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Part- I Senior Secondary Level
Meaning and definition of economics, Central problems of an economy and problem of choice,
Economic systems: characteristics and functions.
Demand and Supply, various concepts of elasticity of demand.
Production Function: Law of variable proportions and Returns to scale, Cost concepts and Cost
Revenue and their relationships, Forms of market and their characteristics, determination of price
and output under perfect competition and monopoly.
Macroeconomic Variables: Stock and flow variables, National Income- concepts, measurement
and their relationships, GNP and Welfare.
Money- Meaning and functions; Money supply and high powered money, functions of
Commercial and Central bank, Credit control methods.
Meaning and determinants of economic development, Problems of Indian Economy: poverty,
unemployment and inequality in India.
Balance of Payments- Meaning and components.
Measures of Central Tendency- Arithmetic mean, median and mode.

Part-II Graduation Level

Theory of Consumer Behavior- Marshallian Utility Analysis and Hick's Indifference Curve
Analysis. Hick's and Slutsky Price Effect. Consumer and producer’s surplus.
Price and output determination under imperfect competition- Oligopoly (Collusive and Non-
collusive) and Monopolistic Competition.
Consumption hypotheses. Multiplier, and Accelerator theory, Trade cycle, control of trade cycle.

Quantity Theory of Money, Theories of demand for money, Inflation- Types and Control,
Phillips curve.
Objectives and tools of Monetary and Fiscal Policies.
Free Trade and Protection.
Theories of trade – comparative cost and opportunity cost, Terms of Trade.
Foreign Direct Investment, WTO, World Bank and IMF.
Measurement and Indicators of Development: PQLI, HDI, HPI and GDI, Various measurement
of poverty in India.
Measures of Dispersion, Index Number, Correlation- Simple, Rank correlation.
Economy of Rajasthan - Main features of Economy of Rajasthan- Forest, water, mineral and
livestock resources; Recent major development projects; Major welfare schemes of state
Government for SC/ST/Backward Classes/Minorities/Disabled Persons, Destitute, Women,
Children, Old Age People, Farmers and Labourers, Main features of agricultural, industrial,
service sector and tourism development in Rajasthan. Flagship Programmes of Government of

Part-III Post Graduation Level

Welfare Economics – Pareto optimality, Market failure and externalities, and New Welfare
IS-LM Model – Relative effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Mundell-Fleming, SWAN
Growth & Development Models – Lewis model, Harrod-Domar, Solow and Kaldor model.
Regression analysis, probability, sampling techniques (only concepts), Methods of data
Economic Reforms- Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization.
Public and Private goods, GST in India, Concept of deficits in budget.
Foreign Trade: Current foreign trade policy.
Theories of International Trade – Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem, Factor Price Equalization Theorem.
Concept of Sustainable Development. Sustainable Development Goals, Food Security.

Part – IV (Pedagogy, Teaching Learning Material, Use of Computers and Information

Technology in Teaching Learning)
I. Pedagogy and Teaching Learning Material (Instructional Strategies for Adolescent Learner)
• Communication skills and its use.
• Teaching models- advance organizer, concept attainment, information processing, inquiry
• Preparation and use of teaching-learning material during teaching.
• Cooperative learning.
II. Use of Computers and Information Technology in Teaching Learning
• Concept of ICT, hardware and software.
• System approach.
• Computer assisted learning, computer aided instruction
For the competitive examination for the post of School Lecturer:-
The question paper will carry maximum 300 marks.
1. Duration of question paper will be Three Hours.
2. The question paper will carry 150 questions of multiple choices.
3. Negative marking shall be applicable in the evaluation of answers. For every wrong answer one third of the
marks prescribed for that particular question shall be deducted.
5. Paper shall include following subjects :-
(i) Knowledge of Subject Concerned: Senior Secondary Level
(ii) Knowledge of Subject Concerned: Graduation Level.
(iii) Knowledge of Subject Concerned: Post Graduation Level.
(iv) Pedagogy, Teaching Learning Material, Use of Computers and Information Technology in Teaching Learning.

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