the monochromatic beam
at the cost of a higher angular divergence and a larger wavelength spread. For more information refer to [6].
Ge (220) Asym.
Ge (440)
Adjustment Knob
for Beam Width
Beam Height Adjustment Knob
Scale for Beam Height
Ge (220)
Crossed Slits
Figure 7.3: The Three High-resolution Monochromators with PW3143/20 Crossed Slits Assembly
Type Focus Direct Beam
Item (deg) Applications
Number type Intensity
(arc seconds)
PW3110/65 & Ge(220) Line ≤ 0.0035º ≥ 18 000 000 cps Routine high
Four-crystal (≤ 13”) at 45 kV, 40 mA resolution setting
(12 mm) & with rocking curve at high intensities
PW3088/60 X-ray mirror assembly or
receiving slit
≥ 10 000 000 cps
with PIXcel
PW3110/66 & Ge(220) Line ≤ 0.0059º ≥ 45 000 000 cps Fast high
Asymmetric (≤ 21”) at 45 kV, 40 mA resolution
Four-crystal with rocking curve measurements at
(12 mm) assembly or medium resolution
PW3088/60 & X-ray Mirror programmable
receiving slit
≥ 26 000 000 cps
with PIXcel
NOTES: 1. The direct beam intensities were determined with a new X-ray tube. The X-ray beam emitting from
a tube decreases in time.
2. The optional crossed slits assembly should be fully opened.
3. The intensities were measured without a crossed slits assembly. If your system includes one you
should reduce the expected intensities by 10% for line focus.
4. You can only compare FWHMs values that you measure, with the values in the above table; if you
measure them on the (111) reflection of the Si(111) Single Crystal Reference Sample (part of
5. Count rates above 1 000 000 cps can saturate the detector. Make sure that you use an attenuator if
you expect values at or above this level.
6. After extensive use of high-resolution monochromators the germanium crystals will show degraded
surfaces. Therefore, extensively used monochromators may not completely reach the specified
intensities. If this is the case call your local PANalytical Service Engineer.
Line Focus
Entrance (12 mm)
Point Focus
Entrance (5 mm)
7.2.7 Accessories PW3143/20 Crossed Slits Assembly for X’Pert PRO MRD Systems
The PW3143/20 Crossed Slits Assembly (see Figure 7.3) is an optional device for use with a high-resolution
monochromator on an X’Pert PRO MRD system. It controls how much of the sample that is irradiated (both
length and width) by the beam emitting from the high-resolution monochromator. The slit opening can be
continuously adjusted between 0 mm and 10 mm. The accuracy of the opening is ± 0.02 mm.
This accessory is factory aligned and therefore should not be removed from the PreFIX module.
NOTE: When a crossed slits assembly is fitted onto a line focus high-resolution monochromator the direct
beam intensity with the crossed slits fully open is reduced by approximately 10% with respect to
the intensity given in Table 7.1. PW3144/60 Crossed Slits Assembly for X’Pert PRO MPD Systems
If a PW3144/60 Crossed Slits Assembly for X’Pert PRO MPD systems is mounted onto a high-resolution
monochromator you can set the aperture by rotating the metal disks to the selectable openings of between 0.25
mm and 5.00 mm. The disk nearest to the X-ray tube controls the width of the X-ray beam and the disk furthest
away from the tube controls the height of the beam.
The height of the X-ray beam passing through the high-resolution monochromator is 1.2 mm. This size can be
reduced by making the aperture smaller.
For a detailed description of the relationship between the size (height and width) of the beam coming out of the
high-resolution monochromator and the irradiated area on the sample, refer to Fewster [7].
7.3.1 Applications
The Johansson monochromator is used in experiments where the peak shape and/or the integrated intensities of
the diffraction peaks must be determined very accurately. Use of the Kα doublet results in broadened or doubled
peaks in the diffractogram. Procedures for mathematical “stripping” of the Kα2 exist, but they are not ideal. They
sometimes leave “ripples” in the tails of the peaks, or they change the peak shape slightly. Using a Johansson
monochromator circumvents the requirement to apply Kα2 stripping to experimental data. The use of a
monochromator enables the production of data which allow crystal structure solving from powder diffraction
measurements, indexing of powder patterns, Rietveld refinement and size-strain analysis.
The interface onto which the monochromator is mounted has two positions where the tube shield can be placed:
the standard position and the α1 position. When the tube shield is placed in the α1 position the X-rays from the
tube are accepted by the monochromator as is shown in Figure 7.8. The X-ray beam is focused on the (virtual)
line focus position of the Bragg-Brentano geometry. This geometry is called the α1 reflection geometry. When
the tube is placed in the standard position as is shown in Figure 7.9, all other diffraction geometries applicable
to X’Pert PRO MPD can be configured.
Figure 7.6: PW3113/60 Focusing Beam Johansson Monochromator with Anti-scatter Pipes Accessories Irradiation Slits
Two irradiation slits marked Cu and Co are included with the PW3113/60 Focusing Beam Johansson
Monochromator. They are for use with copper and cobalt radiation respectively. They are shown in Figure 7.7.
When this slit is inserted, it limits the germanium crystal’s acceptance of the X-ray beam from the line focus of
the X-ray tube to 2º. The crystal is then irradiated over its complete length by the X-ray beam.
7.3.3 Use Recommended X-ray Tube Setting
If you have an X’Pert PRO Alpha-1 system that is aligned for use with copper radiation you must use the special
ceramic copper X-ray tube (see Part II - Chapter 1, section 1.3.2). The recommended high-tension generator
maximum settings for this X-ray tube are 45 kV and 40 mA.
If your incident beam monochromator is aligned for use with cobalt radiation you must use the PW3376/00
Ceramic Cobalt X-ray Tube. The recommended high-tension generator settings for this X-ray tube used together
with a Johansson monochromator are 40 kV and 40 mA.
Move the tube shield from the standard to the α1 position as follows:
1. Use the data collector software to switch the generator off.
Failure to switch the generator off could result in flashovers and/or
tube damage.
Failure to switch the generator off could result in flashovers and/or
tube damage.
2. Undo the shutter lever positioning screw and the knurled knob on the short anti-scatter pipe (see Figure
7.6). Slide the anti-scatter pipe carefully out of the monochromator housing and remove it.
3. Undo the knurled knob on the long anti-scatter pipe (see Figure 7.6). Slide the anti-scatter pipe
carefully out of the monochromator housing and remove it.
4. Dismount the divergence slit module.
5. Insert the T-bar shaped PreFIX key into the PreFIX locking screw located behind the X-ray tube
(between the tube and the mounting arm).
6. Use one hand to hold the tube in place against the PreFIX mounting block to prevent it falling into the
enclosure and undo the locking screw. Be careful here as the tube shield is heavy; if you are not sure
about your ability to do this yourself we suggest that you use two hands to hold the tube shield and get
somebody else to undo the locking screw.
7. Put the PreFIX key into the PreFIX locking screw of the standard position ready for the next step.
8. Move the tube shield from the α1 position out to the standard position. Tighten the PreFIX locking
9. Mount the incident beam PreFIX module that you are going to use in your next experiment.
10. Use the data collector software to switch the generator on again.
We advise you to check the tube height position according to the procedure given in section 1.4.9 in Chapter 1
in Part II of this User’s Guide.
The procedure to adjust the tube height requires that the tube is mounted at the standard position on the
monochromator interface. Placing the tube shield in this position is described in section The tube
height alignment check and adjustment can then be performed according to the procedures given in section 1.4.9
of Chapter 1 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
When the tube height is correct at the standard position it is automatically correct for the α1 position.
NOTES: a. In order for the System Maintenance - Monochromator alignment tool to be available, the
monochromator must have been reported in the configuration.
b. During the scan set the scaling to counts per second and select automatic change of intensity
scaling on the measurement graph displayed by the data collector software.
A typical monochromator alignment scan is shown in Figure 7.10. Two peaks can be observed on this scan: the
Kα1 and the Kα2 peak. Please note that in a monochromator alignment scan the Kα2 peak is on the left-hand
side of the Kα1 peak.
8. The following actions depend on the plot displayed on your screen:
a. If your scan shows two peaks, go to step 9.
b. If your plot shows a graph in which the intensity decreases with increasing incremental numbers,
perform a “scan down” with the following settings:
Step size 10
Time per step (s) 0.1
Number of steps 200
Stop level (cps) unchecked
Repeat this “scan down” procedure until you have found the maximum Kα1 peak, then go to step 9.
Incremental number
Figure 7.10: Typical Monochromator Alignment Scan (Point Detector)
c. If your plot shows a graph in which the intensity increases with increasing incremental numbers, or
if only the left-hand part of the Kα2-Kα1 profile (below the maximum of the Kα1 peak) is
displayed, perform a “scan up” with the following settings:
Step size 10
Time per step (s) 0.1
Number of steps 200
Stop level (cps) unchecked
Repeat this “scan up” procedure until you have found the maximum Kα1 peak, then go to step 9.
d. If your plot does not show any peaks, or decreasing intensity on the left, or increasing intensity on
the right, the monochromator is a long way from its correct position. To find the Kα2-Kα1 profile
as shown in Figure 7.10 perform a scan down with the following settings:
Step size 10
Time per step (s) 0.1
Number of steps 200
Stop level (cps) unchecked
If your scan now fits the description of cases a, b or c, continue with the procedure given in that
step. Otherwise perform a “scan up” employing a longer measurement range with the following
Step size 10
Time per step (s) 0.1
Number of steps 400
Stop level (cps) unchecked
Repeat this procedure doubling the number of steps and scanning in opposite directions until your
scan fits the description of one of the cases a, b or c, then continue with the procedure given in that
9. Take a note of the maximum intensity.
10. Select a “Stop level” that is approximately 10% below the maximum intensity noted in step 9.
11. Depending on the current position, scan up or down to the stop level as determined in step 10 with the
following settings:
Step size 5
Time per step (s) 0.5
Number of steps 100
Step level (cps) as determined in step 10.
12. Repeat the “scan up” and “scan down” routines in a “trial and error” method using a step size of 5, a
time per step of 1 second or longer without using a stop level, until the monochromator is tuned to the
maximum intensity (±1%) of the Kα1 peak.
13. To check an optimum monochromator setting is reached, perform a stationary measurement with the
following parameters:
2θ 0°
ω 0°
Mode Pre-set time
Time (s) 30.0
Receiving slit 0.1 mm
PIXcel mode Receiving slit = 0.165 mm.
14. As soon as the stationary measurement has been executed you can read out the measured value below
the intensity bar on the data collector window. The value should match the earlier noted value for the
maximum intensity (±1%) of the Kα1 peak.
a. If the value matches the earlier noted value for the maximum intensity (±1%) of the Kα1 peak you
have correctly aligned the monochromator.
b. If it does not, repeat the procedure from step 11 on.
This completes the monochromator alignment; the system is ready for use.
NOTE: After intensive use in the incident beam the germanium crystal may show a degraded surface.
Therefore, the intensity coming of an extensively used Johansson monochromator as determined
during first time use, may not be reached completely.
NOTES: a. In order for the System Maintenance - Monochromator alignment tool to be available, the
monochromator must have been reported in the configuration.
b. During the scan set the scaling to counts per second and select automatic change of intensity
scaling on the measurement graph displayed by the data collector software.
A typical monochromator alignment scan is shown in Figure 7.11. Two peaks can be observed on this
scan: the Kα1 and the Kα2 peak. Please note that in a monochromator alignment scan the Kα2 peak is
on the left-hand side of the Kα1 peak.
NOTE: After execution of the first monochromator scan it may turn out that you have to fine tune the
settings in such a way that the maximum intensity value of the Kα1 peak reaches about 100 000 cps.
12. To check if optimum monochromator setting is reached, perform a stationary measurement with the
following parameters:
2θ: 0°
ω: 0°
Mode: Pre-set time
Time (s): 30.0
X'Celerator mode: Receiving slit = 2.17 mm
13. After execution of the stationary measurement, you can immediately read out the measured value
below the intensity bar on the data collector window. The value should match the earlier noted value for
the maximum intensity (± 1%) of the Kα1 peak.
a. If the value matches the earlier noted value for the maximum intensity of the Kα1 peak, you have
correctly aligned the monochromator.
b. If this is not the case, perform a scan in the same direction as in step 11 with the following
Step size 5
Time per step (s) 0.5
Number of steps 200
Stop level (cps) unchecked
After you have performed this scan, repeat this alignment procedure from step 10 onwards. Use a
higher percentage of the maximum intensity as stop level, for instance 96%, until the value measured in
step 12 matches the value of the maximum intensity of the Kα1 peak.
This completes the monochromator alignment; the system is ready for use.
NOTE: After intensive use in the incident beam the germanium crystal may show a degraded surface.
Therefore, the intensity coming of an extensively used Johansson monochromator as determined
during first time use, may not be reached completely.
R × ( sin ω × sin δ )
L = -------------------------------------------------
( sin2 ω – sin2 ( δ ⁄ 2 ) )
7.4.1 Applications
The hybrid monochromator can be applied for measuring epitaxial layers, thin polycrystalline films, powders
and stressed materials, or samples between foils.
The hybrid monochromators are less applicable for rocking curve measurements at 2θ angles above 90°. The
hybrid spectral band-pass of a hybrid monochromator is broader than that of four-crystal high-resolution
monochromators. At high 2θ angles the wavelength dispersion causes broad diffraction peaks, leading to a
decrease in system resolution.
A small fraction of the Kα2 radiation (0.05%-0.1%) is present in the X-ray spectrum emitting from a hybrid
monochromator. It may become visible during reciprocal space mapping with large dynamic range. Transmission
The hybrid monochromator 2X can be used to measure thin foils in the transmission mode with Kα1 radiation
only. A parallel plate collimator is used on the diffracted beam side. The transmission geometry is especially
useful for measurements on polymer foils, which have low X-ray absorption and often show a preferred
orientation of their molecular structure.
The height of the X-ray beam emerging from the hybrid monochromator is 1.2 mm. The axial divergence and
width are not controlled by the hybrid monochromator. A beam mask can be used to control the width; Soller
slits are used to control the axial divergence of the X-ray beam. A summary of the characteristic intensities and
Full Widths at Half Maximum as measured on the Si(111) reflection on the Si Single Crystal Reference Sample
(part of PW3132/62) is given in Table 7.4 and Table 7.6.
Figure 7.13: PW3147/x0 Hybrid Monochromator for X’Pert PRO MRD Systems
The slit holder and the crystal housing must never be removed. Accessories
The accessories that can be used together with hybrid monochromators fall into two groups:
Those that are delivered with the hybrid monochromator (1/2º and a 1/4º divergence slit, and
attenuation foils),
those that must be ordered separately (low angle fixed slits, an incident beam anti-scatter slit holder,
Soller slits and automatic beam attenuators).
NOTES: 1. We advise you to make a mark on the 1/2° slit that comes with the hybrid monochromator so that
you can identify it as the slit to be used with the hybrid monochromator. You should not use any
other 1/2° slit (other than the one you just marked) with the hybrid monochromator.
2. Although the slit marking reads 1/2º, the actual position of the slit with respect to the line focus of
the X-ray tube determines the acceptance angle of the hybrid monochromator to be 0.8º.
Their attenuation factors for copper radiation of the attenuation foils supplied are approximately:
copper (0.1 mm) ~ 100 times
combined copper/nickel ~ 18 000 times
The exact values for the attenuation factors for foils supplied with a hybrid monochromator are shown on the
attenuators themselves and on the Acceptance Test Form for the hybrid monochromator, which is supplied when
the module is delivered. These values can be entered in the data collector software and are used to automatically
adjust the measured intensity values.
The attenuation foil should be inserted into the slot for attenuation foil (see Figure 7.13).
/2° 1.2 1.2
/4° 0.6 0.6
/8° 0.3 0.3
/16° 0.15 0.18
In this table ω is the angle between the incident beam and the sample surface.
If you want to use Soller slits in combination with a hybrid monochromator in order to control the axial
divergence, you must mount a PW3086/20 Soller Slits Holder onto the PW3047/x0 Hybrid Monochromator.
The Soller slits holder is shown in Figure 7.14. The PW3086/20 includes a slot for the PW3085/x0 Soller Slits,
and an additional slot for the attenuation foils or beam masks.
The Soller slits holder can be mounted onto the hybrid monochromator by placing the holder in its location (see
Figure 7.13) and tightening the two screws into the indicated screw holes.
Figure 7.15: PW3147/x0 Hybrid Monochromator with PW3086/20 Soller Slits Holder Mounted
Figure 7.17: PW3149/63 Hybrid Monochromator 2X for X’Pert PRO MPD Systems
The module housing incorporates:
• a lever to activate the safety shutter on the X-ray tube
• a holder for an equatorial slit (a 1/2° slit is standard, smaller slits may be supplied for special
• a slot for an attenuation foil
• a housing to accommodate the Ge crystal.
The slit holder and the crystal housing must never be removed.
Figure 7.18: PW3150/63 Hybrid Monochromator 4X for X’Pert PRO MPD Systems Accessories
The accessories that can be used together with hybrid monochromators fall into two groups:
Those that are delivered with the hybrid monochromator (1/2º and a 1/4º divergence slit, and
attenuation foils),
those that must be ordered separately (low angle fixed slits, an incident beam anti-scatter slit holder,
Soller slits, and automatic beam attenuators).
NOTE: We advise you to make a mark on the 1/2° slit that comes with the hybrid monochromator so that
you can identify it as the slit to be used with the hybrid monochromator. You should not use any
other 1/2° slit (other than the one you just marked) with the hybrid monochromator.
Although the slit marking reads 1/2º, the actual position of the slit with respect to the line focus of
the X-ray tube determines the acceptance angle of the hybrid monochromator to be 0.8º.
Their attenuation factors for copper radiation of the attenuation foils supplied are approximately:
copper (0.1 mm) ~ 100 times
combined copper/nickel ~ 18 000 times
The exact values for the attenuation factors for foils supplied with a hybrid monochromator are shown on the
attenuators themselves and on the Acceptance Test Form for the hybrid monochromator, which is supplied when
the module is delivered. These values can be entered in the data collector software and are used to automatically
adjust the measured intensity values.
The attenuation foil should be inserted into the slot for attenuation foil (see Figure 7.17).
1/ ° 1.2 1.2/
2 sin(ω)
/4° 0.6 0.6/
/8° 0.3 0.3
/16° 0.15 0.18
where ω is the angle between the incident beam and the sample surface.
The Soller slits holder can be mounted onto the hybrid monochromator by placing the holder in its location
(cross-ref to Figure 7.17) and tightening the two screws into the two screw holes marked “B”.
Figure 7.20: PW3149/63 Hybrid Monochromator with PW3086/20 Soller Slits Holder Mounted
Mount the incident beam anti-scatter slit holder onto the hybrid monochromator as shown in Figure 7.21 by first
using the locating pins to position it correctly and then tightening the two screws shown in Figure 7.21.
Do NOT remove or loosen the two screws holding the metal
monochromator housing onto the mirror part of the hybrid
Alignment of the incident beam anti-scatter slit holder is described section in Chapter 20 in Part II of
this User’s Guide.
NOTES: a If the space between the hybrid monochromator and the sample stage on your system is too
small to mount an automatic beam attenuator, you might consider mounting the automatic
beam attenuator onto the diffracted beam PreFIX module used in your system. Refer to Table
2.3 in Chapter 2 in Part II of this User’s Guide to see which diffracted beam modules the
automatic beam attenuator can be mounted onto.
b If you use the automatic beam attenuator mounted onto the hybrid monochromator, use the
data collector software to check the safe ranges of the sample stage movements and of the
goniometer θ and 2θ angles.
Page 7.34 07.03.27
Part II - Chapter 7: Incident Beam Monochromators
If collisions between the automatic beam attenuator and the
sample stage are possible at low ω angles, you must use the data
collector software to disable the automatic reset option.
If there is no peak registered near 2θ = 0°, check that the offset value was properly introduced.
The absolute intensity values must meet the specifications listed in Table 7.4 and Table 7.5. The intensities are
calculated from the measured count rate using the attenuation factor of the combined copper/nickel attenuation
foil. The intensity data given in Table 7.4 are measured on an X’Pert PRO MRD system with a goniometer radius
of 320 mm. The intensity data given in Table 7.5 are measured on an X’Pert PRO MPD system with a
goniometer radius of 240 mm. If these intensity values are not met, refer to section
Table 7.4: Summary of Absolute Intensities of the Direct Beam of a PW3147/x0 Hybrid Monochromator
for X’Pert PRO MRD Systems
PW3147/20 PW3147/00
Type Hybrid Hybrid
Diffracted Beam Optics
Number Monochromator Monochromator
4X 2X
PW3097/60 Rocking Curve Optics > 108 cps > 3.3 x 108 cps
PW3093/60 & Programmable Receiving Slit (3 mm) > 108 cps > 3.3 x 108 cps
PW3091/x0 and Programmable Anti-scatter Slit (4°)
(no Soller slits)
PW3015/x0 & X’Celerator (90º rotated, receiving slit > 2.5 x 107 cps > 1.1 x 108 cps
mode, maximum active length (9 mm))
PW3x94/30 and Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Holder (with
13 mm slit inserted), (no Soller slits)
PW3018/00 & PIXcel (receiving slit mode, maximum > 5.8 x 107 cps > 1.9 x 108 cps
active length (14 mm)) and
PW3490/00 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Holder (no slit
inserted) (no Soller slits)
PW3098/09 Parallel Plate Collimator, 0.09° (no > 2 x 107 cps > 1.9 x 107 cps
Soller slits)
PW3098/18 Parallel Plate Collimator, 0.18° (no > 3 x 107 cps > 1.3 x 108 cps
Soller slits)
PW3098/27 Parallel Plate Collimator, 0.27° (no > 5 x 107 cps > 2 x 108 cps
Soller slits)
Table 7.5: Summary of Absolute Intensities of the Direct Beam of a PW3149/63 and a
PW3150/63 Hybrid Monochromator for X’Pert PRO MPD Systems
PW3150/63 PW3149/63
Type Hybrid Hybrid
Diffracted Beam Optics
Number Monochromator Monochromator
4X 2X
PW3097/60 Rocking Curve Optics > 1.2 x 108 cps > 4 x 108 cps
PW3093/60 & Programmable Receiving Slit (3 mm) > 1.2 x 108 cps > 4 x 108 cps
PW3091/x0 and Programmable Anti-scatter Slit (4°)
(no Soller slits)
PW3015/x0 & X’Celerator (90º rotated) receiving slit > 5 x 107 cps > 1.5 x 108 cps
mode, maximum active length (9 mm)
PW3x94/30 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Holder (no slit
inserted) (no Soller slits)
PW3018/00 & PIXcel (receiving slit mode, maximum > 7 x 107 cps > 2.4 x 108 cps
active length (14 mm)) and
PW3490/00 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Holder (no slit
inserted) (no Soller slits)
PW3098/09 Parallel Plate Collimator, 0.09° (no > 4 x 107 cps > 1.3 x 108 cps
Soller slits)
PW3098/18 Parallel Plate Collimator, 0.18° (no > 5 x 107 cps > 1.5 x 108 cps
Soller slits)
PW3098/27 Parallel Plate Collimator, 0.27° (no > 7 x 107 cps > 2.4 x 108 cps
Soller slits)
NOTES: 1. The direct beam intensities were determined with a new X-ray tube. The X-ray beam emitting from
a tube decreases in time.
2. After extensive use of hybrid monochromators the X-ray mirror and the germanium crystals will
show degraded surfaces. Therefore, extensively used hybrid monochromators may not completely
reach the specified intensities. If this is the case call your local PANalytical Service Engineer.
The Full Widths at Half Maximum are determined on the (111) reflection of the Silicon (111) Single Crystal
Reference Sample (part of PW3132/62). The FWHMs as measured on an X’Pert PRO MRD system (goniometer
radius 320 mm), or on an X’Pert PRO MPD system (goniometer radius 240 mm) equipped with a PW3069/00
Open Eulerian Cradle with PW3069/10 Z-translation Stage are given in Table 7.6. Tube Height Adjustment for Systems other than X’Pert PRO Extended MRD
This section describes the tube height adjustment procedures for X’Pert PRO diffraction systems other than
X’Pert PRO Extended MRD.
To adjust the height position of the X-ray tube relative to the hybrid monochromator, proceed as follows:
1. Mount the hybrid monochromator onto the incident beam PreFIX position. Place a 1/2° divergence slit
and a combined copper/nickel attenuation foil into the hybrid monochromator to protect the detector.
Make sure that the hybrid monochromator offset (see sections, and is
correctly introduced to the data collector software.
2. Mount one of the diffracted beam optics as summarized in Table 7.4 and Table 7.5. Use the settings
given in the tables.
3. Set ω = 0°, 2θ = 0° and make sure that the direct beam is not obstructed by the sample or the sample
4. Set the tube power to 45 kV and 40 mA.
5. Make a 2θ scan to find the peak position of the direct X-ray beam.
6. Set 2θ at the peak position.
7. Note the peak intensity value.
8. Close the shutter, open the enclosure doors and proceed as follows:
a. Loosen (turn 45º anti-clockwise) the upper (nearest the top of the X-ray tube) of the two knurled
knobs at the back of the X-ray tube housing (refer to Part II, Chapter 1 - Figure 1.9).
b. Tighten (turn 45º clockwise) the lower of the two knurled knobs at the back of the X-ray tube
housing to move the X-ray tube (approximately 25 μm).
c. Close the enclosure doors, open the shutter and note the intensity value.
9. If the intensity is higher than that noted in step 7, continue repeating step 8 until the intensity does not
increase any further (if necessary you can make smaller steps, approximately 10 μm); then continue
with step 11. If the intensity is lower than that noted in step 7, continue with step 10.
10. Close the shutter, open the enclosure doors and proceed as follows:
a. Loosen (turn 45º anti-clockwise) the lower (furthest from the top of the X-ray tube) of the two
knurled knobs at the back of the X-ray tube housing (refer to Part II, Chapter 1 - Figure 1.9).
b. Tighten (turn 45º clockwise) the upper of the two knurled knobs at the back of the X-ray tube
housing to move the X-ray tube in the opposite direction (approximately 25 μm).
c. Close the enclosure doors, open the shutter and note the intensity value.
d. If the intensity is higher than that noted in step 7, continue repeating this action until the intensity
does not increase any further (if necessary you can make smaller steps, approximately 10 μm); then
continue with step 11.
11. Tighten both screws (only hand tight, no more) to lock the tube into position. Tube Height Adjustment for X’Pert PRO Extended MRD Systems
This section describes the tube height adjustment procedures for X’Pert PRO Extended MRD systems.
To adjust the height position of the X-ray tube relative to the hybrid monochromator, proceed as follows:
1. Mount the X-ray tube on the standard tube position on the extended arm.
2. Mount the hybrid monochromator onto the incident beam PreFIX position. Place a 1/2° divergence slit
and a combined copper/nickel attenuation foil into the hybrid monochromator to protect the detector.
Make sure that the hybrid monochromator offset (see sections and is correctly
introduced to the data collector software.
3. Mount one of the diffracted beam optics as summarized in Table 7.4. Use the settings given in the table.
4. Set ω = 0°, 2θ = 0° and make sure that the direct beam is not obstructed by the sample or the sample
5. Set the tube power to 45 kV and 40 mA.
6. Make a 2θ scan to find the peak position of the direct X-ray beam.
7. Set 2θ at the peak position.
8. Note the peak intensity value.
9. Close the shutter, open the enclosure doors and proceed as follows:
a. Insert an Allen key into the tube height adjustment screw underneath the top of the X-ray tube
b. Turn the Allen key 45º counter-clockwise to move the X-ray tube (approximately 25 μm).
c. Close the enclosure doors, open the shutter and note the intensity value.
NOTE: The tube height adjustment screw has some play built into it to allow for when the adjustment
direction is changed. When you change from adjusting the tube height upwards, to downwards (or
vice-versa) the adjustment screw must be turned through approximately two full rotations before
the tube height starts to change.
10. Check the intensity:
a. If the intensity is higher than that noted in step 8, continue repeating step 9 until the intensity does
not increase any further (if necessary you can make smaller steps, say: approximately 10 μm); then
continue with step 12.
b. If the intensity is lower than that noted in step 8, you must change the adjustment direction. Turn
the screw through a complete rotation clockwise (until the play is taken up) and then continue with
step 11.
c. If the intensity is unchanged from that noted in step 8, the play in the adjustment mechanism is in
effect. In this case turn the screw through a complete rotation counter-clockwise (until the play is
taken up) and then perform step 9 again.
11. Close the shutter, open the enclosure doors and proceed as follows:
a. Turn the Allen key 45º clockwise to move the X-ray tube in the opposite direction (approximately
25 μm).
b. Close the enclosure doors, open the shutter and note the intensity value.
c. If the intensity is higher than that noted in step 8, continue repeating this action until the intensity
does not increase any further (if necessary you can make smaller steps, say: approximately 10 μm);
then continue with step 12.
12. The adjustment procedure is complete. Remove the Allen key.
8.1 General................................................................................................................................. 8 - 3
8.1.1 Applications............................................................................................................................ 8 - 3 Texture Analysis .................................................................................................... 8 - 3 Residual Stress Analysis ........................................................................................ 8 - 3
8.2 PW3084/60 Incident Beam Collimator ............................................................................. 8 - 4
8.2.1 Accessories............................................................................................................................. 8 - 5 Allen Key ............................................................................................................... 8 - 5 Beta-filters ............................................................................................................. 8 - 5 Attenuation Foil ..................................................................................................... 8 - 5
8.2.2 Use.......................................................................................................................................... 8 - 6 How to Mount the Cups......................................................................................... 8 - 6 Determination of the Irradiated Area..................................................................... 8 - 6
8.3 PW3084/62 Adjustable Crossed Slits Collimator ............................................................ 8 - 7
8.3.1 Accessories............................................................................................................................. 8 - 8 Beta-filters ............................................................................................................. 8 - 8 Attenuation Foil ..................................................................................................... 8 - 8
8.3.2 Use.......................................................................................................................................... 8 - 8 Setting the Aperture of the Crossed Slits Collimator ............................................ 8 - 8 Determination of the Irradiated Area..................................................................... 8 - 9
8.4 Crossed Slits Assemblies .................................................................................................... 8 - 9
8.4.1 PW3143/20 Crossed Slits Assembly ...................................................................................... 8 - 9
8.4.2 PW3144/60 Crossed Slits Assembly for X’Pert PRO MPD Systems.................................. 8 - 10
An incident beam collimator is a device that combines a divergence slit and a beam width mask in one optical
module. It is used in combination with the point focus of an X-ray tube.
The divergence slit part of the collimator is fitted in the incident beam path to control the equatorial divergence
of the incident beam emitted from the X-ray tube, this defines the amount (length) of the sample that is irradiated
by the incident X-ray beam.
The beam mask part of the collimator is fitted in the incident beam path to control the axial divergence of the
incident beam emitted from the X-ray tube, this defines the amount (width) of the sample that is irradiated by
the incident X-ray beam.
Two types of incident beam collimator are available on X’Pert PRO systems: one type for X’Pert PRO MPD
systems utilizes fixed slit and mask sizes, the other type for X’Pert PRO MRD systems utilizes crossed slits with
which the aperture can be continuously adjusted.
This chapter describes the collimator that is used with point focus applications. If your application uses line
focus the task of controlling beam divergence and dimensions is performed by divergence slits, beam masks and
Soller slits, they are described respectively in Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
8.1.1 Applications
The main applications using incident beam collimators are texture and psi-stress analysis. In both applications
care has to be taken that the incident beam hits the sample (and not the sample holder) and that the defocusing
effects do not complicate the interpretation of the data. Correctly setting the slit and mask sizes is therefore of
great importance in both applications.
Incident Beam
Collimator Channel Block
Width Mask
Locating Pin
Allen Key
Grooves for
Cup Alignment
8.2.1 Accessories Allen Key
An Allen key is included with the PW3084/60 Incident Beam Collimator. This Allen key is used to (dis)mount
the divergence and width mask cups onto and from the collimator pipe. Mounting cups is described in section Beta-filters
There are four beta-filters that can be used with the incident beam collimator, they are:
Ni filter (PW3151/03) for Cu Kα radiation
Fe filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Co Kα radiation
V filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Cr Kα radiation
Zr filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Mo Kα radiation
The filter must be installed (mounted) in the slit for attenuation foil or beta-filter as shown in Figure 8.1.
8.2.2 Use
This section provides information about mounting the collimator cups, how to determine the irradiated area on
the sample as a function of the sample position and the size of the incident beam.
NOTE: Although it is not normally necessary, the mask cups can be rotated through 90° and used as a
divergence cup, and the divergence cups can be rotated through 90° and used as a mask cup. For
example you could use the 0.25 mm beam mask as a divergence slit or the 4 mm divergence slit as
a beam mask.
⎧ Rh + p h ( R – f ) ⎫
- ⎬ + W sin ψ cot ω
L = ⎨ ----------------------------------
⎩ f sin ω ⎭
where L = the irradiated length on the sample,
R = the radius of the goniometer,
h = the height of the incident X-ray beam, as set by the divergence slit cup,
ph = the height of the point focus of the X-ray tube, usually 1.2 mm,
f = the distance from the focus of the X-ray tube to the collimator cups,
ψ = the tilt angle, which is the angle between the sample surface normal and the
equatorial plane,
ω = the angle between the incident beam and the sample surface.
Rw + p w ( R – f )
W = -------------------------------------
f cos ψ
where W = the irradiated width on the sample,
R = the radius of the goniometer,
pw = the width of the point focus of the X-ray tube, usually 0.4 mm,
w = the width of the incident X-ray beam, as set by the width mask cup,
f = the distance from the focus of the X-ray tube to the collimator cups,
ψ = the tilt angle, which is the angle between the sample surface normal and the
equatorial plane.
Adjustment Knob Attenuation Foil
Equatorial for Beam Width or Beta-filter
Divergence Slit
Crossed Slits
Adjustment Knob
for Beam Height
Axial Width
Mask Scale
8.3.1 Accessories Beta-filters
There are four beta-filters that can be used with the crossed slits collimator, they are:
Ni filter (PW3151/03) for Cu Kα radiation
Fe filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Co Kα radiation
V filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Cr Kα radiation
Zr filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Mo Kα radiation
The filter must be installed (mounted) in the slit for attenuator foil or beta-filter as shown in Figure 8.2.
8.3.2 Use
This section provides information about setting the aperture of the crossed slits assembly and how to determine
the irradiated area on the sample as a function of the sample position and the size of the incident beam.
⎧ Rh + p h ( R – f ) ⎫
L = ⎨ ----------------------------------- ⎬ + W sin ψ cot ω
⎩ f sin ω ⎭
where L = the irradiated length on the sample,
R = the radius of the goniometer,
h = the height of the incident X-ray beam, as set by the divergence slit on the crossed
slits assembly,
ph = the height of the point focus of the X-ray tube, usually 1.2 mm,
f = the distance from the focus of the X-ray tube to the crossed slits,
ψ = the tilt angle, which is the angle between the sample surface normal and the
equatorial plane,
ω = the angle between the incident beam and the sample surface.
Rw + p w ( R – f )
W = -------------------------------------
f cos ψ
where W = the irradiated width on the sample,
R = the radius of the goniometer,
pw = the width of the point focus of the X-ray tube, usually 0.4 mm,
w = the width of the incident X-ray beam, as set by the axial mask on the crossed slits
f = the distance from the focus of the X-ray tube to the crossed slits,
ψ = the tilt angle, which is the angle between the sample surface normal and the
equatorial plane.
8.4.2 PW3144/60 Crossed Slits Assembly for X’Pert PRO MPD Systems
The PW3144/60 Crossed Slits Assembly is an optical device for use with a PW3110/61 or a PW3110/62 High-
resolution Monochromator on an X’Pert PRO MPD system. It controls the area on the sample (both length and
width) that is irradiated by the beam emerging from the high-resolution monochromator.
The slit and mask apertures can be set in seven different sizes: 5.00 mm, 4.00 mm, 3.00 mm, 2.00 mm, 1.00 mm,
0.75 mm, 0.50 mm and 0.25 mm. The accuracy of the openings is ± 0.05 mm. Any combination of slit and mask
size is possible.
For more information about the use of this crossed slits assembly on a high-resolution monochromator, refer to
sections and in Chapter 7 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
X-ray Lenses
9.1 General................................................................................................................................. 9 - 3
9.1.1 Applications............................................................................................................................ 9 - 4 Texture Analysis .................................................................................................... 9 - 4 Residual Stress Analysis ........................................................................................ 9 - 4 Phase Analysis on Irregularly Shaped Surfaces .................................................... 9 - 4 In-plane Diffraction ............................................................................................... 9 - 4
9.2 PW3146/60 X-ray Lens....................................................................................................... 9 - 5
9.2.1 Crossed Slits Assembly .......................................................................................................... 9 - 5
9.3 Accessories ........................................................................................................................... 9 - 6
9.3.1 Beta-filters .............................................................................................................................. 9 - 6
9.3.2 Attenuation Foil...................................................................................................................... 9 - 6
9.3.3 9430 920 03571 Mylar Foil.................................................................................................... 9 - 6
9.4 Use ........................................................................................................................................ 9 - 7
9.4.1 Determination of the Irradiated Area ..................................................................................... 9 - 7
The X-ray lens (or poly-capillary optics) consists of a few million glass capillaries (with an approximate
diameter of 5 µm) formed together with a round cross-section and bent in a parabolic shape. X-rays are
transported through these very narrow glass capillaries using the effect of total external reflection inside the
capillary. The principle is shown in Figure 9.1.
Glass capillary
X-ray beam
Figure 9.1: Total Reflection Inside Glass Capillary
The capillaries act in effect as a waveguide, and this together with the curvature of the capillaries results in the
diverging X-ray beam being turned into a quasi-parallel beam. It is designed with a circular cross-section in
order to be used with the point focus of the X-ray tube. A schematic view of the lens is shown in Figure 9.2.
Front view X-ray lens beam
9.1.1 Applications
The quasi-parallel beam in two dimensions means that the system is not sensitive to sample shift or tilt in the psi
or omega axes; this is particularly useful in:
• Stress measurement
• Texture measurement
Because the X-ray lens acts as a low pass energy filter (suppresses the white noise background) you only need
to use the flat graphite monochromator if there is strong fluorescence from the sample, or to eliminate Kβ
radiation. Kβ radiation can also be reduced using a beta-filter.
9.3.1 Beta-filters
There are three beta-filters that can be used with the X-ray lens, they are:
Ni filter (PW3151/03)for Cu Kα radiation
Fe filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Co Kα radiation
V filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Cr Kα radiation
The filter must be installed (mounted) in the slot for attenuation foil or beta-filter as shown in Figure 9.3. For
more information about the use of a beta-filter refer to Chapter 2 (section 2.3) in Part II of this User’s Guide.
9.4 USE
This section describes the determination of the irradiated area on the sample as a function of the sample position
and the size of the incident beam.
h + δ(R – f)
L = ---------------------------- + W sin ψ cot ω
sin ω
where L = the irradiated length on the sample,
R = the radius of the goniometer,
h = the height of the incident X-ray beam, as set by the divergence slit on the crossed
slits assembly,
f = the distance from the focus of the X-ray tube to the crossed slits,
W = the irradiated width on the sample (see below),
ψ = the tilt angle, which is the angle between the sample surface normal and the
equatorial plane,
ω = the angle between the incident beam and the sample surface,
δ = the divergence of the of the X-ray beam emerging from the X-ray lens (in radians).
w + δ( R – f)
W = -----------------------------
cos ψ
where W = the irradiated width on the sample,
R = the radius of the goniometer,
w = the width of the incident X-ray beam, as set by the axial mask on the crossed slits
f = the distance from the focus of the X-ray tube to the crossed slits,
ψ = the tilt angle, which is the angle between the sample surface normal and the
equatorial plane,
δ = the divergence of the of the X-ray beam emerging from the X-ray lens (in radians).
Please note that since the effective diameter of the X-ray lens is 7 mm, the maximum values to be entered for h
and w in the formulas given above are also 7 mm.
10.1 General............................................................................................................................... 10 - 3
10.1.1 Applications.......................................................................................................................... 10 - 3
10.2 The PreFIX Mono-capillary Module .............................................................................. 10 - 4
10.2.1 PW3145/00 PreFIX Mono-capillary Holder ........................................................................ 10 - 4
10.2.2 Cylindrical Mono-capillary Collimator................................................................................ 10 - 4 9430 500 20291 Collimator Tube 230 mm x 0.1 mm ......................................... 10 - 4 9430 500 20301 Collimator Tube 135 mm x 0.1 mm ......................................... 10 - 5 9430 500 20421 Collimator Tube 165 mm x 0.1 mm ......................................... 10 - 5
10.3 Accessories ......................................................................................................................... 10 - 5
10.3.1 Beta-filters ............................................................................................................................ 10 - 5
10.3.2 Attenuation Foil.................................................................................................................... 10 - 5
10.3.3 9430 500 28341 Alignment Microscope .............................................................................. 10 - 6
10.4 Use ...................................................................................................................................... 10 - 7
10.4.1 Alignment of a Sample for Micro-diffraction Using the Alignment Microscope................ 10 - 7
10.4.2 Determination of the Size of the Irradiated Spot.................................................................. 10 - 8
The mono-capillary is a hollow glass tube. X-rays are transported through this tube using the effect of total
external reflection inside the capillary. The principle is shown in Figure 10.1. The diameter of the X-ray beam
at the end of a mono-capillary ranges from 10 μm to 2 mm.
