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Food Science Uss

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7. Milk is heated to over 72C for at least

15secs and cooled rapidly to below 10C.
this treatment of milk during butter
1. Which method of cooking meat below production is best known as
is a combination of roasting and a)Sterilization b) vacuum
stewing heating c) pasteurization
a) Scalding b) braising c) d)homogenization
simmering d)frosting
2. Which food nutrient can be determined 8. One disadvantage of preparing
using the foam test? vegetable for cooking by slicing,,
a) Vitamins b) fat and oil c) shredding and chopping is
starch d) protein a) Oxidation is reduced b) it leads
3. Pernicious anemia results from: to loss of water soluble vitamins
a) Destroyed red blood cells caused by c) it leads to a decrease in bulk
the malaria parasite b) poor d) it leads to a loss of minerals
intake of iron in the diet 9. During cake making,, eggs containing
c) deficiency of vitamin B12 in the diet lecithin are added to fats and sugar
d) over bleeding from damaged blood forming a cream mixture. The functions
cells here as
a) Thickener b) glazing agent
4. A piece of biscuits contains 5g of c) emulsifier d) garnishing
carbohydrate and 2g of proteins. agent
Calculate the total energy content of 10. Which acid will react with alcohol to
the food in kcal produce an ester
a) 28kcal b) 34kcal c) 8kcal a) Hydrochloric acid b) nitric
d) 10kcal acid c) carboxylic acid d)
5. Which groups of persons are more oxalic acid
vulnerable to cardiovascular diseases 11. Enzymes called dipeptidases
a) Children b) men c) women breakdown dipeptides into
d) pregnant women a) Fatty acid b) free amino acids
6. Consumer agents who sell to market c) essential fatty acids d)
traders are called endopeptides
a) Distributors b) whole sellers 12. The release of bile is stimulated by
c) retailers d) sales agent a) Nervous impulse b) secretin
c) enterokinase d) bile salts
13. A finely ground bran, germ and a) Promote the development of brown
endosperm of a whole kernel wheat colour in food b) prevent
grain is called deterioration of food through
a) Semolina b) white wheat atmospheric oxidation c)
flour c) whole wheat flour hydrolysis of unsaturated fatty acids
d) semovita d) destroys acid in food
14. One reason why Beri Beri is common in 21. A diet pattern that can bring about
poor communities where rice is the kwashiorkor in a child is
staple food a) A diet high in carbohydrates
a) White rice lack protein b) b) a diet deficient in protein c)
vitamin B12 is absent in white rice a diet low in protein and energy
c) vitamin B1 is absent in white rice d) a diet deficient in carbohydrate
d) white rice lack proteins,, 22. Anticaking agents are used as food
roughage and fats preservatives. These are substances
15. In the structure of the wheat grain, the which
endosperm is surrounded by one or a) Control the acidity and alkalinity of
more layers of cells known as food b) prevent milk powders
a) Bran b) embryo c) from sticking together
mesocarp d) pericarp
16. An alkaloid substance responsible for c) reduces foaming in food d)
the stimulating property in some increase the bulk of food
beverages is known as 23. Food additives are natural or artificial
a) Nicotine b) caffeine substance added to food to
c) tannins d) malt
17. What is the function of vinegar in salad a) improve nutrient content b)
a) Emulsifier b) flavoring c) make it look or taste better or last
preservative d) texturizer longer
18. The role of the gall bladder in digestion c) serve in diet therapy d)
is to improve texture
a) To produce bile b) to store bile
24. Which substance is very important in the
c) to emulsify fats d) to
setting of jam?
transport bile
19. Why is it important to include a) dextrins b) resins c) pectins
vegetable and fruits in a balanced diet d) sugar
a) It provides bulk in the diet b)
it supply all necessary vitamins 25. During fermentation, which enzyme brings
c) are the cheapest source of about the conversion of glucose to carbon
protein d) they are the main dioxide and alcohol?
source of cellulose
a) amylase b) maltase c)
20. Antioxidants used in the food industries
reductase d) zymase
function in
26. An unstable emulsion can result when one 33. The statement “ a low calcium diet leads to
substance moves to the top of the other. This is nervousness” is a
a) fallacy b) fad c) cultural
a) flocculation b) coalescence belief d) scientific idea
c)suspension d) creaming
34. The substance in wheat flour that allows for
27. which cooking method below eliminates stretch ability of worked dough is called
most fat from food?
a) zymase b) gluten c) zein
a) Boiling b) roasting c) steaming d) elastin
d) frying
35. Which enzyme requires a slightly alkaline
28. The glycaemic index is a strategy that guides medium before it can catalyze protein
a person’s food choices to reduce the risk of hydrolysis
a) pepsin b) rennin
a) obesity and type 2 diabetes b) type1 c)trypsin d)chymotrypsin
diabetes and cardiovascular diseases c)
cardiovascular diseases and anemia d) 36. Gluten and zein are present in
anemia and type 2 diabetes a) barley and rice b)maize and wheat c)
29. During water purification for community maize and barley d)barley and oats
use, alum and lime are added in the 37. An entrepreneur must be discouraged from:
a) sedimentation tank b) high level a)making false claim about a product b) bring
reservoir c) coagulation tank d) in a lot of family members into the business c)
storage tank bulk buying d) importing 90% of his raw
30. The bacteria that causes gastritis is called materials

