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Faq/E V 3.3: Rrata Ersion

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The document contains clarifications, errata, rules, timing structure and frequently asked questions for the Call of Cthulhu Living Card Game to supplement the rulebook.

The document contains card clarification and errata, rules clarifications, timing structure, and frequently asked questions for the Call of Cthulhu Living Card Game.

The version number appearing in front of every entry allows you to easily see which changes have been made with every revision of this document.

FAQ/Errata Version 3.

- Changes are denoted in red text.

This document contains the card clarification and errata, rules clarifications, timing structure, and frequently asked question
for the Call of Cthulhu Living Card Game. All official play and tournaments will use the most recent version of this
document to supplement the most recent Call of Cthulhu LCG rulebook.

The version number will appear in front of every entry so you can easily see which changes have been made with every
revision of this document.

Call of Cthulhu ©2005, 2010 Fantasy Flight Games. Call of Cthulhu Living Card Game, the logo, Fantasy Flight Publishing,
Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to distribute this document electronically or by traditional publishing means as
long as it is not altered in any way and all copyright notices are attached.

Table of Contents
Card Clarification and Errata p 3
Official Rules Clarification p 7
Timing Structure p 14
Frequently Asked Questions p 18
the only character you control that is The Antediluvian Dreams
committed to a story, count his skill and Dynamite (F42)
icons to all other story cards as well.” Should have the Attachment subtype.
When he is committed alone on his
controller’s turn, the application Across Dimensions (F53)
of Trent Dixon’s skill and icons Should read: “Play only if every
to the other stories does not cause character you control has the <
those stories to resolve. While he is faction...”
committed alone on his opponent’s
turn, the application of Trent Dixon’s Eat the Dead (F56)
Core Set
skill and icons will only take place on Should read: “Disrupt: When attached
stories where there are attackers. Trent character is destroyed…”
Dixon is only committed to one story,
and can only go insane or take wounds The Terror of the Tides
Hound of Tindalos (F110) from lost struggles at the story to which Summoning Circle (F74):
Should read: “Attach Hound of he is actually committed Should read: “…(X is the number of
Tindalos to a character (counts as an $ icons on the characters exhausted
Attachment support card)…” Erich Zann (F10) for the cost.)”
Should read: “…in which Erich Zann is
Frozen in Time (F163) participating” Descendant of Eibon (F75)
Should read: “Each player must discard Descendant of Eibon should be
2 cards from his deck for each resource Bringer of Fire (F14) Unique., and should read: “Action:
attached to each of his domains, or Should read: “Exhaust all copies of Discard 2 of your success tokens from
destroy that resource.” This means Bringer of Fire you control…” a story to put Descendant of Eibon into
that each player selects every resource play from your hand or into your hand
attached to all of his domains and The Black Goat’s Rage (F16) from your discard pile. At the end of
applies the effect to each of them. Each Should read: “Play only if every card the phase, if Descendant of Eibon is
resource is also dealt with individually. you control has the > faction…” still in play, return him to your hand.”
For example, if a player has six total
resources, he can choose to destroy two Julia Brown (F17) Clever Zoog (F76)
of them, and then discard eight cards Julia’s disrupt ability is an example of Should have the “Zoog” trait.
from his deck to keep the other four. a replacement effect. The word instead
indicates that a replacement effect is The Thing from the Shore
Pulled Under (F57) being triggered. Replacement effects Literature Professor (F83)
Should read: “Exhaust a character with completely replace one effect with Should read: “While every card you
at least 2 @ icons…” another. (See Replacement Effects control has the { faction…”
under Official Rules clarifications.)
Serpent from Yoth (F149) This means when Julia Brown Obsessive Inmate (F97)
Should read: “Forced Response: After sacrifices and replaces herself with Obsessive Inmate does stay committed
Serpent from Yoth...” a new copy from your deck, you to the story during the opponent’s turn.
have effectively gotten around the However, the story he is committed to
consequences of losing a Terror will not resolve during his opponent’s
Secrets of Arkham
struggle. turn, unless the opponent commits
at least one character to the story.
The Horror Beneath the Surface Obsessive Inmate can be uncommited
Arkham Advertiser Archives (F28) from a story by means of card effects.
Things in the Ground (F31) Should read: “…exhaust Arkham
Should read: “Exhaust and sacrifice Advertiser Archives to refresh 1 of The Spawn of Madness (F99)
Things in the Ground...” your domains with 2 or fewer resources Should read: “…refresh all domains in
attached.” play.”
Poltergeist (F37)
Should read: “…Insane characters you Book of Eibon (F34) The Path to Y’ha-nthlei
control do not restore during the Refresh Book of Eibon does not prevent a play- Military Bike
Phase…” er from drawing above 5 cards in hand (F102)
(for example during the draw phase). Characters can only be re-committed
The card does, however, force a the by Military Bike to a unresolved story
Summons of the
player affected by its card effect to im- where there are already characters.
mediately discard cards from his hand
until he has 5 cards remaining anytime Eye of the Deep
he has more than 5 cards in hand. (F108)
Trent Dixon (F6) Should read: “…Those characters are
considered 1 skill characters with no
Should read: “…If Trent Dixon is keywords or abilities and ##$ until
the end of the phase.” Abilities include Shifting Sands
passive abilities, and triggered abilities
in the text box of the card. Khopesh of the Abyss (F16)
The Yuggoth Cont Should read “Action: Wound attached
Scalethorn Asylum chracter to choose a character. That
(F109) character takes 1 wound.”
Should read: “…gains the Deep One
subtype” The Wailer Below
Doppelgänger (F79) The Large Man (F28)
Should read: “When you play The second ability should read:
Doppelgänger from your hand, choose “Action: Exhaust The Large Man to
a non-unique character in play with put the topmost event card in your
Dreamlands printed cost X or lower. Doppelgänger discard pile into your hand. Limit once
becomes a printed copy of that charac- per phase.”
ter. If that character leaves play return Canopic Jar (F28)
Scalethorn Asylum (F109) Doppelganger to your hand.” The second ability should be a passive
Brain Transplant (F111) not a Response, and should read: “You
Unspeakable Transformation (F115) may Exhaust Canopic Jar and discard a
Strange Delusions (F118) Silver card attached to it to trigger that card’s
All should read: “Action:” instead of The Order of the ability without paying any cost.”
“Any Phase:” Twilight
Curse of the Jade Emperor
In the Dread of Night Forms of the Ether (F39)
Setting Sun (F20) Should read: “Action: Choose a card
Should read: “Each non-unique Lord Jeffrey Farrington (F18) attached to a domain as a resource.
character loses an % icon.” Should read: “Forced Response: After Put that card into its owner’s hand
Lord Jeffrey Farrington enters play... and attach Forms of the Ether to that
Secretive Zoog (F36) domain (counts as a > resource).”
Should read: “Attach that card to any of The Silver Twilight Lodge (F36)
your domains (counts as a resource).” Should read: “Lower the cost of the Never Night
first | character you play each round Apeirophobia (F39)
Zoog Burrow (F56) by 1 (to a minimum of 1). Should read: “Play during your
Should not have the Zoog icon. It operations phase.”
should be a neutral resource. Glaaki (F78)
Should read: “... That character loses The Breathing Jungle
The Night (F57) all icons and must commit to the same The Doorway (F3)
Should read: “If it is Night, treat all story as Glaaki until the end of the Should read: “Disrupt: Before an effect
exhausted non-unique, non-Night, phase, if able.” would resolve, exhaust The Doorway
characters as if their printed text boxes to choose a character you control that is
were blank.” e committed to a story and return it to its
The Rituals of th owner’s hand.”
Dream Dagger (F58)
Should read: “Attach to a character you Shadow of the Monolith
control.” Magnus Stiles (F122)
Perilous Trials Should read: “Limit once per turn.”
Search for the Silver Key Bloodthirsty Star Spawn (F4)
Halflings of D’haz (F75) Should read: “Disrupt: When you
The additional wound tokens are would win a # struggle...”
assigned one at a time by the losing
player. Flux Stabilizer (F30)
Should read: “Characters cannot enter
play through triggered effects.” Forgotten Lore
Journey to the Unknown Kadath
Moon-Beast Galley (F99)
Should read: “… ready all Dreamer
characters at the beginning of each Rich Widow (F33) At the Mountain of Madness
player’s turn.” Should read: “…put Rich Widow into White Out (F10)
play from your hand.” Should read: “… does not count its
Magah Bird (Dreamlands F110) icons and does not count its skill…”
Should read: “Response: After Magah
Bird enters play, search your deck for a Ancient Relics Alaskan Sledge Dog (F16)
character named Magah Bird and put it No longer has the text: “You may play
into your hand.” with up to 8 copies of Alaskan Sledge
Dog in your deck.” should read “Response: After a Yithian
Lost Rites card enters your discard pile, draw 1
Ancient Horrors Jenica Capra (F61) card. (Limit once per phase)”
Aspiring Artist (F12) Should read: “Limit once per turn.”
Aspiring Artist should have a skill of 0,
no icons, and read: “Response: After The Unspeakable Pages The Terror in Ve
playing Aspiring Artist, draw1 card…” Padma Amrita (F61)
Should read: “Response” not Forced
Spawn of Madness Response.
Omega Alumnus (F3) Flooded Vault (F16)
Omega Alumnus should have the trait Eryn Cochwyn (F89) Should read, “...Then, pay its printed
Sorcerer. Should read: “Action: Drive Eryn cost to put it into play, if able.”
Cochwyn insane to choose a Tome card
Ghost of Perdition (F16) and trigger its effect without paying The Mage’s Machinations (F30)
Should read: “counts as a Curse any costs, as if you controlled the If The Mage’s Machinations leaves
Attachment support card…” Tome…” play by any means other than by being
scored, return the targeted characters it
Student of the Profane (F15) Touched by the Abyss removed from the game. Each player
Student of the Profane should have the Elena Belskaia (F101) must have one or more legal targets in
trait Sorcerer. Elena Belskaia’s ability should read order for The Mage’s Machinations
“Action: Discard 2 cards from your effect to resolve.
Kingsport Dreams hand. Then, draw 1 card. Limit once
Thomas Olney (F23) per turn.” Savio Corvi (F38)
Thomas Olney should have the trait Should read, “While there is at least 1
Sorcerer. The Necronomicon (F112) Conspiracy card in play, Savio Corvi
Should read: “Action: Sacrifice gains, “Night, It is Night. After Savio
Mentor to Vaughn (F35) attached character and shuffle the Corvi comes into play, destroy all Day
Mentor to Vaughn should have the trait Necronomicon into your deck to put cards. Savio Corvi is immune to non-
Sorcerer. into play all characters from your Day card effects.”
discard pile with less printed skill than
Conspiracies of Chaos the attached character.”
Seeker of the Profane (F43)
Seeker of the Profane should have the Restricted List
trait Sorcerer. Seekers of Know
The Underground Conspiracy (F46)
The Underground Conspiracy should The following cards are restricted for
have a Syndicate resource symbol. Alternative Historian (F15) LCG tournament play. A player may
Alternative Historian’s ability should select 1 card from this restricted list for
The R’lyeh Conspiracy (F48) read “Action: Discard a card from your any given deck, and cannot then play
The R’lyeh Conspiracy should have a hand to choose an icon struggle at a with any other restricted cards in the
Cthulhu resource symbol. story. That struggle does not resolve same deck. A player may run as many
this phase. Limit thrice per turn.” copies of his chosen restricted card in a
deck as the regular game rules allow.
Blood Magician (F51) Expert Testimony (F36)
Blood Magician should have the trait Should read: “Then, until the end Itinerant Scholar (Core F30)
Sorcerer. of the phase, that character gains: Shocking Transformation (Core
[Investigation Struggle booster.] F140)
Dunwich Denizens Ravager of the Deep (Core F46)
Wilbur Whateley (F73) Nug (F49) Diseased Sewer Rats (Secrets of
Wilbur Whateley should have the trait Nug’s ability should read “Forced Arkham F44)
Sorcerer. Response: After you play Nug from Infernal Obsession (Summons of the
your hand, attach 1 card from the top of Deep F51)
your deck to each of your domains as a Twilight Gate (Dreamlands F12)
resource.” Obsessive Insomniac (Dreamlands
Revelations Magah Bird (Dreamlands F110)
The Key and the Nyarlathotep (Dreamlands F117)
Guardian Pillar (Dreamlands F78)
James Logan (The Yuggoth Contract
Written and Bound F1)
Uroborus, Fang of Yig (F3) Keeper of the Great Library (F16) Museum Curator (The Yuggoth Con-
Should be unique. Keeper of the Great Library’s ability tract F70)
Broken Space, Broken Time (Forgot-
ten Lore F59)
Doppelgänger (The Yuggoth Contract
Khopesh of the Abyss (Ancient Relics
Initiate of Huang Hun (Ancient Relics
Temple of R’lyeh (Ancient Relics F73)
Stygian Eye (Ancient Relics F96)
Master of Myths (Ancient Relics
Feed Her Young (Revelations F11)
Marcus Jamberg (Revelations F40)
Alternative Historian (Seekers of
Knowledge F15)
Por XV 14:19 (Seekers of Knowledge
Interstellar Migration (The Key and
the Gate F37)
The Festival (The Key and the Gate

