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Matrix Differential Calculus With Applic

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with Applications
in Statistics
and Econometrics

Revised Edition

CentERjor Economic Research, Tilburg University


Cesaro, Schagen


Chichester • New York • Weinheim • Brisbane • Singapore • Toronto
Preface to the fast revised printing
Preface to the second revised printing

Part One—Matrices

1 Basic properties of vectors and matrices

1 Introduction, 3
2 Sets, 3
3 Matrices: addition and multiplication, 4
4 The transpose of a matrix, 5
5 Square matrices, 6
6 Linear forms and quadratic forms, 7
7 The rank ofa matrix, 8
8 The inverse, 9
9 The determinant, 9
10 The trace, 10
11 Partitioned matrices, 11
12 Complex matrices, 13
13 cigenvalues and eigenvectors, 13
14 Schur's decomposition theorem, 16
15 The Jordan decomposition, 17
16 The singular-value decomposition, 18
17 Furt her results concerning eigenvalues, 19
18 Positive (semi)definite matrices, 21
19 Threefurther resultsfor positive definite matrices, 23
20 A useful result, 24
Miscellaneous exercises, 25
Bibiliographical notes, 26

2 Kronecker products, the vec Operator and the

Moore-Penrose inverse
1 Introduction, 27
2 The Kronecker product, 27
3 Eigenvalues of a Kronecker product, 28
4 The vec Operator, 30
5 The Moore-Penrose (MP) inverse, 32
6 Existence and uniqueness of the MP inverse, 32
7 Some properties ofthe MP inverse, 33
8 Further properties, 34
9 The Solution of linear equation Systems, 36
Miscellaneous exercises, 38
Bibliographical notes, 39

3 Miscellaneous matrix results

1 Introduction, 40
2 77ie adjoint matrix, 40
3 Proof of Theorem 7, 41
4 7\vo results concerning bordered determinants, 43
5 77ie matrix equation AX = 0, 44
6 77ie Hadamard product, 45
7 77»e commutation matrix Kmn, 46
8 77ie duplication matrix Dn, 48
9 Relationship between D„+i and D„, I, 50
10 Relationship between D„+l and D„, II, 52
11 Conditions for a quadratic form to be positive (negative) subject
linear constraints, 53
12 Necessary and sufficient conditions for r(A:B) = r{A) + r(B), 56
13 The bordered Gramian matrix, 57
14 The equations X1A + X2B' = Gi,XlB = G2, 60
Miscellaneous exercises, 62
Bibliographical notes, 62

Part Two—Differentials: the theory

4 Mathematical preliminaries
1 Introduction, 65
2 Interior points and accumulation points, 65
3 Open and ciosed sets, 66
4 77ie Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, 69
5 Functions, 70
6 77ie /imit of afunction, 70
7 Continuous functions and compactness, 71
8 Conuex sets, 72
9 Conuex and concave functions, 75
Bibliographical notes, 77

5 Differentials and differentiability 78

1 Introduction, 78
2 Continuity, 78
3 Differentiability and linear approximation, 80
4 The differential of a vector function, 82
5 Uniqueness of the differential, 84
6 Continuity of differentiable functions, 84
7 Partial derivatives, 85
8 Thefirst identification theorem, 87
9 Existence of the differential, I, 88
10 Existence of the differential, II, 89
11 Continuous differentiability, 91
12 The chain rule, 91
13 Cauchy invariance, 93
14 The mean-value theorem for real-valued functions, 93
15 Matrix functions, 94
16 Some remarks on notation, 96
Miscellaneous exercises, 98
Bibliographical notes, 98

6 The second differential 99

1 Introduction, 99
2 Second-order partial derivatives, 99
3 77ie Hessian matrix, 100
4 Twice differentiability and second-order approximation, 1, 101
5 Definition of twice differentiability, 102
6 The second differential, 103
7 (Column) symmetry of the Hessian matrix, 105
8 The second identification theorem, 107
9 Twice differentiability and second-order approximation, II, 108
10 Chain rule for Hessian matrices, 110
11 The analogue for second differentials, 111
12 Taylor's theorem for real-valued functions, 112
13 Higher-order differentials, 113
14 Matrix functions, 114
Bibliographical notes, 115

