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Notes, Errata, and Frequently Asked Questions

V.2.3 October 2024—The Midwinter Gala Edition

This document contains card clarifications, errata, rule clarifications, and frequently asked questions for Arkham Horror: The Card Game.
The most recent version of this document is considered a supplement to the Arkham Horror: The Card Game Rules Reference. All changes
and additions to this document since the previous version are marked in red.
New Content (v2.3): Errata, Rules and Clarification (1.30, 2.24), Frequently Asked Questions, The List of Taboos, Ultimatums and
Boons, Refractions
Twisting, Warping, Changing Campaign Guide Errata
(v1.1) Blood on the Altar, resolutions section ( )
The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto In the “If no resolution was reached” resolution, between the third and
harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated fourth bullet points, add the following bullet point: “If Dr. Henry Armitage
is not listed under ‘Sacrificed to Yog-Sothoth’ in your Campaign Log, record
knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our
that Dr. Henry Armitage survived The Dunwich Legacy.”
frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the
revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of (v1.2) Echoes of the Past, resolutions section ( )
The final bullet point in Resolution 2 should read: “Then, add 2  tokens to
a new dark age.
the chaos bag.”
—H. P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu
(v2.0) The Last King, Resolutions 1–3 ( )
The Unspeakable Oath, setup ( )
Notes and Errata The “Lunatic” trait should read “Possessed” wherever it appears, instead.
(v2.0) Interlude I: Lunacy’s Reward ( )
This section contains notes and errata pertaining to specific cards or The Last King, Resolutions 1–3 ( )
sections of the rulebook. The document version number in which an entry The name of Interlude I should read “Skeptic’s Reward,” instead.
first appeared is listed with that entry in order to establish a history of when
each change was made. (v1.2) The Unspeakable Oath, “Interlude II: Lost Soul” section ( )
The first part of this interlude should read:
Errata overrides the originally printed information on the card it applies to. “If an investigator resigned with the asset version of Daniel Chesterfield
Unless errata for a card appears below, the original English product printing under their control, proceed to Daniel Survived.
of that card and all of its information is considered accurate, and overrides If the enemy version of Daniel Chesterfield was in play when the scenario
all other printings. This includes translated cards, promotional or organized ended, proceed to Daniel Was Possessed.
play cards, and printings which may appear in alternate products. If neither of the above are true, proceed to Daniel Did Not Survive.”

Rulebook Errata (v1.41) The Depths of Yoth, “Intro 8” section ( )

After the game text in this intro, add the following text:
(v1.0) Rules Reference page 7, column 1, “Costs” “In your Campaign Log, cross off the investigators found the missing relic and
The third bullet point should read: “When a player is exhausting, record the relic is missing.”
sacrificing, or otherwise using cards to pay costs, only cards that are in play (v1.5) The Boundary Beyond, “Silent Journey” intro sidebar ( )
and under that player’s control may be used…” The effect of this sidebar should read:
(v1.0) Rules Reference page 10, column 1, “Elimination” “Each investigator begins this scenario with 2 fewer cards in their opening
Add the following, as step 0 (i.e. before step 1): “0. For the purpose hand.”
of resolving weakness cards, the game has ended for the eliminated (v1.5) Interlude V: The Darkness, “Growing Concern” sidebar ( )
investigator. Trigger any “when the game ends” abilities on each weakness The effect of this sidebar should read:
the eliminated investigator owns that is in play. Then, remove those “Depending on your difficulty mode, add the following chaos token to the
weaknesses from the game.” chaos bag for the remainder of the campaign: Easy: –3, Standard: –4, Hard:
(v1.0) Rules Reference page 21, column 2, “Weakness” –5, Expert: –7”
The fifth bullet point should read: “If a weakness is added to a player’s deck, (v1.5) The Witching Hour, Setup ( )
hand, or threat area during the play of a scenario, that weakness remains The third bullet point should read:
a part of that investigator’s deck for the rest of the campaign. (Unless it is
removed from the campaign by a card ability or scenario resolution.) “Put 5 Witch-Haunted Woods locations into play as follows:

(v1.1) Rules Reference page 16, column 2, “Permanent” In player order, each investigator puts 1 random Witch-Haunted Woods
The fourth bullet point should read: “A card with the permanent keyword location into play in front of him or her, until there are exactly 5 Witch-
cannot leave play (except by elimination).” Haunted Woods locations in play (see “Lost and Separated,” below). For
example: In a 1-player game, there should be 5 Witch-Haunted Woods in front
(v2.0) Rules Reference page 16, column 2,”Permanent” of that investigator. In a 2-player game, there should be 3 Witch-Haunted Woods
Add the following bullet point: “Once added to your deck, permanent cards in front of the lead investigator and 2 Witch-Haunted Woods in front of the
cannot be removed from your deck or swapped out of your deck unless other investigator. In a 3-player game, there should be 2 Witch-Haunted Woods
explicitly stated otherwise.” in front of the lead investigator, 2 Witch-Haunted Woods in front of the next
(v1.3) Rules Reference page 19, column 1, “Slots” investigator, and 1 Witch-Haunted Woods in front of the final investigator. In
The last paragraph should read: “If playing or gaining control of an asset a 4-player game, there should be 2 Witch-Haunted Woods in front of the lead
would put an investigator above their slot limit for that type of asset, the investigator, and 1 Witch-Haunted Woods in front of each other investigator.”
investigator must choose and discard other assets under their control (v1.5) The Wages of Sin, resolutions section ( )
simultaneously with the new asset entering the slot.” The first line should read: “If no resolution was reached and at least one
(v2.0) Hidden rules (from The Path to Carcosa & The Dream-Eaters) investigator resigned: Proceed to Resolution 1.”
The third bullet point (or sixth sentence, depending on your printing) (v2.0) Interlude IV: Twist of Fate ( )
should read: “A hidden card counts toward your hand size, but it cannot The effect of both the second and third bullets should read:
leave your hand by any means except those described on the card.” “Depending on your difficulty mode, add the following chaos token to the
chaos bag for the remainder of the campaign: Easy: –3, Standard: –4, Hard:
–5, Expert: –7”

(v1.6) The Blob That Ate Everything, resolutions section ( ) (v2.3) Hemlock House, Setup ( )
Resolution 3 should read “Resolution 2.” The seventh bullet point should read “Set all five Fire! treacheries and each
(v2.2) The Blob That Ate Everything, Resolution 2 ( ) copy of Out of the Walls and Pulled In aside, out of play. If it is not in play,
Add “Alien Instruments”, “Corrosive Cloud”, and “G-Men” to the list of remove the Little Sylvie story asset from the game.”
assets in play that can be added to an investigator’s deck. (Note: These assets (v2.2) The Twisted Hollow ( )
are found in The Blob That Ate Everything ELSE.) Add the following rules text before Intro 1:
(v1.8) Return to Threads of Fate ( ) You cannot play this scenario unless it is Night 1.
Add the following bullet point to the resolution of this scenario: (v2.2) The Longest Night ( )
Æ If the Harbinger of Valusia entered play during this scenario: Add the following rules text before Intro 1:
= If it is in the victory display, cross out “the Harbinger is still alive” in You cannot play this scenario unless it is Night 2.
your Campaign Log. (v2.3) Prelude: Dawn of the Final Day, Codex 7 ( )
= If it is still in play or is set aside, next to “the Harbinger is still alive” in The first bullet point under Judith 2 should read: “Take control of Judith
your Campaign Log, record in parentheses how much damage is on Park. When this prelude ends, set Judith Park aside, out of play.”
the Harbinger of Valusia, replacing the number that was previously in (v2.2) Prelude: The Final Evening, Codex 6 ( )
parentheses. The first line of this codex should read “If Gideon told the tale of …”
(v2.0) Return to Before the Black Throne ( ) (v2.3) Prelude: The Final Evening, Codex 13 ( )
Resolution 5 should read “Resolution 6.” The last line of the first box in this codex should end with: “...under your
(v2.0) Red Tide Rising, resolutions section ( ) control. You cannot trigger their codex during this prelude.”
The first sentence should read “If no resolution was reached and at least
one investigator resigned…” Card Errata
(v2.1) Sanguine Shadows, Setup ( ) (v1.0) Roland’s .38 Special ( 6)
Replace the seventh bullet point with the following: Daisy’s Tote Bag ( 8)
On the Lam ( 10)
Æ Find the double-sided La Chica Roja card, flip her to her enemy side, Heirloom of Hyperborea ( 12)
and resolve her concealed keyword, distributing each of those concealed
Wendy’s Amulet ( 14)
mini-cards as evenly as possible among each location with a target.
These cards have no level (instead of being level 0).
(v2.1) Dogs of War, Resolution 6 ( )
(v1.9) Wendy’s Amulet ( 14)
Replace the second bullet point with the following (including its sub-bullets):
This card’s Forced ability should read: “Forced – After you play an event or
Æ In your Campaign Log, record the following: discard an event from play:…”
= You haven’t seen the last of the Claret Knight. (v1.4) Barricade (level 3) ( 4)
= You haven’t seen the last of the Beast in a Cowl of Crimson. This card’s constant ability should read: “Each time a non-Elite enemy would
spawn at attached location, spawn it at a connecting location instead, if able.”
(v2.2) On Thin Ice, Resolution 2 ( )
Add the following text to the third bullet of this resolution: (v1.5) Zoey Samaras ( 1)
This card’s Deckbuilding Options should read: “…up to five other level 0
Æ If no investigator controlled the Sable Glass at the end of the scenario, cards from any other classes (, , , and/or ).”
choose an investigator to be its bearer. Update the Campaign Log
accordingly. (v1.5) Rex Murphy ( 2)
This card’s Deckbuilding Options should read: “…up to five other level 0
(v2.2) Shades of Suffering, Setup ( ) cards from any other classes (, , , and/or ).”
Add the following after the fourth bullet point:
(v1.5) Jenny Barnes ( 3) / (Novella Promo 1)
Æ Gather each decoy mini-card and the Tzu San Niang mini-card and set This card’s Deckbuilding Options should read: “…up to five other level 0
them aside, out of play. cards from any other classes (, , , and/or ).”
(v2.1) Congress of the Keys, Setup (v.I) ( ) (v1.5) Jim Culver ( 4)
(v2.1) Congress of the Keys, Setup (v.III) ( ) This card’s Deckbuilding Options should read: “…up to five other level 0
The bullet points that instructs players to “Gather each decoy mini-card and cards from any other classes (, , , and/or ).”
each of the following mini-cards” should come before the bullet point that
instructs you to “Find each Coterie enemy…” (v1.5) “Ashcan” Pete ( 5)
This card’s Deckbuilding Options should read: “…up to five other level 0
(v2.2) Congress of the Keys, Setup (v.II) ( ) cards from any other classes (, , , and/or ).”
Add the following sub-bullet after the fourth bullet point:
(v1.0) Smite the Wicked ( 7)
= Remove all other Coterie enemies from the game. This card’s Forced ability should read: “When the game ends, if attached
(v2.3) The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Setup ( ) enemy is in play: Zoey Samaras suffers 1 mental trauma.”
The Expert chaos bag setup should include a –7 token instead of one of the (v1.0) Searching for Izzie ( 11)
–6 tokens. This card’s Forced ability should read: “When the game ends, if Searching for
(v2.3) Written in Rock, “The Cave-In 4” ( ) Izzie is in play: Jenny Barnes suffers 1 mental trauma.”
The third sub-bullet of the third bullet point should read: “Place the set-
aside Prismatic Shard story asset at the bottommost location in column 5.”

(v1.6) Laboratory Assistant ( 20) (v1.6) Act 1b—A Sacrifice Made ( 277)
This card’s first ability should read: “Your maximum hand size is increased by 2.” The two instructions on this card should be reversed, as follows:
(v1.3) Henry Armitage ( 40) “Remove all clues from each location in play. The arcane presence masking the
This card’s  ability should read: “After you draw a non-weakness card, path further up the hill has faded. Reveal Ascending Path.”
discard that card…” (v1.2) Dr. William T. Maleson ( 302)
(v1.2) Clover Club Pit Boss ( 78) This card’s  ability should read: “When you draw an encounter card from
This enemy’s traits should be “Humanoid. Criminal. Elite.” the encounter deck…”
(v1.2) Peter Clover ( 79) (v1.2) The Gold Pocket Watch ( 305)
O’Bannion’s Thug ( 97) Each of this card’s  symbols should be  symbols, instead.
Mobster ( 98) (v2.3) Bauta ( 23), Medico Della Peste ( 24), Pantalone ( 25),
The “Human” trait on each of these cards should read “Humanoid” instead. Gilded Volto ( 26)
(v1.1) Burned Ruins (revealed) ( 205) The first line of these cards should read: “Limit 1 Mask per investigator.”
This card’s first ability should read: “Forced – After you fail a skill test while (v1.6) Drawing the Sign ( 41)
investigating the Burned Ruins: Flip 1 clue token on the Burned Ruins to its This card’s second ability should read: “Your maximum hand size is reduced
doom side.” by 5.”
(v1.1) Lucky Dice ( 230) (v2.0) The Last King scenario reference card ( 61)
This card’s  ability should read: “When you reveal a non- chaos token, Dance of the Yellow King ( 97)
spend 2 resources: Ignore that chaos token and reveal another one to resolve. Agenda 1b—The Patients ( 160)
If that token has a  symbol, remove Lucky Dice from the game (cannot be Asylum Halls ( 168–170)
ignored/canceled).” Gift of Madness (Pity) ( 186)
(v2.0) Strange Solution (Restorative Concoction) ( 262) The “Lunatic” trait in each of these card’s effects should read
Strange Solution (Acidic Ichor) ( 263) “Possessed” wherever it appears, instead.
Strange Solution (Freezing Variant) ( 264) (v2.0) Constance Dumaine ( 65)
Strange Solution (Empowering Elixir) ( 262) Jordan Perry ( 66)
Archaic Glyphs (Guiding Stones) ( 192) Ishimaru Haruko ( 67)
Archaic Glyphs (Prophecy Foretold) ( 193) Sebastien Moreau ( 68)
Archaic Glyphs (Markings of Isis) ( 4) Ashleigh Clarke ( 69)
Ancient Stone (Knowledge of the Elders) ( 230) Maniac ( 95)
Ancient Stone (Minds in Harmony) ( 231) Young Psychopath ( 96)
Ancient Stone (Transient Thoughts) ( 4) Daniel Chesterfield ( 182)
Dream Diary (Dreams of an Explorer) ( 236) Mad Patient ( 184)
Dream Diary (Dreams of a Madman) ( 237) Catacombs Docent ( 258)
Dream Diary (Dreams of a Child) ( 238) The “Lunatic” trait on each of these cards should read “Possessed” instead.
Cryptic Grimoire (Text of the Elder Herald) ( 191)
(v2.0) Maniac ( 95)
Cryptic Grimoire (Text of the Elder Guardian) ( 192)
Young Psychopath ( 96)
Forbidden Tome (Dark Knowledge) ( 29)
Mad Patient ( 184)
Forbidden Tome (Secrets Revealed) ( 30)
The titles for these cards should be Seer of the Sign ( 95), Puppet of
The purchase restriction on each of these cards should be replaced with the
Hastur ( 96), and Haunted Patient ( 184) instead, respectively.
keyword: “Researched.”

