14072018XFWAYPL3RiskGSFC (1)
14072018XFWAYPL3RiskGSFC (1)
14072018XFWAYPL3RiskGSFC (1)
This chapter deals with additional studies such as public consultation, risk assessment and other
related studies. Fertilizer Industry is associated with potential hazards that effect to the man and
natural environment. It would normally require the assistance of emergency services to handle it
effectively. The operation shall be taken out under the well management and control by the qualified
safety manager. Disaster management plan has to be formulated with an aim of taking precautionary
steps to avert disasters and also to take such action after the disaster which limits the damage to the
Qualitative Risk Assessment has been carried out for the following areas:
Storage and handling of solid chemicals like ammonium Sulphate, urea, urea phosphate
Storage and handling of corrosive chemicals like Sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, etc.
Storage and handling of toxic chemicals like ammonium Sulphate and Ammonia.
Risk involved in various processes / process equipment cannot be addressed completely by
consequence analysis. As a conservative approach, these risks have been considered
separately under this topic. The approach is to identify hazards associated in operation of
equipment as well as in processes, assessing its impacts, ranking the risk posed by it and finally
to propose remedial actions/mitigation measures such that the risk is minimized to tolerable
level. The risk matrix presented in Table 1.4, is referred in evaluating the assessment. Risk
acceptability criteria given in Table 1.5.
Table 1.6 Associated Hazards and its Mitigation Measures during Storage and handling of Solid Chemicals
Initial Risk Residual Risk
S. Associated
Process Or Health & Safety
Mitigation Measures
Activity Impact (Risk)
No. Hazards
Process Or Health & Safety
Mitigation Measures
Activity Impact (Risk)
No. Hazards
In case of spillage of
phosphogypsum do not allow into
drains or water courses.
Use of NIOSH-approved air-
purifying or supplied-air respirator
where airborne concentrations of
dust are expected to exceed
exposure limits.
Use of protective eyeglasses or
chemical safety goggles as
described by OSHA´s eye and face
protection regulations in 29 CFR
1910.133 or European standard
Use of Suitable protective clothing,
gloves, boots and approved
respiratory PPE‟s will be ensured.
Mitigation Measures
No. Activity Hazards Impact (Risk)
1. Loading & Exposure to acid Skin/Eye 4 C M Loading & Unloading activity 2 B L
Unloading. fumes (due to irritation. is/will be carried out in well-
leakage in pipe/ Toxic Vapor ventilated area under proper
container/ valves inhalation etc. supervision.
etc.). Periodic Inspection of
Spillage. flanges/ferrule joints is/will
be carried out.
Neutralization media is/will
be kept available in areas
where acids are
Training for lifting and
chemical transporting
technique from one location
to another location is/will be
provided periodically.
Use of Nitrile rubber gloves,
over 0.11 mm thickness, >
480 min breakthrough time
for handling Urea
PPEs like chemical safety
goggles or full face shield,
Rubber or neoprene gloves
and additional protection
including impervious boots,
apron will be used.
NIOSH an approved
respirator is/will be used.
Use of acid-resistant PVC or
neoprene jacket.
2. Working in Exposure to acid Severe 3 C M Acid proof floorings has 2 B L
Storage Area. fumes. irritation to been constructed.
eyes, skin. Storage area is/will be well
Body burns. ventilated.
NIOSH approved
Respirators shall be used.
Dyke wall is/will be
In case of spillage of
Phosphoric acid, H2SO4 and
Nitric acid absorb with DRY
earth, sand or other non-
combustible material,
Neutralize the residue with a
dilute solution of sodium
PPEs like chemical safety
goggles or full face shield,
Rubber or neoprene gloves
and additional protection
including impervious boots,
apron will be used.
Eye wash stations & Safety
Shower is/will be installed in
near vicinity.
Only trained personnel
is/will be allowed to work in
this area.
3. Leakage from Exposure to acid Severe 3 B M Level indicator is/will be 2 B L
fumes. irritation to provided.
