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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

Important Instructions
This test contains 50 questions. Each question carries 4 marks. For each correct response the
candidate will get 4 marks. For each incorrect response, one mark will be deducted from the total
scores. The maximum marks are -----.
1. Which one of the following is a radially symmetrical, blind sac body plan and diploblastic
(1) Spongilla
(2) Euspongia
(3) Asterias
(4) Physalia

2. Which one is not a platyhelminthes?

(1) Tapeworm
(2) Liver fluke
(3) Planaria
(4) Hookworm

3. Consider the following statements :-

(A) Protochordates are exclusively marine
(B) In cephalochordates, Notochord extends from head to tail region.
(C) In urochordates, Notochord is present only in larval tail.
(D) Cranium and vertebral column are bony in cyclostomates.
Which of the above statement is/are correct?
(1) A alone
(2) B, C and D
(3) A, B and C
(4) All

4. Consider the following characteristic of fishes :-

(A) They have four pairs of gills which are covered by an operculum.
(B) They have air bladder which regulates buoyancy
(C) They are mostly viviparous and development is direct
(D) Their body is streamlined and covered with cycloid/ctenoid scales
Which of the above characteristics regarding bony fishes are correct?
(1) A, B and C
(2) C and D
(3) A, B and D
(4) B alone

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

5. Identified the correct statement from the following with reference to Amphibians :-
(A) They have internal fertilisation and development is direct.
(B) Amphibian skin is moist and without scales
(C) Their body is divisible into head and trunk
(D) They have three chambered heart
Select the correct answer :-
(1) A and D
(2) A and B
(3) B, C and D
(4) D alone

6. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?

(A) Poikilothermous - Birds and mammals
(B) Agnatha - Petromyzon and Myxine
(C) Tunicates - Ascidia, Salpa and Doliolum
(D) Cartilaginous fishes - Betta and Labeo
(1) A and B
(2) A, B and C
(3) B and C
(4) A, B and D

7. Water vascular system is found in :-

(1) Porifera
(2) Echinodermata
(3) Mollusca
(4) Elasmobranch

8. Match the column :-

(a) Dentalium (i) Brittle star
(b) Ophiura (ii) Cuttle fish
(c) Antedon (iii) Sea Urchin
(d) Echinus (iv) Tusk shell
(e) Sepia (v) Sea lily
(1) a-(iv), b-(i), c-(iv), d-(ii), e-(iii)
(2) a-(iv), b-(i), c-(v), d-(iii), e-(ii)
(3) a-(i), b-(iv), c-(v), d-(iii), e-(ii)
(4) a-(iv), b-(i), c-(iii), d-(v), e-(ii)

9. True coelom and metameric segmentation in the body is first observed in which of the following
(1) Platyhelminthes
(2) Aschelminthes
(3) Annelida
(4) Arthropoda

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

10. Read the following statements (a to e) carefuly :-

(a) Triploblastic
(b) Bilaterally symmetrical
(c) Organ system organisation
(d) Pseudocoelomate
(e) Metameric segmentation
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct for phylum Aschelminthes
(1) a and b only
(2) a, b, c and e
(3) a, b, c and d
(4) a, b, c, d and e

11. In which group, animals have only a single opening to the outside of the body that serves as both
mouth and anus ?
(1) Aschelminthes
(2) Platyhelminthes
(3) Annelida
(4) Echinodermata

12. Which of the following animal is radially symmetrical but has a bilaterally symmetrical larva?
(1) Ascaris (Round worm)
(2) Nereis (Ring worm)
(3) Pila (Apple snail)
(4) Asterias (Star fish)

13. Mark the incorrectly matched pair

(1) Petromyzon - Body devoid of scales and paired fins
(2) Scoliodon - Operculum present but air bladder is absent
(3) Exocoetus - Heart two chambered with sinus venosus
(4) Rana - Cold blooded with 10 pairs of cranial nerves and mesonephric kidneys

14. Match list 'A' and List 'B' correctly and find your answer from the code given below :-
List-A List-B
(Animal) (Common name)
(i) Physalia (A) Brain coral
(ii) Pennatula (B) Sea fan
(iii) Gorgonia (C) Sea pen
(iv) Meandrina (D) Portuguese man of war
Code :
(1) (i)-A, (ii)-B, (iii)-C, (iv)-D
(2) (i)-D, (ii)-C, (iii)-B, (iv)-A
(3) (i)-C, (ii)-D, (iii)-B, (iv)-A
(4) (i)-D, (ii)-C, (iii)-A, (iv)-B