(v1.2) Corrosion ( 102) (v1.4) Realm of Madness ( 338)
This card’s Revelation ability should read: “Discard Item assets from your This card’s Revelation ability should read: “Discard cards from your play
play area and/or from your hand…” area and/or from your hand…”
(v1.2) Agenda 1a—The Truth is Hidden ( 121) (v1.4) Father Mateo ( 4)
Agenda 2a—Ransacking the Manor ( 122) This card’s  ability should read: “When an investigator reveals an 
Agenda 3a—Secrets Better Left Hidden ( 123) chaos token…”
The first ability on each of these agendas should read: “Skip the ‘Place
(v1.4) Yaotl ( 35)
1 doom on the current agenda’ step of the Mythos phase.”
This card’s  ability should read: “Discard the top card of your deck.
(v1.2) Historical Society (Historical Museum) ( 130 & 132) (Limit once per phase.)”
This location’s ability should read: “While investigating this location, your 
cannot be increased.” (v1.41) The Skeleton Key ( 270)
This card’s  ability should read: “If The Skeleton Key is in your play area,
(v2.0) Storm of Spirits (level 0) ( 153)
attach it to your location…”
Storm of Spirits (level 3) ( 8)
Mk 1 Grenades ( 273) (v1.9) Norman Withers ( 7)
These cards’ Fight abilities should read: “at the attacked enemy’s location” This card’s Deckbuilding Options should read: “…up to other 5 Mystic
instead of “at your location” in all instances. cards () level 0.”
(v1.2) Patient Confinement ( 178-181) (v1.5) Carolyn Fern ( 10)
Each of these locations should not have the “Arkham Asylum” trait. This card’s Deckbuilding Options should read: “Guardian cards () level
0-3, Neutral cards level 0-5, cards that ‘heal horror’ level 0-5, up to 15 other
(v1.4) Shortcut (level 2) ( 232)
Seeker and/or Mystic cards level 0-1 ( and/or ).”
This card’s  ability should read: “…Any investigator at this location
may trigger this ability.” (v1.9) Yaztaroth ( 18)
This card’s constant ability should read: “You cannot play assets or put
(v1.3) Candlelit Tunnels ( 252)
assets into play.”
This location’s ability should read: “…If you succeed, look at the revealed
side of any Catacombs location in play.” (v1.5) Eldritch Inspiration ( 33)
This card’s play requirement should read: “Play when you would resolve an
(v1.3) Catacombs Docent ( 258)
effect on a  card that triggers “when,” “if,” or “after” a , , , , or 
This enemy’s ability should read: “…If you succeed, look at the revealed side
symbol is revealed.”
of any Catacombs location in play.”
(v1.6) Agenda 2a—Death’s Approach ( 163)
(v2.0) Stick to the Plan ( 264)
This card’s ability should read: “Locations cannot be flipped to their
This card’s  ability should read: “…attach them facedown to Stick to
non‑Spectral side.”
the Plan.”
(v1.6) Act 1a—In Pursuit of the Dead ( 164)
(v1.4) Time Warp ( 311)
This card’s ability should read: “Locations cannot be flipped to their
The second part of this card’s ability should read: “Undo that action (return
Spectral side.”
the game state to exactly the way it was before that action was performed,
except for the playing of Time Warp and its costs).” (v1.6) Unfinished Business (Bring me to him…) ( 178b)
(v1.6) Unfinished Business (Burn…let it burn…) ( 178b)
(v1.3) Madness Dies ( 319)
(v1.6) Unfinished Business (They stole it from me…) ( 178b)
This act’s second ability should read: “Hastur cannot be defeated unless an
investigator ‘knows the secret.’”

(v1.6) Unfinished Business (My bones…) ( 178b) (v2.0) Unstable Energies ( 68)
This card’s first ability should read: “Keep this card in your threat area (this The triggering condition on this card’s first Forced ability read: “After you
side faceup). If you are eliminated, flip it over.” leave attached location” instead of “when you leave attached location.”
(v1.6) Unfinished Business (My bones…) ( 178b) (v1.9) The Hungering Blade ( 18)
This card’s  ability should read: “If you are at Heretics’ Graves…” (v1.9) Crystallizer of Dreams ( 24)
The additional cost on each of these cards should read: “As an additional cost
(v1.6) Guiding Spirit ( 236)
to play this card…”
This card’s Forced ability should read: “When Guiding Spirit is defeated by
horror: Exile it.” (v2.0) Virgil Gray (both versions) ( 144 & 224)
The triggering condition on these cards’ Forced abilities should read: “If
(v1.9) Bait and Switch (level 3) ( 282)
Virgil Gray leaves play” instead of “if Virgil Gray is defeated.”
This card’s trait should be Trick instead of Tactic.
(v1.7) .35 Winchester ( 195)
(v2.0) Hallowed Mirror ( 313)
This card’s ability should read: “ Spend 1 ammo: Fight…”
Occult Lexicon ( 316)
Miss Doyle ( 30) (v1.9) The Black Expanse ( 253)
The last line of these cards’ Forced effects should read: “…set them aside, This card’s Forced ability should read: “After an enemy with 1 or more clues
out of play” instead of “remove them from the game.” on it is defeated: Take control of each of those clues.”
(v1.7) Act 1b—Palace of the Old Ones ( 329) (v1.7) Otherworldly Meddler ( 29)
This card’s second line of game text should read: “Shuffle each empty space This card’s first ability should read: “Forced – When Otherworldly Meddler
into its owner’s deck and each location in play other than Hideous Palace would take damage from an attack: Remove 1 doom from Otherworldly
into the Cosmos.” Meddler. Then, reduce the damage dealt by 1.”
(v1.7) Act 2b—Nucleus of the Universe ( 330) (v1.8) Randall Cho ( 2)
This card’s second line of game text should read: “Shuffle each empty space This card’s  symbol should be a  symbol, instead.
into its owner’s deck and each location in play other than Court of the Great (v1.9) Seeking Answers (level 2) ( 27)
Old Ones into the Cosmos.” This card’s ability should read: “…If you succeed, instead of discovering a
(v2.1) Wine Cellar ( 27a) clue at your location, discover 2 total clues from among your location and
(v2.1) Wine Cellar ( 27b) connecting locations.”
(v2.1) Wine Cellar ( 28a) (v1.8) Amanda Sharpe ( 2)
(v2.1) Wine Cellar ( 28b) This card’s  symbol should be “Forced –” instead.
This card’s ability should read: “Victorian Halls is connected to Wine Cellar,
and vice versa.” (v1.9) Guided by the Unseen ( 223)
This card’s  ability should read “…(Limit once per test.)”
(v2.0) Witchweed ( 40)
This card’s second bullet point should end with: “Otherwise, place it in the (v2.0) Shrine of the Moirai ( 310)
spectral encounter discard pile.” The  ability granted by this card should read: “…Any investigator at
this location may trigger this ability.”
(v2.0) Winding Gulf ( 60)
The last sentence of this card’s Cosmos ability should instead read: “You (v1.9) Act 1a—Back into the Depths ( 315)
may choose not to move to Winding Gulf and instead place 1 doom This card’s Objective ability should read: “…you may choose to advance”
on Azathoth.” instead of “…advance.”

(v2.0) Dagon (Deep in Slumber), Hydra (Deep in Slumber) ( 330a, 331a) (v2.1) Agenda 1b—In a Shadow of Voidlight ( 67)
The triggering condition on each of these cards’ Forced abilities should read: This card’s first paragraph, starting on line 3, should read: “…or search the
“At the end of the investigation phase” instead of “at the end of the round.” encounter deck and discard pile for a Cultist enemy and draw it; it gains
(v2.0) Geared Up ( 19) concealed 1…”
This card’s effect should read: “One at a time, play…” (v2.1) Act 2b—Talisman Discovered ( 69)
(v2.1) Eon Chart ( 100) The last line of this act’s third paragraph should read: “Set each concealed
This card’s  ability should now read: “…choose and take 2 different mini-card aside, out of play,” instead of “Remove each concealed mini-card
actions of the following, in any order (move, evade, or investigate).” from the game.”

(v2.1) To the Forbidden Peaks ( 96a) (v2.1) Special Agenda—The Chase ( 70)
This card’s  effect should read “If you fail, after this test ends…” This card’s second objective now reads: “If an enemy with The Twisted
Antiprism is at Galata Docks, or if the investigator with The Twisted
(v2.1) To the Forbidden Peaks ( 96b) Antiprism is defeated, proceed…”
This card’s  effect should read “After this test ends…”
(v2.1) Agenda 2b—Truths Untold ( 98)
(v2.1) Map Room ( 135) The last line of this act’s first paragraph should read: “Set each concealed
This card’s ability should read: “Choose 3 locations other than Hidden mini-card aside, out of play,” instead of “Remove each concealed mini-card
Tunnel and reveal them…” from the game.”
(v2.2) Burden of Leadership ( 20) (v2.1) Court of the Outsiders ( 188)
This card’s Revelation ability should read: “…Otherwise, for each Ally This card’s ability should read: “…end of your turn. If each surviving
asset you control, you must either exhaust it or deal it 1 direct damage and 1 investigator has resigned, immediately advance to act 3b.”
direct horror.”
(v2.3) Coterie Envoy ( 220)
(v2.1) Protoplasmic Mass ( 169) This card’s constant ability should read: “...concealed mini-cards at its
This card’s Forced ability should read: “…activated seal: Protoplasmic Mass location cannot be exposed via player card effects.”
readies and resolves the enemy phase again (it resolves its hunter keyword and
attacks a second time). (Limit once per phase.)” (v2.3) Prismatic Shard ( 22)
This card’s ability should read: “When a scenario card or weakness card
(v2.2) Agenda 1b—The Risen Dead ( 21) effect would discard...”
This card’s first sentence should end with: “…for a Risen or Ghoul enemy
and spawn it at a random location.” (v2.3) Weed-Choked Beach ( 78)
This card should have the Cave trait.
(v2.1) Agenda 1b—Bamboozled! ( 46)
This card’s second paragraph should read: “Find the location with a target
on it nearest to La Chica Roja (or her mini-card)…”
(v2.1) Special Agenda—Seeing Red ( 62)
This card loses all story text and gains: “Forced – When this agenda would
advance by reaching its doom threshold: Each investigator is defeated and
suffers 1 mental trauma.”

Definitions and Terms Signature Cards
An investigator’s “signature cards” are the cards that are only available to
This section provides definitions for important terms that serve a precise that investigator, and cannot be included in another investigator’s deck. This
function in the game. The terms are presented in alphabetical order. includes player cards with the text “(Investigator Name) deck only,” as well
“Record in your Campaign Log…” as non-basic weaknesses that are listed under “Deckbuilding Requirements”
and therefore can only be included in that investigator’s deck.
Often the players will be instructed to record a key phrase in the Campaign
Log. This should be written under “Campaign Notes” unless specified Signature cards are governed by the following additional rules:
otherwise. Because the players may be instructed to check the Campaign = The number of each signature card listed under an investigator’s
Log for this phrase at a later time in the campaign, the indicated phrase “Deckbuilding Requirements” is the exact number of copies of that
should be recorded as it appears, without alteration. card that is to be included in that investigator’s deck. If no number
For example: If the players are instructed to record in the Campaign Log that is specified, that number is 1. For example: Under “Deckbuilding
“the investigators were four hours late,” this shouldn’t be rewritten as “the Requirements” for Roland Banks, the following cards are listed: “Roland’s
investigators were pretty late,” because the exact number of hours might be .38 Special, Cover Up, 1 random basic weakness.” Roland Banks must
important in a later scenario. include exactly 1 copy of his signature cards—Roland’s .38 Special and
“Remember that…” Cover Up. He is not permitted to include more than 1 copy of either of
these cards.
Sometimes a scenario card will instruct the investigators to “remember”
a key phrase, often based on an action they have taken or a decision they = An investigator cannot play or commit another investigator’s
have made within that scenario. This phrase may come up later during that signature cards, control another investigator’s signature cards while
scenario, and may trigger additional or different effects. There is no need they are in play, or possess another investigator’s signature cards in
to record this phrase in the Campaign Log, because it will only ever matter their hand. If a game effect would force a player to take control of a
during that scenario, or during that scenario’s resolution. The players do not card with another investigator’s signature card attached to it, that
need to “remember” any such instruction beyond the end of the scenario in signature card is discarded. For example: Roland has the Roland’s
which it appears. .38 Special card in play. He has the card “Teamwork” which can allow
investigators at the same location to trade or give assets among one
If a “remember” effect uses the word “you,” it is specific to the investigator
another. However, because Roland’s .38 Special is one of Roland’s
resolving the effect.
signature cards, he cannot give it to another investigator.
= Signature cards need not abide by typical deckbuilding restrictions,
and do not count toward any deckbuilding limitations if other cards
share the same title.

Rulings and Clarifications For example: Roland and Agnes are embroiled in a fierce battle. Roland has a
Guard Dog in his play area, and is engaged with a Goat Spawn with 2 damage
on it. Agnes is engaged with a Ghoul Minion. Roland wishes to play a .45
This section contains additions and clarifications to the core game rules. Automatic, which provokes an attack of opportunity from the Goat Spawn,
Each entry is presented with a unique section number so it can be easily dealing 1 damage to Roland. Roland assigns this damage to his Guard Dog,
identified when making rulings, answering questions, or otherwise referring which has a  ability: “When an enemy attack deals damage to Guard Dog:
to the entry. Deal 1 damage to the attacking enemy.” Before resolving the playing of Roland’s
It should be used in conjunction with the Rules Reference to establish the .45 Automatic, Guard Dog’s ability resolves, and 1 damage is dealt to the Goat
rules of play. If the text of this document directly contradicts the text of the Spawn, which would defeat it. Goat Spawn has the following Forced ability:
Rules Reference, the text of this document takes precedence. “When Goat Spawn is defeated: Each investigator at this location takes 1
horror.” Before resolving the damage dealt to the Guard Dog, 1 horror is dealt to
1. Game Play each investigator at the location, including Agnes, who has a  ability: “After
1 or more horror is placed on Agnes Baker: Deal 1 damage to an enemy at your
(1.1) Attacks of Opportunity location.” Before resolving the Goat Spawn’s defeat, Agnes deals 1 damage to the
Attacks of Opportunity are only triggered when 1 or more of an investigator’s Ghoul Minion engaged with her. Now that there are no further  or Forced
actions are being spent or used to trigger an ability or action.  abilities abilities to trigger, the players return to the previous triggering condition and
with a bold action designator do not provoke attacks of opportunity. resolve the Goat Spawn’s defeat, and resolve any “After…” effects that might
occur when it is defeated. Then, the players resolve the damage dealt to the Guard
(1.2) Triggered Abilities
Dog, and resolve any “After…” effects that might occur from that damage.
An investigator is permitted to use triggered abilities (, , and 
Finally, the players return to the original triggering condition, and Roland is
abilities) from the following sources:
able to put his .45 Automatic into play.
= A card in play and under their control. This includes their
(1.5) Choices, and the Grim Rule
investigator card.
When investigators are forced to make a choice and there are multiple valid
= A scenario card that is in play and at the same location as the options, the lead investigator decides between those options. The Grim
investigator. This includes the location itself, encounter cards placed Rule does not play a part in these choices.
at that location, and all encounter cards in the threat area of any
For example: Locked Door reads “Attach to the location with the most clues,
investigator at that location.
and without a Locked Door attached.” If there are 3 locations that are tied for
= The current act or current agenda card. the most clues, and none of them already have a Locked Door attached, the lead
= Any card that explicitly allows the investigator to activate its ability. investigator decides between those 3 locations. Players are not forced to decide
which of those 3 options would be the objectively worst option.
(1.3) Reaction () Opportunities
When a triggering condition resolves, investigators are granted the The Grim Rule only comes into effect if players are unable to find the answer
opportunity to resolve  abilities in response to that triggering condition. to a rules or timing conflict, and are thus unable to continue playing the
It is only after all investigators have passed their reaction opportunity that game. It is designed to keep the game moving when looking up the correct
the game moves forward. answer would be too time-consuming or inconvenient for the players. The
Grim Rule is not an exhaustive answer to rules/timing conflicts.
Using a  ability in response to a triggering condition does not prevent other
 abilities from being used in response to that same triggering condition. (1.6) Additional Costs
Some cards add additional costs that must be paid in order to perform
For example: Roland has just defeated an enemy and wishes to trigger his certain effects or actions, in the form of “As an additional cost to (specified
 ability: “After you defeat an enemy: Discover 1 clue at your location.” He effect/action) you must (additional cost)” or “You must (additional cost) to
discovers 1 clue at his location. He may then play Evidence! ( 22) in response (specified effect/action).”
to defeating that same enemy. As both cards have the same triggering condition
(“After you defeat an enemy”), triggering one of these reactions does not prevent Additional costs are costs that can be paid outside the normal timing point
Roland from triggering the other. of paying costs (for instance, during the resolution of an effect). If an effect
that requires an additional cost would resolve, the additional cost must be
(1.4) Nested Sequences paid at that time. If the additional cost cannot be paid, that aspect of the
Each time a triggering condition occurs, the following sequence is followed: effect fails to resolve.
(1) execute “when…” effects that interrupt that triggering condition,
(2) resolve the triggering condition, and then, (3) execute “after…” effects in Additional costs do not have to be paid when a Forced effect or mandatory
response to that triggering condition. instruction (such as in the Campaign Guide, or on the back of an Act or
Agenda card) requires an investigator to resolve an effect.
Within this sequence, if the use of a  or Forced ability leads to a new
triggering condition, the game pauses and starts a new sequence: (1) execute For example: “Ashcan” Pete is at the Miskatonic Quad and activates Duke’s
“when…” effects that interrupt the new triggering condition, (2) resolve the second ability, which reads: “ Exhaust Duke: Investigate. You investigate
new triggering condition, and then, (3) execute “after…” effects in response with a base skill of 4. You may move to a connecting location immediately before
to the new triggering condition. This is called a nested sequence. Once investigating with this effect.” Pete pays the cost to activate this ability, which
this nested sequence is completed, the game returns to where it left off, is spending one action and exhausting Duke. Then Pete resolves the ability,
continuing with the original triggering condition’s sequence. first moving to the Orne Library, followed by investigating. The Orne Library,
however, reads: “You must spend 1 additional action to investigate the Orne
It is possible that a nested sequence generates further triggering conditions Library.” This adds an additional cost that must be paid in order to investigate
(and hence more nested sequences). There is no limit to the number of the Orne Library. This additional cost is paid when the investigate action would
nested sequences that may occur, but each nested sequence must complete resolve, outside the normal timing point for paying costs. If Pete cannot spend the
before returning to the sequence that spawned it. In effect, these sequences additional action, that aspect of Duke’s effect fails to resolve.
are resolved in a Last In, First Out (LIFO) manner.

