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ASME 836.

(Revision of ASME 836.r0M-20r8)

Wel,ded and Seamless

Wrought Steel Pipe


The American Society of

@ Mechanical Engineers Two ParkAvenue . NewYork, NY o 10016 USA
Date of lssuance: June 30, 2022

The next edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in 2025.

ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of this Code. lnterpretations are
published on the Committee web page and under http://go.asme.org/lnterpsDatabase. Periodically certain actions of the
ASME 836 Committee may be published as Cases. Cases are published on the ASME website under the 836 Committee
Page at http://go.asme.org/B36committee as they are issued.

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The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990

Copyright @ 2O22by
All rights reserved
Printed in U.S.A.

Foreword iv
Committee Roster . vi
Correspondence With the 836 Committee . . vii
Summary of Changes ix

1 Scope . t
2 Size . . L

3 References 1
4 Materials 1
h WallThickness.... I
6 Weights/Masses 1,

7 Permissible Variations 2
I Pipe Threads 2
9 Wall-Thickness Designations . 2
10 Wall-Thickness Selection . . . . t

2-7 Dimensions and Weights fMasses] of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe 3


In March 1927,lhe American Standards Association [ASA) authorized the organization of a Sectional Committee on
Standardization of Dimensions and Material of Wrought Steel and Wrought Iron Pipe and Tubing for the purpose of
unifying the standards of these commodities in force in this country. The American Society for Testing and Materials
IASTM] and The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME] were designated as sponsors, and the first meeting of
the Sectional Committee was held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on May 18, 7928.
The dimensions of commercial pipe in general use in the United States, at the time, conformed generally to those
recommended by the ASME Committee on Standard Pipe and Pipe Threads published in 1BB6 IASME Transactions, Vol.
VIII, p. 29). On these standards, an enormous industry has been built and the satisfactory use ofthis product proves the
soundness of the original design and specification.
Increasingly severe service demands, at the time of the Committeels organization, had been met by using the nearest
available pipe or tubing for heavier sections such as casing and mechanical tubing, with resulting uneconomical multi-
plicity of wall thicknesses.
Subsequently, the Committee, with the cooperation of the industry, completed a survey of existing practice as the logical
starting point for the development ofan American Standard. From this survey, a table was designed to provide a selection
ofwall thicknesses ofpipe to cover the power piping requirements of industry where strength to resist internal pressure
governs selection and was later expanded to include pipe diameters and thicknesses used in other industries.
The original intent of the Committee was to establish a system of Schedule Numbers for pipe size/wall thickness
combinations that would have an approximately uniform relationship equal to 1,000 times the P/S expression contained
in the modified Barlow formula for pipe wall thickness that was defined in the Appendix to this Standard. The resulting
Numbers departed so far from existing wall thicknesses in common use that the original intent could not be accomplished.
The Schedule Numbers were then adopted strictly as a convenient designation system for use in ordering.
In all cases, the designer must base his selection on the rules and allowable stresses set by the code that governs his
particular construction. The table is dimensionally complete for all sizes and wall thicknesses within its scope, but some of
the larger, heavier wall sections are beyond the capability of seamless mill production and must be obtained from forged
and bored billets or other sources.
The first issue of this Standard was designated American Standard "tentative" by ASA in November 1.935. Subsequent
slight revisions to the table and the footnotes of the dimensional tables were approved and the ASA changed the des-
ignation to American Standard; the date of ASA approval was April 28,1939.
Further revisions were made by the Sectional Committee. The list of specifications in the table was revised where
necessary and slight revisions in wall thicknesses of some of the large sizes of the heavy schedules were made where
P/S values were out of line.
Itwas the hope in 1939 that the designation of pipe used commercially by all industry as Standard weight, Extra-Strong,
and Double Exffa-Strong would gradually be replaced by Schedule Number designation. However, owing to customs of
over 50 years'standing, demand and production of pipe to these traditional dimensions was undiminished. Consequently,
in response to a demand from users, accepted practice for dimensions and weights of commercial wrought steel and
welded wrought iron pipe were added. These changes were designated an American Standard on February 23,7950.
Subcommittee No. 1" was reorganized in 1957. In addition to necessary editorial changes, a simplified format was
selected for the tables of weights and dimensions to include and identify the sizes and weights of API Standards 5L and
5LX. These changes to the Standard were approved, and itwas designated an American Standard on December 21,1959.
The Standard was revised in 1969 to include a uniform method to calculate the plain end weight of steel pipe and minor
adjustments were made in the tabulated weights of steel pipe to conform to this new method. Additional sizes and
thicknesses of steel pipe that had come into common use were also added. Inasmuch as API Standard 5L no
longerincluded wrought iron pipe, reference to that Standard was deleted. These changes to the Standard were approved
and it was designated an American National Standard on February 3, 1.970.
The Standard was revised in 7975 to include additional sizes and thicknesses of steel pipe that had been added to API
specifications. The table with dimensions and weights of welded wrought iron pipe was deleted in its entirety since
wrought iron pipe was no longer produced. These changes in the Standard were approved and it was designated an
American National Standard on June 5, 7975.

The Standard was revised in 1978 to include SI [metricJ dimensions. The outside diameter and wall thicknesses were
converted to millimeters by multiplying the inch dimensions by 25.4. 0utside diameters larger than 1"6 in. were rounded
to the nearest millimeter, and outside diameters 16 in. and smaller were rounded to the nearest 0.1 mm, Wall thicknesses
were rounded to the nearest 0.01 mm. These converted and rounded SI dimensions were added. A formula to calculate the
SI plain end mass, in kilograms per meter, using SI diameters and thicknesses added. The SI plain end mass was calculated
and added. These changes in the Standard were approved, and itwas designated an American National Standard on fuly
78, L979.
Further revisions were made in 1984. The American National Standards Institute IANSIJ designations, which were no
longer in use, were deleted, and the list of specifications was revised to agree with current ASTM and API specifications.
Additional sizes and thicknesses that had been added to API specifications were added. That edition was approved as an
American National Standard on August 19, 1985.
The 1995 edition included additional wall thicknesses and was approved by ANSI on August 24, L995.
The 1996 edition contained table revisions that included the addition of pipe sizes, changing some plain end weights
and masses, identifying metric pipe by the dimensionless designator DN, and eliminating the API Specification column in
one table. The 1996 edition was approved as an American National Standard on September 23, t996.
The 2000 edition contained revisions to the densit5rforsteel that were incorporated previously. Other editorial changes
to the sections were made. The 2000 edition was approved as an American National Standard on December 1, 2000.
The 2004 edition contained revisions that corrected the equation for nominal plain end weight and added the missing
DN schedule numbers. The 2004 edition was approved as an American National Standard on fune 23,2004.
The 2015 edition contained revisions to table notes and references. The 2015 edition was approved as an American
National Standard on fune 76,2015.
The 2018 edition expanded Table 2-1 (formerly Table 1J by adding Schedule 160 and Double Extra Strong [XXS) rows
for NPS 14 1nru O;, NPS % (DN 81, and NPS fu 10ru f Ol; these data were adapted from ASME BL6.IL-2011. A plain end
weight fmass] was changed in Table 2-1 and a number of editorial revisions were made to Table 2-L and sections 1",2,5,7,
and B. The 2018 edition was approved as an American National Standard on September 6,2018.
This Standard is available for public review on a continuing basis. This provides an opportunity for additional public
review input from industry, academia, regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.
The 2022 edition modifies the SI outside diameter rounding rules, updates the calculated plain end mass listings in
Table 2-1, and adds new nominal wall thicknesses for some standard sizes from NPS B to NPS 28 IDN 200 to DN 700].
ASME 836.L0-2022 was approved by ANSI on February 78,2022.
Nominal Wrought Pipe Sizes and WatL Thicknesses
[The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.)


F, W Tatar, Choir
D, Papert, Secretary


B, Bounds, Bechtel Energy [nc. F. W. Tatar, FM Global
D. Frikken, Becht Engineering Co., Inc. D. O. Bankston, It,, Contributing Member, TerraPower
I. Hamidov, BP R. A. Mcleod, Contributing Member, XYTEL Corp.
A, fettley, Bechtel lndia Private Ltd. A. P. Rangus, Contributing Member, Consultant
D. Papert, The American Socie[y of Mechanical Engineers P, S. Shriwal, Contributing Member, Shriwal Enterprises
R. Reamey, Turner Industries Group


Generat. ASME Standards are developed and maintained with the intent to represent the consensus of concerned
interests. As such, users of this Standard may interact with the Committee by requesting interpretations, proposing
revisions or a case, and attending Committee meetings. Correspondence should be addressed to:

Secretary, 836 Standards Committee

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Two Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016-5990
http: //go.asme.org/lnquiry
Proposing Revisions. Revisions are made periodically to the Standard to incorporate changes that appear necessary
or desirable, as demonstrated by the experience gained from the application of the Standard. Approved revisions will be
published periodically.
This Standard is always open for comment, and the Committee welcomes proposals for revisions. Such proposals
should be as specific as possible, citing the paragraph number(s], the proposed wording, and a detailed description ofthe
reasons for the proposal, including any pertinent documentation.

Proposing a Case. Cases may be issued to provide alternative rules when justified, to permit early implementation of
an approved revision when the need is urgent, or to provide rules not covered by existing provisions. Cases are effective
immediately upon ASME approval and shall be posted on the ASME Committee web page.
Requests for Cases shall provide a Statement of Need and Background Information. The request should identifu the
Standard and the paragraph, figure, or table number[sJ, and be written as a Question and Reply in the same format as
existing Cases. Requests for Cases should also indicate the applicable edition[s] ofthe Standard to which the proposed
Case applies.

lnterpretations. Upon request, the 836 Standards Committee will render an interpretation of any requirement of the
Standard. Interpretations can only be rendered in response to a written request sent to the Secretary ofthe B3 6 Standards
Requests for interpretation should preferably be submitted through the online Interpretation Submittal Form. The
form is accessible at http://go.asme.org/lnterpretationRequest. Upon submittal of the form, the Inquirerwill receive an
automatic e-mail confirming receipt.
If the Inquirer is unable to use the online form, he/she may mail the request to the Secretary of the 836 Standards
Committee at the above address. The request for an interpretation should be clear and unambiguous. It is further rec-
ommended that the Inquirer submit his/her request in the following format:

Subject: Cite the applicable paragraph numberfs] and the topic of the inquiry in one or two words.
Edition: Cite the applicable edition of the Standard for which the interpretation is being requested.
Question Phrase the question as a request for an interpretation ofa specific requirement suitable for
general understanding and use, not as a request for an approval ofa proprietary design or
situation. Please provide a condensed and precise question, composed in such a way that a
"yes" or "no" reply is acceptable.
Proposed ReplyIiesJ: Provide a proposed reply(iesl in the form of "Yes" or "No," with explanation as needed. If
entering replies to more than one question, please number the questions and replies.
Background Information: Provide the Committee with any background information that will assist the Committee in
understanding the inquiry. The Inquirer may also include any plans or drawings that are
necessary to explain the question; however, they should not contain proprietary names or

Requests that are not in the format described above may be rewritten in the appropriate format by the Committee prior
to heing answered, which may inadvertently change the intent of the original request.
Moreover, ASME does not act as a consultant for specific engineering problems or for the general application or
understanding of the Standard requirements. If, based on the inquiry information submitted, it is the opinion of
the Committee that the Inquirer should seek assistance, the inquiry will be returned with the recommendation
that such assistance be obtained.
ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of any interpretation when or if additional information that might affect
an interpretation is available. Further, persons aggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME
Committee or Subcommittee. ASME does not "approve," "certiff" "rate," or "endorse" any item, construction, proprietary
device, or activity.

Attending Committee Meetings. The 836 Standards Committee regularly holds meetings and/or telephone confer-
wishing to attend any meeting and/or telephone conference should contact the
ences that are open to the public. Persons
Secretary of the 836 Standards Committee. Future Committee meeting dates and locations can be found on the Committee
Page at http://go.asme.org/B36committee.

ASME 836.10-2022

FollowingapprovalbytheASME 836 Committee andASME, and afterpublicreview,ASMEB36.T0-2022was approvedby

the American National Standards Institute on February 18,2022.

ASME 836.10-2022 includes the following changes identified by a margin note, (22).

