Hardware The term hardware refers to High-Level Language A high-level Secondary Memory : The secondary manufacturing and greater
manufacturing and greater memory
mechanical device that makes up language is a computer language which memory is also known as external capacities. Disadvantage: Slow access computer. Computer hardware consists of can be understood by the users. The high- memory, and this is accessible by the speed and high power consumption interconnected electronic devices that we level language is very similar to human processor through an input/output can use to control computer’s operation, languages and has a set of grammar rules module. This memory includes an optical Floppy Disk: A floppy disk is a flexible input and output. Examples of hardware that are used to make instructions more disk, magnetic disk, and magnetic tape disk with a magnetic coating on it. It is are CPU, keyboard, mouse, hard disk, etc. easily. Every high-level language has a set packaged inside a protective plastic Hardware Components Computer of predefined words known as Keywords Registers: Usually, the register is a envelope. These are one of the oldest hardware is a collection of several and a set of rules known as Syntax to static RAM or SRAM in the processor of type of portable storage devices that components working together. Some create instructions. The high-level the computer which is used for holding could store up to 1.44 MB of data but parts are essential and others are added language is easier to understand for the now they are not used due to very less the data word which is typically 64 or 128 advantages. Computer hardware is made users but the computer can not bits. The program counter register is the memory storage. up of CPU and peripherals understand it. High-level language needs most important as well as found in all the to be converted into the low-level processors. Most of the processors use a Hard disk: A hard disk consists of one Software A set of instructions that language to make it understandable by status word register as well as an or more circular disks called platters drives computer to do stipulated tasks is the computer. We use Compiler or accumulator. A status word register is interpreter to convert highlevel language which are mounted on a common spindle. called a program. Software instructions used for decision making, and the Each surface of a platter is coated with a to low-level language. Languages like are programmed in a computer language, accumulator is used to store the data like magnetic material. Both surfaces of each translated into machine language, and COBOL, FORTRAN, BASIC, C, C++, JAVA, mathematical operation. Usually, etc., are examples of high-level languages. disk are capable of storing data except the executed by computer. Software can be computers like complex instruction set top and bottom disk where only the inner categorized into two types − System All these programming languages use computers have so many registers for human-understandable language like surface is used. The information is software Application software System accepting main memory, and RISC- recorded on the surface of the rotating Software System software operates English to write program instructions. reduced instruction set computers have These instructions are converted to low- disk by magnetic read/write heads directly on hardware devices of computer. more registers It provides a platform to run an level language by the compiler so that it can be understood by the computer Magnetic Tape: This tape is a normal application. It provides and supports user Cache Memory:Cache memory can functionality. Examples of system magnetic recording which is designed also be found in the processor, however with a slender magnetizable covering on software include operating systems such Assembler is a type of computer rarely it may be another IC (integrated an extended, plastic film of the thin strip. as Windows, Linux, Unix, etc. Application program that interprets software circuit) which is separated into levels. The This is mainly used to back up huge data. Software An application software is programs written in assembly language cache holds the chunk of data which are Whenever the computer requires to designed for benefit of users to perform into machine language, code and instructions that can be executed by a frequently used from main memory. access a strip, first it will mount to access one or more tasks. Examples of When the processor has a single core application software include Microsoft computer. An assembler enables software the data. Once the data is allowed, then it and application developers to access, then it will have two (or) more cache will be unmounted. The access time of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Oracle, etc levels rarely. Present multi-core operate and manage a computer's memory will be slower within magnetic hardware architecture and components. processors will be having three, 2-levels strip as well as it will take a few minutes Computer Language: Generally, we An assembler is sometimes referred to as for each one core, and one level is shared. for accessing a strip. use languages like English, Hindi, etc., to the compiler of assembly language. It also make communication between two provides the services of an interpreter. Main Memory: The main memory in Magnetic Disks The magnetic disks persons. That means when we want to the computer is nothing but, the memory make communication between two in the computer are circular plates unit in the CPU that communicates fabricated of plastic otherwise metal by persons we need a language through A compiler is a software program that directly. It is the main storage unit