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Published online at: https://journal.rekayasainformatika.


Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024) hal 57 - 65

Utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology in the Field of

Education: A Systematic Literature Review.
Marsella1*, Cicilia Hendri Yanto2, Nicholas Roy Biantoro3, Muhammad Fathur4, Dicky Pratama5
12345Information System, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Multi Data Palembang University
1selzy14@mhs.mdp.ac.id, 2ciciliahendriyanto@mhs.mdp.ac.id, 3roynicolas87@mhs.mdp.ac.id, 4fathur1@mhs.mdp.ac.id,

The rapid advancement of technology in the modern era has led to various new innovations, including artificial intelligence
(AI), which can be utilized in multiple aspects of human life. The use of AI can significantly enhance productivity by
transforming the way education is delivered, evaluated, and how curricula are developed. AI supports learning and prepares
the younger generation for a world increasingly dominated by technology. However, there must be a balance in utilizing
technology so that AI reduces human workload without replacing the role of teachers. A good understanding of the use of AI
in education is necessary to maximize its benefits. This research uses the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method to
understand the utilization of AI in education, concluding that AI can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence in
the field of education.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Education; Systematic Literature Review

1. Introduction important to have a thorough understanding of the use

of AI in education to maximize the benefits of its
The rapid advancement of technology in the modern era
application. Based on this, this research aims to
has led to various new innovations that can be used in
understand the utilization of AI in the field of education
many aspects of human life. One of the current
using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method.
technological developments gaining traction in society
is artificial intelligence (AI). The term "artificial Systematic Literature Review (SLR) is a research
intelligence" (AI) comes from the eras of Industrial methodology used to systematically compile and
Society 4.0 and Society 5.0, which refer to "computer analyze existing literature to answer research questions.
programs, machine learning, hardware, and software." The goal of SLR is to conduct a comprehensive and
Artificial intelligence is the science of using software systematic evaluation of the literature related to a
and hardware solutions to build intelligence based on specific topic. To gain a complete understanding, this
the reverse engineering of neuron patterns in the human method involves the collection and analysis of all
brain.[1]. relevant data.[5]
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly developed and
2. Research Method
transformed many industries worldwide. The use of AI
can significantly increase productivity[2] In education, In this research, the method used is the Systematic
AI can play a role in enhancing the teaching and Literature Review (SLR) method. The following are the
learning process and providing individualized learning stages of the SLR method: [6]:
experiences. The education sector is a crucial element
1. Research Question
in building a nation. With the adoption of artificial
intelligence, education can undergo significant In the Research Question (RQ) stage, research
transformation in how materials are taught, evaluations questions relevant to the topic being studied
are conducted, and curricula are developed.[3] are formulated. The Research Questions for
AI is here to support and facilitate learning as an option this study are:
to prepare the younger generation for a world RQ1: What is the potential for the application
increasingly dominated by technology. However, a of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the
balance and adjustment are needed for effective use of development of the education sector from
technology. The AI used must adhere to its original 2019 to 2024?
purpose, which is to reduce human workload, not to
replace the role of teachers in the existing and well-
functioning education system[4]. Therefore, it is

Received: 02-07-2024 | Accepted: 05-07-2024 | Published Online: 28-07-2024

Marsella, dkk.
Jurnal REIN (Rekayasa Informatika) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024)

