Faq/E V 3.3: Rrata Ersion
Faq/E V 3.3: Rrata Ersion
Faq/E V 3.3: Rrata Ersion
The version number will appear in front of every entry so you can easily see which changes have been made with every
revision of this document.
Call of Cthulhu ©2005, 2010 Fantasy Flight Games. Call of Cthulhu Living Card Game, the logo, Fantasy Flight Publishing,
Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to distribute this document electronically or by traditional publishing means as
long as it is not altered in any way and all copyright notices are attached.
Table of Contents
Card Clarification and Errata p 3
Official Rules Clarification p 7
Timing Structure p 14
Frequently Asked Questions p 18
the only character you control that is The Antediluvian Dreams
committed to a story, count his skill and Dynamite (F42)
icons to all other story cards as well.” Should have the Attachment subtype.
When he is committed alone on his
controller’s turn, the application Across Dimensions (F53)
of Trent Dixon’s skill and icons Should read: “Play only if every
to the other stories does not cause character you control has the <
those stories to resolve. While he is faction...”
committed alone on his opponent’s
turn, the application of Trent Dixon’s Eat the Dead (F56)
Core Set
skill and icons will only take place on Should read: “Disrupt: When attached
stories where there are attackers. Trent character is destroyed…”
Dixon is only committed to one story,
and can only go insane or take wounds The Terror of the Tides
Hound of Tindalos (F110) from lost struggles at the story to which Summoning Circle (F74):
Should read: “Attach Hound of he is actually committed Should read: “…(X is the number of
Tindalos to a character (counts as an $ icons on the characters exhausted
Attachment support card)…” Erich Zann (F10) for the cost.)”
Should read: “…in which Erich Zann is
Frozen in Time (F163) participating” Descendant of Eibon (F75)
Should read: “Each player must discard Descendant of Eibon should be
2 cards from his deck for each resource Bringer of Fire (F14) Unique., and should read: “Action:
attached to each of his domains, or Should read: “Exhaust all copies of Discard 2 of your success tokens from
destroy that resource.” This means Bringer of Fire you control…” a story to put Descendant of Eibon into
that each player selects every resource play from your hand or into your hand
attached to all of his domains and The Black Goat’s Rage (F16) from your discard pile. At the end of
applies the effect to each of them. Each Should read: “Play only if every card the phase, if Descendant of Eibon is
resource is also dealt with individually. you control has the > faction…” still in play, return him to your hand.”
For example, if a player has six total
resources, he can choose to destroy two Julia Brown (F17) Clever Zoog (F76)
of them, and then discard eight cards Julia’s disrupt ability is an example of Should have the “Zoog” trait.
from his deck to keep the other four. a replacement effect. The word instead
indicates that a replacement effect is The Thing from the Shore
Pulled Under (F57) being triggered. Replacement effects Literature Professor (F83)
Should read: “Exhaust a character with completely replace one effect with Should read: “While every card you
at least 2 @ icons…” another. (See Replacement Effects control has the { faction…”
under Official Rules clarifications.)
Serpent from Yoth (F149) This means when Julia Brown Obsessive Inmate (F97)
Should read: “Forced Response: After sacrifices and replaces herself with Obsessive Inmate does stay committed
Serpent from Yoth...” a new copy from your deck, you to the story during the opponent’s turn.
have effectively gotten around the However, the story he is committed to
consequences of losing a Terror will not resolve during his opponent’s
Secrets of Arkham
struggle. turn, unless the opponent commits
at least one character to the story.
The Horror Beneath the Surface Obsessive Inmate can be uncommited
Arkham Advertiser Archives (F28) from a story by means of card effects.
Things in the Ground (F31) Should read: “…exhaust Arkham
Should read: “Exhaust and sacrifice Advertiser Archives to refresh 1 of The Spawn of Madness (F99)
Things in the Ground...” your domains with 2 or fewer resources Should read: “…refresh all domains in
attached.” play.”