a) Escherichia coli b)Helicobacter pylori 38. Table wines are made from
c) Staphylococcus aureus d) Clostridium a) oranges b) grapes c) lemon
botulinum d)grape fruits
31. Restriction of salt and maggi intake will be 39. Most artificial fruit flavors are esters
beneficial to a person suffering from produced by the reaction of
a) congestive heart failure b) arthritis a)carboxylic acid and alcohol b) carboxylic
c)rheumatism d) beri beri acid and aldehyde c) aldehydes and ketone
32. One of the following conditions may occur d)carboxylic acid and ketone
in strict vegetarians 40. In extreme starvation, in which order are
a) pernicious anemia b) diverticulitis the macronutrients used up for energy
c) beri beri d) low blood pressure
a) carbohydrates-proteins-fats A) folding b) mashing c) stuffing
b)carbohydrates-fats-protein c)proteins- d) battering
fats-carbohydrates d) fats-
proteins-carbohydrates 49. A test that which indicates the presence of a
protein directly without the application of heat
41. What is a brand? A) it is a new product to reagents is;
b)it is a trade name of a product c) a
designed product copied from the original A) millon’s test b) biuret test c). sudan
d) it is a popular name by which a product is 111 test d )benedict test
known 50. Which of your taste buds is located at the
42. An idea about food with no factual basis tip of your tongue?
that interest people for a short time is a) sour b) sweet c)sweet and sour
a) food taboo b) food habit c) food fad d)sour and salt
d) food fallacy

43. An example of a beverage with stimulating

effect is

a) red wine b) coffee c) milk

d) pineapple juice

44. Which substance gives the bitter taste in


a) yeast b) barley c) hops


45. A peptide molecule is made of the following

a) sugars b) nucleotides c)sodium

phosphate d)amino acids

46. An enzyme brings about

a) decrease in reaction time b) increase in

reaction time c increase in activation
energy d reduction in activation energy

47. Calorific value of alcohol is

A 4kcal/g b) 5.4kcal/g c).

7kcal/g d )9kcal/g

48. ------------ is one of the ways of the ways in



1) a) Define the term beverage, stating
two examples of each
b) How does pH affect microbial growth
in food?
c) Write short notes on the following
preservation methods of food
i) foods at high temperatures
ii) foods at low temperatures
iii)foods using chemicals
iv) foods using osmotic pressure

( 6,6,3,3,3 ,4 marks)

2). a) explain the term food security

b) discuss the factors that influence
i) household ii) community food
c) plan a one-week diet for your father
who has a cardiovascular disease. Plan
the meals you will give for breakfast,
lunch and supper

( 2, 4,4, 15)
3. a)Define an enzyme
b) what are the properties of an
c) state the factors that affect the
formation and stability of emulsions
d) what are the qualities of an

( 3, 6, 10, 6)


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