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physics vedic physics

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Vedas as the Origin of Physics

Physics is the study matter and its motion, along with related concepts such as energy and force. Vedic physics or Bhautika
Shastra is actually the foundation of modern physics. Vedic Physics considers behaviour of matter and energy under
extreme conditions ie. on a very large or very small scale, which is also the basis of modern day physics, For example,
atomic and nuclear physics studies matter on the smallest scale at which chemical elements can be identified. Vedic sages,
through deep meditation, concentration, contemplation had discovered a large number of permanent laws of Physical
sciences, which have been mentioned in the Vedas ,Upanishadas ,Puranas and Shad Darshanas
(Sankhya,Vaisheshika,Nyaya) as various theories about the universe and its atomic structure in their own perspective.

Acharya Agasthya

Acharya Agasthya was an honoured Vedic sage of ancient India. He was an influential scholar in diverse languages of the
Indian subcontinent. He and his wife Lopamudra are the celebrated authors of some hymns, of the Rig Veda. Maharshi
Agastya is traditionally attributed to be the author of many texts such as the Agastya Gita found in Varaha Purana, Agastya
Samhita in the Skanda Purana. He is one of the Vedic sages referred to in ancient sculptures , not only in India but in South
Asia and Southeast Asia in the early medieval era Shiva temples in Java , Indonesia. He is the principal figure and Guru in
the ancient Java text, Agastyaparva, whose 11th century versions still survives.

Maharshi Agasthya is considered the father of science and traditional medicines. Among many other streams of knowledge,
his texts include detailed instructions for the creation of medicines for many types of fevers, cancer treatment and many
abdominal problems, brain and eye problems. The great Maharishi also highlighted the importance of using chemical
compounds in different combinations for benefit of mankind. The ancient text of Agastya Samahita describes the method of
making an electric battery and also the splitting of water into oxygen and hydrogen .ie modern day and electrochemical cells
and process of electrolysis.

For generating electricity, Rishi Agastya had used the following material.
One earthen pot.
Copper plate.
Copper sulphate.
Wet sawdust,
zinc amalgam.

This means: “place a well - cleaned copper plate in an earth ware vessel .Cover it first with copper sulphate and then with
moist sawdust. After that, put a mercury amalgamated zinc sheet on top of the sawdust to avoid polarisation. The contact
will produce an energy known by the twin name, of Mitra-Varuna.Water will be split by this current into pranavayu
(oxygen)and Udanvayu (Hydrogen) . A chain of 100 jars is said to give a very effective force”

When a cell was prepared,according to Agastya Samhita and measured, it gives open circuit voltage of 1.138 volts and short
circuit current of 23 milliampere.

If we use the power of 100 earthen pots and water, then water will change its form into life, giving oxygen and floating

If hydrogen is combined in an air tight cloth, it can be used in aerodynamics. It will fly in air today's hydrogen balloon.
Acharya Kanad

Acharya Kanad was born around 600 BC in Prabhas kshetra which is located near the Dwarka, in present day Gujarat. His
real name was actually Kashyap and was son of philosopher named Ulka Ulka ,Kanad aand kanabhuk were Rishis who
founded the Vaisheshika school of Indian philosophy that represents the earliest Indian physics.

It would be surprising for many people today, to know that the theory of atoms was actually formulated 2600 years ago by
Acharya Kanad. He is known for developing the foundations of an atomistic approach to physics and philosophy through his
sutras mentioned in the Vaisheshika Darshan.Rishi Kanada was the earliest person in the world to talk about atoms and
molecules. He was the first to establish that

 the PRAMANU( atoms )was an eternal particle of matter.

 When the matter is divided and subdivided, we reach a stage beyond which no division is possible. This indivisible
indestructible parmanu cannot be seen sensed through any human organ .
 atoms of the same substance, unite with each other to produce, DVYANUKA(diatomic) and TRYANUKA (
triatomic molecules)
 atoms could be united in various ways to generate chemical changes in presence of other factors such as heat.

Maharishi Kanad has mentioned in Vaisheshika philosophy, that the word karma is related to motion. According to him,
motions are of five types.

 Upward motion, downward motion

 motion due to the release of tensile stress,
 shearing motion,
 general type of motion.

Newton's Law of Motions were published in a book named Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematia on 5th July
1687. But scientist and philosopher Maharishi Kanad had discovered the laws of motion long before Newton.

 First Law of Motion

Newton: an object at rest tends to stay at rest. An object in motions tends to stay in motion while the same speed
and in the same direction, unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

Maharshi Kanad

Meaming: The change of motion is due to impressed force.

 Second Law of Motion

Newton :the change in move of motion and is proportional to the motive force impressed and is made in direction
of the light right line in which the force is impressed.

