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Introduction to Robot Kinematics

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Engineering Mechanics (MU-FE-Sem 1) (Introduction to Robot Kinematics) ••• J -

A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings
except where such order would conflict with the first law.
(4) Third Law
.- - - - - - :- - - - - ~Y.,..-,.. - ;- - -t',- - - -:,,.,- -;~ - - -/2--u,~----
• A robot must protect its own existence as long as such
•~GQ. Explain~cOAGepts of a rcib9J an~ tolt~~( .,,/~p

~------------------------- protection does not conflict with the first or second law.
__ J
0 Ans.:
• The word robot was first coined by a Czech novelist Karel
Capek in 1920 play titled Rassum's Universal Robots (RUR).
• Robot in Czech is a word for worker or servant.
@ Ans. : The essential characteristics of any robot are as
• Robot can be defined as an automatic apparatus or device that
performs functions ordinarily attributed to humans or explained below :
operates with what appears to be almost human intelligence. (1) Sensing
• Robotics Institute of America defines robot as, "A robot is a
• Human has five senses through which he can sense his
reprogrammable multifunctional manipulator designed to surroundings. Similarly, a robot should have the ability to
move material, parts, tools or specialized devices through sense its surroundings. This needs a lot of sensors to be
variable programmed motions for the performance of a
incorporated in the robot.
variety of tasks."
• The robot is a computer controlled device that combines the
• The sensors like light sensors (eyes), touch and pressure
sensors (hands), chemical sensors (nose), hearing and sonar
technology of digital computers with the technology of servo sensors (ears), and taste sensors (tongue) will give a robot
control of articulated chains. It should be easily
awareness of its environment.
reprogrammed to perform a variety of tasks, and must have
sensors that enable it to react and adapt to changing (2) Movement
conditions. • A robot needs to be able to move around its surrounding.
• Robot may be defined as a system that contains sensors, Whether rolling on wheels, walking on legs or propelling by
control systems, manipulators, power supplies and software thrusters a robot needs to be able to move.
all working together to perform a task. • Either a whole robot should move or just parts of the robot
• A mechanical device with joints and links, guided by sensors should move.
and driven by actuators controlled by a program, that handle
(3) Energy
and manipulate parts, materials tools and device for
performing different tasks in various work conditions can be • A robot needs to be able to power itself. A robot might be
called as a robot. solar powered, electrically powered, battery powered.
• Robotics is a branch of engineering that involves the • The source of energy for a robot depends on the application
conception, design, manufacture, and operation of robots. for which it is designed.
This field overlaps with electronics, computer science , (4) Intelligence
artificial intelligence, mechatronics, nanotechnology and
• Human brain is a thing which cannot be artificially
de~eloped. But to work as human does, a robot needs some
kind of smartness.
• This is possible by means of programming. A program is
stored in the robot controller which can be called as the brain
of robot.
@ Ans. : Issac Asimov proposed three ''Laws of Robotics" in • This gives the required logic and artificial intelligence to the
1950 and later added the ''Zeroth law". robot.
( 1) Zeroth Law

• A robot may not injure humanity or through inaction, allow

humanity to come to harm.
(2) First Law
• A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, 0 Ans.:
allow a human being to come to harm, unless this would • Degrees of freedom {DOF) can be defined as a term that
violate a higher order law.
describes a robot's freedom of motion in three dimensional
(3) Second Law space.

(New Syllabus w.e.f Academic Year 24-25)(Ml-04)

Engineering Mechanics (MU-FE-Sem 1)
(Introduction to Robot Kinematics) .... • _
• It refers to the ability of the robot arm to move forward and
backward, up and down, and to the left and to the right
:~ :10.5 · B:A,SIC TERMS,
• For each degree of freedom' a J. oint ts • .
. . reqwred. A robot
reqwres six degrees of freedom to be completely versatile.
• The number.
of degrees of freedom defin es the robot's
configuration. 0 Ans.:
• I
Many robotic applications require movement in all the three (1) Axis/Axe s
directions i.e. X, Y andz.
• An axis is a line across which a rotating body turns. Two axes
• These tasks require three joints of three degrees of freedom.
are required to reach any point in a straight plane, while three
• The .three degrees of freedom in tlie robot arm are one
l •
rotational and two linear.
The rotation about a vertical axis. Because of this the robot
(X, Y, Z) are needed to reach any point in the space.