of the magnetized material. Frequently, two which persons can express their feelings. is responsible for changing initial computer. This memory is fast as well as faces of the disk are utilized as well as Similarly, when we want to make programmed code into a more basic large memory used for storing the data communication between user and many disks may be stacked on one spindle machine language closer to the “bare throughout the operations of the by read or write heads obtainable on computer or between two or more metal” of the hardware, and more computer. This memory is made up of every plane. All the disks in computer turn computers we need a language through readable by the computer itself. A high- RAM as well as ROM which user can give information to the jointly at high speed. The tracks in the level source code that is written by a computer and vice versa. When a user computer are nothing but bits which are developer in a high-level programming wants to give any instruction to the Random Access Memory (RAM) is stored within the magnetized plane in language gets translated into a lower- used to store the programs and data spots next to concentric circles. These are computer the user needs a specific level object code by the compiler, to language and that language is known as a being used by the CPU in real-time. The usually separated into sections which are make the result “digestible” to the data on the random access memory can named as sectors. computer language. The user interacts processor. with the computer using programs and be read, written, and erased any number that programs are created using of times. RAM is a hardware element Compact Disk: A Compact Disc An interpreter is a computer program where the data being currently used is computer programming languages like C, drive(CDD) is a device that a computer that is used to directly execute program stored. It is a volatile memory. Types of C++, Java, etc., uses to read data that is encoded digitally instructions written using one of the RAM: Static RAM, or (SRAM) Dynamic many high-level programming on a compact disc(CD). A CD drive can be RAM, or (DRAM installed inside a computer’s Low-Level Language (Machine languages.The interpreter transforms the Language) Low-Level language is the only high-level program into an intermediate compartment, provided with an opening language which can be understood by the language that it then executes, or it could for easier disc tray access or it can be parse the high-level source code and then used by a peripheral device connected to computer. Binary Language is an example performs the commands directly, which is one of the ports provided in the computer of a low-level language. Low-level Read Only Memory (ROM) is a type done line by line or statement by system.Acompact disk or CD can store language is also known as Machine of memory where the data has been statement approximately 650 to 700 megabytes of Language. The binary language contains prerecorded. Data stored in ROM is only two symbols 1 & 0. All the data. A computer should possess a CD retained even after the computer is instructions of binary language are Drive to read the CDs turned off ie, non-volatile. Types of ROM: written in the form of binary numbers 1's Memory Hierarchy: The memory in Programmable ROM, where the data is & 0's. A computer can directly understand a computer can be divided into five written after the memory chip has been Pen Drive Pen drive is a portable the binary language. Machine language is hierarchies based on the speed as well as memory device that uses solid created. It is non-volatile. Erasable use. The processor can move from one also known as the Machine Code. As the Programmable ROM, where the data on statememory rather than magnetic fields level to another based on its CPU directly understands the binary this non-volatile memory chip can be or lasers to record data. Ituses a requirements. The five hierarchies in the language instructions, it does not require memory are registers, cache, main erased by exposing it to high-intensity UV technology similar to RAM, except that it any translator. CPU directly starts memory, magnetic discs, and magnetic light. Electrically Erasable Programmable is nonvolatile. Itis also called USB drive, executing the binary language instructions tapes. The first three hierarchies are ROM, where the data on this non-volatile key drive or flash memory. and takes very less time to execute the volatile memories which mean when memory chip can be electrically erased instructions as it does not require any there is no power, and then automatically using field electron emission. Mask ROM, DVD:It stands for Digital Versatile Disk or translation. Low-level language is they lose their stored data. Whereas the in which the data is written during the Digital Video Disk. It looks just like a CD considered as the First Generation last two hierarchies are not volatile which manufacturing of the memory chip and use a similar technology as that of the Language (1GL) means they store the data permanently. A CDs but allows tracks to be spaced closely memory element is the set of storage devices which stores the binary data in Static Random Access Memory enough to store data that is more than six Middle-Level Language (Assembly (SRAM) : Data is stored in transistors times the CD’s capacity. It is a significant the type of bits. In general, the storage of Language) Middle-level language is a memory can be classified into two and requires a constant power flow. advancement in portable storage computer language in which the categories such as volatile as well as non- Because of the continuous power, SRAM technology. A DVD holds 4.7 GB to 17 GB instructions