Banned List

The following cards are banned from

official tournament play for Call of
Cthulhu: The Card Game

Endless Interrogation (Summons of

the Deep F82)
Glimpse of the Void (Forgotten Lore

Most Recent Prin

Most Recent Printing

In the case where an LCG card is
reprinted with updated errata text in a
later printing, the most recent printing
is the legal version of the card. All older
LCG printings are assumed to be updated
with the errata text. When in doubt over
two versions of a card, the most recent
printing can be identified by the copyright
dates on the cards in question. FFG will
ensure that all LCG reprints with updated
errata text are also recorded in the FAQ.
from a player’s hand using an action.
However, card effects on non-event If a card uses the word “then,” then
Players Handbook
cards in a player’s hand or discard pile the preceding effect must have been
Errata are not considered to be actionable resolved successfully before the
unless the card specifically states that it subsequent dependent effect can be
can be triggered while in its out-of-play resolved.
On p 6 of the Core Rule Book, under For example, Darrin controls Forest Sister
For the First Game, it should read: (Core Set F125) which reads, “Disrupt:
“... by adding one of the two neutral For Example: Darrin has The Thing Behind
Pay 1 to cancel a wound to Forest Sister.” His
card packets (F141-147 and F148- You (Summons of the Deep F110) in his
opponent, Tommy, plays Sacrificial Offerings
154).” hand. Normally he could not trigger the text on
(Core Set F59) which reads, “Action:
Under Draw Setup Hand, it should the card unless it was already in play. However,
read: Choose and wound a character controlled by an
since the text on the card specifically states that
“Before each game begins, and before opponent. Then, that character’s controller may
a player may trigger its effect from your hand,
any setup cards are resourced, a player choose and wound a character.” choosing Forest
Darrin may choose to use its ability.
may, for any reason, shuffle his or her Sister to be wounded.
setup hand into his or her deck and Additionally, cards that are in play
draw a new setup hand from the same (or event cards that are played) do not
interact with cards that are out of play Darrin chooses to use Forest Sister’s
deck. This may only be performed once disrupt action to prevent the wound.
per game. This is known as taking a unless they specifically refer to an out
of play state they will interact with. Since the wound was canceled, Darrin
mulligan.” may not choose and wound a character.
On p 11 of the Core Rule Book, under For example: The Thing Behind You
(1.4) Duration of Effects
Conspiracy Cards, it should read: (Summons of the Deep F110) has the ability:
If a triggered effect has no specified
“... No more than three conspiracy “Action: Pay 2 and return a ] character to duration, then the effects of that
cards with the same title may be in a your hand to put The Thing Behind You into ability expire at the end of the current
player’s deck.” play from your hand.” This ability could not phase. “Put into play,” “Remove from
Under Invulnerability, it should read. bring a character from a player’s discard pile to play,” and “Take Control” effects are
“Characters with Invulnerability cannot his hand, because the card does not specifically all an exceptions to this rule, and unless
be wounded or chosen to be wounded,
state that the player can take cards from their specified by a specific duration are
or have wound tokens moved or placed
discard pile. considered to be permanent effects.
on them, regardless of card effects.”
With “take control” effects, control of
On p 12 of the Core Rule Book, under A card that is self-referential (that is, the card in question is granted to the
Steadfast, the example should read: has card text that refers to itself by most recent “take control” effect.
“... (one of which is Agency)” Title) refers only to itself, and not to
any other copies of that card. Any self- (1.5) Multiple Lasting Effects
On p 14 of the Core Rule Book, under referential effect on a card concerning Even if not triggered at the same time,
Insanity, it should read: the act of playing that card, or putting multiple lasting effects may affect the
“... have the following statistics: that card into play, is active as the card same card at the same time. The order
0-cost, 0-skill, no faction, no icons, no is being played or put into play. in which the lasting effects take place
subtypes, and no text...”
is irrelevant – the net sum result of all
For example, Darrin has a copy of Thing from lasting effects is applied to the card.
Nightmare in his hand (Yuggoth Contract For example, a Young Deep One (Core Set
F87), which reads, “Lower the cost to play F52) (with 0 skill) is affected by two Clover
Card Effects Thing from Nightmare by 1 (to a minimum of Club Bouncers (Core Set F65), lowering that
1) for each insane character in play.” There are character’s skill by 2. The Young Deep One’s
3 insane characters in play. Darrin only needs controller then attaches Notebook Sketches
to drain a domain with 1 resource on it to play (Mountains of Madness F4) to it, increasing
(1.1) Card Effect vs. Game Effect it. the Young Deep One’s skill by 1. The net sum
All effects are either card effects or of these three lasting effects is that the Young
game effects. Card effects are produced Deep One has a skill of -1.
(1.3) Multiple Effects
by cards, game effects are produced by
If a card has multiple effects, all effects
the rules of the game.
on the card are resolved, if possible, Note, however, that a character’s skill
independently of whether any other is never considered to be below zero
(1.2) Working Effects
effects of the card are successful for purposes of resolving effects. Thus
In general, Support and Character
(following targeting restrictions as in the example above, the Young Deep
card effects can only be triggered (or
normal), with the following important One’s skill would count as though it
affect the game) when the card is in
exception: were zero. However, if another lasting
play. Event cards can be triggered
effect would give the Deep One +1 card is targeted. An effect that resolves triggered effect that is resolved by the
skill, the net skill would remain at zero. on 1 or more cards without specifically player who controls the card.
using the word “choose” is not a For example: Darrin has Bokrug (Ancient
Lasting effects that affect other targeted effect. Horrors F10) in play. During a story, Darrin’s
character attributes (such as icons) characters lose a combat struggle and Bokrug
work in the same fashion. A player cannot trigger a card effect is chosen to be wounded. Even during the story
that requires him to choose a character, resolution phase when normal actions and
(1.6) Passive Effects support card, or story card if there is
responses cannot be used, Bokrug’s Forced
Passive effects are ongoing effects no card of that type that he is able to
that are not optional, unless otherwise choose. Response which reads, “After Bokrug is
stated. Passive effects and abilities wounded as the result of a # struggle, choose
do not have a trigger such as Action:, For example, a player could not play Opening and wound another character committed to that
Forced Response:, Response:, or the Limbo Gate (Core Set F116) unless every story, if able.” must trigger.
Disrupt:. Some passive effects have player’s discard pile contained at least one
a specific time that their effect will character card. (1.12) Card States
initiate, this should NOT be confused If a card has an ability that triggers
with them being triggered effects. in response to said card entering the
In addition, a player cannot trigger a discard pile, that effect does not resolve
For example, Darrin controls .45 Pistols. (Core card effect that requires him to choose or trigger if that card had blank text
Set F143). The icon it provides is not optional. a certain number of targets if there are due to a card effect, was attached to a
not enough valid targets available. domain as a resource, or was insane
before it entered the discard pile, unless
(1.7) Simultaneous Effects Also note that if a card is targeted, but that card specifically states otherwise.
When card effects, passive abilities, becomes an illegal target (e.g., via a
or forced responses would resolve Disrupt: action), the targeting effect is For example, Darrin controls Living Mummy
simultaneously, all cards that are then ignored. (Core Set F104). His opponent Tommy has
affected resolve in the order determined
blanked its text with Called By Azathoth
by the active player, one at a time. The For example, if Darrin plays the triggered
player must fully resolve each effect (Summons of the Deep F9). Then, Tommy
ability on Slavering Gug (Core Set F124) plays Shotgun Blast (Core Set F16). Living
before the next effect takes place. on Tommy’s Jack “Brass” Brady (Core Set Mummy takes 1 wound and is destroyed.
F61), Tommy may choose to use Jack “Brass”
Whenever character or support cards Once Living Mummy is placed in
enter or leave play at the same time, the Brady’s Disrupt: action, which would return
him to Tommy’s hand. Assuming both players the discard pile, both players would
controlling player chooses the order in have the option to trigger responses
which they enter or leave play. subsequently pass, the Slavering Gug’s ability
from Living Mummy being placed
now resolves. However, since Jack “Brass” in the discard pile, starting with the
Brady is no longer in play and is thus an illegal active player. However, since Living
(1.8) Replacement Effects target, the Slavering Gug’ s effect is ignored. Mummy’s text was blanked, Darrin
The word “instead” lies at the heart of
the replacement effect, as it allows the (1.10) Eligible Targets cannot trigger the response listed on its
new effect to executed in place of the In order to target a card with an effect, card. He would have to play a different
effect it is replacing. that card must meet the targeting response, or none at all. Once both
requirements. Any part of the effect players pass, play proceeds and the
For example, Julia Brown (Summons of the for which that character is ineligible is window to respond to the card being
Deep F17) which reads, “...Disrupt: If simply ignored. placed in the discard pile is now closed.
Julia would go insane as a result of a @
For example, with Brain Transplant (Summons Similarly, after a card is placed in the
struggle, sacrifice her instead. Then, search your discard pile, returned to a player’s
deck for a card titled “Julia Brown” or “The of the Deep F111) you may target one insane
hand, or leaves play for any reason,
Sleepwalker,” put it into play committed to the character and one ready character who are any effects and/or wounds are removed
same story, and then shuffle your deck” sacrifices both controlled by the same player, as per the after all responses have resolved. Any
and “replaces” herself with a new copy from the targeting requirement. If the ready character attachments attached to a card that left
controlling player’s deck, the sacrifice replaces has Willpower or a @ icon, it is ineligible for play are destroyed, unless otherwise
a Terror struggle and the controlling player the second part of the card’s effect (“The ready stated in game text.
has effectively gotten around the consequences character goes insane, if able”), so that part of
of losing a Terror struggle (making one of his the effect is ignored. Note that some cards, like Local Sheriff
(Core Set F3), are not triggered in
characters go insane).
response to entering your discard pile,
(1.9) Choosing Targets (1.11) Forced Responses but have “Action:” effects that can
The word target is used to indicate that A Forced Response must trigger, if be triggered from your discard pile.
an effect is directing a player to choose able, and is not considered a player These effects can be triggered from
1 or more cards for an effect to resolve triggered effect, but is instead a game your discard pile even if the card was
on. Not every effect that resolves on a blank, insane, discarded from hand,
or attached to a domain as a resource long as the attached card is in play. do this an infinite number of times. The
before it entered the discard pile. two loops immediately and completely
negate each other, and the game should
(1.14) Adding and Removing proceed under this assumption.
(1.13) Gaining Control
If a card effect allows you to take
Players can only add existing subtypes Infinite loops should never be abused to
control of a non-attachment card, move
(i.e., a subtype that exists on any cause the game to stall.
that card into your playing area. If that
tournament-legal card) to a card
card is an attachment, you gain control
through card effects. The exception to this rule is when the
of it but it remains attached to the
original character unless the card effect loop creates changes in the game state
says otherwise. For example, a player cannot add the subtype such as drawing or shuffling cards.
“Direwolf ” to a card using False Papers Each instance must be executed.
When you have taken control of a card, (Summons of the Deep F106).
you are considered to be that card’s
controller, but not its owner. When that (1.15) Attaching Cards Through rms
