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Finite Mathematics, 8e Stefan Waner




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Finite Mathematics
Finite Mathematics


Stefan Waner
Hofstra University

Steven R. Costenoble
Hofstra University

Australia • Brazil • Canada • Mexico • Singapore • United Kingdom • United States

Finite Mathematics, Eighth Edition © 2023, © 2018, © 2014 Cengage Learning, Inc.
Stefan Waner, Steven R. Costenoble Copyright © 2023 Cengage Learning, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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Printed in the United States of America

Print Number: 01 Print Year: 2023

CHAPTER 0 Precalculus Review 1

CHAPTER 1 Functions and Applications 49

CHAPTER 2 Mathematics of Finance 127

CHAPTER 3 Systems of Linear Equations and Matrices 177

CHAPTER 4 Matrix Algebra 235

CHAPTER 5 Linear Programming 313

CHAPTER 6 Sets and Counting 397

CHAPTER 7 Probability 447

CHAPTER 8 Random Variables and Statistics 545


CHAPTER 0 Precalculus Review 1

Introduction 2
0.1 Real Numbers 2
0.2 Exponents and Radicals 7
0.3 Using Exponent Identities 14
0.4 Multiplying and Factoring Algebraic Expressions 18
0.5 Rational Expressions 24
0.6 Solving Polynomial Equations 26
0.7 Solving Miscellaneous Equations 33
0.8 The Coordinate Plane 37
0.9 Logarithms 41

CHAPTER 1 Functions and Applications 49

Introduction 50
1.1 Functions from the Numerical, Algebraic, and Graphical Viewpoints 50
1.2 Functions and Models 65
1.3 Linear Functions and Models 82
1.4 Linear Regression 99
CASE STUDY Modeling YouTube Viewership 113

CHAPTER 2 Mathematics of Finance 127

Introduction 128
2.1 Simple Interest 128
2.2 Compound Interest 137
2.3 Annuities, Loans, and Bonds 147
CASE STUDY Adjustable Rate and Subprime Mortgages 165

viii Contents

CHAPTER 3 Systems of Linear Equations and Matrices 177

Introduction 178
3.1 Systems of Two Linear Equations in Two Unknowns 178
3.2 Using Matrices to Solve Systems of Equations 192
3.3 Applications of Systems of Linear Equations 210
CASE STUDY Hybrid Cars: Optimizing the Degree of Hybridization 226

CHAPTER 4 Matrix Algebra 235

Introduction 236
4.1 Matrix Addition and Scalar ­Multiplication 236
4.2 Matrix Multiplication 246
4.3 Matrix Inversion 260
4.4 Game Theory 271
4.5 Input-Output Models 287
CASE STUDY Social Network Analysis 302

CHAPTER 5 Linear Programming 313

Introduction 314
5.1 Graphing Linear Inequalities 314
5.2 Solving Linear Programming Problems Graphically 324
5.3 The Simplex Method: Solving Standard Maximization Problems 340
5.4 The Simplex Method: Solving General Linear Programming Problems 357
5.5 The Simplex Method and Duality 371
CASE STUDY The Diet Problem 389

CHAPTER 6 Sets and Counting 397

Introduction 398
6.1 Set Operations 398
6.2 Cardinality 409
6.3 Decision Algorithms: The Addition and Multiplication Principles 419
6.4 Permutations and Combinations 430
CASE STUDY Designing a Puzzle 445
Contents ix

CHAPTER 7 Probability 447

Introduction 448
7.1 Sample Spaces and Events 448
7.2 Relative Frequency 462
7.3 Probability and Probability Models 470
7.4 Probability and Counting Techniques 487
7.5 Conditional Probability and Independence 496
7.6 Bayes’ Theorem and Applications 511
7.7 Markov Systems 521
CASE STUDY The Monty Hall Problem 537

CHAPTER 8 Random Variables and Statistics 545

Introduction 546
8.1 Random Variables and Distributions 546
8.2 Bernoulli Trials and Binomial Random Variables 556
8.3 Measures of Central Tendency 564
8.4 Measures of Dispersion 577
8.5 Normal Distributions 591
CASE STUDY Spotting Tax Fraud with Benford’s Law 605

Appendix A Logic 613

Appendix B Area Under a Normal Curve 629

Answers to Selected Exercises A1

Index I1

Index of Applications I13

Index of Companies and Agencies I17


Stefan Waner and Steven R. Costenoble both received their Ph.D. from the University
of Chicago, having studied several years apart with the same advisor, J. Peter May.
Their paths merged when Steven joined Stefan at Hofstra University in 1987; since
then, they have coauthored 18 research papers as well as a research-level monograph
in algebraic topology. By the early 1990s they had become dissatisfied with many of
the Finite Mathematics and Applied Calculus textbooks. They wanted textbooks that
were more readable and relevant to students’ interests, containing examples and exer-
cises that were interesting, and reflected the interactive approaches and techniques
they found worked well with their own students. It therefore seemed natural to extend
their research collaboration to a joint textbook writing project that expressed these
ideals. To this day, they continue to work together on their textbook projects, their
research in algebraic topology, and their teaching.


Finite Mathematics is intended for a one- or two-term course for students majoring
in business, the social sciences, or the liberal arts. The eighth edition is designed to
address two challenges: (1) generating enthusiasm and mathematical sophistication in
a student audience that may not have optimum preparation and may not be intrinsically
motivated by traditional mathematics courses, and (2) providing the structure and flex-
ibility to support instructors in implementing a wide variety of pedagogical philoso-
phies and instructional paradigms.
In the eighth edition we meet these challenges through significant enhancements
in content and context:
• we focus on up-to-date real-life applications that students can relate to and instruc-
tors can use to engage their audience,
• we present mathematical concepts intuitively and thoroughly with a writing style
that is informal, engaging, and occasionally even humorous,
• we have streamlined and enhanced the thematic structure throughout the book,
• we support all levels of technology usage. Our text provides comprehensive support
for various technologies, including graphing calculators, spreadsheets, and our pow-
erful online utilities. This is carefully implemented to make this edition work seam-
lessly in courses that use no technology, that focus on a single form of technology, or
that incorporate several technologies.
No previous calculus background is assumed. Although we provide extensive review
of precalculus skills and concepts in Chapter 0, students should have completed col-
lege algebra or the equivalent as a prerequisite.

Complete Support for Various Course Needs

and Learning Environments
In this edition we bring you much more than just a book: In combination with the
WebAssign online homework platform and ebook as well as the extensive author-
developed website at AppliedMathSite.net, we can now deliver a fully interactive
version of this book including adaptive practice for examples linked to a large and
growing knowledge base of support topics.
We integrate resources like gamified interactive tutorials, powerful online tools, and
section-by-section videos. These provide instructors with the resources they need in a
range of class structures and delivery styles, from traditional on-campus classes (with
or without technology support) to various types of hybrid and online classes.
In addition to the trusted homework experience, you’ll find an array of tools and
resources in WebAssign that support other areas of your course.
• Students can practice prerequisite algebra and pre-calculus skills and concepts using
WebAssign boot camps, curated practice assignments, as well as the extensive tutori-
als at AppliedMathSite.net (links to which are provided in WebAssign).

xiv Preface

• You can assign curated pre- or post-class assessments in WebAssign, containing a

mix of quantitative and qualitative questions. The assessments ensure students com-
plete any assigned pre-class work and/or review material covered in class.
• WebAssign and AppliedMathSite.net offer additional in-class support, like alter-
native worked examples and individual or group activities.
• Students can study for tests and quizzes in a self-paced environment using curated
review assignments in WebAssign and the extensive topic summaries and review
tutorials at AppliedMathSite.net (links to which are also provided in WebAssign).
• You can utilize WebAssign as a quizzing and testing platform with curated test
assignments with built-in academic integrity features.

Our Approach to Pedagogy

Real World Orientation The diversity, breadth and abundance of examples and
exercises included in this edition continue to distinguish our book from the others.
Many of our examples and exercises, as well as the capstone “Case Study” projects at
the end of each chapter, are based on real, referenced, and timely data from business,
economics, the life sciences, and the social sciences.
The sheer number of new and updated examples and exercises in the eighth edi-
tion is unprecedented in earlier editions, and hence focus more on what students and
instructors now see around them. The updated material covers topics ranging from the
rapid rise of volatile cryptocurrencies and a sudden unanticipated global pandemic to
the network technology students constantly use in their phones and the corporations
they will instantly recognize as important in their lives. Historically notable events
like the 1990s Dot Com boom, the 2005–2006 real estate bubble and resulting 2008
economic crisis, the 2010 stock market “Flash Crash,” the earlier outbreaks of SARS
and Ebola in 2003 and 2014, and many more, are also addressed in our examples and
exercises throughout the book.
As in earlier editions, we have been careful to strike a pedagogically sound bal-
ance between applications based on real data and more traditional “generic” applica-
tions. Thus, the density and selection of real data-based applications continues to be
tailored to the pedagogical goals and appropriate difficulty level for each section.