RQ2: How will Artificial Intelligence (AI) 6. Journal of Systems Information and 1
help solve the problems occurring in the Management (JISMA). 2023, Vol. 2, No. 6.
7. Innovative: Journal of Social Science 1
education sector? Research. 2023, Vol. 3, No. 6.
8. Antroposen: Journal of Social Studies and 1
RQ3: What are the positive impacts of the Humaniora. 2024, Vol. 3, No. 1.
application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in 9. Educatio: Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan. 2024, 1
the education sector? Vol. 19, No. 1.
10. Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary on 1
2. Search Question Social and Technology. 2022, Vol. 2, No. 2.
The journal search in this research was MULTICULTURALISM. 2024, Vol. 5, No.
conducted using Google Scholar, Sinta, and 1.
DOAJ with a publication year range of 2019- 12. LONDON REVIEW OF EDUCATION. 1
2020, Vol. 18, No. 2.
2024. The aim of this search is to identify
relevant sources that can answer the
established Research Questions. 3.2 Results of Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
3. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
After the search process, selection will be conducted
The Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria stage is
based on the Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria. At this
carried out to filter suitable and unsuitable data
stage, 12 journals were identified and will be further
for use in this research.
processed through data scanning.
4. Quality Assessment
3.3 Quality Assessment Results
The Quality Assessment stage is conducted to
Table 2 illustrates the results of the quality assessment
evaluate the data based on predetermined
to determine which data can be used in this research.
assessment criteria. The Quality Assessment
for this research includes the following Table 2. Quality Assessment Results
questions: Q Q Q Resul
No. Writer Article Title
A1 A2 A3 t
QA1. Is the journal related to AI in the field of Sofi Liza Implementasi
education published between 2019-2024? Zahara, Teknologi
Zahira Ula Artificial
QA2. Does the journal discuss the 1. Azkia, Intelligence Y Y Y ✓
implementation of AI in the field of education? Muhamma (AI) dalam
d Minan Bidang
QA3. Does the journal address the impact of Chusni Pendidikan[1]
AI implementation in the field of education? Eka
Peluang dan
5. Data Collection Penggunaan
AI (Artificial
In this research, a data collection process was 2. Taruklimbo Y Y Y ✓
conducted, which includes the gathering of Hotmaulina
both primary and secondary data. Pembelajaran
Analisis Peran
3. Results and Discussions Artificial
3.1 Search Process Results Khansa (AI):
Luthfiyyah, ChatGPT
The journals are classified based on their types. This Luluk dalam
classification is done to facilitate the search for journals 3. Zhafira, Siti Perkuliahan di Y Y Y ✓
found during the search process. The categorization of Nurani, Kalangan
Sendi Fauzi Mahasiswa
journals is illustrated in Table 1 below:
Giwangsa PGSD
Table 1. Classification of Journals by Type Indonesia[8]
No. Journal Quantity Fatmawati,
1. JPSP: Jurnal Penelitian Sains dan Pendidikan. 2 intelligence
2023, Vol. 3, No. 1 dan 2022, Vol. 2, No. 2. (AI) dalam
2. Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai. 2023, Vol. 7, 2 4. Setianti, Y Y Y ✓
No. 3 dan 2024, Vol. 8, No. 1. Khairul
3. Journal on Education. 2024, Vol. 6, No. 4. 1 Saleh,
Mahasiswa di
4. Jurnal Informatika: Jurnal pengembangan IT 1 Dedek
(JPIT). 2019, Vol. 4, No. 22. Helida Pitra
KOMPUTER. 2023, Vol. 13, No. 2.

