Attendance Policy
Academic Year Students receiving financial assistance are required to attend
Troy University operates on the semester system. Some classes according to the regulations for financial assistance
courses are offered on an accelerated semester schedule/term. benefits in addition to those regulations required for the course.
Faculty members may levy academic penalties upon
Associate Degrees unexcused absences. However, such penalties for unexcused
absences will be a part of each course syllabus and will be
Degree Requirements distributed to each class at the beginning of the term and a copy
In order to receive the associate degree, students must filed in the departmental office.
complete all course requirements for the degree. An associate
degree cannot be declared if a baccalaureate degree has been Auditing a Course
awarded in the same program.
A student may audit any Troy University course by
Credit Hours indicating audit at the time of registration. No credit will be given,
The student seeking an associate degree must meet the and fees will be assessed based on the audit credit-hour rate.
following requirements: Audit hours are not counted in maximum or minimum load limits.
1. A minimum of 60 semester hours. Students are not permitted to change from audit to credit hours
after the last day to add a course, or from credit to audit after the
2. At least 50% of the degree program must be traditional last day for dropping a course.
academic credit (excludes credit by correspondence,
challenge exams, CLEP, DSST, Military, ACE, etc.).
3. No more than 25% of the degree may be earned using Baccalaureate Degrees
portfolio-based credit. (See Specialized Curricula- Note: Students earning a degree in the College of Education
Experiential Learning Credit.) should refer to the Education section for additional requirements.
4. At least 25% of the credit hours required for the degree
must be completed in residence with Troy University. Degree Requirements
See the Academic Evaluation available on Student In order to receive the baccalaureate degree, the student must
Planning. complete all requirements for the degree.
5. Nine semester hours must be completed in residence at Credit Hours
Troy University in the major area of concentration. See The student seeking a baccalaureate degree must meet the
Residency for additional information. following requirements:
Note: This does not apply to the Associate of 1. A minimum of 120 semester hours.
Science in General Education and the Associate of 2. At least 50% of the degree program must be traditional
Arts in General Education degree. academic credit (excludes credit by correspondence,
Grade Point Average challenge exams, CLEP, DSST, Military, ACE, etc.).
1. A candidate for graduation must have an overall 3. No more than 25% of the degree may be earned using
institutional average of C (2.0 GPA). portfolio-based credit. See Specialized Curricula-
2. A candidate for graduation must have an overall Experiential Learning Credit.
cumulative average of C (2.0 GPA). 4. At least 25% of the credit hours required for the degree
3. A candidate for graduation must have an overall average must be completed in residence with Troy University.
of C (2.0 GPA) in the major (See the Academic Evaluation available on Student
Note: This does not apply to the Associate of 5. Twelve semester hours of work in each major field must
Science in General Education and the Associate of be completed in residence with Troy University. See
Arts in General Education degree. Residency for additional information.
Second or Subsequent Associate Degrees 6. A course may be used to satisfy only one requirement.
The following policies apply: For example, if the same course is required for both the
1. No more than one Associate of General Education major and minor selected, it may be used to satisfy only
one of these requirements. An additional course or
degree may be earned. courses must be completed to satisfy the remaining
2. Credit earned in a concentration or major may be used to requirement.
meet the requirements of only one associate degree.
Grade Point Average
3. Credit earned in a concentration or major may not be
used retroactively to satisfy the requirements of another 1. A candidate for graduation must have an overall
associate degree. institutional average of C (2.0 GPA (unless the academic
program specifies a higher GPA for licensure or
4. Only one degree will be conferred on a student for any certification purposes–See College Dean) Example: The
term/semester. School of Education requires a 2.75 GPA for any degree
Requirements program that must meet TEP requirements. See Teacher
1. Complete the first degree as certified by the Registrar. Certification for additional Information. Other
2. Declare a new program of study after the first degree has programs may have a GPA requirement for graduation.
been certified as completed by the Registrar. See the Dean of the College.
3. Earn an additional 15 semester hours in residence in the 2. A candidate for graduation must have an overall
declared program (see residency credits under cumulative average of C (2.0 GPA (unless the academic
residency). program specifies a higher GPA for licensure or
certification purposes–See College Dean)
4. File a Graduation Application through Student Self-
Service in accordance with the published deadlines. 3. A candidate for graduation must have an overall average
C (2.0 GPA) in each major field (unless the academic
5. Meet all current requirements for the second or program specifies a higher GPA for licensure or
subsequent degree. An associate degree cannot be certification purposes–See College Dean)
declared once a baccalaureate degree has been awarded
in the same program.