Streamlined Thematic Structure and Readability As in previous editions, our

writing style is geared to our desire to have students read this book, and to enjoy read-
ing this book. Thus, we present the material in a conversational and student-oriented
style and have made frequent use of question-and-answer dialogues to encourage the
development of the student’s mathematical curiosity and intuition. Equally important
is the need, for students and instructors alike, for a carefully delineated thematic struc-
ture so that students can focus on the central ideas in each topic and refer quickly
to appropriate portions of the text, and instructors can more easily organize their
The eighth edition is a significant revision in this latter regard, and we have
streamlined the discussion significantly and enhanced the organization of topics within
each section to create a balance between conversational style and a careful focus on
the mathematical ideas presented. The topics students will see and the skills they will
master in each section appear as a brief marginal Topics and Skills list at the begin-
ning of each section. Moreover, through new Practice This Skill marginal elements,
the examples in the text now point to specific exercises based on those examples, just
as many exercises point back to specific examples on which they are based.
We also have reimagined and revised one of our main features, the Key Concept
pedagogy boxes, which introduce each new concept along with short Quick Exam-
ples to reinforce and give immediate context to these concepts the moment they are
• Linear function: Roles of m and b What is a Linear Function?
numerically and graphically
The simplest functions, and perhaps the most useful of all mathematical functions, are
210 Chapter 3 Systems of Linear Equations a
• Change in a quantity
the linear functions. Preface xv
• Slope and y-intercept of a straight
line 66. ◆ A certain homogeneous system of linear e
Pedagogical Aids
• Linear cost, demand, Our
and time- unknowns (see Exercise 65) has a solution
changehas always distin-
models Key Concept Linear Function 210 Chapter 3 Systems of Linear Equations a
solution unique? Explain.
g• uVelocity
ished itself through A linear function is one that can be written in the form QUICK
67. ◆ Can EXAMPLEsystem (see Exerci
a homogeneous
SKILLS approaches to 66. ◆ A certain homogeneous system of linear e
f 1x2 5 mx 1 b Function form equations
f 1x2 5be inconsistent? Explain.
mastering concepts that nor- unknowns (see Exercise 65) has a solution
• Calculating the slope and intercept
mally cause difficulties for or solution unique? Explain.
of a line (Quick Examples 6–10)
students and headaches for
• Recognizing linear data (Example 1) y 5 mx 1 b Equation form 3x 2 1
67. ◆ Canya5homogeneous system (see Exerci
• Finding linearand
is no exception.
this edition
(Example 2)
where m and b are fixed numbers (the names m and bTopics
equations be inconsistent? Explain.
and Skills
are traditional*). 3.3 A
• Finding linear cost, demand, and
time-change models (Examples 3–5) TOPICS In the ex
• We present a rewording technique in Chapters 3 and 5 to show how to translate • Resource allocation tems of l
* Actually,
phrases like “there are (at least/at c is sometimes
most) three times asused instead
many X of Asdirectly
asb.Y” for m, there has even been some research into the question
into •Topics and Skills
Flow analysis
of its origin, but no one knows exactly why that particular letter is used.
3.3 A
strike you
equations or inequalities. lems you
Transportation analysis In the ex
• The counting arguments in Chapter 6 are cast in terms of “decision algorithms” that example
Resource allocation tems of l
make counting involving permutations and combinations almost mechanical. versions
• Analyzing and solving real world
Flow analysis strikeInyou
problems that lead to systems of lems you
• Transportation analysis then give
Rigor Mathematical rigor need not be antithetical to the kind of focus on concepts linear equations (all Examples) example
and applications that are hallmarks of this book. We have worked hard to ensure that SKILLS system o
on obtain
we are always mathematically honest without being unnecessarily formal. Some- • Analyzing and solving real world
to getInthe
times we do this through the question-and-answer dialogs and sometimes through problems that lead to systems of
linear equations (all Examples) then give
tool at th
the “Before we go on…” discussions that follow examples, but always in a manner system o
designed to provoke the interest of the student. on obtain
get the
Five Elements of Mathematical Pedagogy to Address Different Learning Practice This Skill tool at th
Styles The “Rule of Four” is a common theme in many mathematics texts. In Try Exercises 1–4. The Arct
implementing this approach, we discuss many of the central concepts numerically, Online: AppliedMathSite.net pineappl
graphically, and algebraically, and clearly delineate these distinctions. The fourth Practice and visualize → Solving a pineapple
element, verbal communication of mathematical concepts, is emphasized through Practice This Skill
blending problem of orang
Try Exercises 1–4. The Arct
800 quar
our discussions on translating English sentences into mathematical statements,
Online: AppliedMathSite.net pineappl
and in our numerous Communication and Reasoning exercises at the end of each Practice and visualize → Solving a pineapple
up all of
section. blending problem of orang
The fifth element, interactivity, is taken to a new level in the eighth edition with
800 quar
fully embedded interactive elements and randomizable Your Turn versions of all
Section 3
key examples in the eBook in WebAssign. In the printed version, these elements
up all of
are pointed to via marginal notes that allow them to be easily located at the
­AppliedMathSite.net website with a couple of clicks. Each Your Turn example is like this:
equipped with an adaptive practice session—often with variable levels of difficulty—
Section 3
tied to a large and expanding knowledge base that can guide a student experiencing
difficulties with a particular example all the way back to the practice of the requisite
like this:
basic algebra skills. Instructors can also assign the Your Turn elements to count for
credit, delivered either as a regular assignment or in a gamified form analogous to the Next, we
online game tutorials.
In addition, AppliedMathSite.net offers interactive tutorials in the form of games,
interactive chapter summaries, and chapter review exercises, and online utilities that
automate a variety of tasks, from graphing and linear programming to regression and Next, we
matrix algebra. Ora
Exercise Sets Comprehensive and wide-ranging exercise sets have been a hallmark
of our series, and with each successive edition we have continued to refine and update Notice ho
them to ensure that they continue to provide material that is timely and relevant, while Ora
remaining varied enough to challenge students at almost every level of preparation, K
the availa
including everything from straightforward drill exercises to interesting and rather linear eq
challenging applications and conceptual exercises. The exercise sets are carefully Notice ho
on” discu
the availa
linear eq
on” discu
xvi Preface

graded to move from basic exercises and exercises that are similar to examples in
the text to more interesting and advanced ones, marked as “more advanced” (▼) for
easy reference. There are also several much more difficult exercises, designated as
“challenging” (◆). We have also included, in virtually every section of every chap-
ter, numerous interesting applications based on real data, and in these applications the
instructor will notice the large number of new and updated versions in the eighth edi-
tion, reflecting the many recent and sometimes dramatic changes in the world around
us. Equally important are the Communication and Reasoning exercises that help stu-
dents articulate mathematical concepts and recognize common errors, and exercises
indicated for the use of technology ( T ).
Some of the scenarios used in application examples and exercises are revisited
several times throughout the book. Thus, for instance, students will find themselves
using a variety of techniques, from solving systems of equations to linear program-
ming, or graphing through the use of derivatives and elasticity, to analyze the same
application. Reusing scenarios and important functions provides unifying threads and
shows students the complex texture of real-life problems.