10.1.1 Applications
The main application of the mono-capillary is X-ray diffraction analysis of small spots on a sample. Because of
the efficient collimation of the X-ray beam, a very small area of the sample is irradiated. The diameter of the
irradiated area is dependent on the inner diameter of the mono-capillary and the distance between the exit of the
mono-capillary and the center of the goniometer.
Analysis of small spots on a sample is useful if you have a sample with an inhomogeneous composition, or if
your sample has a laterally inhomogeneous distribution of residual stresses and/or texture.
10.3.1 Beta-filters
There are three beta-filters that can be used with the mono-capillary, they are:
Ni filter (PW3151/03) for Cu Kα radiation
Fe filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Co Kα radiation
V filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Cr Kα radiation
The filter must be installed (mounted) in the slot for attenuation foil or beta-filter as shown in Figure 10.2. For
more information about the use of beta-filters, refer to Part II - Chapter 2.
Figure 10.3: 9430 500 28341 Alignment Microscope with PW3019/10 PreFIX Microscope Interface
10.4 USE
This section describes using the alignment microscope to position the spot to be analyzed and the determination
of the size of the irradiated spot on the sample.
CAUTION The end of the mono-capillary is close to the sample. As a result of this,
there is a chance for a collision between the sample or sample stage
and the mono-capillary. Before collecting data, make sure that there is
no chance for such a collision at any diffractometer setting that is used
in your program(s). Also disable the automatic reset of the instrument
in the data collector software. This activates an initialization wizard
which guides through the initialization procedure. You then have the
opportunity to remove the mono-capillary before resetting the
d + δ( R – f)
L = ---------------------------- + W sin ψ cot ω
sin ω
in which:
L = the irradiated length on the sample,
d = the exit beam diameter of the mono-capillary collimator,
R = the radius of the goniometer,
f = the distance from the focus of the X-ray tube to the end of the mono-capillary
collimator tube,
W = the irradiated width on the sample,
ω = the angle between the incident beam and the sample surface,
δ = the divergence of the quasi-parallel X-ray beam emerging from the mono-capillary in
ψ = the tilt angle, which is the angle between the sample surface normal and the equatorial
d + δ(R – f)
W = ----------------------------
cos ψ
in which:
W = the irradiated width on the sample,
R = the radius of the goniometer,
d = the exit diameter of the mono-capillary collimator,
f = the distance from the focus of the X-ray tube to the end of the mono-capillary
collimator tube,
δ = the divergence of the quasi-parallel X-ray beam emerging from the mono-capillary in
ψ = the tilt angle, which is the angle between the sample surface normal and the equatorial
MRD Cradle
11.1 General................................................................................................................................. 11 - 3
11.2 PW3060/20 All-purpose MRD Cradle .............................................................................. 11 - 3
11.2.1 Accessories ............................................................................................................................. 11 - 6 Dial Gauge .............................................................................................................. 11 - 7 Alignment Shaft for X’Pert PRO MRD Systems ................................................... 11 - 7 9430 920 04651 Option for In-plane Diffraction.................................................... 11 - 8 0.2 mm Mask for In-plane Diffraction.................................................................. 11 - 10 PW3061/21 Sample Holder for Solid Samples..................................................... 11 - 11 PW3061/22 4 Inch Wafer Holder ......................................................................... 11 - 12 PW3061/2x 6 & 8 Inch Wafer Holders................................................................. 11 - 12 PW3061/25 Adjustable “De Wolff’s” Knife ........................................................ 11 - 14 9430 500 20351 Magnetic Ring............................................................................ 11 - 14 9430 500 20361 Sample Platform......................................................................... 11 - 14 9430 500 20491 Domed Hot Stage DHS 900 ....................................................... 11 - 14
11.2.2 Use ........................................................................................................................................ 11 - 22 Mechanically Aligning the Sample....................................................................... 11 - 22 Aligning the Sample Using X-rays ....................................................................... 11 - 23 Use of the MRD Cradle with more than one Sample ........................................... 11 - 24 Using the X’Pert PRO MRD System for In-plane Diffraction ............................. 11 - 25 Using the Domed Hot Stage DHS 900 with X'Pert PRO MRD ........................... 11 - 27 Using the Domed Hot Stage DHS 1100 with X'Pert PRO MRD ......................... 11 - 33
Sample platform (or stage) is the generic name given to any device onto which a sample is mounted so that it
can be measured or analyzed. The sample platforms used on X'Pert PRO systems can be divided into six groups,
they are:
• the all-purpose MRD cradle described in this chapter.
• PreFIX sample stages for X’Pert PRO MPD systems described in Chapter 12.
• PreFIX high-throughput sample stage described in Chapter 12.
• PreFIX non-ambient sample stages described in Chapter 13.
• PreFIX temperature controlled humidity chamber described in Chapter 13.
• PreFIX cryogenic temperature controlled sample stages described in Chapter 13.
In this chapter we will provide you with instructions on how to mount samples onto the MRD cradle, including
Figure 11.1: PW3060/20 MRD Cradle Mounted onto a Horizontal X’Pert PRO Goniometer
Ψ− Y-
X+ Φ+ Z+
Θ+ Θ−
Figure 11.2: The Five Motorized Movements of the MRD Cradle
CAUTIONS 1. You must watch out for collisions between the optics and
oversize samples when large angular movements (for example:
with in-plane diffraction) are requested.
11.2.1 Accessories
The MRD sample cradle can be used together with a dial gauge, a beam knife and a variety of sample and/or
wafer holders. These accessories are described in this section.
You can also mount your own sample holder onto the MRD cradle as long as you take into consideration the
specifications given in Table 11.1. A schematic diagram of the mounting platform is provided for you in Figure
11.3 to facilitate the design of your own sample holders.
When the alignment shaft is mounted onto the MRD cradle make
sure that you do NOT move any of the motorized cradle motions; or
you may cause the alignment shaft to collide with the MRD cradle.
When you have completed the above mounting procedure you can start the tube height fine check and
adjustment procedure is described in section of Chapter 1 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
Reference Line
Aligning Slit
Figure 11.5: X’Pert PRO MRD System set to the In-plane Position
The phi axis of the cradle is used to rotate the sample around the surface normal.
When the option for in-plane diffraction is implemented, the automatic system reset is disabled. This prevents
the system from causing collisions between the MRD and the (parts mounted onto) the goniometer during
automatic initialization.
Using the X’Pert PRO MRD system for in-plane diffraction is described in section
CAUTIONS 1. You must watch out for and prevent collisions between the
cradle, oversize samples, and the (modules mounted onto) the
goniometer when performing in-plane experiments.
Clamping Block
Clamping Screw
V-block Mounting
Holes (5 positions) Mounting the PW3061/2x Wafer Holder onto the MRD Sample Cradle
Before you start this action you must have the system switched on and the data collector software running, then
proceed as follows:
1. Use the data collector software to ensure that the system’s automatic resetting is switched off (System
Settings - Automatic Reset).
2. Set all of the axes: X, Y, Z, 2theta, omega, phi and psi to 0. Make sure that the application offsets are
set to 0 in the data collector software.
3. Remove (if one is fitted) the existing sample holder.
4. Mount and secure the X limiter onto the small actuator pin located between the X limit micro switches
(see Figure 11.16). The actuator pin can be found at the rear of the X manipulator. Ensure that the
limiter is fitted parallel to the X ruler.
5. Move ψ to -90º so that you can see the Y actuator pin, then mount and secure the Y limiter onto the
small actuator pin located between the Y limit micro switches (see Figure 11.16). The actuator pin can
be found at the rear of the Y manipulator. Ensure that the limiter is fitted parallel to the Y ruler.
6. Move ψ to +90º to make mounting the wafer holder easier. Fit the wafer holder onto the MRD
mounting disk for sample mounting devices, using the screws supplied.
7. Use the data collector software to set the movement limits to +30 mm (+12.5 mm for 8 inch holder) and
-30 mm (-12.5 mm for 8 inch holder) for both X and Y movements.
8. Rotate ϕ through both limits of X and Y checking that the wafer holder does not collide with any other
parts of the cradle or system.
9. Move X and Y back to their central positions.
10. It is now possible to mount a wafer as described in section Mounting a Wafer onto the PW3061/2x Wafer Holder
Mount a wafer onto the wafer holder as follows:
1. Move the MRD sample cradle to ψ = 90º in order to set the wafer holder to the horizontal position.
2. Slide the three wafer clamps to the edge of the wafer holder.
3. Carefully place the wafer onto the holder, slide the clamps into position to hold it and secure the clamps
in position.
4. Check that the wafer is mounted flat onto the wafer holder and is not bent.
5. Move the MRD sample cradle to ψ = 0º to set the holder into the vertical position and check that the
wafer is still in the correct position.
The wafer is now correctly mounted and ready for measurements.
Figure 11.9: 9430 500 20351 Magnetic Ring and 9430 500 20361 Sample Platform
Figure 11.10: 9430 500 20491 Domed Hot Stage DHS 900
Samples can be measured in air at atmospheric pressure, in inert gas (nitrogen) at a maximum over pressure of
0.2 bar, or in a vacuum (a vacuum of 0.5 mbar can be achieved). For investigations at temperatures ranging from
room temperature up to 200 °C (473 K), it is not necessary to use any cooling gas. For measurements at heating
plate temperatures above 200 °C (473 K), cooling gas (compressed air) must be used in order to guarantee
sufficient heat removal from the dome and the housing of the DHS 900.
The DHS 900 should be used with flat or flake-shaped samples with a maximum diameter of 25 mm and a
maximum height of 4 mm.
The 9430 500 20491 Domed Hot Stage 900 comprises:
- a domed hot stage housing with heating plate, thermocouple and spring grips,
- an X-ray transparent dome,
- a cooling air attachment with nozzle for cooling air,
- a connection device for gas/vacuum and temperature control,
- a TCU 150 Temperature Control Unit (see Figure 11.11).
Use of vacuum equipment is optional.
Use of the Domed Hot Stage in combination with the MRD cradle is described in section Please refer
to the Anton Paar manuals “DHS 900 Domed Hot Stage for PANalytical MRD” (document number C17IB03),
“TCU 150 Temperature Control Unit” (document number B39IB16) and “General Information Vacuum
Systems” (document number B34IE13) for further details. Accessories DHS 900 Housing and Heating Plate
The domed hot stage housing is made of eloxadized aluminium and has cooling fins that provide sufficient heat
transfer from the heating plate to the surrounding atmosphere. There are four holes are in the housing to mount
the DHS 900 onto the MRD cradle.
The housing contains a relief pressure valve that opens if an over-pressure of approximately 0.2 to 0.3 bar is
generated inside the dome.
The heating plate is made of Inconel, a nickel-chromium alloy with good oxidation resistance at high
temperatures. A thermocouple is located below the center of the heating plate.
The heating plate has four Inconel clamps for sample mounting purposes.
Further information about the heating plate and its use is given in the DHS 900 instruction manual.
Figure 11.14: 9430 500 21091 Domed Hot Stage DHS 1100
Samples can be measured in air at atmospheric pressure, in inert gas (nitrogen) at a maximum over pressure of
0.3 bar, or in vacuum (a vacuum of 10-2 mbar can be achieved). For investigations at temperatures ranging from
room temperature up to 200 °C (473 K), it is not necessary to use any cooling gas. For measurements at
temperatures above 200 °C (473 K), cooling gas (compressed air) must be used in order to guarantee sufficient
heat removal from the dome and the housing of the DHS 1100.
The DHS 1100 is preferably used with flat or flake-shaped samples with a maximum diameter of 25 mm and a
maximum height of 2 mm.
The 9430 500 21091 Domed Hot Stage 1100 comprises:
- a domed hot stage housing with heating plate, thermocouple and sample fixing springs,
- an X-ray transparent dome, made of graphite,
- a cooling air attachment,
- a connection device for gas/vacuum and temperature control,
- a TCU 200 Temperature Control Unit (see Figure 11.15).
Use of vacuum equipment is optional.
Use of the Domed Hot Stage in combination with the MRD cradle is described in section Please refer
to the Anton Paar manuals “DHS 1100 Domed Hot Stage Version PANalytical” (document number C58IB01),
“TCU 200 Temperature Control Unit” (document number B39IB20) and “General Information Vacuum
Systems” (document number B34IE13) for further details. Accessories DHS 1100 Housing and Heating Plate
The domed hot stage housing is made of anodized aluminium and has cooling fins that provide sufficient heat
transfer from the heating plate to the surrounding atmosphere. Four holes are present in the housing to mount the
DHS 1100 onto the MRD cradle.
The housing contains a relief pressure valve that opens if an over-pressure of approximately 0.2 to 0.3 bar is
generated inside the dome.
The sample holder is made of aluminium nitride (AlN), a ceramic material with excellent temperature
conductivity and good chemical resistance, The heater is located just under the sample holder. A thermocouple
is located below the center of the heating plate.
The sample holder has two Inconel sample fixing springs for sample mounting purposes.
Further information about the heating plate and its use is given in the Anton Paar instruction manual “DHS 1100
Domed Hot Stage Version PANalytical” (document number C58IB01).
The TCU 200 Temperature Control Unit is used to control the temperature and the cooling gas supply pressure
of the DHS 1100. It is integrated in X'Pert PRO MRD systems such that it can be operated by the data collector
software. It automatically switches on the cooling gas supply when the temperature of the heating plate is above
200 °C (473 K). If the pressure of the cooling gas supply is too low, it switches the heating of the DHS 1100 off.
Further information about the temperature control unit and its use is given in the TCU 200 instruction manual.
The spare filter cartridge contains the 0.01 mm pore size filter for the air service unit of the DHS 1100. It is
shown in Figure 11.13.
For the maintenance of the air service unit refer to the description by Festo, supplied with the air service unit.
11.2.2 Use
When high resolution measurements are required you are advised to allow the complete system to reach a stable
temperature before starting to collect data. This should include allowing the sample temperature to be the same
as the mounting plate. Time can be saved by storing future samples within the instrument enclosure ready for use.
CAUTION The dial gauge has been accurately calibrated by the PANalytical
Service Engineer to ensure that the correct sample height position
is known to within a few micrometers. Do not therefore turn the
adjustment screw, pull on the long arm of the dial gauge assembly,
rotate the outer rim of the gauge or drop the gauge as these
actions are likely to cause the gauge to lose calibration.
Where it is undesirable to make mechanical contact with the top surface of a sample, for example: a partially
processed semiconductor wafer, a sample of identical thickness should be aligned and the same Z setting used
for the delicate sample. Alternatively delicate samples can be aligned using the X-ray method describe in section
Alignment of a sample for micro-diffraction experiments using an alignment microscope is described in section
10.4.1 in Chapter 10 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
In order to mechanically align the sample height position proceed as follows:
1. Move the sample platform (with the sample mounted) to the lowest possible Z position.
2. Mount the dial gauge onto the dial gauge holder on the MRD Sample Cradle.
3. Use the data collector software to carefully move the sample platform upwards in the Z direction. The
sample surface is at the correct height when the dial gauge reading matches the reference value of the
dial gauge as provided by the PANalytical Service Engineer when the system was installed.
4. Make a note of the actual Z position as given by the data collector software.
5. Move the sample platform to the lowest Z position.
6. Remove the dial gauge onto the dial gauge holder from the MRD Sample Cradle.
7. Move the sample platform to the Z position noted in step 4 of this procedure.
The sample height is now correctly adjusted.
Dial Gauge
Actuator Pin
for X-ruler
Limit Switch
4 Inch
Wafer Holder
Limit Switches
6. Use the data collector software to recalibrate the 2θ = 0º position to coincide with the peak position of
the direct beam.
7. Depending on the diffracted beam optics used, perform one of the following actions:
a. If you are using the PW3093/60 Programmable Receiving Slit, set it to 3 mm.
b. If a programmable or fixed anti-scatter slit assembly is mounted onto the programmable receiving
slit, set it to 4º.
c. If you are using an X’Celerator, rotate it 90º (see section 21.4 in Chapter 21 of Part II of this User’s
Guide) and set it to receiving slit mode. Use the maximum length of 9 mm. Do not use a slit in the
fixed anti-scatter slits holder.
d. If you are using a PIXcel, set it to receiving slit mode and use the maximum active length. Do not
use a slit in the fixed anti-scatter slits holder.
e. If you are using the PW3097/60 Rocking Curve Attachment, do not insert a slit.
f. If you are using the PW3120/60 Triple Axis and Rocking Curve Attachment, or a PW3120/65
Asymmetric Triple Axis and Rocking Curve Attachment, select the beam path with the rocking
curve arm of the attachment in the data collector software. Do not insert a slit into the rocking
curve part of the attachment.
8. Open the shutter and make a note of the peak intensity (Ip). If you are using an X’Celerator or a PIXcel
detector, make a stationary measurement for about 10 seconds in order to determine the peak intensity
9. Set 2θ = 0º and move the sample with small increments of Z until the direct beam intensity is equal to
10. Make a small ω scan and note the maximum intensity Im.
11. The next action depends on whether Im > Ip/2 (step a), or Im < Ip/2 (step b).
a. If Im > Ip/2, move the sample forward with small increments of Z until the maximum intensity
measured in an ω scan (Im) equals Ip/2.
b. If Im < Ip/2, move the sample backwards with small increments of Z until the maximum intensity
measured in an ω scan (Im) equals Ip/2.
12. Move the goniometer to the peak position of the ω scan where Im equals Ip/2 and make a note of the Full
Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of the peak.
13. Measure the FWHM of the peaks in a series of ω scans with the ψ angle changing in steps of 0.5º
around the starting position.
14. Set the ψ angle at the value that produces the minimum FWHM.
Alternatively you can automatically optimize the ψ setting in a series of ω scans using the
optimize program in the data collector software.
15. Move ω to the peak position and re-calibrate the ω = 0º position using the data collector software. The
sample is now aligned at optimal 2θ, ω, ψ and Z settings.
NOTE: If you are using an X’Celerator, rotate it back to its normal position before starting the
Reset ω and 2θ to the original offset values at the end of the measurement. Use of the MRD Cradle with more than one Sample
It is possible to mount a variety of samples onto the MRD sample cradle and use the cradle as a sample changer.
When measurements are going to be made using the same incident beam and diffracted beam optics, the batch
program in the data collector software can be used to perform a series of measurements on a group of samples.
After each measurement the cradle can be moved to the correct X, Y and Z position for the next sample to be
measured. These sample positions must be determined before data collection is started. Using the X’Pert PRO MRD System for In-plane Diffraction
This section describes the use of X’Pert PRO MRD systems equipped with the 9430 920 04651 Option for In-
plane Diffraction. Operation of the system is the same as operating a standard X’Pert PRO MRD system;
however, for in-plane diffraction measurements the MRD cradle must be set to ω = -90º. This makes collisions
between the MRD cradle and the incident beam optics possible.
Always make sure that a collision will NOT occur before you move
either the psi or omega axes.
The procedure for starting (or restarting) the system avoiding collisions is described in
The procedure for aligning the sample for in-plane diffraction experiments is given in
NOTE: Make sure that the “In-plane Diffractometer” check box is checked in the configuration that you
saved in the data collector software, otherwise you will not be able to connect with the instrument.
Never enable the automatic reset on a system configured for
in-plane diffraction.
During start-up of a system configured for in-plane diffraction, the psi axis of the MRD Cradle should be set
around -90º ± 2º or +90º ± 2º. When the system has been used for in-plane diffraction before switching the
system off, this will generally be the case. When the cradle is in another position, as will be the case when any
other type of measurement has been performed, the cradle has to be moved to one of these positions.
The initialization procedure allows you to (i) remove all of the incident and diffracted beam PreFIX modules
and the stage accessories, and (ii) to send the cradle to a safe ψ position, before the actual initialization procedure
is started up.
Once the initialization is complete, the system is on-line and you can proceed with your measurements.
2. Mount a PW3146/60 X-ray Lens on the incident beam PreFIX position and a PW3098/27 Parallel Plate
Collimator (acceptance angle = 0.27º) and a detector on the diffracted beam PreFIX position.
Alternatively, you can use a PW3110/6x High-resolution Monochromator on the incident beam PreFIX
position and either a PW3097/60 Rocking Curve Attachment or a PW3120/60 Triple Axis and Rocking
Curve Attachment or a PW3120/65 Asymmetric Triple Axis and Rocking Curve Attachment on the
diffracted beam PreFIX position.
3. Which of the following actions you do depends on whether you have an X-ray lens fitted (step a), or a
high-resolution monochromator (step b).
a. If you are using an X-ray lens in the incident beam, insert a standard copper foil (0.2 mm) beam
attenuator into the appropriate slot in the X-ray lens. Set the HT generator to 45 kV and 40 mA.
b. If you are using a high-resolution monochromator in the incident beam, set the HT generator
according to the settings as given in the column “Direct Beam Intensity” in Table 7.1 in Chapter 7
in Part II of this User’s Guide.
4. Set the crossed slits on the X-ray lens or the high-resolution monochromator so that the X-ray beam
exiting from the X-ray lens or monochromator has a width of 5 mm and height of 5 mm or less (see
Figure 7.2 or Figure 9.3 in either Chapter 7 or Chapter 9 in Part II of this User’s Guide for details about
the crossed slits assembly).
5. Use the data collector software to move the system to the following positions:
2θ = 0º
X = 0 mm
Y = 0 mm
Z = 0 mm
ϕ = 0º
ψ = 90º
Make sure that the application offsets are all set to 0 in the data collector software.
It is very important that you do not forget to set ψ = 90º.
12. Make a ψ scan from 88º to 92º in order to remove possible small errors in the sample tilt. The scan must
show a triangular shaped peak with its maximum value at ψ = 90º. If the peak is at a different position,
move the psi axis to that position and repeat the procedure from step 9 on.
13. Your sample is now correctly aligned, and you can start to find a reflection. Set the angle of incidence
(α) between the incident X-ray beam and the sample surface to 0.3º; that means: move the psi axis to
the position found in step 12, and add 0.3º.
14. Move the 2theta axis to a position where you expect a reflection. If applicable, remove the attenuation
foil and the beam width mask from their slots. Set the HT generator to 45 kV and 40 mA.
15. If your sample is a randomly oriented polycrystalline sample, proceed with step 16. If your sample is
mono-crystalline, or shows preferred orientation: make a ϕ scan in order to find the reflection. If your
sample has a slight miscut, or the sample support blocks the X-ray beam, make the ϕ scan over the full
16. When you have found the reflection you can optimize the 2θ angle by making a small 2θ scan.
17. Finally, you can optimize the angle of incidence (α) by making a ψ scan. The angle of incidence
determines the penetration depth of the X-ray beam.
The choice of α is not very critical when you are measuring a bulk sample. However, if you
want to analyze a reflection from a thin layer you will find that the intensity of the reflection
strongly depends on the setting of α.
You are now ready to start with your in-plane diffraction experiments. Using the Domed Hot Stage DHS 900 with X'Pert PRO MRD
This section describes mounting the Domed Hot Stage DHS 900 onto the MRD cradle and connecting the
compressed air supply, the gas/vacuum supply and the temperature controller. It further describes the system's
goniometer and cradle axes limitations when working with the DHS 900, and sample height alignment. For
information about sample mounting and operation of the DHS 900 in air, inert gas or vacuum, please refer to the
Anton Paar manuals: “DHS 900 Domed Hot Stage for PANalytical MRD Instruction Manual” (document
number C17IB03), “TCU 150 Temperature Control Unit” (document number B39IB16) and “General
Information Vacuum Systems (document number B34IE13). Axes Limitations with DHS 900 Mounted
Using the DHS 900 on the MRD cradle changes the limits of the cradle's movements. These limitations are given
in Table 11.3. At high negative psi values the cooling gas nozzle may interfere with the incident and/or diffracted
beam. Most X-ray diffraction applications do not require high negative psi tilts, the exception being psi-stress
analysis with positive and negative tilts. For this case, we recommend that you work with positive and pseudo-
negative tilts instead.
X ±50 mm ±10 mm
Y ±50 mm ±10 mm
Z 0 mm to 11 mm 0 mm to 4 mm
* Please note that the nozzle might block the X-ray beam at high negative tilts.
When working with the DHS 900 you must watch out for and
prevent collisions between the cradle and the modules mounted
onto the goniometer.
Normally, the MRD cradle automatically resets when the system is
switched on or when power is restored after a power failure. The
reset procedure involves driving all movements of the cradle
through their full range which could damage the hose on the DHS
900. Therefore in order to prevent this you must disable this
automatic reset using the data collector software. This activates an
initialization wizard that guides you through the initialization
procedure. You then have the opportunity to dismount the DHS 900
and to make sure that all the goniometer and cradle axes are in a
safe position before proceeding with the procedure for (re)starting
the system as described in section 4.3 of Chapter 4 of Part I of this
User's Guide.
Dial Gauge
Holes for
the DHS 1100
The DHS 900 is attached to the sample mounting disk on the MRD cradle using four attachment screws. To
attach the DHS 900 to the MRD cradle, proceed as follows:
1. Go on-line using the data collector software with a configuration that includes a DHS 900.
CAUTION If you go on-line with a configuration that does NOT include the
DHS 900, BUT the DHS 900 is physically mounted onto the MRD
cradle, the axes limitations as described in section are
NOT set. This means that if you were to accidentally move the cradle
out of the restricted range, you could damage the hose on the DHS
2. Set ϕ to +360°.
3. Make sure that the black hose that connect the DHS 900 housing with the cooling air attachment is fully
unrolled. It will be rolled up when ϕ is set back to 0°.
4. Place the DHS 900 onto the sample mounting disk and attach it as shown in Figure 11.18 using the four
attachment M4 screws. The white arrows in Figure 11.18 show where the four mounting screws are
5. Mount the cooling air attachment onto the dial gauge holder on the cradle using the knurled knob, as
shown in Figure 11.19.
6. Rotate ϕ back to 0°.
7. Loosen the fixing screws holding the X-ray transparent dome in place, turn the dome slightly anti-
clockwise and lift it away.
The DHS 900 is cooled with cooling gas, preferably clean compressed air. A schematic representation of the
interconnections of the compressed air supply to the DHS 900 is given in Figure 11.20.
1. Connect the compressed air supply to the TCU 150 Temperature Control Unit (air inlet) using the
transparent hose.
2. Connect the black hose from the TCU 150 (air outlet) to the Cooling Air Attachment.
Figure 11.19: 9430 500 20491 DHS 900 Domed Hot Stage Mounted onto the MRD Cradle
X-rays that fall onto the substrate, the DHS 900 heating plate or the
springs, could cause spurious peaks in your diffractogram. Using the Domed Hot Stage DHS 1100 with X'Pert PRO MRD
This section describes mounting of the Domed Hot Stage DHS 1100 onto the MRD cradle and connecting the
compressed air supply, the gas/vacuum supply and the temperature controller. It further describes the system's
goniometer and cradle axes limitations when working with the DHS 1100, and sample height alignment. For
information about sample mounting and operation of the DHS 1100 in air, inert gas or vacuum, please refer to
the “DHS 1100 Domed Hot Stage PANalytical Version Instruction Manual” (document number C58IB01),
“TCU 200 Temperature Control Unit” (document number B39IB20) and “General Information Vacuum
Systems” (document number B34IE13).
X ±50 mm ±10 mm
Y ±50 mm ±10 mm
Z 0 mm to 11 mm 0 mm to 2 mm
* Please note that the cables of the DHS 1100 can interfere with the diffracted beam optics at
high negative tilts (psi <-70°).
When working with the DHS 1100 you must watch out for and prevent
collisions between the cradle and the modules mounted onto the
Normally, the MRD cradle automatically resets when the system is
switched on or when power is restored after a power failure. The reset
procedure involves driving all motions of the cradle through their full
range and which could damage the hose on the DHS 1100. Therefore,
you must disable this automatic reset using the data collector
software. This activates an initialization wizard that guides you
through the initialization procedure. You then have the opportunity to
dismount the DHS 1100 and to make sure that all the goniometer and
cradle axes are in a safe position before proceeding with the procedure
for (re)starting the system as described in section 4.3 of Chapter 4 of
Part I of this User's Guide.
Dial Gauge
Holes for
the DHS 1100
CAUTION If you go on-line with a configuration that does NOT include the DHS
1100, BUT the DHS 1100 is physically mounted onto the MRD cradle,
the axes limitations as described in section are NOT set. This
means that if you were to accidentally move the cradle out of the
restricted range, you could damage the hose on the DHS 1100.
2. Set ϕ to +360°.
3. Make sure that the black hose that connect the DHS 1100 housing with the cooling air attachment is
fully unrolled. It will be rolled up when ϕ is set back to 0°.
4. Place the DHS 1100 onto the sample mounting disk and attach it as shown in Figure 11.14 using the
four attachment M4 screws. The white arrows in Figure 11.22 show where the four mounting screws
are located.
5. Mount the cooling air attachment onto the dial gauge holder on the cradle using the knurled knob, as
shown in Figure 11.22.
Figure 11.22: 9430 500 21091 DHS 1100 Domed Hot Stage mounted onto the MRD Cradle
6. Rotate ϕ back to 0°.
7. Loosen the fixing screws holding the X-ray transparent dome in place, turn the dome slightly anti-
clockwise and lift it away.
X-rays that fall onto the substrate, the DHS 1100 heating plate or the
springs could cause spurious peaks in your diffractogram.
12.1 General............................................................................................................................... 12 - 5
12.1.1 Exchanging PreFIX Sample Stages..................................................................................... 12 - 6
12.2 PW3062/00 Stage for Micro-diffraction ......................................................................... 12 - 8
12.2.1 Accessories .......................................................................................................................... 12 - 8 Set of Three Sample Tables ................................................................................. 12 - 8 PW3714/20 Motor Supply ................................................................................... 12 - 9 9430 500 28351 Goniometer Head ...................................................................... 12 - 9 9430 500 28341 Alignment Microscope ............................................................. 12 - 9
12.2.2 Use ..................................................................................................................................... 12 - 10 Alignment Using an Alignment Microscope ..................................................... 12 - 10
12.3 PW3063/00 Capillary Spinner ....................................................................................... 12 - 12
12.3.1 Accessories ........................................................................................................................ 12 - 12 PW3714/20 Motor Supply ................................................................................. 12 - 12 9430 500 28351 Goniometer Head .................................................................... 12 - 13 9430 500 28341 Alignment Microscope ........................................................... 12 - 13
12.3.2 Use ..................................................................................................................................... 12 - 13
12.4 PW3064/00 Sample Spinner........................................................................................... 12 - 14
12.4.1 Accessories ........................................................................................................................ 12 - 15 Sample Holder ................................................................................................... 12 - 15 PW18xx Circular Sample Holders..................................................................... 12 - 15 PW3064/10 Beam Knife for Sample Spinner.................................................... 12 - 15 PW3065/xx PreFIX Sample Changer ................................................................ 12 - 16
12.4.2 Manually Loading a Sample.............................................................................................. 12 - 16
Sample platform (or stage) is the generic name given to any device onto which a sample is mounted so that it
can be measured or analyzed. The sample platforms used on X'Pert PRO systems can be divided into six groups,
they are:
• the all-purpose MRD cradle described in Chapter 11.
• PreFIX sample stages for X’Pert PRO MPD systems described in this chapter.
• PreFIX high-throughput attachment described in this chapter.
• PreFIX non-ambient sample stages described in Chapter 13.
• PreFIX temperature controlled humidity chamber described in Chapter 13.
• PreFIX cryogenic temperature controlled sample stages described in Chapter 13.
Except for the MRD cradle (which is not removable), all of the sample stages are PreFIX mounted onto the
diffractometer and can be interchanged without needing re-alignment.
This chapter describes platforms that can be PreFIX mounted onto X’Pert PRO MPD systems. The various
platforms are all listed in Table 12.1. The section in which the sample stage is described is also indicated in the
table. Information about the use of the sample stage, mounting of the samples and finally alignment is given in
each section.
Sample Platform Types of Sample Section
The procedure for exchanging the PreFIX sample stages is supported by the data collector software.
In the procedure described above, the X’Pert Wizard will instruct you to dismount the sample stage and to mount
the new sample stage. We will describe the general procedure for dismounting and mounting sample stages here.
A specific procedure for mounting PW3077/00 High-throughput Attachment is given in section 12.15.2. Specific
procedures for mounting PreFIX non-ambient chambers are given in sections, 13.4.3 and 13.5.2.
1. Loosen the four securing screws (see Figure 12.1) and remove the sample stage. If you have a
PW3062/00 Stage for Micro-diffraction, a PW3063/00 Capillary Spinner, or a PW3076/00
Transmission Spinner; make sure that the spinner motor is switched off. If necessary you can now
disconnect the cable from the (motorized) sample spinner and connect to the sample spinner that you
are now going to mount onto the goniometer.
2. Bring the new sample stage into position so that it fits over the PreFIX alignment blocks on the
goniometer (see Figure 12.2). The hinged clip at the top will hold the sample stage in position, allowing
you two hands free to tighten the securing screws.
3. Tighten the four securing screws.
Clip PreFIX
Alignment Blocks
Figure 12.2: Bringing the Sample Stage into Position over the PreFIX Alignment Blocks
Sample Table
Connection for
Motor Supply
12.2.1 Accessories Set of Three Sample Tables
A set of three brass sample tables with a table diameter of 13 mm is included with the PW3062/00 Stage for
Micro-diffraction. The shaft of these tables can be inserted into the goniometer head mounted onto the stage. The
sample to be measured can be secured with adhesive material, for example: plasticine or double-sided adhesive
We advise you to mount very small, thin or transparent samples onto a glass slide, or a PW1817/32 or
PW1819/32 Zero Background Holder in order to prevent diffraction peaks from the sample table. The sample
together with its support can then be mounted onto the sample table.
12.2.2 Use Alignment Using an Alignment Microscope
You can align a micro-diffraction sample as follows:
1. Mount the prepared sample on the brass sample table and place this onto the goniometer head. Refer to
section for sample mounting instructions.
2. Mount the micro-diffraction stage onto the X’Pert PRO goniometer.
3. Mount the goniometer head onto the micro-diffraction stage. Make sure that the pin on the micro-
diffraction stage corresponds to the hole in the goniometer head. Rotate the securing ring clockwise
until the goniometer head is fixed onto the micro-diffraction stage.
4. Mount the mono-capillary onto the incident beam PreFIX position, check that no collisions can occur
between the sample or the sample stage and the mono-capillary.
5. Mount the alignment microscope on the diffracted beam PreFIX position. Make sure that the alignment
microscope does not touch the other diffracted beam PreFIX module when mounted (only applicable
when two diffracted beam PreFIX positions are available).
6. Move the goniometer using the data collector software to such a position that you can observe the
sample from the side in order to check the correct height and tilt (for a Theta-Theta system: 2θ = 0º,
offset = 0º; for a Omega-2Theta system: 2θ = 96º, offset = 48º; for an Alpha-1 system: 2θ = 120º, offset
= 60º). You should now be able to look through the microscope when standing in front of the enclosure.
7. Look through the microscope and focus onto the edge of the sample. Using a sheet of white paper to
reflect the light, or using a light directed onto the sample helps to enhance the contrast.
The spinner revolves at around 5 revolutions per second. The capillary spinner is manually operated by pressing
the On/Off switch on the PW3714/20 Motor Supply. We advise that the capillary sample diameters are between
0.3 mm and 0.5 mm.
Connection for
Motor Supply
Figure 12.6: PW3063/00 Capillary Spinner with 9430 500 28351 Goniometer Head
12.3.1 Accessories PW3714/20 Motor Supply
The PW3714/20 Motor supply is an electrical power supply unit for the spinner motor of the micro-diffraction
spinner. The unit is shown in Figure 12.4. It is manually operated by pressing the On-Off button on the housing.
The motor supply can also be used in conjunction with the PW3062/00 Stage for Micro-diffraction and the
PW3076/00 Transmission Spinner. If you have more than one of these stages, you still only need to have one
power supply unit present in your system. You can switch the power supply from one stage to another by
disconnecting the cable from the spinner that you have used and then connecting it to the spinner that you are
going to use next. For more information about exchanging PreFIX sample stages, refer to section 12.1.1.
12.3.2 Use
This section describes the alignment of the capillary with respect to the incident X-ray beam. The preparation
of powder samples in glass capillaries is described in Appendix A of this User’s Guide.
Align a glass capillary on the capillary spinner stage as follows:
1. Mount the prepared glass capillary in the goniometer head. Adjust the shifts and tilts of the goniometer
head by visual inspection until the capillary is centered and in a vertical position using the special key
delivered with the goniometer head.
2. Mount the capillary spinner stage onto the X’Pert PRO goniometer.
3. Mount the incident beam optical module onto the incident beam PreFIX position.
4. Mount the alignment microscope on the diffracted beam PreFIX position. Make sure that the alignment
microscope does not touch the other diffracted beam PreFIX module when mounted (only applicable
when two diffracted beam PreFIX positions are available). Move the diffracted beam arm using the
data collector software to such a position that the arm points upwards (for a Theta-Theta system:
2θ = 90º; offset = -45º for an Omega-2Theta system: 2θ = 96º, offset = -42º; for an Alpha-1 system:
2θ = 120º, offset = -30º). You should now be able to look through the microscope when standing in
front of the enclosure.
5. Mount the goniometer head onto the capillary spinner stage. Make sure that the pin on the capillary
spinner stage corresponds to the hole in the goniometer head. Rotate the securing ring clockwise until
the goniometer head is fixed onto the capillary spinner stage.
6. Look through the microscope and focus onto the glass capillary. Using a sheet of white paper to reflect
the light, or using a light directed onto the glass capillary helps to enhance the contrast.
7. You can now start the alignment of the glass capillary:
a. Begin with the tilt adjustment on the goniometer closest to the base of the goniometer. Rotate the
goniometer head in such a way that the tilt axis is parallel to the microscope's optical axis.
b. Adjust the tilt until the glass capillary is lined up with the cross-hair of the ocular of the
c. Check the correct alignment by rotating the goniometer head back and forth between 0º and 180º
and comparing the position of the glass capillary. If the two situations do not correspond, it may
well be that the cross-hair of the microscope is not correctly oriented.
d. After adjusting the tilt, adjust the corresponding shift.
8. Repeat the previous step with the other tilt and shift adjustments.
9. Switch the capillary spinner stage spinner motor on and check to see if the capillary wobbles. If it does
wobble, repeat the steps 7 and 8. When you are satisfied, switch the spinner motor off.
10. Replace the alignment microscope with the PreFIX module that you want to use for the X-ray
experiment. You are now ready to start collecting data!
07.03.27 Page 12.13
X’Pert PRO System - User’s Guide
The spinner rotation speed can be set at 2, 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 revolutions per second. The maximum sample
mass (including the sample holder) is 150 g.
If the spinner includes a loading handle the spinner lift is manually operated; otherwise, the spinner lift is
operated using the data collector software.
When the sample spinner is used in combination with a PW3065/xx Sample Changer, the lift operation is
motorized and can be controlled with the data collector software.
When a sample is correctly fitted into a PW18xx Sample Holder and loaded into the PW3064/00 Sample Spinner
it is automatically adjusted to the correct sample height. The reference plane of the PW18xx Sample Holder is
flush with that of the sample spinner.
Position for
a Circular
Sample Holder
12.4.1 Accessories Sample Holder
One circular sample holder is included with the PW3064/00 Sample Spinner. The sample holder is physically
the same as the PW1813/32 Sample Holder for Circular Samples. It is used to mount filters or solid samples with
a diameter between 30 mm and 32.3 mm and a maximum thickness of 6 mm. The circular silicon pressed powder
sample delivered with the X’Pert PRO diffraction system fits into this holder. More details about this type of
sample holder are given in Appendix A of this User’s Guide (section A.2.1.4).
The height of the beam knife above the sample can be adjusted so that the gap between the sample and the knife
is between 0.5 and 5 mm. More information about using this type of beam knife is given in section 14.3.1 in
Chapter 14 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
The beam knife is now ready for use. Instructions on how to choose the optimum height of the knife above the
sample are given in section 14.3.6 in Chapter 14 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
Figure 12.8: PW3064/10 Beam Knife Mounted onto a PW3064/00 Sample Spinner
PW3065/xx PreFIX Sample Changer. These sample changers contain sample magazines that can be loaded with
PW18xx Sample Holders. Using a sample changer makes it possible for the system to run batches of routine
measurements. More information about the PreFIX sample changers is given in Chapter 15 in Part II of this
User’s Guide.
