Ajinkya Kharade1, Pranav Gaikwad1, Shubham Arakh1, Analp Kalore1, Maya P Shelke1, Nihar Ranjan1
1. Department of Information Technology, JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Abstract – Deep fakes are synthetic videos created by deep upper shoulders. And the synthesized target appears to
learning algorithms that can convincingly depict individuals behave same way as the source. Face Swapping – it involves
saying or doing things they never did. With the proliferation of swapping of face of targeted person of a video with source
deepfake videos in social media and the potential for them to
video while keeping the same facial expressions. Lip
cause significant harm, deep fake detection has become a
pressing issue. In this research paper, we propose a novel
Syncing – particularly targets on the lip region and syncs it
approach to detect deepfakes by combining computer vision with audio that appears to speak something which he/she
methods with intraframe noise. The proposed approach doesn’t speak in reality [8]. In order to create Deep Fake the
involves extracting features from the video frames, including Deep neural networks are used. Various recent technological
texture, color, and edges, and then adding a layer of intraframe advancements with deep learning techniques including auto
noise to the video frames. We evaluated the proposed approach encoders and GAN [12][13](Generative Adversarial
on several benchmark datasets and found that it achieved high Networks) are used to create fake faces which are applied
accuracy in detecting deepfake videos. mainly in the computer vision. Deep Fake detection method
using the Haar wavelet transforms. The method aims to
Keywords: Deep Fake, intraframe noise, extracting features,
high accuracy. distinguish between original videos and Deep Fake videos by
exploiting the limitations and artifacts introduced during the
Deep Fake generation process.
The proposed method takes advantage of the fact that Deep
1. INTRODUCTION Fake algorithms have specific constraints, such as generating
fake faces with a particular size and resolution. To match the
Deep Fake is a technology that can superimpose the face of a source face to the target in the original video, an affine
person with another person’s face, alter facial expressions or transformation and blur function are applied to the
gestures, appearing as in the original video using artificial synthesized faces. This transformation leaves traces of
intelligence concepts. It manipulates the whole activity of the resolution and blurs inconsistency between the transformed
targeted person which synthesizes audio and visual aspects. region of interest (ROI) and the surrounding area.
Deepfakes are often created with the intention to deceive or
mislead viewers into believing that the manipulated content
is genuine. Some social media users posted a doctored video
to promote the myth that After meeting with President
Donald Trump, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi fumbled over
her speech [1]. The deep fake technology has created and
developed videos that cannot be identified by the normal
human being eyes [2]. It can detect the real and fake images
by using advanced network architecture.
10. User Interface and Reporting: The system can 4. Hardware Acceleration: Utilize GPUs or other
provide a user-friendly interface for users to interact hardware accelerators to accelerate the execution of
with and analyze the results. It can generate detailed deep learning models. This can be done using deep
reports highlighting the detected deepfake learning frameworks like TensorFlow or PyTorch,
indicators, confidence scores, and any additional which provide GPU support. Ensure that the
information that aids in further investigation. hardware infrastructure is properly set up and
configured for efficient parallel processing.
Let: 5. RESULT
X be the input data (preprocessed images/videos).
Y be the ground truth labels (0 for real content, 1 for
The result of the deepfake detection system can be a binary
deepfake content).
classification indicating whether the input media (image or
video) is classified as a deepfake or genuine. This result is
f ( x ) be the feature extraction function that maps the input based on the analysis and prediction made by the trained
data to a set of features. deep learning model or ensemble of models.