card leaves play for any reason, or at Def initions and Te
Card Effects
the end of the game, you must return When a card becomes attached to
it to its owner. If it leaves play as the another card due to a card effect, that
result of a game or card effect, it is card is now considered a support card
returned to its owner’s control, but still (2.1) “X” (The Letter “X”)
(regardless of its normal type) with the
is placed out of play. So, for example, if Unless specified by a preceding card,
Attachment subtype. For the purpose
the card would be sent to a discard pile, card effect, or granted player choice,
of all other card interactions (excluding
it is placed in its owner’s discard pile. the letter “X” is always equal to zero.
interaction with the card that initially
caused the attached condition), the card
Note that if you already control a For example, Darrin controls Shadow
loses all of its original characteristics
Heroic character, you cannot take Company (Summons of the Deep F89),
(such as skill value, icons, and type).
control of a Villainous character, and which has an “X” for the card’s skill
The card retains its faction identity and
vice versa. value. His opponent, Tommy, targets
printed cost.
it with Called By Azathoth (Summons
When you gain control of a card, that of the Deep F9). Since the Shadow
(1.16) Infinite Loops
card’s status does not change. Thus, Company has a blank text box, it does
It is possible, with certain card
if you gain control of an insane or not have a value assigned to X. Thus,
combinations, to create an “infinite
exhausted character, they remain insane its skill is now zero.
loop” (such has having two cards
or exhausted. exhaust to refresh each other
(2.2) “Cannot”
indefinitely). When executing an
Any time a player gains control of a If an effect has the word “cannot” in
infinite loop, the resolving player must
committed character during a story, that its description, then it is an absolute:
follow these two steps:
character stays committed to the story Effects that attempt the described
but switches to its new controller’s action will not affect any card that
1. Clearly display the infinite loop to
side. “cannot” be affected by such an effect.
the opponent (and tournament judge,
It is an illegal target and any card effect
if the opponent requires it). Thus, the
The limit on unique cards still applies. that designates that card for an effect
player must display, using all cards
You cannot gain control of or play a cannot be triggered.
involved, one full cycle of the infinite
unique card if you already control or loop.
own a copy of that card in play. (2.3) “If Able”
If the card designates multiple cards or
2. State how many times he or she
When an effect causes control of a card players, the effect seeks to resolve on
wishes to execute this loop. For
to change, control of any attachments each individual card or player. Most
example, the player could say “I will
on that card does not change. The of the time, these affects also include
now execute this loop seventeen
attachments remain attached to that the words “if able,” which means if the
million times.” Then resolve the
card and will continue to affect that effect cannot resolve on an individual
loop that many times instantly. If the
card as described in their card text. card or player, that does not prevent the
execution of this loop causes the player
They also remain under control of the effect from resolving on other cards or
to win the game, the game is over and
player who originally played them. players.
the executing player wins.
If you gain control of a card attached For example: Initiate of Huang Hun
When both players have access to
to a story card, you may attach it to (CotJE F40) reads: “Response: After
infinite loops that are in direct conflict
another story, if able. Initiate of Huang Hun enters play,
with one another (for example, the
each player returns a character he
players can alternate taking actions to
If an attached card gives you control controls to its owner’s hand, if able.”
add an icon to one of their characters,
of another player’s card, you retain This response seeks to resolve on each
and they can each do this repeatedly),
control of the attached card only as player; if one player has no characters
each player can be assumed to instantly
in play (and is therefore not affected by one for himself and one for his opponent and time frame. “Limit once per…” is a
the response) each of his opponents can then distributes those tokens among the revealed limitation carried by cards whose effect
still be affected. story cards with each pool of tokens staying on are triggered from in play. That card’s
that player’s side. effect can only be triggered once per
If a “Then” effect follows the “if able” stated time frame. If the effect of the
effect, all designated cards and players (2.6) The Words “Up To” card with either limitation is canceled
must have had the effect successfully Any card effect that involves choosing the limit has still been met for that time
resolve in order for the “Then” effect to multiple targets (including choosing frame.
resolve. multiple cards to draw or discard, or
choosing multiple tokens) can only (2.10) Ready/Exhausted vs
For example, Darrin’s opponent Tommy resolve if the exact number of targets, Committed/Uncommitted
has Feral Elder Thing (Revelations cards, or tokens can be chosen. There is an important distinction
F78) in play with the text, “At the between Ready and Exhausted versus
beginning of your turn, each player For example: The event Byakhee Attack Committed and Uncommitted.
chooses and discards 2 cards from his (Core Set F95) reads: “Action: Each
hand, if able. Then, each player draws opponent chooses and discards 2 cards Characters are Ready when they are
1 card.” When Tommy’s turn begins from his hand, if able.” If an opponent upright and have not been exhausted.
Darrin has 3 cards in hand and Tommy has exactly 1 card in his hand, he is not
has 1. Darrin choose and discard 2 affected by Byakhee Attack because he Characters are Exhausted as costs for
cards, but Tommy is unable to choose cannot choose 2 cards to discard. card effects, by card effects, and to
2 cards to discard. Since both players commit to a story (unless a card effect
were unable to discard 2 cards, neither Some cards have effects that include states otherwise).
player is able to draw a card. the words “up to,” such as “choose
up to 2 characters” or “discard up to Characters are Committed to a story
If a player must choose between 2 cards.” The inclusion of this phrase when they are going to participate in
multiple “if able” effects, he may not allows an effect to resolve even if there the struggles for that story and either
choose an option that has no eligible fewer than the specified number of attack or defend there.
targets unless no alternative with an targets, cards, or tokens available.
eligible target is available. Characters are Uncommitted from a
For example, the event Dr. Carson’s story when they are removed from the
(2.4) “Reveal” Treatment (Core Set F39) reads: story due to a card effect, or after the
When a card effect directs a player to “Action: Choose up to 2 insane story has resolved.
reveal a card that player must show characters. Restore and ready those
that card to all players. A card that is characters.” The player playing (2.11) Searching the Deck
revealed does not leave the location or this event can choose 1 or 2 insane If a card effect allows a player to search
position it is currently at without an characters as targets. If this event his deck, he must shuffle his deck
additional effect. did not include the words “up to” the afterwards. If a card effect allows you
Example: If Tommy uses Sight for Sore Eyes player could not choose only 1 insane to search your deck for a specific type
(The Yuggoth Contract F97) and names a character, he could only choose exactly of card and add it to your hand you
card, Darrin must reveal his hand. These cards 2 insane characters. must first reveal that card. If a searched
do not leave Darrin’s hand. When Sight for card does not have an effect that places
Sore Eyes is resolved those cards are no longer (2.7) Sacrifice, Destroy, Discard from it in another game area, it remains in
Play your deck.
“Sacrifice”, “Destroy” and “Discard
A card that is currently revealed by from Play” are not interchangeable (2.12) Exchange Control or Game
a card effect cannot be revealed by terms. Thus, a card that is “destroyed” Position
another card effect. is not considered to be “sacrificed,” and An exchange must involve two entities
vice versa. that are changing their status or
(2.5) “Redistribute” position. If one of the entities is absent
When a card effect directs you to (2.8) Attacking vs Defending or cannot be changed, the exchange
redistribute tokens you cannot switch Some effects are specifically dependent attempt fails.
tokens between players. You cannot on whether a player is attacking
redistribute tokens from story cards to or defending. The active player is (2.13) Paying Costs
non-story card or from non-story cards always considered the attacker, and Costs are any resources paid in order
to story cards unless the card effect the opponent is always considered the to play a card, as well as anything
specifically says otherwise. defender. before the “to” part of a card ability.
For example, Slavering Gug (Core Set
Example, Darrin wins the story card A New (2.9) Limit 1/Once F124) reads “Action: Pay 4 to choose
Challenge (Ancient Relics F10) and chooses to “Limit 1 per…” is a limitation carried and wound a character.” Draining a
trigger its ability to redistribute all the tokens by cards whose effects are triggered domain with at least 4 resources is the
of each player. Darrin forms 2 pools of tokens, from out of play. A card of that name
can only be triggered 1 time per stated
cost for that ability. Thus, Darrin must choose another character to checked before he drains a domain
be sacrificed. If Cthulhu, The Great Old One to pay for that card. When checking
You may only pay costs with cards you was the only legal target, then he must sacrifice faction resources to see if a player is
control. You may never exhaust a card, Cthulhu, The Great Old One. able to play a Steadfast card, Transient
drain a domain, drive insane, sacrifice, cards count as a single resource of their
or otherwise use or alter the game state (2.14) Paid, Overpaid, and Cost faction. Transient cards only count
of any card you do not control, as the The printed cost of a card is the cost as two resources when the domain is
means of a paying the cost of an effect. that is printed on that card. The actual actually drained to pay for a card.
cost of a card or effect is the printed
If a card states you must pay an cost after any cost modifiers have been (2.20) Mulligan
additional cost that cost is added to any applied. The actual cost of a card is Players are allowed to mulligan their
current costs of that card or effect. If also the amount that is paid to play the starting hand once. A mulligan allows
the additional cost is “pay 1” any card card from a player’s hand, or to trigger for each player to shuffle his starting
with a cost paid by draining a domain an effect. hand into his deck and draw a new
must increase the number of resources starting hand. The player must keep
by 1. If the card effect does not include Overpay is the difference between the his second hand if he chooses to take a
a cost that involves draining a domain number of resources on the domain mulligan.
already on it, you must now drain a that was drained to play the card or
domain with at least 1 resource on it. trigger the effect minus the value that (2.21) Player Hand
was paid for the card or effect, if that A player only has a “hand” if said
Note that sacrificing a card to pay for difference is one or higher. In order to player has at least one drawn card not
an effect is also considered paying a “overpay” for a card or triggered effect, currently in play. Thus, if a player does
cost. For example, if a player wishes to that card must have an actual cost of not possess at least one unplayed drawn
activate Predatory Byakhee (Core Set one or greater. card, he does not have a “hand” for the
F89), he must sacrifice the Byakhee. If purposes of triggering effects, paying
the effect were canceled, the Byakhee (2.15) Resource Match costs, or being targeted by card effects
would still be sacrificed. Card effects that grant a resource that require having a “hand.”
match do not affect other costs, such
If an effect is canceled, any costs that as Steadfast. Resource match effects (2.22) Resources and Discard Pile
were paid to trigger that effect are still do, however, affect Loyal cards unless These zones of play are considered
lost. For example, if Player A drains otherwise stated in game text. to be public information and can be
a domain to play Shotgun Blast, but viewed freely by either player during
Player B plays Power Drain (which (2.16) “Minimum of 1” the course of the game.
cancels the Shotgun Blast). Player If an effect allows a player to reduce
A’s domain remains drained, even a card’s cost, it cannot be lowered (2.23) Zones of Play
though the Shotgun Blast effects were below one if the reducing effect has A zone of play is an area where cards can
canceled. stipulation “to a minimum of 1.” be during a game.

