Clinical Endocrine Oncology Second Edition Ian D. Hay
Textbook of Endocrine Surgery Second Edition Orlo
Clark Digital Instant Download
Author(s): Orlo Clark, Quan-Yang Duh, Electron Kebebew
ISBN(s): 9780721601397, 0721601391
Edition: 2
File Details: PDF, 37.00 MB
Year: 2005
Language: english
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We would like to dedicate this book to our wives, Carol, Ann, and Tida, and families, and to
Ms. Kate Poole. Their wonderful support helped to make this book possible.
Claudette Abela-Forman EK, MD Anders O. J. Bergenfelz, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Associate Professor, Lund University; Consultant Surgeon,
Medical University of Vienna; Senior Resident, General Department of Surgery, University Hospital,
Hospital of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Lund, Sweden
Metabolic Complications of Primary Hyperparathyroidism Surgical Approach to Primary Hyperparathyroidism
(Unilateral Approach)
Bo Ahren, MD, PhD
Professor, Department of Medicine, Lund University, Piero Berti, MD
Lund, Sweden Professor of Surgery, University of Pisa; Assistant,
Pancreatic Endocrine Physiology S. Chiara Hospital, Pisa, Italy
Minimally Invasive Parathyroid Surgery
Goran Akerstrom, MD, PhD
Professor of Surgery, Uppsala University; Professor of Michael Sean Boger, MD, PharmD
Surgery and Chief of Endocrine Surgery, Department of House Officer, Department of Internal Medicine,
Surgical Sciences, University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center,
Natural History of Untreated Primary Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Hyperparathyroidism Graves' and Plummer's Diseases: Medical and Surgical
Maha AI-Fehaily, MD
Associate Consultant, Breast and Endocrine Surgery, H. Jaap Bonjer, MD, PhD
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Professor of Surgery, Dalhousie University; Director of
Department of Surgery, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Minimally Invasive Surgery, Queen Elizabeth II Health
Sporadic Nontoxic Goiter Sciences Center, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Technique of Parathyroidectomy
Saif AI-Sobhi, MD, FRCS (Glas), ABIS
Chairman, Department of Surgery, King Faisal Specialist Bert A. Bonsing, MD, PhD
Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Staff Surgeon, Department of Surgery, Leiden University
Parathyroid Hyperplasia: Parathyroidectomy Medical Center, Leiden, Germany
Occurrence and Prevention of Complications in Thyroid
Ahmad Assalia, MD Surgery
Deputy Director, Department of Surgery, Rambam Medical
Center, Haifa, Israel Michael Brauckhoff, MD
Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy Department of General, Visceral, and Vascular Surgery,
University of Halle, Halle, Germany
Jon Armstrong, MD Surgical Management ofAdvanced Thyroid Cancer
Clinical Instructor, University of Perth, Royal Perth Invading the Aerodigestive Tract
Hospital; Senior Surgeon, General and Endocrine
Surgery, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, James D. Brierley, MB BS, MRCP, FRCP, FRCP (C)
Australia Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology,
Adrenocortical Carcinoma: Nonfunctioning and University of Toronto, Toronto; Staff Radiation
Functioning Oncologist, Princess Margaret Hospital, University
Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Sylvia L. Asa, MD, PhD Anaplastic Carcinoma of the Thyroid Gland
Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine and
Pathobiology, University of Toronto, Toronto; Hajo A. Bruining, MD, PhD
Pathologist-in-Chief, University Health Network, and Emeritus Professor of Surgery, Erasmus University,
Medical Director, Toronto Medical Laboratories, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Technique of Parathyroidectomy
Anaplastic Carcinoma of the Thyroid Gland
vi - - Contributors
Maria Sorhede-Winzell, PhD John A. van Heerden, MB, ChB, MS(Surg) (Minn),
Department of Medicine, Lund University, Lund, Sweden FRCS (C), FACS, Hon FCM(SA), Hon FRCS(Edin),
Pancreatic Endocrine Physiology FRCPS (Glasg)
Fred C. Anderson Professor of Surgery, Mayo Graduate
Gordon J. Strewler, MD School; Consultant in General Surgery, Mayo Clinic,
Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Vice Rochester, Minnesota
Chairman, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Parathyroid Reoperations
Women's Hospital; Chief of Medical Service, Brockton/
West Roxburg, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Cornelis J. H. van de Velde, MD, PhD
Boston, Massachusetts Professor of Surgery, Leiden University Medical Center,
Hypercalcemia of Malignancy and Parathyroid Leiden, Germany
Hormone-Related Protein Occurrence and Prevention of Complications in
Thyroid Surgery
Masahiro Sugawara, MD
Professor of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Nobuyuki Wada, MD, PhD
School of Medicine; Staff Physician, Greater Los Angeles Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Yokohama City
VA Medical Center, Los Angeles, California University School of Medicine, Yokohama City, Japan
Hypothyroidism Comparative Genomic Hybridization in Thyroid Neoplasms
Hiroshi Takami, MD
Jeffrey D. Wayne, MD
Professor of Surgery, Teiko University School of Medicine,
Assistant Professor of Surgery, Northwestern University,
Feinberg School of Medicine; Attending Physician,
Hypercalcemic Crisis
Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Illinois
Serdar T. Tezelman, MD Insulinomas
Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Istanbul
Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University; Attending Malcolm H. Wheeler, MD, FRCS
Surgeon, International Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey Professor of Surgery, University Hospital of Wales,
Signal Transduction in Thyroid Neoplasms Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Approach to Thyroid Nodules
Geoffrey B. Thompson, MD
Professor of Surgery, Mayo Graduate School; Consultant, Scott M. Wilhelm, MD
Department of Surgery, Division of Gastroenterologic Assistant Professor of Surgery, University Hospital of
and General Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Saint Mary's and Cleveland, Case Western Reserve University; Staff
Rochester Methodist Hospitals, Rochester, Minnesota Surgeon, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland,
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 Ohio
Open Operative Approaches to the Adrenal Gland
Norman W. Thompson, MD
Emeritus Professor of Surgery, University of Michigan, Stuart D. Wilson, MD
Ann Arbor, Michigan Professor and Chief, Division of
Pancreatic Surgery for Endocrine Tumors PancreatobiliarylEndocrine Surgery, Medical College of
Wisconsin; Senior Attending Surgeon, Froedtert
Sten A. G. Tibblin, MD, PhDt Memorial Lutheran Hospital, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Formerly Associate Professor and Consultant Surgeon, Gastrinoma
Department of Surgery, University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
Surgical Approach to Primary Hyperthyroidism Michael W. Yeh, MD
(Unilateral Approach) Fellow, University of California, San Francisco,
San Francisco, California; Endocrine Surgical Unit,
Lars-Erik Tisell, MD, PhD
Royal North Shore Hospital, St. Leonards,
Retired Chief of Endocrine Surgery, Department of Surgery,
New South Wales, Australia
Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sahlgrenska, Sweden
Mechanisms and Regulation of Invasion in Thyroid Cancer
Natural History of Treated Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Robert Udelsman, MD, MBA, FACS William F. Young, Jr, MD, MSc
Lampman Professor of Surgery and Oncology, and Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine;
Chairman, Department of Surgery, Yale University Consultant, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism,
School of Medicine; Chief of Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Connecticut Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1
Hiirthle Cell Adenoma and Carcinoma
Rasa Zarnegar, MS
Surgical Resident, Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
tDeceased Sodium-Iodide Symporter and Radioactive Iodine Therapy
Contributors - - xiii
Martha A. Zeiger, MD
Associate Professor of Surgery, Division of Endocrine and
Oncologic Surgery, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions,
Baltimore, Maryland
Hypoparathyroidism and Pseudohypoparathyroidism;
Transplantation of Endocrine Cells and Tissues
Since the first edition of the Textbook of Endocrine Surgery associated with ret/PTC rearrangements and other papillary
there have been considerable changes in the clinical man- thyroid cancers with BRAF mutations, whereas follicular
agement of patients with endocrine surgical problems, as cancers are more often associated with PAX-S/PPARy and
well as advances in basic science regarding endocrine ras mutations.