If the sample holder is not inserted correctly, the sample will tilt during a spinning measurement. This will cause
a sample height displacement resulting in defocusing and thus peak broadening and a weakening of the peak
Page 12.16 07.03.27
Part II - Chapter 12: Platforms for Horizontal & Vertical Systems
Which of the rotation modes used in a measurement is selected in the data collector software.
The PW3064/60 Reflection-transmission Spinner can be used in reflection and transmission sample modes.
1. Reflection Sample Mode: The (flat) sample is partially penetrated by the incident beam. The
diffracted beam leaves the sample on the same side as the incident beam entered. At an Omega setting
of 0°, the incident beam is parallel to the sample surface.
2. Transmission Sample Mode: The (flat) sample is completely penetrated by the incident beam. The
diffracted beam leaves the sample at the opposite side to the incident beam. At an Omega setting of 0°,
the incident beam is perpendicular (90º) to the sample surface.
The specifications of the PW3064/60 Reflection-transmission Spinner are given in Table 12.2.
Accuracy ± 0.1º
Reproducibility ± 0.1º
The spinner lift is motorized and is operated using the data collector software. Samples can be loaded when the
spinner stage is in its lower position.
The sample spinner can be used in combination with a PW3065/x1 Sample Changer.
When a sample is correctly fitted into a PW18xx Sample Holder and loaded into the PW3064/60 Sample Spinner
it is automatically adjusted to the correct sample height. The reference plane of the PW18xx Sample Holder is
flush with that of the sample spinner.
12.5.1 Accessories Sample Holder
A circular sample holder is included with the PW3064/60 Reflection-transmission Spinner. The sample holder
is physically the same as the PW1813/32 Sample Holder for Circular Samples. It is used to mount filters or solid
samples with a diameter between 30 mm and 32.3 mm with a maximum thickness of 6 mm. The circular silicon
pressed powder sample delivered with the X'Pert PRO diffraction system fits into this holder. More details about
this type of sample holder are given in Appendix A of this User's Guide (section A.2.1.4)
The beam knife is now ready for use. Instructions on how to choose the optimum height of the knife above the
sample are given in section 14.3.6 in Chapter 14 in Part II of this User's Guide.
Figure 12.10: PW3064/10 Beam Knife Mounted onto a PW3064/60 Reflection-transmission Spinner
CAUTION When a beam knife is mounted on the spinner you must make sure
that you do not automatically change from reflection to
transmission sample mode. This is because it is possible that
collisions between the beam knife and incident or diffracted beam
modules could occur.
Figure 12.11: PW3064/20 Direct Beam Stop Mounted onto a PW3064/60 Reflection-transmission
Spinner Mounting the Direct Beam Stop onto the Reflection-transmission Spinner
Mount the direct beam stop onto the reflection-transmission spinner as follows:
1. Bring the beam stop into its position on the reflection-transmission spinner, so that the two pins on the
spinner fit into the holes on the beam stop, see Figure 12.11.
2. Fix the direct beam stop to the spinner using the M3 x 16 screw supplied.
Now you can proceed with aligning the direct beam stop.
6. Insert a 1/2° divergence slit, a 1/2° or a 1/4° anti-scatter slit (the one that you are going to use in your
experiments) and a 0.04 rad or smaller Soller slits assembly into their appropriate positions in the
focusing X-ray mirror.
7. If you are using an X'Celerator or a PIXcel, set it to scanning mode; if you are using a PW3093/60
Programmable Receiving Slit, set it to 0.1 mm. If a programmable anti-scatter slit is mounted onto the
X'Celerator or the PIXCel or the programmable receiving slit, set it to 1/32° . If you have a fixed anti-
scatter device mounted onto the X’Celerator or the PIXcel, use the advised combination given in Table
6.12 and Table 6.13 in Chapter 6 of Part II of this User’s Guide.
8. Set ω = 0° and make a 2θ scan around 2θ = 0°, for example: from -1° to 3° 2θ. Use the same scan type
and omega-offset that you are going to use in the experiments that you are going to perform. A typical
result of this scan is shown in Figure 12.12.
Intensity [cps]
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
2theta [deg.]
b. In order to raise the beam stop: use a 1.5 Allen key to loosen the lower setscrew by turning it about
45° (or less for smaller steps) and then tighten the upper setscrew by the same amount. Make a new
scan with the same settings as in step 8 and repeat this procedure until your scan looks like the scan
shown in Figure 12.12.
12. Fix the two mounting screws.
This completes the beam stop alignment. Your system is now ready for use.
12.5.2 Use Manually Loading a Sample
A sample fitted into a PW18xx Sample Holder can be manually loaded onto a PW3064/60 Reflection-
transmission Spinner as follows:
1. Move the sample lift down using the data collector software to bring the sample position to the loading
2. Place the sample holder onto its position on the sample spinner (indicated in Figure 12.9).
3. Move the sample lift up so that the sample holder is brought into its reference position.
4. Check that the sample holder is positioned correctly so that the reference surface of the sample holder is
flush with the reference plane of the sample spinner. If the sample holder is not inserted correctly, the
sample will tilt during a spinning measurement. This will cause a sample height displacement resulting
in defocusing and thus peak shift and broadening and a weakening of the peak intensity.
Table 12.3: Overview of Actions Required on Changing the PW3064/60 Reflection-transmission Spinner
Sample Mode
NOTE: The large offset arm can also be used in reflection mode; in this case the maximum 2theta angle
obtainable is decreased by 60° 2θ.
The sample can be automatically infinitely rotated around a phi axis. The specifications of the Automatic Phi
Cradle are given in Table 12.3.
Accuracy ± 0.05º
Reproducibility ± 0.05º
12.6.1 Use Changing Sample Modes
Figure 12.16: PW3067/00 Automatic Phi Cradle ATC-1 in Transmission Sample Mode
- Mode Changing Screws
The PW3067/00 Automatic Phi Cradle ATC-1 can be used in reflection or in transmission mode. Change from
one sample mode to another is performed by setting the sample mode required in the data collector software. The
actions that are executed automatically or manually depend on the type of X'Pert PRO MPD system and on the
sample mode that you are going to use. These actions are given in Table 12.5.
Table 12.5: Overview of Actions Required on Changing the Sample Mode of the PW3067/00 Automatic
Phi Cradle ATC-1
Do not touch the alignment screw (shown in Figure 12.16) as this
screw is factory aligned and will disturb the sample’s position if
3. Carefully pull the alignment block a little distance (just under 1 cm) away from the PreFIX Interface,
turn the cradle:
a. through 90º counter-clockwise when you are changing the cradle position from reflection to
transmission mode,
b. through 90º clockwise when you are changing the cradle position from transmission to reflection
and then push it back against the PreFIX Interface.
4. Put back the screw (Y) that you removed in step 1, and loosely tighten it.
5. Tighten the setscrew and then tighten screw Y.
Figure 12.17 shows the ATC-1 cradle in the reflection mode position.
Figure 12.17: PW3067/00 Automatic Phi Cradle ATC-1 in Reflection Sample Mode
- Sample Mounting Screws
Option 1:
Put the sample (with sample holder) on the sample mounting area in the central part of the cradle.
Clamp the sample by tightening the two setscrews (M2 x 4) at the side of the sample holder. The
position of the setscrews is shown in Figure 12.17. The maximum sample (holder) diameter is 34 mm.
The sample holder must be 3.0 mm thick.
Option 2:
Put the sample (with sample holder) on the sample mounting area in the central part of the cradle and
clamp it with two screws (M2 x 6) and washers using the screw holes just outside the sample mounting
area. These screw holes are indicated in Figure 12.17. The sample holder must have a diameter of 34
mm and be 3.0 mm thick.
Option 3:
Put the sample (with sample holder) on the sample mounting area in the central part of the cradle and
clamp it with two screws (M2 x 6) and washers using the screw holes in the sample mounting area.
These screw holes are indicated in Figure 12.17. This option requires a circular sample holder with a
diameter of 34 mm and a maximum thickness of 3.0 mm which has two (diametrically opposite) holes
drilled in it. These holes must be 27 mm ± 0.1 mm apart and have a diameter of 2.4 mm ± 0.1 mm.
The samples can be mounted onto a circular table which can then be mounted into a phi rotation table. Both the
sample table and the phi rotation table have an alignment mark that allows you to align the sample to be analyzed
in a specific direction. The reference plane for sample height adjustment is indicated by a height adjustment pin
(see Figure 12.18).
The sample can be rotated over 360° around a phi axis, tilted around a psi axis from -90° to +90º and translated
over a maximum distance of 10 mm in the Y direction (along the goniometer axis). It is also possible to oscillate
over 5 or 10 mm in the Y direction in order to bring more crystallites into the diffraction position during a
measurement. An overview of the specifications of the axes is provided in Table 12.5.
Pin Sample
12.7.1 Use
The procedure for mounting and adjusting the height of the sample is as follows:
1. Move the diffracted beam optics out of the way, using the data collector software, to provide more
working space.
NOTE: This step is optional but advised. Moving the secondary beam optics allows more working space.
2. Mount the sample onto the sample table and secure it with plasticine or double-sided adhesive tape. If
the sample is very light in weight it can be secured with an acid free grease. If the sample cannot be
secured by these methods experiment with other ways of fixing the sample to the sample table.
3. Place the sample table, with sample already mounted, in the hole in the center of the phi rotation table,
see Figure 12.19.
4. Make sure that the sample is pushed far enough down to allow the height adjustment pin to be moved to
the vertical position.
5. Move the height adjustment pin to the vertical position so that the sample table shaft and the height
adjustment pin are in line.
6. Pull the sample table up until the sample surface just touches the height adjustment pin.
NOTE: The sample table and the phi rotation table are both marked to allow you to align the sample in a
specific direction. We advise you to mount the sample with its reference direction (RD) oriented
towards the alignment mark on the sample table. When the alignment on the sample table is then
aligned with the alignment mark on the phi rotation table, the reference direction (RD) on a pole
figure is along the ϕ = 0º direction.
7. Turn the height adjustment pin clear of the sample, ensuring that the pin does not scrape the sample
surface and does not touch the inner cylinder of the ATC-3.
Sample Table
Alignment Mark on
the Sample Table
Alignment Mark
on the Phi
Rotation Table
The type of sample mounting platform to be used depends on the sample to be analyzed. Details about the sample
mounting platforms and their specific reference planes for sample height alignment are given in section 12.8.1.
When a sample is mounted onto the cradle it can be rotated over ϕ range of n x 360° and tilted over a ψ range
from -5° to +95°. A manual Z translation is available as an accessory; it is described in section
An overview of the specifications of the axes on the PW3069/00 Open Eulerian Cradle is given in .
Open Eulerian
Double Knife
Alignment Tool
Wafer Holder
Sample Holder
Table 12.7: Specifications of the Adjustable Axes on the Open Eulerian Cradle
12.8.1 Accessories Multi-purpose Sample Holder
A multi-purpose sample holder is delivered as an accessory to the open Eulerian cradle. It is shown in Figure
12.20. It is used to mount unusually shaped samples onto the open Eulerian cradle. The maximum sample
diameter is 55 mm; the maximum sample height is 25 mm. The reference plane for sample height adjustment is
given by the top surface of the three metal rods attached to the sample holder.
To mount a sample in the Multi-purpose Sample Holder lay the sample face down on a flat surface, extend the
three spring loaded fingers to the rim of the holder and then move the fingers inward to grab the sample.
Metal Rod
The multi-purpose sample holder can be mounted onto the PW3069/00 Open Eulerian Cradle as follows:
1. Place the multi-purpose sample holder in position on the phi ring of the Open Eulerian Cradle.
2. Apply enough pressure onto the sample stage to click it into place.
The wafer holder is designed so that when a 0.35 mm thick wafer is mounted it is automatically aligned for the
correct sample height.
The wafer holder can be mounted onto the PW3069/00 Open Eulerian Cradle as follows:
1. Place the wafer holder in its position on the phi ring of the Open Eulerian Cradle.
2. Apply enough pressure onto the sample stage to click it into place.
The manual Z translation stage mounted onto an open Eulerian cradle is shown in Figure 12.22. A dial gauge
used for accurate reading of the sample height is included with the Z translation stage, it can be mounted onto
the dial gauge holder which is factory mounted onto the open Eulerian cradle. The Z translation stage itself can
be mounted onto the open Eulerian cradle. Mounting instructions are given in section Specifications
of the Z translation stage are included in . The Z translation stage can hold samples with maximum dimensions
of 10 mm thickness and 160 mm diameter. The maximum sample mass is 75 g. The samples can be mounted
onto the stage with an adhesive, for example: double-sided adhesive tape or plasticine. If your sample is more
than 10 mm thick, you can remove the central disk from the Z translation stage to create more space to mount
your sample. How to remove the central disk is described in section
Dial Gauge
Dial Gauge
Central Disk’s
Fixing Screws
You can mount the Z translation stage onto the PW3069/00 Open Eulerian Cradle as follows:
1. Mount the open Eulerian cradle onto the PreFIX interface on the goniometer and report this to the data
collector software. Use the X’Pert Wizard: “Exchange Sample Stage” and follow its instructions for the
correct procedures (see section 12.1.1 for a description of the procedures).
2. Dismount the open Eulerian cradle from the goniometer. Do not disconnect the electrical connecting
3. If mounted, remove the multi-purpose sample holder or wafer holder from the open Eulerian cradle.
4. Before you mount the Z translation stage, look at its bottom, you will see three threaded screw holes
which will match the three holes on the securing ring (indicated in Figure 12.23) when they are
correctly lined up. In steps 7 to 9 you will be inserting three screws into these holes.
5. Place the Z translation stage into the open Eulerian cradle, make sure that it distinctly clicks into place.
6. Turn the cradle upside down and place the securing ring over the Z translation stage’s base so that the
holes in the securing ring line up with those in the base (you will only be able to see one or two holes at
the same time). Make sure that the countersink in the holes on the securing ring are on the surface
facing you, not facing the base (see Figure 12.23).
7. Insert one of the supplied screws (M3 x 10) and tighten it.
8. Use the Phi movement of the data collector software to rotate the open Eulerian cradle (make sure that
the cradle rotation is not obstructed) until you can gain access to the next screw hole. Insert the next
screw and tighten it.
Securing Ring
Fixing Screw
You can create more space to mount your sample on the Z translation stage by removing the central disk. You
do that as follows:
1. If the Open Eulerian Cradle is mounted on the X’Pert PRO goniometer, remove it from the PreFIX
stage interface. See section 12.1.1 for this procedure.
2. Loosen the central disk’s three fixing screws (see Figure 12.22).
3. Hold one hand under the cradle and carefully turn it upside-down. The three screws and the central disk
should now fall into your hand.
4. Turn the cradle the right way up and mount it on the goniometer.
In order to achieve accurate measurements the sample surface must be positioned in the reference plane for the
sample height. When the sample is mounted onto the Z translation stage sample height adjustment is performed
with the use of a dial gauge. To align the sample proceed as follows:
1. Mount the dial gauge onto the dial gauge holder as shown in Figure 12.22.
2. Rotate the upper part of the Z translation stage so that the reading on the dial gauge corresponds to the
Z = 0 position as provided by the PANalytical Service Engineer when the system was installed.
CAUTION The dial gauge has been accurately calibrated by the PANalytical
Service Engineer to ensure that the correct sample height position
is known to within a few micrometers. Do not therefore pull on the
long arm of the dial gauge assembly, rotate the outer rim of the
gauge or drop the gauge as these actions are likely to cause the
gauge to lose calibration.
Where it is undesirable to make mechanical contact with the top surface of a sample, for example: a partially
processed semiconductor wafer, a sample of identical thickness should be aligned and the same Z setting used
for the delicate sample. Alternatively, you can use the procedure for sample height adjustment with the use of
X-rays as described in section Alignment of a sample for micro-diffraction experiments using an
alignment microscope is described in section 10.4.1 in Chapter 10 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
In order to align a sample on the Z translation stage using X-rays the sample must be large and flat. The alignment
procedure is as follows:
1. Mount a non-offset incident beam PreFIX module (for example: a fixed or programmable divergence
slit) and report this to the data collector software.
2. Center the sample in the heart of the goniometer. You can use the dial gauge as an indication of the
3. Set all of the axes 2theta, omega, phi and psi to 0º; rotate the upper part of the Z translation stage to its
lowest position and make sure that the X-ray beam is not obstructed by the sample or the open Eulerian
4. Insert a 0.2 mm copper attenuation foil into the incident beam path in order to protect the detector.
5. Use a small receiving slit or the X’Celerator or the PIXcel in the scanning mode to find the peak
position of the direct X-ray beam by performing a 2θ scan through the 2θ = 0º position. Make a note of
the exact 2θ peak position.
6. Use the data collector software to recalibrate the 2θ = 0º position to coincide with the peak position of
the direct beam.
7. Depending on the diffracted beam optics used, perform one of the following actions:
a. If you are using the PW3093/60 Programmable Receiving Slit, set it to 3 mm.
b. If a programmable or fixed anti-scatter slit assembly is mounted onto the programmable receiving
slit, set it to 4º.
c. If you are using an X’Celerator, rotate it 90º (see section 21.4 in Chapter 21 of Part II of this User’s
Guide) and set it to the receiving slit mode. Use the maximum length of 9 mm. Do not insert a slit
into the the fixed anti-scatter slits holder.
d. If you are using a PIXcel, set it to the receiving slit mode and use the maximum length. Do not
insert a slit into the the fixed anti-scatter slits holder.
e. If you are using the PW3097/60 Rocking Curve Attachment, do not insert a slit.
8. Open the shutter and make a note of the peak intensity (Ip). If you are using an X’Celerator or a PIXcel
detector, make a stationary measurement for about 10 seconds in order to determine the peak intensity
9. Set 2θ = 0º and rotate the upper part of the Z translation stage until the direct beam intensity is equal to
10. Make a small ω scan and note the maximum intensity Im.
11. The next action depends on whether Im > Ip/2 (step a), or Im < Ip/2 (step b).
a. If Im > Ip/2, move the sample forward with small increments of Z until the maximum intensity
measured in an ω scan (Im) equals Ip/2.
b. If Im < Ip/2, move the sample backwards with small increments of Z until the maximum intensity
measured in an ω scan (Im) equals Ip/2.
12. Move the goniometer to the peak position of the ω scan where Im equals Ip/2 and make a note of the Full
Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of the peak.
13. Measure the FWHM of the peaks in a series of ω scans with the ψ angle changing in steps of 0.5º
around the starting position.
14. Set the ψ angle at the value that produces the minimum FWHM.
Alternatively you can automatically optimize the ψ setting in a series of ω scans using the optimize
program in the data collector software.
15. Move ω to the peak position and re-calibrate the ω = 0º position using the data collector software. The
sample is now aligned at optimal 2θ, ω, ψ and Z settings.
NOTE: If you are using an X’Celerator, rotate it back to its normal position before starting the
Reset ω and 2θ to the original offset values at the end of the measurement.
The open Eulerian cradle is now ready for use with a multi-purpose sample holder or a wafer holder.
Samples with a maximum diameter of 70 mm (100 mm if not translated), a maximum height of 4 mm, and a
maximum mass of 150 g can be mounted onto this cradle. Several sample mounting platforms are available for
the open Eulerian cradle. The type of sample mounting platform to be mounted depends on the sample to be
analyzed. Details about the sample mounting platforms and their specific reference planes for sample height
alignment are given in section 12.9.1.
When a sample is mounted onto the cradle it can be rotated over phi range of n x 360° and tilted over a psi range
from -5° to +95°. The samples can be automatically positioned in the X direction over a total range of 50 mm.
Samples can be translated manually in the Y direction. An overview of the specifications of the axes on the
PW3070/00 Open Eulerian Cradle is given in Table 12.8.
Table 12.8: Specifications of the Adjustable Axes on the PW3070/00 Open Eulerian Cradle
12.9.1 Accessories Wafer Holder
A Wafer Holder is included with the PW3070/00 Open Eulerian Cradle. It is shown in Figure 12.26. It is used
to mount wafers with a thickness of 0.35 mm and a maximum diameter of up to 100 mm (4 inch). The wafer
holder is designed such that when a 0.35 mm thick wafer is mounted it is automatically aligned for the correct
sample height.
The wafer holder can be mounted onto the PW3070/00 Open Eulerian Cradle as follows:
1. Place the wafer holder in its position on the phi ring of the Open Eulerian Cradle.
2. Apply enough pressure onto the wafer holder to click it into place.
The sample cup can be mounted onto the PW3070/00 Open Eulerian Cradle as follows:
1. Place the sample cup in its position on the phi ring of the Open Eulerian Cradle.
2. Apply enough pressure onto the sample cup to click it into place.
12.9.2 Use Mounting Samples on the Wafer Holder
There are clips provided on the wafer holder which can be used to gently and securely hold full wafers or large
pieces of wafers. Alternatively some form of adhesive tape or plasticine may be used. Care should be taken to
avoid straining the sample as this will alter the diffraction profile. The footprint of the incident beam should be
well away from the mounting area if there is any doubt about the strain-free nature of the mounting. When
measurements at low angles are being used, care should be taken to avoid obstructing the X-ray beam path with
mounting clips or other mounting material.
In order to align a sample using X-rays the sample must be large and flat. The alignment procedure is as follows:
1. Mount a non-offset incident beam PreFIX module (for example: a fixed or programmable divergence
slit) and report this to the data collector software.
2. Center the sample in the heart of the goniometer.
3. Set all of the axes 2theta, omega, psi and phi to 0º.
4. Remove the wafer holder or the sample cup from the sample stage.
5. Use a small receiving slit or the X'Celerator or the PIXcel in the scanning mode to find the peak
position of the direct X-ray beam by performing a 2θ scan through the 2θ = 0º position. Make a note of
the exact 2θ peak position.
6. Use the data collector software to recalibrate the 2θ = 0º position to coincide with the peak position of
the direct beam.
7. Depending on the diffracted beam optics being used, perform one of the following actions:
a. If you are using the PW3093/60 Programmable Receiving Slit, set it to 3 mm.
b. If a programmable or fixed anti-scatter slit assembly is mounted onto the programmable receiving
slit, set it to 4º.
c. If you are using an X'Celerator, rotate it 90º (see section 21.4 in Chapter 21 of Part II of this User's
Guide) and set it to the receiving slit mode. Use the maximum length of 9 mm. Do not insert a slit
into the the fixed anti-scatter slits holder.
d. If you are using a PIXcel, set it to the receiving slit mode and use the maximum length. Do not
insert a slit into the the fixed anti-scatter slits holder.
e. If you are using the PW3097/60 Rocking Curve Attachment, do not insert a slit.
8. Open the shutter and make a note of the peak intensity (Ip). If you are using an X’Celerator or a PIXcel
detector, make a stationary measurement for about 10 seconds in order to determine the peak intensity
9. Set 2θ = 0º and mount the wafer holder with the wafer mounted or the sample cup.
10. Make a small ω scan and note the maximum intensity Im.
11. Move the goniometer to the peak position of the ω scan and make a note of the Full Width at Half
Maximum (FWHM) of the peak.
12. Measure the FWHM of the peaks in a series of ω scans with the ψ angle changing in steps of 0.5º
around the starting position.
13. Set the ψ angle at the value that produces the minimum FWHM. Alternatively you can automatically
optimize the ψ setting in a series of ω scans using the optimize program in the data collector software.
14. Move ω to the peak position and re-calibrate the ω = 0º position using the data collector software. The
sample is now aligned at optimal 2θ, ω and ψ settings.
NOTES: If you are using an X'Celerator, rotate it back to its normal position before starting the
Reset ω and 2θ to the original offset values at the end of the measurement.
Solid samples with a minimum width of 40 mm and a maximum thickness of 5 mm can be mounted. The
maximum sample mass is 50 g. A PW1172/01 Flat Sample Holder can be used for smaller solid samples or
powder samples.
Using this sample holder together with the single knife edge in the tube height fine check and adjustment
procedure is described in section of Chapter 1 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
Reference Line
Sample Clamp
12.10.1 Accessories PW1172/01 Set of 25 Flat Sample Holders
PW1172/01 is a set of 25 rectangular sample holders for powder samples or small solid samples. The maximum
sample volume is 15 mm width x 20 mm length x 2 mm thickness. A sample holder consists of a metal holder
plate and a metal back plate. It can be used to prepare samples using the back-loading technique. More
information about this type of sample holder and its applications is given in Appendix A of this User’s Guide.
The height of the beam knife above the sample can be adjusted so that the gap between the sample and the knife
is between 0.5 and 5 mm. More information about using this type of beam knife is given in section 14.3.2 in
Chapter 14 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
Figure 12.29: PW3071/65 Beam Knife Mounted onto a PW3071/60 Sample Stage Mounting the Beam Knife onto the Flat Sample Stage
Mount the beam knife onto the flat sample stage as follows:
1. Unlock the black knurled knob on the rear side of the beam knife holder and set the knife in its highest
position. Lock the black knurled knob.
2. Slide the beam knife holder into its position on the flat sample stage as shown in Figure 12.29, making
sure that the beam knife is parallel to the reference line on the flat sample stage.
3. Fix the beam knife holder to the spinner using the two M3 x 16 screws with black knurled knobs
The beam knife is now ready for use. Instructions on how to choose the optimum height of the knife above the
sample are given in section 14.3.6 in Chapter 14 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
12.10.2 Use
To mount a flat sample onto the sample holder proceed as follows:
1. Fit the sample onto the sample holder between the sample clamp and the spring against the back edge
of the holder.
2. Check that the sample surface is flush with the reference plane.
NOTE: We recommend that you use a mask opening on the incident beam PreFIX that irradiates 10 mm or
less of the sample width in order to prevent some of the sample stage itself being irradiated by the
incident X-ray beam.
Figure 12.30: PW3072/60 Stationary Stage for PW18xx Sample Holders with Sample Holder Mounted
12.11.1 Accessories Sample Holder
One circular sample holder is included with the PW3072/60 Stationary Stage. The sample holder is physically
the same as the PW1813/32 Sample Holders for Circular Solid Samples. It is used to mount filters or solid
samples with a diameter between 30 mm and 32.3 mm and a maximum thickness of 6 mm. The circular silicon
pressed powder sample delivered with the X’Pert PRO diffraction system fits into this holder. More details about
this type of sample holder are given in Appendix A of this User’s Guide (section A.2.1.4).
The height of the beam knife above the sample can be adjusted so that the gap between the sample and the knife
is between 0.5 and 5 mm. More information about using this type of beam knife is given in section 14.3.3 in
Chapter 14 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
Figure 12.31: PW3072/65 Beam Knife Mounted onto a PW3072/60 Stationary Stage
The beam knife is now ready for use. Instructions on how to choose the optimum height of the knife above the
sample are given in section 14.3.6 in Chapter 14 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
12.11.2 Use
To mount a sample in the platform:
1. Press the spring loaded lever down with one hand and insert the sample until it is firmly against the far
surface so that the spring can press it securely into the reference plane.
If the sample is not inserted so that the top holders (bars or clamps) are in contact with the sample, the sample
will tilt causing a sample height displacement and thus a peak shift. This also causes defocusing and thus peak
broadening and a weakening of intensity.
The multi-purpose sample stage basically consists of a sample mounting table that can be PreFIX mounted onto
an X’Pert PRO goniometer. It is shown in Figure 12.32. A sample holder for mounting flat samples is included
as an accessory. The sample mounting has a number of threaded holes which are used to secure samples by
means of screws and clamps. The position of these holes is such, that third party micro-positioning devices can
be mounted. The height of the sample table can be chosen from one of three basic positions with steps of 25 mm.
When the sample stage is used in combination with an X’Pert PRO Theta-Theta diffraction system the sample
mounting table can be completely removed to allow measurements on extremely large samples positioned on the
base plate of the X’Pert PRO enclosure. Refer to section 12.12.2 for sample mounting and height alignment
The PW3074/00 Multi-purpose Sample Stage can only be fitted to an X’Pert PRO vertical goniometer. Samples
with maximum dimensions of 10 cm diameter and 10 cm height, weighing no more than 1 kg can be mounted
on this sample stage.
The sample stage has three axes that can be manually adjusted: phi, Z and a tilt axis.
The sample can be manually rotated (φ) through 360°, and tilted through ± 3°. Sample height (Z) can be adjusted
very accurately using the dial gauge supplied with the sample stage. The reference plane for sample height
adjustment is indicated with the use of a reference plate that can be inserted into a holder for flat samples. The
reference plate and the dial gauge are described in sections and An overview of the
specifications of the adjustable axes is given in Table 12.9.
Table 12.9: Specifications of the Adjustable Axes on the Multi-purpose Sample Stage
Accuracy ± 1º 0.3º ± 15 μm
Reproducibility ± 1º 0.3º ± 15 μm
12.12.1 Accessories
The PW3074/00 Multi-purpose Sample Stage can be used together with a dial gauge and a variety of sample
holders. These are described in this section. You can also, taking into account the specifications given above,
mount your own sample holder onto this sample platform. To help you in designing sample holders for the
Multi-purpose Sample Stage, a schematic diagram of the mounting platform is shown in Figure 12.33.
Figure 12.33: Schematic Diagram of the Sample Mounting Platform of the PW3074/00 Multi-purpose
Sample Stage Mounting the Sample Holder onto the Multi-purpose Sample Stage
Figure 12.34: Mounting a Sample onto the PW3074/00 Multi-purpose Sample Stage
Mount the sample holder for flat samples onto the PW3074/00 Multi-purpose Sample Stage as follows:
Insert the sample holder into the multi-purpose sample stage in the position indicated in Figure 12.32
until it clicks into place. It is not necessary to remove the sample mounting table in order to fit the sam-
ple holder, but it may be necessary to lower the sample table prior to inserting the sample holder for flat
Mount a flat solid sample or a powder sample in a PW1172/01 Sample Holder as follows:
1. Fit the sample between the metal plate and the spring of the sample holder (see Figure 12.32) against
the back edge of the holder.
2. Check that the surface is flush with the reference plane.
NOTE: If you are using the flat sample holder we recommend that you use a mask opening on the incident
beam PreFIX that irradiates 10 mm or less of the sample width in order to prevent some of the
sample stage itself being irradiated by the incident X-ray beam. If part of the sample holder is
irradiated it may result in spurious peaks or a high background on the diffractogram.
3. Push the two dial gauge holder arms into position on the multi-purpose sample stage until they are
locked into position (clicks into the deep grooves). The dial gauge measuring pin now should point to
the center of the reference plate (see Figure 12.35).
4. Loosen the dial gauge fixing screw shown in Figure 12.35. Rotate the dial gauge in its holder until you
can comfortably read its scale. Firmly tighten the dial gauge fixing screw.
5. Turn the knurled ring of the dial gauge until the 0.002 mm scale reads zero.
6. Read and record the exact 0.2 mm scale value for later use when mounting and aligning the sample.
7. Remove the dial gauge holder and the sample shaft.
NOTE: Take care not to turn the dial gauge scale accidentally when removing the holder. If the scale is
turned accidentally repeat the complete calibration procedure.
After calibration the dial gauge is used to align the height of the sample, mounted on the sample mounting table.
You rotate the sample table by inserting the two locating pins on the pin key into the holes on the sample rotating
table as shown in Figure 12.36 and then pulling slowly in a circular movement to rotate the sample table.
PW3074/00 Multi-purpose Sample Stage in order to improve the peak-to-background ratio in measurements
using the PW3015/x0 X’Celerator or a PW3018/00 PIXcel.
The height of the beam knife above the sample can be adjusted so that the gap between the sample and the knife
is between 0.5 and 5 mm. More information about using this type of beam knife is given in section 14.3.4 in
Chapter 14 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
Figure 12.37: PW3074/10 Beam Knife Mounted onto a PW3074/00 Multi-purpose Sample Stage Mounting the Beam Knife onto the Multi-purpose Sample Stage
Mount the beam knife onto the multi-purpose sample stage as follows:
1. Unlock the black knurled knob on the beam knife and set the knife in its highest position. Lock the
black knurled knob.
2. Push the two arms of the beam knife holder into their position on the multi-purpose sample stage until
they are locked into position (clicked into the deep grooves) as shown in Figure 12.8. The beam knife
should now be above the center of the sample mounting table.
You can also use the beam knife in combination with the sample holder for flat solid samples. To mount the
sample holder and the beam knife onto the multi-purpose sample stage, proceed as follows:
1. Insert the flat sample holder in position as described in section
2. Unlock the black knurled knob on the beam knife and set the knife in its highest position. Lock the
black knurled knob.
3. Push the two arms of the beam knife holder into their position on the multi-purpose sample stage until
they are locked into position (clicked into the shallow grooves).
The beam knife is now ready for use. Instructions on how to choose the optimum height of the knife above the
sample are given in section 14.3.6 in Chapter 14 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
12.12.2 Use
There are two methods of mounting a sample on the PW3074/00 Multi-purpose Sample Stage:
• on the sample holder
• on the sample mounting table.
Both of these mounting methods are determined by the weight, shape and volume of the sample. Mounting of
flat samples with the sample holder is described in section This section describes mounting of samples
onto the sample mounting table, coarse and fine sample height adjustment and sample tilt adjustment.
Care must be taken that clamps, samples or mounting materials do
not obstruct the movements of the goniometer arms.
Suitable clamps or supports should be obtained locally as samples are of various shapes, dimensions and weights.
Fixing screws that protrude more than 1 or 2 mm will limit the levelling range of the sample mounting table.
Select one of these three positions so that the area to be analyzed can be accurately positioned, in height, to
coincide with the omega axis. The sample mounting table can be completely removed so that extremely large
samples can be measured on an X’Pert PRO Theta-Theta diffraction system. Sample height adjustment
procedures are given in section
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Part II - Chapter 12: Platforms for Horizontal & Vertical Systems
The following procedure is used to align a sample using the sample mounting table:
1. Move the diffracted beam optics out of the way, to 160° 2θ if possible (or the highest value allowed),
using the software, to obtain more working space. Alternatively, you can remove (all of) the diffracted
beam PreFIX modules.
2. Remove the sample mounting table from the height adjustment mechanism by loosening the two fixing
screws at the bottom of the sample stage, using the M10 spanner, see Figure 12.38.
3. Mount the sample on the sample mounting table plate.
Care must be taken that the clamps or mounting materials do not
obstruct the movement of the goniometer arms.
4. Mount the sample mounting table at one of the three height positions. Make sure that you can fit the
dial gauge holder. Tighten the two fixing screws using the M10 spanner.
This procedure adjusts the sample height coarsely. Follow the instructions given in to finely adjust the
sample height.
6.Using the pin key, rotate the mounting plate through 120°, and then through 240° (the rotation
procedure is given in section If the reading of the dial gauge changes after each rotation, tilt
the sample using the three levelling screws underneath the sample stage, see Figure 12.38. Keep on
repeating this step until you read approximately the same value on the dial gauge through the complete
rotation. The sample surface for analysis is now levelled.
NOTE: This levelling of the sample surface is very important, especially when measuring in focusing
geometry. If the sample surface is tilted, a defocusing effect occurs leading to peak broadening and
7. Reposition the dial gauge holder with the dial gauge mounted, by pushing it into the multi-purpose
sample stage until it clicks into the deep grooves in the arms shown in Figure 12.39. When the dial
gauge holder is in this position the measuring pin is in the center of the sample analysis surface.
8. Loosen the height locking screw.
9. Adjust the height of the sample mounting table by turning the height adjusting screw using the small
hexagonal screwdriver until the dial gauge shows exactly the same 0.2 mm calibration reading recorded
in step 6 of “Calibration of the dial gauge”.
10. Tighten the Height Locking Screw, ensuring that the reading of the dial gauge does not change.
11. Remove hexagonal screwdriver and the dial gauge holder.
NOTE: Take care not to turn the dial gauge scale accidentally when removing the holder. If the scale is
turned accidentally repeat the complete calibration procedure.
These PW3075/6x Positioning Stages can be PreFIX mounted onto a vertical X'Pert PRO MPD goniometer.
Exchanging PreFIX sample stages is described in section 12.1.
The general specifications of the PW3075/6x Positioning Stages are listed in Table 12.10.
Range 75 mm 50 mm 75 mm - -
The PW3075/6x Positioning Stages are controlled using PW3075/64 Control Electronics. It is possible to use
more than one of these stages sequentially on an X'Pert PRO system. The same PW3075/64 Control Electronics
can be used for each stage. These electronics and other accessories for the sample stages, including beam knives
and sample holders, are described in section 12.13.4.
Sample positioning and alignment using the positioning stages is described in section 12.13.5.
Be very careful to avoid collisions between the optics and oversize
samples when large angular movements are requested.
NOTES: 1. The tilt axis of the PW3075/61 Positioning Stage is beneath the sample surface. Therefore
changing the tilt position of the sample induces a change in the height (Z) position of the sample.
2. The position of the phi axis changes when the X and Y axes are moved.
The sample stage is equipped with a PreFIX U-block to mount a dial gauge or a beam knife. These accessories
are described in section 12.13.4.
Indications of the ϕ angle set are shown at the sample table. The distance between the lines is 5°. These lines are
meant for accurate ϕ angle setting for omega-stress measurements.
The phi rotation can be set continuously during the measurements, so that the sample acts as a slowly rotating
spinner. At the highest speed one revolution takes about 2 minutes.
Samples can be mounted onto the phi rotation table with adhesive material, for example plasticine or double-
sided adhesive tape. The maximum volume of the samples to be measured is a truncated cone with a base
diameter of 70 mm, a top diameter of 50 mm and a height of 75 mm. The maximum sample mass (including the
sample holder) is 300 g when used in combination with an X'Pert PRO MPD Omega-2Theta system; the
maximum sample mass (including the sample holder) is 1 kg in combination with an X'Pert PRO MPD Theta-
Theta system.
Accessories for this sample stage, including sample holders, are described in section 12.13.4. You can also
mount your own sample holder onto this sample platform, taking into account the specifications given above.
To help you in designing sample holders for the PW3075/61 Positioning Stage, a schematic diagram of the
mounting platform is shown in Figure 12.40.
Figure 12.40: Schematic Diagram of the PW3075/61 Positioning Stage’s Sample Mounting Platform
Sample height adjustment with respect to the reference plane can be performed using the PW3075/65 Dial
Gauge (see section Sample height alignment procedures are described in section 12.13.5.
Phi Rotation +
Reference Line +
- - Z
+ -
ϕ Angle Marking
- +
Figure 12.41: PW3075/61 Positioning Stage with X, Y, Z, Tilt and Phi Movements
NOTE: The tilt axis of the PW3075/62 Positioning Stage is beneath the sample surface. Therefore changing
the tilt position of the sample induces a change in the height (Z) position of the sample.
The sample stage is equipped with a PreFIX U-block to mount a dial gauge or a beam knife. These accessories
are described in section 12.13.4.
Indications of the ϕ angle set are shown at the sample table. The distance between the lines is 5°. These lines are
meant for accurate ϕ angle setting for omega-stress measurements.
The phi rotation can be set continuously during the measurements, so that the sample acts as a slowly rotating
spinner. At the highest speed one revolution takes about 2 minutes.
Samples can be mounted onto the phi rotation table with adhesive material, for example plasticine or double-
sided adhesive tape. Alternatively, they can be mounted onto a sample holder that can then be mounted onto the
phi rotation table. Sample holders for the PW3075/62 Positioning Stage are described in Section 12.13.5.
The maximum volume of the samples to be measured (including the sample holder) is a truncated cone with a
base diameter of 135 mm, a top diameter of 150 mm and a height of 75 mm. The maximum sample mass
(including the sample holder) is 300 g when used in combination with an X'Pert PRO MPD Omega-2Theta
system; the maximum sample mass (including the sample holder) is 1 kg in combination with an X'Pert PRO
MPD Theta-Theta system.
Accessories for this sample stage, including sample holders, are described in section 12.13.4. You can also
mount your own sample holder onto this sample platform, taking into account the specifications given above.
To help you in designing sample holders for the PW3075/62 Positioning Stage, a schematic diagram of the
mounting platform is shown in Figure 12.42.
Figure 12.42: Schematic Diagram of the PW3075/62 Positioning Stage’s Sample Mounting Platform
Sample height adjustment with respect to the reference plane can be performed using the PW3075/65 Dial Gauge
(see section Sample height alignment procedures are described in section 12.13.5.
Phi Rotation +
Holes for Sample
- Holder Mounting
Screws (6x)
ϕ Angle Marking
Reference Line
Figure 12.43: PW3075/62 Positioning Stage with Z, Tilt and Phi Movements
The sample stage is equipped with a PreFIX U-block to mount a dial gauge or a beam knife. These accessories
are described in section 12.13.4.
Samples can be mounted onto the sample table with adhesive material, for example plasticine or double-sided
adhesive tape. The maximum volume of the samples to be measured is a box with a footprint of 70 mm x 70 mm
and a height of 75 mm. The maximum sample mass (including the sample holder) is 1 kg.
