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Project Management Contractor (PMC)


B 18 Oct 2001 Issued For Review NSH DR NSH

00 23 Nov 2001 Issued For ITB NSH DR NSH

01 19 Mar 2002 Reissued For ITB NSH DR NSH

02 21 Mar 2002 Reissued For ITB NSH DR NSH
CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Project
Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC



1.0 SCOPE 6



3.1 Specification 6

3.2 PRC Standards 6

3.3 Equipment and Materials for use in a Hazardous Area 7

3.4 Hazardous Area Certification 7

3.5 Standardisation of Materials 7


4.1 Classification for Gases 8

4.2 Classification for Dusts 8

4.3 Areas Not Classified 9


5.1 Load Calculation 9

5.2 Power Factor Correction 10

5.3 Firm Capacity 10

5.4 Short Circuit Calculations 10

5.5 Reacceleration and Restarting 10

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Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

5.6 Harmonic Distortion 10

5.7 System Earthing 11

5.8 Annunciation 11

5.9 Motors Required to Operate in a Fire 11

5.10 Electrical Network Monitoring and Control 11


6.1 General 12

6.2 Voltages 12

6.3 Distribution Network Connections 13

6.4 Load Shedding and Load Sharing 13

6.5 Condition Monitoring 13


7.1 General 13

7.2 Diesel Supply 14

7.3 Classification of Loads for Emergency Supplies 14

7.4 Power Supply Arrangements Related to Load Classification 14

7.5 Loads fed from the emergency diesel generator system. 17


8.1 Construction 17

8.2 NPV Calculation 17


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9.1 Extra High Voltage Equipment (110kV) 18

9.2 High Voltage Equipment (6 kV up to and including 35kV). 18

9.3 Low Voltage Equipment (1.0 kV and below). 1920

10.0 MOTORS 21

10.1 Starting Method 21

10.2 Motor Voltages 21

10.3 Motors Fed Via Unit Transformers 21

10.4 LV VSD Systems 21

10.5 Motor Requisitions 22


11.1 Incoming Power Supplies 23

11.2 Battery Type 2324

12.0 LIGHTING 24

12.1 Fitting Type 24

12.2 Circuit Switching 24

12.3 Jetty and Shoreline Lighting 24


13.1 Welding Sockets 24

13.2 Convenience Sockets 25


14.1 Voltage Drop 25

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14.2 Feeder Ratings 25

14.3 Minimum Cable Size 26

14.4 Aboveground Cables 26

14.5 Underground Cables 26


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Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC


This Design Specification specifies the general requirements for the equipment,
materials and design of the Electrical Installation for the CSPC Nanhai
Petrochemicals Project. This Design Specification is supplemented by other Design
Specifications as listed in Appendix 1.


The design and installation of systems and materials shall conform with the
mandatory requirements of the People’s Republic of China, and version 15 of the
Shell DEPs, as modified to take account of PRC requirements where necessary.
Appendix 2 of this Design Specification lists the appropriate DEPs

The DEPs themselves list international standards and codes. Except where indicated
otherwise in the DEPs, the latest edition code or standard shall be applied.


3.1 Specification

Equipment and materials shall comply with the DEPs listed in Appendix 2 of this
design specification.

3.2 PRC Standards

The National Standards of the PRC may be used for equipment manufactured in the
PRC, where the standards have been reviewed and accepted for use on the project
by BSF. A full list of all such standards is included as Appendix 3 of this Design

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3.3 Equipment and Materials for use in a Hazardous Area

Equipment and Materials, for use in an area classified as potentially explosive, shall
be certified by a recognised Testing Authority, as complying with an appropriate
standard from those listed in Appendix 2 (or alternatively Appendix 3 for equipment
manufactured in China). Where areas are classified for both the presence of gas and
dust the equipment shall be suitable for the more stringent requirements of the two in
each aspect.

3.4 Hazardous Area Certification

A Certificate of Conformity shall be provided from the Supplier for all equipment in
hazardous areas.