Poltergeist (F37)
Should read: “…Insane characters you Book of Eibon (F34) The Path to Y’ha-nthlei
control do not restore during the Refresh Book of Eibon does not prevent a play- Military Bike
Phase…” er from drawing above 5 cards in hand (F102)
(for example during the draw phase). Characters can only be re-committed
The card does, however, force a the by Military Bike to a unresolved story
Summons of the
player affected by its card effect to im- where there are already characters.
mediately discard cards from his hand
until he has 5 cards remaining anytime Eye of the Deep
he has more than 5 cards in hand. (F108)
Trent Dixon (F6) Should read: “…Those characters are
considered 1 skill characters with no
Should read: “…If Trent Dixon is keywords or abilities and ##$ until
the end of the phase.” Abilities include Shifting Sands
passive abilities, and triggered abilities
in the text box of the card. Khopesh of the Abyss (F16)
The Yuggoth Cont Should read “Action: Wound attached
Scalethorn Asylum chracter to choose a character. That
(F109) character takes 1 wound.”
Should read: “…gains the Deep One
subtype” The Wailer Below
Doppelgänger (F79) The Large Man (F28)
Should read: “When you play The second ability should read:
Doppelgänger from your hand, choose “Action: Exhaust The Large Man to
a non-unique character in play with put the topmost event card in your
Dreamlands printed cost X or lower. Doppelgänger discard pile into your hand. Limit once
becomes a printed copy of that charac- per phase.”
ter. If that character leaves play return Canopic Jar (F28)
Scalethorn Asylum (F109) Doppelganger to your hand.” The second ability should be a passive
Brain Transplant (F111) not a Response, and should read: “You
Unspeakable Transformation (F115) may Exhaust Canopic Jar and discard a
Strange Delusions (F118) Silver card attached to it to trigger that card’s
All should read: “Action:” instead of The Order of the ability without paying any cost.”
“Any Phase:” Twilight
Curse of the Jade Emperor
In the Dread of Night Forms of the Ether (F39)
Setting Sun (F20) Should read: “Action: Choose a card
Should read: “Each non-unique Lord Jeffrey Farrington (F18) attached to a domain as a resource.
character loses an % icon.” Should read: “Forced Response: After Put that card into its owner’s hand
Lord Jeffrey Farrington enters play... and attach Forms of the Ether to that
Secretive Zoog (F36) domain (counts as a > resource).”
Should read: “Attach that card to any of The Silver Twilight Lodge (F36)
your domains (counts as a resource).” Should read: “Lower the cost of the Never Night
first | character you play each round Apeirophobia (F39)
Zoog Burrow (F56) by 1 (to a minimum of 1). Should read: “Play during your
Should not have the Zoog icon. It operations phase.”
should be a neutral resource. Glaaki (F78)
Should read: “... That character loses The Breathing Jungle
The Night (F57) all icons and must commit to the same The Doorway (F3)
Should read: “If it is Night, treat all story as Glaaki until the end of the Should read: “Disrupt: Before an effect
exhausted non-unique, non-Night, phase, if able.” would resolve, exhaust The Doorway
characters as if their printed text boxes to choose a character you control that is
were blank.” e committed to a story and return it to its
The Rituals of th owner’s hand.”
Dream Dagger (F58)
Should read: “Attach to a character you Shadow of the Monolith
control.” Magnus Stiles (F122)
Perilous Trials Should read: “Limit once per turn.”
Search for the Silver Key Bloodthirsty Star Spawn (F4)
Halflings of D’haz (F75) Should read: “Disrupt: When you
The additional wound tokens are would win a # struggle...”
assigned one at a time by the losing
player. Flux Stabilizer (F30)
Should read: “Characters cannot enter
play through triggered effects.” Forgotten Lore
Journey to the Unknown Kadath
Moon-Beast Galley (F99)
Should read: “… ready all Dreamer
characters at the beginning of each Rich Widow (F33) At the Mountain of Madness
player’s turn.” Should read: “…put Rich Widow into White Out (F10)
play from your hand.” Should read: “… does not count its
Magah Bird (Dreamlands F110) icons and does not count its skill…”
Should read: “Response: After Magah
Bird enters play, search your deck for a Ancient Relics Alaskan Sledge Dog (F16)
character named Magah Bird and put it No longer has the text: “You may play
into your hand.” with up to 8 copies of Alaskan Sledge
Dog in your deck.” should read “Response: After a Yithian
Lost Rites card enters your discard pile, draw 1
Ancient Horrors Jenica Capra (F61) card. (Limit once per phase)”
Aspiring Artist (F12) Should read: “Limit once per turn.”