Page Location Change

T 2 Last paragraph revised
L 3 Added and subsequent paragraphs redesignated
1 6 Nomenclature for D revised for both U.S. Customary and SI units
2 10 Revised
3 Table 2-1 Revised


ASME 836.10-2022


This Standard covers the standardization ofdimensions The dimensional standards for pipe described in this
of welded and seamless wrought steel pipe for high or low Standard are for products covered in ASTM specifications.
temperatures and pressures.
The word "pipe" is used, as distinguished from "tube'l to 5 WALL THICKNESS
apply to tubular products of dimensions commonly used
for pipeline and piping systems. The nominal wall thicknesses are given in Table 2-1.


The size of all pipe in Table 2-1 is identified by the The nominal weights [masses) of steel pipe are calcu-
dimensionless designator nominal pipe size (NPS) lated values and are given in Table 2-1.
The nominal plain end weight, in pounds per foot, is
[diamötre nominal [DN]1. Pipe NPS 12 IDN 300) and
smaller have outside diameters numerically larger than calculated using the following equation:
their corresponding sizes. In contrast, the outside wpe= ro.69(D - t)t
diameters of tubes are numerically identical to the size
number for all sizes. where
The manufacrure of pipe NPS % IDN 6] to NpS 12 IDN D= outside diameter to the nearest 0.001in. for NPS
300), inclusive, is based on a standardized outside B and smaller, to the nearest 0.01 in. for NPS L0
diameter (O.D.J. This O.D. was originally selected so to NPS 3 0, inclusive, and to the nearest 0. 1 in. for
that pipe with a standard O.D. and having a wall thickness NPS 32 and larger (the symbolD is to be used for
that was typical of the period would have an inside O.D. only in mathematical equations or
diameter fl.D.J approximately equal to the nominal formulas)
size. Although there is no such relation between the L- specified wall thickness, rounded to the nearest
existing standard thickness
- O.D. and nominal size -
these nominal sizes and standard O.D.s continue in use
0.001 in.
Wp. = nominal plain end weight, rounded to the
as "standard." nearest 0.01 lb/ft
The manufacture of pipe NPS 14 IDN 350] and larger is
based on the 0.D. being the same as the nominal pipe size. The nominal plain end mass, in kilograms per meter, is
calculated using the following equation:
The following publications are referenced in this Stan-
dard. Unless otherwise specified, the latest edition where
applies: fi= outside diameter to the nearest 0.01 mm for DN
200 and smaller, to the nearest 0.1 mm for DN
API 5L, Specification for Line Pipe 250 to DN 750, inclusive, and to the nearest 1
Publisher: American Petroleum Institute (APIJ, 200 mm for DN 800 and larger fthe symbol D is to be
Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 1100, Washington, used for 0.D. only in mathematical equations or
DC 20001-5571 fwww.api.orgJ formulas]
M_- = nominal plain end mass, rounded to the nearest
ASME B1.20.1, Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inchl
0.01 kg/m
Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
f= specified wall thickness, rounded to the nearest
[ASME), Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990
0.01 mm

ASME 836.10-2022

7 PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS tical up to NPS 10 IDN 250J, inclusive. All larger sizes of
STD have 7s in. (9.53 mml wall thicknesses. XS and Sched-
Variations in dimensions differ depending upon the
ule 80 are identical up to NPS I IDN 200), inclusive. All
method of manufacture employed in making the pipe
larger sizes of XS have t/rin. 112J0 mm) wall thicknesses.
to the various specifications available. Permissible varia-
Pipe of sizes and wall thicknesses other than those of
tions for dimensions are indicated in each specification.
STD, XS, and XXS, and Schedule number were adopted
from API 5L. It was not considered practical to establish
8 PIPE THREADS Schedule numbers or new designations for them.
Unless otherwise specified, the threads ofthreaded pipe
shall conform to ASME 81.20.L. l0 h,ALL-THICKNESS SELECTION e2)
Schedules 5 and 10 wall thicknesses do not permit
When the selection of wall thickness depends primarily
threading in accordance with ASME 8t.20.7.
upon capacity to resist internal pressure under given con-
ditions, the designer shall compute the value of wall thick-
9 WALL.THICKNESS DESIGNATIONS ness suitable for conditions for which the pipe is required,
The wall-thickness designations standard ISTDJ, extra- as prescribed in detail in the ASME Boiler and Pressure
strong [XS], and double extra-strong (XXSI have been Vessel Code, ASME 831 Code for Pressure Piping, or other
commercially used designations for many years. As similar codes, whichever governs the construction. A
explained in the Foreword, the Schedule numbers were thickness may be selected from Table 2-1 that is suitable
subsequently added as a convenient designation for for the conditions for which the pipe is required.
use in ordering pipe. Standard and Schedule 40 are iden-

ASME 836,10-2022

TabLe 2-l
Dimensions and Weights (Massesl of Wetded and Seamtess Wrought Steel Pipe (22)
Outside Wall Plain End
Identification Schedule Diameter, Thickness, Weight (MassJ,
NPS [DN) lNote (1)l No. tn. in. (mm) lb/ft {ke/m)
%rct 10 0.40s (10.2eJ 0.0+e (7.24) 0.1e [0.28]
%6) 30 0.405 (10.29J 0.0s7 [1.4s) 0.27 (0.32)
% tol STD +0 0,40s [10.2e] 0.068 (1.731 0.24 (0.37)
% rcl XS 80 0.405 (10.2e1 0.09s (2.41) 0.31 [0.47]
% rot 160 0.40s (10.2eJ 0.124 [3.1sJ 0.37 [o.ssJ
%rct XXS 0.40s [10.2e] 0.1e0 (4.83) 0.44 [0.6s]

% rst 10 0.s40 (13.72) 0.05s [1.6s) 0.33 [0.4e]

% $l 30 0.s40 [13.72) 0.073 (1.8s) 0.36 (0.541
%@t STD 40 0.s40 u3.72) 0.0e8 (2.24) 0.43 [0.63J
l^ @l XS 80 0.540 (13.72) 0.11e (3.021 0.54 (0.801
%$) 760 0.540 (13.72) 0.i4s (3.68) 0.61 (0.e1J
l" rcl XXS 0.s40 (1s.72) 0.238 {6.0s1 0.77 (7.14)

%Go) 10 0.67s (r7.14) 0.065 (1.65) 0.42 [0.53]

% 0o) 30 0.675 (17.L4l 0.073 (1.8sJ 0.47 (0.70)
% ttot STD 40 0.67s (17.74) 0.091 (2.31J o.s7 (0.841

% trol XS 80 0.673 (77.L4) 0.126 (3.20) 0.74 (1.101

% tro) 150 0.67s (r7.r4) 0.1s8 [4.01] 0.87 [1.30]
% ttot XXS 0.675 (17.t4) 0.2s2 (6.40) 1.14 (1.70)

l, tts'l 5 0.840 (21.34) 0.06s (1.65J 0.54 [0.80]

% trst 10 0.840 (21.s4) 0.083 (2.11J 0.67 [1.00J
% (s) 30 0.840 [21.34) o.oes (2.4t) 0.76 [1.13]
l, ttsl STD 40 0.840 (21.34J 0.70e (2.77) 0.8s (1.27J
% ttst XS 80 0.840 (21.34) 0.L47 (3.73) 1.0e (r.62)
% Gst 160 0.840 [21.341 0.188 (4.78J 1.31 [1.95]
l, ttsl XXS 0.840 (21.34) 0.294 [7.47) 7.72 (2.s6)

% eo) 5 r.o5o (26.67) 0.065 (1.6sJ 0.68 [1.02J

%eo't 10 1.050 (26.67) 0.083 (2.11J 0.86 (1.281
% tzot 30 1.050 (26.67) o.oes (2.411 0.97 (7.44)
% tzot STD 40 7.050 (26.67) 0.713 (2.87) 1.1s [1.68J
% ea) XS 80 1.050 (26.67) 0.154 [3.e1) r.48 (2.19)
'/o eo) 160 7.0s0 [26.67) 0.21e (s.s5l I.es [2.8s)
%eo) XXS 1.050 (26.67) 0.308 [7.82) 2.+4 (3.64)

1 (2s) 5 1.315 (33.40J 0.06s [1.65] 0.87 (r.29)

1 (2s) 10 1.31s [33.40] 0.109 (2.77) L.41 (2.09)
1 (2s) 30 1.31s [33.40] 0.114 (2.e0) 1..46 (2.78)
r (2s) STD 40 1.315 [33.40J 0.133 (3.38) 1.68 (2.s0J
1 [2s] XS 80 1.31s [33.40j 0.17e (4.ss] 2.17 (3.24)
1 (2s) 160 1.315 [33.40) o.zso (6.3s) 2.8s (4.24)
L (zs) XXS 1.31s (33.40J 0.3s8 [9.09) 3.66 [s.4s]

t?u pz) q
1.660 (42.76) 0.06s (1.6sJ 1.11 (1.6sJ
t%ßz) 10 1.660 (42.16) 0.70e (2.77) L.81 (2.6e)
t% Gz) 30 r.660 (42.76) 0.117 (2.e7) L.e3 (2.87)
t% ßz) STD 40 7.660 [42.t6) 0.140 [3.s6J 2.27 (3.3e)

ASME 836.10-2022

Tabl,e 2-l
Dimensions and Weights (Massesl of Welded and Seamtess Wrought Steet Pipe (Cont'dl
Outside Wall Plain End
Identification Schedule Diameter, Thickness, Weight (Mass),
NPs (DN) [Note (1J] No. in, (mm) in. (mm) lb/ft (kg/m)
11/4 ß2) xs 80 1.660 (42.76) 0.1e1 [4.85J 3.00 [4.46]
Irh ß2) 160 1.660 (42.16) 0.250 (6.351 3.77 (5.67)
1% G2) XXS 1.660 (42.76) 0.382 [e.70] 5.22 (7.76)

71/2 [40) 5 1.900 (48.26) 0.06s [1.6sJ 1.28 (1.901

71/2 (40) 10 7.900 148.26) 0.709 (2.77) 2.0e (3.111
Iy, $o) 30 1.900 [48.26] 0.12s [3.18] 2.37 t3.s4)
rY, eo) STD 40 7.900 (48.26) 0.14s (3.58J 2.72 {4.0s)
L% (40) XS 80 7.900 {48.26) 0.200 [s.08) s.63 [s.41]
t1/z (40) 160 1.e00 (48.261 0.281 (7.14',) 4.86 (7.24)
7t/2 $O) xxs 1.900 [48.261 0.400 [10.16] 6.41 (e.ssl

2 (sOl 5 2.375 [60.32) 0.06s [1.6s] 1..61 {2.3e)

2 [s0] 2.375 (60.32) 0.083 [2.11] 2.03 [s.03]
2 (sol 10 2.375 (60.32) 0.709 [2.77) 2.64 (3.93)
z (so) 30 2.375 (60.32) 0.125 [3.18J 3.01 (4.481

2 (s0l 2.375 (50.32) 0.141 (3.s81 3.37 (5.01)

2 ts0) STD 40 2.37s (60.32) 0.154 (3.e11 3.66 (s.441
2 (sol 2.375 (60.32) 0.172 {4.37) 4.0s (6.031
2 [soJ 2.375 (60.32) 0.188 [4.78] 4.40 (6.ssl

2 (sOl XS 80 2.375 (60.32) 0.218 [s.s4] 5.03 (7.481

2 (sol 2.375 [60.32) 0.2s0 [6.3sJ s.68 (8.4s1
2 (so) 2.37s [60.32) 0.287 (7.74) 6.2e (e.36)
2 (s0) 760 2.375 (60.32) 0.344 [8.74) 7.47 (11.12)
2 [so] xxs 2.375 (60.32) 0.436 (1.r.07) e.04 [13.45J

zL/2 g5) 2.87s (73.02) 0.083 (2,11J 2.48 (3.69)

2% rcs) 2.e75 V3.02) 0.10e (2.77) 3.22 (4.80)
2r2 65) 10 2.875 [73.02) 0.120 (3.051 3.s3 {s.z6l
2Y2 (6s) 2.87s (73.02) 0.12s (3.181 3.67 (s.48J

2r, $s) 2.875 (73.02) 0.141 [3.s8] +.t2 (6.13)

z% t6s) 2.87s (73.02) 0.156 (3.e61 4.s3 (6.74)
2r/, (65) 2.875 (73.02) 0.172 (4.37) 4.e7 (7.40)
2y, t6s) 30 2.875 (73.02) 0.188 [4.78] 5.40 [8.04]
2r, Gs) srn 40 2.87s (73.02) 0.203 [5.161 s.80 [8.64J

zL/z $5) 2.87s (73.02) 0.216 [5.49) 6.14 (e.t+)