• Three further axes (roll, pitch and yaw) are needed to control
can swivel about its base.
the orientation of the end of the robot arm or writst.
• The linear movemen t in horizontal direction. This allows the
Number of axes
extension and retraction of the arm relative to the base.
Up • Two axes are required to reach any point in a plane, three
axes are required to reach any point in space.
• To fully control the orientation of the end of the arm (i:e. the
Back wrist) three more axes (yaw, pitch and roll) are required.
(2) End effector

• Also known as end of arm tooling, is the 'hand' attached to

F'orward the end of the robot arm or wrist.
• End effectors include grippers, vacuum cups, spray guns,
welding tools and electro-magnetic pick-ups, their

Down performance being vital to precision and repeatability.

(3) Working envelope
Fig. 10.4.1 : Six degrees of freedom
It is also known as work space or work volume. It is the
• The linear movement about the vertical axis is to provide region of space the end effector of the manipulator can reach.
vertical lift to the robot arm.
( 4) Actuator s
• For applications that require more freedom, additional
These are devices that convert electrical, hydraulic and
degrees can be obtained from the wrist. which can be
pneumatic energy into robot motion.
obtained from the end effector.
These additional three degrees of freedom in the wrist (5) Payload

provide rotary motion to the arm. It is the maximum load or canying capacity, including weight
These degrees of freedom are named as : pitch, yaw and roll of the end effector.
as shown in Fig. (6) Reach
• The pitch, or bend, is the up-and-down movement of the wrist It is the maximum distance a robot can extend its arm to
about the horizontal axis. perform a task.
• The yaw is the side-to-side movement. or swivel about the
(7) Manipula tor
vertical axis.
This refers to the arm mechanism, created from ~ sequence of
• The roll is the rotation or swivel about the third axis
joint and linkage combinations, including the wrist.
(8) Joints
• Thus the first three degrees of freedom are for arm movement
while the remaining are for wrist movement. A Pru:1 th~t ~rovides_relative motion between the two parts. In
• A robot requires a total of six degrees of freedom to locate robobcs, Jomts proV1de either sliding or rotatin· g moti' on to the
and orient its hand at any point in its work envelope.

(New Syllabus w.e.f Academic Year 24-25)(M l-04)

Engineering Mechanics (MU-FE-Sem 1) (Introduction to Robot Kinematics) .....

~ 10.6 BASIC COMPONENTS OF A ROBOT:J' • The source of movement (drive) can be electric drive (motor)
hydraulic drive, pneumatic drive, artificial muscles, etc. '
~ GQ. ~_plain t~e ~~si~_,com~_onen~_of a robo~s. • • , : ·' ,: (4) sensors

~~ - - :.. ~ -- .:,. _•___ .:.·:. ~ _.../:..: ~ _;,}.~·-· - - .;. __ ..... • Sensor is an element in a control system that acquires a
physical parameter and changes it into a signal.
• The sensor sends information, in the form of electronic l
Any industrial robot has the following six basic components sipals back to the controller. Sensors also give the robot t
to perform the given work satisfactorily.
controller information about its surroundings and let it know f

(1) Arm the exact position of the arm, or the state of the world around
• The arm is the part of the robot that positions the end-effector ..
and sensors to do their pre-programmed task. • Sensors can also assist end effectors by adjusting for part
• Most of the robot arms resemble human arms, and have variances.
shoulders, elbows, wrists, even fingers.
• To know the position of each joint in the mechanical linkage,
• With the movement of robot arm, the shoulder, elbow, and potentiometers or encoders are used as sensors.
wrist move and twist to position the end effector in the exact
right spot. • Tachometers or accelerometers are used to measure the
velocity and / or acceleration at each joint
• This gives the robot a lot of ways to position itself in its
environment. Each joint gives the robot one degree of • Vision sensors (cameras, . laser range finders), acoustic
freedom. sensors (ultrasonic ranging systems), touch sensors are used
• It means that a simple robot arm with 3 degrees of freedom to detect objects or features in the environment.
could move in any of the three directions; up and down, left • Microphones allow robots to detect sounds sensors such ~
and right, forward and backward. rotation about base etc. buttons embedded in bumpers can allow the robot to
• Industrial robot arms can vary in size and shape. determine when it bas collided with an object or a wall.
(2) End-effectors (5) Controllers

