Eng8 Wk1-DLL
Eng8 Wk1-DLL
Eng8 Wk1-DLL
C. Learning Determine the meaning of Determine the meaning of Determine the meaning of Determine the meaning of
Competencies/ words and expressions that words and expressions that words and expressions that words and expressions that
Objectives reflect the local culture by reflect the local culture by reflect the local culture by reflect the local culture by
( Write the Lode for noting context clues noting context clues noting context clues noting context clues
II.CONTENT Understanding the role of Introduction to cultural Local culture-specific words Local culture-specific words
( Subject Matter) context clues in determining vocabulary and expressions. and expressions and expressions
the meaning of culturally Context clues and their role
specific words and in determining word Context clues Context clues
expressions. meaning.
Analyzing cultural references Exploring local culture
and their significance in local through language.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning Reading passages, cultural Reading passages, cultural
Resources references, vocabulary lists references, vocabulary lists
A. Reviewing previous Begin the lesson by briefly Begin the lesson by briefly Recap the strategies for Recap the strategies for
Lesson or presenting reviewing the concepts reviewing the main concepts determining the meaning of determining the meaning of
new lesson covered in the previous covered in the previous unfamiliar words using context local culture-specific words
lesson related to vocabulary lesson related to vocabulary clues learned in the previous and expressions using
comprehension and using and context clues. lesson. context clues learned in the
context clues. previous lesson.
B. Establishing a purpose Explain to the students that Explain to the students that Explain that in this lesson, the Reinforce the importance of
for the lesson the objective of the lesson is the objective of the lesson is focus is on words and recognizing and
to develop their ability to to develop their skills in expressions that reflect the understanding words and
determine the meaning of determining the meaning of local culture. Discuss the expressions that reflect the
words and expressions that words and expressions that importance of understanding local culture. Discuss how
reflect the local culture by reflect the local culture by and appreciating cultural these words and
paying attention to context observing context clues. references in texts. expressions contribute to
clues. Emphasize the Emphasize the importance deeper comprehension and
importance of understanding of understanding and cultural appreciation.
cultural references to appreciating local language
enhance reading and expressions as a way to
comprehension. connect with the community
and deepen cultural
C. Presenting examples/ Provide examples of texts, Provide examples of words Share reading passages or Share additional reading
instances of the new such as passages, poems, or or expressions that are excerpts that contain words and passages or excerpts that
lesson. short stories, that contain unique to the local culture. expressions specific to the local contain words and
words or expressions specific Discuss their meanings and culture. Guide students in expressions specific to the
to the local culture. Discuss how they reflect the values, identifying context clues that local culture. Guide students
the cultural significance of traditions, or beliefs of the help determine their meaning. in analyzing the surrounding
these words or expressions community. Encourage Discuss the cultural significance context to determine the
and explain how context students to share their own of these words and meaning of unfamiliar terms
clues can help in deciphering examples or experiences expressions. and phrases.
their meaning. with culturally specific
D. Discussing new Introduce the concept of Introduce the concept of Focus on identifying and Focus on engaging
concepts and practicing context clues and their role in context clues and their role interpreting local culture- students in activities that
new skills. #1 understanding unfamiliar in determining word specific words and expressions involve recognizing and
words and expressions. meaning. Explain different using context clues. Provide interpreting local culture-
Discuss different types of types of context clues, such examples and guide students in
specific words and
context clues, such as as definitions, synonyms, analyzing the surrounding text
synonyms, antonyms, antonyms, examples, or to decipher the meaning of expressions using context
examples, explanations, and explanations, and how they unfamiliar words or phrases. clues. Provide examples
comparisons. Model the can provide hints to and guide students in
process of using context understand unfamiliar words. analyzing the text to
clues to determine meaning Provide examples and guide decipher their meaning
using specific examples. students through analyzing
context clues to infer
E. Discussing new Provide additional examples Provide a selection of texts, Engage students in activities Assign reading tasks where
concepts and practicing of texts with cultural such as short stories, that involve recognizing and students encounter words
new skills #2. references. Guide students in articles, or poems, that interpreting words and and expressions that reflect
identifying context clues contain words or expressions that reflect the the local culture. Ask them to
within the text to determine expressions reflecting the local culture. Provide reading identify and interpret these
the meaning of the words or local culture. Guide students passages or texts where terms based on context
expressions. Encourage through close reading of the students need to identify clues and discuss their
active participation and texts and help them identify cultural references and discuss cultural significance.
discussion among students to context clues that can assist their significance within the
share their interpretations and in determining the meaning context.
reasoning. of these culturally specific
vocabulary items.