Accessories for this sample stage, including sample holders, are described in section 12.13.4. You can also
mount your own sample holder onto this sample platform, taking into account the specifications given above.
To help you in designing sample holders for the PW3075/63 Positioning Stage, a schematic diagram of the
mounting platform is shown in Figure 12.44.
Figure 12.44: Schematic diagram of the PW3075/63 Positioning Stage’s Sample Mounting Platform
Sample height adjustment with respect to the reference plane can be performed using the PW3075/65 Dial
Gauge (see section Sample height alignment procedures are described in section 12.13.5.
+ -
- +
12.13.4 Accessories PW3075/64 Control Electronics
The motorized movements of the PW3075/6x Positioning Stages are controlled by the PW3075/64 Positioning
Stage Control Electronics. The type number consists of an IR Stage Control electronics box mounted in the
PW3040/60 Instrument Enclosure and an IR remote control unit. They are shown in Figure 12.46, the remote
control shown is just an example (it could be slightly different in your system). Use of the control electronics
for sample positioning and alignment is described in section 12.13.5.
Figure 12.46: PW3075/64 Positioning Stage Control Electronics: IR Stage Control Unit
The Control electronics are connected with the PW3075/6x Positioning Stage with a cable. The cable can only
be disconnected from the PW3075/6x sample stage when the X'Pert PRO system is switched off. The procedure
for exchange of PW3075/6x sample stages (including disconnecting the cable) is described in section 12.1.
Do not disconnect the cable from the PW3075/6x Positioning Stages
when the X'Pert PRO system is switched on.
Figure 12.47: PW3075/65 Dial Gauge Mounted onto a PW3075/61 Positioning Stage
Do not turn the adjustment screw as this is used for calibration
Figure 12.48: PW3075/66 Beam Knife for Reflectivity Measurements Mounted onto a PW3075/61
Positioning Stage
The height of the beam knife above the sample can be adjusted such that the gap between the knife and the
sample is between 0.5 and 5 mm. Instructions how to choose the optimum height of the knife above the sample
are given in section 14.3.6 of Chapter 14 in Part II of this User's Guide.
Figure 12.49: PW3075/67 Beam Knife Mounted onto a PW3075/61 Positioning Stage
If measurements at low angles are required, take care that the mounting blocks (or any other material used to
secure the sample) do not obstruct the X-ray beam path.
Clips are provided on the wafer holder, these clips can be used to securely (and gently) hold full wafers or large
pieces of wafer. Alternatively some form of adhesive tape or plasticine may be used. Care should be taken to
avoid straining the sample, as this will alter the diffraction profile. The footprint of the incident beam should be
well away from the mounting area if there is any doubt about the strain-free nature of the mounting. When
measurements at low angles are required, care should be taken to avoid obstructing the X-ray beam path with
mounting clips or other mounting material.
The magnetic ring is secured to the PW3075/62 Positioning Stage using the six screws supplied with the
magnetic ring.
The 9430 500 20351 Magnetic Ring must be mounted onto the PW3075/62 Positioning Stage and then the
sample platform (with the samples already fixed onto it) can be magnetically attached to it.
Adhesive tape or plasticine can be used to affix the samples onto the sample holder. Alternatively, you can use
the magnetic strips delivered with the sample platform. Care should be taken to avoid straining the sample, as
this will alter the diffraction profile. The footprint of the incident beam should be well away from the mounting
area if there is any doubt about the strain-free nature of the mounting. When measurements at low angles are
required, care should be taken to avoid obstructing the X-ray beam path with the mounting material.
12.13.5 Use Sample Movement Using the Remote Control
The motorized movements of the PW3075/6x Positioning Stages are controlled by the PW3075/64 Control
Electronics using an IR Remote Control Unit. The functionality of the buttons on the remote control unit and of
the various LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) on the IR Stage Control box are given in the Table 12.11. The buttons
on the IR Remote Control Unit that are not described in the table are not used to control the sample stage
movements. Please note that the LED switches on after selection, even when the corresponding movement is not
available on the positioning stage that is being used.
IR Remote
Control Functionality Additional Remarks
4 Activate motor for movement in tilt direction. Tilt- LED switches on.
and and
Stop movement in any direction. Either the + or - led switches off.
9 Toggle between fast and normal mode. Fast-LED switches on when fast
Fast mode indicates the velocity increments / mode is selected.
decrements and movement steps are approx-
imately 10 times larger than in normal mode.
Channel One step movement in positive direction of the Size of the step depends on the
(+) selected motor. selected motor
Channel (-) One step movement in negative direction of Size of the step depends on the
the selected motor. selected motor
Table 12.12: Meaning of the Indicator Lamps on the IR Stage Control Unit of the PW3075/64 Control
Limit The limit (factory settings) for the selected motor Velocity applied to the selected motor
has been reached is switched off when limit is reached,
for example: when positioning stage
runs into the end stops.
PW3075/6x Positioning Stage. For most applications this can be done mechanically using the dial gauge (see
Figure 12.47). The reading corresponding to the Z = 0 position (that is, the correct sample height) is provided by
the PANalytical Service Engineer when the system is installed. Where the application requires data collection
at very low angles of incidence, the sample will need to be positioned so that it exactly intercepts the incident
beam when set parallel to it. This procedure is described in section
CAUTION The dial gauge has been accurately calibrated by the PANalytical
Service Engineer to ensure that the correct sample height position
is known to within a few micrometers. Therefore do not turn the
adjustment screw, rotate the outer rim of the gauge or drop the
gauge as these actions are likely to cause the gauge to become
Where it is undesirable to make mechanical contact with the top surface of a sample, for example: a partially
processed semiconductor wafer, a sample of identical thickness should be aligned and the same Z setting used
for the delicate sample. Alternatively delicate samples can be aligned using the X-ray method described in
Alignment of a sample for micro-diffraction experiments using an alignment microscope is described in section
10.4.1 in Chapter 10 in Part II of this User's Guide.
In order to align the sample using X-rays, the sample must be large and flat. The alignment procedure is as
1. Mount a non-offset incident beam PreFIX module (for example: a fixed or programmable divergence
slit) and report this to the data collector software. Use the smallest available opening, e.g. 1/32°
divergence slit.
2. Center the sample in the heart of the goniometer. You can use the dial gauge as an indication of the
3. Set the goniometer axes 2theta and omega to 0° and move the sample platform on the positioning stage
to such a position that the direct X-ray beam is not obstructed by the sample or the positioning stage.
4. Insert a 0.2 mm Cu attenuation foil into the incident beam path in order to protect the detector.
5. Use a small receiving slit or the X'Celerator or the PIXcel in scanning mode to perform a 2θ scan
through the 2θ = 0° position using a small receiving slit to find the peak position of the direct X-ray
beam. Make a note of the 2θ-peak position.
6. Use the data collector software to recalibrate the 2θ = 0° position to coincide with the peak position of
the direct beam.
7. Depending on the diffracted beam optics used, perform one of the following actions:
a. If you are using the PW3093/60 Programming Receiving Slit, set it to 3 mm.
b. If a programmable of fixed anti-scatter slit assembly is mounted onto the programmable receiving
slit, set it to 4°.
c. If you are using the X'Celerator, rotate it 90° (see section 21.4 in Chapter 21 of Part II of this User's
Guide) and set it to the receiving slit mode. Use the maximum length of 9 mm. Use the maximum
length of 9 mm. Do not insert a slit into the the fixed anti-scatter slits holder.
d. If you are using a PIXcel, set it to the receiving slit mode and use the maximum length. Do not
insert a slit into the the fixed anti-scatter slits holder.
e. If you are using the PW3097/60 Rocking Curve Attachment, do not insert a slit.
8. Open the shutter and make a note of the peak intensity (Ip). If you are using an X’Celerator or a PIXcel
detector, make a stationary measurement for about 10 seconds in order to determine the peak intensity
9. Move the sample, incrementing Z, until the direct beam intensity is between 50% and 60% of Ip.
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Part II - Chapter 12: Platforms for Horizontal & Vertical Systems
10. Make a small ω scan and move ω to the position at the peak intensity.
a. If no maximum is visible in the range, increase the ω range and rescan.
b. If a maximal intensity is achieved over this larger ω range, move ω to the center of this range and
repeat steps 9 and 10.
NOTES: If you are using an X’Celerator, rotate it back to its normal position before starting the
Reset ω and 2θ to the original offset values at the end of the measurement.
12.14.1 Accessories Sample Holder
One circular sample holder is included with the PW3064/00 Sample Spinner. The sample holder is physically
the same as the PW1813/32 Sample Holder for Circular Samples. It is used to mount filters or solid samples with
a diameter between 30 mm and 32.3 mm and a maximum thickness of 6 mm. The circular silicon pressed powder
sample delivered with the X'Pert PRO diffraction system fits into this holder. More details about this type of
sample holder are given in Appendix A of this User's Guide (section A.2.1.5).
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Part II - Chapter 12: Platforms for Horizontal & Vertical Systems
12.14.2 Use Manually Loading a Sample
A sample fitted into a PW18xx Sample Holder can be manually loaded onto a PW3076/00 Transmission Spinner
as follows:
1. Place the sample holder onto its position on the sample spinner (see in Figure 12.51).
2. Click the sample holder into the stage so that it is brought into its reference position.
3. Check that the sample holder is positioned correctly so that the reference surface of the sample holder is
flush with the reference plane of the sample spinner. If the sample holder is not inserted correctly, the
sample will tilt during a spinning measurement. This will cause a sample height displacement resulting
in peak shift and defocusing and thus peak broadening and a weakening of the peak intensity.
Table 12.13: Overview of Actions Required On Changing the PW3076/00 Transmission Spinner’s
Sample Mode
In order to change the transmission spinner sample mode on an X'Pert PRO Theta-Theta system you must rotate
the transmission spinner on its axis with respect to the PreFIX interface through 90°. You do that as follows:
1. Loosen the setscrew (refer to Figure 12.51).
2. Carefully pull the alignment block a little distance (this distance must be less than 1 cm) away from
the PreFIX Interface, turn the cradle:
a. through 90º counter-clockwise when you are changing the cradle position from reflection to
transmission mode,
b. through 90º clockwise when you are changing the cradle position from transmission to reflection
3. Make sure that the alignment pins on the interface fit into the holes on the cradle and push the cradle
back against the PreFIX Interface.
4. Tighten the setscrew Y.
The transmission spinner is now ready for use. No alignment is required. Figure 12.52 shows the transmission
spinner in the reflection mode position.
We advise you to use the following optical configuration is for the transmission geometry:
- Incident beam side: Focusing X-ray mirror with fixed anti-scatter slit, beam mask and Soller slits.
The slit and mask size should be chosen according to the well diameter to ensure that the maximum
area of the well is irradiated without irradiating the neighboring wells.
- Diffracted beam side: X'Celerator detector with PW3494/30 Fixed Anti-scatter Slits Holder and
PW3494/35 Extension, Soller slits or the PIXcel detector with PW3490/00 Fixed Anti-scatter Slits
Holder and PW3494/35 Extension and Soller slits.
NOTES: Different optics may be advisable for other applications (please refer to Chapter 3 in Part I of this
User's Guide).
In the data collector software the PW3077/00 High-throughput Attachment is known as
“Programmable Stage (X,Y,Z)” for reflection sample mode and as “High-throughput Stage” for
transmission sample mode.
There are two PreFIX positions on the goniometer's stage interface associated with these two
sample modes. The high-throughput attachment must be mounted onto the relevant position as
described in section below.
Figure 12.53: X'Pert PRO Theta-Theta system with PW3077/00 High-throughput Attachment in
Reflection Sample Mode
Figure 12.54: X'Pert PRO Theta-Theta system with PW3077/00 High-throughput Attachment in
Transmission Sample Mode
The specifications of the motorized movements of the PW3077/00 High-throughput Attachment are given in
Table 12.14.
Adjustable Axis X Y Z
NOTE: The optical configuration used may limit the ranges of the X, Y and Z movements. Use the option
in the data collector software to set more stringent limits for the motorized movements in order to
prevent collisions between the sample stage and the optical modules in your configuration.
The sample stage can be oscillated in the X and Y directions to decrease the effect of particle statistics.
Oscillation ranges depend on the sample mode used. Information about oscillation ranges is given in Table 12.15
below. Oscillations can be combined with wobbling of the sample orientation during measurements.
Reflection 5 mm - 100 mm 5 mm
Transmission 1 mm - 20 mm 1 mm
The reference plane of the PW3077/00 in reflection sample mode can be determined mechanically using a dial
In transmission sample mode, samples are often inserted into well plates. In order to mount well plates onto the
high-throughput attachment, special well plate holders must be designed for the type of well plates that you are
going to use in the high-throughput screening applications.
In reflection sample mode samples (including their sample holders) can have a maximum diameter of 120 mm
(X movement range can be limited depending on sample size and configuration used), a maximum height of 24
mm, and a maximum mass of 0.5 kg. A multiple-sample holder for reflection applications is available and
described in section 12.15.2. Well plates can also be used as sample holders for reflection applications.
Mounting of sample holders onto the high-throughput attachment is described in section 12.15.2.
12.15.1 Accessories Dial Gauge
A dial gauge for sample height alignment purposes in reflection sample mode is supplied with the PW3077/00
High-throughput Attachment. It is shown in Figure 12.55. It can be mounted onto the dial gauge holder as
indicated in Figure 12.53. The use of the dial gauge for mechanical alignment of the height (Z position) of the
sample mounted onto the high-throughput attachment is described in section
Figure 12.58: Direct Beam Stop for Transmission Measurements with the
PW3077/00 High-throughput Attachment Mounting the Direct Beam Stop onto the High-throughput Attachment
Mount the direct beam stop onto the PW3077/00 High-throughput Attachment as follows:
1. Make sure that the high-throughput attachment is mounted in transmission sample mode; the procedure
to change the sample mode is given in section
2. Bring the direct beam stop into its position on the high-throughput stage interface, so that the mounting
pins fit into the holes, see Figure 12.59.
3. Fasten the direct beam stop to the attachment using the M3 x 16 screws supplied.
Now you can proceed with aligning the direct beam stop.
Figure 12.59: Direct Beam Stop Mounted onto the High-throughput Stage Interface
The height setting of the beam stop is adjustable. Align the beam stop as follows:
1. If there is a sample present, remove it from the sample stage.
2. Ensure that the X-ray tube is in line focus position and that the tube height is correctly aligned. Refer to
Chapter 1 in Part II of this User's Guide.
3. Ensure that the direct X-ray beam passes through 2θ = 0°. Use a beam attenuator to protect your your
detector from saturation; make sure that the X-ray beam is not blocked by a beam stop or the sample
4. Set the high-tension generator to 45 kV, 40 mA.
5. Mount the focusing X-ray mirror with the PW3086/70 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Device (without
beam stop assembly) onto the incident beam PreFIX position of the X'Pert PRO MPD system.
6. Insert a 1/2° divergence slit, a 1/2° or 1/4° anti-scatter slit (the one that you are going to use in your
experiments) and a 0.04 rad or smaller Soller slits assembly into their appropriate positions in the
focusing X-ray mirror.
7. If you are using an X'Celerator or PIXcel, set it to scanning mode; if you are using a PW3093/60
Programmable Receiving Slit, set it to 0.1 mm. If a Programmable Anti-scatter Slit is mounted onto the
X'Celerator or the PIXcell or the Programmable Receiving Slit, set it to 1/32°. If you have a fixed anti-
scatter device mounted onto the X’Celerator or the PIXcel, use the advised combination as given in
Table 6.12 or Table 6.13 in Chapter 6 of Part II of this User’s Guide.
8. Set ω = 0° and make a 2θ scan around 2θ = 0°, for example: from -1° to 3° 2θ. Use the same scan type
and omega-offset as used in the experiments that you are going to perform. A typical result of this scan
is shown in Figure 12.60.
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
2theta [deg.]
This completes the beam stop alignment. Your system is now ready for use.
12.15.2 Use
The PW3077/00 High-throughput Attachment can be PreFIX mounted onto an X'Pert PRO Theta-Theta system
and removed from it. It can be used in reflection and transmission sample modes. A special PreFIX mounting
procedure and sample mode changing procedure, as well as sample (holder) alignment are described in this
3. In the data collector software select the menu item Tools - Exchange Sample Stage and follow the
instructions given by the X'Pert Wizard ‘Exchange Sample Stage” that then appear. Note that you can
only do that when the instrument is off-line (disconnected). The manual actions that you need to
perform are described below.
4. Go on-line with the data collector software using the configuration containing the PW3077/00 High-
throughput Attachment in the sample mode that you just have mounted.
NOTE: The High-throughput Attachment is called “Programmable Stage (X,Y,Z)” in the data collector
software, when it is used in reflection sample mode, and “High Throughput Stage”, when it is used
in transmission sample mode.
5. Mount the optical modules required for your measurements. The system is now ready for use.
In the procedure described above, the X'Pert Wizard will instruct you to dismount the PreFIX sample stage and
mount the High-throughput Attachment. We will describe here the manual actions required for this procedure.
1. Loosen the four securing screws (see Figure 12.1) and remove the PreFIX sample stage.
Figure 12.62: X'Pert PRO MPD Theta-Theta System after Removal of Sample Stage and Optical
2. Loosen the four interface securing screws (see Figure 12.62) and remove the PreFIX stage interface
from the goniometer (see Figure 12.63). Make sure that you hold it so that it doesn’t fall down.
Figure 12.63: PreFIX Stage Interface Dismounted from the X'Pert PRO Goniometer
3. Carefully mount the High-throughput Attachment interface onto the X'Pert PRO goniometer (see
Figure 12.64) and secure it with the four screws supplied. Ensure that the interface fits properly on the
locating pins. When the interface is mounted correctly, the right-hand side edge of the interface is flush
with the metal squares on the goniometer.
Figure 12.64: Mounting the High-throughput Stage Interface onto the X'Pert PRO Goniometer
4. The High-throughput stage interface has two PreFIX mounting positions to mount the PW3077/00
High-throughput Attachment (see Figure 12.64). The PreFIX mounting position nearest to you is used
for mounting the High-throughput Attachment in transmission sample mode. The PreFIX mounting
position closest to the goniometer is used for mounting the High-throughput Attachment in reflection
sample mode. Install the High-throughput Attachment on the PreFIX mounting positions required (see
Figure 12.65).
Figure 12.65: High-throughput Attachment Mounted onto the X'Pert PRO Goniometer
5. If you have mounted the High-throughput Attachment in transmission sample mode, you must mount
the PW3099/70 Large Offset Arm onto the diffracted beam PreFIX position (see Figure 12.54) to allow
the movement of the detector underneath the stage.
This concludes the manual actions required in the X'Pert Wizard’s instructions.
Proceed as follows to exchange the High-throughput attachment with a PreFIX sample stage:
1. Move the arms of the goniometer to a position where you have easy access to the screws holding the
sample stage. You can now, if necessary, remove the optical modules (including, if present, the large
offset arm) and the sample.
2. Go off-line with the data collector software (Disconnect).
3. In the data collector software select the menu item Tools - Exchange Sample Stage and follow the
instructions given by the X'Pert Wizard “Exchange Sample Stage” that then appear. Note that you only
can do that when the instrument is off-line (disconnected). The manual actions that you need to perform
are described below.
4. Go on-line with the data collector software using the configuration containing the PreFIX sample stage
that you just have mounted.
5. Mount the optical modules required for your measurements. The system is now ready for use.
In the procedure described above, the X'Pert Wizard will instruct you to dismount the High-throughput
Attachment and mount a PreFIX sample stage. We will describe here the manual actions required for this
1. Loosen the PreFIX screw and remove the High-throughput Attachment from the X'Pert PRO
goniometer (see Figure 12.64).
2. Loosen the four interface securing screws and remove the High-throughput stage interface from the
X'Pert PRO goniometer (see Figure 12.66).
Figure 12.66: Dismounting the High-throughput Stage Interface from the X'Pert PRO Goniometer
3. Mount the PreFIX stage interface and secure the four interface securing screws (see Figure 12.62).
Ensure that the stage interface fits properly on the locating pins. When the interface is mounted
correctly, the right hand side edge of the interface is flush with goniometer.
4. Bring the new PreFIX sample stage into position so that it fits over the PreFIX alignment blocks on the
goniometer (see Figure 12.2). The hinged clip at the top will hold the sample stage in position, allowing
you two hands free to tighten the securing screws.
5. Tighten the four securing screws.
This concludes the manual actions required in the X'Pert Wizard’s instructions.
NOTE: The High-throughput attachment is called “Programmable Stage (X,Y,Z)” in the data collector
software, when it is used in reflection sample mode, and “High Throughput Stage”, when it is used
in transmission sample mode.
5. Loosen the PreFIX screw and remove the High-throughput attachment from its PreFIX position on the
high-throughput stage interface (see Figure 12.64). Mount the high-throughput attachment onto the
other PreFIX position on the stage interface and tighten the PreFIX screw.
6. Go on-line with the data collector software using the configuration containing the high-throughput
attachment in the sample mode that you just have installed.
7. If you have mounted the high-throughput attachment in transmission sample mode, you must mount the
PW3099/70 Large Offset Arm onto the diffracted beam PreFIX position (see Figure 12.67) to allow the
movement of the detector underneath the stage. The large offset arm must be removed for reflection
8. Mount the optical modules required for your measurements. You can now mount the sample holder
onto the sample stage. If you are using reflection sample mode, you can mount the sample holder
directly on the stage's sample platform. If you are using transmission sample mode, first you must
mount a well plate holder onto the sample platform. This procedure is described in section
To mount the well plate holder onto the sample platform, proceed as follows:
1. Ensure that the High-throughput Attachment is configured for transmission applications. See also
2. Bring the well plate holder into position on the sample platform, as is shown in Figure 12.67 and fix the
holder to the platform with the two securing screws supplied. There are marker lines for the well plate
holder on the sample platform.
3. Now you can put your well plate into its position on the well plate holder.
Figure 12.67: Mounting the Well Plate Holder onto the Sample Platform
Where it is undesirable to make mechanical contact with the top surface of a sample, a sample of identical
thickness should be aligned and the same Z setting used for the delicate sample. Alternatively delicate samples
can be aligned using the X-ray method describe in section
CAUTION The dial gauge has been accurately calibrated by the PANalytical
Service Engineer to ensure that the correct sample height position
is known to within a few micrometers. Do not therefore turn the
adjustment screw, pull on the long arm of the dial gauge assembly,
rotate the outer rim of the gauge or drop the gauge as these
actions are likely to cause the gauge to lose calibration.
5. Make a note of the actual Z position as given by the data collector software.
6. Move the sample platform to the lowest Z position.
7. Remove the dial gauge from the dial gauge holder on the high-throughput attachment.
8. Move the sample platform to the Z position noted in step 4 of this procedure.
Non-ambient Chambers
13.1 General............................................................................................................................... 13 - 3
13.2 PreFIX Non-ambient Chambers ..................................................................................... 13 - 3
13.2.1 Use ....................................................................................................................................... 13 - 5 Mounting Non-ambient Chambers ...................................................................... 13 - 5 Adjusting the Sample Height in a Non-ambient Sample Chamber ..................... 13 - 6 Adjusting the Sample Height using the PC-controllable Alignment Stage ......... 13 - 7
13.2.2 9430 500 27841 TTK 450 Low Temperature Attachment ................................................ 13 - 12 Accessories ........................................................................................................ 13 - 12 Use ..................................................................................................................... 13 - 16
13.2.3 9430 500 20711 HTK 1200N High Temperature Oven-chamber, Rigid System ............. 13 - 20 Accessories ........................................................................................................ 13 - 21
13.2.4 9430 500 20721 HTK 1200N High Temperature Oven-chamber, Spinner System.......... 13 - 22 Accessories ........................................................................................................ 13 - 22
13.2.5 9430 500 27761 HTK 16 High Temperature Chamber..................................................... 13 - 23 Accessories ........................................................................................................ 13 - 23
13.2.6 9430 500 28271 HTK 2000 High Temperature Attachment............................................. 13 - 24 Accessories ........................................................................................................ 13 - 25
13.2.7 9430 500 21021 XRK 900 Reactor Chamber.................................................................... 13 - 26 Accessories ........................................................................................................ 13 - 26
13.2.8 9430 500 21031 XRK 900 Reactor Chamber Spinner ...................................................... 13 - 27 Accessories ........................................................................................................ 13 - 27
13.3 9430 500 20371 Temperature Controlled Humidity Chamber................................... 13 - 28
13.3.1 Accessories ........................................................................................................................ 13 - 30 9430 500 20121 Vacuum Equipment ................................................................ 13 - 30 9430 500 20381 Humidity Generator ................................................................ 13 - 30 Temperature Bath .............................................................................................. 13 - 31 9430 500 28361 Adaptor TTK-PW3050/6x ...................................................... 13 - 32 9430 500 21161 PC-controllable Alignment Stage ........................................... 13 - 32
Sample platform (or stage) is the generic name given to any device onto which a sample is mounted so that it
can be measured or analyzed. The sample platforms used on X'Pert PRO systems.
In this chapter we will provide you with information about the non-ambient chambers.
Separate manuals for the non-ambient chambers and their control units are delivered together with the chambers
themselves, please refer to these manuals for correct operation of the non-ambient chambers. This section
provides an overview of the non-ambient chambers that are available for X’Pert PRO and their accessories.
The non-ambient chambers are designed to be used on vertical X’Pert PRO MPD diffraction systems. They are
mounted onto a PreFIX sample stage interface and can be interchanged with other (non-ambient) sample stages
without needing realignment. Mounting instructions are given in section 13.2.1.
9430 500 TTK 450 TCU 100 -193 ºC to 450 ºC Under vacuum Vacuum 13.2.2
27841 to 1.3 bar
RT to 450 °C In inert gas
RT to 300 °C In air
9430 500 HTK 1200N TCU 1000N RT to 1200 ºC In air, inert gas or Vacuum 13.2.3
20711 Rigid System under vacuum to 2.0 bar
9430 500 HTK 1200N TCU 1000N RT to 1200 ºC In air, inert gas or Vacuum 13.2.4
20721 Spinner under vacuum to 2.0 bar
9430 500 HTK 16 TCU 2000 RT to 1450 ºC In air, inert gas or Vacuum 13.2.5
27761 under vacuum, to 1.0 bar
with use of Pt
9430 500 HTK 2000 TCU 2000/20 RT to 2300 ºC Under vacuum Vacuum 13.2.6
28271 with use of
W filament
9430 500 XRK 900 TCU 750 RT to 900 ºC Reducing, inert or 1 mbar to 13.2.7
21021 Rigid System oxidizing 10 bar
9430 500 XRK 900 TCU 750 RT to 900 ºC In air, inert gas or 1 mbar to 13.2.8
21031 Spinner under vacuum 10 bar
RT to 750 °C In helium 1 mbar to
10 bar
13.2.1 Use Mounting Non-ambient Chambers
This section describes how to mount non-ambient chambers onto an X’Pert PRO MPD system.
1. Make sure that you do not have any other stage mounted.
2. Make sure that you have available to you the four securing screws with hexagonal heads (M6 x 20) that
are delivered with the system.
3. Very loosely (about 3 turns) put the four screws into the outer holes on the sample stage PreFIX mount
(see Figure 13.1).
Figure 13.1: X’Pert PRO Goniometer with Hexagonal Head Securing Screws
Figure 13.2: Putting the Banana Shaped Securing Clip into Position
07.03.27 Page 13.5
X’Pert PRO System - User’s Guide
4. Place the non-ambient chamber over the four screws and locate it into position using the three
positioning lugs and the hinged clip at the top.
5. Put the securing clips (one on each side) between the washers on the screws and the non-ambient
chamber as shown in Figure 13.2.
6. Tighten the screws using an M10 wrench. The non-ambient chamber is now ready for further actions.
Figure 13.3: Non-ambient Chamber fitted onto an X’Pert PRO MPD System
Table 13.2: 2θ Angle of the Si(111) and Si(311) Reflections for Different Types of Characteristic
Si(111) Si(311)
Ensure that you do not exceed the maximum allowed count rate for
the detector used.
4. Set 2θ to another of your reference sample’s known reflections. Data about the angle for the Si(311)
reflection are given in Table 13.2.
Make a short 2θ - θ scan over about 1º, around this angle and check that the resulting peak is within
If this is not the case, check that the four screws holding the non-ambient chamber in position are tight,
check that you have reported the correct PreFIX optical modules to the data collector software, and start
this procedure again at step 3.
5. When you have completed the height adjustment, make a note of the height indication on the dial gauge
(if mounted) and remove the dial gauge.
6. Remove the reference sample and mount the sample that you want to measure. If the sample is correctly
mounted, the sample height is automatically correct. Adjusting the Sample Height using the PC-controllable Alignment Stage
If your non-ambient chamber is mounted onto a PC-controllable alignment stage (9430 500 21161 for TTK 450,
9430 500 21171 for HTK 1200N, HTK 16 and HTK 2000 or 9430 500 21181 for XRK 900), you then have the
option to automatically correct the sample height position for temperature effects. The PC-controllable
alignment stage is shown in Figure 13.4.
NOTE: The Temperature File contains the current temperature value of the non-ambient chamber, stored
by the data collector software. This file is read by the AP Stage Mover to automatically adjust the
sample height position as a function of temperature. The file name and location must also be
specified in the data collector software's initialization file “xpert.ini”. After a default installation
this file can be found in the folder:
C:\Program Files\PANalytical\X'Pert Data Collector.
To specify the temperature file name and location, add the following line in the xpert.ini file under
the section header “[Diffractometer communication]”: “NALogFile=<path><file name>.<file
extension>”, for example:
[Diffractometer communication]
5. Initialize the system using the menu item: Tools - Initialize.
NOTE: The Initialize command has to be executed after every start of the AP Stage Mover program.
If the alignment stage controller is not initialized, a hardware initialization procedure is started
automatically, the procedure involves the following steps:
- The alignment stage moves downwards until it reaches the lower limit switch, indicated by a
yellow LED.
- The alignment stage moves upwards until the switch opens. This position is defined as the
“mechanical” zero position of the alignment stage. The reproducibility of the mechanical zero
position after initialization is ±2 μm.
- The alignment stage moves upwards 100 μm.
Now you can use the AP Stage Mover in two modes of operation, displayed in the user interface as tabs:
Manual mode
In the manual mode the alignment stage can be moved relative to the present position or as an absolute movement
with respect to the defined zero position. This mode is used in the sample stage alignment procedure (refer to
section or when no temperature data are available for automated adjustment. After you have adjusted
the sample to the correct sample height at room temperature in the manual mode, you can use Tools - Define Zero
to calibrate it for automatic sample height alignment as a function of temperature in the automatic mode.
Automatic mode
In the automatic mode the AP Stage Mover reads the temperature value stored by the data collector in the
temperature file and adjusts the sample height position automatically according to a pre-selected adjustment
table. A set of Anton Paar defined tables is available in the program; user-defined tables can be created. Select
the table that you are going to use from the table drop-down box.
Use the and buttons in order to switch on and off the automatic height adjustment.
Refer to the Anton Paar manual “PC-controllable alignment stage Instruction Manual” (document number
B08IB03) and the data collector's software help for further details about the use of the PC-controllable alignment
Please refer to the Anton Paar manuals “TTK 450 Low Temperature Chamber Instruction Manual” (document
number A31IB02) and “TCU 100 Temperature Control Unit Instruction Manual” (document number B39IB06)
for further details. Accessories 9430 500 20121 Vacuum Equipment TTK
The vacuum equipment (AP58974) for TTK 450 (9430 500 27841) includes a pre-vacuum pump; vacuum
measuring devices and parts for installation.
NOTES: a) If both an HTK and TTK are present, the high vacuum equipment (9430 500 20101;
9430 500 28291) can also be used for the TTK.
b) The vacuum equipment is required for operation at temperatures below room temperature.
Vacuum (ca. 10-2 mbar) prevents the formation of ice at temperatures below 0 ºC (273 K)
inside the low temperature chamber. Please refer to the Anton Paar manual “Vacuum Systems”
(document number B34IE13) for further details. 9430 500 27851 Low Temperature Equipment for TTK 450
The low temperature equipment for TTK 450 low temperature attachment includes the Liquid Nitrogen
Controller (AP58320) for the suction of liquid nitrogen, with built-in diaphragm pump for manual or automatic
dosage of the nitrogen flow, and the connector to the TTK 450 chamber for the supply of liquid nitrogen
(AP58972). Parts for installation are also included.
The liquid nitrogen flow can be controlled automatically by the TCU 100 Temperature Control Unit. Please refer
to the Anton Paar manual “LNC Liquid Nitrogen Controller Instruction Manual” (document number B39IB08)
for further details.
The dewar vessel with a 10 l capacity is used for the supply of liquid nitrogen to the TTK 450 (9430 500 27841).
The dewar vessel with a 5 l capacity is used for the supply of liquid nitrogen to the TTK 450 (9430 500 27841).
The adaptor TTK-PW3050/6x is used to install the low temperature chamber TTK 450 on an X’Pert PRO MPD
system. When this adaptor is mounted onto the TTK 450 the sample height adjustment is performed manually.
The PC-controllable alignment stage (9430 500 21161) is an adaptor for mounting a non-ambient chamber onto
an X'Pert PRO MPD system. It includes a stepper motor-driven precision stage that allows height alignment of
the chamber via PC control and a software program “AP Stage Mover”. This program reads temperature data as
stored by the data collector software in a temperature log file and uses these data to correct the sample position
automatically for temperature-induced height variations, based on (user-definable) calibration data.
Please refer to the Anton Paar manual “PC-controllable alignment stage with alignment stage controller
Instruction Manual” (document number B08IB03) and the data collector software's help for further details.
The 9430 500 20411 Lid for Humidity Chamber (together with the 9430 500 20381 Relative Humidity
Generator) can be used together with the TTK 450 low temperature attachment on the X’Pert PRO goniometer.
With the use of the lid, you can vary the relative humidity in the low temperature chamber at room temperature
between 5% and approximately 70%, or to 90% in combination with the double walled gas hose
(9430 500 21041). Mounting the Lid onto the TTK 450
You mount the lid for the humidity chamber onto the TTK 450 Low Temperature Chamber as follows:
1. Mount the TTK 450 according to the instructions given in section
1. Remove the existing front cover from the TTK 450.
2. Mount the lid for the humidity chamber onto the remaining part of the TTK 450, being careful to ensure
that the gas nozzle is at the top pointing down onto the sample. Push the front part securely into place
so that the two chromium securing clips click into place and then tighten the two black knurled knobs
(marked A on Figure 13.11).
3. Connect the gas transfer hose between the lid and the humidity generator. The TTK 450 can now be
used as a humidity chamber at room temperature.
Operation instructions for the humidity generator are given in section Please note that you can only
measure at room temperature.
Connector for
Humidified Gas
from the Gas
Transfer Hose
The 9430 500 21041 Double Walled Gas Hose is used to transfer the humidified gas from the humidity generator
to the TTK 450 with Lid for Humidity Chamber. A water bath is required to heat the water circulating in the
hose. Using this double walled gas hose increases the humidity range at room temperature to 90%.
If your TTK450 is equipped with a lid for humidity chamber, you use the 9430 500 20381 Humidity Generator
to provide a specified constant flow of gas at a given level of relative humidity. The instrument is shown in
Figure 13.19. The relative humidity can be set between 5% and 95%. The maximum flow rate of the humidified
gas is 500 cc/min.
Water Level
Indicator Pipe
Gas Pressure
Flow Rate
The delivery includes a NI-DAQ (National Instruments Data Acquisition Driver Software) interface card which
is installed in your PC; and RH Generator software from VTI Corporation to automate the control of relative
Depending on the requested value of the total gas flow, the relative humidity at the sample surface and the
sample temperature, the software steers the flow of a dry and a water saturated (wet) gas stream. These gas
streams are mixed to achieve the required dew point by using a calibrated dew point analyzer (chilled mirror).
Please refer to the VTI Corporation manuals “Relative Humidity Generator RH-200 Operation Manual” and
“RH Generator Software User Manual” for further details about the operation and maintenance of the humidity
The temperature bath is used in a closed heating circuit that heats the (double-walled) gas transfer hose. This
prevents condensation in the system because the humidified gas cannot come into contact with parts of the
system at a temperature below (or near) the dew point of the gas. The temperature bath is shown in Figure 13.13.
There are two types of temperature bath; the one that you have in your system depends on the local power supply.
The 9430 500 20391 Temperature Bath is used with an electrical supply providing 110 V at 60 Hz.
The 9430 500 20431 Temperature Bath is used with an electrical supply providing 220 - 240 V at 50 Hz.
Please refer to the NESLAB manual “GP Series Constant Temperature Bath and Circulator Instruction and
Operation Manual” (Neslab Manual P/N U00222) for further details.
Coarse Temperature
Setting Knob
Fine Temperature
Setting Knob Button to Display
Set Temperature
Water Heater
Cover Use
This section describes the use of the TTK 450 equipped with a lid for humidity chamber for measurements at a
relative humidity between 5% and 90% at ambient temperature.
Use of the TTK 450 Low Temperature Chamber, the TCU 100 Temperature Control Unit and the LNC Liquid
Nitrogen Controller is described in the Anton Paar Instruction Manuals.
Mounting of the TTK 450 onto the X'Pert PRO goniometer and sample height adjustment are described in
section 13.2.1 of this chapter. Experimental Set-up of the TTK 450 with Lid for Humidity Chamber
The measurements under controlled humidity conditions are performed at ambient temperature. Therefore
switch off the heater by pressing the heater button on the front of the TCU 100 Temperature Control Unit and
let the TTK 450 stabilize at environmental conditions, refer to section 4.2 in Chapter 4 of Part I of this User’s
The relative humidity in the humidity chamber is controlled by the RH-200 Humidity Generator. The specified
gas flow with a given dew point is transported from the humidity generator to the humidity chamber through a
(double-walled) gas transfer hose.
In order to prevent condensation (or absorption of water molecules) in the system, the humidified gas must not
be allowed to come into contact with parts at a temperature below (or close to) the dew point of the gas.
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Part II - Chapter 13: Non-ambient Chambers
If you have a double-walled gas transfer hose it is water heated by means of a closed heating circuit. The
NESLAB GP-100 Constant Temperature Bath and Circulator controls the water temperature and the water flow
in the closed circuit.
NOTE: If you want to make low humidity measurements at room temperature, you may need to remove the
humidity generator’s internal insulation (refer to the RH-200 manual). Operation of the TTK 450 with Lid for Humidity Chamber
Before you start a measurement using the TTK 450 with Lid for Humidity Chamber you must make several
decisions about the measurement that you wish to make and how to ensure that the timing is correct. These
decisions are:
a. The humidity at which the sample is to be measured.
b. The measuring steps to be made. This entails combining your data collector program with the
settings in the RH Generator software in order to make sure that there is plenty of time for the
chamber to stabilize before each measurement is made (we recommend 30 minutes).
NOTE: Depending on the sample, additional time may be necessary in order to let the sample stabilize
under the new conditions.
In general you should remember that condensation is detrimental to accurate humidity measurements, so you
should make sure that you do not cause any condensation to be created. When you have made all these decisions
you are ready to start:
1. Make sure that there is enough water in the Neslab water heater's temperature bath and then switch the
temperature bath on.
NOTE: During normal operation, you should regularly and often check the water level in the Neslab water
2. Set the required water temperature; in general 5 ºC higher than the sample temperature, to prevent
condensation in the gas hose or the humidity chamber itself. Press the Display button on the water
heater front panel (see Figure 13.13) and use the Coarse and Fine knobs until the required temperature
is displayed.
3. Switch the RH-200 Relative Humidity Generator on and set the internal temperature to approximately
5 ºC higher than the temperature at which you will be measuring the sample.
During use you must occasionally check that the internal water level is between the two marks on the WATER
LEVEL indicator pipe on the relative humidity generator's front panel (see Figure 13.12).
4. Set the gas pressure on the humidity generator to 11 psi - 12 psi (758 - 827 mbar) on the pressure meter.
5. Set the required humidities for the complete X-ray diffraction experiment:
a. Start the RH Generator software.
b. Click on Experiment and the screen as shown in Figure 13.14 will be displayed.
NOTE: This time does not include the 5 to 15 minutes that the humidity generator (not the sample) takes to
stabilize. This means that the actual time per step is longer, so make sure that you enter generous
times in the data collector batch program to allow for this generator stabilization.
For instance, step 3 as shown in Figure 13.14 will take, in total 85 - 90 minutes, and not the 80
minutes net time as entered in this window.
Press ADD and repeat as many times as you need to. An experiment with three steps: one for 70
minutes at 45% humidity, followed by 80 minutes at 50% humidity, and finally 80 minutes at
85% humidity is shown in Figure 13.14.
d. You can if you wish add other information, like Sample Name, for your own reference purposes.
e. You can also, if you wish, save the information as entered in this window for future use by
pressing the Save Template button. The template will be saved with the name entered in the “Expt
ID:” box with the extension .RTM.
