Agot 1st Faq
Agot 1st Faq
Agot 1st Faq
New Card Errata: Viserys Targaryen (KoTS F36), Snakeskin Veil (SoO F54), Restricted Lists (p. 6-7)
The version number will appear in front of every individual card entry so you can easily see which changes are made with
every revision of this document. Additionally, new content will always be displayed with red text.
A Game of Thrones ©2015 George R.R. Martin. The A Game of Thrones Living Card Game, Living Card Game, the
logo, card illustrations, and images are ©2015 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is granted
to distribute this document electronically or by traditional publishing means as long as it is not altered in any way and all
copyright notices are attached.
Timing Structure…………………………pg. 17
Additional Rules……………………….pg. 31
A Game of Thrones LCG Card Clarification
Official Rules Clarifications and ErrataAsked Questions
and Frequently
(v2.0) Dragonstone Port B91 (v2.2) Heir to the Iron Throne F48
The Plot phase effect should read: "...Limit Should be: "House Targaryen only."
once per phase."
(v3.3) Threat from the East F55
(v3.3.1) Jhogo T117 Should read: "When revealed, you choose one:
Its traits should read: "Dothraki.
Queensguard." -Each player draws 3 cards. Each player that
drew 3 cards discards 3 random cards from
(v1.3) Magister Illyrio T152 hand.
This section contains the official clarifications
Magister Illyrio's effect expires at the end of
and errata that have been made on individual -Each player discards 3 random cards from
the phase.
cards or sets in the A Game of Thrones Living hand. Each player that discarded 3 cards draws
Card Game. The card entries are ordered by (v5.5) Fleeing to the Wall B187 3 cards."
the set in which the specified card was printed, Should have the text: "...(cannot be canceled)."
with the most recent set in the front. The errata Lions of the Rock
on any individual card always applies to all (v2.0) Core Set Rulebook Page 19
reprinted versions of that card. The second paragraph in the second column
(v3.4) Doubting Septa F15
should read: "Duplicates have no text, titles,
Should have the trait: “Septon."
Most Recent Printing traits, or crests."
(v3.3) Shield Island Dromon F46
Kings of the Sea Should read: "Response: After an opponent
In the case where an LCG card is reprinted
with updated errata text in a later printing, the plays a location, put Shield Islands Dromon on
most recent printing is the legal version of the (v6.0) Viserys Targaryen F36 the bottom of your deck to choose that player.
card. All older LCG printings are assumed to Should have the text: "...reduces the amount That player must either place that location
be updated with the errata text. When in doubt of power you need to win the game by 1 (to a on the bottom of his or her deck or discard 2
over two versions of a card, the most recent minimum of 5)." power from his or her House."
printing can be identified by the copyright dates (v4.2) Randyl Tarly F45
on the cards in question. FFG will see that all Conquest and Defiance
The title should read: "Randyll Tarly"
LCG reprints with updated errata text are also
recorded in the FAQ. (v5.4) Crossing the Mummer's Ford F20
Princes of the Sun
Should have the text: "This effect cannot be
This ruling does not apply to CCG cards that triggered by other card effects."
have been modified and printed in the LCG. (v1.4) Doran Martell F3
CCG copies of cards with text that is in any When an attacker is fulfilling the claim of a (v5.3) Daenerys Targaryen F76
way different than their LCG counterparts are lost $ challenge because of Doran Martell's Should have the text: "House Targaryen only."
not legal in LCG events. effect, the attacker must move the power from
his or her House card to the defending player's (v5.4) Harrenhal F78
House card. Should have the text: "...kill a character you
A Game of Thrones Core Set
own and control to..."
(v5.0) Bran Stark S13 Kings of the Storm Harrenhal cannot be triggered if it has 3 or
The effect should have the text: "...(Limit 3 more gold tokens on it.
times per round.)" (v2.1) Narrow Escape F48
Should read: "... that were killed or discarded (v5.3) The Brave Companions F79
(v2.4) Grand Maester Pycelle L45 from play this phase. (Limit one per phase.)" The Marshalling effect should read: "
Grand Maester Pycelle cannot trigger his effect return an attached facedown card to your
in response to the effect of another copy of Queen of Dragons hand."
Grand Maester Pycelle.
(v5.4) Unburnt F1 Kingsroad
(v1.0) Lannisport Brothel L56
Lannisport Brothel should be unique. Should read: "Response: Discard Unburnt from
play to save attached character from being (v5.0) The Old Way F99
(v1.1) Robert Baratheon B71 killed. Then return that character to its owner's Should have the text: "Joust format only."
Robert Baratheon appears twice in the Core hand."
(v5.5) Longship Maiden's Bane F105
Set by design. The second copy of Robert
(v3.4) Thundering Calvary F12 Should read: "…. X is the number of unique
Baratheon should be numbered "B90."
Should be titled: “Thundering Cavalry" _ Warship cards you control."
(v4.0) Maester Cressen B77 (v3.3) Killer of the Wounded F16 Song of the Sea
The title should read Maester Cressen. Should have the text: "(Limit 3 times a round.)
(v5.0) Ser Axel Florent B78 (v2.2) Khal Drogo's Tent F33 (v4.0) Black Sails F18
The title and text should state the name as: Should be unique. The Hold is open information to its owner, but
"Ser Axell Florent." can only be looked at by opponents when a
(v2.4) Alliance F47 card effect specifically allows them to do so.
Should read: "Ignore the out-of-House gold
penalty to place or play cards from that House."
Page 4
A Game of Thrones LCG Official Rules Clarifications and Frequently Asked Questions
(v4.1) Battle for the Shield Islands F39 Response: After a ~ attachment you control (v6.0) Snakeskin Veil F54
Should read: "...controlled by the losing is discarded from play, kneel 1 influence to Should read: "Printed Sand Snake character
opponent." return it to your hand instead.'" only."
(v4.1) The Long Voyage F60 (v3.3) Archmaester Marwyn F55 (v5.01) The Prince's Plans F74
Should have the text: "Neutral Faction House Should read: "The opponent to your left…" Should read: "...After this effect resolves,
card only." instead of "Your opponent …" remove The Prince's Plans from the game."
(v4.1) Braided Screamers F75 (v4.1) Rhoynar Emissary F71 (v3.2) Ghaston Grey F34
The Response effect should have the text: Should read: "...the next challenge this phase Should read: “ choose an opponent’s
"limit once per round." for which it is eligible..." character of equal or lower printed cost...”
(v5.0) Margaery Tyrell F77 (v5.0) Dockside Brothel F85 (v3.4) House of Shadows F90
The title referenced in the text should read: Should have the text: "(Limit 1 limited Should have the trait: “The East."
"Margaery Tyrell." response per round.)"
(v4.1.2) Hellholt Engineer F53
(v4.1) Ser Cletus Yronwood F91 (v4.0) Outfitted for War F108 The ability should be, "Limit 3 times per
The text blanking effect should read: "...treat Should read: "Attached location is immune to round."
the rest of Ser Cletus Yronwood's printed other non-plot card effects."
text box (apart from this ability) as if it were A Tale of Champions Brotherhood w/o Banners
(v3.3) Free Man F18 (v2.1) Blood Crazed Screamer F 53
(v4.1) Blood Magic Ritual F93
Its traits should read: "Wildling. Refugee." The Blood Crazed Screamer must be eligible
The final sentence of the effect should read:
to participate as an attacker to declare a
"If Blood Magic Ritual is discarded or leaves
(v5.5) Meera Reed F2 second @ challenge using its card ability.
play, kill that character."
The "Any Phase" ability should read: Once this effect initiates when the Blood
"Response: After Meera Reed comes out of Crazed Screamer's controller wins his first @
Beyond the Narrow Sea
shadows, choose 1 non-plot card (2 instead if challenge as an attacker, the "to a maximum
it is Winter) and treat its printed text box as if of 2" card text applies to any additional @
(v3.3) Castle Battlements F23 it were blank until the end of the phase." challenge that player would initiate.
Should read: "Attached location is immune to
other non-plot card effects." (v3.2) Myrcella Lannister F43 (v2.1) Knights of the Hollow Hill F 59
The Any Phase ability should have the text: The "Other cards you control do not provide a
(The attached location does not gain immunity "This effect cannot be triggered during a gold bonus" text does not apply to the +2 gold
to Castle Battlements.) challenge." gained by your House card from this agenda.
(v3.3) Before the Black Walls F40 (v5.3) Asha Greyjoy F70 Should have the text: "This agenda counts as 5
"When revealed, name a challenge type. Should have the text: "House Greyjoy only." cards at your command."
In order to declare any characters to attack
or defend during challenges of that type, a (v3.2) Cotter Pyke F86 (v2.0) Hollow Hill F 78
player must declare all of his or her eligible His trait should read "Ironborn." The Any Phase effect should read:
characters." is all considered part of the "When "Response:"
revealed" effect and is active while the plot is (v5.0) Meraxes F91
revealed or when the "When revealed" effect Should have the text: "House Targaryen only." Defenders of the North
has been triggered by another River plot card. (v3.3) Sorrowful Man F110
Should read: "...Then, that character's (v2.4) Ahead of the Tide F8
(v4.1) Ser Archibald Yronwood F52
controller must either pay you 1 gold or kill Should read: " Response: If an opponent
The text blanking effect should read: "...treat
that character." would win initiative, cancel the determination
the rest of Ser Archibald Yronwood's printed
of initiative winner. You win initiative
text box (apart from this ability) as if it were
Secrets of Oldtown instead."
(v2.4) Compelled by the King F26
(v4.1) Ser Gerris Drinkwater F53 (v3.0) The Maester's Path F19 Should read: " Response: If an opponent
The text blanking effect should read: "...treat Should read: "...attach 1 Chain from this card would win dominance, cancel the
the rest of Ser Gerris Drinkwater's printed to a printed Maester character you control." determination of dominance winner. You win
text box (apart from this ability) as if it were
(v2.2) Support of Saltcliffe F8 dominance instead."
The response effect should be: "Limit 3 times
(v3.3.1) Griff F57 per round."
Should read: "House Targaryen only.
If Griff would be killed, instead attach him to (v2.4) At the Gates F20
your House Card as your only agenda with the Should read: " your deck for a neutral
text: 'If you control fewer attachments than or in-House Maester character of printed cost
each opponent, unattach Griff and return him 3 or lower..."
to play.
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A Game of Thrones LCG Official Rules Clarifications and Frequently Asked Questions
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A Game of Thrones LCG Official Rules Clarifications and Frequently Asked Questions
Page 7
A Game of Thrones LCG Official Rules Clarifications and Frequently Asked Questions
• (F99) DESPERATE MEASURES The following cards are banned from LCG
tournament melee and joust play:
No banned cards at this time.
