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4 85 PDF
4 85 PDF
A Publication for the Radio Ama teur
Especially Covering VHF. UHF. and Microwaves
Volume No 17 W,nler EdrtiQn4/1985
Pub!is hl'd br;
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Transl ator :
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ISSN 0177-7505
Cont ents
Friedrich Kr ug,
Friedrich Krug.
Carsten Vielaod,
Garten viotar c.
Erich Stadler,
Konrad Hupfer,
J. Jirmann and F. Krug,
MicroSlripl i ne Anlennas
Formul ae and Diagrams f or the
Approximat e Calculation 01 Mlcro- Str ipl ine s
Pow er Ampl ifi ers -
How they are operat ed
Two-metre Power Amp lifi er usin g
Valve 4 CX 1000 A
Behaviour 01 Ref lected Pul $8S
along Cables
SSB Mi ni Transverter 144 / 1296 MHz
Two-Metr e Receiv er Fronl-End
A Microcomputer-System l or Radio Amateur s
194 - 202
203 - 207
232 240
241 -251
252 - 254
k UJOO0i,berichte T' '', D, Bitlao ,Jahoot" " , Posttach 80 , D 8523 Ba;",dort
Tel West Germany 9133-855 . For Representatives see cover page 2
Friedrich Krug, OJ 3 RV
Micro-Stripli nc Antennas
In micr o st ri pli ne ci rcuits di scontinuities
occur which may be def i ned as all devi ations
Irom th e uniform st ripli ne struct ure such as
bends, ki nks, branches, impedance tr ansi-
tions, open and short circuits and losses
through radiat ion. Radiation l assos incr ease
with f requency, particula rl y when t he geo me-
tr i cal dimensions of t he line approach those
of an elect rical wavelength. This radi ation is
encouraged i n st ri pli ne antennas by a sui lable
arrangement of these disconti nuit ies. Part icu-
larl y good radialion occurs f rom power reso-
nalors and surf ace resonat or s whose electri-
cal di mensi ons are ,./ 2 or multiples Iher eof.
Thi s f act Is utilised in other types 01ant enna.
Mlc ro-stri pline antennas are th eref or e radiat -
ing surfaces on a t hi n dielectric substr at e
with a conduct i ng gr ound pla ne. The mai n ra-
diation axis i s perpetldicul ar to t he pl ane of
t he radi alor.
Owing 10 itsplaner structure the araeone is manu-
tacrered by the'etchi ng technique in exaclly l he
same manner as lor mcro-st nosne circuits The
demands upon Ih,s technique and the malerials,
particularly for the low-loss dielectric, are ...ery
similar, The advantage of t hese antennas arc
their uniform, thin st ructure and negligible weight
The diagonal measurements 01 the base plane
must , howe...er, be at least a wave1ength. and for
antenna arrays, considerably larger. The arr an-
gement of many radlal iofl elements inlo an array
results 'n a greal er beam cooceonauon and
lherelore a higher gain.
ONing to the geometrical orrnensonarbrmtauons.
there has to be a lower frequency restriction of
about 300 MHz for these antennas The upper fre-
quency limit is set by rising conductor losses and
losses in lhe dielectric and is around 30 GHl for
PTFE dielect ric. Surface wa...e radiations are also
intensified w,th mcreasnq frequency, partlCtlhllly
when the ralia 01 substrate thickness to wave-
lenglh is grealer l han 0. 1.
Since the radialion surface is driven into resonan-
ce. these antennas nave a narrower working fro-
quency range than a horn radiator , Tho obtain-
able bandwidths range from 1 % to 5 % 01the
mid-band frequency in the 3 em band
The effiCiency "1 is also lower than a horn radiator
owing to the nigher losses in the thin conductor
structur e. The gain from a well-matched Single
element is aboui 6 dB and with a lillie more
(worthwile) t rouble With ana vs 01 e1emenls, gains
! ' J::-!: I ~ / ~ I
_ . _t.. ' ", _
~ , ,9);' 1
Flg .1 :
Surfllu radi at ors i n
mi cro-st rip lin. t.-chn ique
01upto 20 ca are possible. The gain, however . is
always a few dB lower than the equivalent sized
hom antenna would be.
Owi ng to the neghgible power handling capar nn-
ties or these antennas. they are not suitable tor
use as high power radiators They are almost
'deal lor receive functions however, as they may
be fabricated on the same substrate ,I S sayan
amphker with direct low-loss connections - all in
the same etching process
Since tne introduction 01 stripline antenna s some
30 years ago a number ot technical publ ications
about the subject. and the calculationof fields and
radiation conditions. have appeared For those
wishing a more theoretical treatise the retorcnce
books (1) and {2} are recommended. They, in
turn. provide tortber references lor a deeper
In the follOWing arr ete I would like to present a
clear cescnotoe 01the rmcro-strcane antennas
together with a lew formulae 101 the approxima-
tion 01 the dimensions
As already mentioned. conductors radiate pen-
CUlarly powerfully when they complete a ~ I 2 re-
senate circuit or multipl es mcr oct . Through the
nature 01 the radiating ecrtece and the manner in
which they am coupled. they may be categorized
into three groups:
The first group encompasses resonant surfaces
and conductors and the second arc radiating
aperaunes which to many are known as siot ra-
diators. The thi rd group form Iravelling wave an-
toonas. The latter comprise a periodic arrange-
ment 01 discontinuit ies on a noo-radiahng toocuoe
which has been properly terminated As tar as Inc
pnnciple functioo is concerned, travelling wave
antennas are similar to surface resona tor arrays
and will not be considered further ,
A few examples of conduct ing raolatmq elements
are shown in fi g. 1 A I, I 2 concucror resonator
which produces a linear polarised wave with the E
field vector in plane at tho antenna is shown in
l ig,1 a The ring resonator in f ig. 1 b represents
a closed conductor. The basic osci liitory resona-
tor musl have an eiecmcer length 01a lul l wave-
length. requiring an averaqe dramcter 01),, 1x , The
raoaton characteristic and the polarisation. de-
pend upon the way in whiCh It Is fed. This applies
Fig. 2: Circular polari sed surtace radiat or wit h a 90'
hybrid coup ler leed in ord er t hat the sense 01
the pol arisatio n may be reversed
atso to the surface radiators depicted in 1 c and
1 d as to whelher Ihey are linear or circular polari -
sed antennas . The circular polarised radiator
must be led simultaneous ly on two sides ottset
physically by 90' by signals h<lving a 90 ' phase
difference between Ihem The arranqement is
shown in fi g. 2. By the coupliuq of Ihe surtaco
radialors with <190" hybrid couplerthe potansnnon
rotational duocton may be chosen remotely If
input t is fed, and input p torrrunatod, Ihe antenna
possesse s a riqth-handed polar isation and vice-
versa a left-handed polarisation is obtained,
The raoiatinq characteristic of the round surface
radiator of f ig . 1 d is dependent upon the type of
resonator field which wit h the aid of cylinder-func-
tions - i. e approximations to Bessel functions -
may be calculated, This cannot be gone into here
but references 111 and 12/ deal wifh if.
Surface radiator elements may be relat ively
easily arranged into an array of antennas as fi g. 3
shows The radiat ion characteristic and the input
impedance of Ihe antenna is determined by the
type and phase disposit ion of t he feed. The arran-
geme nt in f ig. 3 consists of radiating elements
fed in-phase, In the upper diagram /, / 2 radiating
elements are connected by J.. / 2 non-radiating
(almost ) elements in series so that each radiator
leading edge is exact ly one wavelengt h from its
neighbour. This means that the antenna is fed in-
phase and that the direct ion of polarisation is in
the plane of the antenna
Fig . 3 lower shows another arrangement of in-
phase feeding of radiatinq elements. the feeder
sections are this nme.one wavelength long. The
polarisat ion 01 this arrangement is at right-ang les
to t he feeder section i. e. out of phase by 90" with
t hat of the upper array,
An example of slot radiators is shown in fig_4
which depicts two antennas with differing feed
arrangements. Fig . 4 a shows an arrancemcnttor
symmetrical stripline. known as triplate, in which
the radiat ing slot is coupled by a conductor short -
circuit The cur rent is greatest at t he short-circuit
point and with it the magnetic component 01 the
f ield which lies at rigth-angles to the plane of the
line direction. Since slot antennas have a magne -
t ic field vector which lies int he plane Oft he anten-
na, the H field direct ion of the antenna and that of
t he short -circuited line are the same so that both
slot and line are well coupled .
The arrang ement in 4 b depicts a slot antenna
etched in the ground-plane 01an unsymmetrical
conductor st ructure and coupled by a micro-strip-
line which passes over the middle of the slot and
at rigth-angles to it. The line is left open-circuited
Fig. 3: Antenna arr ays consisti ng of periodically fed
radi ating elements
c- ....
--- q -
fig. 6: Cross secti on through the conductor
sfructuredepict ingthecourse andintensityof
the electrical f ield line E
f ig. 5: Rectangular surface radiat ing elements ot
lengt h L and width WOna dielectric subst rat e
of Ihickness h and a complete metal ground
. C /_,l
.; "il;
Fig. 4: Examplesof slot radiators with Hfield
a} Triplateconf iguraf ion with short-ctrcult
b) Slot radiator in the ground surface with an
open-circuit i. :' 4 micro-str ipli ne coupling
at its end t, i 4 from the middle of the slot. The
open-circuit is transformed as a short -circuit in the
plane of the slot The magnetic field component is
thereby gr eatest directly above the slot, which
also has its greatest magnetic compone nt at t his
point, thus providing a good coupling.
The radiati on of the slot from the triplate configu-
ration takes place trom only one side, the other
(ground side) being the reflector, The micro-strip-
line slot feed arrangement, radiates almost equal-
Iy in both directions as apposed to the conduct ing
radiators where the metal ground-plane also acts
as a radiator- part icularly when it has a large area
relat ive to the radiating surface
The surface radiator element shown in f ig. 5 may
be regarded as a conduct or of length Land width
W Ignore for the rncment tha narrow l eedline and
consid er it as 01length L = A! 2 L e. a half-wave
As the field lines shown in fi g. 6 indicate, at the
open- circuit ends, the field is distorted in respect
to the idea l field structure along the conductor.
This distortion has the effec t of elongat ing the
conductor L by t he amount L L. Thi s short con-
ductor length is effec tively capacit ive wi l h acapa-
cnence C. At the same t ime, the field lines occur in
the free-space from end to end of the conductor
and the end may be regar ded as a radiating slot of
length f:, L and of width W, The radiating energy
can be considered to be dissipated t hrough a ra-
diation resistance R so that the surface radiator
element may be considered as tne equivale nt cir-
cuit shown in fig. 7, It can be seen t hat the re-
sonant frequency faof the resonator is mainly de-
termined by length L and t he effect ive elongat ion
is L:
Since t he wave distribut ion on t he conductor is
In order to simplify this review, the mathematical
details have been omitted but they are available, if
required , t rom ref /3/
(I ) L = O,5i,2l', L
19 7
AccordIng to lSi for the COnductor W1 dt h W < i. I 2
or lhe radi ation resistance
(6a) R = 180 !lJ (U Wj2
W 01 me conductor in rerencosrsc 10 the wave-
I . r
fig. 1: Equ....lel1l ei reult ot a tOOialin9 elenwnlltOm
Ilg. 5 .. a feed-l ina ol cll aracteri stie
z..,and the eq uivalent efements
Rand C 01t he open end toget her with the
ehs racterist ic impedance Ze..