• A hand of a robot is considered as end effectors. The

• Every robot is connected to a ~omputer that coordinates both
effectors are the parts of the robot that actually do the work.
the arm to work together. This computer is known as the
• The grippers and tools are the two significant types of end
controller. ~• . . . . .. . .
effectors that help the robot to do its job.
• The grippers are used to pick and place an object, while the • The controller functions as the "brain" of the robot

tools are used to carry out operations like spary painting, spot • The controller also allows the robot to be networked to other
welding, etc. on a work piece. systems, so that it may work together with other machines,
• If the robot has more . than one arm, there can be more than processes, or robots.
one end-effector on the same robot, each suited for a specific
• The robotic arm controller runs a·set of instmctions written in
. code called a program.
• Some robots can change end-effectors, and be reprogrammed
for a different set of tasks. • The controller actually is some electronic device which
(3) Actuators receives the signals from the sensors and provides it to the
drive to actuate the actuators.
• An actuator is a device that produces translator or rotary
movement in the links or makes the freedoms possible. • The actuation produced is fed back to the controller by the
• The actuators are actuated in reaction to the feedback from feedback element, which is compared with the given input
the sensors. and further action is taken.
• The most important and popular actuator is a motor (DC (6) Drive
Motor, Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, etc.), which allows the
robot to control a wheel, a switch or even an arm. • The drive is the engine or motor that moves the links into
their designated positions ie. links are the ~ons betWee0
• Stepper motors controls by increasing or decreasing the
voltage. the joints.

• Servo motor control by slowing or speeding up the motor • Industrial robot arms generally use one of the following types
using a feedback loop. of drives : hydraulic, electric, or pneumatic.

(New Syllabus w.e.f Academic Year 24-25)(Ml-04)


ram representation of typical

• Fig. 10.7.1 shows the block diag
robotic mechanical system. . ,
, whi ch is defined earlier...
• The inp~t is a prescribed task
system is the actual task,
• The output of a robotic mechanical
These sensors ~ and
which is monitored by the ~ -
n of feedmd: signals:
transmit the infonnation in the fon
lefintd task given to the
• This is compared with die pm
and the actual task are then
• The errors between the piescribed
which thea ,ynthesius the
fed back into the controller,
necessary corrective signals.
~ which then drive
• These are in turn fed back to die
required task.
the mechanical system through the
• I

An industrial robot has the 1

basic parts like arm, sensor, by the! robot.
• Thus the given task is performed
actuator, controller etc.
• .

te among •themselves via

, These subsystems •·communica
s basically of decoding the
interfaces, whose function consist
medium to another.
transmitted information from one
• Robot done
_ta_s_k_.,.~ Model .,_ -+t

. ems '.
cture of robotic mechanical syst
Fig. 10.7.1 : The general stru - - •.••
effector.- • ~

do~ to
In total a robot typi cally _bas ~ six degrees of free
effector to a poin~ _ or line in
position and orient the end . 11 •
... . . . .•·
- • •

space. .
.. .>

ltf Ans.:
ots deals with the assembling
• The Anatomy of Industrial Rob • t, arm and body•
such as wns
of outer components of a robot
two sections.
• Robot manipulator consists of
typically three degrees-o~ @ Ans.:
• Body-and-arm assembly-with l robot consists· of a series of
objects in the robot's wor The manipulator of an industria
freedom for positioning of • the
joints and links encompass
volume. • joints and links. Different • • .
• • 'I i.

cally three ~grees-of-freedom-

~~r study of robot anatomy.
• Wrist assembly with typi . between two links of the robot
orientation of objects. • Joints provide relative motion
3 devtce between joints.· •.. •1 •
• At the end of the manipul
ator's wrist assembl y is
th robot whereas links are rigid members
st be accomplished by e. th ion are linear and rotary.
related to the task that mu
• The two basic types of joint mot
effector, and can be ei erfora freedom" of motion. In most
The device is called an end . tool
pecific Each joint provides a "degree-of-
. per for holding a work part, or 8 s • om is associated with ·each
gnp cases only one degree-of-freed
performing some process.
• can be classified according to
to position the end • joint So a robot's complexity
m of the robo t is used freedom they possess.· ·•
• The body-an d-ar the total number of degrees-of-
t is u~ !0 .. o_ri~nt_ ~ ~n~
effector, and the robot's wris
Year 24-25)(Ml-04)
(New Syllabus w.e.f Academic

Engineering Mechanics (MU-FE-Sem 1) (Introduction to Robot Kinematics) ....