The following cards have been reprinted with
• (F61) COLDHANDS updated text, and have been removed from
the banned list by version 4.1 of the FAQ
• (F63) MELISANDRE'S FAVOR document. The updated text for each of these
cards is repeated in the card errata section of
Conquest and Defiance this FAQ.
Page 8
A Game of Thrones LCG Rules Clarification and Enhancement
revealed until they arrive at their final Sansa Stark's effect (draw a card) can only
destination. be triggered once. (If a second attachment
is played on Sansa Stark, her ability can be
Game Play triggered again.)
Page 10
A Game of Thrones LCG Rules Clarification and Enhancement
is impossible (aside from cancels) for at least triggered effects or abilities. An example of
Card Effects and Abilities
one aspect of the effect to resolve, the effect a passive ability is the ability of Knight of
cannot be triggered. This check is made during Flowers (CORE B147).
Paying Costs step "b" of an action's initiation, when all play
restrictions are checked. Constant Abilities: Constant abilities are
(3.1) The Letter X those that are continuously affecting the game
Unless specified by a preceding card, card Further, when choosing targets for triggered state. Because there is no point of initiation,
effect, or granted player choice, the letter "X" effects, the player triggering the effect must they cannot be canceled. Examples of constant
is always equal to 0. Further, any card without choose targets that could lead to a successful abilities include the ability of Winter Castle
a cost of the specified type is assumed to have resolution. (CORE S25).
a cost of 0 for purposes of determining how
that card interacts with triggered effects that (3.7) Card Abilities Flavor Text is not considered a card ability, is
need to count its cost. "Card abilities" (i.e. "Character ability," not considered a part of a card's text box, and
"Location ability," or "Attachment ability") has no interaction with any game text.
(3.2) Paying a Cost vs. Triggering an Effect refers to anything in a card's text box, except
Certain cards refer to "kneel 1 influence to..." for traits, keywords, and flavor text. "Card (3.12) Definition of Variables
or "pay 1 influence to..." In both cases, this is abilities" also refers to any abilities (again, Constant Abilities will constantly check and
considered paying a cost. keywords and traits are excluded) gained by (if necessary) update the definition or count of
card effects. their variables.
Paying a cost with influence is not considered
triggering an effect. (3.8) Gaining Abilities Triggered Effects and Passive Abilities define
If any card effect has the text "character or count their variables once (when the effect
Influence-providing cards with immunity to gains...," any ability (traits, keywords, icon is initiated), and the variable is then constant
events or character abilities follow all rules on modifiers, or STR modifiers are not considered throughout the duration of the effect.
immunity with this special exception: They abilities) following the word "gains" is
may still be knelt to pay for influence costs. When an effect checks a variable but there is
considered to now be a character ability. no number present or has no quality capable
(3.3) Effects Per Cost However, that effect is not assumed to be a of being checked (STR, power, cost, etc.) the
When a cost is paid for an effect, the same part of that character's text box. Any effect that variable is counted as 0.
cost cannot be applied to a different effect. For blanks a card's text box is assumed to blank
example, if a player has two copiesof Poisoned that card's printed text box. (3.13) Self-Referential Cards
Wine (CORE T101) in play, and kneels an When a card refers to its own name (e.g., the
(3.9) Icons in the Text Box Catelyn Stark (CORE S6) card that reads,
influence to pay the cost of the Posined Wine's Gold modifiers, influence, and initiative
effect, the player only moves one Poisoned "Response: After Catelyn Stark is declared
modifiers are not called out with an outline, as a defender..."), it is referring to itself only.
Wine. A single cost cannot be applied to and are therefore a part of a card's text box.
multiple effects. This response cannot be triggered when an
Challenge icons and crests are differentiated opponent's Catelyn Stark is declared as a
(3.4) Paying For Cancelled Effects from the text box of a card by a solid outline, defender.
Effects that are canceled are still considered and therefore are not considered a part of that
to have been played. Only the effects are card's textbox. (3.14) Out of Play States
canceled. Costs have still been paid, and any Attachment, location, and character card
(3.10) Gold Modifiers in the Text Box effects can only be triggered (or affect the
target is still chosen. Gold modifiers in the text box fall into two game) while the card is in play. Plot cards are
(3.5) Reduction of Cost types, bonuses and penalties. Gold bonuses not considered "in play" but do affect the game
You can only reduce gold or influence costs will have a + inside the gold coin followed by state while the plot is revealed. Event cards
through card effects. You can never reduce a number, while gold penalties will have a – can be triggered from your hand. In general,
costs that require you to kneel, discard, or kill followed by a number. card effects on non-event cards in a player's
cards that you control, or those that require (3.11) Card Ability Types hand, deck, shadows area, discard pile, used
you to pay the cost with power tokens. Card abilities are divided into three types. plot pile, and dead pile are not considered to
These types are: be actionable unless the card specifically states
Card Effect Interpretation that it can be used while in that state.
Triggered Abilities: Any ability on a card in
(3.6) Triggered Effects play that begins with "Phase:" or "Response:" Further, cards only interact with other cards
Any effect that a player chooses to execute is is a triggered ability. These abilities are that are in play (or with the revealed plot card)
considered a "triggered effect." Thus any effect optional, and must be triggered by the player unless their text references that specific out of
that begins with a "Phase:" or "Response:" controlling the card at the appropriate time play game area or element.
is a triggered effect. Also note that playing for their effect(s) to occur. An example of a
an event card is thus considered a triggered Example: The card Khal Drogo (CORE T107)
triggered ability is the Dominance: effect on reads "Response: After you win a challenge,
effect. A "triggered ability" is a triggered effect Cersei Lannister (CORE L39).
printed on a card already in play. put Khal Drogo into play from your hand..."
Passive Abilities: Passive abilities must Normally, actions on character cards in hand
In order to trigger an effect, the possibility that initiate when applicable. These abilities are are not active, and thus may not be triggered.
at least some independent aspect of the effect identified by their card text, which indicates In this case, however, as the card specifically
(as opposed to the cost) is able to resolve when the ability initiates. Passive abilities are refers to itself and executes an effect "from
must exist. If, given the current game state it not affected by cards that prevent or cancel your hand," it allows the effect to be triggered
Page 11
A Game of Thrones LCG Rules Clarification and Enhancement
even if the card is out of play (this example entities attached to or associated with a of a challenge's claim, or the drawing of a
being in your hand). card, such as attachments, duplicates, power card) are handled. Examples of replacement
counters, gold tokens on the immune card, effects can be found on The Hound (CORE
Also note that cards that return to hand only and also including triggered effects originating L42), and the "deathbound" keyword.
do so if they are still in play, or their game from the immune card, can still be affected by
text specifically states that said card can be cards of the type to which that card is immune, (3.24) Card Type Changes to Attachment
returned while in its out-of-play state. as long as the affecting cards do not target the An attachment is defined as a card in your
immune card. deck, hand, discard pile, or dead pile, of the
(3.15) Canceling Effects with Built in actual "attachment" card type, as well as any
Limits. (3.21) Terminal Effects card in play that is considered to be "attached"
Canceling an effect with a built in limit or A "terminal effect" is any effect that would to another card.
restriction (such as "Limit 1 per phase" or cause a card to become Moribund and would
"Limit once per round") does not cancel or still cause that card to be Moribund even after Facedown attachments are also considered
negate the limit. An effect is still considered to the card was saved. attachments, but with the following additional
have been triggered (or an event card played) rule: If a facedown attachment leaves play
even if its effect does not successfully resolve. A card cannot be saved from a terminal effect for any reason, it is immediately put into its
unless that saving effect also removes it from owner's discard pile. Facedown attachments
Immunity the terminal state. have no traits, no abilities, and no card type
(3.16) Effects of Immunity For example: Flame-Kissed (CORE T103) other than "attachment."
A card with immunity ignores the effects of is played on Selyse Baratheon (CORE B70),
card types to which it is immune. who has a STR of 2. Selyse cannot be saved When a card is "attached," it loses any other
from the effect of Flame-Kissed unless the card type (character, location, event) it may
When determining immunity to event cards save also removes her from the terminal state, have.
and character abilities, check the effect of each either by boosting her STR, discarding the
card. A card's immunity only extends to effects (3.25) Card Type Changes to Character
Flame-Kissed card, or removing Selyse from Any time a non-character card type becomes
that would ordinarily be applied to cards of the the play area. Viserys Targaryen (CORE T108)
immune card's type. or counts as a character, it loses all other card
is an example of a card with a save effect that types it might possess while it is a character.
Specifically: would remove itself from the terminal effect of
Flame-Kissed. If for any reason, a non-character card that is
When an event card resolves, the effect cannot functioning as a character is killed, said card is
be applied to a card that is immune to events. Dynamic Situations placed in the discard pile instead. Effects that
trigger from said card being killed may still
The effects of a character ability cannot be (3.22) Attachment Restrictions apply.
applied to a card that is immune to character Any attachment that has a restriction (such
abilities. as "Lord or Lady only" or "attach to an Similarly, if a non-character card type becomes
opponent's character") is immediately a character and claims power, that power
(3.17) Targetting and Immunity discarded from play at any time that restriction counts towards your victory total.
A card cannot be chosen as a target of effects is not met, regardless of immunity. Such
to which it is immune. restrictions are constant effects, and the If at any time said card is no longer a
attachment should be immediately discarded character, the power that it has claimed thus
(3.18) Direct Interaction far is not discarded, but it no longer counts
Immunity only extends to effects: It does not any time a restriction is not met including
during setup. towards your victory total.
apply to the other elements of an event card
or character ability, including costs and play For example: Tom has played the card If said card once again becomes a character,
restrictions. Motley (Core Set B67) on Kris's House Tully any power it has claimed will again count
Recruiter (Core Set S21). Motley has the text: towards its controller's victory total.
(3.17) Self-Immunity
A card with immunity is not immune to its "Attach to an opponent's character." Later in (3.26) Opponent's Character Abilities
own abilities. the game, Tom uses Seductive Promise (Core "Opponent's character abilities" refers to
Set T175) to take control of the House Tully any ability on a character controlled by an
(3.19) Timing of Immunity Recruiter. Because the Recruiter is no longer opponent. Abilities on characters you control
Immunity is only considered when a triggered "an opponent's character" from the perspective are considered your character abilities even if
effect (or a passive ability) first resolves. A of Tom's Motley card, Motley is immediately they are triggered by an opponent.
card cannot gain immunity to a triggered effect discarded from play.