. .., - ----- --_.""
and for the conductor widt h W ;:. 1,5 f, with
Fig. 8: Equivalent circuit 01a micro-st ripline radl3tor
In the vieinity ol i lle resonanl frequency
(6b) R =240H.I \ l ,,;:;: (A/ W)
Since the radiation resistan ce is euecuve on both
sides or the con duct or . the resultant value As for
one element is:
(7) R, = R/ 2
Fig. 9: Translor me r co upling of a radialing elemen t
with . coaxia l cable l hrough t he ground plane
The WIdth W of the conductor IS calculated as in
ret /31 which also gi ves the cnarectonsnc impe
caoce z" or the reso nator element ,
For cou pl ing lhe antenn a to the reeonnea know-
ledge of the total imped ance Z IS nocossar v and
rega rding the equivalent circuit of fig. 8. the total
val ue of the conductance Thi s cornpnses the ra-
craton conductance G, . a loss conductance Go.
and a susceptance of the equivalent elements 01
t he conduct or 4., c; and 2 C,
delayed by the eff ect 01 the diel ectric, the wave-
length is giVen by
(2) }. = )..,1\ 'tmr
where i..o is tho rree-specewavelengt h from
wher e c, = velocity of EM wave in spac e,
The effective relat ive permitti vity is dependent
upon tho conductor width Wand the relative per-
mittivity 01the substrate. II is given below and in
equation /4/ ret. I 3J.
(4) r,",,= (f,1 1)/(2 + (E, - 1) V 4+ 48 h I Wj
The effecti ve el ong ation 6 L is calculated as des-
cr ibed in mf. /31equati on ttt.
" the heiglh ot the substrate h < < 1..,
then 6 L is approximately '
(5) I\ L = h / 2
The meltching transfor mer is either accomplished
In the feed-li ne or through cou pling into the racer-
:n9 clements within t he length L (lig. 9) so that
the reso nator lifl(! itself is used as a t raostor ma-
lion el ement.
For the case 01 resonance at !G' mereactive com-
pcooots shou ld tall to zero and the transformed
quantities of Ihe radiat ion cooooct noco and the
loss conductance willformthe desired Input impe-
dance Zo. In order to have a good antenn a effi-
ciency, it is necessary that the loss conductance
is very srnaf in relat ionship to the radiat ion con-
ductan ce. Usable rrucrc-stncnne antennas are
t herefore only built with very 'ow-ross dielectrics.
The normal rracro-smounematerials such as ATI
Ouroid , Dr-ciao or A"O, cera mi c. can be consi-
dered as pracl ically loss-free up to the 3 cm band .
PCB mater ial suc h as G 10 is unusable above
1 GHz,
The radiation re s rsrarce A depends upon the size
of the radiating slot and therefore upon the width
Connec ting several radiating elements together
10 form an arr ay, as in f ig. 3. increases the radia-
tion conductance but also. unfortunately, the loss
conduct ance aswell. Additional losses in the cor-
necting lines have the effect of decreasing the
ratio of radiation-to-loss conductance. The effi-
ciency of large rmcro-stripline antenna arrays is
so poor that themaximum available gain is limited
to 20 dB /6 /, i71and 18/.
An important criterion of an antenna is its band-
width, tM.1is, the frequency range in which it is
usable. In / 1/ the bandwidth for a single radial or
was calculated in detail, Aknowledge 01 the mate-
rial losses is required beforehand, but this can be
very tedious tor arrays having several radiating
elements andcoupling networks , Ameasurement
method ot determining the bandwidt h is very
simple and consists of measuring the input impe-
dance versus frequency by means at say, me in-
The bandwidlh D. 1will then be defined as the
band over which the antenna is suitably matched
i . e. a VSWR at less than say 2 . 1. This can also
be expressed as the frequency band over which
the return loss is smaller than ~ 10 dB rei. ref,
Before the measurement is carried out, however,
it must be determined that the antenna is beaming
in the desired direction in this band of frequen-
cies, It is part icularly the case with antenna ar-
rays, it is possible to find that within the usable
band and at a frequency at which the VSWR is
low, that the radi ation beam nas slewed off the
desired direction or that a side-lobe possesses a
qrcater proportion of the input power. Anothor
possibility. is that the coupling network is matched
unintentionally with the loss conductance at this
frequency, The radi ating elements are then not in
resonance and the radiation conductance is neg-
ligible. The antenna is then acting as a termina-
ting resistance'
Fig. 10: All tenilaarrayconsistingof 2x 2rectangutar
micro-striptineresonators for the 3cmbsnd
~ ' - l ~
, ,
l ,
In order to demonstrate the appl icability of the for-
muraonn antenna array consisting of 2 x 2 radiat-
ing elements was designed and measured. The
array arrangement is shown in fi g. 10. The array
consists ot two lines at )" I 2 racrators, each line
having two elements. The polarisation lies in the
plane of the feedline L,.
The radiator length L is determined by the reso-
nant frequency 1
= 10.35 GHz and the width W
determines the radiation resistance so that an in-
put impedance of 50 H results. In order to have a
feed impedance of 50 n,eachcl ement must have
a radiation resistance R
= 200 n on the condi-
tion that each element is sufficiently decoupled
from the others. The coupling lineto the radiator is
L, = ), and has a characteri stic impedance of
100 n i. e. the impedance of two paralleled radia-
The construction utilises a teflon substrat e RTI
Ouroid 5880 with a..substrate thickness h = 0.5
\ I
+- -
{, .
h ' (I,S m..,
. ..
Fig. 11: Radiati on resi stance R. 01 a 1, 12 surflH:e ra-
diatOl"as a function of the conduct or width W
mm and 17.5 pm copper film on both sides. The
relative permilt ivity r , '"' 2.23 ai iO 35 CHz.
With these materi al data, a cal culal ioo was made
torthe dimensions l and W of a radi ating element
as in f ig. 5 at 10.35 GHz and a radiat ion resis-
tance Rs of 200 n. As Ihe radi ation resistance lay
outsidathe validlty 01the formulae 6 8 and 6 b, the
diagram of fig. II was developed. II contai ns
the transitional range of fhe fwo formulae as an
average value. The diagram directl y supplies the
radiator width W in mill imetres for a given radia-
tion resistance As. Now, with the width W. the ef-
fecti ve relat ive per mittivity is found with equation
(4) and wl\h equation (1) the resonator length L.
The following calcu latloo steps use me diagram
from 13/ and t ho antenna geomet rical data tor
fig. 10 is listed as follows:
Radiator Width
Rs =200n -- fig. 11 __ W... 11mm
TION$ 4.'85
Radiat or Length
W = 11 mm with h = 05 mm ...... W t h = 22
W t h = 22 _ diagram ' __ = 2.11
= 10.35 GHz --- (2) - (3) __ I. = 19.94 mm
n L oete-rmoeoIrom 131, diagram13/
w / h = 22 --- diagram 3 __ d / h - O,SS
c t e o.as mm
L = 9.29 mm
Theteocunes L_and L
are loaded with me cna-
racteristic impedance Z. .. 100 n.
LIn e Length L,
ZL...... diagram 2 __ WI h = 0.9
W/h .. 0.9 __ h = 0,5mm _ W
= O.45 mm
W / h = 0.9 --- diagram 1 - . r ..... = 1.78
- 10.35 GHz -- (2) .. (3 ) - 1' 1 .. 21.71 mm
Wit h L, = 0,5 ;", + 2 {j, L for equal phase feeding
at bot h element s,
L, = 11.53 mm
The dist ance A is arbitrary chosen WIth
A =L +L, _ 20.82 mm
For the Li ne Len gth 2< the elongation n I for the
compensatory kink as in /3/ as well as the refe-
rence plane displacement d., must be taken into
acco unt. Here the feed point is. (as oppos ed to
fig. 10) a T-branch with 50 n leed lines.
= ;., ,,, n L - 2 n l "' d,
This results in l he lengt h L. along the edge 10the
middle of the antenna,
W / h '" 0.9 - 0/3. eq. (9)/ .... 2 n I = 0.Q13 mm
z. vroo u
Z2= 50 n __13. (10) + (11)1- . d, = 0.133 mm
L, - 22. 17 mm
b = 0.231 mm fr om /3.'.
The input impedance characteristic with ref e-
rence to the teeo point in fig. 10 is shown in the
Fig. 12:
Feed poinl lnpul impedanCll
plot on Smith-Chert. The
values Me lo r iri = 0.1; 0.2; 0.3;
0.4 0.5 al VSWA1 : 2 reI .
,,;., /
, I ....
,"- 0
..... .
Fig. 13: DlreC110nal cbeeecteereuc in the E-phtne
diegrl m)
Smith Chart plot in f ig . 12. The minimal ref lection
coelfcter nwi th
r "" 0.04 e-
'" 10.343 GHz
Ttus corresponds to an input resi stance 01
Z[ =46 H
A VSWR = 2 ; 1 is measured at 10 255 GHz and
10.445 GHz, giving a bandwidth of 190 MHz
i. e. 1,64 %.
Fig. 13 shows the polar plot in t he El ield plane at
= 10,343 GHz. That is the poteneanon plane
and, normally, the horizont al diagram. II is pro-
bably something 10 do wil h the feed arrange-
ments that there is a + 2" depart ure from the nor-
mal plane symmetry.
The hal f-power poi nt s:
t. f( = + 19' to -17' = 36<
and the first mini ma occurs at
-rm = + 42" 10 - 34" .. 78"
Fig. 14: Directional characteristi c in the H-plane
(ve rtical diag ram)
Fig. 14 shows the directional characteristic in the
H plane at I" = 10,343GHz.
The half-power points
L {I '" + 20" to - 19" = 39"
and the first minima occur
o m = + 42"to - 41' = 83"
The Gai n was measured at G, = 10,5 dB;
The cross-f ield polarisation (E component mea-
sured in H plane) = - 36 dB (only).
111 Bahl , I. J.; Bhartia. P
Microstrip Antennas
Artech House, Dedham, Mass (1980)
/ 2/ James, J . R. ; Hall, P S.. Wood , C,
Microstrip Antenna
Theory and Design
IEEE Electromagnetic waves series 12
Peter Pregri nusLtd., Stevenage (1981)
/3/ Krug, F
Formulae and Diagrams for the Approximate
Calculation of Micro-Striplines
14/ Harnrnerstad, E. 0. :
Equations for Microsfrip Circuit Design
Proc. ot the 5th EMC, Sept, 1975, P 268" 272
15/ Sobol ,H..