Second or Subsequent Baccalaureate Degrees begins upon the request of the family or department with support
In order to earn a second or subsequent baccalaureate degree, of the family.
a student must:
1. Complete the first degree as certified by the Registrar. A. Eligibility
2. Declare a new program of study after the first degree has To be eligible for the award of a Troy University degree
been certified as completed by the Registrar. posthumously, the student generally must have met the following
3. Earn an additional 30 semester hours in residence in the conditions:
declared program (see residency credit). 1. Baccalaureate Degree:
4. Earn a minimum of 12 semester hours (beyond the a. Must have completed 75% of the coursework
previously earned degree) in the major field. towards the degree.
5. File a Graduation Application through Student Self- b. Must be in good academic standing at the time of
Service in accordance with the published deadlines. death with no disciplinary actions pending.
c. A written request must be made by an immediate
6. Meet all current requirements for the second or family member to the Office of the Associate
subsequent degree. Provost, Dean of Undergraduate Studies within
7. A course may be used to satisfy only one requirement. two years of the last term/semester attended.
For example, if the same course is required for both the B. Approval Process
major and minor selected, it may be used to satisfy only 1. An immediate family member of the deceased student
one of those requirements. An additional course or must request the posthumous degree in writing to the
courses must be completed to satisfy the remaining Associate Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies.
2. Once received, the Office of the Registrar will be
8. Only one degree will be conferred on a student for any notified. The Registrar or designee will verify that the
term/semester. student has completed 75% of the required coursework
and that the student was in good standing at the time of
Students With a Completed Associate of Science/Arts Degree death/
Completion of an AA/AS degree from a regionally accredited 3. The Associate Provost and Dean of Undergraduate
institution will complete the General Studies Program (GSP) Studies will then submit a memo with a
requirements at Troy University except for those major-required recommendation and the transcript to the Senior Vice
courses within the GSP. Chancellor of Academic Affairs..
The following requirements will also apply to any completed AA/ 4. The Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs will
AS degree: then give a recommendation to the Chancellor. Only
Students must complete ENG 1102 or its equivalent the Chancellor can award a posthumous degree.
Student must complete a General Studies math C. Awarding the Posthumous Degree
class (MTH 1110, MTH 1112, STAT 2210 or Upon approval by the Chancellor, the following procedure
equivalent) will be following:
Student must complete at least thirty (30) hours in 1. The Records Office/Graduation Center will be notified
that the degree has been approved for award. The
traditional credit within the AA/AS degree or take posthumous nature of the award will be indicated on
remaining hours from Troy University to reach the diploma, the student’s record, and in the next
these 30 hours commencement program.
These 30 hours will be determined following a 2. The family of the deceased student will be notified and
review by the student’s advisor, the University the diploma will be presented to the family. The family
Registrar (or designee) and the Dean of may elect to have the diploma and letter mailed or to
Undergraduate Studies. Recommended classes to receive the diploma in a private ceremony on the Troy
complete the 30 hours would be taken from the campus.
following list if possible: D. Exceptions to policy
Literature If the above eligibility criteria are not met, consideration may
History be granted based on the specifics of the request. The process
Science/Lab will remain the same with additional information provided by
the Associate Provost to the Senior Vice Chancellor for
Social Science Academic Affairs.
Students With a Completed Bachelor’s Degree Institutional Assessment of Student Academic Performance
Some or all General Studies requirements may be waived for the Troy University is committed to the continual improvement
TROY bachelor degree programs for students who have earned a of its educational programs. The University periodically conducts
previous bachelor’s degree in transfer from a regionally assessments of student outcomes; therefore, a student can expect
accredited institution provided the General Studies courses are not to participate in academic outcomes assessment activities during
direct prerequisites for courses needed at TROY for the selected his or her time of enrollment.
degree program or are not directly specified for the student’s
major/program. Regardless of any waived coursework, all
residency requirements for TROY (minimum 25% of degree Class Section Cancellation
hours) and in the major/concentration area (minimum 12 hours) The institution reserves the right to cancel any class section
must still be met. In general, completion of the previous bachelor’s due to insufficient enrollment.