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Penerapan Pendidikan
Artificial Tinggi[3]
Dedi (AI) Pada Utilising
Prasetio, Sistem Artificial
5. Wawan Informasi Y Y Y ✓ Intelligence
Hermawan Optimasi Chatbots for
Syah, Budi Jadwal Kuliah Student
Menggunakan Support at
Algoritma Comprehensiv
Genetika[10] Mashilo
e Open
Penerapan 13. Distance E- Y Y Y ✓
Artificial Shekgola
Intelligence Mahlatse
Yuniana Higher
Menggunakan Learning
6. Cahyaningr Y Y Y ✓
Fuzzy Logic Institutions in
dalam Dunia the Fifth
Pendidikan[11 Industrial
] Revolution[15
Grace ]
Yulianti, Artificial
Benardi, intelligence in
Indonesia: Sandra
Ngadi schools:
7. Menerapkan Y Y Y ✓ 14. Leaton Y Y Y ✓
Permana, Towards a
Potensi Gray
Fitri Ayu democratic
Kusuma future[16]
Buatan (AI)[2]
Manfaat dan
Tantangan Description
Khairul Penggunaan
Marlin, Artificial ✓: The article is selected because it has relevance to the
Ellen Intelligences addressed issue, the approach used, and sufficient
Tantrisna, (AI) ChatGPT
Budi Terhadap information that meets the data selection criteria.
8. Y Y Y ✓
Mardikawa Proses
ti, Retno Pendidikan
X: The article is not selected because it does not have
Anggraini, Etika dan enough information to support data selection.
Erni Kompetensi
Susilawati Mahasiswa Di 3.4 Discussion Results
In the discussion of results, the outcomes of the
Kecerdasan Research Questions will be discussed and explained,
Buatan: starting with RQ1, RQ2, and RQ3.
Tantangan RQ1: What is the potential for the application of
Dan Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of education from
9. Abdul Y Y Y ✓
Penggunaan 2019-2024?
Bijak Pada
Dunia For RQ1, the results show the potential for AI
] application in the field of education. The results are
Putri PENERAPAN presented in Table 3 below:
Table 3. Potential Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in
Indira Syifa CE DALAM Education
10. Karai PENDIDIKA Y Y Y ✓
Handak, N DI ERA No Article Title Writer Findings
Herlamban INDUSTRI In education, AI is
g 4.0[4] Implementasi used for individual
Inovasi Teknologi Sofi Liza learning
Salsabila pembelajaran Artificial Zahara, Zahira personalization by
Rheinata berbasis 1 Intelligence Ula Azkia, creating learning
Rhamadani teknologi (AI) dalam Muhammad profiles tailored to
Putri Artificial Bidang Minan Chusni each student's abilities,
11. Supriadi, Intelligence Y Y Y ✓ Pendidikan learning styles, and
Sulistiyani, dalam experiences.
Muhamma Pendidikan di
d Minan era industry
The application of AI
Chusni 4.0 dan society Peluang dan
Eka Suryokta in chemistry education
5.0[14] Tantangan
W. includes data
Dampak Penggunaan AI
2 Taruklimbong, processing and
Penggunaan (Artificial
Sehan Hotmaulina predicting molecular
12. Artificial Y Y Y ✓ Intelligence)dal
Rifky Sihotang properties with high
Intelligence am
accuracy, as well as

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Jurnal REIN (Rekayasa Informatika) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024)

Pembelajaran efficiency in molecule 8 Manfaat dan Khairul

Kimia design. AI also Tantangan Marlin, Ellen
supports independent Penggunaan Tantrisna, The utilization of
learning, helps Artificial Budi Artificial Intelligence
teachers collect and Intelligences Mardikawati, (AI) in education
analyze student data, (AI) Chat GPT Retno offers the ability to
and provides Terhadap Anggraini, provide personalized
automatic feedback. Proses Erni and customized
Pendidikan Susilawati learning experiences,
3 Analisis Peran One of the potential Etika dan as well as improve
Artificial applications of Kompetensi accessibility to
Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Mahasiswa Di learning materials.
(AI): ChatGPT (AI) in the field of Perguruan
Khansa Tinggi
dalam education is through
Perkuliahan di AI technologies like
Luluk Zhafira,
Kalangan ChatGPT (Generative 9 Kecerdasan Ahmad Abdul
Siti Nurani,
Mahasiswa Pre-Trained Buatan: Resiko, Rochim Creating more
Sendi Fauzi
PGSD Transformer). Tantangan Dan personalized and
Universitas ChatGPT, an AI-based Penggunaan adaptive learning
Pendidikan chatbot, has the Bijak Pada experiences for
Indonesia capability to transform Dunia students. AI also
the way students learn. Pendidikan enables tailored
teaching according to
AI can analyze student individual needs,
Peran Artificial data comprehensively accelerates the
intelligence and provide learning process, and
(AI) dalam personalized learning enhances its
Personalisasi recommendations. effectiveness.
4 Proses Technologies like
Pembelajaran adaptive learning and
Khairul Saleh,
Mahasiswa di AI-based virtual tutors 10 PENERAPAN Putri Sofiatul
Dedek Helida AI can assist teachers
Pendidikan also enhance ARTIFICIAL Maola, Indira
Pitra in analyzing student
Tinggi interactivity and focus INTELLIGENC Syifa Karai
in teaching. E DALAM Handak, Yusuf assessments,
PENDIDIKAN Tri monitoring
Penerapan DI ERA Herlambang attendance, and
Artificial AI can facilitate REVOLUSI improving the teaching
Intelligence automatic scheduling INDUSTRI 4.0 process to be more
(AI) Pada of classes. Through effective and efficient.
Dedi Prasetio, Teachers can also use
Sistem genetic algorithms, AI
Wawan AI to recognize
5 Informasi can create morning,
Hermawan students' learning
Optimasi evening, and extension
Syah, Budi characteristics and
Jadwal Kuliah class schedules more
Menggunakan efficiently, accurately, styles, enabling
Algoritma and optimally. personalized learning
Genetika experiences.