neoplasms. Many colleagues have asked Drs. Duh and Clark Since the Chemobyl nuclear accident in 1986, considerably
whether another edition will be published because of numer- more information has become available relating to the
ous recent changes in endocrine surgery. Major changes association of radiation exposure and thyroid cancer. Many
have occurred regarding the indications for parathyroidec- other advances or consensus of opinion have also become
tomy in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism based on available regarding the diagnosis, localization, and treat-
the natural history of the disease. The surgical approach for ment of endocrine neoplasms, including endocrine tumors
patients with primary hyperparathyroidism has also changed of the pancreas.
as more surgeonsare now recommending a selective approach New or revised areas in the second edition of Textbook
rather than a bilateral approach. Much of this change is due to of Endocrine Surgery include: (l) recent advances in the
better preoperative localization studies and the use of intra- etiology and molecular biology of endocrine neoplasms;
operative parathyroid hormone assays to determine when all (2) methods used to diagnose patients with sporadic and
abnormal parathyroid tissue has been removed. Some familial thyroid cancers and the risks and benefits of prophy-
experts are also recommending a minimally invasive lactic operations; (3) the association of low-dose therapeutic
approach via small == 2.S-cm incisions or by using an endo- radiation, RET/PTC rearrangements, and surgical manage-
scopic approach with I.S-cm incisions for patients with ment of thyroid tumors; (4) current information regarding the
primary hyperparathyroidism. adverse effects of primary hyperparathyroidism and related
Substantial changes have also occurred regarding indica- symptoms, associated conditions, and survival, as well as
tions for adrenalectomy for patients with incidentally discov- the indications for parathyroidectomy (this will include the
ered adrenal neoplasms. More accurate localization studies usefulness of the follow-up information regarding the NIH
and improved testing have made the diagnosis easier and consensus criteria and newer studies regarding quality of life
tumor identification more precise. Most endocrine surgeons improvement after parathyroidectomy); (5) the changing
are now recommending laparoscopic removal of non-malig- selective surgical approach for patients with primary hyper-
nant-appearing adrenal tumors under 6 em in maximal parathyroidism based on preoperative localization tests and
diameter. Such treatment has dramatically reduced the dura- intraoperative PTH testing; (6) the indications for operations
tion of hospitalization and has also increased the referral of for patients with incidentally discovered adrenal neoplasms;
such patients to endocrine surgical units that are proficient and (7) the use of laparoscopic adrenalectomy to remove
in laparoscopic operations. most adrenal tumors under 6 em in maximal diameter.
There have been numerous other advances in using In summary, during the past several years there have
genetic testing to diagnose patients with multiple endocrine been improved methods for diagnosing and treating patients
neoplasia types I and II. Children who are ret oncogene pos- with endocrine neoplasms, including screening for familial
itive usually receive prophylactic thyroidectomy before age disease, more precise diagnostic tests, better preoperative
6 and before they develop medullary thyroid cancer. More localization studies, and new surgical instrumentation, as
information is also available regarding genotype-phenotype well as a better understanding of the natural history of many
relationships in predicting tumor behavior. Familial non- of these disorders.
medullary thyroid cancer with or without other syndromes
has recently become a recognized clinical syndrome, and Orlo H. Clark, MD
the thyroid cancers in these patients are somewhat more
Quan- Yang Duh, MD
aggressive than are sporadic thyroid cancers. Papillary thy-
roid cancer in children and after radiation are frequently Electron Kebebew, MD
Table of Contents
1 Thyroid physiology 3
Surgical anatomy and embryology of the thyroid and parathyroid
2 9
glands and recurrent and external laryngeal nerves
3 Medical and surgical treatment of endemic goiter 16
4 Sporadic nontoxic goiter 24
5 Thyroiditis 34
6 Hypothyroidism 44
7 Graves' and Plummer's diseases : medical and surgical management 54
Use and abuse of thyroid-stimulating hormone suppressive therapy in
8 patients with nodular goiter and benign or malignant thyroid 68
9 Approach to thyroid nodules 85
10 Childhood thyroid carcinoma 93
11 Papillary thyroid carcinoma : rationale for hemithyroidectomy 102
12 Papillary thyroid carcinoma : rationale for total thyroidectomy 110
13 Follicular neoplasms of the thyroid 115
14 Hurthle cell adenoma and carcinoma 123
15 Medullary thyroid carcinoma 129
16 Localization tests in patients with thyroid cancer 142
Papillary and follicular carcinoma : surgical and radioiodine treatment
17 152
of distant metastases
18 Anaplastic carcinoma of the thyroid gland 159
19 Unusual thyroid cancers, lymphoma, and metastases to the thyroid 168
20 Recurrent thyroid cancer 181
21 Thyroidectomy 188
Management of regional lymph nodes in papillary, follicular, and
22 195
medullary thyroid cancer
23 Occurrence and prevention of complications in thyroid surgery 207
24 Thyroid emergencies : thyroid storm and myxedema coma 216
25 Pathology of tumors of the thyroid gland 223
26 Factors that predispose to thyroid neoplasia 240
27 Predictors of thyroid tumor aggressiveness 248
28 Growth factor, thyroid hyperplasia, and neoplasia 256
29 Signal transduction in thyroid neoplasms 265
30 Oncogenes in thyroid tumors 280
31 Thyroid oncogenesis 288
32 Mechanisms and regulation of invasion in thyroid cancer 295
33 Surgical management of recurrent and intrathoracic goiters 304
Surgical management of advanced thyroid cancer invading the
34 318
aerodigestive tract
35 Potentially new therapies in thyroid cancer 334
36 Comparative genomic hybridization in thyroid neoplasms 344
37 Sodium-iodide symporter and radioactive iodine therapy 355
38 Parathyroid embryology, anatomy, and pathology 365
Parathyroid hormone : regulation of secretion and laboratory
39 372
Diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism and indications for
40 384
41 Natural history of untreated primary hyperparathyroidism 393
42 Metabolic complications of primary hyperparathyroidism 402
43 Natural history of treated primary hyperparathyroidism 413
44 Asymptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism 419
45 Normocalcemic hyperparathyroidism 424
46 Localization studies in persistent or recurrent hyperparathyroidism 430
47 Technique of parathyroidectomy 439
Surgical approach to primary hyperparathyroidism (bilateral
48 449
Surgical approach to primary hyperparathyroidism (unilateral
49 456
50 Minimally invasive parathyroid surgery 462
51 Endoscopic parathyroidectomy 467
Intraoperative parathyroid hormone assay as a surgical adjunct in
52 472
patients with sporadic primary hyperparathyroidism
53 Parathyroid hyperplasia : parathyroidectomy 481
Familial hyperparathyroidism in multiple endocrine neoplasia
54 489
55 Familial hyperparathyroidism 493
56 Metabolic complications of secondary hyperparathyroidism 502
57 Surgical approach to secondary hyperparathyroidism 510
58 Parathyroid reoperations 518
59 Hypoparathyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism 527
60 Cryopreservation of parathyroid tissue 530
Hypercalcemia of malignancy and parathyroid hormone-related
61 536
62 Hypercalcemic crisis 543
63 Parathyroid carcinoma 549
64 Surgical embryology and anatomy of the adrenal glands 557
65 Adrenal physiology 571
66 Adrenal imaging procedures 576
67 Clinically inapparent adrenal mass (incidentaloma or adrenaloma) 586
68 Hyperaldosteronism 595
69 Adrenocortical carcinoma : nonfunctioning and functioning 604
70 Cushing's syndrome 612
71 Pheochromocytoma 621
72 Addison's disease and acute adrenal hemorrhage 634
73 Open operative approaches to the adrenal gland 641
74 Laparoscopic adrenalectomy 647
75 Anatomy and embryology of the pancreas 665
76 Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 673
77 Transplantation of endocrine cells and tissues 691
78 Pancreatic endocrine physiology 701
79 Insulinomas 715
80 Localization of endocrine pancreatic tumors 730
81 Pancreatic surgery for endocrine tumors 737
82 Gastrinoma 745
83 Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B 757
84 Somatostatinoma and rare pancreatic endocrine tumors 764
85 Non-multiple endocrine neoplasia endocrine syndromes 773
86 Neuroendocrine tumors 780
87 Endocrine emergencies : hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic crises 789
88 Chemotherapy for unresectable endocrine neoplasms 800
Thyroid Physiology
Roderick Clifton-Bligh, MB, BS, PhD • Leigh Delbridge, MD, FRCS
The thyroid gland contains two separate physiologic within the promoters of thyroid-specific genes (e.g., thy-
endocrine systems: one responsible for the production of the roperoxidase and thyroglobulin). Mutation of any of these
thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4 ) and triiodothyronine (T3) , transcription factors leads to thyroid dysgenesis, together
and the other responsible for the production of the hormone with other phenotypic features specific to each transcription
calcitonin. factor (TTF-l, pulmonary disease; Pax-8, renal hemiagenesis;
The functional unit for thyroid hormone production is TTF-2, cleft palate).7-9
the thyroid follicle. This is composed of a single layer of The transcription factor GATA3 has been shown to be
cuboidal follicular cells surrounding a central space filled important in parathyroid gland development since mutations
with colloid. The average size of a follicle varies from 100 in this gene are associated with HDR syndrome (hypoparathy-
to 300 urn, each of which is surrounded by a network of roidism, sensorineural deafness, and renal aplasia).'? Failure
capillaries. The primary function of the thyroid follicle is of parathyroid gland development is also a feature of
to make and store thyroid hormones. DiGeorge syndrome, in which parathyroid and thymic apla-
Calcitonin is produced by C cells within the thyroid. sia are variably accompanied by cardiac defects and facial
These cells, of neural crest origin, lie in a parafollicular posi- malformations owing to microdeletion or rearrangement of
tion in direct contact with the follicular basement membrane. the short arm of chromosome 22. 11 Several transcription
factors involved in the development of the parathyroid
glands in mouse models have been identified," including
Thyroid Embryogenesis Gcm2 and Hoxa3.