are created using symbols volatile. The memory hierarchy design in doesn’t need to be refreshed to of data. such as letters, digits and special a computer system mainly includes remember the data being stored. SRAM is characters. Assembly language is an different storage devices. Most of the called static as no change or action i.e. Blue Ray Disk: This is the latest example of middle-level language. In computers were inbuilt with extra storage refreshing is not needed to keep the data optical storage media to store high assembly language, we use predefined to run more powerfully beyond the main intact. It is used in cache memories. definition audio and video. It is similar to words called mnemonics. Binary code memory capacity. The following memory Advantage: Low power consumption and a CD or DVD but can store up to 27 GB of instructions in low-level language are hierarchy diagram is a hierarchical faster access speeds. Disadvantage: Less data on a single layer disk and up to 54 GB replaced with mnemonics and operands pyramid for computer memory. The designing of the memory hierarchy is memory capacities and high costs of of data on a dual layer disk. While CDs or in middle-level language. But the manufacturing. DVDs use red laser beam, the blue ray computer cannot understand mnemonics, divided into two types such as primary (Internal) memory and secondary disk uses a blue laser to read/write data so we use a translator called Assembler to translate mnemonics into binary (External) memory. Dynamic Random Access on a disk
language. Assembler is a translator which Memory (DRAM) : Data is stored in
takes assembly code as input and capacitors. Capacitors that store data in produces machine code as output. That Primary Memory : The primary DRAM gradually discharge energy, no means, the computer cannot understand memory is also known as internal energy means the data has been lost. So, middle-level language, so it needs to be memory, and this is accessible by the a periodic refresh of power is required in translated into a low-level language to processor straightly. This memory order to function. DRAM is called dynamic make it understandable by the computer. includes main, cache, as well as CPU as constant change or action i.e. Assembler is used to translate middle- registers. refreshing is needed to keep the data level language into low-level language intact. It is used to implement main memory. Advantage: Low costs of Memory hierarchy Control Unit This unit controls all the The Hypertext Transfer Protocol XHTML stands for EXtensible HyperText characteristics Performance other units of the computer system and (HTTP) is an application-level protocol Markup Language. It is a cross between Previously, the designing of a computer so is known as its central nervous system. for distributed,collaborative, hypermedia HTML and XML language. XHTML is system was done without memory It transfers data throughout the computer information systems. This is the almost identical to HTML but it is stricter hierarchy, and the speed gap among the as required including from storage unit to foundation for datacommunication for than HTML. XHTML is HTML defined as an main memory as well as the CPU registers central processing unit and vice versa. The the World Wide Web (i.e. internet) since XML application. It is supported by all enhances because of the huge disparity in control unit also dictates how the 1990. HTTP is a generic andstateless major browsers. Although XHTML is access time, which will cause the lower memory, input output devices, arithmetic protocol which can be used for other almost the same as HTML but It is more performance of the system. So, the logic unit etc. should behave purposes as well using extensions of important to create your code correctly, enhancement was mandatory. The itsrequest methods, error codes, and because XHTML is stricter than HTML in enhancement of this was designed in the Buses –Data is transmitted from one headers.Basically, HTTP is a TCP/IP based syntax and case sensitivity. XHTML memory hierarchy model due to the part of a computer to another, connecting communication protocol, that is used to documents are well-formed and parsed system’s performance increase. Ability all major internal components to the CPU deliver data(HTML files, image files, query using standard XML parsers, unlike HTML, The ability of the memory hierarchy is the and memory, by the means of Buses. results, etc.) on the World Wide Web. The which requires a lenient HTML-specific total amount of data the memory can Types: Data Bus: It carries data among the default port is TCP80, but other ports can parser store. Because whenever we shift from memory unit, the I/O devices, and the be used as well. It provides a standardized top to bottom inside the memory processor. Address Bus: It carries the way for computers tocommunicate with HTML Table: The <table> tag defines an hierarchy, then the capacity will increase. address of data (not the actual data) each other. HTTP specification specifies HTML table.Each table row is defined with Access Time The access time in the between memory and processor. Control how clients' request data will a <tr> tag. Each table header is defined memory hierarchy is the interval of the Bus: It carries control commands from the beconstructed and sent to the server, and with a <th> tag. Each table data/cell is time among the data availability as well as CPU (and status signals from other how the servers respond to these defined with a <td> tag.By default, the request to read or write. Because devices) in order to control and requests. text in <th> elements are bold and whenever we shift from top to bottom coordinate all the activities within the