degree will fulfill the General Studies Program, Areas I-IV as well
as TROY 1101 and IS 2241 in Area V, with the exception of any
major-specific courses/prerequisite courses in Areas I-IV. All Classification
requests for waivers must be communicated to the appropriate
Troy University Campus Registrar prior to beginning any Troy Hours Earned Classification
University course work toward this bachelor’s degree. Less than 30 Freshman
30-59 Sophomore
Award of Posthumous Degree 60-89 Junior
Troy University may confer posthumous baccalaureate and 90 or more Senior
graduate degrees upon students who are deceased prior to but
nearing formal completion of all degree requirements of the
program being pursued. This award procedure is not automatic and
Maximum: 18 semester hours (10 semester hours for deadline. Any student who fails to do so will be assigned a
accelerated semester/term). grade.
Overload: 19-21 semester hours (11-13 semester hours for Extenuating circumstances such as military deployment must
accelerated semester/term schedules). Credit overload be properly documented before an exception will be
requires unconditional admission status, a minimum considered.
institutional GPA of 3.5, recommendation from the student’s
academic adviser, and signature of the dean or designee. Grade Appeals
Undeclared majors requesting an overload must have the
signature of the Associate Provost/Dean of Undergraduate Faculty members have the authority to grade student work
Studies or designee. and to assign grades, these are academic judgments. A faculty
Students on academic probation: Limited to 13 semester member’s syllabus enumerates student academic performance
hours (seven semester hours for accelerated semester/term expectations and consequences. Faculty members render academic
schedules) judgments when a student’s academic performance violates
established standards or fails to meet stated expectations.
Academic judgments, made by faculty, are based on academic
Summer Semesters (Alabama Campuses) content, course requirements, and student performance. Students
Minimum Full Time Undergraduate Load: 9 to 12 semester may not appeal grades based on allegations concerning the
hours (over the entire summer). Students are advised that full competence of a faculty member, the fairness of examinations, the
-time status for federal financial assistance is 12 semester difficulty of a course, or other matters of a purely academic nature.
hours. Grades for individual assignments and exams may not be
appealed. While it is recognized that faculty hold the right and
Maximum: 13 semester hours responsibility to grant a grade, a student who receives a course
grade that he or she believes to be unwarranted for reasons other
Overload: 14-15 semester hours. Credit overload requires than those listed above may appeal that grade using these stated
unconditional admission status, a minimum institutional GPA procedures:
of 3.5, recommendation from the student’s academic adviser, Step 1. Within the first four weeks of the start of the
and signature of the dean or designee. Undeclared majors following term or semester in which the grade is received, the
requesting an overload require the signature of the Associate student shall have informally appealed the grade to the instructor.
Provost/Dean of Undergraduate Studies or designee. If that instructor is not teaching at Troy University during the term
Students on Academic Probation: Limited to 10 semester following issuance of the grade, the student will make contact with
hours. the instructor through the department chair to informally appeal
the grade. In the case of a course taught through TROY Online,
students should contact their home campus or site to determine the
Important note regarding concurrent enrollment: Within the person designated by the appropriate college dean to assist the
beginning and ending dates of a fall or spring semester, concurrent students with their appeals.
enrollment in the semester and any term(s) may not exceed 24 Step 2. If the issue is not resolved at this informal level and
hours. Enrollment in more than 18 hours for a semester or 10 the student wishes to pursue the appeal, the student shall request in
hours for a term requires a student to meet the University policy writing a meeting with the respective department chair. This
for an overload. The semester block of time includes all transient request shall be addressed to the department chair and shall be
credit approved for the student as well. received no later than the end of the fifth week of instruction for
Concurrent enrollment in the summer semester and any term(s) the term or semester following issuance of the grade. The request
may not exceed 13 hours. Enrollment in more than 13 hours must summarize the student’s complaint and the student’s
requires a student to meet the University policy for an overload. informal appeal to the instructor. In the case of a course taught
through TROY Online, students should contact their home campus
The maximum number of overload hours for any fall or spring or site to determine the person designated by the appropriate
semester block of time is 18. The maximum number of overload college dean to assist the students with their appeals.
hours for any fall or spring semester block of time is 24. Students Step 3. Within two weeks of receipt of the request, the
will not be permitted to enroll in more than 24 total hours in a department chair shall discuss the appeal with the student and with
semester block of time. Students will not be permitted to register the instructor, separately or at the same time. If the department
for more than 21 hours in semester classes. Students will not be chair upholds the decision, the matter is closed. The decision is
permitted to register for more than 13 hours of term classes. All final.