Table 7.8 Storage and Handling of Toxic chemical like Ammonium Sulphate and Ammonia.
Initial Risk Residual Risk
S. Process Or Associated Health & Safety
Mitigation Measures
Activity Hazards Impact (Risk)
1. Chemical Exposure to Eye and skin 4 C M SOPs is/will be prepared and 2 B L
handling / vapours (due irritation, eye same will be followed.
Loading & to leakage burns, Containers is/will be stored in
Unloading from joints, corrosive well-ventilated area and away
corroded burns to skin from all possible sources of
lines failure and ignition.
etc.). respiratory Eye wash station and Safety
disorder. Shower is/will be installed in
nearby location of storage
Employee is/will be provided
with protective equipment like
aprons (full suit), vapour
respirator, gloves, boots and
splash goggles.
Handling trainings is/will be
provided to the operators/
workers periodically.
Spill control procedure is/will be
made available at storage
Provided an automatic leak
detection system.
2. Working in Exposure to Severe burns, 4 C M Use of provided PPE‟s is/will 2 B L
S. Process Or Associated Health & Safety
Mitigation Measures
Activity Hazards Impact (Risk)
Storage Area vapours due corneal be ensured by Safety officer/
to spillage. damage, Plant In-charge.
possible Eye wash station or Safety
irreversible Shower is/will be installed in
eye damage storage area and its working
etc. will be ensured by EHS officer.
Exposure may Display of Safety warning
result in postures/signs inside the area,
severe also will be stored in light-
irritation and / resistant containers.
or burns of the Will be kept away from
nose, throat oxidizing materials, heat,
and sparks, and flame.
respiratory Will not use non-ferrous metals
tract. It may such as copper, brass, bronze,
cause tin, zinc or galvanized metals
bronchospasm container for the storage and
, pulmonary pipelines for handling of
edema or ammonia.
respiratory NIOSH approved respiratory
arrest. protection that consists of a
full-face gas mask and
canisters approved for
ammonia or SCBA will be used
and made available.
3. Tank overflow Chemical Severe irrit 5 C H Level indicator will be installed 2 B L
Exposure ation, eye and the same shall be checked
burns or for its proper operation.
permanent Periodic inspection will be
eye damage. carried for all the related
Contact with accessories of level indicator.
S. Process Or Associated Health & Safety
Mitigation Measures
Activity Hazards Impact (Risk)
liquid may Approved respiratory
produce a equipment‟s will be made
caustic burn available.
and frostbite.
Consequence analysis
In a plant handling hazardous chemicals, the main hazard arises due to storage and handling of
hazardous chemicals as mentioned above. If these chemicals are released into the atmosphere,
it may cause damage due to resulting fires or vapor clouds. Blast overpressures depend upon
the reactivity class of material between two explosive limits.
Damage criteria
In consequence analysis studies, in principal three types of exposure to hazardous effects are
1. Heat radiation, from jet fire, pool fire, a flash fire or a BLEVE
Toxic effects, from toxic materials or toxic combustion products.
The chosen damage criteria are given and explained as per the Guidelines for QRA – PHAST
Software, version 6.7 (DNV) & Purple Book for QRA released by Centre for Chemical Process
Safety (CCPS).
Hazards that can lead to accidents in operations are discussed in this section. Important
hazardous events are classified in Table 1.9.
Toxic, flammable and explosive substances released from sources of storage as a result of
failures or catastrophes, can cause losses in the surrounding area in the form of:
The effect of thermal radiation on people is mainly a function of intensity of radiation and
exposure time. The effect is expressed in term of the probability of death and different degree of
burn. The consequence effects studied to assess the impact of the events on the receptors are:
Damage to Equipment Damage to People
100% lethality in 1 min.
37.5 Severe damage to plant 50% lethality in 20 sec.
1% lethality in 10 sec.