• Each joint is connected to two links, an input link and an ~ 10.10.2 X, Y and Z Ax.es Used In the
output link, with the joint providing controlled relative Analysis of the Space Forces
movement between the input link and output link.
• Most robots are mounted upon a stationary base, such as the
floor. From this basis a joint-link numbering scheme may be
recognised (See Fig. 10.9.1).

@ Ans.:
' -
(I) The x, y and Z axes are at right angles to each other hence
they are called as the rectangular axes.
(ii) To find the positive direction of the X. Y and Z axes the right
hand role is used which is explained ~ follows :
. '

Suppose it is required to find the positive direction of the

Z-axis, then bold the Z-axis in your right band such that the
Link 1 thumb lies along tbeZ-axis and the fingers curl along the
positive X-axis and enter the positive_ Y-axis then the
extended thumb represents the positive direction of the
Z-axis. •
(Hi) This can be easily understood with the help of the
Fig. 10.10.1.
(iv) Similarly we can find the positive directions of the Y-axis
and the Z-axis.
+Z I
I 1 !

I I .♦.,_ --- - -
I t\ -
Fig.10.9.1: Joints and Links I
~.,,\ I
·--- ....._- --- "--,__V· ' • ~ • ,-~-
~ ~:-) I I

~ 10.10.1 Concept / Deflnidon of 1 Robot I
I i"' ·!

, ·'
Kinemadcs' ,~,,, !
i i

_ .
~ ...... ..... . ..........
- - ,-.,-._,_~,_~ ~-/~_,.,.--:-~-·,.,.,.-""/,-:,.--."!"H'~)!-,,~,('!!"9
- - , - -~·.-.,- - - - . ~ - - .-.,..,.. -
. ·---+·-·- .......... ......... .........
,'·c;Q:·;i'~expii,nth~;~o~~;-pt~of 'R~bot'Ki~~~ti,f1rt,~~,~~S.

I 1-
II .:-''./'~',,,;, '~~l'•t,,y,}!_'.(,}t._i"':;· '; ··,: ~-, ;iJ:r'fr --'"-~, +X-, 'i
fi1 Ans.:
-~-~--------~ ,,_J

(1BZ)Fig. 10.10.1 , ..
(i) Robot kinematics can be defined as 'the geometric analysis of (The uss of the right hand rule far ch6cklng the positive
motion of a robot'. direct/an of the Z-axls)
(ii) It involves determining the following factors of different
moving parts of a robot : ~ 10.10.J Rea,resentadon of a Space Veccor
(1) orientation (2) position
(3) path (4) velocity
acceleration and
rate of change of acceleration.
(iii) Robot kinematics requires a deep knowledge of a space
vector. (which is explained in details in the following

(New Syllabus w.e.f Academic Year 24-25)(M1-04)

Engineering Mechanics (MU-FE-Sem 1) (Introduction to Robot Kinematics) ....(
@ Ans.: - ~
(iii) The space vector V is represented by OA which has the
Following Fig. l 0.10.2 shows the block diagram of several rectangular components Vx, Vy and Vz·
methods of representing a space vector :
(iv) Ox, 0y and Oz are the angles subtended by the space vector V
Space Vector
Representation with the X, Y and Z axes respectively.
(v) cos (0x), cos (8y) and cos (8z) are called the directional
1 1 cosines of the space vector V such that,
Reclangular (8) By Vx = V • cos (8x), Vy= V cos (0y) and
Components Matrices Vz = V • cos (0z)
(vi) Applying the Pythagorean theorem we get the magnjtude of
.l 1 the space vector as :
{a) (b) 2 _+_(V_J...,.2
I V I = ✓-(V-x_/_+_(V....:.·-y).,.. ... (1)
Fbced Frame Homogenous
& Pure Translatlon$l &
Moving Frame
Pure Rotational (vii) The space vector V can be represented by the rectangular
Matrices components as :

Fig. 10.10.2
V =
( A..
A.. A) ... (2)

~ 10.10.4 Space Vector Representation by a. 10.10.5 Representadon of a Space Vector