(or a passive ability) with a lasting duration When a card refers to an "opponent," it is
once that effect has first resolved. Unless specifically stated otherwise on the always referring to opponents of the player
card, attachments always attach to a character. controlling the card making the reference.
Constant abilities are constantly affecting a
card, and immunity from a constant ability (3.23) Replacement Effects (3.27) Taking Control of
can be acquired at any time and cut off that Replacement effects are passive effects that a Card With Attachments
ability's effect. change a part of the framework of the game. Any time control of a card switches via a card
Some of them apply to a card's destination as effect during a game, the new controlling
(3.20) Scope of Immunity it reaches a moribund state. Others change the player gains control of said card and all
Immunity only protects a card itself. Peripheral way in which game events (such as the effect duplicates.
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A Game of Thrones LCG Rules Clarification and Enhancement
Unless specified in game text, the new pile, hand, deck, or shadows area (depending (3.40) Saving from "Then" Effects
controlling player does not gain control of any on the specific circumstances). Any "Then" effect that would remove
attachments on said character. a character from play creates a special
(3.32) Dead and Discard Pile opportunity for players to play “save”
(3.28) Duration of Control Change You may not change the order of cards in your responses to the terminal “Then” effect. Only
A control change granted by an instantaneous discard or dead pile. You may look at any save responses can be played during this
effect (such as the event card Seductive player's discard or dead pile at any time. special opportunity.
Promise) marks a change in the card's status,
moving the card from one player's control to (3.33) “Participated” and (3.41) Cards entering play between
another's. Removal From Challenge initiation and resolution of an effect
A character is only considered to have If a card enters play after the initiation of a
Unless otherwise stated (for example, with a participated if they remain in the challenge general (non-targeting) effect, but before that
specified duration), the change of control is through its resolution. If they are removed effect's resolution, it may be affected by the
permanent until the card that switched sides from a challenge, there is no memory of that general effect.
leaves play. Further effects that cause the card character having participated in that challenge.
to change control may still be played on the (3.42) Moribund Cards Returning to Play
card. (3.34) Plot Rotation Any effect that attempts to return a moribund
When a player's plot deck is empty, that card to play from its moribund destination
Attachments that take control of a card by a player's used plot cards move from his or her should be treated as a replacement effect
constant effect require the continual influence used pile to his or her plot deck as a passive that changes the card's moribund state
of the constant effect for the control change to game effect of resolving the revealed plot. to "remaining in play." The card is still
persist. If such an attachment leaves play, the considered to have left play for the purpose of
control change expires. (3.35) No Characters in a Challenge responses and passive effects. All attachments
If, at any time after a challenge begins and tokens on it are discarded. During step
Any time a control change effect reaches its and attackers are declared, there are no
duration or expires, control of the card reverts 6 of the action window, when all moribund
participating characters in that challenge, the cards are moved to their final destinations, the
back to its previous controller. challenge ends immediately without resolution. card is removed from the moribund state but
(3.29) Unique Cards and Changing Control (3.36) Multiple Epic Phases remains in play.
You may not play, put into play, or take control If multiple epic phases are created in a single
of a unique card already in play that you own (3.43) Attachments on Out of Play Entities
round, they are played in the order in which When an attachment is specifically attached
or control (except for putting a duplicate on they were created, after the dominance phase
a card that you own and control), or that is in to an out of play entity (such as a card in
and before the standing phase. Shadows, a plot card, a player's discard
your dead pile.
(3.37) Gaining an Ability from a Triggered pile, etc.), that attachment is considered to
Thus you cannot take control of a unique Effect be in play and under the command of its
character that you already have in play. You When a card gains an ability or additional controller. It therefore interacts with card text
cannot play a unique card if your opponent has card text from a triggered effect, it retains that that interacts with attachments in play. The
taken control of another copy of that unique ability throughout the duration of the effect, attachment is not considered a part of the out
card that you own. even if the original source of the triggered of play entity it is attached to. (For instance,
effect is blanked or leaves play. This rule holds an attachment attached to a card in Shadows is
Duplicates can only be played or put into play not itself in Shadows.)
on cards you own and control. true when a card provides itself with additional
text through one of its own triggered effects. (3.44) Partial Fulfillment of Effects
(3.30) Changing Control Mid-Challenge If an effect attempts to search, look at, discard,
If a character participating in a challenge (3.38) Additional Challenges through Card
Effects reveal, or draw a specified number of cards
changes control during that challenge, that that is greater than the number of cards
character is removed from the challenge. If A player can never initiate an additional
challenge during the resolution of a prior remaining in a player's hand, deck, discard
said character was the only character in the pile, or dead pile, the effect is performed to
challenge, the challenge ends. challenge.
the greatest extent possible upon the remaining
If that character was the only attacker or For example: Shadow Politics (KLE F18) cards in the affected game area.
defender, that player's STR during the allows a player to initiate an additional #
challenge as a standard player action. This (3.45) Multiple Instances of Prized
challenge is considered to be zero. All players When a card has multiple instances of the
may trigger effects or pay costs as long action cannot be taken during the resolution of
another challenge. Prized keyword, each instance resolves
as there is at least one other participating independently of all other instances, regardless
character. (3.39) Unique Cards Entering Play from the of qualifying value.
(3.31) Changing Control and Leaving Play Dead Pile
When putting a unique card into play from (3.46) Search Resolution
A card a player owns is a card he or she A player is not obligated to find the object of
brought to the game in his or her deck. A your dead pile, that copy of the card does not
prevent itself from entering play. Multiple a search in order to resolve a search effect. A
player may lose control over a card, but he or player may optionally choose to fail to find
she is still considered the card's owner. copies of a unique card will prevent one
another from entering play from your dead the object of a search. The act of searching is
When a card leaves play for any reason, it pile, unless those copies would all enter play considered successful even if the object of the
always returns to its owner's discard pile, dead simultaneously. search is not found.
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A Game of Thrones LCG Rules Clarification and Enhancement
(3.47) Change in Statistic or Property A duplicate retains no properties of the card it affected by a replacement effect, cards that
In order to trigger a response (or initiate a would be if it were not a duplicate. It is only have been discarded from play are placed in
passive ability) to a change in a statistic (such considered a "duplicate card." the discard pile when they leave the moribund
as the increase or decrease of a card's STR) or state.
property (such as the gain or loss of a keyword (4.3) The word "cannot"
or icon), both a new modifier must be applied If an effect has the word "cannot" in its (4.6) Eliminated From the Game
and the final actual value of the statistic or description, then it is an absolute: That effect If a player is eliminated from the game before
property must change appropriately (e.g. going may not be overridden by other effects. the end of that game (i.e., in a multiplayer
from having an icon to not having it, or going game), every card that player owns or controls
For example, if Wildfire Assault (CORE leaves play, and is placed at the bottom of its
from the original STR value to a different L191) is played, which has an effect that kills
value). owner's deck.
characters and "cannot be saved," then a card
Note that the expiration or loss of a modifier like Bodyguard (CORE T150) that saves that (4.7) Deathbound
does invoke a new calculation of the final character would not work. Also note that if a Cards with the "deathbound" keyword are
actual value, but does not create a situation card cannot be saved, a player cannot even only placed in the dead pile when they would
in which responses or passives to the attempt to save it with a saving card or effect. otherwise be placed in the discard pile from
modification of the specified property can play.
Note, however, that Wildfire Assault may still
initiate. be canceled, because it does not have the text Event cards that have the deathbound keyword
"cannot be canceled." are placed in the dead pile only after being
Definitions and Terms played from hand.
A character that cannot be killed/saved/etc.
(4.1) House Affiliation may not be chosen for that effect. (4.8) Card Title
The House affiliation of a card is defined as A player may only include up to 3 copies of a
(4.4) "Play" and "Put into Play" card with the same title in his or her draw deck
which of the Great Houses the card belongs to.
Character, Location, and Attachment cards are regardless of card type. This restriction does
This is identified by the card's House Shield
“played” from the hand during the marshalling not include the usage of plot cards.
located in the upper right hand corner of the
phase, by taking a player action and paying
card. House affiliations are specifically: Stark,
their gold cost. (4.9) The word "then"
Baratheon, Lannister, Greyjoy, Targaryen, or
If a card has multiple effects, all effects on the
Martell. Event cards are “played” by placing the card card are resolved, if possible, independently
on the table, paying the specified cost, and of whether any other effects of the card are
Some cards (such as neutrals) have no House
triggering the effect. successful, with the following important
"Put into play" effects are not considered to be exception:
(4.2) Duplicates
"played." Similarly, when a card is "put into If a card uses the word "then," then the
The text from page 19 of the Rulebook should
play," it does not trigger any "when played" preceding effect must have been resolved
read: “If one of your unique cards is about to
effects, and vice versa. Both, however, would successfully for the subsequent dependent
leave play, as a triggered ‘Response:’ effect,
trigger effects that occur when a card "comes effect to be resolved.
you may discard an attached duplicate to
into play” or “enters play.”
save the unique card from leaving play. This
Take for example the card You've Killed the
includes, but is not limited to, an effect that "Put into Play" is a game mechanic that Wrong Dwarf (CORE L167):
kills, discards, returns the card to hand, deck, bypasses all costs (including all gold penalties)
shadows, or removes the card from the game.” and play restrictions. "Any phase: Choose and kneel a non-
{character, Then, that character claims 1
Playing a duplicate is not considered to be For example: Bran the Builder's Legacy power."
playing an attachment. Duplicates may not be (CORE S159) lets you put into play a location
played during setup. of printed cost 2 or lower. You would not need In this example, because of the use of the
to pay the gold cost to bring the new location word "then," claiming power on the character
Using a duplicate to save a character
into play, and you could bring in a limited is dependent upon that character first kneeling.
is considered to be a gained triggered
location even if you had already played a In other words, the card cannot be played on
"Response:" action. Thus, it is treated as a
limited card that turn. an already-kneeling character to claim power
triggered effect and may be canceled, but
for that character.
because it is gained (and therefore an ability (4.5) Leaving Play
of the card attempting to use the response), a A card "leaves play" when it moves from an By contrast, the card Cersei Lannister (CORE
character who is "immune to triggered effects" in play state to an out of play state. Out of L39) does not use the word "then," and its
can be saved by using a duplicate, as a card play states are the dead pile, the discard pile, a effects are not dependent on one another:
cannot be immune to its own abilities. player’s hand, and a player’s deck.