FIGURE 1-1. Thyroid embryogenesis. Left, Coronal section through the pharyngeal arch region in a late-somite embryo. The thyroid
diverticulum forms from a thickening in the midline of the anterior pharyngeal floor. The two lateral anlagen (ultimobranchialbodies) are
derived from the fourth or fifth pharyngeal pouch; the thymus and inferior parathyroids are derived from the third pouch, whereas the
superior parathyroid glands form from the fourth pharyngeal pouch (not shown). Right, Ventral view of the pharyngeal organ derivatives
following migration toward their ultimate positions.The thyroid diverticulumhas caudally migrated anterior to the cricoid cartilage, where
it is infiltrated by cells from the ultimobranchial bodies that will form parafollicular C cells. The superior and inferior parathyroid glands
are positioned on the posterolateral surface of the thyroid gland. The two thymic primordia will fuse to become a single gland anterior
to the trachea. (Adapted from Manley NR, Capecchi MR. The role of Hoxa-3 in mouse thymus and thyroid development. Development
tyrosyl residues in thyroglobulin to form monoiodotyrosine of the thyroid cell, and multiple vesicles containing thy-
(MIT) and diiodotyrosine (DIT). In the second reaction, roglobulin are incorporated into the follicular cell by endocy-
MIT and DIT condense to form 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T 3) tosis. Lysosomal hydrolysis of the thyroglobulin, with
or the inactive 3,3',5'-triiodothyronine (rT3) , whereas two reduction of disulfide bonds, leads to release of both T3 and
molecules of DIT condense to form T 4 • T 3 and rT 3 are also T 4 through the basement membrane into the circulation. The
formed by intrathyroidal deiodination of thyroxine, catalyzed ratio of the levels of these two hormones released into the
by deiodinase enzymes.P In conditions of iodine-sufficient peripheral blood approximates their levels in stored thyroglob-
intake, the predominant iodothyronine synthesized by the ulin (T3:T4 is "" 1:13). Very little thyroglobulin reaches the
thyroid gland is T 4 •24 Once formed, the thyroid hormones, peripheral circulation; however, when sensitive immunoassay
covalently bound to thyroglobulin, are stored in colloid procedures are used, small quantities can be detected in normal
within the center of the follicle. The thyroid gland contains a individuals.P Iodotyrosines released from thyroglobulin
very large store of thyroid hormone, which lasts for several undergo deiodination and are recycled, with the iodide so
weeks in the absence of the formation of new hormone. 19 released available for new thyroid hormone synthesis.
Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) is a membrane-bound glyco-
protein that is localized to the apical membrane of the follic- Peripheral Transport and Metabolism of
ular cell; the peroxidase reactions occur at the cell-colloid Thyroid Hormones
interface.f TPO has now been cloned and has been shown to
have a hydrophobic signal peptide at its aminoterminus and a More than 99% of circulating thyroid hormones are bound
hydrophobic region with the characteristics of a transmem- to serum proteins, including thyroxine-binding globulin
brane domain near the carboxylterminus.P This structure is (TBG), transthyretin, and albumin." TBG is a glycoprotein
consistent with TPO being a membrane-associated protein. that contains only one binding site per molecule. TBG is
The synthesis of thyroglobulin occurs exclusively in the thy- responsible for the transport of more than three fourths of
roid gland, where homodimers are formed in the endoplasmic thyroid hormone in the blood, and its levels are significantly
reticulum before being transported into the apical lumen of increased by elevated levels of estrogens, as occurs in preg-
thyroid follicles.P Defects in thyroglobulin synthesis usually nancy. Dissociation of the free hormone from its binding
cause moderate to severe hypothyroidism in association proteins is rapid and efficient. Thyroid hormones are
with low circulating thyroglobulin levels." A partial organ- lipophilic and are capable of passive diffusion into cells,
ification defect and goiter (with or without overt hypothy- although specific transporters may also regulate intracellular
roidism) is associated with sensorineural deafness in thyroid hormone content."
Pendred's syndrome. Mutations in a putative sulfate trans- T 3 synthesized directly by the thyroid forms a relatively
porter gene (PDS) have recently been associated with this small proportion of the effective T 3 concentration in tissues,
disorder," Although the precise mechanisms by which which is mainly derived from peripheral deiodination of T4 .
the pendrin protein causes the phenotype is unclear, it is pro- This reaction is catalyzed by two deiodinases with charac-
posed that defective sulfation of thyroglobulin impairs its teristic tissue distributions. Type I deiodinase (5'DI) is pre-
subsequent iodination." dominant in liver, kidney, and thyroid, whereas type II
Release of thyroid hormone into the peripheral blood deiodinase (5'DII) is present in the central nervous system,
occurs as the result of lysosomal hydrolysis within the follicu- pituitary, placenta, brown adipose tissue, cardiac and skele-
lar cells (Fig. 1-3). Pseudopodia form at the apical membrane tal muscle, and thyroid.'? A third deiodinase (5'DIII) cat-
alyzes deiodination of T 4 to rT 3 or T 3 to diiodothyronine (T 2)
and is found in the placenta and central nervous system."
These differences in distribution and regulation may explain
some tissue-specific variation in thyroid hormone action.
Peripheral conversion of T 4 to T 3 may be impaired in a
number of situations, including systemic illness, malnutri-
tion, and trauma or by various drugs.
The thyroid hormones generally have slow turnover
times in the peripheral circulation. In adults, the half-life of
T 4 is about 7 days, presumably because of the high degree
of binding of T4 to its carrier proteins, whereas the half-life
of T, is approximately 8 to 12 hours.
and mitochondrial oxygen consumption." Subsequently, sub- The clinical manifestations of thyroid hormone action
cellular fractionation demonstrated specific nuclear binding are the net result of the actions of the products of the vari-
sites for T 3 and identified the anterior pituitary, liver, brain, ous genes whose expression is regulated by T 3. For example,
and heart as having high binding capacity for T 3.3! Thus, the thyroid hormones affect cardiac contractility by affecting
current concept of thyroid hormone action is that its nuclear the transcription of, and subsequent relative proportions of,
receptor binds to specific regulatory regions in target genes the various myosin heavy chains in cardiac muscle.P'" In the
and regulates gene transcription in response to T 3.32-34 pituitary, T 3 regulates the transcription of the genes for both
Thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) are members of the ex and ~ subunits of TSH, thus affecting the level of TSH
steroid hormone receptor superfamily. There are two TR secretion.'?
genes, a and ~, located on chromosomes 17 and 3, respec-
tively, and differential splicing of both these genes yields Thyroid Hormone Regulation
a total of four isoforms, denoted as TRal, TRa2, TRf3I, and
TRf32 (Fig. 1_4).32 The expression of the various TR iso- Thyroid hormone production and release are under the con-
forms is both developmentally regulated and tissue specific, trol of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis (Fig. 1-5),
such that TRa is widely expressed at all stages of develop- acting in a negative-feedback cycle. TSH is the major regu-
ment, preceding the appearance of endogenous thyroid hor- lator of thyroid gland activity. Increased levels of TSH lead
mone, whereas TR~ begins to be expressed as thyroid to hypertrophy and increased vascularity of the gland,
hormone-dependent processes occur," An aminoterminal whereas decreased levels of TSH lead to gland atrophy.
splice variant of the TR~ receptor, TR~2 is specifically A glycoprotein secreted by the anterior pituitary, TSH is
expressed in the hypothalamus and pituitary and may there- composed of an a subunit and a ~ subunit. The ex subunit is
fore be the critical subtype involved in negative-feedback common to a family of glycoprotein hormones, including
effects of T 3.32 In the adult, TRal may be the predominant
isoform in myocardium, skeletal muscle, and fat, whereas
TR~l and TR~2 predominate in the pituitary and liver."
