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DBL 4028

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March 2003

Mercedes-Benz Supply specification DBL 4028

Steels for quenching and tempering, steels for induction
hardening, ferritic-pearlitic steels for precipitation hardening BQF available †
Additional DaimlerChrysler standards required: DBL 4532, DBL 8585, MBN 40001, MBN 41010, Supersedes
MB Special Terms Edition: 07.90
Refer to section Changes
on page 11

Material designations
In accordance with MBN 40001
• On drawings in the block for material, e.g.:

New designation Former designation

Steel EN 10083-1.6583+QT 850 to 990+DBL 4028 34 CrNiMo 6 V 850 - 990 DBL 4028

Steel EN 10267-1.1302+BY 800 to 950+DBL 4028 27 MnVS 6 BY 800 - 950 DBL 4028

Steel DIN 17212-1.1213+BY 600 to 800+HJ+DBL 4028* Cf 53 BY 600 - 800 HJ DBL 4028

*Blanks are not normally inductively hardened before they are machined. This is why the abbreviated designa-
tion for inductive hardening shall only be entered on the finished part drawing.

Product versions for the input stock

The product versions for input stock supplies directly to DC plants are determined by the receiving plant through
the production planning and materials engineering departments. The product versions are only entered in the

Application example

Steel EN 10083-
For hot-rolled steel bars and semi-finished products,
4028.00 1.6583(34CrNiMo6)+S+ DBL
bright steel, tubes and flat products.

Turned as rolled condition in accordance Steel EN 10083-1.1191(C45E)+N+

with MBN 41010. DBL 4028.03

Turned as rolled and stress relief annealed condition. Steel EN 10083-1.1191(C45E)+N+

Refer to Section DBL 4028.04

Material with more restricted chemical composition in

accordance with Table 3, for parts which are induc-
Steel DIN 17212-
4028.10 tively hardened with very narrow tolerances. Other
1.1213(Cf53)+DBL 4028.10
specifications for the as-supplied state conforming to
product version .00
Ck 45 with depth hardening for flame and induction
hardening in accordance with Table 4. Other specifi-
4028.20 Not for new designs
cations for the as-supplied state conforming to product
version .00

Continued on pages 2 to 15
Issued by: DaimlerChrysler AG Technical responsibility (Name): Fundinger Technical coordination by Central Materials and Process Engineering
D-70546 Stuttgart Department: PMO/QS Plant: 010 Plant 010 , Department PWT/VWM Name: Dr. Vogel
Standards (EP/QIN) Telephone: (+49) 711 17-2 22 42 HPC: E707 Telephone: (+49) 711 17- 22226 HPC: H120
Confidential! All rights reserved. Distribution or duplication in part or in whole without prior written approval of DaimlerChrysler AG is not permitted.
In case of doubt, the German language original should be consulted as the authoritative text.
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DBL 4028 : March 2003

1 Application, general requirements

This DBL specifies the material supply conditions for quenched and tempered steels, ferritic-pearlitic steels for
precipitation hardening and other steels for BY treatment as well as for steels for flame and induction hardening.

Materials conforming to this DBL are used for components whose material properties are changed as a result of
the heat treatments indicated above and which are produced by forming and/or metal cutting.

The relevant DIN and EN standards form the basis of this DBL; only those points are mentioned in this DBL
which are stated more precisely, which are more restricted or which deviate from the specifications contained in
the cited standards. The specifications of this DBL have precedence over any indications contained in DIN and
EN standards.

All suppliers supplying products manufactured from materials conforming to this DBL shall contact the receiving
plant before initial deliveries are made in order to apply for information on the use and further processing of their
products. As a rule, the materials and process engineering department or the QA function of the plant should be
contacted. If required, further specifications shall be agreed or specifications contained in this DBL adapted to
the process or component-specific requirements of the receiving plant.