Radiation Conduct ance of Open-Circuit
Microst rip Trans.
MTT - 19 November 1971 P 885 - 887
and also
Kompa, G. :
Approx imate calculation of radiationf romopen
ended wide microstrip lines
Electronics Leiters, Vol. 12 1976, P. 22 - 224
Domesdy, A G.
Microstnp Array Antenna Proc. of the 6th EMG,
Rom 1976, P.339 -343
Wood, C., Hall, P. S.. James, J. R.
R<ldi<l!ion conducta nce of open-ci rcuit
low dielect ric constant microstrtp
Electronic Letters, Vol 14 1978. P 121 - 123
/61Saad. L:
Eine Streilenleitunqs-Richtanteone fOrden
Frcquenzbcecich 2 bis 40 GHl
wrs s. BerichteAEG-TELEFUNKEN 51 (1978)
Heft 213, Sette 167 - 176
mSolbach, K..
Autbau unc Skalierung einer 32-Element
Mikrowellen-Maqazin. 1981,
Heft 4, Seite 461 - 465
/8/ Menze l, W..
Eine 40-GHz-Mikrostreifenleitungsant enne
Mikrowellen -Magazin, 1981,
Heft 4, Selte 466 - 469
Friedrich Krug, DJ 3 RV
Formulae and Diagrams for the
Approximate Calculation of Miero-Striplines
The design and cal cul at ion of st rip li ne cir-
cuits is st ill, unf ort unately , a speclallst's t er -
ritory. This is partly understandable, as the
development of the circuits is more demand-
ing upon the technological possibiliti es than
that for normal printed circ uit pr acti ce, In
spit e of this, it is helpful f orthe understanding
of mi cr o-strip circuits, if the impedance s of
t he conduct or structure can be del er mined
Irom its geometry. Thi s will enable anyone
with normal radio IreqlH:!OCy experti se 10, at
least , understand the circuit lundion.
That is the aim of the following pt'esentation
01 fonnulae, and in parti cular, lor the under-
standi ng and cal culation 01 micr o- strlpl lne
ante nnas which are described In th is edit ion
Planar microwave circuits, whiCh are relatively
easy to fabricate using etching techniques, most-
ly employ unsymmetrical striplines. The exactcal-
cutauon of this type of circuit is very tedious, and
in most Instances, only possible as enapproxima-
tion. In order topresent a simple method of calcu-
lating microwave conducting sl ructures, only the
mostImportant approximation formulae from the
references f l, 12.13 have been selected and pre--
sented graphically. The diagrams have been cal-
culated based upon the most used substrate,
glass-tlbre re-inlorced PTFE. Typos ind Ude RTI
Duroid 5870 am 5880 Rogers Corp. /41 Of OJ -
Cl fld 870 and 880 Keene /5/ Withdielectrics con-
stants '" = 2.32 and 2.23, resp.
The inaccuracies, consequent upon the approxi-
mat ion approach, are small and well within t he
tolerances for the dielect ric constant and the
thickness of the substrate materials. I found that
the difference between the calculated result s
andt he actual measured results lay within 3 %.
This is not oormauy critical lor simple ci rcuits
(Iiller s and resonat ors). however. a cor rection
may have to be appl ied. The l abricahon must also
be carefully ccouoaec. as Ihe design ol l he mask,
application of !he photo sefl sihve reest. Ihe expo-
sure. development and etching all Inlluel1C& the
width 01the conductor Iracks. These manufactur -
ing tolerances must be known and taken into ac-
Fig . 1 shows a croes-sectcnat view of a mcro-
strip conductor 01 widt h Wand coooocrce t ruck-
ness t , etched from a board 01dIelectric thickness
hand relative dielectriCconstant f,. The conouc-
ling ground plane is cont inuous The calculation
Fig. 1; Cross-sect ion thr ough a ml cro-ll trlpll nt'
01the conduct or dimensons is accomplished by
the aid of 131 equalion (1) using the application
range r, S 16 arc 0.5 $: W I h :s; 20 assuming I '"
o and negl ecti ng trequcncy . They w ppl y fOf the
des ired conductor ct1aract eristic impedance Z.
t ho ratio of track width to substrate thickness W / h
for the given di electric constant e.or nesubstrate
material. Equati on (2) suppl ies the effective di-
el ect ric cons tant j. C, the modif ied value due to
li nes of for ce fr ingi ng.
For an ov erall view, the values for r, = 2.23 and
r , = 2.32 ar e depicted in diagram 1 as a functi on
of W / 1'1.
The conductor characteristic impedance z.. may
be calculated with theaid 01eq uat ion (3) from the
given geomcl ric al dimensions . These values lor
the impedance Z. are ploll ed against the ratio
W / h for f , = 2.23 in di agram 2. The val ues tor
the charac teri stic impedance z.. at f , = 2.32 lie
abou t 2 % tower and canno t bo ceeny depict ed in
t he diagram.
Diagram 1: Effect ive rel ative permi tti vi ty ' .onas a
function of Wih lor an " or 2.23 and 2.32
The influence of the conductor trac k t hickness t
has been neglected in equation (1) to (3) but t he
error is very small for trac k thi cknesses fr om 17 5
m to 35 / A. m Thick conductor tracks al so ver y
narrow tracks, greater lines-of-force fring-
ing effects and the euecev e di electric const ant is
therefor e smaller. Ttus fact or can be taken into
accou nt with eq uation (4) and (5) trom / 1/. The
resu mnq cor rected val ue tor t'mt!' and coococtor
width W' are used in equation (3) toootaman im-
proved value for the chara cterist ic Impedance
The conditions h t: 2 t < Wand t < 0.75
(W' - W) must, however. be observed.
The influence of f requency is derte rmined by / 21
equation (6) This supplms a frequency cor rected
effective diel ectri c permitt ivity t',,,,,{f ) which at
10 GHz and with PTFE substrate is atout 2 %
higher than deter mined by equano n (2) .
'rl- -j
- ; - '
DI89ram 2: Charact .....i sl ic imped ancc z.. ol a$triphne
as a Junclion oJ W'll 'Of " - 2.23. Tl'Iedis-
placemen1 01 z... 101 .f.. 2.32 1&smal l
enough to be . nd C8M OI
theref ore be shown li S a sepet81e CUnlC.
An ope n-ei rcuited micro-stripi ir16has. il l its end.
a lringe l iekJ which has a cepecnwe effect This
tends to give the conductor a greater e1ectri cat
length than us physical lenglh by an amou nt d.
Fig. 2: Addit iorlal lenglh d of an ope... circuil
stripli ne calise<! by l ho l l i"'9ing 01the Et ield
at ilsend
Fig. 2 shows ltllS fnnglng fi eld and the resultant
elongat ion d. This effect must be taken into ac-
count e. g. wi th probes or rosonators in equat ion
(7) from /2/ and is valid tor o.c t $ W I h:s-: 100 and
1 ~ ' f< 50. The curve is shown in diagram 3 for
r, = 2.23,
When des igning rnrcrostnpcircuits. it is frequont ly
necessary to form an angle 'I in t he track to
change direction. A bend is formed as shown in
f ig. 3. which also possesses a fringing f ield which
adds an eff ective additional capacity, A rel at ively
wide-band ccmpensanon mel hod is to cut the cor-
ner as in1ig. 3, In l 1l a corner-cutot lengl h a = 1 8
Diagram3: Elongal ion olleogl h by amount d lor an
opeo-<;lr cuited Slripiine for a rel ative
permitt ivity 01c, = 2.23
Fig. 3: Compensal ion oIlhe ' ringing enect at a bend
by W lti ng 0"the comer
Wfor angles <f "" 30' to 120' is given . The width b
is ca lcul ated from equat ion (8a). My me asure-
me nts shewed that these appr oximations are et -
tscnvelor angles ' I' "" 90" to 120' .
For a right -angled bendq. = 90", the width b is de-
termined according to /2/ also equa tion (8b) , The
size of d must t hen be deter mine d wit h equat io n
(7) for an open-ci rcuited line 01width V2 W
The equlvalent lenglh ill is approx imately given
by equati on (9) .
The reference pl ane displ acemen t at a line bran-
ching sect ion is shown in f ig . 4. This occurs wil h
probe s, conductor dividers or hyood couplers and
is extensively cover ed in 11/. For a symmetrical
l L
Fig. 4: Ois.p-lacemenl of refeo-ooce planeat a. t ripline
f ur
for '"
, -1
- , - 1
' or :;
fOTH > l
077 ;.,
+ 1,;,'3 +
' 'r - re f f
) ,
(5 )
(I' )
junction the approximations are given in/3/ equa-
tions (10) and (11). The reference plane dis-
placement is taken from the centre lines' of the
conductors, The characteristic impedance Z, is
that of the through line and Z2 is the impedance
of the branch line. These impedances are deter-
mined wifh equations (1) and (2) or diagrams 1
and 2 together with the relevant effective relative
/1/ Mehran, R ' Grundelemente des rechnerge-
stutzten Entwurfs von Mikrost reifenleitungs-
Verlag H. Wolff, Aachen
J" "
{-. 0.4 :>1'111 , ,'
(..., rrJ.. ' . 0, ;89
iI , ,,. ,
. D,23/;
iI .. .."
3,8 1
" ,
I . 'I'-ll (1 '
, ie,,'12 )
b _Y" _ d
/ 2
(H. )
W , ..
(C. S - _"_ _ - O., ?:
l ., Co
121 Holtmann, R. K.: Integrierte Mikrowellen-
Spri nger Verlag, Bertin1983
I3J Hammerstad, E. 0 .: Equations lor microsl rip
cil cuil design
Procood ings of the5th EMC, 1975, p 268 V 2
141 Lieferftrma lOr RTlDu roid:
Mauritz GmbH & Co , Posttach 10 43 00,
2000 Hamburg 1
/51Lieternrma l ur Di-elad:
Municom, Posttaetl12 10,8217 Grassau
Carsten Vie/and, DJ 4 GC
Power Amplifiers - How they are operated
Thi s compilation of measures l or the spu-
ri ous-fr ee operatlon of power amplifier s was
written In the hope t hat it would act as a re-
minder and as a source of assi stance, for t he
i mprovement of a l ew - mainl y co ntest - st e-
li ons of dubious output quality. They serve,
also, as a pr el i mi nary l or t he accompan yi ng
arti ck! on t he const ruction at a high ly li near
750 WUHF power amplll ier using a 4 ex 1000
A valve.
A power stage serves only to ampiil y the input
signal and not to generate signals 01 its own ,
Several simultaneous condi tions are to be met
oetore a high power output logether with spectral
purity can be achieved:
1) The PA must be, in fact linear.
2) The transceiver (exciter) driving signal must
also have a clean spect rum.
3) When switching lrom excner to PA. the trans-
mil level must be carefully controlled - 'he
microphone gain is unsuitable tor trns purpose.