Acceptable Certification Bodies for electrical equipment are:

 CENELEC approved testing houses (e.g. CESI, PTB, LCIE)

 PRC testing houses approved by the National Technical Supervision Bureau

(e.g. CQST: China Quality Supervision and Test Centre for Explosion
Protected Electrical Products)

For Telecommunication equipment only, the following may also be used:

 OSHA Nationally Recognised Testing Laboratories (e.g. UL, CSA, CCL )

3.5 Standardisation of Materials

In the interests of standardisation, Zone 2 equipment shall be installed in outdoor

non-hazardous areas within process installations that contain any Zone 1 or Zone 2
Classified Areas.

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4.1 Classification for Gases

The Area Classification for potentially explosive gas atmospheres shall be in

accordance with PRC mandatory standard GB 50058-92.

Additional advice shall be taken from the Institute of Petroleum Model Code of Safe
Practice, Part 15, Area Classification Code for Petroleum Installations as amended by

Particular attention shall be paid to Appendix A of the above referenced DEP, where
the requirements of PRC Code GB50058-92 that could lead to a larger area than
required by the IP Code are described.

4.2 Classification for Dusts

The Area Classification for potentially explosive dust atmospheres shall be in

accordance with GB 50058-92 as follows:-

Zone 10:

Area in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of

combustible dust in air is present continuously or for long periods.

Zone 11:

Area in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of

combustible dust in air is likely to occur in normal operation occasionally.

Selection of equipment for use in an area classified for dust shall be in accordance
with IEC 61241 or GB 12476.1 for equipment manufactured in China.

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4.3 Areas Not Classified

Areas of plant not classified as potentially having either a gas or dust hazard shall be
designated as being non-hazardous.


5.1 Load Calculation

Standard form DEP shall be used for scheduling and calculating

The diversity factors generally to be applied are:

VSDS Loads w= 85%

Continuously Operating Loads x= 100%

Intermittent Loads y= 30%

Stand-By Loads z= 10%

Notes: The factor for VSDS loads is not to be used for motors rated at 6kV and above.
Contractor shall make an individual assessment based on the process operating

The factor for VSDS loads only applies to those drives that are operated
continuously. Where VSDS are standby or intermittent, factors y and z shall be
applied as appropriate.

The BDEP Contractor shall advise instances where the use of these factors is
not appropriate for the Process Unit involved, that is where there use would
result in either an undersized or considerably oversized system. BDEP
Contractor shall advise the Principal of recommended diversity factors together
with information substantiating the selection of the factors. No change shall be
made to the factors without the Principal’s written agreement.

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5.2 Power Factor Correction

The necessity for, and method of achieving, Power Factor Correction shall be
determined during Definition phase.

5.3 Firm Capacity

The firm capacity of the electrical system shall exceed the peak load by 25%. The
peak load shall not include any allowance for future expansion.

5.4 Short Circuit Calculations

Short circuit calculations shall be based on IEC 60909.

5.5 Reacceleration and Restarting

Automatic load transfer and automatic staged motor re-acceleration and restarting
systems shall be provided, where required by the process design to meet availability

5.6 Harmonic Distortion

The design shall comply with GB/T15945 in respect of harmonics at the various
voltage levels. Further details are given in DEP section 4.3.3.

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5.7 System Earthing

LV systems (380V) shall have the neutral point solidly earthed. High voltage systems
shall be resistance earthed to limit earth fault current to rated phase current with the
value of resistance to provide adequate and selective earth fault protection.

Further details are contained in Design Specification SP-8530-0000-0003

5.8 Annunciation

Control and indication of distribution equipment shall be provided at the distribution

equipment. Each substation shall have an annunciator marshalling all alarms from
local distribution equipment, with a common alarm being available to a remote control
room, DCS or manned area. Annunciator panels shall be supplied from
uninterruptible maintained electricity supplies where such a supply is available within
the substation or an adjacent FAR.