New To This Edition

In addition to the new Key Concept structure throughout the text and Topics and Skills
boxes that begin each section, we have made the following changes within individual
• Chapter 0: Precalculus Review Recognizing that exponents and radicals are often
areas of weakness in student preparation, we have split the original Section 0.2 on
that subject into two sections: the first to introduce and discuss the various identities
of exponents and radicals, and the second devoted to the use of these identities to
represent algebraic expressions involving them in power form (used in calculus),
positive exponent form (often used for solving equations), and simplest radical form
(to express answers involving radicals in the lowest possible terms). We have also
extended the discussion of logarithms (Section 0.9) by including material on change-
of-base formulas and related properties of logarithms.
• Chapter 1: Functions and Applications In our revision of this important intro-
ductory chapter, we have streamlined much of the material by reducing the size
and complexity of data sets used in the examples and exercises, and removing some
unnecessary discussion. In particular, Section 1.2 on mathematical models is now
significantly more concise and manageable.
• Chapter 2: Mathematics of Finance In general, the discussions in this chapter have
been narrowed to discuss and use fewer variations on each formula than we used in
the seventh edition. In the sections on simple and compound interest, we now give
only one version of each formula, based on time t measured in any convenient units
(not necessarily years) and the interest rate r being the rate per unit of time, allowing
for a simpler presentation than in previous editions. In Section 2.3 on annuities, we
simplify further by insisting that t be measured in compounding periods, so that the
formulas involve only t and r, which is now the interest rate per compounding period.
This change is consistent with the formulas used in the preceding sections and also
with common usage.
• Chapter 4: Matrix Algebra The Chapter 4 Case Study on social networks is com-
pletely new and demonstrates how the concept of an eigenvector—although normally
beyond the scope of a book like this—introduces itself naturally as a measure of par-
ticipants’ degrees of influence in the network.
3. 0 5 0 4. 1 212 5 21
The present value
o’Tunes.† Users ofto an
pay a fee investment
download an entire musicwith
3 royalties and copyright fees cost an average 5of
album. future value
demand earning
for novels on the simple interest
price it charges. During the
5. 10
at a rate 5 1,000 a6.length
10 5of100,000
first month of the service, it was charging $10 per novel and
$5.50 of r perandunit
per album, of oftime,
the cost over
operating and maintaining time is given
sold 350. byto $5.50 per novel had the effect
the price
o’Tunes amounts to $500 per week. The company is currently of increasing demand to 620 novels per month.
charging customers $9.50 per album. a. Use the given data to construct a linear demand equation.
PV 5
a. What are the associated (weekly) cost, revenue, and profit
Preface xvii
b. Use the demand equation you constructed in part (a) to
1 1 rt
functions? estimate the demand if the price were raised to $15 per
b. How many albums must be sold per week to make a profit? novel.
c. If the charge is lowered to $8.00 per album, how many c. Using the information on cost given in Exercise 40, deter-

Continuing Features
albums must be sold per week to make a profit? mine which of the three prices ($5.50, $10, and $15)
Key Concept Negative Integer Exponents
40. Break-Even Analysis OHaganBooks.com also generates rev- would result in the largest profit, and the size of that
enue through its o’Books e-book service. Author royalties and profit.

• Quick Examples Unique to our series, 7. Ifcopyright

an investment earnsan5%
fees cost the company simple
average of $4 perannual interest
novel, 43. and will be worth
Demand OHaganBooks.com $1,000
has tried selling musicinalbums
If aandistheanymonthlyreal number
cost of operating andother than
maintaining zero andon o’Tunes
the service n is any positive
at a variety integer,
of prices, with then
the following we
these short straightforward examples 4 amounts
years,to then
$900 perits present
month. value
The company (its initial
is currently charg- value) is
defineing customers $5.50 per novel. Price $8.00 $8.50 $10 $11.50
are included immediately after the FV cost, revenue, and profit func-
a. What are the associated Demand (weekly sales) 440 380 250 180

introduction of new concepts or mathe- PV2n5 1

tions? 1
b. Howa 5be sold# per month 1n times2
a aper# novel, # amany
51 1
many novels must
n rt chow
to break even? a. Use the given data to obtain a linear regression model of
matical terms, and thus solidify the new a to $5.00
c. If the charge is lowered demand.
books must be sold to1,000
break even? b. Use the demand model you constructed in part (a) to
ideas for a student the moment they are 41. Demand and5 5 its$833.33
Profit To generate a profit from new o’Tunes estimate the demand if the company charged $10.50 per
1 1 10.052
service, OHaganBooks.com needs 142
to know how the demand album. (Round the answer to the nearest album.)
introduced. So, by the time students QUICKfor musicEXAMPLES
albums depends on the price it charges. During the 44. Demand OHaganBooks.com has tried selling novels through
first week of the service, it was charging $7 per album and
reach the more extensive “regular” sold 500. Raising1 the price
1 to $9.50 had the effect of lowering o’Books at a variety of prices, with the following results:
examples, they are already familiar 223 to5300 albums
7. demand 3
5 per week. 8. 1227 5 27 5 1 Price $5.50 $10 $11.50 $12
Herea. Useisthea given
typical 8example.
2 data to construct a linearU.S.
equation. bills (T-bills) are short-term investments
1Demand (monthly sales) 620 350 350 300
with concrete

the rule of these ideas (up to 1b. year)
Use the demand equation you constructed in part (a) to
estimate the 1 pay1if the
demand youpriceawere
amount after a period 1of time.1What you pay to buy a
to $12 per
and can focus on their 1 21
xalbum.5 on1 the 5 interest rate. 10. 1 232 5demand. 2 5 22
a 2application.
n a. Use the given data to obtain a linear regression model of
5 n xon cost given in Exercise 39, deter-
a c. Using the information x 1 232 9
b. Use the demand model you constructed in part (a) to esti-
mine which of the three prices ($7, $9.50, and $12) would
works for both positive and nega- 1 mate the demand if the company charged $8 per novel.
result in the largest weekly profit, and the size of that
7 22 7 22
tive n: Moving an expression of the 11. y y 4 5Treasury
EXAMPLE y 2 Bills 12. 0 is not defined.
profit. (Round the answer to the nearest novel.)
Practice Thisthe
form an from Skill
numerator to the †
The (highly original) name was suggested to John O’Hagan by Marjory
Try denominator (orand
Exercises 11–16 vice-versa)
25–26. changes
A U.S.
over cocktails onebill
1 1 evening.paying $10,000 after 1 6 months
1 earns 3.67% simple annual
the sign
Online: of the exponent.
AppliedMathSite.net 13. 2
interest.* How 5 much 5did 9 it cost to 14.
buy? 5 5 a for positive integers n†
3 2 1>9 a2n 1>an
Practice and visualize S
• Case Studies The end-of-chapter
Calculating the present value Solution The future valueCase
of the T-bill is $10,000; the price we paid is its present
“Case Studies” are extended
of an investment with simple value. We know that
HSStyle/iStock/Getty Images

applications that use and illustrate the

interest Modeling YouTube Viewership
central ideas of each chapter, focusing FV 5 $10,000 You are the new director of Impact Advertising Inc. ’s video ad division, which has enjoyed a
* Rates can vary greatly depending r 5 0.0367 steady 0.25% of the worldwide YOUTUBE advertising market. You have drawn up an ambitious
on the development of mathematical
on the state of the economy. During proposal to expand your division in light of your anticipation that YouTube viewership will
models appropriate
the writing ofto the
this topics.
edition, T-billThese
rates andKey Concept Zero Exponent
continue to skyrocket. However, upper management sees things differently and, judging by
the following email, does not seem likely to approve the ambitious budget for your proposal.
fromideal for assignment
well below the one used in
this example to above it. t5
If a is any 0.5.
real number other than zero, then we define
as projects, and to this end we include
groups of exercises at the end of each. Substitutingainto
5 the
1 present value formula, we have
PV 5 5 9,819.81
1 1 10.03672 10.52
so we
30 5$9,819.81
1 for the T-bill. 16. 1,000,0000 5 1
• Before We Go On Most ­examples 17. 00 is not defined.
conclude with supplementary Before we go on . . . The simplest way to find the interest earned on the T-bill is by
discussions, which may include a
check on the answer, a discussion INT 5 FV 2 PV 5 10,000 2 9,819.81 5 $180.19.
of the feasibility and significance So, after 6 months we received back $10,000: the sum of our original investment and
of a solution, or an in-depth look at $180.19 in interest.
what the solution means.