centered.By default, the text in <td> inside the memory hierarchy, then the computer Basic Features: There are three basic elements are regular and left-align access time will increase Cost per bit features that make HTTP a simple but When we shift from bottom to top inside powerful protocol: 1.HTTP is Von Neumann Bottleneck The HTML Table - Add a BorderTo add a the memory hierarchy, then the cost for connectionless: The HTTP client, i.e., a border to a table, term “Von Neumann architecture" has each bit will increase which means an browser initiates an HTTP request internal Memory is expensive compared evolved to mean any stored-program computer in which an instruction fetch andafter a request is made, the client HTML LIST• Unordered List• Ordered list• with external memory waits for the response. The server and a data operation cannot occur at the Definition list same time because they share a common processes the requestand sends a Input Unit: The input unit provides bus. Whatever we do to enhance response back after which client unordered HTML List: An unordered list data to the computer system from the disconnect the connection. So client and performance, we cannot get away from starts with the <ul> tag. Each list item outside. So, basically it links the external the fact that instructions can only be done serverknows about each other during starts with the <li> tag.The list items will environment with the computer. It takes one at a time and can only be carried out current request and response only. be marked with bullets (small black data from the input devices, converts it sequentially. Both of these factors hold Further requests aremade on new circles) by default into machine language and then loads it back the competence of the CPU. This is connection like client and server are new into the computer system. Keyboard, commonly referred to as the ‘Von to each other. 2.HTTP is media mouse etc. are the most commonly used independent: It means, any type of data Ordered HTML List: An ordered list starts Neumann bottleneck’ and often it limits with the <ol> tag. Each list item starts input devices. the performance of the system can be sent by HTTP as long asboth the client and the server know how to handle with the <li> tag.The list items will be the data content. It is required for marked with numbers by default: Output Unit: The output unit provides In the top-down approach, a theclient as well as the server to specify the results of computer process to the complex algorithm is broken down into the content type using appropriate MIME- HTML Description ListsHTML also users i.e it links the computer with the smaller fragments, better known as type. 3.HTTP is stateless: As mentioned supports description lists. A description external environment. Most of the output ‘modules.’ These modules are then above, HTTP is connectionless and it is a list is a list of terms, with a description of data is the form of audio or video. The further broken down into more smaller direct result of HTTP being a stateless each term. The <dl> tag defines the different output devices are monitors, fragments until they can no longer be protocol. The server and client are aware description list, the <dt> tag defines the printers, speakers, headphones etc. fragmented. This process is called of each other only during acurrent term (name), and the <dd> tag describes ‘modularization.’ However, during the request. Afterwards, both of them forget each term: Storage Unit: Storage unit contains modularization process, you must always about each other. Due to this nature of many computer components that are maintain the integrity and originality of theprotocol, neither the client nor the HTML LINKS : External links are links that used to store data. It is traditionally the algorithm. By breaking a bigger browser can retain information between lead from one site to another site or a file divided into primary storage and problem into smaller fragments, the top- different requestsacross the web pages. located on another site. Internal links are secondary storage.Primary storage is also down approach minimizes the links that link from one page of a site to known as the main memory and is the complications usually incurred while Hypertext Markup Language another page on the same site or to memory directly accessible by the CPU. designing algorithms. Furthermore, in this (HTML) is the standard markup sections of the same page There are two Secondary or external storage is not approach, each function in a code is language for documents designed to be types of links to pages you can create. directly accessible by the CPU. The data unique and works independently of other displayed in a web browser. It can be There is the “Internal Link” and the from secondary storage needs to be functions. The topdown approach is assisted by technologies such as “External Link“. An “Internal Link” is a link brought into the primary storage before heavily used in the C programming Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting in your site that navigates the visitor to the CPU can use it. Secondary storage language languages such as JavaScript.Web another page in your website. The contains a large amount of data “External Link” navigates the visitor away browsers receive HTML documents from a permanently. The Bottom-Up Approach from your site to another website in the web server or from local storage and Contrary to the top-down approach, the internet (like https://google.com). Below render the documents into multimedia Arithmetic Logic Unit: All the bottom-up approach focuses on designing web pages. HTML describes the structure are examples of an external and internal calculations related to the computer an