Vartan i an 2013
Vartan i an 2013
Vartan i an 2013
Body Image
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Article history: This study examined the associations among self-concept clarity, thin-ideal internalization, appearance-
Received 21 December 2012 related social comparison tendencies, and body dissatisfaction. Female university students (N = 278)
Received in revised form 18 May 2013 completed self-report measures of these constructs. Structural equation modeling revealed several key
Accepted 19 May 2013
findings: (a) thin-ideal internalization mediated the link between appearance-related social compari-
son tendencies and body dissatisfaction; (b) self-concept clarity was negatively associated with both
thin-ideal internalization and appearance-related social comparison tendencies; and (c) thin-ideal inter-
Self-concept clarity
nalization mediated the link between self-concept clarity and body dissatisfaction. These findings suggest
Thin-ideal internalization
Appearance-related social comparison
that low self-concept clarity might contribute to body image problems because it increases women’s
Body dissatisfaction vulnerability to thin-ideal internalization and appearance-related social comparison tendencies.
© 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1740-1445/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
496 L.R. Vartanian, S. Dey / Body Image 10 (2013) 495–500
appearance-based comparisons (both upward and downward) is psychology literature have suggested that these two constructs are
significantly associated with eating disturbance (O’Brien et al., related. Festinger’s (1954) social comparison theory proposes that
2009). Thus, a chronic tendency to make appearance-based social individuals uncertain of their sense of self will be highly motivated
comparisons may be associated with negative outcomes regardless to compare themselves to others so that they can better understand
of the direction of those comparisons. how and where they fit into society. Supporting that hypothesis,
Although there is clear evidence that thin-ideal internaliza- studies have found that individuals low in self-concept clarity are
tion and appearance-related social comparison tendencies can more inclined to engage in social comparisons compared to those
adversely impact body image, there is relatively little research high in self-concept clarity (Butzer & Kuiper, 2006; Stapel & Tesser,
examining the connection between those two risk factors, and there 20011 ). One might similarly expect that low self-concept clarity
is ambiguity in the joint role that these factors share in predict- would predict social comparisons in the body image domain. Fur-
ing body dissatisfaction. For example, research on the Tripartite thermore, just as internalization has been found to mediate the
Influence Model suggests that thin-ideal internalization mediates association between self-concept clarity and body image concerns,
the association between appearance-based social comparisons and one might also expect that appearance-related comparison tenden-
body dissatisfaction (e.g., Halliwell & Harvey, 2006; Keery et al., cies would mediate the association between self-concept clarity
2004; Rodgers, Chabrol, & Paxton, 2011; Shroff & Thompson, 2006). and body dissatisfaction.
Other research, however, has examined social comparison tenden-
cies as a mediator of the link between thin-ideal internalization and
The Present Study
body dissatisfaction and found mixed results. One study found that
the extent to which preadolescent girls compared their physical
The aim of this study was to investigate the associations among
appearance to others (partially) mediated the relationship between
self-concept clarity, thin-ideal internalization, and upward and
their thin-ideal internalization and body dissatisfaction (Blowers,
downward appearance comparison tendencies, and to determine
Loxton, Grady-Flesser, Occhipinti, & Dawe, 2003). Another study
how these factors may in turn predict body dissatisfaction among
testing university-aged women, however, failed to produce that
university-aged women. We tested two different models, one in
same effect (Fitzsimmons-Craft, Harney, Koehler, Danzi, Riddell, &
which thin-ideal internalization served as the mediator between
Bardone-Cone, 2012), which the authors suggest may have been
appearance-based social comparison tendencies and body dissatis-
due to the fact that upward and downward comparisons were not
faction, and a second in which appearance-based social comparison
differentiated in their study. Thus, the joint role of appearance-
tendencies served as the mediator between thin-ideal internal-
based social comparison tendencies and thin-ideal internalization
ization and body dissatisfaction, to clarify the nature of these
in predicting body dissatisfaction needs to be clarified.
associations due to mixed findings in the literature. We also tested
In order to develop a better understanding of the factors that
the hypothesis that self-concept clarity would be related to thin-
contribute to negative body image, it is also important to identify
ideal internalization and appearance-related social comparison
the factors that predict thin-ideal internalization and appearance-
tendencies, which in turn would mediate the association between
related social comparison tendencies. In addition to the social
self-concept clarity and body dissatisfaction. The findings of the
factors that form part of the Tripartite Influence Model (media,
present study may facilitate earlier identification of women who
parents, and peers), it can be important to examine personal-
are vulnerable to body image concerns.