144 Chapter 2 Mathematics of Finance

FAQs: What Formulas to Use, When to Use Compound

Interest, and the Meaning of Present Value
Q: How do I distinguish a problem that calls for compound interest from one that calls
• Question and Answer ­Dialogue for simple interest?
We frequently use informal A: Study the scenario to ascertain whether the interest is being withdrawn as it is
question-and-answer dialogues that earned or reinvested (deposited back into the account). If the interest is being
anticipate the kinds of questions withdrawn, the problem is calling for simple interest because the interest is not
that may occur to the student and itself earning interest. If it is being reinvested, the problem is calling for com-
pound interest.
also guide the student through the
development of new concepts. Q: How do I distinguish present value from future value in a problem?
A: The present value always refers to the value of an investment before any interest
is included (or, in the case of a depreciating investment, before any depreciation
takes place). As an example, the future value of a bond is its maturity value. The
value of $1 today in constant 2010 dollars is its present value (even though 2010
is in the past). ■

2.2 Exercises
xviii Preface

• Marginal Technology Notes Our brief marginal technology notes outlining EXAMPLE 3
T Using Technology
the use of graphing calculators, spreadsheets, and website technologies in the Find the correlat
TI-83/84 PLUS
accompanying examples have been shortened, but those with some experience using
these technologies will likely not require more detail. When such detail is desired 2nd CATALOG
Solution The
or indicated, the reader can refer to the extensive discussions in the end-of-chapter Then STAT CALC option #4: these except for
Technology Guides. LinReg? (ax+b)
[More details in the Technology
• End-of-Chapter Technology Guides We continue to include detailed TI-83/84 Plus Guide. ]
and Spreadsheet Guides at the end of each chapter. These Guides are referenced SPREADSHEET
liberally in marginal technology notes at appropriate points in the chapter, so Add a trendline and select the
instructors and students can easily use this material or not, as they prefer. Groups of option to “Display R-squared
exercises for which the use of technology is suggested or required appear throughout value on chart.”
[More details and other alterna-
the exercise sets. tives in the Technology Guide.]


The following two utilities will
show regression lines and also r 2
TI-83/84 Technology Guide (link to either from Math Tools for
Substituting the
Chapter 1):
Section 2.2 • PMT is not used in this example (it will be used in the
Simple regression utility
next section) and should be 0. r5
Example 1 (page 139) In October 2020, RADIUS BANK function evaluator and grapher
was paying 0.15% annual interest on savings accounts with • FV is the future value, which we shall compute in a "
balances of $2,500 to $24,999.99. If the interest is com- moment; it doesn’t matter what you enter now.
pounded quarterly, find the future value of a $2,500 deposit • P>Y and C>Y stand for payments per year and compound-
174of Chapter
after 6 years. What is the total interest paid over the time 2 Mathematics
ing periods per year,ofrespectively,
Finance but we can use any unit 5
the investment? of time we like, not only years. They should both be set "
to n, the number of compounding periods per unit of time
SOLUTION Spreadsheet Technology Guide
for compound interest problems. (Setting P>Y automati-
cally sets C>Y to the same value.) According to ou
We could calculate the future value using the TI-83/84 Plus
by entering Section 2.2 END or BEGIN is98
• PMT: Chapter
not used 1 Functions
in this example, and it and Applications rounds to 0.8) in
2500(1+0.0015/4)^(4*6) Example
doesn’t matter which you select.
1 (page 139) In October 2020, R ADIUS B ANK prit is that low d
2. To
was paying compute
0.15% annualtheinterest
future value, use the
on savings up or down
accounts with arrow slump caused by
in the Home screen and pressing ENTER . However, the
balances ofto$2,500
put thetocursor 111.
on the
▼ Science
interest com- ALPHA in Japan The PISA science perfor- second point
TI-83/84 Plus has this and other useful calculations built ‡
SOLVE . find the future value ofmancea $2,500score
deposit of high school students in Japan was measured
into its TVM (Time Value of Money) Solver.
pounded quarterly, T Explain.
See the note
after 6 years. What is the total interest paid atover
of rose to 547 in 2012, and then dropped to 529
123. If yinisthis
1. Press APPS , then choose item 1:Finance..., andthe investment?
choose item 1:TVM Solver.... This brings up the
in 2018. Model thisNote that we
score have
S as formatted the cells B4:C6
a piecewise-linear as currency
function of y 5 mx 1 b,
with two decimal places. If you change the values in
TVM Solver window as shown on the left. SOLUTION the time t in yearscolumn since B,2006, and use your model to esti-
the future value in column C will be auto- in .
You can either compute compound interest mate the or
directly score
use in 2009. (The
matically actual 2009 score was 539.)

example butDelinquencies
1.4 Exercises
financial functions built into your spreadsheet. The follow- Example 2 (page 140) Megabucks Corporation is 124. If the slope i
The percentage of borrowers in
ing worksheet has more than we need issuing 10-year bonds. How much would you pay for bonds dollar, then th
will be useful for 2 (page
other 140) in
examples this the
and highest
Megabucks Corporation
the risk
next sec- category
is issu- whovalue
wereof delinquent onwished
their topay-
ing 10-year bonds. Howis much
labeledwould you pay
is bonds
a maturity $10,000 if you get a and the depen
tion. Although
this spreadsheet assuming
ments decreased from
return in▼ 2001
of 6.5% moreannually?
to 4.3% in 2004 ◆ challenging
measured in ayears,
youvalue of $10,000
can use it with if youmeasured
time wish to getina return
any unitsofyou
6.5% compounded
like. annually?
If you do use then
other units, youshot
may up
wantto 10.3%
SOLUTION at the start
T of the real
indicates estatethat
exercises crisis in be125.
should Ifusing
solved a quantity
The screen on the right shows the values you should to change the labels to reflect that.
enter 2007.* Model this percentage P as a piecewise-linear func- by 10 units
You can compute present value in your spreadsheet using the
for this example. The various variables are SOLUTION
tion of the time PV t inworksheet
years sinceIn Exercises
function. and1–4, compute
The following isthe
your model sum-of-squares
similar behavior in th
error (SSE
To compute the present value using a TI-83/84 Plus: the one in Example hand1, for the
except thatgiven
we set
have of data
entered a and
formulalinear model.
N Number of compounding periods estimate the percentage of delinquent borrowers in 2006. 126. The quantitie
1. Enter the numbers shown below (left) in the TVM for computing the presentSee
[Hint: value from the entered
Example 1.] values.
I% Interest rate per unit of time, as percent, not form
• Communication
decimal and Reasoning Exercises for
Solver window.
Writing andof Discussion These are exercises 2. Put designed
Communication and Reasoning
the cursor on the PV line, and press ALPHA SOLVE . 1. 11,Exercises
12, 12, 22, 13, 42; y 5 x 2 1
PV Negative present value
Paymentthe student’s period
per compounding grasp of the mathematical 113. How would you test a table2.of10,values 12, 11, of
22; yy to
5 xsee
11 Q is positive
(0 in this section) the payment amount in whether it comes from a linear3.function?
concepts and develop modeling skills. They
For this include
example cell B4 should be 10, 212, 11, 32, 14, 62, 15, 02; y 5 2x tity
1 2when T i
FV Future value 0. (We shall use it in the next section.)
exercises in which
P/Y Payments per unit of time
the student is asked to provide his 114. You have ascertained that a 4. 12, 42, 16, 82, 18, 122, 110, 02; y 5 2x 2 8 answers
table of values of x and y corre- your
1. Enter the other numbers as shown. As with other tech-
or her own examples to illustrate
C/Y Compounding periods per unit of time a point or design sponds to a linear function. How do you find an equation for 127. ▼ The velocit
nologies, like the TVM Solver in the TI-83/84 Plus The next worksheet shows the calculated value.
an that (such
linearasfunction? In Exercises 5–8, calculate the sum-of-squares error (SS
Not used in thiswith a given solution. They
section. alsomoney that you pay to others
calculator, the per second, w
$2,500 you deposit in the bank) should be entered as the given set of data and linear models. Indicate which li
Several things “fill in the blank” type exercises,
to notice: exercises
negative, whereas money that is115.
Why is the present value given as To
paid to youwhat
negative? linear function of x does the linear equation
is positive. model gives the better fit. (A) moving
• Nthat
is theinvite discussion
total number and periods,
of compounding debate, so and—perhaps
enter nt Example most
6 (page 143) You ax
have 1 by
$5,000 to
2. The formula entered in cell C6 uses the built-in FV func- 5 c
invest1bat ?
6% 02 correspond? Why did we specify (B) accelera
annual interest
future value monthly.
5. 11, 12, 12, 22, 13, 42; a. y 5 1.5x 2 1(C) decelera
here, not n.
importantly—exercises in which the student tion to must
calculate basedbon?How long will
the in it take
• The present value, PV, is entered as a negative number. columnfor B.
your investment
This to grow
formula has to $6,000?format:
the following b. y 5 2x 2 1.5(D) impossib
Inidentify andusing
general, when correct common
the TVM errors.
Solver, any amountThese
of exercises 116. Complete the following. The slope of the line with equation
SOLUTION 6. 10, 12, 11, 12, 12, 22; a. y 5 0.4x 1 1.1
money nosomeone
give to singleelsecorrect
(such as answer.
the $2,500 you y 5 mx 1 b is the Whynumber of units
is the present value that
negative? increases per 128. ▼ The positio
deposit in the bank) will be a negative number, whereas 1.i 5
Enter the numbers
Interest shown
per period We on
use the
B2/B7leftforinthethe TVM Solver
interest. b. y 5 0.5x 1 0.9
any amount of money someone gives to you (such as the n 5 window. unit increase in Example. 6 (page 143) You have $5,000 to invest at 6% t is time in se
Number of periods We use B3*B7 for the number 7. 10, 212, 11, 32, 14, 62, 15,
take02; a. 0.3x 1 1
y 5 moving
future value of your deposit, which the bank will give 2. Put the cursor on the Nofline, interest compounded monthly. How long will it for (A)
117. Complete
periods. press ALPHAthe following.
your If, in
investment to a straight
grow line, y is increasing
to $6,000? b. y 5 0.4x 1 0
back to you) will be a positive number.
PMT 5 Payment per period The payment (B) accelera
three times as fast as x, then its
is 0 (cell B4).
is .
PV 5 Present value. The present value is in cell B5. SOLUTION (C) decelera
118. Suppose that yYouiscan decreasing at a rate
compute the requisite ofof4anunits
length perin
investment (D) impossib
Instead of using the built-in FV function, we could use
3-unit increase of your
What canusing
we the
aboutworksheet function.
the slope of theThe
=-B5*(1+B2/B7)^(B3*B7) following worksheets show the calculation. 129. If f and g are
linear relationship between x and y? What can we say about
based on the future value formula forthe compound inter- tively, then w
est. After calculation the result will appear in cell C6.
119. If y and x are related by the linear expression y 5 mx 1 b, 130. If f and g are
how will y change as x changes if m is positive? negative?
Preface xix