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

15. Radial symmetry occurs in :-

(1) Ctenophora and Coelenterata
(2) Coelenterata and annelida
(3) Coelenterata and Platyhelminthes
(4) Arthropoda and Mollusca

16. Select the correct statement :-

(1) All members of phylum coelenterata are bilaterally symmetrical
(2) Open circulation is more advanced than close circulation
(3) Notochord is mesodermal and ventrally located
(4) True segmentation with serial repetition of some organs is called metamerism

17. Select the group of organisms given below those have diploblastic members only :-
(1) Ctenoplana, Taenia, Fasciola
(2) Physalia, Meandrina, Hydra
(3) Wuchereria, Culex, Limulus
(4) Aedes, Ascaris, Hydra

18. In which of the following protozoa, conjugation takes place?

(1) Plasmodium
(2) Amoeba
(3) Paramoecium
(4) Entamoeba

19. Which of the following is the main function of contractile vacuole?

(1) Digestion
(2) Respiration
(3) Reproduction
(4) Osmoregulation

20. Select the pseudocoelomates from the list of organisms given below :-
(1) Ascaris, Fasciola, Taenia
(2) Culex, Locusta, Limulus
(3) Wuchereria, Ascaris, Ancylostoma
(4) Nereis, Hirudinaria, Wuchereria

21. Which of the following pairs of animals comprise 'Combjellies'?

(1) Balanoglossus and Saccoglossus
(2) Pleurobranchia and Ctenoplana
(3) Sea anemone and sea pen
(4) Sea lily and brittle star

22. Which one of the following pairs of animals comprise 'Cartilaginous fishes'?
(1) Labeo and Catla
(2) Pterophyllum and Scoliodon
(3) Pristis and Carcharodon
(4) Petromyzon and Myxine

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

23. Which of the following does not belongs to phylum porifera?

(1) Sycon
(2) Pennatula
(3) Spongilla
(4) Euplectella


A schematic representation of a chordate's embryo is shown in the above figure.

The structures marked A, B, C and D are respectively :-
(1) Notochord, Nerve cord, Intestine and gill slits
(2) Postanal part, Gill slits, Nerve cord and Notochord
(3) Postanal part, nerve cord, Notochord and Gill
(4) Post anal part, Notochord, Nerve cord and Gill slits.

25. In which one of the following protochordates notochord present only in the tail of larva ?
(1) Ascidia
(2) Balanoglossus
(3) Myxine
(4) Branchiostoma

26. In which of the following group notochord present in whole life?

(1) Hemichordata
(2) Urochordata
(3) Cephalochordata
(4) Vertebrata

27. Match the column-I with the column-II and find out the correct answer :-
Column-I Colum-II
(A) Spongocoel (i) Arthropoda
(B) Dorso-ventrally flattened body (ii) Cnidaria
(C) Coelenteron cavity (iii) Porifera
(D) Chitinous exoskeleton (iv) Platyhelminthes
(1) A-iii, B-iv, C-i, D-ii
(2) A-iv, B-iii, C-ii, D-i
(3) A-iii, B-iv, C-ii, D-i
(4) A-ii, B-iv, C-iii, D-i

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

28. Which of the following is a matching pair?

(1) Ophiura - Sea lily
(2) Octopus - Cuttle fish
(3) Torpedo - Electric ray
(4) Aptenodytes - Ostrich

29. Which one is not the character of Osteichthyes?

(1) Terminal mouth
(2) Gills with operculum
(3) Body covered by placoid scales
(4) Air bladder regulate buoyancy.

30. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

(1) Chaetopleura – Chiton
(2) Taenia solium - Tape worm
(3) Wuchereria - Filaria worm
(4) Enterobias - Hook worm

31. Which one of the following is a matching pair of an animal and a certain phenomenon it exhibits?
(1) Pheretima – Sexual dimorphism
(2) Obelia – Metagenesis
(3) Chameleon – Alternation of generation
(4) Taenia – Polymorphism

32. The greatest evolutionary change that enabled the land vertebrates to be completely free from
water, was the development of :-
(1) Four appendages
(2) Lungs
(3) Cleidoic eggs
(4) Four chambered heart

33. Osculum occurs in :-

(1) Spongilla
(2) Sycon
(3) Euspongia
(4) All of the above

34. The statements given below shows some characteristics of a phylum. Identify it :-
(i) Tissue absent
(ii) Internal fertilization
(iii) Development is indirect
(iv) Spongocoel with many Ostia and single osculum and canal system
(v) Sexes, are hermaphrodite
(1) Cnidaria
(2) Porifera
(3) Platyhelminthes
(4) Ctenophora

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

35. Which one of the following statement about all the four of Spongilla, Leech, Dolphin and Penguin
is correct ?
(1) All are bilaterally symmetrical
(2) Penguin is homoiothermic while the remaining three are poikilothermic
(3) Leech is a fresh water form while all others are marine
(4) Spongilla has special collar called choanocytes, not found in the remaining three.

36. Find out the incorrect statement for the phylum porifera :-
(1) Sponges are generally marine, few are found in fresh water
(2) All sponge are sessile and mostly asymmetrical
(3) Sponges have numerous osculum with single ostium for exit
(4) These are primitive multicellular animals

37. How many in the given examples of animals are Coelenterates.

Physalia, Obelia, Plannaria, Pennatula, Gorgonia, Pleurobrachia, Meandrina and Nereis
(1) Three
(2) Four
(3) Five
(4) Six

38. Identify the following four animals (A, B, C and D) given below. Which one of these is not
correctly identified in the option given along with its correct taxonomic group and their common
name ?

(a) (b)

(a) (d)

Options :-
Option Figure Name of animal Taxonomic group Common Name
(1) B Adamsia Ctenophora Star coral
(2) D Spongilla Porifera Fresh water sponge
(3) C Aurelia Coelenterata Jelly fish
(4) A Euspongia Porifera Bath sponge

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

39. How many organisms are related with phylum Echinodermata?

Star fish, Sea-urchin, Sea-lily, Sea-mouse, Sea-hare, Sea-cucumber, Brittle star, Sea-potato, Sea-
squirt, Sea-fan, Sea-pen
(1) 4
(2) 5
(3) 6
(4) 7

40. Which of the following unicellular organism has a macronucleus for trophic function and one or
more micronuclei for reproduction?
(1) Trypanosoma
(2) Paramoecium
(3) Euglena
(4) Amoeba

41. Which one of the following features is common in silverfish, scorpion, dragonfly and prawn?
(1) Three pairs of legs and segmented body
(2) Chitinous cuticle and two pairs of antennae
(3) Jointed appendages and chitinous exoskeleton
(4) Cephalothorax involves

42. Canal system of porifera is not connected with :-

(1) Food gathering
(2) Locomotion
(3) Respiratory gas exchange
(4) Removal of waste

43. In which animal nerve cell is present but brain is absent :-

(1) Sponge
(2) Earthworm
(3) Cockroach
(4) Hydra

44. What is true about Ascaris, Neries, Wuchereria and Hirudinaria?

(1) Acoelomate
(2) Pseudocoelom
(3) Metamerism
(4) Organ system level of organisation

45. Example of economically important insect is :-

(1) Limulus
(2) Apis
(3) Anopheles
(4) Locusta

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

46. Identify the figure A, B, C and select the correct option :-

(A) (B) (C)

(1) Sycon Spongilla Euspongia
(2) Sycon Euspongia Spongilla
(3) Euspongia Euplectela Leucosolenia
(4) Hyalonema Cliona Sycon

(1) 1
(2) 2
(3) 3
(4) 4

47. In cockroach the excretory organs are :-

(1) Protonephridia
(2) Nephridia
(3) Malpighian tubules
(4) Gills

48. The evidence for the origin of birds from reptiles is the presence in them of :-
(1) Feathers
(2) Scales
(3) Claws
(4) Hairs

49. In which one of the following groups all animals are hermaphrodite :-
(1) Hydra, Ascaris, Pheretima
(2) Hydra, Homo sapiens, Leech
(3) Tapeworm, Toad, Starfish
(4) Hydra, Leech, Tapeworm

50. Which of the following shows the sexual dimorphism?

(1) Hydra & Ascaris
(2) Hydra & Macaca
(3) Ascaris & Pheretima
(4) Ascaris & Macaca