When any player has a sacrifice effect, If a players uses a combination of In Play
that cost must be paid, if able. If said effects to reduce the cost of a card In play is the Play Area.
sacrifice does not happen, then the cost where one of the effects has the
Out of Play
has not been paid and the effect does “minimum of 1” stipulation, and the
Out of play is the Draw Deck, Hand,
not resolve. other reducing effect does not, the
Domains (and resources), and Discard
“minimum of 1” takes precedence.
Similarly, if the effect is a Forced If a card would go to an out of play
Response, that sacrifice must take (2.17) Cost of 0 zone, it goes to its owner’s out of play
place, if able. A card with a cost of 0 (including X=0) zone. A card that moves from an in
cannot be reduced. play zone to an out of play zone to an
For example: Darrin has Cthulhu, The Great in play zone is treated as though it were
Old One (Core Set F41) in play. During his (2.18) Steadfast a new card. Any effects connected to
draw phase, Darrin chooses Jack “Brass” If a Steadfast card has a printed cost the card will no longer affect it.
Brady (Core Set F61) to be sacrificed. He then of zero, the player must still control The only exception to this rule is any
at least a number of resources of the abilities that trigger when a card moves
triggers the disrupt ability of Jack “Brass”
correct faction equal to the amount of from an in play zone to an out of play
Brady, which reads, “Disrupt: Before a steadfast necessary to play the card,
triggered ability resolves, return Jack “Brass” zone.
although that player does not need to
Brady to his owner’s hand.” Jack “Brass” drain a domain in order to play the A card whose effect triggers as a
Brady is returned to its owner’s hand, preventing card. response from the discard pile may
the sacrifice. Thus, the cost has not been paid. only be triggered once per met trigger
However, since Cthulhu’s ability is a forced (2.19) Transient and Steadfast requirement.
response, the cost must be paid, if able. The play restriction on whether or not
a player can play a Steadfast card is
(2.24) “Put into Play” vs “Play” vs
“Enters Play” (2.25) Text Box (2.28) Icon Removal
“Put into Play” is a game mechanic that A card’s text box consists of subtypes If, after all modifiers have been
bypasses all costs (including resource and game text relevant to game play, applied, a character has a negative
matches) and play restrictions, with the including keywords such as Willpower number of a specific icon, that
exception of uniqueness. The exception and Fast. character is considered to have 0 icons
to this is when a card directs you to pay A card’s cost, title, descriptors, of that kind.
its printed cost to put it into play, in faction symbol, skill, printed card type
which case Loyalty and Steadfast rules (i.e., character, support), collector If a new modifier is added into the mix,
must still be followed. information, and flavor text are not all icon modifiers must be re-applied
considered to be part of the text box. to the printed number of icons in order
For example: The Terror of the Tides to re-determine how many icons of that
(Summons of the Deep F67) reads “Action: A card attached to a domain as a type that character has.
Pay 3 to put The Terror of Tides into play resource cannot trigger any effects
from your hand. Then, give The Terror of the while attached, nor trigger “enter the A player can “remove” an icon from a
discard pile” response effects, unless character who does not have that icon,
Tides 4 wounds.” By paying 3 resources, the
the card has a Zoog resource symbol, but the modified number of icons that
controlling player is able to bring The Terror of or the effect specifically states it can be character possesses will still be 0.
the Tides into play any time he is able to play triggered while attached to a domain
an Action. Note that by using this ability as a resource or enters the discard pile (2.29) Lowest Skill
to bring The Terror of the Tides into play, from a domain. A character is considered to be the
the controlling player bypasses the need for a character with the lowest skill if it is
Cthulhu resource match. (2.26) Printed the only character in play.
Any reference made to “printed” be it
icons, skill, cost, title, subtype etc, only At any time a card effect targets a
To “Play” a card is to pay all costs and refers to the referenced item physically character with the lowest skill and there
follow all play restrictions in order to printed on the card itself. . When a card is a tie, the card effect’s controller may
bring the card into play from a player’s is in play all references to printed refer choose which character is affected.
hand. Card effects that take place when only to what is printed on the face up
a card is played do not work if the card side of the card.
entered play through any alternate way.
(2.30) Counting Skill
(2.27) Icon Boosters Some effects reference counting skill
For example: Aspiring Artist (Forgotten Lore Icon boosters are large struggle icons or not counting skill. These effects do
F12) reads “Response: After you play that add an additional struggle of the not change the actual numbers on the
Aspiring Artist, draw 1 card...” This card same type. Story cards with booster card. They only mean that the skill is
effect only works when the card is played from icons (either added by characters or counted or not counted during the skill
a player’s hand, and all costs associated with support cards) are treated as having comparison at the story.
playing the card are paid. However, if Aspiring extra icons of that struggle.
Artist was to be put into play due to some other (2.31) Moving Wounds
means, such as the effect of a Hungry Dark Thus, if one icon was removed from the Moving a wound to a character is not
Young (Core Set F131), then the player would story card by a card effect, there would considered wounding that character, or
be one fewer struggle. choosing that character to be wounded,
not have “played” Aspiring Artist (as he did
for the purposes of triggering card
not pay the costs associated with playing the
For example, if a player commits to a story that effects. A character still suffers from a
card), and he would not be able to use the card’s wound that has been moved onto it.
has Sleep of Reason (Core Set F53) attached
(which adds three Terror struggles) and his
opponent plays Inside Information (Core Set A player cannot move a wound onto a
“Enters Play” is an all-encompassing F151) to remove a Terror struggle, there would character with Invulnerability.
term that covers both “Put into Play” still be three Terror struggles to be resolved.
and “Play.” All cards that are “Put (2.32) Playing Events
into Play” or “Play” are considered to When a player plays an event (from
“Enter Play.” Icon boosters are always resolved his hand), it doesn’t immediately go
immediately following the first struggle into his discard pile. It is placed in his
For example: Victoria Glasser (Core Set F 82) of the matching type (i.e., if the booster discard pile after the action is complete.
reads: “Forced Response: After Victoria icon was Terror, there would be two
Terror struggles before moving on When a player plays an event from his
Glasser enters play, choose a character. That
to the Combat struggle) or if there is discard pile, it does not remain in his
character goes insane.” This effect would activate discard pile, but rather is placed back
no struggle of the appropriate type
regardless of if the card was brought into play it is resolved in the following order in his discard pile after the action is
due to a card effect, or if Victoria Glasser was @#$%. complete. An event card whose effect
brought into play by paying the card’s costs. triggers from the discard pile does not
leave the discard pile.
(2.33) Attachments (2.36) Immune commit characters only to stories where
Cards with the Attachment subtype Some cards have the card text “Immune the active player has characters.
are followed by the term in the card to X” in their text boxes. This means
text box “Attach to X.” (For example, that they cannot be targeted by cards Stories will resolve only if the active
attach to a character you control). This with that subtype and/or card type. player has characters at that story.
term is not a card effect, but rather This also means that if a card with
an additional requirement to play the that subtype and card type does not (3.2) Resolving Stories
card. The requirement must be met, target a specific character, but affects Resolving struggles and determining
regardless of if the Attachment enters all characters or a group of characters, success at all three story cards happens
play from hand or through a card effect. these cards ignores that effect. A all within the same “gray box” on the
character can never be immune to its timing flowchart. Thus, no actions or
These attachment cards are attached own effects. responses can be triggered between one
directly to the card when they enter story’s resolution and the beginning of
play (instead of entering play, and then For example: Alaskan Sledge Dog (Mountains the next story’s resolution. The only
attaching to the card). of Madness F16) reads “Immune to Polar effects players can choose to trigger are
events.” This means that the card cannot be Disrupts, however Forced Response
An attachment only checks the targeted by any event cards with the Polar effects that apply to the situation must
requirements for attaching it when trigger automatically.
subtype. In addition, if there was a card effect
the card enters play. For example, if
with the Polar subtype that affects all characters,
an attachment had the requirement Additionally, if a story card is won
“Attach to a Servitor character,” and if Alaskan Sledge Dog would not be affected. by any player before it is resolved
the Servitor character it was attached to (2.37) Invulnerability (i.e., at any point during the story
later on loses the Servitor subtype, the If a character with Invulnerability ever resolution sequence), all success tokens
attachment would still remain. has a wound on it that would destroy are removed from the story, and all
that character, that character is still characters are no longer committed to
(2.34) Insanity destroyed. (For example, if a character that story. Any remaining steps of the
If you control an insane character, with Toughness is wounded, gains sequence are not resolved.
that character cannot be made insane Invulnerability, and then loses the
again by either player until it has been Toughness, that character is destroyed.)
restored. (3.3) Winning an Icon Struggle
A character with Invulnerability is an It is possible for a player to win an icon
One insane character must be restored illegal target and any card effect that struggle even when his opponent has
during your refresh phase if you are specifically designates that card for a committed no characters, or characters
able to do so. wounding effect cannot be triggered with that icon, to the struggle. For
example, a player would win a Terror
An insane character’s skill, text box, For example, Darrin has a Carl Stanford struggle if he had committed any
cost, and icons cannot be modified. (Secrets of Arkham F28) in play with characters with one or more Terror
Although it still counts as a character Invulnerability and a Khopesh of the icons and his opponent had committed
under your control, it is always treated no characters.
Abyss (Ancient Relics F16) in his hand.
as having 0 skill, 0 cost, no icons, no
Darrin could not trigger the effect of Khopesh (3.4) Story Totals
subtypes, no text box, and no faction,
regardless of any effects in play. Insane of the Abyss if he attached it to Carl since the A player has achieved victory if he has
characters may be targeted by any Khopesh specifically designates the attached card won three or more story cards in his
effect that targets a character, but any to be wounded as part of the same triggered “won” story card pile.
part of the effect that would modify the effect that wounds a targeted character. Tommy
card’s basic statistics is ignored. however could play Catastrophic Explosion If any card effect shuffles a won story
If a non-character card goes insane, it is (The Rituals of the Order F82) which wounds card back into the story deck, that
treated as a character while it remains each character because it does not target nor player no longer has that story for the
insane. Once restored, by any means, specifically designate Carl Stanford, but purposes of counting his victory total.
that card immediately returns to its generically wounds “all characters in play.”
printed card type. This does not count For example, Darrin has won two story
as restoring a character for the purposes cards and needs only one more to win
of card effects. If the restored card is an the game. But his opponent then wins
ggles the story card Dreamwalkers (Core Set
event card, it is immediately discarded. Stories and Stru
F164), and chooses to activate its effect
(2.35) Day and Night that allows the opponent to remove one
If at any time cards causing it to be of Darrin’s won story cards and shuffle
both Day and Night are simultaneously (3.1) Committing to Stories it back into the story deck. Now Darrin
in play, it is considered to be both Once the active player has committed needs two stories to win the game.
Day and Night for the purposes of one or more characters to a story,
triggering effects and choosing targets. opponents are able to commit their Non-story card effects cannot move or
own characters. Opponents are able to cause to be moved a non-won story or
conspiracy card into any players won
story card pile.