TRa2 does not bind ligand and its function is poorly under-
stood, although it may function as an inhibitor of thyroid
hormone action in some contexts.F
TRs bind to specific regulatory DNA sequences usually
within gene promoters.P A consensus regulatory binding
site, termed the thyroid hormone response element (TRE),
consists of a pair of hexanucleotide half-sites. Natural TREs
present in gene promoters are commonly degenerate varia-
tions of these consensus sequences. Biochemical evidence
suggests that on many TREs, the receptor complex is most
active when bound to DNA as a heterodimer with the
retinoid X receptor."
follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, and iodide availability. For example, an excess of dietary iodide
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). leads to autoregulated inhibition of iodide uptake into the fol-
TSH binds to a specific receptor on the surface of the thy- licular cells, whereas iodide deficiency results in increased
roid cell. The TSH receptor is a G protein-coupled receptor. iodide transport and uptake. Large doses of iodide have more
After activation by TSH, the receptor interacts with a gua- complex effects, including an initial increase followed by a
nine nucleotide-binding protein (G protein), which induces decrease in organification, the so-called Wolff-Chaikoff
the production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP).4o effect." Excess iodide also inhibits, at least initially, the
This cAMP then stimulates the synthesis and secretion of release of stored thyroid hormone from the thyroid follicle.
thyroid hormones. Receptors that are linked to G proteins
are characterized by the presence of seven transmembrane-
spanning domains linked by cytoplasmic and extracellular Calcitonin Physiology
loops. The first cytoplasmic loop, as well as the carboxylterrni-
nal residues in the second and third cytoplasmic loops, are Calcitonin Secretion
important in mediating a TSH-dependent increase in intracel-
lular cAMP production." The TSH receptor has been cloned.f Calcitonin is secreted by the parafollicular C cells located in
and specific mutations have been identified in association with the lateral lobes of the thyroid. This hormone is a 32-amino
hyperfunctioning follicular thyroid neoplasms.tv" acid polypeptide with an NH-terminal 7-member disulfide
TSH is secreted from the anterior pituitary in response ring."? Calcitonin acts to lower serum calcium concentra-
to thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and to reduced tion, principally by inhibition of bone resorption. Secretion
pituitary levels of T; TRH acts to directly stimulate the thy- of the hormone is increased in the presence of elevated levels
rotropic cells to increase both the synthesis and the release of of serum calcium. In the clinical context, calcitonin secretion
TSH. TRH is a tripeptide synthesized in the paraventricular can be stimulated by a number of techniques, including cal-
nucleus of the hypothalamus, and, after synthesis, it passes cium infusion, pentagastrin infusion, and alcohol.t''
to the median eminence and down the pituitary stalk in the
hypophysial portal system. It is thought that the principal Peripheral Action of Calcitonin
function of TRH is to set the ambient level of regulatory con-
trol whereby thyroid hormone levels are mediated by negative Calcitonin acts via specific cell surface receptors located
feedback. TRH secretion itself is also under negative-feedback predominantly on the surface of osteoclasts." These recep-
control in response to peripheral thyroid hormone levels. tors have also been found in renal tubular epithelium, neural
T 3, on the other hand, derived principally from the local tissue, and lymphocytes.t" The predominant action of calci-
deiodination of peripheral T 4 in the pituitary, directly tonin is to inhibit osteoclast action, although in the physio-
inhibits the release and synthesis of TSH. It is also thought logic situation calcitonin does not actually cause a lowering
that peripheral thyroid hormone levels may regulate TRH of s~rum calcium levels. Indeed, in patients with medullary
receptor numbers on the surface of the pituitary thyrotropic carcinoma of the thyroid, in which calcitonin levels may be
cells, thus decreasing their responsiveness to TRH. many thousands of times the normal level, hypocalcemia is
A number of other factors affect thyroid hormone synthe- not seen. Similarly, patients who have had a total thyroidec-
sis in addition to the hypothalamic-pituitary feedback cycle. tomy, with removal of all known C cells, maintain normal
Other hormones can have a direct effect on the thyroid calcium metabolism.
gland. Catecholamines are thought to have a direct stimula-
tory effect on thyroid hormone release. hCG also stimulates
thyroid hormone production, with free levels of thyroid Summary
hormone increasing during pregnancy and in the presence of
hydatidiform moles." Glucocorticoids, on the other hand, In summary, the thyroid gland contains two separate func-
act to reduce thyroid hormone production by suppressing tioning units. The follicular cells produce T 4 and T 3, which
pituitary TSH secretion. The thyroid also obtains direct regulate growth and metabolism, whereas the parafollicular
adrenergic innervation, and there is some evidence that sym- cells produce the antihypercalcemia hormone calcitonin.
pathetic stimulation can increase thyroid hormone synthesis. Iodine is required for the synthesis of thyroid hormone, and
Other external factors that can affect thyroid regulation iodine deficiency can result in endemic goiter and cretinism.
include nonthyroidal illness, starvation, and temperature Circulating levels of thyroid hormone depend on a negative
changes. A variety of disorders, especially severe illness, feedback between T 3 and T 4 and TSH secretion as well as a
lead to reduced levels of peripheral thyroid hormone in the positive action of TSH. Thus, medications and other factors
absence of a compensatory rise in TSH (the so-called sick can influence ambient thyroid hormone levels and, conse-
euthyroid syndrome). Starvation also leads to markedly quently, the metabolic state.
reduced levels of both T 4 and T 3 , as does exposure to high
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Surgical Anatomy and
Embryology of the Thyroid
and Parathyroid Glands
and Recurrent and External
Laryngeal Nerves
Jean-Francois Henry, MD
The surgical anatomy of the thyroid, parathyroid glands, and The normal adult thyroid gland is composed of two lat-
recurrent and external laryngeal nerves should be consid- eral lobes connected by an isthmus. Anomalies of embry-
ered as a whole. A thorough knowledge of the anatomy and onic development of the two lobes result in a large variety
an understanding of the embryonic development of the of shapes and sizes. Rarely, in fewer than 0.1 % of cases, the
thyroid and parathyroid glands are the keys to successful isthmus or one lobe may not develop.
surgery. The thyroglossal duct may persist or may differentiate
into thyroid tissue at any level. Normally, the epithelium of
the thyroglossal duct disappears. Occasionally, the epithe-
Thyroid Embryology and lium and the duct may form thyroglossal cysts or fistulas,
Developmental Abnormalities which usually present above the hyoid bone but may occur
at any site along the duct between the base of the tongue and
The thyroid gland has a double origin from the primitive the suprasternal notch. These are essentially midline struc-
pharynx and the neural crest. The main body of the thyroid tures. Because the duct passes through or anterior or poster-
gland is derived from epithelial cells of the endoderm of the ior to the hyoid bone, excision of the midsection of the
primitive pharynx. These cells will form the greater portion hyoid bone is necessary for complete excision of the entire
of the follicular elements of the thyroid tissue. They arise cyst and thyroglossal duct up to the foramen cecum.