4) The output must be properly monitored so that
the modulali oo envelope can be clearly seen in
operation and on a lest signal - a moving-coil
instrument can give a false impression.
These four conditions will be examined in more
Valves and uenststors used in linear power
amplifiers require stable supplies in o oer thal lhe
working point can be l ixed. These should remain,
even under the most difficult mput conditions.
(emergency supply generalors. or mobile opera-
lion). If the input envelope is influenced by signal
varying DC supply potentials applied to the de-
vices elect rodes. spurious signals are genera-
ted by the non-linearity - the dreaded intermodu-
tenon. This effect is, of course, desired in mixers
where an interrnedlate frequency is required.
Transistor power emputlers. must t herc'ore. have
due attention paid i o t he base bias supply. lis
stability must be checked by an oscilloscope
during working condilions. For transistors having
a 0.7 Vbias, the input signal should not cause It to
vary by more than 0_1 V peak-to-peak as a work-
ing guideline. Many commercial amateur equip-
ments fall well short of this etanoero.
The screen-grid of a power valve has e'mular pre-
requisites e. g, Ihe screen-grid of the 4 e x series
should be stable wIthIn 5 V peak-Io-peak under
dynami c ccocmooe. A point to watch is that,
despi te the required degree 01stabil isation, a ne-
gative cu rrent tows ovor pans of the input cycle.
This necessitates a Ifuge standing ballast current
to be provided.
Monitoring of thi s voltage by means of a multi-
meter is not suff icient owing to its inadequate res"
ponse to speech waveforms. Again, an oscillos-
cope is required to monnor the dynamic ccocr-
Poor malchl ng 01 the valve or trans istOf 10 me
tul1lx :l output circuit I translormer, or perhaps poor
design or mis-tunil'1g, can al so causa the produc-
tion of intermodulat ion. despite the fact that tho
device is adequate l or amateur out put require-
In cases of doubt . V-MOS transistors or valves
arc to be pr eferred to bipolar transistors. At mode-
rate modu lation, using two equal tnpot test tones.
lhe 3rd order 1M signals are some 30 dB lower
but t he higher orders lall away more quicRly using
valves. In !he crmcar regIon Irom 5 to 20 kH? re-
mov ed from the sender neqecncy. the level 01
int ermodul ation products could be up to 20 dB
lower us ing V-MOS or valve PAs when conparoc
with bipolar PAs driven to t he same out put and
possessing the same level of 1M"
It is well known that some valv es used in t he con-
struct ion of PAs are simply not suitable e. g
QQE 06 / 40 and the 4 ex250 (see test report in
CD- DL 5 / 82). Tho most common cause of inter-
mocctarondislor1iCIn is. unlOr1 unately, the lack 01
sen discipl ine. II is gellCral ly known thal for a
1 dB Increase in aulpul power the level can
Increase from eu e est 3 dB up to 20 dB. II would
appear that attempts are made to drive the PA in
order to achieve the unattainable tnterceot-comt
(rotl ghly same loval of power in speech wavef orm
as in intermodulation products)!
The output signals of mos t mod ern transceiver
are quite goocl and ttl at CM be confirmed by the
many test reports which have appeared in the last
tew years. The coosweeatoos 01( 1) are val id, bul
improvements are possible in praclically all
Tho noise side-bands of the local oscillators,
however. cannot be said to be good. The out put
signal is superimposed, through the mixing pro-
cess, upon the noise pedastal ot tne local osc il-
lator. As a consequence, lhe low frequency mo-
dulation contans noise, which is vnry simi tar to
lhal of intermodulation b uttends to be much more
oroao-caoced. Tr ansceivers with unlavoorable
norse creraoensucs shouk:! never be used 10
drive power amptiJicrs, as observed in ( 1).
The YAESU transcei ver FT 225 AD, which is con-
sidered to be really good in thi s respec t, courd be
improved by 10 dB at 100 kH? from the midband
signal. a neighbou ring station carried out
tttis modification on his FT 225 AD it was then
poss ible to wor k the band withou t mutual inter-
terence. The modil icalioo . it should be noted. is
also beneficial in the receive mode.
Even assuming that a manutact c ree produces a
low d,stor1 lon, low noise transcerecr and a good
matchi ng power ampl il ier. l he polenlial exists for
troubl e when the two am connect ed together. Ba--
sides a rel ay cont act or twofor exlerrlal uso. tne
manufacturers after not hing particul m1y helptut.
Of notable assistance wou ld be an HF drive con-
trol Which gives continuous control over t he power
supplied to the PA. The mi crophone gain control
is as much usc for t his purpose as a handbrake is
in controll ing the speed of a car. The purpos e of a
- mrc. gain" control is 10 enablo rmcropbcoes of
differi ng S8nsiti vili es to modulat e Ihe ua nscewer .
All empls to use it as a drive cont rol could fesu" in
samrenon of lhe high frequency aUdio peaks, as
may be conhrmed by an oscil loscope monilor.
The transceiver actonanc level cocnor (ALC)
counters me effect of the "mIC. con trol The
Fig. 1; Cont inuously variable power cont rol in-
serted into a 50 j) point in the low level RF
dri ve circuits
applicat ion of tuo much ALe nlsn causes cnstor-
tion. In add ition. before the ALC comes inlo ope-
rat ion, narr ow impulses of up to 1 ms in dur ation.
are produced during the ti me tho ALe roman s in-
effective. These impulses have a peak power ap-
proaching that of the maxi mum transceiver output
power, whi ch in the case of t he FT 225 RDis 40 to
An " RF dr ive" cont rol can, however, be retrofitted
to most transceivers A 50 Jl impedance point is
chosen (il possi ble) at a low level portion at the RF
amp lifying chain and a suitable ' blocked " 100 n
potentiometer is inserted in the circuitry. If should
be mounted at an accessible poi nt on the equip-
ment' s front panel. The author installed the poton-
ticmeter 01f ig . 1 in the 10.7 MHz IF stages of his
FT 225 RD. It varies the SSB output power f rom
zero to 25 W without other speci ticat ions being
affect ed.
A reduct ion in level in t he front part ol t he process
reduces the intermodulation which wo uld have
been produced in later stages owing to overdriv-
ing. II does, however, have a somewhat adverse
eff ect upon t he dynamic compression properties
olthe ALe.
To complementthe "RF drive " control, a vital part
01the chain should be mat ched by construct ing a
suitable dimensioned 50 JI power attenu ator from
composition or film resistors and include it be-
tween driver and PA. The att enuator should be di-
mensio nc d so that the PA can be driven to wit hin
1 dB of its rated power out put (fig. 2)
The PA cannot now be overdnven and t he dyna-
mic compression of the driver transceiver ALC
remains full y in ope ration. The "mic. gai n" is ad-
j usted for <1 medium to high output level (a pointer
indicat ion may be used). A high-dynamic range
receiver, monitoring the output 01a local, we ll ad-
j usted dr iver I PA combinat ion, is able to tune
wi thin a tew kHz ot the transrmssicn, without de-
lecting appreciable spurious emissions.The
attcnuato r betwe en the transceiverlPA combr-
natio n el isa serv es the important role of termina-
l ing the t ransceiver with a real 50 n tmpcdar cc
The 1M specificat ion of a transceiver is most
favourable. when it has been terminated with a
malched resis uve load and thmcby low retur n
10ssIVSWR Dri ving a PA valve , or a transist or
directly.results in a reactive load which is decen-
dent upon the dyn amic drive leval.
1 ----
- ~ - ~ ~ - - r - " , '
Fi g. 2;
Att enuator pad insert ed in the
"send" arm 01the PA input
Fig. 3:
Obtaining the ALCsample voltage
fromth' PAoutput
f or.... ard
0 2
to TX ALe
The matChing from transceiver/dr iver into the PA
via the mat ching pad is best carri ed out at tull
drive and output power. At lower levels the PA
input impedance is far removed from the real
50 I I . This causes a distortion of thfl input/output
characteris tic l esulting in tho genelalion 01inter-
modul ation products despite the PA out put load
being a resistive 50 n (antenna or dummy).
A 5 dB pad between a l OW transceiver and 11
4 CX 250 PA can result (in a theoreticall y unta-
vourable case) in a return loss of 10 dB Ii.e. SWR
"" 2 ' 1).
A further auenuauon of intermodulali on products
is possible by taking the Al e sample from the
power ampufter output and feeding It back to the
transceiver with the appropriate level and time-
constant to suit the equipment concerned . The
circuit ol ll g. 3 may be used to obtain the samp le
voltage. but this voltage may have to be con-
toured before it can be applied to the transceiver.
The power output is set to maximum by means 01
the 10 en pre-set potentiometer . The diode D 2
output is fed to the AlC circui t in the transceiver .
In some ci rcumstances the transceiver internal
Ale gain must be reduced or suppresseo. Should
the sampro voltage be insu!licient. or have the
wrong pol artty, it may be corrected by means 01
an operat ional amplif ier.
A directional coupl er is to be preferred, rather
than a capacmve or inductive output tap. as it
functions independentl y trom the an-
tenna matching conditions Tho directional
voltage can also be used for an accu rate power
output indicator
The transrmtted signa l from the transcei ver I PA
equipment must be! monitored under all work ing
conditions all the t ime. Moving-coil instruments
give a false indication because with speech only
average fluctuations may be shown and never the
peak vanes. The ooly eff ective rormor mol1ltor ,ng
the output of a high power IransmiUer undel work-
Ing {tratttc ] condi tions is to use a simple DC osci l-
The individual workings of measures designed to
produce the optimum condit ioning for the trans-
mitted audio. such as Ale , high AF atte nuation
and speech-processing, have Ihe combined el-
teet of concentrating l he power into lhe middl e
dynamic range, thereby increasing its average
cap. pr ove
4,1 K
Fig. 4:
Envel ope det ector wi th a hi gh
video freq uency
D[ -[ RG
G, - mODe TOOP
4 7K
value. The peak values, on the other hand, do not
reach saturat ion, The optimi sat ion duri ng tuning,
adj ustment anc operation is expedit iously carried
out whilst observing l he transmitted signal's mo-
dulation envelope. Some radio amateurs would
have the cause at annoying splatter and speec h
distortion, right before their eyes.
A part icularly good indicator for linearity and out-
put is t adl itated hy the two-tone test. as this en-
compasses nearly all aspects ot the out put perfor-
mance, it can be used tor optimising individual
stages dur ing t une-up. Experience has shown,
that a 3rd order intermodutation ot - 30 dB rela-
t ive max. output power can be expected. if the
monitor t race shows no visible departures trom
the ideal detected two-tone pattern. For a suitable
trace, t he demodulati on should be effected with a
short fi lter time-constant in order that the signal
is not distorted. The demodulator should also be
capable of handling video signals ot at least 50
kHz The sample signal must be much greater
than the diode barrier voltage, Greater than 3 V is
required in order to prevent distortion t rom this
cause The detector probe must be adjusted to
the HF pick-up point unt il a satisf acto ry level has
been achieved. A suitable detector is shown in
fig. 4 tor PAs wit hout a reuectomcte r.