2L/2 $S) 2.875 (73.02) 0.250 [6.3sJ 7.02 (10.44)
zr/2 ß5) XS ;; 2.875 (73.02) 0.276 (7.01) 7.67 (17.41)
21/2 (65) 160 2.875 (73.02) 0.375 [e.52] 70.02 (14.97)
2% j,s) XXS 2.87s (73.02) 0.552 [14.02] 13.71 (20.40)

3 [80) 5 3.soo [88.e0J 0.083 (2.111 3.03 [4.52J

3 [80) 3.500 [88.e0J o.L0e (2.77) 3.es [s.88]
3 (801 10 3.s00 (88.e0J 0.120 [3.0s] 4.34 (6.46)
3 [80] 3.s00 (88.e0J 0.125 [3.18) 4.sL (6.72)

3 (8ol 3.500 [88.e0] 0.141 [3.s8J s.06 (7.53J

3 [80) 3.500 0.156 (3.e6) 5.58 (8.301

ASME 836.10-2022

Table 2-l
Dimensions and Weights (Massesl of Wetded and Seamless Wrought SteeL Pipe (Cont'd)
Outside Wall Plain End
ldentification Schedule Diameter, Thickness, Weight (Mass),
NPs (DN) lNote (1)l No. in. [mm) in. (mm) lb/ft (kg/ml
3 (80) s.s00 [88.e0] 0.172 {4.37) 6.12 (e.rr)
3 (80J 3; 3.500 [88.90J 0.188 (4.78J 6.66 (e.92)
3 (801 STD 40 3.s00 [88.e0] 0.216 (5.4e) 7.58 (11.2e)

3 [80] 3.500 (88.e0J 0.2s0 [6.3s] 8.69 (12.93)

3 [80] 3.s00 {88.e0J 0.281 (7.14) e.67 (14.40)
3 [80] ;; 80 s.500 [88.e0] 0.300 {7.62) 10.26 (1.5.27)
3 [80] 160 3.s00 (88.e0) 0.438 [11.13J 14.34 121.35)
3 [80] xxs 3.500 [88.90] 0.500 (15.24) 18.60 (27.68)

3y, po) 5 4.000 [101.60J 0.083 (2.1i1 s.48 (5.18)

3y, po) 4.000 [101.60J o.1oe (2.77) 4.53 (6.75)
3% Q0) 10 4.000 (101.50J 0.120 (3.0sJ 4.98 (7.41)
3% eo) 4.000 [101.60] 0.12s [3.18] s.18 (7.72)

3L/2 (go) 4.000 [101.60] 0.141 [3.s8) s.82 (8.6sJ

3y, po) 4.000 [101.60] 0.1s6 (3.e6) 6.4r (e.s4)
3rr .9o) 4.000 (101.601 0.772 (4.37) 7.04 (70.48)
3% p0) 3; 4.000 (101.60J 0.188 (4.78J 7.66 (11.41)

3y2 e0) STD 40 4.000 (101.50J 0.226 (s.74) 9.12 (13,57)

3Y, po) 4.000 [101.50J 0.250 [6.3s] 10,02 (14.92)
3r, po) 4.000 (101.60J 0.zgr (7.14) 7r.L7 (16.63)
3% po) X; 8; 4.000 [101.60] 0.318 (8.08J t2.52 (18.64)

4 [100J 4.500 (114.30J 0.083 [2.11) 3.e2 (5.841

4 (1ooJ 4.s00 [114.30] 0.10e (2.77) s.12 (7.62)
4 (1001 10 4.500 [114.30) 0.120 [3.0s) s.62 (8.37)
4 [1oo) 4.s00 (114.30J 0.12s (3.181 s.8s (8.711

4 [100] 4.500 [114.30J 0.141 [3.s8) 6.s7 (e.78)

4 [1oo) 4.s00 (114.30J 0.1s6 (3.e6) 7.24 (1.0.78)
4 (1001 4.500 [114.30J 0.172 (4.37) 7.e6 (11.85)
4 [100] 30 4.500 [114.30J 0.188 (4.78J 8.67 (12.9t)
4 [100J 4.s00 (114.301 0.203 [5.16] e.3z (13.89)

4 (1001 4.500 [114.30J 0.21e [5.56] 10.02 (14.91)

4 [100] STD 40 4.500 [114,30J 0.237 (6.02) 10.80 (16.081
4 (1001 4.500 (114.30) 0.250 (6.3s) 77.s6 (16.97)
4 [100] 4.s00 (114.301 0.28r (7.14) 72.67 (78.87)

4 (100J 4.s00 (114.30) 0.312 (7,92) L3.97 (20.78)

4 [100) X; 80 4.500 (114.301 0.337 (8.s6) 7s.00 (22.32)
4 (1001 720 4.s00 (114.30) 0.438 [11.13J re.02 (28.32)
4 [100J 150 4.s00 [114.30] 0.531 (13.491 22.53 (33.54)
4 (1001 X; 4.500 (114.301 0.674 (17.12) 27.57 (41.03)

s [1zs] 5.563 (141.301 0.083 (2.11) 4.86 (7.24)

s (12s) f
s.563 (141.30) 0.109 (2.77) 6.36 (e.46)
s [1zs] 5.563 (141.301 0.12s [3.18) 7.27 (10.83)
s (12s1 10 5.553 (141,30J 0.134 (3.40) 7.78 (11.56)
5 (tzs] 5.563 (141.301 0.156 (3.96) e.oz (1.3.41)

ASME 836,10-2022

Table 2-l
Dimensions and Weights (Massesl of Wetded and Seamless Wrought Steet Pipe (Cont'dl
Outside Wall Plain End
ldentification Schedule Diameter, Thickness, W€ight {Mass),
NPs (DN) [Note (1J] No. ln. in, (mml lb/ft tks/ml
s [12s] s.s63 [141.30J 0.188 [4.78) 10.80 (16.09)
s (12s) 5.s63 [141.30J 0.219 (5.561 12.51 (18,611
s [12s] STD 40 5.563 [141.30J 0.2s8 [6.55] 74.63 (21.77)

s (12s) 5.563 [141.30J 0.287 (7.14) 75.87 (23.62)

s {12s1 s.s63 [141.30] 0.3t2 (7.e2) 17.s1 (26.0s)
s (12s) s.s63 [141.30] 0.344 (8.74) 1e.7e (28.s7)
s [1zs) X; 80 5.563 [141.30] 0.37s (e.52) 20.80 [30.94J

s [12s] L20 5.563 [141.30] 0.s00 (12.701 27.06 (40.28)

s (12s1 160 5.s63 [141.30) 0.62s (15.881 32.ee (4e.t2)
s (12s) xxs 5.s63 [141.30) o.7so [1e.05] 38.se (s7.43J

6 [1s0] 6.525 (168.28) 0.083 (2.111 5.80 (8.65J

6 [1s0] 5 6.625 (168.28) 0.r0e (2.77) 7.59 (11.311
6 (1s01 6.625 (768.28) 0.12s [3.18J 8.6e (12.es)
6 [1soJ 10 6.625 (168.28) 0.134 (3.40J e.30 (13.83)

6 (1s01 6.62s (168.28) 0.141 [3.s8J e.77 (14.54)

6 (1so) 6.625 (768.28) 0.156 (3.e6J 10.7e (16.0s)
6 (1so) 6.625 (768.28) o.L7Z (+.37) 17.87 (17.66)
6 (1s0) 6.625 (768.28) 0.188 (4.78) t2.94 (19.27)
6 (1sOJ 6.625 (768.28) 0.203 [s.16J 13.94 (20.76)

6 [1s0) 6.625 (768.28) o.z1e [s.s6J 15,00 [22.31J

6 [1so) 6.625 (168.28) 0.250 (6.3sJ 17.04 (2s.36)
6 [i s0] STD 40 6.625 (168.28) 0.280 [7.1]) 18.99 (28.26)
6 [1s0] 6.625 (168.28) 0.312 (7.e2) 21.06 [31.32)

6 (1sol 6.625 (168.28) 0.344 (8.74) 23.10 (34.s9)

6 [1s0] 6.625 (168.28) 0.37s (e.52) zs.os (37.27)
6 (1s01 XS 80 6.625 (168.28) 0.432 (70.e7) 28,60 (42.56')
6 (1so) 6.625 (168.28) 0.500 [12.70] 32.74 (48.73)

6 (1s01 r20 6.625 [768.28) 0.s62 (14.27) 36.43 (54.20')

6 [1s0] 6.625 (t68.28) 0.625 [1s.88] 40.0e (se.68)
5 (1s0) 160 6.62s (1.68.28) 0.77e (78.26) 45.39 (67.s6)
6 (1so) 6.625 (768.28) 0,750 (1e.osl 47.t0 (70.11)
6 (1s01 XXS 6.62s {768.28) 0.864 (21.e5) s3.21 (79.21)
6 [1s0] 6.625 (168.28) 0.875 (22.22) s3.78 (80.04)

I (zool 5 8.625 (21e.08) o.r0e (2.77) g.ez (t+,78)

8 [200] 8.62s [21e.08) 0.125 (3.18J 11.36 (16.931
8 (200J 10 e.525 [21e.08] 0.148 (3.761 13.41 (19.97)
I (200J 8.62s [21e.08] 0.156 (3.e6J t4.L2 (21.01)

I [200J 8.625 (Zl9.O8) 0.188 (4.78J 16.96 (25.26)

I (200) 8.625 [21e.08] 0.203 (5,16J 18.28 (27.22)
8 (200) 8.625 (Zre.0e) 0.21e [s.56J 1.9.68 (29.28)
I (2001 20 8.625 (219.081 0.250 (6.351 22.38 (33.31J
8 [200] 30 8.625 (2Le.o8) 0.277 (7.04) 24.72 (36.87)

ASME 836.10-2022

Table 2-l
Dimensions and Weights {Massesl of Wel.ded and Seamtess Wrought Steet Pipe (Cont'dl
outside Wall Plain End
Identification Schedule Diameter, Thickness, Weight (MassJ,
NPS [DN'I lNote fl.ll No. ln. in, (mm) lb/ft fks/m)
I (2001 8.625 (21e.08) 0.312 (7.e2) 27.73 (47.24)
I (2001 STD 40 8.625 (Zr9.O8) 0.322 [8.18J 28.s8 (4z.ss)
I (200J 8.625 (219.08) 0.344 (8.74) 30.45 (4s.34J

I (2001 8.62s [219.08] 0.37s (e.szl 33.07 (49.20)

8 (2001 6; 8.625 (Z1e.o8) 0.406 (10.311 3s.57 (53.081
I [200J 8.625 (21e.081 0.438 (11.131 38.33 (s7.08J
I [200J XS 80 8.625 (21e.08) o.5oo [12.70) 43.43 (64.64)

I [200) 8.625 (219.08) 0.s62 114.27) 48.44 (72.08)

I (200J roo 8.625 (279.08) 0.se4 [15.09J s1.00 u5.e1J
8 [200] 8.62s (21e.081 0.52s (1s.88J s3.4s [7e.s8J
I [200) 120 8.62s (21e.08) 0.719 (78.26) 60.77 (90.43)
I [200] 8.625 (219.08) 0.750 (1e.o5J 63.74 (e3.e7)

I (2001 740 8.625 [21e.08J 0.872 (20.62) 67.82 (700.e2)

8 (2001 XXS 8.625 (279.08) 0.87s (22.22) 72.+9 {107.88)
I (2001 160 8.625 (21e.08J 0.e06 (23.01) 74.76 (777.26)
I [200J 8.625 (219.08) 1.000 (2s.40J 81.s1 (121.32J
8 (200J 8.625 (219.08) 1.12s (2s.58) 90.20 (134.27]|

i0 [2s0) 5 70.7s (273.0) 0.134 [3.40) 1s.27 (22.61)

1o [2so) 10.75 (273.0) 0.156 [3.e6) 17.67 (26.27)
10 [zsOJ 10 r0.7s (273.0) 0.165 [4.19] 18.67 (27.78)
1o [2so) 10.75 [273.0) 0.188 [4.78) 21,23 (3r.62)