Consequences of Overpressure
The effects of the shock wave vary depending on the characteristics of the material, the quantity
involved and the degree of confinement of the vapor cloud. The peak pressures in an explosion
therefore vary between a slight over-pressure and a few hundred kilopascals (kPa). Whereas
dwelling are demolished and windows and doors broken at overpressures as low as 0.03- 0.1
bar. Direct injury to people occurs at greater pressures. The pressure of the shock wave
decreases rapidly with the increase in distance from the source of the explosion.
lb) moved and badly
0.612 Loaded trains boxcars completely demolished
0.680 Probable total destruction of buildings; heavy machines tools (7,000 lb)
moved and badly damaged, very heavy machines tools (12,000 lb) survived.
20.414 Limit of crater lip
Source: CCPS Consequence analysis of chemical release
The effect of exposure to toxic substance depends upon the duration of exposure and the
concentration of the toxic substance.
Short-term exposures to high concentration give Acute Effects while long term exposures to low
concentrations result in Chronic Effects.
Only acute effects are considered under hazard analysis. Since they are likely credible
scenarios. These effects are:
Threshold Limit Value (TLV): it is the permitted level of exposure for a given period on a
weighted average basis (usually 8 hrs. for 5 days in a week)
Short Time Exposure Limit (STEL): It is the permitted short term exposure limit usually
for a 15 minutes exposure.
Immediately Dangerous to life and health (IDLH): It represents the maximum
concentration of a chemical from which, in the event of respiratory failure, one could
escape within 30 minutes without a respirator and without experiencing any
escape/impairing (eg. Severe irritation) or irreversible health effects.
Lethal Concentration Low (LCLo): It is the lowest concentration of a material in air, other
than LC50, which has been reported to cause a death in human or animals.
Toxic Concentration Low (TCLo): It is the lowest concentration of a material in air, to
which humans or animals have been exposed for any given period of time that has
produced a toxic effects in humans or produced carcinogenic, neoplastigenic or
teratogenic effect in humans or animals.
Emergency Response Planning Guidelines 1 (ERPG1): The maximum airborne
concentration below which it is believed that nearly all individuals could be exposed for
up to 1 hour (without a respirator) without experiencing other than mild transient adverse
health effects or without perceiving a clearly defined objectionable odor.
Emergency Response Planning Guidelines 2 (ERPG2): The maximum airborne
concentration below which it is believed that nearly all individuals could be exposed for
Atmospheric stability plays an important role in the dispersion of the chemicals. “Stability
means, its ability to suppress existing turbulence or to resist vertical motion”.
Atmospheric stability plays an important role in the dispersion of chemicals. “Stability means, its
ability to suppress existing turbulence or to resist vertical motion”.
Variations in thermal and mechanical turbulence and in wind speed are greatest in the
atmospheric layer in contact with the surface. The air temperature has influenced these
turbulences greatly and air temperature decreases with the height. The rate at which the
temperature of air decreases with height is called Environment Lapse Rate (ELR). It will vary
from time to time and from place to place. The atmosphere is said to be stable, neutral or
unstable according to ELR less than, equal to or greater than Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate (DALR),
which is a constant value of 0.98 ºC per 100 meters.
A - Extremely unstable.
B - Moderately unstable
C - Slightly unstable.
D - Neutral
E - Slightly stable.
F - Moderately stable.
Three prime factors that defines Stability
Solar radiation
Night-time sky over
Surface wind
When the atmosphere is unstable and wind speeds are moderate or high or gusty, rapid
dispersion of vapors will occur. Under these conditions, air concentrations will be moderate or
low and the material will be dispersed rapidly. When the atmosphere is stable and wind speed is
low, dispersion of material will be limited and air concentration will be high.
Weather Conditions
Consequences Analysis
The consequences of the release of Hazardous substances by failures or catastrophes and the
damage to the surrounding area can be determined by means of models. Models help to
calculate the physical effects resulting from the release of hazardous substances and to
translate the physical effects in terms of injuries and damage to exposed population and
environment. To assess the damage level caused by the various accidental events, it is
essential to firm up the damage criteria with respect to different types of accidents e.g. thermal
radiation, toxicity, explosion overpressure etc.