"Dominance: Kneel Cersei Lannister and
If a copy of a unique character that a player A card is “killed” if it is moved from play by pay 2 gold to choose a character. Kneel that
owns and controls would be put into play by a a kill effect. Unless affected by a replacement character if it is standing. That character
card effect, that copy enters play as a duplicate effect, killed cards are placed in the dead pile does not stand during the standing phase this
of that character. when they leave the moribund state. round."
A card is “discarded from play” if it is In this case, the two effects (kneeling the
removed from play by a discard effect. Unless character and preventing it from standing) are
Page 14
A Game of Thrones LCG Rules Clarification and Enhancement
considered separately: The chosen character card also creates a lasting effect that reads, "If (4.23) Facedown Cards
will be prevented from standing if it was knelt you win the challenge, draw 2 cards." Since Facedown cards that are not in a player's deck
by Cersei's effect, or if it was knelt previously this lasting effect does not occur during step may be looked at by their controller at any
in the round. 3 of the resolution of Insidious Ways, a card time. Players may not look at an opponent's
like Wildling Wisewoman (DotN F77), which facedown cards.
(4.10) House Cards specifically cancels effects that "would" allow
House cards are considered to be "in play," an opponent to draw cards, cannot be used to Event Cards
and cannot be removed from play for any cancel this effect.
Following is a breakdown of the different
(4.19) Printed
(4.11) Agenda Cards elements of an event card. These items are
Any reference made to "printed" be it cost,
Agenda cards are not considered to be in play. useful in understanding how event cards
STR, icons, etc. only refers to the referenced
Further, the effects of an Agenda card cannot interact with different cards and the wide array
item physically printed on the card itself. A
be canceled. of different effects in the game.
card like Summer Reserves (Scattered Armies
(4.12) The Hand F119) does not have a printed cost or STR for Event cards can contain up to four different
Any reference made to a player’s “hand” instance. Any card effect that looked for the elements (though most have only some of
refers to that hand as a single entity, and printed cost of a card without a printed cost these elements). These are: play restriction,
does not refer to any of the individual cards would fail to find any cost and would return a cost, target, and effect.
in that hand. Thus, it is possible to discard a null value, no item that could be referenced.
A Lannister Pays His Debts (CORE L165) is
“hand” of 0 cards. Further, if you do discard (4.20) Character Agendas an example of an event card that contains all
your “hand,” you are not considered to A character agenda is any card with the printed four elements.
have discarded any of the individual cards character type that, through a card affect, has
that make up that hand (for the purpose of attached to a player's House card as an agenda. Play Restrictions
initiating other card effects). A character agenda cannot attach to a House
A play restriction is an element that controls
Revealing your hand is not considered card if you already have an agenda of any
when or how often the event may be played.
revealing any of the individual cards in your type on your House card. Once attached as an
A Lannister Pays His Debts has the play
hand, and adding a card to a revealed hand is agenda a character agenda loses all other card
restriction: "Response: After you lose a
not considered revealing that card. types and follows all rules regarding agenda
challenge..." The event can only be played as
a response to losing a challenge.
Note that it is possible, through card effects,
to reveal individual cards from a hand that is (4.21) Losing/Gaining "all" Traits or
Other play restrictions include things like
revealed in its entirety. Keywords
"Challenges:" (the card can only be played
If a card gains or loses "all traits," it gains or
during the Challenges phase), "House Lanister
(4.14) Keywords loses 1 instance of each trait in the game. If a
only" (the card can only be played in a
Keyword effects with a point of initiation card gains or loses "all keywords," it gains or
Lannister deck, or "limit 1 per phase" (the card
(such as ambush) cannot be canceled. loses 1 instance of each keyword in the game.
can only be played once per phase. The text
Characters can be saved from the effects of a
If a card loses "all instances" of a trait or "Any Phase:" is a way of specifying that an
keyword like deadly.
keyword, it loses that trait or keyword an event does not have a phase play restriction
(4.15) Playing a card into Shadows infinite number of times. A card cannot gain (though it may have other play restrictions).
Playing a card into Shadows is considered to "all instances" of a trait or keyword.
If you cannot meet the play restrictions of an
be playing a card from hand.
(4.22) Phase and Round Limits event, you may not play that event. Not all
(4.16) Cards in Shadows A limit on an effect on a card that remains events have play restrictions.
A facedown card that is in Shadows has no in play through the resolution of the effect
characteristics other than "card in Shadows." applies to the copy of the card on which the
limit is printed. The cost of an event is the resources you
(4.17) Bringing a Card Out of Shadows
must pay to play the event. A Lannister Pays
The game rules allow each player to bring 1 A limit on an effect on a card that never enters
His Debts has a cost of "kneel one of your
card out of Shadows at the beginning of each play (such as an event card) or leaves play as
^ characters." Other costs might include
phase. Card effects that bring cards out of a result of the resolution of the effect, such as
kneeling influence, paying gold, or discarding
Shadows at any other time are not restricted by Den of the Wolf (ATOR F58), or Ser Preston
cards. An easy way to identify the cost is the
this allowance. Greenfield (TKR F57) returning himself to
formula "Do X to do Y" in which the first part,
Shadows, applies to all copies of that card, by
(4.18) Canceling an effect that do X, is the cost.
"Would" Occur
If you cannot pay the cost of an event, you
When attempting to cancel an effect that Limits always apply only to the player who
may not play that event. Not all events have
"would" occur, that effect would have to occur is using the ability. For instance, if one player
a cost.
(if it were not canceled) by the end of step 3 of plays a copy of an event card with the text
the action window the cancel interrupts. "limit one per phase," that player's opponent Target
may also play his or her own copy of that
For example: The event card Insidious Ways event during that phase. The target identifies what card or cards the
(CORE L163), has an immediate effect that event's effect is applied to. The word choose
gives one attacking character +2 STR. The is always used to denote a target. If an event
Page 15
A Game of Thrones LCG Official Rules Clarifications and Frequently Asked Questions
does not have the word "choose," then it A play restriction is an element that controls be a cost, and you would have to kneel three
does not have a target. A Lanister Pays His when or how often the character ability may characters to trigger the effect.
Debts has a target of "a participating character be triggered. Viserion's ability has one play
controlled by the winning opponent." If an restriction. In its text, "Dominance:" restricts All character abilities have an effect, and may
event read "Stand all characters," then it would which phase the ability may be triggered. If a be triggered whether or not the effect has any
not be considered to have a target (because it character ability has the text "Any Phase:" it result.
does not include the word "choose”). is a way of specifying that the ability does not Additional Notes
have a phase play restriction (though it may
If you do not have a valid target for an event, have other play restrictions). Some character abilities may have two or
you may not play that event. Not all events more completely separate effects, each with
have a target. If you cannot meet the play restrictions of its own play restrictions, cost, or targets.
a character ability, you may not trigger that Separate effects will always be separated in a
Effect character ability. Not all character abilities different paragraph. Treat each separate effect
The effect of an event is what the event card have play restrictions. as its own card. Unless the character card
does when played. A Lannister Pays His Debts Cost specifically says otherwise, one effect has no
has an effect of killing the targeted character. impact upon the other.
The cost of a character ability is the resources
Note that some event cards may have you must pay in order to trigger the effect.
detrimental effects in addition to beneficial Viserion’s ability has a cost of "pay 4 gold."
effects, which should not be confused with a Other costs might include kneeling a character
cost. For example, an event might read "Draw or discarding cards. An easy way to identify
three cards. Kneel three of your characters." the cost is the formula "Do X to do Y" in
Kneeling your characters is an additional which the first part, do X, is the cost. Note
effect, not a cost, because it was not phrased that some older character abilities are not
in "Do X to do Y" format. Thus you could still templated this way.
play this card even if you had no characters
in play. If the event had read, "Kneel three If you cannot pay the cost of a character
of your characters to draw three cards," then ability, you may not trigger its effect. Not all
kneeling your characters would be a cost, and character abilities have a cost.
you would have to kneel three characters to
play the event. Target
All event cards have an effect, and may be The target identifies what card or cards the
played whether or not the effect has any result. character ability's effect is applied to. The
word choose is always used to denote a
Additional Notes target. If a character ability does not have the
word "choose," then it does not have a target.
Some event cards may have two or more Viserion's ability has a target in "choose (and
completely separate effects, each with its own kill) a kneeling character." If the ability read
play restrictions, cost, or targets. Separate "Stand all characters," then it would not be
effects will always be separated in a different considered to have a target (because it does
paragraph. Treat each separate effect as its not include the word "choose.")
own card. Unless the event card specifically
says otherwise, one effect has no impact upon If you do not have a valid target for the
the other. character ability, you may not trigger its
effects. Not all character abilities have a target.
Character Abilities
Following is a breakdown of the different The effect of a character ability is what the
elements of a character ability. These items are ability does when triggered. Viserion's ability
useful in understanding how character abilities has the effect of killing the targeted character.
interact with different cards and the wide array
of different effects in the game. Note that some character abilities may have
detrimental effects in addition to beneficial
Character abilities can contain up to four effects, which should not be confused with a
different elements (though most have only cost. For example, a character ability might
some of these elements). These are: Play read "Draw three cards. Kneel three of your
Restriction, Cost, Target, and Effect. characters." Kneeling your characters is an
additional effect, not a cost, because it was not
Viserion (CORE T112) is an example of a
phrased in "Do X to do Y" format. Thus you
character card that contains all four elements
could still trigger this effect even if you had
of a character ability.
2 characters in play. If the ability had read,
Play Restrictions "Kneel three of your characters to draw three
cards," then kneeling your characters would
Page 16
A Game of Thrones LCG Timing Structure and Flowcharts
first response (normal and/or save/cancel a solid foundation of how to master AGOT
responses). The first player always has timing conflicts.
the option to initiate the first response in a
framework action window. The "Action"
The first fundamental concept for
Action/response options always continue understanding AGOT timing is the action.
clockwise in this fashion until all players Actions are the fundamental building blocks
consecutively pass. of the game, as the game moves forward with
players executing a string of actions until a
The following is a detailed outline of the Multiple Lasting Effects winner is determined.
timing rules for the A Game of Thrones Living Even if not triggered at the same time,
Card Game as they relate for specific timing multiple Lasting Effects may affect the The action defines most things that players
windows and responses. same card at the same time. For example: a do during AGOT (such as playing cards,
character without the Power icon is affected triggering abilities, etc). There are two
General by two lasting effects. One (such as Slander) fundamental actions in the game: the player
removes a Power icon from the character, and action and the framework action.