2 General material properties

2.1 Materials and other applicable standards

Quenched and tempered steels in acc. with DIN EN 10083 Part 1 – Special steels
Part 2 – Unalloyed quality steels
Part 3 – Boron steels

Bright steel in accordance with DIN EN 10277 Part 1 – General

Part 5 – Steels for quenching and tempering

Cold heading and cold extrusion steels DIN EN 10263 Part 1 – General
Part 4 – Steels for quenching and tempering

Ferritic-pearlitic steels
for precipitation hardening DIN EN 10267

Flame and induction hardening steels DIN 17212

For other steels for quenching and tempering, BY treatment and induction hardening not presently listed in DIN
EN 10083, DIN EN 10267 and DIN 17212, refer to Table 1.
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2.2 Manufacturing process

2.2.1 Melting process

Electric arc furnace or BOF converter.

2.2.2 Casting process

Ingot casting or continuous casting.

Where continuous casting processes are used, there shall be an at least 6-fold deformation from the billet cross
section to the rolled product (semi-finished material, steel bars). The materials engineering department of the
receiving plant may permit the supplier of the forging to use an input stock with 4-fold degree of deformation,
provided however that a sufficient degree of forming on the part is achieved by the forging process.

For parts where distortion is a critical parameter, the casting cross-section shall be agreed with the receiving

2.2.3 Deoxidation

All steels conforming to this DBL shall be killed.

2.3 Suitability for induction hardening

All steels conforming to this DBL with a lower C content target value of > 0,30 % shall be capable of induction
hardening. This is primarily expressed by the following properties:

• insensitivity to short-term intense heating; i.e. no early coarse-grain growth.

• largely segregation free.
• no grain boundary precipitation
• good austenitization capability, in as far as determined from the melting process.

2.4 Chemical composition

All indications on the chemical composition refer to the cast analysis.

2.4.1 Ready-to-install components

For ready-to-install components which are not subjected to further manufacturing or heat treatment processes in
the receiving plant, the specifications for the chemical composition indicated in the standards listed under Sec-
tion 2.1 and the specifications in accordance with Table 1 shall apply.

2.4.2 Semi-finished products and input stock supplies

The following additional specifications apply to all component and input stock supplies which are subjected to
further manufacturing or heat treatment processes in the receiving plant:

• Trace elements

Trace elements, i.e. all elements which are not alloying elements or are required for the finish treatment of the
casts shall be limited to a minimum. The following restrictions shall apply:

Cu = max. 0,25 % Mo = max. 0,10 %

Sn = max. 0,03 % Ni = max. 0,25 %
Cu + 10xSn = max. 0,50% Cr = 0,10 - 0,20 %
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• Sulphur content

All steels conforming to this DBL shall be supplied with a controlled sulphur content of 0,020 to 0,040 %. The
sulphur contents of the steels in Tables 1 and 2 apply in deviation to this specification.

• Special treatments

Special cast treatments, e.g. for improving the machinability, are subject to the approval of the materials engi-
neering department of the receiving plant.

• Restrictions of the chemical analysis

Depending on component and process-specific conditions, restrictions and deviations may become necessary.
These shall be specified by the receiving plants on their own responsibility towards the supplier.

2.4.3 Ferritic-pearlitic steels for precipitation hardening

For ferritic-pearlitic steels for precipitation hardening which are BY treated in DC plants, the specifications of
Table 2 shall apply.

For ferritic-pearlitic steels for precipitation hardening which are not heat treated in DC plants, the specifications in
accordance with DIN EN 10267 shall apply. The supplier shall ensure that his forming and cooling process relia-
bly maintains the mechanical and technological properties taking into account the possible variation within the
analytical tolerance.

2.5 Hardenability

For component and input stock supplies which are heat treated already by the supplier, the hardenability shall be
chosen so that the components are tempered and quenched perfectly and that the required mechanical and
technical component specifications are achieved in a reliable process.

For components and input stock which are heat treated by DC, the hardenability bands in accordance with DIN
EN 10083 and DIN 17212 shall apply.

Depending on component and process-specific conditions, restrictions and deviations may become necessary.
These shall be specified by the receiving plants on their own responsibility towards the supplier.

The calculation of the hardenability in accordance with SEP 1664 (VDEh formula) is permissible. In case of arbi-
tration, the hardenability test by end quenching in accordance with DIN EN ISO 642 shall apply, however.