Encourage discussion and
collaboration among
students to explore different
F. Developing Mastery Assign reading tasks or Assign individual or group Provide opportunities for Provide opportunities for
(Lead to Formative activities that include texts activities where students students to practice determining students to practice
Assessment 3) with cultural references. need to analyze texts or the meaning of local culture- determining the meaning of
Instruct students to identify situations and determine the specific words and expressions local culture-specific words
the context clues and meaning of culturally specific through guided practice and expressions through
determine the meaning of the words or expressions based activities and discussions. guided practice activities and
words or expressions within on context clues. Provide Assign reading tasks where discussions. Assign reading
the given cultural context. feedback and guidance as students encounter such words passages or texts that
Provide guidance and support they practice their skills in and expressions and ask them feature cultural references
as needed. inferring meaning from to analyze the context to and ask students to analyze
context. understand their meaning. the context to understand
their meaning and
G. Finding practical Engage students in a Engage students in a Engage students in real-world Engage students in real-
application of concepts discussion about the practical discussion about the reading tasks that involve world reading tasks that
and skills in daily living applications of recognizing practical applications of encountering words and involve encountering words
cultural references and using determining word meaning expressions specific to the local and expressions specific to
context clues in real-life through context clues in real- culture. Provide relevant articles the local culture. Provide
situations. Explore scenarios life situations. Discuss or passages that include relevant articles or passages
where understanding local scenarios where cultural references and ask and ask students to interpret
cultural expressions is understanding local cultural students to interpret their their meaning and reflect on
essential, such as interacting vocabulary is essential, such meaning and significance. their cultural significance
with local communities, as when engaging in within the context
reading regional literature, or conversations with
engaging in cultural events. community members,
reading local literature, or
participating in cultural
events. Encourage students
to share their experiences or
H. Making Generalizations Summarize the key concepts Summarize the key concepts Summarize the key points Summarize the key points
and Abstraction about discussed during the lesson discussed during the lesson about determining the meaning about determining the
the Lesson. and facilitate a class and facilitate a class of words and expressions that meaning of words and
discussion on the general discussion on the general reflect the local culture through expressions that reflect the
rules and strategies for using rules and strategies for context clues. Discuss the local culture through context
context clues to determine determining word meaning importance of understanding clues. Discuss the broader
the meaning of culturally through context clues. Help local culture-specific vocabulary implications of cultural
specific words and students recognize the in building cultural awareness references in texts and their
expressions. Encourage importance of cultural and enhancing reading role in understanding and
students to reflect on the context in language comprehension. appreciating local culture.
importance of cultural comprehension and the
awareness in language value of exploring and
comprehension. appreciating their local
I. Evaluating Learning Section 1: Context Clues Section 1: Introduction to Section 1: Context Clues Section 1: Context Clues
Cultural Vocabulary and
In the sentence, "The Expressions In the sentence, "The traditional In the sentence, "The
traditional dance was dance was accompanied by the traditional dance was
accompanied by melodious What does the term "cultural rhythmic beat of the drums," accompanied by the
tunes and rhythmic beats," vocabulary" refer to? what does "rhythmic" mean in rhythmic beat of the drums,"
a) Words specific to a this context? what does "rhythmic" mean
what does "melodious" mean
particular language a) Melodious and tuneful in this context?
in this context?
b) Words and b) Irregular and disorganized a) Melodious and tuneful
a) Loud and boisterous expressions unique to a c) Energetic and lively b) Irregular and disorganized
b) Lively and energetic specific culture or d) Having a regular and c) Energetic and lively
c) Pleasant-sounding and community repeated pattern of movement d) Having a regular and
tuneful c) Words used in formal or sound repeated pattern of
d) Monotonous and settings movement or sound
repetitive d) Words related to The sentence reads, "The
academic subjects intricate artwork on the walls The sentence reads, "The
The sentence reads, "The depicted scenes from ancient intricate artwork on the walls
intricate artwork on the walls In the context of language, mythology." What does depicted scenes from
depicted scenes from ancient what are "cultural "depicted" mean in this context? ancient mythology." What
folklore." What does expressions"? a) Created or made does "depicted" mean in this
a) Phrases commonly b) Explained or narrated context?
