Are there any tasks that consistently get pushed from your to-do list due to lack of
bandwidth? What are they? What takes priority?
Objectives: Resources:
Objectives: Resources:
Our AI social media marketing strategy will focus on optimizing the following
Get in touch with these individuals to learn about their current workflows and how
they're using AI and automation tools.
Objective #1:
Are there any AI tools in your current tech stack that can support this objective?
What are they?
How might an AI tool support this objective? List ideal use cases.
Are there any AI tools in your current tech stack that can support this objective?
What are they?
How might an AI tool support this objective? List ideal use cases.
Are there any AI tools in your current tech stack that can support this objective?
What are they?
How might an AI tool support this objective? List ideal use cases.
Vendor shortlist: Identify the AI solutions that meet your needs and budget, and list
your top four contenders here.
□ Can you provide examples of specific use cases where your AI technology has
driven significant results for other marketers?
□ How does your AI software handle data privacy and security concerns, especially
regarding customer data?
□ Develop workflows: Use everything you’ve learned while mapping out your
strategy to revamp existing workflows so that they meet the objectives you
defined upfront.
□ Educate and train your team: Host a training session to introduce your team to
the AI tools and workflows. This is a great time to answer any questions or
concerns that they may have.
□ Host a teach back: Share what you’ve learned from creating and implementing
your strategy with the rest of your marketing organization by hosting a quick
teach back. Use this as an opportunity to showcase how other teams might
benefit from smart AI tools, and to cement yourself as the AI subject matter
expert you are.
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