(3.5) Story Resolution

Once stories start resolving, the
resolution of all stories is considered
a single game effect, and all responses
to anything that occurs during story
resolution will be played in the same
window of opportunity. Disrupts will
still interrupt story resolution and take
place immediately, as they precede the
occurrence being disrupted.
End of Turn vs. End of Story Phase will do so. That altered ability now I. Passive ability is initiated.
If the active player commits no follows the standard timing of that type II. Disrupts
characters to a story, the Story Phase ends of action. At every instance of a new III. Passive ability is executed.
immediately. effect initiating or having executed, each (Follow steps I through V, etc.)
relevant passive ability must be resolved. IV. Other passive abilities
The End of the Turn is a separate phase Passive effect cannot be canceled. (requirements now met) are initiated.
that occurs after the Story Phase. The V. Forced Responses are
End of the Turn should have its own The order of precedence of when an initiated.
grey (non-interrupt) box in the timing effect takes place, assuming all conditions 5. Forced Responses (requirements now
flowchart. are met simultaneously, is as follows: met) are initiated.
I. Forced Response ability is
Action, Disrupt, and Response Effects 1. Disrupt effects triggered.
Throughout the course of the game’s 2. Passive effects II. Disrupts
action windows, players alternate taking 3. Forced Response effects III. Forced Response is
player actions. Player actions consist of 4. Response effects executed. (Follow steps I through V, etc.)
playing a card from hand, or of triggering IV. Passive abilities are initiated.
a triggered effect on a card already in Disrupt effects can interrupt the V. Other forced responses
play. resolution of any of the above effects if (requirements now met) are initiated.
their conditions have been met, and will 6. Responses
Disrupt and Response effects are player resolve completely before the effect they I. Response is initiated.
triggered effects played as a result of have interrupted does. II. Disrupts
the actions that the players take, or as a III. Response is executed.
result of something that occurs because NOTE: If a passive ability would alter an (Follow steps I through V, etc.)
of a game effect. (Such as a character action as it is being initiated, the passive IV. Passive abilities
being wounded as the result of a combat is first resolved on the action, which now (requirements now met) are initiated.
struggle, or a player drawing cards during altered, is initiated. A Disrupt triggered, V. Forced Responses
the draw phase.) disrupts the altered action not the action (requirements now met) are initiated.
before the passive is applied. 7. End of Action.
Disrupt effects can be played
immediately, whenever their play Responses on Cards Leaving Play Responses
requirement is met, and their resolution Some cards respond to themselves Responses are not normal actions, but are
precedes the resolution of the occurrence leaving play, self-referentially, or to effects that may be triggered by players
that allowed the disrupt to be triggered. effects that may cause that card to leave when a specific opportunity arises within
play. Such responses can be triggered an action window. Each specific response
Response effects are played after the as if the card were still in play. Note will dictate when and under what
resolution of the action or framework that only Response or Forced Response circumstances it may be triggered.
game event that meets their play effects can be triggered in this manner,
requirement, but before the next player and they must respond to leaving play or Response “Opportunities”
action is taken, or before the next the effect that causes them to leave play. When the requirements (or “play
game event resolves. Any number of Cards may not take “one last Action” restrictions”) for playing a response
responses can be played in response before they leave play. are met, the response is said to have
to any occurrence that allows them to an “opportunity.” The first possible
trigger, with response opportunities For Example: The “Response:” effect opportunity may arise with the very
passing back and forth between players, on Professor Nathaniel Peaslee (Core action that started the action window
starting with the active player. Once both Set F24) can be triggered in response to itself, but other opportunities within an
players consecutively pass a response Professor Nathaniel Peaslee entering the action window may arise when other
opportunity, play proceeds to the next discard pile from play. responses, forced responses, and/or
action or game effect. passive abilities (executed within the
Actions and Responses in Detail same action window), are resolved.
Forced Response effects should When a player takes an action it is always
always trigger immediately, whenever fully resolved before the next action can You can think of opportunities as
the circumstances of their text would be taken. The actual resolution of an “gates” that open up, allowing you to
indicate. These are not player effects, but action, however, and the state of cards play specific responses during an action
game effects resolved by the controlling during this process, can be complex. window. These opportunities (or “gates”)
player. When an action is triggered, it opens an can be acted on during Step 6 and stay
action window governed by the following open until Step 7, when the action finally
Passive abilities are “always on,” and rules. ends and the action window closes.
active whenever the circumstances of 1. Action is initiated.
their text would indicate. When any 2. Disrupts After the action window is entirely
action, regardless if it is a player action 3. Action is executed. resolved (Step 7), the game moves
or a framework action seeks to initiate, 4. Passive abilities (requirements now on to the next player action or
any passives that would alter the ability met) are initiated. framework action. Any unused response
opportunities (or “open gates”) are their order of resolution is determined by window))
now lost, and players holding unused the active player. 5) Resolve forced responses triggered by
responses must wait for another the response, etc. (following the same
opportunity during a later action window. Any cards that are killed, discarded, or steps as Step 4 (I through V of the action
returned to hand as a result of the passive window))
NOTE: There can be no Response ability immediately leave play. Any cards that are killed, discarded, or
actions triggered to “end of phase” effects returned to a player’s hand as a result of a
resolving. 5) Forced Responses response immediately leave play.
After any passive abilities triggered
The Action Window in Detail as a result of the action or disrupt are Step 6 is not over until all players have
resolved, forced responses that trigger consecutively passed on taking additional
1) Action is initiated off the action, the disrupt or passive responses.
After a player initiates an action, the ability resolved previously during the
timing window starts. Action Window now trigger in the order 7) Action is resolved (end of action)
For the initiation stage of any player determined by the active player. The action is now complete. All response
action, a player must go through the For every forced response, players opportunities are now closed.
following sub steps, in order. The first must go through these steps before the
step is always revealing the card or response is fully executed: Framework Actions
declaring the intent to use an ability. 1) Initiate forced response All framework actions, including
Then: 2) Disrupt (only for the preceding forced the “start” of every phase, work very
a) Determine the cost (to either play the response) similarly to the way that player actions
card or pay for the card’s effect) or costs 3) Execute forced response work. Here is the timing resolution for
(if multiple costs are necessary for the 4) Resolve passive abilities whose framework actions.
intended action). requirements are now met by the forced
b) Check play restrictions, including response, etc. (following the same steps The biggest difference between
verification and designation of applicable as Step 4 (I through V of the action framework actions and player actions is
targets or cards to be effected. window)) that the framework action initiates several
c) Apply any penalties to the cost(s). 5) Resolve forced responses triggered events dictated by the rules of the game,
(Any effects that modify a penalty are by the force response, etc. (following the rather than player choice.
applied to that penalty before it becomes same steps as Step 4 (I through V of the
a part of the cost.) action window)) 1. Framework Action is initiated.
d) Apply any other active modifiers Any cards that are killed, discarded, or 2. Disrupts
(including reducers) to the cost(s). returned to a player’s hand as a result of a 3. Framework Action is executed.
e) Pay the cost(s). response are immediately removed. 4. Passive abilities (requirements now
f) Play the card, or trigger the effect, and met) are initiated.
proceed to step two. 6) Responses I. Passive ability is initiated.
After all disrupts, passive abilities, and/ II. Disrupts
2) Disrupts or forced responses to an action are III. Passive ability is executed.
In clockwise order, players now have resolved, players may now play normal (Follow steps I through V, etc.)
the opportunity to disrupt the action. If responses in clockwise order (starting IV. Other passive abilities
all players pass, then the action will be with the player to the left of the player (requirements now met) are initiated.
executed, and can no longer be disrupted. who initiated the action). As described V. Forced Responses
above, a player may trigger normal (requirements now met) are initiated.
3) Action is executed responses for any opportunity that has 5. Forced Responses (requirements now
The active player now executes the occurred at any time during this Action met) are initiated.
effects of the action. If this action Window - either spurred from the I. Forced Response ability is
discards or destroys one or more cards, action itself, disrupts, passive abilities, initiated.
returns one or more cards to a player’s forced responses, or spurred from other II. Disrupts
hand or deck, these cards immediately responses, resolved previously during the III. Forced Response is
leave play. Action Window. executed. (Follow steps I through V, etc.)
IV. Passive abilities
4) Passive abilities are initiated For every response, players must go (requirements now met) are initiated.
Any passive abilities whose timing through these steps before the response is V. Other (now triggered) forced
requirement has been met as a result of fully executed: responses are initiated.
the action (or a disrupt, forced response, 1) Initiate response 6. Responses
or response), are now initiated. As with 2) Disrupts (only for the preceding I. Response is initiated.