"depicted" mean in this
used in business c) Replicated or copied a) Created or made
context? communication d) Showed or represented b) Explained or narrated
a) Removed or taken down b) Idiomatic expressions c) Replicated or copied
b) Replicated or copied understood by people Section 2: Local Culture d) Showed or represented
c) Showed or represented from various cultures Expressions
d) Enhanced or c) Expressions related to Section 2: Local Culture
embellished specific artistic forms During a cultural event, you Expressions
d) Expressions used hear someone say "Namaste."
Section 2: Local Culture exclusively in academic What does this expression likely During a cultural event, you
Expressions writing convey? hear someone say
a) A request for assistance "Namaste." What does this
During a cultural event, you Section 2: Context Clues b) A greeting or respectful expression likely convey?
hear someone say "Aloha." and Their Role in acknowledgment a) A request for assistance
What does this expression Determining Word Meaning c) A farewell or goodbye b) A greeting or respectful
likely convey? d) An expression of surprise or acknowledgment
What are context clues in a admiration c) A farewell or goodbye
a) A request for assistance
sentence or text? d) An expression of surprise
b) A farewell or goodbye
a) Words that have In a conversation with locals, or admiration
c) A greeting or welcome multiple meanings you encounter the phrase "Pura
d) An expression of b) Hints or information vida" multiple times. What is the In a conversation with locals,
gratitude surrounding an likely meaning of this you encounter the phrase
unfamiliar word that help expression? "Pura vida" multiple times.
In a conversation with locals, deduce its meaning a) A request for help or support What is the likely meaning of
you encounter the phrase c) Complex sentences b) A wish for good luck and this expression?
"mañana." What is the likely that are difficult to prosperity a) A request for help or
meaning of this expression? comprehend c) A greeting or expression of support
a) Good morning d) Abbreviations and goodwill b) A wish for good luck and
b) See you later acronyms used in d) An invitation to a social event prosperity
c) Tomorrow or in the technical writing or celebration c) A greeting or expression
of goodwill
How do context clues aid in Section 3: Adapting to Local d) An invitation to a social
d) Right now or determining the meaning of Expressions event or celebration
immediately an unfamiliar word?
a) By providing a direct You are exploring a foreign city Section 3: Adapting to Local
Section 3: Adapting to Local translation of the word and see a sign that says Expressions
Expressions b) By indicating the "Boulangerie." What do you do
pronunciation of the to determine its meaning? You are exploring a foreign
You are exploring a foreign word a) Look it up in a translation app city and see a sign that says
city and see a sign that says c) By offering hints about to find its meaning "Boulangerie." What do you
"Café." What do you do to the word's definition b) Assume it means "cafe" and do to determine its
determine its meaning? through its surrounding go in for a drink meaning?
a) Assume it means "bar" context c) Ignore the sign as it may not a) Look it up in a translation
and go in for a drink d) By replacing the be relevant to your visit app to find its meaning
unfamiliar word with a d) Ask a local for the definition b) Assume it means "cafe"
b) Look it up in a translation
similar-sounding word of "Boulangerie" and go in for a drink
app to find its meaning c) Ignore the sign as it may
c) Ignore the sign as it may Section 3: Exploring Local While reading a book set in a not be relevant to your visit
not be relevant to your Culture Through Language different cultural context, you d) Ask a local for the
visit encounter a word that is definition of "Boulangerie"
d) Ask a local for Why is language an unfamiliar to you. What is the
the definition of "Café" essential aspect of best approach to understand its While reading a book set in
understanding a culture? meaning? a different cultural context,
While reading a book set in a a) Language is primarily a) Skip the word and continue you encounter a word that is
different cultural context, you used for communication, reading unfamiliar to you. What is
encounter a word that is not cultural expression b) Use online translation tools the best approach to
unfamiliar to you. What is the b) Language provides a to find its meaning understand its meaning?
