medications, surgery, and the patient. Evidence that our young patients. And it is not just about age alone. This is
drugs are responsible is most consistent for developmental illustrated by articles in this issue of the Journal by Leung et
neurotoxicity. A major and consistent feature of the pathol- al.22 and by Jankowski et al.23 showing, respectively, that
ogy in the developing animal brain following exposure to a preoperative frailty and cognitive impairment are indepen-
variety of common sedative and anesthetic agents is cell dent risk factors for development of delirium postopera-
and synapse loss.10 –12 This has been convincingly demon- tively. Likewise, the report of Evered et al.,3 which shows a
strated in cell culture models, rodents, and primates, even similar incidence of POCD in older patients after proce-
when systemic physiology is well controlled, implying that dures of very different invasiveness, points away from the
it is a direct effect of the medications. Learning and social surgical and anesthetic details and toward the intrinsic
deficits in adulthood have also been identified in animals characteristics of the patient. This could have profound
exposed to sedative/anesthetic medications in the neonatal implications. If much of the cognitive dysfunction observed
period.10,13 As such, anesthetic-induced neurodegeneration after surgery in elders is simply unmasking a preexisting
is the prevailing theory driving concerns about general problem such as mild cognitive impairment, which afflicts
anesthesia in young children. However, even this is not about 1 in 5 community-dwelling elders,24 our terminology
straightforward; exposure to sedative/anesthetic medica- would have to change. POCD might be a misnomer be-
tions after the peak of synaptogenesis increases synapse cause the condition may be neither “post” nor “operative.”
numbers14 and, in in vitro work using human neuronlike “Illness-related cognitive dysfunction” may be a more
cells and published in this issue of the Journal, Lin et al. accurate descriptor. More importantly, our focus would
challenge the idea that volatile agents injure neurons in logically shift to identifying in advance those at risk. This is
humans.15 There is also major disagreement about the at the heart of a provocative Open Mind piece by Silbert et
ability of medications to cause long-lasting changes in the al.25 in this issue. They essentially propose that we use
old brain. In the mature brain, anesthetic-induced neuro- surgical preadmission test centers to screen patients for
apoptosis appears to be a minor event, but accumulation of mild cognitive impairment or dementia much as we do for
the neurotoxic proteins amyloid  and phosphorylated , cardiovascular disease in at-risk groups. One approach
both of which are implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzhei- would be to add cognitive evaluation to the routine preop-
mer disease, has been observed.16,17 Likewise, persistent erative assessment of elders, a course that would make
cognitive deficits have been reported in old animals after good sense given the frequency and seriousness of periop-
exposure to some common anesthetic agents.18 However, erative cognitive morbidity in elders but that is not fool-
as is well summarized by Eckenhoff in his report of the proof.26 Another might be to take the lead on utilizing
Second International Perioperative Neurotoxicity Work- biomarkers to more accurately and reliably diagnose cog-
shop in this issue of the Journal, there is still considerable nitive compromise27 so we can make better-informed clini-
controversy about whether anesthetic agents contribute to cal management decisions perioperatively. Regardless of
development of POCD and dementia.19 In contrast, as what one thinks of these specific ideas, there is no disputing
reviewed here by Rudolph and Marcantonio4 and by the general concept that with elders it is essential to
Hughes and Padharipande,5 evidence is reasonably good explicitly consider the functional state of the brain both
that both specific sedative agents and depth of anesthesia before and after surgery.
can contribute to delirium. As the articles in the collection of this month’s issue of
The surgical theory of causation involves inflammation. the Journal illustrate, there has been a remarkable transfor-
This idea is obviously more appealing to anesthesiologists mation over the past 10 to 15 years in how we view the
than accepting that our drugs are harmful. Moreover, there brain’s response to the duress of surgical illness, sedation,
is ample evidence that under other circumstances, inflam- and general anesthesia. The specter of cognitive dysfunc-
mation can adversely affect cognitive performance (con- tion after noncentral nervous system surgery is alarming to
sider the subtle cognitive cloudiness that one often feels patients, families, and anesthesiologists alike, but it is also
during a viral illness) and lead eventually to neurodegen- a strong motivator for learning more and doing better so
eration.20 Thus far, however, a relationship between that our work to heal the body does not harm the brain.
surgery and subsequent cognitive dysfunction has been Please read, enjoy, and be stimulated by the articles in this
demonstrated experimentally mostly in young animals and month’s collection to do just that.
over the short term, and the clinical story is circumstantial.
Nor does the inflammation hypothesis exclude anesthetic
agents as a potential cause of cognitive dysfunction because 1. Moller JT, Cluitmans P, Rasmussen LS, Houx P, Rasmussen H,
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