algorithm by beginning at the very of a web page semantically and originally link. The <a> in an HTML tag called an system are performed by the arithmetic basic level and building up as it goes. In included cues for the appearance of the “anchor“. The anchor can have different logic unit. It can perform operations like this approach, the modules are designed attributes inside. The “href” attribute is document.HTML elements are the addition, subtraction, multiplication, individually and are then integrated building blocks of HTML pages. With the location the link takes you when division etc. The control unit transfers together to form a complete algorithmic HTML constructs, images and other clicked data from storage unit to arithmetic logic design. So, in this method, each and every objects such as minteractive forms may unit when calculations need to be module is built and tested at an individual be embedded into the rendered page. HTML Links – Syntax The HTML <a> tag performed. The arithmetic logic unit and level (unit testing) prior to integrating HTML provides a means to create defines a hyperlink. It has the following the control unit together form the central them to build a concrete solution. syntax:<a href="url">link text</a>The structured documents by denoting processing unit. structural semantics for text such as most important attribute of the <a> The World Wide Web Consortium headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes element is the href attribute, which Main Memory Unit (Registers) – (W3C) is the main international and other items. HTML elements are indicates the link's destination.The link 1.Accumulator: Stores the results of standards organization for the World delineated by tags, written using angle text is the part that will be visible to the calculations made by ALU.2.Program Wide Web. the consortium is made up of brackets. Tags such as <img /> and <input reader.Clicking on the link text, will send Counter (PC): Keeps track of the memory member organizations that maintain full- /> directly introduce content into the the reader to the specified URL address location of the next instructions to be time staff working together in the page. Other tags such as <p> surround dealt with. The PC then passes this next development of standards for the World and provide information about document HTML Links - The target Attribute By address to Memory Address Register Wide Web W3C is an international text and may include other tags as sub- default, the linked page will be displayed (MAR).3.Memory Address Register (MAR): community of member organizations that elements. Browsers do not display the in the current browser window. To It stores the memory locations of articulates web standards so that HTML tags, but use them to interpret the change this, you must specify another instructions that need to be fetched from websites look and work the same in all content of the page.HTML can embed target for the link.The target attribute memory or stored into web browsers. Its mission is to lead the programs written in a scripting language specifies where to open the linked memory.4.Memory Data Register (MDR): World Wide Web to its full potential by such as JavaScript, which affects the document. It stores instructions fetched from developing standards, protocols and behavior and content of web pages. memory or any data that is to be guidelines that ensure its long-term Inclusion of CSS defines the look and The HTML <audio> Element To play an transferred to, and stored in, memory. growth. The World Wide Web Consortium layout of content. The World Wide Web audio file in HTML, use the <audio> 5.Current Instruction Register (CIR): It (W3C) develops international Web Consortium (W3C), former maintainer of element:The controls attribute adds audio stores the most recently fetched standards: HTML , CSS , and many more. the HTML and current maintainer of the controls, like play, pause, and volume.The instructions while it is waiting to be coded W3C's Web standards are called W3C CSS standards, has encouraged the use of <source> element allows you to specify and executed.6.Instruction Buffer Register Recommendations . All W3C standards CSS over explicit presentational HTML alternative audio files which the browser (IBR): The instruction that is not to be are reviewed for accessibility support by may choose from. The browser will use executed immediately is placed in the the Accessible Platform Architectures the first recognized format.The text instruction buffer register IBR (APA) Working Grou between the <audio> and </audio> tags will only be displayed in browsers that do not support the <audio> element.HTML <audio> AutoplayTo start an audio file automatically, use the autoplayattribute The HTML <video> ElementTo show a Web Hosting is a service that allows DNS DNS stands for a Domain Name URL stands for Uniform Resource video in HTML, use the <video> hosting/post web-server applications( System. resolves names to numbers, to Locator. A URL is a formatted text string element:The controls attribute adds video website or web page ) on a computer be more specific it resolves domain used by Web browsers, email clients and controls, like play, pause, and volume.It is system through which web-browser client names to IP addresses. So if you type in a other software to identify a network a good idea to always include width and can have easy access to electronic content web address in your web browser, DNS resource on the Internet. Network height attributes. If height and width are on the Internet. Web Server or Web Host will resolve the name to a number resources are files that can be plain Web not set, the page might flicker while the is a computer system that