When the experiment, as performed by the humidity generator is finished; the generator automatically stops the
flow of humidified gas. The gas system is then purged with a dry gas flow for approximately ten minutes. Switching the TTK450 with Lid for Humidity Chamber Off
When the measurements are finished you can switch the humidity system off as follows:
1. In order to prevent condensation in the humidity chamber, make sure that you have purged the system
for a period (we recommend at least 30 minutes) before the system cools down.
2. Switch off: the water bath and the relative humidity generator.
Before you start to dismount the temperature controlled humidity chamber from the goniometer; make sure that
you have switched the humidity system off as described in section and proceed with the following
1. Loosen the two black knurled knobs (see Figure 13.11) enough to allow the securing clips to be
2. Take the front part of the humidity chamber off and take the sample out of the chamber.
3. Loosen the four hexagonal headed securing screws and remove the banana shaped securing clamps (see
Figure 13.12) and remove the chamber. Put the front part of the humidity chamber back on in order to
keep dust out of the chamber.
Be very careful NOT to damage the chamber's Mylar windows with
the Torx key (especially if you are using a right-angle Torx key)
when you are loosening the securing screws. References
Please refer to the manuals supplied with the component parts of the system for further details, they are:
Anton Paar: “THC Temperature Humidity Chamber Instruction Manual” (document number
“TCU 50 Temperature Chamber Instruction Manual” (document number B91IB02).
VTI Corporation: “Relative Humidity Generator RH-200 Operational Manual”.
“RH Generator Software User Manual”.
NESLAB: “GP Series Constant Temperature Bath and Circulator, Instruction and Operation
Manual (Neslab Manual P/N U00222)”.
13.2.3 9430 500 20711 HTK 1200N High Temperature Oven-chamber, Rigid
The HTK 1200N High Temperature Oven-chamber with rigid sample holder is designed for non-ambient X-ray
studies. Measurements can be performed from room temperature up to 1200 ºC, in air, inert gas, or under
vacuum. The oven-chamber offers a high temperature uniformity. The delivery includes the complete oven-
chamber HTK 1200N (AP16407), two sample holders (AP15913) the temperature control unit TCU 1000N
(AP16413) and a simple water control device (AP70067). When delivered the HTK 1200N is factory mounted
onto a PreFIX adaptor (9430 500 28381 or 9430 500 21171). Vacuum equipment can be ordered as an accessory.
Please refer to the Anton Paar manuals “HTK 1200N High Temperature Oven-chamber Instruction Manual”
(document number B40IB04) and “TCU 1000N Temperature Control Unit Instruction Manual” (document
number B39IB19) for further details. Accessories 9430 500 20101 High Vacuum Equipment
The high vacuum equipment (AP58963) for HTK 1200N (9430 500 20711; 9430 500 20721), for HTK 16
(9430 500 27761) and for HTK 2000 (9430 500 28271) includes a pre-vacuum pump; a turbo molecular high
vacuum pump; vacuum measuring devices and parts for installation.
NOTE: If both an HTK and TTK or XRK are present, the vacuum equipment for HTK (9430 500 20101)
can also be used with the TTK or XRK.
Please refer to the Anton Paar manual “Vacuum Systems Instruction Manual” (document number B34IB13) for
further details.
The adaptor HTK-PW3050/6x is used to install the high temperature chambers HTK 16, HTK 1200N and
HTK 2000 on an X’Pert PRO MPD system. When this adaptor is mounted on an HTK the sample height
adjustment is performed manually.
The PC-controllable alignment stage (9430 500 21171) is an adaptor for mounting a non-ambient chamber onto
the X'Pert PRO MPD system. It includes a stepper motor-driven precision stage that allows height alignment of
the chamber under PC control using a software program “AP Stage Mover”. This program reads temperature
data as stored by the data collector software in a temperature log file and uses this information to correct the
sample position automatically for temperature-induced height variations, based on (user-definable) calibration
Please refer to the Anton Paar manual “PC-controllable alignment stage with alignment stage controller
Instruction Manual” (document number B08IB03) and the data collector software's help for further details. 9430 500 20731 HTK 1200N Sample Carrier - 0.8 mm deep
The Sample Carrier (9430 500 20731) is an alumina cup the cavity of which has an inner diameter of 16 mm
and a depth of 0.8 mm. Alumina provides a high corrosion resistance. The sample carrier can be taken from the
HTK 1200N's sample holder flange in order to load it with sample material at a separate location. Two of these
sample holders are included in the delivery of the HTK 1200N High-temperature Oven-chamber. 9430 500 20741 HTK 1200N Sample Carrier - 0.4 mm deep
The Sample Carrier (9430 500 20741) is an alumina cup with a cavity with an inner diameter of 16 mm and a
depth of 0.4 mm. Alumina provides a high corrosion resistance. The sample carrier can be taken from the
HTK 1200N's sample holder flange in order to load it with sample material at a separate location.
The Sample Carrier (9430 500 20751) is an alumina sample holder with a diameter of 16 mm without a cavity.
Alumina provides a high corrosion resistance. The sample carrier can be taken from the HTK 1200N's sample
holder flange in order to load it with sample material at a separate location.
Please refer to the Anton Paar manuals “HTK 1200N High Temperature Oven-chamber Instruction Manual”
(document number B40IB04) and “TCU 1000N Temperature Control Unit Instruction Manual” (document
number B39IB19) for further details. Accessories 9430 500 20101 Vacuum Equipment
The high vacuum equipment (AP58963) for HTK 1200N (9430 500 20711; 9430 500 20721), for HTK 16
(9430 500 27761) and for HTK 2000 (9430 500 28721) includes a pre-vacuum pump; a turbo molecular high
vacuum pump; vacuum measuring devices and parts for installation.
NOTE: If both an HTK and TTK or XRK are present, the vacuum equipment for HTK (9430 500 20101)
can also be used with the TTK or XRK.
Please refer to the Anton Paar manual “Vacuum Systems Instruction Manual” (document number B34IB13) for
further details.
The adaptor HTK-PW3050/6x is used to install the high temperature chambers HTK 16, HTK 1200N and
HTK 2000 on an X’Pert PRO MPD system. When this adaptor is mounted on an HTK the sample height
adjustment is performed manually.
The PC-controllable alignment stage (9430 500 21171) is an adaptor for mounting a non-ambient chamber onto
an X'Pert PRO MPD system. It includes a stepper motor-driven precision stage that allows height alignment of
the chamber under PC control using a software program “AP Stage Mover”. This program reads temperature
data as stored by the data collector software in a temperature log file and uses this information to correct the
sample position automatically for temperature-induced height variations, based on (user-definable) calibration
Please refer to the Anton Paar manual “PC-controllable alignment stage with alignment stage controller
Instruction Manual” (document number B08IB03) and the data collector software's help for further details. 9430 500 20731 HTK 1200N Sample Carrier - 0.8 mm deep
The Sample Carrier (9430 500 20731) is an alumina cup with a cavity which has an inner diameter of 16 mm
and a depth of 0.8 mm. Alumina provides a high corrosion resistance. The sample carrier can be taken away from
the HTK 1200N's sample holder flange in order to load it with sample material at a separate location. Two of
these sample holders are included in the delivery of the HTK 1200N High-temperature Oven-chamber. 9430 500 20741 HTK 1200N Sample Carrier - 0.4 mm deep
The Sample Carrier (9430 500 20741) is an alumina cup with a cavity with an inner diameter of 16 mm and a
depth of 0.4 mm. Alumina provides a high corrosion resistance. The sample carrier can be taken off from the
HTK 1200N's sample holder flange to load it with sample material on a separate location.
The Sample Carrier (9430 500 20751) is an alumina sample holder with a diameter of 16 mm without a cavity.
Alumina provides a high corrosion resistance. The sample carrier can be taken from the HTK 1200N's sample
holder flange in order to load it with sample material at a separate location.
The delivery includes the complete chamber HTK 16 (AP70236), the temperature control unit TCU 2000
(AP70059) and a simple water control device (AP70067). When the product is delivered the HTK 16 is factory
mounted onto a PreFIX adaptor (9430 500 28381 or 9430 500 21171). Vacuum equipment can be ordered as an
Please refer to the Anton Paar manuals “HTK 16 High Temperature Chamber Instruction Manual” (document
number B34IB02) and “TCU 2000 Temperature Control Unit Instruction Manual” (document number B39IB02)
for further details. Accessories 9430 500 27771 Heating Strip, Pt 1.0 mm for HTK 16 and HTK 2000
The heating strip made of platinum with dimensions 102 mm x 10 mm x 1 mm, it includes a welded-on
thermocouple Pt/10%RhPt. It is designed for use with HTK 16 and HTK 2000 chambers.
Please refer to the Anton Paar manual “HTK 16 High Temperature Chamber Instruction Manual” (document
number B34IB02) for further details about the use of platinum heating strips.
NOTE: If both an HTK and TTK or XRK are present, the vacuum equipment for HTK (9430 500 20101)
can also be used with the TTK or XRK.
Please refer to the Anton Paar manual “Vacuum Systems Instruction Manual” (document number B34IB13) for
further details.
The delivery includes the complete chamber HTK 2000 (AP75726), the temperature control unit TCU 2000/20
(AP75731) and a simple water control device (AP70067). When the product is delivered the HTK 2000 is factory
mounted onto a PreFIX adaptor (9430 500 28381 or 9430 500 21171). Vacuum equipment and heating strips can
be ordered as accessories.
Please refer to the Anton Paar manuals “HTK 2000 High Temperature Camera Instruction Manual” (document
number B41IB02) and “TCU 2000/20 Temperature Control Unit Instruction Handbook” (document number
B39IB12) for further details. Accessories 9430 500 27771 Heating Strip, Pt 1.0 mm for HTK 16 and HTK 2000
The heating strip made of platinum with dimensions 102 mm x 10 mm x 1 mm includes a welded-on
thermocouple Pt/10%RhPt. It is designed for use with the HTK 16 and HTK 2000.
Please refer to the Anton Paar manual “HTK 2000 High Temperature Chamber Instruction Manual” (document
number B41IB02) for further details about the use of platinum heating strips. 9430 500 28281 Heating Strip, W 0.5 mm for HTK 2000
The heating strip made of tungsten with dimensions 102 mm x 9 mm x 0.5 mm includes a welded-on
thermocouple W3%Re/W25%Re. It is designed for use with an HTK 2000.
Please refer to the Anton Paar manual “Vacuum Systems Instruction Manual” (document number B34IB13) for
further details.
Please refer to the Anton Paar manual “PC-controllable alignment stage with alignment stage controller
Instruction Manual” (document number B08IB03) and the data collector software's help for further details.
Please refer to the Anton Paar manuals “XRK 900 Reactor Chamber Instruction Manual” (document number
A98IB02) and “TCU 750 Temperature Control Unit Instruction Manual” (document number B39IB04) for
further details. Accessories 9430 500 27951 Sample Holder Closed Steel
The closed sample holder for the XRK 900 reactor chamber makes it possible to operate the XRK in vacuum.
Consequently, the reaction gas cannot flow through the sample. The sample holder is made of stainless steel.
The closed sample holder for the XRK 900 reactor chamber makes it possible to operate the XRK in vacuum.
Consequently, the reaction gas cannot flow through the sample. The sample holder is made of glass ceramics.
The open sample holder for the XRK 900 reactor chamber has a sieve-like bottom so that the reaction gas can
flow through the sample. With this type of holder the XRK chamber cannot be used in vacuum. The sample
holder is made of stainless steel.
The open sample holder for the XRK 900 reactor chamber has a sieve-like bottom so that the reaction gas can
flow through the sample. With this type of holder the XRK chamber cannot be used in vacuum. The sample
holder is made of glass ceramics.
The vacuum equipment (AP58974) for TTK 450 (9430 500 27841) can also be used with X-ray reactor chamber
type XRK 900. It includes a pre-vacuum pump; vacuum measuring devices and parts for installation.
NOTE: If both an HTK and XRK are present, the high vacuum equipment (9430 500 20101) can also be
used with the XRK.
Please refer to the Anton Paar manual “Vacuum Systems Instruction Manual” (document number B34IB13) for
further details.
The adaptor XRK-PW3050/6x is used to install the X-ray reactor chambers XRK 900 on an X’Pert PRO MPD
system. When this adaptor is mounted onto an XRK the sample height adjustment is performed manually.
The PC-controllable alignment stage (9430 500 21181) is an adaptor for mounting a non-ambient chamber onto
an X'Pert PRO MPD system. It includes a stepper motor-driven precision stage that allows height alignment of
the chamber under PC control using a software program “AP Stage Mover”. This program reads temperature
data as stored by the data collector software in a temperature log file and uses this information to correct the
sample position automatically for temperature-induced height variations, based on (user-definable) calibration
Please refer to the Anton Paar manual “PC-controllable alignment stage with alignment stage controller
Instruction Manual” (document number B08IB03) and the data collector software's help for further details.
Please refer to the Anton Paar manuals “XRK 900 Reactor Chamber Instruction Manual” (document number
A98IB02) and “TCU 750 Temperature Control Unit Instruction Handbook” (document number B39IB04) for
further details. Accessories 9430 500 28231 Spinner Sample Holder Closed Steel
The closed spinning sample holder for the XRK 900 Reactor Chamber Spinner makes it possible to operate the
XRK in vacuum. Consequently, the reaction gas cannot flow through the sample. The sample holder is made of
stainless steel.
The closed spinning sample holder for the XRK 900 Reactor Chamber Spinner makes it possible to operate the
XRK in vacuum. Consequently, the reaction gas cannot flow through the sample. The sample holder is made of
glass ceramics.
The open spinning sample holder for the XRK 900 Reactor Chamber Spinner, has a sieve-like bottom so that
the reaction gas can flow through the sample. With this type of holder the XRK chamber cannot be used in
vacuum. The sample holder is made of stainless steel.
The open spinning sample holder for the XRK 900 Reactor Chamber Spinner, has a sieve-like bottom so that
the reaction gas can flow through the sample. With this type of holder the XRK chamber cannot be used in
vacuum. The sample holder is made of glass ceramics.
The vacuum equipment (AP58974) for TTK 450 (9430 500 27841) can also be used with X-ray reactor chamber
XRK 900. It includes a pre-vacuum pump; vacuum measuring devices and parts for installation.
NOTE: If both an HTK and XRK are present, the high vacuum equipment (9430 500 20101) can also be
used with the XRK.
Please refer to the Anton Paar manual “Vacuum Systems Instruction Manual” (document number B34IB13) for
further details.
The adaptor XRK-PW3050/6x is used to install the X-ray reactor chamber XRK 900 on an X’Pert PRO MPD
system. When this adaptor is mounted onto an XRK the sample height adjustment is performed manually.
The PC-controllable alignment stage (9430 500 21181) is an adaptor for mounting a non-ambient chamber onto
the X'Pert PRO MPD system. It includes a stepper motor-driven precision stage that allows height alignment of
the chamber under PC control using a software program “AP Stage Mover”. This program reads temperature
data as stored by the data collector software in a temperature log file and uses this information to correct the
sample position automatically for temperature-induced height variations, based on (user-definable) calibration
Please refer to the Anton Paar manual “PC-controllable alignment stage with alignment stage controller
Instruction Manual” (document number B08IB03) and the data collector software's help for further details.
Samples can be measured between room temperature and 50 ºC (323 K) with relative humidity between 5% and
95%. The relative humidity range is limited at higher temperatures. In a vacuum or in dry gas the temperature
range is from 0 ºC (273 K) to 150 ºC (423 K). An overview of the available temperature and humidity range can
be seen in Figure 13.17. The relative humidities can be set with an accuracy of ± 3%. The sample temperature is
controlled using a Peltier element with a control accuracy of ± 0.1 ºC. The maximum volume of the sample is 14
mm length x 10 mm width x 0.8 mm thickness.
The 9430 500 20371 Temperature Controlled Humidity Chamber comprises: a humidity chamber, a TCU 50
Temperature Control Unit (shown in Figure 13.18) and a double-walled gas transfer hose. When the temperature
controlled humidity chamber is delivered it is factory mounted onto a PreFIX adaptor. A temperature bath and
a humidity generator are required for the operation. Use of vacuum equipment is optional.
Please refer to the Anton Paar manuals “THC Temperature Controlled Humidity Chamber Instruction Manual”
(document number B91IB01) and “TCU 50 Temperature Control Unit for Temperature Controlled Humidity
Chamber Instruction Manual” (document number B91IB02) for further details.
Connector for
Humidified Gas
from the Gas
Transfer Hose
Figure 13.17: Accessible Temperature and Humidity Range of the Temperature Controlled Humidity
Temperature Display
Lamp Indicating
Active Heating
Actual Temperature
Indicator Lamp
Set Temperature
Indicator Lamp
Temperature Control
On Indicator Lamp
Temperature Control
Start/Stop Button
Temperature Setting Toggle Button for
Buttons Temperature Display
13.3.1 Accessories 9430 500 20121 Vacuum Equipment
The vacuum equipment (AP58974) for TTK 450 (9430 500 27841) can also be used with the temperature
controlled humidity chamber. It includes a pre-vacuum pump; vacuum measuring devices and parts for
NOTE: If both an HTK and THC are present, the vacuum equipment for HTK (9430 500 20101;
9430 500 28291) can also be used for the THC.
Please refer to the Anton Paar manual “Vacuum Systems Instruction Manual” (document number B34IB13) for
further details.
Water Level
Indicator Pipe
Gas Pressure
Flow Rate
The delivery includes a NI-DAQ (National Instruments Data Acquisition Driver Software) interface card which
is installed in your PC; and RH Generator software from VTI Corporation to automate the control of relative
Depending on the requested value of the total gas flow, the relative humidity at the sample surface and the
sample temperature, the software steers the flow of a dry and a water saturated (wet) gas stream. These gas
streams are mixed to achieve the required dew point by using a calibrated dew point analyzer (chilled mirror).
Please refer to the VTI Corporation manuals “Relative Humidity Generator RH-200 Operation Manual” and
“RH Generator Software User Manual” for further details about the operation and maintenance of the humidity
There are two types of temperature bath; the one that you have in your system depends on the local power supply.
The 9430 500 20391 Temperature Bath is used with an electrical supply providing 110 V at 60 Hz.
The 9430 500 20431 Temperature Bath is used with an electrical supply providing 220 - 240 V at 50 Hz.
Please refer to the NESLAB manual “GP Series Constant Temperature Bath and Circulator Instruction and
Operation Manual” (Neslab Manual P/N U00222) for further details.
Coarse Temperature
Setting Knob
Fine Temperature
Setting Knob Button to Display
Set Temperature
Water Heater
Please refer to the Anton Paar manual “PC-controllable alignment stage with alignment stage controller
Instruction Manual” (document number B08IB03) and the data collector software's help for further details.
13.3.2 Use Experimental Set-up of the Temperature Controlled Humidity System
A schematic representation of the temperature controlled humidity chamber and its accessories is shown in
Figure 13.21. These systems are installed by PANalytical Service Engineers.
The temperature of the sample in the humidity chamber that is to be measured is controlled by the TCU 50
Temperature Control Unit which can either be controlled by the data collector software or manually by the
The relative humidity in the humidity chamber is controlled by the RH-200 Humidity Generator. The specified
gas flow with a given dew point is transported from the humidity generator to the humidity chamber through a
double-walled gas transfer hose.
In order to prevent condensation (or absorption of water molecules) in the system, the humidified gas must not
be allowed to come into contact with parts at a temperature below (or close to) the dew point of the gas.
Therefore the gas transfer hose and the walls of the humidity chamber are water heated by means of a closed
heating circuit. The NESLAB GP-100 Constant Temperature Bath and Circulator controls the water temperature
and the water flow in the closed circuit.
Be very careful NOT to damage the chamber’s Mylar windows with
the Torx key (especially if you are using a right-angle Torx key)
when you are tightening the screws.
5. Remove the lid from the humidity chamber and mount the sample (refer to the “THC Temperature
Controlled Humidity Chamber Instruction Handbook” for further details.
6. Mount the front part of the humidity chamber onto the part that you just mounted (in step 4) being
careful to ensure that the gas nozzle is at the top pointing down onto the sample. Push the front part
securely into place so that the two chromium securing clips click into place and then tighten the two
black knurled knobs (marked A on Figure 13.16).
b. Open the shutter and monitor the intensity while you use the Anton Paar PC-controllable
alignment stage in the manual operation mode to move the chamber up and down until you
reach a maximum.
If you do not have a motorized chamber you will have to: close the shutter, open the enclosure doors,
adjust the height according to the instructions provided in the temperature controlled humidity
chamber’s instruction manual, close the doors, measure again, and so on.
Table 13.3: 2θ Angle of the Si(111) and Si(311) Reflections for Different Types of Characteristic
Si(111) Si(311)
Ensure that you do not exceed the maximum allowed count rate for
the detector used.
4. Set 2θ to the angle of another known reflection on your reference sample. Table 13.3 shows the angles
of the Si(311) reflection.
Make a short 2θ - θ scan over about 1º, around this angle and check that the resulting peak is within 0.02º.
If this is not the case, check that the four screws holding the non-ambient chamber in position are tight,
check that you have reported the correct PreFIX optical modules to the data collector software, and start
this procedure again at step 3.
5. When you have completed the height adjustment, make a note of the height indication on the dial gauge
(if mounted) and remove the dial gauge.
6. Remove the silicon reference sample and mount the sample that you want to measure. If the sample is
correctly mounted, the sample height is automatically correct. Adjusting the Sample Height Using the PC-controllable Alignment Stage
If your temperature-controlled humidity chamber is mounted onto a PC-controllable alignment stage
(9430 500 21161), you then have the option to automatically correct the sample height position for temperature
effects. The PC-controllable alignment stage is shown in Figure 13.22.
NOTE: The Temperature File contains the current temperature value of the non-ambient chamber stored by
the data collector software. This file is read by the AP Stage Mover in order to automatically adjust
the sample height position as a function of temperature. The file name and location must also be
specified in the data collector software's initialization file “xpert.ini”. After a default installation
this file can be found in the folder:
C:\Program Files\PANalytical\X'Pert Data Collector.
To specify the temperature file name and location, add the following line in the xpert.ini file under
the section header “[Diffractometer communication]”: “NALogFile=<path><file name>.<file
extension>”, for example:
[Diffractometer communication]
5. Initialize the system by selecting Tools - Initialize.
NOTE: The Initialize command has to be executed after every start of the AP Stage Mover program.
If the alignment stage controller is not initialized, a hardware initialization procedure is started
automatically, which involves the following steps:
- The alignment stage moves downwards until it reaches the lower limit switch, indicated by the
yellow LED on the front of the alignment stage controller LED lighting.
- The alignment stage moves upwards until the switch opens, indicated by the yellow LED on the
front of the alignment stage controller going out. This position is defined as the “mechanical”
zero position of the alignment stage. The reproducibility of the mechanical zero position after
initialization is ±2 μm.
- The alignment stage moves upwards 100 μm.
Now you can use the AP Stage Mover in two modes of operation, displayed in the user interface as tabs:
Manual mode
In the manual mode the alignment stage can be moved relative to the present position or absolutely with respect
to the defined zero position. This mode is used in the sample stage alignment procedure (refer to section
or when no temperature data are available for automated adjustment. After you have adjusted the sample to the
correct sample height at room temperature in the manual mode, you can select Tools - Define Zero to calibrate
it for automatic sample height alignment as a function of temperature in the automatic mode.
Automatic mode
In the automatic mode the AP Stage Mover reads the temperature value stored by the data collector in the
temperature log file and adjusts the sample height position automatically according to a pre-selected adjustment
table. A set of Anton Paar defined tables is available in the program; it is also possible to create user-defined
Select the table that you are going to use from the Table drop-down box.
Use the and buttons in order to switch on and off the automatic height adjustment.
Refer to the Anton Paar manual “PC-controllable alignment stage Instruction Manual” (document number
B08IB03) and the data collector software's help for further details about the use of the PC-controllable alignment
stage. Operation
Before you start a measurement using the temperature controlled humidity chamber you must make several
decisions about the measurement that you wish to make and how to ensure that the timing is correct. These
decisions are:
1. The temperature at which the sample is to be measured.
2. The humidity at which the sample is to be measured.
In practical terms it is best if you either choose a set temperature and vary the humidity; or perform a dry
measurement (5% humidity, or a vacuum) and vary the temperature.
NOTE: If you want to make low humidity measurements at the lower end of the temperature range (below
26 ºC) you may need to remove the relative humidity generator’s internal insulation (refer to the
RH-200 manual).
3. The measuring steps to be made. This entails combining your data collector program with the settings in
the RH Generator software in order to make sure that there is plenty of time for the chamber to stabilize
before each measurement is made (we recommend 30 minutes).
NOTE: Depending on the sample, additional time may be necessary in order to let the sample stabilize in
the new conditions.
In general you should remember that condensation is detrimental to accurate humidity measurements, so you
should make sure that you do not cause any condensation to be created. You do that by ensuring that you always
reduce the relative humidity (we recommend, for 30 minutes) before you reduce the temperature.
When you have made all these decisions you are ready to start:
1. Make sure that there is enough water in the Neslab water heater’s temperature bath and then switch the
temperature bath on.
NOTE: During normal operation, you should regularly and often check the water level in the Neslab water
2. Set the required water temperature; in general 10 ºC higher than the sample temperature, to prevent
condensation in the gas hose or the humidity chamber itself. Press the Display button on the water
heater front panel (see Figure 13.20) and use the Coarse and Fine knobs until the required temperature
is displayed.
3. Switch the TCU 50 on and set the required sample measuring temperature; either on the TCU 50 front
panel (see Figure 13.18), or in the data collector software. When you use the TCU 50 to set the sample
temperature, proceed as follows: Press the Toggle button to display set temperature. Use the
Temperature Setting buttons to set the required temperature. Press the Toggle button again to display
the actual temperature. Press the Start/Stop button to start the sample heating process.
4. Switch the RH-200 Relative Humidity Generator on and set the internal temperature to approximately
10 ºC higher than the temperature at which you will be measuring the sample.
You set the internal temperature as follows:
a. Drop the flap underneath the display (see Figure 13.19) and press the middle black knob.
b. Observe which digit flashes on the display and press the middle knob again and step through
to the digit you wish to change.
c. Set the required value of the digit by pressing the ∧ and ∨ buttons.
d. When you have the required setting press the left-hand knob (MD) and close the flap again.
During use you must occasionally check that the internal water level is between the two marks on the
WATER LEVEL indicator pipe on the relative humidity generator’s front panel (see Figure 13.19).
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Part II - Chapter 13: Non-ambient Chambers
5. Set the gas pressure on the humidity generator to 11 psi - 12 psi (758 - 827 mbar) on the pressure meter.
6. Set the required humidities for the complete X-ray diffraction experiment:
a. Start the RH Generator software.
b. Click on Experiment and the screen as shown in Figure 13.29 will be displayed:
NOTE: This time does not include the 5 to 15 minutes that the humidity generator (not the sample) takes
to stabilize. The actual time per step is longer. Make sure that you enter generous times in the data
collector batch program to allow for this generator stabilization.
For instance, step 3 as shown in Figure 13.29 will take in total 85 - 90 minutes, and not the 80
minutes net time as entered in this window.
Press ADD and repeat as many times as you need to. An experiment with three steps: one for
70 minutes at 45% humidity, followed by 80 minutes at 50% humidity, and finally 80
minutes at 85% humidity is shown in Figure 13.29.
d. You can if you wish add other information, like Sample Name, for your own reference pur-
e. You can, if you wish, save the information as entered in this window for future use by pressing
the Save Template button. The template will be saved with the name entered in the “Expt ID:”
box with the extension .RTM.
When the experiment, as performed by the humidity generator is finished; the generator automatically stops the
flow of humidified gas. The gas system is then purged with a dry gas flow for approximately ten minutes.
Be very careful NOT to damage the chamber’s Mylar windows with
the Torx key (especially if you are using a right-angle Torx key)
when you are loosening the securing screws. References
Please refer to the manuals supplied with the component parts of the system for further details, they are:
Anton Paar: “THC Temperature Humidity Chamber Instruction Manual” (document number B91IB01),
“TCU 50 Temperature Chamber Instruction Manual” (document number B91IB02).
VTI Corporation: “Relative Humidity Generator RH-200 Operational Manual”.
“RH Generator Software User Manual”.
NESLAB: “GP Series Constant Temperature Bath and Circulator, Instruction and Operation Manual
(Neslab Manual P/N U00222)”.
The delivery includes the Cryostream Plus Coldhead, mounted on a PreFIX support, a flexible stainless steel
transfer line, the 700 Series Cryostream Controller, a nitrogen gas pump unit and a Dewar vessel. A dry air unit
and an auto-refill unit are available as optional accessories.
NOTE: Before you start using the Cryostream Plus, please read the safety information provided in section
2.2.7 of Chapter 2 of Part I of this User's Guide and the section “Liquid and Gaseous Nitrogen
Safety Sheet” in the Oxford Cryosystems manual “700 Series Cryostream Plus Operation &
Instruction Guide”.
Please refer to the Oxford Cryosystems manual “700 Series Cryostream Plus Operation & Instruction Guide” for
further details.
13.4.1 Accessories Capillary Spinner with PreFIX Mounting Position
In order to use to perform capillary measurements with the Cryostream Plus, the capillary spinner has to be
mounted onto the special stage interface that is delivered as an accessory. This stage interface contains a PreFIX
mounting position onto which the Cryostream Plus can be mounted. The capillary spinner with this stage
interface is shown in Figure 13.32.
Figure 13.32: PW3063/00 Capillary Spinner Mounted onto the Special Stage Interface
How to mount and align a capillary sample on the capillary spinner is described in section 12.3.2 of Chapter 12
in Part II of this User's Guide.
Further information about the Cryostream Controller and its use is given in the Oxford Cryosystems manual
“700 Series Cryostream Plus Operation and Instruction Guide”
Use of the Cryostream Controller with X'Pert PRO MPD systems is described in section 13.4.2.
Further information about the nitrogen gas pump unit and its use is given in the Oxford Cryosystems manual
“700 Series Cryostream Plus Operation and Instruction Guide”.
Use of the nitrogen gas pump with the Cryostream Plus in X'Pert PRO MPD systems is described in section
NOTE: If the AD51 Dry Air Unit has not been used for some time it is advisable to run the unit overnight
to establish the correct moisture gradient within the drying columns.
Please refer to the Oxford Cryosystems manual “AD51 Dry Air Unit Operation & Instruction Guide” for further
Use of the Dry Air Unit with X'Pert PRO MPD systems is described in section 13.4.2.
NOTE: Before you start using the Auto-refill unit, please read the safety information provided in section
2.2.7 of Chapter 2 of Part I of this User's Guide and the “General Precautions” about safety in the
AMI manual “Model 185/186 Liquid Level Instrument -Installation, Operation and Maintenance
Use of the auto-refill unit with X'Pert PRO MPD systems is described in section 13.4.2.
13.4.2 Use Experimental Set-up of the Non-ambient Capillary Measurement System
A schematic representation of the X'Pert PRO MPD system set up for measurements on capillary samples at non-
ambient temperatures using the Cryostream Plus is shown in Figure 13.39. This set-up is installed by
PANalytical Service Engineers.
Figure 13.39: Schematic Representation of the Set-up for Non-ambient Capillary Measurements
The principle of operation of the Cryostream Plus is as follows: Liquid nitrogen is drawn up from the vessel into
the Cryostream Plus Coldhead, inside of which it evaporates. The nitrogen gas then flows outward along one
path of a heat exchange, through the Cryostream Plus Temperature Controller, to arrive at the inlet of the
nitrogen gas pump unit at a temperature of approximately 10 K below room temperature. The nitrogen gas then
passes a line drier unit and flows back via the Cryostream Plus Temperature Controller into the second path of
the heat exchanger in the Cryostream Plus Coldhead, where it is re-cooled. The flow rate is regulated by a flow
controller in the Cryostream Plus Temperature Controller. The gas temperature is regulated by a heater and
sensor before it flows along a nozzle out over the sample. The temperature regulation is set such that the
temperature indicated is the temperature at 5 mm from the end of the nozzle. Therefore you obtain the most
accurate temperatures in your sample when you install the nozzle between 5 mm and 10 mm from the sample
In order to prevent condensation of water or formation of ice at low temperatures, the nitrogen gas stream req-
uires a shroud gas as it exits the nozzle. This gas can be dry air with a maximum dew point of -60 °C (213 K),
a maximum pressure of 10 bar and free from particles. Alternatively you can use an inert gas such as nitrogen.
The AD51 Dry Air Unit is available as an optional device that provides a constant stream of clean dry air.
For measurements are running more than 24 hours an auto-refill unit is available. This device controls the level
of the liquid nitrogen in the Dewar and regulates the flow of liquid nitrogen from a storage vessel into the Dewar.
07.03.27 Page 13.51
X’Pert PRO System - User’s Guide
NOTE: If the displayed level reading is below the LO SETPOINT level or exceeds the HI SETPOINT, an
audible alarm will sound. To silence the alarm, rotate the control mode rotary switch on the front
panel to the SILENCE position.
b. Set the fill toggle switch on the front panel to the position AUTO. When the switch is in this
position, the instrument is capable of automatically initiating and terminating liquid fill via the
control valve, maintaining the level between selected A and B set points.
c. Connect the liquid nitrogen storage vessel to the tube of the auto-refill unit.
10. Switch on the Cryostream Plus Controller and let the controller initialize itself. The nitrogen gas pump
unit is connected with the Cryostream Plus Controller and will switch on automatically, when it is in
11. Make sure that the goniometer head that you are going to use is equipped with the white screening plate.
Mount the capillary sample onto the goniometer head (see section B.4 in Appendix B of this User's
12. Go on-line (Connect) using the data collector software.
13. Mount and align the capillary sample that you are going to measure onto the capillary spinner. This
procedure is described in section 12.3.2 in Chapter 12 of Part II of this User's Guide.
14. Mount the required diffracted beam fixed anti-scatter devices onto the X'Celerator or PIXcel detector as
given in Table 6.12 and Table 6.13 in Chapter 6 of Part II of this User's Guide respectively.
15. Mount the X'Celerator or PIXcel onto the goniometer' s diffracted beam PreFIX position.
16. Slide the Coldhead forward to the sample by turning the black knob underneath the Coldhead.
The distance between the Coldhead's nozzle and the measurement position on the sample must be
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Part II - Chapter 13: Non-ambient Chambers
between 5 mm and 10 mm for optimum temperature control. If necessary you can also translate and
rotate the Coldhead to the correct position aligned with the capillary by turning the black knobs at the
right-hand side of the Coldhead.
NOTE: If the data collector software indicates that the temperature controller is not responding, you should
now disconnect and connect again in the data collector in order to be able to control the Cryostream
Plus with the data collector.
17. Switch on the AD51 Dry Air Unit. The POWER lamp of the unit should light as soon as the electrical
supply is connected. Set the black switch from “0” to “1”; the RUN lamp will flash for 4 seconds after
which you will hear the compressor start and the RUN lamp continuously light.
18. Set the required dry air flow rate with the needle valve on the flow meter on the front panel of the AD51
Dry Air Unit between 10 l/min and 15 l/min.
19. Press the “START” button on the Cryostream Controller. The LED above the button will light.
This completes the experimental set-up procedure for the non-ambient capillary measurement. You can start
your experiments now.
Measurements can be performed over the full 2theta range on both X'Pert PRO Theta-Theta and Omega-2Theta
Solid samples with a maximum diameter of 20 mm can be mounted onto a chromium-plated copper or anodized
aluminium flat sample holder. Sample holders with a raised edge (with a height of 1 mm) are available for
powder samples. The z-adjustment range is 9 mm.
The sample stage is mounted onto a PC-controllable alignment stage. This option allows the sample position to
be automatically corrected for temperature-induced height variations, based on (user-definable) calibration data.
The delivery includes the PheniX Sample Stage and Coldhead, mounted onto a PreFIX support, a 730 series
temperature controller, a height controller and a vacuum system, including a sealed membrane (pre-vacuum)
pump and a turbomolecular (high vacuum) pump, and a compressor.
Please refer to the Oxford Cryosystems manual "Oxford PheniX Operation & Instruction Guide" for further
details. Use of the PheniX cryostat with X'Pert PRO MPD systems is described in section 13.5.2.
13.5.1 Accessories Temperature Control Unit
The 730 Series Temperature Controller is used to control the temperature of the flat plate or powder sample. The
controller is shown in Figure 13.42. It is integrated in X'Pert PRO MPD systems in such a way that it can be
operated using the data collector software.
Further information about the 730 Series Temperature Controller and its use is given in the Oxford Cryosystems
manual "Oxford PheniX Operation & Instruction Guide". Use of the 730 Series Temperature Controller with
X'Pert PRO MPD systems is described in section 13.5.2.
Further information about the vacuum system and its use is given in the Oxford Cryosystems manual "Oxford
PheniX Operation and Instruction Guide" and the manuals supplied with the vacuum system. Use of the vacuum
system with the PheniX cryostat in X'Pert PRO MPD systems is described in section 13.5.2.
The Cryodrive is water-cooled. The cooling water supply has a typical flow rate of 5.0 l/min; the minimum flow
rate is 1.5 l/min and the maximum flow rate is 7.0 l/min. The water supply pressure must be between 2.0 bar and
7.0 bar; the water temperature must be between 4 °C (277 K) and 26 °C (299 K).
The cooling power of the Cryodrive is controlled by the PheniX temperature controller.
Use of the Cryodrive together the PheniX cryostat on X'Pert PRO MPD systems is described in section 13.5.2.
Please refer to the Cryodrive Instruction Manual for more information.
Please refer to the Oxford Cryosystems manual "Oxford PheniX Operation and Instruction Guide" and the data
collector software's help for further details.
Adjusting the sample height using the PC-controllable alignment stage is described in section
13.5.2 Use Experimental Set-up
A schematic representation of the X'Pert PRO MPD system set up for measurements at cryogenic temperatures
using the Oxford PheniX is shown in Figure 13.43. This set-up is installed by PANalytical Service Engineers.
The principle of operation of the PheniX is as follows: Compressed helium gas is transported from the Cryodrive
compressor to the coldhead of the PheniX sample stage, where the gas is expanded, the gas then flows back into
the compressor in a closed cycle. The sample stage is cooled by the conduction of heat between the sample stage
and the coldhead. The temperature of the sample stage and the cooling power of the Cryodrive are controlled by
the temperature controller. The compressor is water-cooled. There is no helium gas consumption in the system;
the helium gas closed cycle circuit is sealed.
A vacuum system with a turbomolecular vacuum pump is used to continuously pump the vacuum space inside
the PheniX to minimize heat leaks. It is important to maintain a good vacuum (<10-4 mbar); otherwise it is not
possible to achieve extremely low sample temperatures.
Figure 13.43: Helium Powder Cryostat XRD Measurement System - Schematic Representation
NOTE: Under normal operating conditions the helium charge pressure is about 22 bar and will noticeably
oscillate by around 0.5 bar.
A schematic diagram showing the connections between the PheniX cryostat and its accessories is shown in
Figure 13.43. Follow the next steps to connect the PheniX system.
4. Connect the two pressurized helium lines between the PheniX coldhead and the Cryodrive compressor.
The helium supply line has a red band at both ends and the helium return line has a green band at both
NOTES: a) When tightening the nut connections on the pressurized helium lines, hold the line in alignment
with the fixed coupling to prevent loss of helium gas.
Figure 13.44: X'Pert PRO MPD System with Phenix Cryostat Sample Stage Mounted
5. Connect the signal cable from the Cryodrive to the PheniX coldhead.
6. Connect the vacuum lines between the PheniX coldhead and the vacuum pumps.
7. Connect the ColdHead cable from the PheniX temperature controller to the PheniX coldhead.
This completes the experimental set-up procedure of the PheniX Cryostat. You can now mount your sample onto
the sample stage and switch the system on according to procedures described in sections and
3. Mount the sample holder onto its position on the sample stage.
4. Mount the sample:
a. If you have a flat plate sample, mount it on the flat sample holder. You can, if required, use a small
droplet of Zapon lacquer to ensure a good thermal contact.
b. If you have a powder sample, use the sample holder with a cavity in the center. Use a spatula to
press the powder into the cavity of the sample holder and smooth the surface, for example: by
pressing it with a glass platelet.
Alternatively, you can mix the powder with a small quantity of diluted Zapon lacquer solution. Use
a spatula to apply the slurry into the cavity. Allow sufficient time to let the sample dry and become
an adhesive and solid substance.
Figure 13.45: Removing the Outer and Inner Cover from the PheniX Cryostat
5. Put the inner cover over the sample holder and fix the four screws.
6. Put the outer cover on the PheniX cryostat and fix the four clips.
The sample is now mounted onto the sample stage. You can start to switch the system on.