ity characteristics and other individual-difference variables. One
individual-difference variable that might hold promise in this
regard is self-concept clarity. Self-concept clarity is defined as “the Method
extent to which the contents of an individual’s self-concept (e.g.,
perceived personal attributes) are clearly and confidently defined, Participants
internally consistent, and temporally stable” (Campbell, Trapnell,
Heine, Katz, Lavallee, & Lehman, 1996, p. 141). Because individuals Participants were 278 undergraduate female students from
who are low in self-concept clarity lack a clear sense of their own a first-year psychology course at a large public university. One
identity, they might seek out and become vulnerable to the influ- participant was excluded because she failed to complete the major-
ence of external sources that can help define the self; in contrast, ity of the questionnaires. Participants’ mean age was 19.7 years
individuals high in self-concept clarity should be less influenced by (range = 17–552 ), and their mean body mass index (BMI; based
external guides because they have a strong sense of their own per- on self-reported height and weight) was 21.4 (range = 14–38). Of
sonal identity. For women, societal standards of attractiveness can those who reported their ethnicity, 115 (41.7%) were White, 119
be a highly accessible external source used to define the self. Con- (43.1%) were Asian, 1 (0.4%) was Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander,
sequently, women low in self-concept clarity may be more likely and 41 (14.9%) identified as “other.” All participants were given
to internalize the thin ideal and may be more likely to engage in course credit for their participation. This study was approved by
appearance-related social comparison. the university’s ethics committee.
An early theoretical perspective suggested that identity dis-
turbance might lead to internalization of societal standards of Measures and Procedure
attractiveness (Stice, 1994). To date, however, only two studies
have provided empirical support for this suggestion. Cahill and Participants signed up for a study that was described as an inves-
Mussap (2007) reported that low self-concept clarity was associ- tigation of students’ adjustment to university life. After providing
ated with a greater degree of thin-ideal internalization. Vartanian written consent, each participant completed a series of question-
(2009) replicated that finding and further demonstrated that thin- naires on a lab computer. These measures included:
ideal internalization mediated the relation between self-concept
clarity and body image concerns. Thus, there is some preliminary
evidence implicating self-concept clarity as a predictor of internal-
ization of the thin ideal and body image concerns. The Levelt Committee found no evidence of scientific fraud in this paper.
Twelve participants were older than 24 years of age, and therefore outside of the
No study in the body image literature has examined the con- range of the typical university student. Restricting the sample to those individuals
nection between self-concept clarity and appearance-related social who were 24 years or younger did not change the results. Thus, we retained the full
comparison tendencies, although a few studies from the social sample in our analyses.
L.R. Vartanian, S. Dey / Body Image 10 (2013) 495–500 497
Self-concept Thin-ideal Body
clarity internalization dissatisfaction
The purpose of the present study was to further understand
the predictors of body dissatisfaction. In particular, we exam-
-.40*** .10* -.04 ns ined the nature of the associations among self-concept clarity,
thin-ideal internalization, appearance-related social comparison
comparison tendencies, and body dissatisfaction. First, although both of the
models we tested fit the data well, our results most strongly support
Fig. 1. Structural equation model predicting body dissatisfaction with thin-ideal the view that thin-ideal internalization mediates the association
internalization as the mediator between self-concept clarity and body dissatis- between appearance comparison tendencies and body dissatis-
faction (Model 1). Solid lines represent significant paths; dashed lines represent faction (Halliwell & Harvey, 2006; Keery et al., 2004; Rodgers
non-significant paths. Values represent standardized path coefficients. * p < .05 and et al., 2011; Shroff & Thompson, 2006). These findings suggest that
p < .001.