2.6 Degree of purity

All steels manufactured in accordance with this DBL shall comply with the following oxide purity requirements:
Diameter d Sum-Total-Index-Number K (oxide) for
mm the individual cast
140 < d ≤ 200 K 4 < 40
100 < d ≤ 140 K 4 < 35
70 < d ≤ 100 K 4 < 30
35 < d ≤ 70 K 4 < 25
17 < d ≤ 35 K 3 < 30
8 < d ≤ 17 K 3 < 20
d≤8 K 2 < 25
The oxide purity shall be tested in accordance with DIN 50602.
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2.7 Internal soundness

Internal defects impairing the usability of the components are not permissible. Suitable test methods shall be
used corresponding to the state of the art and adapted to the steel production process and the product type (e.g.
steel bars, wire and flat products).

2.8 Grain size

Steels conforming to this DBL shall be fine grain resistant when quenched and tempered in accordance with the
specifications contained in DIN EN 10083 and DIN 17212 and have a grain size with a characteristic value of 5
and finer according to ASTM.

In condition P (BY) and when quenched and tempered from the deformation heat, the grain size depends on the
forming temperature and the deformation-specific conditions (degrees of deformation, geometrical conditions). If
required, component-specific test locations and characteristic values shall be agreed with the supplier.

3 As-supplied state

3.1 Components

• General requirements

For ready-to-install parts and semi-finished products, the relevant indications on the drawing and on the order as
well as DBL 4532 shall apply.

• Strength

Refer to specifications on drawing and order.

For guideline values for quenched and tempered steels refer to DIN EN 10083 and DIN 17212.
For cold-drawn steel refer to DIN EN 10277.
For the relevant guideline values for condition P (BY), refer to Table 5.
Special strength values shall be determined on a component basis.

3.2 Input stock

Input stock as defined in these specifications includes steel products in accordance with DIN EN 10079 in the
product forms semi-finished products, flat products and long products. In general, the relevant product standards
shall apply. For the products rolled steel bars, semi-finished products and bright steel, the special requirements
are indicated in the following sections.
The specifications for the as-supplied state for the input stock refer to supplies to DC plants.

• Batch separation and batch supply

Within one delivery, the products shall be separated according to batches and be capable of being assigned
uniquely to one batch.

Supplies shall always be made on a batch basis. This means that a batch must have been delivered completely
before a new batch is supplied. Deviations from this stipulation are only permitted in exceptional cases after pre-
vious agreement with the receiving plant.
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3.2.1 Dimensions and tolerances

The dimensions and supplied lengths of the bars will be determined by the receiving plant and indicated on the
order. Unless otherwise indicated on the order, the following tolerances shall apply:

• Hot-rolled steel bars

DIN 1013, DIN 1014; DIN 1017. Any tolerances deviating from these standards shall be indicated during the
ordering process. Steel bars in accordance with DIN 1014 shall not be sharp-edged but have an edge radius of
4 +0/–1 mm.
Squares with edge lengths over 50 mm will be ordered as semi-finished products.

• Semi-finished products
Edge length tolerance: In general +/- 1 % of the nominal dimension.
Edge radius: > 10% -0/+ 1 mm. The edge radius shall be consistent within a single batch and shall not have a
negative influence on cold shearing with constant weight.
Tighter tolerances shall be indicated on the order.

• Bright steel
DIN EN 10278

• Turned as rolled steel bars

MBN 41010

• Short lengths

Short lengths shall be avoided wherever possible and consequently reduced to a minimum. Short lengths, if any,
shall always be bundled separately. Individual bars with short lengths shall not be bundled together with the
standard lengths.

Rolled steel bars and semi-finished products shall be supplied in standard lengths produced. The maximum ratio
of short lengths shall not exceed 10 % for any delivery.

For bright steel, the ratio of short lengths shall be agreed between the supplier and the receiving plant as early
as the offer phase. A "tacit" acceptance of short length ratios is not permissible.

3.2.2 Surface As-rolled condition

• General requirements

Scale-free, smooth-as-rolled surface by straightening. Blast cleaning is permitted / may be required if the surface
resulting from straightening is not appropriate to this process and consequently leads to process disturbances.
Problem-free surfaces from previous deliveries and corresponding surfaces from competitors shall serve as ref-
erence samples.

