Health Principles
Health Principles
Health Principles
In modern times health is described largely in physical terms relating to the body. But such reductive
confinement to the physical alone is alien to the biblical understanding of health. Contemporary
understanding thinks of health and its care as a domain of science wholly concentrated in the physical
and natural, usually excluding the supernatural intervention. Solutions to health problems are addressed
largely through laboratory and pharmaceuticals. In contrast, the biblical approach acknowledges and
makes central divine involvement beyond nature.
Definition of health
Health as defined by WHO is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing, and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity. But as a secular statement, it lacks the biblical picture by omitting
the central role of god.
The bible understands health as a full integration of every aspect of life. It is a harmonious function of
the person – bodily, emotionally, spiritually, and socially. According to this definition, being in good
health does not require total freedom from disease in every part of the body. Scripture presents as
more than physical vigor, but a completely integrated being that springs from faithfulness to god.
Health in the OT
The biblical study of God’s character reveals his interest in health and healing in his dealings with
humanity and his ultimate restoration of all things. It shows us the impact and consequences of sin and
how god in Christ addressed the problem of suffering pain and death.
In a world of wide spread illness and universal death we would expect scriptures to address suffering
and pain. Many examples of illness and healing appear there especially in the ministry of Jesus Christ
from which we draw lessons about god’s character and purpose as well as to bring relief from suffering
and demonic oppression. His ministry represents the ultimate compassionate approach to humanitarian
Very good
Scripture presents the first condition in which the entire creation was in an environment free from pain
and suffering. It was a planet well organized and in an integrated harmony between humans and nature.
Hence the creator’s value judgment “behold it was very good” Gen.1:31 became a refrain (Vs.
Health provisions
Among go’s first instructions was a specific vegetarian diet limited to the products of seed bearing plants
and trees. These provisions initiated a stable and ideal spiritual social mental and physical environment
of optimum goodness in mankind. No provisions were needed for what today is called health issues.
However, today the implications of this complete goodness are difficult to assess because of our
experience in an environment corrupted by sin. Biblical teachings about health and healing are against
this back drop.
The bible assures us that un his original state man was created in the image of god and shared vital
qualities from him which enabled him to stand in harmony with the character of god. Foremost among
them is the freedom to make moral choices and capacity to make abstractions.
By vesting creatures with freedom god introduced an element of risk, for by exercising it, they directly
violated his instructions and mankind was plunged into a state of sin. Scripture teaches that sin
originated outside god’s plan and will perish with its originator – Satan. Ezek.28:14-16; 2Cor.2:11;
mat.25:41; rev.20:10, 14.
NB: in no sense should the misuse of the power of choice be interpreted as divine approval of decisions.
Sin radically damaged the original harmony between god and man and amongst men themselves.
Indeed in all his nature. Rom.8:22-25.
The entire world was slipped into a mixed existence even the remains of good was clouded by decline
and decay.
From this point forward disastrous consequences followed beginning with spiritual separation from god.
From there the world became more and more hazardous, inhospitable, hostile, and full of pain, grief,
sickness, suffering, and social alienation. Man’s spirit was gripped with fear and mistrust, inward stress,
despair, loneliness, loss of meaning and dissatisfaction.
Finally the world was consumed in universal death and disintegration. It became a world of sickness
crying out for healing and restoration.
The bible presents death as an ultimate enemy of god and mankind, and is incomprehensible.
1Cor.16:26. According to the general biblical view, by definition death is a complete termination of all
existence for the whole human being. It is a termination of life, its expressions and functions. Death is
never a natural transition from one segment of human existence to another. It is not a release from life
into a better existence.
The bible further expresses death in the following meanings:
Life formula
The biblical formula of life and death rejects all possibilities that anything except the survivor’s memory
of a person survives death. Not the spirit but only the survivor’s memory of the ancestor remains after
According to the bible, dust—the material substance of man—is earthly and mortal, that is, it possesses
no inherent life. God’s breath of life is a divine life-giving power that transformed the dust into a living
The breath and dust are not two independent entities which can be separated and made to continue to
live independently with each capable of separate existence. Human being is a single whole being not a
composition of parts.
The soul has no existence without physical life / body and the body is not a part of the person opposed
to the soul.
Since the bible maintains a wholistic understanding of human nature, death brings the whole life to a
complete end. No function of the human life survives death. The bible does not divide the body from the
soul to permit the soul to continue existing, that is, soul immortality.
This wholistic understanding of the human nature holds great importance for health care, social
services, education, and other services provided for those in need. It means that when attempting to
cure or care for a particular problem, the entire person must be considered. Physical and psychological
ailments are intertwined. Mind, heart, and body must be considered in true education. Spiritual and
mental disorders must be addressed together.
Strictly the bible draws a sharp line between life and death, and between the living and the dead. The
two sides are separate. No contact exists between them and no attempt must be made to cross that
line, save remembering a life well-lived and mourning its loss.
The spread of sin and death into the whole world has made death a present and common human
experience. Like un-welcome guest making frequent calls, death walks boldly into our families to claim
our loved ones.