5.9 Motors Required to Operate in a Fire

Motors required to operate in the event of a fire will be advised by the Principal
during the Implementation Phase of the project. Cables with increased fire withstand
capabilities shall be used for the cables to these motors in accordance with DEP section 5.8.7

5.10 Electrical Network Monitoring and Control

An Electrical Network Monitoring and Control System shall be provided to perform the
following main functions:

 Monitoring the status of main circuit breakers

 Monitoring Substation Real and Reactive Powers

 Monitoring Generator Real and Reactive Loading

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 Monitoring Imported Real and Reactive Power from the Grid

 Monitoring Main transformer Tap Positions

 Monitoring Substation Alarms

 Generating System alarms when operational limits are exceeded

 Control of main electrical system parameters

 Load shedding

 High speed transient electrical disturbance event recording

Generally remote control of distribution circuit breakers is not required, although the
tripping of some CBs may be specified as part of the load shedding scheme.


6.1 General

In plant generation shall be provided for the complex. It shall comprise a single Gas
Turbine and four Steam Turbine generators as determined by a detailed evaluation of
the power system requirements and fuel availability.

Generators shall be installed in an open-sided building. Louvres shall be installed at

the sides to provide additional weather protection. The IP Rating of the generator
enclosures shall be IP 54

6.2 Voltages

The generation voltage shall be approximately 11kV. The exact figure shall be
determined by the generator manufacturer in order to achieve the most cost-effective
solution for generation.

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6.3 Distribution Network Connections

The generators shall be connected via unit transformer to a 35kV Switchboard.

6.4 Load Shedding and Load Sharing

A centralised load sharing/load shedding scheme shall be provided as part of the

Electrical Network Monitoring System.

6.5 Condition Monitoring

Generators shall have provision for the use of partial discharge probes for condition


7.1 General

The emergency generator shall be 3 x 50 % units. They shall supply a separate 6kV
distribution network.

There shall be a 380V emergency switchboard within each substation to supply the
required emergency loads. This substation emergency switchboard shall supply
emergency/essential equipment in the field and local Field Auxilliary rooms (FARs) ie.
UPS, HVAC, Lighting etc.

The switchboard shall have one incomer from a normal low voltage switchboard and
one incomer from the main emergency generator switchboard. Each incomer shall
supply one bus-section with a normally opened bus-tie between the two buses. When
the normal supply is lost the bus-tie will close automatically and the emergency
generator feeds the whole switchboard.

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The status of the automatic transfer switch shall be monitored by the ENMCS system
so that if they have operated and normal power is later restored they are switched
back to the normal power supply. The switching itself shall be performed manually.

7.2 Diesel Supply

A diesel fuel day tank to allow 24 hours operation of the generators shall be provided.

7.3 Classification of Loads for Emergency Supplies

Electrical loads and consumers must be classified as performing a service that is

'vital', 'essential', or 'non-essential', as defined below.

7.3.1 Vital service

A service which, when failing in operation or when failing if called upon,

can cause an unsafe condition of the process and/or electrical installation,
jeopardise life, or cause major damage to the installation.

Vital service is further divided into vital no-break, vital maintained and vital

7.3.2 Essential service

A service, which, when failing in operation or when failing if called upon,

will affect the continuity, the quality or the quantity of the product.

7.3.3 Non-essential service

A service that is neither vital nor essential

7.4 Power Supply Arrangements Related to Load Classification

The load classification, as discussed in section 7.3 above, shall be recorded on the
electrical load summary sheet. Once classified the electrical supply to each type of
load must be arranged to give security of supply that is appropriate to its

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classification. The power supply arrangements related to the load classification shall
be based on the requirements listed below.

7.4.1 Vital No-Break supplies

This is a power supply derived from one or more UPS units each of which
incorporates a battery to provide power in the event of failure of the mains
electricity supply. The power supply is uninterrupted in the event of mains
supply failure and is maintained throughout the battery discharge period.

For continuous process or production facilities, uninterruptible, maintained

supplies shall be derived from two independent UPS units, each with its
own battery, static changeover switch and an external maintenance
bypass switch, as shown in Standard Drawing S 67.006.

UPS systems shall be provided for the Process Control Systems, critical
Health/Safety/ Security systems and critical Telecommunications
Systems. Emergency diesel generator supplies shall be provided to the
UPS systems to increase their autonomy times, although the batteries
alone shall provide the required autonomies.

