13) Unit Wise Question_Bank
13) Unit Wise Question_Bank
13) Unit Wise Question_Bank
UNIT – 1
UNIT – 2
UNIT – 3
1) With the help of neat diagrams, Describe the differences between microprocessors and
2) With the help of a neat block diagram, Explain the internal architecture of 8051
microcontroller in detail.
3) Draw the pin diagram of 8051 μC and describe the functionality of each pin in detail
8) Draw the flag register or program status word of 8051 μC and describe the functionality of each
flag in detail?
9) Explain following instruction of μC 8051 i) MOV A,#55H ii)ADD A R2 ORG 0H
10) Write ALP to transfer 10 bytes of data from location starting with 8030H to location starting with
8041H without overlap.
11) Explain various assembler directives of 8051 μC.
12) Explain the Data transfer and logical Instructions of 8051 μC with an example.
UNIT – 4
1) Distinguish counting and timing requirements, explain the modes of operation of timer/counter of
8051 with diagram.
2) Write an assembly program of 8051 μC to multiply two 8-bit numbers and store the result in a
memory location.
3) Write a program to generate a symmetric square wave of frequency 2Khz if crystal of
frequency11.0592MHz is used
4) Explain the timer structures of 8051 with TMOD register
5) Find the value of TH1 if the timer1 is used in timer mode2 to generate a baud rate of 4800.
Assume appropriate oscillator frequency
6) Compare polling and interrupts. What are the steps microcontroller performs upon
activation of interrupt
7) Explain the which timer and which mode is selected for the following instruction
i)MOV TMOD , #12H ii)MOV TMOD , #20H iii) i)MOV TMOD ,,22H
iv)MOV TMOD , #01H
8) What is serial communication? Explain the format of A) SMOD AND SCON register B)
TMOD AND TCON in details?
9) Write a c language program to display A,B,C,D,E,F letter by using dealy and busy flag
10 Write a c program to generate a symmetric square wave of frequency 2Khz if crystal of
frequency11.0592MHz is used
JSPM Group of Institute, Pune
SBERCT’s Bhagwant Institute of Technology, Barshi.
(Approved by AICTE, Delhi & Govt. of Maharashtra, affiliated to DBATU Lonere)
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
UNIT – 5
1) How multiple interrupts are handled in microprocessor with PIC 8259?Explain with
suitable interfacing diagram
2) Explain programmable Interval Timer 8254 with block diagram AND Explain control word format