as a diverticulum from the midline of the pharyngeal floor. Midline ectopic thyroid rests are the result of the failure
It soon develops as a bilobed, encapsulated structure that of or incomplete descent of the thyroglossal duct and of
descends in the midline of the neck. With further develop- abnormal development of its epithelium. The most common
ment, this diverticulum remains attached to the buccal cavity example is the pyramidal lobe, which extends upward from
by a narrow tract-the thyroglossal duct. Its distal end may the isthmus or from either lateral lobe in about 30% of
become the pyramidal lobe. patients. It may be considerably enlarged in patients with
The neural crest is the source of the parafollicular cells, endemic goiters and in Graves' disease. In the latter case,
or C cells, which secrete calcitonin. 1,2 These C cells migrate if overlooked, it may be responsible for recurrent hyperthy-
from the neural crest of the ultimobranchial bodies of the roidism. Complete failure of descent of the thyroglossal
fourth branchial pouch (P IV) and the fifth branchial pouch. duct results in a lingual thyroid, located at the base of the
The incorporation of the fifth pouch with the P IV leads tongue. A lingual thyroid may be the only functioning
to the formation of the caudal-pharyngeal complex, which tissue and may be responsible for lingual goiter; symptoms
includes not only the ultimobranchial bodies (lateral thy- depend on its size. Other midline ectopic thyroid rests
roids) but also the parathyroid glands arising from the endo- of the thyroglossal duct may be found below or above
derm of the P IV. Eventually, C cells populate the thyroid the hyoid bone. Usually asymptomatic, they are demon-
tissue by way of its lateral lobes, which join the main body strated on radioiodine scanning after total thyroidectomy.
on each side (Fig. 2-1). Carcinomas may rarely arise in median ectopic thyroid tissue.
10 - - Thyroid Gland
The recurrent laryngeal nerve continues upward and The nervous branch has only been described running in the
medially at the posterolateral aspect of the middle third of usual pathway of a recurrent laryngeal nerve and having a
the thyroid gland. It is extremely close to the capsule of the small caliber. Whether this branch really originates from the
gland. In a few cases, particularly in pathologically enlarged vagus nerve and not from the sympathetic system, for exam-
glands, it may appear to penetrate or may actually penetrate ple, the stellate ganglion, has not been proved."
the thyroid gland itself before entering the larynx. At the two During thyroid lobectomy, if the nerve is not found at its
upper tracheal rings, the nerve is embedded in the posterior usual place, before it crosses the inferior thyroid artery, it
portion of Berry's ligament (see Fig. 2-5). This ligament should be sought more or less transversely between the lat-
extends posteriorly behind the recurrent nerve and loosely erally retracted carotid sheath and the medially retracted
attaches the thyroid to the esophagus. Vessels and connec- thyroid in a plane that, in the case of nerve anomaly, cannot
tive tissue are more condensed anteriorly at the level of the be cleaved as easily as usual, because the nonrecurrent infe-
tracheal rings. The nerve commonly divides before the point rior laryngeal nerve links the two structures.
at which it enters the larynx, posterior to the cricothyroid Other aberrant pathways for the recurrent laryngeal nerve
muscle. The nerve is accompanied by the inferior laryngeal are observed only with pathologically enlarged thyroids and
artery. At the site of Berry's ligament, this artery, usually particularly with large posterior nodules and in substernal
just posterior to the recurrent nerve, gives off a small branch multinodular goiters. In these cases, if it is not possible to
that crosses the nerve to enter the thyroid glands. Therefore, search for the nerve at its usual place, below the inferior
bleeding vessels in this portion of the ligament should never thyroid artery, it should be located superiorly near to where
be clamped until the nerve has been identified. It is in this it enters the larynx at the level of the cricoid cartilage. This
area that the recurrent nerve is most vulnerable to injury. maneuver requires previous dissection of the upper pole of
Medial retraction on the thyroid lobe makes the nerve more the gland, or an "inside-out" approach, after section of the
vulnerable to injury during lobectomy. Indeed, this maneu- isthmus. Then the nerve should be dissected in a downward
ver puts tension on the inferior thyroid artery and its direction.
branches and on Berry's ligament; consequently, the nerve The venous drainage is more variable than the arterial
is displaced anteriorly on the lateral aspect of the trachea. supply. The capsular veins vary in size and may be enor-
Moreover, the posterior fibers of Berry's ligament press the mous in pathologic glands. These are thin-walled structures
nerve against the lateral aspect of the tracheal rings, increas- that intercommunicate freely among themselves, forming
ing the difficulties of dissection. Instead of medial retrac- a characteristic capsular network. The vessels within the
tion, it is preferable to retract the lobe upward after complete gland itself are relatively small. Consequently, hemorrhage
dissection of its lower pole. With this maneuver, it is easier from capsular vessels may be important, but, provided that
to follow the nerve until its entry in the larynx at the level of the vessels are clamped, subtotal resection of a lobe is a
the cricoid cartilage. relatively bloodless procedure. The capsular network is
The recurrent laryngeal nerve is the motor nerve to the schematically drained by three pedicles. The superior thy-
intrinsic muscles of the larynx." Injury to the motor trunk roid veins, just anterior and lateral to the superior thyroid
causes paralysis of the vocal cord on the ipsilateral side. The artery, empty directly or indirectly into the internal jugular
other extralaryngeal branches are sensory. vein. The lateral or middle veins vary greatly in number.
On rare occasions (0.63%), the right inferior laryngeal They pass directly from the anterolateral border of the lobe
nerve does not recur'" On the left side, this anomaly is quite into the internal jugular vein. Careful lateral retraction of the
exceptional (0.04%). As a rule, the origin of the nonrecur- carotid sheath facilitates their identification and their liga-
rent laryngeal nerve is cervical. Depending on its level of tion, especially in enlarged glands where they may be mis-
origin, the nerve runs more or less down along the vagus taken for capsular veins. The inferior thyroid veins leave the
nerve and more or less across the jugulocarotid groove, lower pole and the isthmus in several trunks, frequently
making a downward curve. It always passes behind the forming a plexus. They empty into the internal jugular vein
common carotid artery. In one third of cases, it is in close and directly into the innominate vein. Ligation of the most
contact with the trunk or the branches of the inferior thyroid lateral inferior thyroid veins requires previous identification
artery; it enters the larynx at the usual level. Nonrecurrence of the recurrent nerve. The nerve may be anterior and, par-
of the inferior laryngeal nerve results from a vascular anom- ticularly when the thyroid lobe is medially retracted, could
aly during embryonic development of the aortic arches: no be mistaken for a vein. Follicular carcinomas, because of
innominate artery, but an aberrant subclavian artery (arteria their high tendency for vascular invasion, may spread
lusoria). Nerve anomaly on the left side requires, in addi- directly through veins into the internal jugular veins and
tion, a right aortic arch associated with situs inversus vis- sometimes downward into the innominate vein. In such
cerum. A nonrecurrent laryngeal nerve has been also cases, previous distal control of these veins is mandatory
reported in association with an ipsilateral recurrent laryn- before thyroidectomy.
geal nerve.25-28 Curiously, in some cases, no vascular anom- Lymphatic drainage of the thyroid is extensive and may
aly has been demonstrated." The supposed coexistence of a flow practically in all directions. Capsular lymph channels,
recurrent and a nonrecurrent laryngeal nerve is questionable. draining the intraglandular capillaries, may even cross-
First, an enlarged anastomotic branch between the cervical communicate with the isthmus and opposite lobe. Therefore,
sympathetic system and the recurrent laryngeal nerve it is technically impossible to remove all the potential lymph
may be mistaken for nonrecurrent laryngeal nerve." node metastases in thyroid cancers.
Second, in the reported cases, it has never been demonstrated Nevertheless, and from a practical point of view, the sur-
that the recurrent branch originated from the vagus nerve. geon must consider two zones of lymphatic drainage for the
14 - - Thyroid Gland
advised by Halsted and Evans." When the lower parathy- 8. Henry JF, Denizot A. Anatomic and embryologic aspects of primary
hyperparathyroidism. In: Barbier J, Henry JF (eds), Primary
roid glands (P III) are situated in the thyrothymic ligaments Hyperparathyroidism. Paris, Springer-Verlag, 1992, p 5.
or in the upper poles of the thymus, they are supplied by the 9. Thompson NW. Surgical anatomy of hyperparathyroidism. In:
inferior thyroid artery. Rothmund M, Wells SA Jr (eds), Parathyroid Surgery. Basel,
Venous drainage occurs by three methods: (1) by the Switzerland, Karger, 1986, p 59.
capsular network of the thyroid, (2) by the venous pedicles 10. Wang CA. Hyperfunctioning intra-thyroid parathyroid gland: A
potential cause of failure in parathyroid surgery. J R Soc Med
of the thyroid body, or (3) by a combination. Thyroid lobec- 1981;74:49.
tomy may render the ipsilateral parathyroid glands I I. Wheeler MH, Williams ED, Wade JSH. The hyperfunctioning intrathy-
ischemic. Hemostasis of a parathyroid vein generally should roid parathyroid gland: A potential pitfall in parathyroid surgery. World
be avoided because of the risk of glandular infarction. J Surg 1987;11:110.
