[FREE PDF sample] Fundamentals of Materials Science for Technologists Properties Testing and Laboratory Exercises 3rd Edition Larry Horath ebooks
[FREE PDF sample] Fundamentals of Materials Science for Technologists Properties Testing and Laboratory Exercises 3rd Edition Larry Horath ebooks
[FREE PDF sample] Fundamentals of Materials Science for Technologists Properties Testing and Laboratory Exercises 3rd Edition Larry Horath ebooks
Fundamentals of Radiation Materials Science Metals and
Alloys Was
Fundamentals of
Materials Science
for Technologists
Third Edition
Fundamentals of
Materials Science
for Technologists
Properties, Testing, and
Laboratory Exercises
Third Edition
Larry Horath
California University of Pennsylvania
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or trans-
mitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher.
Preface xiii
Fundamentals of Materials Technology
Ferrous Metals 21
2.1 Introduction 21
2.2 Production of Iron 23
2.3 Production of Steel 27
2.4 Carbon Content in Steels 35
2.5 Other Elements in Steels 37
2.6 Nomenclature of Steels 38
2.7 Tool Steels 39
2.8 CastIron 42
2.9 Stainless Steels 44
2.10 Corrosion 46
2.11Summary 47
M@ Questions and Problems 48
vi Contents
3 Nonferrous Metals 49
3.1 Introduction 49
3.2 Aluminum 50
3.3. Chromium 54
3.4 Copper, Brass, and Bronze 54
3.5 Magnesium 59
3.6 Nickel 61
3.7 Precious Metals 62
3.8 Refractory Metals 64
3.9Titanium 65
3.10 White Metals: Lead, Tin, and Zinc 65
3.11 Summary 67
@ Questions and Problems 67
Heat Treatment 69
4.1 Introduction 69
4.2 Iron-Carbon Phase Diagrams 70
4.3 Time-Temperature Transformation Curves 73
4.4 Methods of Softening Steels 75
4.5 Methods of Hardening Steels 77
4.6 Surface Hardening 80
4.7 Heat Treatment of Other Metals 82
4.8Summary 83
@ Questions and Problems 84
Composites 209
9.1 Introduction 209
9.2 Types of Composites 210
9.3 Nanocomposites 212
9.4 Composite Construction 213
9.5 Fabrication 215
9.6Summary 217
@ Questions and Problems 217
Principles of Mechanical and Nondestructive Testing
This book is meant as an introduction and stimulus for learning about the importance
of materials and materials testing. This presentation is appropriate for two-year and four-
year colleges and universities preparing future technicians, technologists, and engineers.
The primary objective of this volume is to provide an awareness of the theory,
manufacturing, processing, properties, applications, and customary test procedures
relating to common materials and their applications. The text provides foundational
information on conventional materials that a learner is most likely to encounter in ser-
vice, including metals, plastics, glass and ceramics, wood and composites, fuels, adhe-
sives, and smart materials. Also included are the significant advantages, disadvantages,
and importance of these materials,
The first section of this book offers a background on the chemistry of materials,
including their structure, properties, and selection. This includes the common properties
that are important to material applications and how they may be created, reduced, and
altered for various applications. The second section deals with the destructive and non-
destructive evaluation of material properties, focusing on their mechanical capabilities.
Each chapter contains an introduction, summary, and questions and problems
aimed at emphasizing essential concepts as well as testing practices. These compo-
nents will assist learners in identifying the overall objectives of the chapter and rein-
force their understanding and learning. Additional support is provided in the
appendices. Laboratory assignments and reference materials have been included for
hands-on learning in a supervised environment, which helps to promote understand-
ing of the underlying “why” of studying materials and materials testing.
There are endless combinations of materials available today, however, it is beyond
the scope of this book to cover every material and test available. The intent of the
Third Edition is to provide a basic understanding of materials and the tests made on
them to identify their properties and conditions in service. This book provides a rele-
vant discussion and vital examples of the fundamentals of materials science so that
this information can then be applied in real-world situations and applications.
It is an overwhelming task to try and acknowledge everyone involved in this
book. However, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Diane Evans of Wave-
land Press for the opportunity; my parents for their continued support and assistance
in all that I do; Rebecca for her work as photographer and avid supporter; my chil-
dren, who help me focus on the future; and all of the various friends and contributors
to this work. Thank you all for your patience, support, assistance, and understanding.