Rectangular Components by a Matrix
t);=<Y;~-{'; ~
I},,.. - ,,.., - - -),~ "- - ~-'<-x;i
~- - - - -
... - - - ; ....- -_;:----

~t:fSl ),,~Rlain how ,a- SJ:?aC~ vector ~n be represei:lte$J~\~Y.~•

•/t:,', - rectangular components. - •
@ Ans.: @ Ans.:
(i) Consider a space vector V directed from the origin O to a A space vector V having rectangular components Vx• Vy and
point A in the fixed frame formed by the X, Y and Z axes as Vz can be simply represented by a matrix as
shown in the following Fig. 10.10.4.

a. 10.10.6 Representadon of a Space Vector

by a Matrix with a Scaling Factor
I : GQ. Explain briefly what is meant by scaling of a space :
I I 1 ~ vector. What scaling factor is used in Robot •
I 'v I I
--------------- A' X
Kinematics ? Hence represent a space vector V by :
1 a matrix with a scaling factor.
@ Ans.:
+X (i) Scaling of a space vector means changing the size of all of its
three dimensions or rectangular components.
Fig. 10.10.4 : Representation of space vector V by (ii) In Robot kinematics usually a scaling factor of 1 is taken
rectangular components means there is no change in the dimensions of the space
(ii) 1, J and i are the unit vectors along X, Y and Z axes (iii) The matrix representation with a scaling factor l is as
respectively. follows:

(New Syllabus w.e.f Academic Year 24-25)(Ml-04)

Engineering Mechanics (MU-FE-Sen;i 1) (Introduction to Robot Kinematics) ....1
Zox, Zov, Zoz represent the components of
V =
... (4)
Xo, Y0 , 7'"""U_ axes. 21 on
Vz ~ 10.10.8 Homosenous Matrices
(iv) However, to make a prototype of a Giant Robot a scale --- ..,
• • --,,., --~ ---. ·,.
• --. I
factor < 1 may also be used.
@ Ans.:
~ 10.10.7 Fixed and Moving Planes
(i) A homogenous matrix has following three ~
features:· .
(1) It bas usually a square form of (4 x 4) i.e. 4 rows and
I 4
columns. . . .-· -
@ Ans.: (2) Iti.s a scale factor of 1.
(i) Consider the following Fig. 10.10.5 in which shown a fixed , (3) "'!Ne know _that a (3 x 3) matrix represents only
frame Fox OY oz initially located at the fixed origin 0. •• . orientation while a (4 x 4) bomogenous matrix
(ii) The fixed frame is moved to some new origin N after some . ... . : represents both orientation as well as position.
time. (ii) They are used for rep~ting ,
Zo (1) Pure translation and
(2) Pure rotation ·
. ,: ~ .
~. 10.10.9 HOIIIOpftOIIS
. Transfonnadon

Fixed plane F • ,• I ••• . . .. . , ,
(1) When a frame moves -~.r.t, another frame in space, its new
position and orientation w.r.t. the fixed frame or another
moving frame, can be described in a matrix form called
'transformation matrix', which are always homogenous.
Xo (2) Transformation matrix multiplied by another transformation
Fig. 10.10.S : Fixed plane (F) and the moving plane (M) . matrix gives a new transformation matrix.

(iii) ~t the point P originally situated in the fixed plane (F) have
(3) When a transformation is applied w.r.t. a fixed frame, then
the coordinates (or components) Xo, Y0 and 2a while in the
this • process is called premultiplication while when
transformation is applied w.r.t a moving or a new frame, then
moving plane (M) let its coordinates be XN, Y N and~- .
this process is called post multiplication.
(iv) The moving frame (M) can be represented in position and
(4) Transformation matrix is of two types:
orientation by a 4 x 4 matrix as follows :
(i) Pure translation •
Xox Y ox Zox Px (d) Pure rotation
XoY Yoy Zov Py
M = ... (5) '&. 10.10.10 Pure Transladon Matrix
Xoz Yoz Zoz Pz
0 0 0 .1 .
Xox, Xov, Xoz represent the components of X1 on
Xo, yo, Zo axes.
ltf Ana.:
(i) • Consider the following Fig. 10.10.6(a).
Yox, Yoy, Yoz represent the components of Y1 on
Xo, Y 0 , Zo axes.

(New Syllabus w.e.f Academic Year 24- 25)(Ml-04)

. ..