During the course of the game, players may one (such as Lordship) adds the Power icon to
take many different types of actions. For the that character. In this example the two lasting To understand this section better, it is helpful
purposes of these rules, an action is defined effects cancel each other, and the character is if you refer to the timing flowcharts found at
as any time a player plays a card (including left unchanged. The order in which the lasting the back of this section of the document.
marshalling), or chooses to use an ability on effects take place is irrelevant: the net sum
a card already in play, including responses. result of all lasting effects is applied to the While studying the flowcharts you will see
A passive ability is defined as an ability on a character (the net sum of –1 Power icon and that every phase contains one or more grey
card already in play that triggers automatically, +1 Power icon is 0, thus the character remains boxes that dictate certain measures to be taken
without a choice from the player. Actions and unchanged). A character can never have more by players. We will, from now on, call these
passive abilities are separate terms that are not than one icon of a specified kind. grey boxes framework actions. Framework
interchangeable; if a card has a passive ability, actions provide the basic structure of the
using that ability is not considered taking an Lasting effects that affect other character phases representing the rules and underlying
action. attributes work in the same fashion. For engine of AGOT.
example, if a character has a base STR of 2,
Most effects in A Game of Thrones resolve and a lasting effect (such as Forever Burning) Example: During the draw phase, the instance
immediately after being triggered, but some lowers that character's STR by 1, and another where players must simultaneously draw two
effects last for a set period of time, or even Lasting Effect (such as Gutter Rat's Cunning cards each is considered a framework action.
indefinitely. Effects that last for longer than gives the character +2 STR, the net sum
a single action are considered lasting effects. modifier affecting the character is +1 STR (–1 Other than framework actions, the timing
Both actions and passive abilities can be +2 = +1). Thus, the character has a total STR flowchart is filled with white boxes, which we
lasting effects. of 3. If a character's STR is ever lower than 0 call player actions. It is during these stages
after all effects are applied, its STR is rounded that players may play/trigger most card effects
Active and First Player up to 0. as well as play cards from their hands.
The player that was chosen to go first during
initiative is the first player. If, at any time, two (or more) lasting effects What is a "Player Action"?
create an endless loop that cannot successfully When the game flow arrives at a player action
During the marshalling and challenges phases, resolve itself, resolve the loop as if neither segment, the first player is always allowed to
the active player is the player currently taking lasting effect were occurring. take the first action. After the first action has
his/her turn. been fully resolved, the opportunity to take
Wheels within Wheels another action goes to the player to the left,
Passive Effects Conflict and so on (continuing in clockwise order).
If two conflicting passive effects would On occasion players will notice that there are After all players have consecutively passed
resolve at the same time, the first player some instances in AGOT where cards seem on taking additional actions, then this player
always chooses the order in which these to interact in very complex ways. Sometimes action segment is over, and the game proceeds
effects are resolved. there seem to be good arguments on both sides to its next framework action or to the next
for how and when a card effect should be phase.
First Actions and Responses implemented. When discussing these cards and
The first player always takes the first action situations, you may come to realize that there To "take a player action" is to do one of the
at the beginning of every "Player Actions" is a fundamental "clockwork" or "engine" following:
segment (refer to the game flow charts at the behind the game, more subtle and complex
end of section III of this document). than the simple AGOT rules reveal at first 1) Play a character, location, or attachment
glance. card from your hand (during the marshalling
Within any action window (see “The Action phase, and by the active player only).
Window in Detail," on page 18), the player Presented here is the AGOT timing system 2) Play an event card from your hand (this is
to the left of the player who initiated the in detail, defining a solid timing resolution also called "triggering" an event card ability).
action always has the option to initiate the process, and hopefully providing players with
Page 18
A Game of Thrones LCG Timing Structure and Flowcharts
3) Trigger a card effect printed on one of the II) Save/cancel responses (only for triggered (see below).
character, location, or attachment cards you the preceding passive ability)
control in play (or, in rare circumstances, from III) Execute passive ability After the action window is entirely resolved
out of play). IV) Initiate passive abilities (Step 6), the game moves on to the next player
triggered by the passive ability action or framework action. Any unused
For the instances 2 and 3 above, the card (following I through IV) response opportunities (or "open gates")
text effect will always be preempted by the are now lost, and players holding unused
exact phase in which the action is allowed. 5) Responses (in clockwise order until all responses must wait for another opportunity
Examples are Marshalling:, Challenges:, or players consecutively pass) are resolved. For during a later action window.
Any Phase:. each response:
a) Initiate response Save/Cancel Responses
Note that executing passive abilities (card b) Save/cancel responses (only for We noted above that opportunity "gates" for
abilities that must be activated without choice the preceding response) normal responses stay open for the duration of
from the player) does not constitute an action. c) Execute response the action window. This means that you can
d) Initiate passive abilities triggered play a normal response at any time during the
Example: The card Knight of Flowers by the response (follow I through IV action window as long as a "gate" has opened
(CORE B147) reads, "At the beginning of the above) up sometime prior during the current action
dominance phase, Knight of Flowers gains window. This is not the case for save/cancel
1 power if he is standing." This is a passive 6) Action is resolved (end of action) responses.
ability, and does not cost Boros's owner his (You may also refer to the charts at the end
first action. of this document for a graphical presentation After Step 1, in which the action itself is
of both the framework and player action initiated, proceed to Step 2 where players, in
Important exception: All card abilities that window). clockwise order, have the opportunity to play a
are preempted by the word Response: are save/cancel response that would either cancel
specifically not actions and may not be Responses the action or save a target card from being
triggered unless allowed inside an "Action Responses are not actions, but are effects that killed or discarded as a result of the action.
Window" (see below). may be triggered by players when a specific Only after all players consecutively pass on a
opportunity arises within an action window. save/cancel opportunity is the action executed
Marshalling Actions Each specific response will dictate when and and resolved. After Step 3, players will no
Even though actions always pass back and under what circumstances it may be triggered. longer have the option to cancel its effects, or
forth between players, the types of actions that There are two types of responses: save/cancel save its targets from being killed or discarded.
can be taken during the marshalling phase are responses (that contain the word "save" or Note that this also holds true for the resolution
a special exception. "cancel" in their text) and normal responses of passive abilities and all responses. This
(which have an effect different than that of even holds true in the rare case when a player
During the marshalling phase, only the active saving a card from being killed/discarded or wishes to cancel a "cancel" response just
player may marshall cards with a gold cost canceling the preceding action, response, or played.
printed in its upper left corner. (A printed gold passive ability.)
cost of 0 is still considered a gold cost.) In other words, the opportunity "gate" for
Response "Opportunities" saving/canceling is closed immediately after
It is important to note that even if only the When the requirements (or "play restrictions") all players consecutively pass on playing a
active player may take actions that cost gold, for playing a response are met, the response save/cancel response.
after he resolves each of his actions, opponents is said to have an "opportunity." The first
may still trigger effects and play event cards, possible opportunity may arise with the very The Action Window in Detail
even if they are not the active player. action that started the action window itself,
but other opportunities within an action 1) Action is initiated
The Action Window window may arise when other responses, and/
When an action is taken, it is always fully or passive abilities (executed within the same After a player initiates an action, the timing
resolved before the next action may be taken. action window), are resolved. window starts.
The actual resolution of an action, however,
and the state of cards during this process, You can think of opportunities as "gates" For the initiation stage of any player action, a
can be complex. When an action is triggered, that open up, allowing you to play specific player must go through the following substeps,
it opens an action window governed by the responses during an action window. The action in order. The first step is always revealing the
following rules. itself may open a "gate," and subsequent card or declaring the intent to use an ability.
responses and passive abilities executed within Then:
1) Action is initiated the current action window may open additional
"gates." These opportunities (or "gates") stay a) Determine the cost (to either marshal the
2) Save/cancel responses open until Step 6, when the action finally ends card or pay for the card's effect) or costs (if
and the action window closes. Exception: multiple costs are necessary for the intended
3) Action is executed Save/cancel responses work differently, as action).
their "gates" are closed after all players pass b) Check play restrictions, including
4) Passive abilities, triggered by the action, are on playing a save/cancel response immediately verification of applicable targets.
resolved: after an action/passive ability/response is c) Apply any penalties to the cost(s). (Any
I) Initiate passive ability
Page 19
A Game of Thrones LCG Timing Structure and Flowcharts
effects that modify a penalty are applied to that the action window in which it was played. A
penalty before it becomes a part of the cost.) In other words, a Moribund card is considered Moribund event is not considered "in play"
d) Apply any other active modifiers (including to have left play but is physically still in play and is not "under the command" of the person
reducers) to the cost(s). and retains its abilities (including attachments who played it.
e) Pay the cost(s). and their abilities) and is allowed to interact
f) Marshal the card, or trigger the effect. with the game as normal until it is finally (and 4) Passive abilities are triggered
Choose targets (if applicable) and proceed to physically) placed in the discard/dead pile or Any passive abilities that are triggered as a
step two. returned to hand/deck during Step 6 of the result of the action (or a save/cancel response
action window. hereto), are now initiated. As with the action
2) Save/cancel responses itself, before a passive ability is executed, all
In clockwise order, players now have the This means that any response ability or passive players have the option to cancel it or to save
opportunity to cancel the action, or to save effect on a Moribund card can be triggered for a target of the passive ability. If all players
a chosen target from being killed, discarded, the remaining duration of the action window, pass on the save/cancel option, the ability is
etc. If all players pass, then the action will be and other abilities that trigger when a card executed. Remember that if two conflicting
executed, and can no longer be canceled or its leaves play (in either of the four ways) can be passive abilities would resolve at the same
target(s) saved. triggered (even if the card has not physically time, their order of resolution is determined by
left play yet). When the card finally leaves the the first player.
3) Action is executed game in Step 6, it loses its abilities (as cards
The active player now executes the effects of do when they actually leave play), and ceases Attachment cards that were attached to cards
the action. If this action discards one or more to be Moribund. Attachments also lose their that are leaving play are discarded passively
cards, kills one or more characters, returns abilities (and are discarded). (and go Moribund themselves) at this time.
one or more cards to a player's hand or deck,
or moves a card to a player's shadows area, Example: During the marshalling phase, an Any cards that are killed, discarded, or
these cards do not yet leave play. Cards that opponent triggers an ability that kills your returned to hand as a result of the passive
are killed, discarded, or returned to hand or Joffrey Baratheon (CORE L36) character. ability are considered Moribund, and do not
deck during the action window are considered Joffrey Baratheon's ability is a response that actually leave play until Step 6.