(1.7) Skill Test Results and Advanced Timing (1.11) Transferring Investigators to a New Campaign
During Step 7 of Skill Test Timing (“Apply skill test results”), all of the This section expands on the ability for investigators to transfer from a
effects of the successful skill test are determined and resolved, one at a time. completed campaign to another campaign, as originally described in the
This includes the effects of the test itself (such as the clue discovered while section “The End…or Is It?” in the Night of the Zealot campaign guide.
investigating, or the damage dealt during an attack), as well as any “If this test Note: The standard rules of the game dictate that players start each campaign
is successful…” effects from card abilities or skill cards committed to the test. with a clean state (new decks and 0 experience). The following is an optional
 or Forced abilities with a triggering condition dependent upon the variant that is likely to affect the game’s balance. Only intrepid investigators who
skill test being successful or unsuccessful (such as “After you successfully wish to embrace the chaos should choose this option.
investigate,” or “After you fail a skill test by 2 or more”) do not trigger at this When transferring one or more investigators from a completed campaign to
time. These abilities are triggered during Step 6, “Determine success/failure a new campaign, players should observe the following rules:
of skill test.”
= Not all surviving investigators in the original campaign need to be
(1.8) Experience Cost for Level 0 Cards transferred. It is okay to transfer some and start fresh with others.
When purchasing a new card during campaign play, an investigator must
pay a minimum of 1 experience. As a result, level 0 cards cost 1 experience = Investigator decks remain the same. This includes all story assets and
to purchase. This minimum only applies when purchasing new cards. It does weaknesses earned in the original campaign, as well as experience
not permanently alter a card’s level or experience cost, and does not apply gained and trauma suffered. Everything recorded in the campaign log
when upgrading a card to a higher level version. under that investigator’s “Earned Story Assets / Weaknesses” should
be transferred to the new campaign, as well.
(1.9) Wild (?) Skill Icons
A Wild (?) skill icon on a player card may be used to match any other skill = All other notes in the Campaign Log should be wiped clean and do
icon for the purposes of both card abilities and counting how many matching not transfer to the new campaign.
icons are committed to a skill test. When using Wild icons for the purpose of = The chaos bag is reset. This includes all additional chaos tokens that
resolving a card ability, a player must state which icon the Wild is matching at were added to the chaos bag throughout the original campaign.
the time the card is used.
= If an investigator has an ability that occurs “at the beginning of
Wild icons committed to a skill test are considered “matching” icons for the the campaign,” or “at deck creation,” such as Father Mateo’s bonus
purposes of card abilities. experience, it does not trigger a second time upon transferring that
(1.10) Taking and Losing Additional Actions investigator into a new campaign.
Some card abilities grant investigators “additional actions.” If an investigator = Cards and Campaign Guides are written with the assumption
has one or more additional actions during their turn, the first action they that investigators are not being transferred from one campaign to
take that is able to qualify as that additional action automatically uses that another. For this reason, campaigns are sometimes referred to as
additional action. “the campaign.” (For example, “ for the remainder of the campaign…”)
For example: Daisy Walker reads: “You may take an additional action during In general, when interpreting such effects, treat each campaign as
your turn, which can only be used on Tome  abilities.” The first time Daisy being separate from one another. However, some effects should be
performs a Tome  ability each turn, it automatically uses up that additional interpreted as if each campaign played is part of one continuous
action, and not one of Daisy’s three standard actions. uninterrupted campaign. This includes rules that dictate how an
earned weakness or story asset operates, or additional rules that a
If an action qualifies as more than one of an investigator’s additional actions, specific investigator must follow. (For example, “ for the remainder of
they may choose which additional action is used. the campaign, the bearer of X weakness must only speak in French.”)
If an effect causes an investigator to lose one or more actions, that (1.12) Weaknesses With Encounter Cardtypes
investigator has that many fewer standard actions to take that turn (the Weaknesses with an encounter cardtype (such as enemies or treacheries)
investigator’s three standard actions are the ones that are “lost” first). If an are considered to be player cards while they are in their bearer’s deck, and
investigator only has additional actions remaining, those are then lost, in an are considered to be encounter cards while they are being resolved, and
order of the investigator’s choosing. once they have entered play. Before a weakness with an encounter cardtype
For example: An effect causes Daisy to lose two actions. She has two fewer is resolved, it is still considered to be a player card.
standard actions to take during her turn. She cannot choose to “lose” her (1.13) Shuffling A Card Into An Empty Player/Encounter Deck
additional action unless it is the only action she has remaining. A single card cannot be shuffled into an empty player deck or encounter
deck via card effect. If this shuffling would occur during the playing or

revelation of a card that is typically discarded after it is resolved, such as an = Investigators with unlimited access to one class and limited
event or treachery card, it is discarded. Otherwise, the card remains in its access to one or more “other” classes (i.e. Marie Lambeau, Finn
current game area. Edwards, Carolyn Fern, investigators from Edge of the Earth): A
(1.14) Control of Attachments multi-class card will not occupy one of the investigator’s limited
An attachment may change control depending on the card it is attached to. slots, because it falls into the unlimited category (see Deckbuilding
Options, expanded, above).
= If an investigator attaches a player card to a player card they control,
they retain control of the attachment. = Lola Hayes: A multi-class card will count as a card of each of its
classes toward her Deckbuilding Requirement.
= If an investigator attaches a player card to a player card another
investigator controls, that other investigator takes control of the (1.17) Nested Skill Tests
attachment. A skill test cannot initiate during another skill test. If during the resolution of
a skill test another skill test would initiate, instead the second skill test does
= If a player card with 1 or more player attachments changes control, not initiate until the first skill test has finished resolving. If the first skill test
the card’s new controller takes control of those player attachments. was part of an action, the second skill test does not initiate until that action
= If an investigator attaches a player card to an encounter card, they has finished resolving.
retain control of the attachment (but does not gain control of the For example: Ursula performing an investigate action. As part of this investigate
attached encounter card). action, she must perform an  test. During the resolution of that skill test, she
= A card with the permanent keyword cannot be chosen to be attached plays Expose Weakness, a fast event which initiates another  test. Instead of
to another player card unless explicitly stated. (For example, a player resolving the second  test during the first one, the initiation of the second  test
cannot attach Sin Eater 94 to Elle Rubash 92.) is delayed until after the first skill test (and therefore the investigate action) has
finished resolving.
(1.15) Deckbuilding Options
The following section clarifies how certain investigators’ deckbuilding (1.18) Maintaining Legal Deck Size
options function. If 1 or more cards are forcibly removed from an investigator’s deck and
returned to the collection (such as when a card is exiled, or when a
= If one of the categories of an investigator’s deckbuilding options campaign effect forces an investigator to remove cards from their deck),
contains the word “other” in it, cards only fall into this category that investigator must purchase cards so that a legal deck size is maintained.
if they fall into no other category. (For example, if an investigator’s When purchasing cards in this manner, that investigator may purchase level 0
deckbuilding options reads: “Guardian cards level 0–5, up to 10 other cards at 0 experience cost until a legal deck size is reached.
Weapon cards,” then a Guardian card with the Weapon trait would not
occupy one of those 10 limited slots, because it first falls into the unlimited = This rule also applies if an effect alters an investigator’s deck size,
Guardian category). deckbuilding restrictions, or deckbuilding options such that 1 or
more cards must be removed from or added to their deck as a result.
= If one of the categories of an investigator’s deckbuilding options lists
card text in it, cards fall into this category if the listed text appears in (1.19) Bonded Card Limit
the card in any capacity, even if it is circumstantial. (For example, if an If an investigator’s deck contains a card that summons one or more bonded
investigator’s deckbuilding options reads: “cards that ‘heal horror’ level cards, those bonded cards are set aside at the start of each game. The
0–5,” any card with an ability that heals any amount of horror will fall number of copies of each different bonded card that are set aside in this
into this category, even if it only heals horror under specific circumstances.) way is equal to the number of copies of that were included in the product in
which that bonded card was introduced. The number of cards in your deck
(1.16) Multi-class Cards that summon the bonded card in question does not factor into this limit.
A multi-class card is a card which bears multiple class icons instead of one,
and is a card of each of those classes. For example, a card with both a Rogue For example: An investigator may only have 3 copies of Soothing Melody ( 314)
() and a Guardian () icon is both a Rogue card and a Guardian card for set aside at the start of the game. Similarly, an investigator may only have 1
all purposes. Generally, a multi-class card can be included in an investigator’s Essence of the Dream ( 113) set aside at the start of the game, regardless of how
deck if that investigator has access to either of that card’s classes. many copies of Dream Diary ( 112) they include in their deck.
If an investigator has limited access to one of the classes on a multiclass (1.20) Myriad Cards in Standalone Mode
card and unlimited access to one of the other classes on that card, it will When counting the total amount of experience in your deck, each
still occupy one of the investigator’s limited slots unless their deckbuilding copy of a Myriad card after the first copy does not count towards your
options contains the word “other” in it (see 1.15, above). experience total.
The following section clarifies how multi-class cards operate depending on (1.21) Being at No Location
how an investigator’s deckbuilding options are presented. Unless explicitly specified by game text, enemies and investigators must
always be at a location during gameplay. If an effect (such as a “cannot
= Investigators with unlimited access to more than one class move” effect) would cause an investigator or enemy to not be at a location,
(i.e. All Core Set investigators, Minh Thi Phan, Sefina Rousseau, ignore that effect.
William Yorick, Leo Anderson, Joe Diamond, Preston Fairmont,
Diana Stanley): A multi-class card can be included in that (1.22) Hidden Cards in Hand When Eliminated
investigator’s deck if it falls into either of the listed classes. When an investigator is eliminated, each encounter card in their hand with
the hidden keyword should be placed in the encounter discard pile, in the
= Investigators from The Dunwich Legacy expansion (i.e. Zoey same way as encounter cards in their threat area.
Samaras, Rex Murphy, Jenny Barnes, Jim Culver, “Ashcan” Pete):
A multi-class card will not occupy one of these investigator’s five
“out of class” slots if one of its classes is the class they have unlimited
access to. A card cannot take up more than one “out of class” slot,
regardless of how many class icons the card bears.

(1.23) Limbo (1.26) Searching During Setup
While the effects of an event or treachery card are being resolved, or while If an investigator is instructed to search a deck for 1 or more cards during
a skill is committed to a skill test, it is neither in play, in the discard pile, nor setup, abilities that trigger when a deck is searched (such as Mandy
is it in an investigator’s hand. For the purposes of rules clarification, this Thompson’s  ability or abilities on Research cards) cannot be resolved, as
liminal state is called “limbo.” the game has not yet begun.
An event card enters limbo during step 3 of the Initiation Sequence, after (1.27) Weakness Events and “changing the game state”
costs are paid and attacks of opportunity are made (see Appendix I in the Some weakness events such as Quantum Paradox ( 125) do not change
Rules Reference). A treachery card enters limbo after it is drawn, while the game state in the traditional sense when played, but nevertheless
its revelation ability is being resolved. A skill card enters limbo as it is provide negative effects if they are in your hand. These weakness events may
committed to a skill test. While in limbo, the card is typically placed on the still be played to avoid their negative effects.
table to show that its effects are being resolved. It is no longer considered to (1.28) Clues on Player Cards
be in any investigator’s hand, but it has not yet been placed in any discard Some card effects such as Kate Winthrop’s ( 4) ability may place clues
pile. It is technically not in play, and does not count as being in play for the on a card controlled by an investigator. Clues that have been placed on a
purposes of other card effects, however its effects may still alter the game player card are still controlled by that player and may be spent as normal.
state. After resolving the card’s effects in full, it is placed in its relevant If a game effect would cause a card with clues on it to leave play or leave an
discard pile and is no longer in limbo. If its effects cause it to enter play (such investigator’s control, place each clue on that card on its location.
as attaching to another game element or placing it in an investigator’s threat
or play area), it leaves limbo and enters play at that point in time. (1.29) Controlling and Attaching Permanent Cards
A card with the permanent keyword cannot leave its controller’s play area
(1.24) Shifting Slots unless directed by scenario card effects. Cards with the permanent keyword
Some card effects allow an investigator to put assets of one slot type into one cannot be attached to other cards in an investigator’s play area. Investigators
of their other slots, allow one of an investigator’s slot types to carry assets cannot take control of another investigator’s permanent cards.
of a different slot type, or cause assets to no longer take up slots. In such an
event, the investigator must decide which slot is holding which asset at the For example: an investigator cannot attach Sin-Eater ( 94) to Elle Rubash
moment it is played. This cannot be adjusted later unless the contents or ( 92) even if Sin-Eater has one or more doom on it.
quantity of the investigator’s slots changes, at which point the investigator (1.30) Basic Action Types
may switch which slots are holding any of their assets. A basic action is an action a player may take and resolve in full without any
For example: Kōhaku has Occult Reliquary ( 132) in play when he plays other modifiers or abilities, including bold action designators. The following
Blessed Blade ( 18). He chooses to have Occult Reliquary grant him a are basic actions: Draw, Resource, Move, Investigate, Fight, Engage,
hand slot to hold Blessed Blade. If he later plays another Blessed card, such and Evade.
as Hallowed Mirror ( 313), he can choose to have the new card take up the Activate, Play, Resign, and Parley are not basic actions.
additional slot and define the slot type, while he moves Blessed Blade to his
default hand slot For example: An investigator may use Close the Circle’s ( 63) ability to
take a basic Fight action but cannot use it to Play an event with a Fight action
(1.25) Moving Attachments designator, as playing an event is not considered a basic action.
If an attachment “moves” from one game element to another, or attaches to a
game element while already attached to a game element, it detaches from its
original game element and attaches to the new one.