The surfaces shall be free of oily, greasy, emulsive or other coatings interfering with the manufacturing process
from storing to forging.
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• Surface defects

During the whole manufacturing process all required actions shall be taken to avoid any surface defects.

Each delivery shall be inspected for surface defects using suitable inspection methods. The inspection methods
shall be capable of detecting surface defects with a depth of > 0,3 mm up to 60 mm diameter and from 60 mm
diameter with a defect depth > 0,005 x nominal diameter dN. Larger defect depths are not permitted. Component
or process-specific special rules shall be agreed with the receiving plant.

Imperfections may be removed using suitable means, whereby the stock removal shall not result in thickness
deviations below the permitted values. This rework shall not result in any sharp-edged transitions or notches or
any other effects detrimental to the surface which would damage the part during further processing by means of
cold shearing, forging and heat treatment.
Express reference is made to the requirement that such rework shall not result in any problems in the manufac-
ture of weight-constant short products by cold shearing. Drawn or turned condition

DIN EN 10277 – Part 1 shall apply, but with the following restrictions:

The surface of the supplied bars shall not demonstrate closed lap cracks or flakes. Any draw marks shall be
within the dimensional tolerance. This specification shall also apply to turned bars. In addition, turned bars shall
not demonstrate any defects resulting from the as-rolled surface. The end of the bars shall not demonstrate any
hardening due to the cutting to length process.

The following restriction apply to deviations from the contour shape of the bar ends:
No burrs are permitted.
From 8 mm bar diameter the length of the deviation due to crushing shall be no more than 8 mm, and for smaller
bar diameters no more than the bar diameter. Turned condition, stress-relieved (product version 04)

The bars shall be stress-relief annealed after heat treatment and subsequent straightening and turned to the
tolerance stated on the order. MBN 41010 Section 4.2 shall apply with regard to the straightness of the bars.
Stresses resulting from possible straightening for correcting the straightness following rolling and turning shall
not result in dimensional variations during subsequent machining processes.

3.2.3 Indications for the as-supply state

• Bright steel

Refer to DIN EN 10278, Section 5.1. The sequence of the designations is also indicative of the sequence in
which the treatments shall be performed. The following numbers indicate the strength values to be achieved.

• Rolled steel bars and semi-finished products

Refer to DIN EN 10083. The information contained in this standard shall also apply in analogy to all steel grades
in accordance with this DBL in rolled version.

3.2.4 Strength

• Without heat treatment indication (as-rolled condition)

Surface hardening of no more than 30 % shall be permitted as a result of drawing or turning, measured over HV
10, above the core strength. Turning shall not result in any new hardening zones.

For orders without heat treatment specification, the supplies shall also correspond to the condition cold sheara-
ble “+S”.
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For the cold shearability, a maximum value of 250 HB shall apply. If the rolling or cooling process does not allow
this specification to be achieved reliably, the cold shearability shall be ensured by means of a heat treatment
Any deviating rules shall be agreed between the supplier and the receiving plant.

• Condition: cold drawn ”C” (previously “K“)

In accordance with DIN EN 10277 Parts 5

• Condition: normalized “N“

DIN EN 10083 Parts 1 to 3
DIN 17212

• Condition: annealed for spheroidal carbide “+AC“ (previously “GKZ“)

DIN EN 10263

• Condition: quenched and tempered “+QT“ (previously “V“)

DIN EN 10083 und DIN 17212

• Condition: controlled cooling from forming temperature “+P“ (previously “BY“)

For guideline values refer to Table 5.

3.2.5 Microstructure

• Condition: rolled

The rolled structure shall not impair cold shearability, and it shall be possible for the rolled structure to be re-
moved by further processing (forming, normalizing, quenching and tempering).

• Condition: normalized “N“ or cold drawn “+C“

A uniform ferrite-pearlite structure shall exist.

• Condition: annealed for spheroidal carbide “+AC“ (previously “GKZ“)

Steels of these treatment types shall display a spheroidal cementite structure. The degree of cementation shall
be > 80 %. Any deviating specifications shall be agreed during the ordering process.