Fundamentals of
Materials Technology
Introduction to Materials Technology
State reasons for studying materials.
List and describe common terms related to the study of materials.
Describe and define terms and conditions associated with atomic structure and
atomic theory.
Recognize and describe how the periodic table of elements is used and the structure
of the table.
List and describe how the various bonding forces act to hold atoms together.
Define the various structures of materials in crystal lattice formation.
Describe the solidification process.
List and recognize various standards organizations and their purposes.
Welcome to a new world, filled with new and established materials that serve a
wide variety of purposes. These materials are presented here, in this text, to give you
an idea of the many common materials you are likely to encounter in modern society.
The general purpose of this text is to introduce you, the reader, to the nature and char-
acteristics of various engineering and related materials, including the processing,
applications, properties, and the advantages and disadvantages of these materials.
Information in later chapters include common testing procedures, data, and test spec-
ifications so that you can conduct your own tests and analyze the data collected. The
purpose of this is for you to become acquainted with the materials found in common-
place applications, products, constructions, and related uses.
4 Section One: Fundamentals of Materials Technology
The field of materials technology deals with the specifications, properties, selection,
and testing of engineering materials. Engineering materials consist primarily of the
materials used in the design, development, construction, and application of various
structures and machines and the many different products manufactured or produced.
from those materials throughout the world. One primary focus of this text is to intro-
duce the subject of materials technology, including aspects of the origins, content,
components, specifications, and standards regarding these materials. Corresponding
sections are presented in each chapter for easy reference, as well as information for
further study and questions related to each selected category. The extended purpose of
this format is to hopefully instill in you a sense of wonder and foster further interest in
exploring materials technology and testing while expanding your skills, knowledge,
and understanding in the field.
first table of elements more than a century ago. Many of the elements in Figure 1-1
were not discovered until long after Mendeleyev’s Periodic Table was created. All of
the elements listed in this table are in their most basic form and cannot be simplified.
Oxygen (O) and Hydrogen (H) are two common basic elements. These atoms com-
bine in specific, defined proportions to produce a new substance, H,O—water. By
studying these elements, scientists discovered repetitive patterns, which allowed them
to predict the nature and properties of elements not discovered until much later. This
periodic (repetitive pattern) nature of elements is determined in part by their nuclear
particles and also by the behavior and configuration of the electrons.
Looking at the table of elements, note that the element hydrogen (H) has an
atomic number of 1. The atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus or cen-
ter of the atom. Protons are positively charged particles. Other elements have various
numbers of protons in the nucleus, characterized by their atomic number. Also
included in the nucleus are neutrons, or neutral particles. Neutrons remain at the cen-
ter or nucleus of the atom. Electrons are negatively charged particles that orbit the
nucleus at velocities approaching the speed of light. Atoms in a free state (balanced
electronic charge) must contain the same number of electrons as protons. In the free
state, the negative charges balance the positive. Electrons do not follow neat, well-
defined orbits. Instead they randomly orbit the nucleus in what have been described as
clouds or predictable energy ranges. Electrons orbit so quickly that, if you could see
an atom, the orbit of the electrons would appear to be a random pattern typified by a
cloud structure (Figure 1-2).
An atom consists of the central cluster called the nucleus and the orbiting elec-
trons. The number of protons in the nucleus determines which element the atom rep-
resents. For example, carbon (C) has an atomic number of 6, because there are six
protons in the nucleus of a carbon atom. Neutrons and protons are much heavier rela-
tive to the other subatomic particles. Based on this fact, scientists often ignore the
mass of the other particles and define the atomic mass of an atom as the sum of the
masses of the protons and neutrons. Mass is a property of a body, expressed in pounds
(Ib) or kilograms (kg). Weight is the gravitational force exerted on a body by the earth.
The terms mass and weight are often confused and erroneously used interchangeably.
{a) (b)
An electron, the largest in size of the remaining particles, weighs about 1/2000th
as much as a proton. An arbitrary mass of | is assigned to protons and neutrons. For
example, carbon has six protons and six neutrons in the nucleus. Therefore, its atomic
mass is 12. Refer to the periodic table in Figure 1-1 and compare the atomic masses to
the atomic numbers of several elements. The difference between the two numbers is
roughly the number of neutrons in the nucleus.
