IEH - Ready Reckoner
IEH - Ready Reckoner
IEH - Ready Reckoner
The energy stored in the A drive that gives you An engine drive uses the IC A smart solution that
battery pack is utilized to optimum performance and engine to help you cruise maximizes energy efficiency
power the electric motor spontaneous acceleration through your journeys by using regenerative braking
using the power of both, the to recharge the Li-ion battery
Truly electric drive that petrol engine and the battery It also charges the battery at
provides immediate pack the same time Electric motor now acts as a
acceleration generator and produces
A power-split device Used in moderate speed electricity to recharge the
Operates till speeds of 40** combines electric motor & cruising battery
kmph petrol engine torque
No Range Anxiety
The battery charges during cruising and regenerative
braking, which gives you an extended range as compared
to an electric vehicle that needs charging at regular
Enhanced performance
Enhanced power delivery from the combined output of
the petrol engine and electric motor delivers smooth
and quick acceleration.
Quiet Driving
Minimal engine noise in the EV mode and a smooth
switch over between petrol and electric will give you a
smoother and happier driving experience.
An engine burns fuel to power the wheels A motor converts electrical energy into
and also charge the battery. mechanical energy to power the wheels.
68 kW / 92.5 PS 59 kW / 80.2 PS
122 Nm 141 Nm
A Power Split Device allows the vehicle to be Generates electricity using engine rotation
powered by either the engine, the electric and sends it to the high voltage battery.
motor or a combination of them both. Also used to provide smooth engine
85 kW / 115.6 PS
A self charging High Voltage Lithium-ion A Power Control Unit regulates the flow of
battery stores the generated electricity and current between the battery, generator and
supplies it to the electric motor to drive the electric motor.
1. Converts direct current (DC)
from the HV battery into
alternating current (AC) to
LITHIUM-ION# power the electric motor
# The high voltage battery is situated behind seat & in boot area
Disclaimer: Image used for representation purpose only.
An Intelligent Electric Hybrid can drive in pure electric mode for up to 60%** of drive time.
The electric motor can exclusively drive the car on battery power alone, without using the petrol engine depending on battery’s
state of charge.
The Intelligent Electric Hybrid knows when to switch between the electric power source and the petrol engine. The result is, you
could be driving on a road at 40KMPH** and be in pure electric mode with low fuel consumption and zero tailpipe emissions.
2. How efficient is the Intelligent Electric Hybrid when compared to diesel or petrol engine?
Intelligent Electric Hybrid significantly reduces NOX and C02 emissions by up to ~27% when compared to diesel or petrol and offers
~35% improved fuel economy.
3. Will there be any lag time while shifting from petrol engine to motor and vice versa?
Both petrol engine and EV motor complement each other hence, transition from EV to petrol engine is seamless and without any
4. How safe is the battery pack with respect to overheating, warm conditions, accidents etc.?
The high voltage battery is equipped with a cooling system which operates to prevent the battery from overheating.
If the vehicle is involved in a collision, the Intelligent Electric Hybrid System’s control ECU will shut down the power supply for
Thus, protecting our passengers from battery-related hazards incase of adverse events.
The Intelligent Electric Hybrid produces electricity in two ways:
1. Firstly, the Intelligent Electric Hybrid system recharges the battery by recovering energy through regenerative braking from the
braking system while driving.
2. Secondly, when the engine is performing efficiently, electricity is generated by the generator. This is all controlled automatically
by the Intelligent Electric Hybrid without any need for input from the driver.
The Intelligent Electric Hybrid system recharges the battery by recovering energy from the braking system and while driving.
Thanks to Intelligent Electric Hybrid’s self charging capabilities, there is no external dependency to charge and thus results in no
range anxiety issues such as: ‘how to charge a Hybrid car’, ‘where are the Hybrid charging points located’, or ‘where is my nearest
Hybrid charging station’?
7. Will both the batteries give power to motor for driving in EV mode?
Only the High Voltage Lithium-ion battery placed in rear section of the car below the boot area will be used to power the motor
during EV mode.
Maintenance and running costs are very low in case of Intelligent Electric Hybrid.
The self-charging hybrid electric vehicles undergo lesser wear & tear, resulting in lower maintenance cost.
9. Will the Hybrid Battery lose its strength the more it is used?
The battery is designed to last the life of the vehicle. Even frequent use of electric-only mode will have no adverse effect.
Infact, globally some hybrid vehicles have already crossed over 4 lakh kilometers in mileage.
10. Can a hybrid continue to run on electricity when it runs out of fuel?
Even though Intelligent Electric Hybrid has an EV mode, they are not designed to run without petrol.
11. What is the difference between Power Control Unit and Inverter?
The Power Control Unit (PCU) consists of 2 main components:
- An inverter to power the motor
- A boost converter to increase voltage
During acceleration, the PCU coverts a battery’s electric power from direct current to alternating current and then supplies power
to the motor. During deceleration, it converts electric power from alternating current to direct current to recover the regenerated
electric power.
12. What will be the duration of motor assist? Will it be short duration like torque assist?
Intelligent Electric hybrid provides higher degree of torque assist than a mild hybrid. It combines the power of a petrol engine and
an electric motor to give you quick acceleration and best-in-class fuel efficiency.
The electric motor in IEH can drive in electric mode for up to 60%** of drive time. It even features a dedicated EV mode.
In mild hybrids on the other hand, Torque Assist can be maintained only for a short period of time.