2. Card Ability Interpretation skill test, the effects and modifiers of all of the resolved chaos tokens should
be applied, even though the rules state “the revealed chaos token.” Similarly,
(2.1) “You/Your,” expanded any card effects that refer to “the revealed chaos token” refer to all of the
The following guidelines are used to interpret which investigator is resolved tokens.
referenced by the words “you” and “your.” For example: An investigator plays Premonition ( 199), which reads: “Put
= A Revelation ability that references “you/your” refers to the Premonition into play, reveal a random chaos token from the chaos bag, and
investigator who drew the card and is resolving the ability. seal it on Premonition.” That investigator then uses Olive McBride ( 197)
to “reveal 3 chaos tokens instead of 1, choose 2 of those tokens to resolve, and
= When resolving a triggered ability (, , or  ability), “you/ ignore the other.” In this case, both of the resolved tokens would be sealed on
your” refers to the investigator triggering the ability. Premonition, even though Premonition only refers to the revealed token as
= If an ability contains a clause identifying whom it is targeting, a singular token. Likewise, when Premonition instructs that investigator to
“you/your” in that ability refers to those investigators. For example, “Resolve the token sealed here as if it were just revealed from the chaos bag,” the
Stubborn Detective ( 103) reads: “While Stubborn Detective is at your investigator should resolve both of the tokens sealed on it.
location…” this clause identifies “you” as any investigator at his location. Additionally, when resolving multiple chaos tokens, any game or card
Young Deep One reads: “After Young Deep One engages you…” this clause effects which trigger if a certain chaos token is revealed—such as the text
identifies “you” as any investigator who engages Young Deep One. “If the named chaos token is revealed during this skill test…” on Recall
= Any other instance of “you/your” that does not fall into the above the Future ( 158)—will trigger if any of the resolved chaos tokens meet
categories refers to the investigator who controls the card, the the specified conditions. Such an effect will not trigger twice if two of the
investigator who has the card in his/her threat area, or who is designated tokens are resolved.
currently interacting with the card. Note that this entry only applies when multiple chaos tokens are “resolved.”
A card may have multiple different abilities in which “you/your” may be If multiple chaos tokens are revealed and all but 1 of them are canceled or
interpreted differently. “You/your” may refer to a different investigator in ignored, this entry does not apply.
each of these abilities. (2.6) Replacing an Opening Hand
For example: Dreams of R’lyeh reads: If an ability replaces an investigator’s opening hand with a different set
“Revelation – Put Dreams of R’lyeh into play in your threat area. of cards, that set of cards is considered to be their new opening hand for
You get –1  and –1 sanity. the purposes of effects which would alter the number of cards in their
: Test  (3). If you succeed, Discard Dreams of R’lyeh.” opening hand.

These three abilities reference “you/your” in different ways. For the Revelation If an ability replaces an investigator’s opening hand with a number of cards
ability, “your” refers to the investigator who drew Dreams of R’lyeh and is “kept” from a larger set of cards, an effect which alters the number of cards
resolving its Revelation. For its constant ability, “you” refers to the investigator in that investigator’s opening hand alters both the cards originally drawn
who has Dreams of R’lyeh in their threat area. For its  ability, “you” refers to to replace that opening hand, and the number of cards “kept” from that
the investigator who is performing the  ability. larger set.

(2.2) Timing of “At…” or “If…” abilities For example, the ability on Sefina Rousseau ( 3) reads: “When you would
Some abilities have triggering conditions that use the words “at” or “if ” draw your opening hand: Draw 13 cards, instead. Choose up to 5 events to place
instead of specifying “when” or “after,” such as “at the end of the round,” or “if beneath this card and keep 8 cards as your opening hand. Discard the rest.” If a
the Ghoul Priest is defeated.” These abilities trigger in between any “when…” card effect or game effect alters the number of cards in Sefina’s opening hand, it
abilities and any “after…” abilities with the same triggering condition. would alter both the number of cards drawn from her ability and the number of
cards she keeps as her opening hand.
(2.3) Limits Pertaining to Play Areas
Some limits may pertain to a particular play area, such as “Limit 1 per deck,” (2.7) Taking Control of Set-Aside Cards
“Limit 1 in the victory display,” or “Limit 1 in play.” This limit restricts the If an effect instructs an investigator to take control of a card that is currently
number of copies of that card (by title) that can exist in the specified play set-aside, that effect puts that card into play in that investigator’s play area.
area. Another copy of that card cannot enter the specified play area if this (2.8) Counting Resources
limit has already been reached. Remember that limits are player specific If an ability refers to the number of “resources you have,” “your resources,”
unless otherwise noted. For example, a card with “Limit 1 per deck” can or any variation on the above, it is only referring to the number of resources
exist in two different investigator decks. in that investigator’s resource pool. Resources on other cards that
Note: “Limit X per investigator” is a limit that pertains to an investigator’s investigator controls do not count toward this total unless explicitly stated.
play area. (2.9) Automatic Success/Failure, expanded
(2.4) Engaging Enemies vs Being Engaged by Enemies Some card effects make an investigator automatically succeed or
When an investigator engages an enemy, that enemy has also engaged that automatically fail a skill test. If this occurs, depending on the timing of such
investigator, and vice-versa. There is no difference between engaging an an effect, certain steps of the skill test may be skipped in their entirety.
enemy and being engaged by an enemy. Effects that trigger “after an enemy
engages you” will trigger at the same time as effects that trigger “after you
engage an enemy.”
(2.5) Resolving Multiple Revealed Chaos Tokens
If an investigator is instructed to “resolve” multiple revealed chaos tokens,
any game or card effects which refer to “the revealed chaos token” in the
singular should be construed to apply to each of the revealed chaos tokens.
For example, when applying chaos symbol effects during Step 4 of a skill
test or applying modifiers to an investigator’s skill value during Step 5 of a

= If it is known that an investigator automatically succeeds or fails at = The game state is not physically altered in any way. (e.g. if you are
a skill test before Step 3 (“Reveal chaos token”) occurs, that step is considered to be at a location, you do not move your mini-card to that
skipped, along with Step 4. No chaos token(s) are revealed from the location, enemies at that location do not automatically move to your
chaos bag, and the investigator immediately moves to Step 5. All threat area, etc.)
other steps of the skill test resolve as normal. For example: Luke Robinson ( 4) wants to play Preposterous Sketches
= If a chaos token effect causes an investigator to automatically succeed ( 186), but is at a location with no clues. One of the locations next to him
or fail at a skill test, continue with Steps 3 and 4, as normal. has a clue on it, so he uses his ability to play Preposterous Sketches as if he were
= If an ability “automatically evades” 1 or more enemies, this is not the at that location and engaged with each enemy at that location. The game state
same as automatically succeeding at an evasion attempt. As per the is considered to be altered in this way throughout the playing of Preposterous
entry on “Evade” in the Rules Reference, if an ability automatically Sketches, from its initiation to its resolution. Among other things, this might
evades 1 or more enemies, no skill test is made for the evasion mean: (a) if there is an enemy at that location, playing Preposterous Sketches
attempt whatsoever. Consequentially, because no skill test is made, would provoke an attack of opportunity, (b) if that location has an ability
it is not considered a “successful” evasion. The investigator simply that would alter the cost of playing the card, it would do so, and (c) other card
follows the steps for evading an enemy (exhausting it and breaking abilities that might trigger from Luke drawing 1 or more cards would do so as if
its engagement). he were at that connecting location and engaged with that enemy, and so on and
so forth. Once Preposterous Sketches has finished resolving and is placed in the
For example: Patrice uses the ability on Hope ( 31), which reads: discard pile, Luke is no longer considered to be at that location and engaged with
“ If Hope is ready, exhaust or discard him: Evade. Attempt to evade with a each enemy at that location.
base  value of 5. (If you discarded Hope, this test is automatically successful.)”
If Patrice chooses to discard Hope, the skill test automatically succeeds before (2.11) “…unless all of (location’s) clues have been discovered.”
chaos tokens are revealed; therefore Steps 3 and 4 of the skill test are skipped. Some locations have abilities that prevent you from entering or using
However, the skill test still takes place. Cards may still be committed to the test, a particular ability unless all of the clues have been discovered from a
and the investigator’s total modified skill value is still determined, as it may have particular location; for example, the Engine Car ( 175–177). When
some bearing on other card abilities. However, if Patrice instead uses the ability interpreting such an ability, if the location is unrevealed (and therefore has
on Stray Cat ( 76), which reads: “ Discard Stray Cat: Automatically no clues on it), this does not satisfy the ability; it must have been revealed at
evade a non-Elite enemy at your location,” no skill test is made whatsoever. some point.

(2.10) “As if…” (2.12) Interpreting “You” When Taking or Being Dealt Damage
Some card effects allow an investigator to resolve an ability or perform When an ability refers to “you” in response to taking damage or being dealt
an action as if a certain aspect of the game state were altered, using the damage, it also includes any assets you control.
text “as if…” to indicate the difference. The indicated ability or action is For example: The  ability on Survival Knife ( 17) triggers “after an enemy
resolved with the altered game state in mind, but the actual game state attack deals damage to you during the enemy phase.” This ability triggers even
remains unchanged. if the damage from that attack is assigned to one or more of your assets, and not
= The game state is considered to be altered throughout the duration your investigator card. However, if all of the damage from that attack is assigned
of the indicated ability or action, from its initiation (including the to another investigator or their assets (through the use of a card effect that allows
paying of its costs, attacks of opportunity, etc) through the resolution them to do so), then no damage has been dealt to you.
of each aspect of its effect, and up until its completion. (2.13) “Looking at,” “Searching,” & “Finding”
= Other card abilities or game effects resolved during this duration are These three terms all involve sifting through out-of-play cards (typically an
also resolved with the altered game state in mind. investigator’s deck or the encounter deck), but do not count as one another
for the purposes of other card effects. For example, if an investigator “looks

at” the top 3 cards of their deck, this is not a search effect. Additionally, while (2.20) The Silver Rule
“finding” a card does typically involve searching through out-of-play areas, this is If the text of two cards directly contradict one another in a way that is
also not considered to be a search effect. impossible to reconcile, the encounter card takes precedence over the player
(2.14) “Draw” vs “Add to hand” card. If both cards are encounter cards or both are player cards, the lead
If a card explicitly adds a card to an investigator’s hand without using the investigator may decide which takes precedence.
word “draw,” it does not count as “drawing” a card for the purposes of other (2.21) Treachery Subtitles
card effects. (Note that some abilities such as relevation abilities on weaknesses Treachery cards do not have a header for their subtitle. If the title of a
and Dilemma cards trigger regardless of whether the card is “drawn” or “added” treachery card contains 1 or more words in parentheses, that is considered
to your hand.) to be its subtitle. Other cards with the same title and a different subtitle are
(2.15) “Encounter cards” vs “Scenario cards” still considered to be copies of one another. e.g. Restless Journey (Fallacy) and
These two terms are used interchangeably to mean any non-player card used Restless Journey (Hardship) are both copies of Restless Journey.
in a scenario, such as the contents of the encounter deck, locations, acts, (2.22) Diana Stanley
agendas, the scenario reference card, etc. Diana Stanley’s ability typically interacts with events in limbo or other
(2.16) “Farthest from all investigators” cards that may or may not be in play. As such, Diana Stanley’s ability can be
Some card effects instruct investigators to put a card into play at the location triggered even if that card is currently in limbo or in the discard pile.
farthest from all investigators. This is determined by finding the location with (2.23) “For each” or “for every”
the highest combined distance from each investigator (with no investigators Some card effects instruct an investigator to perform an effect multiple
at it, if able). In the event of a tie, as usual, the lead investigator decides. times for each instance of a particular condition (e.g. “for each horror on
For example: Location A is 5 connections away from investigator A and you,” or “for each card in your hand”). If such an effect can be calculated
1 connection away from investigator B. Location B is 3 connections away and resolved simultaneously, it should be resolved (and may be canceled,
from investigator A and 4 connections away from investigator B. Location B ignored, or prevented) as a single cumulative effect. If it cannot be resolved
is therefore the farthest from both investigators, because the total distance for simultaneously (for example, if it has multiple steps, a choice, or other
each investigator to get to location B is higher than location A. (This is true even dependencies), each instance should be resolved as a separate effect (and
though location A is farther from investigator A.) must be canceled, ignored, or prevented independently of each other effect).

(2.17) “Different” For example: A treachery card instructs you to “take 1 horror for each point you
Some card abilities refer to “different” cards. Different cards are cards with fail by.” Since you can calculate how many points you fail by and resolve the dealt
different titles (excluding subtitles). (e.g. two copies of Ward of Protection are horror simultaneously, it should be resolved as a single instance of horror.
not considered to be “different,” even if they have different levels.) A different treachery card instructs you: “For each point you fail by, you must
Some card abilities refer to “different” actions or “different” abilities. An either lose 1 action or take 1 horror.” This treachery must be resolved as separate
ability or action is different from another ability/action if the two are effects; each point failed by requires you to make a choice, whether that choice is
non‑identical abilities, separate abilities on the same card, or abilities on to lose an action or to take a horror. Each instance must be resolved separately,
two different cards. (e.g. the two separate fight abilities on Sledgehammer are even if the resulting outcome only causes you to take horror.
different from one another, however identical fight abilities on two copies of (2.24) “Ignoring all costs”
Machete are not different from one another, nor are two basic fight actions). Some cards like Knowledge is Power ( 231) or Word of Woe ( 12)
Æ The exception to this rule is locations. Separate location cards are, allow an investigator to play a card or activate an ability on an asset,
by their very nature, not the same location. Therefore, multiple “ignoring all costs.” These effects only ignore the costs of initiating an
copies of locations with the same title are still considered to be ability, such as  costs, resource costs, spending uses, etc.. They do not
different locations. ignore additional costs that must be paid when resolving that ability—in
other words, anything “before the colon” is ignored, but any additional costs
(2.18) “…only as your first action” “after the colon” must be paid as normal. Abilities that exile a card and/or
If a card can only be played or its ability only triggered as your “first action,” remove a card from the game as a cost cannot be ignored.
it must spend one of your actions, and that action must be the first one you
have taken during your turn. If it is fast, a free triggered ability, ignores For example, if an investigator uses Knowledge is Power to activate the 
its action cost, or takes place outside of your turn, it cannot be played or ability on Old Book of Lore ( 279), Knowledge is Power allows you to ignore
triggered. the action cost and exhausting of Old Book of Lore to activate its ability and
search your deck for a card, but does not waive the additional cost to spend a
(2.19) “Take an action” vs “Perform/resolve an action” secret to play that card. Likewise, playing Word of Woe waives the action cost to
Some effects allow an investigator to “take” an action, usually of a certain activate the ability on Earthly Serenity ( 117), but does not waive the cost to
type—for example, the ability on Ursula Downs ( 2) or Haste ( 239). spend charges to heal an investigator at your location. Additionally, Pushed to
If an effect allows an investigator to take an action, they effectively gain an the Limit ( 113) does not allow an investigator to waive the cost of exiling Fire
action and then immediately spend it in order to take the action in question, Extinguisher ( 80) when resolving its second ability.
meaning it follows all of the rules taking an action might normally follow: it
may provoke attacks of opportunity, it counts as an action for the purposes (2.25) Revelation Ability Priority
of cards that count how many actions you have taken, etc. If an investigator has both a Dilemma card and a weakness and/or
encounter card in their hand, the weakness and/or encounter card must be
Some other effects, such as Quickdraw Holster ( 89), allow an resolved first. If a Dilemma card is drawn while resolving a skill test, resolve
investigator to “perform” or “resolve” an action. Such effects typically the skill test in full before resolving the Dilemma’s Revelation effect.
specify that they ignore that action’s  cost. In this case, no action has
been gained or spent, and the action is resolved as specified.