NOTE: We recommend that you to leave the display unit on this menu item when the system is running.
6. If the vacuum reading begins to rise (or does not drop) during the early stages of pumping down, open
the gas ballast valve on the diaphragm backing pump to ensure a good vacuum. The position of the gas
ballast valve is indicated in Figure 13.46.
7. Wait for 10 to 20 seconds or until the vacuum pressure drops again, and close the gas ballast valve.
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Part II - Chapter 13: Non-ambient Chambers
When the vacuum pressure is less than 10-4 mbar, the PheniX is ready to be used.
This completes the experimental set-up procedure for the low temperature measurements. You can start now
start to adjust the sample height. Adjusting the Sample Height Using the PheniX Height Controller
The PheniX cryostat is mounted onto a PC-controllable alignment stage so that the sample height can be adjusted
automatically to correct the sample position for temperature effects.
Before you start your measurements, make sure that the sample height is correctly adjusted as described here:
1. Mount the incident beam PreFIX module that you are going to use in your experiments.
2. Mount a programmable receiving slit, or an X'Celerator, rotated through 90° (see section 21.4 in
Chapter 21 of Part II of this User's Guide) or a PIXcel, or a rocking curve attachment onto the diffracted
beam PreFIX position.
3. Insert a copper (0.2 mm) attenuation foil into the incident beam PreFIX module in order to protect the
detector from being saturated.
4. If you are using a fixed or programmable divergence slit, set it to 1/32°.
5. Insert a beam mask 10 into the incident beam PreFIX module.
6. Depending on your diffracted beam path components:
a. If you are using a programmable receiving slit, set it to 3 mm.
b. If a programmable or a fixed anti-scatter slit assembly is mounted onto the programmable
receiving slit, set it to 4º.
c. If you are using an X'Celerator, set it into receiving slit mode and use the maximum active length
(9 mm). Do not insert a slit into the fixed anti-scatter slit holder.
d. If you are using a PIXcel, set it into receiving slit mode and use the maximum active length (14
mm). Do not insert a slit into the fixed anti-scatter slit holder.
e. If you are using a rocking curve attachment, do not insert a slit.
7. Set ω and 2θ to 0°.
8. Set the high tension generator to 30 kV, 40 mA (if you have the ceramic X-ray tube with an iron anode
set the generator to 30 kV, 30 mA).
9. Start the PheniX Height Controller program on the PC that is controlling your X'Pert PRO system.
10. When you are using the PheniX Height Controller for the first time, open the menu window “Settings”
07.03.27 Page 13.61
X’Pert PRO System - User’s Guide
NOTE: The Temperatures File contains the current temperature value of the non-ambient chamber, as
stored by the data collector software. This file is read by the PheniX Height Controller to
automatically adjust the sample height position as a function of temperature. The file name and
location must also be specified in the data collector software's initialization file "xpert.ini". After a
default installation this file can be found in the folder:
To specify the temperature file name and location, add the following line in the xpert.ini file under
the section header "[Diffractometer communication]": "NALogFile=<path><file name>.<file
extension>", for example:
[Diffractometer communication]
This completes the sample height adjustment procedure. You can now start to perform your experiments. Switching Off the Vacuum System and Releasing the Vacuum in the PheniX
After you have performed your measurements, let the sample stage warm up to room temperature. This will take
about 40 minutes. You then can switch the vacuum system off and release the vacuum. In order to release the
vacuum in a controlled way, follow the procedure given below.
1. Press the Turbo Station Start / Stop key on the display of the vacuum trolley to switch the vacuum
system off.
2. Wait until the rotation speed of the turbomolecular pump has slowed down to less than 200 Hz.
3. Slowly open the vent valve on the back of the turbomolecular pump on the Cryo Vac Turbo Station.
4. Switch the Seal Vac diaphragm pump off.
5. Now you can open the PheniX Cryostat sample stage. Do not forget to close the vent valve on the
turbomolecular pump.
Beam Knives
14.1 General............................................................................................................................... 14 - 3
14.2 Beam Knives for Reflectivity Measurements ................................................................. 14 - 3
14.2.1 PW3061/25 Adjustable “de Wolff’s” Knife......................................................................... 14 - 3 Use ....................................................................................................................... 14 - 4
14.2.2 PW3075/66 Beam Knife for Positioning Stages .................................................................. 14 - 7 Use ....................................................................................................................... 14 - 8
14.3 Beam Knives Used with the X’Celerator or PIXcel..................................................... 14 - 10
14.3.1 PW3064/10 Beam Knife for Sample Spinner .................................................................... 14 - 11
14.3.2 PW3071/65 Beam Knife for Stage for Flat Samples/Holders............................................ 14 - 11
14.3.3 PW3072/65 Beam Knife for Stationary Sample Stage ...................................................... 14 - 12
14.3.4 PW3074/10 Beam Knife for Multi-purpose Sample Stage ................................................ 14 - 13
14.3.5 PW3075/67 Beam Knife for Positioning Stage.................................................................. 14 - 13
14.3.6 Use...................................................................................................................................... 14 - 15
Beam knives are inserted into the X-ray beam path in X-ray diffraction in order to improve the resolution of a
reflectivity measurement or to increase the peak-to-background ratio in measurements with line (1-dimensional)
Two types of beam knife are available for use on X’Pert PRO systems:
• Adjustable “De Wolff’s” knives which are used for reflectivity measurements on small samples or on
samples with bent or undulating surfaces. This type of beam knife is described in section 14.2.
• Beam knives used for measurements with the X’Celerator and PIXcel detectors. This type of beam knife
is described in section 14.3.
Figure 14.1: The Beam Path without and with a Beam Knife Use
This section describes how to adjust the De Wolff’s knife prior to X-ray reflectivity measurements. If your beam
knife has been delivered as a separate item you have to adjust it for use on your system before it is used for the
first time. This procedure is given in section When the beam knife is adjusted, either by yourself
before first time use following section, or in the factory together with the rest of your system, you can
continue with the procedure to adjust the beam knife for reflectivity measurements as described in section
9. Set the knife tilt using the tilt adjustment knob (fine) such that it is centered, visible by observing both
gaps “G” (see Figure 14.3) at the side of the dial holder. Both gaps must have the same opening.
10. Lower the knife edge towards the sample table using the height adjustment knob, see Figure 14.2, until
the edge just touches the sample table.
11. Align the tilt of the knife edge such that it is parallel with the sample table surface. This can be done by
loosening the three screws at the back that secure the dial holder assembly and adjusting the holder
assembly using the tilt adjustment screws (coarse).
12. After completion secure the holder assembly by tightening the three screws.
13. Check if the tilt of the knife edge is still correct. If necessary adjust the tilt finely using the tilt
adjustment knob (fine).
14. Check if the dial indicates approximately 1.0 (same as the dial gauge assembly of the MRD cradle). If
this is not the case, loosen the dial gauge clamp screw (see Figure 14.2), adjust the dial gauge itself
until it indicates 1.0 and then tighten the clamp screw again. Make sure that you do not tighten the
clamp screw too much as this may result in the dial shaft sticking.
15. Move the knife edge to its highest position using the height adjustment knob. Dismount the beam knife.
16. Check if the dial indicator has a range from 0.5 to 2.5 mm by using the height adjustment knob. If not
then loosen the dial gauge clamp screw underneath the dial and adjust until correct. Mount the beam
knife on the dial gauge assembly holder and repeat from step 14.
This completes the mechanical adjustment of the beam knife assembly. You can now continue with the
procedure given in section to adjust the beam knife for reflectivity measurements.
NOTE: The sample has to be optimized for a reflectivity measurement before the beam knife assembly is
installed (refer to section in Chapter 11 in Part II of this User’s Guide).
1. If necessary, calibrate the ψ position of the MRD cradle to 0° (typical for the sample in use).
2. Make a note of the optimal, current sample position (X, Y and Z).
3. Move X, Y or Z such that the sample is protected from damaging when installing the beam knife.
4. Set the beam knife to the highest possible position using the small, knurled height adjustment knob. Do
NOT use this knob as a rotating handle!
5. Install the beam knife assembly on the dial gauge assembly holder on the MRD cradle and secure it by
tightening the mounting/locking knob.
6. Check if any play can be detected by carefully moving the beam knife sideways. If play is evident then
carefully tighten the unit with the setscrew (See Figure 14.2) until the play is removed.
7. Set the sample back to the positions as noted in step 2.
8. Close the enclosure doors, open the shutter. Make a note of the direct beam intensity with the sample
adjusted to the correct height (Z) and its surface parallel to the beam. Use the appropriate generator
setting and attenuation foils to reduce the direct beam intensity!
9. Carefully move the beam knife towards the sample using the height adjustment knob until a thin gap is
visible between the sample surface and the knife edge.
Tip: Use a piece of paper as background and monitor the gap from the side.
10. Adjust the tilt of the knife edge such that it is parallel with the sample surface using the tilt adjustment
knob (fine) (see Figure 14.3). The tilt setting is visible at the two gaps “G”.
NOTE: For larger tilt changes the dial gauge head can be loosened by undoing the three screws and then
setting the dial gauge holder to the required tilt setting with the tilt adjustment screws (coarse). The
zero position of the dial gauge is changed by loosening the coarse tilt adjustment screws. After that
small tilt adjustments can be done with the tilt adjustment knob (fine).
NOTE: If a concave sample has to be measured, the optimal sample height can differ from the adjusted
height using the normal procedure (setting the sample to 50% of the direct beam intensity). For
these type of samples the height should be also checked, for at least two scans, using two different
2θ-θ values (rocking curves for example: on a fringe position or below the critical angle). For a
correct Z value of the sample at both angle settings, the position of ω, at maximum found intensity,
has to be half 2θ.
At this stage the system can be used to carry out a reflectivity measurement.
Remove the beam knife assembly before increasing the Z position
or moving X, Y or φ. Use
This section describes how to adjust the De Wolff’s knife prior to X-ray reflectivity measurements. If your beam
knife has been delivered as a separate item you have to adjust it for use on your system before it is used for the
first time. This procedure is given in section When the beam knife is adjusted, either by yourself
before first time use following section, or in the factory together with the rest of your system, you can
continue with the procedure to adjust the beam knife for reflectivity measurements as described in section
4. Adjust the tilt of the knife edge such that it is parallel with the sample surface using the tilt adjustment
knob (fine) (see Figure 14.3). The tilt setting is visible at the two gaps “G”.
NOTE: For larger tilt changes the dial gauge head can be loosened by undoing the three screws and then
setting the dial gauge holder to the required tilt setting with the tilt adjustment screws (coarse). The
zero position of the dial gauge is changed by loosening the coarse tilt adjustment screws. After that
small tilt adjustments can be done with the tilt adjustment knob (fine).
NOTE: If a concave sample has to be measured, the optimal sample height can differ from the adjusted
height using the normal procedure (setting the sample to 50% of the direct beam intensity). For
these type of samples the height should be also checked, for at least two scans, using two different
θ/2θ values (rocking curves for example: on a fringe position or below the critical angle). For a
correct Z value of the sample at both angle settings, the position of ω, at maximum found intensity,
has to be half 2θ.
At this stage the system can be used to carry out a reflectivity measurement.
Remove the beam knife assembly before increasing the Z position
or moving X, Y or ϕ.
PW3064/00 Spinner for PW18xx Sample PW3064/10 Beam Knife for Sample Spinner 14.3.1
PW3064/60 Reflection-transmission Spinner PW3064/10 Beam Knife for Sample Spinner 14.3.1
for PW18xx Sample Holders
PW3071/60 Stage for Flat Samples/Holders PW3071/65 Beam Knife Stage for Flat 14.3.2
PW3072/60 Stationary Stage for PW18xx PW3072/65 Beam Knife for Stationary 14.3.3
Sample Holders Sample Stage
PW3074/00 Multi-purpose Sample Stage PW3074/10 Beam Knife for Multi-purpose 14.3.4
Sample Stage
(Not Visible
on this view)
(Not Visible
on this view)
Figure 14.7: PW3071/65 Beam Knife for Stage for Flat Samples/Holders
Figure 14.8: PW3072/65 Beam Knife for Stationary Stage for PW18xx Sample Holders
14.3.6 Use
The gap between the beam knife and the sample surface should be as small as possible without obstructing the
incident and diffracted X-ray beams. Figure 14.11 shows a graphical representation of the optimum setting of
the beam knife with respect to the sample surface.
In order to calculate the optimum setting the following variables must be calculated:
L 1 = ------------------------------------------------------------------
sin ( 2θ – ω )-
---------------------------- + cos ( 2θ – ω )
tan ( δ ⁄ 2 )
P = R sin ( 2θ – ω )
S = R cos ( 2θ – ω )
T = ---------------------------------
2 cos ( 2θ – ω )
The optimum setting of the beam knife above the sample surface is then given by:
( P + T )L 1
h = ------------------------
( L1 + S )
in which h = the optimum height of the beam knife with respect to the diffracted X-ray beam
δ = the divergence angle of the divergence slit used
ω = the angle between the incident beam and the sample surface
2θ−ω = the angle between the diffracted beam and the sample surface
a = the active length of the X’Celerator or the PIXcel (set in the data collector software)
R = the radius of the goniometer
Note that in symmetrical geometries, ω = 2θ/2.
Proceed as follows to set the height of the beam knife above the sample surface:
1. Calculate the optimum height of the beam knife by choosing the maximum values of ω and (2θ − ω) in
the scan.
2. Loosen the black knurled knob on the beam knife and carefully bring the knife to the correct height
above the sample.
3. Tighten the black knurled knob.
The beam knife is now ready for use.
The exact position of the beam knife above the sample is not critical. In most normal situations, a setting of
between 0.5 mm and 1 mm above the minimum calculated height will not significantly influence the results of
the measurement. However, if you are performing a scan with a long 2θ range (for example: for Rietveld
analysis) you must be very careful not to block the X-ray beam.
If you are performing measurements at high 2θ angles, such as in residual stress analysis using the omega-offset
method, we recommend that you completely remove the beam knife from the sample stage.
Sample Changers
15.1 General............................................................................................................................... 15 - 3
15.2 PreFIX Sample Changers ................................................................................................ 15 - 3
15.2.1 PW3065/01 15 Position Sample Changer ............................................................................ 15 - 4
15.2.2 PW3065/12 3 x 15 Position Sample Changer ...................................................................... 15 - 4
15.2.3 Accessories........................................................................................................................... 15 - 5 PW3066/01 Sample Magazine............................................................................. 15 - 5 PW18xx Circular Sample Holders....................................................................... 15 - 5
15.3 Use ...................................................................................................................................... 15 - 6
15.3.1 Installing the Sample Changer in the Instrument Enclosure ................................................ 15 - 6
15.3.2 Removing the Sample Changer from the Instrument Enclosure.......................................... 15 - 7
15.3.3 Moving the PW3065/xx Sample Changer in Front of the Sample Spinner ......................... 15 - 8
15.3.4 Moving the PW3065/xx Sample Changer to the Parking Position ...................................... 15 - 9
Sample changers are used in X-ray diffraction systems to automatically load and unload samples onto a sample
stage. This makes it possible for the system, even when unattended, to run batches of routine measurements.
Two types of sample changer are available in X’Pert PRO. Both sample changers work with 15 position sample
magazines (for PW18xx sample holders); the PW3065/01 has a mounting position for one magazine, the
PW3065/12 has mounting positions for three magazines. These sample changers and their operation in X’Pert
PRO systems are described in this chapter.
Position for
Monitor Sample
Sample Magazine
Plug for
Locating Ring
for Locking
Base Plate
Black Knobs
Knurled Metal
15.2.3 Accessories PW3066/01 Sample Magazine
The PW3066/01 Sample Magazine is delivered with the sample changer (one with the PW3065/01, and three
with the PW3065/12). It can also be ordered as an accessory to be used as a spare magazine.
The PW3066/01 Magazine can accommodate up to 15 PW18xx Circular Sample Holders. The magazine can be
taken out of the sample changer and remotely loaded. There is no requirement to tilt the magazine when loading
it into the sample changer, thus making it suitable for loading/unloading samples that comprise loose powder.
15.3 USE
The PW3065/xx Sample Changer can be taken out of the enclosure if required. It can be put back into its position
in front of the PW3064/x0 Sample Spinner without additional alignment. These operations are described in
sections 15.3.1 and 15.3.2.
The PW3065/xx Sample Changer can also be moved from the parking position to the working position and back
without the need for additional alignment. The procedures for these operations are given in sections 15.3.3 and
Figure 15.4: Location of Fixing Screw on Sample Changer Arm in Reset Position
6. Rotate the black knobs (indicated in Figure 15.5) to let the alignment pins click into place (the
alignment pins determine the position of the sample changer in the enclosure). Try to move the sample
changer slightly to ensure that both of the pins have clicked into place.
Black Knobs
Base Plate
Knurled Metal
Figure 15.5: Location of the Sample Changer Locking and Locating knobs
7. Use the two knurled metal knobs to fix the sample changer to the enclosure. One of the two knurled
metal knobs is indicated on Figure 15.5, the other knurled metal knob can be seen from the left-hand
side of the sample changer.
8. Place the sample magazine(s) on the sample changer.
9. Switch the system on according to the procedure given in Chapter 4 in Part I of this User’s Guide, and
use the data collector software to go on-line with a configuration that includes a sample changer.
9. Unplug the large (37-pin) D-connector end of the spinner/changer cable from the sample changer.
10. Lift the sample changer out of the enclosure and store it in a safe place. The sample changer is mounted
on roller balls, therefore make sure that it cannot roll off any surface that you put it on, for instance: a
table. You can if required, lay the sample changer on its side.
11. Switch the system on according to the procedure given in Chapter 4 in Part I of this User’s Guide, and
use the data collector software to go on-line with a configuration that does not include a sample
Base Plate
16.1 General............................................................................................................................... 16 - 3
16.2 Anti-scatter Slits................................................................................................................ 16 - 3
16.2.1 Applications.......................................................................................................................... 16 - 3 Phase Analysis and Omega-stress Analysis......................................................... 16 - 3 Reflectivity and Thin-film Phase Analysis .......................................................... 16 - 3
16.2.2 PW3091/x0 Programmable Anti-scatter Slit........................................................................ 16 - 4 Accessories .......................................................................................................... 16 - 5 Using Programmable Anti-scatter Slits ............................................................... 16 - 7
16.2.3 PW3092/00 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Assembly ..................................................................... 16 - 9 Accessories .......................................................................................................... 16 - 9 Using Fixed Anti-scatter Slits.............................................................................. 16 - 9
16.3 Receiving Slits ................................................................................................................. 16 - 10
16.3.1 Applications........................................................................................................................ 16 - 10 Phase Analysis and Omega-stress Analysis....................................................... 16 - 10 Thin-film Phase Analysis and Reflectivity ........................................................ 16 - 10 Phase Analysis on Loosely Prepared Powder Samples ..................................... 16 - 10 Texture and Psi-stress Analysis ......................................................................... 16 - 11
16.3.2 PW3093/60 Programmable Receiving Slit......................................................................... 16 - 11 Accessories ........................................................................................................ 16 - 12 Using Programmable Receiving Slits ................................................................ 16 - 18
16.4 High Resolution Diffracted Beam Optics ..................................................................... 16 - 19
16.4.1 PW3097/60 Rocking Curve Attachment............................................................................ 16 - 19 Accessories ........................................................................................................ 16 - 20 Use ..................................................................................................................... 16 - 22
16.4.2 PW3120/60 Triple Axis and Rocking Curve Attachment.................................................. 16 - 23
16.4.3 PW3120/65 Asymmetrical Triple Axis and Rocking Curve Attachment .......................... 16 - 25
Slits used in the diffracted beam path of X’Pert PRO systems can be divided into three groups:
• Anti-scatter slits
Anti-scatter slits are fitted in the diffracted beam path to control the acceptance in the equatorial plane
of the X-ray beam received by the detector. These slits also reduce the level of background radiation
due to scatter. Alternatively, anti-scatter slits can be used in combination with a receiving slit to form a
“beam tunnel” for parallel beam applications. The anti-scatter slits are described in section 16.2.
Anti-scatter slits devices in combination with the X’Celerator or PIXcel detector are described in
Chapter 20 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
• Receiving slits
Receiving slits are placed in the diffracted beam path on the diffractometer circle; for para-focusing
applications this position forms the natural focusing point of the diffracted X-ray beam. In these
applications the receiving slits define the resolution of the measurements.
As described above, the receiving slit can be used in combination with an anti-scatter slit to form a
“beam tunnel” for parallel beam applications. The receiving slits are described in section 16.3.
• Receiving slits for high resolution diffraction
In high resolution rocking curve measurements the resolution is determined by the incident beam high-
resolution monochromator and the sample. In these applications the receiving slit is used to reduce the
background radiation or to reduce the acceptance of the detector in the 2θ direction. High resolution
receiving optics are described in section 16.4.
16.2.1 Applications
Typical applications in which anti-scatter slits are used are: phase analysis, omega-stress analysis, reflectivity
and thin-film phase analysis.
Holes for
Mounting Screws
Screw Accessories
CAUTION The maximum 2θ angle of the diffracted beam arm is limited when
an automatic beam attenuator is mounted. Use the data collector
software to set a lower maximum value of 2θ in order to avoid
collision between the X-ray tube shield and the automatic beam
When you use a maximum acceptance angle setting of 2º on the programmable anti-scatter slit, you can use the
full range of aperture settings on the programmable receiving slit of 0.01 mm to 3.0 mm. Mounting the Automatic Beam Attenuator onto a PASS
Proceed as follows to mount the automatic beam attenuator onto the programmable anti-scatter slit:
1. Remove the three screws marked A in Figure 2.2 (in Chapter 2 of Part II of this User’s Guide).
2. Split the automatic beam attenuator apart, the metal part from the painted part. This can be quite
difficult to do, persevere.
3. Place the brass fill plate onto the programmable anti-scatter slit and fit the metal part (NOT the side
with the alignment pins) of the automatic beam attenuator onto the programmable anti-scatter slit;
using the four screws supplied with the automatic beam attenuator into the four holes on the front of the
PASS and secure it into place. Ensure that the automatic beam attenuator is correctly orientated.
4. Replace the painted part of the automatic beam attenuator and use the three screws you removed in step
1 to secure it into place.
Figure 16.3: PW3091/x0 Programmable Anti-scatter Slit Mounted onto the X’Celerator with a
PW3094/40 Interface
NOTES: When the programmable anti-scatter slit is used in fixed mode, optimal results for goniometer
(2θ - θ) scans are attainable when the size of the fixed anti-scatter slit matches that of the
programmable divergence slit, used in fixed mode. In this case the aperture of the receiving slit
must not be larger than 0.3 mm. For other scan types you should take care that the observed length
does not become smaller than the irradiated length.
When the programmable anti-scatter slit is used in automatic mode, optimal results for goniometer
(2θ - θ) scans are attainable when the size of the automatic anti-scatter slit matches that of the
automatic divergence slit, except for reflectivity measurements.
4º, 2º, 1º, 1/2º, 1/4º, 1/8º, 1/ The size of the acceptance slit can be set to one of these fixed
Fixed 16º, 1/32º values. We advise you to use the same setting as is used for the
programmable divergence slit, set in the fixed mode.
0.5 to 20 mm in steps of 0.5 The observed length of the sample can be defined.
mm Depending on the measured (2θ - ω) angle the acceptance is
Automatic automatically changed to ensure that the observed length of the
sample remains constant over full measured angular range.
Match PRS size: In combination with programmable receiving slit, the anti-scatter
0.01 to 3.0 mm in steps of slit size will follow the receiving slit height appropriate for quasi-
Follow 0.01 mm parallel beam applications, for instance: reflectivity.
Tunnel) Match X’Celerator or PIXcel: In combination with X’Celerator or PIXcel in receiving slit mode,
0.01 to 3.0 mm in steps of the detector’s active length is matched.
0.01 mm
R sin δ sin ( 2θ – ω )
L = --------------------------------------------------------------
sin2 ( 2θ – ω ) – sin2 ( δ ⁄ 2 ) Accessories Fixed Anti-scatter Slits
Five anti-scatter slits marked 4°, 2°, 1º, 1/2° and 1/4° are supplied together with the PW3092/00 Fixed Anti-
scatter Slit Assembly. These slits are used to control the acceptance of the diffracted beam by the detector, and
thus the observed length on the sample. The fixed anti-scatter slits must be inserted into the slot in the fixed anti-
scatter slit assembly.
R sin ( A × δ ) sin ( 2θ – ω ) -
L = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sin2 ( 2θ – ω ) – sin2 ( ( A × δ ) ⁄ 2 )
16.3.1 Applications
Receiving slits are commonly used in phase analysis, omega-stress, thin-film phase analysis with the line focus
of the X-ray tube; and in texture and psi-stress analysis with the point focus of the X-ray tube.
Figure 16.5: PW3093/60 Programmable Receiving Slit with PW3011/20 Proportional Detector
It is possible to mount a fixed or programmable anti-scatter slit on the sample side of the programmable
receiving slit. A detector (or a curved crystal monochromator with detector) is mounted on the detector side of
the programmable receiving slit.
The programmable receiving slit is software controlled to provide a defined receiving slit height which can be
varied between 0.01 mm and 3.0 mm in steps of 0.01 mm. Accessories Beta-filters
There are four beta-filters that can be used with the programmable receiving slit, they are:
Ni filter (PW3151/03) for Cu Kα radiation
Fe filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Co Kα radiation
V filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Cr Kα radiation
Zr filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Mo Kα radiation.
The filter must be installed (mounted) in the slot for attenuation foil or beta-filter as shown in Figure 16.5.
In order to mount an X-ray mirror in the diffracted beam path you must have a PW3099/60 PreFIX Interface for
Diffracted Beam X-ray Mirror. Mounting instructions can be found in section When you have
mounted the mirror you must then inform the data collector software of the diffracted beam X-ray mirror’s
2theta offset; measuring this offset is described in section
Proceed as follows to mount an X-ray mirror and a programmable receiving slit at the diffracted beam PreFIX
1. If there is a diffracted beam PreFIX module present on the 2theta arm of the goniometer, remove it.
2. Mount the PW3099/60 PreFIX Interface for Diffracted Beam X-ray Mirror at the diffracted beam
PreFIX position (refer to Figure 16.6).
3. If present, remove the programmable or fixed anti-scatter slit from the programmable receiving slit.
4. Mount the X-ray mirror on the diffracted beam PreFIX position with its divergence slit nearest the
5. Mount the programmable receiving slit on the PreFIX position furthest away from the goniometer axis.
A diffracted beam monochromator is not required.
6. You can now insert a Soller slits assembly into the Soller slits holder on the X-ray mirror.
7. Use a 1/2º divergence slit at the divergence slit position of the X-ray mirror module.
8. Report the X-ray mirror and the programmable receiving slit to the data collector software and enter the
diffracted beam mirror 2theta offset.
When you mount an X-ray mirror at the diffracted beam PreFIX position you have to introduce its 2theta offset
into the data collector software. This section describes how you measure that offset.
1. Install the incident beam PreFIX module that you are going to use in the next measurements (an X-ray
mirror or a hybrid monochromator) in the mirror-mirror geometry. Report the incident beam module to
the data collector software.
2. Insert an attenuation foil into the incident beam PreFIX module:
if you are using Cu radiation: the combined copper/nickel attenuation foil,
if you are using Co radiation: the 0.2 mm iron attenuation foil.
3. Mount the PW3093/60 Programmable Receiving Slit onto the diffracted beam PreFIX position and
report this to the data collector software.
4. Set ω = 0º and make sure that the direct X-ray beam is not obstructed by the sample or the sample stage.
5. Make a 2θ scan around 2θ = 0º to find the peak position of the direct X-ray beam. Note this position as
6. Mount the diffracted beam X-ray mirror and the programmable receiving slit in the diffracted beam
path as described in section Note that you DO NOT report this to the data collector
7. Make a 2θ scan over a range of 5º around 2θ = 0º to find the peak position of the direct X-ray beam now
that you have the mirror-mirror geometry. Note this position as 2θB.
8. The offset is calculated by subtracting 2θA from 2θB (2θB - 2θA).
9. Enter the reverse of the offset value into the data collector software, so that the 2theta axis is
automatically offset when you select the X-ray mirror together with the programmable receiving slit as
diffracted beam PreFIX modules. This means, for example: if your calculation of the offset results in
-1.1º you actually enter 1.1º, whereas if your calculation resulted in +1.1º you enter -1.1º.
Do not turn the adjustment screw (shown in Figure 16.1) as it is
ONLY to be used for module alignment.
Figure 16.7: PW3091/x0 Programmable Anti-scatter Slit Mounted onto a Programmable Receiving
Slit with Curved Crystal Monochromator and Proportional Detector
Do not turn the adjustment screw (shown in Figure 16.4) as it is
ONLY to be used for module alignment.
Do not turn the alignment screw (indicated in Figure 19.1) as it is
ONLY to be used for module alignment.
Mount the diffracted beam flat crystal monochromator onto the programmable receiving slit as follows:
1. Remove the detector from the PW3093/60 Programmable Receiving Slit by sliding it out of the
detector interface and place it carefully to one side.
2. Undo the two screws that secure the detector interface and remove the interface.
3. Hold the flat crystal monochromator in place and carefully align the holes on the monochromator with
the screw holes where you removed the screws in step 2. Insert two screws into the holes you just lined
up and tighten them.
4. Re-mount the detector onto the detector interface on the flat crystal monochromator.
Aligning the flat crystal monochromator is described in Chapter 19 (section of Part II of this User’s
Do not turn the alignment screw (indicated in Figure 19.4) as it is
ONLY to be used for module alignment.
Mount the diffracted beam curved crystal monochromator onto the programmable receiving slit as follows:
1. Remove the detector from the PW3093/60 Programmable Receiving Slit by sliding it out of the detector
interface and place it carefully to one side.
2. Undo the two screws that secure the detector interface and remove the interface.
3. Hold the curved crystal monochromator in place and carefully align the holes on the monochromator
with the screw holes where you removed the screws in step 2. Insert two screws into the holes you just
lined up and tighten them.
4. Re-mount the detector onto the detector interface on the curved crystal monochromator.
No further alignment is required. Accessories Fixed Slits
A set of three fixed receiving slits marked 1/4º (opening 0.38 mm), 1º (opening 1.5 mm), and 1 mm (shown in
Figure 16.10) are supplied as part of the rocking curve attachment. They can be fitted into the rotatable slit
holder. These slits are used to control the height of the diffracted beam as seen by the detector, and to reduce the
background intensity. Use Rotating the Slit Holder
Figure 16.15: PW3120/65 Asymmetrical Triple Axis and Rocking Curve Attachment
17.1 General............................................................................................................................... 17 - 3
17.1.1 Applications.......................................................................................................................... 17 - 3 Texture and Psi-stress Analysis ........................................................................... 17 - 3 Parallel Beam Applications with Line Focus ...................................................... 17 - 3
17.2 PW3094/20 Diffracted Beam Mask Set........................................................................... 17 - 3
17.3 Choice of Beam Mask ....................................................................................................... 17 - 4
Beam masks are fitted in the diffracted beam path to control the axial width and acceptance of the diffracted
beam, thus defining the amount (width) of the sample that is observed by the detector. Normally, beam masks
are used for point focus applications, for example: texture and psi-stress analysis. Soller slits are used to control
the axial acceptance of the diffracted beam in line focus applications.
Diffracted beam masks are also used in the parallel beam geometry, with line focus applications. Here they can
be used to define the axial size and acceptance of the diffracted X-ray beam as an alternative to Soller slits.
17.1.1 Applications Texture and Psi-stress Analysis
Beam masks are used in the Schulz and the parallel beam geometry of point focus applications, such as texture
and psi-stress analysis, to control the axial width of the diffracted X-ray beam. The beam mask opening must be
selected such that the complete part of the sample contributing to the diffracted intensity (that is, irradiated by
the incident beam) is “seen” by the detector. However, no more than that, in order to avoid scattered radiation
giving rise to high background intensities in the measurement.
18.1 General............................................................................................................................... 18 - 3
18.1.1 Applications.......................................................................................................................... 18 - 3 Thin-film Phase Analysis and Reflectivity .......................................................... 18 - 3 Phase Analysis and Omega-stress Analysis......................................................... 18 - 3 Texture and Psi-stress Analysis ........................................................................... 18 - 3 In-plane Diffraction ............................................................................................. 18 - 3
18.2 PW3098/xx Parallel Plate Collimator ............................................................................. 18 - 4
18.3 Accessories ......................................................................................................................... 18 - 5
18.3.1 Collimator Slit (0.1 mm) ...................................................................................................... 18 - 5
18.3.2 PW3085/x0 Soller Slits ........................................................................................................ 18 - 5
18.3.3 PW3094/20 Diffracted Beam Mask Set ............................................................................... 18 - 5
18.3.4 PW3121/00 Diffracted Beam Flat Crystal Monochromator ................................................ 18 - 6 Mounting a Flat Crystal Monochromator ............................................................ 18 - 6
18.3.5 Large Beta-filters.................................................................................................................. 18 - 7
18.3.6 PW3011/20 Proportional Detector ....................................................................................... 18 - 7
18.3.7 PW1964/96 Scintillation Detector........................................................................................ 18 - 7
18.3.8 PW3018/00 PIXcel Detector ................................................................................................ 18 - 7
A diffracted beam collimator is an optical module used in the quasi-parallel beam geometry to define the
acceptance angle of the diffracted beam as seen by the detector. This collimator is used with parallel beam
modules, such as an X-ray mirror, an X-ray lens, and a mono-capillary in the incident beam path. It is also used
in thin-film phase analysis and reflectivity, using a small angle divergence slit at a low angle of incidence. A
diffracted beam collimator does not control the axial acceptance of the X-ray beam, Soller slits are used in the
diffracted beam path to control the axial acceptance.
Two types of diffracted beam collimator are available on X’Pert PRO systems:
• One type consists of a set of parallel plates perpendicular to the diffraction plane, these are called parallel
plate collimators. The distance between the plates inside the collimator defines the acceptance angle; the
total height (the size of the opening perpendicular to the plates) of the collimator and the angle between
the diffracted beam and the sample surface define the length of the sample that is observed.
• The other type of diffracted beam collimator is called a beam tunnel. This collimator is formed by
combining an anti-scatter slit and a receiving slit. The aperture of the anti-scatter slit is set to match the
aperture of the receiving slit.
Parallel plate collimators are described in this chapter. The beam tunnel is described in Chapter 16 in Part II of
this User’s Guide.
18.1.1 Applications
Diffracted beam collimators are commonly used in thin-film phase analysis and reflectivity applications, and in
parallel beam applications; both of which use the line focus and the point focus of the X-ray tube.
Table 18.1: Parallel Plate Collimator Type Numbers and their Equatorial Acceptance
PW3098/09 0.09º
PW3098/18 0.18º
PW3098/27 0.27º
Figure 18.1: PW3098/xx Parallel Plate Collimator with PW3011/20 Proportional Detector Mounted
The PreFIX parallel plate module incorporates:
• a slot for a collimator slit
• a slot for Soller slits or a diffracted beam mask holder
• an interface to mount a detector.
The detector interface can be removed in order to mount a flat crystal monochromator with detector.
The height (equatorial aperture) of the parallel plate collimator is 20 mm, the width (axial aperture) is 23 mm.
The accessories described in this section are common to all three of the above mentioned parallel plate
Do not turn the alignment screw marked X in Figure 19.1 as it is
used to adjust the module alignment.
19.1 General............................................................................................................................... 19 - 3
19.2 Flat Crystal Monochromators ......................................................................................... 19 - 3
19.2.1 PW3121/00 Diffracted Beam Flat Crystal Monochromator ................................................ 19 - 3 Detector Slits........................................................................................................ 19 - 3 Use ....................................................................................................................... 19 - 3
19.3 Curved Crystal Monochromators ................................................................................... 19 - 6
19.3.1 PW312x/10 Diffracted Beam Curved Crystal Monochromators ......................................... 19 - 6 Use ....................................................................................................................... 19 - 7
19.4 Monochromators for Line Detectors............................................................................... 19 - 7
19.4.1 PW3122/00 Diffracted Beam Monochromator for X’Celerator .......................................... 19 - 8 PW3094/50 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit for Monochromator for X'Celerator ............ 19 - 8 Use ....................................................................................................................... 19 - 9
19.4.2 PW3124/00 Diffracted Beam Monochromator for PIXcel .................................................. 19 - 9 PW3490/50 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit for Monochromator for PIXcel ................... 19 - 9 Use ..................................................................................................................... 19 - 11
19.5 Triple Axis Monochromator .......................................................................................... 19 - 12
19.5.1 PW3120/60 Triple Axis and Rocking Curve Attachment.................................................. 19 - 12 Accessories ........................................................................................................ 19 - 13 Use ..................................................................................................................... 19 - 16
19.5.2 PW3120/65 Asymmetric Triple Axis and Rocking Curve Attachment ............................. 19 - 17 Accessories ........................................................................................................ 19 - 18 Use ..................................................................................................................... 19 - 20
Diffracted beam monochromators are situated between the receiving optics and the detector. They are used to
reduce the background radiation efficiently, eliminate unwanted lines, such as the Kβ line almost completely,
and reduce the effect of sample fluorescence.
The diffracted beam monochromator consists of crystalline material which diffracts the radiation accepted by
the receiving optics on which the monochromator is mounted. The detector slit is set at an angle so that only the
wavelength of interest is collected by the detector.
There are four types of diffracted beam monochromator associated with X’Pert PRO, they are:
Flat crystal monochromator for parallel beam applications.
Curved crystal monochromator for focusing beam applications.
Diffracted Beam monochromator for use with line detectors, X’Celerator and PIXcel.
Triple axis monochromator for reciprocal space maps. Use
Mounting instructions for the flat crystal monochromator are given in the chapters describing diffracted beam
collimators (Chapter 18) and receiving slits (Chapter 16) in Part II of this User’s Guide. This section describes
the alignment of the monochromator for a specific wavelength.
When the flat crystal monochromator is mounted onto a programmable receiving slit used in the beam tunnel
mode, the receiving slit can be opened over its full range of slit settings (0 to 3 mm).
Interface Alignment Screw Y
Alignment Screw X (Not visible)
(Not visible)
Holes for
Mounting Screws
Locking Screw
3. Mount a fixed or programmable divergence slit with a fixed slit aperture of 1º.
4. a. If you are using the flat crystal monochromator with a parallel plate collimator, insert the detector slit
that has the chemical symbol of the anode material of the X-ray tube being used.
b. If you are using the flat crystal monochromator with a programmable divergence slit and a
programmable anti-scatter slit, use the “beam tunnel” mode and set the aperture to 3 mm.
5. Set the goniometer to ω = 2º and 2θ to the value for the Si(311) reflection corresponding to the
characteristic radiation used, refer to Table 19.1.
Mo Kα 25.07º
Cu Kα 56.17º
Co Kα 66.27º
Fe Kα 72.53º
Cr Kα 88.78º
Locking Screw
Alignment Screw Y
7. Fine adjustment is performed by maximizing the measured intensity of the Si(311) reflection. Open the
shutter and measure the intensity of the reflection. Close the shutter and carefully adjust the alignment
screw. Open the shutter and measure the intensity again. Keep repeating this procedure until you have
found the maximum intensity. This fine adjustment should not need very much adjustment.
8. Tighten the locking screw to lock the monochromator into its position.
The flat crystal monochromator is now aligned for the characteristic of the wavelength being used.
Alignment Screw X
(Not visible)
Holes for
Mounting Screws
Type Characteristic
Number Radiation
PW3123/10 Cu Kα
PW3125/10 Mo Kα
PW3126/10 Co Kα
PW3127/10 Fe Kα
PW3128/10 Cr Kα Use
The curved crystal monochromator can only be mounted onto the PW3093/60 Programmable Receiving Slit. No
further alignment is required after mounting. Mounting instructions are given in section in Chapter
16 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
Soller Slits
Knurled Knob Mounting the Fixed Anti-scatter Slits Holder onto the Diffracted Beam
Mount the fixed anti-scatter slits holder onto the PW3122/00 Diffracted Beam Monochromator as follows:
1. Bring the fixed anti-scatter slit holder into position on the entrance of the Soller slits assembly of the
monochromator, as is shown in Figure 19.6.
2. Tighten the Allen screw to fix the holder into position.
Now you can insert one of the fixed anti-scatter slits into the holder, pressing it home in such a way that it clicks
into place. No alignment is required. Use
The PW3122/00 Diffracted Beam Monochromator can only be used with the PW3015/x0 X’Celerator and Cu
Kα radiation. No further alignment is necessary when the X’Celerator is mounted onto the detector interface.
Mounting instructions are given in section 21.4 of Chapter 21 of Part II of this User’s Guide.