Aspiring Artist should have a skill of 0,
no icons, and read: “Response: After The Unspeakable Pages The Terror in Ve
playing Aspiring Artist, draw1 card…” Padma Amrita (F61)
Should read: “Response” not Forced
Spawn of Madness Response.
Omega Alumnus (F3) Flooded Vault (F16)
Omega Alumnus should have the trait Eryn Cochwyn (F89) Should read, “...Then, pay its printed
Sorcerer. Should read: “Action: Drive Eryn cost to put it into play, if able.”
Cochwyn insane to choose a Tome card
Ghost of Perdition (F16) and trigger its effect without paying The Mage’s Machinations (F30)
Should read: “counts as a Curse any costs, as if you controlled the If The Mage’s Machinations leaves
Attachment support card…” Tome…” play by any means other than by being
scored, return the targeted characters it
Student of the Profane (F15) Touched by the Abyss removed from the game. Each player
Student of the Profane should have the Elena Belskaia (F101) must have one or more legal targets in
trait Sorcerer. Elena Belskaia’s ability should read order for The Mage’s Machinations
“Action: Discard 2 cards from your effect to resolve.
Kingsport Dreams hand. Then, draw 1 card. Limit once
Thomas Olney (F23) per turn.” Savio Corvi (F38)
Thomas Olney should have the trait Should read, “While there is at least 1
Sorcerer. The Necronomicon (F112) Conspiracy card in play, Savio Corvi
Should read: “Action: Sacrifice gains, “Night, It is Night. After Savio
Mentor to Vaughn (F35) attached character and shuffle the Corvi comes into play, destroy all Day
Mentor to Vaughn should have the trait Necronomicon into your deck to put cards. Savio Corvi is immune to non-
Sorcerer. into play all characters from your Day card effects.”
discard pile with less printed skill than
Conspiracies of Chaos the attached character.”
Seeker of the Profane (F43)
Seeker of the Profane should have the Restricted List
trait Sorcerer. Seekers of Know
The Underground Conspiracy (F46)
The Underground Conspiracy should The following cards are restricted for
have a Syndicate resource symbol. Alternative Historian (F15) LCG tournament play. A player may
Alternative Historian’s ability should select 1 card from this restricted list for
The R’lyeh Conspiracy (F48) read “Action: Discard a card from your any given deck, and cannot then play
The R’lyeh Conspiracy should have a hand to choose an icon struggle at a with any other restricted cards in the
Cthulhu resource symbol. story. That struggle does not resolve same deck. A player may run as many
this phase. Limit thrice per turn.” copies of his chosen restricted card in a
deck as the regular game rules allow.
