Advanced Anchor and Mooring Study
Advanced Anchor and Mooring Study
Advanced Anchor and Mooring Study
Prepared for:
1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Background ......................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Project Objectives ............................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Organization of Report....................................................................................................... 4
2.0 WAVE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES .................................................................................. 5
2.1 Operating Principles ........................................................................................................... 5
2.2 WEC Devices ....................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.1 Point Absorber ............................................................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Attenuators ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.3 Terminator...................................................................................................................... 9
3.0 MOORINGS .......................................................................................................................... 12
3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Anchors .............................................................................................................................. 14
3.2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 14
3.2.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 14
3.2.3 Selection of Anchor Type ............................................................................................ 15
3.2.4 Anchor Selection Criteria ............................................................................................ 19
3.2.5 Site Investigation ......................................................................................................... 21
3.2.6 Anchor Products........................................................................................................... 23
3.3 Buoys .................................................................................................................................. 46
3.4 Mooring Lines and Connecting Hardware ..................................................................... 48
3.4.1 Chain ............................................................................................................................ 48
3.4.2 Wire Rope .................................................................................................................... 50
3.4.3 Synthetic Rope ............................................................................................................. 51
3.5 Sources of Mooring Hardware ........................................................................................ 55
3.6 Mooring Configurations ................................................................................................... 57
3.6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 57
3.6.2 Guidelines and Standards ............................................................................................. 58
3.6.3 Mooring Analysis and Design Risk ............................................................................. 59
3.6.4 Mooring Configurations............................................................................................... 61
3.6.5 Mooring Line Characteristics ...................................................................................... 65
3.6.6 Anchor Characteristics ................................................................................................. 66
4.0 OREGON COAST CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................ 69
4.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 69
4.2 FERC Sites......................................................................................................................... 69
4.3 Wave Climate / Storm Wave Analysis ............................................................................ 70
4.4 Winds and Storm Information ........................................................................................ 77
4.5 Ocean Currents ................................................................................................................. 81
4.6 Threats from Wrecks and Obstructions ......................................................................... 82
4.6.1 Northern FERC permitted sites.................................................................................... 83
4.6.2 Southern FERC Permitted Sites ................................................................................... 85
4.7 Buoy Locations near FERC Sites .................................................................................... 86
4.8 Marine Protected Areas – Marine Sanctuaries .............................................................. 90
4.9 Bathymetry and Sediment Maps ..................................................................................... 91
4.10 Geology............................................................................................................................. 97
4.11 Geophysical, Hydrographic, Metocean, Geological, and Geotechnical Data Sources
of the Oregon Coast. ............................................................................................................... 98
4.11.1 Oregon Bathymetry.................................................................................................. 100
4.11.2 Marine Geology: ...................................................................................................... 100
4.11.3 Seismicity:................................................................................................................ 101
4.11.4 Geophysical: ............................................................................................................ 101
4.11.5 Geotechnical: ........................................................................................................... 101
4.11.6 Oregon Coast Geohazards: ...................................................................................... 101
4.11.7 Metocean:................................................................................................................. 101
4.11.8 General Information: ................................................................................................ 101
5.0 INSTALLATION ASSETS AND CONSIDERATIONS ................................................. 103
5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 103
5.2 Installation Assets ........................................................................................................... 103
5.2.1 Tugs............................................................................................................................ 103
5.2.2 Barges ........................................................................................................................ 104
5.2.3 Floating Cranes .......................................................................................................... 107
5.3 Installation Planning....................................................................................................... 109
5.3.1 Cost factors ................................................................................................................ 109
5.3.2 Vessel Cost................................................................................................................. 112
5.3.3 Oregon ports............................................................................................................... 114
5.3.4 OWET Study by Advanced Research Corporation ................................................... 114
6.0 ADDITIONAL R&D RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................... 116
APPENDIX A ANCHOR DESIGN PROCEDURES ........................................................... 117
A-1 Deadweight Anchors..................................................................................................... 118
A-1.1 Basic Design – Holding Capacity for a Simple Deadweight Anchor ....................... 118
A-1.2 Holding Capacity for a Deadweight Anchor with Keying Skirts ............................ 120
A-1.2 Other Design Considerations .................................................................................... 121
A-2 Drag Anchors ................................................................................................................ 125
A-2.1 Description................................................................................................................ 125
A-2.2 Drag Anchor Performance ........................................................................................ 126
A-2.3 Drag Anchor Holding Capacity ................................................................................ 128
A-2.4 Chain Contribution to Capacity ................................................................................ 132
A-2.5 Anchor Penetration ................................................................................................... 133
A-2.6 Anchor Setting Distance ........................................................................................... 134
A-2.7 Anchor Instability and Performance Problems ......................................................... 135
A-2.8 Piggybacking ............................................................................................................ 136
A-2.9 Factor of Safety......................................................................................................... 137
A-3 Pile Anchor ..................................................................................................................... 138
A-3.1 Driven and drilled and grouted piles ........................................................................ 138
A-3.2 Suction Piles ............................................................................................................. 139
A-3.3 Piles of Other Types ................................................................................................. 140
A-3.4 Pile Anchor Capacity ................................................................................................ 140
A-4 Plate Anchors ................................................................................................................ 142
A-4.1 Plate Anchor Types and Functioning ....................................................................... 142
A-4.2 Plate Anchor Capacity ............................................................................................. 143
A-4.3 Load Direction and Timing Factors That Affect Plate Anchor Capacity ................. 144
NEAR-SEABED SOILS AND ROCKS .................................................................................. 146
B-1 FORWARD .................................................................................................................... 147
B-2 Preface............................................................................................................................. 149
B-3 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 150
B-3.1 Applications .............................................................................................................. 152
B-3.2 Vessels and deployment systems .............................................................................. 155
B-4 Geophysical techniques ................................................................................................. 158
B-4.1 High resolution reflection systems............................................................................ 158
B-4.2 Remote geophysical platforms.................................................................................. 165
B-4.3 Seabed classification systems ................................................................................... 167
B-4.4 Seismic refraction systems........................................................................................ 168
B-4.5 Electrical resistivity systems ..................................................................................... 170
B-4.6 Underwater cameras.................................................................................................. 172
APPENDIX C BIBLIOGRAHPY and REFERENCES ....................................................... 173
C-1 Design Guides ................................................................................................................ 173
C-2 Anchoring Guides ......................................................................................................... 174
C-2.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 174
C-2.2 Deadweight Anchors................................................................................................. 175
C-2.3 Drag Anchors ............................................................................................................ 175
C-2.4 Pile Anchors .............................................................................................................. 176
C-2.5 Plate Anchors ............................................................................................................ 177
C-2.6 Cable/Chain-Soil Interaction .................................................................................... 178
C-3 Mooring Hardware ....................................................................................................... 179
Figure 1 Schematic Drawings of WEC Devices ............................................................................. 6
Figure 2 Examples of Point Absorber Wave Energy Converters ................................................... 7
Figure 3 Attenuator wave energy converter.................................................................................... 8
Figure 4 Pelamis Wave Energy Converter...................................................................................... 8
Figure 5 Anaconda Wave Energy Converter .................................................................................. 9
Figure 6 Ocean Energy Ltd. wave energy converter .................................................................... 10
Figure 7 Voith Hydro Wave Energy Converter ............................................................................ 10
Figure 8 Wave Dragon - Overtopping Wave Energy Converter System...................................... 11
Figure 9 Oyster® Wave Energy Converter .................................................................................. 11
Figure 10 Mooring Technology .................................................................................................... 12
Figure 11 Example 3 Leg Mooring............................................................................................... 13
Figure 12 Generic Anchor Types.................................................................................................. 14
Figure 13 Enhanced Deadweight Anchor ..................................................................................... 15
Figure 14 Anchor Penetration Behavior in Clay........................................................................... 16
Figure 15 Typical Drag Anchor .................................................................................................... 16
Figure 16 Multiple Mooring Piles Loaded for Transport ............................................................. 17
Figure 17 Multiple Suction Piles Installed from Single Vessel .................................................... 17
Figure 18 Driven Plate Anchor Installation .................................................................................. 18
Figure 19 Driven plate anchor install............................................................................................ 18
Figure 20 Types of Deadweight Anchors ..................................................................................... 23
Figure 21 Conventional Anchor Types (after Waterman Supply) ................................................ 24
Figure 22 Mooring and Offshore Anchors (after Waterman Supply)........................................... 25
Figure 23 Suction pile example and penetration process.............................................................. 35
Figure 24 Generalized Behavior of Plate Anchor ......................................................................... 38
Figure 25 Example US Navy Fleet Mooring Buoy (MIL-HDBK-1026/4A) ............................... 46
Figure 26 Trelleborg Mooring Buoys ........................................................................................... 46
Figure 27 Marine Fender Mooring Buoys ................................................................................... 47
Figure 28 Steel Buoy ............................................................................... 47
Figure 29 Distributed Cable Buoyancy......................................................................................... 48
Figure 30 Chain Connecting Elements ......................................................................................... 49
Figure 31 “X” Chart: Wire Rope Bending and Fatigue ................................................................ 50
Figure 32 Parallel Subrope Construction (DNV-OS-E303) ......................................................... 54
Figure 33 Samson Rope Polyester Tether Properties ( 54
Figure 34 Bridon Superline Polyester Tether ............................................................................... 55
Figure 35 Spread Mooring Configuration Options ....................................................................... 63
Figure 36 All FERC Permitted Sites, North and South, along Oregon Coast .............................. 69
Figure 37 Historical Trend of Storm Waves at NDBC Buoy 46002, 30-Year Data Record ........ 70
Figure 38 Location of NDBC Buoys (46015, 46050 and 46029) along Oregon Coast ................ 71
Figure 39 Significant Wave Height at NDBC Buoy 46029 (1984 – 2001) .................................. 72
Figure 40 Significant Wave Height at NDBC Buoy 46050 (1991 – 2001) .................................. 73
Figure 41 Frequencies of High Swell Events per Year along Oregon Coast............................... 74
Figure 42 Wind Speed at NDBC Buoy 46029 (1984 – 2001) ...................................................... 78
Figure 43 Average Wind Speed at NDBC Buoy 46050 (1991 – 2001)........................................ 78
Figure 44 Frequency of 30 to 40 Knot Wind Events at 3 NDBC Buoys along Oregon Coast ..... 81
Figure 45 Measured at Multiple Depths from GLOBEC Mooring NH10 ADCP ........................ 82
Figure 46 Legend for Wrecks and Obstructions Maps ................................................................. 83
Figure 47 Four Northernmost FERC Sites with Obstructions Shown .......................................... 84
Figure 48 Two Additional Northern FERC Permitted Sites ......................................................... 85
Figure 49 Two of the Southern Oregon FERC Sites with Obstructions Shown........................... 86
Figure 50 Southernmost Oregon FERC Site with Obstructions Shown ....................................... 86
Figure 51 Northern FERC Permitted Sites with Buoy/Station Locations .................................... 87
Figure 52 Southern FERC Permitted Sites with Buoy/Station Locations .................................... 89
Figure 53 MPAs along Oregon Coast ........................................................................................... 90
Figure 54 Bathymetry of Six Northern FERC Sites ..................................................................... 92
Figure 55 Bathymetry of Three South FERC Sites ...................................................................... 93
Figure 56 Sediment Types Inside and Near Four Northern FERC Sites ...................................... 94
Figure 57 Sediment Types Inside and Near Two North-Central FERC Sites .............................. 95
Figure 58 Sediment Types Inside and Near Three South FERC Sites ......................................... 96
Figure 59 Coastwise Tug ............................................................................................................ 103
Figure 60 Anchor Handling Tug ................................................................................................. 104
Figure 61 Offshore Supply Vessel .............................................................................................. 104
Figure 62 Miss Linda– General Purpose Support ( ... 104
Figure 64 Example Flat barges ................................................................................................... 105
Figure 63 Flat Barge with WEC-Sized device ............................................................................ 105
Figure 65 Operations ( .......................... 105
Figure 66 Semi-submersible Barge with USS Cole .................................................................... 106
Figure 67 Smit Marine Semi-submersible Barge........................................................................ 106
Figure 68 Example Seabridge Semi-submersible Marine Barge ................................................ 106
Figure 69 Example floating crane - DB Pacific .......................................................................... 107
Figure 70 Oregon Ports ............................................................................................................... 115
Figure 71 Simple Deadweight Anchor Design on Cohesive Soil ............................................... 119
Figure 72 Schematic of “Full-Base-Skirted” Deadweight Anchor ............................................. 120
Figure 73 Deadweight Anchor Design on Slopes ....................................................................... 122
Figure 74 Enhanced Pearl Harbor Anchor .................................................................................. 122
Figure 75 Enhanced Pearl Harbor Anchor Configuration .......................................................... 123
Figure 76 Anchor Parts Identified............................................................................................... 125
Figure 77 Types of Drag Anchor ................................................................................................ 125
Figure 78 Effects of tripping on drag anchor performance......................................................... 128
Figure 79 Ultimate Holding Capacity of Drag Anchors in Mud/soft Clay................................. 130
Figure 80 Ultimate Holding Capacity of Drag Anchors in Sand/hard Soil ................................ 131
Figure 81 Setting Distance of Drag Anchors .............................................................................. 135
Figure 82 Drag Anchors in Parallel ............................................................................................ 137
Figure 83 Pile Anchors ............................................................................................................... 139
Figure 84 Suction Pie Installation Mechanism ........................................................................... 139
Figure 85 Plate Anchor Types .................................................................................................... 143
Table 1 Features of Deadweight Anchors..................................................................................... 15
Table 2 Features of Drag Anchors ................................................................................................ 16
Table 3 Features of Pile Anchors .................................................................................................. 18
Table 4 Features of Plate Anchors ................................................................................................ 19
Table 5 General Criteria for Evaluation and Selection Criteria of WEC Anchors ....................... 20
Table 6 Behavioral Criteria for Evaluation and Selection of WEC Anchors ............................... 20
Table 7 Site Data Requirements for Categories of Geotechnical Engineering Applications ....... 21
Table 8 Soil Engineering Parameters ............................................................................................ 22
Table 9 Pile Types ........................................................................................................................ 33
Table 10 Mooring Line Connections ............................................................................................ 34
Table 11 Techniques to Improve Pile Lateral Load Capacity ...................................................... 34
Table 12 Anchor and Mooring Chains.......................................................................................... 49
Table 13 Torque-balanced Wire Rope for Oceanographic Applications...................................... 51
Table 14 Characteristics of Possible WEC Spread Mooring Configurations ............................... 64
Table 15 Mooring Line Summary................................................................................................. 65
Table 16 Anchor Characteristics Summary .................................................................................. 66
Table 17 Mooring Configuration Anchor Options ....................................................................... 68
Table 18 Bounding Coordinates of Nine FERC Permitted Sites .................................................. 70
Table 19 NDBC Buoy 46015 High Swell Events by Month and Year (*= partial or no data) .... 76
Table 20 NDBC Buoy 46029 High Swell Events by Month and Year (*= partial or no data) .... 76
Table 21 NDBC Buoy 46050 High Swell Events by Month and Year (*= partial or no data) .... 77
Table 22 Wind Speeds at NDBC Buoy 46015, 7-year dataset ..................................................... 79
Table 23 Wind Speeds at NDBC Buoy 46050, 10-year dataset ................................................... 79
Table 24 Wind Speeds at NDBC Buoy 46029, 10-year dataset ................................................... 80
Table 25 FERC Permitted Sites with Nearest Buoy/Station Locations ........................................ 88
Table 26 Matrix of FERC sites ..................................................................................................... 99
Table 27 Floating Crane Inventory from General Construction (not all cranes will be suited to
offshore use)................................................................................................................................ 108
Table 28 Marine Service Companies .......................................................................................... 108
Table 29 Installation Costs Factors A ......................................................................................... 110
Table 30 Installation Cost Factors B........................................................................................... 111
Table 31 Estimated Cost for DB Los Angeles to Deploy WEC Device...................................... 112
Table 32 Offshore Rates of Various Vessels .............................................................................. 113
Table 33 Friction Coefficients for Anchor Materials on Granular Soils (tan φ)......................... 118
Table 34 Nominal Features of Enhanced Pearl Harbor Anchor ................................................. 123
Table 35 Enhanced Pearl Harbor Anchor Capacity in Soft Clay/Mud ....................................... 124
Table 36 Enhanced Pearl Harbor Anchor Capacity in Sand ....................................................... 124
Table 37 Soil Characteristics and Effects ................................................................................... 126
Table 38 Operating Characteristics of Drag Anchors ................................................................. 127
Table 39 Anchor Holding Capacity Parameters ......................................................................... 132
Table 40 Mooring Line Friction Factors..................................................................................... 133
Table 41 Maximum Penetration Depths of Drag Anchors ......................................................... 134
Table 42 Stability Problems and Solutions for Drag Anchors .................................................... 136
Table 43 Recommended Factors of Safety for Mooring Lines and Anchors ............................. 138
Table 44 Friction and Bearing Parameters for Cohesionless Soils ............................................. 142
Table 45 Load Timing Factors Affecting Plate Anchor Capacity .............................................. 145
1.1 Purpose
This report establishes an industry knowledge base for existing anchoring and mooring
techniques as applied to wave energy conversion (WEC) devices in and around Oregon. The
effort is supported by the Oregon Wave Energy Trust (OWET) whose mission is to facilitate the
responsible development of the wave energy industry in Oregon.