The application of 11 Inovasi Salsabila

Artificial Intelligence pembelajaran Rheinata
using fuzzy logic in berbasis Rhamadani Enabling the creation
Penerapan education has brought teknologi Putri Supriadi, of more interactive,
Artificial significant innovation Artificial Sulistiyani, personal, and adaptive
Intelligence with benefits that Intelligence Muhammad learning experiences
Yuniana supports the effective
6 Menggunakan include improved dalam Minan Chusni
Cahyaningrum development of
Fuzzy Logic accuracy of Pendidikan di
dalam Dunia assessments, era industry 4.0 students' knowledge
Pendidikan efficiency in the dan society 5.0 and skills.
learning process, and
more effective
12 Dampak Sehan Rifky With AI, personalized
Penggunaan learning can be
AI technology can Artificial achieved where the
customize educational Intelligence system designs
content according to Bagi learning experiences
Transformasi students' needs using Pendidikan tailored to individual
Pendidikan machine learning Tinggi student needs, thereby
Indonesia: algorithms. AI can also enhancing learning
Benardi, Ngadi
7 Menerapkan evaluate student effectiveness. Another
Permana, Fitri
Potensi performance, area where AI can
Ayu Kusuma
Kecerdasan including written significantly
Buatan (AI) work, projects, and contribute to education
verbal responses, in Indonesia is in
using natural language creating virtual
processing techniques. classroom spaces.

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Jurnal REIN (Rekayasa Informatika) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024)

13 Utilising Mashilo Artificial

Artificial Modiba, Intelligence (AI)
Analisis Peran
Intelligence Shekgola Providing a more can help solve
engaging and Artificial
Chatbots for Mahlatse complex problems
Student Support interactive learning in education with
(AI): ChatGPT
at experience through the Khansa efficiency and
use of chatbots, dalam
Comprehensive Luthfiyyah, effectiveness in
Perkuliahan di
Open Distance simulations, and 3 Luluk Zhafira, utilizing time and
E-learning game-based learning Siti Nurani, Sendi data. One AI
can enhance learning Mahasiswa
Higher Fauzi Giwangsa technology widely
Learning effectiveness by applied in education
Institutions in delivering content is ChatGPT, which
tailored to each Pendidikan
the Fifth has the potential to
Industrial student's individual transform student
Revolution needs. learning methods.