Isotopes are atoms that vary from the normal atomic mass found in naturally
occurring forms of the element. For instance, an atom may contain more or fewer
neutrons in the nucleus. Neutrons are neutral particles (without electrical charge),
therefore, they do not alter the atomic number or the chemical properties of the ele-
ment. However, some isotopes are unstable and radioactive, attempting to return to a
balanced state. These isotopes are used in such applications where this characteristic
is useful, such as in chemical tracers and nuclear fuels. For example, some elements
are known to collect in certain cancerous tumors. Doctors inject radioisotopes into
the bloodstream of a patient to detect or to monitor changes in tumors using sensitive
radioactivity monitors.
‘We’ve established that electrons orbit the nucleus of the atom. This tiny model,
resembling a solar system, behaves in ways that cannot be predicted by the common
laws of physics. The speeds involved and the size of the particles make it necessary to
use a branch of physics called quantum mechanics to study atoms. Quantum mechanics
is a field of study that uses energy levels, motion analysis, and probability theories to
describe and predict the motion and behavior of electrons. Quantum mechanics
makes a basic assumption related to the electrons: Electrons behave in a wavelike
fashion rather than like individual particles. Waves can be diverted by reflection or dif-
fraction. This makes it difficult to predict the exact locations or paths of electrons. It is
more accurate or descriptive to use energy levels or energy contents of electrons in
describing their location in space. Again, using the idea of a solar system, the higher
the energy level or energy content of an electron, the farther it is from the central core
or nucleus.
It is common to have more than one electron in an orbit. The electrons in the
same orbit or energy level have the same energy content. In addition to orbiting the
nucleus, electrons also spin or rotate while orbiting. Electrons spin in a clockwise or
counterclockwise direction. For two electrons to orbit at the same energy level, they
must spin in opposite directions, one positive and one negative. The two electrons are
virtually identical except for spin direction.
Energy levels appear at predictable intervals. Electron levels cannot exist in the
gaps between these major levels. The first orbit, or electron shell, called 1s, can hold
up to two electrons. The second orbit contains two subshells, called 2s (lower energy)
and 2p (higher energy), that are close to each other in energy values. Common sub-
shell designations are s, p, d, and f, and they increase in energy from s to f Referring to
the periodic table in Figure 1-1, the repetitive pattern of the elements becomes clearer.
Looking at Group I, hydrogen contains one proton in the nucleus and one electron at
the 1s level. Hydrogen, also in the first period (row), has two electrons, both in the 1s
level but with opposite spin directions. The second period begins with lithium, which
has one electron in the outer shell, like hydrogen. Lithium (Li) has two electrons in
the 1s level and one electron in the 2s level. The second and third periods continue to
Section One: Fundamentals of Materials Technology
fill the third energy level. Starting with the fourth period, lower subshells must be
filled before the outermost energy shell is filled. Common electron shells and configu-
rations are shown in Table 1-1.
Quantum mechanics has come up with four basic quantum numbers to describe
any electron. The total energy of an electron is designated by the principal quantum
number, n. The letter n is used to designate the shell: 1, 2, 3, 4, and so forth. The angu-
lar momentum of an electron, /, is the second quantum number. The angular momen-
tum of the electron ranges from 0 to n—1, and the subshell is 2(2/ + 1). This expression
is used to determine the subshell inhabited by the electron. Subshells are designated as
s, p, d, f, g, and h. The magnetic moment of the electron, designated M, is the third
quantum number. M has values from +1 to 0 to —1 and designates the orbit within the
subshell that corresponds to its energy level. M, is the spin direction of the electron. It
can have values from +1/2 to -1/2. No two electrons can have the same four quan-
tum numbers.
The vertical groupings in the periodic table are based on similar electron configu-
rations and similarities in both chemical and physical properties. For example, the
members of Group IA elements are termed the alkali metals; Group IIA elements are
termed the alkaline-earth metals; Groups IIIA through VA and VIIA elements are
mostly nonmetals; and the last group contains the inert gases. Groups identified as
transition elements are mostly metals with incomplete subshells. The atomic size of
the elements typically decreases from left to right within a period and increases from
top to bottom within a group.