The coast of Oregon has the most energetic wave environment on the West coast of the U.S.
except for Alaska. The responsible development of the Oregon wave energy industry requires
exacting analysis, design and execution to ensure minimal effect on the environment while
providing minimal cost mooring systems consistent with the lowest possible risk.
There is a multitude of WEC devices in concept, in development or in demonstration, yet there
are no universally applied standards or criteria specific to the design of wave energy devices.
Designers typically select guides developed for floating structures from various sources (DnV,
ABS, NK, API, and MMS), adapt them as best that they can, and trust that they achieve a safe
and cost-effective design. This can lead to inconsistent designs while making it difficult for
regulatory agencies to evaluate and certify the designs.
Almost 20 years ago the USCG was spending a disproportionate amount of time reviewing
design and enforcing safety regulations for novel offshore structures and vessels. The USCG
engaged the Marine Board from the National Academy of Sciences to recommend a means of
ensuring the safety of Innovative Marine Structures. The Marine Board defined an Innovative
structure as shown below, and recommended an approach for dealing with this type of structure.
Clearly, WEC devices can be classified as Innovative Structures1
An Innovative Structure is defined as: “structure that requires analysis and/or special fabrication
and inspection controls beyond those required by existing rules. Moreover, an Innovative
Structure is the first of its kind; few if any design standards directly apply; and there is little
operational experience to relate to the design review process.
In the safety review of Innovative Structures, the identification of problem areas may be more
important than the analysis itself, because by definition, the Innovative Structure may be
subjected to previously unknown load demands and failure modes. Once the problem is clearly
identified, assurance of the safety of Innovative Structures often requires the use of state-of-the-
art analysis methods.” The Marine Board went on to state that the analysis of such structures
“calls for individuals with a high level of education, competence and experience in applied
engineering with a strong grounding in and understanding in fundamental mechanics as well.”
This report on anchoring and mooring techniques is derived from the cumulative experiences of
engineers and scientists with many years of experience analyzing, designing and installing
“Assuring the Safety of Innovative Marine Structures”, Marine Board, National Academy of Sciences, 1980
structures in the ocean subjected to significant environmental forces. It is not intended to be a
complete design procedure but to provide the user with practical guidance on anchors and
mooring techniques and sources of reliable design information necessary to the design of WEC
devices suited to the coast of Oregon.
1.2 Background
The installation and operation of WEC’s off Oregon provide opportunities to the people of
Oregon for a new and clean source of renewable energy. However, the size and extent of WEC
mooring systems create potential effects to the offshore environment. The primary function of
the mooring system is to withstand the extreme environmental loadings while maintaining WEC
position and performance, it should accomplish this function in a cost effective manner with
minimal environmental impact. Regulatory agencies require that developers of marine
renewable energy address the potential environmental effects of wave energy devices.
A vast amount of technical information exists concerning anchoring and mooring systems from
the military and worldwide offshore industry. However, it can be a daunting task to sift through
this body of work and determine which information is actually relevant to the analysis and
design of a WEC device.
There is considerable experience in the offshore industry with the design and installation of
mooring systems for various offshore structures. Their design is controlled by rules, regulations
and guidelines established by various regulatory authorities and the most stringent apply to the
offshore oil and gas industry due to potential loss of life and the danger of environmental
damage. WEC devices are not manned nor do they pose significant potential damage to the
environment, thus they could be designed to a lesser safety standard/higher risk level. However,
since WEC technology is in its infancy this may not be a reasonable nor advisable design option.
Failure of a WEC mooring system could easily damage the public perception of the concept and
have a negative influence on future funding and continued support. Use of the more stringent
mooring design rules and guides is recommended until there is a suitable body of
knowledge and experience for mooring WEC devices to moderate these procedures.
The Carbon Trust, established by the UK government, recognized that there were no specific
codes of practice, standards, or guides to facilitate WEC design and development. They
commissioned DNV to develop a guideline (DNV2) to provide interpretation and guidance on
the application of the various existing standards and guides, such as offshore engineering, to
wave energy conversion (WEC) devices. DNV notes that this guideline is not a standard and
should be considered as a starting point for further standards work. The Guideline was
developed to provide guidance, act as reference to principal relevant standards and highlight
some major issues that developers or other stakeholders may wish to consider during
development of WECs. More recently, DNV issued an Offshore Service Specification for
DNV 2005, Guideline on design and operation of wave energy converters
Certification of Tidal and Wave Energy Converters3 (DNV-OSS-312). This document defines
the requirements, philosophy, deliverables and the certification procedure.
Germanisher LLoyd4 also developed a guideline in 2005 that applies to the design, assessment
and certification of ocean energy conversion systems and farms of ocean energy conversion
systems. The first part of the Guideline applies solely for ocean current turbines (OCT) but has
information relevant to the design of WEC devices. This guideline is also not intended to be a
full design procedure and safety manual guideline due to the multiple engineering solutions
possible, but to give some general guidance for the assessment of the safety of ocean current
In the RFP for this anchoring and mooring task, OWET properly noted that “The insights
garnered from collecting, assessing, and organizing this body of documentation would deliver
insightful conclusions to device manufacturers, public stakeholders, and government agencies. A
thorough search of public domain literature complemented by targeted corporate inquires would
summarize mooring system impacts based on the performance of similar implementations. The
information gleaned could be applicable to assessing a course of action from site selection
through project monitoring, provide regulatory agencies with a technical baseline for setting
policy guidelines and establishing project evaluation criteria.”
DNV-OSS-312,Offshore Service Specification Certification of Tidal and Wave Energy Converters, October 2008
Guideline for the Certification of Ocean Energy Converters Part 1: Ocean Current Turbines –Germanisher Lloyd,
2005 (draft)
1.4 Organization of Report
• Section 1.0. Describes the purpose, objectives, background and organization of the
• Section 2.0. Provides descriptions and operating principles of typical wave energy
• Section 3.0. Provides data and sources for mooring components to include anchors, buoys
and lines and connecting hardware that may be appropriate for WEC device mooring
systems. It also discusses suitable WEC mooring configurations.
• Section 4.0. Provides the results of a desk top survey of the site characteristics of the
Oregon coast with particular attention to the nine permitted FERC sites.
• Section 5.0. Identifies installation equipment such as tugs, barges and handling
equipment on the Pacific coast and the available infrastructure on the Oregon coast
available to support WEC device installation. Some cost and availability information is
• Section 6.0. Provides recommendations for Follow-on Research: studies or surveys that
focus on application of WEC devices to Oregon wave energy site utilization.
• Appendix A. Provides basic design procedures for deadweight, drag, pile and plate
• Appendix B. Provides a site and route survey guide appropriate to the investigation of
WEC sites.
Further, Harris5 provides an overview of possible operating principles for shoreline, nearshore
and offshore locations with schematics of wave energy devices (Figure 1). Both shoreline and
nearshore devices are restrained using traditional gravity and/or pile foundations. Once the
design survival wave environment, seafloor engineering properties and loads are established, the
anchor/foundation design process can be accomplished by many offshore engineering companies
with expertise in marine and offshore structures. General design guidance is provided in
Appendix A of this report. The Marine Foundation Committee of the Deep Foundation Institute
Mooring systems for wave energy converters: A review of design issues and choices, Robert E. Harris, BSc, PhD,
CEng, MIMarEST, Lars Johanning, Dipl.-Ing., PhD, Julian Wolfram, BSc, PhD, CEng, FRINA, MSaRS FRSA,
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
sponsored a number of relevant documents such as Deep Marine Foundations6 that provide good
examples of anchoring and foundation designs relevant to shoreline and nearshore WECs.
The moorings for the offshore WECs in Figure 1 are illustrated as single leg catenary moorings
but the actual anchor leg and mooring configuration will depend upon many things such as,
device orientation and rotational constraints for maximum power extraction, power transmission
cable survivability, seafloor conditions, and number of WECs in proximity to each other, and
available footprint and mooring-WEC interactions.
For operating principles and principal locations (Harris, et al, “Mooring systems for wave energy
Deep Marine Foundations, Deep Foundation Institute, Bittner, B, and R. Ellman, 2009
2.2 WEC Devices
WECs are also commonly categorized as Point Absorber, Attenuator and Terminator devices.
Each is characterized by a different operating principle and directionality requirement.
Operating principle and examples of each of these WEC categories follow.
2.2.2 Attenuators
An attenuator device extracts energy as the ocean wave moves along the body of the device. The
efficiency of an attenuator device is related to their principal axis being parallel or normal to the
incoming wave crest. A mooring system that allows the device to weathervane into the waves
while preventing rotation of the system is required.
Pelamis is one example of an attenuator WEC device. It is a long multi-segmented floating
structure oriented parallel to the direction of the waves and it converts the energy due to the
relative motion of the parts of the device
as the wave passes (Figure 3). Pelamis
is a semi-submerged, articulated
structure composed of cylindrical
sections linked by hinged joints. The
wave-induced motion of these joints is
resisted by hydraulic rams, which pump
high-pressure oil through hydraulic
motors via smoothing accumulators. The
hydraulic motors drive electrical
generators to produce electricity. Power Figure 3 Attenuator wave energy converter
from all the joints is fed down a single
umbilical cable to a junction on the sea
bed. Several devices can be connected together and linked to shore through a single seabed
Pelamis is shown in Figure 4 as a single unit and as multiple units combined to create a wave
farm. This system is moored with dual, spread anchor legs at the head and a single anchor leg at
the stern to align the unit into the prevailing seas.
The Anaconda is another example of and attenuator device although its operating principle
differs and it has not yet been field tested. Anaconda is a large water-filled rubber tube, aligned
in the direction of wave propagation where the natural propagation speed of bulge waves is
matched to the speed of the water waves to be captured (The bulge wave is a wave of pressure,
associated with a longitudinal oscillation of fluid, forwards and backwards along the tube. When
the pressure is high, the water is flowing forward; when it is low the water is flowing backwards;
this wave carries energy). The bulge wave power is converted to electricity by a turbine, which
receives a flow smoothed by accumulators. Model tests have shown that the capture width is up
to four times the diameter of the tube.
Figure 5 illustrates the waves coming from the left. The arrows show the oscillating flow of
water inside the tube. The pictures are screen shots of model test videos where the Anaconda
device is tethered to the sea floor and positioned head-on into the coming waves. As the wave
encounters the bow it creates a bulge that travels along the tube and when the bulge wave
reaches the Anaconda's tail, the energy is used to drive a turbine and create electricity.
A single point catenary leg mooring is shown but that is unlikely in operation to safeguard the
power cable and to minimize watch circle.
2.2.3 Terminator
A terminator interfaces with the continued propagation of the incident wave and extracts a
portion of the incident wave energy in a single event. Terminators extend perpendicular to the
direction of wave travel and capture or reflect the power of the wave. These devices are
typically onshore or near shore. Several examples of terminator devices follow.
The oscillating water column (OWC) uses the rise and fall of the ocean water level inside a
chamber to force compressed air through a turbine/ electrical generator. The Ocean Energy
Ltd. device is shown in Figure 6 being towed to the site and in operation. Since 2005 the
Hydraulics and Maritime Research Centre (HMRC) in Cork, Ireland has been working with
Ocean Energy Limited to develop a prototype wave-power electric generator. There “is a large
ducting, or chamber, inside this device which is open to the sea at the rear and inside the
chamber there is an air volume. That air volume is compressed by the waves and as the waves go
by that compressed air is forced through the turbine which spins to generate electricity.”
Figure 6 Ocean Energy Ltd. wave energy converter
The Voith Hydro device is a shoreline wave energy converter utilizing an inclined OWC with
Wells turbine. Its operating principle and a prototype system are shown in Figure 7. The
prototype (Limpet plant) is located on the island of Islay off the west coast of Scotland and
according to the developer it is the world’s first grid connected commercial scale wave energy
plant, commissioned in November 2000.
The Wave Dragon is another form of terminator that is classified as an overtopping device.
Figure 8 illustrates the operating principle and shows a prototype in operation. Overtopping
wave energy converters operate through storing of potential energy in a water reservoir above the
mean water level of incident waves. The stored water is drained through a low head turbine
generator to a lower elevation. Both near shore and offshore floating versions have been
Wave Dragon is a floating, slack-moored device that can be deployed in a single unit or in
arrays. The first prototype connected to the grid is currently deployed in Nissum Bredning,
Denmark. A mooring with good position and direction control is important to the proper
performance and survivability of this system.
Figure 8 Wave Dragon - Overtopping Wave Energy Converter System
Aquamarine Power, Edinburg, Scotland developed the Oyster® wave energy converter shown in
Figure 9. Oyster® consists of an Oscillator fitted with pistons and fixed to the nearshore sea
bed. Each passing wave activates the Oscillator, pumping high pressure water through a sub-sea
pipeline to the shore. Onshore, conventional hydro-electric generators convert this high-pressure
water into electrical power. As shown in Figure 9 the device is substantial and can be anchored
by gravity base and/or piles. The device generates energy during pitch of the upright element. Its
operating principle is illustrated by the middle schematic in Figure 1 for a WAB operating
3.1 Introduction
Figure 10 depicts the range of mooring components and mooring configurations that were
considered for this study. These primarily apply to the mooring of nearshore and offshore
floating WEC devices although certain of the anchor design details provided apply to offshore
fixed and shoreline devices. The level of detail provided in the following sections varies and
focuses primarily on anchors, lines and mooring configurations. There has been a flurry of
activity over the past few years towards development and improvement of new anchor systems
and much of this information has not been consolidated for simple access, therefore it received
greater emphasis herein.
Where detailed design guidance is not provided for various components in Figure 10 open
sources of information are identified.
There exists a multitude of possible mooring configurations for floating WEC devices. They can
be categorized as single and multi-leg. The characteristics and utility of each configuration is
described. In general, single leg moorings will not be appropriate unless a means to prevent the
power cable from twisting is incorporated into the design. Multi-leg mooring systems with a
minimum of two legs for semi-submerged articulated (Pelamis-type) and three equally-spaced
legs for point source WEC devices to prevent twisting, control directionality if needed and to
control buoy watch circle are often appropriate. Multi-leg moorings also provide redundancy
and increased reliability. Figure 11 illustrates a three leg mooring that could be used to moor a
point absorber-type WEC. The inset graphic provides a better perspective of a surface buoy
mooring leg configuration. Note that each leg could be assembled from a variety of components
to satisfy mooring requirements; there is no mooring leg configuration that is optimal for all
systems. The mooring is an integral part of the wave energy device system and its interaction
and influence on wave buoy behavior and performance must be considered during the selection
and design process.
The various components are described in the following sections.
3.2 Anchors
3.2.1 Introduction
Generally, anchors serve to secure moorings and foundations in a fixed position on the seafloor.
They are available in many types, as shown in Figure 12, relating to how they obtain the
capability to maintain their position:
• the simple use of a large weight
to resist uplift and sliding, and
the addition of features to
enhance sliding resistance
• grabbing the soil or wedging or
cementing into the rock to make
use of the seafloor’s strength
and weight
As the seafloor material is increasingly
relied upon to enhance the capacity of
an anchor, the complexities of the
anchor design and installation increase.
Where high holding capacity, rigidity,
or uplift resistance, may be needed, and
where anchor size or weight or seafloor
space may be restricted, innovative and
expensive designs and installation
procedures sometimes must be used.
However, with prudent site selections
and a design process that is interactive
between the anchor, mooring leg, and
moored system in the expected
environment, unduly complicated and
expensive choices may be avoided.
Figure 12 Generic Anchor Types
3.2.2 Scope
This chapter provides general performance, sizing and selection criteria for drag, deadweight,
pile and plate anchors. Where appropriate it provides examples of commercial anchor systems
that are appropriate to WEC mooring systems. The information typically was derived from
manufacturer’s literature and reformatted for consistency. Contact information and sources of
anchoring equipment are also provided. More detailed design and sizing procedures are
provided in Appendix A. Top level site survey and testing requirements are also identified with
detailed survey and testing requirements provided by Fugro Inc. as Appendix B.
3.2.3 Selection of Anchor Type
15 Drag Anchor
A drag anchor is similar to an inverted
“kite” that is placed on the seafloor
and dragged laterally until the anchor
fluke trips and then penetrates the
seafloor to a depth that depends upon
load, anchor weight, anchor
configuration and seafloor properties.
Figure 14 depicts anchor penetration
in soft clay with both chain and wire Figure 14 Anchor Penetration Behavior in Clay
forerunners. Figure 15 depicts a more
traditional “looking” anchor. Typically anchor penetration and capacity increase with a wire
forerunner. However, in dense and hard soil capacity may
actually decrease with a wire forerunner by up to 25% and is not
recommended. Loading direction at the anchor should be near-
horizontal to the seafloor to ensure optimal performance.
Unless the anchor is used with clumps or deadweights to shorten
line scope, a multi-leg mooring spread using drag anchors can
occupy a lot of bottom real estate. Figure 15 Typical Drag Anchor
Drag anchors are common in the industry, having broad use
experience and they are relatively easy to install and proof. Very large size and capacity anchors
are available for both mud/soft clay and sand seafloor applications. Table 2 lists these and other
features of drag anchors.