Moribund for the remaining duration of the may be triggered to claim a power every time
Action Window, and do not physically leave a Lord or Lady character is killed. 5) Responses
play until Step 6. After any passive abilities triggered as a
No player (yourself included) could save result of the action or save/cancel response
What is "Moribund"? Joffrey Baratheon during Step 2, so he now are resolved, players may now play normal
After a card is forced to leave play (by being becomes Moribund. A Moribund character is responses in clockwise order (starting with the
killed, discarded, returned to its owner's hand not entirely out of the game yet, however, and player to the left of the player who initiated
or deck, or moved to its owner's shadows Joffrey Baratheon is not yet placed in the dead the action). As described above, a player may
area) that card is considered Moribund for the pile. During Step 5 of the action window, since trigger normal responses for any opportunity
duration of the action window. This includes a Lord character (Joffrey Baratheon himself) that has occurred at any time during this
cards that have been killed, discarded, or was killed, you can trigger his response and Action Window - either spurred from the
returned to hand/deck in order to pay a cost. have Joffrey Baratheon claim one power. If action itself, or spurred from other responses,
The Moribund "state" lies after the effect that this was the last power you needed to win the or passive abilities, resolved previously during
forced the card out of play, but before the card game, you will win. Otherwise, during Step the Action Window.
is physically placed in the dead/discard pile. 6 of the action window, you must place the
killed Joffrey Baratheon in the dead pile, and For every response, players must go through
A Moribund card (and its attachments) is discard his power back to the power pool (any these steps before the response is fully
considered to have been killed, discarded, attachments would also be discarded at this executed:
returned to its owner's hand or deck, or moved time).
to its owner's shadows area, but only for the 1) Initiate response
purposes of triggering responses and passive Rules Exception 2) Save/cancel responses (only for the
abilities. This includes responses and passive Although considered in play, a Moribund card preceding response)
abilities triggered by a card being placed in cannot be removed from play (or targeted to 3) Execute response
the appropriate out-of-play area. A Moribund be removed from play) again by any effect or 4) Resolve passive abilities triggered
card is, for all other purposes, still considered any attempt to pay a cost for the remainder of by the response, etc. (following the same
in play. the action window. However, the "state" of a steps as Step 4 (I through IV of the
Moribund card can be changed by an effect action window))
Example:When Benjen Stark (CORE S135) that does not actually attempt to remove it
is killed, all players must shuffle their dead from play a second time. Any cards that are killed, discarded, or
piles back into their decks. This passive ability Moribund State For Events returned to a player's hand as a result of a
is triggered and executed when Benjen Stark When an event card is played during steps 1, response are considered Moribund, and do not
became moribund (because he is considered to 2, or 5 of an action window, unless it enters actually leave play until Step 6.
have been killed/discarded), but Benjen Stark play as part of the resolution of its effect (e.g.
himself would not be in the dead pile, and Risen from the Sea), it enters a Moribund Example: Since Jaime Lannister was killed
therefore is not shuffled back into his owner's state after its resolution and is only actually as the result of a lost @ challenge (and
deck. moved to the discard or dead pile in step 6 of is now Moribund), the Lannister player
Page 20
A Game of Thrones LCG Timing Structure and Flowcharts
decides (when it is his turn again to take a of challenge. The strength of the two It is now the Lannister player's turn to play a
response during step 5) to play the event card opposing sides are totaled and compared (with response, but he passes. Then the Baratheon
A Lannister Pays His Debts, which reads: Baratheon having the most STR). player may once again take a response, but he
"Response: after you lose a challenge, kneel is out of responses and also passes. Since both
one of your ^ characters to choose and kill Both players (starting with the Baratheon players have now passed consecutively, the
a participating character controlled by the player) now have the opportunity to play framework action window is now closed, and
winning opponent." The Lannister player a save/cancel response (step 2) to this the Moribund Lannister character is placed in
initiates his response by kneeling Ser Jaime framework event. Neither player has a valid the dead pile.
Lannister to pay the cost of the event card. save/cancel response, so the framework event
(Jaime can be used to pay this cost even resolves (step 3). The Baratheon player wins
though he is moribund.) The other players the challenge. Play proceeds to the next
now have the option to cancel the event card. framework event in the window.
No opponent plays a cancel save or cancel B) The second challenge resolution
effect to the A Lannister Pays His Debts card, framework event initiates: challenge result is
so the effect executes. The targeted character implemented. The Lannister player chooses
goes moribund until the challenge until the one of his characters to die for claim.
challenge action window closes in step 6.
Both players have the opportunity to play a
Step 5 is not over until all players have save/cancel response to the challenge result;
consecutively passed on taking additional neither player does, and the chosen character
responses. becomes moribund. Play proceeds to the next
framework event in the window.
6) Action is resolved (end of action)
The action window is now complete, and all C) The third challenge resolution framework
cards that were Moribund now physically event initiates: reward for unopposed
leave play by whatever effect that caused challenge is awarded. The challenge was
them to do so (either being killed, discarded, opposed, so no reward is awarded. Play
or returned to their owner's hand). All proceeds to the next framework event in the
attachments and duplicates on Moribund window.
characters are placed in the discard pile. All D) The fourth challenge resolution framework
response opportunities are now closed. event initiates: renown is awarded. Robert
Baratheon is going to claim a power for
Framework Actions renown.
All framework actions, including the "start" of
every phase, work very similarly to the way Both players have the opportunity to play a
that player actions work. Here is the timing save/cancel response to Robert claiming power
resolution for framework actions. for renown. Neither player has a valid save/
The biggest difference between framework cancel response, so Robert claims 1 power for
actions and player actions is that the renown. This is the final framework event in
framework action initiates several events the action window, so play proceeds to step 4.
dictated by the rules of the game, rather than
player choice. E) Passive effects that are triggered due to
any of proceeding framework events are
Please see the detailed diagram on how to initiated. Robert Baratheon's passive ability
understand the framework action at the end of reads "When Robert Baratheon claims power
this section (pages 18-20). for renown, he claims an additional power."
Since Robert did claim a renown power during
Below is a comprehensive example of how to the challenge resolution, this passive ability
resolve the challenge resolution framework is now automatically triggered, and Robert
action: claims one additional power. (Both players
have the opportunity to save/cancel this effect,
The Baratheon player has initiated a but they pass.)
military challenge against the Lannister F) Responses are now played. The first player
player. After both attackers and defenders may take the first response. The Baratheon
have been declared and all player actions player, who won the military challenge, plays
resolved, the framework action window the card Die by the Sword from his hand and
representing challenge resolution begins. The chooses a Lannister character to be killed. As
entire challenge resolution is handled by a a save/cancel response, the Lannister player
framework action window. This is executed in cancels Die by the Sword by playing the card
this manner: Paper Shield.
A) The first challenge resolution framework
event is initiated (step 1), determine winner
Page 21
The Player Action Window
1. Action is initiated. I. Passive action is initiated.
2. Save/cancel responses
to framework event.* Follow steps
III. Passive ability is executed.
I through IV, etc.
IV. Other (now triggered)
3. Framework event passive abilities are initiated.
Framework Action
1. Active Player declares Framework Action
challenge type and opponent 1. Dominance Phase ends
2. Active player kneels
Player Actions
Standing Phase
Framework Action
Framework Action
1. Active Player chooses
Stealth targets 1. Standing Phase begins
2. Bring cards out of Shadow
Next Active Player
Player Actions
Framework Action
1. Determine winner of
challenge Framework Action
1. Standing Phase ends
2. Challenge result is
Proceed to Taxation Phase
3. Reward for unopposed
challenge is awarded
Taxation Phase
4. Renown is awarded
5. Resolve Deadly
Framework Action
1. Taxation Phase begins
Framework Action 2. Bring cards out of Shadow
1. Active Player is finished
with challenges
Framework Action
2. Next player becomes
Active Player 1. Return unspent gold to
A player can only be “Active
Player” once per phase
Player Actions
Framework Action
1. Challenges Phase ends Framework Action
1. Taxation Phase ends
Proceed to Dominance Phase
Proceed to next Plot Phase
A Game of Thrones LCG Official Rules Clarifications and Frequently Asked Questions
No. Once a character is in a challenge, it can Can I choose to not draw my two cards in the The "First Player" always has the opportunity
only be removed from that challenge by an draw phase? to take the first action in any Player Action
effect that specifically removes the character Window.
from a challenge, an effect that removes Drawing two cards during the draw phase is
the character from play, or by an effect that not optional. There are some card effects that Who gets the first opportunity to play a
changes control of that character. Gaining or could prevent you from drawing your two response?
losing icons mid-challenge does not affect the cards in the draw phase, but if you are able to
attacking or defending status of that character. draw at this point of the game, you must. If the response is to a player action, the player
to the left of the person who initiated the
What happens if I take control of one of my Is there a difference between moving power action has the first opportunity to respond.
opponent's characters that is attacking me? Is and claiming power? Response opportunity then passes clockwise
it now defending? around the table. Note that responses to
Moving power is not considered claiming bringing a card out of Shadows are handled in
Whenever a character changes control during a power. If an effect prevents you from claiming this fashion, with the player to the left of the
challenge, it is immediately removed from that power for your House card, you cannot bring person who brought a card out of Shadows
challenge. power into the game from the power pool having the first response opportunity.
and place it on your House card. You can,
If my card says something like "Kneel Cersei however, move power that is already in the In a Framework Action Window, the "First
Lannister to produce an effect…" and my game onto that House card by, for example, Player" always has the first opportunity to
opponent also has Cersei Lannister in play, winning a power challenge. respond. Response opportunity then passes
can I use my Cersei Lanister's ability and kneel clockwise around the table. Note that
my opponent's Cersei Lannister to pay for it? If an effect allows me to draw 3 cards, but I challenge resolution is a framework action
have already drawn a card that phase, can I window, so the “First Player” has response
No. You can only pay costs with cards that you still play the effect? priority regardless of his status as attacker or
control. defender.
Since cards are drawn one at a time, you can
If my card says something like "Discard a play the effect and draw until you reach the If there is a tie between the attacking and
Wildling character to kill a Night’s Watch…" draw cap, at which point it will then kick defending STR in a challenge, who wins that
can I discard any Wildling character in play? in and prevent the rest of the draw from challenge?
Discarding the Wildling character is a cost, Unless otherwise noted by a card effect, the
and you can only pay for a cost with cards that attacker always wins ties in challenges.
you control.