AI enhances
education by
14 Artificial Sandra Leaton Designing learning providing
intelligence in Gray Peran Artificial
experiences that meet personalized,
schools: intelligence (AI)
the individual needs of Fatmawati, Mike adaptive, and
Towards a dalam
each student enhances Nurmalia focused learning
democratic Personalisasi
learning effectiveness Sari,Yanti experiences. It
future 4 Proses
and allows students to Setianti, Khairul adjusts content and
learn more efficiently. Saleh, Dedek teaching methods
Mahasiswa di
Helida Pitra according to
individual needs,
thereby enhancing
RQ2. How Will Artificial Intelligence (AI) Help Solve Existing learning
Problems in the Field of Education? RQ2 shows results in the form of effectiveness.
AI applications in business as solutions to problems faced by AI can assist in
educational institutions. The results are shown in Table 4 below: managing the often-
Table 4. AI as a Solution to Problems in Education scheduling
challenges at the
No Article Title Writer Findings Penerapan beginning of a
Artificial semester, which can
The implementation Intelligence (AI) disrupt students and
of AI technology in Pada Sistem Dedi Prasetio, faculty. By utilizing
education provides Informasi Wawan AI and genetic
ease for educators Optimasi Jadwal Hermawan Syah, algorithms within
in administrative Kuliah Budi the information
tasks such as Menggunakan systems for
Teknologi Sofi Liza Zahara,
weighted grading Algoritma optimizing class
Artificial Zahira Ula Azkia,
1 and creating more Genetika schedules, the
Intelligence (AI) Muhammad
active learning scheduling process
dalam Bidang Minan Chusni
environments. It can be improved to
also helps simplify be more efficient,
tasks for teachers accurate, and
and students in the optimal.
teaching and
learning process. AI with fuzzy logic
in education
With AI, teachers provides objective
can recognize assessments,
learning Penerapan curriculum
preferences and Artificial adjustments based
deliver content Intelligence on interpersonal
Peluang dan tailored to each 6 Menggunakan skills, personalized
Tantangan learner's needs. AI Fuzzy Logic learning
Eka Suryokta W.
Penggunaan AI also enables quick dalam Dunia recommendations
2 (Artificial performance Pendidikan tailored to students'
Intelligence)dala analysis and needs, and detection
m Pembelajaran automatic feedback, of behaviors
Kimia assisting in requiring special
addressing basic attention.
queries so that
teachers can focus
on more complex
teaching tasks.

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Jurnal REIN (Rekayasa Informatika) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024)

AI technology can
create virtual AI provides
classrooms that features like Virtual
facilitate direct Mentors that can
interaction between offer automatic
students and feedback and
teachers, even when Salsabila assessments,
they are in distant Rheinata facilitating more
Transformasi teknologi
locations. Rhamadani Putri efficient learning
Pendidikan Grace Yulianti, Artificial
Traditional 11 Supriadi, and assisting
Indonesia: Benardi, Ngadi Intelligence
curricula often Sulistiyani, teachers in
7 Menerapkan Permana, Fitri dalam
struggle to adapt to Muhammad analyzing student
Potensi Ayu Kusuma Pendidikan di
the dynamics of the Minan Chusni needs, reducing
Kecerdasan Wijayanti era industry 4.0
job market and administrative
Buatan (AI) dan society 5.0
global workload, and
developments, but enhancing the
with AI data quality of
analysis, educators education.
and policymakers
can gain insights
into future The presence of AI
workforce needs. can help overcome
limitations in
education by
Manfaat dan Dampak
providing features
Tantangan The use of AI in Penggunaan
such as virtual
Penggunaan universities can also Artificial
12 Sehan Rifky mentors and voice
Artificial Khairul Marlin, help solve social or Intelligence Bagi
assistants, which
Intelligences Ellen Tantrisna, environmental Pendidikan
can offer
(AI) Chat GPT Budi issues through Tinggi
8 personalized
Terhadap Proses Mardikawati, research and the
learning support
Pendidikan Etika Retno Anggraini, development of
tailored to students'
dan Kompetensi Erni Susilawati technologies that
Mahasiswa Di have a positive
Perguruan impact on society.
Tinggi Utilising
AI can help Intelligence
overcome human Chatbots for
learning, where the
limitations as Student Support
system can design
educators by at
Mashilo Modiba, learning
providing virtual Comprehensive
13 Shekgola experiences
tutors, voice Open Distance
Kecerdasan Mahlatse according to each
assistants, E-learning
Buatan: Resiko, student's needs,
personalized Higher Learning
Tantangan Dan enhances learning
Ahmad Abdul learning Institutions in
9 Penggunaan effectiveness.
Rochim experiences, virtual the Fifth
Bijak Pada Industrial
mentors, intelligent
Dunia Revolution
content, automatic
assessment tools,
and educational The use of AI can
games. This helps help manage
address limitations Artificial
student data,
in traditional intelligence in
schedule lessons,
learning processes. schools: Sandra Leaton
14 and provide
Towards a Gray
for improving
AI helps students student
learn according to performance.
PENERAPAN their abilities and
ARTIFICIAL learning styles. AI
Putri Sofiatul
INTELLIGENC can provide
Maola, Indira RQ3. What Are the Positive Impacts of Implementing Artificial
E DALAM feedback, assess
10 Syifa Karai
PENDIDIKAN exercises, and offer Intelligence (AI) in the Field of Education? RQ3 shows results in the
Handak, Yusuf
DI ERA comments and
Tri Herlambang form of positive impacts of implementing AI in education. The results
REVOLUSI recommendations
INDUSTRI 4.0 on materials similar are shown in Table 5 below:
to what a teacher
Table 5. Positive Impacts of Implementing Artificial Intelligence in