Table 2 Features of Drag Anchors
16 Pile Anchor
Pile anchors are used where less expensive anchors such as deadweight, drag and plate anchors
cannot be used. The most common piles are long slender tubular piles (L/D ratio > ~10), which
are typically fabricated from rolled steel sections. Diameters are in the range of two to eight feet
for the large mooring systems. The piles are placed on the seafloor using a crane and then
installed by driving with a piling hammer. Underwater pile hammers exist but cost can be
prohibitive due to the need for templates. When the seafloor is rock or composed of thin
sediment over rock then piles cannot be installed by driving. In this case an oversize socket must
be pre-drilled for a pile to be inserted and grouted in place. The principal drawbacks of driven or
drilled and grouted piles for offshore use are high cost and the need for expensive specialized
installation equipment.
Figure 16 Multiple Mooring Piles Loaded for Figure 17 Multiple Suction Piles Installed from Single
Transport Vessel
Figure 16 shows mooring piles being loaded for transport on a single platform for installation
using a Menck underwater hammer.
Suction piles are a relatively new type of pile system; however their use has been growing
steadily in the offshore industry particularly for soft soil in deep water. They are also effective in
normal sand seafloors but are not appropriate for hard bottom conditions. Figure 17 shows
multiple suction piles being installed from a single workboat making installation quick, relatively
inexpensive and less weather dependent than for driven or drilled piles. Suction piles can be
more expensive to fabricate since they are welded construction but they are easier and cheaper to
transport. Suction piles employ a lower slenderness ratio (length/diameter) than tubular piles;
they are shorter and often of much greater diameter, ranging up to 10m for soft soil. There are a
number of suction pumps available including some that are operable by a remotely operated
vehicle (ROV) a capability that provides flexibility in installation. An important feature of
suction piles is their ability to be extracted and recovered by reversing the pump to apply
pressure inside the pile.
Anchor piles generate lateral capacity through passive resistance of the soil bed and axial
capacity by friction or adhesion along the pile shaft. Ideally the mooring line connection is
located below the top of the pile and it can vary from ½ to 1/3 of pile penetration. Table 3 lists
these and other features of pile anchors.
Table 3 Features of Pile Anchors
A drag-in plate anchor is installed similarly to a conventional drag anchor. Once the anchor has
achieved a target depth the shank or chain/wire connection is adjusted to a normal or near-
normal load. This load direction change increases anchor capacity several times in a normal clay
soil. The effectiveness of a drag-in plate in sand or other competent soils has not been
demonstrated. Table 4 lists features of plate anchors.
Table 5 General Criteria for Evaluation and Selection Criteria of WEC Anchors
Parameter Description
Holding capacity The size/type of anchor will depend on the amount of anchor holding required
Engineering properties and sediment layer thickness influence anchor design and
Use If anchors will be relocated, then drag anchors are most commonly used
The amount of weitght that can be handled or carried may control anchor
The size and characteristics of anchor installation equipment are important in
anchor specification
Drag anchors may provide little uplift capacity and primarily hold in one direction;
plates and piles may provide high omnidirectional capacity
Acceptability of anchor drag, as well as the amount of available real estate for
mooring systems will influence anchor specification
3.2.5 Site Investigation
This section summarizes criteria and considerations for characterizing a site for WEC anchoring
systems. Appendix B prepared by Fugro West Inc. provides detailed guidance for site and route
surveys and in-situ and laboratory geotechnical investigations. Gathering the recommended
geotechnical and geophysical information is a critical first step in the process of selecting and
sizing an effective and efficient anchoring system.
The appropriate type and level of detail of the survey and seafloor investigation will be a
function of:
• Value and replacement cost of the WEC
• Consequences of failure (loss of life, sequential mooring failure, damage to neighboring
• Type and size of potential anchor
• Topography and seafloor material type (potential for scour, slope failure)
• Environmental loading conditions
• Hazardous conditions (earthquake, faulting, cables and pipelines)
• Availability of survey equipment and personnel
Table 7 lists the minimum required data for the four generic anchor types. The level of
importance of each item is listed as low, high or not applicable (N/A). A low rating may mean
either a low impact on the anchor design or selection or an inability to use this data for design
due to technical limitations. Pile anchors require the maximum amount and highest quality of
data for proper design. Plate anchors are somewhat more forgiving in that over- design due to
lesser quality soil data has less cost impact on the final install product.
Deadweght high low high high low high N/A N/A N/A
Drag high low high high low high low N/A N/A
Pile high low high high high high high high high
Plate low N/A high high low high high N/A low
Table 8 lists the specific geotechnical parameters required for each anchor type. A key
requirement is the depth of the survey and the consequent larger laboratory investigation
particularly for piles and plates. Although the need for laboratory strength data is listed as high
in Table 8, it is of lesser importance to a final design because (in general) the primary effect of
strength is on final depth of penetration rather than anchor ultimate capacity.
3.2.6 Anchor Products
The four anchor types are described in this section followed by examples of commercially
available anchors or construction options. Data were gathered from open websites and
reformatted for consistency. Features listed on the “data sheets” contain manufacturer’s and the
author’s opinions.
23 Drag Anchors
There are dozens of anchors available that could be used for various model and prototype WEC
anchoring and mooring applications. The conventional anchor types’ in Figure 21 are typically
used as ships (Bower) anchors and for various other temporary mooring applications. They could
offer cost effective anchoring solutions for smaller scale demonstrations. Other than the
Danforth and Bruce (cast version shown) anchors these can all be categorized as stockless
anchors with moderate to low holding capacities.
These anchors normally don’t have adjustable fluke angles for optimized performance in either
hard or soft seabed conditions and are not deep burial, otherwise recovery could be problematic.
shows anchors commonly used for moorings and offshore operations. Several of these anchors
including the Danforth, Moorfast and LWT are cast and thus lose their effectiveness more
rapidly with increasing size than do the fabricated steel anchors such as the Bruce, Vryhof
(Stevpris / Stevshark) and Flipper Delta anchors highlighted in Figure 22.
Bruce, Vryhof and Flipper Delta anchors enjoy the widest usage in the offshore industry today
for high capacity mooring applications, are functional in a broad range of seabed conditions and
are readily available. Features and anchor sizing information for specific Bruce, Vryhof and
Flipper Delta anchors are provided in the following pages. The selected anchors are considered
appropriate for the likely hard bottom/sand conditions anticipated for the Oregon coast. Details
of the other anchors can be found at the websites listed at the end of this section.
Bruce FFTS MK4
Bruce Anchor Limited, Anchor House, Cronkbourne, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM4, British Isles
Phone: 44-1624-629203, Fax: 44-1624-62227, web:
• Choice of two fluke angles to suit soft and hard
soil conditions
• Self righting capability
• Stable with drag
• Sharp fluke tips enhance hard soil penetration
• Simple recovery by chain chaser
• Suited to piggyback configuration
• Can be disassembled for transport
Bruce Anchor Limited, Anchor House, Cronkbourne, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM4, British Isles
Phone: 44-1624-629203, Fax: 44-1624-62227, web:
• Choice of four fluke angles to suit soft
and hard soil conditions
• Self righting capability
• Stable with drag
• Sharp fluke tips enhance hard soil
• Simple recovery by chain chaser
• Pendant lugs at rear of flukes for
piggyback anchor
• Can be disassembled for transport
• Single point recovery lug on fluke minimizes breakout resistance
Bruce Hard Bottom TS
Bruce Anchor Limited, Anchor House, Cronkbourne, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM4, British Isles
Phone: 44-1624-629203, Fax: 44-1624-62227, web:
• Purpose built for very hard bottom (40 – 90
psi clay) seabed application
• Configured with single hard bottom fluke
angle only
• Designed with lugs at knee of shank for
piggyback anchor to enhance penetration of
primary HBTS and/or to supplement
capacity for softer than anticipated
• Can be disassembled for transport
• HBTS not actively marketed but can be
fabricated in various sizes for very hard
bottom applications
Stevpris MK5
VRYHOF ANCHORS BV, P.O. Box 109, 2900 AC Capelle a/d Yssel, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 10 266 8900, Fax: +31 10 266 8999, web:
• Choice of three fluke angles (320, 410, 500) to suit
most soil conditions
• Not self-righting: must be placed on seabed with
flukes oriented down
• Suited to piggyback configuration
• Simple recovery by chain chaser
• Can be disassembled for transport
VRYHOF ANCHORS BV, P.O. Box 109, 2900 AC Capelle a/d Yssel, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 10 266 8900, Fax: +31 10 266 8999, web:
• Choice of three fluke angles (320, 410, 500) to suit most
soil conditions
• Not self-righting: must be placed on seabed with flukes
oriented down
• Suited to piggyback configuration
• Sharp fluke tips and serrated shank to enhance hard soil
• Simple recovery by chain chaser
• Similar to Stevpris MK5 but has stronger construction, shark teeth, sharp fluke edges and
fluke tips for very hard soils. The hollow fluke can be ballasted to assist penetration; weights
in table do not include ballast
• Can be disassembled for transport
Flipper Delta
Anker Advies Bureau, b.v. G.J. Wortelboer Jr., P.O. Box 5003, NL-3008 AA Rotterdam,
Quarantaineweg 5 NL-3089 KP Rotterdam, The Netherlands T: +31 (0)10 - 429 22 22
F: +31 (0)10 - 429 64 59
• Choice of three fluke angles
• 280 for very hard bottom soils like rock,
cemented sand or coral
• 360 for average soil conditions
• 500 for soft clay and mud
• Sharp flukes enhance hard soil
• Demonstrated stable in mud
• Suited to piggyback configuration
• Can be disassembled for transport
31 Pile Anchors
Pile anchors are pipes, beams or similar structures installed into the seafloor by driving, drilling
and grouting, suction or other underwater construction method. There is a huge experience base
for the design and installation of traditional driven and drilled and grouted piles. Piles typically
require significant floating and installation support but they may afford an economical mooring
solution for large scale commercial WEC system installations.
Pile anchors require the greatest amount of geophysical and geotechnical data to expected depths
of penetration, which can reach several tens of meters depending on pile type.
Driven and drilled-and-grouted piles
Tables 9 – 11 provide information on various driven and drilled-and-grouted piles. Table 9
describes pile types, including straight (prismatic), expanding tip (umbrella), chain-in-hole, and
rock bolt. As most moorings apply a considerable lateral load component to the pile, mooring
connections must sustain such loads, and the lateral load capacity of the pile is of major concern.
Table 10 describes mooring line connections, including top-end padeye, side padeye, load-
distributing bridle, and top-end swivel. Table 11 describes ways to improve lateral load
capacity, including lowering the mooring line attachment point, burying the pile below grade,
attaching fins to the upper end of the pile, and using an upper-end shear collar and lower-end
anchor to effect a combination of increased soil bearing and confinement with uplift resistance.
Table 9 Pile Types
Table 10 Mooring Line Connections
Suction piles
Suction piles are an important subset of the pile category and are a relatively new type of pile
anchor. Because of unique advantages for various gas and oil mooring applications there has
been extensive research into the design and application of this pile type. As a result there is a
huge body of scientific and technical data that provide design guidance. Suction piles are
typically shorter and stubbier (having a lower slenderness ratio) than driven or drilled-and-
grouted piles. Such short, stubby piles are commonly called caissons. Suction caissons typically
provide a greater resistance to lateral loads than driven piles because of the larger diameters
typically used.
During installation, the suction
caisson acts as an inverted bucket.
Initial penetration of the suction
caisson into the seabed occurs due
to the self weight; subsequent
penetration is by the “suction”
created by pumping water out from
the inside of the caisson The
installation method involves
applying a pressure differential.
The rim of the inverted bucket seals
with the seafloor, and then water is Figure 23 Suction pile example and penetration process
pumped out of the upper end of the
enclosed volume (Figure 23). This produces a net downward pressure, or suction, forcing the
bucket into the seabed. In clays, the pressure is sufficient to bring the suction caisson to a
substantial depth. In sands, water inflow reduces the effective stresses in the sand near the
bucket rim, allowing the bucket to penetrate the seafloor. Once installed to sufficient depth, the
pumps are removed and the valves are sealed, with the sand quickly regaining its bearing
capacity. Suction caissons can easily be removed by reattaching the pumps and pumping water
back into the bucket cavity, forcing it out of the seabed.
Features of specific suction caisson anchors are provided in the following pages.
SPT Suction Pile
SPT Offshore, Korenmolenlaan 2, 3447 GG Woerden, The Netherlands, tel: +31(0)348 435260,
fax: +31(0)348 435261 e-mail: , web:
• Broad industry experience
• High holding capacity independent
of load angle
• Suitable for taut, semi-taut and
catehary moorings
• System is recoverable
• System requires specialized install
equipment and positional control
during installation
• Proven performance in mud and
sand seabeds
• A suction pile does not require an
external pull test
• Multiple sizes and configurations
possible including single pile and cluster piles as show below
Delmar Suction Pile
Delmar Systems Inc. TECHNICAL & ENGINEERING 2424 Wilcrest Dr., Ste 225 Houston,
TX 77042 832.252.7100 Fax: 832.252.7140;
• Broad industry experience
• High holding capacity independent of load angle
• Suitable for taut, semi-taut and catehary moorings
• System is recoverable
• Proven performance in mud and sand seabeds
• A suction pile does not require an external pull test
• Multiple anchors installed from single workboat
• System requires specialized install equipment and
positional control during installation
• Suction anchor system can be installed using Delmar's
proprietary single vessel/single line installation method
using one vessel with ROV capability
• Delmar Subsea Connector (DSC) allows a mooring line
to be connected or disconnected at any time by an ROV.
37 Plate Anchors
Plate anchors have been used for more than 50 years in a variety of forms primarily by the US
Navy but only recently have the advantages of this type of anchor been fully appreciated by the
offshore industry. Plate anchors are large plates that can be embedded into the seafloor by a
variety of means including driving, vibrating, jetting, auguring, dragging and combinations of
these driving means. Holding capacity varies with the configuration of the anchor, seafloor
composition, burial depth and loading characteristics. Typically the plate is installed edgewise
into the seafloor and then reoriented by various means shown in the following plate anchor
examples to maximize holding capacity.
There is a large body of information available that allows confident design of plates with known
seafloor engineering properties. Plate anchor holding capacity can be calculated using validated
geotechnical engineering design methods described in Appendix A. Figure 24 is a simple
illustration of the behavior of an installed plate subjected to uplift loading. Ideally the plate
should be embedded sufficiently to ensure deep anchor failure because shallow anchor capacity
changes rapidly with depth compared to deep anchors. Deep anchor behavior occurs at relative
depths of two to five times anchor width for soft to hard clay respectively and four to eight times
anchor width for loose to dense sand respectively. The decision to use a plate anchor effectively
depends upon the engineering properties and depth of available sediment.
SEPLA – Suction Embedded Plate Anchor
InterMoor: 1-800-451-8106 web:
• Plate driven into seabed by suction pile
• Geotechnically more efficient that normal suction pile in uplift
• High holding capacity independent of load angle
• System is recoverable
• System requires specialized install equipment and positional control during installation
• Proven performance in mud; performance in sand and hard soil unknown
• Two boat installation sequence
SEA - Suction Embedded Anchor
SPT Offshore, Korenmolenlaan 2, 3447 GG Woerden, The Netherlands, tel: +31(0)348 435260,
fax: +31(0)348 435261 e-mail: , web:
• Plate driven into seabed by suction
• Geotechnically more efficient that
normal suction pile in uplift
• System requires specialized install
equipment and positional control
during installation
• High holding capacity independent
of load angle
• Proven performance in mud;
performance in sand and hard soil unknown
• SEA proof loaded in-situ, hence no external load test required
US Navy Pile-Driven Plate Anchor
Design details available in following reference document. Plates and followers can be
fabricated by multiple steel fabrication facilities.
Forrest, J. Taylor, R. Bowman, L., “Design guide for pile-driven plate anchors”, TR-2039-OCN,
March 1995, Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center, Port Hueneme, CA
• Plate driven or vibrated into
• Simple plate construction
• Proven performance in soft and
hard seabeds
• Plates sized/configured for
sand, clay and coral seabeds
• High holding capacity independent of load angle
• System requires standard pile driving equipment from
a stationary barge
• Keying flaps on back required for mud/soft clay only
to ensure rapid plate rotation/keying when loaded
• Followers can be pipe or WF beams
OMNIMAX Gravity Anchor
Delmar Systems Inc. TECHNICAL & ENGINEERING 2424 Wilcrest Dr., Ste 225 Houston,
TX 77042 832.252.7100 Fax: 832.252.7140;
• Gravity installed anchor
• Designed to accommodate all combinations of
chain/wire/synthetic mooring lines.
• Adjustable fluke fins to adapt to different soil strengths.
BRUCE DENNLA MK4 - Deep Embedment Near-Normal Anchor
Bruce Anchor Limited, Anchor House, Cronkbourne, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM4, British Isles
Phone: 44-1624-629203, Fax: 44-1624-62227, web:
• Installed similar to drag anchor
• Can be installed as near-normal or
conventional drag anchor
• Triggered to release shank to near normal
load of 78 deg: shank position C below
• Fluke angle fixed at 36 deg when used in
sand and stiff clay soils
• Operational capacity several times drag-in
capacity in mud
• Uplift resistant
• 95% of vertical load anchor capacity at
• Configured to continue to embed or remain
at depth if dragged
• Recovery at low load by mooring line at
right with shank position D below
BRUCE® PENNLA - Pile Embedment Near-Normal Load Anchor
Bruce Anchor Limited, Anchor House, Cronkbourne, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM4, British Isles
Phone: 44-1624-629203, Fax: 44-1624-62227, web:
• Plate pentrated by self weight into
• Simple plate construction
• Primary use in soft soil
• High holding capacity independent
of load angle
• Does not lose penetration depth on
keying (rotating to purchase
• Plates are self-lubricating to
promote deeper penetration
• Precise positioning possible
• Plate designed similar to
DENNLA and should perform similarly once installed
• The gravity pile consists of a stack of plug-together modules; each module weighs less than
25 tonnes and is less than 6m long for ease of transport and assembly on an AHV deck.