provide web because the only thing computers know pages, other text documents, graphics, or video loads.The <source> element allows hosting. When Internet user’s want to are numbers. programs. you to specify alternative video files view your website, all they need to do is which the browser may choose from. The type your website address or domain into Working : If you wanted to go to a certain URL strings consist of three parts browser will use the first recognized their browser. The user’s computer will website you would open up your web (substrings):protocol designation, host format.The text between the <video> and then connect to your server and your web browser and type in domain name of that name or address, file or resource location </video> tags will only be displayed in pages will be delivered to them through website. Let us use google.com. Now browsers that do not support the <video> the browser. Basically, the web hosts technically you really do not have to type element.HTML <video> AutoplayTo start a allows the customers to place documents, in google.com to retrieve Google web video automatically, use the autoplay such as html pages, graphics, and other page, you can just type in IP address attribute multimedia files etc. onto a special type of CSS is the language for describing the instead if you already know what google’s computer called a web server. It provides presentation of Web pages, including IP address is, but since we are not HTML Attributes constant and high speed connection to colors, layout, and fonts. It allows one to accustomed to memorizing and dealing the backbone of Internet. adapt the presentation to different types with numbers, especially when there are of devices, such as large screens, small •All HTML elements can have attributes millions of websites on Internet, we can screens, or printers. CSS is independent of Different types of Web hosting services just type in domain name instead and let HTML and can be used with any •Attributes provide additional are DNS convert it to an IP address for us. So XML based markup language. What is information about elements back to our example, when you type CSS? CSS stands for Cascading Style 1. Free Hosting : This is a free non-paid google.com on your web browser DNS Sheets CSS describes how HTML elements web hosting service. This type of hosting server will search through its cache to find •Attributes are always specified in the are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in is available with many prominent sites a matching IP address for that domain start tag other media CSS saves a lot of work. It can that offer to host some web pages for no name, and when it finds it it will resolve control the layout of multiple web pages cost. Advantages : Free of cost, Use that domain name to IP address of Google •Attributes usually come in name/value all at once External stylesheets are stored websites to place advertisements. web site, and once that is done then your pairs like: name="value" in CSS file banners and other forms of,advertising computer is able to communicate with a media Disadvantages: Customer support Google web server and retrieve the The href Attribute The <a> tag defines a webpage. So DNS basically works like a When a browser reads a style sheet, it will is missing, Low bandwidth and lesser data hyperlink. The href attribute specifies the phone book, when you want to find a format the HTML document according to transfer, No control over your website URL of the page the link goes to: number, you do not look up number first, the information in the style sheet. Three you look up name first then it will give Ways to Insert CSS There are three ways 2. Shared/Virtual Hosting : Its a web of inserting a style sheet: External CSS The src Attribute:The <img> tag is used to you the number. So to break this down hosting service where many website Internal CSS Inline CSS embed an image in an HTML page. The src into further detail, let us examine the reside on one web server connected to attribute specifies the path to the image steps that DNS takes. So when you type in the internet. This type of hosting is to be displayed: google.com in your web browser and if Properties of CSS: Inline CSS has the provided under one’s own domain name, your web browser or operating system highest priority, then comes www.yourname.com. With a hosting plan cannot find IP address in its own cache Internal/Embedded followed by External The alt Attribute: The required alt with the wed b hosting company, one can memory, it will send a query to next level CSS which has the least priority. Multiple attribute for the <img> tag specifies an present oneself as a fully independent to what is called resolver server. Resolver style sheets can be defined on one page. alternate text for an image, if the image identity to his/her web audience server is basically your ISP or Internet If for an HTML tag, styles are defined in for some reason cannot be displayed. This .Advantages : Easy and affordable, service provider, so when resolver multiple style sheets then the below can be due to slow connection, or an Secured by hosting provider 24/7 receives this query, it will check its own order will be followed. As Inline has the error in the src attribute, or if the user Technical support Disadvantages: Shared cache memory to find an IP address for highest priority, any styles that are uses a screen reader. resources can slow down the whole google.com, and if it cannot find it it will defined in the internal and external style server, Less flexible than dedicated send query to next level which is root sheets are overridden by Inline styles. The title Attribute: The title attribute hosting server. The root servers