1o (2501 10.7s (273.0) 0.203 [5.16] 22.8e (34.08)

10 (2s01 10.75 (273.0) 0.21e [s.56J 24.6s (36.67)
10 (2sol zn 1.0.75 (273.0) 0.2s0 [6.3sJ 28.06 (47.76)
1o (2sol 10.7s (273.0) 0.27e (7.0e) 31.23 (46.49)

1o [2s0) 30 10.75 (273.0) 0.307 [7.80J 34.27 (s7.01)

10 [2s0] 1.0.75 [273.0) 0.344 (8.74) 38.27 (s6.e6)
10 [2s0) STD 40 10.7s (273.0) 0.365 (9.27) 40.52 (60.2e)
10 (2s0J r0.75 {273.0) 0.438 (11.13) 48.28 (71.88)

10 (zso] XS 60 70.7s (273.0) o.50o (12.701 s4.7e (81.53J

10 [2s0] 10.75 (273.0) 0.s62 (74.27) 61.27 (91.05)
1o [zso] 80 10.7s (273.0) 0.594 (15.091 64.49 {95.98)
10 t2s0l r0.75 (273.0) 0.52s [1s.88) 67.6s [100.69]

1o (2soJ 100 10.7s [273.0) 0.77e (18.26) 77.10 (114.71)

10 [2s0] r0.75 t273.0) 0.812 (20.62) 86.26 (1.28.34)
1o (2so) 720 10.7s (273.0) 0.844 (2r.44) 8e.38 [133.01)
10 [2s0] 10.75 (273.0) 0.875 (22.22) 92.37 (137.42)

1o (2s0J 10.7s (273.0) 0.e38 [23.83) e8.3e (146.43)

10 (zsol XXS t40 r0.75 tz73.o) 1.000 (25.40) 104.23 (1ss.101
i0 (2s0J 160 10.75 (273.0) 1.125 [28.58J 11s.75 (172.27)
10 [2so) 10.75 (273.0) 1.2s0 (31.7s1 126.94 (188.901
10 (2501 L0.75 (273.0) r.375 (34.e2) 137.80 [205.03J
10 r2501 10.75 273.0) 1.438 [36.53) 143.15 [213.03'l

ASME 836.10-2022

Table 2-l
Dimensions and Weights (Massesl of Wetded and Seamless Wrought Steet Pipe (Cont'dl
Outside Wall Plain End
Identification Schedule Diameter, Thickness, Weight (Mass),
NPS [DN] lNote (1Jl No. in. (mm) in, (mm) lb/ft (kg/m)
1z [300J 72.7s (323.8) 0.1s6 (3.e61 21.00 (37.24)
12 (3001 12.75 (323.8) 0.772 (4.37) 23.13 (34.43)
12 (300J 10 12.75 (323.8) 0.180 (4.s7J z4.te (35.98)
12 [300) 12.7s [s23.8) 0.188 [4.78] 25.25 (37.61)

12 (300J t2.75 (323.8) 0.203 ts.16l 27.23 (40.ss)

12 [300] 12.75 (323.8) 0.21e (s.561 29.34 (43.64)
12 (300J 20 12.75 (323.8) 0.2s0 [6.3sJ 33.47 (49.7L)
12 [300] 12.75 (323.8) 0.281 (7.74) 37.46 (5s.76)

12 (3001 12.75 (323.8) 0.312 (7.e2) 47.48 (67.70)

12 [300] 30 72.75 (323.8) 0,330 (8.38) 43.81 [65.1eJ
12 [300J 12.75 (323.8) 0.344 (8.74) 4s.62 (67.e1)
12 [300J STD 12.7s (323.8) 0.37s [e.sz) 49.61 (73.7e)

12 [300) 40 12.7s (323.8) 0.406 [10.31) s3.s7 (7e.71)

12 [300J r2.7s (323.8) 0.438 (11.13) s7.5s (8s.82)
i2 (300J X; 12.75 [323.8) 0.500 (12.701 5s.48 (e7.44)
12 (300J 5; 72.7s (323.8) 0.s62 (14.27) 73.22 (108,93)

12 (300) 72.75 [323.8) 0.625 [15.88] 81,01 [120.59J

12 (300J 80 72.7s [323.8) 0.588 [17.48) 88.71 [132.05]
12 (300J 12.7s (323.8) 0.750 (1e.0s] 96.2r {L43.17)
12 (3001 12.75 (323.8) 0.812 (20.62) 103.63 [154.17.)

12 [300) 100 r2.7s (s23.8) 0.844 (2t.44) 107.42 (159.87)

12 [300J r2.7s (323.8) 0.87s (22.22) 111.08 [165.26)
12 {300) 12.75 [323.8) 0.938 (23.831 118.44 (t76.29)
12 [300J xxs 120 12.75 [323.8) 1.000 [2s.40J 125.61 (186.92)

1z (300) 72.75 (323.8) 1,062 (26.e7) t32.69 (197.43)

12 (300) t40 72.7s (323.8) 1.12s (28.581 139.81 [208.08J
12 [300] 12.75 (323.8) 1.2s0 (31.7sJ 753.67 (228.68)
12 [300J 160 12.7s (323.8) 1.312 (33.32) 760.42 (238.69)
12 (3001 12.75 (323.8) L.375 (34.92) 767.20 (248.78)
12 (3001 12.75 (323.8) 1.500 [38.10J 180.39 (268.44)

14 (3s01 5 14.00 (3s5.6J 0.156 [3.e6J 23.0e (34.34)

14 [3s0) 14.00 [3s5.6) 0.188 (4.781 27.76 (41.36)
14 (3so) 14.00 [3ss.6] 0.203 [5.16) 2e.e4 (44.5e)
14 [3501 14.00 [355.61 0.210 [5.33) 30.96 (46.04)

14 (3s0J 14.00 [355.6] 0.21e (s.s6) s2.26 (48.00)

14 (3soJ 10 14.00 (355.51 0.2s0 [6.3s] 36.7s (s4.6e)
14 [3s0) 14.00 (3ss.6) 0.287 (7.74) 41.21 (6r.36)
14 (350) 20 14.00 [3ss.6] 0.312 [7.e2) 45.65 (67.91)

14 [3s0) 14.00 (35s.61 0.344 (8.74) 50.22 (74.76)

14 [3st)J STD 30 14.00 [35s,6J 0.375 (9.52) s4.62 (81.2s)
14 [3so] 14.00 [355.6J 0.406 [10.31) 5e.00 [87.7e)
14 (3sol 40 14.00 (3ss.6l 0.438 [11.13J 63.50 (e4.55J

ASME 836,10-2022

Tabte 2-l
Dimensions and Weights (Massesl of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel, Pipe (Cont'd)
Outside Wall Plain End
ldentification Schedule Diameter, Thickness, Weight (Mass),
NPS TDN) IN ote f1)l No, tn. in. (mml Ib/ft fks/m'l
14 (3sOJ 14.00 [3s5.6J 0.469 (11.97) 67.84 (1oo.e5l
14 (3s01 XS 14.00 [35s.6] 0.500 [12.70J 72.76 (707.40)
14 (350) 14.00 [355.6J 0.s62 (14.27) 80.73 (r20.t2)
14 [3so) 60 14.00 [355.6) 0.s94 (1s.0el 85.73 (126.72)

14 (3sol 14.00 [355.6) 0.625 (15.88) 8e.36 (133.04J

14 [3sOJ 14.00 (355.6J 0.688 [17.48] 97.9L (145.76)
14 [3s0] 80 14,00 (355.6J 0.750 (1e.osl 106.23 (158.1U
14 (3s0) 14.00 [3ss,5J 0.812 (20.62',) t74.48 (170.34)

14 (3so) 14.00 (3ss.6J 0.87s (22.22) 722,77 (L82.69)

i4 [3s0] 100 14.00 [3ss.6) 0.938 (23.831 130.e8 [194.98)
14 (3s0) 14.00 (3ss.6l 1,000 [25.40) 138.97 (206.84)
14 (3s01 14.00 [3ss.6J 1.062 [26.97) 146.88 (218.581

14 [3so] LZ0 14.00 [355.6J 7.094 (27.79) 150.93 (224.66)

14 (3so) 14.00 {35s.61 1.12s (28.s8) 7s4.84 (230.4e)
14 (3sOJ 740 14.00 (3ss.6l 1.250 (31.751 170.37 (253.s8)
14 [3soJ 160 14.00 [355.6J 1.406 (35.7r) 189.29 (287.72)

14 [3so) 14.00 (355.6J 2.000 [50.80J 2s6.s6 (381.85J

14 [3so] 14.00 [35s.6] 2.125 [53.98J 269.76 (401.52)
14 [3s0] 14.00 (3ss.6J 2.200 (55.881 277.51 (413.04)
14 [3s0) 14.00 [355.6] 2.500 [63.s0] 307.34 (457.43)

16 (4oo) 5 16.00 [406.41 0.16s (4.1eJ 27.e3 (4t.56)

15 {4001 16.00 (405.4) 0.188 [4.78] 37.78 (47.34)
16 (4001 16.00 [406.4) 0.203 [5.16) 34.28 (s1.06)
16 (4001 16.00 (406.41 0.21e [s.s6) 36.e5 (s4.e6]

16 [4ooJ 10 16.00 [406.4) 0.250 [5.s5J 42.0e (62.65)

16 [400J 16.00 (406.41 0.287 (7.14) 47.22 (70.3ß)
16 (400) z0 16.00 [406.4J 0.s72 (7.e2) s2.32 (77.83)
16 [400] 16.00 (406.4J 0.344 (8.74) s7.s7 (8s.77)

16 [400] STD 30 16.00 (406.4) 0.37s (e.sz) 62.64 (93.t8)

16 [400) 16.00 [+06.4) 0.406 (10.31J 67.68 (700.71)
16 (4001 16.00 [406.4J 0.438 [11.13J 72.86 (to8.4e)
16 (400) 16.00 [406.4] 0.469 (17.97) 77.87 (115.87)

16 [400J XS 40 16.00 (406.41 0.500 [12.70) 82.8s (123.311

16 [400] 16.00 [406.4] 0.562 (14.27) e2.75 (138.00J
16 (400J 16.00 [406.4] 0.62s [1s.88] t02.72 (152.94)
16 (400) 60 16.00 [406.4] 0.656 [16.66) 107.60 (i60.13J

16 [4oo] 16.00 (406.4) 0.688 [17.48] 172.62 (767.66)

16 (4001 16.00 (406.41 0.750 [19.05) 122.27 (187.e8)
16 (4001 16.00 [406.4J 0.812 (20.62) 131.84 (1e6.181
16 (400) 80 16.00 (406.41 0.844 (27.44) t36.74 (203.54)

16 (400) 16.00 [405.4] 0.875 (22.22) 147.48 (210.52)

16 r400t 16.00 406.4) 0.938 [23.83] L51.03 (224.83)

ASME 836.10-2022

Tabte 2-l
Dimensions and Weights (Massesl of Wetded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (Cont'dl
Outside Wall Plain End
Identification Schedule Diameter, Thickness, Weight [Mass),
NPs (DN) [Note {1]l No, in, (mm) in. (mm) lb/ft (kg/m)
16 [400J 16.00 [406.4) 1.000 (25.40J 150.35 (238.55J
16 (4001 100 16.00 [406.4] 7.03I (26.19) 164.e8 (245.s7)

16 (400J 16.00 [406.4J 7.062 (26.e7) r6e.5e (2s2.37)

16 [400J 16.00 [406.4] 1.12s [28.s8J 178.89 {26630)
16 [400] 16.00 (406.41 1.188 {30.181 188.11 (280.011
16 (4001 t20 16.00 (406.41 1.21.9 (30.96) 1e2.6r (286.66)

16 (4001 16.00 [406.4] 1.2s0 (31.75J 197.70 (293.35)

16 [400) 740 16.00 [405.4] 1.438 {35.s31 223.85 (333.2r)
16 (400J 160 16.00 (406.4j 7.594 (40.49) 245.48 [365.38J
16 [4oo] 16.00 [406.4] 7.750 (44.45) 266.58 (396.77)