Modular for easy transport
• Anchor system has not been deployed commercially but it is based upon established plate
anchor technology
VRYHOF ANCHORS BV, P.O. Box 109, 2900 AC Capelle a/d Yssel, Netherlands
Phone: +31 10 266 8900, Fax: +31 10 266 8999;
• Installed similar to drag anchor
• Triggered to release shank to 90 deg normal load
• Operational capacity several times drag-in capacity in mud
• Suited to soft soil
• Performance in sand, hard and layered soil unknown
• Uplift resistant
• Recovery at low load by mooring line
• Configurations for permanent and temporary mooring
applications: wire for permanent applications to enable
deep burial and chain for temporary applications
3.3 Buoys
Surface and/or subsurface buoys may be required as an element of a WEC mooring system.
Surface buoys come in a variety of shapes, materials and construction. Figure 25 shows a
common buoy type in two sizes used by the US Navy for Fleet Moorings, and Figures 26 and 27
show commercially available closed-cell foam buoys. Both the Navy and commercial buoys
shown have a polyurethane skin, are filled with closed-cell foam and have a tension bar to
transmit mooring loads. The use of foam-filled buoys has gradually replaced steel buoys even
though they are more expensive because they require little maintenance and they are self-
fendering. Low maintenance is an important consideration in the selection of any WEC mooring
Additional sources of information and products are provided in section 3.5.
Figure 27 Marine Fender Mooring Buoys
Distributed subsurface buoyancy, as shown in
Figure 29, normally is required to support and
to protect the cable from the WEC device to a
subsea junction box or to other locations. The
“S” shape of the cable created by the distributed
buoyancy can vary but must be adequate to
allow the WEC to move throughout its entire
range of motion during extreme sea conditions.
Typically a multi-leg mooring is required to
prevent WEC rotation leading to cable twisting
and failure.
Figure 29 Distributed Cable Buoyancy
3.4.1 Chain
Chain has broad use experience in offshore mooring systems, is durable, easy to inspect and
terminate and is cost effective. However, it is heavy and depth limited due to its effective loss in
working strength with depth and can be difficult to deploy safely. Its abrasion resistance and the
catenary effects from weight are important and beneficial considerations in the mooring design.
Table 12 Anchor and Mooring Chains
Chain is available in a range of types, sizes and grades. These grades are associated with
different strength and durability characteristics of the steel. Table 12 presents Proof Load (PL)
and Break Load (BL) data for a broad range of available stud link chain grades. A small range of
sizes was extracted to illustrate the large
range of chain grades available. Sizes
range from ¾ to over six inches. Note that
there is greater than a factor of two
strength difference from Grade 2 and RQ4
chain. The remaining data can be found
at the web site provided in the table and at
other sites noted at the end of the section.
Typical hardware used with chain is
shown in Figure 30. The strength of the
hardware element must equal or exceed
the strength of the highest grade of chain
under consideration.
According to DNV-OS-E301 (Position
Mooring): “Typically connection elements
such as Kenter shackles, ordinary D-
shackles and C-links are not permitted in
long term mooring systems due to their
poor fatigue qualities. Fatigue life cannot
be calculated due to lack of fatigue data Figure 30 Chain Connecting Elements
for these connection elements, with
exception of Kenter shackles. API RP 2SK contains information sufficient for estimation of
fatigue life for Kenter shackles. It further states that: “Swivels are not permitted in long term
mooring systems if they are not qualified with respect to functionality, structural strength and
fatigue.” Requirements concerning materials, manufacture, testing, dimensions and tolerances,
and other relevant requirements for anchor chain cables and accessories are given in DNV-OS-
E302 (Offshore Mooring Chain).
Clearly, there needs to be a discussion and resolution on the types of connecting elements that
are appropriate to WEC device moorings because the DNV requirements were established for
manned structures and not specifically for unmanned WEC devices.
a sudden release of load, Torque-Balanced wire ropes will not kink or form loops and hockles, as
in conventional 6-strand wire ropes.
The selection of rope for a particular application typically requires compromise and engineering
judgment. An application engineer from a cable supplier or manufacturer is often the best
individual to discuss your needs and to make a selection because there are a daunting number of
wire rope options available.
Wire rope terminations and connecting hardware are available at many marine supply companies
and many provide on-line or downloadable catalogues (see Section 3.4.4). Optional terminations
include spliced eyes, sockets or swaged fittings. The strength of the termination must equal or
exceed the maximum wire strength. Several are provided at the end of this section.
• American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice for Synthetic Mooring (API RP 2
SM) (2001)
• ABS, “Guidance Notes on the Application of Synthetic Ropes for Offshore Mooring”,
March 1999 Website for guidance notes:
• DNV-OS-E303 Offshore Mooring Fibre Ropes
The ABS guide is particularly useful and is available on line at the website provided with the
above reference. The Guidance Notes describe criteria for the design, materials, testing,
manufacturing, installation and recovery of synthetic ropes used as components in offshore
mooring systems. The Notes also highlight differences with typical steel mooring systems and
provide guidance on how to handle these differences during system design and installation; it
also discusses terminations. Since rope properties influence mooring system performance, the
Notes include details on how testing, mooring analysis and installation can be integrated to
provide a consistent design methodology. The ABS Guidance notes include the following
• Design and Analysis Considerations of Mooring Systems
• Design Criteria for Mooring Components
• Design of Synthetic Rope
• Testing and Production of Yarn and Rope
• Inspection and Certification during and after Rope Production
• Installation, Hook-up and Commissioning Survey
• Post-Installation/In-Service Survey
Synthetic ropes have several advantages over steel wire rope, particularly in deep water mooring
systems due to weight savings and in shallow water moorings where mooring compliance is
important to controlling dynamic loads. Reasons for selecting a synthetic rope solution may
include factors such as, high strength to weight ratios, near neutral buoyancy, high elasticity,
corrosion resistance or cost. Synthetic ropes do not require coating or cathodic protection.
However synthetic ropes have relatively poor abrasion characteristics when compared to chain or
steel wire and thus must not be used in situations where they can contact the seafloor.
Typical synthetic ropes materials are Polypropylene, Aramid, Nylon High Modulus Polyethylene
(HMPE) and Polyester ropes. Each is described; however, the focus of this section is on
Polyester ropes. Polypropylene
Polypropylene rope has approximately the same elasticity as Polyester rope but is significantly
weaker than either Polyester or Nylon. It has a low melting point and a tendency to fuse under
friction. Also prolonged exposure to UV causes degradation issues. However Polypropylene is
lighter than water and can be used to float ‘Messenger’ lines. Other than this application
Polypropylene has little structural application in the maritime sector.
52 Nylon
Dry Nylon rope exhibits slightly better strength to weight ratios than Polyester. However its
performance when wet reduces such that when fully saturated, Nylon and Polyester have
equivalent strength properties. Furthermore wet Nylon losses strength much faster that Polyester
when subject to cyclic loading. Nylon has the greatest elasticity of all the synthetic ropes. Even
after being pre-stretched (broken in), it will stretch 12% or more at 50% of its Minimum
Breaking Load (MBL). This characteristic makes it particularly well suited to situations where
some degree of elasticity is advantageous. Conversely where a very rigid mooring is required the
use of Nylon is less advantageous. A common trade name for Nylon is Polyamide. Aramid
Aramid ropes provide high strength, low weight, low stretch, easy handling and corrosion
resistance. On a weight basis, Aramid ropes are up to five times stronger than steel ropes and
achieve an elasticity of about 3% elongation at 50% MBL. Besides its relatively high cost, the
application of Aramid has a number of other drawbacks. Aramid fibers are susceptible to
degradation due to UV and mechanical wear. This results in the need to sheath this material with
an outer core. A common trade name for Aramid is Kevlar. New high-strength synthetic ropes
constructed of Aramid fiber (para-bonded aromatic polyamide) are being developed for ultra-
deepwater mooring applications. High Modulus Polyethylene
Since High Modulus Polyethylene (HMPE) ropes were first introduced into the market, their
usage has become widespread in many applications including mooring and towing where HMPE
ropes have acted as a replacement to traditional wire ropes. Safety and long term cost savings are
the primary reasons driving this decision. Reductions in maintenance, environmental costs, and
increased handling safety make HMPE a worthwhile investment despite the higher initial cost.
A common name for HMPE is Dyneema. Polyester
Polyester is the most durable of all the common fiber materials. It maintains high strength when
both dry and wet and it exhibits vastly superior maintenance of strength when subjected to cyclic
loading as compared with Nylon and Polypropylene. On an equal strength comparison, Polyester
rope tends to offer the most attractive alternative to chain and steel wire due to its lighter weight
and high elongation to strength properties. Common trade names for Polyester include ‘Dacron’
and ‘Terylene’.
Polyester and other fiber ropes were studied for deepwater moorings in several Joint Industry
projects (JIP) in the early 1990s. These studies provided vital information and answered many
critical questions. They showed that polyester rope has desirable stretch characteristics and very
good durability for use as mooring lines. Data is now available for as many as 40 million load
cycles and for wide tension ranges. These data indicate that polyester rope will not lose
Figure 32 Parallel Subrope Construction (DNV-OS-
significant strength even after hundreds of years cycling at the tensions and over the tension
ranges typical of deepwater mooring applications. This is much longer than the potential fatigue
lives of either wire rope or chain in sea water.
The most common type of polyester fiber rope for offshore moorings consists of parallel
subropes held together by a braided jacket with a filtration barrier to prevent soil intrusion
(Figure 32). The subropes consist of strands in helical (laid) or braided arrangement. The helical
subropes typically use three or four strands, whereas the braided subropes typically use eight or
twelve strands. The size and number of subropes to make up the fiber rope varies between
manufacturers. Figure 33 provides data for Polyester Tethers from Samson Rope.
Bridon International also provides Polyester lines
with the parallel subrope construction. Figure 34
provides the load-deflection characteristics of
their Superline both in a new and a worked
condition. Note that the Superline is about half
as stiff as the Samson tether shown above. Each
manufacturer may have alternate tether
constructions that would achieve different load-
deflection behavior so it will be important to
speak to an application engineer before selecting a
The force-deflection behavior of polyester is
essentially linear, although it can vary during the
Figure 34 Bridon Superline Polyester Tether
life of the product as shown in the figures. This
load-deflection behavior is advantageous in
designing a mooring for shallow water applications where the WEC has a large motion response.
Mooring compliance is important to controlling load and the consequent effects on mooring
component size and cost.
DNV-OS-E303 stipulates that “fiber ropes shall be terminated with spliced eyes and that
termination hardware is required to fit and support the eye and should be made of steel. The
spliced eyes should be fitted on thimbles. The strength, ductility and toughness of the termination
hardware should be such that it can withstand the actual breaking strength of the rope assembly.”
3.5 Sources of Mooring Hardware (e.g., anchors, chain, connectors, wire, synthetic
rope, buoys)
• Anchor Marine and Industrial Supply:
• Baldt Anchor and Chain:
• Bethlehem wire rope catalogue:
• Bridon International Ltd:
• Cordage Institute Tech manual:
• Directory of wire rope and termination suppliers:
• Gilman Corporation: (buoys)
• Lankhorst Ropes:
• Lister Chain and Forge Inc:
• Miami Cordage:
• Oregon Iron Works: marine fabricator
• Marine Fenders International: (buoys)
• Pacific Wire Rope Ltd.:
• Samson Cordage:
• Southwest Wire Rope catalogue:
• Telleborg Offshore: – Buoys, subsea buoyancy products and subsea distributed
• The Crosby Group:
• USS Tiger Brand Wire Rope Engineering handbook:
• Washington Chain and Supply:
• Waterman Supply Company:
• WireCoWorld Group:
3.6 Mooring Configurations
3.6.1 Introduction
There exists a multitude of possible mooring configurations for WEC devices. The mooring can
have single or multiple legs in various shapes and with various components; however, regardless
of which mooring design is selected it must satisfy two main requirements. The mooring must
survive the design environmental and other load conditions while maintaining station and do this
in a cost-effective manner. A cost effective mooring design must be easy to install, maintain and
decommission and this does not necessarily equate with the lowest cost components.
The following list shows a range of requirements that should be considered for WEC moorings
• The mooring must maintain the WEC device on station during normal operating
conditions and survive extreme storm conditions.
• All components must have adequate strength, fatigue life and durability for the
operational lifetime. Corrosion must be considered and controlled in the design, and
abrasion due to bottom contact or contact with other lines must be minimized or avoided
if possible.
• The design life should be five times the anticipated operational life of the WEC device
but not less than 50 years.
• The mooring systems should be designed to keep devices at optimum orientation relative
to the waves.
• The mooring system must not allow twisting or over tensioning of the electrical
transmission cable.
• The mooring system design should not adversely affect the performance of the WEC
3.6.2 Guidelines and Standards
There is considerable experience in the offshore industry with the design and installation of
mooring systems for various offshore structures. Their design is controlled by rules, regulations
and guidelines established by various regulatory authorities and the most stringent apply to the
offshore oil and gas industry due to potential loss of life and the danger of environmental
The Carbon Trust, established by the UK government, recognized that there were no specific
codes of practice, standards, or guides to facilitate WEC design and development. In 2005 they
commissioned DNV to develop a guideline “Guidelines for Design and Operation of Wave
Energy Converters,” to provide interpretation and guidance on the application of the various
existing standards and guides, such as offshore engineering, to wave energy conversion (WEC)
devices. DNV notes that this guideline is not a standard and should be considered as a starting
point for further standards work. The Guideline was developed to provide guidance, act as
reference to principal relevant standards and highlight some major issues that developers or other
stakeholders might wish to consider during development of WECs. Recently, DNV issued an
Offshore Service Specification for Certification of Tidal and Wave Energy Converters (DNV-
OSS-312). This document defines the requirements, philosophy, deliverables and the
certification procedure.
Germanisher Lloyd also developed a guideline in 2005 that applies to the design, assessment and
certification of ocean energy conversion systems and farms of ocean energy conversion systems.
The first part of the Guideline applies solely for ocean current turbines (OCT) but has
information relevant to the design of WEC devices. This guideline also is not intended to be a
full design procedure and safety manual guideline due to the multiple engineering solutions
possible, but to give some general guidance for the assessment of the safety of ocean current
The objective of these guidelines is to provide interpretation and guidance on the application of
various proven standards and recommended practices for the development of wave energy
projects (as well as tidal energy devices). The guidelines give a basis to introduce the aspects of
integrating reliability, feasibility, and risk management into the design and operation of these
WEC devices are not manned nor do they pose significant potential damage to the environment;
thus, they could be designed to a lesser safety standard/higher risk level than manned systems.
However, since WEC technology is in its infancy, this may not be a reasonable nor advisable
design option. Failure of a WEC mooring system could easily damage the public perception of
the concept and have a negative influence on future funding and continued support. Use of the
more stringent mooring design rules and guides is recommended until there is a suitable body of
knowledge and experience for mooring WEC devices to revise these procedures.
Until there is a fully vetted and ratified standard for WEC mooring design the following guides
and standards should be considered:
• Germanisher Lloyd, Guideline for the Certification of Ocean Energy Converters Part 1:
Ocean Current Turbines, 2005 (draft)
• DNV, Guideline on design and operation of wave energy converters 2005
• DNV-OSS-312,Offshore Service Specification Certification of Tidal and Wave Energy
Converters, October 2008
• DNV-OS-E301 Offshore Standard Position Mooring, October 2008
• API RP 2SK Recommended Practice for Design and Analysis of Station-keeping Systems
for Floating Structures, Nov 2005
• API RP 95F Interim Guidance for Gulf of Mexico MODU Mooring Practice - 2007
Hurricane Season, 2nd edition
The Germanisher Lloyd Guideline for Ocean Energy Converters does a thorough job of
identifying load cases for operational, installation and survival analysis. DNV-OS-E301,
Section 2.0 specifies a mooring analysis process for Position Mooring Systems (column-
stabilized units, ship-shaped units, single point moorings, loading buoys and deep draught
floaters (DDF) or other floating bodies relying on catenary mooring, semi-taut and taut leg
mooring systems) that is relevant to WEC devices.
An evaluation of the various Guides and Standards shows that there is discretion in the design
analysis techniques and safety factors employed for WEC moorings. The DNV and Germanisher
Lloyd draft guidance for WECs both employ reliability-based design approaches, wherein the
designer and user define an acceptable risk for the system. While this tends to be more difficult
than prescriptive design methods, this technique provides more design flexibility with the
potential for greater cost effectiveness, but it also requires a greater level of user expertise.
DNV-OS-E301 identifies the following categories for a risk assessment for any significant
offshore development. These risks need to be considered throughout the entire life cycle:
fabrication, installation, in-service and decommissioning.
• Anchor/foundation failure
• Mooring failure
• Breach of water integrity of compartments or equipment
• Stability failure
• Collision risks
• Interference with commercial and recreational marine activities
• Structural failure
• Fishing gear impact
• Personnel risks to operators and to the general public
• Pressure containment failure from hydraulic or pneumatic systems
• Electrical failures and shore connector failures
• Seismic events
• Fires
• Interference from floating debris with device
By analyzing the above failures, coupled with the engineering limits of the device, the
consequences can be predicted. Factors of safety used to specify tensions for sizing anchors and
mooring hardware will depend upon the consequence Class selected.