Frequently Asked Questions Q: Who gets the effects/benefits of a skill card committed to another
investigator’s skill test? If I commit Overpower ( 91) to another investigator’s
This section provides answers to a number of common questions that are skill test, do I get to draw 1 card, or does the investigator performing the skill test
asked about the game. The entries are presented in a question and answer get to draw 1 card?
format, with the newest questions at the end of the list. A: Generally speaking, the player who committed the skill card gets the
Q: Can I investigate a location with no clues on it? If I do, what happens? effects of any ability on that skill card. In your example, you would draw
the 1 card, not the investigator performing the skill test. However, if a skill
A: Yes. You can investigate a location even if there are no clues on it. However,
card changes or adds to the results of the skill test itself, the investigator
you won’t be able to discover any clues there, because there are no clues on the
performing the test receives the benefit of that ability. For example, if you
location to discover. Investigating a location with no clues might still be useful
committed Deduction ( 39) to another investigator’s skill test, that
to trigger card abilities such as Burglary ( 45) or Scavenging ( 73).
investigator would be discovering the additional clue, not you, because you
Q: Are clues on Cover Up ( 7) considered to be “at my location” for the are altering the effects of their skill test.
purposes of Roland’s  ability?
Q: When I use the ability on Stray Cat ( 76), can I choose any enemy at my
A: No. Generally speaking, cards (such as investigators, assets under your location, even if they are engaged with other investigators?
control, enemies in your threat area, etc) are “at” a location. Clues are
A: Yes. When you perform a standard evade action, you may only attempt to
only “at” a location if they are physically on that location (“Clues,” Rules
evade enemies engaged with you. However, card effects (such as Stray Cat
Reference, page 7).
or Cunning Distraction ( 78) may alter or supplant this limitation.
Q: Is there any difference between “at a location” and “in a location?”
Q: When I attack using Shrivelling ( 60) and reveal a , , , , or 
A: No. Both terms have the same meaning and are used interchangeably. symbol, when do I take 1 horror?
Q: If I play an event with a Fight ability, like Backstab ( 51), does it provoke A: You would take 1 horror immediately as you reveal the symbol, during
attacks of opportunity? “ST.3 Reveal chaos token” (“Skill Test Timing,” Rules Reference, page
A: No. Abilities with a bold action designator (like Fight, Evade or 26). If you had any reactions to taking that horror (such as Agnes Baker’s
Investigate) count as an action of that type. In this case, since Backstab ability), you would trigger it then, before resolving the rest of the attack.
counts as a Fight action, no attacks of opportunity are made, because Fight Q: If I automatically fail a test (from revealing a  symbol, for example), I
actions do not provoke attacks of opportunity. The same goes for Fight treat my skill value as if it were 0. If the difficulty of the test is 0, does that mean I
abilities on assets, like .45 Automatic ( 16). succeed?
Q: If I use an  ability or play an event with a bold action type (like Fight, A: No. No matter what, if you automatically fail a test, you have failed the
Evade, or Investigate), do I need to spend one action to use the ability and test, regardless of how your skill value and the difficulty compare.
another action to initiate the action listed? Or just one action?
Q: How does “searching the collection” for a random basic weakness work? Do I
A: Paying the cost of the ability is enough to initiate the action designated. use the same pool of weaknesses I used during deck construction? Or do I search
There is no need to spend an additional action. through all of my weaknesses?
Q: Can I trigger the  abilities on two copies of .45 Automatic ( 16) for A: Anytime players are instructed to search for a random basic
+2  and +2 damage? weakness—be it during deck construction, during a scenario’s setup or
A: No. Each  ability is a separate action that must be resolved in full resolution, or during a scenario itself—players should use the same pool
before you have the opportunity to take another action. of weaknesses, which is constructed using all of the basic weaknesses from
only 1 copy of each product they own. If each investigator has their own
Q: Can I trigger the ability  on cards like Physical Training ( 17) more collection of cards, they should each use their own pool of weaknesses
than once per skill test? constructed in the same manner, so as to avoid players’ cards getting mixed
A: Yes. Unless the ability has a printed limitation on it, you may use it as together accidentally.
often as you like, provided you are able to pay the ability’s cost each time. For example: Damon and Kelsy have each constructed decks using
Q: If there are clues or cards at an unrevealed location, and then that location is Damon’s collection, which consists of 2 copies of the Core Set. During deck
revealed, what happens to those clues/cards? construction, they each included 1 random basic weakness from a pool of
weaknesses consisting of only the 10 weaknesses in a single copy of the Core
A: Any clues or cards at an unrevealed location remain where they are
Set. This leaves a pool of 8 weaknesses remaining. If they are later instructed
when the location is revealed. This includes clues physically placed on
to each search the collection for a random basic weakness, these weaknesses
the location, enemies or assets at that location, and cards attached to that
would be taken from that remaining pool of 8 weaknesses.
location. Clues that are placed on the newly revealed location from its clue
value are simply added to the clues that were already on that location when Q: I have committed Double or Nothing ( 26) and Perception ( 90) to a
it was revealed. skill test during an investigation, and I also have Dr. Milan Christopher ( 33)
in play. If I succeed, which effects are resolved twice?
Q: If a card effect says to heal damage or horror but does not indicate from
where, can I use it to heal assets or investigators other than myself? A: The effects of a successful skill test are applied during step 7, and Double
or Nothing causes each of these affects to be resolved twice. Dr. Milan
A: No. “Heal X damage/horror” is shorthand for “Heal X damage/
Christopher’s ability is a reaction to succeeding at a skill test, and therefore
horror from your investigator.” If a card simply reads “Heal X horror” or
is triggered and resolved during step 6, after success is determined. During
“Heal X damage,” you can only use it to heal horror or damage from your
step 7, the game result of the investigation (discovering 1 clue), and the “if
investigator. Cards that allow you to heal other investigators or assets will
this test is successful” result of Perception are both resolved twice due to
specify that.
Double or Nothing’s effect.

Q: Can Terror from Beyond ( 101) cause weaknesses to be discarded from an However, if a deck was searched and/or shuffled, there’s no way of knowing
investigator’s hand? the exact order of the cards as they were beforehand, so keeping the deck
shuffled is fine. You still don’t know the order of the cards in the deck, so the
A: Terror from Beyond can cause weaknesses to be discarded, even if you
game state is effectively the same. For example, let’s say you used No Stone
are the one making the choice. Terror from Beyond instructs an investigator
Unturned ( 26) to search your deck for a card, draw it, and shuffle your
to choose a card type, and then all investigators are obligated to discard all
deck. In this case, if an investigator played Time Warp, it is fine to simply
cards of the chosen card type. In this case, you aren’t optionally choosing
shuffle the card you searched for back into your deck. As far as the game
to discard 1 or more cards; you are selecting a category of cards to be
state is concerned, your deck is in the same state it was before No Stone
discarded, and the discard is mandatory.
Unturned was played.
Q: Can I play Ward of Protection (level 5) ( 307) to cancel and discard an
Q: What happens if a skill test both automatically succeeds and automatically
enemy on the reverse side of an act or agenda? And if so, where does it go?
fails simultaneously?
A: You cannot. When you flip to the b-side of an act or agenda and it is an
A: If a skill test both automatically succeeds and automatically fails, the
encounter cardtype (typically a treachery, enemy or location), you should
automatic failure takes precedence, and the test automatically fails.
follow the rules for drawing that encounter card solely for the purposes
of figuring out how that card enters play and for resolving any appropriate Q: If I purchase a permanent card for my deck, like Charon’s Obol ( 308), can
revelation effects. You should not be able to trigger effects based on having I later remove it from my deck?
“drawn” that card, as it was not actually drawn, and it is not clear who is A: Not unless an effect explicitly allows you to do so. Generally cards are
doing the drawing in such an event. only removed from your deck if you purchase a new card and must swap out
Q: If I use Duke ( 14) to move into a location that causes my turn to an existing card in order to reach your investigator’s deck size. However,
“immediately end” in the middle of resolving Duke’s ability, does the ability since Permanent cards do not count towards your deck size, they cannot be
continue resolving? swapped out in this way. There is no rule which allows you to remove cards
from your deck at will.
A: Yes. If during the resolution of an ability, your turn ends (“immediately”
or otherwise), you will still resolve the remainder of that ability. The rest of Q: If I use the ability on Archaic Glyphs (Prophecy Foretold) ( 193) to
that ability is not canceled. Note, however, that any “until the end of your “automatically evade an engaged enemy,” does that mean an enemy engaged with
turn” effects would still expire at this time, since your turn has ended, but me, or an enemy engaged with any investigator?
you’ll still continue to play out the remainder of Duke’s ability. A: By default, an “engaged enemy” is an enemy currently engaged with you. If
Q: What consistitutes a “skill test on a Spell card” for the purposes of cards like a card allows you to interact with any enemy engaged with an investigator, it
Spirit Athame ( 35) and Grounded ( 113)? will specify that.
A: A “skill test on a card” is any ability that directly prompts a skill test, Q: If I am playing as Carolyn Fern ( 1) and succeed on the skill test for Liquid
either through the template “test skill (X),” or by initiating an action that is, Courage ( 24), can I trigger Carolyn’s  ability twice, or only once?
in itself, a skill test (for example, any card with Fight, Evade, or Investigate A: Only once. The word “additional” in the second healing effect denotes
action designators). that the two points of healing should be lumped together into one healing
Q: Can a location with no valid path to my location be the “nearest” or effect, not treated as two separate instances of 1 healing each.
“ farthest” location from my location? Q: Can I use two cards that replace 1 revealed chaos token with multiple tokens,
A: Yes, but only if there are no other eligible locations with a vaild path to like Olive McBride ( 197) and Grotesque Statue ( 71), on the same skill
your location. If there are other locations with a valid path to your location, test?
the nearest or farthest of those must qualify as the “nearest” or “farthest” to A: Yes, you can. When you use multiple effects that replace “revealing a
your location. chaos token” with something, else, you must first declare your intention
Q: If an enemy is in a location with no valid path to your location, can it still be so you are reacting to what you draw from the bag, because each of these
the “nearest” enemy purposes of cards like Mysterious Chanting ( 171) or effects are meant to be triggered before you draw tokens from the bag.
Dance of the Yellow King ( 97)? If you declare you’re going to trigger Olive’s ability first, you should then
A: Even if it has no valid path to an investigator, an enemy can still qualify declare which of the 3 tokens you’re about to reveal from Olive’s ability will
as the “nearest” enemy if there are no other enemies in play that are nearer. be turned into 2 tokens from the statue (For example, “I’m going to reveal
That said, an effect that require an enemy to track a path to an investigator 3 tokens using Olive, and for the first token, I’m going to reveal 2 instead of
(such as Dance of the Yellow King) would not cause an enemy to move if 1 using my statue). Then you’ll ignore one of the 2 statue tokens, and be left
there is no valid path. with 3 total tokens, which you’ll then ignore 1 of. (All of these tokens are
considered to be revealed simultaneously, so you are not allowed to reveal the
Q: How does Time Warp ( 311) interact with cards being returned to decks?
first 2 tokens with Olive, and then decide whether or not to use the statue).
A: To the extent that cards can be returned to the same state they were in
If you instead trigger the statue’s ability first, you would do the same thing,
before, they should be. For example, if you used Scrying ( 61) to reorder
declaring your intent. (For example, “I’m going to reveal 2 tokens using my
the top 3 cards of the encounter deck, and then an investigator played Time
statue, but for the second token, I’m going to use Olive’s ability to reveal 3
Warp, you should go back and reorder those 3 cards to their original order.
instead of 1”.) Then you would choose between resolving the first token or the
Likewise, if you drew 1 card and then played Time Warp, the card you drew
3 Olive tokens. (Here this may seem a little strange, because Grotesque Statue
should be returned to the top of your deck. If you are unable to return the
says “Choose 1 of those tokens to resolve, and ignore the other,” which implies
game state to exactly the way it was before the action was performed, the
that you only get to resolve 1 token and ignore 1 token, but for the purposes
effect fails.

of resolving these types of effects, the 3 tokens revealed from Olive’s ability Q: Can Patrice Hathaway’s ( 5) ability cause her to discard hidden encounter
should be treated as 1 revealed token.) If you decide to resolve the 3 Olive cards from her hand?
tokens you would then choose 2 to resolve and resolve the other, as usual.
A: No. Hidden cards cannot be discarded from hand by any means except
Q: When I swap Dark Pact ( 38) out of my deck for The Price of Failure ( for those described on the card.
39), does Dark Pact return to the pool of available basic weaknesses?
Q: If a card has 0 cost or no cost, is its cost even or odd?
A: Dark Pact is returned to your collection, but should not be returned to the
A: Zero is an even number, so cards with 0 cost have an even cost. Skill cards
pool of available weaknesses when it is swapped out — this ensures that you
and cards with a “–” cost do not have a cost at all, so their cost is neither even
can always swap between Dark Pact and The Price of Failure without it being
nor odd.
unavailable later. Same goes for Doomed ( 40) if it is swapped out.
Q: Can tokens (like Tony Morgan’s bounties) be placed on swarm cards?
Q: Does the ability on Ursula Down ( 2) allow me to take an investigate
action on an asset or event card? A: Yes. Each swarm card counts as a separate copy of its host card and can
have its own tokens on it.
A: Yes. Ursula’s reaction allows you to take any investigate action, including
those performed via the activate action or via the play action. Q: For Mandy Thompson’s ( 2) reaction, what does it mean to “resolve
1 additional target of the search?”
Q: Does the investigate action taken via the ability on Ursula Down ( 2)
provoke attacks of opportunity? A: Search effects typically instruct you to resolve an effect using the card(s)
targeted by the search. For example, if you used an effect to “search the top
A: Yes. If an ability allows you to “take an action,” it is as though you are
3 cards of your deck for a card and draw it,” drawing the searched-for card
gaining an action and immediately spending it to perform that action. This
would be resolving the target of the search. If you used Mandy’s reaction
is different from reaction or free triggered abilities that simply perform the
here, you could either search the top 6 cards of your deck for a card and draw
effects of an action directly, such as the reaction on Survival Knife ( 17).
it, or search the top 3 cards of your deck for 2 cards and draw them both.
Q: Can I use “Let me handle this!” ( 22) or “You handle this one!” ( 28) on (You must decide which before initiating the search.)
a weakness?
Q: Can I play a card with a cost of “–”?
A: No. Both of these cards are played after you or another investigator
A: No. Cards with a cost of “–” have no cost that can be paid, and therefore
draw a non-peril encounter card, but before resolving that card’s effects.
cannot be played. For example, if Pendant of the Queen ( 22) is discarded
Weaknesses with an encounter cardtype (such as enemies or treacheries)
from play and then shuffled back into your deck and drawn, you would be
are considered to be encounter cards while they are being resolved and once
unable to play it from hand. (Cards that put it directly into play bypassing its
they have entered play, but are not considered to be encounter cards yet at
cost would be able to put it into play, however.)
the time that these cards are played. Therefore, at the time these cards would
be played, they are still player cards and are not legal targets. Cards with a cost of “–” that are played as a copy of a different card, such
as Eidetic Memory ( 306), use the resource cost of the copied card, and
Q: Do enemies exhaust after making attacks of opportunity, retaliate attacks, or
therefore bypass this restriction.
other attacks (via card effects)?
Q: Do  and  tokens have a modifier or value if they are revealed outside of a
A: No. Enemies only exhaust after attacking if they perform an attack during
skill test?
step 3.3 of the enemy phase. Unless otherwise noted, all other enemy attacks
do not cause that enemy to exhaust. A: No.  and  tokens revealed outside of a skill test have no modifier
or value.
Q: If an ability refers to “your cards,” is it referring to cards you control, or cards
you own? For example, does the ability on Carolyn Fern ( 1) only work if a Q: If adding a certain number of  or  tokens to the chaos bag is part of an
card I control heals horror, or does it work if a card I own but do not control heals ability’s effect, and there are not enough  or  tokens remaining to fulfill that
horror? effect, what happens?
A: In general, “your cards” are the cards you currently control. If you own a A: You perform as much of the ability as you can, adding  or  tokens
card but do not control it, it is not “yours” for the purposes of abilities. until there are none left to add.
Q: Can I use the  ability on Track Shoes ( 36) after moving to a location Q: If adding a certain number of  or  tokens to the chaos bag is part of a
with no enemies? card/ability’s cost, and there are not enough  or  tokens remaining to fulfill
that cost, what happens?
A: Yes. The “before enemies engage you” part of the ability is just referring to
the timing point at which enemies would engage you; it is not specifying that A: If the cost cannot be paid, the card/ability therefore cannot be
there must be an enemy there in order to trigger the ability. played/triggered.
Q: What happens if the card beneath Amanda Sharpe would enter a different
Q: Does Patrice Hathaway’s ( 5) card draw during the upkeep phase occur
play area while it is committed to a skill test?
all at once, or one at a time? What happens if I draw a weakness, like Amnesia (
96)? A: It still enters that play area—it only remains beneath Amanda if it would
otherwise be discarded (such as at the end of the skill test).
A: Anytime you draw one or more cards, the card draw occurs
simultaneously unless the effect uses the phrase “one at a time.” Then, once
all of the cards have been drawn, you must resolve all Revelation abilities on
those cards (in an order of your choosing).