Elements can be roughly divided into two categories: metals or nonmetals. Char-
acteristically, metals tend to be solid at room temperature and to be good conductors
of heat and electricity. Nonmetallic elements may be solids, liquids, or gases and tend
to be insulators. These are general considerations and are meant to be rough guide-
lines, not absolutes. Approximately 92 elements occur naturally in and around the
earth. With the addition of synthesized or manufactured elements, the total number of
elements rises to around 120. Many of these synthetic elements are short-lived and
many even remain unnamed—only atomic number designations have been given.
Compounds are combinations based on two or more elements. These combina-
tions often have properties that differ from any of the component elements. Sodium
chloride (NaCl), or common table salt, is an example of a compound that has proper-
ties different from either constituent. Sodium is a metal that burns at room tempera-
ture and chlorine is a poisonous gas. Alloys are combinations or compounds of
metallic elements combined with one or more different elements. The smallest part of
a compound that retains the properties of that compound is a molecule. Molecules are
generally made up of different types of atoms in varying combinations. Differing pro-
portions of constituents may produce differing results, especially in metal alloys.
Mixtures are constructs of two or more pure substances that have been mechani-
cally mixed together. The pure substances can be elements or compounds. Mixtures
differ from compounds in that, theoretically, mixtures can be separated back into their
component parts. One example of a mixture is oil and water, which can be mixed into
an emulsion and later separated.
A naturally occurring material exists in nature in the form in which it will be
used. These materials include wood, stone, and water, which occur naturally in the
Chapter 1 Introduction to Materials Technology 9
Silver Ag 47 12, 25%, 2p®, 352, 3p, 3d", 452, 4p 4d", 5s!
Cesium Cs 55 1s, 2s, 2p, 357, 3p, 3d", 45?, 4p, 4d", 5s”, 5p®, 6s!
Gold Au 79 1s, 2s, 2p®, 35%, 3p, 3d"°, 452, 4p%, 4d, 4f"4, 552, 5p,
5d'°, 6s!
Lead Pb 82 152, 282, 2p%, 352, 3p®, 3d", 452, 4p8, 4d", af"4, 552, Sp,
5d"°, 6s?, 6p?
10 Section One: Fundamentals of Materials Technology
form in which we use them. The majority of materials used today are processed, man-
ufactured, or refined in some manner for their intended purpose. The form in which
we use them is based on some manufacturing or refinement process. Thus, materials
may be classified as natural or manufactured (sometimes termed synthetic) and further
classified according to the principle or process used to refine them.
Materials may also be classified as organic or inorganic. Organic materials are car-
bon-based materials. All biological systems are organic. Some materials, such as lime-
stone, have biological origins but are not organic. Most plastics are organic, as are
most petroleum-derived products. Inorganic materials are not derived from living
things. Sand, rocks, and metals are inorganic materials.
level and the “excitedness” of the atoms, the action of random grouping, scattering,
and regrouping is a characteristic typical of liquids and gases.
As the energy level and activity decrease, the random groupings and scattering
become less frequent. Bonds become stronger and begin to form ordered patterns
called /attices. These lattices form crystals, which in turn form larger patterns we know
as solids. These patterns are recognized as the grain structure of the material. Excep-
tions to this order of events are the amorphous materials. Amorphous materials retain
the random order and do not exhibit regular patterns, order, or groupings in their solid
form. Amorphous or noncrystalline materials may exhibit short-run chains but no def-
inite, recognizable pattern. These materials include both natural and synthetic materi-
als and may occur in many materials we think of as “solid,” including thin film
lubricants, glass, polymers, and gels. Glass is a special case and exhibits a reversible
transition at a specific temperature from an amorphous solid to a glassy liquid state.
Any material that exhibits this reversible transition can be termed an amorphous solid.
Bonding also gives materials density. For instance, tighter bonding increases the
viscosity of liquids. Liquids are heavier than gases because they contain more atoms
in the same volume. Solids are denser than liquids and retain their shape better. Liq-
uids and gases tend to take the shape of their containers because they are free to move
around. Solids maintain their shape until acted upon by a force greater than that hold-
ing them together.