the action itself, before a passive ability response) II. Disrupts
is executed, all players have the option to 3) Execute response III. Response is executed.
disrupt the passive ability. If all players 4) Resolve passive abilities whose (Follow steps I through V, etc.)
pass on the disrupt option, the ability is requirements have been met by the
executed. Remember that if two passive response, etc. (following the same steps
abilities are triggered at the same time, as Step 4 (I through V of the action
If Conspiracy Theorist (Summons of If I have a Military Bike (Summons
the Deep F117) which reads, “Players of the Deep F102) which reads: “... If there is a Book of Eibon (Summons
cannot win the game by winning story Disrupt: After a story to which attached of the Deep F34)in play, and a player
cards unless at least one of their won character is committed resolves, wins and triggers the Obsessive
story cards is also a conspiracy card, exhaust Military Bike to immediately Research story, what happens?
or unless there are no story cards re-commit attached character to
left in the story deck.” is in play, and another unresolved story” and am the Each player will draw until he has 8
is destroyed by a card effect. What defending player, am I able to commit cards in hand, then each player will
happens if both players have 3 story the attached character to an unresolved discard down to 5 cards.
cards in their won piles? story where the attacker has not
committed characters? Does Guardian Pillar’s (Dreamlands
The active player is considered to be F78) ability allow it to be committed
the winner. No, the defending player may not outside of the normal phase when
commit characters to stories where the characters can be committed to stories?
If Samantha Grace (Summons of the attacking player has not committed
Deep F96) which reads, “Each player characters to. No, Guardian Pillar’s ability allows
needs an additional story card in order it to be committed as a character to a
to win the game.” is in play, and the Can I ready Insane characters during story. This is during the normal timing
opposing player runs out of cards in my Refresh Phase? window when characters are committed
his deck, does her effect prevent the to stories. Also, it is important to note
controlling player from winning the No, Insane is a state like Ready and that Guardian Pillar is no longer a
game? Exhausted. Insane characters that support card while it is a character,
are not restored cannot be Ready or and that it does retain its name and
No. Once the opponent runs out of Exhausted. uniqueness.
cards in his deck, he is considered to be
removed from the game, and all game If I take control of a character which Can Horrid Dreams (Dreamlands
effects are ended. Therefore, she does has an attachment on it, do I take F84) force my opponent to sacrifice
not prevent the controlling player from control of the attachment as well? resources if he has no characters or
winning. support cards in play?
No, the attachment is not under your
If Y’Golonac (Core Set F122) which control. No. This is because resources are
reads: “... Action: Pay 1 to choose and considered out of play.
ready a character. That character must Does the game end the instant a player
commit to the same story as Y’Golonac, places a fifth token on his third won Can I use Twilight Gate (Dreamlands
if able.” uses his ability during the story (unless there are some game F12) to put an Ancient One character
Story Phase after both attackers extending conditions) or is there an into play from my resources because
and defenders have committed their opportunity to respond with something cards are considered to have a blank
characters to stories, does the effect like Field Researcher (Summons of the text box while resourced?
force the targeted character to commit Deep F103) after an opponent wins his/
to the same story as Y’Golonac? her third story? No. This is because Twilight Gate
specifically names a non-Ancient One
No. Y’Golonac’s ability does not create The game ends immediately and the character resourced to one of your
an additional window through which player who placed his fifth success domains.
characters can be committed to stories. token on the story is the winner.
If anything (including game effects) Some cards use the term “when”
prevents a player from fulfilling the When does the player who controls and others use the term “after” for
entire effect of an “if able” clause, that Chess Prodigy (Summons of the Deep their timing (ie. When this character
effect is ignored. F25) name what struggle is being commits versus After this character
replaced? commits). Is this a timing distinction?
Also, it is important to note that
Y’Golonac’s ability to ready a The player who controls Chess Prodigy No. For all timing purposes, these
character exists independently of his names the struggle after Chess Prodigy cards should operate in the same timing
ability to force characters to commit to is committed to a story. After the window.
the same story as himself. Therefore, struggle type is named, the replacement
he is able to target a ready character effect (counting Investigation icons Can I trigger The Captain’s
with this ability, and even though the instead of that struggle’s normal icons) (Dreamlands F21)Action at a story
first part (ready a character) does not will resolve even if Chess Prodigy has he is committed to in order to double
resolve, the second part of the effect been uncommitted from the story or count his icons and skill at that story?
does resolve as long as there is nothing leaves play. Once an effect has been
preventing them from committing to initiated it must be resolved (unless No. You cannot trigger The Captain’s
the same story. it is a triggered effect that has been ability to have his icons and skill count
canceled by a disrupt). twice at a story, whether if its used at a
story he’s already committed to, or if When I play Things in the Ground’s ability, “Response: After Focused Art
the action is triggered twice at the same triggered ability to bring characters Student enters play, draw 1 card.” will
story. into play insane, does willpower or trigger. Note that Doppelgänger ignores
terror icons protect them from being loyalty and steadfast of the character
What happens if Chess Prodigy insane? it copies because its copying effect
(Summons of the Deep F25) is takes place after costs are paid and
committed to a story that has a Parallel No. These characters enter play in an those restrictions are checked. Once the
Universe (Summons of the Deep F98) insane state before Willpower or Terror Doppelganger has copied a character,
attached? Icons can prevent them from going it remains as a copy of that character
insane. (including cost, faction, icons, skill,
In this scenario, Parallel Universe’s triggered abilities and subtypes) until
effect will take precedence. This is Expendable Muscle (Summons of the it leaves play. If Doppelgänger goes
because Chess Prodigy will change Deep F105)reads, “If Expendable insane, it is treated as though it was the
the icon that the struggle will use, Muscle would be wounded or go card it copied gone insane. This means
but Parallel Universe decides that the insane, instead attach it to a character that it still retains the card title of the
struggle will use skill instead of any you control…” If Expendable copied card, even though the rest of the
icons. Muscle attaches to a character you card is still treated the same as a normal
control due to its own ability, is this insane character.
If I use Hound of Tindalos’s (Core considered to be a character leaving
F110) triggered effect to attach it to play for the purposes of Dreamlands When playing Bloodbath (The Yuggoth
a character (which makes it into an Fanatic (Dreamlands F47), which Contract F102), which reads: “Action:
Attachment support card), and it is reads “Response: After an opponent’s During all # struggles this turn,
destroyed, does it count as a character character leaves play, put Dreamlands the player who wins this struggle
or support card leaving play? Fanatic into play from your hand.”? may wound an additional character
committed to that story for each #
The Hound of Tindalos will count as a No. Expendable Muscle is never struggle he won the struggle by.” which
support card leaving play. However, it considered to have left play. It has player chooses characters to wound?
will revert to a character once it is in become an attachment support card. Can I divide up the extra wounds
the discard pile. Therefore, Dreamlands Fanatic will between characters however I want?
not trigger.
How does Yog-Sothoth Lord of Time The player who wins the combat
and Space’s (The Yuggoth Contract Can you Power Drain (Core F100) an struggle chooses which additional
F99) triggered ability which reads, opponent’s Power Drain? characters get wounded. That player
“Action: Pay 2 to choose and play a may choose to distribute the wounds
Spell event card from your discard pile No. Power Drain is a Disrupt, and the however he wants among characters
without paying its cost. Then, place card effect only cancels Actions or committed to that story, as long as
that card on the bottom of your deck” Responses just played. it is legal. This does mean that a
interact with X cost Spell event cards player can, for instance, put two
in the owner’s discard pile ? Would How does Doppelgänger (The Yuggoth wounds on the same character with
Yog-Sothoth be able to pay 2 to choose Contract F79) work when copying a no toughness (because the wounds are
a copy of Unspeakable Resurrection in character with an ability that triggers dealt simultaneously), if he wants to.
the discard pile to bring a character when it enters play, like Focused Art However, he cannot choose to wound a
of any cost into play from the discard Student (The Yuggoth Contract F8)? character with Invulnerability.
Doppelgänger reads, “When you play If my opponent wins the story The Well
Yog-Sothoth interacts with X cost Doppelgänger from your hand, choose (Secrets of Arkham F60), but both of
spell event cards in the discard pile by a non-unique character in play with us have no other already won stories
circumventing the cost of X being paid printed cost X or lower. Doppelgänger in our won piles does the second effect
entirely. However, because the cost of becomes a printed copy of that still trigger and destroy all the Day and
X is not paid, X is defined as 0 for the character.” Night cards in play?
purposes of card effects that reference
it. So, in this example, if there was a No. The Well has an If/Then statement,
For example, if I use Yog-Sothoth’s Focused Art Student in play and I which requires the first part (each
triggered ability and pay 2 in order to wanted to play Doppelgänger and player shuffling 1 won story, other than
play from my discard pile Unspeakable copy the Focused Art Student (which The Well, back into the story deck)
Resurrection (which costs X), which has a printed cost of 2), I would drain before the second effect will trigger