18 (4so) 5 18.00 [457.2] 0.16s [4.1e] 31.46 (46.81J

18 (4s0J 18.00 (4s7.2) 0.188 [4.78] 3s.80 (s3.33)
18 (450) 18.00 (457.2) 0.21e [s.s5] 41.6s (61.e3)
18 (4so) 10 18.00 (4s7.2) 0.250 [6.35] 47.44 (70.60)
18 (4so) 18.00 (457.2) 0.287 (7.14) 53.23 (7e.Zs)
18 [4s0) z0 Lg.oo (+57.2) 0.312 (7.92) 58.99 (87.751

18 [4s0] 1a.00 (4s7.2) 0,344 (8.74) 64.93 (96.66)

18 [4s0] STD 18.00 (4s7.21 0.37s [e.s2J 70.6s (105.111
18 [4so] 18.00 (+57.2) 0.406 [10.31) 76.36 (113.63)
18 [4so) 30 t8.00 (4s7.2) 0.438 [11.13) 82.23 {122.44)
18 (4soJ 18.00 [457.2] 0.469 [11.e1] 87.89 [130.7e)
18 [4s0) XS Lg.oo (457.2) 0.s00 [12.70] 93.54 (739.22)

18 [450] 40 18.00 [457.2] 0.562 (14.27) 104.76 (155.88J

18 (4s01 18.00 [457.2J 0.62s [15.88) tt6.oe (172.83)
18 (4s01 18.00 (457.2) 0.688 [17.48] 727.32 (189.56)
18 (4sol 60 18.00 [457.2J 0.7s0 (1e.0sl 138.30 (205.841

18 (4s01 18.00 (457.21 0.8t2 (20.62) r+9.20 (222.07)

18 (4s01 18.00 (4s7.2) 0.875 (22.22) 160.18 (238.361
18 [4so] 80 18.00 (+57.2) 0.938 (23.831 171.08 (25+.68)
18 [4so] 1s.00 [+s7.2) 1.000 [25.40] 781.73 (270.48)

18 (4s0J 18.00 {4s7.2) 7.062 (26.e7) 1ez.2e (286.15)

18 [4s0) tq.oo (457.2) 1.12s [28.58) 202.e+ (302.10)
18 (4s0) 100 r8.oo (457.2) 7.156 (29.36) 208.15 (309.78J
18 [4so) t8.00 (457.2) 1.188 [30.18) 2t3.5r (317.82)

18 (4s01 18.00 (4s7.2) 1.250 t3r.75) 223.82 (333.73)

18 [450) 720 18.00 (457.2) 1.s75 (34.92) 244.37 (353.66)
18 [4so) 740 18.00 (457.2) 1.s62 (3e.67) 274.48 (408.48)
18 [4s0) 160 18.00 (457.2) 1.78r (45.24) 308.79 (459.62)

20 (s00J 5 20.00 [508.0] 0.188 (4.78J 3e.82 [s9.32J

20 [soo] 20.00 (508.0) 0.21e (s.s6J 46.31 (68.8eJ
20 (s00J 10 20.00 [so8.oJ 0.2s0 (6.351 52.78 (78.56)
20 (5001 20.00 [s08.0] 0.281. (7.L4) se.z3 (88,1e1

ASME 836.10-2022

Tabl,e 2-l
Dimensions and Weights (Massesl of Wetded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (Cont'dl
Outside Wall Plain End
Identification Schedule Diameter, Thickness, Weight [Mass),
NPS (DN) lNote (1)l No. tn. in, (mm) lb/ft fkelm]
20 (s00J 20.00 [508.0] 0.3t2 (7.92) 6s.66 (e7.68)
20 (5001 20.00 [508.0] 0.3+4 (8.74) 72.28 {707.6L)
20 (s001 STD 20 20.00 i508.0J 0.37s (e.52) 78.67 (1r7.03)
20 (s00J 20.00 [s08.0J 0.406 (10.31) 85.04 (126.54)

20 [s00) 20.00 (508.01 0.438 [11.13) e1.5e (136.381

20 (5ool 20.00 [5o8.oJ 0.46e (tr.e1) e7.e2 (L45.77)
2o (sool X; 30 20.00 (508.0J 0.500 (12.701 104.23 [155.13]
20 [soo] 20.00 (508.0J 0.562 (t4.27) 176.78 (173.75)

20 (5001 40 20.00 (508.01 0.594 [15.09] 723.23 (783.43)

20 [s00) 20.00 (s08.0) 0.62s (15.88) 129.45 (r92.73',)
20 (500J 20.00 [508.0] 0.688 [17.48J 742.03 (211.4s)
20 [s00) 20.00 (508.01 0.750 [1e.osl L54.34 (229.7r)

20 (s00J 60 20.00 [508.0] 0,812 (20.62) L66.56 (247.84)

20 [500J 20.00 (508.01 0.87s (22.22) 178.89 (266.20)
20 [soo] 20.00 [508.0] 0.e38 (23.83) 797.I4 (284.54)
20 [s00) 20.00 (508.0J 1.ooo (z5.4ol 203.11 (302.301

20 (soo) 80 20.00 [508.0) 7,037 (26.'19') 209.06 [311.19)

20 [s00] 20.00 (508.01 1.062 (26.97) 21s.00 [31e.e4]
20 (s001 20.00 (s08.0J 1.125 (28.58) 227.00 (337.9I)
20 (s001 20.00 [s08.0J 1.188 [30.18J 238.e1 (3ss.631

zo [5oo] 20.00 [508.0] 7.2s0 (31.75) 250.55 (372.90)

20 [s00) 100 20.00 [s08,0) 1.281 (32.5+) 255.s4 (s81.55J
20 (so0l 20.00 (508.0J 7.372 (33.32) 262.10 [390.05]
2o (sool 20.00 (508.0) 1.375 (34.92) 273.76 (407.4r)

20 [s00J r20 20.00 (s08.0J 1.s00 [38.10J 296.65 (441.52)

20 (s001 140 20.00 (s08.01 1.750 (44.45) 341.41 (s08.1s)
20 [s00) 760 20.00 (508.01 1.e5e (s0.01J 37e.53 [s64.85]

22 (S5o') 5 22.00 [s58.8] 0.188 [4.78J 43.84 (6s.31J

22 (sso) 22.00 [558.8] 0.219 (s.s6) s0.ee [7s.86J
22 (sso) 10 22.00 (558.81 0.2s0 (6.35J 58.13 (86.51)
22 (s9o) 22.00 [ss8.8J 0.287 (7.14) 65.24 (97.14)

22 (sso) 22.00 [ss8.8] 0.312 (7.e2) 72.34 (r07.60)

22 (ss0) 22.00 [558.8) 0.344 (8.74) 7e.64 (118.56)
22 {sso) STD 20 22.00 (558.81 0.375 {9.52) 86.69 (128.96)
22 (sso) 2z.oo [558.8J 0.406 [10.31) 93.72 [139.46)

22 (ssOl 22.00 [558.8] 0.438 [11.13J 100.96 [150.33]

22 (sso) 22.00 [558.8] 0.469 [11.91) 107.es (160.63)
22 {ssoJ ,; 22.00 (558.81 0.s00 [12.70] rt4.ez (177.04)
22 (ss0) 22.00 (s58.8J 0.562 (14.27) t28.79 (t9t.63)

22 [ss0] 22.00 (5s8.8J 0.62s (1s.88J 142.8r (272.62)

22 (sso] 22.00 (558.8J 0.688 (17,481 756.74 (233.35)
22 (550) 22.00 [ssB.8] 0.7s0 (1e.05) 170.37 (253.s8)

ASME 836.10-2022

Tabte 2-l
Dimensions and Weights (Massesl of Wetded and Seamtess Wrought Steet Pipe (Cont'dl
Outside Wall Plain End
Identification Schedule Diameter, Thickness, Weight (Mass),
NPs (DNJ [Note [1J] No, in. (mm) in. {mm) lb/ft (kg/m)
22 (ssOl 22.00 {558.8J 0.81.2 (20.62) 783.92 (273.68)
22 [ssoJ 60 22.00 (ss8.8l 0.87s (22.22) 197.60 (294.03)
22 (sso) 22.00 [ss8.8J 0.e38 (23.831 2t1.19 (37+.39)
22 (ssO) 22.00 [ss8.BJ 1.000 [25.40) 224.49 (334.72)
22 [sso] 22.00 [ss8.8) r.062 (26.97) 237.70 (353.73)

22 (sso) 80 22.00 [ss8.8J 1.125 [28.58J 25t.05 (373.77)

22 (sso) 22.00 (5s8.8J 1.188 [30.18J 264.31 (393.44)
22 (ssol 22.00 [ss8.8) 1.250 [31.7s) 277.27 (412.68)
22 (ssol 22.00 [ss8.8) 1.372 t33.32) 2e0.15 [431.80J
22 [sso) rio 22.00 [s58.8) r.375 [34.92) 303.16 [451.15)

22 (sso) 22.00 [ss8.8J 1.438 [36.53J 316.08 [470.50J

22 [ss0] 22.00 [ss8.8J 1.500 [38.10J 328.72 (48e.25)
22 (ssol ,to 22.00 [558.8) 7.625 (41.28) 353.e4 [526.85)
22 [ss') t40 22.00 [558.8] 7.875 (47.62) 403.38 (600.321
22 (ssol r60 22.00 [558.8) 2.12s (s3.e8) 451.49 (672.03)

24 (600) 5 24.00 [50e.6] 0.218 [s.s4] 5s.42 (BZ.s3J

24 (600) 10 24.00 [509.6) o.2so [6.35] 63.47 (94.47)
24 (600) 24.00 {609.61 0.28t (7.r4) 71.25 (106.08)
24 (600) 24,00 [609.6] 0.312 [7.e2) 79.01 (117.52)

24 (600) 24.00 (609.6) 0.s44 [8.7+) 86.se (12e.s1)

24 (600J STD ito 24.00 [609.6] 0.s7s [e.s2) 94.71 (140.89)
24 {600) 2+.00 (60e.6) 0.406 {10.31) 102.40 (152.38)
24 (600) z+.00 (609.6) 0.438 (11.13) r10.s2 (t64.27)

24 (600) 24.00 [609.6] 0.+6e (LL.e7) tL7.e8 (r7S.sS)

24 (600) XS 24.00 [609.6J 0.500 (12.70J 125.61 (186.e51
24 (600) 3; 24.00 [609.61 0.562 (74.27) 140.81 (209.51J
24 (600) 24.00 [609.6J 0.62s (1s.8BJ 156.17 (232.52)

24 [600] 40 24.00 (609.6) 0.688 [17.481 17t.4s (2s5.2s)

24 (600) 24.00 [609.6) 0.7s0 (1e.0sJ 786.41 (277.44)
24 (600) 24.00 t609.6) 0.812 [20.62) 201.28 (29e.sr)
24 (600) 24.00 (609.6) 0.875 (22.22) 2L6.31 {327.87)

24 (600) 24.00 (609.6) 0.938 [23.83J 231.2s (34+.25)

24 (600) 60 24.00 (60e.6) 0.e6e (24.6L) 238.s7 (3ss.04J
24 (600) 24.00 (60e.6) 1.000 [25.40) 24s.87 (365.e4)
24 (600) 24.00 [60e.6] 1.062 {26.97) 260.41 (387.52)

24 (600) 24.00 [609.6) 1.12s (28.58J 275.70 (409.52)

24 (600) 24.00 (509.51 1.188 (30.18J 289.7t (431.25]
24 (6001 80 2+.00 (609.6) r.zle (s0.e6) 296.86 (441.80]
24 [600) 2+.00 (609.6) 1.250 [31.7s] 304.00 (452.46)

24 (600) 24.00 t60e.6) 1.312 [s3.s2J 318.21 (473.54)

24 1600) 24.00 (609.6) r.375 (34.92) 332.s6 (494.e0)
24 (600) 24.00 (609.6J 1.438 (36.53J 346.83 (516.27)
24 (600) 24.00 (609.61 1.s00 [38.10J 360.79 [s36.e8)

ASM[ 836.10-2022

TabLe 2-l
Dimensions and Weights (Masses) of Wetded and Seamless Wrought Steet Pipe (Cont'rll
Outside Wall PIain End
ldentification Schedule Diameter, Thickness, Weight (Mass),
NPS (DNl lNote t1)l No. in. (mm) in, [mm) lblft (ke/ml
24 (600) 100 24.00 (60e.6) 1.s31 (38.89) 367.74 {s47.36)
24 (600) 24.00 {60e.6) r.s62 (39.67) 374.66 (ss7.s7)
2+ (600) 720 24.00 [60e.6J 1.812 (46.02) 429.79 (639.62)
24 (600) 140 24.00 (609.6) 2.062 (52.37) 483.s7 (71e.68)
24 (600) 760 24.00 [609.6) 2.344 (5e.54',) 542.64 (807.68)