overload requests must meet the criteria identified above. Step 4. If the department chair does not support the decision
of the instructor, the matter shall be appealed within two weeks of
Drop the department chair’s decision to the designated associate dean or
dean of the college. The department chair will forward the appeal
A student who wishes to reduce, but not entirely eliminate, package to the designated associate dean or dean. The designated
his or her credit load may drop a course. Students may drop a associate dean or dean will empanel three full-time faculty
course or courses online via Student Planning, or submit a request colleagues from the department and/or discipline to review the
in the Record’s Office. matter. The decision of this panel shall be final and binding on all
The last day to drop a course will be assigned for each term, parties.
session or semester based on 65% completion of the length of the Note: Students may not use this procedure to appeal grades
course. Dates will be published in the Academic Records web resulting from violations of academic honesty. Students should
page (www.my.troy.edu/records). The 65% rule also applies to refer to the Oracle, the University’s official student handbook, for
international teaching locations. those appeals.
From Early Registration through Late Registration-Free
Course Schedule Adjustment Period Grade Point Average (GPA)
Students may drop a course or courses during the Free Course The grade point average is computed by dividing the number
Schedule Adjustment Period. Tuition and refundable fees of credit hours attempted into the total number of grade points
will be returned. earned. The official transcript displays two GPA types: (1) The
institutional GPA is based on hours attempted with Troy
From the end of Late Registration (Free Course Schedule University only; (2) the Cumulative GPA is based on hours
Adjustment Period) through the last day to Drop attempted with Troy University and transfer institutions.
A non-punitive grade of DR will be assigned up until the last
day to drop, as posted in the Schedule of Classes and on
appropriate web pages. Students may not drop after the
Readmission Registration
1. Former Students in Good Standing: Students should register during designated registration times.
-Students in academic good standing with the University Once students have registered for a course or courses, they have
who have not been enrolled for two years (from the last incurred a financial commitment which must be met. Students can
term/semester for which grades were received) must pay their tuition online by accessing the View Account and Make
submit a new application for admission. Payments tab in Self Service.
www.troy.edu/applications-admissions Students must be registered for all classes prior to attendance
in these classes. If a student’s name does not appear on a class
-Former TROY students who enrolled at another roster, they may not sit in or otherwise attend the course.
institution since their last term/semester of enrollment Students who fail to attend a class without following drop/
must submit a new application for admission. withdrawal policies will receive a grade of “FA” and still be
Transcripts from that institution(s) must also be charged full tuition and fees. Students with an outstanding balance
submitted. will not be permitted to register for future terms.
-Students who have not received a grade at TROY Registration in Special Programs
within two years and have not attended another
institution must contact the Office of Admissions at 1- 1. Contract Program
800-414-5756 for further guidance on registering for
classes Entering students who do not find a stated program which
meets their specific needs should consult the department chair to
2. Students Suspended from Troy University: Students discuss the possibility of a contract program, which normally
who have been suspended from Troy University must consists of at least 30 hours of a regular academic major and 36
apply for readmission and may be readmitted under hours of agreed upon electives that contribute to the student’s
probation after serving suspension. However, students program of study, not to exceed 77 semester hours. All General
may appeal to the Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic Studies requirements must be met. See the appropriate department
Affairs or designee for readmission under certain chair for additional information.
mitigating circumstances to avoid suspension. Appeal Contract Minor - Students in certain programs
forms are available in the Registrar’s Office. and/or with a significant amount of transfer credit
in an area of study not offered by TROY may
3. Academic Bankruptcy: Undergraduate students who consult their advisor and/or department chair to
are returning to the university following an absence of discuss the possibility of a contract minor, which
three years or more have the opportunity to petition for normally consists of at least 18sh in a related field.
an Academic Bankruptcy of one academic reporting 2. Accelerated Study for Superior Students
term if the appropriate criteria are met.
This opportunity permits enrollment in an accelerated or
broadened program through registration for credit hours above the
Eligibility normal load. For specific credit loads permitted, see Credit Load.
Student must be eligible for enrollment at the time a petition 3. Independent Study and Research
for Academic Bankruptcy is filed.
