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Mikrocontroller Board mit USB-Kabel_EN

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Thank you very much for purchasing our AZ-Delivery Microcontroller Board with
ATMega328. On the following pages, we will introduce you to how to use and
setup this handy device.

Have fun!
Table of Contents

Introduction 3
Specifications 4
Features 5
Communication interfaces 12
Power Pins 13
Voltage Limitations 14
Voltage limits on I/O pins 15
Current Output Limits 16
How to set-up Arduino IDE 17
Additional setup 22
Sketch examples 23
Application example 25

This handy Microcontroller Board is intended for electronics learning or

prototyping and programming. This Board is actually a microcontroller, but
assembled in a way that you don’t need extra components with it. If you use
single microcontroller, you will need to build stable DC power supply, and
external programmer, and reset circuit, and many other things. The most
powerful thing about this microcontroller board compatible is that there is
Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) with endless number of
code examples already written for it, in a way that everyone can
understand. There is no need for you to learn internal working of onboard
microcontroller in order to programm it. Just connect your Microcontroller
board, via USB cable to your PC, install and start Arduino IDE, search and
upload programs that you need, to your board and that’s it. There are
endless code and library examples already written online, you just need to
search for it. Also there are numerous other boards, like shields, or many
sensors built in a way so you can easily connect them to your
Microcontroller board. Just search our online store az delivery.de and you’ll
find more than you need.
Operating voltage 5V
Input voltage 7-12V
Microcontroller ATmega328P
Digital I/O Pins 14 (6 provide PWM output)
PWM Digital I/O Pins 6
Analog Input Pins 6
DC Current per I/O Pin 20mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50mA
Flash Memory 32KB (0.5KB used by bootloader)
SRAM 2KB (ATmega328P)
EEPROM 1KB (ATmega328P)
Clock Speed 16MHz
Dimensions 70x55x13mm(2.7x2.1x0.5in)

This Microcontroller Board features main microcontroller ATMega328P

with 16MHz quartz oscillator. It uses CH340 chip to make
communication like USART serial interface but via USB. CH340 chip
connect PCs USB port with USART serial interface of microcontroller
and thus enableS to program microcontroller via USB port.
AZ-Delivery Microcontroller Board features DC voltage regulators for
both +5V and +3.3V. The external DC power supply can be connected
to the DC Power jack on board with voltage in range from 7V up to 12V,
and voltage regulators will lower and stabilize it to the +5V and +3.3V.
This Microcontroller Board is built in a way that separates digital I/O pins
from analog input pins. So there are 6 analog input pins, and separated
14 digital I/O pins. 6 of 14 digital I/O pins can be used as PWM outputs
(Pulse Width Modulation). Those pins are labeled with tilde sign “~” (D3,
D5, D6, D9, D10, and D11).
Digital I/O pins 0 and 1 are connected to receive and transmit lines of
USART serial interface respectively. These digital I/O pins cannot be used
as digital inputs or outputs, because Serial Interface is used every time
when a new program is uploaded into this microcontroller board.

Connections for these analog and digital pins on these boards are
established by female or male headers (like on image on previous page).
This Microcontroller Board has on-board RESET button for main
microcontroller, ISCP connector which is used for programming the
ATMega328 externally via some other programmer, and four on-board SMD
One LED is turned on when connection is established between this board
and the power supply. One LED is connected to the digital I/O pin 13, and
other two are connected to receive and transmit lines of USART serial
interface, and flashing when those lines are used.
AZ-Delivery Microcontroller Board features 2 more additional pins, SDA
and SCL, which are connected to the A4 and A5 pins respectively.
These pins (A4 and A5) are used in I2C interface communication
(another name for it is: TWI - Two Wire Interface).
This handy board provides another 3 extra 4 pin male header
connectors. The connectors are shown on the image bellow:
Communication interfaces

Digital I/O pins D0 and D1 have alternative functions. They are connected
to receive and transmit lines of serial interface.

There are two more communication interfaces supported by ATMega328P

microcontroller, Serial Peripheral Interface - SPI and Inter-Integrated Circuit
interface - I2C (or TWI - Two Wire Interface)

For SPI interface digital I/O pins D10, D11, D12 and D13 are used. Their
functions are SS, MOSI, MISO and SCK respectively.

For I2C interface analog input pins A4 and A5 are used, or two additional
pins SDA and SCL. Their functions are SDA and SCL respectively.
Power Pins

Power pin header from right to left:

VIN - This is voltage input pin, it server as another external power supply
for main microcontroller when it is not powered by USB port GND -
GrouND, 0V
GND - GrouND, 0V
5V - voltage output, +5V
3.3V - voltage output, +3.3V
RES - RESET, drive this pin to LOW (connect it to GND) to reset main
5V - This pin is called IOREF and servers as voltage output, actually it is
voltage reference pin for external boards (or shields) connected to
the ATmega328p board. It tells shields on which logic level board
work (+5V for ATmega328p).

- Last pin has no connection (NC)

Voltage Limitations

Voltage Input Limits

Input power: to power this Microcontroller Board, either plug it in to a USB

port, or use input voltage source from DC power jack or via Power pins
header going to VIN pin. When powering the ATmega328p via the power DC
jack or VIN pin, it has the following input voltage limitations:

Recommended input voltage limits (DC power jack): 7-12V. These input
voltages can be sustained indefinitely.

