CO CourseOutcomes
CO1 Develop an understanding on the role and importance of marketing
CO2 Apply the 4p’s of marketing in their venture
CO3 Identify the factors determining pricing
CO4 Use the different Channels of distribution of industrial goods
CO5 Understand the concept of E-marketing and E-Tailing
1 Philip Kotler, Principles of Marketing : A South Asian Perspective,
Pearson Education, NewDelhi
2 Dr.C.B.Gupta & Dr.N.Rajan Nair, Marketing Management, Sultan
Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
3 Dr.Amit Kumar, Principles of Marketing, Shashi bhawan Publishing
4 Dr.N.Rajan Nair, Marketing, Sultan Chand & Sons.New Delhi
5 Neeru Kapoor Principles Of Marketing, PHILearning,NewDelhi
Reference Books
1 Prof Kavita Sharma, Dr Swati Agarwal, Principles of Marketing
2 Dr.J.Jayasankar, Marketing Management, Margham Publications, Chennai.
3 Assael, H.Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Action,USA :PWS-Kent
4 Hoyer, W.D. And Macinnis, D.J., Consumer Behaviour, USA: Houghton
Mifflin Company
5 Baker M, Marketing Management And Strategy, Macmill an
Business, Bloombury Publishing, India
NOTE: Latest Edition of Textbooks May be Used
Web Resources
1 https://www.aha.io/roadmapping/guide/marketing/introduction
2 https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/marketsegmentation.asp
3 https://www.shiprocket.in/blog/understanding-promotion-and-distribution-