Maharshi Kanad

 Third Law of Motion,

Newton :to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction.

Maharshi Kanad
The Indian Metaphysical texts repeatedly mention the concept of gravity in different forms in different texts as
gravitational laws.
Light in Vedic physics.

. Comets in Vedas

A train of lights rarely appears in the sky. It is called DHUMA-Ketu by ancient Indians. Today we call it the comet. The
word comet in Latin means the one that has long hair. The Western world never knew about these heavenly bodies till
Edmond Halley in the year 1759 pioneered the study about the comets.

The ancient Indian astronomical texts like Brihat Vimana Shastra written by Rishi Bharawaj ,Rishi Agastya”s Shakti tantra,
Jaimini’s Keta Sarvasa dealt with the knowledge of comets very extensively. skater Sarva in Augustia sucked it and throw.
In Shakti tantra,t he names of 12 comments are given. It has been mentioned that during the rainy season ,the potency of
comets would be very high.

Vimana Shastra says that the comets are formed because of sun burning certain objects in its vicinity which is why they are
named as Dhuma Ketu (smoke with a tail )
Sound in Vedas

Indians knew the secrets of sound and made extensive use of them in many day-to-day activities When ancient Indians
Indian literature declares,that this universe had come out from the first breath of God, It's about the first vibration of the
cosmic energy. The first explosion Maha visphotam port is the modern Big Bang Theory. The Indians used sound energy in
many ways

Indian classical music is nothing but an applied science of sound energy,

melodious music charms snakes ,wild get steamed. cows get give excess milk. Plants blossom with flowers,trees bear fruits,
rains pour out, Nature responds with joy. Lamps can be lit just by melody of the music. Many diseases can be cured through
the sound of music. It is just an application of sound vibration, The knowledge of mantras is again an applied aspect of
sound energy. Ancient Indians played with sound, enjoyed the sound, and protected themselves with sound vibrations.

Maharishi Bharadwaj, also referred to as Guru or Bhardwaj, a Brihaspati was one of the honoured Vedic sages in ancient
India. Acharaya Bhardwaj had a Hermitage in the holy city of Prayag and was a dedicated follower of Ayurveda and
mechanical sciences. He authored the Yantra Sarvasya which includes astonishing an outstanding discoveries in aviation
science, space science and flying machines.

Vimanika Shastra of Rishi Bharadwaj is actually the basic science of aeronautics. It contains 3000 shlokas in eight
chapters . For almost 20 years, many scientists at the Aeronautical Society of India, NASA, and also professors and students
of many prominent universities of the world were researching their own way on this Vimanika Shastra . They were able to
appreciate the advanced level of knowledge about aeronautics in this book, but much of their research findings are not being
revealed to the public. It mentions about four types of fuels that can be used in aircrafts ,which are

 vanaspati oil
 mercury gas,
 solar energy
 directly consuming power from the air.

the Vimana Shastra gives a quantitative description of an aeroplane, pilot, aerial routes, food, clothing, metals, mirrors and
their uses in aviation and arial wars,

Aircraft building technology is mentioned in another text written by Rishi Bharadwaj called Yantra Sarvasvam. Shiv
Kumar Bapuji Talpade, was a Sanskrit scholar who adopted the technology from the chapters in Vimana Shastra and
invented an aircraft and named it as Maruti Shakti. An arial show in the presence of Maharaja of Baroda was done in the
year 1895 at Chapathi beach in Bombay and the aircraft flew in the sky up to 1500 feet . This event was covered and
published by then popular newspaper Kesri which was published from Pune. The British government strictly warned the
Maharaj of Baroda, not to fund the project and stalled the revolutionary experiment. It seems that experimental remanence of
the plane and various working plans had been taken over by the British government and 8 years after this event, the Right
Brothers claimed it to be their discovery !

Vimanika Shastra of Rishi Bharadvaj describes 3 types of flying machine:

 one that flies on Earth from one plane to another,

 one that travels from one planet to the other,
 and one that travels from one universe to the other.

His designs and descriptions have impressed and amazed aviation engineers of today. His brilliance in aviation technology is
further reflected through techniques described by him.

There are other profound secrets embedded in it like

 The technique to make a flying machine invisible through the application of sunlight and wind force. The
technique to make an invisible space machine which would be visible through the application of electrical
 The technique to listen to a conversation of another plane
 A technique to see what's happening inside another plane.
 Through his innovative and brilliant discoveries at Acharya Bhardwaj has been recognised as a pioneer of
aviation technology.

Ancient Vedic knowledge recognised everything in the universe as one consciousness

and cultured our minds in that direction. There is a huge literature to support this fact.
Modern science is also reaching to the same conclusions.

1. Erwin Schrodinger
3.Robert Oppenheimer

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