7.4.2 Vital Maintained Services

This is a power supply which is derived from the main distribution system
but which has back-up power supply, typically from an automatically
started, emergency diesel generator. The interruption in voltage on mains
supply failure is normally 10 to 15 seconds.

This category of supply shall be used for energising electric motors

associated with cooling systems of enclosures housing process control
and instrument systems; analysers; emergency and escape lighting.

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7.4.3 Vital Non-Maintained Services

This is a power supply derived from the main distribution system but
which does not have a back- up power supply. This category can only be
applied where the normal power system has independent sources of
supply. The Nanhai project has independent sources of generation (1
GTG and a number of STGs) and a connection to the public utility
network. There is no credible scenario where a single fault results in loss
of power to more than one bus-section per voltage level. Motors that
require vital supplies do not have to be fed from the emergency electrical
system provided that:

 There are two drives

 The drives are fed from different bus-sections or one of the drives
is not electric.

This category of supply shall be used for motors for vital services not
included in the previous two categories.

7.4.4 Essential Services

Essential Supplies are treated in the same way as the vital non-
maintained supplies, That is, they have a power supply derived from the
main distribution system. Because of the high reliability of the distribution
system it is not regarded as necessary to provide extra back up for the
essential consumers. Where it is not possible to provide a back up for an
essential consumer (for example, there may not be enough space to
provide two electric motors for a service) automatic changeover on the
feeding distribution board may be applied.

7.4.5 Non-essential service

There are no specific requirements for the treatment of non-essential

supplies. They shall be provided with power from the normal power
system. No duplication of loads is required, for example a single pump
motor may be used in this service rather than a pair of pumps.

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7.5 Loads fed from the emergency diesel generator system.

From the preceding descriptions and definitions it follows that the loads fed from the
emergency diesel generator system shall be generally limited to:

 UPS supplies to Process Control Systems, critical Health/Safety/Security

Systems and critical Telecommunications Systems

 HVAC supplies to FARs, Control Rooms and some Analyser houses

 Emergency and Escape Lighting.

Process considerations may lead to other loads being considered as vital maintained
services, for example drives that are required to operate to prevent runaway
reactions or lube oil motors for large machines. These shall, however, be strictly


8.1 Construction

Transformers shall be of the hermetically sealed type up to a rating of 3150 kVA.

8.2 NPV Calculation

An NPV calculation is required for all transformers on the project.


9.1 Extra High Voltage Equipment (110kV)

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The intake substation is outside the scope of this Design Specification. Design
requirements are detailed in Design Specification SP-8530-0000-0022.

9.2 High Voltage Equipment (6 kV up to and including 35kV).

9.2.1 General Requirements

High Voltage Switchgear shall comply with DEP

35kV switchgear shall be equipped with SF6 breakers.

6kV switchgear shall be equipped with either SF 6 or vacuum circuit

breakers and contactors.

Manual operation of 35kV Circuit Breakers is to be achieved locally by the

use of an ENMCS workstation located in a section of the substation
separate from the switchgear location. Additional facilities shall be
provided on the 35kV switchboard protection and control panels to act as
a back up if the ENMCS is not available.

Operation of 6kV switchgear will be from the front of the switchgear panel.

HV Circuit Breakers shall be electrically operated and equipped with

shunt trip capabilities. The trip/close supply shall be 110V DC. The DC
voltage shall be buswired through the switchboard with a fused isolation
switch for each breaker section. For two section switchboards each
section shall have its own dedicated DC supply, with the supply to the bus
section breaker always associated with the left hand side of the board.

HV contactors shall have control circuits operating at 220V AC derived

from an individual voltage transformer.

Latched contactors shall be equipped with stored energy tripping devices.

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9.2.2 Accessories

Microprocessor based electronic relays using digital measuring

techniques shall be used. Relays shall be able to interface with the
ENMCS system using any one of the Modbus, Profibus FMS/DP or IEC
60870-5-103 protocols.

Intelligent Motor Control Systems shall be used for the control and status
monitoring of motors, particularly by the DCS .. The IMCS shall meet the
requirements of DEP Appendix 1. The IMCS shall
have both dual redundant CCUs and serial links. Hardwired signals shall
be provided for Instrument Protective System functions and load
shedding, if required.

