Swetha Arun
Swetha Arun
Swetha Arun
Aged about 27
years S/o.Mr.
Residing at: Shiva
apartment, NGF Layout,
North, Bengaluru,
Karnataka- 560072
Aadhaar No.3361 8917 2387.
Hereinafter called the ‘TENANT’ (which expression shall include his heirs, executors,
administrator, legal representatives, assigns and nominees) of the other part.
Whereas the OWNER is the sole and absolute OWNER of the schedule No.21, Second
Floor 1BHK, 5th Cross, 1st Main, MR Riches Garden, Kanaka Nagar, Kalkere,
Bangalore – 560 043, and whereas the TENANT approached the OWNER to let out the
said schedule premises and the OWNER has agreed to do so on the following terms and
conditions mentioned hereunder.
1. That in pursuance of the said agreement, the TENANT has already paid this day a
sum of Rs.70,000/-(Rupees Seventy Thousand Only) to the OWNER in the
presence of the witnesses as Security Deposit, which sum the OWNER hereby
acknowledge for having received. The said sum is subject to be refunded without
any interest at the time of TENANT vacating and handing over the vacant possession
to the OWNER, in good and condition as at the time of occupation, i.e., only after
deduction of arrears of Lease s, electricity charges, and damages if any.
3. The duration of this agreement is for a period of Eleven (11) Months commencing
from 15/12/2024 it can be renewed for a further period at the option of
TENANT/OWNER and if they wish to continue further, the fresh agreement with
10% enhancement with mutual consent.
4. The TENANT shall not, disturb other TENANT, NEIGHBOURS, OWNER during the
agreement period.
5. The TENANT commits any default to pay the rent regularly on due dates or commit
any default to observe or perform any of the terms here agreed then the owner
hereby reserves the right to terminate the tenancy here granted and take over
possession of the said premises.
6. The TENANT shall pay the Electricity Consumption charges to the concerned
department regularly and punctually and keep the connection intact, water charges
to be bear by the tenant if any steep increase in the price.
7. In the event of tenant/ Owner wanting the schedule premises towards vacated, shall
give a notice period of (2) Two Months in advance.
8. The TENANT shall not sub-let, re-let, underlet or part with the portion of the
Premises, without the written consent of the OWNER.
9. The TENANT shall not add or alter the structure of the Premises, without the written
consent of the OWNER.
10. TENANT shall keep the Premises in a clean and good condition at all times, should
open windows/door to allow air, sunlight to enter the house to keep walls and
paints in good condition, during occupation and if any minor repairs the TENANT
should do by his own and should not cause any disturbance to neighbors.
11. That this contract or agreement could be revoked before the expiry of this tenancy
period by serving TWO (2) MONTHS prior notice by both TENANT and OWNER.
12. The TENANT shall permit the OWNER, his agent or any other representative to
inspect the Premises in daytime, during reasonable free hours with prior intimation.
13. The TENANT shall use schedule premises only for Residential Purpose.
14. The TENANT shall not keep or store any illegal inflammable articles or explosives
that endanger life and property.
15. The TENANT should not do nailing/drilling to the walls or interiors, should not
construct any walls or structural alterations to the schedule premises.
16. The TENANT shall pay damages caused if any to premises of fittings provided
thereon or the cost for same shall be deducted from advance
17. The TENANT shall pay painting and cleaning charges as per the market value at the
time of vacating the schedule premises.
18. Whereas the TENANT agreed to deliver the Premises to the OWNER while vacating
in the same condition as this day handed over to TENANT.
All the piece and parcel of property situated at No.21, Second floor 1BHK, 5th Cross,
1st Main, MR Riches Garden, Kanaka Nagar, Kalkere, Bangalore – 560 043,.
Consisting of One Hall, One Kitchen, One Bedroom & Toilet with Electricity and Water
Fittings : 2 Nos- Fans, 2 Nos- Tube Light, 1 No – Geyser ,Curtain rods, bathroom mirror
cabinet, bathroom mixer jaguar fittings.
In witness whereof the OWNER and TENANT have set their hands and affixed their
signatures to this agreement of lease on this day, month and year first above mentioned.