12. Gilmour JR. The embryology of the parathyroid glands, the thymus,
Parathyroid ischemia is often evidenced by progressive
and certain associated rudiments. J Pathol Bact 1937;45:507.
darkening of the gland. Incision of the capsule and superfi- 13. Numano M, Tominaga Y, Uchida K, et al. Surgical significance of
cial parenchyma may prevent venous stasis and allow the supernumerary parathyroid glands in renal hyperparathyroidism,
gland to recover its normal color. World J Surg 1998;22:1098.
14. Pattou NF, Pelissier LC, Noel C, et al. Supernumerary parathyroid
glands: Frequency and surgical significance in treatment of renal hyper-
Endemic goiter is a preventable disease caused by iodine through school for studies on baseline health parameters and
deficiency. According to statistics from the World Health results of public health programs.
Organization (WHO) in 1999, a total of 740 million Endemic goiter is the chief consequence of iodine defi-
people-about 13% of the world's population-are affected ciency, resulting from either low iodine intake or ingestion
by endemic goiter alone. ' of goitrogens. The effects of iodine deficiency on human
Clinically, the individual with endemic goiter may present growth and development are denoted collectively as IDDs
with a diffuse to multinodular goiter. Biochemically, the (Table 3-1). 4 It affects all stages of development from fetus
urinary iodine excretion level is low, and the serum thyroxine and neonate to infant, child, and adolescent. Severe iodine
(T4) level may be low or normal with an elevated thyroid- deficiency affects the developing central nervous system.
stimulating hormone (TSH) level. Long-standing goiters may In the fetus, it causes abortion, stillbirth, congenital anom-
become autonomous in function and produce toxicity. alies, or cretinism. In children and adolescents, it produces
Mechanical obstruction to the trachea and the thoracic inlet and problems ranging from mild intellectual impairment to
malignant changes are possible sequelae of endemic goiters. mental retardation to full-blown endemic cretinism. It is
The occurrence of endemic goiter is preventable by an well recognized that a marginal iodine intake is associated
adequate supply of iodine in the diet. Universal salt iodina- with some degree of motor deficit or developmental delays,
tion is the goal of WHO in an attempt to eliminate the disease such as poor hand-eye coordination and impaired intellectual
by the year 2000. Data from WHO in 1999 showed that 68% performance exemplified by a reduction in IQ scores by as
of the total population in countries affected by iodine defi- much as 10 to 15 points in tests of mental development.'
ciency disorders (IDDs) have access to iodized salt. Existing
endemic goiters are currently treated with iodine supplemen-
tation to reverse hypothyroidism and to reduce the size of the Prevalence
goiters. For long-standing goiters, the treatment is the same
as that for sporadic goiter: T4 therapy and thyroidectomy are According to a global review in 1999, more than 2 billion
used for treatment; radioiodine therapy is used selectively. people are at risk for iodine deficiency, this number
Goiter, an enlargement of the thyroid gland, is conven- representing 38% of the world's population. Approximately
tionally called an endemic goiter when it occurs in more 741 million people from 130 countries have endemic goiter,
than 10% of the population in a defined geographic area; the representing 13% of the world population (Table 3-2).'
area is called an endemic area? A total goiter rate of 5% or Most of the world's natural supply of iodine exists in
higher is now recommended as the cut-off point to indicate the ocean as iodide. In high, mountainous areas and inland
a public health problem, following a decision made by the waters, the soil becomes leached of iodine by snow water
WHOlUnited Nations International Children's Emergency and glaciation. Lowlands with heavy rainfall or flooding can
Fund (UNICEF)/lnternational Council for the Control of also become iodine deficient. The most important goitrous
Iodine Deficiency Disorders (ICCIDD) Consultation on areas historically include the northern and southern slopes
IDD Prevalence in November 1992.3 This recommendation of the Himalayas, the Andean region of South America, the
is based on the observation that goiter prevalence rates European Alps, and the mountainous areas of China. Goiters
between 5% and 10% may be associated with a range of also occur in lowlands far from the oceans, such as the
abnormalities, including inadequate urinary iodine excretion central part of Africa and, to a lesser extent, in the coastal
or subnormal levels of T4 among adults, children, and areas of Europe."
neonates. Epidemiologic studies are usually carried out in The global prevalence of goiter has hardly increased at
school-age children (6 to 12 years of age) because of their the global level from 1990 to 1998 (Table 3-3),1 This figure
high physiologic vulnerability and their accessibility was thought to reflect the vigorous efforts in survey and
Medical and Surgical Treatment of Endemic Goiter - - 17
FIGURE 3-1. Prevalence of iodine deficiency disorders (IDDs)-global distribution. TGR = total goiter rate. (From WHOIUNICEFI
International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders. Global Prevalence of Iodine Deficiency Disorders. Geneva,
Switzerland, World Health Organization, 1996.)
Mild to moderate iodine deficiency still persists in a Iodine intake is considered adequate when it is between
number of European regions, namely Italy, Spain, Germany, 100 and 200 ug/day (Table 3-4). The principal source of
Greece, Romania, Hungary, Poland, and the former iodine intake is from diet or pharmaceuticals. I I
Yugoslavia." Continuous measures to provide iodine are The highest amounts of iodine in food are found in fish,
required to overcome the socioeconomic and cultural limita- seafood, and seaweed. Iodine is also found to a lesser extent in
tions in different regions. milk, eggs, and meat from animals whose diet contained suffi-
The prevalence of endemic goiter is influenced by age cient amounts of iodine. Fruits and vegetables, except spinach,
and gender. In severely iodine-deficient areas, goiter appears generally have very low iodine contents. The iodine content of
at an early age, and the prevalence increases markedly drinking water is too low to serve as a consistent contributor to
during childhood and attains its peak during puberty. From iodine supply.12 In an iodine-deficient environment, the locally
the age of 10 years, the prevalence is higher in girls than in grown food will also have a low iodine content. Some foods,
boys, probably because of the difference in metabolism of beverages, and drugs, such as multivitamins, minerals, and
iodine during adolescent growth. In both sexes, goiter preva- antacids, have coating or coloring agents that contain iodine.
lence decreases during adulthood, but the decline is sharper
in men than in women. 10
Low supply of dietary iodine is the main cause of devel- Pathophysiology of Endemic
opment of endemic goiter. Because it is difficult to measure
the iodine content of foods, the adequacy of dietary iodine is Goiter
usually determined by the measurement of urinary excretion
Endemic goiter is the end result of the physiologic and mor-
of iodine. This measurement represents the ratio between
phologic changes in the thyroid gland as an adaptation to
concentrations of iodine and creatinine in casual urine
an insufficient supply of dietary iodine. When iodine intake
samples. 13 Two or more casual urine samples from the same
is low, thyroid hormone synthesis is impaired. This impair-
individual taken on consecutive days are recommended to
ment leads to an increased thyroidal clearance of iodide
allow for variation in creatinine content." Experience has
from the plasma and decreased urinary excretion of iodide,
shown that the iodine concentration in early-morning urine
an adaptation toward iodine conservation.
specimens adequately reflects an individual's iodine status.