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

Answer Key

Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 4 2 2 1
Que. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. 4 2 3 4 3 2 3 2 4 1 3 3 3 3 4
Que. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Ans. 2 3 4 2 4 3 3 1 2 2 3 2 4 4 2
Que. 46 47 48 49 50
Ans. 2 3 2 4 4

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

Animal Kingdom (NEET PYQs)

1. What is common about Trypanosoma, Noctiluca, Monocystis and Giardia ?

(1) These are all parasites
(2) These are all unicellular protists
(3) They have flagella
(4) They produce spores
[AIPMT 2006 (+4 /–1)]

2. Which one of the following is a matching set of a phylum and its three examples ?
(1) Porifera : Spongilla, Euplectella, Pennatula
(2) Cnidaria : Bonellia, Physalia, Aurelia
(3) Platyhelminthes : Planaria, Schistosoma, Enterobius
(4) Mollusca : Loligo, Teredo, Octopus
[AIPMT 2006 (+4 /–1)]

3. Metameric segmentation is the characteristic of :-

(1) Mollusca and Choradata
(2) Platyhelminthes and Arthropoda
(3) Echinodermata and Annelida
(4) Annelida and Arthropoda
[AIPMT 2006 (+4 /–1)]

4. Two common characters found in Centipede, Cockroach and Crab are :-

(1) Book lungs and antennae
(2) Compound eyes and anal cerci
(3) Jointed legs and chitinous exoskeleton
(4) Green gland and tracheae
[AIPMT 2006 (+4 /–1)]

5. Biradial symmetry and lack of cnidoblasts are the characteristic of :-

(1) Hydra and Starfish
(2) Starfish and Sea Anemone
(3) Ctenoplana and Beroe
(4) Aurelia and Paramoecium
[AIPMT 2006 (+4 /–1)]

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

6. Which one of the following has an open circulatory system ?

(A) Octopus (B) Pheretima (C) Periplaneta (D) Hirudinaria
(1) A & B
(2) B & C
(3) C & D
(4) A & D
[AIPMT 2006 (+4 /–1)]

7. In which one of the following sets of animals all the four give birth to young ones?
(1) Kangaroo, Hedgehog, Dolphin, Loris
(2) Lion, Bat, Whale, Ostrich
(3) Platypus, Penguin, Bat, Hippopotamus
(4) Shrew, Bat, Cat, Kiwi
[AIPMT 2006 (+4 /–1)]

8. Which one of the following is a matching pair of a body feature and the animal possessing it?
(1) Ventral heart – Scorpion
(2) Post-anal tail – Octopus
(3) Ventral central nervous system-Leech
(4) Pharyngeal gill slits absent in embryo Chamaeleon
[AIPMT 2007 (+4 /–1)]
9. What is true about Nereis, Scorpion, Cockroach and Silver fish?
(1) They all belong to the same phylum
(2) They all have paired jointed appendages
(3) They all possess dorsal heart
(4) None of them is aquatic
[AIPMT 2007 (+4 /–1)]
10. Which one of the following pairs is mismatched?
(1) Bombyx mori – Silk
(2) Pila globosa – Pearl
(3) Apis indica – Honey
(4) Kenia lacca – Lac
[AIPMT 2007 (+4 /–1)]
11. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?
Animals Morphological features
(A) Crocodile -4-chambered heart
(B) Sea Urchin -Parapodia
(C) Obelia -Metagenesis
(D) Lemur- Thecodont
(1) Only A and B
(2) A, C and D
(3) B, C and D
(4) Only A and D
[AIPMT 2007 (+4 /–1)]

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

12. What is common between parrot, platypus and kangaroo?

(1) Ovoparity
(2) Homoiothermy
(3) Toothless jaws
(4) Functional post-anal tail
[AIPMT 2007 (+4 /–1)]

13. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of phylum Annelida?