Cengage’s Online Learning Platform: WebAssign

Built by educators, WebAssign provides flexible settings at every step to customize
your course with online activities and secure testing to meet learners’ unique needs.
Students get everything in one place, including rich content and study resources
designed to fuel deeper understanding, plus access to a dynamic, interactive ebook.
Proven to help hone problem-solving skills, WebAssign helps you help learners in any
course format.
The WebAssign course for this title has more than 4,000 available ques-
tions, course packs containing curated exercise sets, and integrated resources from
AppliedMathSite.net. To learn more, visit https://www.cengage.com/webassign.

The Authors’ Website: AppliedMathSite.net

The authors’ website, accessible through www.AppliedMathSite.net, has been evolv-
ing for close to three decades with growing recognition in many parts of the world.
Students, raised in an environment in which the Web suffuses both work and play, can
use their browsers to engage with the material in an active way. The following features
of AppliedMathSite.net are fully integrated with the text and can be used as a person-
alized study resource:
• Interactive Tutorials Highly interactive tutorials are included on major topics, with
guided exercises that parallel the text and provide a great deal of help and feedback to
assist the student.
• Game Versions of Tutorials These are more challenging tutorials with randomized
questions that work as games (complete with “health” scores, “health vials” and an
assessment of one’s performance that can be sent to the instructor) and are offered
alongside the traditional tutorials. These game tutorials, which mirror the traditional
“more gentle” tutorials, randomize all the questions and do not give the student the
answers but instead offer hints in exchange for “health points,” so that just staying
alive (not running out of health) can be quite challenging.

• Adaptive Practice Sessions The

individual interactive examples
in the newer game tutorials are
sometimes identical to those in
the WebAssign eBook, and all
come equipped with adaptive
practice sessions. These practice
sessions may get easier if
difficulties persist and present
links to lists of prerequisite skills
for that topic, where each in turn
can offer practice topics further
down in the knowledge tree.
Each of these prerequisite topics
includes some brief pedagogy,
often with some examples.
then the
f(t) P1x
Look again at th
xx Preface 25
20 year 16 through
15 ate, and then, fro
• Learning and Practice Modules These are the “disembodied” interactive examples EXAMPLE
example, we mo 2
and demonstrations that populate the game tutorials and the ebook, available Practice
10 This Skill
5 that
annualto op
Try Exercises 15–28.
individually from an index page for class practice and review under “Practice and t specified by two
0 AppliedMathSite.net
Visualize” at AppliedMathSite.net. Like their counterparts in the game tutorials 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Practice and visualize → Cost, C1x2
and the ebook, these modules offer the same adaptive practice sessions. revenue,
Figure 4 and profit EXAMPLE 2 A
where x is the
• Videos Section by section teaching videos that follow perof
the online tutorials. approximated
tion? How by ma
has fewer3.75
• Detailed Chapter Summaries Comprehensive sum- f 1t2 5 b
T Using Technology 1.51t
maries with randomizable interactive elements review
TI-83/84 PLUS Solution T
all the basic definitions and problem-solving techniques What, according
discussed in each chapter. These are terrific pre-test Table of values: Vari
FY 2018, and FY
study tools for students.
(X>18)*(1.5(X-18)2+15) The fixedWe
Solution cose
• Downloadable Excel Tutorials Detailed Excel tutorials 2ND TABLE Graph: WINDOW ;
Xmin = 15, Xmax = 22 ZOOM 0 . Fixef
2017 1t 5 172:
are available for almost every section of the book. These
[More details in the End-of-Chapter
interactive Excel sheets expand on the examples given in Technology Guide.]
2018 5 182:ref
the text. bers, it earns a
SPREADSHEET 2021 1t 5 212: f
• On-Line Utilities Our collection of easy-to-use Table of values: Headings t and f (t) in R1x2s
Thus, Nintendo
on-line utilities, referenced in the marginal notes of A1–B1; t-values 16, . . . ,21 in A2–A7.
=(A2<=18)*(3.75*(A2-16)^2) and 28.5
For themillion
the textbook, allow students to solve many of the +(A2>18)*(1.5*(A2-18)^2+15) To sketch th
technology-based application exercises directly on in B2; copy down through B7. P1x2
already calculate
the Web. The utilities available include a function Graph: Highlight A1 through B7 and
grapher and evaluator that also graphs derivatives insert a scatter chart.
[More details in the Technology
and does curve-fitting, regression tools, a time Guide.]
value of money calculator for annuities, a matrix To make a pr
algebra tool that also manipulates matrices with WWW.APPLIEDMATHSITE.NET even point: th
Go to the Online Utilities → Function The graph
multinomial entries, a linear programming grapher evaluator and grapher and enter
solve for(Figur
that automatically solves two dimensional linear (x<=18)*(3.75(X-16)^2) 1. The first form
programming problems graphically, and a powerful +(x>18)*(1.5(X-18)^2+15)
¶ for y . To obtain a table of values,
Had1 this quadratic not factored
2. The second
simplex method tool.
enter the x-values
we would have 16, . . . , 21 to
needed in use 3. The domain21x i
theEvaluator box, and
quadratic press (S ee
“Evaluate” at the top of the box. 4. The heavy so
Section 0.6.)
Graph: Set Xmin = 15, Xmax = 22, T See the note
and press “Plot Graphs”. and the graph in

• Chapter True-False
Quizzes Randomized
quizzes that provide
feedback for many
incorrect answers
based on the key con-
cepts in each chapter
assist the student in
further mastery of the

• Supplemental Topics We include complete interactive text and exercise sets for a
selection of topics not ordinarily included in printed texts, but often requested by
• Automatically Updating 7th Edition Homework Assignments to the 8th Edition
On the instructor’s page at AppliedMathSite.net, the instructor can paste a comma
separated list of exercises from any section of the 7th edition and have it updated to
a corresponding list of (sometimes updated) exercises in the 8th edition, along with a
list of exercises new to the 8th edition
Preface xxi

• Learning Activities Generator

Also on the instructor’s page at
AppliedMathSite.net, the instructor
can automatically generate a
detailed list of learning activities
selected from the site (videos,
tutorials, summaries, utilities, etc.)
by choosing which of the features
to include for one or more sections
of the book and pressing “Generate
Learning Activities.” What results is
a list of learning activities with links
that can simply be pasted into the
instructor’s course platform; ideal
for asynchronous courses.

• Spanish A parallel Spanish version of almost the entire web site is now deployed,
allowing the user to switch languages on specific pages with a single mouse-click. In
particular, all of the chapter summaries and most of the tutorials, game tutorials, and
utilities are already available in Spanish.

Supplemental Resources from Cengage

Additional instructor and student resources for this product are available online.
Instructor assets include a Solution and Answer Guide, Instructor’s Manual, WebAs-
sign Educator’s Guide, a Transition Guide for instructors who used the previous sev-
enth edition, PowerPoint® slides, and a test bank powered by Cognero®. Student assets
include a Student Solution Manual. Sign up or sign in at www.cengage.com to search
for and access Finite Mathematics and Applied Calculus and its online resources.