Most commercial PAs have a democutatec HF
monitor already built-in but It must be modi t ied
normal ly, in orde r to reduce the detector time
To faithfully reproduce the two-tone RF envelope,
the diode capacitor should be reduced to about
100 pF and the diode load to about 10 kl1.
(1) Leit Asbrink, SM 5 GSZ
Dynamie Range of 2 m Transceivers
Ed 1 182 P.49 - 55
(2) Gunter Sch warzbeck , DL 1 BU
Endstutcn tur das 2-m-Ban d
CQ-Dl Helt 5182
(3) GOnter Schwarzbeck. DL 1 BU
Gerate-Eiqenschaft en bei SSB und CW
Besonderheiton zwischen Testbericht und
CQ-Dl Heft 9 i 82
(4) GOhter Schwa rzbec k, DL 1 BU
Tcstbe richt VHF Hoctncistonqsonostutc
mit 4 CX 350
CQ-DL Heft 2.1 81
(5) Thomas Mol iere, DL 7 AV
Der Stauoremomtcr 8M 220:
Test bericht unc Mefkiaten
CQ-DL Heft 6 .1 81
(6) Wolfgang Gunter, DF 4 UW
Linearendst ufen-Obersteuerung
CQDL Heft 4 .1 81
(7) Dr. Richard Waxweiler, DJ 7 VD
Niederl requenz- Zweitongenerator
CQ-Dl Heft 8 181
(8) GOnter Schwarzbeck. DL 1 BU
CQ-Dl Heft 7 .I75
Carsten Vie/and, OJ 4 GC
Two-met re Power Amplifier using
Valve 4 ex 1000 A
A two-metr e power amplifier will be described
whi ch wi ll deli ver a power out put of 750 Wwith
a hi gh spectral pur ity. As t he con struct i on of
such an ampli fier requires ski ll , experi ence
and patience, I would rather not repeat to ex-
pert s the var ious ci rcuit tec hniques but con-
line my comments to t he pecu li arit ies of this
part icular valve, The inlermodulal ion free, i. e.
spl atter fr ee, openllion should also be exten-
ded 10 il s use as a mobil e PA wh ere the con-
struction of the power supp ly will merit part i -
cu lar attention owi ng to the st rongly vary i ng
volt ages encount ered.
Contrary to longstanding opinion. the ubiquitous
valvelamily 4 x 150 / 4 ex 250 were not made for
linear operation but lor class e AM and FM appli-
cations some forty years ago. The tetrooe 4 ex
1000 AI JAN8186 (fig. 1). on the other ha'ld. was
especially developed for SSB and television line-
ar ampl ification over a wide dynamICmodulation
range. It is not, unfortunately. quite as robuSI <IS
us smaller predecessors and requires greater
care both in construction and operation,
The e x 1000 A is a beam tetroce f. e, me screen-
grid lies di rectly in the shadowof mecontrol grid_
Thi s calls jar great precision during its manurac-
Fig. 1;
The 4 ex 1000 Aor JAN 8186
,--..- 1".. "",.
" . t,
.._-- -
, . -L:' '-:' - '\ -el---1
. '1 "''' ''', ,'", ,.
(u) ' J ' -1
'r , 0,t., I,
Fig. 2: Final wit h pen ult imate block d iagram
tur e and during its operation, great care must be
exercised to ensure that even a nans.ont over-
load docs nol occur which coukl lead to budding
and misalignment or the beam structure. The
manctacturers specify a permitted control-gri d
power dissipation of zero watt s. Nevertheless, a
peak value of 5 mA occasioned during modulation
may be allowed. In the course of the years I have
tested a number 01 l ubes (including original-
packed) that have dlflering characteristics under
wofking oondil ions II gives \he impression of a
certain "overtxeedinp" .
The overall funct ion may be determined from the
block diagram of t ig. 2. The actual amplifyi ng
stage is also given in the detailed schematic 01
fig. 3 . According to Ihe manufacturer Eimac, the
maximum frequency ot l he 4 ex 1000 A using Ihle'
CMiginat eccser SK 800 lies ecuoo 110 MHz_The
version 4 e x 1000 K has a maximum worki ng fre-
quency of 400 MHz although both tubes have
identical connections and use the same SOCket.
The airvent holes on the screen grid plate of HIe
socket SK 800 should . through screwed on l in-
plate, be covered just sufl icieotly 10 auowmeiute
to be changed. Aller this modificalioo the 4 e x
1000 A is SUItable fOf use up 10145 MHz. The ai r-
blast from the 80 to 100 W blower is directed info
the anode and then through a teflon or drawing-
cardboard cylinder to the oxrerlor of the enclo-
The scraen-grid clocking condenser (5 nFl , wh ich
is intl:l9rated into the socket . is insufficient to pro-
vent spurious osci llat ions. Thi s is manifest upon
switch-on by a self-oscillat ion III the long-wave
region caused by t he screen-qric choke fOfming
part 01 a resonant cir con. It may be cured by a
~ p ~ ... , . "",'. ,
t -, "'''' . ' '' '
----, .... p'. ;.
", ,,,,. ,, h '''''''' ' D'
......y , ' ,. :po<""
0 3 m.. - ,-
"",' ""
- - - i
f i g, 3: Schematic 01PA s tag e
dempend ctcee cr, at most, 10 pH and a l urthel
capacitor 01 10 nF. In order to avoid noise in
"stand-by". the screen-qnd is switched to ground,
The filter capacitors must not be too large in order
that the rolay contacts do nut have to switch an
unnecessarily large charge current.
As Iho scmen-grid current. in opetancn, is nega-
l ive OWing 10secondary emmeson. it should be
loaded 10 earth by at least 70 mAof bleed current.
The screen-grid line, with its components. is also
protected from voltage surges by a 400 - 600 V.
gas filled, surqo-arrostor.
f ig. 4:
Const ructional details 01
grid circuit and input
' ;" " ",,'
0 1"", ' ,' '' '''''' ' "..".""
111 '0
'.'I' ''''"''"''
\ -----::--- "". j]'l
<1 ex 1000A
['1( :
r- .."
" "
TI foOmA
t DK10 F I I I 21W Xl n ....IOn
. , '.7 L23 I
I 0[,9 I "I"1)n I 0II - I
I I - 1 l 21 T I
1 1 C14
,, 5 1 I
f, rt l G' : l"" ' " I
- Ptl l L11 1 I , I
l mW I Ll6 1 T3 no 1 1
1 I"T 1 n I
I C,; 1 cu t U8 I RZ 1
I np I I 1 (lOIl) .r. I
L L __L ..1 --C'-lil--J
5 c, ':feedthrc' cap. 2nZ Pt 12
-- "w
Gl estcnd t ....id 1IJmA
PCB and
P8000 f eed t hro'rop.
FIg. 4: Mi..r Ichematic
2.2. The Mi xer stage
The cicuit schemali c of ltle mixer portion Is to be
seen in fi g. 4, The signal delivered by the pre-
amplifier is passed via pI. 8 to t he second helical.
l illel (L 11 ( C 7 and l 12 / C 8), This is Clitically
coupled, bUI again. an aueranon to l he value o.
the coupling capacitor c.. enables the bandpass
to be varied. The ring-mi ller which tc uows.rece-
vee the input signal on pin 1 and the generat ed IF
nr-:--L-.. -j
I ... " . ", T
I . ,
-- ----
I .... " ,
, .
I '
L _ _
Fig. S: Construc tion and "",in layout
of pre-amptifier DK 1 OF048
output is taken homooeaand 4 10pt. 9 and 0010
the IF stage. The iocat-cscuator signal is fed to
the modu le via pt. 1t and to a t hree-e ircuit filter
L 161C 11, L 171C 12, L 191C 13, L 18 being t he
coupling element. This fi lter accepts t he local-
oscillator signal f requency but rejects harmonics
and sub-har monics. The fwo-staqe osci llator
consists of transistor s T 3 (dri ver ) and T 4 (power
amplifier). These transistors operate in class A
requiring ahigher current consemouoothan crass
B or C. but having the advantage 01giving a d ean,
noise-free transtali rlg signal. The L. O. si gnal is
10 - L 14 and
from that into the mixer p,n 8. The necessity for
the c oprcxer is di scu ssed in defail in refe rence
(4) . A porti on 01 the L. 0 signal ( - 20 dBm ap-
prox.] is tapped-ott befor e being applied to the
mixer and taken fa pt. 10 lor possible use in a
fr equency counter or the transmitter mixer. The
di odes 0 3, 0 4 produce a DC voltage which is
proooetonal to the L. 0 signal and is taken via an
c peranooal amplifier Ie 1 and p! 13 10 pt . 4 of lhe
osc illator OK 1 OF 047 modute as a control vor-
taqe. In this manner the mixer IIlput power can be
made 10remain constant despit e vari ations due to
agei ng and temperature. The L O. input power is
coononec by P 1 The con trol amp!iflN tc 1 is
supplied with 15 V DC via pt. 14 wIl ilst the DC
supply lor the modul e is introduced at pt. 12,
For both crcurts. double-sided, through-contact
PCBs have been designed . The use of ti n-plate
tor scr eening the VHF high a circ uit s is not re-
commended (1), t norotoro there was no need to
dimension these PCBs in order t hat t hey would fit
a proprietary shielded box. Inst ead, a st rip at
0,5 mm sheet br ass some 30 mm wide issokf ered
around the edges of the PCBs in orde r to for m a
frame. the PCB conductor side sitt ing some 8 mm
up from the to..... er edge 01the brass frame.
Ftgs. 5and 6 show the dimensions alld the major
part locations lor both modules, and figs. 7 aoo8
- - --,
"" I-
r---" - - ,--- - - - -- - -
Pi14 pm
1"" - - -
L _
zr- L
0 1" TJ
Fig. 6: eonalr uc li on and mai n component layo ut 01mix.. , OK 1 OF 049
are photographs of the prototypes, Now for one or
two ol l he finer points of detai l: The nate 1 conn ec-
tions of both T 1 and T 3 are fed straighf through
holes dr illed in tne scrmming wall, just above the
PCB surface, thetransistors being fatally surface-
mou nted and soldered on the component side of
their rospectrve boards, The taps on the helical
coils L 5. L e eoe L 12 should be as short as possi -
bl e arKI shoold pass l hrough Ihe screening wall s
on the underside (track-side) oj Ihe PCB albeit ,
just below its sunace. The Inl er-module ocon ee-
l ion pt 2 10 pt . 8 ISeffected by means of thin 50fI
coaxiet cable( RG 174) di reetly soldered. ormiOl-
BNC OJ SMC connectors may be employed , The
lcngUl of the int er connect ing cable is not critica l -
within reason. The GaAs-FET T 1 ts tno very last
component to be soldered-in in order to mi nimise
the risk from static damage during t he construe-
lion, The P 8002 transistors have unusually long
cooling tabs whi ch would protrude above the level
ol lha screening wall s. They should be shortened
by 5 mm, cent al l ighl angles and soldered 10 the
screomrq wall thus increasi ng the heal si nkir'19
elbciency The soldering. however, shou ld be
carried Oul as quickly as possIble and w ~ h an
adequately rated. hoi sold erin-iron.