For consequence analysis, assumptions regarding Meteorological, Pasquil Stability Classes,
Wind velocity, Ambient Temperature, Relative Humidity, Inventory, Ground Roughness, Model
used etc. are very important. In this report, the following assumptions have been considered.
Inventory: Release of 100% of the inventory has been considered. For this, failure of the
container has been considered from the bottom.
Storage conditions: Storage conditions have been considered as they are practically
stored at site.
Input data for software (modeling)
As a first step towards risk assessment is to identify the possible release scenarios based on
available information about scenario development for Maximum Credible Accident Scenarios
As the MCLS‟ were developed for the selected set of chemicals, the next step is to carry out the
consequence analysis. The consequence analysis results along with their contours are
presented in the following sections. Contours are presented on plant layout.
1.3.1 Ammonia
Radiation level effect distance, overpressure effect distance and toxic dose level effect distance due to the release of Ammonia are
presented below:
# NH- No Hazard
The contour for effect distance generated for the release of Ammonia is presented below;
Figure 1.2: Toxic effect distance Contour due to 20% rupture of incoming pipeline from Ammonia IV plant to AS-I Plant
at weather condition 2.0/E
Figure 1.3: Toxic effect distance Contour due to FB rupture of incoming pipeline from Ammonia IV plant to AS-I Plant at
weather condition 4.0/D
Toxic dose effect of Ammonia is within half kilometer distance which is within plant premises
which can be mitigated with adequate measures during emergency within plant premises.
Bore Failure of 3" dia. LPNG line in the battery limit of DAP/AS-I
NG is used in the furnaces of AS-I, PA and DAP plant. NG (P=4kg/cm2 and ambient temp.) leakage
can be in the main header coming from utility plant to acid group of plants through PA/DAP/AS plant
or in the supply line to the furnaces. There can be chance of flash fire if the ignition source is
available to the leaky NG.For consequence analysis, following scenarios have been considered:
LFL 3 3 3 2
Jet fire
12.5 NR NR NR NR
RR: 0.04 (KW/m )
Full Bore
12 37.5 NR NR NR NR
RD: 300
0.03 NH NH NH NH
Pressure (Bar)
NR- Not Reached; RR: Release Rate; RD: Release Duration; NH: No Hazard
It may be observed from the above table that there is no hazard as such except the LEL goes up to
a maximum distance of 3m.
Quantitative Risk assessment and Emergency Action Plan has already been carried for other plants
of GSFC like Ammonia - III Plant, Atmospheric Ammonia Storage Tank & Ammonia Filling Station,
For Ammonia-IV Plant Including Argon Filling Station & VTF, For Methanol Plant Including Tankfarm
(VTF), For Urea - I Plant, For Urea - II Plant, For Melamine - I Plant, For Melamine - II
Plant, For Phosphatic Group Of Plants, For Utility IG, CO -GENERATION – I/III, Steam
Generation & Environment Control Plants, For Nylon - 6 Plant, For Caprolactam - I
Plant, For Caprolactam – II Plant, For Caprolacatm – II (Lc-P&B) Plant, with various failure
cases which is attached as Annexure V.
1.3.3 Specific mitigation measures for safety at storage area for Hazardous
Following mitigation measures will be followed in case of Ammonia Leakage:
Evacuate the employees from the area of spill by moving laterally and upwind direction
Isolate the affected area.
Stay upwind and use water spray downwind of container to absorb the evolved gas.
Contain spill and runoff from entering drains, sewers, and water systems by utilizing methods
such as diking, containment, and absorption.
Use Ammonia emergency kit to attend the leak.
Only properly trained and equipped persons should respond to an ammonia release.