This program consists of several special study and research
Student must be absent from TROY a minimum of 3 courses. Guided Independent Research, Guided Independent
consecutive years to qualify. Study, and Honors Independent Study are offered in various
Student must have a term GPA of 1.75 or lower in the departments.
requested term. Guided Independent Research (course numbers 4491 and
Application of Academic Bankruptcy Terms/Limitations 4492, one to three credit hours per course): Undergraduate
Complete term forgiveness may be applied only one time research with attention to critical evaluation of research
during the student’s academic career at Troy University. techniques, methods and procedures. Prerequisite: Junior or senior
The application of the academic bankruptcy will apply to standing with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0, permission of
guiding professor, approval of the department chair and dean. A a 2.0 grade point average each subsequent term until the overall
written request must be submitted to the department chair at least (i.e. institutional or cumulative) grade point average reaches the 2.0
two weeks in advance of the term the research is to be undertaken; level.
application forms are available in the Registrar’s Office. Guided Suspension
Independent Research may be taken only in the applicant’s major
or minor field. A student on probation who fails to earn a term grade point
average of 2.0 or higher will be suspended. A student’s first
Guided Independent Study (course numbers 4493 and 4494, academic suspension will be for one semester/term; the second
one to three credit hours per course): Supervised study through suspension will be for two semesters/terms; and a third suspension
internship, field or laboratory projects, guided readings, creative will be for an indefinite period.Suspension Period Regulations
endeavors, or achievement in specific skills. Prerequisite: Junior or
senior standing, permission of guiding professor, approval of the Courses completed at any institution during a suspension
department chair and dean. A written request must be submitted to period will not be accepted for credit. Students placed on indefinite
the department chair at least two weeks in advance of the term in suspension may petition for readmission following a period of 12
which the study is to be undertaken; application forms are available months.
in the Registrar’s Office. Readmission after Suspension
Honors Independent Study (course number 4498, one to three A student returning from academic suspension will be
credit hours per course). readmitted on probation. A student must earn or maintain a 2.0
4. Non-Traditional Study average or higher while on probation. A student on probation is
limited to 13 semester hours (seven semester hours for accelerated
See Credit by Examination and Experiential Credit. terms) and must earn a minimum of a 2.0 average each subsequent
5. Off-Campus Courses term until the overall grade point average reaches the 2.0 level.
Courses offered to groups of a minimum of 20 students, Failure to meet the 2.0 term/semester GPA requirement will result
prepared on demand with approval of the provost. Students in further suspension. Suspension from all other colleges will be
admitted to a Troy University off-campus course will be admitted honored, including all Troy University locations.
on a conditional basis and must earn a minimum of 20 semester
hours with a grade point average of 2.0 or better to be admitted as a Withdrawal
regular student to the campus.
Also see “Drop.”
Repetition of Courses Withdrawal from the University is defined as a removal or
withdrawal from all courses for the current semester and/or term.
Troy University courses may be repeated once for grade The student is no longer enrolled in any course(s).
forgiveness, if the course is repeated at Troy University. Only the The last day to withdraw will be assigned for each term or
first grade earned for a course may be forgiven (not calculated in semester based on 65% completion of the length of the course.
the GPA). The grades of courses repeated more than once will be Dates will be published in the Schedule of Classes and on the
calculated in the GPA. If the course being repeated is required for Academic Records web page (www.my.troy.edu/records). The
the program, then the last grade for that course must meet the 65% rule also applies to international teaching locations.
program requirements.
From Early Registration through Late Registration-Free
Schedule Course Adjustment Period
Students who wish to withdraw from all classes prior to the last day
Residency Credits of late registration must CANCEL their registration in writing
Effective Fall 2005, credit taken through any Troy University through the Designated Withdrawal Officer (DWO) listed on the
location will be counted as residency credit for graduation. Academic Records web page (www.troy.edu/academics/academic-
resources/records-office). Written cancellation does not require the
Residency Requirements completion of the withdrawal form or an exit interview. Tuition
A candidate for graduation must have attended Troy and refundable fees will be returned.
University for at least two semesters and must have earned at least
25% of the degree in residence. This may include the semester in From end of Late Registration (Free Course Schedule
which graduation is scheduled. Certain exceptions may apply to Adjustment Period) through the last day to Drop
RN-to-BSN students. These students should contact the Registrar
for further information. A student who wishes to withdraw from all courses for a current
semester/term may withdraw without academic penalty with a non-
Any Troy University course for credit counts toward residency punitive grade of W until the last day to withdraw (posted in the
(excluding developmental / remedial courses and institutional credit Schedule of Classes and on appropriate web pages). Tuition and
English as a Second Language [ESL] courses). refundable fees will be charged during this period.