(1) Closed circulatory system
(2) Segmentation
(3) Pseudocoelom
(4) Ventral nerve cord
[AIPMT 2008 (+4 /–1)]

14. Which one of the following phyla is correctly matched with its two general characteristics?
(1) Arthropoda : Body divided into head, thorax and abdomen and respiration by tracheae
(2) Chordata : Notochord at some stage and separate anal and urinary openings to the outside
(3) Echinodermata : Pentamerous radial symmetry and mostly internal fertilization
(4) Mollusca : Normally oviparous and development through a trochophore or veliger larva
[AIPMT 2008 (+4 /–1)]

15. Ascaris is characterized by :-

(1) Absence of true coelom but presence of metamerism
(2) Presence of neither true coelom nor metamerism
(3) Presence of true coelom but absence of metamerism
(4) Presence of true coelom and metamerism
[AIPMT 2008 (+4 /–1)]

16. Which one of the following groups of the three animals each is correctly matched with their one
characteristic morphological feature? Animals Morphological feature
(1) Liver fluke - Bilateral Sea anemone, symmetry Sea cucumber
(2) Centipede - Joined appendages Prawn, Sea urchin
(3) Scorpion, Spider - Ventral solid central Cockroach nervous system
(4) Cockroach - Metameric Locust, Taenia segmentation
[AIPMT 2008 (+4 /–1)]

17. Which one of the following groups of animals is bilaterally symmetrical and triploblastic?
(1) Sponges
(2) Coelenterates (Cnidarians)
(3) Aschelminthes (round worms)
(4) Ctenophores
[AIPMT 2009 (+4 /–1)]

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

18. Peripatus is a connecting link between :-

(1) Coelenterata and Porifera
(2) Ctenophora and Platyhelminthis
(3) Mollusca and Echinodermata
(4) Annelida and Arthropoda
[AIPMT 2009 (+4 /–1)]

19. Which one of the following pairs of animals are 'jawless fishes' ?
(1) Guppies and hag fishes
(2) Lampreys and eels
(3) Mackerals and Rohu
(4) Lampreys and hag fishes
[AIPMT 2009 (+4 /–1)]

20. One example of animals having a single opening to the outside that serves both as mouth as well
as anus is :-
(1) Fasciola
(2) Octopus
(3) Asterias
(4) Herdmania
[AIPMT (Pre.) 2010 (+4 /–1)]

21. Which one of the following statement about all the four of Spongilla, Leech, Dolphin and Penguin
Is correct?
(1) All are bilaterally symmetrical
(2) Penguin is homoiothermic while the remaining three are poikilothermic
(3) Leech is a fresh water form while all others are marine
(4) Spongilla has special collared cells called choanocytes, not found in the remaining three.
[AIPMT 2010 (+4 /–1)]

22. Which one of the following animals are triploblastic?

(1) Corals
(2) Flat worms
(3) Sponges
(4) Ctenophores
[AIPMT 2010 (+4 /–1)]

23. Which one of the following statement about certain given animals is correct?
(1) Flat worms (Platyhelminthes) are coelomates
(2) Round worms (Aschelminthes) are pseudocoelomates
(3) Molluscs are acoelomates
(4) Insects are pseudocoelomates
[AIPMT 2010 (+4 /–1)]

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

24. Crocodile and Penguin are similar to Whale and Dogfish in which one of the following features?
(1) Lay eggs and guard them till they hatch
(2) Possess bony skeleton
(3) Have gill slits at some stage
(4) Possess a solid single stranded central nervous system
[AIPMT 2010 (+4 /–1)]

25. Which one of the following groups of animals is correctly matched with its one characteristic
feature without even a single exception?
(1) Reptilia : possess 3-chambered heart with one incompletely divided ventricle
(2) Chordata : possess a mouth provided with an upper and a lower jaw
(3) Chondrichthyes : possess cartilaginous endoskeleton
(4) Mammalia : give birth to young ones
[AIPMT 2011 (+4 /–1)]

26. Which one of the following animals is correctly matched with its particular named taxonomic
(1) Tiger – tigris, the species
(2) Cuttlefish – Mollusca, a class
(3) Humans – Primata, the family
(4) Housefly – Musca, an order
[AIPMT 2011 (+4 /–1)]

27. In which one of the following the genus name, its two character and its class/phylum are
correctly matched?
Genus Two characters Class/ name Phylum
(1) Ascaris (a) Body segmented Annelida (b) Males and females distinct
(2) Salamendra (a) A tympanum Amphibia represents ear (b) Fertilization is external
(3) Pteropus (a) Skin possess Mammalia hair (b) Oviparous
(4) Aurelia (a) Cnidoblasts Coelenterata (b) Organ level of organization
[AIPMT 2011 (+4 /–1)]

28. The figure shows four animals (a), (b), (c) and (d). Select the correct answer with respect to a
Common characteristics of two of these animals.