best approach to understand glimpse into a culture's c) Analyze the surrounding a) Skip the word and
its meaning? history, values, and sentences for context clues continue reading
a) Replace the word with a traditions d) Replace the word with a b) Use online translation
synonym that you know c) Language remains similar-sounding word in your tools to find its meaning
b) Skip the word and unchanged across native language c) Analyze the surrounding
different cultural sentences for context clues
continue reading
contexts Section 4: Cultural Context d) Replace the word with a
c) Use online translation
d) Language is the same similar-sounding word in
tools to find its meaning in all cultures, so it In the sentence, "The traditional your native language
d) Analyze the surrounding doesn't play a significant ceremony was imbued with a
sentences for context role in understanding sense of spirituality and Section 4: Cultural Context
clues them reverence," what does "imbued"
imply in the context of the local In the sentence, "The
Section 4: Cultural Context How can exploring local culture? traditional ceremony was
language expressions a) The ceremony was dull and imbued with a sense of
In the sentence, "The enhance one's uneventful spirituality and reverence,"
traditional ceremony was understanding of a culture? b) The ceremony was filled or what does "imbued" imply in
conducted with utmost a) It provides an saturated with certain qualities the context of the local
reverence and solemnity," opportunity to compare or emotions culture?
languages from different c) The ceremony was rushed a) The ceremony was dull
what does "reverence" imply
cultures and hasty and uneventful
in the context of the local b) It helps in learning a d) The ceremony was chaotic b) The ceremony was filled
culture? new language for travel and disorganized or saturated with certain
a) The ceremony was purposes qualities or emotions
casual and informal c) It allows for the During a cultural celebration, c) The ceremony was
b) The ceremony was appreciation of cultural you hear someone use the rushed and hasty
meaningful and respectful nuances, customs, and expression "Mabuhay." Based d) The ceremony was
c) The ceremony was beliefs on the context, what is the likely chaotic and disorganized
rushed and hasty d) It only has meaning of "Mabuhay" in the
d) The ceremony was significance in academic local culture? During a cultural celebration,
disorganized and chaotic research but not in a) Congratulations or best you hear someone use the
practical experiences wishes expression "Mabuhay."
During a cultural celebration, b) Goodbye or farewell Based on the context, what
Section 4: Application and c) Please come in or welcome is the likely meaning of
you hear someone use the
Analysis d) Cheers or to your health "Mabuhay" in the local
expression "Mazel Tov." culture?
Based on the context, what is In a novel set in Japan, the Section 5: Understanding Local a) Congratulations or best
the likely meaning of "Mazel protagonist uses the Phrases wishes
Tov" in the local culture? expression "Itadakimasu" b) Goodbye or farewell
a) Goodbye before starting a meal. What In a local newspaper article, c) Please come in or
b) Congratulations does this expression likely you come across the phrase welcome
c) Happy birthday convey? "Holi." What does this likely d) Cheers or to your health
d) Cheers or to your health a) An apology for any mean in the context of the
inconvenience caused article? Section 5: Understanding
Section 5: Understanding b) A request for more a) A religious festival or Local Phrases
Local Phrases food celebration
c) A greeting to wish b) A political gathering or In a local newspaper article,
In a local newspaper article, others well protest you come across the phrase
you come across the phrase d) An expression of c) A traditional dance "Holi." What does this likely
"Gawai Dayak." What does gratitude for the food performance mean in the context of the
this likely mean in the context d) A historical monument or article?
While reading a book about landmark a) A religious festival or
of the article?
a foreign culture, you celebration
a) A religious festival or
encounter the word "fiesta." How do context clues in a text b) A political gathering or
celebration Based on the context, what help you determine the protest
b) A political demonstration is the likely meaning of meaning of words and c) A traditional dance
or protest "fiesta"? expressions reflecting local performance
c) A traditional dance a) A religious ceremony culture? d) A historical monument or
performance or festival a) They provide direct landmark
d) A historical monument b) A political gathering or translations of the words and
or landmark protest expressions How do context clues in a
c) A dance performance b) They enable you to guess text help you determine the
How do context clues in a text or competition the meaning without any prior meaning of words and
help you determine the d) A traditional art knowledge expressions reflecting local
meaning of words and exhibition c) They offer hints and cues culture?
based on the surrounding text a) They provide direct
expressions reflecting local
Section 5: Cultural d) They replace the need for translations of the words and
culture? Sensitivity understanding cultural context expressions
a) They provide direct altogether b) They enable you to guess
translations of the words When exploring language the meaning without any
and expressions expressions from a different prior knowledge
b) They enable you to culture, why is it important to c) They offer hints and cues
guess the meaning approach them with cultural based on the surrounding
without any prior sensitivity? text
knowledge a) To avoid using d) They replace the need for
c) They offer hints and expressions that might understanding cultural
cues based on the offend others context altogether
surrounding text b) To memorize and use
d) They replace the need them correctly for social
for understanding cultural
c) To show off one's
context altogether knowledge of different
d) To adapt the
expressions to one's
native language for
better understanding