Q: If a card such as Cheap Shot ( 23) is returned to my hand, what areas am TL;DR: The bonus icon granted by Grisly Totem would only apply for the
I allowed to retrieve it from? If it is shuffled into my deck, can I still return it to test during which Grisly Totem is used, after which the card returns to its
my hand? out-of-play state, and the bonus icon would drop.
A: In general, unless otherwise specified, players can “return” such a card Q: If a swarming enemy engages Zoey Samaras, can she trigger her  ability
from any play area, so long as it is in an area that allows the card to be found once for each enemy in total, or only once for the entire swarm?
and identified. For example, if Cheap Shot is in the discard pile or attached A: Although swarming enemies move and engage together as a single entity,
to another card (such as a Crystallizer of Dreams ( 24) and you are able each swarm card is its own separate enemy. If a swarming enemy engages
to find it, you may return it to your hand from that area. However, if it is in a Zoey, each of its swarm cards are also enemies that have engaged Zoey.
place where its position is impossible to determine (such as shuffled into your Therefore, she may trigger her  ability once for each of them.
deck) or facedown in a place where you are not allowed to look at its other
Q: Can I look at facedown cards beneath or attached to other cards I control? If I
side (for example, as a swarm card), you would be unable to return it to your
use the  ability on Ancestral Knowledge ( 303) to draw one of the cards
hand, and therefore that aspect of the effect would fail.
attached to it, am I allowed to know what each card is, or is it random?
Additionally, if Cheap Shot is removed from the game, unless specifically
A: Unless an effect states otherwise, investigators are allowed to look at the
stated otherwise, no game effects can interact with it in any way until the
other sides of facedown cards beneath or attached to cards they control,
end of the game.
such as Ancestral Knowledge, Backpack ( 37), and Diana Stanley ( 4).
Q: During a campaign, do  and  tokens remain in the chaos bag from If you are given the ability to draw, play, or interact with one of those cards,
scenario to scenario? you may look at them to know which one you wish to draw or play.
A: No,  and  tokens do not carry over from scenario to scenario. This is not true for facedown cards that are attached to encounter cards or
Q: If I use Grisly Totem ( 119) after committing the card beneath Amanda placed facedown via a scenario effect, such as swarm cards, empty space,
Sharpe ( 2), how long does its bonus icon stay for? or tomes beneath locations in the challenge scenario Read or Die. In
these instances, players cannot look at the other side of those cards unless
A: The bonus icon granted by Grisly Totem does not specify a duration,
instructed otherwise.
so this effect should remain until the committed card leaves play. The real
question is: when does the committed card enter or leave play? Q: As Lola Hayes ( 6), what role do I switch to if I resolve Crisis of Identity
( 19) and the discarded card is a multi-class card? What happens if my deck
Generally speaking, cards placed beneath other cards (such as the card
is empty and no card is discarded?
beneath Amanda Sharpe) are out of play. Cards committed to tests never
really “enter play,” but while they are committed to a test, their icons are A: If the discarded card is a multi-class card, you may choose which of those
added to the investigator’s relevant skill and their text is active. So, while classes to switch your role to. If no card is discarded, your role stays the
the card beneath Amanda is committed to a test, its icons and text should be same and is not switched.
alterable by game effects (as if you had committed it from your hand), just
like any other in-play card. But as soon as that test ends, it returns to its out-
of-play state, and any lasting effects would drop.

Q: If I have Forced Learning ( 31) and I draw a weakness during my Q: Which triggers first: Parallel Agnes’s ( 17) ability or Heirloom of
upkeep phase, can I choose to discard it? What happens if both cards I draw Hyberborea ( 12 / 18)? What about Crystallizer of Dreams ( 24)?
are weaknesses?
A: An event card is placed on top of its owner’s discard pile during step 4
A: Weaknesses cannot be chosen to be discarded from your hand. If you of the play/initiation sequence, so any effect that modifies where the event
draw 1 weakness and 1 non-weakness card, you must choose to discard goes (such as Parallel Agnes Baker or Crystallizer of Dreams) must occur
the non-weakness card, then resolve the weakness as normal. If you draw during that step. An effect that triggers “after you play” an event but does
2 weaknesses, you cannot discard either one, and must resolve both of them. not modify where the event goes (such as Heirloom of Hyberborea’s ability)
Q: If I use First Watch ( 110) to deal encounter cards to investigators, are would naturally trigger just after step 4.
those dealt cards considered to be in the encounter deck for the purposes of other Q: If I commit Daring ( 111) to a skill test as Silas Marsh ( 5) and use his
card effects, such as On the Hunt ( 263)? ability to return it to my hand, do its effects still resolve?
A: Cards dealt to investigators by First Watch are no longer in the encounter A: The lasting effect that grants the enemy retaliate and alert would
deck, nor are they yet in play or in the encounter discard pile. That said, all continue for the duration of the skill test, since it is a lasting effect, and
cards dealt via First Watch must be drawn and/or dealt with before moving lasting effects persist for the specified duration regardless of whether the
on to the next phase, so using On the Hunt in this manner would not avoid it. card that created the lasting effect is or remains in play. The second aspect
Q: While playing a “Return to” scenario, what do I do if a campaign guide of the ability, however, functions like any other ability on a skill card; it
instruction or card ability refers to a card from an encounter set that has been may only be used during the resolution of the skill test to which Daring is
replaced with a new encounter set? committed. (It is not a delayed effect.)
A: If it is a setup instruction or an instruction to search for that card and Q: How exactly does the ability on Discipline (Balance of Body) ( 14a)
put it into play, the investigators should find the matching card from the work? Can I use it to trigger a fight ability that requires multiple actions, such
new encounter set that replaced it and follow the instructions using that as the triple-action ability on Sledgehammer ( 96)? If so, does it ignore the
card, instead. (If it is unclear which is the matching card, use the encounter additional action cost of that ability?
numbers to help guide you. For example, Wizard of the Order is card 4/6 of A: This ability allows you to “take up to 3 different fight or evade actions.”
the Dark Cult set; if that set was replaced, the matching card would be card This effectively grants you (up to) 3 additional actions, which each must be
4/6 of the new set.) spent to trigger a different fight or evade ability (see section 2.17, “Different;”
If it is a gameplay effect other than the above, ignore it. and section 2.19, “Take an action” vs “Perform/resolve an action”). One of the
3 fight or evade actions taken by Discipline (Balance of Body) can be a multi-
Q: What happens if I am Entombed and use Ethereal Form and am already
action ability, but if so, you must still pay the additional action cost of that
engaged with an enemy? One says I cannot disengage from enemies, the other says
ability, and those additional actions would have to come from your standard
enemies cannot be engaged with me.
pool of actions or from a source other than Discipline (Balance of Body). You
A: When two cards directly contradict one another in a way that is cannot use Discipline (Balance of Body) to use Sledgehammer’s triple-action
impossible to reconcile, the text of the encounter card takes precedence. In on its own, nor can you use it to dodge the additional action cost of that
this case, Entombed would take precedence over Ethereal Form, and the ability.
enemy would remain engaged with you (see section 2.20—The Silver Rule).
Q: When I investigate using the upgraded Sixth Sense ( 322) and reveal one
Q: When exactly are bless and curse tokens removed from the chaos bag? Are of the listed symbol tokens, how do I resolve investigating 2 locations? How do I
they still present in the chaos bag during the resolution of a scenario? resolve any additional effects that would trigger as a result of investigating the
A: Bless and curse tokens should be removed from the chaos bag when the second location?
game is cleaned up after the resolution of a scenario. This occurs before A: To investigate 2 locations with the upgraded Sixth Sense, you perform
moving onto any subsequent story interludes, unless otherwise noted. one investigation test, choosing the shroud value of either your current
location or the chosen location, and then you apply the results of the test to
Q: Can I return signature cards to my hand with Shrine of the Moirai ( 310)? both locations. Each effect on either location that would trigger during that
If so, how many levels do they count as? investigation still triggers, so long as you haven’t passed its initiation point.
A: Signature cards do not have a level, so they cannot be returned to your For example, if you choose Experimental Therapies Ward ( 72), you may
hand with Shrine of the Moirai. resolve its triggered ability of taking 1 horror to give it –2 shroud for the
Q: Can Defensive Stance ( 24), Survey the Area ( 37), Occult Theory ( investigation. By that same logic, the Forced effect on Grand Chamber
65), or Dauntless Spirit ( 78) be committed to tests from beneath Amanda ( ) 64 will trigger if you do not succeed the skill test by at least 2.
Sharpe ( 2)? Q: Does Read the Signs ( 117) allow me to ignore Locked Door ( 174) or
A: No. A card can only be committed to a skill test if it possesses 1 or more other effects that would prevent an investigation?
skill icons matching the skill being tested. As these cards only possess A:No. Read the Signs only allows you to ignore triggered abilities such as
skill icons while they are in your hand or already committed to a test, they the haunted keyword or forced effects on your location. It cannot ignore
cannot be committed to a test from anywhere else (such as beneath Amanda constant effects, such as the one on Locked Door.
Sharpe, or directly from your deck using another card effect).
Q: What kind of “effects of the failed skill test” does Neither Rain nor Snow
Q: As Lola Hayes ( 6), can I use Lola’s  ability to switch roles in the ( 2) allow you to cancel?
middle of resolving another ability?
A: Neither Rain nor Snow may cancel effects that trigger during Steps 6 & 7
A: As long as it is during a  player window, yes. of a failed skill test. This may include keywords such as alert, retaliate, and
haunted, as well as negative effects on the scenario reference card that might
trigger as a result of the failed skill test.

Q: How does the “ for each” or “ for every” ruling (2.23) work with a card that Q: Can an enemy spawn or move into Dream Gate ( 15) while Luke
allows me to ignore an effect, such as Deny Existence ( 280)? Robinson ( 4) is at Dream-Gate?
A: Deny Existence only allows you to ignore a single effect, such as one A: Enemies cannot spawn at Dream-Gate. If an enemy would spawn at
instance of horror, or one instance of discarding cards. Whether an effect Luke Robinson’s location while he is at Dream-Gate, it is discarded instead.
is a “single cumulative effect” or “separate effects” depends on whether the If Luke Robinson moves into Dream-Gate while engaged with an enemy,
effect forces the investigator to make a choice. that enemy disengages (but does not exhaust) and does not move with him.
For example, Terrible Secret ( 15) must be resolved as “separate effects”, While at Dream-Gate, Luke Robinson cannot be chosen as an investigator
because the investigator is choosing whether to discard or take 1 horror for the purposes of enemy movement.
for each card beneath Diana Stanley. Deny Existence can only ignore Q: If Luke Robinson ( 4) has Entombed ( 89) in his threat area when the
discarding one card or taking one horror; it cannot ignore all horror or all Forced effect on Dream-Gate (Pointless Reality) ( 15) triggers, what happens?
cards that would be discarded, as these are separate effects.
A: While Entombed would prevent Luke Robinson from moving, an
Q: When a card such as Grappling Hook ( 9) or Sledgehammer ( 94) investigator cannot be at “no location” unless explicitly stated. When
instructs me to perform a different number of actions than the cost of the ability, how Dream-Gate’s forced effect would move Luke Robinson at the investigation
do I determine how many actions I have performed for the purposes of card effects? phase, you may ignore the effect on Entombed long enough to place Luke in
A: When resolving an ability, the investigator is considered to have a revealed location.
performed as many actions as specified by the effect. For example, Q: How does the ability of Soul Sanctification ( 123) interact with Second
Grappling Hook or Discipline (Balance of Body) ( 14a) instruct you to Wind ( 149) when I have either 1 or no damage on my investigator?
perform 3 different actions. Regardless of the cost paid to initiate the ability,
A: Soul Sanctification grants you the ability to heal damage or horror in
you have performed 3 actions (assuming you took each available action).
excess of a target’s maximum health or sanity. Normally, you would not be
Conversely, an investigator activating the second ability on Sledgehammer
able to play Second Wind when you have no damage on your investigator,
has only performed one action, although they spent two actions to do so.
but with Soul Sanctification, you can play Second Wind when you have no
Q: If an effect allows you to take or perform multiple consecutive actions, such as damage on your investigator to place 2 offerings on Soul Sanctification.
with Eon Chart ( 100) or Nimble ( 17), are there player windows between (Note: You will still draw 1 card from Second Wind’s effect if you used it to
these actions where I’d be able to play a fast card or resolve a free triggered ability? place charges on Soul Sanctification).
A: No, there are no player windows between multiple consecutive actions. Q: Does the ability on Double, Double ( 320) allow me to replay an event
that removes itself from the game such as The Painted World ( 24)?
Q: What does it mean to treat True Magick ( 70) as a revealed Spell asset?
A: No. While Double, Double’s  ability allows you to replay an event
A: When you reveal a Spell asset using True Magick’s ability, True Magick “as if it were in your hand”, it does not allow you to replay an event that has
essentially becomes a copy of the revealed asset, including its cost, name, removed itself from the game as part of its effect.
text box, and Traits. Charges on True Magick may be spent while resolving
that asset’s abilities. For example, when resolving the ability on Brand of Q: Can Down the Rabbit Hole ( 59) reduce the experience cost to upgrade a
Cthugha ( 90), you may spend up to 2 charges from True Magick to deal customizable card (introduced in The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion)?
that much damage for your attack. A: Yes. Spending experience on a customizable card’s upgrade sheet counts
As True Magick copies the revealed asset’s traits, it may interact with as upgrading that card. You may only use Down the Rabbit Hole’s effect
abilities such as the reaction ability on Twila Katherine Price ( 244) and once per customizable card when upgrading between scenarios.
upgraded Sign Magick ( 8).