• Condition: quenched and tempered “+QT“

A uniform and fine martensitic structure shall exist. In special cases, specific microstructures may be agreed with
the materials testing department of the receiving plant in accordance with a classification chart.

• Condition BY

A ferritic-pearlitic structure shall exist. The bainite or martensite content shall be agreed with the receiving plant.
If required, the limit samples shall be agreed between the receiving plant and the supplier.

3.2.6 Skin decarburization

Complete decarburization is not permitted.

Where the order specifies "free of skin carburization", the carbon content to the surface shall be within the toler-
ance range of the relevant steel grade. This shall be ensured by turning, grinding or suitable heat treatment.
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3.3 Tests

3.3.1 Crack testing

• As-rolled condition

As described under Section, suitable surface crack tests shall be performed.
Any residual magnetism occurring shall not exceed 400 A/m corresponding to 5 Oe at the pole ends. Crack
testing shall not result in any hardening increase.

• Drawn and turned condition

If "crack test quality“ is specified on the order, a 100% crack test shall be performed. The surface shall then
demonstrate a technically crack-free surface, whereby any defects still existing shall be oriented to the efficiency
of the agreed crack test procedure. This shall apply, in particular, to any reworked material.
Any residual magnetism occurring shall not exceed 400 A/m corresponding to 5 Oe at the pole ends. Crack
testing shall not result in any hardening increase.

3.4 Ultrasonic inspection

For bars and semi-finished products, a standard ultrasonic inspection shall be carried out to ensure the products
are free from internal defects. Counter checks offering an adequate test severity by means of reference and
practical samples shall be conducted.

3.5 Inspection for mixed-up materials

Before delivery a suitable inspection for mixed-up materials shall be performed to ensure that no incorrect steel
grades are included in the delivery.

3.6 Hardness testing

Where hardness specifications exist, these specifications shall be verified by means of the relevant hardness
test using a sufficiently large random sample.

3.7 Tensile testing

Where specifications with regard to the tensile strength exist, the tensile test in accordance with DIN EN 10002
shall apply in case of arbitration.
The revaluation of hardness values shall be agreed with the receiving plant. A revaluation should only be carried
out in exceptional cases, e.g. when tensile testing is not possible.
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4 Duties of the supplier

4.1 For component suppliers

DBL 4532
Refer to Purchase Conditions for Production Materials and Spare Parts for Motor Vehicles.
Refer to Mercedes-Benz Special Terms.

4.2 For input stock suppliers

4.2.1 Samples

Mercedes-Benz Special Terms No. 13

Input stock suppliers will be approved by the receiving plant after trial supplies. The type and extent of the trial
supplies shall be agreed between the supplier and the receiving plant.
In principle, the supplier shall contact the receiving plant before initial supply of a material grade and/or dimen-
sion in order to apply for information about the processing conditions and the future requirements for the compo-
nent and in order to agree a corresponding variant and surface quality.

4.2.2 Inspection certificate 3.1 in accordance with DIN EN 10204

An inspection certificate 3.1 in accordance with DIN EN 10204 shall be provided for each batch or delivery, in
case of different as-supply states. Unless otherwise agreed between the supplier and the receiving plant, the
supplier shall retain the inspection reports for 15 years and only send them to the receiving plant if requested.

The inspection certificate shall indicate:

¾ Supplying plant
¾ Melting and casting process; in case of continuous casting the casting format used
¾ Batch number
¾ Heat treatment condition
¾ Chemical composition with indication of nitrogen and trace elements Mo, Ni, Cr, Cu as well as V and Ti
for ferritic-pearlitic steels for precipitation hardening.
¾ Grain size for quenched and tempered steels and steels in accordance with DIN 17212
¾ Hardenability values for quenched and tempered steels, with indication whether these are calculated
or measured values
¾ Strength / Hardness values
¾ Certification of crack testing and inspection for mixed-up materials
¾ Degree of purity

Any additional indications of inspection results shall be agreed between the supplier and the receiving plant.