When elements gain or lose an electron, they become ‘ons. Ions are versions of
the original element that deviate from the normal neutral state—as, for instance, when
sodium and chlorine combine to form salt. The sodium atom relinquishes its valence
electron and becomes a positive sodium ion. Chlorine, with its seven outer electrons,
absorbs this electron and becomes a negative ion. The charges on these atoms are
dependent on the original number of protons in the nucleus. The net charge is depen-
dent on their original state and the gains made in bonding. Sodium and chlorine share
an electron. The attraction of the ions for the electron holds the two together. This
results in a very tight ionic bond. The resulting molecule (NaCl) is electrically neutral,
crystalline, and very stable after bonding.
Large numbers of ionically bonded atoms arrange themselves so that the positive
ions are surrounded by negative ions of other pairs. Again, the attractions between
pairs hold the entire arrangement together (Figure 1-3). Each ion is rigidly held in
place by the attraction of the other ions that surround it. This bonding produces a def-
inite, regular structure known as a Jattice structure, or crystalline structure. lonically
bonded materials, such as sand and salt, tend to be hard and have high melting points.
This makes them useful in applications such as ceramics and refractories, where these
properties are extremely significant.
Covalent bonding is another type of bond mechanism. Many gases are diatomic,
that is, they consist of two atoms bonded together in the natural state, such as hydro-
gen (H,), nitrogen (N), and oxygen (O,). Oxygen, for example, has six electrons in its
outer shell. It needs two more to complete its valence shell. When two atoms com-
bine, as in O,, the two atoms combine and share enough electrons to complete their
outer shells. This, effectively, completes each of the atoms’ outer shells. The two
atoms are bonded quite strongly. Covalently bonded materials include many gases
and organic materials.
12 Section One: Fundamentals of Materials Technology
(b) ()
Figure 1-3 Bonding. (a) lonic bonding of sodium chloride (NaCl). (b) Covalent bonding of
methane (CH,). (c) Metallic bonding where positive ions donate electrons; electron cloud
bonds positive ions.
Van der Waals forces, named after the Dutch physicist who explained their function,
are another type of binding force. These forces result from the influence that the action of
the valence electrons in one atom exerts on the valence electrons in another atom. For
example, when two atoms have valence electrons that move in compatibility, they pro-
duce a small attractive force. These forces are very weak and are able to act over consider-
able distances, but they are often masked by the larger bonding forces. To liquefy a pure
gas where only these forces are at work, high pressures are applied to the gas to squeeze
the atoms together so that the stronger bonding needed for liquefaction can take place.
Metallic bonding is another type of bonding in which a localized exchange of elec-
trons takes place between small numbers of atoms. This is more likely to take place in
metals, where all of the atoms have similar valences and cannot directly exchange
electrons to complete their outer shells. Metallic bonds are based on the donation of
electrons by the constituent atoms to a common pool of electrons known as an electron
cloud. This results in a structure where positively charged ions with completed outer
shells are surrounded by a negatively charged electron cloud, which moves randomly
and fluidly throughout the localized structure. The cloud bonds the atoms together
and can be shaped or resized as needed.
The emphasis here is that the chemical makeup and activity of the element(s) of
which a material is composed help determine the physical, chemical, mechanical, and
other properties in application. The bonding mechanism also helps determine the
properties of a material. In addition, the lattice and crystalline structure of the mate-
rial, which are examined soon, also affect the properties of a material. It is important
to note that the relevant properties of these materials depend on these characteristics.
number of valence electrons present. The greater the number of shells, the greater the
distance is between atoms. The greater the number of valence electrons, the less the
distance is between atoms. Imaginary lines that connect the centers of atoms in a pat-
tern are called lattice structures. Through the use of X-ray diffraction analysis, it has
been determined that common metals crystallize into one of seven common types of
lattice structures: cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, rhombohedral, hexagonal, monoclinic, or
triclinic. Every crystal lattice structure has its own unit cell. A unit cell is the smallest
unit into which a lattice structure can be broken down that still retains the properties
of the whole structure. Figure 1-4 illustrates basic crystalline structures.