For Students
• Student Solution Manual by Waner and Costenoble The student solutions manual
provides worked-out solutions, written by the authors, to the odd-numbered exercises
in the text.

For Instructors
• Solution and Answer Guide by Waner and Costenoble The instructor’s solutions
manual provides worked-out solutions, written by the authors, to all exercises in the
• Instructor’s Manual (new to this edition and separate from the Solution and Answer
Guide) provides explanations and guidance regarding how students can benefit from
using interactive media in the WebAssign eBook and directs instructors to Lecture
Videos and other resources that may be useful, especially in online or hybrid courses.
• Test Bank Cengage’s Testing Powered by Cognero is a flexible, online system that
allows you to author, edit, and manage test bank content, create multiple test ver-
sions, and deliver tests from your LMS, your classroom, or wherever you choose.
• PowerPoint® Slides may be customized as needed or used as provided by the pub-
lisher to support lectures. WebAssign Educator’s Guide explains the basic proce-
dure for setting up your WebAssign course and describes the assets and resources
that you can make available to students.
xxii Preface

• Transition Guide contains a correlation of seventh-to-eighth edition exercise num-

bers to facilitate the updating of homework assignments to the new edition.
• Guide to Teaching Online may be helpful to instructors who are new to online
teaching or who must transition from in-person teaching to an online format as may
be required by local circumstances.

This project would not have been possible without the contributions and suggestions
of numerous colleagues, students, and friends. We are particularly grateful to our col-
leagues at Hofstra and elsewhere who used and gave us useful feedback on previous
editions. We are also grateful to everyone at Cengage for their encouragement and
guidance throughout the project. Specifically, we would like to thank Jay Campbell,
Susan Pashos, Shelby Blakey, Rachel Pancare, Ivan Corriher, and Taylor Shenberger
for their unflagging enthusiasm. We thank Jon Booze for his meticulous check of the
mathematical accuracy and Leslie Lahr for whipping the book into shape.
We would also like to thank the numerous reviewers and proofreaders who pro-
vided many helpful suggestions that have shaped the development of this book.

Sviatoslav Archava, East Carolina University

Sergii Bezuglyi, University of Iowa
Lisa Carnell, High Point University
Hugh Cornell, University of North Florida
Timothy Doyle, University of Illinois at Chicago
Thomas French, University of Denver
Sami Hamid, University of North Florida
Christy Jackson, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Gina Leffers, Illinois State University
Denise LeGrand, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
En-Bing Lin, Central Michigan University
Matthew Mburu, Tacoma Community College
Phil McCartney, Northern Kentucky University
Will Miles, Stetson University
Leonardo Pinheiro, Rhode Island College
Mohammad Rahman, University of North Florida
Leela Rakesh, Central Michigan University
Joe Rody, Arizona State University
Laurie Zack, High Point University
Ying Zhou, Rhode Island College

Stefan Waner
Steven R. Costenoble
0 Precalculus Review

0.1 Real Numbers

0.2 Exponents and
0.3 Using Exponent
0.4 Multiplying and
Factoring Algebraic
0.5 Rational
0.6 Solving Polynomial
0.7 Solving Miscellaneous

Kali9/E+/Getty Images
0.8 The Coordinate Plane
0.9 Logarithms

The interactive “game” tutorials
at the Website give you tons
of additional practice on these
important topics.
2 Chapter 0 Precalculus Review

In this chapter we review some topics from algebra that you need to know to get the
most out of this book. This chapter can be used either as a refresher course or as a
There is one crucial fact you must always keep in mind: The letters used in alge-
braic expressions stand for numbers. All the rules of algebra are just facts about the
arithmetic of numbers. If you are not sure whether some algebraic manipulation you
are about to do is legitimate, try it first with numbers. If it doesn’t work with numbers,
it doesn’t work.

0.1 Real Numbers

What are Real Numbers?
The real numbers are the numbers that can be written in decimal notation, including
those that require an infinite decimal expansion. The set of real numbers includes all
­integers, positive, and negative; all fractions; and the irrational numbers, those with
­decimal expansions that never repeat. Examples of irrational numbers are
!2 5 1.414213562373 . . .
p 5 3.141592653589 . . .
2 1 0 1 2 It is very useful to picture the real numbers as points on a line, called the real line. As
The Real Line
shown in Figure 1, larger numbers appear to the right, in the sense that if a , b then
Figure 1 the point corresponding to b is to the right of the one corresponding to a.

T he names “real” and “imaginary” Q: Why are they called “real” numbers?
are unfortunate but traditional.
There is nothing less real about the A: There is a larger class of numbers called complex numbers that include the real
imaginary numbers, which have numbers as well as imaginary numbers: square roots of negative numbers. In this
practical applications throughout book we focus only on real numbers.† ■
the sciences and engineering.

Some subsets of the set of real numbers, called intervals, show up quite often and so
we have a compact notation for them.

Key Concept Interval Notation

Here is a list of types of intervals along with examples.

Type Notation Description Figure Example

Closed 3a, b4 Set of numbers x 30, 104
with a # x # b a b
(includes endpoints)
Open 1a, b2 Set of numbers x 121, 52
with a , x , b a b
(excludes endpoints)
Half-Open 1a, b4 Set of numbers x 123, 14
with a , x # b a b

3a, b2 Set of numbers x 30, 52

with a # x , b a b
0.1 Real Numbers 3

Infinite 3a, q 2 Set of numbers x 310, q 2

with a # x a

1a, q 2 Set of numbers x 123, q 2

with a , x

12 q , b4 Set of numbers x 12 q , 234

with x # b

12 q , b2 Set of numbers x 12 q , 102

with x , b
12 q , q 2 Set of all real 12 q , q 2

There are five important operations on real numbers: addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, and exponentiation. “Exponentiation” means raising a real
number to a power; for instance, 32 5 3 # 3 5 9; 23 5 2 # 2 # 2 5 8.
A note on technology: Most graphing calculators and spreadsheets use an ­asterisk *
for multiplication and a caret sign ^ for exponentiation. Thus, for instance, 3 # 5 is
­entered as 3*5, 3x as 3*x, and 32 as 3ˆ2. On the other hand, when writing mathemat-
ics we sometimes write quantities we wish to multiply next to each other without any
operation. For instance, 3x means 3 # x (multiplication by juxtaposition) and 415 1 x2
means 4 # 15 1 x2. This notation is called implied multiplication.
When we write an expression involving two or more operations, like
2 # 32 2 5
4 2 1 212

we need to agree on the order in which to do the operations. Does 2 # 3 1 4 mean

12 # 32 1 4 5 10 or 2 # 13 1 42 5 14? We all agree to use the following rules for the
order in which we do the operations.

Key Concept Standard Order of Operations

Parentheses and Fraction Bars
First, calculate the values of all expressions inside parentheses or brackets, working
from the innermost parentheses out, before using them in other operations. In a frac-
tion, calculate the numerator and denominator separately before doing the division.

1. 612 1 33 2 54 2 42 5 612 1 1 222 2 42 Innermost bracket
5 61 242 Remaining expression in parentheses
5 224. (Implied) multiplication

We have left the 5x and 4y in paren- 422 2
theses as they are still expressions
2. 5 Expression in parentheses & fraction bars
3122 1 12 31212
as opposed to single numbers
(although the parentheses around
5 Numerator and denominator separately
the 5x are not needed). For instance, 23
if x 5 y 5 8 then 2
15x2>14y2 5 40>32 5 5>4 3
whereas, as we will see below 3. 1x 1 4x2>1y 1 3y2 5 15x2 > 14y2 ‡ Expressions in parentheses
5x>4y 5 5 # 8>4 # 8 5 80.
4 Chapter 0 Precalculus Review

Next, perform exponentiation.
4. 2 1 42 5 2 1 16 5 18 No parentheses or fraction bars, so do exponents first.
5. 12 1 42 2 5 62 Expression in parentheses first
5 36 Then do exponents. (Compare Quick Example 4.)

6. 211 1 0.12 2 5 211.12 2 Expression in parentheses

5 211.212 Exponents
5 2.42 (Implied) multiplication
3 3 2
7. 2a b 5 2a b Expression in parentheses: fraction bars
425 21
5 21232 2 Finish expression in parentheses.