repeatedly comparing one’s appearance to that of others (particu-
larly upward comparisons) may facilitate thin-ideal internalization,
total indirect path from self-concept clarity to body dissatisfac- which in turn contributes to body dissatisfaction. Although one
tion was significant (95% CI = −.21 to −.04). However, follow-up study (Blowers et al., 2003) did find that appearance-related
analyses indicated that thin-ideal internalization was a significant comparisons mediated the association between thin-ideal inter-
mediator (95% CI = −.01 to −.003), but that upward comparisons nalization and body dissatisfaction, another study failed to find
(95% CI = −.01 to .003) and downward comparisons (95% CI = −.004 that same effect (Fitzsimmons-Craft et al., 2012). The authors of
to .004) were not. Upward comparison tendencies were a signifi- the latter study suggested that the absence of a mediation effect
cant mediator of the association between self-concept clarity and in their study may have been due to the fact that the measure
thin-ideal internalization (95% CIs = −.21 to −.10), but the indirect of social comparison that they used did not differentiate upward
effect for downward comparisons was not statistically significant and downward comparisons. However, we failed to find mediation
(95% CI = −.06 to .003). through appearance comparisons despite assessing both types of
Model 2. In this second model, we examined whether comparisons separately.
appearance-related social comparison tendencies mediated the Thin-ideal internalization and social comparison tendencies are
connection between thin-ideal internalization and body dissat- both well-established risk factors of body dissatisfaction (Keery
isfaction (Fig. 2). This model also fit the data well, 2 (81; et al., 2004; Shroff & Thompson, 2006), and the present study
N = 277) = 1.63, p < .001, NFI = .97, CFI = .99, RMSEA = .05, and examined a factor that may help explain individual differences in
explained 25% of the variance in body dissatisfaction. Unlike Model thin-ideal internalization and social comparison tendencies. The-
1, in this model, self-concept clarity had a significant direct effect oretically, individuals with low self-concept clarity should have
on thin-ideal internalization. Thin-ideal internalization, in turn, a propensity to search for external sources that may help define
was a significant mediator of the connection between self-concept their sense of identity. Consequently, women who are low in
clarity and upward appearance comparisons (95% CI = −.24 to self-concept clarity might be more likely to engage in appearance-
−.05), downward appearance comparisons (95% CI = −.15 to −.10), related comparisons and more likely to have internalized the
and body dissatisfaction (95% CI = −.19 to −.04). However, nei- thin ideal. Our results are consistent with this hypothesis. We
ther upward appearance comparisons (95% CI = −.005 to .002) found that self-concept clarity was negatively correlated with
nor downward appearance comparisons (95% CI = −.003 to.003) appearance comparison tendencies and thin-ideal internalization.
Furthermore, we showed that thin-ideal internalization mediated
the association between self-concept clarity and body dissatis-
-.15* faction, and that upward comparison tendencies (and to a lesser
extent downward comparison tendencies) mediated the associ-
ation between self-concept clarity and thin-ideal internalization.
comparison The negative association between self-concept clarity and thin-
tendency ns ideal internalization is consistent with the findings of two previous
-.22*** .03
studies that have tested this association (Cahill & Mussap, 2007;
.67*** Vartanian, 2009). Furthermore, the mediational role of thin-ideal
-.28*** .44*** internalization between self-concept clarity and body dissatisfac-
Self-concept Thin-ideal Body
clarity internalization dissatisfaction tion replicates the findings of Vartanian (2009). The present study
extends these findings by suggesting that appearance comparison
.37*** tendencies can account for the association between self-concept
-.28*** -.05
ns clarity and thin-ideal internalization. The negative correlation
Downward found between self-concept clarity and social comparison ten-
tendency dencies is consistent with Festinger’s (1954) social comparison
theory and with a few studies from the social psychology litera-
Fig. 2. Structural equation model predicting body dissatisfaction with appearance- ture (Butzer & Kuiper, 2006; Stapel & Tesser, 2001). The present
related social comparisons as mediators between self-concept clarity and body
study, however, is the first to illustrate this association specifi-
dissatisfaction (Model 2). Solid lines represent significant paths; dashed lines repre-
sent non-significant paths. Values represent standardized path coefficients. * p < .05 cally in the context of appearance-related social comparisons, and
and *** p < .001. the first to demonstrate that appearance-related social comparison
L.R. Vartanian, S. Dey / Body Image 10 (2013) 495–500 499
tendencies mediate the relation between self-concept clarity and Cahill, S., & Mussap, A. J. (2007). Emotional reactions following exposure to idealized
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