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WORDLIST - 14/12/24


Bare - without any clothes or - Don't walk around outside in your b
not covered by anything are feet.
- only the - I just packed the bare essentials (=
most basic or important the most basic and
necessary things).
Fierce - physically violent and fright - Two men were shot during
ening fierce fighting last weekend.
- strong and powerful - Fierce winds prevented the race fro
m taking place.
Rough - not even or smooth, often - It was a rough mountain road, full
because of being in bad of stones and huge holes.

Supreme - having - the supreme commander of the

the highest rank, level, armed forces
or importance - Beethoven reigns supreme among
classical composers.
Typical - showing all the - I must look like the
characteristics that you typical tourist with my shorts and
would usually expect from my camera.
a particular group of things
Urgent - very important and needing - He's got to sign that paper - will
attention immediately you tell him it's urgent?
- Many people are in urgent need
of food and water.
Eligible - having the necessary - Are you eligible for early
qualities or retirement/maternity leave?
satisfying the necessary con
Fragile - A fragile object is easily - Be careful with that vase - it's very
damaged or broken fragile
Severe - causing very great pain, di - a severe chest infection/ leg injury/
fficulty, worry, damage, toothache
etc.; very serious
Spectacula - very exciting to look at - a spectacular view
r - especially great - We've had spectacular success with
the product.
Superficial - (of a person) - He's fun to be with, but he's very
never thinking about things superficial.
that are serious or - I only have a
important superficial (= slight) knowledge
- not complete and involving of French.
only the
most obvious things
Vague - not clearly expressed, know - I do have a
n, described, or decided vague memory of meeting her
many years ago.
Delicate - needing to be - Repairing damaged nerves is a very
done carefully delicate operation.
Flexible - able to change or - My schedule is flexible - I
be changed could arrange to meet with you
easily according to any day next week.
the situation - Rubber is a flexible substance.
- able to bend or to
be bent easily
without breaking
Harsh - unpleasant, unkind, cruel, - The children had had a
or more severe than harsh upbringing
is necessary - He said some harsh
words (= spoke unkindly) about
his brother.
Loose - not firmly held or fastened i - The nails in
n place the wall had worked themselves
Permanent - lasting for a long time or - She is looking for a
for ever permanent place to stay
Rash - careless or unwise, without - That was a rash decision - you
thought for what didn't think about
might happen or result the costs involved.
Superior - better than average or bett - This is clearly the work of a
er than other people or superior artist.
things of the same type
Swift - happening or moving quickl - The police took swift action against
y or within the rioters.
a short time, especially in
a smooth and easy way
Brisk - quick, energetic, and active - He set a brisk pace and
we struggled to keep up.
Deliberate - (often of something bad) - We made a
intentional or planned deliberate decision to live apart for
a while.
Pale - used to describe a - You're looking pale - are
person's face or skin if it you feeling well?
has less color than usual,
for example when the
person is or ill or frightened
Recent - happening or starting from - Have you been following recent
a short time ago political events?
Sensitive - easily upset by the things - He was very sensitive about his
people say or do, scar and thought everyone
or causing people to was staring at him.
be upset, embarrassed,
or angry
Tough - strong; not easily broken or - These toys are made from
made weaker tough plastic

It was a typical morning when Clara received an urgent call from her friend
Jake. His message was vague, but she understood it was something serious.
She put on a jacket over her bare arms and decided to meet him quickly.

When Clara reached Jake's apartment, the delicate sound of a clock chimed
in the hallway. Jake opened the door with a brisk nod. He looked rough, as if
he hadn't slept. "I'm in a tough spot," Jake admitted, leading Clara inside the
fragile confines of his small living room.

Jake showed Clara a recent letter he'd received about a job opportunity that
was superior to his current one. However, he felt he was not eligible for it
due to a rash decision he made years ago. The severe tone of his voice
revealed his worry. Clara listened carefully, knowing her friend was in a
sensitive situation.

"You mustn't be too harsh on yourself," Clara advised swiftly. "You've grown
a lot since then." Jake knew Clara's words were genuine and sincere, yet his
dilemma felt like a permanent weight.

Despite the superficial calm of the room, a fierce determination began to

grow within Jake. He decided he would prepare a deliberate application,
highlighting his superior skills and experiences.

Clara offered further help, knowing that true support can move beyond the
loose, vague encouragement into real action. She believed in Jake's ability
to navigate through challenges with delicate yet firm resolve. As they sat
together, discussing strategies and ideas, Jake felt a newfound confidence.
The brisk energy in the room promised brighter opportunities ahead.
Can You Fill in the Blanks?

tough, delicate, bare, fierce, superficial, swift, eligible, typical, urgent, fragile,
deliberate, rough, vague, supreme, loose, superior, rash, harsh, permanent, severe,
brisk, sensitive, recent

1. The walls of the room were _______________(1), with no pictures or decorations at


2. The _______________(2) wind made it difficult to walk outside without holding onto

3. The road was _______________(3) and full of bumps, causing a bumpy ride in the

4. The cake was praised for its _______________(4) taste and perfect texture.

5. It is _______________(5) for American families to celebrate Thanksgiving together.

6. There was an _______________(6) need for help after the heavy rain caused

7. Students must follow certain guidelines to be _______________(7) for the


8. The _______________(8) vase was placed on the shelf where it wouldn’t get
knocked over.

9. He felt _______________(9) pain after he fell down the stairs.

10. Her comment was _______________(10) and did not show any real understanding.

11. The directions were _______________(11), making it hard to find the right place.

12. The _______________(12) flowers need special care to stay alive.

13. The _______________(13) sunlight made it uncomfortable to sit outside for too

14. Make sure the cap is not _______________(14) so that the paint does not spill out.

15. They decided to make a _______________(15) change to their living arrangements.

16. He made a _______________(16) decision to quit his job without having another
one lined up.

17. She believes her work is _______________(17) to what others have done.

18. The _______________(18) movement of the cheetah amazed everyone at the zoo.

19. We took a _______________(19) walk in the park to enjoy the fresh air.

20. His _______________(20) choice of words showed how careful he was in the
21. The _______________(21) news about the event has attracted a lot of attention.

22. Some people are _______________(22) to changes in temperature and feel cold

23. Climbing that mountain was _______________(23), but we felt proud when we
reached the top.
Correct answers:

1. bare

2. fierce

3. rough

4. supreme

5. typical

6. urgent

7. eligible

8. fragile

9. severe

10. superficial

11. vague

12. delicate

13. harsh

14. loose

15. permanent

16. rash

17. superior

18. swift

19. brisk

20. deliberate

21. recent

22. sensitive

23. tough

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