lesson plan EFe
lesson plan EFe
lesson plan EFe
Topic: Translation
Main skill(s): Writing,Reading Language Areas(s):
Time Pre stage Teacher’s role Student’s role Interaction Aim
20 Before the visit to The teacher Students actively T-S The aim is to
mins Soli, students will facilitates a participate by S-T prepare
engage in a discussion to sharing their prior students
preparatory session activate prior knowledge and with the
to activate their prior knowledge, asking questions. historical
knowledge and set introduces the They listen and linguistic
the stage for the historical attentively to the context
day’s activities. The context of Soli, teacher’s required to
session will begin and shares key explanation, engage
with a brief information engage with effectively
discussion to explore about the site. materials, and take during the
students’ existing They present notes on the key visit to Soli
understanding of preparatory points related to and the
ancient Cyprus and materials, such the site and translation
their experiences as visuals or translation task.
with historical sites maps, and concepts.
or inscriptions. explain
Questions such as, translation
“What do you know concepts,
about ancient including
Cyprus?” and “Why common
might ancient texts ancient words
be significant for and symbols, to
historians?” will help students
encourage curiosity feel prepared
and critical thinking. for the
This will be followed upcoming tasks.
by a short
introduction to Soli,
accompanied by
visuals or a video to
provide context
about its historical
importance. To
prepare students for
the translation task, a
quick overview of
ancient inscriptions
will highlight their
purposes, such as
documenting laws,
dedications, or
events. Key
vocabulary, symbols,
or phrases common
in ancient Greek. The
session will end with
a clear outline of the
day’s goals,
observation, and