Absolute voltage limits for powering the microcontroller: 6-20V

Below 7V may cause the 5V levels on the board to waver, fluctuate, or sag,
causing board instability and less accurate analog readings when using

Sustained voltage levels above 12V will cause additional heating on the
linear voltage regulator of the Board, which could cause it to overheat. Short
periods, however, are fine.
Voltage limits on I/O pins

If its needed to read the voltage on this Board's digital or analog input pin,
make sure it is between 0 and 5V. If it is outside these limits, the voltage
divider can be used to lower the voltage. This scales the input voltage and
allow analog or digital readings of voltages otherwise outside the allowed
range. If the input signal is digital, and there is no need to take scaled
analog readings, another technique is to clip (cut the top off of) the input
voltage, rather than scale it. Since AVR microcontrollers have internal
clamping diodes, this can be done by simply adding a single resistor in
series with the pin. By adding a 10kΩ resistor in series with the input pin
(any input pin) permits input voltages as low as -10.5V or as high as +15.5V.
Current Output Limits

Total maximum current draw from these Boards when powered from a USB
port is 500mA. These Boards have a resettable polyfuse that protects your
computer’s USB ports from shorts and overcurrent. Total maximum current
draw when powered via external power supply is 1A.

Note: If not powered by USB, the total 5V current limit coming out of the
ATmega328p is limited by the on-board voltage regulator, in this case it
cannot exceede the 1A.

Total maximum current per input/output pin is 40mA.

Sum of currents out of ALL input/output pins combined is 200mA!

Note: Despite the fact that your voltage regulator on this Board may permit
up to 1A draw across the 5V and GND pins, the sum of all currents going
into or out of the input/output pins (all Analog and Digital pins combined) of
the ATMega328P microcontroller itself should not exceed 200mA.
How to set-up Arduino IDE

If the Arduino IDE is not installed, follow the link and download the
installation file for the operating system of choice.

For Windows users, double click on the downloaded .exe file and follow the
instructions in the installation window.
For Linux users, download a file with the extension .tar.xz, which has to be
extracted. When it is extracted, go to the extracted directory and open the
terminal in that directory. Two .sh scripts have to be executed, the first
called arduino-linux-setup.sh and the second called install.sh.

To run the first script in the terminal, open the terminal in the extracted
directory and run the following command:
sh arduino-linux-setup.sh user_name
user_name - is the name of a superuser in the Linux operating system. A
password for the superuser has to be entered when the command is
started. Wait for a few minutes for the script to complete everything.

The second script, called install.sh, has to be used after the installation of
the first script. Run the following command in the terminal (extracted
directory): sh install.sh

After the installation of these scripts, go to the All Apps, where the Arduino
IDE is installed.
Almost all operating systems come with a text editor preinstalled (for
example, Windows comes with Notepad, Linux Ubuntu comes with Gedit,
Linux Raspbian comes with Leafpad, etc.). All of these text editors are
perfectly fine for the purpose of the eBook.

Next thing is to check if your PC can detect a microcontroller board. Open

freshly installed Arduino IDE, and go to:
Tools > Board > {your board name here}
{your board name here} should be the Arduino/Genuino Uno, as it can be
seen on the following image:

The port to which the board is connected has to be selected. Go to: Tools >
Port > {port name goes here} and when the board is connected to the USB
port, the port name can be seen in the drop-down menu on the previous
If the Arduino IDE is used on Windows, port names are as

For Linux users, for example port name is /dev/ttyUSBx, where x represents
the integer number between 0 and 9.
Additional setup

In order to use AZ-Delivery microcontroller board with Arduino IDE, follow a

few easy steps. Before setting the Arduino IDE, the driver for the USB to
Serial communication chip (CH340) has to be installed. If the driver is not
installed automatically, there is a support page that contains the drivers for
Windows/Mac or Linux and can be chosen depending on which one is used.
Drivers can be downloaded from the following link.
Sketch examples

When Arduino IDE is opened the example is called empty sketch. A sketch
is program example, where the code is written. It has two essential parts,
setup() function and loop() function, and it can have any number of other
functions as well.

setup() function runs only once, at the beginning of program execution, after
powering up the board, or when the the board is reset. In this function setup
makes all initializations, for example declare the state of digital input/output
pins or setting up analog input pins, or setting up serial interface for serial
communication, etc.

loop() function runs after setup() and it runs indefinitely, over and over
again, so called endless loop function. Actually it runs all time while the
board is connected to the power. This is because programs in electronics
devices should never reach the end, because if that happen that means that
device is as good as turned off. Here the logic is written, algorithms on
which the application for ATmega328p board works.
When the AZ-Delivery microcontroller Board is connected via USB cable
to the PC, first thing in Arduino IDE is to select the USB port on which
our Microcontroller Board is connected.
Then select the microcontroller board that is used.
Application example

And now the programming can start. Arduino IDE comes with many
prewritten sketch examples, which can be used. Here the BLINK sketch
example is used. Go to File > Examples > 01.Basics > Blink.
A new window with new sketch example will open:
What this sketch does is turn ON an on-board LED connected to the digital
I/O pin 13 (D13), for one second, and than turn it OFF for one second. This
turning on and off is called blinking, thus this sketch name.

When programing is done, compile the code and upload it to your

Microcontroller Board by pressing the upload button.

After this, the onboard LED should start blinking in an interval of one
Now it is the time to learn and make your own projects. You can do that with
the help of many example scripts and other tutorials, which can be found on
the Internet.

If you are looking for the high quality microelectronics and

accessories, AZ-Delivery Vertriebs GmbH is the right company to get
them from. You will be provided with numerous application examples,
full installation guides, eBooks, libraries and assistance from our
technical experts.

Have Fun!

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