Q: When purchasing level 0 cards to reach legal deck size, does Down the Rabbit Q: If I use One-Two Punch ( 17) on an enemy with the elusive keyword,
Hole ( 59) increase the cost to purchase those cards? and that enemy leaves my location after the first attack, does the rest of the
A: No, when purchasing level 0 cards to reach a legal deck size, those cards attack resolve?
cost 0 XP until reaching a legal deck size again, even if the investigator has A: Yes. If an investigator uses an ability that allows them to perform
included Down the Rabbit Hole in their deck. sequential attacks against a ready enemy with the elusive keyword, they
Q: On Your Own ( 236) and On Your Own ( 10) are the same level, resolve each of those attacks against that enemy in succession, even if that
although the latter has the exceptional keyword. Can I upgrade the former into the enemy changes location while the ability resolves.
latter version? Q: Can I play Foresight ( 64) while resolving an effect that instructs me to draw
A: Yes, you can upgrade the version of On Your Own without exceptional multiple cards simultaneously? What about while resolving an effect that lets me
into the version with exceptional by spending 3 experience. search my deck for a card and draw it?
Q: Can I commit Grizzled ( 101) when investigating a location that has one of A: Yes to both. You can play Foresight before drawing multiple simultaneous
its chosen traits? cards, and if the card that you name is among the drawn cards, you may
resolve the choice on Foresight for that one card. You can also play Foresight
A: Yes. Location cards are considered a type of encounter card, so if a
while resolving an effect that has you search your deck for a card, however, you
location has one of the chosen traits for Grizzled, you can commit Grizzled
must name the card you’re drawing before searching your deck.
to the investigation skill test.
Q: When a card ability allows me to resolve an ability “without paying its 
Q: I’m playing Parallel “Ashcan” Pete ( 46) and my Makeshift Trap ( 100)
cost” such as on Hand-Eye Coordination ( 30) does it allow me to avoid
in play has the Explosive Device upgrade with no “time” left. Can I use Pete’s
paying all  costs?
ability to return it to my hand and still deal damage?
A: If instructed to resolve an ability “without paying its  cost,” the
A: No. Using Parallel Pete’s  ability on Makeshift Trap replaces the
investigator ignores only the first “” in the ability cost, if any. For each
discarding of Makeshift Trap, meaning its Explosive Device upgrade ability
additional “” beyond the first, the investigator must spend an action to
cannot resolve.
activate that ability. The investigator must also pay any other costs required
Q: If I activate the  ability on Beguile ( 10), will I provoke attacks of for the ability.
opportunity if I choose to investigate?
Q: If I use Eldritch Tongue ( 128) to play an event that attaches to another
A: No. The  ability on Beguile is one action that is multiple types card, such as Beguile ( 10), when does that event get removed from the game?
simultaneously; it always has the “parley” action type in addition to its
A: An event that attaches to another card is considered “resolved” when
other types (activate/investigate/evade), so it never triggers attacks of
all abilities and effects triggered by it entering play resolve, including its
attachment effect. If you play Beguile using Eldritch Tongue, Beguile will
Q: If I have a copy of Beguile ( 10) attached to an enemy at a different attach to the enemy, then immediately get removed from the game.
location than me, what happens if I choose to activate Beguile’s  ability to
Q: If I use the ability on Rod of Carnamagos ( 85) within a free player
perform an evade action there?
window of a skill test, does that count as chaos tokens revealed “during”
A: If you choose to activate Beguile’s  ability and evade, you can choose that test?
any enemy at the attached enemy’s location (including the attached enemy
A: Yes, the tokens revealed with Rod of Carnamagos this way are revealed
itself) and perform an evasion test against that enemy’s evade value. If you
“during” the skill test, and can trigger abilities like the ones on Sixth Sense
succeed, exhaust that enemy and disengage it from all investigators (and if
( 158) or Servant of Brass ( 107). However, the tokens revealed with
you fail, discard that copy of Beguile per its ability).
Rod of Carnamagos have no effect outside of these abilities, and are ignored
Q: When playing Subject 5U-21/“Suzi” ( 1), can I devour permanents, at all other points of the skill test; they have no modifiers, no auto-success or
investigator cards, investigator mini-cards, or weaknesses? auto-fail effect, etc.
A: Suzi cannot devour permanents, investigator cards, or investigator mini- Q: If a card ability allows me to move damage/horror to another card, can I
cards. However, Suzi can devour certain weakness cards, specifically ones move that damage/horror to a card without a health or sanity value?
that enter play under their bearer’s control and that don’t have any abilities
A: No. An effect that can “move” damage/horror from one card to
preventing them from leaving play.
another—such as Wrong Place, Right Time ( 115)—must move that
Q: When playing Subject 5U-21/“Suzi” ( 1), can I play Refine ( 121) to damage/horror to a card that has a health or sanity value, respectively.
upgrade customizable cards during a scenario?
Q: Do parley actions count as actions for the purpose of card abilities such as
A: Generally no. By default, Suzi can only upgrade cards from a class via the Haste ( 239)?
ability on the back of her investigator card, meaning she can’t use Refine on
A: Yes. Parley is its own unique action type. You could trigger Haste’s 
most cards. The one exception is Hyperphysical Shotcaster ( 119); Suzi can
ability after taking two parley actions.
use Refine on the Shotcaster because it’s a neutral customizable card.
Q: What types of abilities can cause me to trigger the  ability on Stylish Coat
( 71)?
A: The  ability on Stylish Coat can be used when a card effect specifically
instructs you to “gain” resources, such as with Salvage ( 116). Any other
card abilities that “place” resources, such as with .45 Thompson ( 186), or
“move” resources from one card to another or from one card to your resource
pool, such as the ability on Family Inheritance ( 11), do not trigger Stylish
Coat’s ability.

The Dunwich Legacy Q: If I am instructed to replay a scenario, do any effects from a previous
resolution or interlude that refer to “the next scenario” apply? What about effects
The following questions contain light spoilers for The Dunwich Legacy from the introduction that refer to “this scenario?”
Campaign Expansion.
A: Yes to both. If the previous resolution or interlude affects “the next
Q: In Blood on the Altar, is the “pile of potential sacrifices”in play or out of play? scenario,” or if the scenario introduction affects “this scenario,” it should
Are they under any player’s control? What about cards that have been placed be construed to mean any playthrough of that scenario, including multiple
underneath the agenda deck? playthroughs if the players are forced to replay it.
A: The “pile of potential sacrifices” (and cards underneath the agenda deck) Q: If a resolution or interlude contains effects that refer to “the next scenario,”
should be considered to be in play for the purposes of game rules, but these will these apply to a side-story?
cards are under no player’s control. (Since the cards are facedown, you should
A: No; these effects refer only to the next scenario in the natural order of
try to remember which unique allies were kidnapped and added to the pile of
the campaign (for example, Scenario II: “The Doom of Eztli” after playing
potential sacrifices without having to look at it.) Additionally, the cards in the
Scenario I: “The Untamed Wilds”). Additionally, for the purposes of these
pile of potential sacrifices and underneath the agenda deck cannot be affected
effects, Scenarios V–A and V–B are two separate scenarios.
by player card effects or investigator actions.
Q: Does Charon’s Obol ( 308) trigger its effects if a resolution instructs me to
Thus, if a unique asset is Kidnapped! ( 220), an investigator cannot play
replay a scenario? What about in between Scenarios V–A and V–B?
another copy of that asset. Additionally, if a player resigns or is defeated,
any cards they own that are in the pile of potential sacrifices or facedown A: Charon’s Obol’s effects occur “When earning experience during the
underneath the agenda deck will remain as such. resolution of a scenario…” Therefore, Charon’s Obol will not trigger when
you are instructed to replay a scenario, because such resolutions state that
Q: After playing Blood on the Altar, what happens if Duke is listed under
“No experience points are earned from your previous game.”
“Sacrficed to Yog-Sothoth?” Is “Ashcan” Pete still playable without Duke?
However, in between Scenarios V–A and V–B, experience is earned, so
A: If a required card (such as Duke) is permanently removed from your
Charon’s Obol will indeed trigger, even though players are not allowed to
deck, it also removes the requirement of including that card. If for whatever
spend those experience points until after they have played Scenario V–B.
reason Duke cannot be included in “Ashcan” Pete’s deck, that requirement is
considered to be removed, and Pete may continue without Duke. Q: When setting up “The City of Archives”, do I follow Setup instructions or
constant abilities on my investigator card, such as Sefina Rosseau ( 3) or Lily
Of course, since this is a significant handicap, you may also choose to
Chen ( 10)?
optionally retire Pete and continue using a new investigator at 0 experience.
A: When setting up The City of Archives, you are instructed to swap your
The Path to Carcosa investigator card with a Body of a Yithian card ( 244). This swap occurs
during Step 10 of Setting Up the Game, as outlined in the Rules Reference.
The following questions contain light spoilers for scenarios in The Path to Any investigators with Setup abilities that resolve before Step 10 of Setup
Carcosa Campaign Expansion. should do so, meaning Sefina Rosseau ( 3) should choose her 5 events
and Lola Hayes ( 6) should choose her role before swapping.
Q: In “The Unspeakable Oath”, is the setup instruction regarding which version
of Act 2—”The Really Bad Ones” the investigators should use correct? Am I Q: In “The City of Archives,” if I am instructed to use the Body of a Yithian
supposed to be able to trigger the parley ability on Daniel Chesterfield (…Or At ( 244) for the remainder of the campaign, how should I set up my investigator
in future scenarios?
Least, What’s Left of Him)?
A: In future scenarios, you must swap your investigator card with a Body
A: Yes, it is correct, and no, there is no way to trigger it (in this reality). of a Yithian card during Step 10 of Setting Up the Game, as outlined in the
Q: What, if any, are the timing restrictions/implications of saying “Hastur” (for Rules Reference, just as you would when playing “The City of Archives”
the purposes of taking horror)? Can I say “Hastur” after revealing a chaos token scenario (see above).
during a skill test to increase my skill value?
A: Yes. For all intents and purposes, it should be treated as a Forced ability,
which means it can create a nested sequence if used during another ability
or a skill test, and it does not need to be during a player window in order for
it to occur.

The Forgotten Age

The following questions contain light spoilers for scenarios in The Forgotten
Age Campaign Expansion.
Q: What happens if I perform an explore action and I cycle through the entire
exploration deck without finding either a treachery card or a location specified by
the explore ability?
A: In such a case, the exploration simply ends. It is neither successful nor
unsuccessful. All locations drawn during the exploration should be shuffled
back into the exploration deck, and the investigator’s action ends.

The Circle Undone The Dream-Eaters
The following questions contain light spoilers for The Circle Undone The following questions contain light spoilers for scenarios in The Dream-
Campaign Expansion. Eaters campaign.
Q: In “The Wages of Sin”, When a location flips from its non-Spectral side to Q: What happens if an enemy with the swarming keyword loses swarming or is
its Spectral side (or vice versa), what happens to tokens, attachments, or other blanked, such as via Mind Wipe ( 68)?
cards at that location? A: Swarming only resolves when the enemy with the swarming keyword
A: When such a location flips from one side to its other side, the location enters play. If it later loses the swarming keyword or its text box is blanked, its
does not leave play. Therefore, all tokens that were on that location swarm cards remain in play and it is still considered a host enemy.
remain on its new side, all attachments remain attached, and all enemies, Q: Can I use a card effect that discards a host enemy without defeating it, such as
investigators and assets that were at that location remain as well. Close Call ( 83)? If so, what happens to its swarm cards?
Q: Do Unfinished Business cards in an investigator’s threat area count as A: A host enemy cannot be defeated while it still has swarm cards underneath
Heretics in play for the purposes of this scenario’s resolution? (i.e. how many it, but it can still be discarded or removed through other methods. In such a
heretics were unleashed unto Arkham?) case, its swarm cards would also leave play.
A: No. Only Heretics with the Heretic side faceup count. (However, note
that Unfinished Business cards in an investigator’s threat area will not count
their victory points, either, as normal.)
Q: In “Before the Black Throne”, when a location is connected via the Cosmos
deck or when the placement of a location moves during this scenario, can it be
placed in a spot where there is no empty space?
A: Yes. Empty space serves as a method to judge the distance from one
location to another, and as a place for certain enemies to spawn or move
through; it is not required that there be an empty space in the spot where
the location is placed or moves to.

The Innsmouth Conspiracy Q: How many concealed mini-cards can I expose if I resolve an ability with
multiple effects, such as Power Word ( 81) with its Tonguetwister or Thrice
The following questions contain light spoilers for scenarios in The Innsmouth Spoken commands, or Breaking and Entering ( 114)?
Conspiracy campaign. A: An ability that contains multiple effects able to expose an enemy can
Q: Can I trigger a Flashback more than once to gain its game effects have just one of those effects replaced with the exposure. A concealed mini-
multiple times? card may be exposed by successfully attacking it, successfully/automatically
evading it, successfully investigating its location, automatically dealing
A: No. Generally speaking, unless otherwise noted, interludes and damage to it, or automatically discovering a clue at its location. Any of these
other sections in the campaign guide (such as Flashbacks) are only ever effects can be replaced with the exposing of one mini-card, and only one
resolved once. mini-card at a time can be exposed by such an effect.
Q: If an investigator starts their turn at a fully flooded location, enters an Q: Does a concealed mini-card count as an enemy for the purposes of card effects
unrevealed location with no flood token, and that location becomes flooded “after that depend on having an enemy at my location?
it is revealed,” does the investigator still “struggle for air?” Or does this count as
entering an unflooded location? A: No. A concealed mini-card can be attacked or evaded “as if it were an
engaged enemy”, but for all other effects, it is not considered an enemy at the
A: Technically the investigator has entered an unflooded location, which then location.
became flooded after it was revealed, so they would not struggle for air.
For example, if Trish Scarborough ( 3) discovers a clue at a location
Q: What happens if an Underground River ( 104) becomes fully flooded while with a concealed mini-card but no enemies, she is unable to trigger her 
it is unrevealed, and then becomes revealed? ability because the clue was not discovered at a location “with an enemy.”
A: It cannot be fully flooded once it has been revealed, so set it to the nearest Additionally, card effects that require an investigator to “choose an enemy”,
state (in this case, partially flooded). Its forced effect fails. such as Expose Weakness ( 228), cannot be used to target a concealed
Q: When can I spend experience to play a side story during The Innsmouth mini-card.
Conspiracy campaign? Q: If performing the Shift ability on the Unstable side of a key would not affect
A: You may only spend experience during The Innsmouth Conspiracy each investigator or each enemy in play, can I still shift the key?
campaign when instructed (mostly between certain scenarios). This includes A: To perform a Shift ability on a key, you must resolve as much of that
spending experience to play side stories. ability as possible, and if that ability changed the game state at all, you are
considered to have successfully shifted that key.
The Scarlet Keys For example, to shift The Last Blossom ( 44) from its Unstable side, you
must heal at least 1 damage from an enemy in play (though you must heal 1
The following questions contain light spoilers for scenarios in The Scarlet
damage from as many enemies as possible). Similarly, in order to shift The
Keys campaign.
Bale Engine ( 269) from its Unstable side, at minimum 1 investigator
Q: If I play On the Hunt ( 263) or Kicking the Hornet’s Nest ( 68) and needs to discard 1 resource (but each investigator must discard as many
draw an enemy with the concealed keyword, where does it spawn? resources as possible, to a max of 3).
A: Both events instruct you to spawn the searched enemy engaged with
you instead of its normal spawn location. For enemies with the concealed The Feast of Hemlock Vale
keyword, their “normal spawn location” is in “the shadows.” So, playing
either event allows you to circumvent the concealed keyword and instead The following questions contain light spoilers for scenarios in The Feast of
spawn the searched enemy engaged with you. Hemlock Vale campaign.
Q: After completing Prelude: The Final Evening, do I carry over any assets,
cards, or resources in my play area to the next scenario?
A: No, clean up the game as normal.
Q: When cleaning up a Prelude in this campaign, what happens to cards
attached to or placed beneath other cards in play (e.g. Sefina Rosseau ( 3)?
A: Aside from the single asset you choose to keep, each faceup card attached
to another is discarded, while each card attached facedown or “placed
beneath” another card will remain in play. Everything else in your threat
area and play area is cleaned up as normal.
Q: When resolving the Revelation effect on treacheries such as Calcification
( 223) or Psychotropic Spores ( 240), when can I take the direct damage/
horror to automatically succeed?
A: When resolving these abilities, the investigator may choose to either
perform the effect before the test, and therefore skip revealing chaos tokens
for that test; or they may attempt the test, and if they fail they may perform
the game effect to treat the test as successful.

The List of Taboos Æ Quick Thinking ( 229): At the end of its ability, this card gains:
“(Max once per round).”
The List of Taboos is a list of Arkham Horror: The Card Game cards with Æ Strange Solution (Acidic Ichor) ( 263): This card’s fight ability now
optional deckbuilding restrictions or text changes. This list is designed to reads: “+1 damage” instead of “+2 damage.”
craft a healthy balance between investigator power and scenario difficulty, Æ Ace in the Hole ( 266): This card gains: “(Max once per round.)”
and to enforce shifts in deckbuilding environments over time.
Æ Lola Hayes ( 6): This card’s forced ability is moved to its reverse
Adhering to The List of Taboos is completely optional. Investigators are not side, and it should instead read: “Additional Setup: After you draw your
forced to adhere to the restrictions on this list, but if an investigator chooses opening hand, choose a role (, , , , , or Neutral).” This card’s
to do so, they must do so in full (an investigator cannot pick and choose front side additionally gains: “: Switch roles. Does not provoke attacks
which restrictions to use). of opportunity.”
Æ Crisis of Identity (
Chained / Unchained 19): This card’s revelation ability now reads:
“Discard 1 card in your hand or play area of your current role. Then…”
Cards from this list have their experience cost increased or decreased by the Æ Sleight of Hand ( 29): This card’s ability now reads: “Put a level 0–3
amount listed below. Each card’s level remains the same—only the experience Item asset into play from your hand.”
spent to purchase the card is altered. This experience adjustment should also be
taken into account when upgrading to or from a card that is on this list.
Æ David Renfield ( 112): This card’s  ability now reads: “…
Gain 1 resource for each doom on David Renfield (to a maximum of
Æ Scavenging ( 73): +2 experience 3 resources).”
Æ Scavenging ( 332): +2 experience Æ Key of Ys ( 315): This card gains the exceptional keyword.
Æ Pathfinder ( 108): +1 experience Æ Dark Prophecy ( 32, 17): This cards now reads “a non-
Æ Flamethrower ( 305): +1 experience symbol” instead of “a , , , , or  symbol.”
Æ Drawing Thin ( 159): +3 experience Æ Persuasion ( 105): This card’s ability now reads “Parley. Choose a
non-weakness enemy at your location…”
Æ Knowledge is Power ( 231): +2 experience
Æ Counterspell ( 110): This cards now reads “a non- symbol”
Æ The Necronomicon (Petrus de Dacia Translation) ( 33): +3 experience instead of “a , , , or  chaos token.”
Æ Signum Crucis ( 197): –2 experience Æ Pay Day ( 233): This card’s ability now reads: “Gain 1 resource for
Æ Rite of Equilibrium ( 308): –2 experience each action you spent this turn…”
Æ Sharpshooter ( 27): –1 experience Æ All In ( 309): At the end of its ability, this card gains: “Remove All In
from the game.”
Æ Gené Beauregard ( 99): +2 experience
Æ Runic Axe ( 22) Upgrade – Inscription of the Hunt: +1 experience Æ Scroll of Secrets (all three versions) ( 116, 188, 189): These cards’
 abilities are now  abilities.
Æ Underworld Market ( 77): +2 experience
Æ Interrogate ( 20): This card’s ability now reads “Parley. Choose a
Æ Shed a Light ( 108): +2 experience non-Elite enemy at your location…”
Æ Old Keyring ( 117): +1 experience Æ Mr. “Rook” ( 153): This card’s  ability is now a  ability.
Æ Ravenous Myconid (Sentient Strain) ( 59) +1 experience Æ Telescopic Sight ( 230): This card loses the text: “Attached asset
Æ Ravenous Myconid (Carnivorous Strain) ( 60) +1 experience cannot be used to attack enemies engaged with you.”
Æ Eucatastrophe ( 324): This card’s ability gains: “Remove
Mutated Eucatastrophe from the game.”