4.2.3 Marking

Mercedes-Benz Special Terms Nos. 4, 24 and 27

Each bundle / packaging unit shall be provided with a material tag which includes the following information:

• Supplier
• Material and as-supplied state
• Dimensions
• Customer and receiving plant / unloading point
• Batch number
• Quantity
Any additional markings shall be agreed between the supplier and the receiving plant.
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4.2.4 Packaging

Refer to Mercedes-Benz Special Terms No. 28 and No. 30

The permissible bundle weights differ between receiving plants and unloading points and are therefore indicated
on the order. The bars shall be packed so that they are flush on one side and cannot shift in the bundle during

For deliveries to the forge in the Untertürkheim plant separate packaging regulations apply. A copy is available
on request from the Materials Engineering Department.

4.2.5 Storability

Refer to Mercedes-Benz Special Terms No. 29 and No. 30

4.2.6 Complaints

Refer to Purchase Conditions for Production Materials and Spare Parts for Motor Vehicles.

4.2.7 Environmental protection

Refer to Negative Substance list in accordance with DBL 8585 and Mercedes-Benz Special Terms Nos. 30/3
and 36/1

5 Other applicable standards

DIN EN 10083 Parts 1 to 3; DIN EN 10263 Part 1 and Part 4, DIN EN 10267, DIN 17212,
DIN EN 10277 Parts 1 and 5, DIN EN 10278,DIN EN ISO 642, SEP 1664, DIN 50602
DIN 1013, DIN 1014, DIN 1017, DIN EN 10079, DIN EN 10204, DIN 10002

DBL 4532

MBN 40001, MBN 41010

Changes over previous editions

Inclusion of latest DIN EN standards, use of new standard indications, material specifications revised, distinction
between components and input stock maintained, but no longer subdivided into Part 1 and Part 2 but according
to material specifications and as-supplied states, complete revision.
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Table 1
Chemical analysis of steels presently not included in a standard under Section 2.1.

Steel name C% Si % Mn % P% S% Cr % Mo % Ni % V% Al % Others

Steels for “P“ (BY) treatment

0,35 0,20 1,30 0,045 0,10 0,010

Max. Max. Max.
38 MnS 6 – – – – – -- – --
0,035 0,07 0,25
0,40 0,65 1,60 0,065 0,20 0,050

30 MnS 4 0,32 0,40 0,80 Max. 0,045 0,10 Max. Max. 0,010
previously - - - - - -- - --
C35 mod 0,39 0,80 1,00 0,035 0,065 0,20 0,10 0,25 0,050

0,68 0,15 0,50 Max. 0,050 0,10 0,03 0,010 N

Max. Max.
C 70S 6* - - - - - - - 120 - 160
0,10 0,25
0,73 0,25 0,55 0,035 0,070 0,20 0,05 0,050 ppm

0,68 0,15 0,80 0,050 0,10 0,10 0,010 N

Max. Max. Max.
70 MnVS 4* - - - - - - - 120 – 160
0,035 0,05 0,25
0,73 0,25 1,00 0,070 0,20 0,022 0,050 ppm

Steels for quenching and tempering

0,32 1,50 0,020 0,95 0,30 0,010

34 MnCrMo 64 - - Max. 0,035 - - - Max. 0,25 -- -
0,36 1,70 0,040 1,20 0,40 0,050

0,28 0,15 1,00 0,020 0,10 0,010

Max. Max. Max.
30 Mn 5** - - - - - -- -
0,025 0,10 0,25
0,35 0,50 1,50 0,035 0,20 0,050

* The materials C 70S 6 and 70 MnVS 4 have so far only been used for the connecting rod product. The strength values are indicated in DBL 4551. DBL 4551
shall therefore continue to be entered on drawings. On the input stock order, DBL 4028 shall be indicated.