reads “Action: Choose a character in a domain with 2 resources (1 of which (destroying all Day and Night cards in
your discard pile with cost X or lower. was Yog-Sothoth because it is still a play).
Put that character into play.” I can only Yog-Sothoth card at this point), and
put into play a character that costs 0 choose the Focused Art Student to What happens to success tokens that
because I circumvented paying the cost copy. The card then enters play as the are on Silver Twilight Collector when
of the card. Focused Art Student, and the triggered this character goes insane? Do they get
discarded or do they stay on the card? something to happen. Generically, 2 for this effect. However, since the
when a card text, refers to an effect next part of Julia’s effect is a “Then”
After a character goes insane it loses it is referring to a card effect unless statement, because you were unable to
any tokens placed on it or any cards otherwise stated in the card text. For successfully discard 2 cards you may
attached to it. When a character with 1 example, Underground Asylum (F7) not draw any cards.
or more wound tokens goes insane it is reads, “Disrupt: Exhaust Underground
immediately destroyed. Asylum and pay 1 to cancel an effect When Cats of Ulthar (Dreamlands
that would cause a character to go F116) come into play committed to a
If I pay 2 to trigger Yog Sothoth’s insane.” It specifies an effect that story have to be put into play exhausted
(The Yuggoth Contract F99) ability would make a character go insane or readied?
and target a spell event card in my so any non-passive effect that would
discard pile that then says: “attach to make a character go insane could be Cats of Ulthar, and any card that comes
a character,” does it still return to the canceled, including the game effect of into play committed, or otherwise
bottom of my deck (as stated on Yog losing a @ struggle. (see Card Effect commits to a story outside of the
Sothoth) or does it stay in play? vs. Game Effect, FAQ) commit characters window of the
Story Phase does so without having to
The card is returned to the bottom Are stories triggered effects? exhaust unless another effect forces it
of the deck, per Yog Sothoth’s ability to do so.
which reads, “Action: Pay 2 to choose No. All triggered effects begin with
and play a Spell event card from your a bold word denoting what kind of What happens if I use Repo Man
discard pile without paying its cost. triggered effect they are, when and how (Summons of the Deep F41) to
Then, place that card on the bottom of they may be triggered. Stories without take control of Infernal Obsession
your deck.” The subtype or card type this bold trigger word are passive (Summons of the Deep F51) which was
do not prevent the rest of Yog Sothoth’s effects. Passive effects will state if attached to a character I own?
effect from resolving. there are a particular timing restriction
to when they initiate and how to resolve Repo Man takes control of Infernal
Can Neutral Ground (The Order of the that effect. This can be referred to as a Obsession, which causes that original
Silver Twilight F15) blank the text box trigger for the cards passive effect, but character to revert to your control.
of Guardian Pillar (Dreamlands F78)? it does not make the story effect (or Infernal Obsession is now discarded.
any passive effect on any other type
Yes, but it will have no practical effect. of card) a triggered effect (see Passive Can I use Whateley’s Diary (Forgotten
When Guardian Pillar’s controller Effects, FAQ. see Triggered Effects, Lore F77)to move 5 success tokens
uses the Support’s passive effect in its Rulebook.) on Ritual of Summoning and 5 more
printed text box to exhaust it to a story success tokens on Ritual of the Lance,
as a character with 4 skill, @###, If Julia Brown, Oddly Amphibious to automatically win 2 stories?
and Invulnerability, Neutral Ground (Summons of the Deep F107) is put into No. Whateley’s Diary asks for you to
would then blank the printed text box play by redistribute your success tokens onto
but that would not alter the lasting Julia Brown, Insomniac (Summons of story cards in play. Redistribute means
effect on Guardian Pillar that makes the Deep F17) ability, must I discard 2 to take from one set of sources and
it a character, grants it skill, icons, or cards and draw 2 others? place them in new amounts amongst
keywords. that same set of sources.
No. Julie Brown, Oddly Amphibious
If a character card is attached to forced response is responding to the If there are two attachments in play,
Twisted Choreographer (Rituals of action of being committed from a non- can Soothsayer (Secrets of Arkham
Order F26) in another way than the committed state. In this case she went F10) gain two different icons, say a
its response, does it gain the icons of from out of play into a committed state. terror and a combat, or does she only
theses character’s cards. gain the same icon regardless of the
Julia Brown, Oddly Amphibious number of attachments in play?
Yes. If an opponent were to attach (Summons of the Deep F107), reads,
Hound of Tindalos (Core F110) “Forced Response: After Julia Brown Soothsayer reads, “Response: After
to Twisted Choreographer to give commits to a story, discard 2 cards at Soothsayer commits to a story,
it -4 skill Twisted Choreographer random from your hand, then draw 2 Soothsayer gains an icon of your choice
would gain the icons of the Hound of cards.” If I have only 1 card in hand until the end of the phase for each
Tindalos. when I commit her, must I discard this Attachment card in play.” It allows
card or not ? Can I draw 2 cards ? you to choose a single icon and then it
What is an effect? gains one instance of that icon for each
Yes you must discard your 1 card. Attachment card in play.
The word effect refers to different You must seek to fulfill as much of a
things depending on the context. Game card’s effect as possible. Since cards What happens if Museum Curator
effects are when the game rules cause are drawn or discarded singularly you (The Yuggoth Contract F70) reveals an
something to happen. Card effects must discard cards in your hand until Attachment support card but there is no
are when the text on a card causes you have reached the maximum of legal target for the card?
If there are no legal targets for the No. The ability of Khopesh of time? In other words, can you destroy
Attachment the card cannot be put into the Abyss cannot be triggered on 0 cards?
play. a character with Invulnerability.
Invulnerability states, “Characters with Yes. The requirement is to destroy all,
When my opponent plays Painful Invulnerability cannot be wounded or whatever number that is, including 0, as
Reflection (The Rituals of Order F106) chosen to be wounded, or have wound long as you have done that the “then”
and chooses me, do I discard at random tokens moved or placed on them, effect will trigger. If a card gave a set
or do I get to choose the cards? regardless of card effects.” Cannot is number, you would have to meet that
an absolute in game terms. Any card number.
You get to choose which cards you effect that seeks to specifically wound a
discard. character with Invulnerability cannot be What happens if I play a Neutral card
triggered. Since the attached character with Professor Lake (Forgotten Lore
If I have Basilisk (Dreamlands F96) cannot legally be wounded and it is a F3) out?
in play and it is the end of my turn, single effect that seeks to wound both
if I have no characters in play that characters, the entire effect fails. Professor Lake reads, “Forced
can be wounded do I have to sacrifice Response: After a player plays a card,
Basilisk? If I use Rabbit’s Foot (Summons of the until the end of the phase that player
Deep F4) does my Hapless Graduate can only play cards that belong to
Yes. The Forced Response makes Student (Summons of the Deep F23) go a different faction than that card.”
you choose one of the two choices insane? Neutral cards belong to no faction so
presented but if you cannot legally any card with a faction would qualify
attempt to fulfill one of the choices, No. Draw from a game effect as a card of a different faction. You
you must choose the other. standpoint is taking the top card of could not play another neutral card
your deck and putting it in your hand, however since the result returned by
What happens if I use the Action of and uses the specific word “draw.” the check would be identical, of no
‘Twila Katherine Price, Lost in a Revealing the top card of your deck faction, and hence could not be of a
Dream’ (Dreamlands F3) when she and then putting it into your hand is not different faction. The neutral card must
is committed to ‘The Seventh Gate considered drawing a card. be played first for the same reason,
(Ancient Relics F12)’? if I played a Miskatonic card first, a
If I have Catastrophic Explosion (The neutral card would not be able to return
Twila Katherine Price cannot trigger Rituals of the Order F82) in my hand a check of a different faction (as no
her ability at The Seventh Gate because and only one undrained domain, with 4 faction is not a faction, and therefore
it would cause an un-won story card Agency cards attached can I choose the not a different faction), so would be
to be moved into the won pile of her value of X to be 3 or any other value illegal to play.
controller. below 4?
Can I use a card effect to uncommit
Can I sacrifice Aziz Chatuluka (Ancient Yes. If X for the cost of playing a Obsessive Inmate from a story?
Relics F15) to put Cthulhu (Core F41) card is not defined by the card text or
into play if all my domains are already by some other card’s effect, X is set/ Yes. “Does not uncommit” in this
drained? defined by the player, when the card is case is preventing Obsessive Inmate
being played. Over paying for it is no from uncommitting by normal game
Yes. Aziz directs you to drain all different than overpaying for any card effects, but card effects will be able to
undrained domains, so if all domains cost. uncommit it.
are already drained then you have
satisfied this requirement. If there are two attachments in play, If my opponent’s Stygian Eye (Ancient
can the Soothsayer (Secrets of Arkham Relics F96) leaves play and I have a
Can Doppelganger copy an insane F10) gain two different icons, for Snow Graves (Forgotten Lore F15)
character? example a terror and a combat, or does attached to his discard pile does this
she only gain the same icon regardless prevent Stygian Eye from being shuffled
No. Doppelganger reads, “When of the number of attachments in play? back into his deck?
you play Doppelganger from your
hand choose a non-unique character With Soothsayer when you commit Yes it does. Stygian Eye reads, “After
in play. X is equal to the printed it to a story you choose a struggle Stygian Eye leaves play, shuffle it into
cost of that character.” and insane icon. It gains that icon once for each its owner’s deck.” Since the passive
characters have no printed cost there attachment in play. If you choose effect does not initiate until after it has