Fi g. 7: Pre-amplifier module DK 1 OF 048
Fig. 8:
Mixer module
OK 10F049
T 1:
C 5:
Ml :
ic r:
- X 17) slipped over T rs
gate lead (as requ ired).
12tums 1 mm Cu silvered,
6 mm Int. ore. 20 mm long
7 turns 1 mm Cu silvered,
13 mm int. ora. 15 mm long,
l apped 1.5 turns from cold
end ,
as L 5, bUI tapped 0, 5 turn
from cold cnd
s turr e. 1 mm Cu silvered,
6 mm int. ora. 11 mm long
as L 5, but lapped 0.75 1ums
from cold end.
6 turns, 1 mm Cu silvered.
e mmmt.cna. 12,5mmlong.
1.5Iums. 1 mm Cu si lvered
6 mm int octe. 5 mm long.
Slums. 1 mm Cu snvo. eo.
6 mm mt. ora. 15 mm long.
l apped 0,75 turns from cold
end ,
as L 16, but no tap.
o.snno. 0,5 mm Cu. 5 mm
mt. dia
as L 16, but l apped in the
7lurns, 1 mm Cu silvered.
Gmm inl. dia.12.5 mm long.
Bturns, 1 mm Cu suvereo.
6 mm inl. dia . 10 mm long,
Ll1 . L12'
L 15,L 21,L 22:
L4,L7,L B. L l0: ferrite choke 3.31.H RM
10 mm (Siemens etc.)
temte cho ke 1,5...H RM
10 mm (Siemens etc.)
The winding sen se ot the cons may be see n from
the photographs, the object being to chose the
winding sense in order thil t the tap lead is as short
as possi ble.
L 16:
L 19:
L 5:
L 13 '
L 9:
L 17:
L 18:
GaAs-MESFET S 3030
or S 3000 (older type)
(Texas Instr uments)
P 8000 or P 8002 (H )
SF 900 (T.L) or SF 96 1,
SF 963 (Siemens)
LF 356 N (DIP) or
LF 356 H (TO - 99),
variou s mencreciorers
PIN-diodes BA 379
M 118 0r similal
SRA-l H or SRA3H or
TAK-1WH (Mini-circuitS)
Ceramic tube tnmrn cr
3 mm dia. 6 pF
Foil-trimmers. 7, 5 mm
dia. 13 pF (yellow)
Foi l-tr immer. 7,5 mm
era, 20 pF (green)
16 VDC, 5 mm lead
spac mq
All olher caoecuoes ceramic disc or multilayer
P 1: Preset polimeter tocxu
ncnzleads 10 15 mm
C 1, C3, C 4,C7, C 8:
Electfolyl'c 22 f' F:
c a. t r . 12, 13, 14, 15:
0 3,0 4'
0 1, 0 2:
T 2. T 4:
T3 :
L 1:
L 2:
7.5IuffiS. 1 mm Cu suvoreo.
13 mm tnt. dia. 2Q mm long
lapped for pt. lone turn from
cold end. tapped lor FET 4.5
turns from cold end.
Ferrite bead or twi n-holed
core (Siemens S 62152 - A B
Alter connecting the supply potential 15 V DC to
ct. 3, pt. 4. pI. 5 and pt. 12, the work,ng points of
the transistors are cheeked. This is done on T 1
and T 3 by checking the source potentials to
ground. T 1 . V
= 8 V :t O,SV, T3 . V
= 2.7 V/ ~
05V1- 1 V. largedeviationsfromthese loleran-
ces rocate a oerect ve dev ice The current
thr ough T 2 must be measured from pt. 4 and the
vo.taqa across R 3 checks T 4, With a suitable
chclse o' source ressiors A 1 and R 2 (sta rt with
10 Il) the drain cur rent is adjus ted to 60 mA (tole-
raocc z 10 mAl , If a cur rent ot less than 50 mA
""0, irenthe uansetor snould be re-
placed . The PIN-d iode control current supply ci r-
cuit shown in fig. 3 is cor-r-ected bet ween pt. 6
and pt. 7 and the pre- amplifier modul e is ccnnec-
ted mfront on any ava-lable 2 m receiver, C 3. C 4
and C 5 are then tuned for maximum noise
(roughly). C 1 is then tuned, to a (weak) 2 m signal
appl ied to the pre- amp input. for maxi mum de-
flector on lhe "S' meter . A signal generator .
which has been tuned to the image frequency
( 127 MHz lor 9 MHz IF and 123 6 MHz tor 10,7
MHz IF) is then applied to the input and C 2 is
tcooo for maximum attenuation. Ii no signnl ge-
nera tor is avarlabie. just leave C 2 in its mid POSI'
The mrxer module is aligned by connecting pt 1t
w:th the outpu t 01the local osci llator moou le and
wll h a 20 k! l / V vol tmeter connected to the D 3 /
D 4 ( + Ve toD3 cathooe. - ve tcu -t anccej . The
oscillator is tuned to its midband frequency and
the suppl y potential 15 V is connected to pt. 12.
C 11. C 12. C 13. C 14and C 15 are then tuned tor
maximal output. Some eorencn must be em-
ployed in tuning to attain a maximum out put. This
should occur at greater than 4 V, Now tho level
regulator can be set up by connecting pt . 14 10 the
supply and pI 1310 pt. 14of the OSCillator module
DK 1 OF 047. Using P 1 the D 3 /D a output vol -
tage is adj usted to 2.8 V which occurs at a local
oscillator power ot 17 dBm (50 mW). This power
should not vary when the VFO is tuned acro ss HIe
band. The control voltage at pt. 13 rises to 6 V at
tl)e band edges and dips 10 about 3 V atthe rmc-
bard. Its exact characteri stic is infl uenced by the
three stage filler (C 11. C 12, C t a toqeuier wen
the coupling L 16 to L 17).
Aft er the pre-amphber and the IF module have
been connected to the mixer modu le the second
helical lilter is tuned by C 7 and C 8 lor maximum
signal level. Ttus corcnrcee the front-end adjust-
ment tor the time being anyway. A fine t uning will
be undertaken at a lat er stage when the modules
are in position in the completed receiver and with
their covers tilt ed. For me adjUslment 01 a Iial
characterist ic across the band - the helical filter
determines trus- the spectr um trom a frequency
cal ibrator can be used (harrnomc-rch 100 kHz
cal ibrator ) , The adjustment 01the input circuitl 1,
C 1 is best done wit h the aid of a weak input signal
(sig. gen. or Iransponder). Tune tor test signal 10
noise rene.
7.1. Noi se Fi gure
Test Equipment: Noise Figure Meter HP 8970 A,
with Noise-Soul ce HP 346 A
Pre-amp. alone : F = 0.75 dB (at l ull gain. switch
in l ig. 3 in pos 1)
Complete trent-end
Switch pas, 1 F =1 .1dB
Switch pos. 2 F "" 2.5 dB
Switch pas, 3 F "" 6 5 dB
(all measurements made wi l h mixcr looking into
anNF ot 3.5 dB)
7.2. Gain
Test Equi pment: Synthes izer SMS, Vector Analy-
ser ZPV (both A & S)
switch pre- amp. complete
positron alone trent-end
1 + 27d8 + 18 dB
2 ... 17 dB
?dB - 2 dB
7.3. Select i vit y
'r est Equipment: SpectrumAnalyser HP 141 T
with p1ugin 8554 B (VHF I UHF) and 8552 B (IF)
Fig. 9:
Front -end Input f requency characteristic
OK1 Of
160 lot H; -eo
" 0
100 . 120
,,', I I ' ! IT
/t l + t l ~
'00 ;14 \ ;Ti 1-~ \
I-H -h
- 120
- 60
_ 20
Image rejecuoo : 105 dB
432 MHz rejection: > 120 d6
and tracking generator HP 8444 A and SMS +
ZPV for values < - 80 dB,
The given data applies to t ho complete Iront-end.
See also f ig. 9
osc nator radiation from anteona inpul SOCket :
- 9-1 dBm wllh module installed in receiver with
covers on.
IP ", - 2 dBm
IP ", - l dBrn
IP ", + 2 cBm
7.4. l nter modulation
Test-Equipment : 2 Sythesizer SMS. Powor ccm-
biner ZSC 2 - 1 (Mel ). Spectrum Analyser HP
141 T WIth 8553 6 (HF) and 8552 B (IF), swecneo
attenuator type 3023 (Weinsche l).
Generator trequencies: 144.2 and 144.3 MHz,
each - 10 dBm.
Mixer with DK 1 OF 046 ! 047 but WIthout pre-
amp. 3rd order \P '" 23 d6m
Complete t rent-end:
switch cos. 1
switch pos. 2:
switch pes . 3:
The method of measurement is disdussed ex-
hausl lvely in (tI).
2 MHz
35 MHz
10 MHz
26 MHz
1 dB bandwidl h:
3 dB bandwidth:
20 dB bandwidth:
60 oal).1ndwldth:
Fi g, 10:
Suggested test sel-up for
bl oeking chock
7.5, Bl ocking (Gai n compression)
Mode: FM. BW: 15 kHl:. lest set-up as in lig. 10.
switch pes. 1.
The s'gnal noise of II wanted input signal is re
duced ' rom 10 dB to 0 dB when an mtertcrence
signal. 100 kHz removed, reaches a power of
- 11 ogm. The dynamic range can thus be calcu-
Noise 1100r of hyoerthetrcal receiver of
NF = 0 dB and bandwidth 1 Hz = - 174 dBm
Noise ll oor 01subject front-end with
NF " 1 dR and bandwdtn 15 kHz = - 13 \ dBm
Signal input tor 10 dB signal:
norse ranc - 121 dBm
Interference signalmput tor 10 dB blocking (i. e
ga,n compress>on) - 11 dBm
Dynarr uc range lor 10 dB blocking
", (- t l dB)
7.6. Power requir ement s
A 15 VDC eteoneeo supply is reqUIred tor this
lr ont-cnd. capable 01deli vering 210 lOA,
( 1) J . Kestler, OK 1 OF :
PLL Oscillators with Del ay Lines, Part 3:
Oscillator Module for the .2Metre Band
Page S112 - 12Q
(2) M Mart in, OJ 7 VY :
A New Type 01Pre-Amplifier lor 145 MHz and
435 MHz Receivers
Pages 30 - 36
(3) M. Marlin, OJ 7 VY:
A MOOernBecerve Convener lor
2 m Receivers
Pages 218 - 229
(4) J . Kestl er, OK I OF:
Matching Circuits lor Schottky
Ring Mixers
Pages 13 18
(5) M. Martin, OJ 7 VY:
Empl angereingangsleil mit qrogern
Dynami kbereich
CO DL 1975 Ed 6. Pages 326 336
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A Microcomputer-System for
Radio Amateurs
Many readers will alrea dy be aski ng : "What' s
this t hen, a computer system speciall y f or
amateur use? Surel y, commercial home-co m-
put er s are so cheap t hat it' s not wort h t he
trouble build ing one".