Page 26
A Game of Thrones LCG Official Rules Clarifications and Frequently Asked Questions
If two players count the same amount of How does the timing on Val (DotN F117) If I search for Riders of the Red Fork (Forging
standing STR, who wins dominance? work? the Chain F22) with Rhaegal (Core Set T109)
can I attach the Riders of the Red Fork to
If there is a tie for dominance and no card Triggering Val's ability is an "Any Phase" Rhaegal as a duplicate?
effect breaks the tie, neither player wins action. Within that action, you are going to
dominance and no power is claimed. have a Response opportunity. If you reveal/ Yes. Rhaegal's ability allows for the search of
draw a Response effect (like an event) and do a duplicate, and the Riders of the Red Fork's
If a card effect allows a player to search his not play it during that very next opportunity, ability allows them to be searched for as that
or her deck for a specific type of card, but the the card is discarded. Because it was revealed, duplicate. When Rhaegal's ability resolves it
effect does not ask the player to reveal the your opponent will be able to monitor this. attaches the Riders of the Red Fork to itself as
card, how do I verify that that player is pulling Similarly, if you reveal/draw a card that a legal duplicate.
the appropriate category of card from his or requires a standard action to play (a "Phase"
event, or a character/attachment/location Do the self -referential abilities gained by
her deck? Jaqen H'ghar (Forging the Chain F35) from
during your marshalling phase) and do not
Any time a player searches his or her deck play it on your very next action opportunity the character attached to him refer to Jaqen
for a card of a specific type, that player must (i.e., the next opportunity you have to play H'ghar or the character attached to him?
reveal the found card to his or her opponent(s), an action after triggering Val), the card is Jaqen H'ghar gains the text box, without
to verify that it falls under the search discarded. Note that if you can play the card alteration, of the character attached to him.
parameters. you drew with Val on your next action, you Any ability that specifically names that
must. You may not choose to discard it instead. attached character does not reference Jaqen
If one of my characters turns into an Agenda,
is that character considered to have left play? Do Shadow attachments have two chances to H'ghar.
Can I then play another copy of that character attach when they come out of Shadows, once If an opponent plays Misinformation, can I
as a character card? by the rules and once by the text on the card? play a second copy in response to the first?
Agendas are not considered "in play." When No. The text on a Shadow attachment explains Yes. The first Misinformation cancels the
you play a character and it changes into an and clarifies how a Shadow attachment game's standard determination of challenge
Agenda card, it is considered to have left play. attaches when it comes out of Shadows. If winner, and creates its own. The second
You can then play additional copies or other the Shadow card cannot legally attach (or Misinformation would cancel this new
versions of that character as a character card. the attempt to attach is canceled) the card is determination, replacing it with its own.
instead discarded and is not considered to have
Are card sleeves mandatory at sanctioned come into play. The card's controller is not When do you resolve deadly?
tournaments? permitted the attempt to bring a second card
our of Shadows that phase. Deadly is resolved during step 5 of the
Card sleeves are mandatory at sanctioned challenge resolution framework action
regional, national, invitational, and world Can I place an attachment with the setup window, after renown is claimed. Note that
championship events. At local events, card keyword that does not legally attach to any the deadly keyword enables a character to
sleeves are not required. However, it is card in my setup? contribute to the deadly count, and it is the
advisable that players sleeve their cards, as a framework step itself that enacts a deadly kill
The core rulebook explains that your based on the result of that count.
means to protect themselves against suspicion setup must contain valid targets for setup
of trying to mark or manipulate cards. attachments. If an attachment card with the When I reveal Summoning Season who
How does Red Vengeance (Princes of the Sun setup keyword cannot legally attach to any of chooses to search and reveal their character
F25) work during a power challenge? the other cards in your setup, the card cannot first?
be placed during setup.
The opponent chosen to satisfy the claim of Whenever an effect requires multiple
a $ challenge moves power from his or her If an event card is in play as an attachment, players to choose targets or reveal cards
House card to the attacking player's House can I trigger its event text? simultaneously the controller of the effect
card. In some instances, this could amount to always resolves the entire effect first and the
No. The core rules read, "event cards are other players resolve the effect in a clockwise
a single player moving power from his or her played from your hand for their text effect."
House card back to his or her House card. order.
If an event card is in play and functioning as
Some LCG cards are reprints of CCG era another card type, its text cannot be triggered If I have a Summer Reserves (Scattered Armies
cards. Can CCG versions of these cards be in unless another effect enables you to do so. F119) that has been killed and I play Narrow
used at LCG events? Escape (Kings of the Storm F48) will it come
back into play?
CCG cards that have identicals stats, icons,
and game text as the LCG version can be No. Narrow Escape only puts into play
used at an LCG event. If the stats, icons, or character cards that have been killed or
game text have been updated for the LCG, the discarded. Event, attachment, or location cards
original CCG card cannot be used. that were characters when they were killed or
discarded do not qualify.
Page 27
A Game of Thrones LCG Official Rules Clarifications and Frequently Asked Questions
If Northern Steel (The Battle of Blackwater also considered the “defending player” for all Do "does not kneel to attack/defend" abilities
Bay F102) gets attached to a “No effects except for claim. count when declaring a = attacker or
attachments” Stark character with Fortified defender?
Can I trigger The Dreadfort (Dreadfort
Position (Lords of Winter F50) revealed, what
happens next turn?
Betrayal 105) when I play a Bolton Refugee No. Kneeling is a requirement to use the
(Refugees of War 83) with a printed STR of 2, = enhancement to declare an attacker or
Northern Steel remains attached. Cannot is and have Winterfell Castle (Core 25) in play, defender. It would require a separate effect that
an absolute, and "Northern Steel cannot be which gives the Bolton Refugee +1 STR? specifically allowed a character to be declared
discarded from play while attached to a House as a = attacker without being knelt.
Qualifying characteristics of cards are checked
Stark character." trumps the Stark characters
at the time a Response effect is triggered. In When can Abel's Washerwoman (Chasing
"No attachments." keyword.
this example, the Bolton character enters play Dragons F42) trigger its response when the
If my opponent plays Game of Cyvasse and and has its STR raised to 3 (by the constant defending player controls Naval characters?"
I do not cancel its effect can I discard a effect on Winterfell Castle) when it enters
duplicate to prevent my Ser Arthur Dayne from play, which occurs before the Response effect Abel's Washerwoman can only trigger its
being returned to my hand? is triggered. When the Response is triggered, response when no defenders are declared
the character’s STR is 3, and it has just been during the standard framework "declare
Yes. The "Then" effect on Game of Cyvasse played, so you can use The Dreadfort to draw defenders" step. The presence of eligible Naval
opens a window for you to save Ser Arthur a card. characters that may defend after this step or
Dayne. have been declared prior to this step does
What happens if I play Frozen Solid (Lords not change the fact that "no defenders" were
Could I use Starfall Advisor to cancel Game of of Winter 4) on my opponent’s Pyromancer’s declared during the precise window of this
Cyvasse's effect that would discard Ser Arthur Cache (The War of the Five Kings 13)? response trigger.
Since the text “Attach to a location you Does Little and Less (A Roll of the Dice F118)
No. A cancel must cancel an entire effect not control” on Pyromancer’s Cache is now blank, prevent me from triggering a Response on a
just part of an effect. Since Starfall Advisor Pyromancer’s Cache is now illegally attached character?
would not be able to trigger its ability when the to a location and is therefore discarded (see
event card is first played, the ability is not able FAQ section 3.20). Little and Less only prevents playing response
to be triggered at all. effects from hand. A character whose card text
Does Heavy Taxes (A Poisoned Spear F116) was a response that could be triggered from
I have Maester Luwin (Forging the Chain F21) affect the gold counted before or after Black hand such as Khal Drogo (Core T107) would
and Galbart Glover (Called by the Conclave Raven's (A Song of Summer F2) effect has the not be able to be triggered, but a character
F41) out at the same time. If I win a challenge players take 1 gold? ability on a card in play would still be able to
with Maester Luwin can I search the top 5 be triggered.
cards of my discard pile? The players each count their plot gold and all
the income bonuses they each have in play. Does Burning Bridges (Queen of Dragons
No. Searching the top 5 cards of your deck If this number is greater than 4, the rest is F49) prevent a duplicate from being used to
does not count as searching your entire deck. disregarded because of Heavy Taxes. When save a character?
the player takes the gold from the treasury
If I bring Meera Reed (Tourney for the Hand Burning Bridges reads, "Players cannot
Black Raven causes each player to take 1
F2) out of Shadows as a duplicate for the trigger abilities on character, location, and
additional gold token. The same is true of
version I already have in play, does her attachment cards in play." It is referring to
when White Raven is in play, all numbers
"Response" effect still blank a card? triggered abilities printed on the cards. Because
above 4 are disregarded and then White Raven
No. Meera Reed leaves shadows and causes each player to take 1 less gold token the saves granted by duplicates is a "gained"
immediately becomes a duplicate. Duplicates from the treasury. ability rather than a printed one Burning
have no text, titles, or traits. Bridges does not have any effect on them.
If I bring Meera Reed (Tourney for the Hand
If I support another player in a melee game F2) out of Shadows, can she target The Red Can a card with an "any House except X"
and declare defenders on his or her behalf, Viper (PotS F1) to blank him? restriction be used in a deck running the
who is considered the “defending player” for Neutral Faction House card?
No. Meera Reed is considered a character in
effects such as War of Attrition (Mask of the Yes. Such cards may be used in any deck that
play after she comes out of Shadows, and The
Archmaester 100), Reek (Mountains of the is not using the House card specified by its
Red Viper is immune to her ability.
Moon 41) or Pickpocket (Wolves of the North restriction.
4)? Can the attacking player declare a =
defender? When is the discard condition for a character
At the moment you declare defenders for that has been targeted by Rhoynar Emmisary
another player with a title you support, you Yes. As long as you have a legal = character (BtNS F71) checked?
take on all responsibility for the challenge (and to use, it is possible to be attacked by an
all effects related to that challenge) with one opponent and then use the = enhancement This condition is checked only during the
(and only one) exception: the original target of to put one of your own characters into the standard framework "declare attackers"
the challenge is responsible for claim. As the challenge as an attacker. and "declare defenders" steps of challenge
supporting player is now the winner or loser of resolution. The discard effect resolves
the challenge (as per the rules for supporting passively at this time if the targeted character
titles on page 16 of the Rulebook), he or she is is eligible to be declared but is not declared.
Page 28
A Game of Thrones LCG Official Rules Clarifications and Frequently Asked Questions
How should the "beginning of a phase" You are then responsible for making one cut What is the timing of a challenge initiated by
framework action window be played when that splits the deck into two stacks. You may Show of Force (C&D F14)?
cards are being brought out of Shadows? not re-order or count cards during this process.