• Class 2, where mooring system failure may well lead to unacceptable consequences of
these types (identified in Class 1 description above).
Although the Class descriptions were originally defined for mooring oil and gas platforms they
are relevant to WEC devices. Class 2 factors of safety are higher than Class 1 factors and will
result in larger and more costly components so care must be exercised in determining your level
of risk tolerance and the consequences associated with the failure of any WEC device. The Class
descriptions do not include public perception, but that is an important consideration for the
relatively infant WEC technology. Failure of a WEC mooring system could easily damage the
public perception of the concept and have a negative influence on future funding and continued
support. Erring on the side of caution and selecting Class 2 consequences likely is advisable
until more experience is gained level with WEC devices.
Recommended Reading. The Specialist Committee V4 Ocean, Wind and Wave Energy
Utilization was given the following mandate by the 17th International Ship and Offshore
Structures Congress.
“Concern for structural design of ocean energy utilization devices, such as offshore wind
turbines, support structures and fixed or floating wave and tidal energy converters. Attention
shall be given to the interaction between the load and the structural response and shall include
due consideration of the stochastic nature of the waves, current and wind.”
The report7 discusses wind, waves and tidal energy devices and their design for operating and
surviving in the ocean environment. The mandate describes the content of this report and it is
recommended reading for anybody involved in the design and implementation of a WEC device.
A daunting list of references is also provided in the report.
17th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress, 16-21 AUGUST 2009, SEOUL, KOREA, VOLUME 2
Harris, et al, Mooring systems for wave energy converters: A review of design issues and choices
Assuming that a means to protect the electrical transmission cable from twisting failure could be
devised, certain single point mooring systems might be practical in areas where they are
commonly employed and expertise is available. However, the cost of developing a means to
protect the cable and employing the single point moorings off the Oregon coast where resources
for installing these moorings are not available cost would be prohibitive at this stage of WEC
Catenary mooring
Note: only two legs
shown for clarity
(2 mooring leg options)
Wire or Fiber
Chain (example)
Sinker (example)
Semi-taut mooring
Fiber Deadweight
Pile / Suction Anchor
Pile Anchor
Semi-taut spread moorings require anchors capable of resisting large vertical and horizontal
loads and this vertical load must also be resisted by the WEC. Large tides and waves in shallow
water at probable FERC sites likely restrict the use of taut leg moorings. Installation and
maintenance to repair or replace a mooring leg in a taut or semi-taut mooring system is
complicated and must be done in very low sea conditions for safety. A taut leg mooring system
is not a practical option for the systems proposed for the Oregon FERC sites.
Table 14 Characteristics of Possible WEC Spread Mooring Configurations
A single point mooring line connection is illustrated in Figure 35 but the location of the mooring
line attachment point at the WEC and the connection method (single or bridle connection) can
have a significant influence on WEC behavior, mooring loads and perhaps most importantly
energy extraction performance.
It is not possible to suggest an optimal mooring configuration and connection method due to the
multitude of WEC system types and performance characteristics and the general lack of long
term operational data for this infant technology. Model, small scale and prototype testing
coupled with theoretical analysis are required to understand WEC behavior and the influences of
the mooring system on performance. The understanding derived from this complete
development process can be used to improve design practices and to establish guidelines and
standards based on experience directly with WEC devices.
3.6.6 Anchor Characteristics
Table 16 summarizes the performance of the four anchor types described by Section 3.2.
Table 16 is useful in the initial selection of possible anchor types suited to the various mooring
configurations described previously (refer to Figure 35). There are many anchoring options that
may be appropriate for any of the three mooring configurations. Almost any of the anchor types
can be designed to work with each mooring configuration but there may be an optimal or
equivalent choices based upon seafloor conditions, available installation assets, load and load
direction, and cost. The choices are described by Table 17 with the color code at bottom.
Anchor Type Comments
Skirted deadweight or enhanced deadweight (PHA) for limited
Deadweight sediment or rock.
Drag Primary choice for sediment seafloors. Broad use experience.
PileApplicable but not recommended due to cost
Applicable but requires more specialized installation
Plate equipment.
Skirted deadweight or enhanced deadweight (PHA) with
sinkers to reduce line angle at PHA. May be a practical option
for limited sediment or rock seafloors. Handling weight will
Deadweight drive cost.
Must be used with sinkers to reduce line angle to near
horizontal angle at the seabed. While this increases handling
difficulty it may be a cost effective option because there is
Drag boad use experience with this type of system.
Multi-catenary Applicable but not recommended for single WEC installations
due to cost unless equipment and expertise is readily
available. Suction piles may be the preferred pile option for
sediment seafloors. May be very cost effective for energy
Pile farms.
Plates can be a cost effective option for single WECs but this
depends upon the availability of installation equipment and
expertise. Plates are not recommended when load sharing
Plate may be required for energy farm applications.
Applicable but large line loads require high weight to resist
Deadweight vertical and horizontal loads. On seafloors with rock or thin
sediment this option should be considered.
Drag Cannot handle uplift loads.
Taut Broad use experience for soil and rock seafloors. Local
expertise and equipment are important to the selection of the
Pile least cost pile type and installation method.
May be the least cost option for sediment seafloors but not
Plate appropriate for rock.
Not Applicable
Table 17 Mooring Configuration Anchor Options
4.1 Introduction
This section provides the results of a desk top survey of the site characteristics of the Oregon
coast with particular attention to the nine permitted FERC sites. Site characteristics include:
Wave conditions
Wind conditions
Ocean currents
Threats and obstructions
Bathymetry and sediment maps
Geological information
A listing of websites to gather additional Geophysical, Hydrographic, Metocean, Geological, and
Geotechnical data of the Oregon Coast is also provided.
Figure 36 All FERC Permitted Sites, North and South, along Oregon Coast
Table 18 Bounding Coordinates of Nine FERC Permitted Sites
Figure 37 Historical Trend of Storm Waves at NDBC Buoy 46002, 30-Year Data Record
The partial data recorded by NDBC Buoy 46002 indicates a roughly cyclical trend of storm
events with several years with a higher frequency of storm events followed by 10 or more years
of calmer conditions. The exception to this general trend is found during the years when El Niño
conditions affect the west coast of the U.S. (see red boxed areas in Figure 37). The winter
periods of 1982 / 1983 and 1998 / 1999 represent strong El Niño events that are generally
expected to increase the size and frequency of high swell events from storms along the entire
U.S. west coast. While it is evident that the frequency of high swell events increased
substantially during the 1998 / 1999 winter, the same cannot be said for the winter of 1982 /
For the purposes of this study, the NDBC Buoy 46002 location was too far offshore to provide
an accurate representation of the wave climate specific to the individual FERC permitted sites of
the Oregon Coast. Fortunately, the NDBC established NDBC Buoy 46029, 23 nautical miles (42
km) offshore of the mouth of the Columbia River along the north Oregon coastline in 1984. This
was followed by the installation of NDBC Buoy 46050 at Stonewall Banks, 18 nautical miles (34
km) offshore of the central Oregon Coast in 1991. And NDBC Buoy 46015, located 14 nautical
miles (25 km) offshore of Port Orford, in the southern portion of the state was established in
2002. Figure 38 shows the location of NDBC Buoys (46015, 46050 and 46029) along the
Oregon Coast. These three NDBC buoys
are evenly spaced along the Oregon coast
and provide the best measurements of wave
characteristics to make an analysis of the
wave climate at the locations of the FERC
permitted sites.
The NDBC website offers a plot of the significant wave heights (mean values and range) at
NDBC Buoy 46029 produced from data recorded by this buoy over a 17 year period from 1984
through 2001 (Figure 39). This plotted data shows that the average significant wave height (Hs)
as well as the upper range of Hs increased between October and March, the winter months. This
trend of significantly higher Hs and higher range of Hs is duplicated in a similar plot of data
from NDBC Buoy 46050 that was produced from 10 years of data (Figure 40). No similar plot
was available from NDBC Buoy 46015 as this buoy had only recorded seven years of data at the
time this report was written.
The red bar in these figures indicates one standard deviation above and below the mean value
that is shown as the dark symbol in the center of the red bar. The full range of Hs for each
month is represented by the solid line, with the maximum and minimum value indicated by the
circled dot at the end of this line. The highest Hs recorded over a 10 year period (1991 – 2001)
at NDBC Buoy 46050 occurred on March 3, 1999, when Hs reached 14.1 m. On the same day
NDBC Buoy 46029 recorded 12.8 m as the highest Hs at this buoy location in 17 years. This
event occurred during the previously noted El Niño event that increased the size and frequency
of storms along the Oregon coast during the winter of 1998 / 1999.
Figure 40 Significant Wave Height at NDBC Buoy 46050 (1991 – 2001)
The statistical averages of Hs at these buoy locations provide a general overview of the wave
climate along the Oregon Coast, however the frequency of high swells produced from strong
storms impacting the area are of interest to the FERC permitted sites in this study. High swell
events will impact the installation, operations and the survivability of any WEC deployed. Data
from each of the 3 NDBC Buoys (46029, 46050 and 46015) was used to assess the frequency of
high swell events that occurred at each location (Figure 41). 10-years of data were available
from NDBC Buoy 46029 and NDBC Buoy 46050 and 7 years of data from NDBC Buoy 46015
were available for this assessment.
Figure 41 Frequencies of High Swell Events per Year along Oregon Coast
The frequency of high swell events, defined in this assessment as Hs greater than or equal to 6 m
for three hours or longer, showed considerable variation from one year to the next, with several
years of relative calm followed by a substantial increase in the frequency of these events. This is
roughly similar to the pattern see in the 30-year data set taken from NDBC Buoy 46002. These
data indicate that there was no single location along the Oregon Coast that regularly has a higher
frequency of high swell events. For example, in the years 2000 and 2001, NDBC Buoy 46050
had more frequent high swell events, and the following three years NDBC Buoy 46029 had a
higher frequency of high swell events.
The most significant information in this plot is the data for year 2006. This year was a La Niña
year, when colder than average sea surface temperatures were found in the eastern equatorial
Pacific and the Northern Pacific jet stream flow directed multiple storms to the northwest region
of the U.S. As a result of this increase in the number of storms along the coast of Oregon during
2006, the frequency of high swell events was the highest of any year measured during this 10-
year period for the 3 NDBC buoys near the coast.
The winter months of 1999 were dominated by a strong El Niño event when warmer than
average sea surface temperatures in the equatorial eastern Pacific affected weather patterns along
the western coast of the U.S. In recent years, evidence in the form of detailed equatorial buoy
data has been recorded that shows anomalous upper level circulation during eastern Pacific El
Niño years occasionally causes North Pacific jet stream flow to split during winter months.
When this happens, compact but powerful low pressure systems may form beneath the southern
split of the jet bringing unusually severe weather conditions to California. While the northern
portion of the Northern Pacific jet stream is directed into Canada and Alaska when the jet stream
splits. Therefore, during El Niño years the coast of Oregon may experience milder than average
weather in the form of less rainfall and milder temperatures but may still have an increase in the
average number of high swell events impacting the coastal areas as a result of the strong storms
passing to the south of Oregon on route to the coast of California. The wave buoy data record
for the winter months of 1998 / 1999 are an example of this scenario.
The analysis of 10 years of data from NDBC Buoys 46015, 46029 and 46050 (Figure 36)
illustrates that a La Niña year such as 2006 can bring an increase in the frequency of high swell
events to the coast of Oregon that are on par with, or greater than those caused by a strong El
Niño event. The La Niña year of 2006 surpassed the El Niño year of 1999 having the most
frequent number of high swell events in this 10-year period (1999 – 2008). This pattern is
contrary to the 30-year data set from NDBC Buoy 46002 (Figure 36) were only El Niño years
were identified as having the most significant impact on the frequency of high swell events
reaching the coast of Oregon. Nevertheless, either of these two conditions, El Niño or La Niña,
should be closely monitored when planning operations in the FERC permitted site areas along
the coast of Oregon.
A detailed breakdown of the high swell events at each of the NDBC Buoys 46015, 46029 and
46050 which recorded the number of high swell events during each month shows that these
events are largely confined to the winter months, October through April (Tables 19-21). There is
only one occasion where one of these high swell events occurred during the month of May in
2005 and a high swell event was never recorded from June through September for the years of
data analyzed. This detailed breakdown of the data to a monthly level demonstrates that periods
of highest swells (storm events) are restricted to the winter months, and by comparison the
summer months can be relatively calm. These tables also indicate the many months of missing
data at each buoy, and this information should be carefully considered when viewing the overall
totals for each wave buoy.
Table 19 NDBC Buoy 46015 High Swell Events by Month and Year (*= partial or no data)
Table 20 NDBC Buoy 46029 High Swell Events by Month and Year (*= partial or no data)
Table 21 NDBC Buoy 46050 High Swell Events by Month and Year (*= partial or no data)
Figure 42 Wind Speed at NDBC Buoy 46029 (1984 – 2001)
The statistical averages of wind speeds at these buoy locations provide a general overview of the
wind climate along the Oregon Coast, however the frequency of strong wind events impacting
the area are also of interest to the FERC permitted sites in this study. The strength of wind
events and their frequency are important to consider in planning the installation, operations and
the survivability of any WEC operating at these sites. Data from each of the three NDBC Buoys
(46029, 46050 and 46015) was used to assess the frequency of these wind events occurring at
each of the three NDBC Buoy locations (Tables 22-24). Wind events are defined as having
sustained wind speeds at the specified range for three or more hours. 10-years of data were
available from NDBC Buoy 46029 and NDBC Buoy 46050 and seven years of data from NDBC
Buoy 46015 were available for this assessment. These data should be interpreted with the caveat
that all of these buoys had long periods of time when they did not collect data, and roughly half
the years had less than 12 months of continuous data records. The number of months during
each year that the buoy collected wind data is indicated in each table.
Table 22 Wind Speeds at NDBC Buoy 46015, 7-year dataset
Table 24 Wind Speeds at NDBC Buoy 46029, 10-year dataset
From the detailed breakdown of wind events occurring during each year it is apparent that the
lower range of wind speed used in this assessment, events with 10 to 20 knots of wind, varied
widely from one year to the next. For example, at NDBC Buoy 46050 during the year 2006 (a
La Niña year) there were only 173 recorded events in the full 12 months while there were 309
recorded events during 1999 (an El Niño year). One explanation of why 2006 may have had a
lower frequency of these mild wind events is that the winds were typically stronger than the
range of 10 to 20 knots when storms did impact the coast of Oregon. During 2006 the La Niña
year measured in this data it was more common for storms to directly impact the coast of
Oregon, therefore wind speed would be higher during this year. During an El Niño year, such as
1999, the centers of storms would typically pass much further to the south in California and the
coast of Oregon would receive the lighter winds from the periphery of these storms.
As the range of wind speed events is increased in these tables (20 to 30 knots, 30 to 40 knots and
>40 knots) both 1999 and 2006 stand out as years when high wind events occurred more
frequently than in other years. This is especially true of the 30 to 40 knots range of wind events
measured at NDBC Buoy 46015 during the years 2005 and 2006 (Figure 44) . NDBC Buoy
46015 did not offer data previous to 2002 so it was not possible to compare 2006 and 1999 at the
southern most buoy location. However, during 2006 there were 35 wind events in the range of
30 to 40 knots at NDBC Buoy 46015 with only 10 months of data measured during that year.
Figure 44 Frequency of 30 to 40 Knot Wind Events at 3 NDBC Buoys along Oregon Coast
A closer examination of the data at NDBC Buoy 46015 for the winter period of late 2005 and
early 2006 showed that this southernmost location along the coast of Oregon had the highest
frequency of strong wind events during this time with respect to those NDBC buoy located
further north. There were 12 wind events in the range of 30 to 40 knots at this buoy during
November and December of 2005, and 10 events during January of 2006. Further up the coast at
NDBC Buoy 46050 there were only four wind events in the range of 30 to 40 knots during
November and December of 2005, followed by eight wind events in this range during January of
2006. At NDBC Buoy 46029, the northern most buoy along the coast of Oregon, there were
only four wind events in the range of 30 to 40 knots during November and December of 2005,
followed by five wind events in this range during January of 2006.
The Oregon Coastal Ocean Current Mapping Lab at Oregon State University has several other
types of data posted on their website, which are useful to obtain real-time and long-term datasets
on ocean conditions along the Oregon coast. These data include the Global Ocean Ecosystem
Dynamics (GLOBEC) Mooring NH10, located 20 km East of Newport Oregon at 44o 38.8’ N by
124o 18.4’ W. This mooring is in 81 m of water and the buoy data archive includes ADCP data
from 1994 until present (September 2009) for depths of 10, 24, 38, 52 and 66 m. Plots of the
monthly and seasonal (quarterly) current velocities profiles are available for download from this
website (Figure 45). Additionally other oceanographic data of temperature, salinity, and wind
speed are also measured by this buoy and available for download.
The COAST 2003 Met Buoy, also maintained by the OSU Ocean Currents Mapping Lab,
provides ADCP data, wind, water temperature and salinity data from a second location
approximately 40 km north of the GLOBEC Mooring NH10. This moored ADCP is located at
45.0o N by 124.15o W, approximately 10 km offshore of Lincoln City, Oregon. Data from this
ADCP is available from 1/11/2003 and other data (wind, temperature, salinity and more) are
available from 5/15/2001.