Blood Magician (F51) Expert Testimony (F36)
Blood Magician should have the trait Should read: “Then, until the end Itinerant Scholar (Core F30)
Sorcerer. of the phase, that character gains: Shocking Transformation (Core
[Investigation Struggle booster.] F140)
Dunwich Denizens Ravager of the Deep (Core F46)
Wilbur Whateley (F73) Nug (F49) Diseased Sewer Rats (Secrets of
Wilbur Whateley should have the trait Nug’s ability should read “Forced Arkham F44)
Sorcerer. Response: After you play Nug from Infernal Obsession (Summons of the
your hand, attach 1 card from the top of Deep F51)
your deck to each of your domains as a Twilight Gate (Dreamlands F12)
resource.” Obsessive Insomniac (Dreamlands
Revelations Magah Bird (Dreamlands F110)
The Key and the Nyarlathotep (Dreamlands F117)
Guardian Pillar (Dreamlands F78)
James Logan (The Yuggoth Contract
Written and Bound F1)
Uroborus, Fang of Yig (F3) Keeper of the Great Library (F16) Museum Curator (The Yuggoth Con-
Should be unique. Keeper of the Great Library’s ability tract F70)
Broken Space, Broken Time (Forgot-
ten Lore F59)
Doppelgänger (The Yuggoth Contract
Khopesh of the Abyss (Ancient Relics
Initiate of Huang Hun (Ancient Relics
Temple of R’lyeh (Ancient Relics F73)
Stygian Eye (Ancient Relics F96)
Master of Myths (Ancient Relics
Feed Her Young (Revelations F11)
Marcus Jamberg (Revelations F40)
Alternative Historian (Seekers of
Knowledge F15)
Por XV 14:19 (Seekers of Knowledge
Interstellar Migration (The Key and
the Gate F37)
The Festival (The Key and the Gate
Banned List
Most Recent Prin
When any player has a sacrifice effect, If a players uses a combination of In Play
that cost must be paid, if able. If said effects to reduce the cost of a card In play is the Play Area.
sacrifice does not happen, then the cost where one of the effects has the
Out of Play
has not been paid and the effect does “minimum of 1” stipulation, and the
Out of play is the Draw Deck, Hand,
not resolve. other reducing effect does not, the
Domains (and resources), and Discard
“minimum of 1” takes precedence.
Similarly, if the effect is a Forced If a card would go to an out of play
Response, that sacrifice must take (2.17) Cost of 0 zone, it goes to its owner’s out of play
place, if able. A card with a cost of 0 (including X=0) zone. A card that moves from an in
cannot be reduced. play zone to an out of play zone to an
For example: Darrin has Cthulhu, The Great in play zone is treated as though it were
Old One (Core Set F41) in play. During his (2.18) Steadfast a new card. Any effects connected to
draw phase, Darrin chooses Jack “Brass” If a Steadfast card has a printed cost the card will no longer affect it.
Brady (Core Set F61) to be sacrificed. He then of zero, the player must still control The only exception to this rule is any
at least a number of resources of the abilities that trigger when a card moves
triggers the disrupt ability of Jack “Brass”
correct faction equal to the amount of from an in play zone to an out of play
Brady, which reads, “Disrupt: Before a steadfast necessary to play the card,
triggered ability resolves, return Jack “Brass” zone.
although that player does not need to
Brady to his owner’s hand.” Jack “Brass” drain a domain in order to play the A card whose effect triggers as a
Brady is returned to its owner’s hand, preventing card. response from the discard pile may
the sacrifice. Thus, the cost has not been paid. only be triggered once per met trigger
However, since Cthulhu’s ability is a forced (2.19) Transient and Steadfast requirement.
response, the cost must be paid, if able. The play restriction on whether or not
a player can play a Steadfast card is
(2.24) “Put into Play” vs “Play” vs
“Enters Play” (2.25) Text Box (2.28) Icon Removal
“Put into Play” is a game mechanic that A card’s text box consists of subtypes If, after all modifiers have been
bypasses all costs (including resource and game text relevant to game play, applied, a character has a negative
matches) and play restrictions, with the including keywords such as Willpower number of a specific icon, that
exception of uniqueness. The exception and Fast. character is considered to have 0 icons
to this is when a card directs you to pay A card’s cost, title, descriptors, of that kind.
its printed cost to put it into play, in faction symbol, skill, printed card type
which case Loyalty and Steadfast rules (i.e., character, support), collector If a new modifier is added into the mix,
must still be followed. information, and flavor text are not all icon modifiers must be re-applied
considered to be part of the text box. to the printed number of icons in order
For example: The Terror of the Tides to re-determine how many icons of that
(Summons of the Deep F67) reads “Action: A card attached to a domain as a type that character has.