No Article Title Writer Findings

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Marsella, dkk.
Jurnal REIN (Rekayasa Informatika) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024)

The implementation The use of AI with

of artificial Genetic Algorithms
intelligence in Penerapan in college
education brings Artificial scheduling systems
positive impacts Intelligence can expedite the
Implementasi such as easing tasks (AI) Pada scheduling process
Teknologi for teachers and Sistem Dedi Prasetio, compared to
Sofi Liza Zahara,
Artificial students, providing 5 Informasi Wawan Hermawan conventional
Zahira Ula Azkia,
1 Intelligence unlimited data Optimasi Syah, Budi methods. This
(AI) dalam storage, avoiding Jadwal Kuliah system can also
Minan Chusni
Bidang repetitive educator Menggunakan automatically or
Pendidikan tasks, enabling Algoritma manually evaluate
usage without time Genetika schedules to handle
constraints, and scheduling
enhancing conflicts.
efficiency and job

AI helps teachers The implementation

recognize students' of AI with fuzzy
learning styles, logic in education
provide suitable enhances the
materials, and offer accuracy of
Peluang dan Penerapan assessments and
automatic responses
Tantangan Artificial efficiency in the
in busy classrooms.
Penggunaan Eka Suryokta W. Intelligence learning process. AI
AI also supports Yuniana
AI (Artificial Taruklimbong, 6 Menggunakan provides
2 virtual lab Cahyaningrum
Intelligence) Hotmaulina Fuzzy Logic personalized
demonstrations and
dalam Sihotang dalam Dunia learning
task efficiency,
Pembelajaran Pendidikan recommendations
Kimia tailored to students'
through interactive needs and helps
learning tools and detect behaviors
accurate that require special
predictions. attention.

AI technology
widely used in AI enables
education is personalized
Analisis Peran ChatGPT. ChatGPT learning tailored to
Artificial has positive students' needs,
Intelligence impacts, such as including consistent
(AI): ChatGPT introducing new assessment systems
dalam innovations that can and the use of
Luthfiyyah, Luluk
Perkuliahan di be further virtual classrooms
3 Zhafira, Siti
Kalangan developed, assisting Transformasi and virtual
Nurani, Sendi
Mahasiswa students in Pendidikan Grace Yulianti, laboratories.
Fauzi Giwangsa
PGSD completing Indonesia: Benardi, Ngadi Additionally, AI
Universitas complex tasks, and 7 Menerapkan Permana, Fitri helps address
Pendidikan providing Potensi Ayu Kusuma learning differences
Indonesia information in Kecerdasan Wijayanti by providing
easily Buatan (AI) broader access and
understandable inclusive learning
language. environments. AI
also prepares
Adaptive learning students for future
Peran systems using AI challenges by
Artificial adjust content and enhancing critical
intelligence difficulty levels of thinking skills and
Fatmawati, Mike
(AI) dalam materials in real- adaptability.
Personalisasi time based on each
4 Sari,Yanti Setianti,
Proses student's abilities
Khairul Saleh,
Pembelajaran and needs. This
Dedek Helida Pitra
Mahasiswa di enhances learning
Pendidikan efficiency and helps
Tinggi students reach their
maximum potential.