are the top most Internal or Embedded stands second in defines some extra information about an server in the DNS hierarchy.There are 13 the priority list and overrides the styles in element. The value of the title attribute 3. Dedicated Hosting : Hosted on a sets of these root servers from a.root- the external style sheet. External style will be displayed as a tooltip when you dedicated server, this type of hosting is servers.net to m.root-servers.net and sheets have the least priority. If there are mouse over the element: best suited for large websites with high they are strategically placed around no styles defined either in inline or traffic. In this, the company wishing to go world, and they are operated by 12 internal style sheet then external style The style Attribute: The style attribute is online, rents an entire web server from a different organizations and each set of sheet rules are applied for the HTML tags used to add styles to an element, such as hosting company. This is suitable for these root servers has their own unique IP color, font, size, and more companies hosting larger websites, address. So when root server receives maintaining other’s sites or managing a query for IP address for google.com, root big online mall etc. Advantages : Ideal for server is not going to know what IP The HTML Style Attribute: Setting the large business, Strong database support, address is, but root server does know style of an HTML element, can be done Unlimited software support, Powerful e- where to send resolver to help it find IP with the style attribute.The HTML style mail solutions, Complete root access to address. So root server will direct resolver attribute has the following your servers Disadvantages: Its very to TLD or top-level domain server for syntax:<tagname style="property:value;"> expensive, Requires superior skill sets .com domain. So resolver will now ask TLD Background Color:The CSS background- server for IP address for google.com. The 4. Co-located Hosting : This hosting lets top-level domain server stores address color property defines the background you place your own web server on the information for top-level domains such as color for an HTML element. premises of a service provider. It is similar .com and .net, .org, and so on. This to that of dedicated hosting except for particular TLD server manages .com Text Color The CSS color property defines the fact that the server is now provided domain which google.com is a part of. So the text color for an HTML element: by the user-company itself and its physical when a TLD server receives query for IP needs are met by the hosting company. address for google.com, TLD server is not Fonts: The CSS font-family property Advantages : Greater Bandwidth High Up- going to know what IP addresses for defines the font to be used for Time Unlimited Software Options, High google.com. So the TLD will direct Security Disadvantages: Difficult to resolver to next and final level, which are Text Size:The CSS font-size property configure and debug, Its expensive, authoritative name servers. So once again defines the text size for an HTML element Require high skills the resolver will now ask authoritative name server for IP address for Text Alignment:The CSS text-align A domain is a worldwide unique and google.com. Authoritative name server or property defines the horizontal text unambiguous name for a logically defined servers are responsible for knowing alignment for an HTML element: section of the internet; a website, for everything about domain which includes example. Domains appear in this IP address. They are final authority. So form:www.example.com A domain is an when the authoritative name server Web server is a computer where the essential part of a uniform resource receives query from resolver, name server web content is stored. Basically web Llocator (URL) and indicates where a web will respond with IP address for server is used to host the web sites but resource can be found within a google.com. And finally, resolver will tell there exists other web servers also such hierarchically structured domain name your computer IP address for google.com as gaming, storage, FTP, email etc. system (DNS). The name server is in and then your computer can now retrieve charge of translating the domain into an google web page. It is important to note IP address. Specialized web servers are Web site is collection of web pages that once resolver receives IP address, it then entrusted with resolving IP whileweb server is a software that will store it in its cache memory in case it addresses. This process works in a similar respond to the request for web resources. receives another query for google.com. So way to a directory assistance service: a user writes the domain it does not have to go through all those Web Server Working: Web server www.example.com into the browser’s steps again.DNS servers has different search bar and a request is then sent to types of records to manage resolution respond to the client request in either of the corresponding name server . Upon efficiently and provide important the following two ways:Sending the file to arrival www.example.com is then information about a domain. These the client associated with the requested retrieved from the database and the records are the details which are cached URL. Generating response by invoking a deposited IP address is transmitted to the bu DNS servers. Each records have a script and communicating with database browser. TTL(Time To Live) value in seconds associated with it, these values set time for the expiration of cached record in DNS server which ranges to 60 to 86400 depending on the DNS provider.
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