(a) (b)

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

(c) (d)
(1) (c) and (d) have a true coelom
(2) (a) and (d) respire mainly through body wall
(3) (b) and (c) show radial symmetry
(4) (a) and (b) have cnidoblasts for self defence.
[AIPMT 2011 (+4 /–1)]

29. In which one of the following, the genus name, its two characters and its phylum are not
Correctly matched, whereas the remaining three are correct? Genus Two Name characters
(1) Sycon (a) Pore bearing Porifera (b) Canal system
(2) Periplaneta (a) Jointed appendages (b) Chitinous Arthropoda exoskeleton
(3) Pila (a) Body segmented Mollusca (b) Mouth with Radula
(4) Asterias (a) Spiny skinned Echinodermata (b) Water vascular system
[AIPMT 2012 (+4 /–1)]

30. Which one of the following organisms is scientifically correctly named, correctly printed
according to the International Rules of Nomenclature and correctly described?
(1) Felis tigris - The Indian tiger, well protected in Gir forests.
(2) E.coli - Full name Entamoeba coli, a commonly occurring bacterium in human intestine.
(3) Musca domestica - The common house lizard, a reptile.
(4) Plasmodium falciparum - A protozoan pathogen causing the most serious type of malaria.
[AIPMT 2012 (+4 /–1)]

31. Which one of the following categories of animals, is correctly described with no single exception
in it?
(1) All sponges are marine and have collared cells
(2) All mammals are viviparous and possess diaphragm for breathing
(3) All reptiles possess scales, have a three chambered heart and are cold blooded
(4) All bony fishes have four pairs of gills and an operculum on each side
[AIPMT 2012 (+4 /–1)]

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

32. Which one of the following pairs of animals are similar to each other pertaining to the feature
Stated against them?
(1) Ascaris and Ancylostoma – Metameric segmentation
(2) Sea horse and Flying fish - Cold blooded (poikilothermal)
(3) Pteropus and Ornithorhyncus - Viviparity
(4) Garden lizard and Crocodile - Three chambered heart
[AIPMT 2012 (+4 /–1)]

33. One of the representative of Phylum Arthropoda is :-

(1) Flying fish
(2) Cuttlefish
(3) Silverfish
(4) Pufferfish
[AIPMT 2013(+4 /–1)]
34. Which group of animals belong to the same phylum?
(1) Sponge, Sea anemone, Starfish
(2) Malarial parasite, Amoeba, Mosquito
(3) Earthworm, Pinworm, Tapeworm
(4) Prawn, Scorpion, Locusta
[AIPMT 2013 (+4 /–1)]

35. Infection of Ascaris usually occurs by :-

(1) Mosquito bite
(2) Drinking water containing eggs of Ascaris
(3) Eating imperfectly cooked pork.
(4) Tse-tse fly
[AIPMT 2013 (+4 /–1)]

36. Which of the following are correctly matched with respect to their taxonomic classification?
(1) Spiny anteater, sea urchin, sea cucumber – Echinodermata
(2) Flying fish, cuttlefish, silverfish – Pisces
(3) Centipede, millipede, spider, scorpion – Insecta
(4) House fly, butterfly, tsetsefly, silverfish – Insecta
[AIPMT 2013 (+4 /–1)]

37. Match the name of the animal (column I), with one characteristics (column II), and the
phylum/class (column III) to which it belongs :-
Column I Column II Column III
(1) Adamsia radially symmetrical Porifera
(2) Petromyzon ectoparasite Cyclostomata
(3) Ichthyophis terrestrial Reptilia
(4) Limulus Body covered by Pisces
chitinous exoskeleton
[AIPMT 2013 (+4 /–1)]

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

38. Which one of the following living organisms completely lacks a cell wall?
(1) Cyanobacteria
(2) Sea – fan (Gorgonia)
(3) Saccharomyces
(4) Blue–green algae
[AIPMT 2014 (+4 /–1)]

39. Select the Taxon mentioned that represents both marine and fresh water species :-
(1) Echinoderms
(2) Ctenophora
(3) Cephalochordata
(4) Cnidaria
[AIPMT 2014 (+4 /–1)]
40. Planaria possess high capacity of :-
(1) Metamorphosis
(2) Regeneration
(3) Alternation of generation
(4) Bioluminescence
[AIPMT 2014 (+4 /–1)]