The Oregon Coastal Ocean Current Mapping Lab website also maintains a current inventory of
the buoys and instrumentation deployed along the coast of Oregon, and any data sources that are
available for public download. This list of oceanographic moorings includes; type of instrument,
contact person for each instrument, locations, and anticipated recovery for each instrument.
each item shown on the chart (e.g. type of wreck, name of submarine cables). The additional
information on each item shown on the charts is maintained in an associated database for each
chart by NOAA; information is updated weekly and is available for public download at the
website (
Information on each item shown on these maps that is inside the boundaries of the FERC
permitted sites is provided in the text below. Four images showing the nine FERC sites at a
scale where details on the obstructions could be distinguished is included in this section. The
legend of symbols for these wrecks and obstructions maps was also modified to a readable scale
from the format presented on the aforementioned website (Figure 41).
• The submarine cable in northeast corner of the site area is designated as
TNG_Pacific_G1_RPL.30 in the NOAA database.
• The submarine cable in the center of this site area is designated as the Northstar Cable in
the NOAA database.
• The submarine cable in the southeast corner of this site area is designated as the Southern
Cross Cable by the NOAA database.
Garibaldi – Three submarine cable within this area:
• The submarine cable in the northwest portion of this site area is the Southern Cross
Cable, and is the same submarine cable that transects the Rockaway site.
• The submarine cable in the center portion of this site area is designated as
TNG_Pacific_G6_RPL.10 by the NOAA database.
• There is no designation given for the southernmost submarine cable that transects this site
Netarts – One sea bed area point is given within this site area, the NOAA database states that the
bottom in this area is gravel. No other obstructions were found in this area.
Nesctucca – One sea bed area point is given within this site area, the NOAA database states that
the bottom in this area is sand. There is one submarine cable that crosses the southern portion of
this site area, the NOAA database gives this cable the designation of the North Pacific Cable.
Neskowin – No obstructions know within this site area.
Figure 48 Two Additional Northern FERC Permitted Sites
Figure 49 Two of the Southern Oregon FERC Sites with Obstructions Shown
Additionally, NOAA maintains a tide station to the north of these six sites near Astoria, Oregon
(NOAA tide station number 9439040). And NOAA tide station 9435380 to the south of the six
northern sites at Southbeach, Oregon (near Newport, Oregon). The relative position of these
stations with regard to the six northern FERC sites is shown in Figure 51.
As discussed in a previous section, these six northern FERC permitted sites have two NDBC
Buoys, 46029 to the north and 46050 to the south, which provide wave parameter measurements
and a suite of meteorological data, useful in planning operations at any of these six northern
Ocean currents measured by ADCPs are available from two fixed mooring locations maintained
by OSU to the south of the six northern FERC permitted sites. As discussed in the previous
section on ocean currents both historical and near real-time data are available for download from
fixed ADCPs located to the south of these six FERC sites. The distances between the centroid of
each site and the nearest buoy or station that measures tides, waves or currents are shown in
Table 25.
Table 25 FERC Permitted Sites with Nearest Buoy/Station Locations
Tide information for the three southern FERC permitted sites can be obtained from NOAA tide
station 9432780, near Coos Bay, Oregon. This tide station lies to the south of all three sites,
within the sheltered waters of Coos Bay (Figure 52). The nearest tide station to the north of
these three sites is NOAA tide station 9435380, in Southbeach, Oregon. However, NOAA tide
station 9435380 is significantly further away from these three sites than the Coos Bay, Oregon
tide station and should be used only as an alternative source of data if the Coos Bay, Oregon tide
station is not available.
Wave parameter information is accessible at the three southern FERC permitted sites from
several sources. The California Data Information Program (CDIP) wave buoy 132 is located
directly offshore of two of these sites, the Reedsport OPT Project and Douglas County Wave and
Tidal sites. This buoy is useful in providing accurate measurements of significant wave height,
and wave period data however this CDIP buoy does not measure meteorological data beyond sea
temperature. Measurements of a full suite of meteorological data, and measurements of wave
parameters are available from the NDBC Buoys to the north and south of this location, buoys
46050 and 46015 respectively. The distances from the three southern FERC permitted sites to
these buoy and station locations are shown in Table 25.
Figure 52 Southern FERC Permitted Sites with Buoy/Station Locations
4.8 Marine Protected Areas – Marine Sanctuaries
A query of the Marine Protected Areas Inventory (MPA Inventory) was made at the National
Marine Protected Areas Center website ( The
MPA Inventory is a geospatial database that is designed to catalog and classify marine protected
areas within U.S. waters. There were no established Marine Protected Areas within any of the
FERC Permitted sites at the time this report was written (Figure 53).
4.9 Bathymetry and Sediment Maps
The bathymetry and sediments data within each FERC permitted sites along the coast of Oregon
were investigated using two NOAA chart resources and their associated databases. The two
resources available for this investigation were the NOAA Raster Navigational Chart and the
NOAA Electronic Navigational Chart, both of these resources had information on bathymetry
and sediments shown on the charts. Any additional information on bathymetry and sediments
shown on the charts is maintained in an associated database for each chart by NOAA. This
information is updated weekly and is available for public download at the website
From the bathymetry data contained in the two NOAA chart resources and their associated
databases, two maps were produced showing the bathymetry, one map for the six northern sites
(Figure 54) and one map for the three southern sites (Figure 55). The sediment data contained in
these resources was used to create maps showing the sediment data in relation to the FERC
permitted sites. To preserve details on these images, three individual maps were created to
represent the nine FERC permitted sites. The four most northern sites are grouped closely
together and are represented as a single map (Figure 56). The two FERC permitted sites,
Nescutta and Neskowin, are called out as the north-central FERC sites and represented as a
separate map (Figure 57). The three FERC permitted sites in the southern portion of the Oregon
Coast were grouped together in a single map (Figure 58).
Figure 54 Bathymetry of Six Northern FERC Sites
Figure 55 Bathymetry of Three South FERC Sites
Figure 56 Sediment Types Inside and Near Four Northern FERC Sites
Figure 57 Sediment Types Inside and Near Two North-Central FERC Sites
Figure 58 Sediment Types Inside and Near Three South FERC Sites
4.10 Geology
The nine permitted FERC sites are located on the continental shelf within a few miles of the
Oregon coastline. A general summary of the geology of the continental shelf offshore Oregon is
provided below. Further study is required to characterize geological/seafloor conditions at each
FERC permitted site.
The Oregon continental shelf extends from the shoreline to the shelfbreak at the top of the
continental slope, and is between approximately 10 and 50 miles wide. The seafloor gradient
becomes fairly steep at the shelfbreak as the seafloor slopes down towards the Cascadia
Subduction zone, where the Juan de Fuca Tectonic Plate is subducted beneath the North
American Tectonic Plate. Based on available information, the FERC permitted sites appear to be
in relatively shallow water (approximately 20-55 meters water depth), and several miles from the
shelfbreak which occurs at a water depth of 200 meters.
The geology of the Oregon continental shelf is generally characterized by Quaternary and
Tertiary sediments and sedimentary rocks at the seafloor down to water depths ranging from
several hundred meters to approximately 6,000 meters (Gray and Kulm, 1985). Tertiary igneous
basement rock underlies this sedimentary material (Snavely et al, 1981; Gray and Kulm, 1985).
The sediments/sedimentary rocks are composed of silts, siltstone, sands and sandstone with
folding and faulting evident in some strata (Snavely et al, 1981; Gray and Kulm, 1985). Some of
these sediments were deposited by rivers both recently and during past lower sea level stands.
Although the seafloor on the continental shelf consists primarily of sedimentary material, there
are areas of outcropping hard rock (such as basalt). Some of these areas are nearshore, subtidal
rocky reefs such as Siletz Reef and Perpetua Reef. These reefs are environmentally protected
areas and would provide poor anchoring conditions. Other areas of outcropping rock are
prominent rocky, submarine banks such as Heceta Bank and Stonewall Bank which vary in size.
These banks are environmentally sensitive areas and would also provide poor anchoring
conditions. Detailed maps such as those contained in the Oregon State coastal database (see next
section) should be reviewed to determine the extents of these areas of outcropping rock and their
proximities to the FERC permitted sites.
Finally, there are additional seafloor features that help to define general geologic conditions on
the Oregon continental shelf. These features include areas characterized by gravel, black sands
containing heavy minerals, manganese nodules, wave cut benches, and gas hydrates7. These
features are discussed in detail in some of the data sources presented in the next section.
Geology References:
Gray, J.J., and Kulm, L.D. (1985), “Mineral Resources Map, Offshore Oregon”, Oregon
Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Geological Map Series GMS-37, scale 1:500,000.
Snavely, P.D., Jr., Wagner, H.C., Rau, W.W., Bukry, D. (1981), “Geologic Cross Section of the
Southern Oregon Coast Range and Adjacent Continental Shelf”, U.S. Geological Survey Open
File Report 91-957, scale 1:125,000.
4.11 Geophysical, Hydrographic, Metocean, Geological, and Geotechnical Data
Sources of the Oregon Coast.
The websites listed below include several that are typically checked during preparation of
desktop studies in United States waters. The data available via these websites are typically
regional in nature, covering rather large areas along the coast and farther offshore. The NOAA
NGDC Coastal Relief Model CD-ROMs are especially important because they have the highest
resolution of the regional data sets currently available (3 arc seconds or roughly 70-meter cell
size). The proposed NOAA mapping program for the Oregon coast described below will provide
the best source of bathymetry data for the proposed tidal energy projects when the data become
Other websites listed below contain data specific to Oregon only. These appear to have valuable
information and links to additional websites. The Marine Geology links have detailed
information at the proposed tidal energy project sites.
Table 26 provides a matrix of pertinent site characteristics for four counties where the nine
FERC sites are located. The matrix lists sources of information that are provided in the websites
provided below.
Table 26 Matrix of FERC sites
NOTES: 1. An upcoming NOAA Multibeam bathymetry survey with a proposed resolution of 0.5 meters, and a
proposed LIDAR survey of the Oregon Coast should provide high resolution data at many of the proposed
FERC Sites.
3. Other geophysical data are available for the sites, but these data need to be downloaded and reviewed to
determine if they are applicable to these sites.
This type of data is available at these sites
4.11.1 Oregon Bathymetry:
• USGS Coastal and Marine InfoBank Atlas: Oregon Bathymetry:
• NOAA National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) Tsunami Inundation Gridding Project. Hi
res bathy-topo along Oregon coast:
• Also:
• NOAA NGDC National Ocean Service (NOS) Hydrographic Data Base. Good starting point
for available digital data offshore Oregon.
• NOAA NGDC Coastal Relief Models: Hi res (3 arc second) bathy-topo along entire Oregon
coast on two CD’s.
Volume 7 – US Central Pacific Coast, $25.00
Volume 8 – US NW Pacific Coast, $25.00
• Older USGS Bathy for Oregon EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) included with CA and WA
• ***Upcoming Mapping Surveys: Fugro -Pelagos will be surveying for NOAA in southern
Oregon; David Evans and Associates along with OSU will survey the remaining coast area.
• Oregon Margin Survey (MBARI):
• Oregon Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries LIDAR data along Oregon Coast: 09.pdf
• Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) Explorer: Data archive from SIO research cruises
providing access to many types of shipboard data (multibeam, seismic, metocean, etc.). This
website is run through the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) on the campus of UC
San Diego:
• Mineral Resources Map – offshore Oregon (link to PDF):
4.11.3 Seismicity:
• Perform an extract from the Advanced National Seismic System using lat/lon of areas of
interest for earthquake epicenters and magnitudes:
4.11.4 Geophysical:
• GLORIA Sidescan Sonar mosaics for seafloor feature interpretation:
• USGS Seismic Reflection Data – Nat’l Archive of Marine Seismic Surveys:
• Fugro Survey data available via the Fugro Offshore Survey Division Intranet
4.11.5 Geotechnical:
• Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) core data is helpful for regional seafloor information. Several
borings have been drilled offshore Oregon. Here are links to information about those borings:
4.11.7 Metocean:
• National Data Buoy Center of NOAA, archived and real-time meteorological and
oceanographic data from buoys:
• California Data Information Program, archived and real-time wave measurements from wave
• The Oregon Coastal Ocean Current Mapping Lab, ADCP data and CODAR data used to
produce maps of surface currents and currents at depth.
• Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries:
• NOAA Nautical Charts:
• Oregon State database for coastal Oregon information (Chris Goldfinger):
• Oregon State Oregon Explorer: Natural Resources Digital Library:
• Pacific Coast Marine Habitat Program:
• Bathy Data sources:
5.1 Introduction
Important WEC business drivers are the availability and cost of installation equipment such as
tugs, barges and handling equipment on the Pacific coast and the available infrastructure on the
Oregon coast. This section is limited to installation equipment due to the available time frame
for this effort; however, OWET has funded the Advanced Research Corporation (ARC),
Newport, OR to assess the infrastructure capabilities of the Oregon Coast. This information
should be of significant benefit to all those considering employment of a WEC off the coast of
General descriptions of the various craft required to tow and install WEC devices and
approximate costs of operation are provided. Most of the support vessel contractors do not have
a set price structure for the various pieces of equipment so it is not possible to provide WEC
specific towing and installation cost. Pricing for each job is dependent on the specific job
requirements such as length of job, risk of job, location of job, operating requirements, manning,
rigging and insurances required, etc. Each job price is based upon a mutually agreeable contract
that spells out services to be provided and responsibilities of both parties. Most companies will
quote specific job prices based on detailed work requirements. The near shore location of most
WEC sites introduces a further complication to estimating cost. The potential for mechanical
failures when operating close to the beach can result in higher insurance costs and limit the types
of assets approved for operation in this environment.
5.2.1 Tugs
The tugboat has a number of functions ranging from towing, salvage and anchor
handling/positioning. Tug characteristics may have a superficial resemblance to each other but
when operating offshore the tug equipment is over-built or heavy duty by conventional harbor
standards. They range in size (and power) depending on the tasks that they required to perform.
The US Coast Guard has guidelines for vessels used in inland, coastwise and ocean operation.
The Certificate of Inspection (COI) as well as insurance companies will determine the area of
operation more often than their owners or operators.
104 Flat Deck Barge
Flat deck barges are available in many sizes capable of
transporting most WEC devices (Figure 63). Example
sizes are shown in Figure 64. General Construction
Company is located in Seattle, WA and McDonough
Marine has offices on the Gulf Coast. Figure 63 Flat Barge with WEC-Sized device
A dramatic example demonstrating the use of a semi-submersible barge is shown by Figure 66,
where the USS Cole is being transported home from Yemen for repair. Figure 67 shows a Smit
Marine semi-submersible barge. Details of this and other barges and heavy lift equipment can be
found on the website inserted in the picture.
Figure 66 Semi-submersible Barge
Figure 67 Smit Marine Semi-submersible Barge
with USS Cole
Table 27 Floating Crane Inventory from General Construction (not all cranes will be suited to offshore use)
The marine service transportation companies in Table 28 assisted in providing information for
floating cranes, tugs, load line deck barges and support craft. They could support operations in
Oregon at the FERC sites but transit distances should be a consideration in vessel selection.
Table 28 Marine Service Companies
Table 29 Installation Costs Factors A
Factor Note
Geographic location of installation site
Distance from shore
Distance from nearest suitable ports for preparation, maintenance, support
Distance from fabrication yard
Anticipated length of the project
Installation season (winter, spring, etc)
Daytime or 24 hr installation
Scheduling flexibility
WEC Weight, dimensions, configuration
Characteristics Specific handling requirements, limitations
Types and sizes of cable
Cabling Trunk cable (burial?)
Shore cable installation (HDD?)
Mooring configuration (single or multi-point)
Anchor type and size
Cable types, lengths and sizes
Buoys (surface, subsurface?)
What size deck area required to deploy WEC
Will WEC be towed or deck mounted
Crane requrements (WEC and/or mooring installation)
Electrical and/or hydraulic power requirements for the vessel?
Vessels In the selection of the vessels, is the registry, Jones Act, an issue?
Anchor handling tug required
Line haul tug(s) requirements
Pusher boats/tugs required for barge positioning/anchor hauling
Vessels-Stand by vessel to monitor WEC after installation (2-5 days)
Table 30 Installation Cost Factors B
5.3.2 Vessel Cost Floating Crane
General Construction Company, Seattle, provided a day-rate cost estimate for their 300 ton
floating crane, DB Los Angeles. Table 31 does not include preparing the crane for transit
(shorting the crane boom for operating in greater than sea state one conditions, re-reeve the
crane/winch wires) and then transiting to Portland. After arriving in Portland the crane has to be
mobilized to install the WEC device. At job completion the entire process has to be reversed to
transit back to Seattle. The base cost for mob, de-mob and transit to/from Seattle is
approximately a quarter of a million dollars.
The day rate for the DB Los Angeles adds $57K per day plus the cost of on-site vessel support,
WEC personnel, navigation, diving as required, etc. as identified in Table 31. Careful planning
to account for potential weather losses and to enable segmented and reversible installation steps
is a must to control cost if installation requires this type of asset.