5 2192 Exponents
5 18 (Implied) multiplication

Multiplication and Division

Next, do all multiplications and divisions, from left to right.
8. 213 2 52 >4 # 2 5 21222 >4 # 2 Expression in parentheses
5 24>4 # 2 Left-most product
5 21 # 2 Left-most quotient
5 22  Remaining product
9. 211 1 1>102 2 3 2>10 5 211 1 0.12 2 3 2>10 Expression in parentheses: division
5 2 11.12 2 3 2>10 Finish expression in parentheses.
5 2 3 1.21 3 2>10 Exponents
5 2.42 3 2>10 Left-most product
5 4.84>10 Left-most product
5 0.484  Remaining quotient
2 14 2 22 2 14 2 22
* Whereas a number written next to 10. 4 543 *
3 1 22 # 52 3 122 # 52
Implied multiplication
a fraction generally means multi-
plication, this is not the case with
2 122
3 543 Expressions in parentheses: division
so-called mixed fractions, like 1 ,
4 3 12102
which means 1 1 5 1.75. However, 4
4 543 Fraction bars
we will rarely use mixed fractions in 230
this book. 16
5 Left-most product

S preadsheets and some program- 52 Lowest terms
ming languages would interpret 224
(wrongly!) as 1222 4 5 16. So, when 11. 224 5 1 212 3 24  negative sign before an expression
working with spreadsheets, write means multiplication by 21.¶
224 as (-1)2^4 or (-1)*2^4 to 5 1 212 3 8 Multiplication
avoid this issue. 5 28
Addition and Subtraction
Last, do all additions and subtractions, from left to right.
12. 213 2 52 2 1 6 2 1 5 21222 2 1 6 2 1 Expression in parentheses first
5 2142 1 6 2 1 Exponents
581621 Multiplication and/or division
5 13 Addition and subtraction
0.1 Real Numbers 5

13. 3>2 1 4 5 14 Division first
14. 3> 12 1 42 5 3>6 Parentheses first.
5 Then division. Compare the preceding Quick Example.

T Entering Formulas
Any good calculator or spreadsheet will respect the standard order of operations.
However, we must be careful with division and exponentiation and use parentheses as
necessary. The following table gives some examples of simple mathematical expres-
sions and their equivalents in the functional format used in most graphing calculators,
spreadsheets, and computer programs.

Expression Formula Comments
2 2⁄(3−x) Note the use of parentheses instead of the fraction bar. If we omit the paren-
32x theses, we get the expression shown next.

2 2⁄3−x Without parentheses the standard order of arithmetic operations is followed.

3xy 3*x*y Asterisks are usually used for multiplication in graphing calculators and computers.

2 2⁄(3*x) Putting the denominator in parentheses ensures that the multiplication is carried
3x out first. Some calculators, and also some textbooks and journals, would interpret
2⁄3x as , giving multiplication by juxtaposition precedence over division.
2 (2⁄3)*x Putting the fraction in parentheses ensures that it is calculated first.
223 (2−3)⁄(4+5) Note once again the use of parentheses in place of the fraction bar.
23 2^3 The caret ^ is commonly used to denote exponentiation.

232x 2^(3−x) Be careful to use parentheses to tell the calculator where the exponent ends.
Enclose the entire exponent in parentheses.

23 2 x 2^3−x Without parentheses the standard order of arithmetic operations is followed.

3 3 224 3*2^(−4) On some calculators, the negation key is separate from the minus key.

22433 3 5 2^(−4*3)*5 Note once again how parentheses enclose the entire exponent.
0.05 60 100*(1+0.05⁄12)^60 This is a typical calculation for compound interest.
100a1 1 b
r mt PV*(1+r∕m)^(m*t) This is the compound interest formula. PV is understood to be a single number
PV a1 1 b (present value) and not the product of P and V (or else we would have used P*V ).
2322 3 5 2^(3−2)*5∕(y−x) Notice again the use of parentheses to hold the ­denominator together. We
y2x or could also have enclosed the numerator in parentheses, although this is
(2^(3−2)*5)∕(y−x) ­optional. (Why?)

2y 1 1 (2^y +1)∕ Here, it is necessary to enclose both the numerator and the denominator in
2 2 43x (2 − 4^(3*x)) parentheses.

1 2^y +1∕2 − 4^(3*x) This is the effect of leaving out the parentheses around the numerator and
2y 1 2 43x
2 denominator in the previous expression.
6 Chapter 0 Precalculus Review

Accuracy and Rounding

When we use a calculator or computer, the results of our calculations are often given
to far more decimal places than are useful. For example, suppose we are told that a
square has an area of 2.0 square feet and we are asked how long its sides are. Each side
is the square root of the area, which the calculator tells us is
!2 < 1.414213562 …
However, the measurement of 2.0 square feet is probably accurate to only two digits,
so our estimate of the lengths of the sides can be no more accurate than that. There-
fore, we round the answer to two digits:
Length of one side < 1.4 feet.
The digits that follow 1.4 are meaningless. The following guide makes these ideas
more precise.

Key Concept Significant Digits, Decimal Places, and Rounding

The number of significant digits in a decimal representation of a number is the num-
ber of digits that are not leading zeros after the decimal point (as in .0005) or trailing
zeros before the decimal point (as in 5,400,000). We say that a value is accurate to
n significant digits if only the first n significant digits are meaningful.

When to Round
After doing a computation in which all the quantities are accurate to no more than
n significant digits, round the final result to n significant digits.

15. 0.00067 has two significant digits.  he 000 before 67 are
leading zeros.
16. 0.000670 has three significant digits. The 0 after 67 is significant.
17. 5,400,000 has two or more significant digits. We can’t say how many of
*  If we obtained 5,400,000 by round- the zeros are trailing.*
ing 5,401,011, then it has three sig-
nificant digits ­because the zero after
18. 5,400,001 has 7 significant digits. The string of zeros is not
the 4 is significant. On the other
hand, it we obtained it by round- 19. Rounding 63,918 to three significant digits
ing 5,411,234, then it has only two gives 63,900.
significant digits. The use of scien-
tific notation avoids this ambiguity: 20. Rounding 63,958 to three significant digits
5.40 3 10 6 (or 5.40 E6 on a calcula- gives 64,000.
tor or computer) is accurate to three 22
digits and 5.4 3 10 6 is accurate to 21. p 5 3.141592653 . . ., 5 3.142857142 . . . .
two. 22
Therefore, is an approximation of p that is
accurate to only three significant digits 13.142.

22. 4.0211 1 0.0221.4 < 4.13 

We rounded to three
significant digits.

One more point, though: If, in a long calculation, you round the intermediate
results, your final answer may be even less accurate than you think. As a general rule,
When calculating, don’t round intermediate results. Rather, use the most accurate
results obtainable or have your calculator or computer store them for you.
When you are done with the calculation, then round your answer to the appropriate
number of digits of accuracy.
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description of, 286;
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copper, 349.
Religion, 198.
Reptiles, numerous in Damara-land and Namaqua-land, 293;
superstitions respecting, 294;
antidotes used in Southern Africa for the bites of, 295.
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desperate adventure with a black one, 407, 408;
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Mr. Oswell’s stories respecting the chase of, 382.
Richterfeldt, a Rhenish missionary station, reached, 61;
water abundant, ib.;
soil fertile, ib.;
when founded, 62;
return to, 95;
bid a final farewell to, 123.
Rifle, obtained in barter, 150;
excellent weapon, ib.
Rights of succession, 198, 222, 225.
Ringel-hals, the, or ring-throat, a species of snake, 294.
Roode Natie, the (or Red Nation), a powerful tribe of
Namaquas, 279;
their character, 280;
Cornelius, their chief, ib.;
their country, 281;
few Damara slaves among them, ib.