41. A marine cartilaginous fish that can produce electric current is :-

(1) Pristis
(2) Torpedo
(3) Trygon
(4) Scoliodon
[AIPMT 2014 (+4 /–1)]
42. Which of the following animals is not viviparous?
(1) Elephant
(2) Platypus
(3) Whale
(4) Flying fox (Bat)
[AIPMT 2015 (+4 /–1)]

43. Which of the following represents the correct combination without any exception?
Characteristics Class
(1) Mouth ventral, gills without operculum; skin with placoid scales; persistent notochord
(2) Sucking and circular mouth; jaws absent, integument without scales; paired appendages
(3) Body covered with feathers; skin moist and glandular; fore-limbs form wings; lungs with air
sacs Aves
(4) Mammary gland; hair on body; pinnae; two pairs of Limbs Mammalia
[AIPMT 2015 (+4 /–1)]

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

44. The active form of Entamoeba histolytica feeds upon :-

(1) Mucosa and submucosa of colon only
(2) Food in intestine
(3) Blood only
(4) Erythrocytes; mucosa and submucosa of colon
[AIPMT 2015 (+4 /–1)]

45. Which of the following endoparasites of humans does show viviparity?

(1) Enterobius vermicularis
(2) Trichinella spiralis
(3) Ascaris lumbricoides
(4) Ancylostoma duodenale
[AIPMT 2015 (+4 /–1)]

46. Metagenesis refers to :-

(1) Presence of a segmented body and’ parthenogenetic mode of reproduction
(2) Presence of different morphic forms
(3) Alternation of generation between asexual and sexual phases of an organism
(4) Occurrence of a drastic change in form during post-embryonic development
[AIPMT 2015 (+4 /–1)]

47. Which one of the following animals has two separate circulatory pathways?
(1) Shark
(2) Frog
(3) Lizard
(4) Whale
[AIPMT 2015 (+4 /–1)]

48. Body having meshwork of cells, internal cavities lined with food filtering flagellated cells and
Indirect development are the characteristics of phylum :-
(1) Protozoa
(2) Coelenterata
(3) Porifera
(4) Mollusca
[AIPMT 2015 (+4 /–1)]

49. A jawless fish, which lays eggs in fresh water and whose ammocoete larvae after metamorphosis
return to the ocean is :-
(1) Petromyzon
(2) Eptatretus
(3) Myxine
(4) Neomyxine
[AIPMT 2015 (+4 /–1)]

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

50. Which of the following characteristic features always holds true for the corresponding group of
(1) Cartilaginous endoskeleton Chondrichthyes
(2) Viviparous Mammalia
(3) Possess a mouth with an upper and a lower jaw Chordata
(4) 3 - chambered heart with one incompletely divided ventricle Reptilia
[AIPMT 2016 (+4 /–1)]

51. Which one of the following characteristics is not shared by birds and mammals?
(1) Ossified endoskeleton
(2) Breathing using lungs
(3) Viviparity
(4) Warm blooded nature
[AIPMT 2016 (+4 /–1)]
52. Choose the correct statement :-
(1) All reptiles have a three–chambered heart.
(2) All pisces have gills covered by an operculum.
(3) All mammals are viviparous.
(4) All cyclostomes do not possess jaws and paired fins.
[AIPMT 2016 (+4 /–1)]

53. An important characteristic that Hemichordates share with Chordates is :-

(1) Ventral tubular nerve cord
(2) Pharynx with gill slits
(3) Pharynx without gill slits
(4) Absence of notochord
[NEET 2017 (+4 /–1)]

54. Which among these is the correct combination of aquatic mammals?

(1) Dolphins, Seals, Trygon
(2) Whales, Dolphins, Seals
(3) Trygon, Whales, Seals
(4) Seals, Dolphins, Sharks
[NEET 2017 (+4 /–1)]

55. In case of poriferans, the spongocoel is lined with flagellated cells called :-
(1) Osculum
(2) Choanocytes
(3) Mesenchymal cells
(4) Ostia
[NEET 2017 (+4 /–1)]

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

56. Which of the following animals does not undergo metamorphosis?

(1) Earthworm
(2) Tunicate
(3) Moth
(4) Starfish
[NEET 2018 (+4 /–1)]

57. Identify the vertebrate group of animals characterized by crop and gizzard in its digestive system
(1) Amphibia
(2) Reptilia
(3) Aves
(4) Osteichthyes
[NEET 2018 (+4 /–1)]

