The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system is a logical,
scientific approach to controlling hazard in "FOOD PRODUCTION". It is a preventive
system assuring the sale production of food products, The application of HACCP is
based on technical and scientific principles that assure food safety. An ideal
application would include all processes from the farm to the table. The principle of
HACCP can be applied to production processing, shipping and distribution, food
service and in home preparation.
HACCP is a systematic preventative system that uses common serve
application of scientific principles. The most important aspect of HACCP is that it is a
preventative system rather than an inspection system of controlling food safety
hazards. Prevention of hazards cannot be accomplished by end product inspection,
so controlling the production process with HACCP offers the best approach. The
application of HACCP is systematic because structured hazard analysis and
implementation are provided. The process of is common serve in that each
processor understands their operations and is best able to assess controlling the
process. HACCP is also science based and so the controls that are placed in the
process should be based on scientific Information.
The HACCP system has two major components. The "HA" of HACCP represents the
Logic in the hazard analysis which identifies the where and how of hazards. The
"CCP" of HACCP represents the critical control points that provide the control of the
process and the proof of the control. The end objective of HACCP is to make the
product as safe as possible and to be able to prove that the product was processed
as safe as possible. This does not mean that HACCP provides 100% assurance of
food safety to consumers, but does not mean that a food processing company is
doing the best job possible for safe food production.
The assurance of safety comes from the process of identifying the hazards,
establishing controls for the identified hazards, monitoring controls and periodically
verifying that the controls the system works.
HACCP was developed by the Pillsbury Company while working on producing foods
for NASA for use in space missions in early 1959. NASA had concerns of food,
particularly crumbs, in the space capsule in zero gravity and food that was free of
pathogens and biological toxins that Pillsbury addressed by the use of HACCP. The
concept HACCP was first presented to the public in 1971 at National conference on
food protection. At that time, it was based on 3 principle. In 1985 interest in HACCP
was renewed when a subcommittee of the food protection committee of NASA
issued a report on microbiological criteria. A National Advisory Committee on
microbiological criterion for foods was formed and that committee published a report
in 1992 that provided the framework for HACCP as we know it today. The report by
the National Advisory Committee on microbiological criteria for food listed the seven
principles of HACCP:
Conduct a Hazard Analysis.
Identify critical control points (CCP).
Establish critical limits for CCP.
Establish Monitoring procedures.
Establish Corrective actions.
Establish Record keeping procures.
Establish Verification procedures.
To start understanding HACCP, understand the principles that it is based on, you will
not need to build a HACCP system before implementing a food safety management
system, the requirements will be included in the system
1. CONDUCT A HAZARD ANALYSIS - This is where you evaluate your
processes and identify where hazards can be introduced. Hazard can be
physical (metal contamination), chemical (Toxins that could contaminate the
product) and biological (at what points could bacteria or virus contaminate your
product) you will need to make sure that you have the expertise to make an
accurate evaluation of the hazards. This means that if you do not have
sufficient expertise in your organization you will need to identity external
resources that you can use to perform the hazard analysis.