It is the fastest thing in the universe, which travels at the speed of 300,000 km
per second.
Light helps us to see things. Without light our eyes cannot see anything.
For example – In a dark room the objects are not visible to us even though we
keep our eyes open. We can say that light causes the sensation of sight.
Sources of light –
An object which emits light is called a light source.
There are two types of sources.
a) Natural source of light – E.g. sun, stars, glow worm etc.
b) Artificial source of light – candles, oil lamps, electric lights etc.
Luminous object: Objects which emits light of their own are called luminous
Luminous objects
Non-luminous object
Transparent object: Objects which allow light to pass through it are called
transparent object. Example : Glass, clear plastic are transparent.
Transparent object
When light strikes any surface it bounces back, this is called reflection of light.
Mirrors are usually made out of ordinary glass or coated plastic. The back of the
mirror is covered in a shiny metal foil that is designed to reflect light very well.
Mirrors are really good reflectors.
Reflection in Mirrors
A mirror is a smooth and polished surface,
hence it reflects all the light that hits it.
When you see your face in a mirror, you are
seeing light from your face reflecting off the
mirror. The reflection that is seen in the
mirror is called as an image.
Strictly For Private Internal Circulation only
-4- Std. V - Science
We can show how light reflects off a mirror in
a diagram. We draw straight lines for the
beam of light. We show the direction in which
the light is traveling with arrows.
Mirrors help us to see behind us, round objects and over objects.
a) Periscope: A periscope is an instrument that
log stone
objects having uneven surface Reflection of light from uneven surface
A piece of paper seems smooth but we cannot see our reflections in it. This is
because the surface of a piece of paper is not as smooth as it seems to be.
Light that falls on the paper is
reflected in many different
directions. That is why we cannot
see our reflections in a piece of
Dull matt surface is the worst
reflector of light.