In Case of a Large Spill NIOSH approved positive-pressure SCBA will be used to avoid
Following Safety Measures is/will be made available to avoid Emergencies related to Ammonia
The installation of all the equipment is/will be as per guidelines of provision of Gujarat
Factories Rule 1963.
For any case of fire emergency, standard type of Firefighting equipment and fire
extinguishers will be provided in the storage area as well as required places in the plant.
Smoking is/will be strictly prohibited inside the plant premises.
Personnel protective equipments meeting OSHA‟s standards will be provide to workers.
First Aid facility and First-aid trained person will be available at the time of chemical handling
Specific Safety measures for storage and handling of other chemicals and gas cylinders are
given as follows.
i. Storage and Handling of other Chemicals
It will be labeled properly and stored in a cool, well-ventilated and fire resistant area in a
tightly closed container.
Material Safety Data Sheet is/will be displayed in front of respective chemicals.
Proper training and knowledge is/will be provided to workers for physical and chemical
characteristics of the each chemical they are using.
Proper PPEs is/will be provided to the workers.
Proper firefighting equipment is/will be installed at storage yard and maintenance and
calibration for that equipment will be carried out on regular basis.
ii. Storage and Handling of gas cylinders
Store cylinders upright with valve outlet seals and valve protection caps in place.
Store cylinders in accordance with ISO Standard 11625:2007.
The details of the general safety measures for process unit are as below;
Make sure equipment is empty and fluxed with nitrogen and air.
ID Badges: ID Badges must be worn and visible at all times. They are to
be returned to the reception desk/security gate when leaving the
Mobile phone: Mobile phones with a camera function must not be used
on these premises. The use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in
designated areas
Alarm Signal: Obey alarm signals and follow the instructions of the fire
safety team. A triggered piezo siren signal indicates a fire system alarm
and alerts the fire safety team. However, piezo sirens emitting a
continuous tone indicate that you must evacuate the building
Emergency Exit: Please leave the danger zone immediately and warn
people at risk. In the event of fire, try to put out the fire with a fire
extinguisher, if possible. Escape routes are marked in green on the
emergency and evacuation plans displayed inside buildings. In the event
of an evacuation, please proceed to the appropriate assembly point.
First aid boxes: First aid boxes are provided for treating injuries, and
qualified first aiders are on hand during working hours.
The incident or emergency which are confinable, controllable within the plant premises, which under
normal circumstances does not affect area outside the said plant battery limit and controlling does
not involve / require external help. This situation is called emergency stand by and affected unit /
plant have to handle emergency.
It may be due to
- Small pipe/valve rupture or similar leakages that do not affect outside premises.
- Release of toxic chemicals for short duration.
- Small fire in the plant.
When the incident or emergency is not controlled within 10 to 15 minutes or does not come under
control within 10 to 15 minutes, incident controller, site main controller reviews the situation and
decides if situation is Worsening. It may arise due to:
- Leakage of toxic chemicals for long duration.
- Medium scale explosion confined to the factory premises.
- Medium scale fire inside the factory premises.
After surveying off-site implications of level – 2 emergencies if there is a likely hood of
chemical/material gas cloud formation and spreading of cloud in down wind direction affecting
neighboring population of industry and villagers and / or in case of following incident IC and SMC are
of the opinion that there will be off-site implications. It may arise due to:
- Heavy / Profuse leakage of toxic / Flammable gases for a long duration.
- Explosion of high magnitude affecting the adjacent area.
- Major fire inside the factory premises.
Level-I and Level- II shall normally be grouped as onsite emergency and Level- III as off- site
Mode of Emergency:
Man made Natural Calamities Extraneous
Heavy Toxic Leakage/ Spillage Flood Riots/Civil Disorder/Mob
Fire Earthquake Attack
Cyclone Terrorism
Outbreak of Disease Sabotage
Failure of Critical Control system
Tsunami Bomb Threat
Design deficiency
War/Hit by missiles
Unsafe acts
Food Poisoning/Water
In-adequate maintenance
In the effects of the accident or disaster inside the plant is felt outside its premises, it calls for an
off-site emergency plan, which would prepared and documented in advance in consultation with
the district authorities.