9.2.3 Labelling

Where 6kV switchboards are supplied from two different 35kV

switchboards the numbering of the board may give rise to confusion
during switching operations. To avoid this, appropriate warning labels
shall be installed on the incoming breaker sections

9.3 Low Voltage Equipment (1.0 kV and below).

9.3.1 General Requirements

Low Voltage Switchgear, and Low Voltage Motor Feeder Control Gear
shall be in accordance with DEP

Low Voltage Switchgear and Control Gear shall be indoor, metal-clad,

withdrawable cubicle type, extendable at each end. Spare Circuit Breaker
Units shall not be provided. Disconnect switches shall be used for
Incoming Feeder Units and Bus Section Units.

LV Switchgear shall form the centre section of a combined

Switchgear/MCC line up. Connections between the switchgear section
and the MCC section shall use internal copper busbar.

The decision on whether to use 2, 3, or 4 section switchboards shall be

based on both economic and operational criteria. Individual units shall be

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provided with there own separate switchboards, except where this would
result in considerable extra cost. Where the load of the unit is in the
following ranges, switchboards shall have the following number of

Up to 1.6MVA 2 Section Boards

1.6 MVA to 4 MVA 3 Section Boards

4 MVA and above 3 or 4 Section Boards (see note below)

Note: because of their increased complexity, 4 section switchboards in an

H configuration shall only be used when a considerable cost saving has
been demonstrated.

LV switchgear shall be equipped with fuse protection.

Plain Cable Feeders for LV Sub-distribution shall be protected by MCCBs


Feeders to rectifiers and UPS equipment shall be controlled and

protected by MCCBs

9.3.2 Accessories

Microprocessor based electronic relays using digital measuring

techniques shall be used

Intelligent Motor Control Systems shall be used for protection and for
control of motors, particularly by the DCS. The IMCS shall have both dual
redundant CCUs and serial links. Hardwired signals shall be provided for
Instrument Protective System functions if required.


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10.1 Starting Method

Motors shall normally be started direct on line. The use of other methods of starting
shall be subject to an economic evaluation.

10.2 Motor Voltages

Large motors (i.e. those rated 200 kW and above) shall normally be supplied at 6kV.

10.3 Motors Fed Via Unit Transformers

The largest motors on the plant shall be fed via unit transformers. The selection of the
voltage for these motors (within the range 6-15 kV) has been developed during the
BDEP phase to confirm that the most cost–effective combination of motor and
transformer has been made

10.4 LV VSD Systems

The maximum rating of a VSD System connected to a low voltage switchboard shall
be 250 kW. Above this rating the VSD System shall be supplied from a high voltage

10.5 Motor Requisitions

10.5.1 Induction Motors

DEP Electrical Machines – Cage Induction Types

requires that the following general electrical information be written into the
motor requisitions. Paragraph numbers below refer to those in that DEP.

2.1 Agreed deviations from the specification and requisition shall

be written into the purchase order requisition.

2.3 For motors rated above 650 kW a Total All-in Cost shall be
calculated. For the purposes of this calculation the following
factors shall be used.

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Capc = 20%

Ecost = 0.078 US$/kWh

MDC = 1.3 US$/kVA

8.12.1 The duration of the power interruption shall be taken as 0.4


10.5.1 Cable glands shall not be purchased with the motor.

10.12 Tropical treatment is required for all motors

12.6 A declaration of compliance is not acceptable for an Ex’n’


13.2.1 Inspection and testing requirements shall be in accordance

with GN-8820-0000-0001

13.2.6 sample coil tests shall be specified for machines that are
outside the manufacturer’s standard range of equipment.
Sample coil tests shall be specified for all machines
manufactured within PRC.

10.5.2 Synchronous Motors

DEP Synchronous AC Machines requires that the

following general electrical information be written into the machine
requisitions. Paragraph numbers below refer to those in that DEP.

2.1 Agreed deviations from the specification and requisition shall be

written into the purchase order requisition.