If, on a visual comparison of the two stacks, The challenge initiated by Show of Force
First, the phase begins as a framework step. they are not to your liking, you may return bypasses the standard framework action
Next, cards are brought out of Shadows, the deck to its original composition (without window steps of choosing challenge type and
following the game rules as specified in the altering the original order of the cards) and declaring characters -- the event card performs
Shadows rules insert. Each card is brought out make an additional attempt at the cut. You may each of these steps on its own. Following this,
one at a time, and fully resolved (including make up to three attempts at this cut without the remainder of the challenge resolves as
responses) before the next card is brought delaying the game. After a successful cut is would any other challenge that was initiated
out of Shadows. Each of these individual made, present the two stacks to your opponent, by conventional means. Note that the wording
Shadow actions takes place and resolves in who then chooses one stack as your deck and "as your only attacking characters" refers only
full between steps 3 and 4 of the "Beginning the other as your hold. to how the challenge is initiated: you cannot
of Phase" framework action window. Finally, declare other characters via standard challenge
the beginning of phase framework window is Once your deck is selected, proceed with declaration procedures, but other effects, such
complete, and passives and responses to the drawing your initial hands. If you choose to as a naval icon, may be used to add characters
beginning of the phase may be resolved. mulligan, you only mulligan your deck -- your to the challenge.
hold is locked in at this point.
Which keywords may I select for Jaqen H'ghar What is the timing of an epic phase?
(ACOA F43) to gain when using his ability? If a character enters play through an effect
like Fiery Kiss (TOC F47) that would cause An epic phase begins with a standard
Jaqen H'ghar's effect allows him to gain any that character to leave play at the end of the "beginning of phase/ bring cards out of
unqualified keyword, that is, keywords that phase or round, but the character enters play shadows" framework action window. Then,
do not require additional text or qualifications as a duplicate (because the player already each player (beginning with the first player
beyond the name of the keyword in order owns and controls another copy of that and proceeding clockwise) may declare the
to explain their full function. Unqualified character), what happens at the end of the challenge or challenges granted by the text that
keywords include, but are not limited to, phase? created the epic phase. Each challenge that is
keywords such as Stealth, Renown, Deadly, declared follows standard challenge resolution
No Attachments, Stalwart, Vigilant, Joust, The check, "if that character is still in play" timing. Finally, the epic phase ends with a
and Melee. Keywords such as "Immune to X" cannot be made, as the card entered play as a standard "end of phase" framework action
and "No attachments except X" are examples duplicate. The duplicate remains in play at the window.
of qualified keywords outside the scope of end of the phase.
Jaqen H'ghar's effect. Effects such as "cannot There are no player action windows during an
be killed" and "cannot be discarded" are not epic phase outside of those that occur during
keywords. the resolution of a challenge. The challenges
granted by the text that created the epic phase
This entry applies only to which keywords are the only challenges that may be initiated in
may be named and gained by Jaqen H'ghar's an epic phase.
effect: specifically his controller cannot name
any additional qualification(s) when gaining What happens if I reveal The Art of Seduction
a keyword. Cards that copy or steal keywords (LotR F52) outside of the standard "each
from other cards in play may successfully player chooses and reveals plot cards"
interact with both qualified and unqualified framework action window?
keywords. The Art of Seduction can only choose an
In order to "successfully defend" a challenge opponent who is revealing a plot that is not
and use the effect of The White Book (KLE 79) titled "The Art of Seduction" as part of the
agenda, do you need to win the challenge? same framework action by which you are
revealing The Art of Seduction. If no opponent
Yes, you must win a challenge as the meets this criteria, the "when revealed" effect
defending player in order to successfully on The Art of Seduction does nothing. Note
defend it. that a when revealed plot effect that reveals a
new plot card (such as Betrayal at the Wall)
What is the proper pregame and deck cutting would still be considered a part of the same
procedure for the Black Sails (SOTS F18) framework action window and works with
agenda? The Art of Seduction. Any effect that reveals a
First, shuffle your deck, and then present it to new plot outside of this framework, however,
your opponent for additional shuffling and/ would not work with The Art of Seduction.
or a final cut. The opponent shuffles and cuts
to his or her satisfaction to determine the final
ordering of the cards in the deck.
Page 29
A Game of Thrones LCG Official Rules Clarifications and Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if a unique card removed from Is Cat o' the Canals (AToR F84) immune to When multiple cards leave play
the game via Coldhands (KR F61) attempts stealth? simultaneously, who decides the order in
to re-enter the game, but another copy of that which they are placed in the specified out of
card is in its owner's dead pile? Stealth resolves as a card effect that targets play area (such as the dead pile, deck, and
a character on the defending side. As she is discard pile)?
The card cannot enter play, and remains immune to opponent's card effects, Cat o' the
removed from the game. Canals cannot be chosen as a target of stealth. Unless otherwise directed by the effect driving
the cards from play, the owner of the cards
Does Longship Maiden's Bane (KR F105) lose Can you save a card that is being killed or may add them to the appropriate out of play
the immunity granted by House of Dreams discarded to pay a cost? Can you cancel any area in the order of his or her choosing.
(BtNS F119) while Longship Maiden's Bane is act that is being performed to pay a cost?
functioning as a character? What is the definition of "during a challenge,"
No. There is no save/cancel opportunity to and how does this affect the cards Men of Duty
When a card changes type and becomes a paying costs. (BtNS F80), Ser Jaime Lannister (Core L37),
character, it loses all other card types. As and Palisades (TWC F115)?
House of Dreams specifies that the immunity For card text that specifies "any number,"
is granted to "that location," the immunity can you choose 0 as the number? Does a A challenge begins at the timing point at
from the agenda is not present while Maiden's resolution that affects 0 entities qualify as a which its initiation process is completed --
Bane is changed to a character. When successful resolution of the effect? i.e., when one or more attacking characters
Longship Maiden's Bane reverts back to its The number 0 may be chosen for such text, are declared. A challenge lasts through the
original state as a location, House of Dreams but a resolution that affects 0 entities is not resolution of all responses to all the framework
again provides its immunity. This is because considered successful. Further, if choosing the events in the ‘Resolve Challenge’ framework
the immunity granted by House of Dreams is number 0 is the only means of anticipating action window
being granted by a constant effect. a successful resolution of such an effect, the To be eligible to be declared as an attacker, a
What happens if I reveal Betrayal at the Wall effect cannot be initiated as per the 3.6 entry. character must have the appropriatre icon. As
(KR F79) as my final plot card, and its "when Can I use a card with the Shadows crest as Men of Duty would not affect a character until
revealed" effect attempts to resolve when I do a duplicate on another unique card with the it is declared as an attacker, this plot does not
not have a plot deck? same title? How? enable characters to attack.
You are not able to choose and reveal a new Yes. You may marshall a card with the The text on Ser Jaime Lannister refers
plot card, so the "when revealed" effect fails Shadows crest from your hand, for free, as explicitly to the timing point at which he
to resolve. a duplicate on an eligible copy of the card. would be knelt to attack. Therefore, he can
Alternately, you may bring such a card out of attack without kneeling, thereby completing
What is the pregame setup procedure for the challenge initition process. If Palisades
revealing House and agenda choices, choosing shadows and attach it as a duplicate when it
enters play. If this latter option is taken, the were in play, it would not take effect until this
whether or not to mulligan, choosing and process is complete, and therefore does not
revealing number of cards set up, and card comes out of shadows as a duplicate, and
does not resolve any self-referential effects. blank Jaime's text until he is already in the
revealing the identities of the setup cards? challenge.
After all players are seated and ready to begin, My opponent took control of one of my prized
players randomly determine who is the first characters. Who gets the power when that
player during setup. Then, follow these steps: character leaves play?
1) First player announces House and agenda. Prized resolves as a passive effect, while the
(Followed by other players in clockwise character is still moribund and under your
order.) Note that a player must choose a opponent's control. This means that in this
location for the House of Dreams (BtNS F119) situation, you would gain the power for the
agenda (if applicable) when he or she performs prized character.
this step. When do the effects of a Castle plot with "After
2) Shuffle all House decks, offer the decks to this plot is placed in your used pile..." text
the opponent to your left cut. resolve?
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A Game of Thrones LCG Official Rules Clarifications and Frequently Asked Questions
While a character with the joust keyword is attacking alone, the
defending opponent cannot declare more than 1 character as a defender.
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A Game of Thrones LCG Official Rules Clarifications and Frequently Asked Questions
Any card that is marshalled in Shadows or moved into Shadows by a Unique cards and Shadows
card effect should be played facedown, and in an area that is notably Unique cards can be marshalled into Shadows (by paying the two gold
distinct from the rest of the play area. cost), even if that card’s owner already has a copy of that unique card in
(See the adjacent diagram.) play or in his or her dead pile.
| cards can also be placed into Shadows during setup, by spending 2 A unique card cannot be brought out of Shadows if another copy of
gold from the initial 5 gold allocated for setup. that card is in its owner’s dead pile. If another copy of a unique card
that you own and control is in play, you still may bring the card out of
Cards without the | crest and the Shadows cost cannot be marshalled Shadows by paying its cost. However, the card immediately attaches to
or moved into Shadows. its copy as a duplicate. If you own—but do not control–an in-play copy
of a unique card you have in Shadows, you cannot bring that card out of
| cards must first be marshalled into Shadows, and then brought Shadows unless you regain control of the card. If you have taken control
into play from Shadows at the appropriate time. | cards cannot be of another player’s copy of a unique card you have in Shadows, you
marshalled directly into play. cannot bring that card out of Shadows.
If the value of a | card’s “printed cost” must be determined (because
of another card effect), the value is determined by adding the cost of
playing the card into Shadows (two gold) to the cost of bringing the
card out of Shadows (as shown on the card).
Cards remain facedown while they are in Shadows. A player can look at
any card he or she controls, at any time, while it is in Shadows. Players
cannot look at an opponent’s cards that are in Shadows.
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A Game of Thrones LCG Official Rules Clarifications and Frequently Asked Questions
For example: Tom controls 6 cards in play, has 4 cards in his hand,
and has 2 cards in shadows. Kris has 10 cards in play, 1 card in
hand, and no cards in shadows. The card Redwyne Straits (F100
the Kingsroad cycle) reads: “When revealed, the player with the
fewest cards at his or her command adds 4 gold to his or her gold
pool.” Tom has 12 cards at his command, Kris has 11 cards at his
command, so Kris adds 4 gold to his gold pool.
The phrase “a prized card” refers to a card that has the prized
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