For further information about the best choice of modules to suppress unwanted lines in measurements using the
X’Celerator refer to section 21.4 of Chapter 21 of Part II of this User’s Guide. Mounting the Fixed Anti-scatter Slits Holder onto the Diffracted Beam
Mount the fixed anti-scatter slits holder onto the PW3124/00 Diffracted Beam Monochromator as follows:
1. Bring the fixed anti-scatter slit holder into position on the entrance of the Soller slits assembly of the
monochromator, as is shown in Figure 19.8.
2. Tighten the Allen screw to fix the holder into position.
Now you can insert one of the fixed anti-scatter slits into the holder, pressing it home in such a way that it clicks
into place. No alignment is required.
Figure 19.7: PW3124/00 Diffracted Beam Monochromator for PIXcel with the PIXcel Mounted
Figure 19.8: Mounting the PW3490/50 Fixed Anti-scatter Slits Holder onto the
PW3124/00 Monochromator Use
The PW3124/00 Diffracted Beam Monochromator can only be used with the PW3018/00 PIXcel and Cu Kα
radiation. No further alignment is necessary when the PIXcel is mounted onto the detector interface.
Mounting instructions are given in section in Chapter 21 of Part II of this User's Guide.
For further information about the best choice of modules to suppress unwanted lines in measurements using the
PIXcel refer to section in Chapter 21 of Part II of this User's Guide.
Scale for
B Holder
A Accessories Fixed Slits
A set of three fixed receiving slits marked 1/4º (opening 0.38 mm), 1º (opening 1.5 mm) and 1 mm are supplied
as part of the rocking curve attachment. They can be fitted into both the rotatable slit holders. These slits are
used to control the height of the diffracted beam as seen by the detector and to reduce the background intensity. Mounting the Automatic Beam Attenuator onto the Triple Axis and Rocking Curve
Loading film into the holder is described in Appendix C to this User’s Guide in section C.7.3. Mounting the Holder onto the Triple Axis and Rocking Curve Attachment
The topography film holder mounted onto the triple axis and rocking curve attachment is shown in Figure 19.12.
Mount the topography film holder as follows:
1. Slide the topography film holder into the slot on the triple axis and rocking curve attachment with the
knurled ring on the detector side. Slide the holder in until the leading edge is at the 7th of the shorter
lines marked on the attachment (see A in Figure 19.9).
2. Slide the locking bar into the slot in the holder until it lines up with the two holes for the securing
screws (the left-hand screw hole is marked B in Figure 19.9). Insert and tighten the two securing screws
using the washers and spring washers provided. Moving the Topography Film Holder
You can move the topography film holder to the next exposure position by loosening the two securing screws,
sliding the holder to the next mark and then tightening the screws.
Figure 19.12: PW3142/20 Topography Film Holder Mounted on the Triple Axis
and Rocking Curve Attachment Use High Resolution Reciprocal Space Maps
High resolution reciprocal space maps can be recorded on an X’Pert PRO MRD system as follows:
Hardware configuration:
Focus: point or line, depending on the incident beam monochromator used.
Incident beam optics: a PW3110/6x High-resolution Monochromator or a PW3147/x0 Hybrid
Diffracted beam optics: PW3120/60 Triple Axis and Rocking Curve Attachment.
General experimental procedure:
1. Using the rocking curve beam path find a reflection using the Reciprocal Space Map option in the data
collector software.
2. Set the reflecting plane normal perpendicular to the diffractometer axis using ϕ or ψ optimization.
3. Move ω to the peak position.
4. Move 2θ to the peak position using the triple axis beam path (change detector position if necessary).
5. Record an area map in using a 2-axes scan program (omega-2theta and omega).
Figure 19.13: PW3120/65 Asymmetric Triple Axis and Rocking Curve Attachment Accessories Fixed Slits
A set of three fixed receiving slits marked 1/4º (opening 0.38 mm), 1º (opening 1.5 mm) and 1 mm are supplied
as part of the rocking curve attachment. They can be fitted into both the rotatable slit holders. These slits are used
to control the height of the diffracted beam as seen by the detector and to reduce the background intensity.
A PW3011/20 Proportional Detector can be mounted behind both the rocking curve and the triple axis beam
paths in the detector interfaces which hold the detector in place by means of two spring-loaded balls.
We advise you to use the triple axis and rocking curve attachment with two PW3011/20 Detectors mounted.
CAUTION When an automatic beam attenuator is mounted onto a triple axis and
rocking curve attachment, the maximum 2θ angle of the diffracted beam
arm is restricted. Use the data collector software to set a lower maximum
2θ angle in order to avoid a collision between the automatic beam
attenuator and the tube shield. Mounting the Automatic Beam Attenuator onto the Triple Axis and Rocking Curve
1. Remove the three screws at the back (metal part) of the PW3087/6x Automatic Beam Attenuator (see
Figure 2.2).
2. Split the automatic beam attenuator apart, the metal part from the painted part. This can be quite difficult
to do, persevere.
3. Fit the metal part (NOT the side with the alignment pins) onto the triple axis and rocking curve
attachment; line it up with the slit of the automatic beam attenuator to the slit in one of the beam paths
and ensure that the four screw holes line up. Use the four screws supplied with the automatic beam
attenuator and secure it into place.
4. Replace the painted part of the automatic beam attenuator and use the three screws you removed in step
1 to secure it into place. Use High Resolution Reciprocal Space Maps
High resolution reciprocal space maps can be recorded on an X’Pert PRO MRD system as follows:
Hardware configuration:
Focus: point or line, depending on the incident beam monochromator used.
Incident beam optics: a PW3110/6x High-resolution Monochromator or a PW3147/x0 Hybrid
Diffracted beam optics: PW3120/65 Asymmetric Triple Axis and Rocking Curve Attachment.
Anti-scatter Devices
20.1 General............................................................................................................................... 20 - 3
20.1.1 Applications......................................................................................................................... 20 - 3 Para-focusing Geometries.................................................................................... 20 - 3 Capillary Samples ................................................................................................ 20 - 3 Transmission Diffraction and High-throughput Applications ............................. 20 - 3 Microdiffraction................................................................................................... 20 - 3
20.2 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Devices ................................................................................ 20 - 4
20.2.1 PW3086/00 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit Holder for Divergence Slit ........................... 20 - 4 Accessories .......................................................................................................... 20 - 5
20.2.2 PW3086/60 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit Holder for X-ray Mirror ............................... 20 - 6 Accessories .......................................................................................................... 20 - 7 Use ....................................................................................................................... 20 - 7
20.2.3 PW3086/65 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit Holder for Hybrid Monochromator .............. 20 - 8 Accessories .......................................................................................................... 20 - 8 Use ....................................................................................................................... 20 - 9
20.2.4 PW3086/70 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Device for Focusing Mirror ................................ 20 - 9 Accessories ........................................................................................................ 20 - 11 Use ..................................................................................................................... 20 - 12
20.2.5 PW3086/75 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Device for Focusing X-ray Mirror .................... 20 - 16 Accessories ........................................................................................................ 20 - 16
20.3 Diffracted Beam Anti-scatter Devices........................................................................... 20 - 18
20.3.1 PW3x94/30 Fixed Anti-scatter Slits for X'Celerator......................................................... 20 - 18 Accessories ........................................................................................................ 20 - 19 Use ..................................................................................................................... 20 - 21
20.3.2 PW3x94/32 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit for Non-ambient Chambers and MRD...................... 20 - 22
20.3.3 PW3x94/35 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit for Capillary and Transmission Applications ........... 20 - 23 Replacing the Mylar Foil ................................................................................... 20 - 24
20.3.4 PW3094/50 Fixed Anti-scatter Slits for X'Celerator Monochromator.............................. 20 - 25 Use ..................................................................................................................... 20 - 26
20.3.5 PW3490/00 Fixed Anti-scatter Slits for PIXcel ................................................................ 20 - 27 Accessories ........................................................................................................ 20 - 28 Use ..................................................................................................................... 20 - 30
20.3.6 PW3490/32 Anti-scatter Slit Holder Extension for Non-Ambient and MRD................... 20 - 31
20.3.7 PW3490/50 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit for Monochromator for PIXcel ................................. 20 - 31 Use ..................................................................................................................... 20 - 32
In diffraction experiments X-rays are not only diffracted by the sample but may also be scattered by air, by parts
of the diffractometer, or by the sample holder. When scattered radiation is collected by the detector it may give
rise to an increased background in the diffractogram.
Anti-scatter devices are used in diffraction measurements which utilize an X’Celerator or a PIXcel. They reduce
the intensity of background radiation to a low level. Together with a beam knife just above the sample surface
this ensures that good signal-to-background ratios are obtained in these experiments. If a different type of
detector is used, the task of reducing the background contribution is performed by anti-scatter slits.
Two types of anti-scatter devices are used in X’Pert PRO systems, incident beam and diffracted beam anti-
scatter devices:
• Incident beam anti-scatter devices are mounted directly onto the incident beam PreFIX module that they
are used with. They are described in section 20.2.
• The diffracted beam anti-scatter devices are mounted onto the line detectors (the X’Celerator or the
PIXcel). They are described in section 20.3.
20.1.1 Applications Para-focusing Geometries
In experiments in which measurements must be performed very quickly, for example: recording a phase
transition in non-ambient studies, an X’Celerator or a PIXcel can be used to obtain a diffraction pattern in a
limited amount of time. Anti-scatter devices can be mounted at the divergence slit holder in the incident beam
They can also be used to reduce the incident beam size so that only the sample is irradiated and not the well-
plate or sample holder. Microdiffraction
In microdiffraction experiments only a small part on the sample is irradiated. Because of the resulting low
intensity of the diffracted beam, an X’Celerator detector or a PIXcel is used to collect the data. In this geometry,
the scattered radiation is reduced by the use of an anti-scatter device mounted onto the detector.
Table 20.1: Incident Beam PreFIX Modules that Incident Beam Anti-scatter
Devices can be used with
Anti-scatter Device Used With Chapter
The PreFIX modules onto which this holder can be mounted are listed in Table 20.1. This table also refers to the
chapter where the mounting instructions are given. We advise you to use the long holder unless it will not
(because of geometric reasons) fit into your diffractometer configuration.
The distance to the X-ray tube’s focus depends on what kind of divergence slit is mounted, and whether you have
a long holder or a short holder mounted, these distances are given in Table 20.2. Accessories Anti-scatter Slits
A set of eight slits are delivered together with the PW3086/00 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit Holder. They are
marked 4º (opening 6.0 mm), 2º (opening 3.0 mm), 1º (opening 1.5 mm), 1/2º (opening 0.75 mm), 1/4º (opening
0.38 mm), 1/8º (opening 0.19 mm), 1/16º (opening 0.1 mm), and 1/32º (opening 0.05 mm). These slits can be
inserted into the slot for anti-scatter slits.
The choice of the anti-scatter slit size to be used during a diffraction experiment is determined by the size of the
divergence slit on the programmable or fixed divergence slit holder. The optimal anti-scatter slit size is twice
that of the divergence slit.
NOTE: If you are using a programmable divergence slit in the automatic mode, make sure that the
maximum slit opening during a measurement is maximum half the size of the anti-scatter slit used.
Figure 20.1: PW3086/00 Incident beam Anti-scatter Holder for Divergence Slits
Four beam masks, supplied together with the PW3081/60 Programmable Divergence Slit and the PW3082/60
Fixed Divergence Slit Holder, can be inserted into the beam mask holder on the PW3086/00 Incident Beam Anti-
scatter Slit Holder. They are used to control the axial width of the incident beam, and thus the amount (width)
of the sample irradiated by the X-ray beam.
The four beam mask are marked 5, 10, 15 and 20. The relationship between the marking on the mask (5, 10, 15
and 20) and the irradiated width on the sample is given in Chapter 4 in Part II of this User’s Guide.
20.2.2 PW3086/60 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit Holder for X-ray Mirror
PW3086/60 is an incident beam anti-scatter slit holder for the PW3148/6x X-ray Mirror. It is shown in Figure
20.2. This holder incorporates:
• a slot for Soller slits
• a slot for an incident beam anti-scatter slit
• a metal plate with a lip to block scattered radiation
• a direct beam stop.
The incident beam anti-scatter slit holder is intended for use on X’Pert PRO MPD systems with a goniometer
radius of 240 mm, equipped with a PW3063/00 Capillary Spinner.
The beam stop is fitted to ensure that it is possible to measure from 3º 2θ onwards without exposing the detector
to the direct beam.
Slot for
Soller Slits
Direct Beam
Incident Beam
Anti-scatter Slit
The beam stop is factory aligned and must not be moved or
removed. Accessories Anti-scatter Slits
Two slits, marked 1/2º and 1/4º, are supplied together with the PW3086/60 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit
Holder for X-ray mirror. These slits can be inserted into the slot for anti-scatter slits. They are used to control
the irradiated height on the capillary sample.
The choice of the anti-scatter slit to be used during a measurement depends on the diameter of the glass capillary.
The relationship between the diameter of the capillary sample and the anti-scatter slit to be used is given in Table
Slit Size
0.3 1/4º
0.5 1/2º
Soller slits are used together with the X-ray mirror in order to control the axial acceptance of the incident beam
emerging from the mirror. Four sizes of Soller slits are available for X’Pert PRO systems, they are:
• PW3085/10 0.01 rad Soller Slits
• PW3085/20 0.02 rad Soller Slits
• PW3085/40 0.04 rad Soller Slits
• PW3085/80 0.08 rad Soller Slits.
Soller slits must be inserted into the slot for Soller slits on the anti-scatter slit holder (Figure 20.2). To do this,
insert the Soller slits assembly into the slot until it clicks into place. For more information about Soller slits refer
to Chapter 5 in Part II of this User’s Guide. Use
The metal plate with a lip (Figure 20.2) can be shifted back and forth along the incident beam. Its optimum
position is when it blocks the scattered radiation as much as possible but does not block the diffracted beam.
When the maximum 2θ angle in the scan is low (<90º) the metal plate can be shifted towards, or even over the
capillary sample as much as possible. For high maximum 2θ angles the plate must be shifted back towards the
X-ray tube in order to avoid blocking the diffracted beam.
The incident beam anti-scatter slit holder is intended for use on X’Pert PRO MPD systems with a goniometer
radius of 240 mm, equipped with a PW3063/00 Capillary Spinner.
The beam stop is fitted to ensure that it is possible to measure from 3º 2θ onwards without exposing the detector
to the direct beam.
The beam stop is factory aligned and must not be moved or
removed. Accessories Anti-scatter Slits
Two slits, with sizes 1/4º and 1/2º, are supplied together with the PW3086/65 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit
Holder for Hybrid Monochromator. These slits can be inserted into the slot for anti-scatter slits. They are used
to control the irradiated height on the capillary sample.
The choice of the anti-scatter slit to be used during a measurement depends on the diameter of the glass capillary.
The relationship between the diameter of the capillary sample and the anti-scatter slit to be used is given in Table
Soller slits are used together with the hybrid monochromator in order to control the axial divergence of the
incident beam emerging from the monochromator. Four sizes of Soller slits are available for X’Pert PRO
systems, they are:
PW3085/10 0.01 rad Soller Slits
PW3085/20 0.02 rad Soller Slits
PW3085/40 0.04 rad Soller Slits
PW3085/80 0.08 rad Soller Slits.
Soller slits must be inserted into the slot for Soller slits on the anti-scatter slit holder (Figure 20.3). To do this,
insert the Soller slits assembly into the slot until it clicks into place. For more information about Soller slits refer
to Chapter 5 in Part II of this User’s Guide. Use
The metal plate with a lip (Figure 20.3) can be shifted back and forth along the incident beam. Its optimum
position is when it blocks the scattered radiation as much as possible but does not block the diffracted beam.
When the maximum 2θ angle in the scan is low (<90º) the metal plate can be shifted towards, or even over the
capillary sample as much as possible. For high maximum 2θ angles the plate must be shifted back towards the
X-ray tube in order to avoid blocking the diffracted beam.
Incident Beam
Anti-scatter Slit
Metal Plate Black
with Lip Knurled Knob
Figure 20.3: PW3086/65 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Slit Holder for Hybrid Monochromator
Figure 20.4: PW3086/70 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Device for Focusing X-ray Mirror
The beam stop is adjustable in height to allow an optimal blocking of the direct beam so that the minimum 2theta
angle in a diffractogram can be as low as possible. The beam stop assembly can be mounted in either of two
positions onto the anti-scatter device:
• One position is for use when the focusing X-ray mirror is used in combination with the PW3063/00
Capillary Spinner. It allows measurements from 1º 2θ onwards without exposing the detector to the
direct beam.
• The other position is for use with the PW3076/00 Transmission Spinner. In this case, the beam stop is
only used if you want to perform measurements with the lowest 2θ angles being between 1° and 2.5°. If
the beam stop is not mounted, the lowest 2θ angle in a measurement is 2.5°.
A special direct beam stop is delivered with the Oxford Cryosystems Cryostream Plus. This beam stop is used
with the focusing X-ray mirror for measurements on capillary samples at non-ambient temperatures, see also:
section in Chapter 13 of Part II of this User’s Guide.
Mounting of the beam stop onto the anti-scatter device and alignment instructions are given in section Accessories Anti-scatter Slits
Two slits, marked 1/2º and 1/4º, are supplied together with the PW3086/70 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Device
for Focusing X-ray mirror. These slits can be inserted into the slot for anti-scatter slits. They are used to control
the irradiated height on the capillary sample. If you want to make use of the full beam coming off the focusing
X-ray mirror, you must use the 1/2° slit. You use the 1/4° slit when you are working with thin capillaries or if
you want to measure at very low angles, close to 1° 2theta. In this case it is also advisable to insert a 1/4° slit
into the slot for the equatorial slit on the focusing X-ray mirror module. The relationship between the diameter
of the capillary sample and the anti-scatter slit to be used is given in Table 20.4.
Table 20.4: Relationship between Capillary Diameter and Anti-scatter Slit Size
Slit Size
0.3 1
0.5 1/ º
Soller slits must be inserted into the slot for Soller slits on the anti-scatter device (Figure 20.4). To do this, insert
the Soller slits assembly into the slot until it clicks into place. For more information about Soller slits refer to
Chapter 5 in Part II of this User's Guide.
For more information about beam masks, refer to Chapter 4 of Part II of this User's Guide. Use Mounting the Beam Stop Assembly
The beam stop assembly can be mounted in two different positions onto the PW3086/70 Anti-scatter Device.
The position onto which the beam stop needs to be mounted depends on the sample stage that the focusing
X-ray mirror is being used with.
• When the anti-scatter device is used in combination with the PW3063/00 Capillary Spinner, the beam
stop must be mounted in the position nearest to the X-ray tube (see Figure 20.5). A special direct beam
stop must be mounted when the capillary spinner is used in combination with the Cryostream Plus for
non-ambient experiments (see Figure 20.6).
• When the anti-scatter device is used in combination with the PW3076/00 Transmission Spinner, the
beam stop must be mounted in the position farthest away from the X-ray tube (see Figure 20.7).
Proceed as follows to mount the beam stop onto the PW3086/70 Anti-scatter Device:
1. Bring the beam stop assembly into the required position on the anti-scatter device, such that the screw
holes in the anti-scatter device are visible through the holes in the beam stop assembly. Refer to Figure
20.5 and Figure 20.7 for the two positions that the beam stop can be mounted onto.
2. Fix the beam stop assembly to the anti-scatter device using the two M3x10 screws supplied.
Figure 20.5: Focusing X-ray Mirror and PW3086/70 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Device with
Beam Stop Assembly Mounted for use with PW3063/00 Capillary Spinner
Figure 20.6: Focusing X-ray Mirror and PW3086/70 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Device with
Beam Stop Assembly Mounted for use with PW3063/00 Capillary Spinner in combination with the
Cryostream Plus
Figure 20.7: Focusing X-ray Mirror and PW3086/70 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Device with
Beam Stop Assembly Mounted for use with PW3076/00 Transmission Spinner
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
2theta [deg.]
This completes the beam stop alignment. Your system is now ready for use.
The incident beam anti-scatter slit holder is intended for use on X'Pert PRO MPD systems with a goniometer
radius of 240 mm, equipped with a PW3064/60 Reflection-transmission Spinner used in transmission mode.
Mounting instructions and use of the PW3086/75 Anti-scatter Device are given in Chapter 6 in Part II of this
User's Guide.
Figure 20.9: PW3086/75 Incident beam Anti-scatter Device for Focusing X-ray Mirror
A direct beam stop is not included. Measurements can be performed with a lowest 2θ angle of 2.5°. If a 2θ angle
below 2.5° (to a minimum of 1°) is required in a measurement, the PW3064/20 Direct Beam Stop must be
mounted onto the reflection-transmission spinner. More information about this beam stop is given in Chapter 12
of Part II of this User's Guide. Accessories Anti-scatter Slits
Two slits, marked 1/2º and 1/4º, are supplied together with the PW3086/75 Incident Beam Anti-scatter Device
for Focusing X-ray mirror. These slits can be inserted into the slot for anti-scatter slits. They are used to control
the irradiated height on the sample. If you want to make use of (almost) the full beam coming from the focusing
X-ray mirror, you must use the 1/2° slit. You can use the 1/4° slit when you are working with thin capillaries or
when you want to measure at very low angles, close to 1° 2θ. In this case it is also advisable to insert a 1/4° slit
in the slot for the equatorial slit on the focusing X-ray mirror module.
The relationship between the anti-scatter slit size and the irradiated height on the sample is given in Table 20.6.
Table 20.6: Relationship between Anti-scatter Slit Size and Irradiated Height on the Sample
Anti-scatter Irradiated
Slit Size Height (mm)
1/ ° 0.7
1 °
/4 0.4
Soller slits are used together with the X-ray mirror in order to control the axial acceptance of the incident beam
emerging from the mirror. Three sizes of Soller slits are available for focusing X-ray mirrors, they are:
• PW3085/10 0.01 rad Soller Slits
• PW3085/20 0.02 rad Soller Slits
• PW3085/40 0.04 rad Soller Slits.
Soller slits must be inserted into the slot for Soller slits on the anti-scatter device (Figure 20.9). To do this, insert
the Soller slits assembly into the slot until it clicks into place. For more information about Soller slits refer to
Chapter 5 in Part II of this User's Guide.
You can use beam masks together with the focusing X-ray mirror in order to control the amount (width) of the
sample that is irradiated. The following masks are supplied in the PW3089/00 Beam Mask Set: 20, 10, 4 and 2.
The distance between the X-ray tube's focus and the beam mask is 167 mm. Table 20.7 shows the relationship
between the various masks positioned in the slot for the mask in the Soller slits holder and the amount of the
sample irradiated, when used in combination with 0.04 rad, 0.02 rad and 0.01 rad Soller slits. The beam mask
must be installed into the slot for beam masks in the anti-scatter device (see Figure 20.9).
For more information about beam masks, refer to Chapter 4 of Part II of this User's Guide.
The PW3091/x0 Programmable Anti-scatter Slit and its use in combination with the PW3093/60 Programmable
Receiving Slit and with the X'Celerator is described in section 16.2.2 of Chapter 16 of this User's Guide.
NOTE: The Fixed Anti-scatter Slits for X'Celerator are available in two versions: PW3094/30 and
PW3494/30. If you have a PW3064/60 Reflection-transmission Spinner or a PW3077/00
High-throughput Attachment mounted on your goniometer you must use the PW3494/30
Fixed Anti-scatter Slits. If you are using another sample stage, you can either use PW3094/30 or
PW3494/30 Fixed Anti-scatter Slits.
CAUTIONS 1. If you have mounted a diffracted beam anti-scatter slit holder onto
the X'Celerator, be careful to avoid collisions between the diffracted
beam anti-scatter slit holder and the sample stage or the sample itself.
2. The X'Pert PRO system automatically resets when the system is
switched on or when power is restored after a power failure. The reset
procedure involves driving the goniometer back to its hardware zero
points, which may cause collisions between the sample or the sample
stage and the diffracted beam anti-scatter slit holder. You should
disable this automatic reset using the data collector software in cases
where collisions are possible. This activates an initialization wizard
that guides you through the initialization procedure. You then have
the opportunity to remove the diffracted beam anti-scatter slit holder
before resetting the system.
Figure 20.10: PW3x94/30 Fixed Anti-scatter Slits for X'Celerator and Slit Holder Accessories PW3x94/32 Anti-scatter Slit for Non-ambient Chambers and MRD
The PW3x94/32 Anti-scatter Slit must be mounted in the diffracted beam path when the X'Celerator is used in
the combination with Anton Paar non-ambient chambers or an X’Pert PRO MRD system, in order to reduce the
amount of scattered radiation entering the detector. The slits delivered with the fixed anti-scatter slits holder can
also be into the slot on the extension block. Information about this anti-scatter slit is given in section 20.3.2.
The Anti-scatter slit must be mounted onto the fixed anti-scatter slits holder for the X'Celerator. Proceed as
follow to mount the anti-scatter slit:
1. Bring the PW3x94/32 Anti-scatter Slit into position, so that the two pins on this device fit into the
corresponding holes at the front of the anti-scatter slit holder.
2. Insert and tighten the two M3 x 8 screws supplied, as shown in Figure 20.11.
3. You can now insert the 3.4 mm slit supplied in the slot at the front of the PW3x94/32 Anti-scatter Slit.
Figure 20.11: PW3x94/32 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit mounted onto PW3x94/30 Fixed Anti-scatter Slits
Holder for X'Celerator PW3x94/35 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit for Capillary and Transmission Applications
The PW3x94/35 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit must be mounted in the diffracted beam path when the X'Celerator is
used in the combination with the PW3063/00 Capillary Spinner, the PW3064/60 Reflection-transmission
Spinner, the PW3076/00 Transmission Spinner or the PW3077/00 High-throughput Attachment, in order to
reduce the amount of scattered radiation entering the detector. Information about this anti-scatter slit is given in
section 20.3.3.
The Fixed Anti-scatter slit must be mounted onto the Fixed Anti-scatter Slits Holder for the X'Celerator. Proceed
as follows to mount the anti-scatter slit:
1. Bring the PW3x94/35 Anti-scatter Slit into position, so that the two pins on this device fit into the
corresponding holes at the front of the anti-scatter slit holder.
2. Insert and tighten the two M3 x 8 screws supplied, as shown in Figure 20.12.
Figure 20.12: PW3x94/35 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit mounted onto PW3x94/30 Fixed Anti-scatter Slits
Holder for X'Celerator Use Reflection mode
When the diffractometer is to be used to record data about flat polycrystalline samples under symmetrical scan
conditions in reflection mode (a gonio scan), in other words: omega = 2theta/2, you should choose a diffracted
beam anti-scatter slit that matches the chosen divergence slit size. Symmetrical scan conditions are used for most
powder applications: phase identification, quantification and crystallography. The optimum combinations of
divergence slits and anti-scatter slits related to the X’Pert PRO system use are given in Table 20.8.
If asymmetrical scan conditions are used on a flat powder sample, we advise you to use the PW3x94/30 Fixed
Anti- scatter Slits Holder without a slit inserted. A typical example of this would be residual stress analysis using
the omega-offset method.
Table 20.8: Relationship between X'Pert PRO system, Anti-scatter Slit Holder, Divergence Slit Size and
Anti-scatter Slit Size for Symmetrical Scan Conditions
/8 and smaller 5.0 3.4 5.0
NOTE: The 3.4 mm slit is part of PW3x94/32 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit. It is used in combination with a 1/8°
divergence slit and Anton Paar non-ambient chambers to measure at 2theta angles below 10°. More
information is given in section 20.3.2.
When you are using the diffractometer in transmission mode and employing a focusing X-ray mirror, you should
choose a diffracted beam anti-scatter slit of 6.6 mm or smaller. If you are working with the PW3015/20
X'Celerator Scientific in static mode, we advise you to use the 6.6 mm slit.
NOTE: The Fixed Anti-scatter Slits for Non-ambient Chambers are available in two versions: PW3094/32
and PW3494/32. Depending on the type of Fixed Anti-scatter Slit for X'Celerator that you have
(PW3094/30 or PW3494/30), you must use PW3094/32 or PW3494/32 respectively.
Instructions on how to mount the PW3x94/32 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit onto the X'Celerator's anti-scatter slit
holder are given in section Information about the use of the anti-scatter slit with the X'Celerator is
given in section
The delivery consists of a slit holder onto which a slit with a slit opening of 2.5 mm (height) x 30 mm (width)
is mounted. The slit holder and the slit are shown in Figure 20.14. The entrance of the slit is covered by a
removable Mylar foil (6 µm thick). It can be replaced with a new one when necessary. The Mylar foil is to be
used when the PW3063/00 Capillary Spinner is equipped with a Huber capillary heater.
NOTE: The Fixed Anti-scatter Slits for Capillary and Transmission Applications are available in two
versions: PW3094/35 and PW3494/35. Depending on the type of Fixed Anti-scatter Slit for
X'Celerator that you have (PW3094/30 or PW3494/30), you must use PW3094/35 or PW3494/35
Figure 20.14: PW3x94/35 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit for Capillary and Transmission Applications
The slit holder has to be mounted onto the PW3x94/30 Anti-scatter Slit Holder for the X'Celerator or onto the
PW3490/00 Anti-scatter Slit Holder for the PIXcel. Instructions on how to mount the PW3x94/35 Anti-scatter
Slit onto the anti-scatter slit holder are given in sections for the X’Celerator, or for the
PIXcel. Information about the use of the anti-scatter slit in combination with the X'Celerator or PIXcel are given
in Chapter 21 of this User's Guide in sections 21.4 and 21.5 respectively.
NOTE: When you are using the PW3076/00 Transmission Spinner, the PW3x94/35 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit
cannot be used in combination with the direct beam stop of the PW3086/70 Anti-scatter Slit Holder
for Focusing X-ray Mirror.
Put the slit back into its position in front of the slit holder and secure it into place with the two screws.
Figure 20.15: Replacing the Mylar foil of the PW3x94/35 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit
Figure 20.16: PW3094/50 Fixed Anti-scatter Slits for Monochromator for X'Celerator and Slit Holder
CAUTIONS 1. If you have mounted a diffracted beam anti-scatter slit holder onto
the X'Celerator, be careful to avoid collisions between the diffracted
beam anti-scatter slit holder and the sample stage or the sample itself.
2. The X'Pert PRO system automatically resets when the system is
switched on or when power is restored after a power failure. The
reset procedure involves driving the goniometer back to its hardware
zero points, which may cause collisions between the sample or the
sample stage and the diffracted beam anti-scatter slit holder. You
should disable this automatic reset using the data collector software
in cases where collisions are possible. This activates an initialization
wizard that guides you through the initialization procedure. You then
have the opportunity to remove the diffracted beam anti-scatter slit
holder before resetting the system. Use Reflection Mode
When the diffractometer is used to record data about flat polycrystalline samples under symmetrical scan
conditions in reflection mode (a gonio scan), in other words: omega = 2theta/2, you should choose a diffracted
beam anti-scatter slit that matches the chosen divergence slit size. Symmetrical scan conditions are used for most
powder applications: phase identification, quantification and crystallography. The optimum combination of
divergence slits and anti-scatter slits mounted on the monochromator for X’Celerator are given in Table 20.9.
If asymmetrical scan conditions are used on a flat powder sample, we advise you to use the PW3094/50 Fixed
Anti- scatter Slits Holder without a slit inserted. A typical example of this would be residual stress analysis using
the omega-offset method.
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Part II - Chapter 20: Anti-scatter Devices
Table 20.9: Relationship between Divergence Slit Size and Diffracted Beam Anti-scatter Slit Size for
Symmetrical Scan Conditions
1 5.9 8.6
/2 4.6 5.9
/4 and smaller 3.9 5.9
CAUTIONS 1. If you have mounted a diffracted beam anti-scatter slit holder onto
the PIXcel, be careful to avoid collisions between the diffracted beam
anti-scatter slit holder and the sample stage or the sample itself.
2. The X'Pert PRO system automatically resets when the system is
switched on or when power is restored after a power failure. The
reset procedure involves driving the goniometer back to its hardware
zero points, which may cause collisions between the sample or the
sample stage and the diffracted beam anti-scatter slit holder. You
should disable this automatic reset using the data collector software
in cases where collisions are possible. This activates an initialization
wizard that guides you through the initialization procedure. You
then have the opportunity to remove the diffracted beam anti-
scatter slit holder before resetting the system.
Figure 20.17: PW3490/00 Fixed Anti-scatter Slits and Slit Holder for PIXcel Accessories PW3490/32 Anti-scatter Slit Holder Extension for Non-Ambient Chambers & MRD
The PW3490/32 Anti-scatter Slit Holder Extension must be mounted onto the PW3490/00 Fixed Anti-scatter
Slits Holder in the diffracted beam path when the PIXcel is used in combination with Anton Paar non-ambient
chambers or an X’Pert PRO MRD system, in order to reduce the amount of scattered radiation entering the
detector. One slit, marked 5.0, is supplied in the delivery. The slits delivered with the fixed anti-scatter slits
holder can also be inserted into the slot of the extension block. Information about this anti-scatter slit holder
extension is given in section 20.3.6.
Figure 20.18: PW3490/32 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Holder Extension mounted onto
PW3490/00 Fixed Anti-scatter Slits Holder for PIXcel
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Part II - Chapter 20: Anti-scatter Devices
The anti-scatter slit holder extension must be mounted onto the fixed anti-scatter slits holder for the PIXcel.
Proceed as follows to mount the anti-scatter slit:
1. Bring the PW3490/32 Anti-scatter Slit into position, so that the two pins on this device fit into the
corresponding holes at the front of the anti-scatter slit holder.
2. Insert and tighten the two M3 x 8 screws supplied, as shown in Figure 20.18.
3. You can now insert a fixed slit in the slot at the front of the PW3490/32 Anti-scatter Slit. PW3494/35 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit for Capillary and Transmission Applications
The PW3494/35 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit must be mounted in the diffracted beam path when the PIXcel is used in
the combination with the PW3063/00 Capillary Spinner, the PW3064/60 Reflection-transmission spinner, the
PW3076/00 Transmission Spinner or the PW3077/00 High-throughput Attachment, in order to reduce the
amount of scattered radiation entering the detector. Information about this anti-scatter slit is given in section
20.3.4. Mounting the PW3494/35 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit
The Fixed Anti-scatter slit must be mounted onto the Fixed Anti-scatter Slits Holder for the PIXcel. Proceed as
follows to mount the anti-scatter slit:
1. Bring the PW3494/35 Anti-scatter Slit into position, so that the two pins on this device fit into the
corresponding holes at the front of the anti-scatter slit holder.
2. Insert and tighten the two M3 x 8 screws supplied, as shown in Figure 20.19.
Figure 20.19: PW3494/35 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit mounted onto PW3490/00 Fixed Anti-scatter Slits
Holder for PIXcel Use Reflection Mode
When the diffractometer is to be used to record data about flat polycrystalline samples under symmetrical scan
conditions in reflection mode (a gonio scan, in other words: omega = 2theta/2, you should choose a diffracted
beam anti-scatter slit that matches the chosen divergence slit size. Symmetrical scan conditions are used for most
powder applications: phase identification, quantification and crystallography. The optimum combinations of
divergence slits and anti-scatter slits related to the X’Pert PRO system being used are given in Table 20.10. If
asymmetrical scan conditions are used on a flat powder sample, we advise you to use the PW3490/00 Fixed Anti-
scatter Slits Holder without a slit inserted. A typical example of this would be residual stress analysis using the
omega-offset method.
Table 20.10: Relationship between X'Pert PRO system, Anti-scatter Slit Holder, Divergence Slit Size and
Anti-scatter Slit Size for Symmetrical Scan Conditions
and smaller 7.5 5.0 7.5
NOTE: The 5.0 mm slit is part of PW3490/32 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit. It is used in combination with a 1/8°
divergence slit and Anton Paar non-ambient chambers to measure at 2theta angles below 10°. More
information is given in section 20.3.6.
When you are using the diffractometer in transmission mode and employing a focusing X-ray mirror, you should
choose a diffracted beam anti-scatter slit of 9.1 mm or smaller. If you are working with the PIXcel in static mode,
we advise you to use the 9.1 mm slit.
Instructions on how to mount the PW3490/32 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Holder Extension onto the PIXcel's fixed
anti-scatter slit holder are given in section Information about the use of the anti-scatter slit with the
PIXcel is given in section
Figure 20.20: PW3490/32 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Holder Extension for Non-ambient and MRD with
Slit inserted
Figure 20.21: PW3490/50 Fixed Anti-scatter Slits for Monochromator for PIXcel and Slit Holder
CAUTIONS 1. If you have mounted a diffracted beam anti-scatter slit holder onto
the PIXcel, be careful to avoid collisions between the diffracted beam
anti-scatter slit holder and the sample stage or the sample itself.
2. The X'Pert PRO system automatically resets when the system is
switched on or when power is restored after a power failure. The
reset procedure involves driving the goniometer back to its hardware
zero points, which may cause collisions between the sample or the
sample stage and the diffracted beam anti-scatter slit holder. You
should disable this automatic reset using the data collector software
in cases where collisions are possible. This activates an initialization
wizard that guides you through the initialization procedure. You
then have the opportunity to remove the diffracted beam anti-
scatter slit holder before resetting the system. Use Reflection Mode
When the diffractometer is used to record data about flat polycrystalline samples under symmetrical scan
conditions in reflection mode (a gonio scan), in other words: omega = 2theta/2, you should choose a diffracted
beam anti-scatter slit that matches the chosen divergence slit size. Symmetrical scan conditions are used for most
powder applications: phase identification, quantification and crystallography. The optimum combination of
divergence slits and anti-scatter slits mounted onto the monochromator for PIXcel are given in Table 20.11.
If asymmetrical scan conditions are used on a flat powder sample, we advise you to use the PW3094/50 Fixed
Anti- scatter Slits Holder without a slit inserted. A typical example of this would be residual stress analysis using
the omega-offset method.
Table 20.11: Relationship between X'Pert PRO System, Divergence Slit Size and Anti-scatter Slit Size for
Symmetrical Scan Conditions
2 10.4 15.8
1 7.7 10.4
/2 6.4 10.4
/4 5.7 10.4
When you are using the diffractometer in transmission mode, employing a focusing X-ray mirror, you should
choose a diffracted beam anti-scatter slit of 7.7 mm or smaller. If you are working with the PIXcel in static mode,
we advise you to use the 7.7 mm slit.
21.1 General............................................................................................................................... 21 - 3
21.1.1 Pulse Height Distribution Determination ............................................................................. 21 - 4
21.1.2 Selecting PHD Levels .......................................................................................................... 21 - 5
21.1.3 Escape Peaks ........................................................................................................................ 21 - 5 Escape Peaks in a PHD Determination Scan ....................................................... 21 - 5 Escape Peaks in the Low Angle Regions of Diffractograms............................... 21 - 6
21.2 Sealed Proportional Detectors ......................................................................................... 21 - 7
21.2.1 PW3011/20 Proportional Detector ....................................................................................... 21 - 8 Use ....................................................................................................................... 21 - 8
21.3 Scintillation Detectors....................................................................................................... 21 - 9
21.3.1 PW1964/96 Scintillation Detector........................................................................................ 21 - 9 Use ..................................................................................................................... 21 - 10
21.4 RTMS Detector X’Celerator.......................................................................................... 21 - 10
21.4.1 Applications........................................................................................................................ 21 - 10 Phase Analysis on Flat Powder Samples ........................................................... 21 - 10 Analysis of Samples in Glass Capillaries .......................................................... 21 - 11 Micro-diffraction ............................................................................................... 21 - 11
21.4.2 PW3015/x0 X’Celerator..................................................................................................... 21 - 11
21.4.3 Accessories......................................................................................................................... 21 - 13 PW3014/00 PreFIX Interface ............................................................................ 21 - 13 Beta-filters ......................................................................................................... 21 - 15 Attenuation Foil ................................................................................................. 21 - 15 PW3085/x1 Soller Slits...................................................................................... 21 - 15 PW3091/x0 Programmable Anti-scatter Slit ..................................................... 21 - 16 PW3x94/30 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit for X’Celerator .......................................... 21 - 18 PW3x94/32 Anti-scatter Slit .............................................................................. 21 - 18 PW3x94/35 Anti-scatter Slit .............................................................................. 21 - 18 PW3094/50 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit for X’Celerator Monochromator ............... 21 - 19 PW3122/00 Diffracted Beam Monochromator for X’Celerator........................ 21 - 19
21.4.4 Use...................................................................................................................................... 21 - 19 Selecting PHD Levels ........................................................................................ 21 - 19 Operating Modes................................................................................................ 21 - 20 Optimizing Measurements with the X'Celerator ............................................... 21 - 20 Suppression of Unwanted Radiation.................................................................. 21 - 21
The X-ray detector is the last item in the X-ray beam path. It is used to count the number of photons, that is, the
intensity of the diffracted beam at a certain 2θ position of the goniometer.
Basically, a detector consists of two parts, a transducer and a pulse forming circuit. The transducer collects the
X-ray photons entering the detector through a window and converts the energies into an electric current. This
current is then converted by the pulse forming circuit into electrical pulses which are counted by the counting
electronics for further processing.