58. Which one of these animals is not a homeotherm?

(1) Macropus
(2) Chelone
(3) Camelus
(4) Psittacula
[NEET 2018 (+4 /–1)]

59. Ciliates differ from all other protozoans in :-

(1) Using flagella for locomotion
(2) Having a contractile vacuole for removing excess water
(3) Using pseudopodia for capturing prey
(4) Having two types of nuclei
[NEET 2018 (+4 /–1)]

60. Match the following organisms with their respective characteristics :-

(a) Pila (i) Flame cells
(b) Bombyx (ii) Comb plates
(c) Pleurobrachia (iii) Radula
(d) Taenia (iv) Malpighian tubules
Select the correct option from the following :-
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(2) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(3) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
(4) (iiii) (ii) (iv) (i)
[NEET 2019 (+4 /–1)]

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

61. Consider following features :-

(a) Organ system level of organisation
(b) Bilateral symmetry
(c) True coelomates with segmentation of body
Select the correct option of animal groups which possess all the above characteristics.
(1) Annelida, Arthropoda and Chordata
(2) Annelida, Arthropoda and Mollusca
(3) Arthropoda, Mollusca and Chordata
(4) Annelida, Mollusca and Chordata
[NEET 2019 (+4 /–1)]

62. Match the following genera with their respective phylum :-

(a) Ophiura (i) Mollusca
(b) Physalia (ii) Platyhelminthes
(c) Pinctada (iii) Echinodermata
(d) Planaria (iv) Coelenterata
Select the correct option:
(1) (a)-(iv), (b)-(i), (c)-(iii), d-(ii)
(2) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), d-(ii)
(3) (a)-(i), (b)-(iii), (c)-(iv), d-(ii)
(4) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), d-(i)
[NEET 2019(+4 /–1)]

63. Which of the following animals are true coelomates with bilateral symmetry?
(1) Adult Echinoderms
(2) Aschelminthes
(3) Platyhelminthes
(4) Annelids
[NEET 2019(+4 /–1)]

64. Match the following group of organisms with their respective distinctive characteristics and
select the correct option :-
Organisms Characteristics
(a) Platyhelminthes (i) Cylindrical body with no segmentation
(b) Echinoderms (ii) Warm blooded animals with direct development
(c) Hemichordates (iii) Bilateral symmetry with incomplete digestive
(d) Aves (iv) Radial symmetry with indirect development

(1) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii)

(2) (a)- (ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i)
(3) (a)-(iv), (b)-(i), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iii)
(4) (a)-(i), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iii), (d)-(iv)
[NEET 2020(+4 /–1)]

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

65. Match the following columns and select the correct option :-
Column - I Column - II
(a) Aptenodytes (i) Flying fox
(b) Pteropus (ii) Angel fish
(c) Pterophyllum (iii)Lamprey
(d) Petromyzon (iv)Penguin
(1) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i)
(2) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii)
(3) (a)-(iv), (b)-(i), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iii)
(4) (a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iv), (d)-(iii)

[NEET 2020(+4 /–1)]

66. All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates, why?
(1) Notochord is replaced by vertebral column in adult of some chordates
(2) Ventral hollow nerve cord remains throughout life in some chordates.
(3) All chordates possess vertebral column.
(4) All chordates possess notochord throughout their life.

[NEET 2020(+4 /–1)]

67. Match the following :-

List - I List - II
(a) Physalia (i) Pearl oyster
(b) Limulus (ii) Portuguese Man of War
(c) Ancylostoma (iii) Living fossil
(d) Pinctada (iv) Hookworm

Choose the correct answer from the options given below.

(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(2) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(3) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(4) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)

[NEET 2021(+4 /–1)]

68. Which one of the following organisms bears hollow and pneumatic long bones?
(1) Neophron
(2) Hemidactylus
(3) Macropus
(4) Ornithorhynchus

[NEET 2021(+4 /–1)]

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Animal Kingdom (NEET Pattern)

Answer Key

Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Ans. 2 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 3 2 2 2 3 4 2

Que. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Ans. 3 3 4 4 1 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 3 4

Que. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

Ans. 4 2 3 4 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 4 2

Que. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Ans. 3 4 3 1 1 3 4 2 2 2 1 3 2 4 2

Que. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68

Ans. 1 2 4 1 3 1 3 1

  Digital Pvt. Ltd. [24]

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