Those, who helve busied t hemselves with these
things, will know that home camp' -ers have anti-
quated circuit concepts and have been pared
down in order to make them as cheaply as pos-
sible, Also customer-speci fied inteoratec circuits
are employed whose inner workings are, to some
extent, a mystery. In order t hat the marer ac-
turers' (expensive) peripheral equipment and
cables are also sold, together with the computer,
the connections arc mado as incomprehensi ble
as possible Difficulties always occur when home-
made accessories and extensions are required to
be added. Even if computer A is to be matched
with printer B and disc drive C, the necessary
cables and interface cards can, if one is unlucky,
cost over hall the price at t he computer itself.
Added to that comes t he cost at additional books
- a l ew hundred marks perhaps - in order that
both the hardware and the software can be used
advantageously tcqemer Jmormaton which is
actually more appropriate in the computer's
Standard interfaces, such <IS the Centronics prin-
ter interl ace, a serial V 24 connection, standard-
ised drive system connections or a IEC- bus-
interlace could have made furt her extensions to
Ihe system much easier. A direct access to the
processor bus is also desirable for experimental
purposes. Unfortunately. it is not possible to l ind
all til e above mentioned connections on prop-
riet ry computer (the "Serial lEG- Bus" proclai-
med by one manufacturer is more a data brake'
owing to an unbelievably slow information rate
and is not suuatno for serious lISC)
The data given about store capaci ty in home
computers elisa must be taken with a pinch of sa't
because most of t his is utilised Immediately by the
storage requirements of keyboard buffers, picture
and qraphrc displays. A further sad chapl er con-
cerns the radio suppression measures which are
dimensioned tor the minimum consumer de-
mands and t he electronics packed into an un-
screened plastic case making the use 0' any
nearby sensitive receiver impossible
These are all good reasons for consider ing
the co nstruction of a computer specially de-
signed f or the requirements of amateur radio.
One should keep his distance from component-
saving concepts in which the CPU additionally
samples the keyboard in multiplex operation and
controls picture reproduction. Some of the single-
board computers, propagated in a few magazi-
nes, are neither sure-fire of reproduce or capable
Of modification and aoaptron even if they have
been successlully buill . They are usually de-
signed on a Euro-format printed circuit board and
contain terminal and floppy controllers, the board
being stackoc with les, perhaps under a 40 leg-
ged IC a few 14 / 16 legged -ooonos' will be hid-
ing, or maybe the store elements are stacked in a
tower and soldered to one-another.
It is much bett er that the computer has a com-
partmentalized system in whi ch each module
has a clearly defined role and tr ansfer plane,
and pr ocessed by a separate micro-proces-
sor. The operating syst em woutd use the uni-
versal Digital Research CP/ Mwhich allows an
unproblematical software exchange between
the hardware of various comput ers. The
microcomputer-system developed by the
university of Erl angen I NOrnberg is based on
t he Z 80 processor. The whole circuit has been
planned so that it operates wit h CMOScircuits
in order that, with suitable low-power con-
suming peripheral s, battery operation is f ea-
The CMOS stores are, however, more than three
timesthe priceof the equivalenl NMOS stores but
posses the advantage of being uncritical in Iheir
use Addil ionally, the store contents can be pre-
served with a small accumulator during times
when the computer is shut-down.
The individual circuit elements are lilled onto
simple Euro-cards with a reasonable packing
density. An ECBbus is employed as the system-
bus which enables a multitude of non-syst em
peripheral cards to be connected.
The computer consists of three basic units and a
number of special-function cards At the moment
the following cards are in the testing process:
The CPU - card
This can also be employed independently as a
control-computer for many purposes (e. g. an-
tenna rotor- or radio relay I transponders control).
It contains besides the Z 80-CPU two serial V 24
interfaces, a parallel 8-bit-interface from Cen-
tronics-Norm as well as a 16 kByte CMOS-RAM
which is battery buffered. A 4 / 8 kByte EPROM
contains a si mple monitor program for the deve-
lopment ot a simple machine program and tor the
charging of the CP / M from the floppy-disc sta-
An al pha-numer ical terminal car d
This is normally connected to the serial terminal
interlace of the computer and can of course, he
driven separately from the computer (serial data
This card contains a further Z 80 - CPU, a video
controller Me 6845, a parallel keyboard input
(Z 80 - PIO) and a serial computer interlace. In
this terminal it was Ihe intention to rorqot every-
thing which was not absolutely necessary (many
manutacturos put anything in, merely 10 utilise the
EPROM capacity). Instead, we have put more ef-
fort into improving the picture quality
The symbols are represented as a 7 x 12 matrix in
a 9 x 14 field - a doubling at the picture elements
01 Ihe usual 5 x 7 or 5 x 8 matrixes. Also, three dis-
play formats can be chosen by means uf selector
plugs; a 80 x 24 symbol format with an increased
line-Irequency (18 kHz) and two television stand-
ard formals with 64 x 16 symbols (tor monitors)
and 40 x 16 symbols (for TV with video input). As
there is still enough space left over in the RAM
and the EPROM there would be, in addition, a
possibleuse of this card as an autonomous RTTY
terminal. With the two cards already described, it
is already possible to built a computer. If compre-
hensive mass storage and more RAM range (a
further 40 K) is required, the following "store I
floppy disc card" is required.
The st ore I floppy disc card
This contains a further 48 kByte CMOS memory
which may be supported by a battery. CMOS
memories are much dearer than dynamic NMOS-
RAMs but the construction of the card is much
easier owing to thei r simple control requirements
(doesn't need address-multi-plexers and multi-
phase sync-generators). Also, the computer may
be stopped at any time without losing information
Dynamic stores. on the other hand must have the
facili ty 10 be "re-activated" in order thaI all the
capaci tive store elements may prese rve their in-
formati on charges . Provisions must be made
when using this type of store, to supply it trom an -
other sour ce during shut-down if the store con -
tents ar e required to be preserved In amateur
operat ions the processor may have 10 be swit-
ched off , for e_ample, In order that the weakest
radio signals are oct drowned in computer hash.
The uoppy-disc cont roller card uses me western
Digital WD 2793 , a single-chi p controller pos-
ses sing a built-in analog PU data separator. li s
employment avoids ee use of hal f lhe thirty or so
chips usual ly used for this purpose and thereby
ut ilising the card space more etle ctively .
AI1 1he popular 8 and 5 If, inch drives can bel con-
nected ns well as compatible 3 'h inch dr ives.
With the tloppy-disc card the calculator is full y
utili sed as a CP I M computer with a 64 kByle
RAM. a ceoncoceprinter interface and a serial
V 24 interlace e. g, lor computer to computer
linki ng.
There are sllli a lew additional cards in the lest
phase in which many users could hnd an interest:
a) A 1 ~ S : : - B u s card
This module contains the NEC 72 xx and
enables HIe connect ion ot test equipment.
printers Of ether per ipheral appa ratus having
an IEC I IEEE 488 I HP interface bus. Three
SOGkC1S arc provided on the PCB for 8 kByl e
EPROMs which can contain the IEC-bus con -
trol software.
b) A univer $" t EPROMcard
All the popular EPROMs up to 16 Byte s can
be programmed with this card and two ":8 10 '
for ce sockets are provided for a readabl e and
programmatl lo EPROM,
c) A ROM sof tware card
11the re-Ioading of extensi vepr ogra ms from the
dlskene is 10 be avoided and i1 the floppy-disc is
not convenient, the ROM In the software card
can accoeocete 64 kByte in eight 8 kByte
EPROMs, This card uses the lop 8 K ot the
store leaving onl y 56 kBytes RAM lor the user's
disposa l By means 01a control circuit. the top
6 K can be gated by any selected 8 kByte
EPROM which can be read-ot t Many readers
Will be asking themselves: "Where is t"e ter
ml nal car d devoted to the representation of
graphics?' A Thomson-CSF graphic proces-
sor, me EF 9366 i 67 is available. butus alpha-
numonca r presentation would satrsw only
modcst demands. The authors have therefore
deci ded that apurely qrapruccard with a further
processor arid a 64 kByte oynarmc picture
store shoutd be developed to woril in paraltel
w,th l he etpha-nurnenc card, The reso lution
amou nts to 720 x 320 pixels and the graphic
video signal ISmapped with the norma l alpha-
numeric video . The necessary synchronisation
and st robing signal s Will be taken from the
alpha card.
Power suppli es
In order to make the computer work. a SUItable
power supply is necessary , A power supply 'las
been dovelooec which ts cecauie or supplying the
computer toqetbc r with two ~ 'I. inch drives and a
mono chrome monitor It delivers 5 V ; 7 A. 12 V I
3 A (6 A peak) and 12 V I O, 1 Afol thcV 24
Perncurar attention was paid to tnorfi suppression
in order that hash does not find Its way Into a
neighbouring recei ver nei ther by direct -actanon
nor by being fed f rom the computer 'li a the rnams
The radio transmitter should not be allowed to
throw the computer into disarray, A furt her spe-
ci atity is thaI atl Slgnats in the computer are deri-
ved from a 16 MHz synchrOniZing generator. It is
t hen possi ble to trec uencv-tock nus With a radio
ti me signal DCF 77 etc , which is a nec essa ry con-
dition for a coherent t ransmi ssion mode. The mo-
dules DJ3RV 006 ,.,.. 00 7 can be regarded as
being the first peripherals of the amateur com -
put er introduced by this article
It is inlended to give a short descnpncn at the
computer sub-uni ts in the following edi tions of
des cribed In edition 4 165 of VHF COMMUNICATIONS
OK 10F
PC-boal d
Two-Met re Receiver Fron t- End
OK 1OF 048 double-sided, thro ' plated
OK t OF 049 double-sided, thl o' plated
OK10F 048 / 049 4 FETs.1 FET-Op Amp
2 PIN diodes, 2 ae-oeocs.
t ringmixer SRA _t H Of
TAK - 1 WH, 5 ceramic and
7 1oiltrimmers, 1 tantalum,
13 FITcaps. 9 ceramic
discs and 25 ceramic de-
coup ceps.. silvered wil e,
t leml e bead, 7 chokes.
I pro-set and 32 resistors
OK 1 OF 048 1049 complete wit h all above
part s
sse Min i Tt ansvert er 144 11296 MHz
OJ I EE 00 5 double-sided, not bored,
silvered, without comp
OJ I EE 005 to vensetor e. a ccoes.