26 [650) 26.00 [660.4) 0.2s0 [5.3s) 68.82 (102.42)

26 (650) 26.00 [660.4) 0.281 (7.t4) 77.26 (11s.03)
26 (6so) 10 26.00 (660.4) 0.312 (7.e2) 85.68 (127.44)
26 (6so) 26.00 (660.4) 0.344 (8.74) e4.35 (140.46)

26 (6s0) STD 26.00 (660.4) 0.37s (e.s2) 702.72 (152.8t)

26 (6s0) 26.00 {660.4) 0.406 (10.3U 111.08 (165.291
26 (6s0) 26.00 (660.4) 0.438 (11.13J 719.69 (t78.21)
26 (650) 26.00 (660.4) 0.469 (1r.97) 128.00 (190.47)

26 {650) XS 20 26.00 [660.4) 0.s00 [12.70) 136.30 [202.86]

26 (6so) 26.00 {660.4) 0.s62 (74.27) ts2.83 (227.3e)
26 (650) 26.00 (660.4) 0.62s [15.88) 16e.54 (2s2.4r)
26 (650) 26.00 (660.4) 0.688 (77.48) 186.16 (277.75)

26 (6s0) 26.00 (660.4) 0.7s0 (1e.051 202.44 (301.31)

26 (650) 26.00 [660.4) 0.872 (20.62) 218.64 (325.34)
26 (6so) 26.00 (660.4) 0.875 (22.22) 235.0t (34e.71)
26 (6s0) 26.00 t660.4) 0.938 (23.83J 257.30 (374.10)
26 (650) 26.00 (660.+) 1.000 [25.40] 267.25 (397.77)

28 (700) 28.00 (771.2) 0.2s0 [6.35) 74.16 (710.38)

28 [700J 28.00 (7tr.Z) 0.287 (7.14) 83.26 (723.e7)
z8 (700) 10 28.00 (711.2) 0.312 (7.92) ez.3s (1s7.36)
28 (700) 28.00 (77r.2) 0.344 (8.74) 101.70 (151.41J

28 (700) STD 28.00 (711.2) 0.37s [9.52) 110.74 (164.74)

28 [700J 28.00 {7rr.z) 0.406 (10.3U 719.76 (t78.27)
z8 (700) 28.00 (771.2) 0.438 [11.13J 129.05 [792.16)
28 (700) 28.00 (7rL.2) 0.46e (1L.91) 138.03 [205.39J

28 (7oo) XS z0 28.00 (7tL.2) 0.500 (12.70) 146.99 (2t8.77)

28 (7oo) 28,00 [771.2) 0.s62 (14.27) 164.84 (245.26)
28 (700) 30 28.00 (7tI.2) 0.525 (15.88J 182.e0 (272.30)
28 (700) 28.00 (717.2) 0.688 (17.48J 200.87 (299.05)

28 (700) 28.00 [771.2) 0.750 [1e.os] 218.48 (325.17)

28 (700) 28.00 (7Lr.2) 0.812 (20.62) 236.00 [3s1.17]
28 [700] 28.00 [771.2) 0.875 (22.22) 253.72 (377.55)
28 (7001 28.00 (7rr.2) 0.938 (23.83J 271.36 (+03.e6)
28 (700) 28.00 (771.2) 1.000 [25.40) 288.63 (429.59)

ASME 836.10-2022

Tabte 2-l
Dimensions and Weights (Massesl of Wetded and Seamless Wrought Steet Pipe (Cont'dl
Outside Wall Plain End
Identification Schedule Diameter, Thickness, Weight [Mass),
NPs (DNl lNote (1ll No. rn, in. (mm) lb/ft (ks/n)
28 (700) 28.00 (771.2) 1.062 (26.97) 30s.82 (455.10J
30 (7s0J 30.00 (762.01 0.250 (6.3sJ 79.51 (118.341
30 (7s0) 30.00 [762.0J 0.287 (7.r4) 89.27 (732.e2)
30 uso) 10 30.00 (762.0J 0.312 (7.92) 99.02 (r47.29)
30 [7so] 30.00 (762.0) 0.344 (8.7+) 10e.06 (762.36)

30 (750J STD 30.00 u62.0) 0.37s (e.s2) 1t8.76 (176.67)

30 [7so] 30.00 (762.0J 0.406 (10.311 128.44 (1.e1.12)
30 [7s0] 30.00 (762.01 0.438 (11.13) 138.42 (206.10)
30 (7s01 30.00 [762.0J 0.469 (11.91J 148.06 (22032)

30 [7so) XS 20 30.00 [762.0J 0.s00 [12.70) 157.68 (234.68)

30 (7s01 30.00 [762.0] 0.562 (14.27) 176.86 (263.74)
30 [7s0J 30 30.00 u62.0J 0.625 [15.88] 196.26 (Z9Z.2O)
30 (7so] 30.00 [762.0] 0.688 (17.48) 21s.58 [320.e5J

30 [7s0] 30.00 [762.0] 0.7s0 [1e.05] 23+.57 (34e.04)

30 (7s01 30.00 [762,01 0.812 (20.62) 253.36 (377.0r)
30 usOl 30.00 [762.0J 0.875 (22.22) 272.43 (405.38)
30 (750J 30.00 [762.0] 0.938 (23.83J 297.41 (433.8r)

3o (7sol 30.00 (762.0) 1.000 [25.40] 310.01 [461.41)

30 (7s01 30.00 [762.01 r.062 (26.97) 328.53 (488.88J
30 (7s0J 30.00 (762.0J 1.125 (28.s8J 347.26 (s76.e3)
30 [7so] 30.00 [762.0] 1.188 (30.18J 365.90 (544.681
3o (7sol 30.00 (762.0) 1.2s0 [31.75J 384.t7 (571.79)

32 (800J 32.0 [813] 0.250 (6.3s) 84.85 (726.32)

32 (8oo) 32.0 (813J 0.287 (7.74) 95.28 (141.90)
32 (8001 10 32.0 (8131 0.312 (7.e2) Lo5.6e (LS7.Z5)
32 (800J 32.0 [813J 0.344 (8.74) 776.47 (773.35)

32 [800J STD 32.0 {813) 0.37s [e.sz] 126.78 (788.64)

32 (8001 32.0 [813J 0.406 [10.31) 137.12 (204.09)
32 (800) 32.0 [813] 0.438 (11.13J 147.78 (220,10)
32 (800J 32.0 [813) 0.469 (11.91) 158.08 (235.29)

32 [800] AJ z0 32.0 [813] 0.500 (12.701 168.37 (250.65)

32 (800J 32.0 [813] 0.s62 t1.4.27) 188.87 [281.09]
s2 {8001 30 32.0 [813] 0.62s (1s.881 209.62 (372.17)
32 (800J 40 32.0 (8131 0.688 (17.48J 230.2e {342.e4)

32 [800] 32.0 (8131 0.750 [1e.o5J 2s0.s5 (373.00J

32 (8001 32.0 [813] 0.812 (20.62) 270.72 (402.94)
s2 [800] 32.0 [813J 0.875 (ZZ.Z2\ 297.14 (433.33)
32 [800J 32.0 [813] 0.e38 (23.83J 3tr.47 (463.78)

32 (800) 32.0 [813] 1.000 [25.40] 331,39 (493.351

32 [800J 32.0 (813J 7.062 (26.97) 35t.23 (522.80)
32 (800J 32.0 (813J 1.125 [28.58] 371.31 (552.88J
32 [800J 32.0 (8131 1.188 {30.18J 391.30 (582.64)
32 [800] 32.0 1.250 (31.751 410.e0 (611.72)

ASME 836.10-2022

Tabte 2-l
Dimensions and weights (Masses) of wetded and seamless wrought steet pipe (cont'dl
Outside Wall Plain End
IdenUfication Schedule Diameter, Thickness, Weight (Mass),
NPS (DN) [Note [1)l No. in. [mm) in. (mml lblft (kglm)
s4 (8s0J 34.0 [864J 0.2s0 [6.3s) 90.20 (134.311
34 (8s01 34.0 [864J 0.281 (7.14) 101.29 (150.88J
34 (8s01 10 34.0 (8641 0.312 (7.92) 112.36 (1.67.27)
34 (8s01 34.0 [864J 0.344 (8.74) 723.77 {184.34)

34 [8s0) STD 34.0 (854J 0.375 (e.52) 134.79 (200,6L)

34 (8s0) 34.0 [864] 0.405 [10.31] 145.80 (217.06)
34 [8s0) 34.0 [864] 0.438 [11.13J 157.t4 (234.10)
34 [8s0J 34.0 [864] 0.469 (17.e1) 168.77 (250.27)

34 (8sol XS 20 34.0 (864J 0.500 (12.701 779.06 (266.63)

34 [850) 34.0 (864J 0.562 (14.27) 200.8e (299.04)
34 [8s0] 30 34.0 (864J 0.625 [1s.88J 222,e9 (332.14)
34 [8s0] 40 34.0 (8641 0.688 (17.48) 245.00 (364.92)

34 (8s0J 34.0 [864] 0.7s0 (1e.05) 266.58 (396.96)

34 (8s01 34.0 (864J 0.812 (20.62) 288.08 (428.881
34 (8s01 34.0 [864J 0.875 (22.22) 309.84 (467.28)
34 [8s0) 34.0 [864] 0.938 [23.83J 337.52 {493.75)

34 [8s0] 34.0 (864J 1.000 [25.40J 352.77 (525.30)

s4 (8501 34.0 (854) 1.062 (26.97) 373.94 (556.7s)
34 (8s0) 34.0 (8641 1.12s (28.s81 3e5.36 (s88.83J
34 (8s0J 34.0 (864) 1.188 (30.18J 416.70 (620.60)
34 (850J 34.0 (8641 1.2s0 (31.7s) 437.62 (65t.65)

36 (e00J 36.0 [e14] 0.2s0 (6.351 95.54 (142.14)

36 [e00J 35.0 [e14] 0.281 (7.14) 107.30 (1se.68)
36 [900] 10 36.0 (e14) 0.312 (7.e2) 119.03 (176.97)
36 [900J 36.0 [e14] 0.344 (8.74) 13r.12 (res.12)

36 [e00J STD 36.0 [e14] 0.375 (e.sz) 142.81 (212.35)

36 (e001 36.0 [e14J 0.406 (10.31) ts4.48 (229.77)
36 (eoo) 36.0 [e14J 0.438 (11.13) 166.51 (247.82)
36 (e001 36.0 [e14] 0.46e (71..e7) 778.14 (264.96)

36 (e001 XS z0 36.0 (e14) 0.s00 (12.701 18e.75 (282.2e)

36 [e00] 36.0 [e14J 0.s62 (t+.27) zrz.90 (376.63)
36 (9001 30 36.0 (e141 0.62s [15.88J 236.35 (3sr.73)
36 (e001 36.0 [e14J 0.688 (17.48J 25e.7t (386.47)

36 [e00J 40 36.0 [914) 0.750 [1e.osJ 282.62 (420.45)

36 (e00) 36.0 (e141 0.872 (20.62) 30s.44 (4s4.30)
36 (900J 36.0 (e14J 0.87s (22.22) 328.55 [488.58J
36 (e00J 36.0 [e14) 0.938 (23.83) 3st.s7 (523.14)
36 [e00J 36.0 (9t+) 1.000 [25.40] 374.1s (556.62)

36 (e001 36.0 (974) 7.062 (26.97) 3e6.64 (s8e.e8l

36 (e001 36.0 (er4) 1.125 [28.58) 4te.4z (624.07)
36 [eoo] 36.0 [e14) 1.188 [30.18] 442.10 (657.81)
36 [9oo] 36.0 (9r4) r.250 (31.7s) 464.3s (6e0.80)