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Manfaat dan
Tantangan The use of AI can
Penggunaan AI can provide enhance
Artificial instant feedback to Dampak
Intelligences students, enhancing Penggunaan
Khairul Marlin, efficiency and
(AI) Chat GPT the efficiency of the Artificial
Ellen Tantrisna, service quality for
Terhadap learning process 12 Intelligence Sehan Rifky
8 Budi Mardikawati, students, as well as
Proses and assisting in the Bagi
Retno Anggraini, enable personalized
Pendidikan more effective Pendidikan
Erni Susilawati learning and more
Etika dan development of Tinggi
accurate automatic
Kompetensi students' evaluations.
Mahasiswa Di competencies.
The use of AI in Chatbots for
education can Student
provide significant Support at
Kecerdasan The use of AI can
benefits such as Comprehensiv
Buatan: detect and prevent
saving time, costs, e Open Mashilo Modiba,
Resiko, 13 plagiarism, as well
and other resources. Distance E- Shekgola Mahlatse
Tantangan as enhance
Ahmad Abdul AI can also help in learning
9 Dan academic integrity.
Rochim automatically Higher
Penggunaan Learning
assessing student
Bijak Pada Institutions in
work, providing fast
Dunia the Fifth
feedback, and
Pendidikan Industrial
increasing student
engagement in the Revolution
learning process.
Artificial AI can enhance
intelligence in personalized
schools: Sandra Leaton learning, automatic
Increasing the 14
Towards a Gray evaluation, and
efficiency and democratic management
effectiveness of future efficiency.
PENERAPAN learning. AI
ARTIFICIAL simplifies
INTELLIGEN Putri Sofiatul administrative tasks
CE DALAM Maola, Indira for teachers, assists
4. Conclusion
10 PENDIDIKA Syifa Karai in student Based on research conducted using the Systematic
N DI ERA Handak, Yusuf Tri assessments, and
REVOLUSI Herlambang
Literature Review (SLR) method on articles with the
provides instant
INDUSTRI feedback, making same topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education,
4.0 the teaching and the following conclusions were drawn, AI, a technology
learning process that enables machines to perform tasks that typically
more effective and require human intelligence, particularly in the context
engaging. of education, has several applications:
Improving the
1. Personalization of learning tailored to each
efficiency and student's interests to enhance the efficiency
effectiveness of the and effectiveness of the learning process.
learning process. AI 2. Assisting educational institutions in
assists in scheduling and evaluating schedules to avoid
Salsabila Rheinata personalized conflicts.
Rhamadani Putri learning, provides
Supriadi, instant feedback,
3. Using AI to facilitate easy information
11 Intelligence retrieval and aid in the brainstorming process.
Sulistiyani, and facilitates wide
Muhammad access to
Pendidikan di
era industry
Minan Chusni information, These applications illustrate how AI can significantly
ultimately enhance educational practices by providing
4.0 dan society
enhancing the personalized learning experiences, optimizing
quality of education
and student
scheduling processes, and improving information
autonomy. access and brainstorming capabilities.

[1] S. Liza Zahara, Z. Ula Azkia, and M. Minan Chusni
Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

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Marsella, dkk.
Jurnal REIN (Rekayasa Informatika) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024)

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