Pay 3 to put The Terror of Tides into play resource cannot trigger any effects
from your hand. Then, give The Terror of the while attached, nor trigger “enter the A player can “remove” an icon from a
discard pile” response effects, unless character who does not have that icon,
Tides 4 wounds.” By paying 3 resources, the
the card has a Zoog resource symbol, but the modified number of icons that
controlling player is able to bring The Terror of or the effect specifically states it can be character possesses will still be 0.
the Tides into play any time he is able to play triggered while attached to a domain
an Action. Note that by using this ability as a resource or enters the discard pile (2.29) Lowest Skill
to bring The Terror of the Tides into play, from a domain. A character is considered to be the
the controlling player bypasses the need for a character with the lowest skill if it is
Cthulhu resource match. (2.26) Printed the only character in play.
Any reference made to “printed” be it
icons, skill, cost, title, subtype etc, only At any time a card effect targets a
To “Play” a card is to pay all costs and refers to the referenced item physically character with the lowest skill and there
follow all play restrictions in order to printed on the card itself. . When a card is a tie, the card effect’s controller may
bring the card into play from a player’s is in play all references to printed refer choose which character is affected.
hand. Card effects that take place when only to what is printed on the face up
a card is played do not work if the card side of the card.
entered play through any alternate way.
(2.30) Counting Skill
(2.27) Icon Boosters Some effects reference counting skill
For example: Aspiring Artist (Forgotten Lore Icon boosters are large struggle icons or not counting skill. These effects do
F12) reads “Response: After you play that add an additional struggle of the not change the actual numbers on the
Aspiring Artist, draw 1 card...” This card same type. Story cards with booster card. They only mean that the skill is
effect only works when the card is played from icons (either added by characters or counted or not counted during the skill
a player’s hand, and all costs associated with support cards) are treated as having comparison at the story.
playing the card are paid. However, if Aspiring extra icons of that struggle.
Artist was to be put into play due to some other (2.31) Moving Wounds
means, such as the effect of a Hungry Dark Thus, if one icon was removed from the Moving a wound to a character is not
Young (Core Set F131), then the player would story card by a card effect, there would considered wounding that character, or
be one fewer struggle. choosing that character to be wounded,
not have “played” Aspiring Artist (as he did
for the purposes of triggering card
not pay the costs associated with playing the
For example, if a player commits to a story that effects. A character still suffers from a
card), and he would not be able to use the card’s wound that has been moved onto it.
has Sleep of Reason (Core Set F53) attached
(which adds three Terror struggles) and his
opponent plays Inside Information (Core Set A player cannot move a wound onto a
“Enters Play” is an all-encompassing F151) to remove a Terror struggle, there would character with Invulnerability.
term that covers both “Put into Play” still be three Terror struggles to be resolved.
and “Play.” All cards that are “Put (2.32) Playing Events
into Play” or “Play” are considered to When a player plays an event (from
“Enter Play.” Icon boosters are always resolved his hand), it doesn’t immediately go
immediately following the first struggle into his discard pile. It is placed in his
For example: Victoria Glasser (Core Set F 82) of the matching type (i.e., if the booster discard pile after the action is complete.
reads: “Forced Response: After Victoria icon was Terror, there would be two
Terror struggles before moving on When a player plays an event from his
Glasser enters play, choose a character. That
to the Combat struggle) or if there is discard pile, it does not remain in his
character goes insane.” This effect would activate discard pile, but rather is placed back
no struggle of the appropriate type
regardless of if the card was brought into play it is resolved in the following order in his discard pile after the action is
due to a card effect, or if Victoria Glasser was @#$%. complete. An event card whose effect
brought into play by paying the card’s costs. triggers from the discard pile does not
leave the discard pile.
