Republic F 105 Thunderchief 1st Edition Peter E Davies
150 disease-free varieties
that will change the way you grow roses
without chemicals
Peter E.
garden, full of wonderful rose
varieties and I intend to follow
Peter’s advice wholeheartedly.”
Martha Stewart
without chemicals
150 disease-free varieties
that will change the way you grow roses
without chemicals
Peter E.
Timber Press
Portland London
Frontispiece: ‘Alexandra Princesse de Luxembourg’
Printed in China
Text and cover design by David Jacobson, ORT
Kukielski, Peter.
Roses without chemicals: 150 disease-free varieties that will change the way you grow
roses/Peter E. Kukielski.—1st edition.
pages cm
Other title: One hundred fifty disease free varieties that will change the way you grow roses
Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-60469-354-6
1. Roses—Varieties—North America. 2. Roses—Disease and pest resistance—North America.
I. Title. II. Title: One hundred fifty disease free varieties that will change the way you grow roses.
SB411.6.K85 2015
635.9′33734—dc23 2014020741
A catalog record for this book is also available from the British Library.
For Drew
Preface (It’s not your fault) 8
Rose trials 58
Growing roses sustainably 62
Buying roses 64
Planting roses 68
Pruning roses 69
and grow roses in an environmentally sensitive way for
your garden, in your part of the country. In the directory
you’ll find 150 of the best-performing and most disease-
resistant roses available on the market today. I have
grown every one of these roses myself and have chosen
them out of the many thousands of other roses that I have
grown and trialed over the years. I have included a rating
for each rose based on the qualities that matter most to
gardeners: disease-resistance, bloom, and fragrance. You
can rest assured that they are the very best choices for a
sustainable, chemical-free rose garden.
The Peggy Rockefeller I left in 2013 it contained a significant living
Rose Garden display of more than 4000 roses and close to
Just as the millennial shift in roses was 700 different varieties.
happening, I became curator of the Peggy The rose garden covers just over an acre
Rockefeller Rose Garden, which is located and is triangular in shape, with a circular
in the New York Botanical Garden. First laid central area containing a focal gazebo. When
out in 1916 by the eminent American land- I took over, the rose garden had been sprayed
scape architect Beatrix Jones Farrand and with chemicals for twenty years. The col-
nestled among beautiful, established trees, lection had about 2000 roses in it, approxi-
the site offers some of the most breathtak- mately 234 varieties. Originally, the goal of
ing vistas available at the botanical gar- the renovation was to increase diversity and
den. Thanks to a generous gift from David make better use of the planting space. During
Rockefeller in honor of his wife, Peggy, the the initial renovation, I took out 400 roses
garden was completed and named for her and added 1700 new roses, almost doubling
in 1988. With continuing support from Mr. the size of the collection.
Rockefeller, I had the honor of renovating the As part of the renovation the beds were
garden through the winter of 2006 and 2007. redefined in order to diversify and reorganize
The garden was reopened in 2007, and when the rose classes in the existing collection.
‘Burgundian Rose’
‘Cardinal de Richelieu’
Rosa virginiana
‘Charles de Mills’
a five-petaled rose. It might possibly be a ‘Elegant Gallica’
new form of many-petaled flowers that does
not look like the original species rose. This Rosa gallica ‘Officinalis’
is how a new class of roses is born. A broad
Rosa gallica ‘Versicolor’
definition of a class of roses is that they share
a common flower form. A class is considered
distinct because the blooms are different Gallica | Rosa gallica is a species rose that is
from those of the parent plants. native to southern and central Europe. The
oldest named form of this plant is R. gallica
Heritage roses
‘Officinalis’ (also known as the apothecary’s
Heritage, antique, or old garden roses are
rose, because it was thought to have medic-
the first roses that were brought into cultiva-
inal properties) and it dates from as early
tion. Their history is a journey through the
as the 14th century. Rosa gallica ‘Officinalis’
centuries, as gardeners and breeders sought
has multiple petals, as do other descendants
to select and then to hybridize new and
of R. gallica, sometimes up to 100 petals per
exotic types of rose.
flower. This class of roses became known as
the Gallicas.
‘Autumn Damask’
‘Ispahan’ ‘Ispahan’
‘Alba Semiplena’
‘Félicité Parmentier’
‘Madame Plantier’
‘Comtesse de Murinais’
‘General Kleber’
‘Jean Bodin’
‘La Diaphane’
‘Archduc Charles’
‘Cramoisi Supérieur’
‘Old Blush’
‘Archduc Charles’
‘Old Blush’
What is a sport?
A sport is a genetic mutation single-blooming rose starts
that occurs innately and to repeatedly flower through-
leads to a difference in part out the year, which is referred
of a plant. The mutation is to as remontant. To retain
often a color sport, such as that new characteristic the
the appearance of a pink changed element must be
flower on a white-flowered selected from the plant and
rose. A growth habit sport propagated to create new
may occur when a rose has a plants with those character-
compact bush growth habit istics. In the example of Moss
but then one of the branches roses, the sport went from a
elongates and develops as simple flower bud to one that
a climbing form. A bloom- had glandular moss covering ‘Rose de Rescht’
ing sport can occur when a the bud.
from classes that preceded them. Portland
roses offer the repeat blooming characteris-
Portland | Because roses inherit the genetic tic that traces back to their China rose heri-
attributes of all their ancestors, the num- tage. They also offer some of the same classic
ber of genetic and possible hybrid crosses flower forms as their previous parent classes
available throughout the world of roses of Gallicas and Damasks. One unique charac-
grows exponentially. Sometimes it can be teristic of Portland roses is that their bloom
difficult to tell certain classes apart, because is “presented” with a grouping of leaves just
they share so many heritable characteristics. below the flower, much like a nosegay. This
Portland roses are a case in point, and I find effect can be detected easily in some varie-
it difficult to distinguish this class of roses ties but less so in others.
‘Blush Noisette’
‘Duchesse de Grammont’
‘Madame Plantier’
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