LP Smiles GR 4 Term 2
LP Smiles GR 4 Term 2
LP Smiles GR 4 Term 2
Grade: 4 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Treasure Maps 1-2
Learning objectives give short, basic description of people and objects on a limited
range of general and some curricular topics begin to describe past
experiences on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics plan, write and check sentences with support on a range of basic
personal, general and some curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
- talk about Kazakhstan's natural treasures and I I cultural heritage
- read about a treasure hunt.
Value links Family – Family values are moral and ethical principles of typical family
life, including sacrificing for loved ones, putting your loved ones first, and
keeping your loved ones at the centre of your thoughts and actions.
Grade: 4 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Treasure and numbers1
Learning objectives plan, write and check sentences with support on a range of basic
personal, general and some curricular topics spell most familiar high-frequency words accurately when writing
independently; use cardinal numbers 1 -1000 and ordinal numbers 1 – 100
Value links Loyalty – Loyalty might be a core personal value to you if you highly prize
friends that are reliable and trustworthy. You might put your friends or chosen
family first, always being there for them when they need you.
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
- learn about numbers
- talk about location
Value links Fairness – If you value fairness, you might be highly sensitive to situations at
school or in the workplace where a teacher or a peer has exhibited
favoritism or allowed someone to get away with living by a different set of
rules to everyone else.
Unit 3:
Lesson 20
Teacher name:
Value links Honesty – You may highly value telling people the truth. This one gets tricky
when being honest can be hurtful to others. So, a person who really puts
honesty first might be the sort of person who will tell the truth even if it
hurts to do so.
Value links Integrity – Integrity is the quality of having strong moral principles. So, a
person with integrity will always act with honesty and adhere to their own
moral code regardless of what others do.
Value links Perseverance – People who value perseverance will work through adversity
and be determined to get a result. This is a great treat for employees and
entrepreneurs alike.
Ex: 3 P: 49 Descriptor:
• The pupils read and complete the Pupils read and - read and
sentences with the correct ordinal complete. complete.
number. ANSWERS Total: 3 point
1 thirtieth
2 ninth
3 twenty-first
Ex: 4 P: 49 4 ninetieth
• The pupils read and choose the 5 first
correct words.
Pupils read and choose pupils are
ANSWERS evaluated by
Conclusion during the lesson some collecting colour
tasks differentiated by outcomes of pencils
the students and by their abilities.
-Make CCQ
questions Yes / No
Total: 10 point
Value links Self-Discipline – If you value self-discipline, you might be a person who
wakes up early, exercises daily, and doesn’t get distracted by vices.
Value links Humility – You might highly value humility if you find yourself disgusted by
people who are arrogant or braggadocious, and instead find yourself
gravitating to people who are always expressing their gratefulness for the
blessings in their life.
- read and correct
Conclusion during the lesson some the mistakes
tasks differentiated by outcomes of Total: 2point
the students and by their abilities.
-Make CCQ
questions Yes / No
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the Learners provide feedback on what Success
lesson they have learned at the lesson.
5 min Ex:
Home task:
Short term plan: term 2
Lesson title Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 2
Learning objectives understand the main points of short, supported talk on an
increasing range of general and some curricular topics give short, basic description of people and objects, begin to describe
past experiences on an increasing range of general and some curricular
topics; use upper and lower case letters accurately when writing names,
places and short sentences when writing independently
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
- Read the text and answer the questions
Value links Open-Mindedness – An open-minded person is someone who is always
willing to hear new points of view and even change their own point of view
if new arguments are highly convincing. It’s the opposite of stubbornness.
Task 2. Read the text. Answer the
Pupils and answer the book
questions in ONE or TWO words
only. questions
- read the text
Writing Descriptor:
Task 3. Hide your treasure and Pupils put the letters in - read the text
draw an X on the map. Write the correct order. Total: 4 point
instructions for how to find your ANSWERS
treasure. Use positive and negative
imperative forms.
Use: waterfall, volcanoo, palm
trees, Crocodile pond.
Check your written work.
- write sentences
Pupils tell about the about the animal
places you lived Total: 4 point
Task 4. Look at each of the
pictures and answer the questions. - answer the questions.
Conclusion during the lesson some
tasks differentiated by outcomes of
the students and by their abilities. Descriptor:
can answer the
Total: 4 point
Short term plan: term 2
Value links Thoughtfulness – You may highly value people who are thoughtful. If this is
you, then you might find yourself rolling your eyes at people who are full of
bluster and never stop to reflect on their own actions.