Food Science Uss
Food Science Uss
Food Science Uss
a) Escherichia coli b)Helicobacter pylori 38. Table wines are made from
c) Staphylococcus aureus d) Clostridium a) oranges b) grapes c) lemon
botulinum d)grape fruits
31. Restriction of salt and maggi intake will be 39. Most artificial fruit flavors are esters
beneficial to a person suffering from produced by the reaction of
a) congestive heart failure b) arthritis a)carboxylic acid and alcohol b) carboxylic
c)rheumatism d) beri beri acid and aldehyde c) aldehydes and ketone
32. One of the following conditions may occur d)carboxylic acid and ketone
in strict vegetarians 40. In extreme starvation, in which order are
a) pernicious anemia b) diverticulitis the macronutrients used up for energy
c) beri beri d) low blood pressure
a) carbohydrates-proteins-fats A) folding b) mashing c) stuffing
b)carbohydrates-fats-protein c)proteins- d) battering
fats-carbohydrates d) fats-
proteins-carbohydrates 49. A test that which indicates the presence of a
protein directly without the application of heat
41. What is a brand? A) it is a new product to reagents is;
b)it is a trade name of a product c) a
designed product copied from the original A) millon’s test b) biuret test c). sudan
d) it is a popular name by which a product is 111 test d )benedict test
known 50. Which of your taste buds is located at the
42. An idea about food with no factual basis tip of your tongue?
that interest people for a short time is a) sour b) sweet c)sweet and sour
a) food taboo b) food habit c) food fad d)sour and salt
d) food fallacy
( 6,6,3,3,3 ,4 marks)
( 2, 4,4, 15)
3. a)Define an enzyme
b) what are the properties of an
c) state the factors that affect the
formation and stability of emulsions
d) what are the qualities of an
( 3, 6, 10, 6)