T3, being three to four times more potent than T 4 but
In addition, iodine concentration per liter of urine bears a 1:I
containing only three fourths as much iodine as T 4, is
relationship with iodine per gram of creatinine and is now
adopted as the standard in field studies by WHO.3 Measuring preferentially synthesized over T 4 . There is also increased
iodine concentration per liter of urine helps avoid the cum- peripheral conversion of T 4 to T321
bersome measurement and calculation of the iodine- Clinical euthyroidism is thus maintained, but biochemi-
creatinine ratio. In nonendemic areas, the urinary iodine cally the pattern of low serum T4, elevated TSH, and normal
measurement is at least 100 ug/L. Severe iodine deficiency is or supranormal T 3 is often found. 22 . 24 In severe thyroid failure,
considered to occur with a daily iodine excretion of less than such as that in endemic cretinism, serum T3and T 4 concen-
20 IlgIL; moderate deficiency, 20 to 49 IlglL; and mild defi- trations are low and serum TSH concentration is markedly
ciency, 50 to 99 IlgIL.15.16 The prevalence of endemic goiter elevated. In less severe thyroid endemism, serum T3 and
varies with the severity of iodine deficiency (Table 3-5). T 4 concentrations may remain normal. The serum TSH level
Increasing iodine consumption in endemic areas has may also be normal or moderately elevated, and there may be
resulted in a reduction in goiter prevalence. The persistence of an exaggerated TSH response to thyrotropin-releasing hor-
goiter in some areas with adequate iodine prophylaxis and the mone (TRH) simulation, implying an increase in the pituitary
unequal geographic distribution of goiter in iodine-deficient reserve of TSH and subclinical hypothyroidism.
areas suggest the existence of other goitrogenic factors. Such changes are thought to be mediated through an
Natural goitrogens were first found in vegetables of the elevation in the serum TSH level. However, a wide variation
Brassica family, including cabbage, turnips, and rutabagas. in the level of TSH has been observed in normal and
Their antithyroid action is related to the presence of thioglu- goitrous individuals in endemic areas.P Such dissociation
cosides, which, after digestion, release thiocyanate and between goiter size and biochemical findings suggests the
isothiocyanate. These compounds have goitrogenic actions po~sible role of circulating thyroid growth factors, such as
by inhibiting iodide transport in the thyroid gland. A particular epidermal growth factors, or an autoimmune process in the
thioglucoside, goitrin, is also found in the weeds growing in pathogenesis of goiter." Activity of thyroid growth-promoting
pastures in Finland and Tasmania. 17 i~unoglo~ulin (TGI) has been demonstrated in patients
Cyanoglucosides are another important group of naturally With sporadic and endemic goiter.'? However, conflicting
?ccurring goitrogens found in several staple foods in the trop- results were obtained, and the methods of detection of such
ICS, namely cassava, maize, bamboo shoots, and sweet pota-
activity have been criticized, with this uncertainty leaving an
toes. They are converted to the goitrogen thiocyanate after unsettled role of TGI in goitrogenesis.P-"
digestion. Flavonoids from millet, a staple food in Sudan, are
also known to have antithyroid activity. IS The consumption of
millet in Sudan and cassava in Zaire was found to aggravate Morphologic Changes in
the severity of the goiter endemism in these places.'? Endemic Goiter
Protein malnutrition coexists frequently with endemic
goiter. Studies of malnourished individuals in endemic areas An increase in thyroid gland mass often accompanies the
show alterations in thyroid morphology and functions, sug- physiologic changes in response to iodine deficiency.
gesting that malnutrition has a goitrogenic effect.P Generalized epithelial hyperplasia occurs, with cellular
20 - - Thyroid Gland
hypertrophy and reduction in follicular spaces. In chronic Stage III: very large goiter that can be recognized at a
iodine deficiency, the follicles become inactive and dis- considerable distance (Fig. 3-2)
tended with colloid accumulation. These changes persist Because of observer variation in the measurement of
into adult life, and focal nodular hyperplasia may develop, goiter by inspection and palpation, the WHOIUNICEFI
leading to nodule formation." Some nodules retain the abil- ICCIDD Consultation on IDD indicators in November 1992
ity to secrete thyroid hormone and form hot nodules. Others recommended a simplified classification of goiter by com-
do not retain this ability, become inactive, and form cold bining the previous stages la and Ib into a single grade
nodules. Necrosis and scarring result in fibrous septa, which (grade 1) and combining stages II and III into grade 2. 3 The
contribute to the formation of multinodular goiter. sum of grades 1 and 2 is taken as the total goiter rate. The
simplicity of this assessment allows for easy training of field
staff in public health surveys.
Clinical Presentation and • Grade 0: no palpable or visible goiter
Diagnosis • Grade 1: a mass in the neck that is consistent with an
enlarged thyroid that is palpable but not visible when
Goiter is classified according to the size of the thyroid gland the neck is in the neutral position; it also moves upward
on inspection and palpation, and the following grading in the neck as the subject swallows
system was proposed by WHO in 196032 : • Grade 2: a swelling in the neck that is visible when the
Stage 0: no goiter neck is in a neutral position and is consistent with an
Stage Ia: goiter detectable only by palpation and not enlarged thyroid when the neck is palpated
visible even when the neck is fully extended In areas of mild endemicity where the goiter rate is low
Stabe Ib: goiter palpable but visible only when the neck and goiters are generally small (i.e., grade 1 or bordering on
is fully extended either grade 0 or 2), interobserver variations can be as high
Stage II: goiter visible with the neck in the normal as 40%. Ultrasonography is therefore recommended by WHO
position; palpation is not needed for diagnosis as a safe, noninvasive method for providing a more precise
and objective measurement of thyroid volume than inspec-
tion and palpation."
The most common form of goiter in children is a diffuse
thyroid enlargement. Nodularity may occur at a young age,
and the finding of a small, solitary, palpable nodule in ado-
lescence is common. Some diffuse goiters persist into adult-
hood, or the main bulk of the goiter may be replaced by
multiple nodules that form a multinodular goiter, simulating
a bag of marbles on palpation.
Functionally, the individual often remains clinically
euthyroid despite biochemical evidence of hypothyroidism,
with low or normal serum T4 concentrations and minimally
elevated serum TSH levels. Scintigraphy of the thyroid in
endemic areas may show marked heterogeneity in the uptake
of radioiodine and formation of hot or cold nodules.
Autonomous function of the nodules leads to failure of 1311
or 1231 suppression with T 3 and absence of TSH response to
TRH. Hyperthyroidism in older patients with endemic goiter
may be precipitated by iodination and cause Jodbasedow
Endemic cretinism is a sequela of severe iodine defi-
ciency in which intrauterine growth is affected by deficien-
cies of maternal T4 and dietary iodine. The infant is born
with mental retardation and either (1) a predominantly neu-
rologic syndrome of hearing and speech defects and varying
degrees of characteristic stance and gait disorders or (2) pre-
dominant hypothyroidism and stunted growth. These
changes are preventable with iodine prophylaxis but are not
curable once they have occurred.
Mechanical problems often arise in patients with huge goi-
ters that cause tracheal deviation and compression. Large, sub-
FIGURE 3-2. Classification of goiter size. 1, Stage Ia: goiter pal-
pable but not visible. 2, Stage Ib: goiter visible when neck
sternal, or retrosternal goiter can cause venous congestion and
extended. 3, Stage II: goiter visible in normal neck extension. the development of collateral venous circulation on the chest
4, Stage III: goiter visible at a distance. (From Perez C, Scrimshaw wall (Fig. 3-3). Surgical treatment is indicated in such patients.
NS, Munoz JA. Technique of endemic goitre surveys. In: Endemic The presence of hard nodules suggests possible malig-
Goiter, Monograph Series No. 44. Geneva, Switzerland, World nant disease, although an increase in the number of thyroid
Health Organization, 1960, p 369.) cancers in endemic goiter remains controversial.v-"
Medical and SurgicalTreatment of Endemic Goiter - - 21
Iodine supplementation during the first 6 months of life, 3. WHOfUNICEFIICCIDD. Indicators for assessing iodine deficiency
however, has been shown to prevent some of the neurologic disorders and their control through salt iodization. Document WHOI
NUT/94.6. Geneva, Switzerland, World Health Organization, 1994.
problems and also to cause regression in the size of endemic 4. Hetzel BS, Dunn IT, Stanbury 18 (eds), The Prevention and Control of
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Pretell EA, Daza CH, et al (eds), Towards the Eradication of Endemic
causes involution of the hyperplastic tissue and a 20% Goiter, Cretinism, and Iodine Deficiency. Washington DC, Pan
decrease in goiter size." American Health Organization, 1986, p 182.
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7. WHOfUNICEFIICCIDD. Global Prevalence of Iodine Deficiency
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goiter; (3) toxic change; (4) suspected or proven malignant 8. Ma T, et al. The present status of endemic goiter and endemic cretinism
change; and (5) cosmetic reasons. Subtotal thyroidectomy, in China. Food Nutr Bull 1982;4:13.