7 Static optimization 116

1 Introduction, 116
2 Unconstrained optimization, 116
3 The existence of absolute extrema, 118
4 Necessary conditions for a local minimum, 119
5 Sufficient conditions for a local minimum: first-derivative test, 121
6 Sufficient conditions for a local minimum: second-derivative test, 122
7 Characterization of differentiable convex functions, 124
8 Characterization of twice differentiable convex functions, 127
9 Sufficient conditions for an absolute minimum, 128
10 Monotonie transformations, 129
11 Optimization subjeet to constraints, 130
12 Necessary conditions for a local minimum under constraints, 131
13 Sufficient conditions for a local minimum under constraints, 135
14 Sufficient conditions for an absolute minimum under constraints, 139
15 v4 note on constraints in matrix form, 140
16 Economic interpretation of Lagrange multipliers, 141
Appendix: the implicit funetion theorem, 142
Bibliographical notes, 144

Part Three—Differentials: the practice

8 Some important differentials

1 Introduction, 147
2 Fundamental rules of differential calculus, 147
3 The differential of a determinant, 149
4 The differential of an inverse, 151
5 The differential of the Moore-Penrose inverse, 152
6 The differential of the adjoint matrix, 155
7 On differentiating eigenvalues and eigenvectors, 157
8 The differential of eigenvalues and eigenvectors:
the real Symmetrie case, 158
9 The differential of eigenvalues and eigenvectors:
the general complex case, 161
10 Two alternative expressions for <U, 163
11 The second differential of the eigenvalue funetion, 166
12 Multiple eigenvalues, 167
Miscellaneous exercises, 167
Bibliographical notes, 169

9 First-order differentials and Jacobian matrices

1 Introduction, 170
2 Classification, 170
3 Bad notation, 171
4 Good notation, 173
5 Identification of Jacobian matrices, 174
6 The first identification table, 175
7 Partitioning of the derivative, 175
8 Scalar functions of a vector, 176
9 Scalar functions of a matrix, I: trace, 177
10 Scalar functions of a matrix, II: determinant, 178
11 Scalar functions of a matrix, 111: eigenvalue, 180
12 Two examples of vector functions, 181
13 Matrix functions, 182
14 Kronecker products, 184
15 Some other problems, 185
Bibliographical notes, 187

10 Second-order differentials and Hessian matrices

1 Introduction, 188
2 The Hessian matrix of a matrix function, 188
3 Identification of Hessian matrices, 189
4 77ie second identification table, 190
5 An explicit formula for the Hessian matrix, 191
6 Scalar functions, 192
7 Vector functions, 194
8 Matrix functions, I, 194
9 Matrix functions, II, 195

Part Four—Inequalities

11 Inequalities

1 Introduction, 199
2 77ie Caudry-Sc/iwarz inequality, 199
3 Matrix analogues of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, 201
4 77ie theorem of the arithmetic and geometric means, 202
5 77ie Rayleigh quotient, 203
6 Concavity of Xt, convexity of X„, 204
7 Variational description of eigenvalues, 205
8 Fischefs min-max theorem, 206
9 Monotonicity of the eigenvalues, 208
10 77ie Poincare Separation theorem, 209
11 Two corollaries of Poincare's theorem, 210
12 Further consequences of the Poincare theorem, 211
13 Multiplicative version, 212
14 77je maximum of a bilinear form, 213
15 Hadamard's inequality, 214
16 /In interlude: Karamata's inequality, 215
17 Karamata's inequality applied to eigenvalues, 217
18 An inequality concerning positive semidefinite matrices
19 A representation theoremfor (Zap)llp, 218
20 A representation theorem for (tr A")ilp, 219
21 Holder's inequality, 220
22 Concavity of log \A\, 222
23 Minkowskis inequality, 223
24 Quasilinear representation of\A\{", 224
25 Minkowski's determinant theorem, 227
26 Weighted means of order p, 227
27 Schlömilch's inequality, 229
28 Curvature properties of M„{x, a), 230
29 Least Squares, 232
30 Generalized least Squares, 233
31 Restricted least Squares, 233
32 Restricted least Squares: matrix Version, 235
Miscellaneous exercises, 236
Bibliographical notes, 240

Part Five—The linear model

12 Statistical preliminaries
1 Introduction, 243
2 77ie cumulative distribution function, 243
3 77ie yoim density function, 244
4 Expectations, 244
5 Variance and covariance, 245
6 Independence oftwo random variables (vectors), 247
7 Independence of n random variables (vectors), 249
8 Sampling, 249
9 77ie one-dimensional normal distribution, 249
10 The multivariate normal distribution, 250
11 Estimation, 252
Miscellaneous exercises, 253
Bibliographical notes, 253