Harbor Crew
DB Los Angeles $1,700.00 10 $17,000.00
Superintendent $100.00 10 $ 1,000.00
Field Engineer $75.00 10 $ 750.00
5 Man Crew $382.00 10 $ 3,820.00
Subsistence/man-day $200.00 7 $ 1,400.00
TOTAL $23,970.00
Offshore Crew
DB Los Angeles $1,700.00 24 $40,800.00
Superintendent $100.00 14 $ 1,400.00
Field Engineer $75.00 14 $ 1,050.00
5 Man Crew $490.00 24 $11,760.00
Subsistence/man-day $200.00 12 $ 2,400.00
TOTAL $57,410.00
112 Ocean Tugs, Barges, Support Vessels
The information in Table 32 was derived from Oct. 09 WorkBoat survey of 32 offshore service
vessel companies and from various contacts listed in Table 28. The availability of vessels on the
West coast is somewhat limited due to limited offshore activity thus costs may be higher. Note
that tug rates are either provided on an hourly or daily rate with or without fuel costs. The
crewboats, deck barges, and tugs in are all West Coast vessels.
An important consideration and one that can influence cost is the Jones Act (Merchant Marine
Act of 1920) (P.L. 66-261) is a United States Federal statute that regulates maritime commerce
in U.S. waters and between U.S. ports. Essentially, the Jones Act states that no foreign flag
vessels can support WEC installation in coastal waters.
5.3.3 Oregon ports
There are more than a dozen ports along the Oregon coast but only a few, such as the Port of
Astoria, Port of Coos Bay and the Port of Newport on Yaquina Bay have capabilities to support
dock side mobilization of WEC and provide crane service marine chandlery stores and shipyard
support. Any fabrication/modification that resulted from dock side testing could be arranged by
local services in these ports.
Port of Astoria. – 12 miles from the mouth of the Columbia River
This is a deep-draft port on the Columbia River. The docks can handle bulk, brake bulk
containers, Ro-Ro and specialty cargoes. The port has a mobile crane rated at SWL 250 tons
with 210 feet reach. It does have tug and barge services for ships at anchor.
Port of Coos Bay. – 15 mi. from the Pacific
This is the largest deep-draft coastal harbor between San Francisco Bay and Puget Sound. It is
Oregon’s second busiest maritime commerce center. It is noted for the safest entrance bar on the
Pacific Northwest coast. Railroad service runs to the marine terminals and a shipyard.
Port of Newport/Yaquina Bay. – 2 mi. from the Pacific
This is a tidal estuary widened by the Yaquina River with commercial moorage. The port dock is
wooden but does have mobile crane service.
Oregon Ports, Infrastructure along the coast, October 2009, Advanced Research Organization, Newport OR
Coast Pilot (,
U.S.A.C.E Port Series Reports (
Figure 70 Oregon Ports
1) SEDIMENT GEOTECHNICAL DATA: Data on sediments at all of the Oregon FERC sites
is limited. Information on sediments (composition, thickness, areal variability and
engineering properties) controls the types and sizes of anchor that can be used. Surveys and
follow on studies are critical to the economical and reliable design of WEC anchoring
2) CURRENT DATA: Data on ocean currents at the sites is lacking. Current data over
extended periods is necessary for the economical and reliable design of WEC mooring
systems. There is good coverage of surface currents along the entire coast through the
CODAR system. Ocean current data across a range of depths are available at the GLOBEC
buoy NH10 (20 km east of Newport, OR) and from the COAST 2003 buoy 40 km north of
the NH10 buoy (near the center of the Oregon coast). However, similar buoys with ADCPs
within the FERC permitted sites would provide comprehensive information on the forces the
WEC devices will encounter from ocean currents through the water column, as surface
currents are largely wind driven and are contained to the top 5 m of the water column.
wire catenaries are not effective at mitigating dynamic loads in shallow water moorings.
Synthetic ropes, and in particular, polyester fiber ropes, can be effective in mitigating
dynamic loads. Research is required to evaluate the utility and effectiveness of using
Polyester rope in WEC shallow water moorings. Polyester tethers have covers and filtration
barriers to prevent ingress of sand, which can dramatically reduce the life of the rope.
However, the effectiveness of the rope “sand barriers” needs to be validated for the highly-
charged shallow water region.
4) WEC ARRAY MOORING CONFIGURATIONS: There are a multitude of designs possible
for mooring individual WEC devices. The design and implementation of an economical
mooring system for an array of WECs is far more complex. Short-scope/semi-taut mooring
legs that can support more than a single WEC must be contrived to minimize the overall
array footprint, while allowing maintenance and recovery of individual WEC devices.
5) DESIGN GUIDES AND STANDARDS: There are a multitude of design guides,
specifications and recommended practice documents that could be applied to the design of a
WEC mooring system. Since there are many WEC types and configurations and they are a
relatively infant technology, the effectiveness and efficiency of these design tools and guides
is unknown. Research is needed to evaluate the current suite of available design tools and
guides and to recommend an engineering design methodology appropriate to the design of
single and multiple WEC devices.
Appendix A - 117
A-1 Deadweight Anchors
Fh = (W - Fv)*(tan φ)
where: W = anchor weight in water
Fv = vertical component of line pull
tan φ = tangent of the friction angle between the bottom surface of the anchor and
the underlying soil, as given in Table 33.
Note the minor difference in friction coefficient between rough steel and smooth concrete. It
requires only minor surface roughness that can be caused by rust or very minor surface pitting or
scouring to transition from smooth to rough behavior. For all practical situations the smooth
steel condition can be achieved in the laboratory for small controlled specimens but does not
occur in practice.
For a cohesive soil, referring to Figure 71, the capacity of a simple deadweight anchor is given
Appendix A - 118
Figure 71 Simple Deadweight Anchor Design on Cohesive Soil
In this equation, the shear and uplift of the passive wedge at the front of the anchor (numbers 2
and 3 in Figure 71) are represented in the second and third terms, and the alongside shear and
rear suction (numbers 4 and 5 in Figure 71) are omitted as negligible. The shear strengths in this
equation can be measured using standard geotechnical methods. Alternatively, they can be
estimated from the tendency of the anchor to settle to the depth at which it is supported by the
bearing strength of the soil; this gives
Suz = W / (Nc * A)
where: Nc = bearing capacity factor, conservatively approximated at 5.7
For sediment having a shear strength increasing linearly from a zero value at the surface, the
average shear strength over the depth z is
z = Suz / Gsu
where: Gsu = rate of increase of shear strength with depth, approximated at 12 psf/ft
Appendix A - 119
A-1.2 Holding Capacity for a Deadweight Anchor with Keying Skirts
The addition of keying skirts adds substantially to the capacity of a deadweight anchor by
mobilizing soil resistance to lateral movement below the main body of the anchor, where the soil
is typically stronger that in shallower zones. The calculation of holding capacity is more
complicated. Calculations are described below for a simple “full-base-skirted” deadweight
anchor (Figure 72) in which the peripheral skirts enclose the entire anchor base.
First, the penetration of the skirts must be determined. Properly designed skirts will penetrate
fully. The net downward force available at anchor placement is compared with the calculated
bearing capacity of the skirts, using a deeply penetrating sheet pile model for the type of soil at
the mooring site, to ensure that the downward force is sufficient to produce full penetration.
Note that if full penetration of the keying skirts is not achievable with the available downward
force at placement, the force may be increased or the depth and/or thickness of skirts may be
reduced. However, if the depth is reduced, the spacing of interior shear keys should be reduced
accordingly, thus increasing their number and adding to penetration resistance. Therefore,
increasing the anchor weight is often the best choice.
Then the added capacity of the skirts is calculated as the sum of the leading skirt passive earth
force and the base sliding resistance force. The recommended design uses internal shear keys
that penetrate to the same depth as the peripheral skirts, with spacing equal to the skirt depth for
cohesive soils, and equal to twice the skirt depth for cohesionless soils. This causes the sum of
shear key resistances to match the sliding resistance of the soil block enclosed by the peripheral
skirts, which is in fact the base sliding resistance force.
In cohesive soil, the lateral capacity of a deadweight anchor with full-base keying skirts is then
Appendix A - 120
Fh = Suz * A + [2 * Sua * zs + ½ γb * zs2] * B
where: Suz = undrained shear strength at bottom of skirts
A = plan area of bottom of anchor, enclosed by peripheral skirts
Sua = average undrained shear strength from surface to depth zs
zs = depth to bottom of skirts
γb = buoyant unit weight of soil
B = width of anchor
In cohesionless soil, the lateral capacity of a deadweight anchor with full-base keying skirts is
Appendix A - 121
Figure 73 Deadweight Anchor Design on Slopes
Appendix A - 122
Table 34 Nominal Features of Enhanced Pearl Harbor Anchor
Figure 75 shows the detail of the reinforcing bar that is cast into the concrete in the Enhanced
Pearl Harbor anchor to serve as eyes for lifting and applying forward pull. Note that in recent
versions, the bar stock has been replaced with chain to preclude damage to the eyes on impact,
Appendix A - 123
and to prevent the protruding eyes from damaging other equipment in case of inadvertent shifting
during transit.
Tables 35 and 36 provide working capacities for these anchors in soft clay/mud and in sand,
Appendix A - 124
A-2 Drag Anchors
A-2.1 Description
A drag embedment anchor (as shown in Figure 76)
typically consists of a fluke section, which acts against
the soil, and a shank section, which carries the fluke’s
soil-derived pulling resistance to the anchor line and
provides a moment arm to maintain proper attitude of
the fluke. Many types also have a stabilizer to prevent
rotation out of the soil, and others have their own
special features to enhance performance or stability.
Dragged-in anchors are normally used in catenary
mooring systems and are available in sizes up to 60 tons
with capacities in excess of 2000 tons in competent
seabed materials. Unless these anchors are used with
clump weights to depress the mooring leg the mooring
system will occupy a very large footprint.
Figure 76 Anchor Parts Identified
Various types of drag anchor are shown in Figure 77.
Appendix A - 125
A-2.2 Drag Anchor Performance
Drag-embedment anchors achieve most of their capacity as a result of their penetration of bottom
sediment during lateral pull. Having penetrated, their flukes bear against the soil, thereby taking
advantage of the large available resistance to movement of the affected soil.
Appendix A - 126
Drag-embedment anchor performance can be defined in terms of broad categories of seafloor
type. Table 37 describes the various seafloor categories and the level and consistency of anchor
capacity possible in each category.
Table 38 provides further data on the tripping, stability, and general holding capacity level of
drag anchors.
Tripping /Dig-in refers to the ability of the anchor to initiate penetration during normal drag as
the fluke tips engage the seafloor. Some anchors may have to be placed with the flukes held or
blocked in the open position to ensure proper embedment. This most often occurs in very soft
Appendix A - 127
soils for anchors with small tripping palms and in very hard soils especially for anchors with
relatively more blunt flukes.
Stability refers to the ability of an anchor to remain stable with minimal or no roll during the
anchor penetration process. A stable anchor maintains its capacity during continual drag;
whereas, an unstable anchor can roll and be pulled to the surface where it may or may not re-
embed with further drag.
Figure 78 illustrates effect of tripping and stability problems on performance of drag anchors.
When an anchor fails to trip and dig into the seafloor anchor, the anchor simply drags at or near
the surface of the seafloor. An unstable anchor will rapidly lose capacity once it begins to roll
out of the seafloor.
The anchors in Table 38 span a wide range in efficiency (the ratio of holding capacity against a
lateral pull to anchor weight in air). The types of lower efficiency anchor such as the Stockless
and LWT tend to be heavier relative to their overall dimensions, and are more rugged and
forgiving of rough handling and placement. The highest-efficiency types such as the Bruce,
Flipper Delta and Stevin types may require careful placement, orientation and setting to achieve
their full capacity, and are more expensive per pound of anchor to procure and install.
Appendix A - 128
for use in various guides for design of offshore platforms. These curves are considered to be
more reliable than other, sometimes less conservative guidance that is available from commercial
sources. They were based initially upon Navy-generated performance data and were verified
and/or adjusted using commercial data when full test details were available. When data were
limited, predictions were extended with an analysis procedure based upon geotechnical
considerations. More recent studies have shown that several parameters such as mooring line
type and anchor soaking can influence anchor capacity.
The design curves are based on testing with chain mooring lines. In soft clay anchor capacity
can increase 15-40% with a wire forerunner due to increased anchor penetration in a normally
consolidated clay seafloor (linear soil strength increase with depth). A moderately conservative
recommendation of a 20% increase is suggested when using a wire forerunner.
A soaked anchor is one that has been embedded for some time. The time depends upon the
permeability of the soil and the time required for dissipating positive pore pressures in the
surrounding soil. Anchor soaking can produce a short term increase in capacity prior to initiating
drag; however, continued drag will cause this increase in capacity to dissipate.
There are new versions of drag anchor that are not covered by these figures. Often
manufacturers simply base changes in performance on changes in fluke area provided that the
rest of the anchor remains unchanged. This can be dangerous and unconservative particularly in
sand and hard soils. Enhancing fluke area can increase penetration resistance in hard soil with a
consequent reduction in overall anchor capacity. However, increasing fluke area for soft clay
anchoring applications with no change in shank size or configuration can result in an increase in
anchor capacity. Limited test data in soft clay suggests that anchor efficiency increases at a rate
slightly greater than the ratio of fluke areas but until more data are available it is recommended
that holding capacity for anchors with enlarged fluke area in soft clay be related directly to
anchor fluke area.
Appendix A - 129
Figure 79 Ultimate Holding Capacity of Drag Anchors in Mud/soft Clay
Appendix A - 130
Figure 80 Ultimate Holding Capacity of Drag Anchors in Sand/hard Soil
Appendix A - 131
Anchor system holding capacity can be determined from the following relationship and the
parameters in Table 39. This procedure is appropriate for all anchor sizes, including those
outside the range of Figures 79 and 80.
Hm =m (Wa)b
Appendix A - 132
Both Figures 79 and 80 reflect total anchoring capacity or holding capacity of the anchor plus
buried chain. In any anchor leg configuration, it is imperative that sufficient weight of chain,
wire, and/or sinker weights be used to make the cable tangent to the seafloor at the
design/setting/proof load, and that this angle be not more than about six degrees above that
tangent when the load is raised to the ultimate capacity. Beyond this requirement, additional
system capacity will be created by the frictional drag of extra chain laying on the seafloor. It is
important to be able to determine system capacity when extra chain is used. This is done by
multiplying the submerged weight of the extra chain or wire lying on the seafloor by a friction
factor, as shown in Table 40.
Appendix A - 133
Table 41 Maximum Penetration Depths of Drag Anchors
Appendix A - 134
Figure 81 Setting Distance of Drag Anchors
Appendix A - 135
Table 42 Stability Problems and Solutions for Drag Anchors
A-2.8 Piggybacking
Multiple anchors can be used to achieve a higher system capacity than can be attained using
single anchors. This is of value: (a) when the largest single anchor size practical for an
application is limited by availability, transport, or handling constraints, or (b) when it is desirable
to augment a pre-selected anchor that has proven inadequate.
A common practice is to add an anchor in tandem (piggyback) when a single anchor fails to
achieve a required proof load. This can be done as shown in Figure 82. Depending upon the
Appendix A - 136
lengths of pre-attached lines and the water depth, the operator might or might not need to retrieve
the first anchor to connect the second. In
either case, the first anchor is normally set
before the second; hence, it must remain
stable over sufficient drag distance for the
second anchor to take its share of the load.
The results from piggybacking are strongly
dependent on how the primary and secondary
anchors are attached to the mooring line.
Pendant lines are usually attached to the
anchor at the back of the fluke where
possible (Option (a) in Figure 82 or at the
crown end of the shank (Option (b) in Figure
82). This produces mixed results. With
many anchors the piggyback will cause
rotation and breakout of the primary anchor
or can cause the primary anchor’s fluke to
close when loaded. With other anchors such
as stable fixed fluke anchors (Bruce and
Stevpris) and stable movable fluke anchors
with the tandem shackle hooked through the
shank (NAVMOOR) the tandem capacity of
two anchors can equal or exceed the capacity
of the two anchors loaded separately. Option
(c) is preferred for movable fluke anchors
that exhibit stability problems as single
An alternative is to use two anchors in a
parallel arrangement as shown in Figure 82.
The key to using this technique effectively is
to ensure that the anchors are longitudinally
separated as shown to prevent them coming
together during drag, which can negatively Drag Anchors in Tandem
affect total system capacity.
Appendix A - 137
mooring lines and helps the mooring survive extreme events. The factors of safety for the
mooring line and drag anchor are shown in Table 43.
Appendix A - 138
Figure 83 Pile Anchors
Appendix A - 139
A-3.2.1 Caisson Geometry
In sands, the pressure differential that is applied causes a hydraulic gradient in and around the
caisson. Water flows into the caisson due to the suction pressure that exists inside the caisson. If
the hydraulic gradient is increased sufficiently, a limiting condition will be reached when the
effective stress of the soil inside and below the caisson approaches zero. The limiting condition
is commonly referred to as the critical gradient. When the critical gradient is achieved, piping of
soil inside and below the caisson occurs. A soil plug is formed inside the caisson due to this
effect. A larger diameter caisson configuration has been found to minimize the formation of the
soil plug as the gradients are more concentrated along the caisson wall (NGI Publication No.
196, Ref 82).
In both stiff clays and sands, problems arise during installation due to the resistance offered by
these stiff soils. To obtain sufficient suction forces to overcome this resistance, larger diameter
caissons are used. Shorter caissons with larger diameters are therefore preferred for stiff clays
and sands that usually provide sufficient holding capacity. Typically, caissons constructed in
these materials have penetration to diameter ratios less than two.