**Not for new designs. 28Mn6 in accordance with DIN EN 10083 shall be specified as substitute in future. For hardenability, Table 4 shall apply. For the front axle
beam, 30Mn5 in accordance with DBL 4552 shall apply specifically.
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Table 2
Chemical analysis for ferritic-pearlitic steels for precipitation hardening

Steel num-
ber / desig- Old name C% Si % Mn % P% S% Cr % Mo % Ni % V% Al %
nation new

0,15 0,50 1,20 0,020 0,10 0,08 0,010

1.1301 Max. Max. Max.
17 MnV 6 - - - - - - -
19 MnVS 6 0,035 0,07 0,25
0,22 0,70 1,60 0,060 0,20 0,13 0,050

0,27 0,50 1,40 0,030 0,10 0,08 0,010

1.1302 Max. Max. Max.
27 MnVS 6 - - - - - - -
30 MnVS 6 0,035 0,07 0,25
0,33 0,70 1,60 0,060 0,20 0,13 0,050

0,35 0,50 1,30 0,045 0,10 0,08 0,010

1.1303 Max. Max. Max.
38 MnVS 5 - - - - - - -
38 MnVS 6 0,035 0,07 0,25
0,41 0,70 1,60 0,060 0,20 0,13 0,050

0,42 0,50 1,30 0,020 0,10 0,10 0,010

1.1304 Max. Max. Max.
44 MnVS 6 - - - - - - -
46 MnVS 6 0,035 0,07 0,25
0,47 0,80 1,60 0,035 0,20 0,15 0,050

0,45 0,50 0,70 0,045 0,10 0,08 0,010

1.1305 Max. Max. Max.
49 MnVS 3 - - - - - - -
46 MnVS 3 0,035 0,07 0,25
0,50 0,70 1,00 0,065 0,20 0,13 0,050

In addition:
• Titanium shall only be added after prior approval of the receiving plant. The titanium content shall be agreed with the receiving plant.
• Specification for nitrogen 120 – 170 ppm.
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Table 3
Chemical analysis for steels Ck 45 and Cf 53 in accordance with product version .10

Steel C% Si % Mn % P% S% Cr % Ni % Mo % Al

0,49 0,15 0,40 0,020 0,10 0,010

Max. Max. Max.
Cf 53 - - - - - -
0,035 0,25 0,07
0,53 0,40 0,50 0,040 0,15 0,050

0,43 0,15 0,60 0,020 0,17 0,010

Max. Max. Max.
Ck 45 - - - - - -
0,035 0,25 0,07
0,48 0,40 0,70 0,040 0,23 0,050

Table 4
Hardenability specifications for Ck 45 in accordance with product version .20 and for 30 Mn 5

Special specification for Ck 45 with depth hardening in accordance with product version .20 and for 30 Mn 5. These variants shall no longer be used for new designs.

J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J 10 J 11 J 15 J 20 J 25

Ck 45
55 – 61 50 – 60 40 – 58 35 – 57 33 – 54 32 – 50 29 – 40 26 – 35 Max. 30
version .20

46 – 52 42 – 50 28 – 36 23 – 33 20 – 30 Max. 27
30 Mn 5 -- -- -- -- --
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Table 5

Guideline value table for the mechanical characteristics in condition P (BY) for ferritic-pearlitic steels for pre-
cipitation hardening and other steels after P (BY) treatment. These values also apply to a P (BY) treatment
after hot working. C steels and 38 MnS 6 may also be treated after warm working P (BY). These characteris-
tics shall be specifically agreed after consultations with the supplier.

Elongation after Reduction in area

Tensile strength Yield stress
Steel fracture after fracture
N/mm² N/mm²
% %

Ferritic-pearlitic steels for precipitation hardening

Min. Min. Min.
1.1301 (19MnVS6) -
420 16 32
Min. Min. Min.
1.1302 (30MnVS6) -
520 14 35
Min. Min. Min.
1:1303 (38MnVS 6) -
550 12 25
Min. Min. Min.
1.1304 (46MnVS6) -
600 10 20
Min. Min. Min.
1.1305 (46MnVS3) -
480 12 20

C and other steels

Min. Min. Min.
38 MnS 6* -
450 8 20
Min. Min. Min.
C 45 -
280 10 25
Min. Min. Min.
Cf 53 -
330 8 20

* The requirements of DBL 4550 shall apply to crankshafts manufactured from steel 38 MnS6. DBL 4550
shall continue to be indicated on drawings for crankshafts.

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