2 PIN diodes. 4 HI C diodes.
1 microwave trimmer, i 3 l oil
trimmers, 6 chip and 25 disc
Ft T caps., 1 tant anc 1
erect. 4 FIT and 29 ceramic
capacitors, 1 pre-set and
3-1 resistors . t twin-hole
bead, 3 sorts 01wire, 10 mini
chokes, 1m lell on coax.
cable, 1 relay, t l in-plate box,
2 BNGsi ngle-hole sockets
96,000 MHz HG- 43/ U
OJ 1 EE 005 complet e with all above
12 v -ucene SWit ched-Mod e-Power -Supply
DB t NV 002 single-sided, drilled, wilh
camp. pian
Art ,Nr.
Ed. 4 / 1985
OM 29.-
OM 36.-
OM 268,-
OM 325.-
Ed. 4 /1 985
OM 25. -
OM 459.-
OM 26,-
OM 490.-
Ed. 2 +3185
OM 83.-
Under Development: Interface slave 10
FUlly-automatic antenna tracking system for satell it e communication
for the satellite-rotor-systems
KR 5400
o '"
an Res " t
Stock-No. 1001
OM 590.-
This interlace, logeltler with a personal coo- cuter and KR 5000 series comrot system, enabl es the exact
positioning 01 U18 antenna to be carried oul The pos itioning pre-set dat a ill provided in ASCIIcod e from
the serial interl ace.
During both horizontal and vertical rotanoos. l he aclual antenna posili on can be inlarrogated as all en as
desi red. Apart 110ml he commands "pr e-set position" and "inlerrogale position" U-Ic inl erface processes
11 seri es of l urtl1ll1'commands such as, left , righI , slop.
The resolution of the twin-channel A/ 0 conv erter amounts 10 10 bit This, converted, results in a setti ng
accurac y of 0.35" ho rizonta l and 0, 18" vertical . Existi ng control- boxes c an be su it ably modruod.
Which Volumes of VHF COMMUNICATIONS are mi ssing f rom your li brary?
As you know, I hs publ ishe"! continue to reprint bad< coores o! VHF COMMUN ICATIONS. Sin ce they arc ful l
technical artICles and littl e news or advertising, they contain a gr e <ll deal o! rl<:m-agalo Informatl<1 o that IS just as
valid lOday. lola,.", 01our read&fs "'i ll al8<J h.iJve lent out copies 01 VHF COMMUNI CATIONS and _ receivOO
l hem eeecAll &<Illions available can be oblained t,om YO'" , epreselll al ive or tram l he publ isher s
Subscr iplion to VHF COMMUNICATIONS 1985:1986 ._ _.,..._ _ _ eac h OM 24.00
VHF COMMUNICATIQNS -VollJme 1983i l 9a4 . " .. aAm OM 22,00
COMMUNICAT IONS - Volume 1981/1982 . " cnch DM 20m
COMMUNICATIONS - Volume ! 979/1980 "" " " "" ,............................ ' " cncrt DM 18J){)
VHr:COMMUNICATIONS Vulum1l1976,1977. and t 978 . , aoch DM 16.00
VHF COMMUNICATl ONS - Vulume 1975 ..__ . OM 14.00
VHF COtJIMUNICATlONS - lndMdual <Xlpies198!i11986 .... ... COChOU 7.00
V1-<F COMMUNICATlONS 198311984 .. . eIlChDM6,50
VHF COMMUNICATIONS - l nd1'11dual cop<es 198 111982 .. . each OM5 50
VHF COMMUNICATIONS Indiw j ual copies 197911 980 . "" " " eAch DM 4,50
VHF COMMUNICATIONS Individual copies 1975,1976,1977,1978 , DM 1.00
... &IIch DM 3.00
........... edch OM 300
.." ... OM 47.00
[) M 48.00
. " ." " DM S{lOO
. __ OM 52.00
. _ OM 56.00
. OM 59.00
. "" ", DM 62.00
" .."" " " " ,,,, "" " , OM 68.00
OM 72.00
................ ....................... , OM 8.00
IndividlJa'l copies OUI ot eki ,,, . incomplele V<1lurnes. as long as sklr:k lAsts;
1/1910. 211970. Z' I 971. 1/19 /2, 211972, 411972 , .
m 973, 4i I 973. 1/1974.211914,311974
VHF COMMUNICATIONS - Di seount pri ce fo r any 3 vo lumes Inc l ud i ng 1 bi ndur:
VHF COMMUNICATIONS -VOlurl'lCS197!>- 1977 ..... ...
VHF COMMUNICAl IONS - Volumes 1918 .
VHF CQMMUNICATIONS - VoIumsl; 1977 - 1979 , "" " ,." .... . " ..
Vt-lF COMMUNICATIQNS-VoIumes 1978 -1960 ", _ ,.
VHF COMMUNICATIONS - Volumes 1979 - 1981 _. ....
VHF COMMUNICATIONS - Volumes 1980 - 1982 .
VHF COMMUNICATlONS - Vol umes 1961 - 1983 .
VHF COMMUNI CATIONS - Volumes 1982 - 1964 .......
VHF COMMUNI CATIONS - VOlurl'lCS 1983 - 19115
Plastic binder!or 3 volumes , "
Al l priQe$ induding surfac 1.
k Toe" D. B;t1ao " '''I' 14 Po,"'" 80 . D 8523 B, ;."dort
Tel. Wes1Ge rmany 9133-855. For Representatives see cover page 2
Space and Astronomical Slides
Informat ive and Impressive
VHF COM MUNICATIONS no..... OHef Ssets ot pha'"
taste slide s made during the Geml nl,ApolIO,Mariner
and Voyager missions. as well as slides from leading
observator ies. These ale standard size 5 em K 5 em
sl ides which are trarnod and annotated .
Prices plus OM 3, 00 for post and
Sets of 5 NASA- slides OM 8.50 per set
Set 8103 Apollo 11 Earth and Moon
Sli t 8104 Apollo 11. Man rrlthe Moon
Set 8105 Apollo 9 and 10: Moon
Set 8106 FromCaliforniato c apcansvorm
SeI At O] Apollo l ?: Moon Revi.<;lt oo
$c18108 Gemini l::arlh Views
Sot el 09 Apo11015' Ilovi tlg Hadloy R.lle
$018110 Apol lo 16: jnto tnc HICJhl>lIl11s
$e18111 ApoI10 1! : l ast voyage h,l lh",mOOfl
Set 8112 Apol lo 17: last MoonWalks
Scl!l1 13 Mariner 10: M" ..:..' ury and Venus
5e18141 j upiter encount ered 20 sli des 01VOYAGER 1 & 2 OM 35.00
1 AIpoler and 3 2. The y;'''u pl.." ", J Jop'ler. 10and 4. n,e Ro.-'f1 'S\lOI Tho Bed spot in d"l;oil 6 100
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lo' s 11 A",.. I? CaUoslo 13, 1.... 1,, " . Callisl" 11 "" 10 lu' ,lise 16. Lu' opa ck"", 'up
11. F"jJla dosk,,,1"' '''''' HI. tiar>ym<d"*' ''''''.' 1\1 Ad"I" nl Ganymede 20. TIM' s y!;lom
Set 8100 Sat urn encountared, 20 VOYAGER- 1 slides OM 35.00
I Sal" rn a,ld Gol ils ""o",,, ? R" tlJ,,,I ,,,,,, 11""" mtles 3. Sal"", lror1l8 miornilcs 4. $ al" rn llO'" 1", iu ""k' , 5. $ at" "" ",1
' ing . 1'0 '" flIlO.OOO b S" l u' " s Ht"d l\jX11 7. Ck,,,d b" II' i" ,ld " ,1 B. Oi"". aU" i", ,1 R" I"' '' l) 10
Ril"" 11 C'"1c"",,f Hilca 12, 1:1, Til" ,,' s I"'; " I"">d 15 0 Iher .ltm oI Mi,,,,, , 16 Ap-
proact"nqthc "rYJ s 17. Un<1" , U''' ' ' 'II'; II! 19 ,
Set 8148 ,>VOYAGER2 at satum, 20 VOYAGER-2 slides OM 35.00
I. VOYAGER 2 ;' 11" " .:1"" ? Cioudll ll. rin"" 3. $1"' '' '' Po. , ,, lcl l,t,,,, 4. Cyck>lx,", 1\ J('I streams !;. ("' .. m, vcct 've
" "Ikn> 6. o,"turtmlte 7, n ' kJS'" , I"" w, e The -C ""J 9. n"" l <l l'twls 10, lila _A, ''' WI 11 Looking
l>a<;\( oo Satu", 12. lila" T,lan - w noo 14: Tlx, . F.. ri"9 15. UP. . 16.
", ,, ea ied 17. Encel aoos e ' rk",x! 18 11'10 lel1'11'S carlYon 19. TI", F.. ""'I ;>0. W,It"" ' hl' I nke dlvis,on
Set 8102 The Sol ar 20 NASA-'JPL slides OM 35,00
1 Solar Sysle m ;> formm",n 0I1he Pla"mH 3. TIM' !',,,,, 4 Mercury 5 Venus I> 7 larth
8 f ull Moo n 9. Mars 10. OIyrn(llr; 1\ Mars ' Gr afld C<lny"n 17 Ma rs . $I fl1JOU8 (' .. ..... 13. I'hobo"
14. J"piltlr wilh MtXXlS l!, . J"IXll'f n ee spot 16.l>alu'" 17. full"'" Ri"gs 18. Ur'''''sanc! Nr'Pl une 19 I' lulu ?O Comet
Ikcya Sr>Iu.
$et 8149 The Sun in action" , 20 NASAIJPL sli des OM 35.00
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m01l'flCC 13 G"'qant" an prom"", .", 14. F",pl'''' ' 1"""""'.'flCC 15. 11uge :;;ol;lf f)xplosoon Itl ,n l'
Sun,n 18 . li"ld lQ dose -up 20. spray
Set 8144 Space ehuttte-, 12 f i rst-fli ght sli des OM 24.00
I 8T$ 1 IM' '' ds "" ft 2, V'cw lrom lI' A 3, Tow," <01 ,,,,, 4. (auocil protil e 5. r"yl"" d bay open 6, RTS con n,,1Hou.
, to" 7 In orbit. earth seen lhrotRJ h II'" wi,,,j,, ws H. Roo C,ippen tn mid-deck . .Iulln YOling 10. Al1"o ac hlng 10000,hdown
I I Allar 54.5 in CoI"rntl iR 10 l aolh 12. Crippe n aoo Yc.Jrl!l '''''''''1 '' l,lturt hA rnissin"
Set 8150 Stars and Galax ius.., 30 astra color slides. AAT 1977-1982, OM 46.00
1 TI,. Anglo!\" "t,al.an TlliR....opfI (AA1>? 1llom<> 1 Con" o e 4 An p""", ..s 5 Sta, T,a ,l.
,n''''' 51'1 St", T,,,, . 1f><' 10 A" O\J"n
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k TN'Y 0 B;llan Jahns' . 14 . Postl ach 80 0-8523 Ba;effi dorl
Tel. West Germany 9133-855. For Representatives see cover page 2
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