Figure 1-4a shows a simple cubic structure. In this structure, eight atoms form a
cube whose sides are equal in size. When the cube has an atom centered in the cube,
such as the common material iron, it is called a body-centered cubic structure, as in Fig-
ure 1-4b. If the simple cubic has an atom centered on each of its faces, the resulting
structure is called a face-centered cubic structure (Figure 1-4c). Body-centered cubic
structures are found in metals such as barium, cesium, potassium, lithium, molybde-
num, sodium, tantalum, and tungsten. Face-centered cubic structures are found in
aluminum, copper, gold, lead, nickel, platinum, and silver.
In the simple tetragonal and body-centered tetragonal structures (Figure 1-4d and Fig-
ure 1-4e, respectively), all of the atomic planes are still at right angles to each other, as
in the cubic structure. However, one of the dimensions is longer than the other two
dimensions. A good example of a natural tetragonal structure is pure tin.
oO Ve: e|
(a) Simple cubic. (b) Body-centered _ (¢) Face-centered (qd) Simple tetragonal. (e) Body-centered
All sides equal. cubic. cubic. Stretched cubic tetragonal.
= .
. .
(f) Orthorhombic. (g) Body-centered (h) Base-centered (i) Face-centered _(j) Rhombohedral.All
Length, width, orthorhombic. orthorhombic. orthorhombic. sides equal length,
height all different. angles same but + 90°.
Figure 1-4f is an example of the simple orthorhombic structure, in which the lengths
of all three axes are all different. However, the planes of atoms are perpendicular. Fig-
ure 1-4g is an example of a body-centered orthorhombic structure. Notice the atom cen-
tered within the tetrahedron. The base-centered and face-centered structures (Figure 1-4h
and Figure 1-4i, respectively) are the two remaining orthorhombic structures.
The rhombohedral structure differs from the three previous structures because none
of the planes are perpendicular. However, as illustrated in Figure 1-4j, the distances
between the crystal planes are equal.
Figure 1-4k illustrates the hexagonal close-packed (HCP) structure. The distances
between atoms in the bases are equal in the hexagonal structure. Although the bases are
perpendicular to the sides, the angle between the sides is 120°. When three unit cells are
put together, the resulting structure forms a hexagon formation, which is the source of
the name. The cells of a crystal structure may overlap when assembled. This situation
results in the material packing more closely together than the normal structure. When
this happens, the structure is termed close-packed. Graphite is a common material exhib-
iting a close-packed hexagonal structure. Diamond, however, is carbon that has formed
in the face-centered close-packed cubic structure, or complex cubic form. This form is often
referred to as the diamond structure. Materials that have a close-packed hexagonal struc-
ture include beryllium, cadmium, cobalt, magnesium, titanium, zinc, and zirconium.
In a monoclinic structure, two of the atomic planes are perpendicular, but the third
angle is not 90°. Also, the atoms in the crystal plane are not the same distance apart.
There are two variations: simple monoclinic and base-centered monoclinic structures. Fig-
ure 1-4] illustrates the monoclinic structure, and Figure 1-4m shows the base-centered
The last crystalline structure, the triclinic, is shown in Figure 1-4n. No two planes
are perpendicular to each other, the distances between the atoms are all different, and
the angles between atom planes are not equal. The result is an elongated, thin crystal
formation. Table 1-2 gives the common crystal lattice structure for common elements.
The physical, mechanical, and other properties of a material depend on the crys-
talline structure of that material. Generally, soft metals have a face-centered cubic
structure, whereas mild steels and less ductile metals have body-centered cubic struc-
tures and brittle metals are often simple cubic structures. Most common metals are
face-centered cubic (FCC), body-centered cubic (BCC), or hexagonal in structure.
Refer to Table 1-2 for a partial list of the lattice structure of many metals.
Some elements can exist in two or more crystal structures. These alternative
structures are known as allotropes. Allotropes depend on temperature and pressure
changes. For example, pure iron will assume a BCC structure at normal temperature
and pressure conditions. It undergoes an allotropic change to FCC if the temperature
is raised above 1670°F (910°C). Allotropes are also known as polymorphs.
As the energy in liquid systems decrease, the forces that are grouping, scattering,
and regrouping atoms tend to develop distinct patterns, which become the characteris-
tic lattice structure for that material. The temperature or energy level at which this
begins is called the freezing point for that material.
The formation of these lattice crystals produces heat. As the heat produced is
drawn off, the lattice grows until stopped by some energy block or deformation, such
as another lattice or a container. Two lattice structures that collide exhibit what is
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