The ECP brand toolkit 2
Welcome to our
brand guidelines
We believe that a strong and consistent brand By following these guidelines, we can ensure
is essential for building trust with our partners, that every interaction with our brand is aligned
schools and communities. with our values, mission, and overall vision.
This document outlines how our brand should Whether you are a designer, marketer, content
be presented across all platforms, including creator or anyone else who represents our
our website, social media channels, advertising organisation, these guidelines will provide you
campaigns, as well as other physical and digital with the tools and resources you need to create
communication materials. a unified and memorable brand experience.
The ECP brand toolkit 4
Our values.
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The ECP brand toolkit 7
Characteristics Human
When we speak as a brand we do it with
a singular, coherent voice.
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The ECP brand toolkit 9
Our brand identity visually captures our
purpose and values, and expresses our
optimism and hope for a better future
for all – through strategic change and
positive partnerships.
The ECP brand toolkit 10
Our logo embodies a strong sense of optimism
and unity.
Since our logo is designed to be left aligned, it
achieves its optimal appearance when aligned to
the left of the media it is displayed on.
Top left CIRCLE-CHECK Bottom left CIRCLE-CHECK Top right CIRCLE-X Bottom right CIRCLE-X
The ECP brand toolkit 15
Incorrect usage
The following examples depict incorrect usage
of our logo and should not be used as they
Scaling too small ❎ Swapping the brand colours around ❎ Using non-brand colours ❎
compromise its visual impact, effectiveness,
and the overall integrity of our brand.
Displaying at an angle ❎ Editing position of the logo elements ❎ Adding effects or drop shadows ❎
Using the logo over areas of an image that is too ❎ Using the dark version on a dark background or ❎ Using non-brand background colour ❎
busy or does not provide enough contrast the light version on a light background
The ECP brand toolkit 16
Social icon
On social media we only use the logomark
for our avatar as it makes optimal use of the The ECP The ECP
limited space for better impact.
The ECP brand toolkit HOPE YELLOW R255 | G207 | B23 C0 | M19 | Y90 | K0 HEX #FFCF17 PMS 108 17
POSITIVE PINK R255 | G0 | B255 C30 | M90 | Y0 | K0 HEX #FF00FF PMS 225
Colour palette
Our colour palette combines vibrant hues full of
positive energy which is balanced by a deeper
green as well as a navy which speaks to trust, HUMAN GREEN R105 | G56 | B0 C90 | M32 | Y92 | K24 HEX #006938 PMS 2418
knowledge and leadership.
THOUGHTFUL NAVY R0 | G28 | B46 C100 | M81 | Y51 | K67 HEX #001C2E PMS 5463
The ECP brand toolkit 18
Signika Negative
sphinx of quartz.
gentle contours with a touch of flair.
Body Copy
Instrument Sans compliments the heading font
and is used for body copy due to its precision,
contemporary characteristics and legibility at
smaller sizes.
Instrument Sans
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj
Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss
Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Typeface: Instrument Sans Glyphs License/Download: 20
Usage: Body copy Google Fonts
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj
Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss
Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
The ECP brand toolkit 21
Heading rules
Headings can be aligned to the left or center.
However, we reserve center alignment for
headings accompanied by a small amount of
body text, typically consisting of one or two
short sentences
Body copy rules * Expect for small amounts of text as on previous page
The Education Community Partnership engages The Education Community Partnership engages The Education Community Partnership engages in
in place-based partnerships that address social in place-based partnerships that address social place-based partnerships that address social justice
justice issues, providing educational consultancy justice issues, providing educational consultancy issues, providing educational consultancy services to
services to schools, Local Authorities, charitable services to schools, Local Authorities, charitable schools, Local Authorities, charitable organisations,
organisations, community partnerships, policy organisations, community partnerships, policy community partnerships, policy makers, and
makers, and in some cases, international makers, and in some cases, international in some cases, international organisations.
organisations. organisations.
The Education Community Partnership engages in
The Education Community Partnership engages in The Education Community Partnership engages in front-line work, such as community engagement,
front-line work, such as community engagement, front-line work, such as community engagement, while also addressing “wicked” problems
while also addressing “wicked” problems that may while also addressing “wicked” problems that may that may be too complex for organisations to
be too complex for organisations to confront due be too complex for organisations to confront due confront due to a lack of necessary thinking
to a lack of necessary thinking time, educational to a lack of necessary thinking time, educational time, educational knowledge, or background.
knowledge, or background. knowledge, or background.
The ECP brand toolkit 24
Brand assets
Our brand assets reinforce our brand identity
and message.
Sample brand
The ECP brand toolkit 27
Sample brand
To maintain brand integrity and enhance
recognisability, our visual brand is
consistently and cohesively applied across
our communication and marketing materials.
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