Students may not withdraw via Student Planning. An official
Responsibility withdrawal form must be completed and processed before the
It is the responsibility of every student to follow the standards student’s withdrawal is considered final. The form may be
and expectations contained in this catalog, as well as those in the accessed at http://www.my.troy.edu/records/.
student handbook, The Oracle. Failure to follow these standards Students may not withdraw after the withdrawal deadline.
and expectations may adversely affect student success and Any student who fails to withdraw by the deadline will be assigned
academic progress as well as their standing within the University. a letter grade (check with the Financial Aid department to
determine how financial aid is calculated prior to withdrawing).
Retention Extenuating circumstances such as military deployment must
be properly documented before an exception can be considered.
Conditionally Admitted Students
These students must earn a 2.0 or higher grade point average
on the first 24 semester hours attempted or they will be dropped
from program.
Unconditionally Admitted Students
A student must earn or maintain a 2.0 grade point average or
higher or will be placed on probation for one semester/term. A
student on probation is limited to 13 semester hours (seven
semester hours for accelerated terms) and must earn a minimum of
The Civil War & Reconstruction SE/SF/SG/SH 483 3 HIS 4413 47 / 400
Social Science and History—General Area IV—General studies social science elective 6 50
and unspecified free elective
Art History ART 1133 or ART 2250 3 ART 1133H or ART 2250H 3
Biology BIO 1100/L100 4 BIO 1100H/L100H 4
Calculus AB MTH 1125 4 MTH 1125H 4
Calculus BC MTH 1125 and MTH 1126 8 MTH 1125H and MTH 1126H 8
French Language & Culture FRN 1101 and FRN 1102 6 FRN 1101H and FRN 1102H 6
German Language & Culture GER 1121 and GER 1122 6 GER 1121H and GER 1122H 6
Latin LAT 1131 and LAT 1132 6 LAT 1131H and LAT 1132H 6
Music Theory MUS 1102 and MUS 1103 6 MUS 1102H and MUS 1103H 6
Physics 1 : Algebra-Based PHY 2252 and PHY L252 4 PHY 2252H and PHY L252H 4
Physics 2 : Algebra-Based PHY 2253 and PHY L253 4 PHY 2253H and PHY L253H 4
Physics C : Mechanics PHY 2262 and PHY L262 4 PHY 2262H and PHY L262H 4
Required Score
Students must meet the required score in effect as of the date of the exam.
Physics C : Electricity and Magnetism PHY 2263 and PHY L263 4 PHY 2262H and PHY L263H 4
Psychology PSY 2200 3 PSY 2200H 3
Precalculus MTH 1112 3 MTH 1112H and MTH 1114H 6
Spanish Language & Culture SPN 1141 3 SPN 1141H and SPN 1142H 6
Spanish Literature & Culture SPN 1141 3 SPN 1141H and SPN 1142H 6
Required Score
Students must meet the required score in effect as of the date of the exam.
HIS 1101 4 3
History– History of Europe
HIS 1101 and HIS 1102 5 6
History– History of Europe and the 4 3
Islamic World HIS 1122
History—20th Century World 4 3
HIS 1123
Language A: Language and 4 3
ENG 1101 OR ENG 1103
ENG 1101 / ENG 1102 OR ENG 1103 / ENG 1104 4 6
Language A: Literature NOTE: If both Language A: Language and Literature and Lan-
guage A: Literature are passed, ENG 1101 / ENG 1103 will be
awarded only once.
LAT 1131 4 3
LAT 1131 and LAT 1132 5 6
Mathematics (Analysis and Ap- MTH 1112 and MTH 1114 4 6
proaches/Applications and Inter-
pretation) MTH 1125 and MTH 1126 5 8
Required Score: Students must meet the required score in effect as of the date of the exam.
A Level AS Level
GCE A/AS Level Exam Title
TROY Course(s) Credit TROY Course(s) Credit
Hours Hours
Accounting ACT Elective / ACT Elec- 3/3 ACT Elective 3
Applied Information and Communica- IS 2241 / IS Elective 3/3 IS 2241 3
tion Technology OR Computing
Art and Design ART 1133 / GS A2HUM 3/3 ART 1133 3
European History HIS 1102 OR HIS 1123 3/3 HIS 1102 OR HIS 1123 3
HIS Elective