Engineering Mechanics (MU-FE-Sem 1)
(Introduction to Robot Kinematics) .... ~ _
~ 10.10.1 3 Forward Kinematics (2) <lj ...... also known as link twist angle, is the offset
angle from zi-l axis to zi axis about the xi axis. For links
in the same plane ai = 0.
(3) di ..... also known as link offset, is the distance of the
origin of xi - zi frame from Xj_ 1 - zi-l frame along
0 Ans.: zi_axis. For links in the same plane di = 0.
(i) Forward kinematics is used for finding the position and • 1s
(4) 0i·· ...... als~ kn own as link rotation • • t angle
• the Jom
orientation of an end collector like lifter, holder or gripper of from Xj_ 1 axis to xi axis about Zj_ 1 axis measured as per
a robotic arm.
right hand rule.
(ii) For this the robotic parameters like link lengths, offsets and ~1 Zi
joint angles are required.
\i\f~;f•s ,,.
(iii) Thus, forward kinematics can make complete analysis of pure -- ....p;,-,,..~------.-1--', - - - - - ~ 1 ------
.~/-<. ' '------ ....--- ---_,
translation, pure rotation as well as combined motion of I

translation and translation of the end organ of a robot J-1 th (Lower) link
r (Upper) link !

Fig. 10.10.8(a) : A two-link mechanism in one vertical plane

~ 1O.10.1 4 Denavit-Hartenberg (I.e. D H)
Model (~ = 0 in this case •. • links are in same plane. Also <lj = 0
zi and zi-l are parallel)

0 Ans.:
--f- - Xj

d1 &..,.jl-r -------r- --""'T,-

(i) Generally mathematical modeling of any machine is done to th
i (Upper) link
establish the equations of its pelformaoce, test-results etc.
which will be useful in improving its design, quality,
operation, economy etc.
(ii) The machines may be mechanical, electrical, electronic etc. i-1 th (Lower) link
(iii) Here we consider a robot which has several links and joints
resulting in a set of motions like translations, rotations and Fig.10.10.S(b): A two-link mechanism in two different planes
their combinations.
(~ is present ·: links are not in same plane)
(iv) For studying and analysing the total pelformaoce of a robot
we first make its Denavit-Hertenberg (D-H) model. (ii) Procedure to perform forward kinematics using D H
(v) Afterwards we use the four DH parameters named as a, b, c
representation on a simple 2-link planar robot
and 0 for getting the transformation matrices of the robot
under study. manipulator
(vi) Jacques Denavit and Richard Harten~rg are mechanical • Consider a simple planar robot manipulator formed by two
engineers who introduced the DenaVIt-Hartenberg (DH) th
links AB (call it as the i link) and link BC (which therefore
convention in 1955 which is used to attach the reference happens to be the i + 1 th
link) contained in one plane. Both
frames to the links of a robot the joints A and Bare revolute joints (such joints allow only
rotation motion at the joint).
~ 10.10. 15 DH Parameten th
i+1 link
Xi+ 1

Revolute joint i + 1..--.,~

@ Ans.:
(i) There are four DH parameters namely a;_, a,,~ and 0i. Let us I

first define these parameters and then understand their ,,·/ Ith link
A 81
application with the help of a 2-link robot manipulator. Revolute joint i ...,.___. Xj _ 1 (assumed horizontal)
(1) a;_ . . . . . . . also known as link length, is the length of the Zi _ 1 axis Is l. to page
common normal between zi and Zj_1 axis. For a straight
link, it is the length of the link itself.
Fig. 10.10.9

(New Syllabus w.e.f Academic Year 24-25)(Ml-04)

Basic Compo nents of a Robotic arm.

_ Body/Frame : The structu re of the robot that holds

all the components together.
- Actuators : These are .the robot's "muscles"
responsible for movement. Common types include
motors and hydraulic systems. .
- . Sensors. : Robots use sensors to detect their
environment, much
. like how humans use· their
senses. Examples include cameras (vision),
microphones (hearing), and touch sensors.
- Control Sys~em : The brain, of the robot, often a
compu ter or microcontroll~r, _that processes sensor
- data and sends comma
\. . .
nds to the actuators.
Power Supply ~ The ·energy source that powers the
robot, such as batteries ~r solar panels.
I • ••·

.tf:/:::' .: J .

,.· .., -~



: Anatomy of Robot

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