Cards from this list have additional or altered text, as described below.
Æ Mandy Thompson ( 2): This investigator now reads: “Deck Size:
50” and “Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size):
Æ Dr. Milan Christopher ( 33): This card’s  ability now reads: 3 copies of Occult Evidence…”
“After you successfully investigate, exhaust Dr. Milan Christopher…”
Æ Pendant of the Queen ( 22): This card’s constant ability now reads:
Æ Elusive ( 50): This card now reads: “Disengage from each enemy “If this card has no charges, remove it from the game.”
engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies.”
Æ .35 Winchester ( 195): This card’s  ability now reads: “ Spend
Æ Rex Murphy ( 2): This card’s  ability gains: “(Limit once 1 ammo: Fight. You get +2  for this attack. If a chaos token with a
per round.)” non-negative modifier is revealed during this attack, this attack deals
Æ Ritual Candles ( 29, 5), Hypnotic Gaze ( 153, 14, 23), +2 damage.”
Jewel of Aureolus ( 269), Voice of Ra ( 16), Banish ( 113) : Æ Three Aces ( 199): This card’s ability gains: “Remove each
These cards now read “a symbol” instead of the list of indicated symbols. committed copy of Three Aces from the game.”
Æ Delve Too Deep ( 111): This card gains: “Group limit 2 copies of Æ Daredevil ( 18): Instead of “Shuffle each weakness that was
Delve Too Deep in the victory display.” discarded…”, this card’s ability now reads: “After this skill test resolves,
Æ Springfield M1903 ( 226): This card’s  ability gains: “This attack draw each weakness discarded by this effect.”
may target a non‑Elite enemy up to one location away from its standard
range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.”

Æ Trish Scarborough ( 3): This card’s  ability now reads: “After you Æ Eon Chart (both versions) ( 98, 100): Theses cards should read
iscover 1 or more clues at a location with an enemy: Either discover 1 “basic actions” instead of “actions.”
additional clue at that location, or automatically evade that enemy if it is Æ Unscrupulous Loan ( 113): The first line of this card gains:
non-Elite. (Limit once per round.) “Campaign Mode only.”
Æ Ancient Covenant ( 122): This card’s  ability now reads: “When Æ Cyclopean Hammer ( 187): This card’s parenthetical now reads:
you resolve a  token during a skill test…” “…(If you succeed by 3 or more, you may exhaust Cyclopean Hammer
Æ Flute of the Outer Gods ( 268): This card loses the to instead deal +2 damage and move the enemy up to two locations away
exceptional keyword and gains “Limit 1 per deck.” from you.)”
Æ A Watchful Peace ( 269): This card’s ability gains: “Remove A Æ Research Notes ( 45): This card’s second ability gains: “(max 3
Watchful Peace from the game.” evidence spent per round).”
Æ Hallow ( 301): This card’s ability gains: “Remove Hallow from Æ Power Word ( 81): This card’s  ability now reads: “ If attached
the game.” enemy is at your location: Parley. Test  (3). If you succeed, give it a
Æ Geared Up ( 19): This card’s Forced effect now reads: “Forced – command (limit once per round per command) – “Go.” This enemy
When your first turn of the game begins: One at a time, play up to 5 moves once in a direction of your choice.”
Item assets…” This card’s customizable sheet loses the “Mercy” ability and gains
Æ Jeremiah Kirby ( 32): This card’s ability gains: “(Max twice “☐ Cower. Add the command: “= ‘Cower.’ This enemy exhausts.”
per game.)” Æ Empirical Hypothesis ( 41): This card’s  ability gains “(Limit
Æ Prophesiae Profana ( 45): This card’s constant ability now reads: twice per round.)”
“…you get +1 , +1 , and ignore the first attack of opportunity you
take each turn.” Forbidden
Æ Black Market ( 55): This card gains: “Max once per round.” Cards from this list cannot be included in your deck.
Æ Burn After Reading ( 76): This card’s ability gains “(Max twice per Æ Double or Nothing ( 26)

Ultimatums and Boons Ultimatum of Induction
Campaign Mode only. Investigator decks can only contain level 0 cards.
Investigators cannot earn or spend experience.
The Ultimatums and Boons list provides an optional set of variants to further
tailor your experience of Arkham Horror: The Card Game for your group. Ultimatum of Orthodoxy
Each Ultimatum is a restriction, limitation, or additional rule that makes Play the game using the Taboo List.
the game harder for that group of investigators. Conversely, Boons reduce Ultimatum of The Scream
certain limitations and restrictions to make the game easier for a group of Campaign Mode only. When a unique non-story and non-weakness ally
investigators. After deciding which scenario or campaign to play, each group asset you control is defeated, remove it from the game. You cannot play
of investigators may optionally select as many of the following Ultimatums that card for the rest of the campaign. After the scenario ends, remove
and/or Boons as they wish. that ally and all copies of it from each player’s deck.
Groups are not obligated to choose any particular Ultimatum or Boon, and Ultimatum of Survival
the choice of which to use must be unanimous among all investigators in the Campaign Mode only. If an investigator is killed or driven insane, their
group. Once chosen, all Ultimatums and Boons are permanent throughout the player is eliminated from the campaign and cannot continue playing as
duration of the campaign or scenario. a new investigator.
Ultimatums and Boons are not created equal. Some may have a greater impact Ultimatum of Ultimatums
on difficulty than others. Groups may wish to discuss which Boons and/or Campaign Mode only. Before each game in the campaign, choose 1
Ultimatums to take in tandem to fine-tune their preferred difficulty level. ultimatum/boon at random and begin the game with that boon or
ultimatum active. (This does not apply to ultimatums or boons that
Ultimatums affect deckbuilding or chaos bag construction.)

The following is a list of some Ultimatums designed for Arkham Horror: The
Card Game. Players may use these as written, or design their own.
Ultimatum of Agony The following is a list of some Boons designed for Arkham Horror: The Card
When assigning damage or horror, investigators must assign as much Game. Players may use these as written, or design their own.
damage or horror as possible to a single card before any excess may be Boon of the Ancients
assigned to a different card. Campaign Mode only. Each investigator begins the campaign with 5
Ultimatum of Broken Promises additional experience.
Remove the Elder Sign token from the chaos bag during setup of a Boon of Athena
campaign or standalone scenario. The first time each game you draw the autofail token, you may cancel
Ultimatum of the Broken Veil that token, return it to the chaos bag, and draw another in its place.
Anytime 1 or more weakness cards are discarded from the top of an Boon of Destiny
investigator’s deck, shuffle those cards back into that investigator’s deck. Before drawing your opening hand, you may search your deck for 1 copy
Ultimatum of Chaos of a card and add it to your hand (this does not change the number of
Each investigator’s starting deck of non-signature, non-weakness cards cards in your opening hand).
must be selected at random from among all eligible options in that Boon of Hades
player’s collection. Each investigator begins the game with 2 additional resources in their
Ultimatum of Disaster resource pool.
Each investigator’s deckbuilding requirements gain “1 additional Boon of Hermes
random basic weakness.” Each investigator may take an additional action during their turn, which
Ultimatum of Dread may only be used to move.
Do not skip the mythos phase during the first round of each game. Boon of Osiris
Ultimatum of Failure The first time each investigator would be defeated in a scenario, after
Add an additional autofail token to the chaos bag during setup of a suffering trauma, heal all damage and horror from that investigator.
campaign (or standalone scenario). That investigator cannot be damaged until the beginning of their next
Ultimatum of Finality
Campaign Mode only. If an investigator is defeated by damage, they are Boon of Thoth
killed. If an investigator is defeated by horror, they are driven insane. Each investigator begins the game with 1 additional card in their
opening hand.
Ultimatum of Forbidden Knowledge
Each investigator begins the game with 1 fewer card in their opening
Ultimatum of Hardship
Each investigator begins the game with 2 fewer resources in their
resource pool.
Ultimatum of the Highlander
Each investigator’s deck can only include 1 copy of each non-weakness
card, by title (unless multiple copies of that card are required by that
investigator’s deckbuilding requirements).

Refractions Ultimatum of Venom
The Forgotten Age Campaign
Each copy of Poisoned ( 102) gains “Forced – When the game ends,
The Refractions list provides several optional campaign and scenario- if you have not been eliminated: Suffer 1 physical trauma.”
specific Ultimatums and Boons to tailor an individual group’s play
experience. Groups are not obligated to choose any particular Refraction, Ultimatum of the Drowned
and the choice of which to use must be unanimous among all investigators Into the Maelstrom (The Innsmouth Conspiracy Campaign)
in the group. Once chosen, Refractions are permanent throughout the Each agenda gets –1 doom threshold.
duration of the campaign or scenario. The Forced effect on Dagon’s ( 330b) (Awakened and Enraged) side
The following list contains light spoilers for their respective scenarios/ instead reads: “Forced – After Dagon is evaded or dealt damage: Do the
campaigns. same to a copy of Dagon’s Brood in play, as well. Ready Dagon.”

Ultimatum of Invisibility The Forced effect on Hydra’s ( 331b) (Awakened and Enraged) side
Undimensioned and Unseen (The Dunwich Legacy Campaign) instead reads: “Forced – After Hydra is evaded or dealt damage: Do the
Each Brood of Yog-Sothoth ( 255) gains the Elite trait and is same to a copy of Hydra’s Brood in play, as well. Ready Hydra.”
immune to all player card effects except for the effects of Esoteric Ultimatum of Annoyance
Formula ( 254). Edge of the Earth Campaign
Ultimatum of Multiplication When the campaign begins, shuffle 3 random cards from the Tekeli-li
Undimensioned and Unseen (The Dunwich Legacy Campaign) encounter set into each investigator’s deck.
Instead of the standard setup instructions, begin the game with all five Boon of The Dreamer
Brood of Yog-Sothoth cards in play: one in each of the five locations Where the Gods Dwell (The Dream Eaters Campaign)
besides Dunwich Village ( 242). After advancing to Act 5, advance to agenda 3a and remove all doom
During this scenario, whenever an effect would cause you to spawn a from it. This agenda gets +2 doom threshold.
set-aside Brood of Yog-Sothoth, you must instead place one doom on the Boon of Atonement
current agenda. Shades of Suffering (The Scarlet Keys Campaign)
Ultimatum of Death Each agenda gets +1 doom threshold.
The Pallid Mask (The Path to Carcosa Campaign) Boon of the Dance
After setup, immediately advance Agenda 1a to Specter of Death The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign
( 241b) and spawn it at your starting location, exhausted. When choosing residents to share a dance with during Prelude:
Agenda 2a ( 242) gains +6 doom threshold. The Second Evening, players may check the Relationship Level
requirements of a codex entry before resolving it.
Specter of Death gains the following text: “Forced – When Specter of Death
is defeated: Instead of adding it to the victory display, heal all damage from it Boon of Bliss
and exhaust it. It does not ready during the next upkeep phase.” Fate of the Vale (The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign)
Each agenda gets +2 doom threshold.
Ultimatum of The Man
The Pallid Mask (The Path to Carcosa Campaign) Boon of the Miners
For the purposes of Corpse Dweller ‘s ( 259) spawn ability, The Man Fate of the Vale (The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign)
in the Pallid Mask does not count as a Humanoid enemy. Fate of the Vale (v.III) ( 159)’s first ability should read “: Spend X
clues: Place X resources on your location, as kindling...” and its second
While it is Act 2, The Man in the Pallid Mask cannot leave the Tomb of ability should instead read “ If your location has 1 kindling on
Shadows ( 257). it, remove all kindling from it: Draw 1 set-aside Fire! treachery. (Group
Ultimatum of the Unspeakable Name limit once per location.)”
The Path to Carcosa Campaign
If you heeded Daniel’s warning is recorded in your Campaign Log, each
time you speak the name of HASTUR aloud during setup or play of a
scenario, in addition to taking 1 horror, suffer 1 mental trauma.

Quick Reference Campaign Product Icons
This section lists each campaign along with their associated icon so players
This section provides standard play information in an abbreviated, quick-
can tell, at a glance, what campaign a particular card is from.
reference format that can be helpful in clarifying some common situations
in the game. Core Set (Night of the Zealot)
Return to the Night of the Zealot
Spawning an Enemy The Dunwich Legacy
1. If an enemy is being spawned without an investigator drawing it, the Return to the Dunwich Legacy
effect spawning the enemy will typically indicate where that enemy
The Path to Carcosa
should spawn. After spawning the enemy at that location, it will
automatically engage investigators at its location using the rules for Return to the Path to Carcosa
Enemy Engagement (Rules Reference, page 10), unless it is aloof. The Forgotten Age
2. If an investigator draws an enemy, check to see if the enemy has a Return to the Forgotten Age
“Spawn –” instruction.
The Circle Undone
= If the enemy has a “Spawn –” instruction, the enemy spawns at the
indicated location. After spawning the enemy at that location, it will Return to the Circle Undone
automatically engage investigators at its location using the rules for The Dream-Eaters
Enemy Engagement (Rules Reference, page 10), unless it is aloof.
The Innsmouth Conspiracy
= If the enemy does not have a “Spawn –” instruction, the investigator
Edge of the Earth (Investigator Expansion)
drawing the enemy spawns it engaged with him/her, unless it is aloof.
Edge of the Earth (Campaign Expansion)
“Prey –” instructions have no direct impact on which location an
enemy will spawn at. The only time “Prey –” instructions will impact The Scarlet Keys (Investigator Expansion)
this process is when an enemy spawns unengaged at a location with The Scarlet Keys (Campaign Expansion)
multiple investigators, and you use the rules for Enemy Engagement
(Rules Reference, page 10) to determine which investigator it should The Feast of Hemlock Vale (Investigator Expansion)
automatically engage. The Feast of Hemlock Vale (Campaign Expansion)

Chaos Token Names Standalone Product Icons

This section lists each standalone product along with their associated icon
Elder Sign  so players can tell, at a glance, what product a particular card is from.
Curse of the Rougarou

Auto-fail  Carnevale of Horrors

Labyrinths of Lunacy
Guardians of the Abyss
Elder Thing  The Blob That Ate Everything
Cultist  Murder at the Excelsior Hotel
War of the Outer Gods
Skull  Machinations Through Time
The Blob That Ate Everything ELSE
Tablet 
Starter Deck Product Icons
Bless  This section lists each investigator starter deck along with their associated
icon so players can tell, at a glance, what product a particular card is from.
Curse  Nathaniel Cho
Harvey Walters
Frost  Winifred Habbamock
Jacqueline Fine
Stella Clark

Promo Icons


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