(2.33) Attachments (2.36) Immune commit characters only to stories where
Cards with the Attachment subtype Some cards have the card text “Immune the active player has characters.
are followed by the term in the card to X” in their text boxes. This means
text box “Attach to X.” (For example, that they cannot be targeted by cards Stories will resolve only if the active
attach to a character you control). This with that subtype and/or card type. player has characters at that story.
term is not a card effect, but rather This also means that if a card with
an additional requirement to play the that subtype and card type does not (3.2) Resolving Stories
card. The requirement must be met, target a specific character, but affects Resolving struggles and determining
regardless of if the Attachment enters all characters or a group of characters, success at all three story cards happens
play from hand or through a card effect. these cards ignores that effect. A all within the same “gray box” on the
character can never be immune to its timing flowchart. Thus, no actions or
These attachment cards are attached own effects. responses can be triggered between one
directly to the card when they enter story’s resolution and the beginning of
play (instead of entering play, and then For example: Alaskan Sledge Dog (Mountains the next story’s resolution. The only
attaching to the card). of Madness F16) reads “Immune to Polar effects players can choose to trigger are
events.” This means that the card cannot be Disrupts, however Forced Response
An attachment only checks the targeted by any event cards with the Polar effects that apply to the situation must
requirements for attaching it when trigger automatically.
subtype. In addition, if there was a card effect
the card enters play. For example, if
with the Polar subtype that affects all characters,
an attachment had the requirement Additionally, if a story card is won
“Attach to a Servitor character,” and if Alaskan Sledge Dog would not be affected. by any player before it is resolved
the Servitor character it was attached to (2.37) Invulnerability (i.e., at any point during the story
later on loses the Servitor subtype, the If a character with Invulnerability ever resolution sequence), all success tokens
attachment would still remain. has a wound on it that would destroy are removed from the story, and all
that character, that character is still characters are no longer committed to
(2.34) Insanity destroyed. (For example, if a character that story. Any remaining steps of the
If you control an insane character, with Toughness is wounded, gains sequence are not resolved.
that character cannot be made insane Invulnerability, and then loses the
again by either player until it has been Toughness, that character is destroyed.)
restored. (3.3) Winning an Icon Struggle
A character with Invulnerability is an It is possible for a player to win an icon
One insane character must be restored illegal target and any card effect that struggle even when his opponent has
during your refresh phase if you are specifically designates that card for a committed no characters, or characters
able to do so. wounding effect cannot be triggered with that icon, to the struggle. For
example, a player would win a Terror
An insane character’s skill, text box, For example, Darrin has a Carl Stanford struggle if he had committed any
cost, and icons cannot be modified. (Secrets of Arkham F28) in play with characters with one or more Terror
Although it still counts as a character Invulnerability and a Khopesh of the icons and his opponent had committed
under your control, it is always treated no characters.
Abyss (Ancient Relics F16) in his hand.
as having 0 skill, 0 cost, no icons, no
Darrin could not trigger the effect of Khopesh (3.4) Story Totals
subtypes, no text box, and no faction,
regardless of any effects in play. Insane of the Abyss if he attached it to Carl since the A player has achieved victory if he has
characters may be targeted by any Khopesh specifically designates the attached card won three or more story cards in his
effect that targets a character, but any to be wounded as part of the same triggered “won” story card pile.
part of the effect that would modify the effect that wounds a targeted character. Tommy
card’s basic statistics is ignored. however could play Catastrophic Explosion If any card effect shuffles a won story
If a non-character card goes insane, it is (The Rituals of the Order F82) which wounds card back into the story deck, that
treated as a character while it remains each character because it does not target nor player no longer has that story for the
insane. Once restored, by any means, specifically designate Carl Stanford, but purposes of counting his victory total.
that card immediately returns to its generically wounds “all characters in play.”
printed card type. This does not count For example, Darrin has won two story
as restoring a character for the purposes cards and needs only one more to win
of card effects. If the restored card is an the game. But his opponent then wins
ggles the story card Dreamwalkers (Core Set
event card, it is immediately discarded. Stories and Stru
F164), and chooses to activate its effect
(2.35) Day and Night that allows the opponent to remove one
If at any time cards causing it to be of Darrin’s won story cards and shuffle
both Day and Night are simultaneously (3.1) Committing to Stories it back into the story deck. Now Darrin
in play, it is considered to be both Once the active player has committed needs two stories to win the game.
Day and Night for the purposes of one or more characters to a story,
triggering effects and choosing targets. opponents are able to commit their Non-story card effects cannot move or
own characters. Opponents are able to cause to be moved a non-won story or
conspiracy card into any players won
story card pile.