Important characteristics of a detector that are relevant to XRD measurements are: quantum-counting efficiency,
linearity, energy proportionality, energy resolution and sensitivity.
• Quantum-counting efficiency is the ratio of the number of photons detected by the detector to the
number of photons entering the detector.
• Linearity is the ability of the detector to provide an output that is in direct proportion to the intensity of
the X-ray beam, that is the number of X-ray photons entering the detector.
• Energy proportionality is the ability of the detector to produce a pulse with a height proportional to the
energy of the X-ray photon detected.
• Energy resolution is the ability of the detector to distinguish between energies. When an X-ray photon
with a certain energy is detected, it produces an electrical pulse with a certain average voltage. The
spread around this average is related to the energy resolution.
• Sensitivity is the ability of the detector to detect low intensity levels.
There are four types of detector that can be used in X’Pert PRO systems:
• Sealed proportional detectors; sealed chambers filled with a counting gas
• Scintillation detectors; scintillation crystal with a photo multiplier tube
• RTMS detectors; fast X-ray detection system based on Real Time Multiple Strip (RTMS) technology
• Medipix2 detector; fast X-ray detection system with high spatial resolution and a high contrast.
The choice of a detector depends on the wavelength of the radiation of interest, the required speed of the
measurements, the maximum intensity to be measured, and on the acceptable background intensities.
A summary of the properties of the detectors available in X’Pert PRO systems is shown in Table 21.1. The 99%
linearity range as given in this table is defined as the range within which the deviation from the linear
relationship between the incoming and counted X-ray photons is less than 1%. The energy resolution is
determined by the ratio of the Full Width at Half Maximum and the peak position of the pulse height distribution.
More information about the pulse height distribution is given in section 21.1.1.
The energy proportionality is realized by the high voltage control for all detectors.
The maximum count rate defines the maximum intensity of the X-ray beam to which the detector may be
exposed. X-ray beams with a higher intensity than the maximum count rate can easily saturate the detector,
resulting in wrong intensity readouts.
An attenuation foil MUST be mounted into the incident beam or
diffracted beam PreFIX module used in order to attenuate the beam
whenever the measured intensity is expected to exceed the
maximum count rate of the detector used.
Scintillation X’Celerator PIXcel
Type Proportional
Detector RTMS Detector Medipix2 Detector
99% Linearity range 0 - 1000 kcps 0 - 500 kcps 0 - 900 kcps - Overall 0 - 1.3 x 109 cps - Overall
0 - 7000 cps - Local
0 - 5 x 106 cps - Column
Maximum count 1000 kcps 1000 kcps 5000 kcps - Overall >10 x 109 cps - Overall
rate 250 kcps - Local
>50 x 106 cps - Column
Active length - - 9 mm 14 mm
NOTE: A PHD determination scan cannot be performed in conjunction with an X’Celerator or a PIXcel
1. Start the data collector software.
2. Perform a gonio scan (easiest is a manual scan) in order to obtain some measurement data.
3. When you have measured a peak, move to a position on that peak where the count rate is below
3 000 cps (preferably above 1 000 cps) and use the data collector software to perform “PHD
The pulse height determination is centered around a relative level of 50% of the maximum pulse height,
corresponding to a certain maximum X-ray photon energy.
NOTE: When you replace an X-ray tube with one with a different anode material, the X’Pert PRO system
detector electronics are automatically adjusted to detect the characteristic radiation of the new tube.
This adjustment is performed in such a way that the peak position of the PHD remains at the relative
level of 50%.
Pulse height
Cu Kα = 8.04 keV
Figure 21.1: Pulse Height Distribution Curve for Cu Kα Radiation Use
This section describes the diffracted beam modules onto which the PW3011/20 Detector can be mounted. The
procedure for determining the pulse height distribution and setting PHD levels is described in 21.1.1. Mounting
This detector can be mounted on the following diffracted beam optical components:
Table 21.2: Devices onto which Detectors can be Mounted
Detector mounting instructions are given in the chapter describing the device onto which the detector is
mounted, as shown in the third column in Table 21.2.
The detector is standardly mounted in such a way that the window opening is 20 mm in the diffraction plane
(height) and 24 mm perpendicular to the diffraction plane (width). When the detector is mounted behind a
PW3121/00 Flat Crystal Monochromator it is mounted so that the window opening is 24 mm in the diffraction
plane and 20 mm perpendicular to the diffraction plane. Use
This section describes the diffracted beam optical modules onto which the PW1964/96 can be mounted. The
procedure for determining the pulse height distribution and setting the PHD levels is described in 21.1.1. Mounting
This detector can be mounted on the diffracted beam optical components as listed in Table 21.2. Detector
mounting instructions are given in the chapter describing the device onto which the detector is mounted, as
shown in Table 21.2.
NOTES: 1. Although the PW1964/96 Scintillation Detector can be physically mounted onto high resolution
attachments (PW3097/60, PW3120/60 and PW3120/65) we advise that you use the PW3011/20
Proportional Detector with these attachments as the proportional detectors have a lower background
2. For mechanical reasons, the PW1964/96 Scintillation Detector cannot be used on an X’Pert PRO
MRD system onto which a diffracted beam PreFIX module is mounted with a diffracted beam
21.4.1 Applications
The X’Celerator can be used in a number of powder diffraction applications. Typical examples of applications
• Phase identification, standardless quantification, crystallography, and non-ambient studies on flat powder
• Analysis of samples in glass capillaries.
• Micro-diffraction.
These applications are all described in detail in the following sections. Micro-diffraction
When small samples, or small parts of a larger sample need to be analyzed, a mono-capillary is used in the
incident beam path to collimate the X-ray beam to a small diameter. Using an X’Celerator in the diffracted beam
path reduces the measurement time considerably, and improves the counting statistics in comparison to a
proportional detector.
Figure 21.5: PW3015/x0 X’Celerator with PW3094/30 Anti-scatter Slit Holder Mounted onto a
PW3014/00 PreFIX Interface
The X’Celerator is mounted onto a PW3014/00 PreFIX Interface to allow it to be mounted onto the 2theta arm
of the X’Pert PRO goniometer as shown in Figure 21.5. The PreFIX interface and the mounting procedure are
described in sections and respectively.
The PW3014/00 PreFIX Interface includes a slot to insert Soller slits and a slot for a beta-filter or a beam
Alternatively, when monochromatic radiation is required, the X’Celerator can be mounted onto the PW3122/00
Diffracted Beam Monochromator. This is shown in Figure 21.6. Mounting instructions are given in section The monochromator is described in more detail in section 19.4 of Chapter 19 in Part II of this User’s
The opening of the detector window measures 9 mm in the diffraction plane and 15 mm perpendicular to the
diffraction plane. The active length is 9 mm. The smallest step size that can be set in the data collector software
is 0.0021º 2θ at a goniometer radius of 240 mm and 0.0016º 2θ at a goniometer radius of 320 mm.
The X’Celerator is optimized for use with Cu Kα radiation with an efficiency higher than 94%. It can be used
with other characteristic radiation, however the efficiency will be reduced.
The general properties of the X’Celerator are given in Table 21.1.
Black Knurled
Figure 21.6: PW3015/x0 X’Celerator Mounted onto a PW3122/00 Diffracted Beam Monochromator
for X’Celerator
21.4.3 Accessories PW3014/00 PreFIX Interface
PW3014/00 consists of a PreFIX interface to mount the X’Celerator onto the 2theta arm of an X’Pert PRO
goniometer. The PreFIX interface with an X’Celerator with an anti-scatter slit mounted onto it is shown in
Figure 21.5. The PreFIX interface contains a slot for Soller slits and a slot for a beta-filter or a beam attenuator.
The X’Celerator can be mounted in one of two ways onto the interface; the standard orientation used for
diffraction experiments, or rotated through 90º which is used for tube height alignment purposes. Mounting
instructions are given in the following section.
If you perform these actions with the X’Celerator connected to the
X’Pert PRO system and the system is switched on, be careful not to
touch the spinning fan. Mounting the X’Celerator 90º Rotated onto the PreFIX Interface
You can mount the X’Celerator 90º rotated with respect to the standard position for alignment purposes. Proceed
as follows:
1. Bring the X’Celerator into position on the PreFIX interface as shown in Figure 21.8.
2. Fix the M3 x 8 screw (see Figure 21.8).
When the X’Celerator is mounted 90º rotated it is not possible to insert Soller slits.
Figure 21.8: PW3015/x0 X’Celerator Mounted 90º rotated onto a PW3014/00 PreFIX Interface Beta-filters
There are three types of beta-filter that can be used together with the X’Celerator, they are:
Ni Filter (PW3151/03) for Cu Kα radiation
Fe Filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Co Kα radiation
Zr Filter (part of set PW3151/00) for Mo Kα radiation
The filter must be installed in the slot for attenuator foil or beta-filter as shown in Figure 21.5. Beta-filters and
their use are described in Chapter 2 of Part II of this User’s Guide.
NOTE: Be careful not to interchange the PW3085/x1 Soller Slits with the PW3085/x0 Soller Slits, as they
are mechanically different.
Figure 21.9: PW3091/x0 Programmable Anti-scatter Slit with PW3094/40 Interface Mounted onto the
Figure 21.10: Mounting the PW3091/x0 Programmable Anti-scatter Slit onto the X’Celerator
CAUTIONS 1. If you have mounted a fixed anti-scatter slit holder onto the
X’Celerator, be careful to avoid collisions between the anti-scatter
slit holder and the sample stage or the sample itself. Mounting the Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Holder onto the X’Celerator
Mount the fixed anti-scatter slit holder onto the X’Celerator as follows:
1. Bring the fixed anti-scatter slit holder into position so that the two holes on this device fit into the
corresponding pins on the X’Celerator, refer to Figure 21.5.
2. Insert and tighten the two M3 x 8 screws supplied. Mounting the X’Celerator onto the PW3122/00 Diffracted Beam Monochromator
Proceed as follows to mount the X’Celerator onto the PW3122/00 Diffracted Beam Monochromator:
1. If necessary, remove the X’Celerator from its PreFIX interface, refer to section
2. Bring the X’Celerator into position on the detector interface on the diffracted beam monochromator as
shown in Figure 21.6.
3. Insert and loosely tighten the three M3 x 8 screws supplied to attach the X’Celerator to the interface.
4. Tighten the small black knurled knob on the interface.
5. Tighten the three screws (see step 3) to securely attach the X’Celerator to the interface.
The X’Celerator with its monochromator is now ready for use. No further alignment is required.
21.4.4 Use
The X’Celerator does not use counting gas or cooling liquids, so no additional system maintenance is required.
The use of the X’Celerator in alignment procedures is given in the appropriate sections throughout this User’s
Guide. In some situations the X’Celerator must be rotated 90º on its interface; the procedure for this is given in
This section describes:
• Selecting the X’Celerator’s PHD levels
• The operating modes of the X’Celerator
• How to optimize measurements with the X’Celerator
• Suppression of background radiation and unwanted lines in diffractograms.
NOTE: This mode is only available for the PW3015/00 X’Celerator Scientific.
In the static mode, the X’Celerator does not move along the 2θ circle. Each of the X’Celerator’s
channels corresponds to a unique 2θ value. Scans measured in the static mode are stepped scans with a
2theta scan axis. You cannot perform a stationary measurement in this mode.
NOTE: When you are setting up a measurement program in the data collector software you must explicitly
specify the X’Celerator’s operating mode in the measurement conditions. If you leave this at
“Actual”, the X’Celerator will be automatically set into the Scanning mode with maximum active
• Anti-scatter devices
Anti-scatter devices can be mounted in the incident and the diffracted X-ray beam path in order to
reduce the intensity of the background radiation caused by scattered X-rays.
An incident beam anti-scatter slit holder can be mounted onto the (fixed or programmable) divergence
slit module. This type of anti-scatter device is described in section 20.2.1 of Chapter 20 of Part II of this
User's Guide. The choice of the anti-scatter slit size to be used during the diffraction experiment is
determined by the size of the divergence slit selected. The optimal anti-scatter slit size is twice that of
the size of the divergence slit.
Special incident beam anti-scatter devices can be used with X-ray mirrors or hybrid monochromators in
measurements on samples in glass capillaries in transmission measurements or in high-throughput
applications. These types of anti-scatter device are described in sections 20.2.2 to 20.2.5 in Chapter 20
of Part II of this User's Guide.
The PW3091/x0 Programmable Anti-scatter Slit can be mounted onto the X'Celerator (refer to section The choice of the anti-scatter slit size to be used during the diffraction experiment is
determined by the divergence slit size selected. Information about operating modes of the
programmable anti-scatter slit is given in section in Chapter 16 of Part II of this User's
The PW3x94/30 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Holder is used in the diffracted beam path. This holder has a
slot to accommodate a fixed anti-scatter slit. Selecting the correct slit size for the task in hand is
described in section in Chapter 20 of Part II of this User's Guide. For measurements on sam-
ples in glass capillaries or in combination with Anton Paar non-ambient chambers, special anti-scatter
slits can be mounted onto this fixed anti-scatter slit holder. Diffracted beam anti-scatter devices for use
with the X'Celerator are described in detail in section 20.3.1 to 20.3.4 in Chapter 20 of Part II of this
User's Guide.
• Beam knife
In addition to the anti-scatter devices, a beam knife can be inserted in the X-ray beam path to reduce the
background intensity due to scattered radiation to a low level. Several types of beam knife can be used;
they are specific to the sample stage used. An overview of the available types is given in section 14.3 of
Chapter 14 of Part II of this User's Guide. For optimum use of the beam knife the gap between the beam
knife and the sample surface should be as small as possible without obstructing the incident and the
diffracted X-ray beam. A procedure for calculation of the optimum height is given in section 14.3.6 of
Chapter 14 of Part II of this User's Guide.
21.5.1 Applications
The PIXcel can be used in a wide range of diffraction applications. Typical examples of applications are:
• Phase analysis on powder samples.
• Analysis of samples in glass capillaries.
• Texture measurements.
• Parallel beam measurements on thin films and rough samples.
• Micro-diffraction.
• High-resolution rocking curves and reciprocal space mapping.
• Reflectivity.
These applications are all described in detail in the following sections. Micro-diffraction
When small samples, or small parts of a larger sample need to be analyzed, a mono-capillary is used in the
incident beam path to collimate the X-ray beam to a small diameter. Using a PIXcel in the diffracted beam path
reduces the measurement time considerably, and improves the counting statistics in comparison to a proportional
detector. Reflectivity
For reflectivity analysis, the PIXcel can be combined with a parallel plate collimator to be used as a point
detector, or it can be used in combination with an anti-scatter slit fixed or programmable) in order to create a
beam tunnel. Depending on the intensity of the incident X-ray beam, a beam attenuator may be required, for
instance when you are working with an X-ray mirror. For other optical modules, such as a divergence slit or a
hybrid monochromator, a beam attenuator is generally not required during the measurements.
Figure 21.11: PW3018/00 PIXcel with PW3490/00 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Mounted onto a
PW3017/00 PreFIX Interface
21.5.3 Accessories PW3017/00 PreFIX Interface for PIXcel Used as a Line Detector
PW3017/00 is an interface to mount the PIXcel onto the 2theta arm of an X'Pert PRO goniometer for 1-D
applications. The PreFIX interface with a PIXcel with an anti-scatter slit mounted onto it is shown in Figure
21.11. The PreFIX interface contains a slot for Soller slits and a slot for a beta-filter. Beta-filters
There are four types of beta-filter that can be used together with the PIXcel, they are:
Large Ni Filter (PW3158/03) for Cu Kα radiation.
Large Zr Filter (part of set PW3158/00) for Mo Kα radiation.
Large Fe Filter (part of set PW3158/00) for Co Kα radiation.
Large V Filter (part of set PW3158/00) for Cr Kα radiation.
The filter must be installed in the slot for beta-filter as shown in Figure 21.11.
Beta-filters and their use are described in Chapter 2 in Part II of this User's Guide.
NOTE: Be careful not to interchange the PW3085/x1 Soller Slits with the PW3085/x0 Soller Slits, as they
are mechanically different.
CAUTIONS 1. If you have mounted a fixed anti-scatter slit holder onto the PIXcel,
be careful to avoid collisions between the anti-scatter slit holder
and the sample stage or the sample itself. Mounting the Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Holder onto the PIXcel
Mount the fixed anti-scatter slit holder onto the PIXcel as follows:
1. Bring the fixed anti-scatter slit holder into position so that the two holes on this device fit into the
corresponding pins on the PIXcel, refer to Figure 21.11.
2. Insert and tighten the two M3 x 8 screws supplied. Mounting the PIXcel onto the PW3124/00 Diffracted Beam Monochromator
Proceed as follows to mount the PIXcel onto the PW3124/00 Diffracted Beam Monochromator:
1. If necessary, remove the PIXcel from its PreFIX interface, refer to section
2. Bring the PIXcel into position on the detector interface on the diffracted beam monochromator as
shown in Figure 21.12.
3. Insert and loosely tighten the two M3 x 8 screws supplied to attach the PIXcel to the interface.
4. Tighten the two screws to securely attach the PIXcel to the interface.
The PIXcel with its monochromator is now ready for use. No further alignment is required.
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Part II - Chapter 21: Detectors
21.5.4 Use
The PIXcel does not use counting gas or cooling liquids, so no additional system maintenance is required.
The use of the PIXcel in alignment procedures is given in the appropriate sections throughout this User's Guide.
This section describes:
• Selecting the PIXcel’s PHD levels.
• The operating modes of the PIXcel.
• How to optimize measurements with the PIXcel.
• Suppression of background radiation and unwanted lines in diffractograms.
NOTE: When you are setting up a measurement program in the data collector software you must explicitly
specify the PIXcel's operating mode in the measurement conditions. If you leave this at “Actual”,
the PIXcel will be automatically set into the Scanning mode with maximum active length.
• Anti-scatter devices
Anti-scatter devices can be mounted in the incident and the diffracted X-ray beam path in order to
reduce the intensity of the background radiation caused by scattered X-rays.
An incident beam anti-scatter slit holder can be mounted onto the (fixed or programmable) divergence
slit module. This type of anti-scatter device is described in section 20.2.1 of Chapter 20 in Part II of this
User's Guide. The choice of the anti-scatter slit size to be used during the diffraction experiment is
determined by the size of the divergence slit selected. The optimal anti-scatter slit size is twice that of
the size of the divergence slit.
Special incident beam anti-scatter devices can be used with X-ray mirrors or hybrid monochromators in
measurements on samples in glass capillaries in transmission measurements or in high-throughput
applications. These types of anti-scatter device are described in sections 20.2.2 to 20.2.5 in Chapter 20
of Part II of this User's Guide.
The PW3091/70 Programmable Anti-scatter Slit can be mounted onto the PIXcel (refer to section The choice of the anti-scatter slit size to be used during the diffraction experiment is
determined by the divergence slit size selected. Information about operating modes of the
programmable anti-scatter slit is given in section in Chapter 16 of Part II of this User's Guide.
The PW3490/00 Fixed Anti-scatter Slit Holder is used in the diffracted beam path. This holder has a
slot to accommodate a fixed anti-scatter slit. Selecting the correct slit size fir the task in hand is
described in section in Chapter 20 of Part II of this User's Guide. For measurements on samples
in glass capillaries or in combination with Anton Paar non-ambient chambers, special anti-scatter slits
can be mounted onto this fixed anti-scatter slit holder. Diffracted beam anti-scatter devices for use with
the PIXcel are described in detail in section 20.3.4 to 20.3.7 in Chapter 20 of Part II of this User's
• Beam knife
In addition to the anti-scatter devices, a beam knife can be inserted in the X-ray beam path to reduce the
background intensity due to scattered radiation to a low level. Several types of beam knife can be used;
they are specific to the sample stage used. An overview of the available types is given in section 14.3 of
Chapter 14 of Part II of this User's Guide. For optimum use of the beam knife the gap between the beam
knife and the sample surface should be as small as possible without obstructing the incident and the dif-
fracted X-ray beams. A procedure for calculation of the optimum height is given in section 14.3.6 of
Chapter 14 of Part II of this User's Guide.
means that additional X-ray optical components need to be inserted in the X-ray beam path to reduce the
intensity of unwanted radiation, such as Cu Kβ or white radiation. The intensity of unwanted radiation can be
reduced in the following ways:
• Beta-filter
For most powder samples, a beta-filter is sufficient to reduce Kβ radiation. For example, with a
PW3158/03 Ni filter inserted into the PIXcel, the intensity of the Cu Kβ peak is reduced to less than 1%
of the Cu Kα peak. If you need better suppression of the Cu Kβ peak, we recommend that you use an
additional Ni filter, so that one is inserted in the incident beam optical module, and the other is inserted
in the PIXcel.
• Diffracted Beam Monochromator
For samples yielding fluorescent radiation (a well-known example is that of samples containing iron
when copper radiation is being used) we advise using a PW3124/00 Diffracted Beam Monochromator
in combination with Cu Kα radiation. Fluorescence is almost completely eliminated when you use a
diffracted beam monochromator. If required, it is possible to use this monochromator in combination
with a Ni filter in order to reduce the intensity of the Cu Kβ peaks to a very low level.
Sample Holders
A.1 General...............................................................................................................................A - 3
A.2 Sample Holders for Spinner.............................................................................................A - 3
A.2.1 PW18xx Series Holders .......................................................................................................A - 3
A.2.1.1 PW1811/xx Sample Holders for Manually Prepared Powder Samples...............A - 3
A.2.1.2 PW1812/00 Sample Holders for Non-standard Sample Sizes and Shapes..........A - 5
A.2.1.3 PW1812/35 Sample Holders for Automatically Prepared Powder Samples .......A - 5
A.2.1.4 PW1813/xx Sample Holders for Circular Shaped Solid Samples .......................A - 6
A.2.1.5 PW1814/32 Sample Holders for Clay Samples and Paste Materials...................A - 7
A.2.1.6 PW1815/40 Insert for Air Sensitive Samples ......................................................A - 7
A.2.1.7 PW1816/32 Porous Ceramic Filter Plate .............................................................A - 8
A.2.1.8 PW1817/32 or PW1819/32 Zero Background Holder.........................................A - 8
A.2.1.9 PW1818/xx Sample Holders for Transmission Measurements ...........................A - 9
A.2.1.10 Accessories ........................................................................................................A - 10
A.3 Stationary Sample Holders ............................................................................................A - 12
A.3.1 PW1172/01 Rectangular Sample Holders..........................................................................A - 12
A.3.2 PW1819/25 Set of 15 Zero Background Holders...............................................................A - 13
A.4 Capillary Samples ...........................................................................................................A - 13
A.5 References........................................................................................................................A - 13
This chapter gives a description of the sample holders used with the X’Pert PRO system:
- the PW18xx range of sample holders (section A.2)
- the stationary sample holder PW1172/01 (section A.3)
- the capillary sample holder (section A.4)
PW1813/40 3
A.2.1.2 PW1812/00 Sample Holders for Non-standard Sample Sizes and Shapes
The PW1812/00 can be used to analyze solid samples with a maximum diameter of 45 mm and a maximum
thickness of 6.5 mm, or powder samples pressed into a collapsible aluminium cup (PW1526/50). The sample
can be mounted with wax or plasticine.
Applications: Irregularly shaped solid objects, metal parts, ceramic test pieces, pieces of rock,
pressed pellets, and mounting plates (for example PW1817/32 or PW1819/32)
with powder samples.
Measurement range: From 0° 2θ upwards, without obscuring the sample surface.
The PW1813/26, PW1813/32 and PW1813/40 range of sample holders are designed for mounting dust filters,
sample mounting plates (for example, PW1816/32 and PW1817/32 or PW1819/32), metal plates, pressed pellets
and so on. The PW1813/40 can also be used to hold powder samples pressed into a collapsible aluminium cup
(PW1526/50) or samples sensitive to air that are prepared in a PW1815/40 Sample Holder.
The minimum and maximum sample diameters that can be accommodated by this range of holders are as
PW1813/26: 24 mm to 26.3 mm
PW1813/32: 30 mm to 32.3 mm
PW1813/40: 37.5 mm to 40.3 mm
Maximum sample thickness that can be accommodated is 6 mm.
Applications: Used in the analysis of air filters for occupational and environmental dust. The filter
sizes that can be accommodated by this range of holders are 25 mm (1 inch), 32 mm
(1.25 inch), and 38 mm (1.5 inch). Also, metal plates, pressed pellets, and other
solid objects, as long as they fit between the minimum and maximum dimensions
that can be accommodated.
The PW1813/32 can be used in conjunction with the PW1817/32 or PW1819/32
Zero Background Holders. The latter, with their low background, are ideally suited
for extremely small amounts of powder and for fiber analysis.
The PW1813/40 can be used in conjunction with samples prepared in a
PW1526/50 Collapsible Aluminium Cup using a powder press. The PW1813/40
can also be used with the PW1815/40 for measurements of (powder) samples that
are sensitive to air, oxygen or humidity. The sample material is covered by a thin
X-ray transparent foil. If there is only a small amount of sample material the
PW1817/32 or PW1819/32 Zero Background Holders can be inserted into the
PW1815/40 as a sample support.
Measurement range: Minimum 2θ angle for each type is dependent on the divergence slit and mask
dimensions used together with the PW1813/xx Sample Holder. The incident beam
is partly obscured by the sample holder at low angles of incidence.
A.2.1.5 PW1814/32 Sample Holders for Clay Samples and Paste Materials
Applications: Measurements of powders, paste-like materials, and so on, that are sensitive to air.
The PW1815/40 can be used in conjunction with the PW1817/32 or PW1819/32
Zero Background Holders. Because of their low background intensity, the
PW1817/32 and PW1819/32 are ideally suited for extremely small amounts of
sample material.
Measurement range: Minimum 2θ angle for each type is dependent on the divergence slit and mask
dimensions used together with the PW1813/40 or PW1818/40 Sample Holder. The
incident beam is partly obscured by the sample holder at low angles of incidence.
These sample holders are suitable for those applications where a low background factor is critical.
The zero background holder can also be used in PW1814/32 Sample Holders as a support plate for paste
materials. It is an alternative to the metal support plate when the background intensity must be low.
Applications: To obtain the lowest background, apply a drop of alcohol or a smear of petroleum
jelly, and sprinkle the powder sample onto it. Glass capillaries can be attached by
applying minute amounts of petroleum jelly at the tips. Short fibers can be attached
in the same way. Long fibers can be wound around the plate.
Measurement range: Depends on the holder in which the sample has been mounted.
Preparation of samples in a PW1818/25 and PW1818/40 Sample Holders is described in section B.2.3 of
Appendix B of this User's Guide.
Applications: Powder or paste-like samples can be prepared between two foils for the analysis in
transmission mode. Thin polymeric foils or fibers can be clamped onto the sample
holder between the two inner rings.
Measurement range: From 0° 2θ onwards. The maximum measurement angle in a symmetrical scan in
transmission mode is 90° 2θ with the PW3064/60 Sample Spinner and 120° 2θ with
the PW3076/00 Transmission Spinner.
A.2.1.10 Accessories
A. PW1526/50 Set of Collapsible Aluminium Cups
NOTE: When Kapton foils are used to mount the sample into the sample holder, it is possible that a
reflection around 5° 2θ is visible in the diffractogram.
A.1 E.G. Kinter, S. Diamond, (1956) “A new method for preparation and treatment of oriented-aggregate
specimens of soil clays for X-ray diffraction analysis”, Soil Sci. 81, 111-120.
A.2 H. P. Klug, L. E. Alexander, “X-ray Diffractometry Procedures for Polycrystalline & Amorphous
Materials”, J. Wiley & Sons Inc. (New York) 1974. ISBN 0-471-49369-4.
Sample Preparation
B.1 General............................................................................................................................... B - 3
B.1.1 Grinding................................................................................................................................B - 3
B.1.2 Mechanical Pelletizing .........................................................................................................B - 4
B.2 Sample Preparation for PW18xx Sample Holders ........................................................ B - 4
B.2.1 PW1770/10 Powder Sample Preparation Kit .......................................................................B - 4
B.2.2 Standard Sample Preparation ...............................................................................................B - 5
B.2.3 Sample Preparation for Transmission ..................................................................................B - 9
B.2.4 Preparation of Air Sensitive Samples.................................................................................B - 11
B.2.5 Non-standard Sample Preparation......................................................................................B - 14
B.3 Sample Preparation For Stationary Sample Holders.................................................. B - 16
B.3.1 Sample Preparation Equipment ..........................................................................................B - 16
B.3.2 Standard Sample Preparation .............................................................................................B - 16
B.3.3 Non-standard Sample Preparation......................................................................................B - 19
B.4 Sample Preparation for Samples in Glass capillaries.................................................. B - 21
B.4.1 General ...............................................................................................................................B - 21
B.4.2 Capillary Sample Preparation.............................................................................................B - 21
B.4.2.1 Sample Preparation Equipment .........................................................................B - 21
B.4.2.2 Preparing a Capillary Sample ............................................................................B - 22
B.5 References........................................................................................................................ B - 26
The preparation of samples for analysis is of critical importance if accurate and fast results are to be obtained,
and the procedures detailed in this section should be carefully followed.
Additionally, the introduction of errors, such as contamination, material loss, alteration of composition,
especially of the sample surface, and change of lattice type, during the course of sample preparation, and
afterwards, should be avoided.
Contamination of the sample can be caused by dust, material from a previous sample which remained in the
sample preparation equipment, or by material from the sample preparation equipment resulting from abrasion.
Material loss is attributed to non-quantitative transfer in concentration determining operations (dilution, binder
addition), loss of a small fraction of particle size as dust, and material remaining in the sample preparation
Alteration of composition is attributed to losses of material particles which are of different composition to the
average composition. For example, magnetic particles, fine dust, and volatile substances. Also, physical or
chemical alteration; that is, by decomposition during preparation, such as oxidation, loss of combined water or
carbon dioxide by overheating and pick-up of water or carbon dioxide from the air, or by the addition of
materials of different composition such as by contamination.
Change of lattice type; that is, transition to another phase, is attributed to pressure, temperature, humidity, or a
combination of these.
The sample surface is only measured up to a depth of 1 or 2 mm in some cases, but in most cases only a hundred
micrometers or even less. Typical examples of errors which can occur here are non-representativeness (sample
surface has different composition than the average composition) caused by segregation, adhering particles or
extracted particles, smearing and bad particle statistics, non-uniformity (sample surface is not equal for all
samples) such as non-flat samples (concave or convex), or differences in surface roughness.
Most of the errors can be avoided if samples are prepared carefully with cleaned equipment in a clean room.
Once samples have been prepared they must be stored in a dust-free environment such as desiccators sometimes
under vacuum or filled with moisture absorbers like Silica gel. If samples are difficult to handle, use pincers or
Samples for X-ray analysis should be, in effect, infinitely thick, depending on the energy of the X-ray line and
the matrix of the samples. Usually a 2 to 3 mm thickness seems to be sufficient. Once the sample has been
prepared, care should be taken that it fits into the holder properly.
To achieve a sufficient sample strength during sample preparation, the sample must be ground very fine,
achieving an average grain size of 5 μm, with a maximum grain size of 25 μm. If both hard and soft materials
are present together, the required size reduction of particles might be achieved by pressing the sample instead
of grinding. This may prevent the softer material being ground by the harder one.
General information on sample preparation can be found in [B.1, B.2].
B.1.1 Grinding
The penetration of the X-ray beam (Cu Kα) is in the order of 100 μm, so the grain size should be between 5 and
10 μm in order to ensure that sufficient grains of the various compounds contribute to the reflection of the beam.
However, this requirement is difficult to meet due to the time required for grinding. Also, the heat produced by
prolonged motorized grinding can introduce changes in the sample. Therefore, a grain size of 25 μm must
sometimes be accepted. A grinding agent such as alcohol or water, can be used to prevent heating of the sample
and to reduce grinding time.
NOTE: When using sample holders in the X’Pert PRO system, the reference plane of the holder must
always be kept very clean, and any spilled powder must be removed before loading a sample. The
reference plane is the outer rim of the holder, where it is in contact with the three ball bearings of
the sample spinner in the measuring position.
Figure B.9: PW1818/25 Transmission Insert, PW1818/40 Sample Holder Ring and Two Kapton Foils
2. Place one Kapton foil over the insert (see Figure B.10) and clamp it with the smaller white ring. Now
you can spread a small amount of sample material, for instance a powder or a paste-like substance onto
the Kapton foil.
Figure B.12: Insert the Prepared Sample into the PW1818/40 Sample Holder Ring
The sample is now ready for use with a PW3064/60 or PW3076/00 Sample Spinner (see Figure B.13).
Figure B.14: PW1815/40 Sample Holder Insert for Air Sensitive Samples,
Zero Background Holder and Kapton Foil
2. Spread the sample material in the cavity or, if applicable, onto the zero background holder (see Figure
B.15). The sample surface must be flush with the rim of the cavity, which is the reference surface for
sample height alignment.
Figure B.15: Spreading the Sample Material onto the Sample Holder
3. Cover the sample with the Kapton foil and clamp it with the white ring onto the sample holder, as
shown in Figure B.16.
Figure B.17: Cutting Away the Foil outside the Sample Holder
5. Bring the sample holder into its position in the PW1813/40 Sample Holder Ring and fix it in place
using the spring (see Figure B.18).
Figure B.18: Inserting the Sample Holder into the PW1813/40 Sample Holder Ring
The sample is now ready for use with a PW3064/x0 or PW3076/00 Sample Spinner (see Figure B.19).
Figure B.19: Sample Prepared in the PW1815/40 Air Sensitive Sample Holder and
PW1813/40 Sample Holder Ring
NOTE: Silicon (zero background holder) supports must be cleaned carefully before use, preferably using
an ultrasonic bath.
Figure B.21: Polymeric Foils Mounted onto the PW1818/25 and PW1818/40 Sample Holders
NOTES: a. To protect the sample, the front glass plate should not be removed before measuring.
b. Insert the sample into the sample stage (PW3071/60 or PW3074/00) only until the sample
material is just free from the reference plane of the sample stage. If you push it any further the
sample material could become contaminated with that of previous samples and Al lines from
the sample holder may appear in your diffractogram.
Use a spatula to pick up small amounts of powder and put the powder carefully into the capillary (see Figure
B.35). Do not try to put too much powder into the capillary at one go, as that is likely to cause a blockage where
the capillary narrows.
You can see how the powder is filling the capillary through the gap in the cup (Figure B.36). Tap the cup gently
to ensure that the powder sinks to the bottom end of the capillary.
When the capillary is full, take it out of the cup and seal the open end using a small flame from a night light or
candle (Figure B.37).
Fill the capillary holder (the part that you will use to mount the capillary onto the goniometer head) with molten
wax from the night light or candle (Figure B.38).
Fix the capillary into the capillary holder. Be very careful to ensure that the capillary is mounted in such a way
that it is aligned with the capillary holder (this makes alignment with respect to the X-ray beam easier). When
the candle wax solidifies the capillary is ready for use (Figure B.39).
You can now mount the capillary sample into the goniometer head as shown in Figure B.40. The head fits onto
the PW3063/00 Capillary Spinner Sample Stage. Alignment with respect to the X-ray beam is done on the
goniometer using an alignment microscope (see section 12.3.2 in Chapter 12 in Part II of the X’Pert PRO User’s
1. R. Jenkins, R. L. Snyder, “Introduction to X-ray Powder Diffractometry”, J. Wiley & Sons Inc. (New
York) 1996. ISBN 0-471-51339-3.
2. H. P. Klug, L. E. Alexander, “X-ray Diffractometry Procedures for Polycrystalline & Amorphous
Materials”, J. Wiley & Sons Inc. (New York) 1974. ISBN 0-471-49369-4.
X-ray Topography
C.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................C - 3
C.2 What is Topography? .......................................................................................................C - 3
C.3 Applications of Topography ............................................................................................C - 3
C.4 Defects Revealed by Topography ....................................................................................C - 4
C.5 Resolution in Topographs ................................................................................................C - 5
C.6 Contrast in Topographs ...................................................................................................C - 5
C.7 Setting up an Exposure.....................................................................................................C - 6
C.7.1 Selection of Diffraction Angles............................................................................................C - 6
C.7.2 Exposure Time .....................................................................................................................C - 6
C.7.3 Loading the Film ..................................................................................................................C - 6
C.8 Photographic Supplies and Processing ...........................................................................C - 7
C.8.1 Film Supplies and Storage....................................................................................................C - 7
C.8.2 Film Processing ....................................................................................................................C - 7
C.8.3 Processing Procedure ...........................................................................................................C - 7
C.9 Examples............................................................................................................................C - 8
C.10 References........................................................................................................................C - 10
This appendix describes the use of the X-ray topography film holder supplied with X'Pert PRO MRD. The
information available from X-ray topographs is explained and the procedure for recording topographs is given.
The appendix is illustrated with examples supplied by Prof. Paul Fewster of PANalytical Research Centre. For
more information about X-ray topography we suggest that you refer to “X-ray and Neutron Dynamical
Scattering: Theory and Practice” [C.1].
NOTE: A topograph recorded when the sample is set on one peak from a multilayer sample will show the
defects associated with that particular peak. However care is required in determining the position
of defects as the strain fields of defects in one layer usually extend into adjacent layers.
X-ray topography is a non-destructive technique which is suitable for observing low dislocation densities
(typically of the order of 103 - 106 cm-2), this is therefore complementary to Transmission Electron Microscopy
(TEM) which is a destructive analytical technique suitable for observing high defect densities (> 108 cm-2).
X-ray topography can also be used to reveal dislocation structures, even when the dislocation density is too high
to reveal the individual dislocations. This is because dislocations are rarely evenly spaced and frequently a
mosaic type structure of dislocations forms where regions with below average dislocation density are separated
by regions of above average dislocations density. This variable distribution will be resolved in X-ray topographs
provided the average size of the mosaic blocks is more than a few micrometers.
When the dislocation separations for semiconductor materials are in the order of a few tens of micrometers it
becomes possible to reveal the dislocations on an X-ray topograph. The percentage of defective material will
however, be too low to have a marked influence on the X-ray rocking curve. The dynamic theory of diffraction
can still be applied. This means that X-ray topography is more sensitive to the onset of relaxation than X-ray
rocking curve measurements. As the defect separation approaches one micrometer the X-ray rocking curve
deviates from the shape predicted by dynamic theory. In this situation the dislocation density is too high to reveal
the individual dislocations on X-ray topographs.
- In order to obtain high resolution images the film must be finely grained.
- In order to absorb the diffracted X-ray beam sufficiently to give reasonable exposure times, the film
must have a high silver content and a thick (25 to 50 μm) emulsion.
The best available choice is a nuclear emulsion film with a sub micron grain size. When a single Cu Kα
X-ray photon is absorbed the resulting electron cascade causes grain development over at least one
micron, which sets the minimum resolution of the film.
• Diffraction Angle
As the X-ray topography attachment is mounted on the PreFIX module, the diffracted X-ray beam
passes through the emulsion, normal to the plate. This prevents any loss of image resolution. However,
it should be noted that the image is foreshortened by a factor of sin α, in which α is the angle between
the sample surface and the diffracted beam, that is (2θ - ω).
Examples provided by Prof. Paul Fewster of PANalytical Research Centre, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Figure C.2: Topograph of Gallium Arsenide Substrate plus a Gallium Indium Arsenide Layer
Sample 1: GaAs substrate with a GaInAs layer
Figure C.2 is a topograph of a gallium arsenide substrate plus a gallium indium arsenide layer showing a
mismatch dislocation network.
The topograph was recorded using the (004) reflection immediately after the sample. The sample was mounted
with [100] parallel to the diffraction plane. The diffractometer was set on the top of the layer peak. A 1 mm wide
stripe of the sample is imaged.
The sample is relaxed, the two sets of inclined lines being the mismatch dislocation network. The dislocations
are not resolved individually but are seen to pile-up in bands parallel to the {111} slip planes.
The image is foreshortened due to the diffraction geometry. The diffracted beam is at an angle of about 33° to
the sample which foreshortens the image by a factor of sin 33° (≈ 0.55). This foreshortening distorts the angle
between the two <110> directions from 90° to 122°.
Sample 2: Si-doped (001) GaAs substrate
Figure C.3 shows the (004) diffraction space map recorded from the sample using a triple axis monochromator.
There are weaker lobes either side of the strong substrate diffraction peak indicating there is a high defect
Figure C.3: Silicon Doped Gallium Arsenide Substrate (004) Diffraction Space Map
Figure C.4 shows the topograph taken after the analyzer crystal with the diffractometer set at the maximum count
rate. Again the image shows a strip of the sample approximately 1 mm wide. Many defects are seen in low
C.1. Authier et al., “X-ray and Neutron Dynamical Scattering: Theory and Practice” NATO ASI Series vol.
357, Plenum (New York) 1996. ISBN 0-306-45501.