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Sporadic Nontoxic Goiter
Maha AI-Fehaily, MD • Orlo H. Clark, MD
The term goiter (L. guttur, throat) refers to an enlarged Causes of Goiter
thyroid gland, but what constitutes "enlargement" is often
not clearly defined.' Goiters can be classified according to Several mechanisms, including the interplay of intrinsic and
prevalence of the disease, thyroid function, location of the extrinsic factors in the thyroid, cause goiter. The goitrogenic
thyroid (neck or mediastinum), morphology, or underlying process involves genetic, environmental, dietary, endocrine,
etiology (Table 4-1). and other factors. The most common worldwide cause of
Sporadic nontoxic goiter (SNG) may be diffuse or nodu- endemic nontoxic goiter, as mentioned earlier, is iodine defi-
lar, is associated with normal thyroid function, develops ciency. In patients with sporadic goiter, the cause is usually
in subjects living in an iodine-sufficient area, and does unknown. Sporadic goiter is a result of environmental or
not result from an inflammatory or neoplastic process.' genetic factors that do not affect the general population. The
Endemic goiter is present when more than 10% of the pop- various types of goiter are listed in Table 4-1.
ulation living in a specific geographic area have a goiter. The
term sporadic goiter is used in regions with normal iodine
intake and a lower prevalence of goiter. Worldwide, endemic
Genetic Factors
goiter is the most common endocrine disorder, occurring in
more than 850 million people, or 7% of the world popula- The thyroid gland contains a series of enzymes that are
tion. It occurs almost exclusively in the iodine-deficient essential for the biosynthesis and secretion of thyroid hor-
areas. Sporadic goiter affects about 5% of the adult popula- mones. A defect in any of these hormones can result in
tion in the United States.' diminished hormone synthesis and a condition of goiter for-
Sporadic nodular goiter is a common clinical entity. mation known as dyshormonogenesis. Because the defects
Patients often present with small, diffuse, or nodular goiters are inherited disorders, dyshormonogenesis is also known
or have a solitary palpable nodule. In addition, recent stud- as familial goiter. These enzyme defects may be partial or
ies using high-resolution ultrasonography and previous complete. Patients with a more severe enzymatic defect
autopsy studies document that up to 50% of the general pop- may develop goiter and cretinism early in life. When the
ulation have thyroid nodules, even when the thyroid gland is defect is partial or less severe, goiter often develops during
normal to palpation. In addition, about 50% of individuals adolescence or later in life, and these individuals are usually
with a solitary thyroid nodule to palpation have other euthyroid. Although familial clustering of goiter is well
smaller thyroid nodules by ultrasound examination." recognized, no simple mode of inheritance has been recog-
There are numerous unresolved issues regarding the eti- nized. Familial euthyroid goiter has recently been linked to
ology, natural history, evaluation, and optimal management a multinodular nontoxic goiter (MNG1) locus on chromo-
of persons with goiter' Goiter represents an impairment of some 14q.6,7 Concordance rates for simple goiter in female
the thyroid gland's function, growth, and size. The problems monozygotic twins have been reported higher than in female
that arise in patients with goiter include the following: dizygotic twins (42% and 13%, respectively)." The age-
• Growth of the gland causing compressive symptoms or adjusted cumulative risk for simple goiter from birth to age
cosmetic problems (Fig. 4-1) 43 years was 0.53 for female monozygotic twins and 0.18
• Development of subclinical or overt thyrotoxicosis or for female dizygotic twins." These facts provide evidence of
hypothyroidism a genetic component of the etiology of goiter.
• Risk of malignancy in nodular goiter Tissue refractoriness to thyroid hormones due to a
• Cretinism or congenital hypothyroidism, as occurs in thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) defect is a
as many as 10% of infants born in areas of severe rare cause of familial goiter. A germline mutation on codon
iodine deficiency' 727 of the TSHR gene on chromosome 14q31 is specifically
Sporadic Nontoxic Goiter - - 25
26 - - Thyroid Gland
secretion of thyroid hormones. As a result, the serum TSH to be early mutations because they are present in both
level increases, stimulating thyroid growth.'? The increase benign and malignant thyroid nodules.
must be relatively short lived and intermittent because most Scarring, Necrosis, and Hemorrhage. For thyroid
patients have normal serum TSH levels. Other growth fac- nodules to grow, angiogenesis and new vessel formation are
tors are obviously involved since the sizes of various nodules required. These newly formed capillary vessels are often
vary considerably in the same patient. Furthermore, goiters fragile and are sometimes unable to adequately supply the
may grow despite administration of T 4 in doses that reduce growing thyroid tissue, This may result in areas of ischemic
the serum TSH level to a subnormal level or in patients with necrosis and hemorrhage within the goiter. Inflammation
toxic nodular goiter. Thus, thyroid growth-modulating and granulation tissue replace the necrotic areas, ultimately
factors in addition to TSH are involved in thyroid growth. resulting in fibrosis, scarring, and calcification. The result-
Some growth factors (e.g., insulin-like growth factor 1, epi- ing network of inelastic fibrous bands' connective tissue
dermal growth factor, and fibroblast growth factor) have a leads to nodularity because it interferes with smooth growth
growth-promoting effect, whereas others (e.g., transforming of thyroid parenchyma. 1
growth factor [TGF]-~ and activin A) inhibit growth.l"
Increased expression of ras and other protooncogenes may
also contribute to goiter growth.'?
Thyroid nodules that. function in the presence of a sup-
pressed blood TSH level are referred to as autonomous or
Nodule Formation
hot nodules. Autonomous function and autonomous growth
With increasing age, most thyroid glands and goiters mayor may not be related. Thus, cold nodules and hot
become nodular. Initially, many goiters are diffuse; however, nodules within a nodular goiter may have exactly the same
with intermittent stimulation, some diffuse goiters outgrow growth potential and may respond or be refractory to TSH-
their blood supply and become nodular (Fig. 4_2).20,21 Some suppressive T 4 treatment." Some thyroid follicular cells
thyroid cells are more sensitive to growth factors and take up and organify iodine in the absence of TSH, causing
become larger nodules. If these nodules trap and organify hot or autonomous nodules. As previously mentioned, these
iodine, the nodule may be "hot" or autonomous rather nodules usually have either TSHR mutations or, less com-
than "cold." Hot nodules are associated with TSHR and gsp monly, gsp mutations. When these nodules reach a certain
mutations. size and secrete increased amounts of thyroid hormone, the
In general, formation of thyroid nodules can be explained patient develops subclinical and then overt hyperthyroidism.
by the following mechanisms. This may occur either spontaneously or after exposure to an
Heterogeneous Subpopulation of Thyrocytes with excessive amount of iodine (Jodbasedow hyperthyroidismj.F
Different Proliferation Rates that Cause Focal
Hyperplasia or Nodular Transformation Time. Derwahl
and Studer investigated the pathogenesis of this heterogene- Natural History
ity and suggested that multinodular goiters are "true" benign
neoplasms due to intrinsically higher growth rates of some The natural history of nontoxic goiter varies. Children in
thyrocytes.Pr" However, most, but not all, nodules in a endemic areas generally have diffuse goiters, whereas
multinodular goiter are polyclonal when compared to true sporadic goiters tend to develop at an older age and tend to
neoplasms." Kopp and associates have also documented be nodular. Patients with multinodular goiter are usually
that both monoclonal and polyclonal nodules can be present older and have larger goiters than do patients with diffuse or
within the same multinodular thyroid gland." uninodular goiters. The growth rate of thyroid nodules is
Somatic Mutations and Clonality of the Thyroid usually slow, but some goiters increase up to 20% yearly."
Nodules. Different somatic mutations of the TSHR have Rapid growth of a nodule is usually caused by hemorrhage
been identified." Mutations in oncogenes such as ras appear or cyst formation. One must also be concerned about
malignant tumors such as a thyroid lymphoma or a poorly
differentiated or anaplastic cancer. Patients with goiters
appear to have a slightly higher risk of thyroid malignancy
(discussed later). Patients with multinodular goiters and
suppressed TSH levels are generally older and have a higher
plasma-free T 4 level and larger goiters than those with
multinodular goiters and a normal TSH. Up to 10% of
patients with euthyroid nodular goiter eventually develop
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