13 T h e linear regression model

1 Introduction, 254
2 Affine minimum-trace unbiased estimation, 255
3 77ie Gauss-Markov theorem, 256
4 77ie method of least Squares, 258
5 Aitken's theorem, 259
6 Multicollinearity, 261
7 Estimable functions, 263
Contents XI

8 Linear constraints: the case M{R')<^J1 {X'\ 264

9 Linear constraints: the general case, 267
10 Linear constraints: the case Jt(R')c^J((X') = {0}, 270
11 A singular variance matrix: the case J((X)<^M(V), 271
12 A singular variance matrix: the case r(X' V+ X) = r(X), 273
13 A singular variance matrix: the general case, I, 214
14 Explicit and implicit linear constraints, 275
15 The general linear model, I, 277
16 A singular variance matrix: the general case, II, 278
17 The general linear model, II, 281
18 Generalized least Squares, 282
19 Restricted least Squares, 283
Misceilaneous exercises, 285
Bibliographical notes, 286

14 Further topics in the linear model 287

1 Introduction, 287
2 Best quadratic unbiased estimation of a2, 287
3 77ie best quadratic and positive unbiased estimator of a2, 288
4 The best quadratic unbiased estimator ofa2, 290-
5 Best quadratic invariant estimation ofa2, 292
6 The best quadratic and positive invariant estimator of a2, 293
7 The best quadratic invariant estimator ofa2, 294
8 Best quadratic unbiased estimation in the multivariate normal case, 295
9 Boundsfor the bias of the least Squares estimator ofa2,1, 297
10 Boundsfor the bias of the least Squares estimator ofa2, II, 299
11 The prediction of disturbances, 300
12 Predictors that are best linear unbiased with scalar
variance matrix (BLUS), 301
13 Predictors that are best linear unbiased with fixed
variance matrix (BLUF), l, 303
14 Predictors that are best linear unbiased with fixed
variance matrix (BLUF), II, 305
15 Local sensitivity of the posterior mean, 306
16 Local sensitivity of the posterior precision, 308
Bibliographical notes, 309

Part Six—Applications to maximum likelihood estimation

15 Maximum likelihood estimation 313

1 Introduction, 313
2 The method of maximum likelihood (ML), 313
3 ML estimation of the multivariate normal distribution, 314

4 Implicit versus explicit treatment of symmetry, 316

5 The treatment of positive definiteness, 317
6 The information matrix, 317
7 ML estimation of the multivariate normal distribution
with distinct means, 319
8 The multivariate linear regression model, 320
9 The errors-in-variables model, 322
10 The nonlinear regression model with normal errors, 324
11 A special case: functional independence of mean parameters
and variance parameters, 326
12 Generalization of Theorem 6, 327
Miscellaneous exercises, 329
Bibliographical notes, 330

16 Simultaneous equations

1 Introduction, 331
2 The simultaneous equations model, 331
3 The Identification problem, 333
4 Identification with linear constraints on B and V only, 334
5 Identification with linear constraints on B, Y and L, 335
6 Nonlinear constraints, 337
7 Full-information maximum likelihood (FIML): the information matrix
(general case), 337
8 Full-information maximum likelihood (FIML): the asymptotic variance
matrix (special case), 339
9 Limited-information maximum likelihood (LIML): the first-order
conditions, 342
10 Limited-information maximum likelihood (LIML): the information
matrix, 344
11 Limited-information maximum likelihood (LIML): the asymptotic
variance matrix, 346
Bibliographical notes, 351

17 Topics in psychometrics

1 Introduction, 352
2 Population principal components, 353
3 Optimality of principal components, 353
4 A related result, 355
5 Sample principal components, 356
6 Optimality of sample principal components, 358
7 Sample analogue of Theorem 3, 358
8 One-mode component analysis, 358

9 Relationship between one-mode component analysis

and sample principal components, 361
10 Two-mode component analysis, 362
11 Multimode component analysis, 363
12 Factor analysis, 366
13 A zigzag routine, 369
14 A Newton-Raphson routine, 370
15 Kaiser's varimax method, 373
16 Canonical correlations and variates in the population, 376
Bibliographical notes, 378


Index of Symbols

Subject Index

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