ASME 836.10-2022

Tabl.e 2-I
Dimensions and Weights (Massesl of Wetded and Seamless Wrought Steet Pipe (Cont'dl
Outside Wall Plain End
ldentification Schedule Diameter, Thickness, Weight (Mass),
NPs (DNl [Note (1)] No. in. (mm) in, (mm) tb/ft (kg/m)
38 [esoJ 38.0 [e65J 0312 (7.e2) 125.70 (185.94)
38 (eso] 38.0 [e6sJ 0.344 (8.7+) t38.47 (206.11)
38 (eso] STD 38.0 [e6s] 0.37s [e.s2.) 150.83 (224.331
38 [eso) s8.0 (e651 0.406 (10.31J 163.76 (242.74)

38 (esO) 38.0 (e65) 0.438 (11.13J 77s.87 (26r.82)

38 [esoJ 38.0 (e6sl 0.46e (11.e1J 1.88.17 (27e.e4)
38 [es0] XS 38.0 [e6sJ 0.500 [12.70] 200.44 (298.26)
38 (e501 38.0 [e65J 0.562 (t4.27) 224.92 (334.58)

38 (eso) 38.0 [e6s] 0.62s [15.88J 249.71. {37r.70)

38 (eso) 38.0 (e6s] 0.688 [17.48] 274.42 (408.46)
38 (eso) 38.0 [e6sJ 0.7s0 (1e.05) 2e8.6s (444.41)
38 (es0) 38.0 [965] 0.8L2 (20.62) 322.80 (480.24)

38 [eso) 38.0 [e6s] 0.87s (22.22) 347.26 (516.62)

38 [es0J 38.0 [e5s] 0.938 [23.83J 371.63 (ss3.11J
38 (es0] 38.0 [965J 1.000 (25.40J 3es.s3 (s88.s7J
38 [esoJ 38.0 [e6s] 1.062 (26.97) 47e.35 (623.90)

38 [e50J 38.0 [e6sJ 1.12s (z8.s8J 443.47 (660.07)

38 (es0J 38.0 [e6sJ 1.188 (s0.181 467.50 (695.77)
38 (esOl 38.0 [e65] 1.250 [31.7s] 491.07 {730.74)

40 (1 0oo] 40.0 [1 015J 0.312 (7.e2) 732.37 (196.90)

40 (1 oo0l 40.0 {1 0151 0.344 (8.74) 745.83 (217.1r)
40 [1 000) STD 40.0 [1 016] 0.37s (e.s2) 1s8.8s (235.30J
40 (1 00oJ 40.0 [1 016J 0.406 (10.31J 77r.8+ (255.7t)

40 (1 000) 40.0 [1 016] 0.438 (11.131 L8s.24 (27s.82)

40 (1 000) 40.0 {1 016J 0.45e (11.e1J 1e8.19 (294.92)
40 (1 oool XS 40.0 {1 0161 0.500 (12.70J 21r.73 (374.23)
40 (1 0001 40.0 [1 016J 0.s62 (74.27) 236'.e3 (3sz.s3)

40 [1 o0o] 40.0 (1 016) 0.62s [1s.88) 263.07 (39r.67)

40 (1 000J 40.0 [1 016) 0.588 (17.48) 28e.13 (430.4s)
40 [1 o00J 40.0 (1 016) 0.750 [19.05) 3L4.69 (468.37)
40 (1 000J 40.0 [1 016] 0.812 (20.62) 340.16 (505.171

40 (1 0001 40.0 [1 016] 0.87s (22.22) 365.97 (544.57)

40 [1 oooJ 4o.o [1 016] 0.e38 [23.83] 391.68 [583.08J
40 (1 000J 40.0 [1 016] 1.000 (2s.401 476.97 (620.51)
40 (1 0001 40.0 [1 016J I.062 [26.97) 442.05 (657.82)

40 (1 000J 4o.o [1 016] 1,12s (28.s81 467.52 (6e5.96)

40 (1 0001 40.0 [1 016] 1.188 (30.181 492.90 (733.73)
40 (1 0oo] 40.0 [1 o16J 1.250 (3r.75) 5t7.80 (770.67)

42 (1 0s0) +2.0 {L 067) 0.344 (8.74) 153.18 (228.r01

42 (7 0501 STD 4z.o (7 067) 0.37s [e.s2) 166.86 (248.27)
42 (1 0s0l 42.0 (r 067) 0.406 {10.31J 180.52 (268.67)
42 (1 o50l 4Z,o (1 067) 0.438 [11.13J 194.60 (289.82)

ASME 836.10-2022

Tabte 2-l
Dimensions and Ulleights (Massesl of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steet Pipe (Cont'dl
Outside Wall Plain End
Idenüfication Schedule Diameter, Thickness, Weight (MassJ,
NPs tDNl lNote [1)l No. in. (mm) in. (mml lb/ft (kg/m)
42 (1 0s0J 42.0 (1 067) 0.46s (71.9r) 208.22 (309.90)
42 (1 0s0) XS 42.0 (r 067) 0.500 [12.70) 22r.82 (330.27)
42 [1 050) 42.0 (1 067) 0.562 (14.27) 248.95 (370.48)
42 [1 050] 42.0 [r 067) 0.62s [1s.88) 276.44 (417.64)

42 (1 0s0J 42.0 (L 067) 0.688 [17.48] 303.84 (4s2.43)

42 [1 050J 42.0 (r 067) 0.7s0 u9.051 s30.72 (492.33)
42 (1 050) 42.0 (r 067) 0.812 (20.62) 357.52 (532.71)
42 (1 0s0) 42.0 (1 067) 0.87s (22.22) 38+.67 (s27.52)
42 (1 050) 42.0 {1 067) 0.938 [23.83J 41r.74 {613.05)

42 (1 0s0J 42.0 (1 067) 1.000 [2s.40) 438.29 (652.46)

42 [1 0s0) 42.0 (r 067) 1.062 (26.97) 464.76 (6e7.7s)
42 [1 0s0J 42.0 [1 067) 1.125 [28.58) 4e1.s7 (73r.9r)
42 [1 050) 42.0 (t 067) 1.188 [30.18] 518.30 (777.69)
42 [1 o5o] 4z.o (7 067) 1.250 (31.7s] s44.52 (810.601

44 (1 100J 44.0 (1 118J 0.344 (8.74) 160.s4 (23e.0eJ

44 (t r0o) STD 44.0 [1 118J 0.375 (9.52') 174.88 (260.25)
44 (1 1.00) 44.0 [1 118] 0.406 (10.31J 18e.20 (287.64)
44 (1 100) 44.0 (t 118) 0.438 (1 1.131 203.97 (303.821

44 [1 100) 44.0 (1 t78) 0.469 (11.91) 2t8.2s (324.88)

44 (7 r00) tt 44.0 [1 118] 0.500 [12.70J 232.57 (346.78)
44 [1 100) 44.0 (1 118) 0.s62 (14.27) 260.97 (388.42)
44 (i 100) 44.0 (L 1t8) 0.52s (1s.88) 289.80 (4s7.62)

44 [1 1oo) 44.0 [1 118J 0.688 (17.48J 318.55 (474.42)

44 (1 100J 44.0 (1 118J 0.7s0 [1e.05J 3+6.76 (s16.2e)
44 [1 10oJ 44.0 (1 1181 0.812 (20.62) 374.88 [ss8.04J
44 (1 100) 44.0 (1 118J 0.875 (22.22) 403.38 (600.461
44 (1 100) 44.0 (r 118J 0.938 [23.83J +37.79 (643.03)

44 (t 100) 44.0 [1 118) 1.000 [25.401 45e.67 (684.41)

44 (1 1001 44.0 (1 178) 7.062 (26.e7) 487.47 (725.67)
44 (1 700) 44.0 [1 118J 1.125 [28.s8] 515.63 (767.85)
44 (1 700) 44.0 (1 118) 1.188 (30.18J 543.70 (80e.65)
44 (1 100) 44.0 (1 1181 r.250 (31.75) s71.2s (850.s41

46 [1 150] 46.0 [1 168) 0.344 (8.74) t67.8e (249.e7)

46 (1 1s0) STD 46.0 (1 168) 0.375 (e.s2J 782.90 (277.e9)
46 [1 1so) 46.0 [1 158) 0.406 [10.31) Ls7.88 (ze4.3s)
46 (1 1s0) 46.0 [1 168) 0.438 [11.13] 213.33 (317.54)
46 [1 1s0] 46.0 {1 168J 0.46e [11.91) 228.27 (33e.56)

46 [1 150J XS 46.0 [1 168) 0.s00 [12.70) z43.zo (367.84)

46 (1 lsol 46.0 (1 1681 0.s62 (14.27) 272.98 (406.02)
46 [1 150) 46.0 (1 168) 0.625 (15.88J 303.16 (451.20J
46 (1 lso) 45.0 [1 168J 0.688 [17.48] 333.26 (495.e7)
46 [1 1s0] 46.0 [1 168) 0.750 [1e.o5J 362.79 (539.78)
46 t1 150) 46.0 t1 168) 0,8t2 (20.621 3e2.24 (583.47)

ASME 836.10-2022

Tabte 2-I
Dimensions and Weights (Massesl of Wel.ded and Seamless Wrought Steet Pipe (Cont'dl
Outside Wall Plain End
Identification Schedule Diameter, Thickness, Weight [Mass),
NPs (DN) [Note (1J] No. tn. in. (mm'l lb/ft [ke/m)
46 (1 1s0l 46.0 (1 158J 0.875 (22.22) 422.09 (627.86)
46 (1 150J 45.0 (1 168J 0.938 (23.831 45t.85 (672.4t)
46 [1 150J 46.0 [1 168] 1.000 (2s.4ol 48r.05 (775.73)
46 [1 1s0] 46.0 [1 168] 1.062 (26.97) 570.17 (758.92)
46 [1 15oJ 46.0 [1 168] 1.12s [28.58J 539.68 [803.09')
46 (1 lso] 46.0 [1 168] 1.188 (30.18J 569.10 [846.86J
46 [1 1s0J 46.0 [1 168J 1.2s0 [31.7s) 597.97 (889.69)

48 [1 zooJ 48.0 [1 21eJ 0.34+ (8.74) 775.25 (260.86)

48 (1 200) STD 48.0 (1.zle) 0.37s [e.521 190.92 (283.96)
48 (1 2001 48.0 [1 21eJ 0.406 (10.311 206.56 {307.32)
48 [1 zooJ 48.0 (r zre) 0.438 (11.13J 222.70 (33L54)
48 (1 2001 48.0 [1 2ie) 0.46e (1r.91) 238.30 [3s4.54J
48 [1 200] XS 48.0 (L 219) o.5oo (12.70) 253.89 (377.87)
48 [1 200] 48.0 (7 21e) 0.562 (74.27) 285.00 (423.97)
48 [1 zoo] 48.0 (L 219) 0.62s (1s.881 316.52 (47r.77)

48 [1 z0o) 48.0 t1 zle) 0.588 (77.48) 347.97 (s17.e51

48 (1 200) 48.0 t1 21e) 0.750 (1e.0 s) 378.83 (s63.7 4)
48 (1 200) 48.0 (1 21e) 0.812 (zo.62) 409.6r (60e.40J
48 [1 2001 48.0 [1 21e) 0.938 [23.83) 47L.90 (702.38)
48 [1 2001 48.0 [1 zle) 0.875 (22.22) 440.80 (6ss.81)
48 [1 2001 48.0 [1 21e) 1.0 00 (2s.40) s02.43 (7 47.67)
48 [1 z00l 48.0 [1 2Ie) 1.062 (26.e7) 53 2.88 (7e2.84)
48 (1 2001 48.0 [1 zle) 1.125 [28.s8] s63.73 [83e.04)
48 (1 2001 48.0 [1 27e) 1.188 [30.18] 594.50 [884.82)
48 [1 2 00J 48.0 t1 21e) 1.250 (31.7s1 624.70 (e29.62)

s2 (1 300) sz.o 11 321) 0.375 (e.52) 206.95 (307.97)

52 (1 300) 52.0 [r 321) 0.406 [10.31] 223.93 (333.26)
52 (1 3oo) 5Z.o (r 321) 0.438 [11.13] 241.42 (35e.54)
s2 [1 300) 52.0 (r 32t) 0.469 [7r.91) 258.36 [384.50)
s2 [1 300J s2.0 [7 32t) 0.500 [12.70) 27s.27 (40e.76)
52 [1 300] 5Z.o (r 32r) 0.s62 (74.27) 30e.03 [45e.86]

52 [1 300J s2.0 (1 321) 0.625 [15.88J 343.25 (577.12)