In soft clay deposits, the shearing resistance of the soil usually improves with depth below
seabed. Larger penetration depths will be required to mobilize sufficient holding capacity due to
negligible side friction along the wall of the caisson. The suction forces that are required to drive
the caisson in soft clays are not very high. Therefore, in normally consolidated clay deposits,
large penetration depth-to-diameter caissons are typically used.
Uplift capacity. The uplift capacity of a vertical pile is its axial pull resistance. In sediments, the
axial pull resistance is:
HCu = As * fs
Appendix A - 140
where As = side area of pile
fs depends on soil type, as discussed in the following paragraphs.
Cohesionless soils. In cohesionless sediments, the frictional resistance is the lesser of:
fs < 0.5 * pavg * tan(φ - 5 deg)
fs < fs(max)
where pavg = average vertical ground pressure along buried length of pile
φ = drained friction angle of soil
fs(max) = maximum allowable side friction shear stress
Values of φ and fs(max) are given in Table 40
Cohesive soils. In cohesive sediments, the value of fs depends upon the value of undrained shear
strength, Su. If Su is less than 0.4 * pavg, then the soil is normally consolidated, and fs is
approximately equal to Su. If Su exceeds 2.0 * pavg, then the soil is highly overconsolidated, and
fs is limited to about 0.35 * Su. For soils in intermediate states of overconsolidation, fs assumes
intermediate values. Refer to Reference 34 for detailed procedures.
Horizontal capacity. The lateral capacity of vertical piles in sediments is a complicated subject.
Again, refer to Reference 34 for detailed methods. A good approximation to maximum capacity
is obtained by assuming an effective length of pile is held laterally by soil bearing resistance:
HCl = fn * B * Leff
fn = normal stress on pile
B = pile width
Leff = effective length
A conservative approximation to the effective length, Leff, is obtained by using the maximum
length of pile that can support the required load as a cantilever beam, or one-half of the buried
length of the pile, whichever is less.
Cohesionless soils. For cohesionless soils, a bearing capacity coefficient, reduced for horizontal
(vice downward) application of load, is applied to the ground pressure:
fn = 0.7 * Nq * pavg
where Nq = bearing pressure coefficient for deeply buried plate (buried at least 5 times
plate width)
Values for Nq are given in Table 44.
Appendix A - 141
Table 44 Friction and Bearing Parameters for Cohesionless Soils
Cohesive soils. For short-term peak load capacity in clays, a lateral bearing capacity factor is
applied to the shear undrained strength:
fn = 7.5 * Su
In this relationship, Su must be determined by geotechnical measurements, or estimated based on
geotechnical considerations. A conservative approximation, except where the soil might be
underconsolidated, as in a river delta undergoing rapid sedimentation, is
Su = 0.3 * pavg
For precise estimates of the long-term sustained load capacity in clays, the drained strength
parameters of the soil must be used. Generally, this gives a lower capacity prediction for
overconsolidated sediments, but one which will be at least equal to that given by the 0.3 * pavg
approximation; hence this approximation is recommended as a conservative simplification. For
more refined estimates, refer to methods discussed in the “Handbook for Marine Geotechnical
Engineering”, NCEL, March 1985 and API RP 2A (References 19, 34).
Appendix A - 142
Figure 85 Plate Anchor Types
Appendix A - 143
Cohesionless Soils. For cohesionless soils, a bearing pressure coefficient, further reduced
for upward application of load and adjusted for plate length-to-width ratio, is applied to the
ground pressure:
fn = 0.5 * Nq * (0.84 + 0.16 * B / L) * pavg
where Nq = bearing pressure coefficient for deeply buried plate (buried at least 5 times
plate width); values are given in Table 44.
pave = overburden pressure in the soil overlying the plate, averaged over a height
equal to the plate width
Cohesive Soils. For short-term peak load in cohesive soils, an upward bearing capacity
factor, adjusted for plate length-to-width ratio, is applied to the undrained shear strength:
fn = 15 * (0.84 + 0.16 * B / L) * Su
where Su = undrained shear strength of the soil overlying the plate, averaged over a
height equal to the plate width
For long-term sustained capacity in cohesive soils, a conservative simplification is
fn = 9 * (0.84 + 0.16 * B / L) * Su
where Su = 0.3 * pavg
Alternatively, the drained strength parameters of the soil may be used with the method given in
Reference 34.
A-4.3 Load Direction and Timing Factors That Affect Plate Anchor Capacity
Plate anchors are normally designed so the plate will be oriented nearly perpendicular to the load
direction. This is achieved by careful installation and/or by supporting the line attachment point
on a rigid strut that is long enough to provide a moment arm to orient the plate towards the
perpendicular as load is applied. However, if the load direction changes, a plate anchor without
a reorienting attachment point will be left substantially off-perpendicular, with a substantially
reduced projected area normal to the load, and a plate anchor with a reorienting attachment point
will travel toward the load as it is reoriented, possibly losing depth and capacity after multiple
Aspects of load timing that may reduce capacity are shown in Table 45. “Static” loading will
elicit different soil reactions that depend on drainage in sands and creep in clays. Dynamic”
loading is defined in Table 45; cyclic and earthquake loading will tend to reduce capacity
somewhat, requiring that an additional safety factor be applied. Definitive specialized analyzes
may be done to obtain an appropriate value for this additional safety factor, or a value of two
may be used as generally conservative.
Appendix A - 144
Table 45 Load Timing Factors Affecting Plate Anchor Capacity
Appendix A - 145
Complete copies of the original document can be downloaded from Fugro’s website:
Appendix B - 146
Offshore Site Study and Investigation Guide: Comprehensive initial study is critical
Utilities have begun to consider offshore energy sources as a new component of the energy grid.
Wind, wave, tidal current and ocean thermal energy are the identified potential energy sources.
Offshore vs. onshore
Moving energy technology offshore brings advantages and challenges. The advantages are proximity
to population centers renewable resource and the potential to develop larger installations. However,
transmission of the energy from a remote offshore facility presents challenges, as well as storage of
energy for peak demand. It is expensive to convey energy to shore. As an example, it is estimated
that 20 percent of the project cost for the up-to-1000 MW London Array, the world’s largest offshore
wind farm, will go towards developing a grid connection.
In addition, the energy industry often focuses on the real-time operating challenges of these renewable
energy sources, but it is also important to consider the upfront challenges of planning, particularly
offshore. One lesson learned during the initial offshore projects in Europe is that an insufficient initial
study leads to construction delays and increased project cost. A savings in terms of time and cost
could have been achieved if the physical conditions underlying the site had been better understood
Site assessment
Offshore structure design, especially wave- and current-energy-capture devices, requires information
on the environment where the energy harnessing equipment will operate, as well as information
specific to the particular energy source they seek to harness. Right from the feasibility stage of an
offshore wind energy project, information on the region's seismicity, water depth, climatology, and a
review of the existing wind, wave, current, and tide level data for the site can provide early screening
for suitable areas and structure types. Data regarding the region’s geology and subsurface conditions
will provide an indication of anchoring, foundation and transmission line design requirements.
As the project takes shape more detailed data will be required for designing the structures. Questions
to be answered include:
• What are the 100-year extreme values for wave heights or wind speeds?
• What is the best time of year for installation?
• What is the forecasted power output from the installation?
• What foundation system will be used?
Cost-effective answers to these questions can be had through statistical analyses using a combination
of carefully-tailored measurement campaigns, site investigations, and modelled data. Real-time data
on parameters such as wave conditions, tidal height, and weather conditions will help with the
planning of the installations.
While it is often sufficient to use existing data sources and models for feasibility studies, it is usually
essential to make at least a few months of site-specific measurements to fully validate wind, wave, or
current criteria used for engineering purposes. In particular, measurements during the winter months
are essential for validating statistics towards the extremes of likely conditions. Site assessment and
other engineering aspects of designing, and installing the necessary infrastructure have been discussed
and detailed in conferences like the Marine Technology Society for Offshore Wind Power Workshop
(June 2009) and the guidelines for marine renewable energy projects by the Mineral Management
One of the most important aspects of having a site assessment performed is choosing the right firm to
perform the study, a firm which can work in collaboration with the project owner and engineering
design team. Because the technology is relative new, and structures are being placed in environments
with challenging conditions, all team members need to have the right qualifications and experience.
The technical guide following presented herein is an abridged version of Fugro's GEOPHYSICAL &
found in it's entirety at
Eugene Toolan,
Chief Operating Officer
Fugro NV
Disclaimer: Please note that the specifications of equipment described in this handbook are
continuously evolving. Fugro accepts no liability for the accuracy of the information herein
provided or the use to which it is put.
Geotechnical drillship
Geotechnical Jack-up drilling rigs
Drill ships can, in favourable circumstances, operate in water depths as shallow as 20m. In extreme
circumstances, shallow-penetration investigations may be feasible in water depths as shallow as 10m.
However, the primary method for drilling boreholes in water depths from around 20m to shore –
including the inter-tidal zone – is with a jack-up drilling platform. Such platforms are typically capable of
both rotary and percussive drilling techniques, high quality sampling and in-situ testing.
B-4.1.2 Sounders
The echosounder measures water depth by measuring the two-way travel time of a high frequency pulse
The smaller AUVs (<2.5m LOA) can be deployed from any vessel that has a suitable handling system.
For the larger vehicles, which can reach lengths of 6m, special launch and recovery systems are used and
hence these vehicles are generally restricted to larger vessels.
AUVs produce, and store, very high-quality data because, unlike towed platforms, they are capable of
operating continuously at optimum sensor heights above the seabed and can adjust their aspects to meet
changing environmental factors.
Appendix C - 173
19. API RP 2A Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Construction of Fixed
Offshore Platforms
20. API RP 2SK Recommended Practice for Design and Analysis of Station-keeping Systems
for Floating Structures,
21. API RP 95F Interim Guidance for Gulf of Mexico MODU Mooring Practice - 2007
Hurricane Season, 2nd edition
22. DEn. ‘Offshore Installations: Guidance on Design, Construction and Certification’, 4th
Edition, 1990.
23. Germanisher Lloyd, Guideline for the Certification of Ocean Energy Converters Part 1:
Ocean Current Turbines, 2005 (draft)
24. Germanisher Lloyd, Guideline for the Certification of Offshore Wind Turbines, 1 June
25. MIL-HDBK-1026/4A Mooring Design1 July 1999
26. Fleet Moorings, Design Manual 26.5", Naval Facilities Engineering Command. June
27. Lloyd’s Register. ‘Rules for the Classification of Mobile Offshore Units.’ June 1989.
28. Construction of Marine and Offshore Structures, third edition, Ben Gerwick Jr. CRC
29. 2007 M. A. Chjlders. "Spread Moorings Systems”' The Technology of 0ffshore Drilling,
Completion and Production, compiled by ETA 0ffshore Seminars, Inc. Tulsa, Okla.,
C-2.1 General
30. “Interaction of anchors with soil and anchor design,” Recent Developments in Ocean
Engineering, University of California, Berkeley. , January 1981.
31. “Preliminary selection of anchor systems for OTEC,” CEL TR 53. March 1977.
32. “OTEC single anchor holding capacities in typical deep sea sediments,” CEL TN 1463.
December 1976.
33. State-of-the-art in high capacity deep water anchor systems,” CEL TM 42-76-1, 1976.
34. “Handbook for Marine Geotechnical Engineering”, Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory
(NCEL), March 1985.
35. Foss, T. Kvalstad and T. Ridley. "Seabed anchorages for floating offshore structures," FIP
Commission on Sea Structures, Working Group on Foundations, Feb1980.
36. American Society of Naval Engineers (1999) "Marine Casualty Response: Salvage
Engineering" American Society of Naval Engineers and James Marine Services,
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. Dubuque, Iowa, 1999
Appendix C - 174
37. ‘Single anchor holding capacities for ocean thermal energy conversion in typical deep sea
sediments’. Ocean Engineering. Vol. 6, pp169-245, 1979.
38. Røraas H and Hagen ø. ‘Method for design, construction and setting of very high capacity
anchors’. Paper OTC 6034, 21st Offshore Technology Conference, Texas, 1989.
39. Dove PGS. ‘Methods in anchor handling offshore’. Offshore, March 1980.
40. “U.S. Navy Ship Salvage Manual, Volume I (Strandings), S0300-A6-MAN, July 1989.
41. “U.S. Navy Salvage Engineer’s Handbook, Volume I, Salvage Engineering 1992.
42. Statutory instrument. ‘Anchor and chain cable. The anchors and chain cable rules 1970’.
SI No. 1453, 1970.
Appendix C - 175
58. House, A., 1998. “Drag Anchor and Chain Performance in Stratified Soils.”
Geomechanics Group, Report 1319, University of Western Australia.
59. Klaren PJ. ‘The behavior of anchors underwater in the bottom with special reference to the
Delta-anchor’. Holland Shipbuilding International, May 1971.
60. O’Neill, M.P. and Randolph, M.F., 1998. “The Behavior of Drag Anchors in Layered
Calcareous Soils.” Geomechanics Group, Report G1329, University of Western Australia.
61. O’Neill, M.P., Randolph, M.F. and House, A.R., 1998. “The Behavior of Drag Anchors in
Layered Soils.” Geomechanics Group, Report G1346, University of Western Australia.
62. Stewart, W.P., 1992. “Drag Embedment Anchor Performance Prediction in Soft Soils.”
Offshore Technology Conference, Paper OTC 6970.
63. Thorne, C.P., 1998. “Penetration and Load Capacity of Marine Drag Anchors in Soft
64. Vrijhof Anchors, 2005, “Anchor manual 2005”
65. Neubecker, S.R. and Randolph, M.F., 1995. “The Performance of Drag Anchor and Chain
Systems in Cohesive Soil,” Geomechanics Group, Report G1168, The University of
Western Australia.
66. "Performance of conventional anchors," in Proceedings of the Offshore Technology
Conference, Houston, Tex., 1981
67. P.J. Klaren. "Anchors in tandem or the use of back-up anchors (piggybacks)," Holland
Shipbuilding, Anker Advies Bureau, pp 230-232.
68. “Conventional anchor test results at San Diego and Island,” CEL TN 1581 July 1980.
69. “Drag embedment anchor test in sand and mud,” NCEL TN 1635, June 1982.
70. “Design guide for drag embedment anchors,” NCEL TN 1688 January 1984.
71. “Interaction at anchors with soil and anchor design,” NCEL TN 1627 April 1987.
72. “Single and tandem anchor performance of the new Navy mooring anchor: The
NAVMOOR anchor,” NCEL TN 1774 July 1987.
73. “STOCKLESS and STATO Anchors for Navy Fleet moorings,” NCEL TDS 83-09 Mar
74. “The NAVMOOR anchor.” NCEL TDS 87-05, 1987
Appendix C - 176
78. “Limit Load Analysis of suction anchors for cohesive materials”, A. Rahim, The CRISP
Consortium Ltd/South Bank University, September 2001
79. Colliat, J.L., Boisard, P., Andersen, K., and Schroeder, K. (1995), "Caisson Foundations
as Alternative Anchors for Permanent Mooring of a Process Barge Offshore Congo,"
Proceedings, Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 7797, pp. 919-929.
80. Cuckson, J. (1981), "The Suction Pile Finds its Place," Offshore Engineer, pp. 80-81.
81. Senpere, D., and Auvergne, G.A. (1982), "Suction Anchor Piles - A Proven Alternative to
Driving or Drilling," Proceedings, Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 4206, pp. 483-
82. Sparrevik, P. (1995), "Suction in Sand - New Foundation technique for Offshore
Structures," NGI Publication No. 196.
83. Tjelta, T.I. (1994), "Geotechnical Aspects of Bucket Foundations Replacing Piles for the
Europipe 16/11-E Jacket," Proceedings, Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 7379, pp.
84. Sparrevik, P. (1995), "Suction in Sand - New Foundation technique for Offshore
Structures," NGI Publication No. 196.
85. Tjelta, T.I. (1994), "Geotechnical Aspects of Bucket Foundations Replacing Piles for the
Europipe 16/11-E Jacket," Proceedings, Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 7379, pp.
86. Aubeny, C.P., Moon, S.K.*, and Murff, J.D. (2001) “Lateral undrained resistance of
suction caisson anchors,” Intl. J. Offshore and Polar Engineering, Volume 11, No. 3, pp.
87. Clukey, E.C., Aubeny, C.P. and Murff, J.D. (2003) “Comparison of analytical and
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88. Clukey, E. C. and Phillips, R. (2002) “Centrifuge Model Tests to Verify Suction Caisson
Capacities for Taut and Semi-taut Legged Mooring Systems,” Proceedings of the Deep
Offshore Technology Conference, New Orleans.
Appendix C - 177
94. “Design Guide for Pile-Driven Plate Anchors,” NCEL TR-2039, March 1995.
95. “Pile Driven Plate Anchors for Fleet Moorings,” NCEL TDS 92-10, Nov 1992.
96. “Pile-driven plate anchors". The Military Engineer, pp. 18, August 1992
97. “Direct embedment anchor holding capacity,” CEL TN-1245, December 1972.
Appendix C - 178
113. ISO 1704: Shipbuilding – Stud link anchor chains
114. “Development and Validation of Mooring Line Analysis in cohesive seafloor”, ISOPE
Vol 11, No 2, June 2001
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116. “Uplift Resisting Anchors,” DOT Technology Handbook (1975). September 1975.
117. “Design Guide for Pile-Driven Plate Anchors,” NCEL TR-2039-OCN., March 1995.
Appendix C - 179
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MD, 2006
Appendix C - 180
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Appendix C - 183