Salt-lick, a, 366.
Sand Fountain, excursion to, 34;
badness of its water, 35;
its disagreeable guests, 36;
its advantages, 37;
general aspect of the country in the neighborhood of, 38.
Sand-wells, 365.
Scarlet flower, the, emotions on first seeing, 48;
observe it again, 49.
Scenery, striking, 170.
Schaap-steker, the, a species of snake, 294.
Scheppmansdorf, Mr. Galton arrives at, 40;
all the baggage safely deposited at, 41;
description of, ib.;
first impressions of, 76;
kind friends at, 77;
departure from, 83.
Scheppman’s Mountain, origin of its name, 103.
Schmelen, Mr., a highly-gifted and enterprising missionary, 127.
Schmelen’s Hope, its situation, 126;
origin of its name, 127;
agreeable residence; abundance of game to be obtained
there, 135;
departure from, 146;
return to, 214.
Schöneberg, Mr., 101;
his mishap, 102;
his wailing, 103.
Scorpions, a swarm of, 105;
their fondness of warmth, ib.;
their bite poisonous, but rarely fatal, ib.
Season, the rainy, in Ovambo-land, 201;
in Damara-land, 217.
Sebetoane, an African chief, false report respecting, 414.
Serpent, tracks of an immense (the Ondara), 290;
story of a, 291.
Serpent-stones, 297.
Servants, described, 78-83;
African travelers can not be too particular in the selection
of, 79;
become refractory, 125;
adventure of one of them with an ox, 270;
Damara servants abscond, 355.
Shambok, the, 73, 74.
Shrike, a species of, 78;
superstitious belief respecting, ib.
Smith, Dr. Andrew, 213, 491.
Snake, a curious species of, 292;
several species occasionally met with in Damara-land and
Namaqua-land, 294;
antidotes for the bites of, 295;
numerous in and about Lake Ngami, 435, 436.
Snake-stone, the, 298.
Snuff, manner in which the Bechuanas manufacture, 458.
Spring, hot, at Barmen, 108;
at Eikhams, 230;
at Rehoboth, 286.
“Spring,” Author’s ride-ox, 71.
Spuig-slang, the, or spitting-snake, 294.
St. Helena, John, officiates as head wagoner, 80;
his extraordinary disposition, ib.;
discourses on ghosts, 331.
Steinbok, the, a young one taken and reared, 130;
its tragic end, 131.
Stewardson, Mr., 45.
Stink-hout, a species of oak, 170.
Sugar-cane, supposed to exist in many parts of Southern Africa,
Sun-stroke, Author receives one, 58;
usual results of a, ib.;
the Author in danger of a second, 88.
Sunrise, the, in the tropics, 51;
often followed by intense heat, and sufferings thereon, ib.;
a mule left behind, ib.
Superstition, a, with regard to oxen, 152.
Swakop, the, first appearance of, 49;
its cheerful aspect, ib.;
the Author’s party attacked by two lions on the bank of, 93;
the Damaras flock with their cattle to, 241.

Table Mountain, 25;
ascent by the Author of, ib.
Tans Mountain, 348.
Tent, the Author’s, takes fire, 299.
Teoge, the River, feeds Lake Ngami, 427;
scenery along the banks of, 460;
crocodiles observed on, 471.
Termites, the, Schmelen’s Hope swarms with, 136;
their method of constructing their nests, ib.;
encampment in the middle of a nest of, 145;
instances of the fearful ravages they are capable of
committing in an incredibly-short space of time, 155.
Textor erythrorhynchus, a parasitical insect-feeding bird, 213.
Thirst, suffering from, 52;
water not quenching thirst, ib.
Thorn coppices, 182.
Thunder-storm, a, in the tropics, 107, 141, 352.
Tiger-wolf (or spotted hyæna), 369.
Timbo, a native of Mazapa, 81;
carried into captivity by Caffres, ib.;
sold as a slave to the Portuguese, 82;
liberated by an English cruiser, ib.;
his faithless spouse, ib.;
his good qualities, ib.;
his love of (native) country, 83;
friendship between him and George Bonfield, 336;
turns sulky, 352;
the Author sends him to Lake Ngami, 393;
his return, 402.
Tincas, the mountain, 52;
great stronghold and breeding-place of lions, ib.
Tincas, the River, 84.
Tjobis, a river and tributary to the Swakop, 59.
Tjobis Fountain, arrive at, 60, 93;
depart from, 61, 93.
Tjopopa, a great chief of the Damaras, 168;
reach his werft, 169;
his character, ib.;
death of his mother, 176;
his idleness and fondness for tobacco, ib.;
sensuality, 177;
leaves Okamabuti, 207.
Tobacco, great size of leaves of, 110;
the Ovambo cultivate it, 189;
buy sheep for, 208.
Topnaars, a branch of the Hottentot tribe, 314.
Toucans, 59.
Trans-vaal River, the, rumors respecting the churlish conduct of
the Boers on, 27.
Traveling by day injurious, 58, 61;
by, night preferable, but dangerous, 84;
difficulties of African, 160.
Trees, bearing an apple-looking fruit, 176, 189;
enormous sized, ib.
Tsetse fly, the, where chiefly found, 468;
description of, 469;
poisonous nature of its bite, ib.;
result of Captain Vardon’s experiment on, 470;
Mr. Oswell’s examination of oxen bitten by, 471;
wild animals unaffected by the poison of, ib.
Tunobis, 233;
days profitably and pleasantly passed there, 235;
immense quantity of game in the neighborhood of, ib.;
the Author’s misadventure at, 360.
Twass, the head-quarters of the Namaqua chief Lambert, 355.

Usab, the, a striking gorge, we arrive at, 83.

“Venus,” a small half-breed dog, her combat with a rhinoceros,
great sagacity of, ib.
Voet-gangers (vide larvæ).
Vollmer, Mr., 139, 286.

Waggoner, John, his sulkiness and reluctance to work, 79;
dismissed at Barmen, 125;
his subsequent dishonest career, 139.
Wagons, the, fifteen hundred weight a good load for, 78;
accident to, 170.
Wait-a-bit thorn, the, 156;
great strength of its prickles, ib.;
excessively troublesome, 367, 413, 415.
Walfisch Bay, the Author’s party advised to select this place as a
starting-point for their journey into the interior, 28;
arrival at the entrance of, 29;
appearance of the coast as seen from, ib.;
description of, 30;
trading establishments there, ib.;
frequented by immense numbers of water-fowl, 31:
outrageous conduct of the crews of whaling and guano
ships visiting, 243;
extraordinary number of dead fish in, 245;
the Author’s second visit to, 339.
Water, difficulty of obtaining, 306, 387.
Water-courses, the periodical, afford the only really practicable
roads, 124.
Wenzel, Abraham, 79;
his thievish habits, ib.;
dismissed at Schmelen’s Hope, 140.
Whirlwinds, 217.
Williams, John, results of his carelessness, 80.
Willow-tree, the, in the neighborhood of Omuvereoom, 155.
Witch-doctor, the Namaqua, 318.
Witchcraft, Damaras have great faith in, 219;
the Bechuanas have great faith in, 442.
“Wolf,” 114.
Wolves, or hyænas, 131.
Women, Ovambo, 194;
Damara, 221;
Bayeye, 480.

Zebra, melancholy wail of the, 98;
the Author shoots one, 102;
its flesh not very palatable, ib.;
a lion mistaken for one, 112;
the Author shoots one, 142.
Zouga, a river which flows out of Lake Ngami, 403;
runs in an easterly direction from Lake Ngami for a distance
of about three hundred miles, 428;
vegetation along its course varied and luxuriant, ib.
Zwartbooi, William, a Namaqua chieftain, 137;
relations between Jonker Afrikaner, and, ib.;
his territory, 138;
assists us with servants, 140.
Zwart Nosop, many pitfalls for game constructed in the
neighborhood of, 238.
Zwart-slang, the, or black snake, 294, 295.

Acacia giraffæ, 42, 104.

Aigocerus ellipsiprymnus, 431.
Amadina squamifrons, 213.

Behemot Jobi, 487.

Buphaga Africana, 212.

Canis mesomelas, 278.

Chizoerhis concolor, 59.
Columber canus, 294.
Croton, 323.

Diosma, 323.

Euphorbia candelabrum, 91, 176.

Felis caracal, 135.

Francolinus adspersus, 50.

Glossina morsitans, 468.

Gryllus devastator, 281.
Harelda glacialis, 32.
Hippopotamus amphibius, 488, 489.
” Liberiensis, 488.
Holcus Caffrorum, 173.
Hyrax Capensis, 291.

Lanius subcoronatus, 78.

Loxia socia, 104.

Naia haje, 294.

Oryx Capensis, 272.

” beisa, 272.
” leucoryx, 272.
Otis kori, 135.

Processus mamillaris, 495.

Python Natalensis, 290.

Quercus Africana, 170.

Rhinoceros bicornis, 372, 373.

” ” Sumatrensis, 370.
” Indicus, 370.
” Keitloa, 372, 376.
” Oswellii, 372.
” simus, 372, 373, 374.
” Sondaicus, 370.

Textor erythrorhynchus, 213.

Tragelaphus Angasii, 433.
” eurycerus, 433.
Trimerorhinus rhombeatus, 294.

Vipera inflata, 294.





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