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3/3/2021 Approval procedures | ERIH PLUS | NSD

Approval Procedures
Published 2019-02-15

New scholarly and scientific journals for evaluation and inclusion in ERIH PLUS can be
submitted continuously. Books, monographic series and conference proceedings are
currently not included in ERIH PLUS.

Please note that submissions may only come from scholars affiliated with universities
and other independent research organizations. Journal editors, librarians and members
of scholarly associations may submit under a condition that they meet this general
requirement. Submissions from commercial publishers will not be considered.
Furthermore, multiple submissions from one submitter will not be processed.

Proposals are submitted online, and it is a prerequisite that a user account is created.
The submission of a new journal for evaluation must contain the following minimum
information to be processed:

Valid ISSN code (confirmed by the International ISSN Portal), title, URL (website)
and language
Suggested discipline(s) of the journal (for a list of disciplines click here). It is
possible to indicate more than one discipline.
egwfpknwegnpkpknwgrknpgwrekpnmgwrekpnw As ERIH PLUS encourages transparency, this information as well as all remaining
grepknkprgwnpknwgrkmnpwgrpkngrwpknnpgm information necessary to check the fulfilment of ERIH PLUS criteria, must be publicly
kr available on the journal’s website. If the information on the website is not sufficient,
the proposer will receive a notice from the ERIH PLUS team regarding which criteria are
not sufficiently documented. The submission will not be evaluated until further
information has been provided and is publicly available on the website.

All submissions are treated in a standardized way:

1. The ERIH PLUS Team examines whether the ISSN code provided for the journal
is confirmed by the International ISSN Portal. Be advised that journals with ISSN
codes listed as "assigned to a publication but not yet confirmed" or "free ISSN"
will not be processed.
2. The journal is evaluated against the criteria for inclusion of new journals. This is
done by examining the information available on the journal’s website. Here, the
ERIH PLUS Team verifies whether the website (a) has a sufficient description of
the journal’s external/independent peer review process; (b) lists the journal’s
academic editorial board along with their academic affiliations; (c) has made
available abstracts in English and/or another international language relevant for
the field; and (d) has information on author affiliation for the last two years of
3. The authorship of a journal is established in accordance with the following, based
on the last two years of publication:
Authorship is international when less than two thirds of the articles
published in the journal are written by scholars affiliated with institutions
in the same country.
Authorship is national when more than two thirds of the articles published
in the journal are written by scholars affiliated with institutions in the
same country.
Authorship is local when more than two thirds of the articles published in
the journal are written by scholars affiliated with the same institution.
Scholarly and scientific journals with local authorship will not be included in the
ERIH PLUS. It is a position of ERIH PLUS that national authorship is required as a
minimum for external peer review to function properly in a scientific journal.
Otherwise, questions can be raised as to whether external peer review can
function satisfactorily for a journal that primarily represents an institution’s own

For this process it is essential that information on authors’ affiliations (i.e. the full
names of the respective universities or other independent research institutions),
is available on the journal’s website. ERIH PLUS encourages journals also to
include author addresses (either email or postal addresses).

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3/3/2021 Approval procedures | ERIH PLUS | NSD
Only original articles will be considered for the evaluation of the journal’s
authorship. This means that for instance already published translated works or
book reviews will not be considered.

4. Should essential information for the evaluation not be accessible on the journal’s
website, the submitter will receive a notice from the ERIH PLUS Team regarding
which criteria are not sufficiently documented. The submission will not be further
evaluated until requested information has been provided by the journal’s contact
person. Therefore, accessibility of information on the website speeds up the
process of verification.

All submissions are guaranteed a response regardless of the outcome of the evaluation
process. The submission will be evaluated by the ERIH PLUS team in due time. The
waiting time for new submissions to be processed can be up to four months. All
registered users can track their own submissions and follow the outcome of the process.
Moreover, ERIH PLUS keeps a complete record and contact information for those who
have proposed a journal.

‘Special cases’ where information on the journal or the national context is unclear may
require special attention, which may extend the processing time. In such cases the NSD
will search for additional information about the journal through diverse sources, e.g. by
contacting ERIH PLUS National Experts or other research indexes.

ERIH PLUS operates under a disclaimer which permits us to delist journals from ERIH
PLUS without warning.

DISCLAIMER (click to display)

Scholarly journals in the ERIH PLUS list are indexed at the request of scholars affiliated
with universities and other independent research organizations. It is exclusively journals
that comply with the ERIH PLUS criteria that are indexed. Decisions about indexing,
rejection and delisting are at the discretion of the ERIH PLUS Team. After a journal's
removal from the list, new submissions of the journal will not be evaluated for a period
of two years.

Before submitting a new journal to ERIH PLUS, please read the criteria for inclusion of
new journals.

© 2020 NSD - Norwegian Centre for Research Data

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