10.4.3 Cable glands shall not be purchased with the motor.

10.5.1 Manufacturer shall provide information to verify the rotor design

for salient pole machines

12.2 A declaration of compliance is not acceptable for an Ex’n’


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13.2.1 Inspection and testing requirements shall be in accordance with


13.2.6 sample coil tests shall be specified for machines that are
outside the manufacturer’s standard range of equipment.
Sample coil tests shall be specified for all machines
manufactured within PRC.


11.1 Incoming Power Supplies

UPS systems shall be dual redundant and supplied through the emergency
distribution network.

11.2 Battery Type

Vented Nickel-Cadmium batteries shall be used throughout the facility.


12.1 Fitting Type

Design for outdoor facilities shall be based on the maximum use of floodlighting, the
remaining fittings shall be fluorescent type.

12.2 Circuit Switching

In general, circuits for plant lighting shall be switched from lighting distribution boards.
The use of local switches shall be kept to a minimum.

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12.3 Jetty and Shoreline Lighting

Special design requirements for jetty lighting and other lighting close to the shoreline
are included in Design Specification SP-8530-0000-0004


13.1 Welding Sockets

Welding Sockets shall be supplied on the basis of reaching any point within each
Process Unit where welding will be performed, assuming the use of 45 metre
extension leads.

Welding sockets shall only be provided at grade.

13.2 Convenience Sockets

Convenience sockets shall be supplied on the basis of adequate coverage of each

Process Unit assuming the use of 15 metre extension leads. For operational Offsites
Areas, they shall be supplied on the basis of adequate coverage using 30 metre
extension leads. In substations a minimum of two sockets shall be furnished.

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14.1 Voltage Drop

Cables shall be sized to ensure that the following voltage drops are not exceeded:-

Feeders and Sub-Feeders. 1% of supply voltage

Motor Feeders (under motor rated 5% of the motor rated voltage under run
conditions).. conditions

15% of the motor rated voltage under

starting conditions

Lighting 5% of the lamp rated voltage.

14.2 Feeder Ratings

Feeders and sub-feeders, except for Transformers Feeders, shall be sized for the
design throughput of the Plant. Transformer Feeders shall be sized for the
Transformer rating.

14.3 Minimum Cable Size

The smallest core size shall be 2.5 mm2 for lighting, power and control cables.

14.4 Aboveground Cables

Cable shall be installed above ground unless there is an overriding technical reason
for them to be buried (for example, proximity to the flare).

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The design requirements for cable routing are detailed in Design Specification SP-

14.5 Underground Cables

Cables installed underground shall have a lead sheath, unless their entire
underground route is outside areas subject to hydrocarbon contamination.


The design requirements for substations are contained in Design Specification SP-

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Design Design Specification Title Revision


SP-8530-0000-0001 Electrical General Design Specification 021

SP-8530-0000-0002 Electrical Design Specification for Protection and Metering 01

SP-8530-0000-0003 Electrical Design Specification for Earthing and Lightning 01


SP-8530-0000-0004 Electrical Design Specification for Lighting (impact on 01

Marine Life)

SP-8530-0000-0005 Electrical Design Specification for Cable Routing 01

SP-8530-0000-0006 Electrical Design Specification for Substation Layout 01

SP-8530-0000-0007 Electrical Design Specification for Package Units 01

SP-8530-0000-0008 Electrical Design Specification for electric heaters and 00

associated power controllers

SP-8530-0000-0010 Technical specification for neutral earthing devices 00

SP-8530-0000-0018 EMC installation guidelines 00

SP-8530-0000-0019 Technical Specification for Cables 01

SP-8530-0000-0022 Electrical Design Specification for EHV Switchyards 00

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SHELL DEPs Utility Data – Electrical Electrical engineering guidelines Electical network monitoring and control system – application Electrical supply and generation - design and operation Electrical network monitoring and control system - specification Power transformers (amends/supps to IEC 76 and IEC 726) Synchronous AC machines (amends/supps to IEC 60034-1) Packaged unit AC generator sets Static DC uninterruptible power supply unit (Static DC UPS unit) Static AC uninterruptible power supply unit (Static AC UPS unit) Electric machines - Cage-induction type (amends/supps to IEC 60034-1) Electrical variable speed drive systems Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies (amends/ supps to