is no way to determine the cost to play Combat and there are five attachments left play it must be placed in the discard
Doppelganger. Thus, Doppelganger in play it gains #####. pile. Snow Graves reads, “Cards cannot
cannot copy a an insane character. be moved out of attached discard pile
If a card requires something like for any reason.” This prevents Stygian
Can I put Khopesh of the Abyss on “destroy all Day cards, then...” is it Eye’s passive from being able to
a character with Invulnerability for possible to satisfy this requirement if resolve.
unlimited wounding? there were no Day cards in play at the
If I trigger Dreamlands Fanatic’s opponent’s discard pile” would allow Shotgun?
(Dreamlands F47) response to put it a card you own to attach itself to their
into play what happens if my opponent discard pile. No. The Library of Pergamum, can
cancels the effect with Power Drain only cancel an effect that would
(Core Set F100)? If my opponent returns my Uroborus, directly destroy a Tome card, not an
Fang of Yig (Revelations F3) to my effect which destroys the character that
Because Power Drain is a Disrupt hand can I trigger his response effect to your Tome card was attached to which
it resolves before the effect that puts put him back into play? would afterwards then cause your Tome
Dreamlands Fanatic into play, so card to be destroyed by a game rule.
the effect is canceled and the card Yes, if Uroborus is sent back to hand,
remains in your hand. Note: this you could trigger his response effect to If I use Alyssa Graham’s ability during
does not prevent you from triggering put him back into play since the first the draw phase on my opponent to
Dreamlands Fanatic a second time. opportunity to play the response would discard a card does my opponent get
be after the return to hand effect has to draw another card? What if I use it
I know Story card’s effects are able completely resolved and Uroborus is on my turn to disrupt my draw to put a
to be initiated by the player who won now in your hand. card on the top of my discard pile, do I
that story but are all Conspiracy cards get to draw that card?
worded like Story cards? Can I trigger Corrupted Midwife
(Revelations F51) to play a character A draw effect works in two parts, first
Conspiracy cards effects indicate if from my discard pile outside of the is the initiation of the effect and then
the effect is initiated upon winning operations phase? the execution which adds the top card
the conspiracy. If they do not indicate to that player’s hand. Alyssa Graham’s
the effect is optionally triggered upon No. Corrupted Midwife reads, “Action: ability triggers after a the card draw
winning, then the effect is a passive Exhaust Corrupted Midwife to choose effect has been initiated but disrupts the
effect that is always active and resolves 1 character in your discard pile. Play act of adding the top card of a player’s
as indicated on the card. NOTE: that character as if it were in your hand hand. If the card that is supposed to be
Conspiracy cards are not considered to as your next action.” Because you added to that player’s hand is discarded
have a controller, and any instance of cannot play characters from your hand the draw effect has not been canceled
the word “you” or “your” refers to all at anytime other than your operations or replaced so they would still add the
players. phase, her ability does not get around “new” top card of the deck to his hand.
this rule. The same goes for you disrupting your
Can I lose an icon struggle if I have no own draw and placing the top card of
characters committed to that story? What happens when Expendable your discard pile on top of your draw
Muscle (Summons of the Deep F105) deck. When the draw effect executes,
Yes. The story icons still resolve and if and another friendly character the top card of your deck (the card that
you did not win the icon struggle but are committed to a story where all had been the top card in your discard
your opponent did, you are considered characters are wounded simultaneously pile) is now added to your hand.
the loser of that struggle. by Dynamite (Summons of the Deep
F42)? Can Hamu XX 15:14 return itself to its
Can I use Forms of the Ether (Ancient owner’s hand using it response ability?
Relics F39) to choose my opponent’s Expendable Muscle’s ability is
resource and put it to my hand? Does a passive replacement effect. Hamu XX 15:14 will not be able
my Forms of the Ether attach to his Expendable Muscle’s ability replaces to return itself given the order of
domain or my domain? Dynamite’s wounding effect with an framework actions. Targets for Hamu
“attach to a character you control” XX 15:14 are choosen in step b of its
Forms of the Ether “Action: Choose a effect for Expendable Muscle. So resolution. However Hamu XX 15:14
card attached to a domain as a resource. when Dynamite finishes resolving isn’t in the discard (from the payment
Put that card into its owner’s hand Expendable Muscle becomes an for the effect) until step e.
and attach Forms of the Ether to that Attachment support card that grants
domain (counts as a > resource).” will Toughness +1, and attaches it to a How does Living Mummy interact with
allow you to choose a card attached to character you control. You could not the Necronomicon (Olaus Wormius
an opponent’s domain. However, that however attach it to any other character Translation)?
card will go to its owners hand since that was wounded by Dynamite since
the card is not explicit that it targets they have all received their wounds at A Forced Response is resolved as soon
an opponent’s card and brings it your the same time that Expendable muscle as the entire effect it is responding to
hand (which is how it would need to becomes an Attachment support card. resolves. So Living Mummy’s effect
be phrased to invoke the Golden Rule). will resolve after the Necronomicon’s
Because the card does explicitly state If I control Library of Pergamum ability resolves, completely.
that Forms of the Ether attaches to the (Revelations F39) and a character
same domain as the previous card it I control would be wounded and In the Detailed Turn Sequence chart
will attach itself to that domain, the destroyed by Shotgun (Core F14)could on P.13 of the core set rulebook, there
same way a card that says “attach to an I use the Library’s ability to cancel is no mention of step “5. Determine
Success”. Is this step also in the same My opponent takes control of one of my
green box with the icon struggles in the characters through a card effect. Then Can Hali’s Directive (Denizens of the
Turn Sequence chart? I play Prepared Alienist (The Key and Underworld F 47) cancel a character’s
the Gate F38). At the end of the turn passive ability, such as the one on Mr.
The chart on page 13 is intended the effect that stole my character ends, David Pan (Ancient Relics F43)?
to show the breaking up of game what happens to that character?
and player actions while the written No, passive abilities cannot be
section starting with page 8 is the That character returns to your control. cancelled.
turn sequence which seeks to give the Prepared Alienist only prevents
information on how to play/resolve characters from changing control, not If I use Khopesh of the the Abyss
each phase and subsections of a returning to their owner’s control. (Ancient Relics F16) to destroy a
phase. On page nine there is a detailed character by wounding it. Would I be
breakdown for Story Card. Can you put into play Stalking Hound able to put Matthew Alexander (Seekers
(Rituals of the Order F39) for free after of Knowledge F7) into play?
On page 10 that section reads, putting into play a character from your
“Determine Success.” This shows that opponent’s discard pile? Yes, the character recieving a wound
determining success is part of resolving and as a result being destroyed fufills
the story card, so would be included You could not play the Stalking Hound. the condition on Matthew Alexander
within that green box as resolving the “You” refers to controllers unless of a character leaving play from a card
struggles. otherwise noted. If your opponent effect.
played Pulled from Beyond then you
If Master of Myth’’s enters play via its could play Stalking Hound. When I use Fleeting Guise (Terror in
ability, then is driven insane (e.g. by Venice F55) to “choose a character”
Hanyatl’s 7:13), does it go back to the Do cards attached to Fthaggua (The is the chosen character considered to
hand at the end of the turn? Key and the Gate F7) still count as be a targeted character, even though it
unique copies of that particular card? doesn’t use the word target?
Yes. The effect on Master of Myth’s
creates a lasting effect that will resolve Cards attached to Fthaggua do not Yes, all tenses of the word choose
regardless of whether it is sane or count as copies of that particular card. (choose, chooses, chose, or chosen) are
insane, as long as the card is in play. I may play another copy of a unique indicators of targeting.
character if my opponent has one of my
Is it possible for the defending player to copies attached facedown to Fthaggua. How does the card Hand of Aforgomon
succeed at a story? (The Key and the Gate F14) interact
Is it possible to search for The Mage’s with other cards that raise or lower the
No. The skill check is to determine Machinations (Terror in Venice F20) skill of characters?
whether or not the active player is with Hall of Champions (Revelations
successful. If the inactive player has F20)? The Hand of Aforgomon always causes
equal or greater skill than the active other characters at the same story to
player he has kept the active player Yes. The Mage’s Machinations was have their skill considered 0. This
from succeeding at the stroy, but has designed by Tom Capor for being the applies even if other effects have raised
not himself been successful. 2011 World Champion. Thus, it is or lowered those character’s skill.
searchable with the Hall of Champions.
If a card copies another card’s text
or effect and the text includes self- Does Snow Graves (Forgotten Lore
references (i.e. the card’s title) is it F15) prevent a player from triggering
replaced by the card’s title that is Studying the Void’s (The Key and the
copying the effect? Gate F35) Response while it is in the
discard pile?
Copying a character’s text box does
just that. All examples of a card’s name No. There is a difference between
remain unaltered, and as such refers to triggering an event card from the
cards of that name only. discard pile and playing an event card
form the discard pile. As per section
Does Serpent From Yoth’s (Core F149) 2.32 (Playing Events) of this FAQ,
Ability trigger when it enters my the Snow Graves would prevent the
discard pile from any zone? event from leaving the discard pile if
you were to play it to use its “Action”
Serpent From Yoth’s ability will only effect. Snow Graves however has no
be able to trigger after it enters the effect on the “Response” effect which
discard pile from play. can only be triggered from the discard

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