The off-site emergency plan prepared herein will deal with those incidents identified under Level
– 3 in the on-site plan, which have the potential to harm persons or the environment outside the
boundary of the factory premises.
The most significant risk to outside areas is that associated with large release flammable and
toxic chemicals. Spread of its effected outside the works may require traffic control, evacuation,
shelter arrangement.
Off-site emergency plan has been drawn up with a view to mobilize resources and integrate with
district contingency plan for an effective system of command and control in combating the
Thus in brief the two main purpose of the off-site emergency plan are:
o To provide the local / district authorities, police, fire brigade, doctors, surrounding industries
and the public, the basic information of risk and environment impact assessment and to
appraise them of the consequences and the protection prevention measures and control
plans and to seek their help to communicate with the public in case of major emergency
o To assist the district authorities for preparing the off-site emergency plan for the district or
particulate area and to organize rehearsal from time to time and initial corrective action
based on the lesson learnt.
Structure of the off-site emergency plan
This off-site emergency plan is/will be integrated properly with the district contingency plan to
tackle any kind of emergency. The site main controller is/will keep liaison for this purpose with
the district authorities.
External telephone a facility from Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd. to Local Fire Station,
Mutual Aid Members and DPMC Vadodara is/will be established for quick communication.
The names of the key persons are/will be defined to establish contacts and Co-ordinate the
activities with the help of the Collectorate and disaster management center in case of major
An on-site emergency control room has been identified by Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals
Ltd.., which can be activated / used for emergency control and manned round the clock.
As far as off-site emergencies are concerned, information shall be received first by the police
control room, Vadodara on telephone next information to local fire brigade on telephone and to
DPMC – Vadodara. The police / fire brigade control room shall in turn inform DSP, collector.
The safety department and individual plant has already the list of quantities of resources like
breathing air sets, rescue masks, fire extinguishers, water resources etc. available with various
industries in the vicinity which can be spread under Mutual Aid System to tackle such
emergencies after receiving call from them.
The District Superintendent of Police, Vadodara District will be in overall charge of security,
evacuation and rescue operations at the time of emergency.
Local crisis group: As per central government notification and DISH office for preparation of offsite
emergency plan and Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd. will become member of local level
crises group, will set up disaster management center of industrial area using existing available
facility of industries in the area with facility and emergency contact phone numbers. During
emergency with in local group reach in and around industrial area any one can contact DMC –
control room situated in both the factories and manned round the clock will initiate actions and
arrange to organize resource mobilization and communication.
Local crisis group will have to start emergency control action before arrival of and activation of
district off site emergency plan and involvement of district crisis group.
Any escalation need of further help will activate full district level off site control room.
All type of emergencies like village fire, chemical accident, natural calamities and industrial
accidents will be covered in the scope of local crisis group action plan.
Communication and warning by Disaster Management Center: When a disaster occurs, the
industry affected by the disaster will immediately inform the disaster management center with all
available information.
Blow of 1 Minute : For Caprolactam Plant Under Emergency
Blows of 30 Seconds Each : For Ammonia & Methanol Group Of plant Under Emergency
Blows of 20 Seconds Each : For Tankfarm Under Emergency
Blows of 15 Seconds Each : For Heavy Release Of Toxic Gas Affecting Other Plants
Civil Defense & Off Site : 4 Seconds Up & 4 Seconds Down For 2 Minuets
All Clear : Continuous Blow For 2.5 Minutes
Emergency Control Center (ECC): The Emergency Control Center is the place or room from where
the operations to handle the emergency are directed and coordinated. Safe and easily approachable
room has been earmarked/identified as the Emergency Control Room. Telephone and other facilities
required with necessary documents shall be displayed in ECC for ready reference. Designated
trained personnel will operate ECC. In case of Major Emergency, the Site Main Controller will
operate from ECC. The ECC center is/will be equipped with the following facilities.