IEC 439-1) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies (amends/ supps to

IEC 298) Electrical trace heating Field commissioning and maintenance of electrical installations and


Electrical General Design Specification Page 30 of 34
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Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC Equipment and tools for maintenance and inspection. Part 4 : Electrical
workshop - Test equipment and tools Area classification (amends/supps to IP 15)

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GB 755 (idt IEC Rotating electrical machines – rating and performance

60034-1 : 1996)
GB 1094 (eqv Power transformers (parts 1, 2, 3 & 5)
IEC 76)
GB 1207 (eqv Voltage transformers
IEC 186 : 1987)
GB 1208 (eqv Current transformers
IEC 185 : 1987)
GB 1971 Terminal markings and direction of rotation of rotating electrical
GB 1985 (eqv Alternating current high-voltage disconnectors
IEC 129 : 1984)
GB 3836 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres
GB 3836.1 (eqv Part 1 - General requirements
IEC 60079-0 :
GB 3836.2 (eqv Part 2 - Flameproof enclosure ‘d’
IEC 60079-1 :
GB 3836.3 (eqv Part 3 - Increased safety 'e'
IEC 60079-7 :
GB 3836.4 Part 4 - Intrinsically safe circuits and electrical apparatus ‘I’
GB 4208 (eqv Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
IEC 529 : 1989)
GB 4884 (eqv Markings of insulated conductors
IEC 391 : 1972)
GB 5013 (idt Rubber insulated cables of rated voltage up to and including
IEC 245 : 1994) 450/750V
GB 5023 (idt Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltage up to and

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Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

IEC 227 : 1993) including 450/750V

GB 6829 (eqv General requirements for residual current operated protective
IEC 755) devices
GB 6995 (neq Markings for electric cables and wires
IEC 304 : 1982)
GB 7251 (idt Low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies
IEC 439)
GB 7947 (idt Identification of conductors by colours or numerals
IEC 446 : 1989.
GB 9089.5 (eqv Electrical installations for outdoor sites under heavy conditions –
IEC 621-5 : 1987) Operating requirements
GB 9330 Plastic insulated control cables
GB 10230 (eqv On-load tap-changers
IEC 214 : 1987)
GB 11032 (eqv Metal oxide surge arrestors without gags for a.c. systems
IEC 60099-4 :
GB 12476.1 (idt Electrical apparatus for use in presence of combustible dust, Part
IEC 61241-1 : 1: Electrical apparatus protected by enclosures and surface
1999) temperature limitation – specification for apparatus
GB 12706 (eqv Copper and aluminium conductor extruded plastic insulated power
IEC 502 : 1983) cables with rated voltages up to 35kV
GB 13955 Installation and operation of residual current operated protected
GB 14048 (eqv Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
IEC 947)
GB 14050 Types and safety technical requirements of system earthing
GB 14808 (neq Alternating-current high-voltage contactors
IEC 470 : 1974)
GB 14821.1 Electrical installations of buildings protection against electric
(eqv IEC 364-4- shock
41 : 1992)
GB 16836 General requirements of safety design for measuring relays and
protection equipment

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Bechtel – SEI – Foster Wheeler PMC

GB 16916.1 (idt Residual current operated circuit breakers without integral

IEC 1008-1 : overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCB) –
1990) Part 1: General rules
GB 17285 (idt Marking of electrical equipment with ratings related to electrical
IEC 1293 : 1994) supply – safety requirements
GB 17701 (idt Circuit-breaker for equipment
IEC 60934 :
The following standards are for guidance for equipment
manufactured in China (Non-Mandatory)
GB 4859 (neq EMC for industrial process measurement and control equipment
IEC 801)
GB 11022 (neq Common specifications for high voltage switchgear and
IEC 694) controlgear standards
GB/T 14598 (idt Electrical Relays (Parts 1 to 6)
IEC 255)

Note for equivalence of the above GB standards with IEC standards:

idt = Identical standard
eqv = Technically equivalent standard
neq = Not technically equivalent standard (but similar topic covered)

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