52 (1 3ool 52.0 (7 32r) 0.68e [17.48] 377.39 (567.93)
s2 (1 3001 sz.o (7 321) 0.750 [1e.o5J 410.e0 [611.66)
s2 [1 300) 52.0 [1 3ZU 0.87s (22.22) 478.21 (77t.70)
s2 [1 300J s2.0 [7 321) 0.812 (20.62) 444.33 (661..27)

s2 [1 300) s2.0 (1 321) 0.e38 [23.83] 512.07 (762.33)

sz [1 300J 52.0 [1 321) 1.000 (2s.40) 545.1e [81 1.57]
s2 (1 300) 52.0 (1 32r) 7.062 (26.97) 578.29 [860.69)
s2 (i 300J sz.o (1 3zr) 1.125 [28.s8] 611.84 (e10.93J
s2 (1 300) s2.0 [7 32r) 1.188 [30.18) 64s.30 [e60.74]
sz [1 300) s2.0 (1.321) 1.250 (31.7s) 678.15 (1 009.491

s6 [1 400J s6.0 (1 422) 0.375 [e.52) 222.99 t33l.6z)

s6 (1 4001 s5.o [1 422) 0.406 110.31) 247.29 (358.94)

ASME 836.10-2022

Table 2-l
Dimensions and weights {Massesl of wetded and seamless wrought steet pipe (cont'dl
Outside WalI Plain End
Identification Schedule Diameter, Thickness, Weight (Mass),
NPs (DN) lNote (1)l No. in. [mmJ in. (mm) Iblft (kg/m)
s6 (1 400J 56.0 [r 422) 0.438 (11.13) 260.75 (387.26)
s6 [1 4001 56.0 [1 422) 0.46e (11.9r) 278.4r {414.77)
s6 [1 400) s6.0 (r 422) 0.s00 (12.70) 296.65 (441.3e)
56 [1 400J s6.0 (1 422) 0.562 (14.27) 333.06 (495.411
s6 [1 400J s6.0 (1 +22) 0.52s [15.88J 369.97 (550.67)
s6 (1 4001 56.0 (1 422) 0.688 (17.48J 405.80 (605.461

s6 (1 400J s6.0 (L 422) 0.750 [1e.05] 442,97 (659.71)

s6 [1 4001 56.0 (1 422'l 0,812 (20.62) 479.05 (712.63)
56 [1 4oo) s6.0 (1 422) 0.875 (22.22) 51s.63 (767.051
56 (1 400J 56.0 (1 422) 0.938 [23.831 ss2.1z (821.68)

s6 [1 400J s6.0 (1 +22) 1.000 [25.40) s87.e5 (874.83J

s6 [1 400] s6.0 (L 422) 1.062 (26.97) 623.70 (e27.86)
56 (1 4ool s6.0 (1 422) 1.12s (28.58) 659.e4 (e82.12)
s6 (1 400J 56.0 [1 4?2) 1.188 (30.181 696.10 (1 035.91J
s6 (1 400) 56.0 (1 422) 1.2s0 (31.7sJ 731.60 (1 088.57J

60 (1 SooJ 60.0 {L sz4) 0.37s (9.52) 23e.02 (3ss.s7)

60 (1 s00l 60.0 (7 524) 0.406 (10.311 258.65 (384.87)
60 [1 s00J 60.0 (t 524) 0.438 [11.13) 278.88 (41s.26)
60 [1 s00J 60.0 (1 524) 0.469 (ll.eI) 298.47 (444.73)
50 [1 500J 60.0 [1 524) 0.s00 [12.70] 318.03 (473.34)
60 [1 s00) 60.0 (1 s24J 0.s62 (14.27) 357.09 [531.30J
60 [1 500J 60.0 (7 s24') 0.625 (1s.88) 395.70 (590.62)
60 (1 soo) 60.0 (1 s24J 0.688 (17.481 436.22 (649.44)

60 [1 500] 60.0 (1 524') 0.7s0 (1e.0sl 47s.04 (707.03)

60 (1 s00l 50.0 [1 s24] 0.812 (20.62) 573.77 (764.s0)
60 (1 s00J 60.0 (7 s24) 0.875 (22.22) 553.04 (822.94)
60 [1 s00J 60.0 (1 524J 0.e38 (23.83J 5e2.23 (88r.63)

60 [1 500] 60.0 (1 s24) 1.000 (2s.401 630.71. (e3e.73)

60 [1 soo) 60.0 (r 524) r.062 (26.97) 66e.7t (ees.71)
50 [1 500) 60.0 [1 s24) 1.125 (28.58) 708.05 (1 054.01)
60 (1 s00J 60.0 (1 s24) 1.188 [30.18J 746.e0 (1 117.83)
60 [1 500) 60.0 (L 524) 1.2s0 (31.751 785.05 (1 168.441

54 (1 600J 64.0 (r 626) 0.37s (e.52) 255.06 (37e.5\)

64 [1 600) 64.0 (1 626') 0.406 (10.31J 276.01 (410.81)
54 (1 5001 64.0 (L 626) 0.438 (11.131 297.67 (443.25)
64 (1 600J 64.0 (1 626) 0.500 [12.70] 339.41 (s05.2eJ
64 (1 600) 64.0 (1 626) 0.s62 (L4.27) 38LL2 (567.20)
64 [1 600] 64.0 (1 626) 0.469 t7r.e7) 3r8.s2 (474.09)

64 (7 600) 64.0 (7 626) 0.62s (15.88) 423.42 (630.s6)

64 (7 600) 64.0 (7 626) 0.688 [17.48J 465.6+ (6e3.4r)
54 [1 600) 64.0 (L 626) 0.750 (19.05) 507.r1 (7s4.es)
64 [1 600J 64.0 (1 626) 0.er2 Q0.62) 548.4e [816.37J
64 (1 6ooJ 64.0 (r 626) 0.875 (22.22) 590.46 (878.84)

ASME 836.10-2022

Table 2-l
Dimensions and Weights (Massesl of Wetded and Seamless Wrought Steet Pipe (Cont'dl
Outside Wall Plain End
ldentification Schedule Diameter, Thickness, Weight (Mass),
NPS (DN) lNote (1)l No. tn, in, (mm) lb/ft tks/ml
64 [1 6ooJ 64.0 (1 526) 0.938 (23.83) 632'34 (e4r.57)
64 (1 6001 64.0 (1 626) 1.000 (25.40J 673.47 (7 002.62)
54 (1 600J 64.0 (7 626) 7.062 (26.97) 714.52 (L 063.55)
64 [1 600) 64.0 (7 626) 1.125 (28.s8) 756.1s (1 12s.eo]
54 [1 600] 64.0 (1 626) 1.188 (30.18) 797.69 (1 r87.74)
64 (1 600) 64.0 [1 626) 1.2s0 (31.7sJ 838.50 [1 248.30)

68 (1 700) 68.0 (7 727) o.+6e (7r.91) 338.57 (503.75J

68 [1 700] 6e.o [1 727) 0.s00 [12.70] 360.7e (536.92)
68 [1 700] 68.0 [1 727) 0.562 (t+.27) 405.15 (602.74)
68 [1 700] 68.0 (1 727) 0.625 (15.881 450.75 (670.72)

68 [1 7001 68.0 (7 727) 0.688 [17.48) 4e5.06 [736.es]

68 [1 700] 68.0 (1 727) 0.7s0 (1e.0s) 539.18 (802.40J
68 [1 700J 58.0 (7 727) 0.812 (20.62) s83.27 (867.73)
68 (1 700J 68.0 (1 727) s.875 (22.22) 627.87 (934.78)

68 (1 700J 68.0 {1 727) 0.938 [23.83J 672.45 (1 000.92')

58 (1 700J 68.0 (7 727) 1.000 (25.401 716.23 (1. 065.89)
68 [1 700J 68.0 17 727) 1.062 (26.e7) 75e.e3 (1. 130.73)
68 [1 700] 68.0 (1 727) 1.12s [28.s8] 804.26 (1 197.09)
68 [1 700] 68.0 lL 727) 1.188 [30.18) 848.49 (7 262.92)
68 [1 700] 68.0 (L 727) 1.2s0 [31.75) 897.95 (1 327.39)

72 (L 8o0) 72.0 (t 82e) 0.s00 (12.70J 382.77 (s68.87)

72 (1 800) 7z.o (1 82e) 0.s62 {14.27) 429.t8 (638.64)
72 (r 800) 72.0 (r 82e) 0.62s (15.88) 476.87 (770.06)
72 (1 800) 72.0 17 B2e) 0.688 (17.48J s24.48 (780.92)

72 [1 800] 72.0 {1 82e) o.7so (1e.05) s71.25 [850.32J

72 (7 800) 72.0 IL 82e) 0.872 (20.62) 617.93 (979.60)
72 (1 800) 7Z.o (r 82e) 0.87s {22.22) 665.29 [ee0.08)
72 [1 800] 72.0 (r 82e) 0.e38 (23.83J 772.55 (7 060.87)

72 {1 800) 72.0 (7 82e) 1.000 [2s.40J 758.99 (1 1.2e.78)

72 [1 800] 72.0 tt 82e) 1.062 (26.e7) 805.34 (1 1e8.s7)
72 (1 800) 72.0 (L 829) 1.12s (28.s8J 852.36 (1 268.e8)
72 (r 800) 72.0 (7 82e) 1.188 [30.18) 89e.2e [1 338.83)
72 [1 800) 72.0 {7 82e) 1.2s0 [31.75] 945.40 (1 407.25)

76 (1. 900) 76.0 [1 e30) 0.500 [12.70J 403.55 (600.501

76 (1 e00J 76.0 [1 e30] 0.s62 (L4.27) 453.2r (674.18)
76 (7 900) 76.0 {1 e30) 0.62s (15.881 s03.60 (749.62)
76 [1 9001 76.0 (1 930J 0.688 (17.48J 553.90 [824.4s)

76 [1 e00] 76.0 (1 e3ol o.7so (1e.o5l 60s.32 (897.77)

76 (7 9oo) 76.0 [1 930J 0.872 (20.62) 6s2.65 (e7o.e6)
76 [1 e00J 76.0 [1 e3oJ 0.87s (22.22) 702.70 (1 04s.42)
76 [1 e00] 75.0 (1 e30J 0.e38 [23.83J 752.66 (7 l2O.Z2)
76 (7 e00) 76.0 [1 e3o] 1.000 (25.401 801.7s (1 193.051
76 f1 900) 76.0 ( 1 930t 1.062 (26.97) 8s0.75 {I 265.74)

ASME 836.10-2022

Table 2-l
Dimensions and weights lMassesl of wetded and seamless wrought steet pipe (cont'dl
outside Wall Plain End
ldentlficaüon Schedule Diameter, Thickness, Weight (Mass),
NPs (DN'l [Note [1)] No. tn, in. (mh) lb/ft (kglm)
76 (7 e00) 76.0 {1 e30l 1.125 [28.s8) 900.47 (1 340.L7)
76 (1 900J 76.0 [1 e30J 1.188 (30.181 950,09 (1 414.01J
76 [1 900) 76|0 (1 930J 1.2s0 (31.75) 998.85 (1 486,33)

80 (2 000) 80.0 (2 032J 0.562 [74.27) 477.25 (710,08)

80 (z 000) 80.0 (2 0321 0.625 (15.88J 530.32 [78e.56]
80 (2 000J 80.0 [z 03zJ 0.688 (17.481 s83.32 (868.431
80 (2 000J 80.0 (2 032J 0.7s0 (19.05) 635.39 (945.69J

80 (z 000) 80.0 [2 032) 0.812 (20.62) 687.37 (7 022.83)

80 [2 000J 80.0 (2 0321 0.875 [22.22) 740.12 (r L01.32)
80 [2 000] 80.0 [2 032] 0.e38 (23.83) 792.77 0 ß0.17)
80 (2 000) 80.0 (2 032J 1,000 [25.40J 844.57 IL 256.94)
80 (2 000J 80.0 [2 032] r.062 (26.97) 8e6.17 (1 333.5e)

80 [2 000) 80.0 [2 o32J 1.125 [28.58) 948.57 (r 412.06)

80 (2 000J 80.0 [2 032J 1.188 (30.181 1,000.89 (1 489.92)
80 f2 0001 80.0 12 0321 1.250 (31.75r 1,052.s0 (r 566.20)
NOTE: (1) STD = standard; XS = extra-strong; and XXS = double extra-srrong.


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