new agents feedback
new agents feedback
new agents feedback
yogesh.thakur taking good call everything is good (call opening , closing, create urgency, empathy, call handling)
ajaykumar Taking good call but sometimes call disconnected by himself without any reasons or not make efforts to ma
amit.kumar sometime dispostion is wrong and calls is good
aditya.jaiswal taking good calls but need to make more effort, tell customer to make the payment right now of possible it
prashant.kumar sometimes wrong disposition (voicemail call disposed in rpc-dis), call blank for 10-12 sec
govind.kumar taking good calls
neha.neha calls is average but there is some hesitation on call also calls goes blank for 10-15 sec, sometimes wrong dis
deepikayadav taking average calls sometimes her calls goes blank for 10-15 sec when connected to third party or rpc and
diksha.shukla call blank for 10-15 sec, not focused on call, call handling not proper
md. Suleman call drop by himself, dead air calls
empathy, call handling)
easons or not make efforts to make the payment
payment right now of possible it can build your credit history or cibil also good
for 10-12 sec