Internal and external telephone including STD facility
Telephone directory/ Telephone nos. of mutual aid centers
First Aid
Muster roll of workers
Identity card register
Layout plan of the factory showing the location of hazardous materials, assembly point, first
aid centers etc.
Map of surrounding area with fire extinguishers location
Stationeries like- note book, pen, pencils etc.
S.B. Apparatus
List of Government Agencies /Local press agencies with phone no.
Sand Buckets & Hydrant Network
Adequate numbers of PPE's
Fire Control Arrangements for AS-1 (Fire Fighting, Gas Leak Control and Rescue Operation)
Fire is classified in following three classes. The appropriate fire extinguishers are used to extinguish
the different class of fire.
Class A: General Fire - Cotton Waste, Paper, Rubbish and Scrap: water, ABC powder type
Class B: liquid Fire - All solvents, Resin, Paints, LDO, HSD: Mechanical foam, ABC type
Class C: Gaseous /Electrical fire - Gaseous fire and panels etc.: CO2, DCP/ABC
Sufficient number of fire hydrant valves and riser valves is being arranged to fulfill fire extinguishing
need of the plant. Apart from this, fire extinguishers are kept at various locations inside plant and
those already hydrostatically tested and refilled at intervals as specified by statutory body.
Water Hydrant
Dry chemical powder type
CO2 type
Fire drill is/will be carried out periodically by all the security guards apart from safety persons to keep
plant personnel ready fortnightly. Sufficient amount of firefighting water is always stored in storage
tank for firefighting works. In case of power failure, diesel driven fire engine pump has arranged to
generate the power for emergency lighting and to run water pump.
Seminars and workshop
Practical Exercises
Distribution and practice safety instructions
Safety quiz contests/competitions for individual as also for groups
Display of safety posters and safety slogans at convenient and conspicuous places.
Explanation of instructions (in the language easily understood by workers) about the possible
hazards involved in handling of chemicals ad methods to deal with such hazards failing
which possible emergency situation are likely to arise.
Developing safety instructions for every job and ensuring practice to these instructions/
booklets or manuals by workers.
Educating workers about the physical and health hazards arising out from the exposure of
handling substance.
Measures taken to ensure safety and control physical and health hazards.
Measures to be taken by workers to ensure safe handling, loading and unloading.
Storage and transportation of hazardous substances.
Meaning of various labels and marking used on containers of hazardous substances and to
whom to report.
Measures to be taken in case of any spillage or leakage.
Mitigation measures/ Safety Measures proposed to avoid the human health hazards are mentioned
in additional studies. In addition to these safety measures, personal protective equipment (IS
approved) will also be provided to the required personnel.
Additional studies have been carried out as per the ToR. Public hearing is not applicable for
Expansion in Existing Plant Facility (AS-I) for production of Ammonium Sulphate by Gujarat State
Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd. as this project is located in Notified Industrial Area declared under
Gujarat Industrial Act 1962 vide Government of Gujarat I.M.E.D Notification No. GHU-87-46-GID-
1686(i) 2338(GI) dated 31st August 1987 and as per OM J-11011/321/2016-IA.II (I) dated 27th April
2018. Qualitative and Quantitative both risk has been analyzed. Storage and handling of sulphuric
acid and ammonia have been considered for qualitative risk assessment. Risk Assessment and
hazard identification and control measures of the same have been carried out. GSFC has developed
emergency preparedness plan and Disaster Management Plan. Fire alarm panel (electrical) will
cover the entire plant. The fire protection system for the unit is being/will be provided for early
detection, alarm, containment and suppression of fires. The Occupational Health Centre with
adequate facilities are/will available at plant site to maintained round the clock by a compounder cum
dresser and a doctor. All records of On-Site and Off-Site Emergency Plan are being/shall be well
maintained and preserved.