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13) Unit Wise Question_Bank

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JSPM Group of Institute, Pune

SBERCT’s Bhagwant Institute of Technology, Barshi.

(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to DBATU Lonere)
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Academic Year: - 2024-25 Name of Faculty: - Prof. Patil J. K.

Subject: - Microprocessor and Microcontroller Class & SEM: - T.Y. B. Tech - VI

UNIT – 1

1) Explain architecture of Intel 8085 with neat diagram

2) What is addressing Mode? Explain different addressing modes of Intel 8085 with an
3) Explain memory read and write cycle of 8085 with suitable waveform
4) Explain 8085 pin function with its pin diagram
5) What is difference between RISC and CISC
6) Compare Harvard and Von Neumann memory architectures with suitable block diagram
7) Write short note on Instruction Set of 8085
8) Explain Data transfer Group of instruction ?Explains with suitable example
9) What are different Interrupts in 8085?Expain it.
10) Explain need of de-multiplexing of AD0 to AD7?
11) Explain pins function of following in detals
12) Explain addressing modes for the following instructions as i)JMP ADDR,ii) CPI,
iii)STAXD, iv)MOVB,C v)STC
13) Classify the interrupts in 8085?
JSPM Group of Institute, Pune
SBERCT’s Bhagwant Institute of Technology, Barshi.
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to DBATU Lonere)
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

UNIT – 2

1) Explain Branching group of instruction set in details?

2) Explain Arithmetic group and Logical of instructions in 8085 with examples?
3) What is stack memory? Explain PUSH and POP operation using suitable Program
4) write assembly program for 8085 to add the 16 bit number in memory locations 2501H
and 2502H to the 16 bit number in memory locations to 2503H and 2504H most
significant 8 bit of two numbers to be added are in memory location in 2502H and 4004H
store the result in memory location in 2505H and 2506H with most significant byte in
memory location 2506H
5) Write ALP program to add two 8-bit numbers whose sum is 16-bits?
6) Write ALP program to get 2’s complement?
7) Write ALP program to find largest and smallest number in array?
8) Write ALP program to find the sum of series of 8-bit number
9) Write ALP for the instruction given below
i)SIM ii)RIM iii)STA iv)LDA v)LXI vi)CMC vii)ORI viii)XRA
JSPM Group of Institute, Pune
SBERCT’s Bhagwant Institute of Technology, Barshi.
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to DBATU Lonere)
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

UNIT – 3

1) With the help of neat diagrams, Describe the differences between microprocessors and

2) With the help of a neat block diagram, Explain the internal architecture of 8051
microcontroller in detail.

3) Draw the pin diagram of 8051 μC and describe the functionality of each pin in detail

4) Describe the functionality of I/O ports present in 8051 μC.

5) Explain internal memory organization in 8051 μC in detail.

6) Define addressing mode. Describe addressing modes of 8051 microcontroller with an

example each.
7) Mention the various registers present in 8051 μC and explain their functionality in detail

8) Draw the flag register or program status word of 8051 μC and describe the functionality of each
flag in detail?
9) Explain following instruction of μC 8051 i) MOV A,#55H ii)ADD A R2 ORG 0H
10) Write ALP to transfer 10 bytes of data from location starting with 8030H to location starting with
8041H without overlap.
11) Explain various assembler directives of 8051 μC.

12) Explain the Data transfer and logical Instructions of 8051 μC with an example.

13) Write a brief description of the interrupts present in 8051 μC.

14) Explain the TMOD and TCON register in details

JSPM Group of Institute, Pune
SBERCT’s Bhagwant Institute of Technology, Barshi.
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to DBATU Lonere)
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

UNIT – 4

1) Distinguish counting and timing requirements, explain the modes of operation of timer/counter of
8051 with diagram.
2) Write an assembly program of 8051 μC to multiply two 8-bit numbers and store the result in a
memory location.
3) Write a program to generate a symmetric square wave of frequency 2Khz if crystal of
frequency11.0592MHz is used
4) Explain the timer structures of 8051 with TMOD register
5) Find the value of TH1 if the timer1 is used in timer mode2 to generate a baud rate of 4800.
Assume appropriate oscillator frequency
6) Compare polling and interrupts. What are the steps microcontroller performs upon
activation of interrupt
7) Explain the which timer and which mode is selected for the following instruction
i)MOV TMOD , #12H ii)MOV TMOD , #20H iii) i)MOV TMOD ,,22H
iv)MOV TMOD , #01H
8) What is serial communication? Explain the format of A) SMOD AND SCON register B)
TMOD AND TCON in details?
9) Write a c language program to display A,B,C,D,E,F letter by using dealy and busy flag
10 Write a c program to generate a symmetric square wave of frequency 2Khz if crystal of
frequency11.0592MHz is used
JSPM Group of Institute, Pune
SBERCT’s Bhagwant Institute of Technology, Barshi.
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to DBATU Lonere)
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

UNIT – 5

1) How multiple interrupts are handled in microprocessor with PIC 8259?Explain with
suitable interfacing diagram
2) Explain programmable Interval Timer 8254 with block diagram AND Explain control word format

3) Explain Interface IC 8255 with neat block diagram?

4) Show an interface of 8051 controller with a stepper motor drive circuit and explain its
principles of Operation
5) Explain with proper diagram and ALP to how ADC operation can be implemented with
the help of 8085 using asynchronous mode of data transfer and 8255 and ADC 0804 chip
and DAC 0808 chip for digital to analog conversion?
6) Interface a 2x4 keys keyboard to 8051 and write an ALP to send the key code to port P1
whenever a key pressed
7) Explain the registers and pins of LCD and write an ALP to display message "HELLO" as
LCD Displays
8) How to interface DC motor to 8051 using opto insulator? Write a C program to move DC
motor with 25% duty cycle pulse
9) Write ALP to interface 8255 to an LED and switch, if the switch is on LED should be
blink, otherwise LED should be off
10) Draw the block schematic of DAC 0808 interfaced to 8051 at port P1 and write an 8051
program to generate sine wave
11) Show an interface of 8051 controller with a stepper motor drive circuit and explain its
principles of
12) Interface ADC 0804 to 8051 and write a program to read analog data and display the
converted data at Port 2.
13) With the help of a neat diagram, show the interfacing of 7- segment display with 8051 μC
and explain its operation
14) Explain the various modes of operation w.r.t serial port in 8051 μC.
15) Write program in c language to interface keyboard with 8051

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